#9 dragons ball parade
pompomqt · 1 year
Journey to the West Chapter 9
Tang Sanzang's mom this whole chapter:
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No wonder Tang Sanzang is going to almost die so many times in this book.
Ah man, my man Tang Sanzang's backstory has it all- gods disguised as fish, getting moses'ed, and bandits. A fitting backstory for a chosen one. So let's get into this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest
So we start off with the new emperor setting up examinations where any worthy scholar can try their hand and possibly earn a place to work in administration or government. One person who decides to try their hand and take such an exam is Chen E also known as Guangrui- or perhaps even better known as- Tang Sanzang's father.
So Guangrui takes the exam and passes with flying colors and is awarded the title 'Zhuangyuan'. During the celebratory procession, one Wenjio Yin (The Chief Minister's daughter) was about to throw down an embroidered ball from her tower in order to select a spouse. Which... beats tinder I guess? Anyways she spots Guangrui getting paraded around below her tower, and thinks he's cute, as well as recognizing that he was the one who passed the examinations- so she drops the ball onto his head. Anyways all the servants of the house swarm the guy and bring him before the chief minister and his wife and they are wedded at once, which Guangrui seems pretty cool with. Anyways, so life seems to be going pretty well for Guangrui. The emperor has appointed him the governor of Jiangzhou, he has a new wife, and he's bringing her and his mother along with him to his new post. Unfortunately things don't stay peachy for long as they are only a few days out on their journey when his mother gets sick, and they have to stop at an in. The next day Guangrui heads down to the market, and buys a big golden carp. Who seems to be blinking at him in Morse code. Deciding that a fish that blinks that much can't be a normal creature he asks the fisherman where it was caught and returns it to the Hong river. Anyways he tells his mother about what happened with the fish, but also tells her that he has to leave tomorrow to make it to his new job. She says she isn't well enough to travel and instead suggests he rent a house and leave her some money, so he can come back for her later when the weather is better for travel. He agrees, and he and his wife take their leave.
Since they have to cross the Hong River, they hire two boatmen, Liu Hong and Li Biao to take them across. But since these are the parents of our 'Chosen One Protagonist' of course something terrible happens to them. Liu Hong gets the hots for Wenjio, so he beats Guangrui to death and throws his body into the river. Wenjio tries to dive in after him, but is caught and threatened at knife point. So she yields to him for now. Anyways Liu Hong steels Guangrui's credentials and proceeds with the kidnapped Wenjio to the post in Jiangzhou. Anyways Guangrui's body floats to the bottom of the river and is rushed to the Dragon King, who recognizes him as the man that freed him while he as disguised as a golden carp. In return for saving him, the Dragon King decides to save Guangrui, so he has his soul brought back from the underworld. Guangrui tells the dragon king about what happened, and the Dragon King instead of just sending him back immediately preserves his body and lets him be an officer for a while.
Anyways- back with Sanzang's mom, she passes out and gives birth to him while Liu Hong is away on business. During this time she received a message from the Star Spirit of the South Pole, that her son will one day be known far and wide for he can not be compared to an ordinary mortal, but that she has to protect him from the Liu Hong. He also tells her that her husband has been rescued by the dragon king and that they will all be reunited one day.
Liu Hong returns and immediately wants to drown him, but she manages to delay it, and when he is called away on business once again she decides to take her chances with the river. She writes a letter with blood stating the the parents names and their family history as well as the current situation. Then she bites off his little toe from his left foot to be able to identify him in the future. With that she ties him to a plank that had conveniently floated by and sends him off.
Anyways our newly abandoned hero makes his way to the temple of Gold Mountain where he is picked up by the Monk Farming. Monk Farming reads the letter and stashes it in a safe place and names the baby 'River Float' and has him raised at the temple. When River Float turned 18 he was given the religious Xuanzang.
Anyways one day a fellow monk, angry that Xuanzang had outwitted them during their discussion, yells at him that Xuanzang doesn't even know his own name or have parents. At this Xuanzang goes to his master crying (bringing his cry count to 1) about how there can be a person with no parents. The Monk then shows him the letter written in blood that arrived with him, and Xuanzang bursts into tears yet again at learning what happened to his parents. Xuanzang begs his master to let him go and find his mother. The Monk agree's and tells him to go the to the governor's mansion of Jiangzhou, and so Xuanzang immediately departs and heads straight for the private quarters at the governor's mansion.
Luckily his mother was in a way more or less expecting him, since she had had yet another strange dream, and figured that if her son was still alive he would be 18 by now, and that perhaps the dream was an omen that they would meet today.
Anways, she let's him inside and they start talking and she notices that he bears a strong resemblance to her husband. So she asks him about his family and he tells her that his father was murdered and his mother taken. He also reveals that his mothers name was Wenjio Yin and his father's name is Guangrui Chen, and that his name is River Float, but his religious name is Xuanzang.
Wenjio says she is Wenjio Yin, but asks him to prove his identity. Xuanzang cries again that she doesn't believe him and shows her the letter of blood. And then the two hug each other and cry for a while. Before Wenjio tells him he has to leave before the bandit Liu Hong returns to kill him. She says that she will tell him she made a vow to donate a hundred monk shoes so they can talk again then.
So Wenjio plays sick and tells Liu Hong that she has to go to a temple to donate some monk shoes. After gathering the shoes she heads off for the Temple of Gold Mountain to meet with Xuanzang again. Wenjio asks Xuanzang to remove his shoes and when she see's that he is missing his left little toe the two once again hug and cry it out. And I'm starting to see which parent Xuanzang got his crying habit from...
Sadly the two are still short on time before Liu Hong starts to get suspicious, so Wenjio gives him an incense ring and sends him out to find his paternal grandmother where they left her at that inn. She also gives him a letter to give to her father, his maternal grandfather, to have the emperor send some men to have the bandit arrested and executed to avenge his father. And with that she takes her leave again while Xuangzang goes crying back to the temple and tells his master everything before heading to the Inn as instructed.
Once Xuanzang arrives at the Inn he asks the Innkeeper about the status of his grandmother, only for it to be revealed that she went blind and became a street begger once the money ran out. So Xuanzang immediately seeks her out and explains that he is her grandson and that the reason his father and mother never came back for her was because he was murdered and she was captured. Xuanzang then also cures her blindness for her and pays for her to stay at the Inn again.
Taking leave of his paternal grandparent, he goes off to find his maternal one. Luckily his grandmother had also received a dream about their daughter finally coming home so they let him in. Xuanzang starts crying upon seeing them and gives them letter his mother asked for him to pass on.
The next morning his grandfather sends a note to the emperor explaining what happened, so the emperor sends sixty thousand imperial soldiers to apprehend Liu Hong. Which sounds like overkill for a simple boatman/bandit to me. I mean- it's not like they are trying to arrest Sun Wukong. Either way though- the mission is a success and Liu Hong is captured.
Wenjio Yin meanwhile is to ashamed to face her father and tries to hang herself, but is stopped by Xuanzang. Wenjio explains her shame in yielding to the bandit while his father explains it wasn't her fault. And the two embrace and cry it out- which Xuanzang also joins in of course- because our boy would never miss out on a cry fest.
Anyways Liu Hong and his accomplice Li Biao are both violently executed and Xuanzang and Wenjio Yin offer the liver and heart of Liu Hong as sacrifices at the Hong River. And of course the family once again cry's it out at the river.
The word manages to make it back to the Dragon King who tells Guangrui the good news that he has been avenged so he's sending him back to life along with some sweet gifts. So the dragon king has his body sent to the mouth of the river to have his soul returned there. While his body is floating by, Wenjio is once again trying to kill herself while Xuanzang is holding her back. Recognizing the body of her husband she starts crying even harder. And Guangrui wakes up to find his wife, father in law and son all crying over him.
Anyways, husband and wife both explain what happened on each of their ends. A banquet is held, the troops head home, Guangrui finally goes back for his mother, who had recieved yet another prophetic dream, Guangrui is promoted to Subchancellor of the Grand Secretariat, Xuanzang heads out to practice zen at the temple of Infinite Blessing before heading back to the temple of Gold Mountin to repay his master- and Wenjio commits suicide the second he's out of sight. And with that we finally have our propagandist's backstory all sorted out.
