#90's Rug
rowanthestrange · 10 months
You ever see someone have what looks like a good point, but then they write a 5000 word article on it, and you realise that while the point could be valid, their flat, basic, singular line of reason that got them there is not.
Nothing worse than a good point made by someone who hasn’t actually thought their position through and got there by accident.
I’d genuinely rather you just be wrong and save me the reading time.
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
dude my brain is so weird rn i turned my light off to sleep and my brain took the complete darkness and went alright well there's no environment here so clearly i must Make One and now every time i close my eyes i see a completely different bedroom
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nexysworld · 1 year
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Summary: Leon Kennedy is your new neighbor, and seemingly a great guy; handsome, funny, sweet, mysterious. It doesn't take long until you're falling for him hard and fast. But things take a turn after the death of someone close to you. Strange events keep happening around you, leaving you in a whirlwind of confusion. Desperate for a sense of normalcy, you rely heavily on Leon. He plays his part well, always being there for you, always being your safe space. There's only one problem, unbeknownst to you, his obsession towards you is growing and as it does, so too does the measures he'll take to watch over you, and more importantly make you his.
Pairing: Yandere!Leon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, Dead Dove, Dubcon, Kidnapping, Stalking, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Pet Names, violence, gore, MDNI, masturbation, murder, slow burn.
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You had lived in this apartment since the day you moved out of your parent’s house. It was small, only a single bedroom located in a rougher part of the city. While the appliances hadn’t been updated since the 90’s and the place looked like a disaster, you did your best to make the beat down apartment your own. A few fresh coats of paint on the yellowed walls and some throw rugs to cover the stained and now flattened shag rug and boom — not too shabby. 
It was home. 
Living in such a rundown building meant that the turnover rate for neighbors was quite high, people always coming and going. None really caught your attention except for the few long-term tenants that seemed to have no intention of leaving. So of course when a new person moved in on the other side of Mrs. Wilson, the sweet elderly woman who shared the apartment next door, you paid no mind. 
In fact, it wasn’t until several weeks later that you had even seen who the new neighbor was. Returning from work, you watched Tina, the girl from 202 painfully trying to hit on – what you could only describe as – an absolute tank of a man. 
Sandy blonde hair was slicked back out of his face revealing a handsome mesh of chiseled and soft features. He had clearly been accosted on his way back from exercising, clad in black basketball shorts and a sweat-soaked gray t-shirt, sleeves straining against his massive biceps. His earbuds were tossed over his shoulder as he talked to the girl, music still playing quietly through them. Turning to the wall of shared mailboxes, you tried your best to not stare or eavesdrop, but damn was it hard. As you opened the small metal door, you couldn’t keep your eyes from darting back to him. 
‘I thought guys like him only existed in magazines.’ You thought to yourself, collecting the mail – even taking an extra moment to slowly sort through it where you were, buying more time to be nosy. It was obvious he was not into her at all. 
“Soooo Leon..” Tina said awkwardly, twirling her finger through her choppy red hair, the metal bracelets on her wrist clanging together with each movement, bubble gum gnashing between her pearly whites.  “You listen to music while you work out?” “Uhh…yeah, sometimes.” He said almost flatly, scratching a spot on his slightly cleft chin. 
“Oh that’s cool. What uh, what do you usually listen to?” She bit her red coated lip, and batted her lashes, it didn’t seem to garner any additional interest from the man.  
“Rock music, I guess.” Another flat response, his jaw clenching ever so slightly before he resumed his neutral look. 
“I like rock music. Uh…” You watched as she fumbled to try to come up with anything else to add, tapping her heeled boot against the floor. 
“Look, it was real nice talking to you, but I have to go.” He said flashing a small smile before popping his earbuds back in and running up the stairs, not giving the girl a chance to respond.
‘Ouch, that was awkward. But damn even his voice is attractive.’ Stopping yourself from giggling, you collected the few pieces of non junk mail and made your way back to your apartment. There was the smallest amount of guilt bouncing at the back of your mind, knowing you shouldn’t be ogling men like that while having a boyfriend. ‘It’s not like I did anything. I didn’t even speak to the guy.’ 
About a week after that, you had your first real run-in with Leon. Heading out to work you saw Mrs. Wilson’s door ajar — definitely unusual as she didn’t tend to get many visitors besides yourself. Concerned for her, you poked your head through the opening. The familiar smell of mint and warm bread hit your senses, but you didn’t hear a thing. 
Sliding inside you quietly poked around as you made your way to the back of the apartment, keeping an eye out in case anything nefarious was afoot. Much to your relief, the hall opened up into the living room at the back where you saw Mrs. Wilson. Next to her was another figure you hadn’t expected. 
Leon was standing with one arm above his head, unscrewing the blackened lightbulb from the socket before replacing it with the fresh one he had in his other hand. Workout attire replaced with a pair of worn blue jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. “Oh thank you.” Mrs. Wilson said with her signature wrinkly smile. “You’re so kind to do this for me. I hate having to bug the sweet girl next door all the time, but you know the lights in this place tend to blow every time there’s a storm and I can’t get up on the chairs like I used to.” “No worries ma’am.” He said with a far brighter smile than he’d worn during his interaction with Tina. His hair was no longer slicked back either, instead it framed his face, soft and fluffy, accentuating his cheekbones. You couldn’t help but notice the tiny gap his shirt left while his arm was raised, just the smallest peek of a dusty blonde happy trail and the faintest hint of hard muscle. “Looks like you have a visitor.” 
Leon turned his attention to you with a small nod before he flipped the switch on the wall to test the new light. It lit up, further illuminating the area with a soft yellow glow. “S-sorry.” You snapped out of it, raising your eyes to meet his. “I saw the door was open and I just wanted to make sure Grams was okay.”
“You’re always such a Darling.” The elderly woman said with a toothless grin aimed in your direction. There was a homeliness about the old woman that made you feel warm.  “Mr. Kennedy here is such a sweet boy. Have you met him yet? He moved in next door a while ago and offered to help me with a few things.” “I told you Mrs. Wilson, call me Leon.” He said as he tossed the broken lightbulb into the small pink trash can by the kitchen counter. “And I don’t believe we have met. Nice to meet you. The name’s Leon, well I guess you already knew that. Leon Kennedy.” He added his last name, reaching out a hand to you. 
“Nice to meet you too Leon. I’m glad to hear Grams has someone else to help take care of her. I live next door, in 306.” You couldn’t lie, your heart melted a little. ‘Handsome and kind? This guy must be a unicorn.’ You whisked the thought away again, the picture of your own boyfriend flashing behind your eyes again. 
The vintage clock hung against the floral wallpaper cuckoo’d and chimed, indicating the top of the hour. “Oh shit—“
“Language!” Mrs. Wilson chimed. “You know it’s unbecoming of a lady to—“
“I meant, shoot. Sorry Grams. I’m just running late for work.” You wrapped an arm around her in a quick side hug. “Sorry to cut this short, but I have to run.” Waving to Leon, you made a beeline for the door. 
“Well Ms. 306, I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” He shouted after you. 
“You too Mr. 302!” 
Ever since, Leon became a regular in your routine. Short conversations in the hallway that always left you with butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t help the way your muscles in your face stretched into a permanent grin that you couldn’t stave off for the life in you. How a man managed to be so stoic and corny at the same time you’d never know. 
You ran errands for Mrs. Wilson together too, taking his Jeep out into the city. He would leave the top down and take the long way. Your hair would whip your face as you both sang along — poorly — to some dad rock mixtape Leon had. It seemed so fitting that he’d have an out of date tape player in his car, something so indescribably Leon. 
He really seemed like a great guy and you were enamored to say the least — though you tried desperately not to be. ‘It’s just a harmless crush.’ You told yourself. ‘He’s not into you anyway. Leon’s just a nice guy, worlds out of your league.’ 
