beefrobeefcal · 5 months
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an Ezra & Cricket One Shot: Brass Knuckled Debauchee Summary: Ezra, after abusing your healing talents, returns to make good on his debt... for a price.
Pairing: Ezra x F!Reader | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 4,752
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, fingering (f receiving), weight gain, eating, edging, soft!dom Ezra being an overall ass, teasing, begging, crying, malfunctioning prosthetic limb, the occasional swear
Author's Notes: requested by two (count'em - 2!) lovely babes for the 900 Friendo Celebration - thank you to @xdaddysprincessxx and @morallyinept for bringing Ezra some love.
Huge thank you to @strang3lov3 , @noxturnalpascal & @bitchesuntitled for their beta badass skills and to my ever lovely beta fish, @neverwheremoonchild. None of you will understand the depths of gratitude I hold you all in.
No more tag lists - follow @beefnotes + turn on notifications for fic updates!
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You’d cared for him when his appendage was newly parted from his person, after a young woman dumped him off at your meagre midwife’s centre.  
You hadn’t delivered a baby in at least eight cycles, but you were busy tending to broken bones and crushed limbs from the mine nearby, so the idea of caring for a wound caused by a missing arm wasn’t far from your everyday.  
What was far from the standard men in your care was that this one wouldn’t shut up. Truly. You’d never met someone so close to death spew such a narrative. You almost wished to have him out of his misery just to stop his linguistic vomit.  
Thank Kevva for sedatives.  
You didn’t even want to know his name, worried that if you had his, he’d need yours and there was no way someone this sick and wounded that could carry on like he’s memorized a thesaurus wasn’t capable of performing a hex or a curse on you. 
After three blessedly quiet and devoid-of-narration days, the open wound where his arm once hung from was no longer festering and the fever that wracked his body broke. Despite your own desire to keep him silent, you stopped administering such a high dose of the sedative, and you allowed him to regain consciousness.  
For the first little while, all you heard was his steady, deep breathing, so you left the room to grab some water and liquified sustenance for him, figuring that when he would finally come to, he’d be hungry. 
“To what do… do I owe the pleasure?”, you heard croaked as you walked softly back into the room.  
“Oh good…”, you replied flatly. “You’re awake and talking.” 
The remainder of his stay that time had revolved around you doing what you could to keep his mouth occupied enough to keep it quiet; you fed him. By the time he’d left, he’d made you aware of his name – Ezra – and bestowed a nickname on you for lack of giving your own. Cricket. He then made the terrible promise to return to see you and left with a wink and a smile.  
Your whole body bristled at the thought of having to deal with him again. 
The first return visit he made, his confidence and vocabulary were still obnoxiously inflated. Whining of a bruised rib, you resumed your frustrated feeding to keep him down to two to three sentences and responses between mouthfuls.  
The second time he returned, he stated that he had been ‘brutalized by a deviant, one who you should not even be told of his true form else your fragile and virtuous mind be stained’. There wasn’t a single mark on him, save for a bite on his only arm that looked to be self-inflicted. He enjoyed himself, smiling between bites of food. 
By the third visit – complaining of a sprained toe - you knew that he knew that you knew what you were doing - and vice versa. Despite this, you fed him, and he ate very well. After several days of ‘healing’, he hauled himself up and it was then that you noted his flight suit looking like it was getting tighter around his middle.  
Those visits happened in a fairly rapid succession, but a longer period – more than six cycles at least - lapsed before he darkened your doorway and approached your desk once again. Without even looking up, you knew it was him, having heard his cavalier long-form salutations being crooned out at anyone he passed approaching your unit. 
“What now?”, you sighed in irritation, dropping your head into your hand, not bothering to look up at him – something you would come to regret to save yourself future embarrassment. You didn’t see him close your door and lock it behind him.  
He approached your desk, and his hand came into view along with a mechanical one; the smooth-as-silk tongued devil was now outfitted with a prosthetic arm that looked like it had been stolen from a brass skeleton and had gears added. Your eyes followed the mechanical limb up to the hem of his shortened sleeve, hiding the joint between it and what remained of his actual arm. The new colour of his clothing caught your attention, too, pulling your eyes to his torso. Yes, it was definitely a different colour. He was no longer in the moss greens and soil browns you’d associated with him. Now, he was in a dark blue flight suit with a gold zipper that looked to just be barely holding together.  
Your brain paused to take in what was in front of you.  
“No more chirps for me, sweet Cricket?” 
His raspy, southern drawl sounded sweeter than you’d noticed before as your eyes took in the added weight on his middle. Before looking up to his face, you noted the way the zipper rippled from the strain and the clear indent his belly button made as the fabric pulled taut across his expanse.  
His face. As soon as you took it in, you regretted not doing it first. He’s held you in his big brown eyes’ gaze before, but you’d been able to avoid being trapped. But this time you couldn’t help but let them absorb you. His smile widened as he slightly leaned forward, arms putting further weight on your desk.  
“You seem at a loss for word, Crick-“ 
“You’ve been eating well.”, you managed to croak out in a somewhat aloof-sounding voice, nodding towards his middle.  
He didn’t shrink back at your comment; instead, it seemed to embolden him.  “You started me on a path of decadence that a mere man such as myself isn’t able to easily shake.” 
He stood to his full height, eyes never leaving yours. “Is that all you noticed?”, he grinned, lifting his brass appendage, bringing the crude and simple brass hand to his face, smoothing over his moustache.  
Your lips parted then closed and parted again before you were able to spit out, “I saw y-… I see you got a new… limb.” 
His eyes gleamed at you, seeing his every move had you further in his grasp. You inwardly scowled, chiding yourself on how quickly you were falling under his spell. Narrowing your eyes, you shrugged at him. 
“Looks old.” 
If it stung him, he didn’t show it; he simply kept that smile on his face and continued to look down at you from across the desk. “I’m not its first owner.” 
The pleasantries had only lasted a few more moments before Ezra moved around your desk and hovered over you. 
“I’m here to return the favour, Cricket.” 
“For all the hard work you put into bringing me back to my full health.”, he cooed lowly as his brass hand cooled your cheek with its feather-light touch.  
“It’s nothing... I was just doing my j - “ 
He leaned over you further, cheshire grin pulled menacingly across his face. His voice slipped into a lower pitch and his eyes darted from your eyes to your mouth.  
“Doing your job would have been to send me away when I appeared with erroneous and fabricated injuries and illnesses. You, my sweet Cricket, stepped over and above the threshold of your employment and I intend to repay you for your sweetness in full.” 
You sucked in a few shallow breaths and nervously swallowed. This was a side of him you hadn't seen, assuming that he was a submissive and pliant brat who’d chosen you to dote on him. But no. There was no favour he intended to pay back. He was just sizing you up and wrangling you into his web, and now he was out loud declaring that you were his prey. His eyes were dark and fixed on you, in contrast with the gentle smile on his face.  
“Don’t be nervous, sweet Cricket. You can tend to your own wounds afterwards. Now, let me hear you chirp.” 
