#AC Joint surgery
impistry · 1 year
Just some real talk for a moment regarding my upcoming shoulder surgery on the 15th
I know for the last year and 9 months I haven't been very active art-wise, and the shoulder surgery I'm going to have in less than 3 weeks is the main driver behind that. Kind of hard to do art when you are in constant pain with your dominant arm, and all of the non-surgical options we tried just didn't really seem to help (3 injections, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy for 4 months, Exercises since last March, etc). As of right now I'm looking at 4-6 months of healing after surgery, which also means I'm most likely going to be lacking in much content to share (this includes sewing as well as drawing). I'm hoping that it doesn't take half a year to recover, but so long as I can get full functionality back with my arm, then so be it. I know some folks talk about art-related injuries happening due to bad practices, but this isn't one of those cases. In my case I just ended up with a bum deal and it was just a combination of life stuff that led to this (final nail in the coffin though was helping to remove snow in early Jan 2022), and not how I was choosing to do art. I know I'm going to be HELLA rusty by the time I heal, so it's going to take a while of doing bad art before I can get good again. I do have plans of things I want to work on once I can (working on the comic script currently actually), but please bare with me for the next little while if I happen to drop off the face of the internet, cause I won't be gone forever, I'll just be quite for a while.
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bunn-iiii · 7 months
I hate how binding isn't ever really safe even with proper binders.
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nohaakram12 · 26 days
Hello Dear Friends 🫂Pro-Palestine 🇵🇸🍉
I’m Noha Ayyad from Gaza, Mother of martyr and wife of martyr 💔
17 people of My family was forcibly displaced from their homes to the southern Gaza Strip, and they now live in samall tent , The occupation completely destroyed our house and our business and we no longer have anything that we used to own.
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MY mother suffers from joint pain and back cartilage pain. Also, she had surgery before the war to remove a tumor in the intestine 💔!!️ and she needs to continue her treatment.
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As for my middle brother, Darwish,He has a family of 10 people, he is paralyzed in his right leg, he suffers from severe leg pain.  Two months before the war, he had surgery in Egypt to implant a joint in his leg, and he was supposed to return to Egypt to continue his treatment, but the war prevented him from doing so, so he urgently needs to go to Egypt to continue his treatment.
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As for me, I lost my small and beautiful family in the 2014 war, which consists of my husband and my only child, whom I gave birth to after 7 years of deadly waiting and a very long and expensive treatment journey. He was only two and a half years old. I lost him and did not hug him enough to forget the agony of waiting for him to come. I also suffered injuries, which resulted in several operations on my right leg and other parts of my body, the effects of which I still suffer to this day. So, I don't want to experience what it's like to lose someone I love again. It's a very painful feeling. Please save my family.
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Life here is unbearable, especially tent life is very difficult, and the situation is getting worse every day.
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I urge you to support us to save our lives, Your support is our only hope for survival after losing everything.🚨🚨
We hope you will continue to support us by donating or sharing to help save and rebuild our lives. Every contribution matters, much appreciated ♥️😞
Many thanks to everyone who supported us.
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@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoskin @socalgal @briahyu @briahrogersss-blog @chilewithcarnage @aces-and-anime @ghelgheli @mahoushojoe @mahouprince @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @sayruq @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @terroristiclyscreaming @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy @post-impressionisms @junglejim4233 @kibumkim @neechees @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnot-blog @7bittersweet @tortiefrancis @toile @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptocromo @aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchinaaesthetic @dykesbat @watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution-blog @mavigator
@wayneradiotv please help my family 😞
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transmascissues · 10 months
i’m two weeks post-op from top surgery. here’s what i’ve learned from a week of figuring out how to shower:
i’m able to undress, get my bandages off, and dress afterward by myself now. i have very hypermobile joints though (especially in the joints in my arms — i can typically zip up a back zipper or apply sunscreen to most of my back without help) so i’m not sure if someone less bendy with my current level of limited motion would be able to do it without help. i can’t however put all of the bandages back on by myself because it takes two sets of hands to hold the pads on while wrapping the ace bandage, and the drain sites are too far back for me to put bandaids on myself.
showering is the only time i have my ace bandage off, and it’s a totally different experience walking around and moving my arms without anything holding my chest in. i’m super sensitive to movement now, and probably look a lot more flexible when i’m wearing it than when i’m not even though the bandage restricts my movement because when i’m not wearing it, i’m much more aware of how my skin is being moved around when i do things. it’s not necessarily an uncomfortable thing most of the time, it’s just very sensitive.
along those lines, i was also surprised to find out i can’t put my arms down as much with the bandage off as i can with it on. my incisions wrap all the way under my armpits at almost hit my back, so without anything between them and my arms, things get uncomfortable pretty fast.
my center of balance being off was definitely the most obvious challenge i hit right away. my shower is a hybrid shower and bath, so i have to step over a decently high ledge to get in and out, and it’s a pretty shaky process, especially since i have to keep my chest away from the stream of water and still can’t really use my arms to steady myself. it’s also something i have to be cautious of while i’m in the shower, since being off-balance while in a slippery shower isn’t a great combination.
i was really nervous about how the water running down my chest would feel, so for my first shower i tried to take it slow and just let a few small streams run down it before going for the full thing. as it turns out, that was a mistake because i’ve found that the faster, wider streams with more water are a lot less uncomfortable (mostly i don’t feel any discomfort at all), while the smaller drips are really unpleasant because they’re slower and totally focused on one specific spot.
i haven’t been taking super hot showers but they definitely have been decently hot, not lukewarm or anything, and i haven’t had any issues with the heat on my incisions being uncomfortable. i am still careful with how hot i set it though — i usually start it on a pretty lukewarm setting and gradually go up once i’m in just to be safe.
i’m still having a lot of trouble pushing down on bottles with pumps, so i had to unscrew the tops off of all of my shower products, and i’ve just been pouring out the amount i need.
it’s always good to keep products low so you don’t have to overextend your arms to reach them, but i’ve found that bending forward at the waist without compression is super uncomfortable — it feels like gravity is dragging my chest down. so when i have to pick something up from a lower spot, i’ve been keeping my torso upright and just crouching down with my hips and knees to reach it instead of bending forward like i normally would.
when i’m putting any products in my hair, i’ve found the easiest way to do it is to flip my hair forward so my head is at hand level instead of trying to reach up. i can reach up if i go one side at a time and tilt my head to the side to meet my hand but that’s much harder and i still can’t really get the very back of my head that way. the one issue is that i can’t just flip my head up to get all my hair back over my head once i’m done, so i have to take the time to sort of fold it back before i straighten up again.
when i’m rinsing my hair, i do have to just lean back and do my best with reaching my hands up because i can’t face the water to rinse with my hair over my head. this is by far the most unstable position for me — standing with your back and shoulders hunched, your arms tucked in, and your head all the way back isn’t great for balance — so i always make sure to have one hand resting on the wall while i run my hair under the water like that.
even though i’m showering, i’m glad i got a bunch of body wipes because there’s still really not much i can do as far as washing my body. almost everything would require putting some part of my chest directly in front of the stream, and with the way my mobility is still limited it would be hard to get the soap in most places anyway, so i’ve been staying on the safe side. i can imagine it being possible with a detachable shower head, but i have one and have absolutely no chance of being able to reach it, so i think it’s safe to say there’s no good way for me to wash my body in the shower without someone else helping.
i typically don’t have a bath mat outside my shower because my sensory issues do not like the way carpet feels under wet feet, but i’ve been sucking it up and using one for now because i don’t want to slip on my way out and i know that’s much more likely at the moment. i also don’t lock the door like i normally would, so if i need help i can just call for someone in my house and they’ll be able to get in.