Current Tang Sanzang stats: Names/Titles: River Float, Xuanzang Abilities: Curing Blindness Cry Count: 9 Bandit Problems: 1
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
Can you do day 20 prompt 1?
Of course I can! Thank you so much for showing interest in me and my opinions, my lovely anon! You’re very sweet!!
1.    What was your first anime (that you knew was anime)?
Oh my god, honestly…I don’t actually remember. I remember growing up on Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors and other things they’d show on Toonami, but I don’t think I actually knew they were anime then. It probably would have been either Bleach, Naruto, or Yu Yu Hakusho but there were some smaller little animes I watched around that time as well that I really grasped were anime because I had met friends and such who knew the terms, knew the culture, and was introducing me to it.
2.    Favourite pre-2000’s anime?
Okay, right out the gate, reminding everyone – I can never pick favourites. I struggle with that so much because there are just so many fantastic shows and movies out there, so many solid choices, and I can’t say ‘this one is the best’ because there’s no universal best. Each one does something better than the others, all across the board. Of course, those familiar with my fandom list will see Yu Yu Hakusho and Ronin Warriors (and at times, Hunter x Hunter) on there. Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Lupin III, Ghost in the Shell, Astroboy…they’re all old anime that really do stand the test of time and are all worth checking out.
3.    Favourite post-2000’s anime?
Fuck, I could make whole lists. Of course, I highly recommend all the ones on my fandom list, but I also will mention really loving Death Parade, Psycho-Pass, Shadows House, and a bunch of others!
4.    Favourite director?
Umm…going to show my ignorance here and admit that I know absolutely no directors for anime. I know a couple of studios to the point where I can pretty much guess if a particular anime comes from them (Studio Madhouse and Studio Bones have some pretty recognizable traits among their varying anime) but that’s about it.
5.    Favourite Ghibli movie?
Again, it’s really damn hard to say favourite. I will say I am firmly of the opinion that you can sit down with almost ANY Ghibli movie, and you will be in for a visual treat, interesting characters, and a good movie. I watch Totoro and Spirited Away the most though, but that’s only because they’re the two I actually own. I think the only one I haven’t watched more than once is Howl’s Moving Castle. It was a good movie stylistically, don’t get me wrong, was really cute but I’m a huge fan of the novel for that and the two are so vastly different that I couldn’t love it as much as a lot of Ghibli fans.
6.    Favourite piece of merch (that you own or want to own)?
Okay, so I own a Yamamoto and a Yamazaki mini figure and both are extremely precious to me. Not only are they characters I love, but they were gifted to me by a friend I roleplayed with on ProBoards for years with and actually flew out to Toronto to meet. So they’ve got some sentimental value to them. As mentioned in another ask, I do diamond painting and there’s some really cool anime themed diamond painting pictures I’ve bought, since they’re not normally too expensive that decorate my walls, like one of Deku from BNHA, a Demon Slayer one, and I recently found a site that lets you make pictures into customized diamond painting pictures, so hopefully I’ll have some more from my other fandoms on their way!
7.    First convention & 8. Convention you’ve attended the most?
I keep saying I’m going to go to conventions and plan (even bought tickets for one), but always chicken out, actually. I have a really hard time with large crowds of people, they make me really anxious and while it’s my dream to attend a convention and have all the fun that comes with it, I haven’t actually taken that final step. I’ll just keep repeating the small steps until I get there 😊
9. Favourite animation style?
As with everything, I have a really hard time saying favourite. I fully admit to being swayed by pretty, smooth animation but the animation styles I find pretty vary really widely. As everyone can see from the fandoms I write about on here, I watch a pretty wide variety of anime, from 90’s up to current animation, and I think that has something to do with it. I am more drawn towards things with more colour to them, things bright and eye-catching, but there’s also something beautiful about the soft, almost shojo-esque and pastel aesthetics of some anime. Really, I can deal with most animation styles, and it takes a lot for me to nope out of something because of the animation style…the only examples I can think of were RWBY, Kill La Kill (also the fanservice in that is gross), and Violence Voyager (and there were a lot more reasons I couldn’t finish that film and even the thought of it still leaves me feeling really damn unsettled).
10. Last anime you finished and your thoughts on it?
I finished up the second season of The Vampire Dies in No Time recently and honestly, the amount of love I have for that show is just insane. I will probably rewatch it at least a million more times. It’s such an easy watch, it makes me laugh a lot of the times, I love the animation style and the range of quirky characters. I definitely would recommend it to others if they enjoy comedy animation!
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xtoomanytimelinesx · 2 years
Ten fandoms, ten characters, ten tags    
1. Dragon Ball: Yikes this one is hard, either Z Broly or Android 16 2. Overwatch: I literally can’t pick between Junkrat and Roadhog, they’re a package deal 3. OFF: Enoch 4. Deltarune: Spamton 5. Death Parade: Decim 6. Splatoon: Pearl 7. Resident Evil: Mr. X / T-00 (yes I know, a monster with no canon identity or personality? sue me) 8.   Silent Hill: Pyramid Head 9. Steven Universe: Spinel 10. Danganrompa: Ishimaru Kiyotaka
tagged by: @likesguyskakarot
tagging: Everyone I can think of has already been tagged but take it if you haven’t been!
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dan6085 · 24 days
Here’s a detailed list of the top 25 festivals around the world, celebrating culture, music, art, and tradition:
### 1. **Carnival (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** The world’s most famous Carnival features parades, samba music, dancing, and extravagant costumes. The Sambadrome parade is the highlight, where samba schools compete in an explosion of color and rhythm.
### 2. **Diwali (India)**
- **When:** October or November
- **What:** Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness. Homes are illuminated with oil lamps, fireworks are set off, and families gather for feasts and prayers.
### 3. **Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany)**
- **When:** Late September to the first weekend in October
- **What:** The largest beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest is a celebration of Bavarian culture with beer tents, traditional foods, music, and lederhosen-clad revelers.
### 4. **Mardi Gras (New Orleans, USA)**
- **When:** February or March (before Ash Wednesday)
- **What:** A vibrant festival known for its parades, masked balls, and street parties. Beads, costumes, and the famous King Cake are integral to the celebrations.
### 5. **La Tomatina (Buñol, Spain)**
- **When:** Last Wednesday of August
- **What:** The world’s largest food fight, where thousands of participants throw tomatoes at each other in the streets of Buñol, creating a red, pulpy mess.
### 6. **Holi (India and Nepal)**
- **When:** March (Full Moon of Phalguna)
- **What:** Known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a Hindu festival where participants throw colored powders at each other, dance, and celebrate the arrival of spring.
### 7. **Burning Man (Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA)**
- **When:** Last week of August to the first week of September
- **What:** A unique festival where participants create a temporary city dedicated to art, self-expression, and community, culminating in the burning of a large wooden effigy.
### 8. **Chinese New Year (China and worldwide)**
- **When:** January or February
- **What:** Also known as the Spring Festival, it is the most important traditional Chinese holiday, marked by family gatherings, fireworks, parades, and the iconic dragon dance.
### 9. **Glastonbury Festival (Somerset, England)**
- **When:** Last weekend of June
- **What:** One of the most famous music festivals in the world, Glastonbury features a diverse lineup of music, arts, and performance across multiple stages over five days.
### 10. **Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh, Scotland)**
- **When:** August
- **What:** The world’s largest arts festival, showcasing thousands of performances ranging from comedy, theater, music, and dance in venues all over the city.
### 11. **Day of the Dead (Mexico)**
- **When:** November 1-2
- **What:** A festival honoring deceased loved ones, where families create ofrendas (altars) with flowers, candles, food, and photographs. The celebration includes parades, sugar skulls, and skeleton costumes.
### 12. **Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (California, USA)**
- **When:** April
- **What:** A major music and arts festival featuring performances from top artists across genres, as well as large-scale art installations in the California desert.