Cool air bit at your cheeks and nose while you leaned against the brick wall of the building. Derek was abysmally late, you had the feeling he was upset at you for some reason but unable to fathom why. Hoping that it wasn’t the reason for his current absence, you checked your phone again.
Still nothing. A sigh escaped your lips as you readjusted your jacket.
“Everything alright?” The voice was immediately recognizable and your face lit up into a smile before you even looked over at him. 
“Hey Leon. Yeah everything’s fine, I’m just waiting on Derek.” You couldn’t be certain but you swore there was the slightest change in his expression, facial muscles contracting tightly before settling back into the lax warm look you were used to. “Oh. You know it’s not nice to keep a lady waiting.” Leaning against the wall next to you, he tilted his back to look up at the sky. He was wearing his brown bomber jacket that you found so attractive on him. A small part of you wondered how it would feel to wear it yourself, if it would smell like him. The other part of you was curious how a guy could afford such a nice brand name jacket, but lived in a place like this. 
“Yeah well… I think he’s mad at me actually.” You moved some dirt back and forth with your foot. “Why’s that?” A thick blonde brow was raised with interest as he tilted his head to look down at you. The dull light of the street lamp lit up half his face, casting hard shadows on the other, it accentuated each of his features in a way that made you never want to stop looking. 
“Wish I knew.” A dry laugh escaped your lips. As the wind picked up again, dust kicked up from the ground, blowing towards you along with some plant debris. You covered your face with the oversized jacket sleeve for a moment to protect your face. 
You heard Leon chuckle. “Looks like you picked up a straggler.” He brought his hand up to your head, just above your ear and gently removed a small weed stem that had made its home in your hair. 
“Thank you, I would’ve looked silly walking around like that.” 
He lingered close to you for a moment, flicking the stem away before he brought his hand back to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Mhm, can’t have that.” 
The moment felt intimate, and your heart beat out of time for a moment. You wanted to return the gesture, to say something, to do anything, but your brain was frazzled for a moment by the electric feel of his touch. 
“Ahem.” Your head snapped in the other direction to see your boyfriend standing there leaning against his car, not having heard him drive by or even exit the vehicle. 
“Have a good night Leon.” Quickly, you jerked away from his touch and ran over to your boyfriend, who had already started walking around to get back in the driver’s side of his car. Slipping into the passenger seat, you tried to lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head enough to dodge it. Shrinking back, you buckled up and rested your head against the window, looking out as the city blurred past. ‘Guess he is mad at me.’
You attempted to fumble through some radio stations, but Derek made it clear he didn’t appreciate it, reaching over and turning it off entirely after the third one. The forty minute ride felt like hours as the rest passed by in total silence. 
His mood didn’t seem to improve at the movie theater either. Each little gesture of affection you attempted was immediately spurned. Every part of him radiated with negativity — and the thought of dinner afterwards made your stomach churn. A movie was a distraction and there was no requirement to talk, but sitting across from someone dead silent, that would be harder to deal with. The uncomfortableness of the situation caused your focus to drift again, only tuning in when a jumpscare appeared – unfortunately he left you to reel in your chair alone during those parts too. The movie ended, indicated by the overhead lights that suddenly appeared and the credits rolling on the screen.  Derek was halfway out the door before you even finished grabbing your bag. 
You had to run after him across the tacky carpeted floor of the theater and out intl the parking lot. “Why are you acting like this?” You pleaded, grabbing his hand before he could reach the car. 
“Acting like what?” He asked coldly. 
“Like this.” You gestured broadly towards him. “You’ve been cold to me the whole evening. Well actually more than just this evening.” 
“Really? I honestly didn’t think you’d notice.”  
“What does that even mean?” 
“You know exactly what it means!” He finally shouted. He brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep breath trying to calm himself. Of course the two of you had fought before, but he’d never acted like this. It didn’t help that you had no idea what he was even talking about. “You’ve been pulling away from me for weeks now. You’ve been distant, canceling plans to ‘run errands’. When we are together all you ever do is talk about that stupid neighbor of yours — and then tonight, I catch him nearly eye fucking you right out in the open. You certainly didn’t seem to be bothered by it.” 
“Derek….that’s not true. I — Leon’s just a friend, my neighbor I swear.”
“Are you sleeping with him?”
“Are. You. Sleeping. With. Him?” He brought his eyes back up to meet yours, the look of hurt on his face made your stomach twist and heart ache. 
“No! What? No, I wouldn't do that to you.” You assured, stepping towards him. “Come on, please don’t be like this. I’m sorry if it seems that way, I don’t realize I’m talking about him so much. I’d never —“
“Save it.” He said, pushing you away from him again. “I don’t believe you. I don’t even know why I came out here tonight.” 
“I said save it!” He snapped. 
“This isn’t fair!” You shouted in return. “Why drag me out here on this whole date if you were this upset? You could’ve brought it up this whole time”
“I did. I told you over a week ago I was sick of hearing about him. I asked you to stop seeing so much of him, you told me no.”
“Leon’s a friend, I’m not going to ruin my friendship with him because you’re being psycho and jealous.”
“I’m a psycho because I don’t like that my own girlfriend spends all her time with some guy that looks like he stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad? How about the fact you don’t even seem to care that I’m hurt I thought I’d have been more important — you know what? Forget this. Forget it.” He turned to walk around to the driver’s side of the car. “I’m over this. You want him? Have him. I’m not chasing you. I thought you were my future wife, I thought we’d have the picket fence, kids, all of it. But now I get how you feel about everything.”
He slammed the car door shut, started the engine, and began backing out of the spot. You banged on the window to get his attention. “What are you doing? You’re seriously just going to leave me here?”
“Call your boyfriend to come get you.” He sneered through the window before blasting off and out of the parking lot.
You were stunned, unable to move as you watched the car disappear. ‘He can’t be serious right now? He’ll be back right?’ Pulling your phone out of your pocket you checked the time, 10pm. Wanting to hide your shame from the few people staring at you, and deciding he just needed a little while to cool down, you sat on the sidewalk in front of the theater, hidden by a bush that extended out. 
15 minutes passed. Nothing. 
Dialing the familiar number it rang a few times before going to voicemail. You tried again, this time it went straight to voicemail. 
10 more minutes passed and you tried to text him.
20 more minutes, still no response or call back. 
The wind was picking up again, making it chilly even under your jacket, which you’d brought down over your knees to try and keep in more warmth. This part of the city you weren’t familiar with, and weren’t sure it was worth the risk of trying to walk home. Given the situation, calling Leon was the last thing you wanted to do, especially since he was probably asleep by now — not that it was his job to really come save you anyway. 
Opening the Uber app on your phone, you put in the respective addresses. “$30? Not including a tip? Fuck.” You bit your lip in frustration. Technically you had enough, but it was the last of what was left in your account after bills.
Tapping your fingers along the cement, you shivered as a particular gust of wind leaked air into your jacket from the opening underneath. ‘Even if I did call Leon and he wasn’t mad I woke him up, that’s still a drive away. An Uber would be faster…but I do need groceries to sustain life.’
“This sucks.” You said out loud to yourself, burying your face into your knees, you had no clue what you were going to do and were running out of time to decide. By this time, the parking lot had emptied entirely, theater closing for the night. ‘Fuck it. I’ll just call and if he doesn’t answer I’ll order the stupid Uber.’ 
Opening his contact, the picture of him you’d taken at the park came up. Blonde hair pushed back and messy, one sea blue eye opened staring at your phone’s camera while the other was closed in a wink. You’d even convinced him to throw up a peace sign – it was so silly and so very Leon. Sighing, you began the call, letting the phone ring.
As it rang over and over again, you could swear you heard a familiar tune in the distance. It was very quiet, like someone was playing the radio several blocks over, but it tickled your ears all the same. You ended the call the moment it went to his voicemail, as you did you swore the song had ended too. ‘Weird, I must be hallucinating. Wouldn’t that just be the cherry on top, abandoned and crazy.’ You let out a dry laugh at the thought. 