drying myself off is a very slow process. i can’t really rub back and forth or press very hard and my ability to reach certain parts of my body with the towel is limited, so i mostly have to just swish the towel over myself until it gets the heavy stuff off and just let the rest air dry. i’ve also been using a separate clean towel to pat my chest dry, just to make sure i’m keeping the incisions clean, especially since my body isn’t getting thoroughly washed. when i’m drying my stomach off, i always make sure to move the towel up toward the incision so i don’t tug on it at all.
my surgeon has me putting aquaphor on my incisions after showers, so i’ve been directly touching them for the first time. i was super nervous because when she put the aquaphor on it was super unpleasant, but i’ve found that i’m much gentler doing it on myself and it’s not bad at all. i try to be super diligent about washing my hands throughout the whole process because i don’t want to get something on my fingers without realizing and then touch my incisions with it still there or touch my incision and then put my fingers back into the aquaphor with bits of scabby stuff still on my hands. i usually dry my hands on a clean washcloth instead of my usual hand towel just to make sure everything’s clean; that’s probably overkill, but it makes me feel better.
since my ace bandage just wraps around and the tightness is completely up to how we wrap it, my boyfriend took a picture of where the bandage started and ended when my surgeon put it on me, and now, every time we put it on me we basically just match where she put it. that way, we know it’s always at least close to the tightness she thought was appropriate. we have had to adjust over time though, mostly to make it tighter as the bandage loosens from me wearing it.
i’ve found that getting my bandage put back on after having it off for a while always sets my sensory issues off and no matter how well we put it on, it feels too loose and in the wrong place and like it’s falling and generally not great. i’ve found that the best way to readjust to having it on is to sit with my back against a pillow and a mastectomy pillow around my chest. that way, the whole bandage is held in place and doesn’t move around for a while, which gives me some time to get used to it again.
i’m always pretty tired after showering — it’s by far the longest i’m ever standing up and the most i ever have to use my arms. that’s not super surprising, but it’s worth mentioning. i’m writing this as i’m crashed on the couch just resting and doing nothing physical because i took a shower a little while ago, and i can definitely still feel it even though it’s been a bit.
overall, showering has been a really great time and i honestly really look forward to it (and not just because i get to be less gross). it’s the only time i get to just look at my new chest and sit with it and interact with it take a million pictures of it and get my first taste of walking around my house shirtless and all that good stuff, and i’m fully taking advantage of that time. it’s also been an good opportunity to monitor how things are healing — the various discomforts and pains i get during the day stress me out a lot less when i can look at my chest and see that things are healing well, and even when something looks like it might not be ideal, i feel a lot better knowing i can keep an eye on it and instead of stressing out about it constantly, i just keep reminding myself to give it some time and check on it next time i shower.
i didn’t really know going in what showering would be like at all — i knew some people need help and some people can do it independently, but i’ve never seen someone talk about what doing it independently is actually like. i’m sure it looks different for everyone, but this is what it’s like for me!
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cyberwhumper · 5 months
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Soft metal clinking against metal. The distant voices of people talking. The sun, oppressively bright, staring straight into half-lidded eyes. Cold air wafts into the room through the AC ducts, making body hairs stand on end. Machines whirr to life at precise intervals, undercut by the beeping of monitors. Cables of all sizes connect the animal to the instruments responsible for performing its basic functions, if only temporarily.
It seems the surgery had been a success despite the complications.
The brand-new optics sway slowly from side to side. Scanning the room. They can see on their screens exactly what the animal is seeing, big blurs of color amidst blinding white. Not unusual for the brain to take a bit to sync up and adapt to the new input. Even less so considering the damage it took and the amount of sedation the mutt is currently on. Chapped lips mouth at the tubes with not a coherent thought to express. It doesn't even make any noise.
The prototype arm lays on the table, partially disassembled. All sorts of cables connect to its ports as if they are bundles of artificial nerves and muscle tissue, responsible for making sure the signals from the brain get properly interpreted and responded to. All dutifully relayed from their corresponding origin points into the surgically implanted joint. The wound may not be properly healed yet, but considering the setbacks they've already had because of the complications, it seems unwise to wait even longer.
Well. Nothing that can't be fixed by upping the dosage of drugs on the animal's IVs, right?
Mal presses a finger to its skin. Watches as the hazy eyes flutter closed, then open again towards his general direction, unable to focus on anything. More pressure. Not much more of a response.
He sighs. Pulls a pen out of his pocket. Stabs it fast and quick into the restrained wrist. The pale fingers twitch in response. Move as though the animal was trying its best to reach for whatever hurt it through the fog of its brain.
And so do the fingers on the mechanical arm.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage // @squidlife-crisis // @whumpedydump // @cyborg0109 // @whumpfish // @astrowhump // @the-scrapegoat // @whatwhumpcomments // @dustbunnywhump // @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question // @dokidokisadness // @moss-tombstone // @lambofmine // @maracujatangerine // @pinkraindropsfell // @writereleaserepeat // @blood-and-regrets // @littlespacecastle // @snakebites-and-ink // @unforgiven235 // @lonesome--hunter // @atomicsandwichprince // @writereleaserepeat // @whatamidoingherehelpme // @skittles-the-whumpee // @the-blind-one-speaks // @i-eat-worlds // @devourerofcheesecake // @theauthorintraining // @otterfrost // @mommymarichatfurever // @whumpifi // @catnykit // @bitchaknso // @softmutt444 // @yet-another-heathen // @blackbirdsinatrenchcoat // @burnticedlatte // @violent-ultraviolet // @limitlesstrash17 // @inspiral-rl // @coyotehusk // @mis-graves //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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pluto-supremacy · 7 months
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Viktor Headcanons: dating a ftm!disabled!reader
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➼ This is a very self-indulgent set of headcanons as a disabled trans man, but hey I hope you enjoy!
➼ Reader doesn't have a specific disability, I'm trying to be as general and inclusive as possible so a wide range of disabled persons can relate
➼ No beta we die like Silco
➼ Warnings: mentions of gender dysphoria
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GIF does not belong to me! All credits to the owner
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Mobility aids out the wazoo laying around you guy's room. Canes? Check. Walkers? Yep. Wheelchairs? You bet. Crutches? I could go on here people
He learns everything he can about your disabilities. I mean everything. Mans is staying up til the wee hours of the morning reading up on how to help you, general limitations from the disability, etc.
Will remind (and force) you to take breaks
"My love, you've been on your feet far too long. Sit down, I'll go get you a glass of water"
You're gonna have to do the same for him too, Viktor doesn't know how to take his own advice
The shower of course has a shower chair (if you need one) with everything within reach
Viktor keeps a section of clothes set aside for your bad dysphoria days. Whether that means baggier clothes, long sleeves, backup binders, his clothes that he always catches you stealing. Anything to try and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin
If you bind, he reminds you to take binding breaks. He'll make sure you can run off to your shared room to take that breather and not have to worry about people staring at you
Keeps easy food to make when you both don't have the energy to make anything
Your guy's bed? The comfiest ever. Lots of pillows, blankets, anything to help your joints and help you feel comfortable
Heat intolerant? Ac is cranked with fans. Cold intolerant? Well now it's the opposite
Uses his experience with hextech to invent new devices for you to help
"I know you said that you were struggling with your heart rate, so I made you a monitor. Small enough to wear under your shirt and it logs everything for a week so we can write it down. It also tells you what you were doing when it spikes or drops. Need some help putting it on?"