### 13. **Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival (Harbin, China)**
- **When:** January
- **What:** The world’s largest ice and snow festival, featuring stunning ice sculptures, ice palaces, and winter activities in the freezing temperatures of Harbin.
### 14. **Saint Patrick’s Day (Dublin, Ireland)**
- **When:** March 17
- **What:** A celebration of Irish culture and heritage, marked by parades, music, dancing, and wearing green. The Dublin parade is particularly famous, attracting visitors from around the world.
### 15. **Venice Carnival (Venice, Italy)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** A historic carnival known for its elaborate masks and costumes, gondola parades, and grand balls, celebrating the tradition and culture of Venice.
### 16. **Songkran (Thailand)**
- **When:** April 13-15
- **What:** The Thai New Year’s festival is celebrated with a massive water fight across the country, symbolizing the washing away of the old year and welcoming the new.
### 17. **Running of the Bulls (San Fermín, Pamplona, Spain)**
- **When:** July 6-14
- **What:** Part of the San Fermín festival, this event involves participants running ahead of a group of bulls through the streets of Pamplona, followed by traditional festivities.
### 18. **Carnival of Venice (Venice, Italy)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** A glamorous event where participants don elaborate costumes and masks, participating in parades, balls, and other festivities throughout the city.
### 19. **Hajj (Mecca, Saudi Arabia)**
- **When:** Dhu al-Hijjah (Islamic month)
- **What:** The annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, which every Muslim is required to undertake at least once in their lifetime if they are able. It is one of the largest gatherings of Muslims in the world.
### 20. **Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France)**
- **When:** May
- **What:** The world’s most prestigious film festival, where the best films from around the globe are showcased and awarded, attracting filmmakers, celebrities, and cinephiles.
### 21. **Yi Peng Lantern Festival (Chiang Mai, Thailand)**
- **When:** November
- **What:** Thousands of lanterns are released into the sky in this beautiful festival, which is held to honor Buddha. The sight of the glowing lanterns floating into the night sky is mesmerizing.
### 22. **Inti Raymi (Cusco, Peru)**
- **When:** June 24
- **What:** The Festival of the Sun, an ancient Incan festival celebrating the winter solstice, featuring traditional dances, music, and a reenactment of the Incan ceremonies.
### 23. **Hogmanay (Edinburgh, Scotland)**
- **When:** December 31 - January 1
- **What:** Scotland’s New Year’s Eve celebration is one of the biggest in the world, featuring street parties, fireworks, music, and the famous tradition of first-footing.
### 24. **Notting Hill Carnival (London, England)**
- **When:** Last weekend of August
- **What:** Europe’s biggest street festival, celebrating Caribbean culture with parades, music, dancing, and vibrant costumes in the streets of London’s Notting Hill.
### 25. **Bastille Day (Paris, France)**
- **When:** July 14
- **What:** France’s national day is celebrated with a grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, fireworks over the Eiffel Tower, and various festivities across the country.
These festivals are some of the most iconic and celebrated events around the world, each offering a unique glimpse into the cultures and traditions of the places they originate from. Whether it's through music, food, art, or religious practices, these festivals bring people together in celebration of humanity's rich diversity.
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naturecoaster · 7 months
102nd Annual Chasco Fiesta
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Nine days of food, fun, and entertainment with many events including a Street Parade, Boat Parade, Car Show, 5K run, and a different genre of music every night! Come and celebrate 102 years of the Chasco Fiesta. Sims Park and downtown New Port Richey, Florida Voted Best of the Best in Festivals for Tampa Bay by TBT  Long Live Rock and Roll is 2024's Theme   Schedule for 2024 Chasco Fiesta Friday, March 15 - $20 general admission 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Festival West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment- Ruth Eckerd on the Road Presents Marshall Tucker Band w/ The Georgia Thunderbolts. Buy Tickets Here 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Coronation Ball at Spartan Manor, New Port Richey Cocktails 6 pm • Dinner 7 pm $125.00 per person Hosted and benefiting the Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind The nominees for Queen Chasco and King Pithla are proposed by community organizations and are nominated. Saturday, March 16 - Country Music Concert Night Gates open at 9 am - $20 general admission after 4 pm 6:30 am - 10:00 am 10th Annual Special Olympics 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run - Register Here Starts and ends at the New Port Richey Recreation and Aquatics Center 10th Annual Special Olympics Race for Inclusion 5K and 1mile fun run 9:00 am - Noon The Chasco Fiesta 1st Annual Dragon Boat Race - a 200M two-lane dog leg race on the Pithlachascotee River. Enter Here 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 - 3:00 pm Flagship Bank – Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade The Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade is to begin at 1 pm on the Pithlachascotee (Cotee) River. 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm Entertainment- Country Concert in Sims Park - 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Maddie and Tae with Special Guest Wiley Fox - Buy Tickets Here Sunday, March 17 -  Bay Area Showcase Gates open 9 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 8:00 am - 2:30 pm -- Chasco Fiesta Car, Truck and Bike Show Located in downtown New Port Richey on Grand Blvd. Hosted by the Gulf Side Corvette Club for the 23rd year. The show features more than 350 entries. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm --Entertainment 1 - 2:30 pm   Brother Brownlow 3 - 4:30 pm  Pieces of Eight 5 - 6:30 pm Symmetry 7 - 9 pm  The American Stones Monday, March 18 - Native American Day Gates open at 4 pm - Free admission all-day 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Music, Entertainment and Festival 5-6 pm Spirit Play 6-7 pm Lowery Begay Flute & Stories 7-8 pm CreeAtive Presents; Turtle Island 8-9 pm Keith SecolaNative American Dancers 8:00 pm 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up Tuesday, March 19 - Happy Hour with the Black Honkeys Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee for over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:00 - 7:15 pm Peyton-Monarch Band 7:45 - 9:15 pm The Black Honkeys 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Bowling Tournament Lane Glo South 8631 Old County Road 54, New Port Richey, FL 34653 Registration: 5:30 pm Bowling begins at 6:30 pm Entry Fee: $160 per team in advance. Hosted by Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group Wednesday, March 20 - Latin Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 7:00 - 7:30 pm Latin DJ 8:00 - 9:30 pm The Latin Brothers Thursday, March 21 - Rhythm and Blues Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm The Julie Black Band 8:30 – 10:00 pm Damon Fowler Friday, March 22 - Joy FM Family Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment – Joy FM Family Night 6:00 - 7:00 pm TBA 7:00 - 8:00 pm Renee 8:00 - 10:00 pm Jeremy Rosado with Seph Schlueter Friday, March 22 Off-site Activities: Noon - 7 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 1:00 - 6:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Golf Tournament Saturday, March 23 - Tribute to Rock n Roll Gates open 10:00 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 10:00 am - 6:00 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ Noon - 3:00 pm-- MEARES Plumbing and Electric Chasco Street Parade Organized by the Rotary Club of Holiday.  The Chasco Street Parade for 2024 will be on the second Saturday of the Event. Street Parade 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Tribute to Rock Concert 4:00 – 5:30 pm Black Horse Cavalry 6:00 – 7:30 pm Jam Jones 8 – 10 pm Signs of Life - Pink Floyd Tribute Read the full article
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shysheeperz · 3 years
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Nine chapters in and we already got ourselves a pair sports animanga twins to add to the ever-growing list. Lololol.
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bvyzolix · 3 years
Anime list
Total: 107
•1 Demon slayer
•2 Maid - Sama
•3 Kakegurui
•4 My little monster
•5 Danganronpa
•6 The Promised Neverland
•7 A silent voice
•8 Saiki k
•9 Haikyuu!!
