reckless-rider · 1 year
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jeanmoreautemple · 2 months
Thea Muldani: a rant
I feel weird about Thea but I can’t really put into words exactly why? So I’m writing down some things I’ve thought.
I honestly didn’t think much about her before TSC, like she was okay (I wish she’d been introduced earlier tho or that she hadn’t graduated already so she was a recurrent Raven player or something).
After reading the extra content I wasn’t bothered about the age gap between her and Kevin but yes a little bit about the fact that Kevin was fourteen when they first met + the -you fuck like a virgin, maybe some practice will make you better at it- comment that Nora included. It was uuhh weird but the rest of the Kevthea story was okay, and Thea is 100% not a groomer. Plus, Nora technically deleted the extra content so in theory nothing there is canon yet.
Now in TSC we get her sole appearance in TKM from Jean’s POV, who has known her since he was fourteen (like Kevin- this is important to keep in mind). The scene starts out cute! We find out she took him under her wing and even had nicknames for him like Paris and her little duckling🥰. So the fourteen year boy that just arrived from france with broken English looked up to her, Thea was ~21 at this point.
We know Jean is going through HELL during this time:
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And we also know the Moriyamas were always particularly cruel with Jean, getting more physical him than with Kevin. Even though It’s said that Riko would torture Jean and Kevin (broken hand incident) in private, hence the other Ravens not knowing the whole picture, how can a fourteen year old kid hide such pain? But apparently , as we later find out, Thea was too deep into the Evermore raven cult mindset that she didn’t find anything strange about the coach and Rikk’s behavior towards Jean.
At 15 Jean is given a number and place in the perfect court, but only at 16 joins the lineup. He gets a lot of hate, especially from the other defensemen, whom Thea works with:
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Although the Ravens are know for being extremely violent training, at least in the court Thea must have noticed that the defense line were especially brutal to Jean. Or SOMETHING.
But here comes the worst part: during this same year Riko forces Jean to sleep with 5 defensemen. By the time Jean is a junior most of these have graduated which means they were 20 or older. So Thea had been playing with each of these guys for at least 2 years (except for Grayson), she knew them.
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They went on to joke and talk about the whole ordeal as Jean paying for his perfect court number. Thea also being in the defense line could have heard all of this first hand, we don’t know. But It’s so widely talked about that it reaches Tetsuji and we do know Thea witnessed Jean’s punishment:
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Coincidentally Thea starts a sexual and emotional relationship with Kevin this year (it’s her last too).
So here’s the part that made me dislike Thea very much. In TKM she goes to Kevin demanding answers, Kevin then brings her to Jean, who is looking like this:
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It’s been three years since she graduated but she’s still wearing her Raven number in a necklace, and when she sees Jean’s state in TSC she comments how if Kevin hadn’t said anything she’d think it normal:
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By now it’s clear she at 26 is still 100% brainwashed, but this next line of hers cemented it:
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So let’s break that down:
1. The immigrant kid (16!) she watched over for two years from age 14 to 16 suddenly starts having sex with members of HER (23!) defense line who are all around her age and openly hate him for 5 consecutive nights and she doesn’t suspect anything?
2. Said defensemen then brag and shame Jean afterwards calling him a whore, which leads to Jean getting beaten half to dead by their coach and still nothing?
3. Years later she recalls the incident as Jean being up to his little tricks and being rightfully beaten to a pulp?!!!!
I can’t. I know she’s also a cult victim but no. It was super common for Ravens to have hate sex with each other but her being close to Kevin (and somewhat Jean) during the time Jean’s (a 16 year old!) assaults were happening and still remaining this clueless… I’m sure she must be lovable for both Kevin and Jean to respect and care for her so much but her one scene convinced me she’s way too deep into the Raven spirit and her presence around Kevin and Jean would be just so harmful.
But I have to give credit when it’s due, apparently after some hours with Kevin and 7 years later she believes her King broke Kevin’s hand:
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In conclusion:
Thea is absolutely no groomer but if one takes a look at her attitude towards Jean’s sexual history when he was 16 and how her relationship with Kevin was happening simultaneously, her you fuck like a virgin, maybe some practice will make you better at it and tell me you weren’t up to your old tricks comment combo, it all makes me dislike her. Cause you’d think someone who at 22-23 was dating a boy who had just turned legal would be careful or mature enough to choose her wording better when talking about the sexual activity between a boy close in age to her own boyfriend with people around HER age, but nope. The fact that Kevin married her, has a child and lives happily ever after with her seems unbelievable to me.
PS: Her and Kevin’s (we don’t know if he believes Riko) apparent ignorance or lack of suspicion of Jean’s freshman year assault was the most hurtful part of TSC tbh (not counting Elodie). Imagine having the closest people to you misunderstand/ believe lies about such a traumatic event. I guess this is why Nora didn’t include a Andrew POV, I would have died or wanted to kill Nicky and Aaron for not looking deeper into Andrew’s attitude.
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
TSC spoilers
While Rhemann was cleaning up Jean's wounds after Grayson, you know he had a moment where he looked at Jean's eyes and saw the thousand-yard stare and realized Jean had been through this and much worse throughout his life.
On top of that, Lucas's attempted questions for Jean make it very clear that at least one person forced themselves on Jean while he was at Evermore. And Rhemann will know that Jean was only 16 when he joined the line, so it won't be hard for him to come to the same conclusion Jeremy did, though hopefully he'll be able to determine that Jean didn't ask for it without Jean having to say that.
What I hope is that someone learns about the fact that Tetsuji Moriyama brought a seemingly random child from France and had that 14 year old child living in Evermore.
Because to anyone normal, like the Trojans, that would set off every alarm possible that Jean may have been trafficked. And if they begin to follow that suspicion, what they'll find will only add to it. His name was changed, he was isolated, no one protected him when he was assaulted, he is terrified of going to the police, he wasn't allowed to speak to the public even though the other two star players were always doing interviews...
*Obviously, Riko and Kevin also lived in Evermore, but that wasn't random. To an outsider, it makes sense because Riko is Tetsuji's nephew, and Kevin is the child of Kayleigh - Tetsuji's partner and one of the creators of Exy. Jean has no such connections.
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esggs · 2 months
5 : 14 AM - satosugu
“Thought you said that you’re quitting, Suguru?”
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Suguru smiled at his lover’s face, blowing a smoke ring towards him. Satoru didn’t appreciate it, but considering all the things Suguru has done that he doesn’t appreciate, smoking is easy to forgive. Satoru fanned the cigarette-smell away with a hand. “You said the girls didn’t like you smoking?”
“They don’t.” Suguru answered. He found it a bit cute that Satoru would check up on Nanako and Mimiko indirectly like this. “That’s why I do it secretly.” 
Satoru just grunted his annoyance. He was still lying naked in bed, eyes unwrapped, post-orgasm bliss slowly dissipating into the gnawing frustration that only Geto Suguru could cause. The other man had cleaned both of them up and was now sitting cross legged on the easy-chair next to the bed. They were so close: if both of them looked at each other, their lips would touch.  
