royalarchivist · 10 months
Cucurucho's slow turn to stare at Fit when Pac got all up in his face was so funny, LMAOOOO
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw. Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Especially since he’d take a look at the white button up, red trousers with suspenders, and blue bow tie with yellow polka-dots and see it as a fashion nightmare XD. And don’t get him started on the bunny ears and tail. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Low cut red dress with a slit and all. Just imagine pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
I've been meaning to get to this request ever since I saw it because it is just so good. I'm definitely biased for anything Lucifer related but god this is just so cute. Anon, your brain is outstanding. I love pouty Lucifer. If you still have that tiktok on hand or ever come across it again, do you think you could send it my way .ᐣ
You didn't include what kind of request you wanted though, and my default is HCs -- but I couldn't help but throw in a little drabble based on them, too. Or, at least I intended it to be a drabble .ᐣ It got away from me, haha.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Lucifer and Female Reader Dressing
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Up As Roger and Jessica Rabbit ~
Lucifer is initially thrilled when you bring up wanting to attend a famous yearly costume party in Pride with him. A chance to show you off sounds amazing, and he's great with costumes. Just the thought of you two matching is enough to get him excited.
You seemed just as excited as he was -- in fact, he was even more excited when you told him you'd already had something in mind .ᐟ He's pestering you to tell him just what the costumes were as soon as the plan leaves your lips, but much to his displeasure, you refuse, saying you want to keep it a surprise.
You'd even managed to resist the very strongest puppy-dog eyes and pout. Impressive. He usually succeeds in getting his way with that one -- who could ever say no to that face .ᐣ Having exhausted his options, he sighs his defeat.
Well, nearly exhausted his options. He was entirely too ready to pretend that you'd won and snoop through your closet the second you walked away. Apparently his quick glance at said closet had given him away though, and with a quick deadpan stare alongside a scary sounding ❛ don't you dare. ❜ has his feet rooted to the floor.
Did his poker face really suck so bad .ᐣ He's definitely practicing it in the mirror later.
Ultimately, though, he trusts you completely and your choice in matching outfits is no exception, so he allows it to drop for now. There's still a few more days until the party, but that time could be spent much more productively by your side rather than whining about clothing.
That is, until the day of the party comes around and you bring out his outfit. You'd never seen Lucifer's jaw drop quite like that before and it takes iron will to stop yourself from giggling at his present state.
He doesn't understand the reference. Lucifer regrets his past decision to give humanity free will. It's obvious, even if he never seems to say it outright. He had given out such a precious gift and so much of humanity chose to abuse it, to be nothing but cruel. Looking at sinners and by extension humanity is just a terrible reminder of what he'd done, so he prefers to avoid it whenever possible. This quite often includes the media of the living realm -- he's never even heard about the movie, forget seeing it.
So without the full context, all he knows is that you've just handed him an absolutely atrocious outfit -- and to make it worse, you expect him to go out in it .ᐣ Seriously, he whinges, red overalls with a blue bow .ᐣ Rabbit ears .ᐣ And to make it worse, you won't even show him your outfit until he gets dressed .ᐟ He can't believe you're laughing.
He sounds completely and totally ridiculous, in your defense. Seriously, has he seen his regular outfit .ᐣ He looks absolutely stunning, sure -- but he also looks like he walked right out of a circus.
It says a lot, though, that despite the complete and total pity party he's currently throwing himself, he's beginning to shuffle into the costume anyway. He's grumbling the whole way, but the fact that he just doesn't have it in him to say no to you warms your heart.
You had been so, so eager about this party, and the way your eyes had shined like stars when you told him had long since burned itself into his heart.
wc ; 1.2k
His seemingly endless complaints had tapered off ever so slightly when you shimmied his grasp off of the ruby red suspenders sagging unbuttoned over his chest. By the time you take the fabric into your own hands his protests faded to little more than a mumble under his breath, and with the very first snap of a button in place under your gentle touch he'd quieted completely. Where a look of exasperation had reflected off his face seconds prior, in its place now is that of silent awe, his gaze trained on your every action. The gesture of intimacy is enough to leave Lucifer somewhat choked up, his heart still not used to receiving such acts of adoration and kindness. You tie the cornflower blue fabric adorned with tiny yellow spots into a bow to accentuate the costume and cover his hands briefly with your own as you slip the gloves onto his fingers.
Not twenty minutes had passed, and he finds his attitude regarding the ensemble shifting with every second you take to assist him into it. Each and every part of it looks ridiculous at best, but the thought of you picking it out solely for him has him warming up to the idea.