•10 Daibolik lovers
•11 Your lie in April
•12 toradora
•13 Blood lad
•14 Violet Evergarden
•15 High school DXD
•16 Tokyo Ghoul
•17 MHA
•18 Naruto
•19 One piece
•20 No game no life
•21 Sword art online
•22 Tokyo Revengers
•23 High rise invasion
•24 Blood - c
•25 Black Butler
•26 Aot
•27 Bunny girl Senpai
•28 assassination classroom
•29 Dragon Ball Z
•30 Pokémon
•31 Mob psycho 100
•32 Fairy tale
•33 Hunter X Hunter
•34 Vampire knight
•35 Ah! My goddess
•36 Death note
•37 Sailor moon
•38 Darling in the franxx
•39 Blue exorcist
•40 Dr. Stone
•41 Code Breakers
•42 Akame Ga kill!
•43 Fruit Basket
•44 Spice and Wolf
•45 Kaiba
•46 7 Deadly sins
•47 Black clover
•48 Parasyte
•49 Noragami
•50 Don't toy with me nagatoro!
•51 Fire force
•52 Overflow
•53 full metal alchemist
•54 rent a girlfriend
•55 yu-hi-oh
•56 the time I got reincarnated into slime
•57 kukuroo no basket
•58 gintama
•59 deadman wonderland
•60 Death parade
•61 code geass
•62 cowboy Bebop
•63 Jujutsu kaisen
•64 Boruto
•65 slam dunk
•66 digimon
•67 berserk
•68 Vinland Saga
•69 gurren lagann
•70 afro samurai
•71 JoJo's bizarre adventures
•72 Bleach
•73 Overlord
•74 Soul eater
•75 Your name.
•76 Food wars
•77 Love chunibyo & other Delusions!
•78 Angel Beats!
•79 Beastars
•80 Seraph of the End
•81 InuYasha
•82 one punch man
•83 Naruto Shippuden
•84 Terror in Resonance
•85 Kill la Kill
•86 Devil's line
•87 Charlotte
•88 Ne: Zero
•89 Devils crybaby
•90 Erased
•91 Non non Biyori
•92 How to keep a mummy
•93 Tanaka-kun is always listless
•94 prison school
•95 absolute duo
•96 Doraemon
•97 YoKai watch
•98 Anohana
•99 Himegoto
•100 My future diary
•101 Ouran high school host club
•102 Toilet bound Hanako - kun
•103 School babysitter
•104 I want to eat your pancreas
•105 Seven deadly sins
•106 Banana fish
•107 Yuri on Ice!!f
Your welcome x
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Official English translated author comments featured in Weekly Shonen Jump 2021 issue #28.
Sakamoto Days chapter 27 - Yuto Suzuki
The Elusive Samurai chapter 20 - Yusei Matsui
Ayakashi Triangle chapter 48 - Kentaro Yabuki
Dr. Stone chapter 200 - Riichiro Inagaki
One Piece chapter 1016 - Eiichiro Oda
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 152 - Gege Akutami
My Hero Academia chapter 316 - Kohei Horikoshi
Blue Box chapter 9 - Kouji Miura
Mashle: Magic and Muscles chapter 66 - Hajime Komoto
Me & Roboco chapter 45 - Shuhei Miyazaki
Candy Flurry chapter 8 - Ippon Takegushi
Mission: Yozakura Family chapter 86 - Hitsuji Gondaira
Magu-chan: God of Destruction chapter 47 - Kei Kamiki
High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku chapter 42 - Ryo Nakama
Undead Unluck chapter 67 - Yoshifumi Tozuka
Witch Watch chapter 18 - Kenta Shinohara
Nine Dragons’ Ball Parade chapter 17 - Mikiyasu Kamado
Hard-Boiled Cop and Dolphin chapter 46 - Ryuhei Tamura
i tell c chapter 19 - Kazusa Inaoka
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blueriza · 4 years
This or That Anime?
I did this list game ask, feel free to reblog and use it for play with your followers :)
1. Digimon or Pokémon?
2. Naruto or One Piece?
3. Dragon Ball or JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure?
4. Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho?
5. Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon or Tokyo Mew Mew?
6 Cowboy Bebop or Trigun?
7. Hellsing or Vampire Knight?
8. Black Butler or Pandora Hearts?
9. Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel or Magical Emi, the Magic Star? 
10. Bleach or Death Note?
11. Fairy Tail or Fullmetal Alchemist?
12. Ranma 1/2 or Urusei Yatsura?
13. Ao No Exorcist or Soul Eater?
14. Gensomaden Saiyuki or Saint Seiya?
15.  Aishite Knight or Nana?
16. Attack Of Titan or Demon Slayer?
17. My Hero Academia or Tiger & Bunny?
18. Beastars or Wolf’s Rain?
19. Card Captor Sakura or Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters?
20. Nadia: Secret of Blue Water or Neon Genesis Evangelion?
21. Attacker You! or Haikyuu!! ?
22. City Hunter or Detective Conan?
23. Gintama or Hetalia Axis Powers?
24. Lovely Complex or Ouran High School Host Club?
25. Black Lagoon or Full Metal Panic! ?
26. Battle Angel Alita or Ghost In The Shell?
27. Free! or Yuri or Ice?
28. Berserk or Vinland Saga?
29. Revolutionary Girl Utena or Versailles No Bara?
30. Made In Abyss or The Promise Neverland?
31. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion or Darling In The Franxx?
32. Magic Knight Rayearth or Slayers?
33. Hunter x Hunter or One Punch Man?
34. Black Clover or The Seven Deadly Sins?
35. D.Gray-Man or Noragami?
36. Agame Ga Kill or Bungo Stray Dogs?
37. Death Parade or Kakegurui?
38. Kirimagure Orange Road or Touch! ?
39. .hack//Sign or Sword Art Online? 
40. Fate series or Monogatari series?
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samwpmarleau · 4 years
What do you think causes some targaryens go mad. I go with the theory that it has to do with the blood magic that they were doing
It’s a common misconception that “Targaryen madness” is a thing. Targaryens have no more “mad” people in their family than anyone else, it’s just that they are much higher profile than anyone else due to being monarchs. In fact, they really should have a much higher count and a whole lot more deformities, given that the IRL families they’re based on — primarily the Ptolemys and the Hapsburgs — had a lot of that.
In 300 years of known Targaryen history, there were only a handful who could be considered “mad,” and almost all of them were in part or in whole a result of trauma:
Was likely conceived through some dark magic by Visenya, or was possibly just a psychopath.
Victim of Blood and Cheese. They killed the guards at her door, took her and her three young children hostage, forced her to choose which of her sons would die and if she didn’t then her daughter would be raped and all three children would be killed, so she ended up choosing her youngest son who was too young to know what was happening but they killed her eldest instead.
Then she was held for half a year in captivity and finally committed suicide (or was murdered) at age 21. I’d go “mad” too, wouldn’t you?
Aegon III
Grew up in the midst of a civil war. At the age of just 9, he fled with his younger to Essos, but their ship was attacked by pirates and the only way to escape was on his dragon with Viserys left behind. The dragon died of injuries once returning to Dragonstone and Aegon never rode one again due to the experience.
A few months later, his brother led an attack against the people who took Viserys and died in the attempt. A few months after that, another brother was killed in a riot in King’s Landing, which Aegon witnessed.
After returning with his mother to King’s Landing later from Dragonstone, he saw charred corpses of Rhaenyra’s loyalists hanging from the gates, cried out for his mother to flee, watched her guards get slaughtered, and then witnessed her get devoured by Sunfyre, her dragon.
Ascended to the throne and had to deal with an endless parade of would-be regents who were scheming, plotting, and assassinating.
In 133, lived throug the Winter Fever that killed many, including his Hand of the King. This all happened before the age of 13, at which point his wife, Jaehaera, committed suicide or was murdered.
He eventually died of consumption (tuberculosis) at age 36.
Baelor I
Peaceful, forgiving, and kind to the smallfolk, though did lock up his sisters in the Maidenvault to prevent temptation.
Brokered peace with Dorne to bring them into the Seven Kingdoms without bloodshed.
Became a bit more loony later, but that could be due to all the snake bites he endured while rescuing his brother in Dorne. Eventually died of fasting when Daena gave birth to a bastard.
On the fence whether he was some kind of religious extremist or whether he was just Like That.
