scrombit · 7 months
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this would look better if i did actually export it,,, but i didnt so oops,,,, btw the background color is the same so uhhhhhh oops haha <3 ive fallen to the hazbin agenda only for my two (terrible people) vees
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im-a-chunky-potato · 8 months
Curses be upon the songs stuck in my head/j
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learning the drums solely for the purpose of learning that one part of the hazbin hotel finale that goes so hard
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ittybittyluci · 5 months
Hear me out on this as we delve into the realm of: I’m probably reading too much into it but imma gush anyways, because, BITCHES, I just had a revelation!
Said revelation has to do w/ Lucifer and him wearing his waistcoat. Just like— hear me out on this one.
Throughout the show, it feels like when he wears it, he’s like… not in a good mental state and/or putting on a show.
Don’t believe me? Alright then.
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When we first meet Lucifer, he’s holed up in his office, DEEP in depression, making a shit ton of rubber ducks and freaking out. Then he goes to the hotel and the ENTIRE RIME is showboating and acting over the top trying to prove himself and not being honest about what his real problem w/ Charlie talking to Heaven is. Not a good mental state. AND the whole time he’s got his waistcoat. Even when he’s alone in his room.
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THEN, we see him again in the battle where he’s come to defend his honour as King. So like, obvs he’s gonna have it he has a persona to maintain. But ALSO he’s fighting the man directly associated w/ his Fall, and by association the GUILT he has about his fall. So he probably wasn’t feeling too great THEN either. Was also wearing his waistcoat.
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But after the battle (masterless cattle— sorry) Lucifer is… happier. He made it, he made a difference and now he’s here to help pick his daughter up and support her. They just won a battle against the angels and his child is happy that he’s there. Even in the wake of the destruction, he’s a pretty happy guy. No waistcoat.
WHY is this important you ask? WELL! It uh… it’s not. I just thought it was cool. But ALSO it allows me to make some grasping at straws theories and/or headcanons about his relationship with Lilith, and when exactly that (allegedly) began to fall apart.
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These are photos from when Charlie was little. Lucifer is NOT wearing his jacket. The family looks happy, Luci is in a good mental place, they are out and about and enjoying life. Life is GOOD.
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THESE are family photos of when Charlie was in her teens. And yes, I understand they are posing as the royal family here, but it’s also the ONLY pictures he has that we see of them together during this stage of Charlie’s life. He IS wearing his waistcoat. So, my grasping at straws ass is going to take THIS as the indication that things aren’t exactly alright on the home front OR in Lucifer’s head. The smiles are big and fake and don’t quite feel real.
So like… idk, I guess I’m just saying that I think it’s cool some things may allude to incidents in the past, and how we got to where we are today. How Luci is alone, and Lily is in Heaven. Again, IT’S PROBABLY NOT ACTUALLY THIS DEEP! But I can pretend okay 😭😭
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abbloke · 7 months
Pov: It's after the battle masterless cattle, Overlords hanging by a thread!
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Also have some TV manipulating villains who wants their clients to trust them with their technology and assistance.
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giraffenecc · 6 months
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*song* After the battle, masterless cattle *song*
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Love Lute, but I hope whenever she comes back to exact vengeance or whatever, Vaggie and Charlie, or the rest. SHOW HER HELL. I know they can, cause together they can do it!
After Pentious got killed, Vaggie and Charlie got separated, and they tried SO HARD to reunite again, their reactions when either or was in mortal danger was so visceral, and heart wrenching. They both wanted to protect their loves, but couldn’t, because Adam and Lute were separating the two lovers, imagine how HORRIFIC, and gut wrenching to see the love of their lives in sheer pain?! 
I know they were doing their jobs, or whatever delulu ass Lulu land shit Adam and Lute were doing, but I got so pissed, whenever they separated one another, like when Lute pinned down Vaggie with her brute ass strength, before Vaggie could reach, and save her princess. Although…That was kind of a save on Lute’s part, much to Lute’s hatred, she wants her ASS DEAD “Destroy that ass!” Like Lute said. But it was kind of a save, cause of course. Vaggie isn’t stronger than Adam, not by a long shot.
I also got upset when Adam cut the hotel in half before Charlie could help Vaggie in the fight with Lute, like these ladies want each other. PLEASE stop tearing them apart! 😭 They just wanted to help one another.