Suguru dragged a puff. “The girls follow this idol who’s been pushing for an anti-smoking campaign. Mimiko’s ballet teacher talks about staying healthy a lot too.” The girls are growing up well, Satoru. Don’t worry about them. 
“You won’t listen to me.” Satoru complained. “At least listen to them, then. Stop smoking so much. I can see that your stomach walls are getting weaker.” Suguru looked a bit surprised at this, as if he wasn’t expecting Satoru to bring that up, even though he knew nothing could be hidden from the Six Eyes. It was true, lately Suguru had been finding it harder and harder to stomach curses. “It’s probably the smoke killing your internal organs, Suguru.”
“Ah, it could be a lot of other things, Satoru.” Suguru lightly brushed off his concern, but he did douse the cigarette out anyway. “Stress, diet, could be stomach ulcers– don’t just blame the first thing you see . You still keep doing that?” Satoru was obviously not convinced, but chose not to argue further. He just stared at the ceiling of Suguru’s bedroom. He’d memorised that wallpaper pattern at this point. 
“Aren’t you getting late for work, Satoru? The sun will be rising soon.”
“The sun tends to do that.”
Suguru chuckled. To Satoru, it warmed his skies the same whether he was 17 or 26 years old. Such a delicate, tinkling laugh. “Move aside then, Satoru. I’m tired too,” he said, crawling under the blankets next to Satoru. “Didn’t get much rest last night, and I have to fix up so many monkeys today.”
Suguru liked saying things like that to bait Satoru. Satoru knew that. Suguru knew that Satoru knew that. Neither reacted to it.  
Satoru didn’t enjoy coming to see Suguru like this. Once or twice every year, he would end up in Suguru’s bed, unhappy about the circumstances but unwilling to leave. They’d spend one secret night together. Unlike back in those days where they talked about anything under the sun, they avoided talking about almost everything now. The past was too painful, the future a dead-end. Satoru couldn’t ask, “What did you do today, my Suguru?”, because then his Suguru would answer truthfully and the blind peace that Satoru had woven out of this situation would shatter immediately. So they talked about Shoko, smoking, Nanako and Mimiko, and the state of Suguru’s stomach. 
He could feel Suguru falling asleep in his arms. Satoru raked his eyes over Suguru’s handsome chest, branded with the large X scar. He’d offered to fix it a few times, but Suguru would sternly refuse. He knew that Suguru wore that day on his heart every single day since then, replaying it in his head constantly, until he had brainwashed and re-brainwashed himself to this point. Riko Amanai’s corpse. The applause. That one man. That one day that drove them both to insanity. 
“You’re sweating, Satoru. Take the heavier blanket off and move closer, you’ll be leaving soon anyway.” 
He did.
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a/n: satosugu angst save me. save me satosugu angst. satosugu angst.
i keeping mushing takumi from nana and geto suguru together in my head even though geto would kill him within 15 mins if they met
i love the metaphor of 'willingly blind', gojo choosing to blindfold himself to geto's sins, until the very last moment, which is the only time in canon jjk 0 that gojo finally takes his blindfolds off, and sees geto as he truly is then: dead.
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ilythecolorpink · 1 year
Why have one when you can have both? (Toji Fushiguro x Shiu Kong x fem reader)
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You had been working with Toji Fushiguro and Shiu Kong for around 5 years, so you weren't present when Toji's wife passed away, but you occasionally looked after his son Megumi Fushiguro. Because you two had experienced so much together, you two were close. Like Shiu Kong, you were a meditator and saw curses, but you didn't waste your time becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer after all getting all messed up wasn't your forte.
Since it was your job and you didn't particularly enjoy seeing people die, you made an effort to keep your emotions out of it but something about this case was different was it because of how young the girl was? Or maybe the fact that humanity will fail because of her death? It was the day Toji finally killed Riko Amanai, the 14-year-old girl who was the Star Plasma Vessel.
As I make my way to Shui’s car I can smell the sweet scent of the cigarette that he has now lit as he rolls down the window. As I lean down to meet his gaze he adds, "Hey Y/N get in the back, Toji finally killed the vessel." I say, "Oh wow, I really didn't think he could do it," as my eyes widen in shock. He agrees with a nod before saying sarcastically, "Yeah, and now like his taxi driver, I have to pick his ass up." I chuckle back and open the door to his car, getting in behind him, wrapping my arms around him while I rest my head on his shoulder, smelling his strong cologne as I remark, "Mmm, you smell so good, but regrettably, once Toji comes in, all I'll smell is death."
"It's a shame you aren't next to me because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you", he smirks as he rests his hand on mine and throws his cigarette out the window while keeping one hand on the steering wheel. I utter "You always know what to say, don't you?" as I notice a slight blush on my cheeks. He laughs softly, and the car comes to a stop. Then, when he opens the door, Toji exclaims, "Yo, I hope you don't mind Y/N but I'm putting the brat with you." With annoyance in my voice, I reply, "You've got to be kidding me? you know what fuck you." Then with a smirk on his face, he says, "Yeah yeah, you wish you could, now just take her."
As Toji sits in the passenger seat, I push Riko’s hair out of her face and let her head rest on my thigh, not minding if blood gets on me. Inquiring strongly, "By the way, how is Megumi doing?" Shiu turns to Toji.  "Yes, passenger princess, how's little Megumi doing?" I interject. “He accidentally called me mom the last time I saw him, which was very adorable.” Shiu laughs at the nickname as Toji rolls his eyes and asks “Who?” Shiu and I both give him shocked looks, to which I retort, "You can't be serious!" "How could you forget your own son?" Shiu then asks. Toji responds as he waves us off saying “You guys are so annoying.”
After some time, we arrived at the Time Vessel Association. As we go there, Shiu is smoking another cigarette on my right, and on the left of me, Toji is carrying Riko on his right shoulder. We meet Sonoda Shigeru as we make our way around the building; simply by being in his presence, you can tell that something isn't quite right with him. As soon as Sonoda is finished with his speech about the cult. Toji makes a circling motion with his index finger at the side of his head and Shiu responds with a chuckle as I laugh and then state, "I want whatever drug he is having." As we leave, Toji says, "Hey, since we have all this money, how about we have dinner together?" I reply with a smile and "Really? Oh my god, would you please bring Megumi?” Shiu takes another drag from his cigarette and then replies with a sure. Toji responds, "Since you asked so nicely doll face, I will give it some thought if I can find him that is."
A/N: This was so fun to write anyway, I love you all so much.
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solaarbeeam · 3 months
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the strongest - g. satoru
CW :: angst, mentions of death and sashisu tragedy, and geto’s defection
a/n :: not a gojo girlie, but I decided to write this to try my hand at angst.. and here we are.
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When Gojo Satoru had enrolled in Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, he had expected to have people groveling at his feet, to praise and worship the ground he walked on, simply because he was the strongest. That’s how it’s always been.
At least, until you, a black-haired delinquent, and an auburn haired snarky healer bursted into his life.
