#AGNARR | father's protection
greatqueenanna · 2 years
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Is Agnarr Portrayed Negatively?
Short answer...yea, kind of.
In the era of Frozen 2, we got quite a bit of backstory into Aganrr and Iduna. One thing that stood out the most was the push for Iduna to not only be a more active parent, but her portrayals were showing her to be more sympathetic towards Elsa and Anna.
This brings up a glaring issue that has been brought up many times by fans - is Agnarr meant to be the real source of the family's problems?
I do not believe that this is what we're supposed to take away from the story, but I do believe that certain choices made in his character arc were not fully explored and only half-done — creating a disdain for his character.
Frozen Era
"Elsa, what have you done!? This is getting out of hand!"
Above is the audience's very first introduction to Agnarr. He fearfully scolds Elsa, to which she responds in an anxious and sorrowful tone.
Later on, it is Agnarr that closes the gates and pushes for secrecy and separation, teaches Elsa "Conceal, don't feel", and gives her the gloves. This is Agnarr's legacy for the next six years.
What was also apparent in the first era of the franchise's life, was how a lot of the blame for Elsa's behavior as an adult was strangely targeted towards Elsa alone, while Agnarr's part was ignored.
I had written an earlier piece a while ago, about how Agnarr taught Elsa "Conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show" as if Agnarr was talking about the magic itself, but Elsa had misinterpreted it to be "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know (put on a show)" to focus on her emotions—most likely due to her own fears.
While this was retconned in the F2 era, I do believe my initial analysis was correct. The writing team, for some reason, focused the blame on Elsa instead of talking about how Agnarr's choices affected her. This is supported by Anna's later lines toward Elsa —
"...And sisters. Elsa and I were really close when we were little. But then, one day she just shut me out, and I never knew why."
"More than you. All you know is how to shut people out."
"No. Why? Why do you shut me out?! Why do you shut the world out?! What are you so afraid of?!"
"Of course, none of this would have happened if she'd just told me her secret...ha...she's a stinker."
"You don't have to protect me I'm not afraid. Please don't shut me out again..."
Now, to be clear, I don’t believe that the writers purposefully did this to be malicious — instead, I believe that this was left over from the era when Elsa was meant to be a villain; when the story was focused on Elsa making her own mistakes. Then, because of the rocky development history and last-minute changes, some things were mistakingly left in; like the focus on Elsa being the main problem. But let’s get back to Agnarr himself.
Logistically speaking, Agnarr wasn't entirely wrong. He was faced with this situation he didn't understand and had no knowledge of. Putting Elsa in a safe and controlled environment where he can try and help her control her powers without anyone getting hurt was a sound plan. Agnarr does indeed love his children as well — he showed no fear toward Elsa's magic and was very gentle with her and Anna. All he wanted was to protect them.
The main problem however is that there is no conversation about Agnarr's questionable choices or his love for his daughters after the fact. Agnarr just sort of disappeared from the story, and instead becomes a source of disdain and confusion for fans.
Why wasn't Iduna held to this standard? To put it bluntly, Iduna was a non-character. She played no real role in the film and was literally just a recolor of Elsa's coronation model. Iduna in Frozen was meant to be a placeholder for a mother figure — not an actual character. Agnarr made all the choices, while Iduna just sort of stood there.
For the next six years, until F2 was released, this is what people's impression of Agnarr was — The father who made questionable choices but was never held responsible for any of them.
Frozen 2 Era
Frozen 2 chose to improve the situation, but the opinions towards how the writers handled it are mixed. I am of the opinion that they did well in terms of Elsa's trauma, but chose to sprinkle the rest (the parent’s backstories, Anna's trauma, and their apologies) across multiple platforms — which was a mistake. I talk more about this in my response to an anon here.
I feel that should’ve just focused on all these elements in the film itself, especially since it seems like in early concepts this was indeed the film’s main focus. It’s just sad that unless you read the side content, there’s a lot you’ll miss out on, and it’s not really known how much of this will actually be acknowledged. I write more on the subject in my Toughest Choices Analysis, going deeper into Agnarr and Iduna’s story (it seems that my final request of Anna actually seeing her parents acknowledge her, was realized in Polar Nights, which is great haha).
In this analysis, obviously, I'm going to focus a bit more on Agnarr, and mostly on how the film itself acknowledged him and his actions.