His brass arm shot out and gripped your wrist tightly and he pulled you from your seat. Dragging you to the maternity room, he tossed you onto the low soft bed.  
“Ezra!”, you squeaked as your body hit the push mattress below you.  
He dropped to his knees and crawled up, forcing your legs apart, and his belly barely grazed your middle as his face lined up with yours. You let out an involuntary whimper. 
“Oh, sweet Cricket. How badly I wanted you on your back, making those sweet vocalizations your namesake promised me.” 
His flesh and bone hand gently grazed your face and moved to the back of your head, softly fisting your hair, forcing your head to stay still as he traced his nose along the contours of your face. His eyes remained half lidded and he watched as your own rolled back when he pushed his knee into the crux of your thighs, knowing he had all but your verbal consent.  
“This is all you need, sweet Cricket? Someone to light the way?” 
All you can muster as his hold on your hair tightened and his knee applied more pressure was a light whine through your parted lips.  
You wanted to respond, but the moment you opened your mouth, Ezra’s brass arm made a clunk sound and began to shudder.  
“Oh, for Kevva’s sake.”, he muttered, sitting up on his knees as he examined the arm. It made a mechanical sound before it shuddered again, then a higher pitched noise droned as the arm vibrated.  
You watched him sitting between your parted legs as the realization of what he had at his disposal dawned on him. Your eyes widened as he turned and looked at you like a starved man with a wild grin.  
“Sweet Cricket, I think I could go for a bite to eat.” 
Once you’d gotten some finger foods together and brought them back into the room, you found Ezra laid back in a mountain of pillows on the bed. He nodded his head towards you and raised his hand, beckoning you to him.  
“Come on, Cricket. Tend to your weary traveller.” 
His eyes were glued to you, cascading up and down your form, as you hand fed him. He’d had a few pieces of the savoury pastries when you felt the cool touch of his brass hand slide between your thighs.  
“Curious...”, he mused as he chewed. “… that when I make a certain motion with my appendage, it malfunctions in such an amusing manner that I know you will find benefit in, pet.” 
Your brows furrow in question and before you can ask how that could benefit you in any way, the arm made that clunk sound again. You felt the vibration between your thighs and your eyes widened.  
“Ez – oh fuck!”, you gasped as he pushed his knuckle up against your mound and held it there firmly. 
Your mouth was open, allowing shallow panting breaths to puff out and your eyes were closed with your brows pinched as the shuddering vibrations pulsed against you. You’d never felt anything like this before in your life and you thanked Kevva.  
The low amber tones of his voice cut through to you and pulled you out of your silent prayer. “Now, sweet Cricket. We are both here to derive enjoyment from one another given we both now have the intel on each other’s vices. You can’t go holding out on me to seek your fruition – that is not fair.” 
He pulled his hand from contacting your core, and your eyes snapped to his, a pleading whimper bubbling out from your pouting lips.  
“Uh-uh, Cricket. We will play fair.”, he growled in warning. His smile dropped as his features darkened, and he nodded towards your suspended hand holding a small meat-filled pastry. “Don’t you dare hold out on me.” 
Shakily, you brought the morsel to his mouth and as he took it in and let his tongue touch your finger, his hand once again pressed against your core. 
Ezra had continued to eat and finished over half of platter. But every time you started to get close to your peak, he would pull his hand away, leaving you a shaking mess. 
“P-please… Ezra, please!”, you begged mere seconds away from ecstasy.  
“I am not finished, sweet Cricket.”, he said with a mouthful. “You will be sated when I have found my fill, and we are not yet there.” 
You could have screamed at him, strangled him in a rage. “Ezra please! I - ”. 
The warning look he gave you stopped any further pleading. Your mind reeled, trying to find some way to get relief. You could kick him out and try to finish yourself off with your fingers, but you knew it would be fruitless; you’d never gotten this worked up on your own before and you doubt that you had anything in this clinic that vibrated at that frequency.  
As you trembled and panted, Ezra watched, amused at how clearly you were seeking a solution to the problem he’d created for you.  
“Cricket…”, he cooed, soothing his biological hand up your arm and to your face. He gently guided your chin towards him. “Sweet Cricket, come back to me.” 
When your frantic gaze met his, his eyes softened and creased as he smiled. “I will not leave you unfinished. I repay my debts, darling nurse.” 
You sighed in defeat, nodded, and took a deep breath. Your eyes trailed down to his noticeably rounder middle that made the already strained zipper pull at the seams of the fabric. He shifted in what looked like discomfort.  
You put down the current half-filled plate of food and reached for the zipper tag, tugging it down. It only got to the beginning of the swell of his belly before you met resistance. You tugged a little harder, but it wouldn’t budge. 
“Suck it in.” 
“Now, Cricket, let’s not be hast-“ 
“I said suck it in.”, you snapped back far more forcefully than intended.  
Ezra froze then nodded. “Sweet girl, I will try, but…”  You saw his middle pull in slightly. “… the profound conundrum I experienced in getting it on…” 
The zipper finally moved, and he groaned as his stomach expanded. “Sweet Kevva… such relief.” 
You were desperate for him to touch you again, but seeing him fat and swollen before you, knowing it was your work that was filling him out. Ezra watched your gaze turn hungry and almost feral. Granted, he felt that way as he watched you teeter on the edge of falling apart over and over. He wasn’t ready to let the power he held over you go, giving him the drive to get through, bite by bite. But that power began to slip the moment his vulnerable and considerably rounder middle exposed, and it left him feeling uneasy and unsure. 
“A change of flavour… is needed, my sweet Cricket.”, Ezra crooned, trying to exude as much confidence he could muster, despite his self-consciousness lingering in the back of his mind. He swallowed down a moan as your blown-pupiled eyes met his. He pushed a faux-confident smile and spoke softer. “Something sweeter, perhaps?” 
Letting a small huff escape, you nodded and got up from the bed, cursing him under your breath for having this much power over you. 
As you stood in the small kitchen area, waiting for the food rehydrator to loudly prepare the freeze-dried baked goods, you didn’t hear Ezra huff and grunt as he got off the bed and saunter into the kitchen. You weren’t alerted to his presence until his belly hit your back and his brass hand went to your hip.  
His nose and mouth pressed against the back of your neck, whispering filth as his hand cupped your breast and squeezed. 
“You leave yourself so vulnerable, sweet Cricket... back to the door, not an ounce of concern…. any rapscallion of low morals could take advantage… of your sweet, supple figure…” 
You let out a light, breathy whine gripping his hand as he kneaded your breast. As much as you wanted his hands on you, you wanted his mouth on your own more, so you pushed your body back against his, making enough room between him and the counter for you to turn around. His brass hand stayed on the curve of your waist, not offering any resistance, and his other hand cupped your cheek, holding it in place while he kissed you softly. His lips moved against yours like he was able to read your mind, or maybe even needed this point of contact as badly as you did. His mouth parted and his tongue pushed for entrance into your mouth, and once it was granted, the kiss fevered and boiled over. You felt your core throb with need and want, soaking your pants and already ruined underwear, and he crowded you against the counter. So wrapped up were you in his mouth and teeth and tongue, that you didn’t feel his brass hand move from your waist. 