It was once, when Yaga-sensei had asked him and Suguru to come outside for a sparring match. Him versus Suguru, the true strongest. With you and Shoko on the sidelines, you for combat experience, and Shoko as the only proficient RCT-user in the last 400 years.
Suguru brought out a curse. Infinity dropped without his permission. Shoko administered her healing technique immediately. You laughed at him, though in a lighthearted way and not a condescending way.
Infinity dropped for you. Infinity dropped for Shoko too. This was when he knew, he found his forever people. His forever home.
The only Six Eyes user in 400 years. A Curse Manipulator, making the strongest. The only proficient RCT-user in the last 400 years. Last but most definitely not least, you. The user of a technique that’s powerful on its own but works so well once with a group of sorcerers.
And then he came to love you.
He loves the three of you, you, Suguru, and Shoko that is, but he loves you differently. He loves Suguru in a best friend way, all harsh words with softer meanings behind them. He loves Shoko in a best girl way, sharing sweets and stealing sunglasses and rough yet gentle hands healing over his wounds.
The way he loves you, is all hushed words and touches that affect his soul so much he feels like it’s going to overflow one day. His eyes flicker and blink adoringly when he looks at you, and that’s how he should’ve known how this story ends.
In their second year of high school, everything went to shit. He should’ve known. The people he loves are and will always be ripped away from him.
The higher ups have began physically separating Shoko from the four of you. She tries her best to stay with you guys, but the higher ups have gotten to threatening her.
Satoru didn’t like that. He scheduled a meeting with the higher ups. They didn’t call Shoko, a 15 year old girl who has seen too much, to long nights in the morgue again.
One night, when they went out to a festival for Suguru’s birthday, a day late he might add because you had a mission out of town, you finally kissed him for the first time. He held on to you so tight you felt as if he was cradling your soul in his pale hands. Shoko and Suguru, had said, and he quotes, “It’s about damn time.”
Then, after a few rare peaceful months, everything went to shit. Why? Because he, Gojo Satoru, can never be happy. All his loved ones have to be taken away from him.
He’s the strongest. But without the people he loves, the people he cherishes, what is he, truly?
A kid. A kid raised to believe he was a god. All until he realized he was a mortal all too late.
The Star Plasma Vessel Mission. He and Suguru had begged to take you and Shoko along, and so, the four of you went.
He wished that mission never happened.
Amanai Riko died at the age of 14, never able to truly live because of the fucked up system that runs Jujutsu Society. Satoru had finally learned RCT, but he had took brain damage and Suguru was on the verge of death.
You took on Fushiguro Toji and the last of the curses that had swarmed the four of you. It was a bloodbath. Satoru never gave enough props to Shoko. RCT is hard. They’re lucky to have her.
Suguru leaves, just like how all his loved ones are going to do, willingly or forcibly.
He’s ordered to kill him. He does. He comes back and cries ugly tears into you and Shoko until he physically can’t anymore.
His words ring in his head like a bell.
“Are you the strongest because you’re Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you’re the strongest?”
He never answered.
He found his comfort in you, because you were the only steadfast thing in his life. He loved you with everything he had, and he had a lot. He made sure to hang on to Shoko too.
He becomes a teacher. He gains students, including Toni’s little terror, Megumi. The kids love you.
It’s the happiest he’s been in a while.
Until Kenjaku comes. His eyes tell him it’s Getou Suguru. His soul knows otherwise.
Shibuya happens. Every sorcerer is dispatched, including Shoko, who’s not combat oriented, gets dispatched.
Shoko and you both meet him on the biggest battlefield. Shoko, like the stubborn person she is, insists on healing him. Satoru will never admit it, but she’s always been better at RCT than he has.
Then there’s you, the love of his life, the one person who’s been a constant in his life, who tosses off your jacket and runs into battle. His soul cries out for you, but it’s impossible for him to say it out loud when he has to focus on the fight.
Shoko falls first, and it hurts more than it was to make sure he didn’t get hit. As she takes her last breath, she hugs him one last time, and Gojo Satoru hugs back Ieiri Shoko’s lifeless body.
Then, he looks at you, who fought to the very end, knees to the ground and head to the sky. He scrambles to you, holding you in his arms as the calm before the storm erupts once more.
“Yes, ‘Toru…?”
“Thank you for loving me.”
“I wanted to, and I always will.” You cough up blood mid-sentence, and Satoru knows you’re a goner.
“I love you, Gojo Satoru.”
He loves you so much, so so so much, but it wasn’t enough to make you stay. It wasn’t enough to make Suguru or Shoko stay.
He is Gojo Satoru. He is the Strongest.
He was a kid raised to believe he was a God. He fell off his pedestal.
He is the Strongest.
But without you, or his precious people, what is he really?
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© solaarbeeam 2024. do not copy or repost anywhere.
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belonareyna · 5 months
I think Fandom just made into my head and make it cannon.
1. Because Kevin and Thea did not star TALKING until Kevin was 18. TALKING. NOT DATING. I still don't like that relationship because of the different ways they survive their trauma of being in a fucking cult (also they experience was ABSOLUTELY different, Kevin was Riko’s property, Thea was "Raven's" idk if you know what I mean)
2. Aaron, up until this day, I hadn't found ANY reference in the book to the thought. "He thought he was different to the foxes and that he didn’t belong with the "outsiders"??? He gets mad when they say he acts like Andrew (which I get), but he's not the one saying he's the "normal" twin.
3. Andrew on his meds is a dangerous person, abusive even. And Neil sees it. I know their reality is not our privileged reality, but still.
"That's not okay," Neil said, pointing at the door.
"That's nothing," Nicky said.
Neil caught his arm as Nicky passed and hauled him to a stop. "Don't let him get away with things like that."
Nicky considered him for a moment, his smile fading into something small and tired. "Oh, Neil. You're going to make this so hard on yourself. Look," he said, tugging free and turning Neil toward the door. "Andrew is a little bit crazy. Your lines are not his lines, so you can get all huff and puff when he tramps across yours, but you'll never make him understand what he did wrong. Moreover, you'll never make him care. So just stay out of his way."
"He's like this because you let him get away with it," Neil said. "You're putting all of us at risk."
"That was my fault." Nicky opened the door and waited for Neil to precede him out. "I said something I shouldn't have, and I got what I deserved."
And everyone I have read here justifies his actions. I understand his actions, and where they're coming from. But justifie them? Nope
4. Kevin is not a bitch for leaving Jean. Do you know when they rescue someone from human trafficking? How they can not get back for the rest of them, because then they would be put in danger again? The same goes for here. Getting back would literally make Riko not have one but two victims again. And it's unfair to Jean, but this is nothing but the Moriyamas fault.
5. Nicky makes absolutely horrible comments & disgusting "offers." But he's not just that. He's a 20 or 21 kid who flew from his save place to a country where he almost committed suicide to fight for two 14-year-old traumatized children, so they weren't given to his good for nothing parents. He protected them the best he could.
6. Andrew is a 19 traumatized child who still wants his brother. Why the fuck he's always bringing Tilda? Because he wants a reaction from Aaron. Through the series, Neil says that Aaron is quite apathetic to everything. But Tilda's dead must still burn. Why mention it when there is no need if not to get a reaction? I don't believe he just brings it to hurt Aaron.