Declaring your work complete, you raise your grasp ever so slightly, palms holding each of his cheeks close, your thumbs rubbing soft little circles below his eyes. Your affections are sufficient only when finished with a kiss placed on his forehead. ❛ I'm going to go get dressed, okay .ᐣ No peeking. I promise I'll be right back. ❜
The way his wrists on instinct dart out to catch yours to bring you close to him again as you pull back nearly got you. He's extended his lips in a pout once more. You hate to leave him quite so sad looking but you know he'll appreciate what you have planned enough for it to be worth it.
Bathroom door shutting closed behind you, there's the smallest bit of lingering regret that he can't help you to get dressed like you had for him. The outfit itself takes you barely a few moments to slip into -- it's the makeup that requires precision, time and effort. His pacing around the bedroom is audible, impatient steps sounding into stomps, the sounds causing you to choke on a laugh. You need a steady hand for your eyeshadow and that's hard to maintain during an act quite as cute as this.
Nonetheless, your look is finished within half an hour and therefore Lucifer is put out of his misery. It's not a second after the door clicks open that his attention is caught, snapped to the light peaking out of the doorway. Stepping into the small hallway, your eyes are met with his own -- and the way his pupils widen as soon as he gets a glance of your dress makes both your efforts and his complaining worthwhile. His gaze takes you in from top to bottom, each detail enchanting him further. The dress so perfectly hugging your curves is crimson to match him and absolutely breathtaking -- and are you walking towards him .ᐣ Your strut does well to accentuate the slit stitched into the leg, your thigh tantalizing in its display.
Finally reclaiming your place beside him, one of your fingers reaches out, finding purchase under his chin -- and when you tilt his head up you swear you saw his eyes flash red. ❛ Hello, my darling husband, ❜ you coo, sending his already overloaded brain into a frenzy. Husband . . .ᐣ You wanted . . .ᐣ With him, really . . .ᐣ And although he's beginning to put the pieces together and clue in that such a term of endearment was part of your match, you seemed so happy to say it. He snaps his focus back onto just how stunning you look tonight, but the idea has firmly implanted itself into the depths of his mind.
Back into the present time, his hands have begun to roam -- he wants to commit every detail of you to memory, and that includes the feeling of your dresses fabric under his fingertips. His grasp is met with your own, for it's not long before you're pulling the straps of his suspenders, tugging him forward into a kiss. By the time he's recovered from his surprise enough to reciprocate, though, you're already beginning to pull away. He chases your lips with a whine but you've already moved on, pressing a kiss first to his cheek and then to his forehead. It's only when you offer him a small compact mirror does he understand -- each of your kisses has left behind a little bit of the lipstick you oh so painstakingly applied. Your marks on his face have left him entranced, desperately craving more.
A gasp rips itself from those same cherry red lips in surprise -- you weren't expecting him to summon forth his tail, much less wrap it around your midsection and use it to bring you closer. ❛ Kiss me again, ❜ He pleads, desperate and breathy. ❛ Anything for my honey bunny, ❜ you chime, matching the mark on his left cheek with one on the right. ❛ You just look so cute, ❜ between each kiss is another offering of praise and compliments, the blush left in your wake matching excellently. ❛ Who's my handsome bunny .ᐣ ❜
Your multitude of kisses has left Lucifer stunned and looking nothing short of angelic -- even more so than usual. You're fully intending on giving him several more, leaning in to do just that when the wall mounted clock besides you chimes a new hours arrival, alerting you to the time. ❛ Oh, dear. I'm very sorry, Mr. Rabbit, but I'm afraid we simply must be going. We don't want to be late, do we .ᐣ ❜
Fixing your lipstick takes all of a few seconds, leaving you free to grab a makeup wipe off the pouch resting atop your vanity and wipe all of the stains you'd adorned his face with away. A snap of his wrist catches yours just inches from his face, however, halting your plans in their tracks. Confused, you look to him for an explanation, a soft ❛ leave them. please .ᐣ ❜ being all he offers you. ❛ You're going to go to the party like this, love .ᐣ ❜ to which he nods sagely. He can't bear to part with them -- not when the lipstick marks are yours, not when they declare proudly that he is yours.