Called mad, but not really. He had some kind of intellectual disability, yet a) he was still regarded as “sweet” and “gentle” (not that those traits are necessary to being “not mad”) and b) had three children with his wife who all appeared to not inherit his condition, in addition to three brothers and their children who also did not show signs, therefore suggesting it was not something he inherited or passed down, merely a fluke.
Likely mad. Though interestingly, for a very long time he was just a supreme douchebag; it wasn’t until he was 40 years old that he did the whole thing about thinking himself a literal dragon and dying by drinking wildfire.
Maelys Blackfyre
Vicious, brutal, and incredibly strong. Possibly mad...or could just be a beefier version of Tywin.
Aerys II
Obviously the Targaryen most people cite as the first example of madness. For good reason, of course; you don’t burn people alive and brutalize your wife if you’re sane.
Was married off to his sister, neither of whom was fond of the other, at just 14 and Rhaella was 13. Became a king at the pretty young age of 18.
In his youth, he was charming, generous, resolute, and ambitious. He liked music, dancing, and masked balls, though was not the most intelligent person, which was partially why he relied so much on Tywin. Of course, there was also the incident with Joanna Lannister (not rape, as many believe, but certainly groping).
The madness started to appear with each successive stillbirth, miscarriage, and child death, to the point where he would behead Rhaella’s wet nurses and then his mistress, though after all that he changed his mind, did a walk of repentance, and swore to be faithful.  In short, he was an asshole and sometimes ruthless (again, it should be noted: is any of that much different than Tywin?), but certainly not yet the monster he would become.
Then came the Defiance of Duskendale, wherein many of Aerys’s guards were killed and he was taken hostage for six months with constant threat of execution. This ordeal led to him sequestering himself in the Red Keep for four years and his mental state deteriorated quite rapidly from there.
So, was he mad? Absolutely, there’s no denying that. But at the same time, I’m not so sure that he would have become quite so monstrous and tyrannical as he is in canon had it not been for the trauma of Duskendale.
(Also, I know he has a reputation of paranoia and all, but is it really paranoia if lots of people are out to get you?)
The only evidence we have for Viserys showing signs of madness as a boy is Barristan’s statement that is done 20 years later in retrospect. I sincerely doubt that a 7-year-old child was some mini-Aerys and that like a lot of Barristan’s statements and thoughts, he is not being truthful.
Growing up, he was forbidden to be alone with his mother and witnessed at least some of his father’s atrocities, though Rhaella tried to shield him from it. Likely had little interaction or bonding with Rhaegar, who was 17 years older and an extreme introvert, so he was functionally an only child.
At the age of 7, learned that his father, brother, sister-in-law, and two infant cousins were killed, and fled with Rhaella to Dragonstone. Eight months later, Rhaella died in childbirth and he, baby Dany, and Willem Darry fled in the night to exile in Essos.
Five years later, when Viserys was 13, Willem Darry dies, the servants steal what little money they had, and Viserys is left to fend for himself with a 5-year-old sister in tow. They end up having to live off the generosity of others, all while being pursued by Robert’s assassins. Eventually the people who put them up turned from them and they had to sell their possessions, the last of which was Rhaella’s crown: “the last joy had gone from him, leaving only rage.” To add insult to injury, people started calling him the beggar king.
We know the rest, of course. Though his and Dany’s relationship was warm at the beginning, he began to blame her for Rhaella’s death and took out his anger and their plight on her.
So, was Viserys mad? I think that to a degree, we can say he was. But again, while his actions towards Dany are NOT excusable, I think they are explainable. Viserys suffered extreme trauma from a very early age and throughout the rest of his life, and that would have a profound impact on anyone. It’s my belief that had that not happened, Viserys would have not have been the rageful, abusive person we see in canon.
In sum, unless I’m missing someone, there are a grand total of nine Targaryens who are often deemed “mad” or “addled.” Two of those — Aegon and Helaena — are most definitely trauma-induced. One — Rhaegel — had mental issues. Two — Baelor and Maelys — are up for debate. Two — Maegor and Aerion — are I’d say pretty definitively mad. And two — Aerys and Viserys — are a combination of both.
To answer your question, no, I don’t think the madness is from blood magic (other than Maegor), both because of the circumstances and because to my knowledge no one was practicing blood magic. I think the handful of Targaryens who are “mad” is just luck of the draw.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Some games on the NA(and possibly EU) PSN’s “Big in Japan” sale(full list/prices):
428: Shibuya Scramble
Aegis of Earth
AI: The Somnium Files
Akiba’s Beat
Alternate Jake Hunter
Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack(each game is also on sale separately)
Atelier Ryza
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Birthdays the Beginning
Black Clover: Quartet Knights
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Special Edition
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Code Vein
Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka HD Edition
Danganronpa 1•2 Reload
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Dark Rose Valkyrie
Dark Souls III
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package
Death end re;Quest
Death Mark
Demon Gaze II
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory
Disgaea 1 Complete
Disgaea 4 Complete+
Disgaea 5 Complete Bundle
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below
Dragon Quest Heroes: Digital Slime Edition
Dragon Quest Heroes II: Explorer’s Edition
Dragon Quest XI – Digital Edition of Light
Dynasty Warriors 9 Complete Edition
Earth Defense Force 4.1: Wingdiver the Shooter
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair
Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force 5 Deluxe Edition
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain Ultimate Edition
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
Final Fantasy IX Digital Edition
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer: Comrades
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV Royal Pack
Final Fantasy XV Season Pass
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto
Fire Pro Wrestling World
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Ghost Parade
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
God Eater 3
God Wars: Future Past
Grand Kingdom
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-
Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2
Gundam Versus
I Am Setsuna
Illusion of L’Phalcia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Bundle
Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package
Kingdom Hearts III
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Life is Strange 2 – Episode 1
Life is Strange 2 – Episodes 2 to 5
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season
Little Dragons Cafe
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
Lost Sphear
Megadimension Neptunia VII
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Max Xeno
Monochrome Order
My Hero: One’s Justice
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road To Boruto (and many other Naruto games)
Natural Doctrine
New Gundam Breaker
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Deluxe Edition
NieR: Automata
Nights of Azure
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence – Ascension
Okami HD
Omega Quintet
One Piece: Burning Blood
One Piece: World Seeker
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Our World is Ended.
Persona Dancing: Endless Night Collection
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Many Resident Evil games.
River City Melee Mach!!
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Root Letter
SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions
Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul
Samurai Warriors 4-II
Secret of Mana
Shenmue III
Sleeping Dogs
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit Hunter: NG
Star Ocean: First Departure R
Stay Cool Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story
Steins;Gate 0
Steins;Gate Elite
Steins;Gate: My Darling’s Embrace
Super Neptunia RPG
Tales of Berseria
Team Sonic Racing and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD Bundle
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The Alliance Alive HD Remastered
The Caligula Effect: Overdose
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Digital Deluxe Edition
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
The Lost Child
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
The Silver Case
The Ultimate Sonic Bundle
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Wicked Bundle
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Tokyo Xanadu EX+
Touhou Double Focus
Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Toukiden: Kiwami
Toukiden 2
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Truth Bundle
Utawarerumono Zan
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered + Valkyria Chronicles 4 Bundle
Valkyria Revolution
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap
World of Final Fantasy
World of Final Fantasy Maxima Upgrade DLC
World End Syndrome
Yakuza Kiwami 2: Clan Creator Bundle
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Ys Origin
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love At the Bound of This World.
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Adventures Of Mana
Bad Apple Wars
Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~
Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
Collar X Malice
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Illusion of L’Phalcia
Mind Zero
Muramasa Rebirth Complete Collection
Muramasa Rebirth Genroku Legends Collection
Norn9: Var Commons
Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Secret of Mana
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs
Tokyo Xanadu
World of Final Fantasy
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Lost Planet 3
Mega Man 9 and 10 Combo Pack
Megaman 9
Megaman 10
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Dissidia 012 Prologus Final Fantasy
Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
PSOne Classics
Castlevania Chronicles 
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 
Chrono Cross 
Chrono Trigger
Darkstalkers 3 
Final Fantasy IX 
Final Fantasy Origins 
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII 
Final Fantasy VIII 
Legend of Mana 
Silent Hill 
Suikoden II
PS2 Classics
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
God Hand
Suikoden 3
Suikoden IV
The sale run from  February 21st to March 3rd.
