#AG novel Spoilers
cfserkgk · 6 months
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Lahan introduces Maomao to his roommate (who is popular enough that everyone but Maomao knows of becuase Maomao thinks chemistry is much more attractive than some mortal man).
SPOILERS: I feel like Zuigetsu would be his real name, but I think he would do some sort of modelling/ acting job on the side with the name "Jinshi", so everyone calls him that. But neither Maomao nor Lahan really look at media much since they both don't really know how to use tech, so the siblings know him as Ka Zuigetsu.
Jinshi might be doing some sort of economics/ finance/ stats degree, but I can also see him being a history or social sciences student of sorts. The poor humanities student just getting dragged into the business of the stem siblings.
Of course, Lahan is obsessed with Jinshi's looks (and may or may not be actively pushing his sister and his roommate to get closer).
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astranauticus · 1 month
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inspired by this post by tumblr user @orphiclovers. the lines are direct quotes from the novel but the scene itself isnt a redraw of any specific novel scene, i just really wanted to draw black coat 1863 x white coat 1864 HSY lol
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tragedy-for-sale · 6 months
Finished Reading Padawan
These are just some little facts/snippets throughout the book I really liked, really along the lines of temple life.
Spoilers for Padawan below!
Obi-Wan tugs on his padawan braid when he is anxious
Bolla Ropal (the Jedi that was killed guarding the holocron in TCW) was Obi-Wan's childhood frienemy. The two played pranks on each other.
Obi-Wan paces outside Qui-Gon's chamber doors as he's trying to figure out what to say what he needs to.
Obi-Wan feels most at peace, most calm, when he is practicing lightsaber forms and says he could do it all day and never bore of it.
Jedi specialize in certain fields, such as communication with animals, and if such a conflict arises based in that Jedi's field, they are sent to help
Jedi who are ready to take have a padawan meditate and the force guides them to who they're meant to train, leading to shared interests.
The temple has several dining halls. There is a padawan meal hall and therefore one for the other ranks. They offer such a variety of food Obi-Wan said one could always find something new to try. And I could've made this up but I'm also pretty sure they said the dining hall for padawans was almost always open, so one was always be able to get a meal.
Some Jedi Masters put a table and chairs in their rooms so they can share a meal with their padawan in their personal space
Qui-Gon doesn't even have an extra chair in his room.
Ships can be requested/reserved down in the hangar. A padawan is allowed to do this without approval from their master (Obi-Wan is told by Qui-Gon to do do but is not directly confronted when he does it alone).
Talking and communicating with animals is actually one of the harder skills to learn and master as a Jedi, so many opt not to. Meaning Ezra's ability to communicate with animals as well as he does is not something all Jedi could do, especially for his age
Nautolans, can live outside of water (we do know this) but since they are an aquatic species, there is a constant strain on their gills and results in them being in pain if out of water for too long.
Obi-Wan thinks Kit Fisto is really strong, he notes Fisto does not seem to be affected by this.
Obi-Wan notes some of his padawan friends have dabbled in physical relationships. But he sees it has an obstacle not as a temptation, feeling that, kissing for example, was a betrayal of himself and the Jedi. He wonders if he'd ever get to a point where it does not feel like that.
Honestly this book was a really cute read and the planet it takes place on was very captivating. I really liked how Kirsten White writes Qui-Gon too and her references that any prequel fan would love catching.
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adh-d2 · 5 months
It's not so much that I needed Tech to be alive.
I wanted Tech to live, but I grieved his character when he died.
Then the hints started coming. The narrative focus shifted to this mysterious new character and signaled that he was important somehow. The theories started spreading. Week after week the 'camera' lingered on long, slow shots of a helmet that wouldn't come off.
So yeah, I stopped grieving. The longer it went on the more convinced I became that this must be Tech, because clearly it was someone important. Otherwise it would just be poor writing. This show isn't written poorly.
Case-in-point, what a beautiful finale. My heart was in my throat the entire time. I cried. I loved it. Taken on its own, I'd go so far as to say it was perfect.
Except for the fact that the CX plotline came to nothing. Seriously. We've followed it all season, and it came to nothing? I'm not even clear on what happened. There were more of them. They were kind of an anti-Bad-Batch? Except not really? There was a big one that pulled Wrecker's signature move. There was one with knives. They were regs? I think? One lost its helmet in a background shot so I guess we can conclude they were all regs. With different builds. And different accents. I suppose it doesn't matter, since they all died after a few minutes of screentime having meant nothing to the protagonists. They were a boss fight. The plot marches on.