He's the first one to advocate for you, and the loudest. A building isn't ADA accessible? Oh, he's on it. Someone is being ableist? He has a sharp tongue and if all else fails, he has a cane too
You're both always there for the other's doctor's appointments. Viktor will drop his work to come with you (which is saying something since he'll deny food, water, and rest to continue his work)
He has a little trans pin on all of his clothes, it's one of his little ways to show you he loves you
If you ever get gender-affirming surgery, he's now doing his absolute best to take care of you while you're recovering. No heavy lifting, helping you get dressed, setting alarms to give you your prescriptions, fluffing up pillows (since you will be on bed rest for a while, doctor's orders), anything and everything he can do to make the healing process quicker and easier for you
"Y/N, if you try to get up one more time I will have to tie you to the damn bed. The doctor said no strenuous activity and to rest for a few days minimum. Rest, please"
Will loudly and aggressively correct people when they misgender you on purpose (he's nicer about it when it's a pure accident)
Can, will, and has yelled at your doctors before. Whether it was an appointment for your disabilities and they refused to take you seriously or if a doctor is 'not convinced' you're trans. Needless to say you never had to see those asshole doctors again
Helps you decorate your mobility aids, whether that be stickers, covers, or making add-ons for them (like a secure bag holder on your wheelchair, for example)
While Viktor isn't really one for shopping, he will happily take you to different shops to try and find you clothes that make you feel comfortable in your own skin. And of course afterwards you guys go out for a little treat, like ice cream or coffee
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 2,835 Words
Summary: Eclipse's found family finds him.
Warnings: Robot Gore, Injury, Amputation, Cursing, Near Death, PTSD, Panic Attack, Trauma, Surgery, Sibling Bonding, Angst with a serving of Fluff, Bathing Together (platonic, neither have bits down there), SFW Tickling, let me know if I should add anything else.
Found Family
Eclipse groaned pulling himself from the ball pit. What was left of him, at least. His left arm had had the hand ripped off and his right leg was missing from below the knee, his internals were attempting to pour out the deep gashes of claws in his stomach.
His right side upper faceplate had been ripped off along with right eye having been torn from its socket and wires. There was a deep gash down his left leg, leaving the limb half numb. And his chest and back had most of its casing mauled off, leaving his scratched endo and frame exposed and vulnerable.
He’d barely finished crawling his way from the ball pit before he saw a figure standing over him like a sadistic god and the blue he saw told him that this wasn’t the best person to find him this injured.
“So ya fucked up?” Moon asked, crouching before him and Eclipse glared with his remaining eye, this was all Moon’s fucking fault and Eclipse seethed at him.
“I went to kill him and he tried to destroy me!” Eclipse crackled out his half-broken voice box.
“Sad little worm, huh? Welp.” Moon stood up, slapping his thighs as he did so. “That’s a problem taken care of. I’m gonna go out and celebrate. You try to die quietly if you can.” Moon patted his aching head and Eclipse growled to keep him off, attempting to grab Moon’s hand and bite it since it was all he really could do at the moment. But Moon was quicker and got his hand away.
“Hey everyone, I’m buying shots! It’s celebration time!” Moon called through the daycare as he left to the upper level of the daycare as everyone followed him out of the daycare, shutting the lights off as he did so, leaving Eclipse in the darkness with just the ceiling of glowy stars illuminating barely to the top of the play structures.
Eclipse’s engines whirred on high as Eclipse used his remaining hand and the forearm of his left arm to crawl his way away from the ball pit and to the security desk, dragging and pulling down the emergency med kit and haphazardly dumping it on the ground with his right hand so he could get the contents.
His first grab was an ACE bandage, which he tried to put on his stomach with his one hand to some success. It looked sloppy as hell but his insides would stay inside. Eclipse’s processors whirred on max, fans turning slowly because they were half broken so they couldn’t fully cool him down and coolant was leaking out of him, having made a trail from the ball pit to the security desk already.
Eclipse secured the ACE bandage and then began packing gauze into his right knee where it had been ripped off and used another ACE wrap to keep pressure on it so the oil lines wouldn’t be leaking out. He repeated the same process to his left wrist and sighed as he rested one of the instant cold packs onto his processors, relaxing into the feeling of the cold pack helping his half-broken fans to cool him down.
Eclipse saw errors flashing that coolant and oil was low and critical machinery was damaged. Of course it was, he had lost body parts! He growled in annoyance at his creator. They had basically torn him to shreds and Moon didn’t give a single damn about it.
Eclipse hadn’t been able to get a single hit in on them. It had all simply been a blur after they had admitted that they made him and to them attacking him like he was a glorified punching bag. Eclipse hadn’t had a chance to even defend himself and the thought of it, even now, was terrifying.
He shuddered just thinking of the sound and feeling of his wires and endo creaking and cracking when his creator had snapped his right calf off the knee joint and torn it off of him. And the agony of having his left hand ripped off at the joint had been horrifying. The sick crunch the joint had made had made Eclipse throw up. He wasn’t even aware he could throw up, but he had at that sound of his endo crunching and snapping.
Eclipse felt lightheaded, his breaths were coming slower and he knew this was some kind of a panic reaction. Of course he would have a panic reaction. He had succeeded at getting his creator to take out the directives but at what cost? His body nothing more than scrap metal? His mind in shambles and panic? It didn’t feel worth it. Maybe he wasn’t worth a chance.
This train of thought absolutely didn’t help the panic. He was shaking. Why was he shaking? Was the daycare shaking? No, it was him. What was this? Eclipse hadn’t ever felt panic before, not this badly. It felt worse that when he was waiting for Moon and Sun to come kill him. It felt like it was all-consuming and crushing him.
The dark didn’t help either, he hated the dark just like both of his predecessors. He knew there weren’t monsters, there weren’t, but the dark was…scary. It felt like emptiness, like being abandoned again. And it felt cold. He light lights, the stars on the ceiling just weren’t enough light. Especially since solar models didn’t have very much eyesight in the dark. It felt like being stuck into a black box with holes poked in for air but even the air felt like it wasn’t enough.
Blood Moon had finally gone prowling around with Stitchwraith. A joy! Prowling with their acquaintance! It was a ball to finally be out of that bunker place! Blood Moon had begun their prowling in the main entrance and were now going through the daycare, which had its lights off for some reason.
Blood Moon liked the dark, it was a warm place to them, it was comforting, but the sound of staticky sobs coming from the lower daycare wasn’t all that comforting. It was quite annoying actually. They hated crying! Hated it! It was weak!
Blood Moon wanted to snuff out that incessant sobbing and the annoying attendant the crying undoubtedly came from. So they went down to the lower daycare and sniffed around for it. Thankfully, they didn’t have to look for long, finding the sobbing’s source was a curled up and mangled Solar? Was this Solar? No, the dents on the rays and the scratches on the faceplate weren’t present. Could this be…?
Stitchwraith followed Blood Moon to the sound of crying and gave a small gasp seeing the torn down frame of the animatronic they had been slightly amicable with, at least for gaming they had been. But what the hell did Eclipse deserve this for? To be torn to shreds and left to die? He hadn’t even done anything too bad yet, he hadn’t killed anyone at least.
“Eclipse?” Stitchwraith asked, crouching by him but it seemed to go unnoticed. Was Eclipse having a panic attack? “Eclipse, hey.” Stitchwraith knew they’d get hit but they had to shake Eclipse by the shoulder to even get a slight bit of a response.
Once they did shake Eclipse’s shoulder, Eclipse whipped his left arm at them, which was missing it’s hand and was instead bandaged with gauze and an ACE bandage. The hit from Eclipse’s forearm connected with Stitchwraith’s faceplate but didn’t so much as put a scratch on them from how weak Eclipse seemed to be.
Eclipse looked up at them after, eyes wild with panic and pain, breathing going a mile a minute and extremely defensive and scared. Stitchwraith felt Blood Moon tugging on their cloak and waved their hand off to keep Blood Moon behind them. Eclipse was a more pressing matter than answering Blood Moon’s question at the moment.