Luckily after a moment, the phone buzzed in your hand, heart fluttering a little when you saw his name pop up on your screen. “Hey.” You said softly. 
“Hey there.” He replied, his voice sounding groggy. 
“Sorry to uhm….sorry if I woke you up.”
“S’not a problem. Everything ok?” 
“Well I uh….” 
“What’s wrong?” His voice sounding more alert now, you heard some shifting on the other end of the line. 
“Derek kind of ditched me at the theater. I’m a little stranded —“
“Need me to come get you?” 
“If you don’t mind. But if you’re asleep —“
“No, it's fine. I’d rather make sure you’re okay anyway. Where are you at?”
“The theater up by main, across from the big shopping center.”
“I’ll be there in 15, ok?”
“15, are you sure?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be? This a test?” There was a small chortle from his end. “Well it’s just that the apartment is nearly 40 minutes away? I hope you’re not planning on driving like a maniac.” There was a long moment of silence on the other end, so long it began to make you feel anxious. “Hey Leon, you still there?” 
It was still another few seconds before his voice could be heard again. “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry about that. I actually crashed at a friend's house after you left, so I’m nearby.”
“Oh. Okay.” 
The wait for him to show up felt like an eternity, you watched each and every minute tick by on your phone, both giddy and nervous with anticipation. When his Jeep came to a stop in front of you, you bolted up with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied with the same grin he always greeted you with. His hair was a little messy and he looked tired, making the guilt bubble up in your stomach more. “So….you gonna get in or?” 
“Oh yeah.” Letting out a nervous laugh, you ran around to the passenger seat before hopping in. He had the heater on, not that it was doing much with the open top, but you appreciated every time the warmth hit your legs. 
“So what exactly happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He leaned back more comfortably in his seat, driving with one hand as the other rested on the door.
“We just got into a fight….” You fidgeted with your phone as you gave him a glance in return. “He seems to think I’ve been cheating on him…or at least that I like someone else. I tried to tell him it wasn’t true, but you know…
“So he abandoned you? Just like that?” He asked bewildered. 
“Yeah I guess he did…” 
“That’s pretty shitty of him. I mean what if something happened to you?”
“Yeah it was… I don’t know…” You trailed off, not wanting to talk about it further, just dredging up those bad feelings. Instead, you opted to change the subject entirely. “Hey you know what’s weird?”
“No, what?”
“That one Nickelback song you like so much…you play it almost every time we’re in the Jeep together.”
“Oh, Far Away? Sure, what about it?”
“Well…as I was calling you, I swore I heard it. Was so weird, like a scene from a movie or something — maybe it was a sign that you’d come get me. Or I had a psychotic break and imagined the whole thing. Could be either one.”
“Yeah?” He asked with a chuckle. “I don’t know about the universe, but I am always here if you need me – even if you’ve lost your mind.” He tilted his head and gave a nonchalant shrug.
“Thanks Lee…” The rest of the ride home went smoothly — things falling back into place like they always did. Blasting music obnoxiously loud for the hour, singing along. He even stopped to get you milkshakes on the way back, despite your insistence that you were fine. In his defense, the logic of ‘no one can be upset with a milkshake’ made a lot of sense. 
As the vehicle rolled in front of the building, he leaned over, swiping his thumb across the side of your mouth. “Had something there.” His tongue darted out, lapping the sticky white substance off of the digit.
“Oh.” The simple touch had that electric feeling sparking throughout your veins again. “Thank you….and thanks again for the ride.”
“No problem.” 
Not knowing what else to say, you nodded and scurried from the vehicle back inside the building. He didn’t follow immediately behind you, having to properly park, which left you relieved. 
The entire evening was a whirlwind of emotions and that last little interaction had your entire brain scrambling inside your skull. All you wanted was for the night to be over with, forgotten as you drifted to unconsciousness. 
You took a quick shower before changing into your pajamas and all but flopping into the comfortable fortress of your bed. 
Curling up into the soft bedding, you expected sleep to come over you quickly — but you were wrong. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could picture was that pink tongue darting out to lap up the milkshake from his thumb. His smile, his eyes on you. It made you shudder and clamp your legs together, heat rushing between them. You squirmed around tossing and turning, trying to get your mind to relax and to stave off the arousal that was hindering your sleep.
Nothing you did was working, finally deciding to just give in, sinking your hand down between your legs. ‘Just so I can sleep…’ 
Hand tracing gently along your slit through your panties, you spread your legs farther to give yourself more access. Closing your eyes you could vividly see his face between your legs, tongue out lapping at your panties the way he’d done to the ice cream. 
A soft moan escaped your lips as you applied more pressure, rubbing the slick soaked fabric against your aching bud of pleasure. “Mmm Leon…” The comforter was slowly becoming suffocating, too hot. You tossed it off of yourself to the other side of the mattress, letting yourself feel the cool air as it rushed against your skin – nipples sensitive to the temperature change. 
You brought your left hand up under the silken sleep shirt, circling one hard bud with a finger before pinching it lightly. The fingers of your right hand teasingly walked themselves up to the hem of the fabric, dipping inside the band to properly travel down. Air escaped your mouth once direct contact was made to your throbbing clit. “Leon…so good…” 
In your little vision the man had moved to hook your legs over his shoulders to gain a better angle - the real you bucking your hips up against your fingers, desperate to add to the vision. “So good to me Lee….always so good to me….fuck…” 
Your fingers slid up and down against yourself, left hand abandoning your breast to travel it’s way downward as well, two fingers slipping themselves within your soaking hole – desperately needing to clench around more than the nothingness you were left with. “So close….gonna…” The words caught in your throat as the pressure finally released itself, tingling warmth spreading from your core throughout your body. It was quick and rough, far from the best you’d ever had but it was exactly what you needed. 
The illusion finally cracked and you were left with sore arms, staring up at the ceiling – momentarily sated and relieved, again hoping sleep would take you quickly. 
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A/N: If this looks familiar, it's a total rewrite/reboot of my yandere!leon series. This original series was inspired by @explorevenus' Something Permanent series. Other inspirations include @gigabyte-flare, @lipglossanon, and @girldungeon's works. Special shoutout to @elfven-blog and her superior pinterest skills for the aesthetic pics used in the banner.
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ahomeformyself · 6 months
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When i was a teen at the late 90s, I met a friend group of my same town for the first time. We all were kind of freaks. They invited me to take a snack at Carla`s home. I always wanted to se the interioris of her house. Was a large building of two floors that crossed the block, with two facades, one on each parallel street, one of them with a little front garden. The outside wall was maroon, and full of plants and flowers, with strange stone decorations. The other acces, was one of the older libraries of my homwtown. The type of store where you buy books, school and craft supplies, plushies.... Everytime I walk into the store, I imagine how it woul be that home. And when my new frind group invited me, wasn't dissapointing at all.
The floors had colorfull hydraulic tile mosaics, different in every room. The distribution was strange, seems like the people who lived there were more concerned about being happy than being normal. They had a precious kitchen, with pure wood cabinets, and a giant table in the middle. All the windows had color glass and curved wood frames. My country is famous for being full of modernist arquitecture from the beggining of the 19th century, and that home was an example of that influence. in ffront of the kitchen, there was a large hall that ended in a conservatory, with the garden in the background. That room was full of rugs and instruments. Any kind of instruments. Carla's dad was a musician, like herself and her brother, and their grandma was a piano player. Next to the conservatory, it was a little room, with two puffs, a tv, and the walls were fully covered with videotapes, almost all of them were 80's scifi films. Next to that room, were the stairs for to second floor. I don't remember how the bedrooms looked like, because I only entered into the bathroom. A giant bathroom. The floor, the walls, and the roof was covered in craked color tiles, making filigrees and figures. The sink and the bathub were cosntructed. and covered with the same motifs with craked tiles. The craked tile style is typical from here, and every town has a home like that, normally made by the same owners of the house. The bathroom also had big plants. It was like a movie set.