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littlemusicreviews · 5 years
200 Best Songs of the 2010s
200. Neon Indian – “Annie”
199. Hop Along – “Somewhere A Judge”
198. Empress Of – “Standard”
197. Mitski – “Townie”
196. The 1975 – “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)”
195. Jessica Mauboy (feat. Ludacris) – “Saturday Night”
194. Sheer Mag – “Worth The Tears”
193. The Range – “Florida”
192. Tove Lo – “Disco Tits”
191. Jamie xx (feat. Young Thug & Popcaan) – “I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)
190. Florence + The Machine – “Queen Of Peace”
189. School ’94 – “Common Sense”
188. Majical Cloudz – “Heavy”
187. Years & Years – “All For You”
186. Sleigh Bells – “Sugarcane”
185. Britney Spears – “Man On The Moon”
184. Miike Snow – “Bavarian #1 (Say You Will)”
183. Justin Timberlake – “Mirrors”
182. Taylor Swift – “Cruel Summer”
181. Animal Collective – “FloriDada”
180. easyFun – “Blink”
179. Kacey Musgraves – “Dime Store Cowgirl”
178. Lykke Li – “Gunshot”
177. Lana Del Rey – “Ride”
176. Elliphant – “Not Ready”
175. Phoenix – “Chloroform”
174. Kim Petras – “Hillside Boys”
173. Natalia Kills – “Free”
172. Chelsea Wolfe – “After The Fall”
171. Sky Ferreira – “One”
170. Charli XCX – “You (Ha Ha Ha)”
169. CHAI – “Feel The Beat”
168. Lim Kim – “Awoo”
167. Justin Bieber – “Sorry”
166. Liz – “When I Rule The World”
165. Normani – “Motivation”
164. Teyana Taylor – “WTP”
163. Mac DeMarco – “Passing Out Pieces”
162. Sam Smith – “I’m Not The Only One”
161. Icona Pop – “Light Me Up”
160. Jessie J – “Domino”
159. Phantogram – “Don’t Move”
158. Miguel – “Adorn”
157. Susanne Sundfør – “White Foxes”
156. Kero Kero Bonito – “Picture This”
155. Crystal Castles – “Celestica”
154. Alexis Jordan – “Happiness”
153. Sharon Van Etten – “Your Love Is Killing Me”
152. Solange – “Losing You”
151. Washed Out – “All I Know”
150. Caribou – “Odessa”
149. Beyoncé – “XO”
148. Georgia – “About Work The Dancefloor”
147. Jamila Woods – “Blk Girl Soldier”
146. Empress Of – “When I’m With Him”
145. A$AP Rocky (feat. Skrillex) – “Wild For The Night”
144. Dreamtrak – “Odyssey, Pt. 2 (A. G. Cook Remix)”
143. SBTRKT (feat. Little Dragon) – “Wildfire”
142. Avril Lavigne – “What The Hell”
141. Cults – “Oh My God”
140. Alvvays – “Archie, Marry Me”
139. Kacey Musgraves – “Slow Burn”
138. James Blake (feat. Bon Iver) – “I Need A Forest Fire”
137. Charli XCX (feat. MØ) – “3AM (Pull Up)”
136. Sir Babygirl – “Pink Lite”
135. CEO – “Illuminata”
134. Katy Perry – “Teenage Dream”
133. Japanese Breakfast – “Rugged Country”
132. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Cut To The Feeling”
131. SOPHIE – “Bipp”
130. Charli XCX – “Vroom Vroom”
129. Katy Perry – “Wide Awake”
128. A. G. Cook (feat. Hannah Diamond) – “Keri Baby”
127. Julianna Barwick – “Vow”
126. Sleigh Bells – “Comeback Kid”
125. Hatchie – “Sleep”
124. Ke$ha – “Die Young”
123. Blanck Mass – “Please”
122. B.o.B (feat. Hayley Williams) – “Airplanes”
121. The Wonder Years – “Passing Through A Screen Door”
120. Sevdaliza – “Hubris”
119. Tobias Jesso Jr. – “How Could You Babe”
118. Kanye West (feat. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver) – “Monster”
117. Joanna Newsom – “Anecdotes”
116. Purity Ring – “Stranger Than Earth”
115. Vampire Weekend – “Unbearably White”
114. Local Natives – “Heavy Feet”
113. Last Dinosaurs – “Andy”
112. fun. – “Some Nights”
111. Danny Brown – “Ain’t It Funny”
110. Neon Indian – “Polish Girl”
109. Regina Spektor – “The Light”
108. Rhye – “Open”
107. Lana Del Rey – “Brooklyn Baby”
106. hellogoodbye – “Finding Something To Do”
105. Bruno Mars – “Just The Way You Are”
104. Bon Iver – “Holocene”
103. CHVRCHES – “Clearest Blue”
102. Mount Eerie – “Seaweed”
101. Fiona Apple – “Werewolf”
100. Edward Maya (feat. Vika Jigulina) – “Stereo Love”
99. How To Dress Well – “Words I Don’t Remember”
98. AlunaGeorge – “Your Drums, Your Love”
97. LIGHTS – “Banner”
96. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – “Home”
95. Kendrick Lamar – “The Blacker The Berry”
94. Starfucker – “The White Of Noon”
93. Everything Everything – “Regret”
92. Two Door Cinema Club – “Undercover Martyn”
91. Bombay Bicycle Club – “Shuffle”
90. Marina & The Diamonds – “Oh No!”
89. Ed Sheeran – “Castle On The Hill”
88. Lykke Li – “Sadness Is A Blessing”
87. Julia Holter – “Feel You”
86. Real Estate – “Talking Backwards”
85. Tame Impala – “‘Cause I’m A Man”
84. Passion Pit – “Constant Conversations”
83. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – “PONPONPON”
82. Adele – “Someone Like You”
81. Calvin Harris – “Feel So Close”
80. You, Me, And Everyone We Know – “The Puzzle”
79. Waxahatchee – “8 Ball”
78. Grimes – “Artangels”
77. Florist – “Glowing Brightly”
76. Perfume Genius – “Mr. Peterson”
75. Sky Ferreira – “Werewolf (I Like You)”
74. Big Thief – “Forgotten Eyes”
73. Christine And The Queens – “iT”
72. Drake (feat. Rihanna) – “Take Care”
71. Autre Ne Veut – “Play By Play”
70. James Blake – “Retrograde”
69. Mitski – “Geyser”
68. Perfume Genius – “Hood”
67. Weyes Blood – “Movies”
66. Vanessa Carlton – “London”
65. Waxahatchee – “Air”
64. Crystal Castles – “Affection”
63. Charli XCX – “Boom Clap”
62. Bombay Bicycle Club – “Home By Now”
61. Vampire Weekend – “White Sky”
60. Big Thief – “Mythological Beauty”
59. Ariana Grande (feat. Zedd) – “Break Free”
58. Marina & The Diamonds – “Froot”
57. Kendrick Lamar – “Swimming Pools (Drank)”
56. Mayday Parade – “Stay”
55. Cee-Lo – “Fuck You”
54. Marina & The Diamonds – “Primadonna”
53. Sigur Rós – “Ísjaki”
52. Beach House – “Woo”
51. SZA – “Garden (Say It Like That)”
50. Wynter Gordon – “Dirty Talk”
49. Alt-J – “Breezeblocks”
48. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Want You In My Room”
47. Sky Ferreira – “Everything Is Embarrassing”
46. Ball Park Music – “It’s Nice To Be Alive”
45. Hundred Waters – “Wave To Anchor”
44. Florence + The Machine – “Never Let Me Go”
43. FKA twigs – “Cellophane”
42. Youth Lagoon – “Mute”
41. Ariana Grande – “Into You”
40. Of Monsters And Men – “Mountain Sound”
39. Björk – “Stonemilker”
38. Paramore – “Still Into You”
37. Future Islands – “Seasons (Waiting On You)”
36. Solange – “Cranes In The Sky”
35. Lorde – “Perfect Places”
34. Ball Park Music – “Coming Down”
33. Rihanna (feat. Drake) – “What’s My Name”
32. Perfume Genius – “Slip Away”
31. CHVRCHES – “The Mother We Share”
30. SOPHIE – “Immaterial”
29. Vampire Weekend – “Hannah Hunt”
28. Sufjan Stevens – “John My Beloved”
27. A.A.L (Against All Logic) – “I Never Dream”
26. Deakin – “Good House”
25. Beach House – “Silver Soul”
24. ANOHNI – “Drone Bomb Me”
23. M83 – “Midnight City”
22. Sampha – “(No One Knows Me) Like The Piano”
21. Lorde – “A World Alone”
20. Beach House – “Myth”
19. Sabrina Claudio – “Wanna Know”
18. Grimes – “Genesis”
17. Purity Ring – “Fineshrine”
16. The Wonder Years – “And Now I’m Nothing”
15. Beach House – “Sparks”
14. Hatchie – “Without A Blush”
13. Robyn – “Dancing On My Own”
12. Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris) – “We Found Love”
11. Alvvays – “In Undertow”
10. Nicki Minaj – “Super Bass”
9. Frank Ocean – “Thinkin Bout You”
8. Beyoncé – “Countdown”
7. Lana Del Rey – “Born To Die”
6. Deerhunter – “Helicopter”
5. Azealia Banks (feat. Lazy Jay) – “212”
4. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Run Away With Me”
3. FKA twigs – “Two Weeks”
2. Sky Ferreira – “I Blame Myself”
1. Mitski – “Your Best American Girl”
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are 20 popular anime series with brief details of their plots:
1. "Death Note" - A high school student named Light Yagami discovers a notebook that allows him to kill anyone whose name he writes in it, leading to a psychological battle with a brilliant detective.