And then, after the battle (masterless cattle) Nah, wtf am I doing? Shit’s dumb af, but seriously. After the fight, both Charlie and Vaggie couldn’t help but hold one another. They are NOT going to let anyone tear them apart again, not if they can help it. They are both each other’s armors, and they will move Heaven and Hell for one another, and protect each other, fighting for love like Carmilla said.
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After the fight, they probably both hugged one another, so tenderly. And looked at each other's wounds, and told one another how much they MEAN to one another, how much they love one another with all their hearts, gave each other, gentle, delicate soft caresses. You know how soft, and kind they are to each other, as they should be treated! 😋👍
So, get fucked Lute. Ily but your next fight isn’t going to go as you think! For the princess and her angel can do ANYTHING, with each other by their sides. They shine brighter, and will do ANYTHING. To protect their home, and family…And most importantly, each other. ❤️🤍
(She ain’t coming back for season 2 though, she literally cannot. She may be scheming shit, because of course she is. She’s in it, without a doubt. But she isn’t going to be the next antagonist, it’s the Vees time to shine! And they better not touch Lucifer’s little girl, cause they are going to get PUMMELED to the CURB!! Like one punch it’s fucking over for them. Like shit’s all black, they GONE GONE. Like, where tf did I go? Double hell, damn…)
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spopsalt · 5 months
The way Hazbin Hotel deals with war is so immature.
It's framed as this super cool badass thing, like Alastor says "Alastor! Quite a pleasure to meet you! Quite a pleasure! I'm going to end your fucking life." and "Adam! First man, next to die!" Ahaha, how cool. Making badass one-liners during a fucking war, and literally Vox says "This is better than sex! I'm so hard right now!" while watching the war, ah yes, mishandle a serious topic for a bad joke. Super funny.
Even Sir Pentious death is treated as some haha funny death, because death during war is sooooo funny, right?
I mean there's like a few second thing showing the conquences of war where Charlie says "This bloodshed could've been avoided if I convinced Heaven to work together. I took a hotel and I destroyed it! I know I could've done better, better instead of letting you down."
But then just a little later it turns the war was actually a good thing! Lucifer literally says, "Hey little lady, why the frown?" Ah yes, why are you frowning after a fucking war? Then he says "In the first 10,000 years, you're the first one to change things in this town!" Then everyone encourages her afterwards, and she's perfectly cheered up! Not only is this insensitive, it makes no sense for Charlie's character? Isn't she supposed to be really sweet and sensitive? She literally sobbed over Angel forgiving her, and now she's completely fine after a fucking war because her friends encouraged her? How did she get over war in less than a minute? I feel like one of these things are not like the other
Then it turns into some happy go lucky song about fixing a hotel! Like how you can just easily fix it, and you have no time to mourn the conquences of war! I kid you not a lyric literally is "No time for crying! We've gotta lot of work to doin'!" "Make the best of what's in ruin!" "It's as easy as can be!"
Then we see two people celebrating war! I kid you not the lyrics are, ahem "After the battle! Masterless cattle! Overlords hanging by a thread! With a bit of bravado, maybe tomorrow! We'll be the top of the heap! While the rest of Hell's pissing! Alastor's missing! Fled with his tail between his legs! The nature abbhors a power vacuum it leaves room for you and me!"
Ah yes, what an amazing way to handle war.
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eikaroulily · 5 months
them singing the finale:
Vox: After the battle! masterless cattle! overlords hanging by a thread!
y/n, trying to put a thread in a needle:
Velvette, taking a pic:
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Something I don't like about a lot of Vox takes I see is that they tend to portray Vox as someone who's unpleasant to work with and has weird ideas about what partnership means when really... he's not? He's not and he doesn't. It's just that two of the most prominent interactions we've seen him have are with Valentino(who is a fucking NIGHTMARE to work with) and Alastor(a man he has undisclosed, deeply emotional history with). But everyone seems to discount his OTHER important relationship: Velvette. Which by all accounts, is INCREDIBLY normal.
Like, yeah, their first interaction opens with her yelling at him, but that's less about Vox himself and more about Valentino. As they keep talking throughout the first bit of the episode, she starts calming down, and they just seem to genuinely get along? She has every right to look upset during Stayed Gone because Vox is being really weird and she's nOT THE ONE WHO ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIM TO DO THIS SHIT(staring directly at Val rn), but even then during the meeting after Stayed Gone she does actually. Participate. Unlike s o m e people. Despite being on her phone the whole time(which is literally her job-), she actually pays attention and contributes real ideas! Which tbh she didn't have to do at ALL like she did not have to put up w/ Vox's bs in RKtVS the way she did. There's also their phone call during the overlord meeting which, while I definitely think Vel was playing it up to annoy Carmilla, still sounded like a conversation between two ppl who genuinely like and respect eachother!
