#ADSA: Chapter 23
isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 23
Chapter 23: The Dark Master's Puppets?
*Cubot and Orbot get off the ship to survey the new land. Orbot had placed the emeralds near the one they use as their power source thinking that no one would find them.*
Cubot: "Our captain would love this place! It lets him look down on the scallywags he can plunder below!"
Orbot: "That, and Sonic would have a tough time getting up here without getting noticed."
*Unfortunately for them, Spyro and all the others appear out of the rift just a few feet away.*
Sonic: "So this is portal hopping for you guys, huh? Efficient, but not great for us who are grounded." *He notices Orbot and Cubot and the flagship.* "Hey! What the heck are you guys planning?!"
Orbot gets surprised from their entrance. "Ah! It's Sonic, Cubot! What do we do?"
Cubot: "Yar! Pirates and fiends are about! Return to the ship and ready the cannons!"
*But before they can do so, a portal appears behind them and Eggman's arms can be seen grabbing the 2 and taking them with him before it shuts again.*
Crash's Universe, Death Head / Space Egg
Eggman: "Told you I would be back soon... and I can see that you left the emeralds there."
Orbot: "Ah! We're sorry, boss! I didn't-"
Eggman: "Relax. Your incompetence was for good reason, for once. I needed you to leave those Emeralds there for Sonic to find so they can eliminate the threat there. I knew you guys would not take them with you."
Cubot: "You're welcome, Capt!"
Orbot: "I think that was an insult to us."
Cubot: "Eh. Praise is praise."
Eggman: "Now, come on. I have to introduce you to Cortex..."
Sonic: "Darn it! We were too late!"
Tails: "I don't know, Sonic. I don't think they were expecting it either."
Rouge: "Enough about them. You noticed they left their ship here too. We need to investigate it."
*One ship search later and all they find is the logs of what they have done and...*
Vector: "Hey! You guys! Look what I found!"
*The others come his way and see...*
Knuckles: "The other Chaos Emeralds!"
Sonic: "So that's how old Eggface hid them. Too bad he didn't hide them well enough."
*Shadow can't help but notice the flaw in Sonic's thinking, but he knows that Sonic isn't going to care. He decides on being extra vigilant instead.*
*They exit the ship with their findings.*
Spyro: "So, you guys have 7 of them, huh?"
Knuckles: "Yep, and they serve to a larger, controlling emerald, the Master Emerald."
Spyro: "I won't really ask for much of a history lesson, but what do you guys use them for?"
Sonic: "Basically, a transformation to achieve a stronger state of ourselves. It usually means we move faster and are a lot more indestructible. Spikes and running into things won't hurt us."
Spyro looks excited. "That sounds cool! I wonder if I have one!" *But then he looks at the castle ahead of them.* "But first, we must stop Malefor." *Spyro charges into the door and heads into the castle. Shadow hurries ahead to join him.*
The Sorcerer's Castle
Gem Count: 2000
Black Critters: Critters that have pledged their allegiance to Malefor. They gain some horns, are now jet black with lizard-like yellow eyes, and have a dark aura around them. They're still pretty weak though. Dragon Rhynocs: Since he couldn't find any dragons, he decided create some rhynocs that have some dragon qualities, mostly the additions of wings and horns. They're jet black colored too along with those lizard like eyes. They look tough, but they are still weak enough to go down in a few hits. Crazed Demons: Strange beings that seem beyond the realm you're in. It appears they came from wherever Malefor left from. They were tricked by Malefor's corruption into serving him, perhaps explaining his escape, their lizard eyes suggesting the pact made. They chase you around, swinging their pitchforks and spikes at you. They are strong, but I wonder how they can take Shadow's Chaos Spears...
Welcome to Malefor's (originally the Sorcerer's) Domain. The castle is definitely foreboding, with its purple and red color scheme and its black and white checkered floor. It has furniture and items fit for a dragon, the most noticeable things being busts and paintings of the Sorcerer everywhere. The walls are made with gray bricks with purple and red banners all over the place. They all have the symbol of Dark Aether on it.
