panda-of-the-trash · 11 months
My Spotify is going hard tonight
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noname30 · 1 year
Seriously, this year songs take me back so often it's weird
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femdomcuckpl · 3 months
First posts may be a little bit boring (and not much cuckold), but I want to tell you my story, not just fantasy.
Early 90ties. I was 17 year old teenager, living in a small town, going to college in another city, coming home every weekend. It was mostly men college (technical school) so not to much opportunity to find a girl. I was never tall or big man (as a teenager even smaller). I was rather shy, but not some kind of a loser. I was keen on sports (football, swimming), quite a good student, normal ordinary family. Just an average teenager.
My sex life... Yes, you guessed. Daily masturbation, sometimes 2-3 times a day. There was no online porn back then, but you could buy illustrated magazines. It was also beginnig of porn tapes, but not that easily accesible for me. I was dreaming of having a girlfriend, but couldn't easily find one - as I said I was rather shy, small and not having much opportunity to meet ones.
Then out of the blue I met her... Brenda*
Actually it wasn't Brenda - I have changed ALL the names and SOME of the facts about the girls (like job or company branch they were working). It doesn't affect the story, but helps me being discreet.
All facts concerning my sexual adventures are real. Dialogues, situations, etc. are as close to real as I remember them.
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mischievousblade · 10 months
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More futtering around as a Bixie Queen.
The reduced GIF colors make the background look like an 90ties video game.
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thenomadclan · 2 years
((WELCOME BACK YALL! I just wanted to apologize on my strange upload schedule, it’s hard to upload videos during or before classes in my collage. Though I do really hope you all have enjoyed so far, but we are back in Predator Hunting Grounds for a limited time! Not gonna lie this Build was fun to do, however I realized after recording and back in my collage dorm…I used the wrong class for the build! I’m practically kicking myself but regardless I think it looks pretty cool still. If you want the real Class to use in my opinion it be City Hunter. So without further ado let’s introduce a this newest build with nothing but Royal Fashion^^))
The Predator King’s Lore:
The Predator King is a complete enigma, more so then the Female Yautja’s & the Xenomorph king in any story. The mysterious millennia-old Yautja is said to lead several Predator clans, or perhaps the entire Yautja race. He is a rare occurrence in Alien vs. Predator lore but lore suggest that he has constructed with Xenomorph trophies or past hunted trophies a throne he uses to monitor clans and his race on Yautja Prime or his mother ship. Now since that is literally all there is to this Yautja, I have decided to locate all forms of Predator King Lore here as a list of all known references towards Predator king:
(Relations to Prince on AVP2)
Prince was a royal Yautja who arrived on LV-1201 in response to a distress signal sent by an ancient Predator in the Aliens vs. Predator 2 video game. Presumably, he was the son of a King Predator that we never saw in the game. It was possible that he used his father's ship, as it was more elegant and royal in design compared to other Yautja ships. Prince survived the hunt on LV-1201 and would one day become a King himself. Unfortunately, the story never received a direct sequel, but Prince is still a popular and well-known Yautja character in Yautja / Predator Media.
(NECA’s Clan Leader Figure)
The Predator Clan Leader is a tall alpha Predator and the leader of a clan or several clans of Predators. Originally an action figure from Kenner in the 90ties without much backstory, NECA did a reimagining of him in 2016 and was the biggest Predator figure produced at that point. NECA later released the Predator throne which consisted of the Alien Queen skull and several smaller trophies. The Clan Leader fits on the throne perfectly and is a good possible version of the Predator king.
Kalakta was probably the closest that the Predators had for a leader of their race. He was thousands of years old and fought against humans, Xenomorphs and the enigmatic Drukathi race during his long reign. Kalakta appeared in the Rage War trilogy as a wise and competent leader that every Predator respected. He called for a gathering of Predators to fight against the Rage threat together with Colonial Marines. We don't know his appearance in the book but this fan art depicts a Predator leader in a similar position.
That is all the Knowledge and Lore for this what would seem a very badass and powerful Predator Character. It truly is a shame The Predator King doesn’t get more attention or known lore, but I guess that comes with “trying to keep the Predator species a mystery”. I hope you all enjoyed this video and lore!
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mangakasanakajenw · 2 years
I caught the Dinosaur bug again a couple of months ago when i found out high Quality Dinosaur models actually exist XD ever since the first JP movie came out in the early 90ties i got obsessed with these fantastical creatures, shockingly i hardly ever done anything with that love as an artist so time to change that :) So for my 1st attempt of sculpting a dinosaur, it ofcourse had to be my favorite herbivore the Parasaurolophus! I choose not to go with the jurassic park design but try to make one that is close to being scientificly accurate, or atleast to what is known about their anatomy to this date lol... I used a skeletal reference constructed by the amazing artist Scott Hartman to reference my build on.
So far i got the first bits of clay slapped on, and i started some muscle difinition and fleshing out, aparently from Bertollo's 2020 Papers it was highly possible that the parasaurolophus had a thick neck instead of the slender swan like neck that we believed it had, so i am going to give my one a thicker neck :)
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randomplam · 2 years
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Wonder Festival (and others) Winter 2023 Highlights 
Starting with an announcement that simply BLEW ME AWAY! A Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne nendoroid!! Am I dreaming? Like, is this happening?