“Eclipse, it’s Stitchwraith. I need you to breathe slowly for us.” Stitchwraith instructed him. Eclipse’s motors shuddered as he tried to take slow breaths for Stitchwraith. “You’re safe. Can you point to what’s scaring you the most right now?” They asked. Eclipse wordlessly pointed his shaky right pointer finger up at the lights.
“Blood Moon, go turn on the lights.” Stitchwraith instructed the twin hellions, who scampered off to go do just that at his request, the lights turning on row by row until the daycare was illuminated completely, which looked to ease some of Eclipse’s panic.
“Are you able to tell me what happened to you or is it too hard right now?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Creator…mauled me…” Eclipse’s voice was staticky and a weird echoed pitch but he could decipher it still.
“The person who made you mauled you?” Stitchwraith asked to confirm and Eclipse nodded softly. “Why did they do that?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Went to get…directives out…” Eclipse admitted.
“Your creator is a bunch of bull. That’s really all you went to do and he left you like you’re in a scrap heap?” Eclipse nodded and Stitchwraith bristled with annoyance at the audacity of Eclipse’s creator. That was downright cruelty for absolutely no reason. Eclipse didn’t deserve to be mauled over a simple ask like that. The way Eclipse’s simple ask was treated was absolutely bullshit.
“How about this, if you let Blood Moon carry you, I’ll fix you.” Stitchwraith reasoned. Stitchwraith would carry Eclipse back, give Eclipse probably couldn’t walk with a missing leg and fragile machinery desperately trying to escape Eclipse’s frame, but their arms still hurt from Blood Moon using them as a scratching post this morning as if the small bot was a damn cat.
“Okay…” Eclipse agreed and looked to Blood Moon as the red and white faced bot came scampering back down to the lower daycare and sat on the floor, looking over the situation with their head tilted to the side in confusion.
“Blood Moon, you’re going to carry him home. I need to repair him.” Stitchwraith told them.
“Aaaawwwwww, why do we have to carry the Sunman!?” Blood Moon began their usual spiel of complaining about the simplest of tasks. This bot could pick up a full cement truck but complained at picking up an animatronic that probably barely weighed more than them.
“Because our arms still hurt from being used as scratching posts. Now pick him up and be careful. Make sure you keep his stomach level, his internals are trying to be externals.” Stitchwraith sighed. Blood Moon whined a bit more but inevitably picked Eclipse up and thankfully held Eclipse as though he were some princess. It was embarrassing for Eclipse, sure, but it kept Eclipse’s insides inside him.
“Okay, come on, back home.” Stitchwraith told them and began leading Blood Moon back to their bunker and into his lab, instructing Blood Moon to gently place Eclipse on a table so he could work on him. He had most of the parts from misships and scrounging but he knew full well Eclipse would look different than he used to.
“I’m going to turn off your pain sensors but just stay awake and talk to Blood Moon for me while I work on you.” Stitchwraith told Eclipse as he got the necessary parts and tools together to fix him.
“Blood Moon?” Eclipse asked as Stitchwraith turned off the bot’s pain receptors and began to patch up and put on a replacement left hand for Eclipse.
“Yes, unholy creator?” Blood Moon sat like a cat in the chair near Eclipse’s legs.
“I’m not your creator, I never made you. That was…the original me. Before the backup in your head, before I was even a spot on the wall.” Eclipse grumbled.
“So you didn’t make us but you are an Eclipse.” Blood Moon cackled.
“I don’t know what I am.” Eclipse admitted. “I may as well have been made in a fucking petri dish in a lab. I have no clue who I am or what I am, just that I’m here and apparently my name is Eclipse and I’m the asshole everyone hates.” Eclipse huffed as Stitchwraith finished up the hand replacement and moved onto Eclipse’s right calf and foot replacement.
“You are…like us? A copy?” Blood Moon asked.
“An incomplete copy, yes. With directives and pasted memories from other points of view and a creator that rips out my directives and leaves me to the mercy of people who will just let me rot in a hole.” Eclipse was angry but he wasn’t panicking at least.
“We are incomplete as well. Memories from other people and bloodlust enhanced with less free will. Bullshit it is.” Blood Moon grumbled. Huh, odd that the two who hated each other agreed. Eclipse sighed and put his head back down on the table.
Stitchwraith finished replacing his lost calf and foot and moved onto Eclipse’s mauled open midsection and began patching the endo cage that contained Eclipse’s insides that had been ripped open. It was easier here because it was taking out the broken bits of old endo and welding in new pieces of the endo. He was also replacing broken innards as he came across them.
“We’re in the same boat then. I…I could remove it. I think. I have the original’s pasted memories too, I’m sure I could sift through and take out the bloodlust.” Eclipse told him, watching Stitchwraith more than Blood Moon now as Stitchwraith was working of Eclipse’s faceplate, fixing the wires and socket and putting in a new eyeball and replacing the half of the faceplate that had been torn off.
“Take out? You can take that out?” Blood Moon asked.
“I think so. I could try at least.” Eclipse told them, sighing now as the only thing left was his body casing, which was something easy and much less surgical. It was akin to putting on a new outfit to animatronics, especially daycare animatronics, who sometimes had to take off their casing to clean it after days in the daycare.
A calm quiet settled in the lab as Stitchwraith got Eclipse into a purple and white casing, replacing the ribbons on Eclipse’s wrists with new purple ones that weren’t stained with coolant and oil and laid out new pants and a new shirt for Eclipse to get dressed into.
“Alright, go get clean. I have a sanitizing station here, it’ll get you clean. Blood Moon, you need to get cleaned too.” Stitchwraith told him, helping Eclipse stand up and turning back on his pain sensor since there wouldn’t be as much pain to feel. He could fix minor things like Eclipse’s half-broken voice box later. What was important was getting Eclipse to feel better and not take an entire day just to fix him. Plus he didn’t have a new voice box for him just yet.
Eclipse struggled sitting up, his endo aching from what a human would consider bruises. He could feel the stiffness in his new parts and his eye was still adjusting, making him blink that eye more, which was uncomfortable but bearable because he had full sight back again now. He just let Stitchwraith help him to his feet, grateful for the help from his brother? Cousin? Acquaintance, Eclipse was going with acquaintance with the weird family tree he didn’t want to deal with.
Eclipse was passed to Blood Moon so the smaller bot could help him along and Eclipse happily used them as a sentient cane for his new stiff foot and calf that was making him limp a bit  with how little the new ankle could move yet. Blood Moon supported him, which was surprisingly actually helpful.
“But brother goes in the cleaning tube.” Blood Moon and maneuvered the both of them into the tube, helping Eclipse get off his dirty old clothes and Blood Moon threw off his mud covered clothes and stayed with his brother so they’d both get cleaned like Stitchwraith asked.
Blood Moon giggled at the sanitizing mist and roared with laughter at the brushes that came to scrub off the worst grime. Eclipse only needed the sanitizing mist to heat the coolant and oil on him enough to drip off into the drain in the floor. But Eclipse liked seeing his little brother laugh. It was nice to have this moment.
Eclipse never got to have this with…the others. But it felt nice to watch his brother laugh at the brushes going after the ticklish spots on his back. He kind of liked this, it made him feel warmth bloom in his chest that one of his siblings wasn’t scared of him or wishing him death or even leaving him to die.
Once Eclipse was clean, he left the tube while Blood Moon was still giggling up a storm getting scrubbed because he rolled in dirt from what it seemed like. Eclipse pulled on the new clothes and smoothed his hands over them, they were actually comfortable and not itchy like his old clothes. He liked being here. It felt like home.