❛ If you say so, honey. ❜ You can't deny that the prospect leaves your heart fluttering. A grand, golden portal appears with a simple snap of his fingers and he takes your arm, now linked with his own in an attempt to usher you forward. He can't wait to show you off, to watch as other demons eyes glow green as they stare his way. You stay still, though, prompting him to look back at you with an air of confusion. It's then that you lean close, whispering ❛ be a good bunny and there will be more where that came from. too bad we'll have to wait until we come home, hmm .ᐣ ❜
Suddenly Lucifer can't wait for this party to be over.
I still can't believe I'd originally intended this to be 100 words and it ended up over a thousand. I can't help it, I'm so weak for anything Lucifer related. I'm half tempted to write an absolutely filthy post party part 2. If there's enough demand for it .ᐣ I just might.
As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ Hearing back from you guys keeps me motivated ~
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rainbowchaox · 6 months
1) the awards and the new creator been in the works for ages
2) Merch is good that means people will get payed
3) Everyone is way too impatient the fact is we won’t get much updates as it not drama it’s legal stuff.
All in all people are too quick to doompost like Quackity said don’t watch if the project is soured for you. For some the project is not fixable and that’s your opinion. Don’t feel like you have to stay in a fandom that you hate. It been only a couple days.
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slavhew · 2 months
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Just shy of 14k of platonic oc and Dirk hurt/comfort. We get down to brass tacks of why this guy is the way he is (One of the reasons at least)
Read it HERE:
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tomfrogisblue · 4 months
What's most upsetting is how Unfinished Everything Is
Disregarding real life for a second, the lore was full of mysteries clearly meant to be explored later and a lot of the characters had story beats about to be built on Just As It All Went To Shit
Fit and Roier had full story shit being built up (complete with cinematics), the bunnies and their relationship with the original workers and Cucrucho was clearly meant to go somewhere, the Watcher from Purgatory and his workers dropped off the face of the earth - along with El Quackity and his plotline (also the plotline with Luffy), Walter Bob just never came back I guess, what the hell happened with the Rebellion, Luzu/Arin's whole thing, any explanation for A1/Memory, the whole deal with Egg Island, the deal with Codeflippa, what the actual deal was with the codes at all, how the original fed workers were insinuated to have been islanders or something similar originally, what happened to cellbit and bagi and their parents, the hybrid experiments, what the eggs really were and where did they come from, HOW THE ISLANDERS EVEN GOT TO THEIR "VACATION" ON QUESADILLA ISLAND AND *WHY*
and a thousand more plot points dropped, forgotten or just unable to be completed now
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butchsaint · 2 months
i may. have hacked my way into some museum/historian experience
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libermachinae · 3 months
Every time I see a fire truck drive by, it briefly awakens this strange little creature in me that fully believes both that I want to be a firefighter and that I am capable of being a firefighter
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vermillioncrown · 5 months
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discord what are you on about????
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 10 months
Hey if you could do a crossover with each of your AUs with another AU what would you pick
Well technically I already did a crossover for When The World Crumbles with Sunset Linings with Burb in discord dms that were supposed to be written into a oneshot. A oneshot that I haven entirely given up on because as it turns out my ADHD brain cant handle pulling text from close to TWO HUNDRED SCREENSHOTS (not to mention all the screenshots were taking up space in my phone so I just gave up) so...technically already did but no one else will ever know about it ._.
Skipping Sunshine of The Woods because I still have absolutely no ideas for that au and its in the void indefinitely ._.