No matter what you think their relationship is(romantic, platonic, etc...), Vox and Velvette seem to get along REALLY well(outside of Alastor-related incidents). Like, better than either of them do with literally anybody else in the show. Vox & Val do LIKE eachother, but I find whatever the fuck is going on beneath the after the battles & masterless cattles to be DEEPLY upsetting to think about for too long(ex; any of my other posts abt their relationship), and the only other interactions we've seen either Vox or Vel have are Stayed Gone & Respectless, which are literally just song battles. Both of their only interactions outside of the Vees have been song battles. Aw fuck I'm getting off topic... BACK TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS COLLEAGUES- okay uh basically, I don't think they would get along this well if Vox was a terrible person to work with(note I said WORK WITH. Hate that I need to specify this but I don't think Vox is a good person overall, just a good business partner). I think Velvette is generally a good bench mark for both Vox & Valentino's relationships with other characters because she's their equal, their friend, and isn't in a weird toxic relationship with either of them. Their interactions with her provide a window into how they just generally interact with people. And based off of their interactions, Vox seems to be actually pretty decent to work with when he isn't being Actively Provoked for shits and giggles or trying to sooth the tantrum of a man child. Also when he views you as an equal and doesn't own your soul that helps too.
Edit: Hiiiiiiii just here to say that now, in the light of day, I don't really agree with everything I've said in this post? I wrote it at midnight while like half asleep so my ability to consider the fact that. We barely know anything about either Vox or Velvette at this point in time. Was kind of impaired I think. Cuz we really don't. I do stand by everything I said about their relationship to EACHOTHER, and I stand by the idea that we should take that dynamic into consideration for character analysis more often, but everything else I'm a little iffy on and I just woke up like an hour ago so my brains still a little fuzzy & I can't explain exactly WHY I'm iffy on it, but just know that I think the conclusion I drew is a bit of a leap in logic at the very least and I recognize that now lol
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radiostatik · 7 months
After the battle, masterless cattle, overlords hanging by a thread~
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Whoops 🤭
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rotsindots · 8 months
So yeah, I fell in love with Vox and Valentino duo, especially their verse in the Finale
This shit lives in my mind rent free:
and The deer part added by my bf:
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katy-l1988 · 7 months
Head canon/Theory Part 10:
The rise of the Vee's
We all know that Vee's are, in short, cowards and hypocrites, who, as you would expect from a demon...do things by trickery.
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They aren't the type to get their hands dirty and risk their necks. They wanted war so that those Overlods with greater resources, like Carmilla and Rosie, would lose their "capital" in battle.
Why? Again, the Vee's don't have many "assets":
Vox has his technology but it doesn't work in battle.
Velvette has social media and, if, Harley Quinn-type guns.
Valentino has...porn actors? Oh yeah, and some guns.
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Now, what does the song say about this? (I only put the most important fragments)
[Vox] After the battle, masterless cattle
By "cattle" he refers to the sinners of course, who in the absence of Extermination no longer fear, and know that they can defend themselves from any heavenly threat.
With proper guidance, they could do what the Vee's originally wanted, declare war on Heaven itself.
[Vox & Valentino] Overlords hanging by a thread
By Overlords here it refers to: Carmilla, Rosie and Alastor, since they are the ones who were involved in the defense of Hazbin Hotel.
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Rosie gave Charlie free rein to convince her people to fight, risking their lives and therefore her power.
Carmilla armed the cannibals to the teeth, and that means a lot of weapons that won't be recovered. Furthermore, in the absence of the Extermination, Carmilla won't be able to get her greatest raw material…Celestial steel.
Alastor, needless to say, ended up seriously injured by a celestial weapon and I doubt he'll be 100% after that.
[Vox] Alastor's missing
[Vox & Valentino] Fled with his tail between his legs Nature abhors a power vacuum
That leaves room for you and me The future of Hell belongs to the Vees
Now, if they want to rise to the top, they'll have to do something similar to what Mimzy claims Alastor did. Eliminate the most powerful Overlords...
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But how if Alastor defeated Vox just by talking to him?