7. Dan had no right to be angry about Kevin omitting the truth about Wymack being his father. Kevin says he was trying to convince himself that by holding the secret, he was saving David (which actually is true. Her mother died in an accident orchestrated by the Moriyamas), it was not his only reason, but it was a good reasoning.
8. Matt & Aaron should have been endgame. (If you made it though here tell me about a weird aftg couple you ship)
Justification of all of this: is 2a.m. in the morning and I have fever
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wedielikemen · 6 months
Unhinged thoughts on the Sunshine Court CHAP 4
Kevin loves Jean Moreau with his life
Penn State can suck it.
Jean coming up with a mantra to keep himself sane, to explain why he has to deal with what happened to him is so 💔
He says himself that the mantra "I am a Raven. My place is at Evermore" used to bring him COMFORT.
Can you imagine 14 year old Jean desperately searching for a reason for his pain and only being able to come up with 'it's inevitable.
Sad boy spoilers below
"I am not a Raven, but if I am not a Raven then I am just Jean Moreau, but-" he's already making his way back to life!!
"Of course you're a morning person" Imfaooo idk yall
I think fanon pinned these two mfers right.
"with a smile Jean could hear from two thousand miles away. LOOKATTHEM
16 fucking years old. Tejitsu you cün* b****
Whoever said Jean likely attempted is probably right. le box cutter typed this before I read the next paragraph and Jean...my God.)
Now we know why the other ravens were soooo oblivious. Because they were just as bad.
"He'd loved Exy then, fiercely and violently, and learning from the man who'd created the sport was the honor and opportunity of a lifetime."💔💔💔
The fact that there's no way for him to get him number back?? BEAUTIF U Land very in line with the way Nora has presented his recovery ie everyone looking at this boy and deciding collectively we will bully you to happiness you French bastard.
Imagine just IMAGINE when he begins to see all their care for what it is, to realize how many people in his life (Kevin Renee and eventually Jeremy) love him so desperately. I really hope Nora lets us see that on page.❤️
Kindle says I have 3hrs left to read!
Whoever gave Riko that box
Chapter 5
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idletransfigurations · 6 months
Suguru Geto: When The Villain Is Right
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Villains can sometimes be the most loved characters in an anime but even if they are, it's always easy to understand why they aren’t right. But what happens when the villain is right? In this, I will be discussing the downfall of Suguru Geto and why he wasn’t /wrong/.
We’re first introduced to Suguru as a villain, in his first appearance he is Kenjaku, therefore, I will only be talking about Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (JJK0) and Jujutsu Kaisen Hidden Inventory (HI). Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a prequel following Yuta Okkotsu who’s being haunted by his childhood best friend Rika. When we see Suguru in this movie he is a cult leader who hates non-curse users (whom he calls monkeys). I want to look at two members of his group, twins Nanako and Mimiko Hasaba. At this time both girls are 15 years old and shown to primarily be within Suguru’s general location. The reason why I specifically point out these two is because they hold more importance within the series than I initially gave them credit for.
Based on the time jump from JJK0 and HI both girls would be about 7 with what I will be talking about. Suguru’s first appearance during the Hidden Inventory episodes shows him as a student alongside Satoru Gojo and the other sorcerers such as Kento Nanami. The first few episodes feature Suguru and Satoru as they are tasked to protect Riko Amanai, the Star Plasma Vessel for Tengen. This version of Suguru is extremely different from the version we see later on as Suguru’s view of his power is that he feels a sorcerer's job is to protect those who cannot protect themselves. He takes his role seriously, believing there is a reason for this. When he and Satoru are sent out to protect Riko, they successfully ward off assassins up until Riko’s final moments. Suguru gives Riko the option for her future, she ultimately decides that she would like to stay with everybody but in an instant, she’s shot in the head by Toji Fushiguro. The man hired by the Star Religious Group to kill her. This is the exact moment that paves the path for Suguru’s later decisions. Riko Amanai is a 14-year-old girl who had been thrown into the Jujutsu World, this is something that Suguru thinks about. Upon retrieving her body he and Satoru come face to face with an extremely harsh reality.
Sorcerers are not cared about.
The members of the Star Religious Group are clapping and cheering for the death of a child. This is something that is shown to be very damaging for Suguru as he thinks of who he’s meant to be protecting. Why protect the people who may be just as bad as a curse itself for clapping over the murder of a kid? In the scene, Satoru asks if they should kill them but Suguru decides against it, stating sorcerers kill with reason. Suguru is dealing with an internal battle, shown by a pessimistic view of life. Suguru has a conversation with Yuki Tsukumo where he learns that curses are created by non-sorcerers and their emotions such as hatred (Mahito). Suguru is left with the realization that non-curse users like the members of the Star Religious Group are the cause of curses yet they’ll have no problem with the death of sorcerers or those who can use jujutsu despite being the people who can save them. This is made worse when a second-year student Yu Haibara dies on a mission. 
Suguru is sent on a solo mission to help a village that has curses, while there he is shown a cage that has two young girls in it. Those young girls are the previously mentioned twins Nanako and Mimiko who are about 7 or 5 at the time. With the knowledge of what causes curses, seeing these abused and scared little girls being caged up like animals set Suguru off to where he decides to kill not only the villagers but also his parents, with the new plan to eliminate all non-curse users to create a safe and in his eyes, perfect world. Now, I know after saying that his plan involved genocide having the title of this post saying that he wasn’t wrong may be a bit confusing so let me explain.
Suguru Geto’s plot is an example of somebody who had every right to become a villain. Becoming a sorcerer is signing away your life because, at the end of the day, death could be knocking at your door at any moment. Suguru isn’t a villain like Mahito who does what he wants for his own gain. Suguru is a villain but he cares for people, it is shown that Suguru was a caring person when both Nanako and Mimiko were willing to try and convince Ryomen Sukuna of all people to help which resulted in the death of the twins. Suguru was pushed to his limit after seeing that humans don’t care for what’s sacrificed for their lives, at least from what’s shown by the death of Riko Amanai. It’s easy to say that sorcerers are gifted the ability to know they saved lives but not many people would find that to be an award for everything they’ve done. From seeing people cheer for the death of a child to seeing children being locked up, Suguru just didn’t find meaning in his job in the end.
That’s all for this, if you enjoyed it then yay, if not please let me know how you feel. If there was something wrong do let me know and if you want more Jujutsu Kaisen writings or stories then follow.
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cloudymistedskies · 1 year
Get to know: Mari(lyn) Kaizumi! ☁️
A well known OC in this blog!!!
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Mari Kaizumi is a young fellow 14 year old whose a ranked hashira demon slayer! She's a brunette with yellow tips at the ends of her hair strands along with her hair strands. Her hair is neatly tied with a black bow. She has green eyes and tan-ish skin.