2. "Attack on Titan" - Humanity struggles for survival within giant walls to protect against humanoid creatures known as Titans. The story follows Eren Yeager and his friends.
3. "Naruto" - Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with dreams of becoming Hokage, embarks on various adventures and missions in his quest for recognition and power.
4. "One Piece" - Follow Monkey D. Luffy and his crew as they search for the legendary treasure known as One Piece, in a world filled with pirates and mythical creatures.
5. "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" - Two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, seek the Philosopher's Stone to restore their bodies after a failed alchemical experiment.
6. "My Hero Academia" - In a world where superpowers are common, Izuku Midoriya strives to become a hero despite being born without any powers.
7. "Neon Genesis Evangelion" - Follows the psychological and emotional struggles of teenagers piloting giant mechs to protect Earth from mysterious beings known as Angels.
8. "Cowboy Bebop" - A group of bounty hunters, led by Spike Spiegel, roams the galaxy chasing criminals while dealing with their own pasts.
9. "Steins;Gate" - A group of friends discovers a way to send messages to the past, leading to unintended consequences and a battle against a powerful organization.
10. "Hunter x Hunter" - Gon Freecss journeys to become a Hunter, a prestigious profession, while uncovering secrets about his father and the world.
11. "Death Parade" - In a mysterious bar, the dead are judged through various games to determine their fate in the afterlife.
12. "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" - Tanjiro Kamado becomes a demon slayer to avenge his family and save his sister Nezuko, who has been turned into a demon.
13. "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion" - Lelouch vi Britannia obtains a power known as Geass and leads a rebellion against the oppressive Holy Britannian Empire.
14. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" - Follows multiple generations of the Joestar family as they confront supernatural threats using their unique abilities.
15. "Dragon Ball Z" - The adventures of Goku and his friends as they protect Earth from powerful foes and seek the Dragon Balls.
16. "Black Clover" - Asta, a boy without magic in a world of magic users, strives to become the Wizard King and protect his kingdom.
17. "Sword Art Online" - Players of a virtual reality MMORPG become trapped in the game, and protagonist Kirito must clear it to escape.
18. "One Punch Man" - Saitama, a hero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch, seeks a worthy adversary.
19. "Fairy Tail" - Follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel and his friends in the Fairy Tail Guild as they take on various magical missions.
Certainly, here's an alternative anime to replace the duplication at number 20:
20. "Tokyo Ghoul" - Kaneki, a college student turned half-ghoul after a chance encounter, must navigate the complex world of ghouls while struggling with his newfound identity and hunger for human flesh.
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naturecoaster · 7 months
102nd Annual Chasco Fiesta
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Nine days of food, fun, and entertainment with many events including a Street Parade, Boat Parade, Car Show, 5K run, and a different genre of music every night! Come and celebrate 102 years of the Chasco Fiesta. Sims Park and downtown New Port Richey, Florida Voted Best of the Best in Festivals for Tampa Bay by TBT  Long Live Rock and Roll is 2024's Theme   Schedule for 2024 Chasco Fiesta Friday, March 15 - $20 general admission 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Festival West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment- Ruth Eckerd on the Road Presents Marshall Tucker Band w/ The Georgia Thunderbolts. Buy Tickets Here 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Coronation Ball at Spartan Manor, New Port Richey Cocktails 6 pm • Dinner 7 pm $125.00 per person Hosted and benefiting the Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind The nominees for Queen Chasco and King Pithla are proposed by community organizations and are nominated. Saturday, March 16 - Country Music Concert Night Gates open at 9 am - $20 general admission after 4 pm 6:30 am - 10:00 am 10th Annual Special Olympics 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run - Register Here Starts and ends at the New Port Richey Recreation and Aquatics Center 10th Annual Special Olympics Race for Inclusion 5K and 1mile fun run 9:00 am - Noon The Chasco Fiesta 1st Annual Dragon Boat Race - a 200M two-lane dog leg race on the Pithlachascotee River. Enter Here 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 - 3:00 pm Flagship Bank – Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade The Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade is to begin at 1 pm on the Pithlachascotee (Cotee) River. 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm Entertainment- Country Concert in Sims Park - 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Maddie and Tae with Special Guest Wiley Fox - Buy Tickets Here Sunday, March 17 -  Bay Area Showcase Gates open 9 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 8:00 am - 2:30 pm -- Chasco Fiesta Car, Truck and Bike Show Located in downtown New Port Richey on Grand Blvd. Hosted by the Gulf Side Corvette Club for the 23rd year. The show features more than 350 entries. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm --Entertainment 1 - 2:30 pm   Brother Brownlow 3 - 4:30 pm  Pieces of Eight 5 - 6:30 pm Symmetry 7 - 9 pm  The American Stones Monday, March 18 - Native American Day Gates open at 4 pm - Free admission all-day 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Music, Entertainment and Festival 5-6 pm Spirit Play 6-7 pm Lowery Begay Flute & Stories 7-8 pm CreeAtive Presents; Turtle Island 8-9 pm Keith SecolaNative American Dancers 8:00 pm 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up Tuesday, March 19 - Happy Hour with the Black Honkeys Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee for over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:00 - 7:15 pm Peyton-Monarch Band 7:45 - 9:15 pm The Black Honkeys 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Bowling Tournament Lane Glo South 8631 Old County Road 54, New Port Richey, FL 34653 Registration: 5:30 pm Bowling begins at 6:30 pm Entry Fee: $160 per team in advance. Hosted by Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group Wednesday, March 20 - Latin Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 7:00 - 7:30 pm Latin DJ 8:00 - 9:30 pm The Latin Brothers Thursday, March 21 - Rhythm and Blues Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm The Julie Black Band 8:30 – 10:00 pm Damon Fowler Friday, March 22 - Joy FM Family Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment – Joy FM Family Night 6:00 - 7:00 pm TBA 7:00 - 8:00 pm Renee 8:00 - 10:00 pm Jeremy Rosado with Seph Schlueter Friday, March 22 Off-site Activities: Noon - 7 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 1:00 - 6:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Golf Tournament Saturday, March 23 - Tribute to Rock n Roll Gates open 10:00 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 10:00 am - 6:00 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ Noon - 3:00 pm-- MEARES Plumbing and Electric Chasco Street Parade Organized by the Rotary Club of Holiday.  The Chasco Street Parade for 2024 will be on the second Saturday of the Event. Street Parade 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Tribute to Rock Concert 4:00 – 5:30 pm Black Horse Cavalry 6:00 – 7:30 pm Jam Jones 8 – 10 pm Signs of Life - Pink Floyd Tribute Read the full article
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shysheeperz · 3 years
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tishinada · 4 years
Video Game Meme
I was tagged by @rainofaugustsith, thanks!