Frozen 2 gives us a bit more about why Agnarr feared magic (his father, the misunderstanding of the Northuldra) and why he took such extreme measures to protect Elsa. Then, we are given an emotional scene of Agnarr and Iduna risking their lives to fix their mistakes and help Elsa, which does give a little more sympathy toward Agnarr. This is followed by Anna telling Elsa that their choices were their own and that she is a gift. Then at this point, after being shown in memories, Agnarr’s story is done. Most of the film instead focuses on Iduna, which is a bit strange.
Frozen establishes (although, not directly as said above) that Agnarr was the one to make the decisions that affected Elsa — but then in F2, Iduna is the one to help Elsa heal, and becomes the main focus of F2's story throughout F2 content.
It's Iduna who writes the apology, it's Iduna who researched magic and decides to go to Ahtohallan, and it's Iduna who Ahtohallan chooses to represent when calling Elsa. Thus, it almost feels like Iduna has to be the one to fix Agnarr's mistakes.
This doesn't give the greatest representation of Agnarr, and kind of makes the issue of Agnarr becoming invisible to the story even worse. In Frozen, his mistakes are geared towards Elsa, while in F2, while his mistakes are now acknowledged, Iduna is the one to fix them, and the story is sprinkled between different platforms. This contributes to his negative representation.
Dangerous Secrets is the only content that really delves into Agnarr's position, and gives his backstory more meaning and depth. In the rest of the franchise, he is invisible. This is ultimately what contributes to audiences not liking him or feeling a sort of disdain for his character — I hope that in future installments, poor Agnarr can find some recognition as well.
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annas-hair-donut · 1 year
My Kristanna Halloween/Fall Fics
The Grandfather Clock (T)
There's a demonic presence in the house Anna inherited from her parents, who died in unexplained circumstances. Determined to sell it and be rid of the burden, she enlists the help of her ex-husband Hans and Honeymaren's paranormal investigation team, but she finds herself relying on the local sheriff's expertise instead. (T)
Iduna's Apple (T)
Kristoff had been giving Anna baskets of his best apples for her Harvest Day pies for years, but he was always too shy to express his affection in any other way. Everything changed, though, when Anna got a goat named Sven with a taste for apples.
The Headless Horseman, a Chilling Tale (M)
One Halloween night, Anna finally left her violent and controlling husband Hans and fled through the dark hedges, which were said to be haunted by a headless horseman in search of blood and heads, to get to her sister Elsa. While the headless horseman was only a legend, Anna's cruel husband was real. Will the horrors of the forest be worse than than the husband she left behind?
The Jakku Lantern (E)
It’s Kristoff, his Mandalorian helmet, and Olaf the Pumpkin King, against Raggedy Anna and Elsa AKA Maleficent, in a pumpkin carving contest judged by Sandy Claws Sven. Will Mando get a happy ending, despite the helmet that just won't budge, in this alternate version of the charades scene from Frozen II?
Ginger Sweet Love (M)
Anna and Kristoff get a second chance to tell each other how they feel when Kristoff shows up unexpectedly at Anna’s Halloween/Friendsgiving party. Let's hope 17 years later isn't 17 years too late.
Seeing is Believing, Hearing is Deceiving (M)
Anna Oldenburg lives in a 19th century fantasy world of romance and ghosts and is dedicated to preserving the memories of the past, while her somewhat estranged sister Elsa Frost, an ice cream artist, does everything she can to focus on the here and now. Anna falls for Kristoff, the building conservator and maintenance technician at the Victorian mansion hotels owned by the Oldenburg family, but her over-protective father Agnarr keeps them apart. Their lives get turned upside down when Kristoff discovers a skeleton in the closet. Anna works with Kristoff to uncover the mystery of the skeleton, but she'll need her sister's help to learn the secrets of the past that are the keys to saving Elsa's son Olaf. [I have plans to rewrite this one but it keeps getting put off.]
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estrellaphantom · 2 years
Well, now that I have a little less stress, and more desire to draw, this thing left them.
I don't draw anything genderbend related really, but Hanne and Elias(? called for it.
With the same Dark Helsa au!, in this case with Elias as the "Ice King" and Hanne.
After the death of the kings of Arendelle Agnarr and Iduna and in a fit of anger and pain, his powers are unleashed by accidentally freezing his kingdom, so he desperately tries to remedy it by helping his kingdom. However, the neighboring kingdoms find out about this and fearfully attack Arendelle, Elias proves to be afraid of war at first, but over time and realizing that diplomacy did not help at all, he ended up using his powers to protect Arendelle.