Lost But Never Found...eh idk maybe Like Father Like Son. Green and Indigo becoming the amnesia murder duo for Draxum. That would be fun but idk
Same Story Different Font. Either Ghost In The Shell (@bluepeachstudios )or Shellshocked (@lieutenantbiscute )are absolutely awesome for ssdf crossovers for different reasons. Ghost In The Shell because Ghost and Leo would be friends. They both got separated from their families for YEARS and sent to different dimensions. And they both are raising very energetic teenagers (and they both have enough mental health issues to require MULTIPLE therapists) they would be instant friends because they both UNDERSTAND they both went through the same thing (and it will be incredibly tragic for both of them because that's an alternate version of their brother that was isolated for twenty years/forced to become a single parent at 17. They would both adopt each other and try to mother hen each other)
Shellshocked on the other hand would be fun because it would be absolutely DEVASTATING for Leo. He tried so hard and he thought he finally managed to get back home to his brothers, only to see Shellshock Leo and realize that he DIDNT get back home and he probably never WILL. It would DESTROY him. (There is a reason that I would title that hypothetical crossover as "Mental Breakdown: Speed Run edition") peak angst and hurt/comfort material right there
Fractured (Lost) Hamato Clan (aka the 2012 turtles get brain wormed au) this one would be absolutely HILARIOUS with The Last Ronin Becomes A Discord Admin (@melonpalooza) The brain wormed 2012 turtles get added to the server, they seem pretty normal at first and all hell breaks loose the SECOND they start saying "Master Shredder" considering that everyone except the rugrats have SEVERE trauma relating to Shredder and the Footclan. Especially the copes and Ronin who lost their Splinter/family to the footclan. It would be chaos. Very entertaining chaos (bonus points footclan Donnie trying to teach Shredder how to use the internet/understand memes for some extra chaos)
Hollow Shell, Before The Summer's End and TMNT: Solar Flare are getting skipped because they arent developed enough for an au crossover or involve non tmnt franchises and thats kinda hard to make au crossover list :/ (plus TMNT: Solar Flare could crossover with ANY other original tmnt iteration and it would work so idk)
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without putting too fine a point on it, i am mentally all over the place and it's only going to get worse until mid-october (at least). i'm taking myself on a little theatre trip tomorrow, and hopefully getting out and spending some time on my own way down hadestown is going to make me feel slightly less like i'm on the verge of a complete meltdown - but i do still have to come back to the hellhole afterwards, so i'm not expecting a miracle. i want to write because it's the perfect distraction from everything, but at the moment i'm finding it impossible to get any peace unless my inlaws are both out at work. i'll likely keep working through my inbox + starters when i can, and hopefully i'll bulk my queue up a bit so i can start that up again. i'll also be updating sig's carrd, and finishing off the ones for @ofvanaheim and @harmbidder so that when i do feel like i can get some drafts done, everything is ready to go. please don't expect much from me ooc. i'll likely only answer messages very sporadically, especially on here. it's not personal. i'm just having a hard time coping right now, and the last thing i want to do is inflict that on anyone else. take care of yourselves 🧡
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soars22 · 6 months
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tubborucho · 7 months
For me personally, the main thing about QSMP are all the new different personalities and dynamic is created. And it’s the thing I will miss the most whenever this server comes to an end.
I can take losing lore, characters, the place itself, but all friendships that grew from that – no. Especially when it comes to all the admins. I sincerely hope that however things go, we will not lose them completely. Maybe some of them decide to become streamers as well, or maybe will befriend streamers outside of being characters (I mean, Tubbo DID promise Chayanne’s admin Mac&Cheese).
I just enjoy them all so much.
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imagine-knb · 7 months
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yandere-sins · 1 year
me, writing a scenario with Ghost for the first time: well, this is fun! I love imagine him talking bc his voice is so nice.
british english: yes, but can you write his accent? are you sure you know where to cut of the words and what forms to use?
me, who has learned british english first in school before being forced into american english, so now there's just a double use of it both inside me with very little differentiating between them, also no one teaches you accents and dialects:
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Cones and Kisses
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Pairing: Lee Jinki x reader
Summary: Jinki should stop thinking about kissing you and focus on your first date. Except he can’t.
Word Count: 1.1k
Tags: fluff, humor, man is head empty
Author’s Note: I don’t have the first clue about anyone in SHINee but it was Rae’s birthday so for her I’ve given it a shot!
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Lee Jinki hadn’t realized he was a coward until now.
In his defense, he had successfully asked you out. He’d done it several weeks later than originally planned, several weeks after you’d given him the green light, but he’d finally done it. Mainly because you’d started looking disappointed any time the two of you talked, which made this little crease show up between your eyebrows, and while he thought it was adorable, he figured you’d probably be disappointed to develop a premature frown line.
Especially after he put two and two together and realized oh, you were disappointed because he hadn’t asked you out. Pushing through the what-ifs constantly drizzling in his brain and doing it had been worth it, too, just to see the brightest, cutest smile in the whole wide world dawn on your face when he stammered over the words. The memory of that smile and your little “oh, I’d love to” in response had carried him through several work days of drudgery after.
And, additionally in his defense, he was also successfully holding your hand on this date. And sure, maybe you had initiated it, taking his hand and bounding eagerly through the throng of customers to get a closer look at the menu. But he was the one who hadn’t let go, had shifted your hands to twine fingers together, had watched you unsuccessfully bite back a smile while staring resolutely at the menu. He’d even persevered through the bestowing of two waffle cones and processing payment with only one hand, because oh my god, he was holding your hand, how often had he thought about holding your hand, how could he let go for anything?