We all have weaknesses, humans, demons, angels. And what's more interesting than the weaknesses of these Overlords, be other Overlords (pardon the redundancy). And in Carmilla's case, her daughters.
I feel that Alastor, despite his mysteries and how defeated he was in battle, would do anything for someone he loved. Rosie is certainly someone he would go crazy for… I mean, if he blew Sir Pentious away for a piece of cloth, what would he do to someone who hurt Rosie?
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We don't know anything about Zestial so far, but he is certainly a character that strikes fear into the masses. What did he do in the past? After all, he is the oldest in hell.
Now, can you imagine the chaos he would cause if they threatened Carmilla or the girls? God, he would burn everything to protect them.
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Carmilla/Odette & Clara
We've already seen much of Carmilla's abilities, and while she defends herself well, her daughters make her an easy target. It is enough for them to capture her daughters, for her to hand over everything she has worked for, even…her life.
Vee's enemies
Furthermore, we already saw that each Vee's has a "counterpart", an Overlord enemy...one they consider outdated.
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Now, I know that many will say that Valentino's enemy is Angel, because he wants to kill him as soon as he "betrays" him. But following the rule of three, there should be an Overlord to unhinge him.
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Zestial is a strong possibility, given that just as Valentino is a "Bug Demon", so to speak. Valentino is a moth and Zestial is a spider.
Now, the biggest conflict would be regarding their vision of people:
Zestial: He is an intelligent man who knows how to control his feelings. He is kind, understanding, and concerned with his loved ones. He doesn't like impulsivity or childishness. He's a gentleman, and he wouldn't tolerate Valentino's treatment of people at all. I mean…if he did to Carmilla what he did to Charlie, or Angel, he'd be dead.
Valentino: He is impulsive, machiavellian, cruel, carefree, interested…I can go on. He is the complete opposite of Zestial.
Rosie could be an option too, being elegant, refined, and quite helpful compared to Valentino. She has good manners and would correct Valentino all the time...Plus, she's friends with his boyfriend's enemy, what more does he want to hate her?
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If the Vee's want power, they will attack here…
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firesofdainix · 4 months
solarballs fics masterlist
A collection of ALL my solarballs fics, all 35 (and counting) of them! I don't even know how I wrote most of these in a month; most of these fics are part of the same universe, an alternate universe heavily relying a lot more on fantastical lore and complex characteristics of each character rather than scientific accuracy. Most scientific theories have been handwaved or explained differently. I'll be posting them in chronological order to better understand the entire series.
Spacetime Continuum Extras
Extra scenes, headcanons, concepts, prompts, and designs of my Alternate Universe. Used as a companion piece for the main series as a whole.
As The Years Go By
Uranus reckons his past relationship with Jupiter as he deals with his present feelings for the largest Gas Giant.
(A/N: This is a Jupiter/Uranus story first and foremost, with other relationships like Jupiter/Saturn, Saturn/Planet X being in the background. Because this is set in a nebulous, pre-canon era, all of the characters are based on my interpretation of what they were like.)
History is a Story Told By the Winners of the Fight
Jupiter commits murder, and he's in bad shape to even think about anything else. Uranus and Neptune help plot his schemes.
Ursa Major
Callisto's creation and what comes after. Featuring some Jupiter and Callisto father daughter bonding!
Pride Cometh Before The Fall
Saturn and Planet X find out Jupiter's best-kept secret and undermine his authority.
The Consequences of Our Actions
Five times Earth and Theia are warned about their sharing of orbits, and one time the warnings ring true- but it's already too late.
Moons Should Know Their Place
Luna has recently formed from what he believed had been space debris; yet why are some planets looking at him like he'd committed a crime?
After the Battle
Jupiter and, additionally Saturn, did something bad a few billion years ago. Just how bad was it?
Masterless Cattle
After kicking Tyche and Planet X out of the solar system, the giants along with the remaining planets talk about dividing their spoils of war, such as paraphernalia of the deceased and banished planets, the moons, and new orbits, along with some emotional confessions along the way.
A Name Forged From His Skin of Sins
The beginning of Ganymede.
(A/N: This one is more of the fanon interpretations of the character and its origins. It's for the plot I swear!)
Still Living The Same Life
One shots covering Ganymede's new life.
Nature Abhors A Power Vacuum
Jupiter and the VOICES.
Remember My Name
Planet X's ejection, the aftermath of it, and the begining of their fall from grace.
