#9x19 common enemies
cards-onthetable · 5 years
Lol what?
-me the entire time I watched this episode. I don’t have that many thoughts because I don’t care about any of this at all. LeT’s DiVe iN!
Remind me who the Delgados are again? I mean, don’t actually bc I don’t care. But I feel like I’d be more invested in this storyline if I remembered.
But damn @ straight up showing a murder like that on screen. That’s A Lot for this show.
Oh the psychic lady is back? This should be fine
I am seriously missing how these cases are all connected. I guess that’s what happens when you spread some story out into 3-4 episodes over two full seasons like what’s with this lame attempt at a cohesive story arc?
We’re moving on to this club setup situation and all I can think about is all of my Questions about this whole phone/wire situation, but it’s fine
Oh, hooray, they caught the guy who killed Linda. Nice.
I don’t know how I feel about this last psychic scene. Like... it’s meaningful, and a Big Deal, but also.... is it that meaningful? To let this psychic lady who Danny’s met like twice now convince him to take off his wedding ring? I would’ve much rather seen that happen over a conversation with Frank or Henry - actual important people in Danny’s life who can offer some insight as two men who have also lost their wives - instead of this nobody psychic getting that role.
Frank & Lena
Dude Frank’s Big Three are hilarious.
Bit ~presumptuous~ of Lena to go around telling folks she has the commissioner’s ear when she’s never met the dude, lol
About to be Frank’s sister??? Um lol I don’t think that’s how the whole in-law thing works but okay
Did Frank Reagan just say the word “icky” on my TV? Lol what? 😂😂😂
GAWD it’s like they’re preparing for war up in the PC’s office. Everyone is sooo awkwarddddd
Lena Janko is ridiculous like, to the point where I can’t even enjoy this 😂😭
“Very masculine” is 100% a nod to “Nice place Reagan...could use a woman’s touch though” except it’s not a nod in a cool way, it’s like the writers rewatched that scene and changed it a little bit so they didn’t have to start from scratch 🙄
GAWD say Edit one more time. Please
Frank is a bigger person than I am yo I would’ve shot that shit right down the second she started asking for courtesy cards like I don’t care whose mother you are
How widespread was this scheme of Armin’s that apparently people have recognized the Janko name everywhere Lena has moved to? New York is a big city dudes, I’d think she could find some luxury high rise somewhere that isn’t run by her husband’s victims. Like considering Jamie and other cops had never heard of the case back in the day, how Big could it have really been? Lol whatever I’m thinking too much. God knows the writers don’t think when it comes to this shit.
This rich old lady with her tiny cat-dog is my all time favorite Blue Bloods character
“Looks like we might not even need to see the security footage!” Lol @ Garrett with those Detective Skillz
Lena is back in Frank’s office and what is with Frank’s hand gestures/body language? Lol it’s weird af like Frank Reagan should not be pressing a hand to his chest like that 😂
EDIT lolol
I can’t force myself to feel invested in this whole Lena situation oh well
Family dinner
I’m bored of this. they’ve had this exact same conversation 2948 times in the last 9 years
But it’s worth noting that Eddie didn’t cross herself after the prayer which lol, will probably make some people mad (I’ll be lurking on the Facebook page later folks, behave yourselves) but I appreciate it. She’s not Catholic, she hasn’t become Catholic, hooray for reality or whatever.
Jamie & Erin’s case
Lol @ Eddie screaming Jamie’s name on this scene. I thought he’s only Sarge at work? 🙄
Related: you’re still trying to tell me nobody at their damn precinct suspects a thing? Bullshit.
Daaaaaamn @ this bar fight yo.
Jamie Reagan does terrible CPR. I die laughing every time that shit crosses my screen. It’s TV, yeah dude, but like, can we at least make it look a little more realistic? Get his hands in the right spot? If I ever die in a bar fight or dentist’s office somewhere, Jamie Reagan is not who I want responding.
Convenient of this drunk trashbag to admit to the crime as soon as he’s out of earshot of everyone else.
The dude survived all the way to the operating table? LOL NOT AFTER THAT SHIT CPR
ARe yOu CaLLiNg mE a LiAr?! All I can think of is this Classic Moment:
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Jamie said “wHaT DiFfErEnCe dOeS iT MaKe?!” twice in thirty seconds, in case anyone still thought this show is well-written and not sloppy
Say TO MY FACE one more time, Jamie. To mY FaCe
Lol that scene in Erin’s office is... fine? It exists? I don’t care about anything all I can think about is where is Anthony’s sixteen-year-old foster son? 🙄
WHY IS ANTHONY TRACKING JAMIE DOWN AT WORK to intervene in his ~professional disagreement~ with Erin? UGH like what makes Anthony so important that he gets all these roles? He’s not A Reagan yet he gets solo scenes/storylines with Erin, Jamie, and Eddie this season?
Why does he even exist? To turn Erin’s lawyer storylines into detective storylines. It’s dumb and demeaning and doesn’t let us see Erin doing her actual job and “Anthony” should not even exist as a role on this show. In this essay I will
“THE BOY SCOUT’S GOT SOME SPUNK AFTER ALL” lol @ that entire sentence
God I’m only halfway through this damn episode someone save me.
LOL @ Anthony yelling at this poor Statue Of Liberty chick. And LOL @ the stabby ragey drunk with fancy lawyers dating some girl whose job is Performance Art in Times Square. 😂😂😂
And now Anthony’s yelling at both of them in his office? I mean I’m all for anyone yelling at Various Reagans but w.h.y. does Anthony exist.
Except LOLOL 4ever @ Anthony pouring himself two shots and then peacing out, CLASSIC.
THE FINAL DINNER SCENE: Frank Officially Meets Lena
Lol this opening of just Frank and Jamie is awkward af
Eddie’s so nervous and jittery. 😂 “I would like... to introduce you.... to my mom...? Maybe?” It’s funny and for once I’m not bothered by this whole Demeanor on Eddie (it makes sense for her to be nervous about introducing her mom to Jamie’s family) but also don’t start talking to me about how this could/should have occurred during Jamie and Eddie’s pre-engagement dating relationship that we were deprived of, it’s fine
Eddie and Jamie’s cute little “hey...hey” was like, the most meaningful/cute/appropriate-for-an-engaged-couple Moment they’ve had all season, so thaf’s where we’re at now.
Lol I’m so pleased @ how Nothing that scene was.
I’m going to go give my three dogs a bath. It’ll be more fun and interesting than this episode, so. ✌️
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darkstorm1720 · 5 years
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I'm watching Blue Bloods 9x19 "Common Enemies" @vrayskull #TomSelleck #LenCariou @DonnieWahlberg @bridgetmoynahan @WillEstes101 @GayleTweets8 @TonyTerraciano #abigailhawk
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