It's entirely possible I got too caught up in the speculation. Maybe when I look back on all the posts I wrote and liked and reblogged it will be obvious that we were reaching. But right now from here in the thick of it, I swear there's so much to see! Do you mean to tell me they really didn't notice it in the writers room? That it was all a complete coincidence?
Would it have been better if someone on the creative team had just come out and confirmed that Tech wasn't coming back? I don't know. I don't think they were obligated to. But when a good 50% of the discourse about your show ending is speculation on this particular CX character, and the answer isn't even a different plot twist, but that the character means nothing at all...well, you can see how the team could have avoided some disappointment.
Maybe this is a bad take. I don't know how I feel. I wish I could have enjoyed the finale without having to grieve again for a character we'd already lost.
For now I'll end by saying that I loved this show and I can't wait to rewatch it someday on its own merit, without the spectre of 'is-it-could-it-be-no-please-let-it-be' clouding my judgement.
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bat-snake · 26 days
Couple little things of reading to Leola, in three stages of quality. Realms Beyond Time isn't exactly at-age reading material, but it still sure makes her sleep.
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Plus Discworld??? And The Dark Crystal??? (with friends)
Or at the very least, loving homages that could realistically exist 2000 years in the past. I should actually solidify what kind of stories Leola was told...
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plantsjustwannahavefun · 11 months
As someone who has kind of convinced themselves Izzy is gonna die at the end of S2, could you share your reasons why you think he won't? I'm sure a lot of us who think he's doomed could use some ideas as to otherwise. And who do you think is being buried in that grave scene in the Behind the scenes video? I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
Hey, first of all, this is the first ask I’ve ever got, so thanks ☺️
Okay, so, there’s been so many posts recently with much more elaborate and better-argued takes than mine, and I can’t really take credit for anything I’m going to say here because none of these thoughts are original, really… but anyway.
I was surprised how quickly and strongly people seemed to have latched onto the “Izzy’s gonna die” train based on, as far as I'm concerned, nothing more than a couple of vague BTS bits and a general sense of foreboding caused by previous experience with stories like these.
First of all, the BTS pictures and videos. Namely the bit where Izzy seems to be lying down and the one with the grave. It’s a massive stretch at best. I think Izzy’s likely to get injured at some point, but this could literally be anything, we can’t even see what’s going on. This could be a fuckery. At one point Ed is holding out his hand stained with blood, but we don’t even know whose blood it is. Same for the grave. Izzy isn’t the only crew member missing from the ring of people standing around it. We know there’s going to be a big battle in E08, so it's not surprising someone would die, but there’s simply no proof and not at all likely it would be Izzy.
Also, think about it. Izzy’s a sailor. Sailors typically get burried at sea. The only other place I could imagine him wanting to be buried at is next to his family in England, but that might just not be feasible, so he’d most likely get burried at sea. The way I see it, he’d much rather rest on the ocean floor than some random beach in the Republic of Pirates, a place he claimed to hate in S01.
Another thing: the creators of the show know how rabid this fanbase is. They knew we were going to painstakingly pick apart and overanalyse every single frame of every morsel of promotional content we could get our hands on. So far they’ve gone to great lengths to avoid major spoilers. They even changed Ed’s line in the trailer where he said “and, more importantly, no more Izzy” (replaced it with “no more Stede”) in order not to reveal the plotline of Ed shooting Izzy, even though that line was pretty vague and could have been up to interpretation. So how likely is it that they would reveal a major character’s death in several frames of BTS material? Just not very likely at all, I’d say.
Then I’ve seen a few people argue that the writers want to get rid of Con because doing the CGI for the unicorn leg is too expensive and inconvenient. I’m calling bullshit on that one too. Admittedly, I don’t know much about CGI, but Con literally just has to wear a green sock over his boot or something like that, and it’s not that hard to frame it in a way that makes his leg less visible. So far we’ve had a lot of shots with him just sitting there, or where he was filmed from the waist up. I imagine it wasn’t easy for Con to mimic moving like he was missing a leg, but he nailed it perfectly, and he seemed to have an easier time walking around in episodes 6 and 7 compared to ep 5, so he won’t have to keep up the severe limping to the same extent. At this point Izzy is the third major character after Stede an Ed. There’s no way they’d get rid of him just because of a minor cinematographic inconvenience like that.
