nonedhudla · 3 months
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mingos · 8 months
look... all i'm saying is that if nico robin had a bounty at 8 for simply just possessing something the world government deemed as "forbidden knowledge" (ie. the ability to read poneglyphs) then doflamingo escaping mary geoise at 10 with knowledge so top secret the world government tried assassinating him for decades and, when that didn't work, was willing to give him whatever he wanted just to keep his mouth shut?
oh, he definitely had a bounty at ten years old.
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prontaentrega · 2 years
quiero starman en físico :(
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dearly · 2 years
I am the prev anon. Thanks for answering. I don't know much about 5h and often wondered why camilla got to be the star, when she is not objectively a better singer than others.
what i know about camila is very limited to when she was label mates with louis, and that was a stark difference. when louis was winning the iheartaward that they wanted to give to camila they *invented an award* for her. he sent a video bc he wasn't welcome. imagine... your label has a dark horse that keeps winning fan awards, and you gotta work around it.
i think, in general, camila had the headstart of leaving the band, the privilege of using c*mr*n to keep fans engaged (those shippers are still around today) and savvy management--her first single was a flop. they redirected incredibly quickly and worked incredibly hard. plus the shawn stunt.
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jellyfiishbones · 2 years
was reminded today that most people don’t think cops are bad
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
i am having A Time looking through some old blogs and stuff because I found some Ye Olde Gifsets of the Sea of Monsters movie and. okay. I know it's not fair to compare a movie and a TV show. Howeverrrrr, the PJO TV show allegedly had a HUUUGE budget. Cause it's Disney. (Actually, I did the math - low estimate budget for all of s1 was $96 million USD - allegedly $12-15mil per episode, compared to SoM's $90mil total budget) So why does the Sea of Monsters movie from ten years ago over half the time look better than the show? Like. A lot better.
Like I've complained about the CGI in the show before. Quite a bit. They can't consistently scale Chiron's horse half so he's changing size/proportions in every scene, they can't properly scale the stationary trident floating above Percy's head (you can TELL the asset is elongated improperly like someone stretched it and didn't fix it), they're actively avoiding animating Percy's hydrokinesis as much as possible, and the majority of monster or general CGI scenes are as hands-off as possible.
And as an animator I get it, if you don't have to animate something don't animate it. But. if your series is ENTIRELY CENTERED AROUND A CHARACTER WHO'S BIG MAIN THING IS CONTROLLING WATER. but you REFUSE TO SHOW HIM CONTROLLING WATER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Then maybe you SHOULDN'T HAVE CHOSEN THAT SERIES. And I get most scenes with monster fights are difficult to CGI interaction with. CGI interaction is not easy to make look good. But also. You cannot get through the entire series without the characters physically interacting with monsters that are going to have to be CGI'd. And there are ways to do it where the avoidance of interacting with the CGI things is less noticeable, but the show very much does not do that. They did it for the minotaur fight! Everything is really dark with strategic lighting so stuff gets obscured. That one looked fine! But in like every other CGI fight Percy just. Does not touch. It very clear the show is doing very cheap CGI wherever possible and then having the nicer monsters and things that carefully do not touch moving things as much as possible. Walker sits completely stationary when Percy's turning to gold cause they had to CGI over him and it looks bad anyways. PJO TV has the budget for it to not be bad. Disney has the means. But they're not doing that. Even fully stationary CGI scenery like Olympus is clearly super lazy and is skipped over as quickly as possible and is just sad.
Anyways I'm gonna go reblog some old Sea of Monsters gifsets.
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corvidconvergence · 11 months
I scattered my 90mil hatch attempt near miss
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He is going to be so handsome
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koobi-fr · 11 months
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Hatched some dragons during the 90mil milestone craze, and now my outbox is a little fuller than I'd like. So, I'm selling a bunch of dragons!
All the red underlined dragons are 50g/kt, and all the basic ones are gen1. Included are scries of some of the gen1s. I'm willing to haggle!
My sales tab will be in the replies!
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heysatanitsyourgirl · 10 months
My Roman Empire is the Batgirl movie.
It was completely finished. The editing, the filming. All of it.
It had been shown in previews to critics. They still scrapped it for tax pay offs.
It cost them $90mil to make, they still scrapped it.
Leslie Grace, a Latina actress, was playing a title role in the DC universe. A classically white character.
She trained. Worked ridiculous hours for months. She visited children in hospital in her costume. She was batgirl.
Then it suddenly was scrapped.