In one swift move, Ezra shoved your pants down in the front enough for his brass hand to slip with no barrier into your folds. The cool touch you would have expected from it was long forgotten as the metal now met your body temperature. Still engulfed in the kiss that was beginning to rob your breath, the telltale clunk barely registered in your mind until the vibrations started. Sending a jolt through your body, you pulled your face away from his and let out a shrill gasp.  
The timer on the rehydrator went off, and Ezra chuckled darkly, watching your brows draw together and your eyes flutter.  
“The rules stay the same, Cricket. Sweet or savoury, I will have my fill and you will have your petite mort. But one will meet the other at the same time.”, he said in a wickedly soft tenor. “Now, you can begin holding up your end, sweet girl.” 
Once again, Ezra ripped away any power you might have had or believed you had, edging you with each bite, withholding his metal hand’s vibrations from the moment his mouth was empty to the moment your hand shakily pushed another bite past his lips. Overstimulation mixed with the pent-up fury of being denied an orgasm had you panting rapidly, tears threatening to spill over. High pitched whines and shuddering whimpers were all you could produce, and it was music to Ezra’s ears.  
“You… create the most… glorious cricket song…”, he mused softly as he chewed the mouthful. “Keep chirping, sweet girl…” 
You were coming to a point where you weren’t sure you would make it. Your brain felt like it was filled with the static from a communicator’s blank channel and your hearing and sight felt fuzzy. The coil tightening in your cunt was hitting a painful level, causing you to drop the next pastry you’d picked up with your shaking hands. 
As soon as it hit the floor, Ezra tsk’d you, and pulled his hand right out of your pants. The pained sob that burst from you from the loss of contact was loud and harsh, and the tears finally spilled over, staining your cheeks.  
“P-please… I… I can’t!”, you cried out, jutting your hand out clumsily to grab his wrist as he pulled back. His dark eyes scanned your desperate ones, pausing momentarily, before his gaze shifted to one of pity and amusement. 
“You can’t what?”, he mocked with a cruel grin. “Can’t what, sweet Cricket?” 
A rasped and pained whine peeled out of your throat as your head fell to his shoulder, and his hand gripped your hair and pulled back, forcing you to look at him. You looked ruined. Your cheeks flushed and eyes wet and lidded, your lips parted, turned down and chin quivering. He shoved up back and up onto the counter. 
“Oh, come now, sweet Cricket. Don’t look at me like I won’t give you your due.”, he whispered, ghosting his mouth over yours. His brass fingers traced lurid shapes along your inner thighs, causing your body to shiver and that coil painfully wind up in your core once more.  
“I asked you for something sweeter, pet,”, Ezra mockingly cooed as he pulled back, your face involuntarily following his to try and capture his lips against yours. He shook his head, smile tugging at one side of his mouth. “Something sweeter and you dropped it on the floor. It’s precious currency, Cricket, and you mishandled it.” 
Your eyes followed his, stuck in the trance he’d put you under. He could have told you to do anything, given any order and you would have obeyed to your detriment. His brass hand moved to your throat, long, metal fingers grasping just tight enough to keep you precariously seated on the edge of the counter. His thicker middle forced you legs open wide, and his other hand took its place between your legs and without warning, he shoved two fingers into your core.  
Your mouth and eyes widened as a wrecked gasp escaped you and your hands went to grab onto what ever meaty part of him you could grab for stability. Ezra hummed in response as the pads of his fingers felt the walls of your cannel twitch and flutter at his intrusion. 
“Good Kevva, sweet girl…”, he groaned, watching your face contort. “As much as this contraption of a limb can bring me such sadistic joy at your expense, my own digits needed to feel the silken walls of your inner sanctum.” 
As he pumped his fingers in and out of you, he dropped his forehead against yours and hummed again, answering your repeated whining pants and moans.  
“Keep chirping, Cricket… sing me your evening song… that’s it….”  
As you felt your peak come careening in, he felt your walls convulse and slicken up. The soft tenor he’s just lulled you into a steady rhythm with fell away and the low chuckle followed by his fingers being removed made you scream out and dig your nails into the fattened flesh of his upper arm and shoulder. 
“EZ-EZRA! PLEASE! FUCK-PLEASE!”, you sobbed out in a shriek.  
His brass hand’s hold tightened around your throat, and he shoved your shoulders flush with the wall behind counter roughly.  
Your desperate eyes looked him over as best as you could, given the position he had you in. His bloated and full stomach moved with each laboured breath he took and the strain he put himself under to wreck you was fully apparent. You could feel the outline of his clothed hard cock seated against your thigh and the sweat beading on his forehead. He wiped his face and parted his lips to take in deeper breaths; his irises were indiscernible from his pupils as he looked down at you. 
You had never known need like this, and you felt as though you were going to succumb due to your lack of orgasm as a final line in the life that Kevva had written for you. 
“Is it my cock you want to be impaled on, pet? You want to whine and mewl while I rut my quiver bone into your sopping celestial cavern?”, he coolly growled, but there was a slight waiver in his voice. You saw the same desperation in the dark abyss of his eyes. 
You nodded dumbly and he scowled, baring his teeth, and tore his brass hand off you, trying to make quick work of getting his flight suit off his shoulders. The arms were tight around his fleshy arms, and you shakily sat up and tried to help. Once his arms were free, you tugged the material over his waist, taking note of the roll of flesh sitting just above his waistband, showing just how much he had been indulging. You gave it a squeeze, revelling in the sound he made, sucking his breath thru his teeth at your fingers.  
“Marvel the fruits of your labour, Cricket… The destination you set me on course to has made me beyond redemption and unfit for galactic adventuring…”, he grunted breathily, shoving his flight suit off his legs before kicking it off entirely. “You have effectively rendered me useless beyond what effect I am able to wield on you.” 
He shoved his mouth against yours before you could respond or ask what he meant, sucking you into a bruising kiss. His hands gripped your hips, pulling your twitching cunt flush with his weeping, hard cock, knocking the plastic plate that held the desserts onto the floor at his feet. Fumbling slightly, he pulled back and gripped his member, before lining it up with your entrance and pushing it in all at once. The sting of his intrusion melded perfectly with the relief of finally connecting, and the sound you made caused Ezra to almost break. His eyes softened and his brows tented, body tense at the gentle yet firm, warm hold you had on him.   
“I’m af-afraid I’ve pushed too far to allow for… for niceties and gentle welcomes, sweet Cricket…”, he panted against your face, teeth clenched as he tried to focus and draw this out as long as possible.  
“Please move...”, you begged in a strained whine.  
“If I move to fast, sweet Cricket, I will... end this fortuitous connection with an... an early release, and that would render me- fuck!... render me less than a gentleman...” 
