#A call for urgent action
drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake 1 (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1, Omake 2 (Extra): Barrier Team. - read here
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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Repost from @adcnational
🚨 Urgent Alert: Congress is considering several bills with serious implications. Swipe left for a breakdown of four concerning pieces of legislation we’re tracking closely. These bills demand our attention.
Take action now with two action alerts in the link in ADC bio to fight H.R. 6408 and H.R. 6090.
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stardustmuseum · 11 months
Everyone in the US, please call congress right now. I’ll leave the info and a script below. Customize your message however you want.
And please share this everywhere. We need to help Gaza immediately.
If you don't know what to say, you can use this.
“My name is _____.
I am a constituent of _____.
First, I would like to let you know that my future vote and donation will depend on your action in this matter.
We need an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Israel is committing a genocide, and we will not stand for this.
Call for a ceasefire, allow the necessary humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, and end all US complicity in Israel’s violence.
Thank you.”
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rennybu · 5 months
There’ve been student strikes and walkouts and I believe an ongoing hunger strike for Palestine at universities in my city too (from march and earlier) and I really fucking hope the student organizing happening in the US right now helps bolster the effort here. One of the smaller colleges here divested but the biggest one has been refusing to listen to student demands and I simply cannot help but hope !
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totallyboatless · 3 days
There’s hopefully posts about this on here already but just in case, this is an URGENT call to action to save a man’s life. Please watch the video for details, and i put a sample script from Critical Resistance and the link to fax below
Critical Resistance sample script:
Hello, my name is _______ and I am writing regarding the impending execution of Marcellus Williams, a client of the Innocence Project. Please do not let Missouri execute Marcellus. Killing this man will not make anyone safer. Missouri must stop this execution & invest in real safety for our communities: housing, jobs, education, healthcare, and freedom. Thank you.
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enbycrip · 11 months
NHS England are trying to block the access of trans children and young people to puberty blockers. I would very much appreciate if you are willing to fill in a consultation here to say that this is cruel, discriminatory, and has serious mental health effects on trans young people.
It’s a four-question survey which will take you about ten minutes to fill out.
(Please don’t be put-off by “interim”; given the strongly transphobic ideological bent of the Westminster government, any transphobic “interim” policy is likely to become permanent).
Guidance from What the Trans?:
Link to the consultation:
The consultation closes at the end of today (1 November) so if you have the sooons, please fill it out immediately.
Thank you, folks 🩷💙🤍💜🖤💛
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another family in gaza needs our help!! These people are in need of urgent aid. Their son Ibrahim has down syndrome and the effects of their situation have become so intense their family has been experiencing PTSD.
If you can spare any amount of money please, please don’t hesitate to donate. Even small donations of 5/10/15$ can help.
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Call for action in Virginia
All citizens of Virginia:
This anti-choice bill, complete with this disgusting line in “health of the mother” exceptions: “ not including psychological or emotional conditions”, has been introduced to our state senate, under the sponsorship of non-uterus-haver Stephen D. Newman.
I call on all Virginian citizens to call or write every member of Virginia’s legislature to say that if this bill is to be supported, a concurrent amendment to provide free obstetric and gynecological care to every Virginia citizen capable of pregnancy.
If this is pursued farther, I would also like to propose that every rape which results in a pregnancy have an additional charge of negligent homicide added onto the rape charge. 
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biggizmo42069 · 3 days
Time is running out to help Marcellus Williams!
Please take action!
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From @theinnocenceproject:
This is it. We only have 48 HOURS to stop Missouri from executing #MarcellusWilliams, an innocent man.⁠
Every hour, every minute, every second is critical right now. And even though @GovParsonMO's office is closed today, we can’t let a single moment go by where we’re not urging him to take action. So today, we’re asking you to SHARE Marcellus’ story far and wide by creating your own post about him using the social media toolkit at the link in our bio, and include a call to action to sign our petition and call @GovParsonMO at 417-373-3400. ⁠
It is not too late for Gov. Parson to ensure that Missouri does not take an innocent man’s life.⁠
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stardustmuseum · 7 months
please watch this video and contact your senators if you care about freedom of speech.
this “tiktok ban” is not just about tiktok. if this bill passes, this means they can do this to any app or social media site based on their country of origin or based on what congress deems a “threat”. this will also help pave the way for KOSA and other bad internet bills.
also, tiktok is just a great space for small businesses, learning, expressing ourselves, sharing art, creating community, and so much more.
we need to push back on this. we need everyone involved. please join this fight against censorship.
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fall-out-girlboy · 2 months
hot take maybe but millions of mostly unverified gofundmes with heartbraking stories from people outside of our communities, who, again, may not exist, is like the worst conceivable strawman of mutual aid. It's grim.
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end-of--the-line · 8 months
had to read zizek for a philosophies of violence course the tldr is i hate him
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fireflysongbirdperson · 11 months
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amjad20011 · 4 months
Urgent 🚨 A Call to action⚡ Please help us change our future.
Imagine yourself in a war zone for more than 220 days, displaced at least 4 times, suffering from a lack of water, food, and medicine, and also suffering from the terror of losing your life or the life of your beloved ones.
Well this is not the worst you can imagine.
Imagine having a two and a half year old child who is as wonderful as a pure angel and living in those conditions.
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Well, that's not the worst thing you can imagine.
Imagine experiencing 4 wars in the same region and just thinking about this little angel living in similar circumstances.
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I'm really writing with my heart melting for our future and i really don't want my little angel Ahmed to live the same circumstances that i lived.
I have created a campaign on GoFundMe to collect the necessary expenses to leave the danger zone.
Here's the link to my campaign
Please don't understimate any donation you can give, every donation matter a lot.
Your generosity can change the future of an innocent little angel.
You can also check this post
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Please support these Gaza fundraisers to help wonderful human beings survive:
This one is for relatives of a local organizer friend:
Afaf Masoud has managed to get her mother and sister out, but her brother, sister in law and their little 4yo girl remain in Rafah:
Dalia Masoud is a lovely woman trying to evacuate with her husband and their four beautiful kids:
Mohammed, Manar, and new baby Rose are badly in need of postpartum care and baby formula:
Basant and her sisters Haneen and Aseel are all healthcare workers or aspiring healthcare workers:
I have more fundraisers in my Linktree - just please, PLEASE donate to at least one today! These people deserve whatever help we can give them.
Thank you. 🪬🍉🕊
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