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
RWBY V8 & Penny's Fall:
I wanted to weigh in on this matter again with a perhaps alternative take to some of what I see as the more usual FNDM stance on her fall.
Namely, it doesn't bother me.
Sacrilege, I know, but the thing is while Penny is not in my top four, she is a character I both like & find genuinely interesting.
Heck, I have a video heavily focused on Penny & Ruby's characters & relationship being much deeper & more interesting than the UWU beans I find in most FNDM.
She's a great character but that's also why it doesn't bother me as I feel it works for the story & made sense for the character. 
But first, some house cleaning.  
House Cleaning - They made her human?
As others noted, this is something some take issue with for a few different reasons. As I understand it the main issues people tend to have with V8's handling of Penny outside her death was that they made her 'human' in place of keeping her synthetic body. As others also noted, I am unsure if she even was human and not just another kind of synthetic entity, but that's rather besides the point. 
House Cleaning - Thematic Representation?
The other thing people take issue with this is that they regard it as a form of ableism to make her human. I always feel its integral to note that while many in FNDM understandably took Penny's robotic nature as meaning in a Real World AU, she might be using prosthetic limbs.
There is no evidence as far as I am aware that the writers intended her to be considered analogous to a disabled person or to thematically represent disabled people. 
Thus, while its a fine and fun headcanon, I am not sure one can argue it was some sort of deliberate offence or act of ableism on the creators part if they never even conceived of Penny as such.
This wouldn't be like becoming aware of queer subtext, ship teasing then killing one of them off and putting the other in a straight relationship. As far as I can tell their thematic framing of Penny never shifted and was never explicitly used to draw such comparisons. 
House Cleaning - A Reward?
Penny being rewarded with a none robotic body & then dying. We'll discuss the death later but just on the reward angle, I think that is rather iffy.
Yes, Penny appreciated not being dead and enjoyed the increased tactile sensations. But we also see how much more fragile and floundering she is with her new form. When Penny fought Cinder last time with Cinder having backup, Penny kicked her ass. 
Here, Penny has the support and is barely keeping up. She's in pain, she can't fly easily, she can't use her weapons easily, she has lost tons of functions that were once innate to her very being.
Maybe one could argue its like post surgeries fragility or that she'd have grown into it, but as it stands, I don't think the new body was presented as strictly speaking a good thing or a reward. It was a desperate gamble to save her life, nothing more. 
Adding onto that, I think people mis-ascribe the source of Penny's angst regarding her mechanical nature. She's shown cheerfully embracing and enjoying many aspects of it all the time. When it becomes an issue for her is when others use it to de-'humanize' her.
Given how quickly Ironwood, the Ace-Ops, Mantle and even just casual conversation could do that on purpose or by accident. I think its less "I hate being a robot" and more, "I hate that people treat me this way because of what I am and its giving me anxiety & or insecurities". 
I also think anyone would be a little uncomfy with their body being something someone else can take over and puppet, that's an issue with loss of agency & physical invasiveness & we have Semblances which might not have been able to effect Penny that can do similar things, IE memory erasure & mind control. 
House Cleaning - Conclusion
For comparisons sake, if Ruby's essence got moved over to a sort of life sized marionette and she was cool with it because she's still alive & have super flexible joints for wicked cool attacks, but then she he died fighting, I don't think people would regard it as a reward turned sour.
In essence, I think a lot of the stigma comes with people associating tropes & themes to the writers decisions that were not actually in the story & just assuming them present; as opposed to than having textual support & despite CRWBY's efforts to deconstruct tropes & themes in general. 
The Main Event:
Moving on to Penny's death, people take issue with quite a few aspects of it but I weirdly feel it all ties together well and think it works on a thematic level. My reason being, that Penny is the other side of the coin whose other half Ironwood and between the pair are the likes of Winter, the Ace-Ops and so on. 
What I mean here is that the Atlas arc dealt heavily with the themes of 'de-humanization' of seeing people made unto like objects, mere cogs in a machine that were not expected to think, feel, or heal & have their entire worth judged against an idea or a system & always come up wanting. You don't matter, I don't matter, they don't matter, only what we can accomplish for the worlds, the cause, Atlas, ETC, matters. 
Ironwood regards Mantle as a few city blocks, their suffering is at best a theoretical moral burden to him and a political nuisance, nothing more. Winter thinks expressing any emotions or making decisions for herself is a failure and act of disloyalty and is not allowed time to heal after severe injuries but just poured into a mobility mechanism, then thrown back onto the battlefield. Meanwhile the Ace-Ops are not allowed to even conceive of real, deep or genuine emotions or ideas, they have all convinced themselves they don't matter except in how they serve Atlas.
The Happy Huntresses are actually the exception to this because they escaped the coin/system & are dedicated to people, ideals & each other. 
Meanwhile, Ironwood is the opposite of Penny, while both still embody the opposite extreme ends of the same spectrum of beliefs. 
Both of them talk of or otherwise frame themselves as the one with the duty to save the world, both put themselves under immense and isolating pressure tanks to their respective Atlas's complexes and both default heavily to sacrificing whenever the opportunity or even potential need seems to arise. Both will do whatever it takes for their goals and beliefs. 
The difference?
Ironwood sacrifices everyone else for his goals and beliefs, for his idea of what Atlas is, what it means & what its worth. 
Penny tries from volume 8 if not earlier, to sacrifice herself because of her goals & beliefs, & what they're worth to her. 
She does this so much and so often, that she had to keep being talked out of throwing her life away in the hope that Ironwood, or Salem would calm down and leave them be. She defined her self worth and existence by being out there doing things, hence becoming so saddened when needing to be kept away from the battlefield despite the fact she was both a target and potentially a huge game changer for any of the villains. 
Penny has Atlas's ideology of de-humanization and sacrifice every bit as much as Ironwood, but in her mind she's the expendable one, while Ironwood cannot conceive of himself as being expendable, because he has tethered himself to Atlas, which he has tethered to the world. 
Here is the thing though.
While Penny's take on this idea is more noble, more charming, more useful it is still part of an incredibly self destructive ideology, one that is of itself rooted in Ozpin's well known Guardian theory. With isolated lone champions serving as paragons of virtue & himself as the main character heroically bearing all the burdens. An ideology we saw sent Pyrrha spiraling, left Ozpin a broken & paranoid wreck & nearly destroyed Ruby.
Penny & Ironwood both fell because both keep trying to sacrifice others (Ironwood) or themselves (Penny) in a bid to accomplish their goals & or otherwise fulfill their designates roles; roles that both only have because of the culture and ideals suffusing Atlas, as reflected by how they are seen in so many other characters and the overarching themes of the Atlas Arc. 
Thus, it makes sense character wise and I think it both makes sense thematically for the reasons outlined above & dramatically as this is the darkest moment. But also because if Penny just won, or somehow survived without changing that ideological thinking it'd be implicitly arguing that this was a good way to think and act rather than one that is ultimately self harming. 
For comparisons sake, if a show has a good victim who only gets help because their trauma responses are convenient or 'cute' and who never grows out of or overcomes said traumas and the show argues it is meant to represent how best to view escape & recover from abuse. Then that series is inadvertently arguing its better a person stay locked in a traumatized state than actually try to change or grow & that is a story problem.
So, in this regard, Penny surviving would also necessitate her making the decision to prioritize the mission over her self sacrificing tendencies or to otherwise prioritize her own safety (Which she has every right to do given the circumstance). However it would not involve Penny flinging herself into another self sacrificial bout but winning this time, or just being saved again after its happened so many times already. 
I hope that, that made sense. 
I am essentially saying to keep Penny alive but keep everything else mostly the same, one then throws away the thematic & narrative meaning of the Atlas Arc; or if they want to keep Penny alive, they need to alter the Atlas Arcs themes or the cast & overall story to keep it coherent.  