Your aim is to get to the roof from the use of the staircase, but force fields (With the Dark Aether insignia on them as well) prevent you from getting up the stairs. There is a switch on each floor that will drop the fields when hit, but watch for the enemies patrolling around. Fight your way to the top to come face to face with Malefor...
Achievement Unlocked: A Lesson in Evil Architecture
*Everyone gets on the roof when the barrier appears again, stopping them from exiting. A dark voice booms as Malefor appears from the shadows of the now dead Shadow Amplifier.*
Malefor: "Well, so the hero of everyone in this pathetic world has returned and has brought his friends to compensate for his weak nature."
Sonic: "Friends aren't a sign of weakness, Malefor! It just means you have more strong hearted heroes to deal with!"
Malefor: "Is that so, Sonic? Yes, I know all your names. Same goes for you too, Spyro. Let me show you just how weak you and your friends truly are!"
Malefor targets Tails. "I'm surprised you made any friends, Tails. Not many people like genetic freaks like you."
Tails: "I-I know my friends like me! They care for me!"
Malefor: "Do they? Or do they just use you as a tool, to either to fly around or to leech of your genius?"
Tails stammers: "I-I-I- AH!" *He is suddenly forced into his Were form, but his eyes are a white color with no pupil.*
Malefor: "Too slow! I know I had you! So weak mind- huh?!"
Sonic: "Tails! No, it's not true! Remember, you look up to me and see me as your hero! And you're my best friend, buddy! You're uniqueness makes you, you."
Tails: "Really?" *The dark energy is forced out of him, returning him back.*
Sonic: "Really."
Malefor gives a low growl. "Hmm, no matter, there's more here." *He turns to Knuckles* "Yes, like you, Knuckles. Protector of the Master Emerald... Tell me, who's watching it now?"
Knuckles is surprised at such a question. "N-n-no one..." *He is forced into his Were form, but...*
Sonic: "Hey, you confided to me that you want to explore the world, but you were worried about leaving the Master Emerald alone. But, remember, I said, 'it's okay to leave it alone'. Barely anyone can reach the island in the first place. And if Eggman takes it, we can easily get it back. I saw you had a nice face of relief on you when I said that."
Knuckles: "Hey, that's right!" *The dark energy leaves, and Knuckles is normal again.*
Malefor decides to move on to Shadow.
Shadow: "Your mind games won't work on me."
Malefor: "Hmph, I'm surprised you trust these weaklings. All they do is fight each other. How is that worth saving for your precious Maria?" *Shadow responds with a punch to Malefor's face. He barely flinches.* "See? You're just like them. Weak, easily angered; just the kind of being you hate and want to kill."
*Shadow is unfortunately thrown off guard long enough to be forced into his Were form, but Rouge saves the day.*
Rouge: "Snap out of it, Shadow! You can't let him insult you like that! I know that's not you. You're a compassionate hedgehog you are worthy of your 'ultimate' status you give yourself." *The others agree.*
Shadow: "I am? No, I am!" *The darkness blast off him*
Malefor moves to Rouge with a frown on his face. "You stupid bat! How can you say that when you would probably dump him for a cache of treasure and jewels?" *He makes some appear behind him.* "I bet you want that."
*Unfortunately, he gets a kick to the face and a Chaos Spear in his side, which he pulls out. So he moves on.*
Malefor: "Omega... Such a weird robot. You're aligned to Eggman, yet you want to kill him? Such a conundrum."
Malefor moves on to Amy, but she says: "Don't try it, lest you want a hammer swing. I know I need to reduce my wanting for Sonic a bit to not look crazy. Besides, I think I need a new approach any way."
Vanilla steps in front of Cream. "And don't try my daughter either, unless you want to incur my wrath."
Silver and Blaze show off their powers, making Malefor back off.
Malefor moves to Big. "Such a simple minded cat, all you care about is your Froggy! SO SIMPLE!"