Because Warner bros. Is using HBOmax as a way to write off taxes.
It was complete. They lost more money then they would have.
It was complete.
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televisionenjoyer · 7 months
me da mucha risa que los poderes estatales tengan aumentos millonarios de sueldo AUTOMÁTICOS y yo le tenga que andar recordando a RRHH todas las semanas que me correspondía un aumento de 90mil extra hace 4 meses
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vidavojic · 10 months
hi tumblr!!!
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Timing is Divine tour 2024 coming up
Tour dates::::
Sa. 6 Copenhagen @ Ladder Space
M. 8 Berlin @ 90mil
W. 10 Leipzig @ hitness club (+ livestream)
Th. 11 Chemnitz @ Lesecafé Odradek
Sa. 13 Leipzig @ galerie intershop
Tu. 16 Graz @ Kunst Klub Kräftner
W. 17 Celje @ Špitalska Kapela
F. 19 Buje @ Open University Buje
Sa. 20 Grožnjan @ Truba Bar
W. 24 Zürich @ Kulturhaus Helferei
F. 26 Rotterdam @ varia
Sa. 27 Nijmegen @ Extrapool
Su. 28 Amsterdam @ WIHH gallery
W. 31 Groningen @ NP3
F. 2 Düsseldorf @ the pool
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jadonsgf · 1 year
apparently Sevilla is 90 million euros in debt and said the entire squad is on the market
now how the hell did that happen???
i’m being so honest i’ve heard so much about united’s £1 billion debt, this 90mil didn’t even phase me at first. idk how but too many football clubs seem to make the worst financial decision no matter the size😭
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
The man has a net worth of $110 million.// He's barely worth $40 million. Just more BS coming from you.
There’s no need to be rude over something so inconsequential. There are varying numbers in circulation. I’ve seen $110mil, $80mil, $90mil, etc. 🧜🏻‍♀️
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
I actually joined because of Moonkitti, (aka user moon who wins the monthly referral constest almost every month with fault) if it wasn't for Moonkitti I wouldn't be in this site, or this blog, and probably this goes for like maybe hundreds of players. Honestly at first it was probably bad, but not that it's widdled down to like 10-20 new players per day that's probably much easier to manage.
Even if she was managed to be beaten one month by someone, she's still gonna be the lead for a very long time. And I feel like she's at a point where she doesn't bother reaping the reward and I don't mean this in a way to imply I'm attempting to throw shade. She's been playing for a while now, a LONG a while, she started in 2014, that's like REALLY early in the site's life, she's probably just has better things to do, and yeah fair.
I still watch Moonkitti, and almost religiously so. I've watched literally all her videos at least once, and I'm excited for the day she one-day talks about warrior cat sexism, full blast. And yeah, I've kinda stopped reading the books ages ago, but I still watch her videos. Chances are if you are a warrior cat fan who watches warrior cat videos you happen to know of her even if you largely do not watch her videos.
She has two goatling videos, one in 2014 (8 years ago), and another posted only 3 years ago in 2019. So you can't say she hasn't been directing people to the site only recently, she had made that 2014 video the same year she joined, y'know in 2014, and I'm sure most users currently on the site joined AFTER she did and maybe also because she made a video of it.
I fail to see why anyone would want to be 'lol, I joined before Moonkitti' most of those people, probably aren't playing anymore, and the majority of them that are still playing, are probably staff or former staff who retired from the team on good terms. Also, Moonkitti is a beta user. She's in the hall of Fame and has a beta goat and everything. You honestly cannot get any 'superior' than being a beta member, if you are being THAT guy.
And no, I'm not secretly Moonkitti with an I, I as in I'm not moonkitti, I swear. I actually joined this year and am doing decently with my goals I've made myself. All the last goats I've aimed to get are right now anyways under 100mil, and that may seem like a lot to some, I also have a mothman goat, which can be like 50-90mil on average, and I'm an artist, I should be fine all things considered.
Even if I misread things and people are saying preMoonkitti goatlings was somehow better- my dude that's like what, 2012, 2013 goatlings where goatlings didn't even have the monster masquerade, and wouldn't for like another five years, and not even the diamond dust shop with out yet with it's seasonal exclusive DD ad boxes.
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Denuncia ONU 90mil presos sin sentencia en México; "práctica generalizada", acusa
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shamelesslimitless · 16 days
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Just announced! Oct 5 at 90mil: Molly Nilsson's "Un-American Activities" Record Release, w special guest Apostille (Night School, Glasgow).
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