People are obviously free to not be fans of it, I am sad when characters I like die, but I don't view it inherently as a bad writing decision and I hope I have outlined here, exactly why I think that this worked for the Atlas Arc, the series of RWBY and made sense for its characters. 
Thanks for reading! 
Now, I don't do much speculating, but given so much of the shows current drama was created as a result of someone wanting a dead loved one back, them returning but it ultimately not being enough to stave off tragedy and self destruction. I feel one can also ague this is meant to serve and tie Ruby & Salem closer together as nominal dramatic foils.
This is speculative of course, especially given the nature of death, balance and resurrections in this series is not even close to the hard line some think it is thematically speaking, but I do think that is worth keeping in mind. 
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tarotfairy0919 · 19 days
✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧Health meanings in tarot Minor Arcana edition - Suit of Wands✧—⊹ ˖🥟⊹ ˖—✧
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
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The wands get their health meanings from their astrological connection to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Aries rules the head, the cerebrum, eyes, face, upper jaw, carotid arteries, and the front of the body.
Leo rules the heart, vena cava, back, spine, spinal cord, back, thymus gland.
Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, ilium, femur, sacrum, coccyx, ischium, blood vessels, sciatic nerves, and pituitary.
🔥Ace of wands ~ A new approach to health. Getting your energy back. Exercise. Approach your body holistically.
🔥Two of wands ~ A tendency to sunstroke, inflammation of the brain, brain fever and delirium, shooting pains in the head, insomnia, and wounds in the head.
🔥Three of wands ~ Three of wands in a health reading can also mean acne, hair loss, strokes, eye problems. Take care of your blood pressure.
🔥Four of wands ~ Four of wands in a health reading can indicate that stress in the home is getting in the way of a healthy lifestyle.
🔥Five of wands ~ Five of wands in a health reading can indicate chronic fatigue, unhealthy weight loss, and anxiety.
🔥Six of wands ~ Six of wands in a health reading can mean the seeker must use their common sense in health matters.
🔥Seven of wands ~ Seven of wands in a health reading can indicate the Seeker needs to look after their heart health.
🔥Eight of wands ~ Eight of wands in a health reading can mean injuries from exercise, arm, legs, shoulders, hips and thigh injuries.
🔥Nine of wands ~ Nine of wands in a tarot reading can also mean the Seeker feels under attack, emotionally and physically.
🔥Ten of wands ~ Ten of wands in a health reading can also mean osteoporosis, teeth problems, and joint pain.
🔥Page of wands ~ Issues with the heart, back and ribs. Exhaustion, incontinence, and fevers.
🔥Knight of wands ~ Overindulgence in sugars, alcohol, and fatty food.
🔥Queen of wands ~ Disfigurements, pimples, rashes, facial inflammation, eye problems. Watch out for poor outcome from plastic surgery, tattoos and piercings.
🔥King of wands ~ Watch out for head injuries and issues with head aches, strokes, and encephalitis. Men worrying about going bald.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡oopsie you already reached the end ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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monratarot · 4 months
Health indicators in tarot - Minor Arcana - Suit of Wands
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
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The wands get their health meanings from their astrological connection to Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Aries rules the head, the cerebrum, eyes, face, upper jaw, carotid arteries, the front of the body.
Leo rules the heart, vena cava, back, spine, spinal cord, back, thymus gland.
Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, ilium, femur, sacrum, coccyx, ischium, blood vessels, sciatic nerves, pituitary.
🔥Ace of wands ~ A new approach to health. Getting your energy back. Exercise. Approach your body holistically.
🔥Two of wands ~ A tendency to sunstroke, inflammation of the brain, brain fever and delirium, shooting pains in the head, insomnia, and wounds in the head.
🔥Three of wands ~ Three of wands in a health reading can also mean acne, hair loss, strokes, eye problems. Take care of your blood pressure.
🔥Four of wands ~ Four of wands in a health reading can indicate that stress in the home is getting in the way of a healthy lifestyle.
🔥Five of wands ~ Five of wands in a health reading can indicate chronic fatigue, unhealthy weight loss, and anxiety.
🔥Six of wands ~ Six of wands in a health reading can mean the seeker must use their common sense in health matters.
🔥Seven of wands ~ Seven of wands in a health reading can indicate the Seeker needs to look after their heart health.
🔥Eight of wands ~ Eight of wands in a health reading can mean injuries from exercise, arm, legs, shoulders, hips and thigh injuries.
🔥Nine of wands ~ Nine of wands in a tarot reading can also mean the Seeker feels under attack, emotionally and physically.
🔥Ten of wands ~ Ten of wands in a health reading can also mean osteoporosis, teeth problems, and joint pain.
🔥Page of wands ~ Issues with the heart, back and ribs. Exhaustion, incontinence, and fevers.
🔥Knight of wands ~ Overindulgence in sugars, alcohol, and fatty food.
🔥Queen of wands ~ Disfigurements, pimples, rashes, facial inflammation, eye problems. Watch out for poor outcome from plastic surgery, tattoos and piercings.
🔥King of wands ~ Watch out for head injuries and issues with head aches, strokes, and encephalitis. Men worrying about going bald.
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impistry · 1 year
For anyone who's had shoulder surgery (particularly AC joint / Distal Clavicle Osteolysis surgery), does anyone have any good tips or hints that made your life easier after surgery/during recovery?
I'm just honestly trying to get as much info as I can to make my life easier, since I know it's going to be a few weeks-months of recovery before I'll be back to decent usability with my shoulder. Just an FYI: I live mainly alone so I don't really have help, which means most everything I'll be doing will be on my own (Bonus points if you have suggestions that are useful that you can do on your own)
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anexperimentallife · 5 months
Life/Health Update
The thing we've been most worried about is the damage to my heart from COVID and anti-inflammatories. BP has been slowly going down over the past few months, so that would seem to indicate that at least SOME of the damage to my heart is healing. Let's hope. Need to get all those tests done again to know for sure, but for now they've taken me off one of my BP meds, so that's promising. (This was the main thing we were considering trying to get back to the states for, so I could use my medical benefits.) The rest of the stuff impacts quality of life, but isn't directly life-threatening, so if the other issues have to wait, they have to wait.
The hole in my throat still needs closed up. That will probably be the priority once we get my mouth issues (below) sorted. This one is kind of dangerous, as food, medication, and liquids often get stuck in there, and can throw off med dosages and sometimes cause me to choke. Been lucky so far, I guess.
One place in my jaw still pokes through inside, and another is threatening to. If those places don't start reabsorbing within the next few days, they'll have to open up the inside of my mouth AGAIN to file them down. So I'm gumming my food for at least another eight weeks before we can do anything about new teeth.
We're able to get the eye drops that take down the swelling in my retina fairly regularly now, so here's hoping that if I keep using them for three more months they'll have some kind of permanent effect. Probably still need surgery on that eye, though. Sucks that this happened to my formerly good eye--it used to have 20/10 vision. Temperature seems to play a role in the amount of fun-house-mirror-vision, but we live in the tropics, so not much to do about that. (We live in the mountains, so it's not as bad as the lowlands, but AC is rare up here.)
I don't think the cataract in the other eye has gotten too much worse, but that's obviously going to need surgery eventually, as well. If I can come out of this with one good eye, I'll consider myself lucky.
Brain fog (combination of long COVID, ADHD, Autism, and a traumatic brain injury) is still bad, but not as bad as it was. Nothing to do about that but wait.