I’ll tag @celith-wraine, @r2smuse, @cinlat, and @chaosandwonder
Hello! I decided to make a tag that would allow me to get to know more about my followers and their favorite video games! If you love talking about video games and their characters, this is your chance! Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Pong, lol. I don’t remember why someone gave my parents a second-hand Atari, but I was literally the only one in the family who played it. Favorite game: Kind of a tie between SWtOR and No Man’s Sky. They scratch different itches for me. Game you’ve played through multiple times: SWtOR, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age Inquisition, every version of Civilization until the most recent ones (I have CIV 5 still,) Might & Magic 1 - 5, Stardew Valley (doesn’t really have an ending, but I’ve restarted several times,) Sim City (also open ended,) City:Skylines (my replacement for Sim City, lol,) Masters of Orion II, and several other older games whose names escape me at the moment. Oh, and I used to be really good at the original Tetris. Upset my daughters by playing two player Tetris solo and still sometimes making it to level 9... Game you hated at first but now love: None. I usually dislike it either for difficulty of the controls/gameplay (I’m in this for fun, not to “win” some ethereal prize for being “best” at something) or for some major flaw (overt bigotry of any sort being a common one.) Game you used to love but now hate: Not hate, exactly, but while I used to enjoy Borderlands I (yeah, it has problems, but it doesn’t pretend to be serious either,) I can’t stand playing it anymore. Gives me vertigo. That probably wasn’t helped by the fact that the person I played with drove the vehicles like he’d had half a bottle of whiskey first, lol. Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Again, a tossup between No Man’s Sky and SWtOR. Game with the best group/companion(s): While I adore some of the DA companions, I have to go with SWtOR. I just love so many of the companions.
A game with your favorite ending: SWtOR - Sith Inquisitor probably takes the lead by a hair (walking out of a force storm without a hair out of place, slamming Thanaton into a wall, going from Lord to Darth and a member of the Dark Council in 15 minutes, lol...just can’t beat that,) followed by Sith Warrior (I mean, Baras dead, and the Dark Council BOWING to you, whew!) Sith dramatic endings are apparently my cup of tea. Agent and smuggler endings are just behind that. A game with the WORST ending: Sticking with SWtOR, I’d say the ending for the trooper story was a let down, comparatively, though I really like a lot of the trooper story. The Jedi get ceremonies, the Sith get elevated by the Dark Council, the Agent can get freedom, the BH can either kill the president of the Republic or a darth, and a smuggler either gains control of a pirate fleet or gets a perpetual Republic get-out-of-jail-free card. The trooper? The medals aren’t even awarded in a ceremony (wtf? The military LOVES its ceremonies and parading its heroes in front of EVERYONE. It builds morale, wtf?) I don’t mind the bittersweet victory in which Rakton gets traded despite it probably being a worse choice in the long run - that fits a lot of the trooper story. But no ceremony and no promotion? I had high expectations for a military class story ending (again - I do love most of the story.) But as I’ve complained before, the writers constantly expose almost complete ignorance of how the military works, lol, and they really dropped the ball by skipping the ceremonies.
Though I have to admit that Onslaught so far seems to be heading to an even more disappointing ending (at least for me.) Really not happy that they seem to be walking back on a lot of assurances, among other things.
Best character customization?: City of Heroes. Unfortunately, I don’t care for the game itself - solo play is pretty tedious and slow, at best. Also, although friends kept insisting that it would let you really vary the body shape of the women characters - the CC is still a LOT more limited for women’s body shapes than men, sigh.
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: Probably Tramini, my Twi’lek Shadow, though there’s a close pack in the lead and that can change day by day :D The funniest playable character: Toss-up between the Smuggler and the Sith Inquisitor in SWtOR. The Smuggler is openly hilarious. The SI is amazingly sarcastic and snarky, which I also love. Your favorite companion(s): In SWTOR: Lana Beniko, Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik, Vette, Malavai Quinn, Mako, Vector Hylus, Kira Carsen, Lord Scourge, Felix Iresso, Risha, Akaavi Spar, Bowdaar, Guss, Aric Jorgan, Elara Dorne, Shae Vizla, Koth Vortena, Khem Val (he grew on me over time, lol,) Holiday.  In DA:O: Morrigan, Zevran, Shale, and Sobaka (Dog). In DAI: Cole, Cassandra, Dorian, Solas Companions you could live without: SWTOR: in order - Skadge, Tano Vik, Doc, Corso Riggs, Gault, Kaliyo Djannis, Theran Cedrax (but only if I could keep Holiday)
Favorite game friendship(s): Bowdaar and the Smuggler, Akaavi and the Smuggler, Mako and Blizz and the BH, Felix Iresso and the JC, Elara Dorne and the Trooper, Talos Drellik and the SI, Mako and the BH.
Favorite game relationship(s): Lana Beniko/’Noka (smuggler); Ucevi/Quinn; Misheen/Revel,  Po’teryal (Tery the Trooper, lol)/Koth Vortena, Mind’aree/Vector/Lana (hey, it’s my fantasy :D,) Croci (a sith-blooded agent)/Theron Shan (the only Theron romance that has ever done anything for me, lol,) I wish I could have romanced Akaavi or Risha, but... In DAO, I love my Dwarven commoner with Zevran, closely followed by my Dwarven noble with Zevran (ultimate sacrifice ending...need the angst, lol.) TBH, in DAI I have no favorites. There were just too many problems with the canon ones for women dwarves who are always my favorites.
Favorite companion banter: In SWtOR - Vette when you go after the slavers on Rishi. They don’t write her showing her anger nearly enough. In DAO - Leliana and Sten (because she catches all the things he tries to hide about himself) A relationship you loved but went bad: Not loved exactly, but I thought the Corso romance was kinda cute despite the problems the first time I played a smuggler. Then I played again without romancing him and saw how he behaved and I’ve never spoken to his character again unless the game forced it. A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: An agent and Vector. The whole Joiner thing is pretty weird at first (my oldest daughter still can’t get past that,) but he’s such a lovely person once you do. From what he says, they don’t typically try to coerce Joining (though that’s also a bit contradictory, I know.)
A character you wish you COULD romance: Jaxo (Trooper), Jonas Balkar, Somminick Timmns in the SW story, both Akaavi and Risha as a f!smuggler, Urtel Moren (SI story - more than a fling, I mean,) Senya, Lots of others, but those come to mind first A minor character you wish could be a companion: Jaxo, Urtel Moren, Somminick Timmns Lokir Ka (smuggler), Len Teraan (smuggler), Crysta Markon (BH), Sanju Pyne (agent), oh, and probably two dozen others, lol.
Shoutout to a random NPC: The little boy who follows Dog back in the marketplace of Denerim (no, Dog, you can’t keep him, he wouldn’t be safe.) A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Dishonored, Skyrim, Kotor. Unfortunately, I have trouble with the controls for all of them. Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Mass Effect. I’ve really tried, but the controls leave me in pain after 10 minutes. Online gaming or solo?: Solo. The only MMO I play generally is SWtOR, and I turn off all the social channels so I don’t have to see all the obnoxious shit people are saying, etc. Why do you play video games?: For fun, for stories and entertainment, for escape. I don’t play them to compete against other people, though in some games, I try to beat my own best. But mostly for fun.
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