Big retorts: "Looks are deceiving, Malefor. There are a multitude of things you are oblivious of. And hide that fear, it shows. And why do a sense a second entity?"
Malefor gives a loud growl, but calms down and moves on to Espio, Charmy, and Vector. "Ah, Team Chaotix, AKA, the worst band ever."
Espio: "At least we admit we suck. Your jedi mind tricks won't work on us, you clown!"
Charmy: "♪ Yeah! ♫"
Malefor starts getting angry as he moves on to Agent 9. "Oh, here's that action figure of a monkey. Don't you have Rhynocs to chase?"
Agent 9: "Nice try, but I don't care about them any more. I'd rather make you dance."
Bentley: "And I know Bartholomew is safe and can trust he can hold his own defense if need be."
Sgt Byrd: "Living with hummingbirds has been quite beneficial and they taught me the secrets of flight."
Sheila: "They don't call me a boxing kangaroo for nothing! I can kick your butt!"
*Malefor starts showing his fangs*
Elora: "I've dealt with fools like you. I know your tricks."
Blink steps in front of the Professor: "Don't underestimate moles, either. You don't even know what we do underground."
Hunter prepares his bow and arrows. "Do you think you can beat the speed of a cheetah? I wouldn't take your chances with my archery"
Bianca: "The Sorceress was worse than you'll ever be, and we beat her."
Ember: "You'll never break our love for each other." Bandit: "And I know I'm among friends here."
Malefor seethes as he reaches Cynder and Spyro. "You... you little weaklings! Thinking you can hide in front of your friends! I bet-"
Cynder: "Don't even try it. I was never your puppet. It was only fate that brought me and Spyro though everything."
Spyro holds his head up high. "And you'll never be able to take away those that I love and those that I care for. The world isn't meant to be destroyed by Purple Dragons. We are here to make it better! And you know what?! I think you're the weak on here!" *He fires a blast of Light Aether at Malefor, who is unexpectedly thrown back.*
Sonic: "Underestimated us, did you?"
*Malefor, in quite a surprise, collapses to the ground. A pillar of darkness is exorcised out of him and surrounding darkness collects in to a being nearby in the form of a jet black dragon.*
It snarls. "I can't believe it... weak fools like you have exposed me..."
Spyro: "No... it can't be!"
Ignitus: "But it is!" *He appears from behind them along with Volteer, Cyril, Terrador, and a large dragon army.* "It's the Dark Entity!"
The Dark Entity gives a deep, dark growl.
Sonic: "The creator of the dark elements?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but what you don't know is that he is the darkest evil. No one can resist his powers, or at least have lived to tell the tale."
Cyril: "So, does that mean..."
Dark Entity: "Yes... it was all me. You guys exiled an unfortunately named dragon for being too curious. It was easy to invade his mind, promising him a new world for him to be ruling over." *He looks at Spyro* "But you, you pesky dragon, have been my bane. You've never fallen for my corruption... and I think I figured out why! You... were met with Him, the Light Entity! You're too pure not to be blessed by Him!"
Spyro looks at Ignitus: "Is... is that true?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but don't be sad, son. You're were a miracle to me and your mother. She... she died giving birth. You should have been dead too, but it was a miracle. Your egg survived. I'm sure she would be proud of who you are."
Dark Entity: "It was bound to happen, we always have to meet, to battle for supremacy of this world! And I will win!"
*He fires some Dark Aether breath at Spyro, but Spyro's Light Aether dissipates it.*
Dark Entity: "Too bad you're still a child. Even then, you should still be easy to handle."
*The Dark Entity starts trying to barrage Spyro, and he attempts to fight back.*
Sonic ask Ignitus: "Is he right? Is Spyro too weak?"
Ignitus: "When he's in his pure form like this, maybe. He needs help."
Sonic: "Would something like these help?" *They pull out their 7 Chaos Emeralds.*
Ignitus: "Hmmm." *He examines them.* "I think so. Send their energy into Spyro, and let's see what happens."