Liquidating kingdom after kingdom and with time his mercy and fear dissipated freezing his heart.
Each kingdom he defeated was a new kingdom for him, making Arendelle one great empire covered in snow. Likewise, he took prisoners and they were trained to create merciless and resistant soldiers.
Over time, several kingdoms decided to stop wars and ally with the "Snow King" and thus avoid further losses. But others simply did not give in and more warriors and families died.
But Elias continued to feel a great Lack of "Something" that he only managed to "quench" by liquidating and conquering everything in his path.
That emptiness became bigger after his brother Andrew (? Escaped with a girl who belonged to his army. His beloved brother, whom he had always tried to protect, had "betrayed" him. (But that is another story)
Over time his advice let her know that with the rapid growth of his empire, it was necessary for her to marry and have a descendant as soon as possible.
Elias was not going to accept but he realized that if he wanted his kingdom to continue being the most powerful of all he needed an heir with his powers.
The rumor spread to the other kingdoms and that terrified them, because a new heir with magic would only be his downfall, so the kingdoms refused to present the princesses of their respective kingdoms to his majesty. Well not all of them did.
The Southern Isles were, until the great rise of the Snow King to his frozen empire, the most feared and respected kingdom of all.
His wealth was abundant and his army was the most powerful and strong of all (there are those who affirm that if King Elias did not have powers, the army of Arendelle and that of the Southern Islands would be the most powerful and invincible of all).
So when the king of the Southern Isles found out that Elias was looking for a wife, he got down to business, because he saw a great opportunity to expand and form a great alliance with Arendelle.
The king of the southern Islands was the father of 13 daughters and most of them were already married or engaged, except 2 of them; one of his twins Regna and his youngest daughter Hanne.
The king planned to present Regna to Elias as her betrothed, since Hanne didn't really consider her important enough to present to the king.
But when he is face to face with Elias, he seems more interested in Hanne. For the same reason that he can see people's hearts, Hanne's heart is more interesting than Regna's.
So he has more interaction and courtesies with Hanne. With the intention that perhaps she would be better to take her as her wife. The king of the southern Islands was the father of 13 daughters and most of them
(I clarify that this story along with both versions also apply to Elsa x Hans.)
Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. I hope you like it, and I leave the outcome of these stories to your imagination.
Come out bye~
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poisoned-ai-data · 7 months
Frozen 2 script.
Agnarr (O.S.): Anna, Elsa!
Iduna (O.S.): Bed time's soon!
Anna: Uh oh! The princess is trapped in the snow goblin's evil spell! Quick Elsa, make a prince, a fancy one! Oh no, the prince is stuck too! "Who cares about danger when there's love?"
Elsa: Ugh, Anna, blegh... Kissing won't save the forest! (chuckling) The Lost Fairies cry out! (Mimicking elephant trumpets) What sound does a giraffe make? Nevermind! They wake the Fairy Queen, who breaks the spell and saves everyone!
Anna: And they all get married! (laughing)
Agnarr: What are you playing?
Anna: Enchanted forest!
Agnarr: That's like no Enchanted Forest I've ever seen.
(Anna: The prince and the princess whoosh)
Elsa: (gasps) You've seen an Enchanted Forest?
Anna: Wait, what?
Agnarr: I have. Once.
Anna: And you never told us this before?
Agnarr: Well, I could tell you now... If you...
Elsa: Okay, tell us now!
Iduna: Are you sure about this?
Agnarr: It's time they know... (Anna: Let's make a big snowman later)
Agnarr: If they can settle and listen. (Chuckles) Far away, as north as we can go, stood a very old and very Enchanted Forest. But its magic wasn't that of goblin spells and lost fairies. It was protected by the most powerful spirits of all... Those of air, fire, water, and earth. But it was also a home to the mysterious Northuldra people.
Elsa: Were the Northuldra magical, like me?
Agnarr: No Elsa, they were not magical, they just took advantage of the forest gifts. Their ways were so different from ours. But still, they promised us friendship. In honor of that, your grandfather, King Runeard, built them a mighty dam to strengthen their waters. It was a gift of peace.
Anna: That's a big gift of peace.
Agnarr: And I was so honored to get to go to the forest to celebrate it.
Runeard (Flashback): Stand tall, Agnarr.