About her personality + Other things
Mari usually is closed off and quiet, perhaps harsh at times but she mostly just doesn't speak unless needed to/wants to. She can be cruel at times, but it's mostly only with her missions. Although she has another side, a more childish and carefree with the ones she's close with, especially her dear older sister, Riko, Muichiro and her relatives. She is indeed biased in short. Sometimes, she's also mischievous and scares a specific cousin of hers when she feels like it.
She's quite airheaded and tends to get distracted by anything around her sight... Hence why her crow, Yakumo has to accompany her at all times to ensure she doesn't get into any trouble... But she can become very focused with something that interests her (for example: training and fighting demons). Though, when I say very focused; I mean it. When becoming hyperfixated on something, she'll neglect her own well-being. She would need to be reminded by her crow or anybody close to her to take care of herself.
Mari isn't afraid to use violence when necessary, even going as far as breaking one's arm just for a mission. She believes violence is a necessity if one isn't complying.
Mari's motivation to be a demon slayer
After a fateful encounter with a demon and saved by a demon slayer, finding out that her sister is a slayer motivated her to become one as well. She has a few motives as to why she wants to be one, but she wanted a good excuse to be with her sister and spend a lot of time with her. But at one point, Mari fell into the mindset that she was born to be a slayer and that that her only purpose is to save and kill demons. That mindset is also worsened by the fact she felt like she was worthless as she was never good at anything.
She uses cloud breathing, learning it after having a dream of it (or more so an inherited memory. She's however unaware that Cloud breathing was a breathing style taught by her ancestors)
In battle, she is surprisingly well focused. She focuses on two things: Protect people and kill the demon(s). She focuses so much on those two, that sometimes, she might ignore her own injuries. And herself maybe…
Fun facts about her:
Her favorite food is croquettes! Especially ones filled with cheese and meat... And if her sister made it. Though, she always was a huge fan of her sister's cooking so it's no surprise...
Her birthday is at April 30!
She's 4'8. And often, she's confused to be younger than she actually is due to her height...
When she becomes sick, she succumbs to a more childish and even more airheaded personality. She needs to be supervised when she's sick cause she'll try to go somewhere, despite her sickness...
Speaking of Mari being sick: She would have her hair down during those times. She doesn’t like the idea of accidentally breaking or damaging her bow, especially since she isn’t gonna be able to think straight.
When Mari was younger, she was much ruder to anybody aside from her sister and the Tokito twins. That of course changed over time, now she's slightly less rude.
For some odd reason... She doesn't like getting near any large bodies of water. She would try to avoid them as much as possible.
She's a sweet tooth. She loves sweets.
Her favorite season would be fall due to the cloudy weathers and the orange trees! She often would have fun piling up leave and diving into them!
Her hobbies mainly consists of either training or spending time with her older sister and/or Muichiro! If not, she would try to cook, or maybe cloudgaze.
Mari is not afraid of bugs. Infact, she would let spiders around her body, especially as a way to scare her clingy cousins off... One time, she let a big spider rest on her hair and it petrified Riko...
Marilyn means "Star of the ocean"!
She has a huge attachment to her bow. She always preferred wearing it all the time.
She used to bite people when she was young.... Yeah. She still bites people if necessary.
Mari knows a bit about chopping up wood from her visits to the Tokito family.
Aside from cooking and swordsmanship, Mari isn't really great at anything......-
In kimetsu academy: She's a 2nd year in middle school. She's in the gingko class! She gets along with Koyuki!
Speaking of kimetsu academy: She’s best at P.E!
Mari (And Riko) is somehow naturally strong. She was able to pick up Muichiro one time. It's somewhat odd though... Since she's somehow a natural at being a demon slayer too.
Mari experiences allergy seasons.
She surprisingly doesn't get scared often. Mari could be jumpy when getting jumpscared (and even sometimes, she wouldn't jump). Although she WILL get scared when her sister is mad (especially at her)
More information, now regarding her role as a hashira here!
Riko Kaizumi - Her older sister. She and Mari are very close! Riko was basically her parental figure growing up as their parents suddenly neglected Mari when she was 4. Mari is clingy to her sister and would (mostly) listen to anything her sister says. She learns a lot of stuff better if she taught her. The thought of upsetting her makes her guilty... Mari is usually seen accompanying her!
Tomoki Kaizumi - Her late older brother. Mari unfortunately doesn't remember much about her brother. But she did knew from her sister that they had a decent relationship prior to his passing.
Muichiro Tokito - Her first friend and lover! They've known each other since they were 8-9 and have such a close relationship! Even after he lost his memories, Mari still was a little close to him, but it wasn't the same as before. But after he regained his memories, the two became closer than ever once again. They're biased for each other...
Yuichiro Tokito - Another first (or maybe second) friend she made! Although she wasn't as close with him as with Muichiro, they still were close! Mari would often try to offer him her help after his parents passed, but he always refuses it. She was devastated when she heard of his passing.
Her parents - She... Honestly doesn't like them too much. She hates her mom especially, and she gives no shits about her dad. They didn't really care much about her aside from basic necessities. They didn't even notice her disappearance until a month later.
Her aunt and uncle/ Mrs. and Mr. Minami - She sees them as her parent figures rather than her actual parents! After meeting them while in a mission, she has been writing letters and visiting them ever since. She's even treated as their own child... In fact she could be considered a favorite in the family.
Her cousins (The Minami siblings) - They also adore her! Especially Misaki who often tries to do anything to spend time with her. They often cling onto her for attention, aside from Kei, the eldest cousin. Mari sees them as her siblings too!
Milo Suzuki - A great friend of hers! She bonds well with Milo and often write letters to her and hang out with! Often, she invites Milo to try out her sister’s cooking.
Yumera Hirobe - A close friend of hers! She often comes up to her for advices and writes letters to her as well! She does get worried sometimes over her overworking problems, but thinks it's a normal thing to experience.
Oumi Etsuko - ..Once again, another close friend of hers! Despite her menacing aura, Mari and her are surprisingly great friends. She has a moon accessory given by her !!
Here’s a reference to what she uh… looks like!
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A better ref of Mari's haori, too
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Plus a ref of her sword! + crow
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pochqmqri · 3 months
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When I first saw the character designs revealed for MahoPre2, I initially thought that they (excluding Mirai) didn't change from the actual designs used for the grown-up characters at the end of the first MahoPre, so I thought they were just placeholder images.
Now that I look at it closer, there are some slight differences, notably Haa-chan is wearing a different top. From this, there are a few things we can take away.
The first is that, since the grown-up designs of Mirai and Riko closely resemble the designs they had in the epilogue, it seems MahoPre2 will take place around the same time as it, or shortly after. The epilogue takes place around five years after the final battle, meaning the girls are around 19. To add to this, Mirai's VA, Rie Takahashi, mentioned that Mirai is "now a college student" in the sequel, as she was in the epilogue.
The second is that, based on how similar the character designs are to the first MahoPre, it seems that MahoPre's character designer, Emiko Miyamoto, is returning for the sequel, unlike what OtonaPre did when Toshie Kawamura didn't return to design the grown-up versions of the cast, and another unrelated designer did instead. The last major thing Miyamoto worked on was for Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, where she was the character designer for that adaptation, and then a few small roles such as doing key animation in the recent PreCure All Stars F and GeGeGe no Kitaro films. As such, it seems she's not too busy to work on MahoPre2; hopefully other staff members such as series director Masato Mitsuka and head writer Isao Murayama are able to return!