“You’re no gentleman... now shut up an-and fuck me!” 
It seemed that your tight walls and frantic begging were too much for Ezra, and he pulled out with a grunt, followed by a whine as he came onto the plate on the floor. The vulgar sounds of his panting breaths mixed with the sploot of his spend had you seeing red. 
“You asshole!”, you screeched, shoving him off you.  
He panted and held his hands up in surrender as you charged at him. 
“Cricket... forgive me! You’re too sweet... your sacred cavern was too - “ 
The slap you landed across his face stopped his fancy wordplay. “You fucking bastard!” 
Ezra’s eyes flashed in anger, and he stood to his full height, towering over you.  
“That was uncalled for, Cricket.”, he snarled. “I will take the wrath of meeting an end without you by my side, but I will not allow you to besmirch my good mother with a question of my paternal lineage.” 
You stared at him, eyes wide with anger at his audacity, and before you could say another word, he tackled you to the floor. You tried to fight him off but the moment you heard the clunk of his brass arm and felt two metal fingers punch up into your slick heat, you ceased your struggle.  
“See, sweet Cricket? I may be a wayward traveler, but even I know the dangers of leaving a woman on the precipice of completion... “ 
“Don’t stop... please... don’t stop...”  
The vibrations of his arm and the smooth curves of the worn metal fingers found a rhythm that had you seeing stars.  
“I plan to keep demanding your company each time I move through this sector, and-” 
“Oh Kevva... Ez-Ezra!” 
He leaned forward and ghosted his mouth over yours, speaking in a low, husky growl, “... if I were to fail you now, what kind of welcome would I receive the next time I darken your doorway?” 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull and your body arched off the floor. Pent up energy burst from your burning cunt, sending wave after wave of precious release through your body. The scream that peeled out of you was dampened by Ezra kissing you forcefully. 
His movement slowed and he slowly pulled his brass hand from your core. You were greeted with his grin as he looked over his brass hand. 
“You’ve polished only two fingers for me... there are three more.”, he cooed, placing a delicate kiss on the end of your nose. “Next time.” 
“N-next time?” 
He nodded and stood up with a grunt. You sat up carefully, and it seemed you both took note of the plate on the floor, covered in his cum. The chastisement was on your tongue, but never became words out loud as you were struck speechless as you watched him pick up the plate and fling it out the window.  
He turned back to you, standing naked in the kitchen, fat and sweaty, with a grin on his face.  
“There is always a next time, Cricket.” 
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Adam Swapped Au Part 3
For making 900+ followers! Thank you everyone! 💖
TW: Mentions of rape
When Adam woke up he felt so well rested, the bed he was in was so comfy he never wanted to leave. Slowly he opened his eyes and frowned.
So it wasn't a dream he was actually still in Hell, very fucking pregnant and the devil's wife apparently.
Fuck him.
Adam groaned as he made his way to the bathroom to clean up for the day, Lucifer was nowhere to be seen and that was just fine with him.
There wasn't much in the way of clothes he could wear, there were a bunch of maternity clothes. Adam grumbled as he pulled on fresh sweat pants and a long shirt (NOT A DRESS) and went downstairs.
Adam furrowed his brow when he could hear voices coming from the lobby. It peaked his interest when he heard his name.
"I hope Adam is okay, maybe some sleep will do him good." Lucifer said as he paced in the lobby. Something was obviously wrong but he couldn't shake the feeling.
Charlie fiddled with her braid. "You don't think that he was, you know?"
The thought had crossed Lucifer's mind that maybe Adam had been kidnapped, raped, and left for dead. But for this long? He wasn't sure, Lucifer had to find out if the baby was his.
After all, they did sleep together before he went missing.
"I don't like to think about it Char. Maybe I'll take him to the doctor's just to make sure everything is okay." Lucifer needed a professional opinion to see what was troubling his husband.
"Don't I get a fucking say in this? I don't want to go to no gay ass hospital with you." Adam growled as he entered the room. He sat down on the couch looking completely pissed off.
Lucifer needed to be delicate, Adams mood swings were not one's to fight with. "We just want to make sure you're okay."
"Of course I'm not fucking okay! That little bitch of a maid you have in the shit hole stabbed me in the back 28 fucking times!!" Adam roared his eyes ablaze, his back throbbed at the memory.
Lucifer and Charlie's eyes went wide. "What!? Nifty did you stab him?" Charlie looked to her little friend who looked very confused.
"I would never stab one of the baddest boys, hehehe."
"Adam, do you remember anything from before you disappeared seven months ago?" Lucifer asked, he came over to sit beside him.
Adam snorted. "I haven't been missing, this is some nightmare joke! You're married to Lilith who has been missing for seven YEARS."
"Lilith." Lucifer spat out her name as if it were poison. "I bet that bitch is behind this."
"I wouldn't put it past heavens commander dad."
It clicked for Adam then, he was in a universe not only married to Lucifer, but him and Lilith have fully switched places in the entire storyline!
Adam felt himself get emotional, why was he crying!? He couldn't stop himself he was full on sobbing now. Adam felt arms wrap around him and he didn't seem to mind, they were actually comforting to him in the moment. "Shhh, it's okay it's not your fault."
For some reason Adam believed it cause what the fuck, this whole situation wasn't his fault he never intended on being an alternate universe version of himself. Especially one that apparently has Lucifer's babies.
They did end up taking Adam to the hospital to get checked out.
It had been super awkward getting a vaginal exam, Adam was sure his face was as red as a tomato. The doctor concluded that there were no signs of sexual assault which everyone was relieved about.
"So we are looking for a paternity test for the baby?" The doctor asked.
"Yes." Lucifer answered, not knowing was killing him. Adam was curious himself.
Doctor nodded and pulled up a needle. "Okay, I'll extract some amniotic fluid to test."
"That's not going where I think it is, is it?" Adam asked, panic setting in. That fucking thing was huge!
"You won't feel a thing your majesty, I swear."
Adam didn't believe him.
It was uncomfortable at best but he still didn't like it. There was a rush out in the results to be tested against Lucifer's DNA.
Adam crossed his legs and groaned, that fucking sucked.
It took an hour for the results to come back. And it was determined that the baby was in fact Lucifer's baby.
The King sighed in relief. One mystery solved.
Part of Adam was even relieved, at least his other self wasn't some slut having the baby of some random John, Dick, or Jerry.
Lucifer would put money on it that the reason for Adam going missing and having no memory, but also memories of a life that never happened on Lilith.
She never could get over letting Adam go. Her and Steve were, ironically, a match made in Hell.
If Lilith and Steve were behind, they would pay for this.
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qqmariztwsse · 1 month
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We're so close to 1k now, what??? When I first started this blog, I've never thought I'd be growing so fast 😭
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glitchedcosmos · 7 months
Thank you so much for 900 followers. That’s amazing. :3 so here’s a Vox drawing as a thank you 📺 😈
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I’m also in love with the buffering tv man.