Visiting that home, made me decide I was going to live like them. At my own, with my own rules, with my own desires, with my own ideas. I was 14yo, and before walking into that house, my thughts about adulthood never suggered any type of love for nothing. I saw ''the growing thing'' as a dead of the soul and a productivity obsession. That home teached me I was worng. That home teached me you need to surround yourself with the correct souls.
That day I learned a little bit of how real magic works.
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
You should so do a fic where the reader has a podcast (like saving grace) and everyone noticed how comparable she and Arthur seem he. He’s a guest (even though she’s like much more extroverted) would be fun🤞❤️
oh, this would be so cute :'))
if there was one thing yn felt comfortable doing, it was waffling.
she just loved to talk. about anything and everything, from what she had read on twitter to what she had heard about online to a brand new documentary that she had taken an interest in when flicking the channels on the television. delving deep into topics that had endless possibilities, spewing off facts that she'd read about online and putting her own thoughts forward in certain aspects that she found interesting and favourable to whoever she was with.
when she came up with the idea of hosting her very own podcast, in the middle of a housewarming party for one of her friends, she was excited to have a platform where she could let her own thoughts be freed yet she was also terrified it wouldn't take off and that she'd make it to a respectful ten episodes before she gave in and decided it wasn't something that the world needed.
when her first episode came out, she had asked james marriott to be her very first guest. one of her best friends, someone she had known for a while, someone who she felt comfortable around and gave her the space to speak freely without making her feel judged. allowing him to promote his new album as well as allowing them to discuss all kinds of musical knowledge from who their favourite bands were and who he would love to open for on a world tour.
and it took off.
earning herself over half a million views in the passing of one day, a lot of youtube subscribers who were offering their own suggestions on the different guests she could have and the more positivity she saw, the more she read, the more excited she was to continue.
she had herself a sweet studio; big beanbags instead of chairs, with a blanket draped over the back of each one and a decorative pillow that was there for added comfort and matched the colour scheme of the whole room, with shelves nailed to the wall full of relatable objects and images that fit her branding - images of her friends, her podcast name in neon lights and a few faux plants that hung low. it was just a simple setup but it felt homely and that was the vibe she had planned from the very beginning.
"good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on when you're checking in. i'm yn and welcome back to the one and only podcast on youtube dot com where we just sit and talk shit for an hour," she grins widely at the camera, cosying back into the beanbag beneath her and crossing her legs, hand holding the microphone to her lips, "today, we're joined the king of 90 day fiancé. it's mister arthur television."
"hello, hi."
he gives the camera a short wave and smiles widely, already having cosied himself down in a similar manner to the way yn was sitting in her beanbag, their shoes (both a sucker for comfort and choosing their air force 1's over any other trainer) kicked off aimlessly onto the rug in the middle of the room and left in a heap, his jacket draped over the back of his seat.
"thank you for having me," he looks in her direction, "this is definitely one of my favourite sets i've ever been on. it feels so homey and wholesome."
"i tried to base it on what my bedroom back home used to look like as a teenager," she giggles softly, looking over her shoulder and flicking on the orb lamp that was placed on a shelf above their heads for a bit of additional lighting to fit the ambience of the room, "i was such a tumblr girl growing up, i think it shows."
"i was gon'a say," he laughs and she rolls her eyes in his direction, "it feels very nice. very comforting. especially with the blankets."
"my nana knitted them for me," yn states, "just for this podcast. she's an avid listener, my number one fan, ."
"no. i'm kidding," yn laughs softly and he looks across to her, "i don't think she really gets the whole podcast thing, to be honest. she's only just started to understand the whole youtube thing, bless her. she's a sweet soul and i love her but she's so innocent when it comes to all things technological."
"you should use that story more," arthur insists and adjusts himself in the seat as he felt himself sliding down into a slouch, "it adds more story to the setup. it's cute."
"i'll tell her you said that. she'll love it," yn giggles, 'but, anyway. you, arthur frederick, are one of my most requested guests to appear on my podcast."
arthur's eyes widened and he can feel the heat covering his cheeks as he looks across to her, microphone still held tight to his lips, hoping it hid the shy smile that grew on his lips.
"seriously. i had people practically spamming me on twitter to get you on here," she explains and looks at the camera, "you're a loved man, aren't you?"
"i guess i am," he admits shyly, "people are also asking me and isaac to get you on the bach and arthur podcast. close second to george."
"we'll have to make that happen," yn grins widely, "the viewers would love that crossover. chaos crew and little ol' me."
"i think you'd fit in perfectly," he says, "at least i'll have someone on there that appreciates my facts and interesting tidbits of information. it gets lost amongst them. they're not so intelligent when it comes to you and i."
she snorts and shakes her head, dropping her eyes down to her lap before she looks back up; he wasn't lying, truth be told. she was no stranger to being in a conversation with him, at parties and at events both of them were attending, that involved exchanged fact after fact after fact with each other, hours passing by as they discussed nature topics and the newest piece of information to do with outer space and all the theories coming from online.
with the hour closing in, she didn't want the conversations to end. and she knew, in the back of her mind, that she needed him back on her podcast for another episode because he understood her. and she understood him. and their talks flowed effortlessly with no need for extra encouragement from those around them in the room.
he was an interesting man and she wanted more.
both personally and for her podcast.
anyone else getting heart eye vibes from the two of them???
yn was in her element for this episode!!
arthur being on this podcast just made my day. we need more of the two of them!!!
the way there was no silence at all this entire episode. conversations flow between these two.
the two of them are the same person, i swear.
without a doubt, arthur is the male version of yn. that's adorable.
its like the universe copied and pasted their personalities into two people of the opposite genders. that's so cute!!
"the podcast episode was a hit thanks to you."
yn surprises him and made him jump as she approached him at the bar, his figure turning from where he was stood with his back to her so he could pull her in for a hug, and she grins up at him before her own arms wrapped around his waist. a sex on the beach cocktail held tight in her hand and she was careful not to spill it down the back of his shirt.
"i was wondering where you were," he says and lets go of her to pick up his beer that had been placed on the bartop, "when you texted me to say you were coming to chris' birthday drinks, i knew i had to come and find you when you arrived."
"looks like i beat you to it," she says and she takes a sip of her drink through the straw, "people loved the two of us together on there."
she nods quickly.
"i'm pretty sure it was the best episode to date. figures wise," she says and he grins widely, looking over her shoulder and seeing a free table in the corner of the room, using his head to indicate for her to look at where he was looking, "i'm gon'a need you to feature again, for sure."
she turns on her heels and wiggles her way through the crowd, the feeling of his hand resting on the base of her back driving her insane as she set her drink down on the table and hopped up on the stool, watching as he did the same.
"i'm not keeping you from chris, am i?"
"no, he's about to hop on the karaoke with isaac," arthur cackles out loud and looks over his shoulder at where his two friends were arguing over the song book, "i'm too sober for that at the moment so I can't think of anything worse right now."
"you're not one of those party poopers, are you?"
"no," he shakes his head, "i just need to be almost blackout drunk in order to belt out my lungs really, really poorly."
"i think i need to get some shots in you then because i really need to see that tonight." xx
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
was wondering if you could write a morty smith x reader where you both get high after studying together?
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Study Date
Morty Smith x Fem Reader
Summary: Morty musters up the courage and asks you over for a study date. Who knew studying human biology could have such interactive hands on lessons.
Word Count: 1.5k
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Smut, Fingering, Squirting, Nipple Play.