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On a side note, I remembered that in MahoPre, whenever Mirai and Riko transformed into Pretty Cure, they would noticeably "age-up," i.e. get taller. So, with the expectation that the adult Mirai and Riko will transform into Pretty Cure again, I don't expect any real change in design if they can just reuse those.
In hindsight, I find it really funny how in OtonaPre, Toei created new adult civilian designs for the cast, but made them de-age when they transformed into Pretty Cure again, while for MahoPre2, it seems that the reason they chose to do an adult sequel to this season, was because they technically already had adult designs for both the girls' civilian and Pretty Cure forms...and the adult civilian forms don't actually look that much different from their original 14-year old selves, besides being taller.
In the final episode of MahoPre, Mirai and Riko are also made to de-age just before they become Pretty Cure. I really hope they don't do that for MahoPre2, but I'm expecting the same thing like with that OtonaPre did. I just don't like the message it sends in terms of adulthood.
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fcxyviixen · 1 year
summary: mammon finds a young girl in the human world after being summoned once again. after hiding her for a little while, lucifer finds her and a fight starts. mammon leaves with the girl, however during that time a dark voice starts to pull at him. a deep feeling like tar by drawing strength on his wrath. he was gone for 14 years, the curse growing stronger.
pairing: n/a (mammon and brother centric)
rating: 14+
chapter wc: 1199
warnings: n/a
welcome "home"
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Mammon knew he had been out for a while, especially knowing Belphegor’s power. The demon opened his eyes slowly, closing them a bit at the sudden bright light that had hit him when opening his eyes. He felt he was on a familiar mattress. Mammon turned his head to the right, opening his eyes once more.
He was back in his old room, from what he could see. It had been 14 years, and his room still looked the same. Mammon pushed himself up off the bed, he felt a cold piece of metal on his arm, he looked to see his wrist had a chain attached to it, which was attached to the concrete wall.
Mammon tried to break it, but found out quickly it was a mana draining chain, so fighting against it was useless even with brute strength. Mammon noticed it was the only restraint, and it was quite loose either way. He looked around his room again, noticing spells on the garage door and windows, and even one of the bedroom door itself.
He was trapped inside his room.
Mammon clicked his tongue then his mind filled with worry, where was Riko? Where was his daughter? Mammon pulled against the chain, making a loud ‘clang’ sound. Shortly he heard the door open, but the seal was still active.
He looked up to see Diavolo of all demons come into the room. Mammon glared at him remembering what his servant said. The demon prince didn’t look mad; he actually smiled towards Mammon.
“Welcome back Mammon!” He said, cheerfully like this was a friendly reunion and he wasn’t just kidnapped back from the human world.
“Where’s my kid?” Mammon sneered at the demon prince.
Diavolo’s smile faltered, but he put it back on quickly. “You mean the human girl? She’s currently downstairs in the guest room. She’s made quite a problem in the human world while trying to bring her here.”.
Mammon frowned, “I want to see her.”.
“That won’t be possible for the moment.” Diavolo said he grabbed a chair from somewhere in Mammon’s room, bringing it to sit in front of the bed. Sitting down formally. “First, I’d like to talk to you.” the demon prince said.
Mammon frowned, he knew something was up. “If we talk, you’ll bring my girl ta me?” he asked.
“Depends on your answers, if she clears then yes. I’ll send Lucifer to get her.” Diavolo said.
Mammon grumbled a bit, but nodded his head. His blue eyes still glaring daggers at the demon prince in front of him.
“I have the basic idea of what happened before you left 14 years ago. You brought the girl-” “daughter.” “-daughter to the Devildom. Lucifer found out and had the girl, you two got into a large dispute and you left.” Diavolo explained, correcting his words, that Mammon corrected him.
“I saved that little girl 14 years ago, and I was going to hand her over to a witch friend of mine to take care of her. Lucifer found her in my room and rough handled her. I got pissed and I attacked him. I left with my daughter afterwards. We were doing fine before ya came after me.” Mammon said.
Diavolo sighed, listening to Mammon’s part of the story. “Alright..” Diavolo looked like he was thinking about something. Mammon watched his every move.
“What have you been doing in the human world then?” Diavolo asked.
“Stuff.” Mammon answered. “Just some odd jobs for a witch.”.
“Who is this witch?” Diavolo asked.
Don’t say anything.
The voice said quickly, but for some reason the words faded, like a blocked signal. Suddenly a sharp pain flooded through Mammon, causing him to grip his skull in his free hand.
Diavolo stood quickly to Mammon’s side. Magic on his fingertips. “So Barbatos was correct.” Diavolo stated.
“‘Bout what?” Mammon sneered, trying to swat the demon prince away from him.
“You’ve possibly been cursed.” Diavolo said, not moving away from the swats. Mammon frowned at his answer, then remembered what he said before.
“Don’t you dare think my kid did this ta me!” Mammon yelled at the demon prince, causing the man’s eyes to widen. “My kid wouldn’t hurt me. Never!”.
Mammon’s demon form began manifesting again, Diavolo quickly put it down. “We just suspected Mammon, calm yourself.” Diavolo ordered. Mammon continued to glare at the man with hatred.
“Let me see my daughter.” Mammon ordered right back. Diavolo sighed, he wished to question him more, but see he hit a nerve. Diavolo nodded before opening the door, saying something to a person outside, seeing the slight figure, he could guess it was Lucifer.
Diavolo didn’t leave the room, Mammon glared and watched him like a hawk the entire time. He could see how much that human meant to Mammon, seeing his reaction. “She’ll be here soon,” he said, sitting back down onto the chair.
Mammon frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Guess I’m a prisoner here now?” He asked. 
“We don’t wish for it to be that way. But it’ll stay that way for a while. Until we know you won’t attack anyone, or harm yourself.” Diavolo said. “You’re not in any trouble, well you haven’t broken any rules, but you might be in trouble with Lucifer though.”
Diavolo tried to make it sound lighthearted. Mammon almost responded before the door opened and a flash of black flew into Mammon. Mammon quickly put his arms around her, “Dad!” she hid herself in him.
Diavolo seemed a bit surprised at the interaction between the demon and human, seeing that this human truly looked up to Mammon like a father. Lucifer stayed in the room, closing the door behind him.
“So I guess she wasn’t the cause?” Lucifer asked, looking at Diavolo. Diavolo shook his head, “She didn’t do it, but a witch did.” Diavolo answered the elder demon.
Lucifer looked at Mammon, who held Riko close to him, glaring at Lucifer. “Welcome home Mammon.” Lucifer said.
Mammon didn’t respond. The tension in the room was thick. Lucifer sighed heavily. “Diavolo, could I try to talk to him alone?” he asked.