*Sonic (Dark Blue), Shadow (Purple), Omega (Green), Silver and Blaze (Cyan), Amy (Red), Tails (Silver), and Espio (Yellow) stand near Spyro and direct the Chaos Emeralds' energy his way. Spyro absorbs it, and gains a white aura around him that blocks the Dark Entity's attacks.*
Dark Entity: "What the-?"
Spyro's scales change color from purple to white as his Light Aether power gains strength, matching up with the Dark Entity's power.
Dark Entity: "No! I will not be defeated by you! Prepare yourself!"
(At this point, Shadow jumps in to help, since he has the only energy attack of the group.)
Dark Entity: "Evil shall triumph!"
Here it is, the darkness that had corrupted Malefor into embracing the Dark Aether. And this being loves using Dark Aether, making it rain from the sky. He does have some other attack too, like shooting rings of Fear at you that need to be dodged or jumped through. If he feels really threatened, he will envelop himself in Shadow breath and disappear to a different part of the roof. And very rarely, he will use Poison grenades to force you away. Finally, if you get close, he will try to swipe at you with his front paws.
Thankfully, Spyro and Shadow don't necessarily have to rely on close combat. Shadow does have his Chaos attacks to hurt the Dark Entity from afar. As for Spyro, he does have his 4 Element attacks (Fire, Ice, Earth, and Electricity), but he does have his new Light Aether breath, which is, in a word, devastating. It will take away chunks of the Dark Entity's health when used on him. But you need rings to be able to use it. Hey, we need to be fair. Just go near Sonic's friends and they will drop rings for you. The Dark Entity won't know what hit him!
Achievement Unlocked: Shining a Light on the Darkness 
*The Dark Entity collapses and he starts dissipating away.*
Dark Entity: "Don't think you gotten rid of me, you worthless dragons! I'll be back! I am the destructive force of your universe!..." *He disappears entirely, his voice echoing.*
Sonic: "Good riddance!"
Ignitus: "Indeed, he shouldn't be bothering us for a while."
Sonic: "It's funny, he sounds similar to Dark Gaia in our world. Hopefully, you guys can keep handling this."
Ignitus: "I think so... Spyro will at least be older then. I know my son can handle it."
*Spyro has finally returned back from his super state.*
Spyro: "That... was AWESOME!"
Sonic: "Welcome to the club." *He rubs Spyro's head.*
Spyro: "So... what about Malefor? The Dark Entity's gone, but what about him? I don't get the feeling he is dead."
*Malefor stirs slightly, but falls back asleep.*
Ignitus: "Indeed."
Terrador: "I don't get that evil presences around him any more."
Cyril: "That means that it was all the Dark Entity's doing for all his evil acts."
Volteer: "No. Don't you see, it was all our fault. We made Malefor what he is. We stifled his curiosity and then exiled him. We gave him his hatred and the Dark Entity saw an opportunity to latch on to him. He amplified Malefor's negative thoughts, giving him contempt against us. I know it was fate, but we shouldn't have thrown him out like that. Thank goodness we had Spyro to help us."
Ignitus: "My, Volteer, I never thought your fast talk would say something so wise... but you're right. I think... we should allow Malefor back in. I think we can trust him. I hope the world isn't too strange for him."
Shadow: "Now that his threat is gone... can we go now and deal with The Doctor?"
Sonic: "Yeah! Sorry we can't stay, Ignitus, but we got our own villain to deal with."
Ignitus: "Of course, but I hope we can see you guys again sometime."
Tails: "Well, we aren't going to forget this adventure anytime soon. And I'm curious about this place too."
Amy: "Yeah, we will be back."
Espio: "Hopefully not on evil terms."
Ignitus: "Indeed..."
Next Time: "One more Sonic stage for you guys? It's not that expensive you know." -Moneybags
Pay Moneybags 10000 gems to move on to ARK Antics Zone?
        Yes.         No. ----->Fuck you, Moneybags! (Proceeds to attack him like in Spyro 3)
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