(Aged up)
It was lunch and you were sitting at one of the tables in the quad. Your friends were fixing up their hair and make-up as they picked at their food. Talking shit about girls they either didn’t know and/or don’t like. The conversation was starting to shift, them talking about how Morty came up to you before class. He’d invited you to come over after school and study. A lot of your friends think he’s weird or odd. That was one of the things you liked most about him. Most guys tried acting all big and confident when trying to pursue you. Puffing their shoulders out and bragging about all the illegal activities they partake in. Morty was quite nervous when he spoke with you, like he was savoring every second he could be near you. Him being so flustered and shy made you feel flattered. 
“Are you really going to his house after school?” Trisha asked. 
“Yeah, why not?” you asked, stabbing at your salad. 
“I don’t know he’s just kinda… like strange?” she asked, which made the entire table laugh. 
“Not as strange as Brad going back and forth between you and Jessica like he’s test driving a car he might wanna buy. Even once he picks the one he wants, we all know he’ll run it into the ground,” you said, packing your lunch and bag. 
They were idiots and you didn’t appreciate the little jab towards Morty. You could tell that it took a lot of him to muster up the courage to talk to you. As someone who also struggled with shyness and social anxiety, it hurt you to see people poke fun at that. You ended up going home early, too worked up to go back to class. Even though you had nerves, that didn’t take away from how excited you were. There were two classes where you sat behind him, at times you wouldn’t pay attention to what was going on. Watching all his nervous little mannerisms, the way he picked at his nails. Or scratched the back of his neck when we were given an assignment he didn’t understand. 
Sometimes he’d come to school with a gash above his eyebrow, or a purple tinted bruise under his eye. You liked how he kinda looked sad and tired all the time. It was weird, you weren’t really sure why. It didn’t take long for you to get home. Letting yourself in because your mom and dad were both at work. This worked out great for you, it meant you could take hits of your pen out in the open. Also allowing you to use all the makeup on your moms vanity without her fussing. Time was flying by a lot faster now that you weren’t on campus. This may sound vain but you really want to impress him with your physical beauty.
Ensuring to pay attention to the smallest details, making sure your eyelash glue wasn’t visible. That your concealer wasn’t caking under your eyes. After staring at yourself in the mirror for a while, you drove over. His house was really nice, furnished like a 90’s family movie. Pictures of family and inspirational quotes, very cozy. Morty’s room was nice. He could normally keep it very tidy but, you’d like to think he cleaned it because you were coming over. Different posters scattered about his room, a rug in the middle of the room; made to look like the solar system. 
“Have you always been into science?” you asked. 
“Uh, no my grandpa is the one who made me into it,” he said, pulling out the chair for you to sit at his desk. 
“Oh yeah, Trish was telling me about that. What’s like the craziest thing you guys ever did in space?” you asked, emptying your bag. 
“One time Rick was selling this-” he started but you interrupted. 
“No, no I meant like you. Not Rick, I wanna know what’s the craziest thing you’ve done,” you clarified. 
“I- um well. This one time Rick had to do some business on the citadel, I couldn’t come for w-what ever reason. There’s this, like club/bar thing called the Creepy Morty. It was the first time I snorted kalaxian c-crystals and some crazy shit w-went down,” he said, chuckling a little. 
“Oh my god, that sounds like a lot of fun,” you said, opening up your biology book. Pulling out the notes you’d written during class. 
“Your writing is so nice,” he said, watching you bend down to get your pink pencil box. 
“Thank you, I feel like those were pretty sloppy,” you said, opening the plastic box and revealing a plethora of weed paraphernalia, “Will we get in trouble for smoking here?” you asked, licking the grape flavored wrap. 
“B-be my guest,” he said, laughing nervously, “Can you even r-roll with nails?” he asked. 
Instead of verbally responding, you just finished rolling. He pointed out how you made the mouthpiece slightly tighter than the rest of it. The fact that he noticed this small detail made you blush. Putting the blunt between your lips, gesturing from him to light it. His hand shook a little as he brought the flame to you. It was surprising to you, watching him take ghost inhales without coughing. The two of you began talking back and forth, just about life and whatever came to mind. Eventually the conversation began to shift, you asking if he had a girlfriend. 
“No, w-why would I invite you over if I did,” he laughed. 
“Oh so you invited me over for romantic reasons?” you asked, tilting your head up and blowing the smoke towards the ceiling. 
“What? No Absolutely- I just…” he began slightly panicking. 
“No? Aww that’s too bad,” you said. 
“Really?” he asked. 
“I mean yeah, I think you’re really cool. I like you alot, I can’t deny that when you asked me to come over I was really excited,” you said, handing him the blunt. 
“Holy shit, honestly you don’t understand how good that is to hear,” he said. 
“Well now that we both can admit we never really intended on studying, maybe we can watch a movie on my laptop?” you asked.
He of course agreed, now laying on your stomachs. His twin size bed only made for your bodies to be pressed against each other. Watching a horror movie that he suggested. Already 15 minutes in, you were waiting for him to make a move. He was laying on his side, back facing the wall and his elbow was supporting his head . Rubbing your back but keeping a respectful distance from your ass. Eventually he started to wander down, making your back arch involuntarily. You could have sworn he chuckled, to be fair most of your focus was trying to act like it isn't affecting you. Going down past your skirt, his fingertips now against your skin. At first he was just feeling you up, squeezing and groping after a while. 
You were happy to be wearing makeup because your face was getting hot. He started to make things more intense, now rubbing the fabric of your panties. You had to bite back a gasp as he traced your slit with his fingers. He curls his leg around yours, spreading your thighs apart. Pulling your panties down and slightly, giving his hand room to spread your wetness around. Pushing his middle and ring finger into you. At first he maintained a slow place, giving you time to stretch around him. Starting to get more desperate, you arch and push yourself down onto his fingers. You were no longer regulating how loud you were being, letting pants and moans out without any shame. Morty noticed this and changed his position. Flipping you from your stomach to your back, pulling your shirt above your chest. He became animalistic once he saw your chest. 
Taking one of your nipples into his mouth. Sucking and flicking his tongue as he fucked his finger back into you. Becoming rougher, biting and nipping at your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair, not pulling through. Just caressing him, your mind becoming more and more foggy with pleasure. Your legs were trembling and you could feel your orgasm approaching. So could he, prompting him to pull his fingers out and play with your clit. It wasn’t long until you were coming, squirting on his hand. This took him off guard but made him cum in his boxers. Spreading your juices to your chest and slapping your breasts. Splashing the liquid around until you were squirming and reddened. The two of you laid there for a while until you broke the silence. 
“Can I do you back?” you asked and he shook his head. 
“No I came in my pants,” he said so casually that you couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Oh yeah?” he asked, started mimicking the way you were moaning. Making both of you giggle yourselves to sleep.
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mydaddywiki · 11 months
Wilford Brimley
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Physique: Heavyset Height: 5'8" (1.73 m)
Anthony Wilford Brimley (September 27, 1934 – August 1, 2020) was an American actor. Adept at playing endearing curmudgeons, he's best known for his role in Cocoon and its sequel Cocoon: The Return. Also known for his commercials ads for Liberty Medical and Quaker Oats. Brimley died on August 1, 2020, at age 85.
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Bald, portly and with a walrus mustache and a flair for accents, after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps and working odd jobs in the 1950s, the Salt Lake City native started working as an extra and stuntman in Western films in the late 1960s. He became an established character actor in the 1970s and 1980s in films such as The China Syndrome, The Thing, Tender Mercies, The Natural and Cocoon. Pretty much any of his films from the 80's or 90's and you are pretty much guaranteed high quality jack off material.