Diavolo nodded and left the second-eldest’s room. Lucifer took the seat Diavolo was sitting in. “What happened-”
“I didn’t say I wanted to talk to you.” Mammon grumbled, his tone irritated and his body showed it also.
Lucifer frowned, this wasn’t the same Mammon he always knew. Not his cute little troublemaker brother he always knew and loved, this was someone completely different.
Could this be from how far Lucifer and his brothers pushed him? Could this be from the curse he was inflicted with? Or could this curse bring out Mammon’s true emotions towards his brothers he hid for so long?
Lucifer did not know the answers to the questions, or even which question was the right one to ask. Lucifer took a deep breath, pride be damned, this was his brother.
“I’m sorry.” Lucifer said, bowing his head towards his brother. “Mammon… I am so sorry.”. Lucifer didn’t look up, he didn’t know what expression that was on his brother’s face, or if his expression had ever changed.
“Why should I forgive you?”
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tag list: @yuumaofc , @simpinginthecorner
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joanofexys · 4 months
I have free time this weekend 👀 tell me more about Florian he seems cool
Florian!!! Flor, my baby. He’s definitely something
gonna try to not write an essay like i did with Merr and Jude
trigger warnings like for all my other characters apply. specifics for Flor I think are mostly child abuse and suicide
also Flor is an amputee and no his recovery and anything like that is not realistic so suspension of disbelief and please and thank yall
Backstory wise Florian was raised by a single mother who worked as a doctor. She was out of the house most of the time and when she wasn’t Florian wished she was. She harbored a lot of resentment toward Florian, blaming him for his father leaving. His dad never wanted kids, he and Flor’s mom already had an odd relationship, and he left shortly after Florian’s mother had taken a pregnancy test. He didn’t even stick around to find out if she was or not.
It started with neglect. He spent most of his childhood with a babysitter while his mom worked or spent her free time out of the house. Once he was old enough to “take care of himself” she stopped hiring the babysitter. That meant they were alone in the house and that’s when the yelling or, worse in Florian’s opinion, the quiet anger started. It quickly became verbal abuse and to escape it he spent most of his time at the school or public library. His mom hit him for the first time when he was 13. It started to increase in frequency when he 14. And he didn’t want to stick around much longer to see it get worse.
He threw himself into school and extracurriculars. He started doing summer school in high school to get his credits done faster. Played a few different sports until he eventually dropped them all but exy, which ended up taking up most of his time. He started playing a striker but switched to playing dealer. He started playing exy in middle school as a striker, played as a dealer for the short time he was in high school which is when he was recruited to the ravens.
Florian’s efforts to get himself out of the house led to him getting all the required credits to graduate at 16 and he started scrambling to find any college that would offer him a scholarship and get him far from home. And he ended up getting a full ride to EAU. His mom signed off on everything without complaint.
He started playing the same year that Riko, Kevin, and Jean started and he was partnered with Mara Fasil. The ravens no contact rule didn’t present a problem and he was happy to fully cut his mother off. He fell into the ravens routine with ease and adopted their brutal playing technique without hesitation. He got through his first year with the ravens and leaving wasn’t even on his mind. He’d take their abuse over his mothers. He’d take having someone to depend on rather than being on his own. His second season with them is when things got bad.
He had somehow managed to grab Riko’s attention. Maybe because he had grabbed Jean’s. Worse because he had caught Kevin’s. They needed a dealer for perfect court and Flor seemed like an ideal candidate. He was never marked for it though. With Riko’s attention came his ire and Flor was subjected to intense abuse both on and off the court. At 17 years old, involving what he only describes as an “incident” to the press, he lost his left leg and with it his spot on the perfect court.
Florian started his recovery with the ravens, got a prosthetic, and he pushed himself to get back to a condition he could play in. But by the time it happened he realized he didn’t want to stay with the ravens anymore. Leaving Mara was the hardest part and he didn’t even tell Kevin or Jean out of fear of it getting back to Riko too soon. He got the nurses to sign off that he couldn’t play anymore and he formally dropped out of EAU.
He couldn’t go back home and without a scholarship or the nest he had absolutely nothing to fall back on. He had a few emails and phone numbers from previous banquets and despite his anxiety over doing anything without his team he ended up reaching out to a few of them. He ended up with a lower pro team. One that was basically guaranteed to lose but was willing to pay him to essentially sit on the bench. Once he got there he was restless. He started playing sooner than they expected and after a point he started playing nearly full games. Despite his team he ended up being recruited for olympic court when he was 19.
All of my ocs who make court are court the same year and are all connected to each other. Florian and Mara reunite and fall back into their intense codependency. Jude does his best to create a strong support system. Emiko tries to be kinder to them than the nest made her. And Flor and Ilya go from rivals and butting heads to friends and then something more.
Florian ends up attempting to commit suicide 5 times within this whole time frame. The first time is in high school and he gets the dose wrong. No one finds him, and he wakes up feeling terrible. Second time is shortly after he loses his leg and it seems like he’ll never play again. He figures he’d rather be dead than deal with whatever he might be subjected to from Riko and his coaches. But once he’s out of the hospital the teams medical staff is keeping a close eye on him. Third and fourth time are with his pro team. His new coaches find him each time and mandate therapy. He goes but he doesn’t talk. The fifth time is while he’s on olympic court. The fifth time he realizes he doesn’t want to die. He calls Jude. It’s the time he finally starts talking to a therapist. Slowly but surely he gets better.
Flor doesn’t love talking to the press but he does it when he has to. Normally he’s reserved, gives polite answers, could be considered shy. He and Mara get a little more out there once the nest comes crumbling down and he starts insinuating a lot about what happened. The only time he’s really not all that quiet or well mannered in front of a camera is when a reporter asks Jude about Jean’s transfer to the Trojans and the rumors surrounding him. Flor interrupts, snaps, and basically tells everyone to shut the fuck up about Jean Moreau because none of them know what they’re talking about.
Anyway this is getting hella long so it’s time to wrap it up. He and Ilya end up dating and playing on rival teams after they take olympic gold. They keep their relationship a heavy secret, not even their friends or teammates know and it’s very intentional, and their rivalry gets blown heavily out of proportion. People think they hate each other. They compliment each other in interviews off the court and people are still looking for secret digs and creating theories on why they hate each other. When they come out it’s a hard launch. A single photo posted to Florian’s instagram. They’re mostly obscured by a pride flag but their jersey numbers are clear as day.
Also this is less developed by Flor’s dad def has some connects that connect Flor to Neil and Jean and the Moriyama’s but that’s the not fun part of character development for him so I’ve barely focused on that part of his story.
And i’m shutting the fuck up now
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occasionalsnippets · 5 months
Toji better get ready because riko mc is a 14 year old who has the soul of a gen z
She will burn him and snitch
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rakubalka · 17 days
Kujutsu Sorcerer Tsuna
This one is also for you @khr-guilded-cage
I got the idea while tinnking of one more jjk x KHR crossover for you
We ended up with this hope you like it
We start with Tsuna being put in Jujutsu High because of the fact that he has been for literal years dealing with all his emotions without an out so they started to accumulate inside himself . And as a result he has a lot of curse energy and because he doesn't have access to his flames his instinct goes for his talent in jujutsu (which he actually has)
Nana being Nana doesn't question why her son is admitted into a school he didn't apply for . Neither does she question why he stopped sending her letters a few months into his first school year . And she doesn't tell anyone about it , because why would they want to know what her useless Tsuna is doing ?