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mattluvr · 25 days
hit 900 followers???? hello???? thank u queens omfg i can’t believe my silly little oneshots have gotten me this far 🥹🥹🥹
anyhoo i’ve been planning a cowboy!matt full length fic lmk if that’s something you guys want 🙏🙏
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jatcv · 4 months
Thank you for the 900 followers!!!!!!!
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(You made Stella happy)
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alicedopey · 3 months
Can't believe you guys, I've reached 900 followers (and I honestly don't know how).
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Thanks to everyone following this blog, thanks to my mutuals, old and new. I'm thinking about the Viking fandom, those amazing people I've met thanks to this site. Thanks for the chats, crazy sometimes but so fun.
Thanks to those interacting and reading my trash. It's always a pleasure to see your comments and chat with you about my works.
Love you all.
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shinobusupremecy · 10 months
Shinobu SFW alphabet. 900+ followers special
A/N: This was originally a 500+ followers event where you could choose the letters but to celebrate 900+ followers I decided to write the rest of the alphabet for you guys, I hope you enjoy! I feel like I haven’t been thanking you all near enough as I should have been for supporting me so I hope this makes up for it! Some of the letters are already written in request which you can find in the masterlist but you can also find them here!
Will contain spoiler
Link to org alphabet: https://the-coldest-goodbye.tumblr.com/sfw-template
Art source
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Shinobu is somewhat affectionate, it really just depends on her mood. If she feels extra soft she will come to you and hug you. 
Doesn’t matter if you are facing away from her or not you will get that hug. 
She will give you some kisses mostly on the cheek or on the nose to see it scrunch up
She’s not so big on PDA so don’t excpect much from her there. She might give you a kiss on the cheek but other than that it’s mostly just hand holding. Although if there’s someone that tries to flirt with you then Shinobu will bring you in by the hip and give you a kiss, just to show that you belong to her. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Shinobu would obviously be that teasing friend. She loves to tease her friends so you’re not spared. Of course she knows when to stop her teasing or when it’s the right moment. 
You and Shinobu would be kinda like two peas in a pod and almost never seperate. Shinobu is usually the one that spots you first and later just drags you with her. 
If you’re an introvert see her as the extrovert that adopted you. 
You cannot tell me otherwise but Shinobu is best wing woman.
She gives the best advices ever and will be there for you when you need to vent
Shinobu is also very smart as we all know but she wouldn’t let you copy off her homework, she would however help you with it.
Best girl to spill the tea with.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Shinobu likes to cuddle but she’s just so busy so she almost never has time to. When she does have time to cuddle then she will usually wanna be the big spoon. 
She wants to feel like she can wrap her arms around you and protect you. When she’s in her more soft mood then she will be the small spoon. 
She likes the feeling of your arms wrapping around her, she feels very safe and loved.
If you ask her to cuddle she might tease you a little, but it’s extremely lighthearted since she would never wanna make you afraid to ask her for cuddles
You two often cuddle when you two are going to bed, when Shinobu is done with her work, when she is tired or you or when you two have a day off.
She also likes it when you two lay face to face on your side and hug eachother, legs entangled with one another. She likes to see your face and give it some kisses.
Another cuddling position she likes that doesn’t happen as often as the other two is just when she can lay on your chest and you can draw patterns on her back or just wrap your arms around her.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She wants to settle down with you, she really does. But she wants to avenge her sister, that has been her top priority for 4 years and you can’t back her down. If she does survive however then she will settle down.
Shinobu is very good at cooking and cleaning even if Aoi is usually the one that does both of those jobs.
Shinobu always make sure to time everything down when she cooks and meassure so that all of it is correct.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d do it in private of course and in the evening. She will take you in her office or lab and will sit you down before she’s seated herself. Shinobu will have a serious look and her smile is gone. Shinobu won’t beat around the bush and will get straight to the point. If you begin to cry then she will let you cry on her shoulder. Shinobu will give you reasons on why it didn’t work and the only pro when you break up with her is that she won’t leave you with any questions. Every question you have she will answer truthfully.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Shinobu does wanna marry and settle down but she doesn’t have high hopes for it since the time they are in is demon infested. She would prioritize her duty as a hashira over getting married any day but that doesn’t mean she will say no to a romantic relationship.
Not only that but she also wants to avenge her sister and she will again, choose that over marriage.
Best outcome though is when she achieved both things and only then she can consider marrying and settling down.
If we’re gonna talk about modern au though she would want your romantic relationship to last years before marrying. She is not the one to mary after the first or third year but maybe fifth or even longer.
Alot can happen during those years and she doesn’t wanna be too hasty.
But on both accounts, she would wanna marry.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Shinobu is very gentle, so so gentle. Her touch is so soothing and her voice is so comforting. Shinobu mostly got her gentleness from her sister and later further learned to be gentle when she had to take care of the butterfly girls and her sister. Emotionally she is gentle with you, just not herself due to the constant state of anger she’s in. Shinobu teases alot too and those are not so gentle, but if you want her to stop she will. Besides all the teasing and the inner anger she feels, she’s very gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I can’t see her as the biggest lover of hugs but she is not oppossed to it and will gladly accept any hugs you give her, ok besides when she’s out in public and got that reputation to uphold or when she’s working. At least when she’s working she might give you an awkward hug back, it will be a little bit one sided but trust me, she’s trying her best.
Shinobu’s hugs often happens at the days she’s more free from work which is rare or when you two are alone in the office or when you two are going to bed together.
Basically you hug her in the day and she hugs you in the evening or/and night.
When she does hug you though let me tell you, it’s one of the best hugs you will ever receive in your life if not the best.
She knows how to hug you and make you feel safe. Her hugs are soft but sinscere and full of love. Shinobu’s scent makes the hug all the better.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’s most likely that she will confess first but other than that she’s not so quick to say the L-word. Mostly because she really wants to think if she’s truly fallen in love or if it’s just a small crush. She doesn’t wanna make any impulsive descisions, not to mention you might not even like her back. If you’re not confessing first then you will have to wait for a good while.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She gets jealous quite often but tries to ignore those feelings. To her, being jealous is immature so when she thinks she’s jealous she is in denial. But it’s clear when she’s jealous, the way she sometimes spy on you and the other person you’re talking to, when she comes forward and drags you away to help her with a task you know full well she’s capable of handling herself and how her voice becomes more passive agressive, depending on the person she’s talking to.
If it’s Giyu then let me tell you it gets a whole lot worse. Her teasing level is going sky high and she comes up with every teasing comment she can which is alot. When Shinobu isn’t talking she will only stare at Giyu until he becomes uncomfortable and leaves.
When you confront her about it she will deny it at first but the red blush will give her away. If you really don’t like how she acts she will apologize to you and maybe Giyu but no promises!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are soft and comforting. She has smooth lips scented lips so they smell nice. Everytime you get a kiss no matter where or how you will always be craving for more.