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Let's see, Brimley was twice married, producing four sons from the first. With varied rugged experiences ranging from blacksmith to horse trainer to liking cockfighting, Brimley was definitly a man's man. With all this being said, there are a few things that can go against Brimley. I've heard several people who've worked with him, did not liked him much, but I can over look it as his blood sugar was low. Better to know than not to know, and it won't change the fantasy of the two of us fucking like like dogs on a bear skin rug down by the fireplace.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: The Natural (1984) Cocoon (1985) Thompson's Last Run (1986) Our House (1986–1988) Cocoon: The Return (1988) Blood River (1991) My Fellow Americans (1996) In & Out (1997) Brigham City (2001)
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chainsawcorazon · 5 months
i think one of the most jarring takes i've seen of superboy 1994 is ppl thinking it's victim-blaming when calling out kon for his weirdo behavior in the early stages of his writing. it's like it goes over their heads that some of the hypersexuality and showmanship is a direct mirror to how knockout behaves in the story bc the thematic point here is the cycle of abuse and how easy it is to get caught up in it. like the whole knockout closer highlights how close kon was to murder-suiciding BECAUSE he was growing to become like her. if victim-blaming is all you take out of an arc exploring the raw and real consequences of being a victim of abuse without the support to HEAL from that abuse.... ya missed the point.
kon being overly sexual and prone to violence are symptoms of a broader problem - aka the fact that's he's exploited and doesn't even really UNDERSTAND how bad it is until it's too late. if knockout hadn't given up, they WOULD HAVE DROWNED. kon would have died with her bc it was better than becoming like her and letting her continue to traumatize ppl the way she was traumatized. it's not SUPPOSED to be swept under the rug. it's not supposed to be a moment of 'knockout is the devil and she hurt kon-chan.' it's a moment of 'here's what happens when a kid who thinks he's a grown ass man gets caught up in an abusive situation with an adult who is abusing him on purpose bc she never healed from her abuse and can only make peace by hurting others.' he doesn't get it until it's too late, and by then, knockout's destroyed a piece of his soul.
a lotta ppl chalk it up to 90's writing, but everything in that era post crisis was all about fucking around and finding out the hard way. and kon's story WAS rooted in the real life issue of society exploiting the hell out of kids and having them go through the worst trauma imaginable entirely for their entertainment. see: child stars after they grow up. see: how the world looked at r kelly and aaliyah
being uncomfortable with kon's writing 1993-1998 is fine, bc that shit IS DARK. horrifying even. but that does not mean calling out his very violent and hypersexualized behavior is suddenly victim-blaming. it's an observation of the fact that he was not normal and could not be or act normal because he had no social training and was not even RAISED to be normal. wild how some of y'all will read this mofo's origin story for timkonnie dreams, but not for its contextual prowess. kon was a TOOL. he was a representation of america's obsession with abusing children for ENTERTAINMENT. when ppl get hurt, they act out. kon acted out. he acted out so damn bad, supergirl had to roll up on him, and even she, a victim of lex luthor, struggled to get through to him. his early arcs are a cautionary tale, not a prop for ship angst.
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soul-controller · 1 year
Working His Body(Suit) II [Teaser]
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With his excitement exponentially ramping up as he turned the suit backwards and stared at the large slit that ran along the length of the suit’s spine, Martin’s boner found itself prodding some unintended places as his firm five-inches found itself rubbing along the gloriously sculpted and plump muscular ass cheeks. Rather than feeling embarrassed upon realizing what had occurred, it only caused the gay man to grow more excited as he envisioned a similar sight of his new bodybuilder-self bending over another gym jock and having his way with the jock’s perky ass. Eager to make this concept a reality, Martin moved his hands away from the suit’s shoulders to instead rest along the suit’s waist. Unsure of the right process of how to put the suit on, he opted to start with the legs first as if they were a pair of pants before moving up and applying the top half as if it was a t-shirt. 
With the burly shoulders falling forward as a result and causing the artificial arms to limply lay in a heap on the floor, the back slit grew larger and allowed Martin to finally begin the process of putting the suit on. Upon lifting his right leg up as far as it could go and pointing his foot, the employee plunged the limb deep into the suit as he aimed for the appropriate leg slot. As soon as his foot made contact with the inside of the bodysuit though, a palpable electric sensation coursed through his body as it seemed like both himself and the suit were excited about this potential pairing. This tingling only grew in intensity as the soft and gelatinous-like interior was filled down to the calf with the solidness of Martin’s leg. Upon feeling his toes make contact with the concrete floor, the man suddenly tilted his foot back to a 90-degree angle and allowed his foot and toes to fill the appropriate slots until the entirety of the suit’s right leg was now solid and functional. 
Although the realization that he was now in possession of a bodybuilder’s leg was quite the exciting one and thus made him want to take a moment to flex his insanely large thighs, the man refused to stop and marvel at it. As a result, Martin wasted no time allowing his left leg to replicate the process so he had two completely functional bodybuilder-sized limbs. But upon finishing that process, there was an additional step that would solidify his lower half’s transformation into that of a bodybuilder. The suit at this point was only functional up to 3/4ths of the bodybuilder’s upper thighs, due in part to the fact that he had neglected to pull the suit farther up to allow his average ass and modest cock to fill the deflated pouches intended for them. Eager to remedy this, Martin pulled the front of the elastic-like bodysuit out away from him and then up to allow his testicles, rock-hard cock, and ass to fill their corresponding points in the suit. For a moment, there was sudden loss of sensation as the man could no longer feel his boner, but this was quickly remedied as he felt something peculiar and thus looked down to his crotch. Instead of his normal-sized testicles and 5” cock, Martin’s eyes widened in disbelief as he saw a tube of meat that had to be at least 7 inches and much girthier (which perfectly matched with his new low-hanging and large balls). 
Moving his hands behind him, the employee couldn’t resist gasping in amusement as he felt the sizable and incredibly firm ass cheeks that now violently jutted forth from his tailbone. Never in his life had he possessed or felt a derriere that was that immense and sculpted. From what he saw and felt from his lower half, he already felt like a Greek god...
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After getting the job at his local S-C Fitness, Martin is shocked to find that his work uniform is actually a bodysuit of a rugged bodybuilder. Despite his reservations, the weak and average man's curiosity gets the best of him and he finds himself undressing and seeing what it's like to be so large and muscular. To read more about Martin’s experience as he continues to pull on the bodysuit and see what life is like as a tattooed hunk, click here to sign up for my Patreon!
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sufficientlylargen · 3 months
A few of my favorite words
Note: I scrolled back to the very beginning of my drafts folder, and found this post that I apparently saved as a draft on July 1, 2014, almost exactly a decade ago. Please enjoy it now.
This is the shortest word in the English language with all five common vowels. It comes from a greek phrase meaning "beautiful thinking", and now means "the goodwill that a speaker or author has towards their listeners/readers". There's an archaic spelling "eunœa", but then it doesn't have all the vowels. So eunoia is also one of very few words where adding a ligature makes it less cool.
There's a taxonomic genus called Iouea, which is an even shorter word with all five vowels, but you can't use it in Scrabble because it's a proper noun, so it doesn't count.
This is a species of parrot that kills sheep. This is because birds are dinosaurs. That's really all there is to say on the matter.
From time to time you see lists of non-English words for things we don't have words for, and then you get jealous of people who have a single word for that thing where you tap someone on their far shoulder so that they turn and look in the wrong direction. But now you can feel better, because "ucalegon" means "a neighbor whose house is on fire". Every now and then I find myself wishing that a nearby house would catch fire so that I could have a ucalegon. A small fire, obviously - no real damage, just some singing on a rug or something.
I learned this word at a talk by world-renown puzzlemaster Will Shortz. It's his favorite word.
I didn't realize the significance of this word until I played 3 in Three way back in the 90's, a phenomenal puzzle game by Cliff Johnson about a number 3 who, during a power surge, gets knocked off her spreadsheet and falls into the inner workings of the computer. You should go play if you haven't, and if you have played it you should go play it again. The cool thing about "facetiously" is that it's one of very few words in our language to contain A, E, I, O, U, and Y, in that order. Arseniously also works, as do a few others, but facetiously is the only one common enough that your spellchecker probably knows it.