Seeds of Love Planted in a Faux Gift
Saturn finds out about Jupiter's less-than-stellar vision. He helps in his own way, not predicting the consequences coming with it.
Lamentations of a False King
Thousands of years after the conflict that had shook up the entire solar system, Jupiter and Saturn talk about their regrets and understand each other a lot better. Meanwhile, Saturn's promise to Planet X continues to break down.
Neptune's capture of Triton in egregious, gory details.
(A/N: Because of the new episodes, this fic will be considered divergent from the Solarballs premise of Triton's origins. More eldritch and messed up things happen in this fic.)
Accidentally In Love
Jupiter confesses his romantic feelings for Saturn, who reciprocates; not before discarding a terrible secret that will haunt him for eternity.
Everyone Knows
Jupiter tells everyone that he and Saturn are together. The reactions reaped are mostly positive with... a few odd ones out.
It Starts With Sorry
Saturn apologizes to Jupiter for the things he'd done to him during the Proto Era, letting himself be honest about his feelings just this one time. Jupiter forgives him, because of course he does.
When the Paint Dries
The seventh planet's views on his artistry over the eons.
Break The Cycle
The Giants find out about the revolution, but instead of becoming angry, they realize they are perpetuating the same mistakes as their Sun.
(A/N: This is canon divergent and doesn't really happen. This is a simple "what if.")
If You Need To Be Mean
Mercury thinks about the past often, and how so many things have changed in the past four billion years. Not for the better, according to him.
Saturn's Moons Hanging By A Thread
In the aftermath of the Moon Revolution, Saturn's moons return to their planet and back to their old lives. However, one insult against Titan goes too far, and he finally lets all his feelings over being their main punching bag out in the open.
(A/N: This fic and the next two fics are canon divergent from the episode "Saturn Gets His Moons Back!" But The Moon Club will still happen, although Europa and Ganymede will be included.)
Galileo Figaro
Following Titan leaving his orbit after a spat with his fellow moons, he ends up in Jupiter's orbit talking to familiar faces, who end up, surprisingly, sympathizing with his situation.
Saturn uses his power to give his moons a stern talk and a fair warning about the consequences if they ever take things with Titan further than normal. Titan finally gets an apology from one of the moons.
Mars, God of War
Even Mars once had an ocean on its surface. Even the red planet was given the chance to shelter life before it led to its destruction.
(A/N: No longer canon! This one-shot is a what-if conspiracy theory is true, thus I wrote it.)
Take On Me
A collection of moments in time covering Mars and Earth's very tumultuous relationship. Includes copious amounts of codependency and pining from both sides as they struggle to pretend they're not at their wit's end.
I Need Someone To Remember Me
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars talk about the planets they've lost during one of the rare times they hang out. Surprisingly, they're acting civilized for once; as civilized as they can be.
You Didn't Know?
Planet X returns to the solar system, not only to gloat at how he is still alive but also to enact the first part of his revenge: to tear Jupiter and Saturn apart with the only promise Saturn had broken.
(A/N: Canon divergent for the future Planet X arc.)
The return of Planet X has ever-lasting consequences on the dynamics of the solar system. The Giants are the first to feel its effects.
(A/N: Canon divergent from the Planet X arc.)
The Iris and Earth are complete opposites in both action and concept. They talk about it.
(A/N: Canon divergent from the Planet X arc, and focuses on a crossover for plot.)
Earth has had enough of humanity taking advantage of him and destroying his resources, so he retaliates by making their own home planet their biggest mortal enemy, forcing them into submission. Three hundred years later, Astrodude is sent as an ambassador to convince the Earth to stop his massacre of human lives.
(A/N: Canon divergent and futuristic fic. Not actually compliant to the main story as a whole.)
You Want What You Can't Have (Ooh Girl That's Too Damn Bad)
Planet X is allowed to return to the solar system, and is struck by how in love Jupiter and Saturn are- because it had been them and Saturn first.
Lucifer Morningstar Had Once Been Beautiful
Planet X is self-conscious about their appearance, and Saturn notices, trying to do something about it, despite the wounds they've inflicted on one another.
War and Destruction
Planet X has been dealing with their feelings since returning to the solar system, but these violent emotions often come to a head when they are alone. Mars is tasked to help them through it, due to their destabilized relationship with the Giants.
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Me chilling: 0-0
*it dissapears*
Me: …wtf where did that come from
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thatssocreepy · 7 months
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After the battle, masterless cattle, overlords hanging by a thread!
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