But now. Now Jinki recognized himself for what he was. Because for the past ten minutes, well into a conversation he’d wanted to pay more attention to, you’d had the sweetest little swipe of soft serve at the corner of your mouth, and he hadn’t said or done a damn thing about it. Paralyzed by indecision. Could he—was he allowed to just…wipe it away? Or should he just say something so you could fix it?
Not to mention the part of Jinki’s brain that wanted to say “fuck it” and lean in and kiss it away, forewarning and other people around and first date etiquette be damned. He was loath to admit how weak-willed he was against this latter option, how little resolve he wanted to expend shoving the thought down. It was his fault for indulging too many times in his daydreams about kissing you, probably.
“…said, did you?”
Jinki blinked, glancing too quickly back up at your eyes. “Hm?”
A corner of your mouth curled into a smile, the corner with ice cream on it, and goddamnit he was looking again, he needed to stop looking, he was getting sidetracked again just looking.
“You got a little distracted,” you said, glancing momentarily down at his mouth. Jinki felt his heart leap into his throat. “What’s going on in that head?”
Kissing. Kissing you. A lot of kissing. “Uh. Nothing.”
You raised an eyebrow, smile widening, and he could feel the tips of his ears burn. “Hmm. You sure?”
“Yep,” he said, too fast to be convincing.
There was something soft in your eyes when you looked at him and it was melting his brain. He needed to look away to get his sanity back or he’d sound like a moron the rest of the night.
Except his eyes decided that looking at the corner of your mouth again counted as looking away. Jinki cleared his throat, shifting a little in his seat. Coward.
“You, uh.”
He blinked and watched you gesture at his waffle cone. Only then did he feel the cold trickling over his knuckles.
“Oh,” he said, then felt rather stupid. He lifted his cone hand to his mouth and started tidying the mess to shut himself up.
He heard you clear your throat as he finished cleaning his knuckles and glanced over at you. He immediately wished he hadn’t; you were licking your soft serve with concentration, looking away from him. When you lowered the cone and swallowed, he noticed a little more soft serve had settled at the corner of your mouth.
Goddamnit. The universe was testing his patience. Or maybe his self-control. Or both.
“You’re staring again,” you said, tilting your head slightly.
Jinki tore his gaze away from your mouth, guilty. “Oh, uh…sorry.”
Uh-oh. That little crease between your eyebrows was slowly forming. You were frowning. Fix it.
“Um, do I have something on my…?”
You began lifting your free hand towards your chin, and alarm bells started going off in Jinki’s head. What they were for, he had no idea. All he knew was every nerve ending in his body felt like an exclamation point, like waiting on tiptoes, and it was fogging his brain. Fix it.
He meant to say “yeah, a little, just here”. Casual voice, lifting his free hand and swiping at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Cool as a cucumber. Respectful but also intimate. Perfect first date behavior.
What actually happened was a blur in the mind fog that cleared to reveal him kissing you. Badly. His free hand was cupping your face and his lips were on your lips, sure, but only just. His mouth was off-center, focused on the corner of your mouth, and as he remembered the ice cream his tongue swiped out gently before he could stop it.
That’s when his brain switched back on. He pulled away, blinking wide-eyed at you, and you were blinking wide-eyed at him. Oh, god. Oh no. Help. Horrible kiss. He’d just licked you, off-center. God. Fuck. He was going to die.
“Jinki,” you said, and your voice sounded breathy in a way he wasn’t allowed to think about.
“Uhm,” he said.
You glanced aside, then back to him. “Your ice cream is on my shoulder.”
He blinked at you stupidly for another full second. He looked over at your shoulder. His waffle cone was smashed soft-serve side first into your blouse. Dazed, he pulled it away, some dumb part of him scraping the cone gently to try and lift any excess with it. A fist-sized splotch remained on the fabric.
Fucking hell. Of course. Of course. “I…” Shit.
You were already plucking a handful of napkins from the dispenser on the table, swapping your cone to your other hand and mopping at the mess. Despite this, you were grinning.
You were grinning?
“Maybe try with both hands free next time?” You suggested, still grinning, not looking at him.
It took a full five seconds for Jinki to realize you weren’t mad. You weren’t mad at all. You were happy. He’d just performed the worst kiss in the history of kissing on you and you were happy.
You’d practically invited him to do it again, albeit with conditions.
Jinki was going to inhale the rest of this waffle cone to get both of his hands free.
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ipleadbritney · 1 month
i don't why it's become a hobby for me to collect landoscar pictures for smaus i'm never gonna write (????) rpf has broken me
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