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noideabutsims · 5 months
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Donut Co. Rugtastic Reset - Pride Pantone Edition Has 22 Swatches English and simlish versions All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar! Images in game -  You can find bonus images on our tumblr > HERE Most of my images have my reshade on - it changes the color minimally, so white may look a little off in photos, but in game it will look white/normal!! <3! You can size them up and down using the bracket keys. [ ] <- these ones.  I personally, use the tool mod to size my items up and down, and specifically with these if you are wanting them to be "perfectly sized" i would recommend you grab the tool mod by twistedmexi! If you would like to use it in build-buy mode, you'll need BBB! The english version and the simlish version are separate, or you can grab the merged file. If you download all 3, you'll have double copies - and they will conflict. Please choose merged or unmerged - not both. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Donut Co. Rugtastic Reset - Pride Pantone Edition (English or simlish) Buy Mode Description: Channel your inner 90's graphic designer and celebrate Pride with these bold and fabulous rugs! Forget explaining Pantones to your kids – these beauties speak for themselves with a dazzling display of rainbow colors. Show your support for inclusivity while simultaneously proving you pre-date the internet (dial-up connection not included). These statement pieces aren't just a celebration of Pride, they're a hilarious time capsule waiting to be walked on. Imagine the storytelling potential! You can introduce your kids to the wonders of physical paint (it's not a mythical creature!) and regale them with tales of pre-internet graphic design glory. So ditch the boring and embrace the vibrantly retro with these Pride rugs – your feet and your inner child will thank you! (Works best if you use the bracket keys "[" + "]" to size up and down, or my personal preference of the tool mod!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWNLOAD: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102627914?pr=true Curseforge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/donut-co-rugtastic-reset-pride-pantone-edition Google Drive - MERGED: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hDIRfarU5TM-Oe5Q3krLFZQQD6JRLHHb/view?usp=sharing SIMLISH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17GzzmbokesXvsmzVv1idCqfT_t5A7PUC/view?usp=sharing ENGLISH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11vGtYwWdKmeYUi6EL-6RqaJ3yva0aW1Z/view?usp=sharing @alwaysfreecc
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yesterdays-xkcd · 6 months
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I once asked an NSA guy whether they'd broken RSA. And I know I can trust him, because I asked if he was lying to me and he said no.
1337: Part 3 [Explained]
[Outside, Adrian Lamo is helping Elaine Roberts over a barbed wire fence.] It was the late 90's. Elaine crisscrossed the country with Adrian Lamo, the 'Homeless Hacker', learning to gain entry into systems both virtual and physical. Adrian Lamo: So you just throw a rug over the fence and... say, what is this place anyway? Roberts: Nowhere special. Lamo: ...Elaine, is this NSA Headquarters? Roberts: ...Look, I just want to see if they've broken RSA.
[Inside, Lawrence Lessig is sitting at a table, Roberts is standing across the table swinging a knife.] She learned, from Lawrence Lessig, about the monstrosity that is U.S. Copyright Law. Roberts: So, how do we fix the system? Stab bad guys? Lessig: I'm starting something called "Creative Commons" Shink Elaine Roberts: I think we should stab bad guys...
[Steve Jobs is lying up in his bed, Roberts is balancing while crouched on the foot of Jobs's bed.] She met with Steve Jobs to discuss the future of Apple. Roberts: Compression and bandwidth are changing everything. Jobs: Who are you? It's 3:00AM! Roberts: Apple should make a portable music player. Jobs: I'm calling the police. Roberts: Hey, idea — integrate it with a cell phone!
[Scene has two of Elaine's activities. In one she is drumming, in the other she has an electric guitar on her shoulders, one hand on the frets. The other hand is holding a laptop by the touchpad.] She even, for a time, took up drumming, and helped start a movement among teen girls, a culture of self-taught female programmers and musicians, coding by day and rocking out by night— Riot Prrl.
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thenewausten · 7 months
Can you do more of quackity with a brazillian streamer gf but they live together?
Sure! Thanks for the request!
Quackity living with a brazilian girlfriend HC's!
You both decided to live together since you went to LA to work, renting a new and bigger apartment.
Of course you'd decorate the new apartment with a lot of brazilian and mexican stuff, so you'd put those fridge magnets you buy on the beaches of Brazil (lmao, imagine him having a fridge with a magnet that says "Lembrança de Búzios*" - Memories of Buzios - in english)
You'd make him listen to a lot of MPB* and he'd make you listen to a lot of mexican music as you both decided to take the day to clean your place.
Teaching him portuguese <3 "Amor, how can I say you're the love of my life in portuguese?" He'd randomly ask to you, sitting next to you in the sofa. "Você é o amor da minha vida.*" You'd answer. "Aw, stopp. Thank you!" He'd mock you as he laughs. "Idiota.*" You'd whisper. "Ay, não sou um idiota.*"
Of course he'd teach you spanish and you both would talk in portuguese/spanish 90% of the time.
Lots of laughs and conversations lying in the living room rug listening to Tim Maia* <3
Cooking together and dancing in the kitchen to Frank Sinatra while the meat cooks in the pan, you'd be so into the dance, almost forgetting about the meat and letting it burn a little."Shit, the meat."
I think Quackity's not a difficult person to live with so you guys didn't argue so much, but when you did, he'd be in his office for hours 'till he realises you're right. "Amor, ¿tú me perdonas*?" Alex'd ask after finally living the office and seeing you on the sofa. "Of course, baby."
Sleeping in his arms watching a movie on the living room would be common, he'd pick you up in the bride style and put you in bed. "Good night, hermosa." He'd whisper to you as he lays next to you.
Taking showers together in the morning would be also a very common thing, Alex'd look at you with his beautiful and adorable eyes and ask:"Could you wash my hair, amor, please?" And of course you'd nod even if you were already late to an appointment.
On Sundays if you both had nothing to do you'd stay in bed for another hour after waking up, cuddling, talking and making out <3
Quackity would dedicate "Garota de Ipanema*" by Tom Jobim to you, even if you weren't born in Rio*.
He'd randomly slap your ass throughout the day just because he can do it (lmao), would also hug you from behind sometimes, whispering: "Te amo, amor." And kissing your cheek after that.
I think living with Quackity'd be very cool, you'd be very happy together, your home would be full of laughter and true love <3
Búzios is a very famous brazilian municipality.
MPB means popular brazilian music.
"Você é o amor da minha vida" means "You're the love of my life"
"Idiota" means "Idiot"
"Não sou um idiota" means "I'm not an idiot"
Tim Maia was a very popular brazilian singer in the 70's/80's and 90's, but we still listen to his songs to this day.
"Garota de Ipanema" by Tom Jobim is a very famous song in Brazil, it's very good!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing!
Requests are open!
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Bruce and Jasoncs first meeting- Transcribed!
Hello, I transcribed part of Batman #408, aka. Bruce and Jason’s first meeting! I did it so I would have an easier time writing my fic, like copy and paste certain dialogue, and thought that it may be useful for some others too. Each paragraph is describing one panel.
The Batmobile is parked in an alley. Three tires are missing.
Batman: I don't believe it!
Narrator: And Batman does something he has never done before, in Crime Alley
Batman: *laughs*
Batman: *kneels on the passenger's seat’s side to inspect the tires* I have to hand it to ‘em - it takes stones to rip of the Batman’s buggy
Jason is seen going to the Batmobile while looking over his right shoulder. He wears a red long-sleeved shirt, red jeans and a black vest.
Narrator: And as Batman kneels to appraise the situation, a criminal returns to the scene of the crime
Batman is still kneeling, but now Jason has walked around the car, standing in front of Batman.
Batman: Well- Come to finish the job, boy?
Jason: Whoops.