Shinobu loves to kiss you on the cheek, forehead and nose. Shinobu often kisses your cheek when you two are alone or when she’s in a very soft mood.
You usually get kissed on the forehead when you two are just lying in bed or when you need comfort. She will kiss your forehead all while telling you how beautiful you are, how thankful she is to have you here, how much you mean to her, she will list off 100 reasons and more why she loves you so dearly.
Kissing on the nose Shinobu does just to see your nose scrunch up in a adorable manner. She does it to tease you but also because she loves your reaction.
Shinobu loves getting kissed on the corner of her lips, it reminds her to smile. She also likes forehead kisses since she feels so loved when she gets kissed there. Kissing on the cheek is also another yes for her.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
She is great with children! She just got that vibe or friendly aura that makes little kids wanna interact with her. She is so sweet to them, giving them sweet smiles and maybe even candy. Shinobu is great both in the sense that the kids like her but they respect her alot too, she might give that kind aura vibe but also the one were even small kids knows she’s not the one to be messed with. If a kid does have the nerve to act bratty then one glare or angry smile will shut them up or send them crying.
Shinobu knows how to take care of kids in general, some of the patients she gets have kids whether they are older or very young.
But besides all that, yes, Shinobu is great with kids.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
In reality you and Shinobu don’t really wake up at the same time leading to each of you spending your mornings alone and sepretly. The main reason is her being a demon slayer and that she can get called in for a mission very early or you, if you are a demon slayer as well.
But on your day off or in the slim chance you two do get to spend the morning together it usually starts with her waking you up. She is gentle at first but if you don’t wake up soon she might feel a bit mischevious ;)
After you have woken up she’s basically at your hip. You two get dressed together, eat breakfast together and then follow through the rest of your routine together.
At breakfast you two usually talk about whatever comes to mind and after breakfast when you two make finishing touches like skin routine and what not both of you do it in peaceful enjoyable silence
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The night routine spent with her is as peaceful as it can get
Shinobu has to do some things before going to bed like tucking Sumi, Naho and Kiyo to sleep and doing a checkup that every patient is in bed or doing well before she can go to sleep herself.
Usually you join her when she does these checkups and if you don’t she doesn’t mind and you can just be in her room waiting for her
When she is done with her checkup and can make herself ready for the night you two go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and whatever else you need to do like skin routine.
You two again chat about how the day has been and what you have been doing while Shinobu was gone and vice versa.
The one always wait for the other and when both of you are done you two are joined by the hip to bed!
There Shinobu can sometimes induldge in some late night conversations but if she isn’t in the mood for it or a busy day is waiting then she will go to sleep and force you to do that as well
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
Small things like different facts about herself is something she has no problems talking about. You just need to ask and sometimes she just lorebombs it but things like her own insecurity and past is a whole nother thing.
Shinobu doesn’t really like the idea of opening up to people, she hates being vulnrable and feeling weak. Plus she is well aware that some people she just can’t open up to
At the start of your relationship she doesn’t really open up much about herself leading to you maybe hearing one or two from others like how she previously had a older sister.
As the relationship goes on she would feel more comfortable sharing things with you and opening up but she wouldn’t just say everything all at once.
She usually reveals one thing slowly as time went on but only when it fits the occassion and when she feels comfortable enough to.
Before she does she always checks with you if you are fine to hear about it. If you are struggling too then she wouldn’t wanna talk about her problems when you are the one needing help.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It really just depends on her how her day has gone up until that point
Shinobu is really patient but everyone has their limits right?
Proof of her patience is that she can keep up with Inosuke’s shenanigans and Zenitsu’s loud mouth
However like said, everyone has their limits. If something happens like a broken vase or annoying slayer she doesn’t really show her irritation leading to it building up instead and her patience growing thinner by whatever irritating thing that might happen next
At the end of the day some very minor things can just push her over the edge leading to her finally snapping
Of course she always apologizes afterwards
In summary her patience is like something you need to chip at before it finally breaks
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Shinobu rememberes what she deems as important. What’s your favorite food, what do you like to do, your boundries, do you have any allergy? Stuff like that. But of course Shinobu will remeber the more fun part like what’s your favorite color and animal.
For medical purposes she knows alot about your body, plus what blood type you have. Are you on any medication? Do you have any pills you take? Very very important stuff, she knows too.
Shinobu will make a serious mental note when she sees you wanting something, it could be some clothing, a earring or a necklace, doesn’t matter Shinobu will make sure to remember it and gift it you when the time comes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
If you asked her this question she probably would say ”every moment” or that she has so many that she possibly can’t choose.
I don’t really think she ever has a favorite favorite moment that beats every other but just many that share the number 1 place.
The day that either of you confessed is defenitely up there. Romantic dates, funny moments you two had, missions you two have together are defenitely up there.
But she also likes the more quiet and even sad moments. Even if she doesn’t like when you two argue it does help you both gain more understanding eachother in the end and helps you two improve and grow.
That is how she feels deep inside, but she would still give you that answer ”Every moment is our favorite moment”.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Shinobu is very protective and she has her own reasons, she has lost so many and she can’t bear to loose you too
She would be protective no matter if you are a demon slayer or a citizen.
It doesn't really matter if you're a demon slayer or a citizen, she'll be protective of you anyways
Since you're a demon slayer maybe you can get hurt by demons and if you're a citizen..you can still get hurt by demons. Guess there's no escaping getting hurt by demons.
Usually when you go out at night Shinobu will accompany you no matter what. It's like Shinobu has a sitxth sense or something. When she has a feeling you'll go out at night for whatever reason it's like she just drops everything and bolts to you.
Of course demons are not the only threat, people are too.
If you ever stumble to a suspicious person Shinobu becomes very wary and if that person is starting to bother you then Shinobu will take action.
It usually starts with warning the person to back off and leave you two alone but if the situation escalates then Shinobu will pin the person down or something along the lines of that.
But when she protects you from a demon? She is way more brutal.
She will use one of her most deadliest and painful poison on the demon making sure it suffers greatly for even thinking about hurting you. Doesn't matter if you're a demon slayer or cotizen as said, that demon will feel PAIN.
Shinobu likes to be protected when she knows she couldn't have handle it herself. Let's say a very quick demon snuck up on her and was about to stab her, she would really appreciate it if you came in and protected her. It would save her alot of trouble and death.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Shinobu would put in so so much effort, even for the little things. 
I am not kidding when she puts her heart and soul into these dates, anniversaries and gifts. 
The dates are always peaceful and so romantic. She somehow chooses the places that are unique and not cringe. Even if it’s a cringe scene she still makes it good. 
Anniversaries is when she really puts her heart and soul into it. She tries to make it the best for you. 
The gifts are always spot on and you don’t even know how. Sometimes you don’t even tell her and she still gets the gift right. If it’s a ring then she will get the exact gold or silver, ring size and even manages with the ore. 