Tsuna is in the same years as Shoko , Gojo and Geto . The first year was interesting and just new (with no one actually bullying him) , the second even more so and in the third he had to save a junior of his from dying .
Anyway for the second year almost everything that happened in canon is as such except tanks to bring in the field and having to face death regularly the seal has cheeping to pieces little by little as a result of which he has been regaining hyper intuition. And what his intuition has been telling his is to have Shoko on stand by with his own technique ready to save someone . So he does and it thankfully allowed them to at least keep Riko alive intill Gojo comes to act as a battery for positive energy to the people who know how to heal aka Tsuna and Shoko .
One of the few good things that came from that is Tsuna breaking the seal and going active . And having an active Sky to newly turned cloud to mist Geto makes it so doesn't become a genocidal maniac , don't get me wrong he still gets his revenge but he doesn't go into that very dark spiral .
Riko did become the part of Tengen . Her body was just too weak to be able to continue to live for much longer and with this at least some part of her will live . She still got a grave so everyone can mourn the life she could have had ting turned differently .
Afther the mission Tsuna got the Flame talk form principle Gakuganji (who is a mist) as he is the only person that he knows of is flame active in the jujutsu society in Japan .
Later on Tsuna without meaning to gets his friends to also go active . It was a chaotic weekend .
Later on they meet Skull who is Gakuganji's Sky and only alive classmate as everyone else from their graduation year and up and down at school has died , hell Skull is technically speaking also in the dead count as he faked his death . At least Gojo now has a person to whom he can bitch with as to how annoying having the Six Eyes is .
Ironically enough Gojo is now also the heir of the Carcasa if Tsuna doesn't get the mafia family .
Times fly by with Geto adopting twin girls and becoming a teacher in jujutsu high with Shoko as the school doctor and with Tsuna and Gojo trying to change Jujutsu society for the better , with Nanami and Haibara in the background doing their things .
And at some point an informant of theirs (and Skull) calls to inform them of the Sun Arcobaleno maving to Japan to train a heir after speaking with Don Vongola . And they have unblurred the family history of everyone so they know that Reborn is coming for Tsuna and seems to be expecting a 14 years old boy not a man in his mid 20s . So they (especially Tsuna) decide it's perfect time to make Reborn play a "little" prank .
From Reborn point of view things are as canon in reality they are not . What Tsuna is doing is teach a group of kids who will almost certainly end up in his high school while fooling a hitman . And raising four or more children at the same time .
The "big" reveal happens in the Varia arc . More specifically after Timoteo got out of the varia cloud . The moment Timoteo goes into consciousness Tsuna is breaking from the front door to yell and curse at him and Lemitsu . After which he threw the rings at Xanxus general direction and decided he is taking the kids with himself and in rolling them early in highschool .
Even with Reborn and the whole of Vongola they that and didn't find Tsuna .
The next time Tsuna is seen is in the Arco arc . Needless to say Tsuna and his Harmony absolutely destroy everyone else . And forces them to listen and work together or else .
With the jjk side of thighs itadori , Megumi and Nobara are not the only first years this time instead they are in the part of the biggest graduation year the school has seen in decades if not centuries .
And the shinanagans continue .
Tsuna's cursed technique is called Resonance for those curious . It allows him to multiply cursed energy and to strengthen other people's cursed technique . The drawback is that he has to be emotionally close to the person for any more than 5% of his technique's actual power to be drawn . Harmonization automatically puts a person in his 80% range aka almost instantly they become around 4 times stronger and he is even closer with his Guardians so they are pretty OP .
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dayurno · 9 months
merry christmas user dayurno!! i have some. bad news about my slice of life kerejean fic in that it is currently 400k+ words of silliness and i did not plan on ever sharing it bc it’s my little sandbox and i did not think anyone would ever be interested. but for u i will share some little fun facts about it.
jeremy does not realize for several weeks that they’re like. courting him. even though he’s literally falling in love with them and how they love each other. kevjean are idiots and think they’re being super clear but jeremy is losing his mind. he’s a 23 year old being taken on dates by successful rich kevjean like sweating and thinking they don’t want to be more than friends with benefits with him. they are as obsessed with him as he is of them and are freaks who are already planning to bring him home to wymack. it’s all silly really.
on the kevjean side, they’ve been together on and off since 13 and are now 28. kevin got out of the nest at 14 bc Riko broke his hand early but he refused to lose contact with jean (he meets neil again earlier and neil helps him grow braver :3). they get jean out of the nest when he’s 20. the Moriyama’s are uh. Disenfranchised shortly after and their lives are their own. jean is a successful artist/consultant and kevin cannot play exy due to his hand being hurt again. he makes it work by participating in the Exy world and has mostly come to terms with it. they are madly in love and know everything about each other, and other than their constant bickering, are practically One Codependent Unit when they’re in the same country bc if they CAN be side by side they will not be spotted alone. jean cooks and kevin makes them drinks and they fight over who pays for expensive dinners or has to tell their friends they will NOT be attending whatever event bc they don’t want to leave the house. and this is so long i APOLOGIZE the world is vast and silly and this only scratches the surface. there was no need for this tangent. but yes…… domestic kevjean inviting in oblivious jeremy knox…. very special to me indeed
ANIONFVNNNNNNNNN ive been waiting for me to be less busy with holidays and such to write an answer and aiaiiaii I think i hauve covid.... i understand the idea of a fic you write for yourself in your little sandbox but if you ever feel like sharing this know i'd go INSANE for it okay. i'd LOVE it i'd start barking in your comment sections i'd really make a fool of myself so consider it!!!! at least a little bit!!!! please and thank you
TOGETHER SINCE THEY WERE 13........... i'm losing my mind i fucking. adore domestic kevjean and i absolutely adore adore adore the idea of them being on and off since they were so young, literally womb to tomb sweethearts, life partners in every way......... I'M SICK I'M ILL I REALLY AM the idea of them having their house and their friends who invite them to dinner parties and their favorite restaurants and their- (passes out). they're really 'our songs, ours films, united we stand / our country, guess it was a lawless land / quiet my fears with the touch of your hand' but like. happy version. SORRY THIS IS REALLY MAKING ME DELIRIOUS..... save me domestic kevjean save me save me teenage dream turned reality kevjean
AND THEN THE TROPE INVERSION OF JEREMY BEING THE ONE INVITED INTO THEIR RELATIONSHIP...... and i well (hides behind hand fan) i am known to have enjoyed a little age gap in my time.... jeremy's milfs..... being courted by this rich famous couple and not knowing where to stand... LIVING THE Y/N LIFE. anon. grabs your little cheeks. you have to post this okay. you have to revolutionize how kerejean is done so i can follow in your footsteps. okay? please
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