I mean, Jeanne is one of the all time classics of the Mahou Shoujo era of the 90tis and the early 2000s, but still... Even by shoujo standards, I always thought that to a wider range audience the series was still rather niche... compared to the behemoths that are Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Personally, I LOVE JEANNE! These series and especially the manga were my gateway into the now life long obsession with the media and the genre! (I have a collection of all the manga editions in two languages, so this should tell you how much I love the series!) So yes, Good Smile, take my money, please! I do not collect nendoroids, but this will be an instant pre-order!
And maybe... if she sells well... we could dare to hope to maybe get some of the other characters as well... and even may be... someday, a pop up parade release? Maybe? Do I dare hope? :3
As someone on MFC said... What a time to be alive!
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mistofstars · 1 year
Poland sounds like Ace of Base.
From the 90ties.
Do you remember Ace of Base 😂
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lealie04 · 2 years
social media bullies me to watch the Wednesday show it just keeps showing up on my feed but I’m afraid to watch it because I love the 90ties films so much. the supernatural aspects puts me off and I’m so attached to the original cast and the family aspect of the addams
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5, 18, 20 !!
5. Good song for road trips
ok very european but "Fairytale" by Alexander rybak. Its just so nice to sing along and imitate the violin.
18. Popular song you hate
let me say each old song from 80ties or 90ties that now suddenly gets an edm remix. please stop.
20.Song you love to sing
Bo Burnham - 1985. Look when he goes "I wanna be my dadddd" it just bangs ok
music asks here !!
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maximuswolf · 2 months
90ties Female Singer
90ties Female Singer this is a long shot… i am looking for a song by a female singer in the 90ties, she sings bout a one night stand/ having a male stranger in her bed and out drinking all night. i remember having “oh my god” in the corus…. anyone knows what song in searching. this was a childhood memory (i know, i know, we didnt know any better 😂)THANK YOU Submitted July 25, 2024 at 10:49AM by Goegeli https://ift.tt/VTgrn1m via /r/Music
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gledaliscevelenje · 7 months
Večerja za Generala
Nedelja, 24. marec 2024 | 18.00 Dom kulture Velenje, mala dvorana
Večerja za Generala KD Gledališče Velenje
Večerja za Generala je dvodelna komična skica. Prirejena je na osnovi dvodelne komične skice z naslovom Večerja za enega, znane tudi kot 90ti rojstni dan, ki jo je britanski avtor Lauri Wylie napisal za gledališče leta 1934. Zgodbo smo prestavili v Slovenijo, kjer star general Mraz praznuje svoj 90ti rojstni dan skupaj s svojimi starimi prijatelji. Le ti so duhovi - spomini na njegovo pestro javno in skrito življenje. Predstava, oziroma gledališka skica, je sestavljena iz dveh delov. V prvem konferencier Nejc uglasi gledalce in prostor na delavno temperaturo. V drugem pribočnik Miha na poseben način postreže generala Mraza in njegove prijatelje z večerjo. Uživajte z nami, s sabo in svojimi duhovi.
IGRAJO: Konferansje Nejc - Nejc Škorjanc, Pribočnik Miha - Miha Šilc, General Mraz - Matej Mraz
Vstopnice: 5 EUR Za abonente Nedeljskega gledališkega abonmaja je predstava gratis.
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theormusic · 1 year
Cattle Style Travelling
I read a tweet about the chaos on airports. The twitterer wrote this is abnormal and should be stopped. I have 2 opinions. In the 80ties/90ties I travelled professionally. Sometimes 6 days a week. Mainly in Europe. I lived in Hamburg, 15 min away from the airport at the the edge of the City Centre. I mainly travelled to Paris, Scandinavia and Nurnberg or Munich. Hardly booked a ticket, bought it…
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fly-sky-high-09 · 1 year
Oh to be in the 90ties and work as a video game cartrige rental dude who also had a small arcade with couple of consoles but a shelf full of games
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noname30 · 1 year
Australia is also a bit from 90ties
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lipowanoc · 2 years
Feb 14 is the Saint Valentine’s Day. In Polish it is called Dzień Świętego Walentego, and in short Walentynki.
Well, I don’t think there is any particular Polish tradition for this day. Walentynki came to Poland in the 90ties as a western tradition and at first Valentine’s Day appeared as an artificial, “commercial” celebration and only later gained  popularity. Many businesses appeal to Valentine’s Day so surely you would see plenty of valentine-related adds, events, concerts, and decorations in the shops. Like every coffee shop and restaurant has a special menu for that day.
So Walentynki is a wide-spread seasonal celebration, but I would argue the Poles don’t attach much importance to it.  Yes, couples do try to spend this day together and they exchange gifts, but I wouldn’t call it a significat date in a relationship, and the celebration/gifts doesn’t need to be big, just a little something to signalize you think about your significant other (but how you celebrate walentynki and how important it is to you varies from couple to couple).
Also back in my schooldays on Feb 14 we would write anonymous valentine cards that were later delivered to the addressee or read aloud through the school radio.
Walentynki / walentynki- written with a big or small letter - is  the Valentine’s Day, mind that walentynki is a plural noun, so when you write Valentine’s Day is celebrated on Feb 14th- you write Walentynki są* obchodzone 14 lutego. Są means “are”
walentynka - means a valentines day card or gift, you can also say kartka walentynkowa for a valentines day card. Walentynka also means a boy/girlfriend during the valentine’s day, a date (person). So you can ask your crush ‘ Będziesz moją walentynką?’ - will you be my valentine? or google 10 ideas “Gdzie zabrać swoją walentynkę?” - Where to go with your b/gfriend on Valentine’s day.
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