I can honestly say that acts of service is one of her love languages so excpect her to do it alot. Sometimes she doesn’t know what to say with words so she shows her love to you with her actions. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She has the habit of suddenly snapping towards you. Even if you’ve been with her for a long time you still struggle to tell her emotions sometimes. Her smiling face all day can get you mixed signals. If she’s really mad you can see some vein popping but that is not so common. 
Sometimes you fail to notice her being in a angry mood and her wanting to be left alone and you unintentioally bugging her can lead her to snap and yell at you. She regrets it immdietly of course and tries her best to apologize.
Shinobu usally snaps when she’s really stressed or just when she has had a hard day. Giving her some tea, doing some of her work or just giving her some space will be appreciated later on. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Shinobu is mostly concerned about her looks due to the reputation she has to uphold. 
That explains why it takes quite a long time until Shinobu is ready for the day. Her hair is silky smooth even if she hasn’t showered for a few days. 
Please don’t run your finger through her hair in public, she worked hard to fix her hair! 
After the day is over though and the night settles in Shinobu will be less concerned over her looks. At that time it’s only your eyes that stare at her and she knows you think she’s beautiful no matter what. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Shinobu would feel incompleate, very much so. You’re that person that went into her heart and went through years of fixing the damages. You filled her heart and bandadged it with great care and for that she feels grateful.
You’re the one she can ground herself to if she ever needs it. 
Plus on the battlefieled if you’re a demon slayer no matter your rank you two are a power couple on the field. Your breathing styles compliment each other and Shinobu has to admit with your help taking out the demons is a breeze. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
To be honest I can see her as someone that would love physical affection from you but won’t really admit it
She hasn’t gotten physical affection from someone she loves with her whole heart and soul
Shinobu needs it once in a while especially on her hard days.
When she feels soft and on a happy mood she will iniate a cuddling session with you, she wants to be the little spoon because she likes being held. Sometimes though she will be big spoon because she likes the feeling of protecting you, it really just depends, it varies alot
Shinobu is not so fond of PDA so if you want to give her physical affection, do it when you two are compleately alone
Shinobu might tease you when you hug or cling onto her but she knows not to ruin the moment
It doesn’t take much to try and tell her what you want, she can read you like an open book
Ok this one might be too common of a headcannon or you’ve probably seen it many times before
But I have a feeling she loves singing. Like just quietly sing to herself, the song usually has a more sentimental meaning behind it since it’s the songs that her sister would sing to her but other than that she loves to sing
Don’t get your hopes up though, it’s not likely she’ll be willing to sing in front of you. Mostly because it’s embarrassing for her. Don’t try to eavesdrop on her either, she’ll know.
But she will sing for you if you’re having a rough day or when she just feels softer y’know?
She’ll most likely sing for the triplets. So if you’re lucky, you’ll find her singing a song to the triplets, Shinobu knows you’re there and will send you a wink or a wave.
Ok I know what I said earlier that it’s not likely for her to sing in front of you but that’s like in the early months of your relationship. As the time passes by I can see her being more confident in singing in front of you.
Another headcannon (I know you’re supposed to pick one but I have passed that limit)
Shinobu LOVES late night conversation
It’s when everyone’s asleep and she doesn’t have to work anymore which means she can talk to you about whatever she wants
Shinobu also feels a little but more like herself since she can talk about the subjects she loves! Of course she will let you talk about subjects you like too. But for her, it can get tiring talking about medical stuff all the times so it’s nice when she can talk about insects (I hc she loves insects too) or different flowers and their meanings.
But late night conversation can turn deep or it turns into her venting to you, of course with your consent.
Shinobu just knows she can talk about deep personal stuff with you because you won’t judge her or anything like that
It’s also the times when she can talk about her sister and the memories she has of her.
Usually it ends with you two cuddling and Shinobu crying.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Shinobu would want a sympethetic person, a kind one and respectful. Shinobu is not big on PDA so when she tells you that, she wants you to respect it. If you still kiss her on the cheek in public or even on the mouth when others are looking you’re gonna start to tread on thin ice. Shinobu holds high respect for her lover but she excpects you to do the same. Her Hashira status still applies to you so please speak respectfully.
Shinobu wants someone that puts in effort to the relationship. Shinobu does not like when she’s the only one that is initiates in dates, gifts or basic affection. If she’s preparing dates or comforting you with soothing words then she wants you to do the same. Shinobu will have her low days and she needs you to comfort her, if you just outright refuses to do so then that is when Shinobu knows you’re not the one. Shinobu sees any relationship as a two-way road and that both parts have to put in a effort to the relationship.
If a argument happens then she wants it sorted out. She will not pretend that nothing happened and she hopes you feel the same. Shinobu strongly believes that communication is the key of any relationship so if any argument happens she wanna talk it out. Sweeping it under the rug won’t make it better so please just talk to her.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Shinobu is the type to in her sleep cuddle up to you in the night and when you point it out to her in the morning she will deny it. Even if the covers are over her body it’s like she feels incompleate without your warmth so she will begin to move towards you and cuddle to your warm body. 
If you come home late at night then you can see her hugging your pillow and sometimes even laying on your side of the bed. 
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rongrii · 2 months
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beefrobeefcal · 6 months
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Yours in sin,
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justanechoflower · 6 months
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year
Omg, I can’t believe it!
Thank you all so much for getting me to 900 followers! I love you all so much!! /p 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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semisocialporcupine · 6 months
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I cannot express how thankful i am for this milestone, i should probably wait for the 1k mark but im excited NOW‼️
Finding out that people enjoy my art and are willing to follow me is an amazing feeling, i joined tumblr around a year ago and its the best choice i’ve ever made. I have met so many nice people in this app and especially in the TSP fandom. Off the top of my head @lilydoesdrawsometimes has inspired me an insane amount, as much as @vellichorom who’s art has always been outstanding to me, and i’ve learned so much from their linework and artstyle.
I also want to thank @ihazmunchies91 for her amazing fanfic, writing and ESPECIALLY for introducing me to other amazing creators i would’ve never had the bravery to approach (such as: @coralkrill @indigooey @owlfromthemeadow @emile-tb @deviousnarrator And a huuuge etc)
Thank you so much everyone, and im so excited to deliver more (hopefully increasingly better quality) artwork!
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dereliction-if · 1 year
Heyyy love the work you're doing. Seeing all the cute ask for RO's reactions got me thinking... how would the RO's react to an MC who wraps themselves around them (big spoon) in their sleep, like RO wake up or are awake when the MC snuggles them
Thank you so much for your kind words! Y‘all have no idea how excited I am each time I get some feedback! And as of regarding your Q…
I decided to give an A to your Q as a kind of celebration for reaching 900+ Followers!
We already had:
Big & little spoon
Falling asleep on their shoulder
Now here‘s the A to your Q:
MC going all big spoon:
The Heir:
Crushing Stage: They awaken, initially surprised and momentarily confused by the sudden sensation. However, it doesn't take them long to realize that it's you, and a contented smile graces their lips as they draw you even closer. It's as if they want to feel more of you, to capture more of your scent, as though they fear this cherished moment might slip away too swiftly. There's a sense that the intimacy they've long yearned for could be abruptly halted by an intruding interruption. The risk is palpable, the potential consequences grave. Yet, they wouldn't dare to rouse you from your dreams. They'll confront any repercussions head-on to ensure your safety. As they reflect on this, their smile remains, an expression that persists even after they slip back into sleep.