My spine injuries are still an issue, with occasionally arm cramping/paralysis that used to be JUST in my right arm, but now sometimes spreads to my left. At least the cramping keeps the muscles toned? (Trying to look at the bright side here.) Neck exercises and stretching help with that, as does ice. (I mean, yeah, there's the constant pain, too, but that's the least of my concerns.)
Still need that second foot surgery, because the cauterization didn’t completely take from the last one; not only am I open for another infection (like the two-year one that an infectious disease specialist finally cleared up for me), but walking is pretty painful, too, even if I’m not talking about joint injuries.
Joint injuries... Hoo boy. Definitely gonna need a hip replacement eventually, and probably both knees.
I have chronic fatigue now, plus every pre-existing condition and old injury I had has been exacerbated by long COVID. It sucks. My stamina is improving little by little, though.
Treatment for all of the medical stuff has to wait for one thing at a time to be affordable. My health was stable until COVID, but now... Damn. Unfortunately, COVID came around around the time we found out we were having a baby, and four bouts of COVID have left my health completely fucked and exacerbated all my old injuries.
(If you're new here, you may not know that the licensing contract to convert some of my old fiction to a game--which, fortunately, did not count as "work income" for social security purposes--got canceled just weeks after El was born, meaning our income dropped way down, and that a snafu with Eleanor's birth certificate made her stateless, which took every bit of our savings plus the proceeds from a fundraiser to correct. If not for the combo of COVID and El's birth certificate snafu, we'd be fine both medically and financially.)
I'm working on plotting out more Quiet World and Alex And stuff, which I'll be shopping around, but frankly, even if it sells, it probably won't be much. (If you were here in 2013, you may remember that I had just started to have success selling my fiction to pro markets when my sons died, which threw me for a loop for several years, so I have to start over building a reputation.)
We've considered a move back to the US to use my medical benefits, but a) that'd be expensive af, and b) the US may be on the edge of becoming a military dictatorship, so even if we had the money for it, we'd want to wait to see what November holds.
So yeah, that's what's been going on with my health and our finances. As always, @thesurestthing and Baby El bring me joy, and my sort-of-adopted niece @geniussheepworld is a great help to all of us.
With so many people in the world suffering so much, I am reluctant to post a funding link. We are MOSTLY financially stable--it's just that we have to save up for my medical stuff while we work to finish paying off about 11K USD of debt from El's paperwork thing and all the medical whammies (and thank you to everyone who has helped already)--but if you want to help with that, the best link is either our paypal donation link or Ko-Fi.
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can-of-pringles · 9 months
So I've been having some thoughts.. about Silas and Copia (surprise surprise /s) anyway they're an ace couple (Silas is sex repulsed while Copia is neutral or favorable) anyway I was thinking about all the non sexual intimate couple stuff that they do because they're very cuddly and touchy, sensual attraction off the charts, also I'm just yearning tonight
Here's a list
Cuddling in bed, keeping each other warm.
All their little touches, touching arms, shoulders, backs, faces, etc.
Bonus sometimes Copia likes feeling Silas' beard and is always surprised about how soft it is.
KISSES. All the kisses all the time. Forehead kisses, kisses on the cheek, the lips, more personal kisses like on the neck and shoulder etc for more private time.
Holding hands.
Taking showers and bubblebaths together. Helping to wash each other's hair.
Rubbing each other's shoulders or achey joints.
Helping each other dress and undress.
Silas helping Copia with his makeup.
If they have dry skin during winter or cold weather, applying lotion to each other.
Copia applying lotion to Silas' top surgery scars.
Running their hands through each other's hair, lightly scratching each other's scalps.
Gently bumping their foreheads together.
If one of them gets injured, the other wrapping a bandage around the wound or putting a bandaid on it.
One laying their head in the other's lap.
Their legs getting wrapped up slightly while cuddling.
Ok this one is based off a irl thing, but one of them very lightly running their fingertips slowly down the other's arms and legs, causing goosebumps and a shivery satisfying sensory feeling. (I promise it's good y'all)
Another based off personal experiences thing. But listen, they're both neurodivergent, sometimes they get tired of the hygiene stuff they have to do daily, so they do it for each other. I'm talking about gently brushing each other's teeth after a long day. It's like a massage tbh.
Y'all may think I'm weird but you just don't get it.
Copia helping Silas with his T stuff.
Helping to warm up each other's hands on a cold day.
That's all I can think of rn. I might add more.
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kivaember · 6 months
👀!! but also, 🎯?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Interestingly, not many people have made in depth guesses about major major plot points for APV! I am curious to hear people's theories though, if only to see if the foreshadowing I lay down it getting picked up...
Otherwise, on my P5 fic To Know Your Target, quite a few people correctly guessed major plot points, which I found really cool! I like it when people can sorta guess where the story is heading, bc it means I'm building it in a coherent kind of way. There's no better feeling for when you guess something will happen and it does!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh man I have so many!!! Okay, I have one wip that's like two thirds done... it's a oneshot (a big one rip) that's post LoR. It follows 621 hunting amongst the wreckage of the Xylem for Walter's AC, mostly because he's kinda lost on what to do with himself and also bc he wants to give it a funeral. Rusty, still horribly injured from his fall fromthe Xylem, hijacks an RLF MT and follows him there...
The fic's most about discussing 621 and Rusty's different approaches to grief and moving on and the like... and hilariously, as I was writing it, 621 ended up being a lot more emotionally intelligent than Rusty was...
Have a snippet :) as a treat!
He rounded a collapsed pile of masonry and shattered glass, some sort of towering roof structure that had caved in on the deck below. STALKER was standing in the near distance on the very edge of the deck, staring at the slowly approaching supercell. 
Carefully, Rusty piloted his MT to stand beside STALKER, and directed his visual sensors towards the incoming storm. His wipers were going a little crazy now, frantically whipping back and forth to try and outpace the heavy downpour. Beside him, STALKER moved fractionally, its half-rusted joints creaking loudly. 
“...hey,” Rusty murmured. “Aren’t you tired, Raven?”
STALKER’s head angled towards him. 
«Aren’t you tired, Rusty?»
Rusty felt his mouth quirk into a smile. A response, even if it was a mocking (he assumed). He’d take it. “Yeah. I’m pretty exhausted, to be honest.” 
«…then why are you here.»
“Like I said, I came to get you. You’ve been out here for two days. Uncle was getting worried.”
Raven took his time in replying and Rusty patiently waited, ignoring the various aches and pains lancing through his body like razor sharp glass. It was fine. So long as he didn’t bust the stitches from his spleen repair surgery, he should be okay. 
«I’m fine.»
“Sure,” Rusty said. “Just like I’m fine.”
«I wasn’t in a coma for two days after breaking half my bones.»
no, you were just tortured for weeks on end instead, Rusty did not say with some effort. “You still need to eat, right? You’re augmented, but you’re still human.”
Raven didn’t seem to have a ready response for that, so he just didn’t say anything.
“...what���re you even out here for anyways?” Rusty asked, genuinely curious. The Xylem was a marvel of Institute tech, yeah, but most of it was completely ruined from its violent re-entry. Aside from getting blown up and ransacked by invading corporate and Liberation Front forces alike, the seawater filling up half the ship would’ve eaten away at most of the technology by now. 
«…I’m looking for something.» 
“Well… if you’re looking so hard for it, I guess it must be important…” Rusty said slowly. “Maybe I can help?”
«You’re injured and should be resting.»
“You’re injured too.” Rusty’s tone grew solemn. “I know what they do in those re-education camps, Raven.” 
“You’ve been flat out since you escaped,” Rusty said softly. “Uncle said you only swung by for a day at our base before running off again. If you don’t stop to rest, your body’s just going to give out on you. It’s a pointless way to go.” 
“Unless that’s what you want?” Rusty asked, and made sure his voice was dispassionately blunt when he added: “Are you just waiting to die?”