And then there’s the fact that nobody actually dies in this show except for the villains. David Jenkins took the “bury your gays” trope and turned it into “make your gays unkillable”. This is literally the show that gave us recreational gut stabbing. There’s only a couple of exceptions, but they were all very minor characters or, well, a bird… I really liked Ivan, but he was easily the least important character out of all the crew members, and probably the only reason his death was offscreen was because the actor quit after S01. There’s no indication that Con wants to quit, it’s obvious he’s having the time of his life with this role, so it’s very unlikely he would sacrifice it for some other project.
What OFMD does love, on the other hand, is characters appearing to die, only to end up surviving against all odds. That’s, like, its signature trait by now. None of us really believed Lucius was going to die, even though logically it was extremely unlikely he wouldn't just drown immediately. They didn’t even bother to explain it properly, that’s how little this show cares for realism. And we love that about it. Izzy himself has already had not one, not two, but THREE instances like that: the dream sequence scene, getting shot in the leg, then surviving his suicide attempt. If he happened to actually die for real now, that would just be bad storytelling.
Speaking of storytelling… That’s really the main reason I don’t believe Izzy’s going to die. I know a lot of people are hung up on the whole “his narrative arc is complete and he has served his purpose as a character” thing, and in any other show that might be true, but not this one. OFMD isn’t just a show, it’s a love letter to the queer community. Izzy is now a representation of a queer person discovering himself and being accepted into the found family. He figuratively embodies the spirit of the Revenge. The physical unicorn figurine was destroyed, but the crew managed to use something “broken” and give it a new life. If the show did this only to kill Izzy off right afterwards, that would feel like a slap in the face. It wouldn't complete his character arc, it would undo it. It would be way worse than another show killing off some character that simply happened to be gay. It would feel like killing a character off specifically because they finally found some happiness in being gay, right after reaching the peak of their personal development as a queer character. It would feel deliberately mean rather than merely thoughtless.
And it would make the very first scene of S2 kind of meaningless, too. That dream sequence specifically showed us what was not going to happen. Izzy wasn’t going to stand between Stede and Ed anymore. Izzy and Stede weren’t going to be enemies anymore. Ed wasn’t going to melt into Stede’s arms and immediately forget all that’s happened. And Izzy isn’t going to die. Simple as that.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
hi GT! thanks again for the great chapter—loved it (as usual).
just wanted to come on here to sing you praises with just how well you write touch/physical affection especially in the most recent chapter’s first half: draco & hermione being v touchy while entering hogsmeade vs. draco’s jealousy with ron + hermione, and how you depicted draco’s reaction to both (i.e., his awareness on just how not-platonic his actions were vs failing to see that ron and hermione might not be also sharing the same thing) and the way his jealousy flares up. it’s starkly real and engaging and you just leave us wanting more.
just wondering: would there be more platon-ish (or more) moments in the realm of Lionheart, since the books were PG?
hope u have a good day!!
Thank you very much! I hope you have a good day, too.
I think of Lionheart right now as a story that rides the line between PG-13 and R (for gore, and I guess also technically for swearing, since there's been more than one "fuck.") Those things will only scale up as the story goes on, to an extent that will soon surpass the books. If the original series can be split up into "children's / young adult" around the lynchpin of Book 4, I think of the volumes of Lionheart as "children's / young adult / new adult." New adult is, naturally, more capacious as a genre than young adult is, and I'm cautiously feeling out my comfort level in the new territory it opens up.
To be completely honest, I'm still making up my mind on how far to push past canon there. I know that explicit scenes are common and welcomed in the D/H fanfic space, to an extent even expected, but the jury is out on how much it will be relevant/necessary/something that I'll enjoy writing. (I'm aware that this is a totally confusing and not helpful answer. Friend, I also wish it was not like this.) Basically, I'm just trying to figure out what the story needs.
I guess the most I can say currently is that I'd definitely be comfortable writing it — I've written it before — and for the rest, I'll play it by ear.
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battiegutz · 2 months
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concept art fr smthn but i blocked out anythin i thought was too plot relevant bc i wanna actually do smthn w these characters nd their story ;3c
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 5 months
kinda interesting its a consistent through line that its typically the younger ppl that are least touched by prejudice or most willing to bridge those gaps in dungeon meshi. Zons child, pattadol, shuro, kabru, and laios from the top of my head +namari + inutade. But notably a lot of older ppl are also willing to take small steps to change when faced w evidence on the contrary eg maizuru calling senshi by his name instead of dwarf and correcting herself and calling holm a gnome the second go around when shes so xenophobic foreign foods listed as a dislike.
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anyway i guess varric is still hoping that gay love will pierce through the veil of death and save the day????