Relationship Stage: They'll never grow accustomed to your proximity, the warmth of your presence cocooning their body. Once again, they find themselves awash in disbelief at their fortune with you. Inhaling the scent of your skin, butterflies fluttering in their stomach, they nuzzle their face against yours, savoring the sensation. Their leg curls around one of yours, a desire for as much contact as possible evident in their movements. They mold their body against yours, each curve a proof of the truth and reality of this moment. As the morning sun ushers in a new day, their lips will tenderly brush yours in a sweet kiss, a gentle way to awaken you.
The Commander:
Crushing Stage: Enveloping him in your arms proves overwhelming for him. Allowing yourselves to drift into sleep side by side feels like a miscalculation. His heart quickens its pace, though the emotions it stirs are far from positive. Instead, a surge of indignation rises within him. How could you lead him into such a precarious scenario? He takes a few deep breaths before he rouses you with a less-than-gentle approach, his demand for your departure unmistakable and immediate. You should listen.
Relationship Stage: The moment your arm wraps around him, he jolts awake, a mixture of surprise, frustration, and bitterness flooding over him. The internal battle he constantly wrestles with rekindles, leaving him torn apart anew. He rises abruptly and departs, the weight of the situation proving too much for him to confront. When you eventually awaken, the emptiness around you is palpable. Driven by curiosity and concern, you seek him out and inquire about his departure. However, your efforts are met with a sharp retort that cuts deep. The pain is palpable. It's an experience you won't repeat, vowing to never ask again should a similar situation arise. Meanwhile, you remain unaware of the intensity of his longing for this very closeness - his yearning is fervent and his efforts to maintain distance serve only as self-inflicted punishment.
The Sovereign:
Crushing Stage: Her eyes flutter open, and with a deliberate slowness, she turns her head to ascertain the identity of the person beside her. As her gaze lands on you, a soft sigh escapes her lips. The memories of last night flood her mind, a mix of satisfaction and unease coloring her thoughts. While she acknowledges your efforts, she finds the growing sense of familiarity a tad disconcerting. Still, for a fleeting moment, she savors the sensation of your presence, allowing the embrace to linger. Eventually, she stirs and gently rouses you from your slumber. Her tone carries a hint of suggestion, though it's more of a veiled command as she implies it's time for you to retreat to your own quarters.
Relationship Stage: Her eyes gradually flutter open, and her gaze instinctively falls upon the arm encircling her. A huff of incredulity escapes her lips, but her reaction soon shifts. A subtle smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, a small and private expression of amusement that surfaces. How did she find herself in this particular situation? How did you manage to overcome her walls? As she considers the inexplicable circumstances, a sense of fondness blooms within her. With a soft exhale, she extends a delicate hand to gently encompass yours. Her touch is tender, and her fingers trace patterns against your skin, forming a words that hovers just shy of contact. Just then a slight shake of her head follows, almost as if she's chastising herself. She recognizes the vulnerability she's succumbed to—the undeniable weakness she's developed in your presence. It's a realization that carries both sigh-worthy acceptance and a hint of exasperation. One thing being sure, she‘ll do her best not to show you, not yet.
The Mage:
Crushing Stage: Their eyes widen with surprise, and in a swift motion, they shift to face you, their gaze trailing you up and down. However, you remain sound asleep, oblivious to their scrutiny. A wide smile blossoms across their lips, a genuine expression of delight that lights up their features. As if savoring the sensation of your presence, they allow their eyes to flutter closed momentarily. The touch of your skin against theirs is a cherished experience, prompting them to get lost in the moment. Then, with a contented sigh, they return to their original position, snuggling into the hug you provide.
Relationship Stage: A serene smile graces their lips, and they choose to keep their eyes closed, savoring the moment in their own little cocoon of warmth. They respond by drawing your arm even closer around them, seeking to deepen the intimacy of the position. Their lips meet your skin in a succession of soft, lingering kisses, each press accompanied by a silent but fervent wish for your well-being. As they pepper your skin with these gentle affections, their heart's desire becomes evident: to never let you slip away from their grasp. After countless kisses have been exchanged, they reach for your hand, intertwining their fingers with yours, and place both hands between their thighs. It's a gesture of comfort, of warmth exchanged, and a sensation that feels as close to heaven as one can get. With a sense of contentment washing over them, they allow themselves to drift into sleep.
The Mercenary:
Crushing Stage: As they awaken, a shiver ripples through them, and their brows knit in confusion. The moment feels both intimate and suffocating, a mix of conflicting emotions. They want to relax and savor the closeness, yet anxiety takes over. With a swift movement, they extract themselves from your embrace, their expression a mixture of relief and distress. Sleep evades them, and they're left grappling with their inner turmoil. Tomorrow will likely bring their characteristic annoyance as they fight with the vulnerability the night brought forth.
Relationship Stage: Tension grips them initially, but recognition follows – it's you. Relaxation doesn't come easily, as they battle with the newness of their emotions. They mentally reassure themselves a few times, that it's alright – it's you, no one else. "Only you," they think, not in a dismissive manner, but as a realization. They still cannot believe what changed, how they changed since being with you. Then they smile to themselves, well, now that they are awake, they might wake you up too, you know, maybe…they‘ll seriously consider it.
The Knight:
Crushing Stage: No! What is happening?! Their eyes widen in disbelief as they take in the situation. They avoid looking at you directly, fearing that if you were awake, the intensity of your eyes on them might be too much to handle. It's almost as if they assume your consciousness would magnify the impact of the moment. Internally, they struggle with conflicting emotions. They feel a sense of guilt, believing that they might be taking advantage of their position or crossing an unspoken boundary. This internal conflict prevents them from fully relishing the unexpected intimacy. They wrestle between their longing to let go and the apprehension of being caught in this vulnerable state. What if somebody sees the two of you?
Relationship Stage: The corners of their lips turn upwards, their eyes reflecting the feeling of arrival and happiness. They let out a gentle chuckle, utterly taken by the sensation of you enveloping them. But then, they playfully shift the dynamics, turning to face you and drawing you close in their embrace. Their arms encircle you securely, holding you as if unwilling to let go, with their face nestled in the crook of your neck. Who's the big spoon now? In this precious moment, life feels perfect, and the emotions shared between you are nothing short of sacred.
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arlerts-angel · 6 months
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thank you sm?? 🥹🤍
you are all so special to me!!! if we're mutals or not, if we interact or not, if you're new or not, THANK YOU for being here with me :')
i never could have imagined so many people being here and enjoying what i write. it feels so wild!! it always will. thank you all so very much 🤍
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didderd · 1 year
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where do i go from here
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