The question lingered between them like an ominous shroud. The supercell moved close enough that its thick cloud wall blocked out the sun, dousing them in deep, dark shadow. 
Raven paused, and STALKER kept shifting its weight back and forth, rusted joints screeching and groaning, the AC not built to spend so much time along the seashore, getting sprayed with saltwater and blasted with coastal gusts. It looked like a corpse just barely moving, skeletal, where chunks of its ablative armour had been stripped off from its own re-entry, and the inner hull torn from the tremendous forces it had been under (had never been designed to endure, but had endured anyways). 
There was even a gaping crack in the Core, a sliver where Rusty could peer past the protective armour and see a bit of the Core block that contained the pilot’s cockpit. Red-tinged rainwater was collecting in that crack, pouring out of it like a miniature stream.
«I don’t know what to do.»
It was unexpectedly honest. Vulnerable. Completely out of nowhere. 
“What do you mean?”  
«Before everything went wrong in Institute City, Handler Walter told me what to do. I knew what to expect with each day. I knew what my objectives were. Now, I know nothing. I’m a mercenary with no money or clients, and I have no idea how to get those things myself. I got my life back, like Walter wanted, but there’s nothing in it.»
STALKER’s head bowed. 
«…I have nothing.»
“That’s not true, Raven,” Rusty said gently, taken aback by Raven’s raw honesty, and cursing the awkwardness of having this talk while they were in two separate mechs. Raven was as expressionless as they came, but he could still gauge his human face better than just staring at the side of STALKER’s cracked Core. 
“After saving Rubicon, you’ve definitely got the Liberation Front on your side,” he continued. “And, for what it’s worth, I’ve got your back too. I know you won’t trust that, considering what happened before Institute City but, I mean it. I was-”
He drew in a slow breath, before admitting quietly: “I was wrong about you. You weren’t a threat to be eliminated, and I acted too hastily in my judgement of you. I’m sorry.”
«It’s fine. You weren’t exactly wrong. I was a threat.»
“...? What do you-”
A flash of scarlet lightning lit up the horizon, followed by a booming thunder that rattled Rusty’s very bones and briefly deafened him. He couldn’t help but wince. 
«I’m looking for Walter,» Raven said in an unexpected non-sequitur, forcibly dropping the last topic. «His corpse is on this ship somewhere.»
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
i love being ace. i loved being aro while the label fit me, and now that it doesn't, i love being alloromantic. and if i were allosexual i think I would love being allosexual too.
my decisions are my own, and it doesn't matter what feelings i have or don't have, and it seems pretty weird to moralize feelings. i like feeling the way i feel just because...i feel that way. it's a part of me. like my hair or body.
i'm trans, so i have a lot of "learning to love myself as i am" to work on. which isn't to say (mocking voice) "oh i shouldn't ever transition i should respect the Nature of my body ooga booga" (end mocking voice). i mean that my body will never be the same as if i were born cis, or even into my ideal body. i'll never have fangs or a tail or be able to purr, there are stims I wish I could execute that I just have to accept that I'll never be able to do. and that's ok.
i'm neurodivergent and because of it ill probably never have the physical coordination to do gymnastics or martial arts, even though i love those things. and that's ok. i love my body, and through loving it, i will make it into a home. i'll carry scars from the surgeries that make it more comfortable for me to live in, as i grow older i'll get wrinkly and bald and my joints and organs will stop working. and that's ok.
i don't need to hold myself to some cis, able-bodied, alloallo, neurotypical ideal. i just need to feel empowered to live how i want with what i've got. i love that i'll never be cis, because it gives me a unique perspective. i get to make myself how i want to. i get to decide what sounds right for my body and live it. i love being alloromantic because i get to experience feelings! new and interesting feelings! and i loved being aromantic while that label fit me because i had room for other, different feelings! and i love being asexual, because i still get to decide what i want! and while i'm not a fan of cake (sorry) i do like pie and baking and crafting and creating!! and i like telling stories about feelings, and even if i can't access sexual attraction, there are tons of other feelings to talk about! i love being me and i love being queer. i love feeling like myself and i think my every experience is valuable. and i would never ever trade any experience of mine for a more comfortable or convenient one, because i like being me. i like that my life was difficult and complex and high-effort because now i'm here. i made it through. and i hope to see many more people make it through as well.
sorry it was so long. just would like to see some more queer joy and pride out there, and figured i may as well send one in :)
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
wh—what if you talked more about the delanceys in your modern au 👉🏻👈🏻
I guess I'm answering Nox's first anon, sorry. My phone is literally deleting half my post every time I try to save or post it :)
Idk what I'm gonna put in here, so I'm gonna have the usual Delanceys t/w on here and come back if I need more: Violence, fighting, cursing
I've given the overall look for the Delanceys, so here are just little things that I think about with them + modern au:
They both would hate fast food. It's greasy and disguting.
Oscar's the one who cooks the food for them. Morris can if he really tries, but Oscar's just better at it.
They have a joint twitter account, it's just easier that way. Morris is absolute trash at remembering passwords (look at me projecting) so it's easier when Oscar also knows the log in info, and uses it regularly so he doesn't also forget.
Oscar is aro/ace, and is hella confused and frustrated when Morris gets crushes because they're supposed to be in this together
Morris doesn't understand why Oscar is so upset that he mentioned how pretty York had been that day. It was just an observation.
That's how all his crushes start. An observation. "Did you see York's hair was in a ponytail instead of a bun today?" "Did Graves finally have the surgery he'd been planning?" "Jack Kelly has a boyfriend now. His eyes are blue like the sky." It's the little differences he notices that always catch his attention.
Oscar doesn't make Morris eat things he doesn't like. This might not seem like a big deal, but their Uncle Wies had always made them finish what was on their plate, even if Morris was sobbing and pleading and begging not to.
Oscar, on the other hand, will clear a plate no matter the contents. He's grateful just to have food at all (though he doesn't cook anything he doesn't like, so this is mostly for get togethers)
Their job is more than just them liking fighting. It's about quenching a bloodthirst that sits deep in their bellies. It makes them feel whole, whereas someone like York does it because he's good at it and makes decent money. He isn't completely dependent on the actions in the ring to live a complete life.
Morris isn't good with words. Putting them together is hard. Remembering them is even harder. And trying to string along enough to make sense to someone that isn't Oscar is next to impossible.
That being said, he's incredibly good with numbers. Birthdays, holidays, counting. Once he learns how to do number things, he remembers is. Once he learns long division, he can do that shit in his head.
I feel like I need to put a list of the stims and quirks I think Morris has, so here: Chirping when excited, flappy hands (both when excited and when trying to get off the bad sensories), crab claws when thinking, hopping over the last step in a staircase, clacking his teeth together when he's anxious, snapping when he needs to/is trying to remember something, rocking back and forth, tapping his fingers, cracking knuckles.
Oscar collects vinyl records. And Morris likes to go to the vinyl section of every store that has them to find something for Oscar.
Morris likes rock music. Oscar does too, but prefers quieter music. He probably really likes something lame like jazz, but uses rock or metal to get pumped before a fight.
Morris is still wearing most of the same clothes he wore in high school (why fix what ain't broke?)
Oscar dresses nicely. They grew up with practically nothing. He allows himself to have nice clothes, to remind him of where they came from and what all their hard work has achieved.
They avoid Wiesel. They avoid the Refuge. They're always traveling, and don't have a house. They don't have roots set down. They feel like they don't belong anywhere because of this. Because they're always staying in different hotel rooms and going to different states for different fights.
I hope this tickles your fancy. These are thoughts making it through my frustrated haze, so I'm sorry if this sucks :)
Ily <3!!!
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