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pttucker · 9 months
I activated the [Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint] right away. And then, bore witness to a message I had never seen before. [Applicable individual is a 'Character' from a worldview you are not familiar with.] …A 'Character' from a worldview I wasn't familiar with? Almost at the same time, bright light suddenly shone out from the naked man's eyes. [Someone is activating a power not registered with the system!] Circular disks were vigorously spinning above his retinas. [An existence of another dimension is spying on your true nature!] [Warning! This power cannot be fully blocked by 'The Fourth Wall'!]
Now we have whole entire different universes showing up? With their own absolute beings???
Could it be...?
I gotta go check something.
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I freaking knew it!
Oh man, first Dokja asks if there are unseen readers out there reading his story and now he literally encounters the main character of another novel from our world.
We are really straining the Fourth Wall here.
...The Fourth Wall that didn't answer about the readers and didn't answer when Dokja asked if they'd run into Jae-Hwan again...
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unraveling-plot · 7 months
I'm thinking about gender in ORV, which is always a dangerous game
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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ilovereadingandstuff · 7 months
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And I thought, at first, that it was just a fanart, right??
just a fanart, a really nice one.
And, i mean, why would the novel include such a situation of Xie Lian in heat to say the least, completely overwhelmed by lust and mortal desires, accompanied for Hong-er (who i finally know it's hua cheng's younger self)...right??
Like, that kind of situation only occurs in fanfics, right?? right?!?!
so...I WAS WRONG!!
This picture is FUCKING CANON!!!
I can just say that...I'm falling in love with mxtx novels. That's it.
Mister laughstocking of the three realms here was drugged in the middle of the forest by flowers with an aphrodisiac effect (basically).
So he started to stripped down, sweating like crazy, moaning, winning all the way...
and then... HE NEEDED HELP!! He was trying to keep up with the 'purity of mind' bullsh*t and was mostly going insane for bloodlust...
Not Feng Xin, not Mu Qing nor Wind Master...
I mean...when he was a kid. his younger self.
He was just thirteen back then.
So yeah!! I loved it wasn't weird the narration, to be honest. Nothing weird nor cringe happened between them even thought xl was...impotent at the moment...
because, yeah, a 20 yo guy messing up in that way with a kid 7 years younger...would have been quite weird to read, honestly.
But it wasn't!! It didn't end the way i was preparing myself to be.
And, well, for the context, it made sense all of it, obviously.
I was actually surprised.
As a obsesive reader myself, i'm used to see this kind of specific situation only at fanfiction most of times. and when they happen in canon...i've find myself reading really uncomfortable scenes which a later regret to read, y'know?
So, I was truly taken aback when I realized where all the 'yao flowers' were about, and when xl entered inside the cave with Hong-er and started going insane for the heat, lust and all...
not gonna lie, i was excited. but nervious, at the same time.
I knew that this situation could become weird at any moment with the wrong line or wrong description...but I was soooo relieved that it wasn't that way!!
I'm truly happy for that. and even when Hong-er touched him!!! even that scene didn't feel cringe nor inappropiate.
you get what i mean??
I just wanted to share my reaction with this chapter and also wanted to point out that, yeah, the novels are good. like, reallyy good.
I don't regret discovering this new fandom and show, not a bit. and yeah...i'll continue reading. I'm heading towards book 4 now, hehe.
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funtimespringscare101 · 11 months
Because the FNAF Movie is blowing up, I’m bringing back the Into The Pit Aftermath Household!
Spring: Well, that was actually quite a good movie! Ellie: Agreed! I just want to adopt The Schmidt’s! They deserve the world! :> Eleanor: William you bitch, why did you stab your daughter? This is why you can’t have nice things… Shadow: *too busy Theorizing* Stitch: Umm… Stitch: Guys? Everyone: ??? Stitch: What’s up with Ella? Everyone: Everyone, leaning over to see Ella: Ella: Ella: I MADE IT INTO THE FUCKING MOVIEEEE WOOO-
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@chaosverse-mainblog @hideawaysplace
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rosemary-bells · 2 years
the last mdzs battle is so dramatic. jin ling is losing his uncle, jiang cheng is recovering from the entire “wei wuxian gave you his golden core” reveal, lan xichen is losing his other sworn brother, wen ning is battling nie mingjue’s dead body, nie huaisang is an icon and also getting stabbed in the leg, su she is dying, jin guangyao commits suicide and got poisoned, his hand cut off, etc etc, … wangxian is just being a pair of disgusting newlyweds,
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