Batman stands up, Jason quickly hides the tire iron behind his left thigh.
Batman: *scowls* You’re going to give me back my tires
Jason: Who says I took ‘em?
Batman stems his hands into his hips. Jason has the tire iron perfectly behind his back. His right hand indicates that he’s nervous.
Batman: What else is the tire iron for?
Jason swings the tire iron right into Batman's right side, onto the ribs.
Jason: This!
Batman clutches his left side with his right arm. Jason is running away.
Batman: You little son of a gun
Jason: Come and catch me, you big boob!
Jason runs into an alley across from the Batmobile.
Batman looks around the corner of said alley.
Batman: I could stop him easily enough, but maybe I should let him lead me to my whitewalls.
Jason is seen climbing the fire escape of a condemned building.
He closes the door behind him. He is now in the hallway of said condemned building. There is a bottle and trash on the floor, graffiti and other writings on the walls, the ceiling has a hole in it. At the end of the hallway is a window. It seems to have been barricaded with wood planks once, but only the top ones remain, the ones on the bottom have been destroyed.
Jason walks into a room across from the door he just closed. The green paint is missing here and there, leaving patches that reveal the wall material. There is a thin, rugged, yellow carpet on the floor. In the corner across from the door is a mattress on the floor. Two pillows are at the head of it that is touching the wall and a blanket is covering neatly the rest of the mattress. Next to the head of the mattress where the pillows lie is a pile of comics, the top one being “Ape-man”. A few feet in front of the mattress on the left side is also a passageway to the next room. When you enter the room, there are two tires leaning against the left wall. When you enter and look to the right, there are two tires stacked on top of each other with a third leaning against them.
Jason is now sitting on the mattress, about to light a cigarette. Batman is standing right behind him in the other room, a corner of his cape goes around the passageway. On the wall to the left of the mattress is a poster with a skull, the words “Poison Idea” written on it. On that side is also a stereo on a shelf, which also hosts other things, probably cassettes (as CD’s only became popular in the mid 90’s and this comic was published in 1987), maybe some comics and books too. On the wall behind the mattress is a poster of a man with the words “Eric Peters”.
Batman steps into the room Jason is occupying, standing in front of the mattress.
Batman: That’ll stunt your growth, kid.
Jason is standing up and pointing at the two tires leaned against the wall. His right hand is balled into a fist.
Jason: Take your lousy tires, already, and go- just lemme alone!
Batman spreads out his arms
Batman: Son… do you… live here?
Jason: Yeah! What of it? It’s mine and I like it.
We get a wider shot of the room. The mattress is at the left back corner. In the right back corner is an armchair propped against the right wall. Right next to it’s left is a small carton or shelf and next to it are stacked multiple cans on top of each other. On the right side of the armchair is a barricaded window, beneath it is a heating. There is not just one side board shelf on the back wall where the mattress is, but multiple. All filled very neatly. Next to the last shelf are again multiple cans which are stacked very neatly together.
Jason is scowling, having his arms crossed. Behind him on one of the shelves is a frame, in it the portrait of a woman.
Batman: And your mother?
Jason: She’s dead. She got sick. Okay? Now get outa here!
Jason turns towards Batman and swings his right fist at him. Batman has his left arm outstretched and put it on Jason's head in order to keep him away from him.
Jason: Or do I have to make you leave?
Batman picks up Jason by Jason’s left wrist, lifting him into the air.
Batman: You’re a scrappy one, I’ll say that much for you.
Batman is standing at the ground, at the bottom of the fire escape. Jason is letting a tire down from above, the tire being tied on a rope.
Batman: I’m afraid it isn't enough to just give me back my property
Jason and Batman are walking side by side, Batman having clutched one tire under his arms, Jason rolling a tire in front of him.
Jason: You’re gonna fink to the cops, huh? Figures.
Batman: Not the cops. I think we do have to tell the juvenile authorities about you…
Jason is still looking forward, while Batman is looking at Jason.
Jason: I can fend for myself just fine! I know how to make it on the streets - and I like it there!
Jason is looking up, pointing with his right thumb at himself. He seems determined.
Jason: I don’t want to wind up in some crummy orphanage. Or some foster home where I’m somebody's pet charity case. I’m my own man! Me, Jason Todd!
Jason is kneeling down and mounts a tire onto the Batmobile, Batman standing next to him.
Batman: Jason Todd, huh? Pretty fancy handle for a street kid. How long was your mother sick?
Jason: Over a year. I found her food and stuff - kepr her warm - and alive… long as I could
Batman is standing behind Jason now and puts his left hand on Jason's shoulder.
Batman: What about school, son?
Jason: I graduates a long time ago - from the streets of Crime Alley.
There is one more page which I didn't transcribe because it’s about Batman bringing Jason to Ma Gunn’s School, something which I won’t include in my fic. Feel free to check out the comic tho, I highly recommend it. Especially the next one too, because Jason helps Batman take down the headmaster in her crime scheme!
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brights-place · 8 months
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Beach day with Bruce°.🐚⋆❀˖°
Pairing: Bruce X S/O
Warnings: Fluff!
A/N: Beach day with Bruce for all you bruce lovers out there! NEGEHEHHHE
- You wore your usual beach outfit and Bruce was wearing his typical 80's and 90's surfer outfit. - You two planned to rent a beach hut and set up a blanket for a cozy afternoon together. -they found the perfect spot to set up their blanket. The sand was soft and the waves were just right. - After getting settled, Spruce began to relax as he listened to the waves crashing against the shore. You snuggled up next to him
- You and Bruce decided to go to the beach for a relaxing weekend - You both went into the water and started splashing each other. Eventually you started to play wrestle and Bruce managed to get you into a headlock. - You tried to push Bruce off of you but he had a firm grip. - He kissed your cheek and you were blushing - Bruce and you love to swim together and have a friendly competition to see who can swim the farthest out.
- Both of you enjoy building sandcastles, even though Bruce isn't very good at it!
- You sometimes pretend to be trapped in the water so Bruce can rescue you.
- You and Bruce like to go snorkeling and look for cool fish and seashells
- You always make sure to pack sunscreen so that you don't get sunburnt.
- You can't help but admire his rugged good looks andlean your head against bruce is chest feeling the warmth of his flesh against your cheek. - He puts his arm around you pulling you closer - You feel safe and happy in his arms the two of you sharing this intimate moment together.  - You watch the waves crash onto the shore and talk about your hopes and dreams for the future together more.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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socialistexan · 2 years
I feel so much pain and grief and despair over Brianna Ghey and the so many other young trans people who are stolen from this world far too early by the hand of another or their own.
But I also feel so numb, because I know will nothing will happen. Nothing can happen. Nothing ever has happened besides things getting worse every. single. time.
I knew after nothing happened after the death of Leelah Alcorn almost ten years ago - and after things have gotten worse in the decade since then - that it won't get better.
All we can do is be there for each other, to hold each other up, fight like hell for each other, and then honor and mourn each other in our deaths.
We are such a small community that it is so easy for people to sweep us under the rug until it is time to parade us out once a year to show off what good people the are that they care about us freaks and deviants. Then they shove us back under that same rug and ignore (or even support!) when legislation targets us, hate crimes are committed against us, and our very personhood is debated.
The fact that state agencies like Attorney General of Texas's office try to compile lists of us and spend time trying to answer "the Trans Question," and it doesn't set off enough alarm bells in people's heads is evidence enough to me that will get no help. That we don't matter to cis people.
I am 32, I weathered the Bush administration as a queer teen, I weathered the homophobia of the 90's and 00's, and I can tell you this isn't that. This is different. This is worse. And I'm just so tired. I am 32 and I feel like I've withstood lifetimes of this. I'm only 32 and I feel like an elder.
I'm just so tired.
I'm so sorry I just needed to vent this somewhere. Solidarity, everyone.
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