Agnarr: I wasn't at all prepared for what the day would bring. We let down our guard. We were charmed. And it felt so... magical. But something went wrong. (Yelling) They were attacking us!
Mattias (Flashback): Get behind me!
Agnarr: It was a brutal battle. Your grandfather ...
Agnarr (Flashback): Father!
Agnarr: ...was lost. The fighting enraged the spirits. They turned their magic against us all. (Grunts) (Vocalizing) There was this... voice. And someone saved me. I'm told, the spirits then vanished. And a powerful mist covered the forest, locking everyone out. (Wind whooshing) And that night, I came home, King of Arendelle.
Anna: Whoa, Papa, that was epic. Whoever saved you, I love them.
Agnarr: I wish I knew who it was.
Elsa: What happened to the spirits? What's in the Forest now?
Agnarr: I don't know. The mist still stands. No one can get in, and no one has since come out.
Iduna: So we're safe.
Agnarr: Yes, but the forest could wake again, and we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring.
Iduna: And on that note, how about we say goodnight to your father?
Anna: Oh, but I still have so many questions!
Agnarr: Save them for another night, Anna.
Anna: Ugh, you know I don't have that kind of patience. Why did the Northuldra attack us anyway? Who attacks people who gave them gifts?
Elsa: Do you think the forest will wake again?
Iduna: Only Ahtohallan knows.
Anna: "Ahtoha--" what?
Iduna: When I was little... my mother would sing a song about special river, called Ahtohallan... that was said to hold all the answers about the past, about what we are apart of.
Anna: Wow.
Elsa: Will you sing it for us? Please?
Iduna: Okay, cuddle close. Scooch in.
"All Is Found" (Iduna) Where the northwind meets the sea
There is a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found
In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned
Yes, she will sing to those who hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you be brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the northwind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found
(In the present day, both Anna and Elsa are now grown up, since their parents' mysterious and tragic death and Hans' defeat since the events of Frozen. Elsa looks out into the balcony, when Kai interrupts her peace time)
Kai: Your Majesty?
Elsa: Oh!
Kai: They're ready.
Elsa: (Chuckles nervously) Excuse me, I'm coming. (hears a voice) Do you hear that?
Kai: Uh, what?
Elsa: Never mind.
Anna: (chuckling) Enjoying your new Permafrost, Olaf?
Olaf: I'm just living the dream Anna. Oh, how I wish this could last forever.
Anna: Mmmmm...
Olaf: And yet change mocks us with her beauty...
Anna: What's that?
Olaf: Forgive me, maturity is making me poetic. Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing. Do you ever worry about the notion that, nothing is permanent?
Anna: Uh... no.
Olaf: Really? Wow, I can't wait till I'm aged like you, so I don't have to worry about important things.
Anna: That's not what I mean. I don't worry because... well, I have you, and Elsa, and Kristoff, and Sven and the gates are open wide and... And I'm not alone anymore.
(Anna) Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder And we're all getting older
And the clouds are moving on with every Autumn breeze
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer
(Olaf) And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser
(Anna) That's why I rely on certain certainties
Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in mine
Some things stay the same
(Anna & Olaf) Like how we get along just fine
(Anna) Like an old stone wall that'll never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
Like how I am holding on tight to you
(Kristoff) The leaves are already falling
Sven, it feels like the future is calling
Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee?
Yeah, but I'm really bad at planning these things out
Like candlelight and pulling of rings out
Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me
Yeah, some things never change
Like the love I feel for her
Some things stay the same
Like how Reindeers are easier.
But if I commit and go for it.
I'll know what to say and do. Right?
Some things never change...
Sven, the pressure is on you.
(Elsa) The winds are restless
Could that be why I'm hearing this call?
Is something coming?
I'm not sure I want things to change at all.
These days are precious,
Can't let them slip away.
I can't freeze this moment,
But I still can go out and seize this day!
(Townspeople) Ah ah ah ah ah ah
The wind blows a little bit colder
(Olaf) And you all look a little bit older
(Anna) It's time to count our blessings
(Anna & Kristoff) Beneath an autumn sky
(Townspeople) We'll always live in a kingdom of plenty
That stands for the good and the many
(Elsa) And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly
(Anna) Our flag will always fly!
(Townspeople) Our flag will always fly! (Our flag will always fly!)
(All) Some things never change
Turn around and time has flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck last, may our past be past
Time's moving fast, it's true
(Anna, Elsa, & Kristoff) Some things never change
(Anna) And I'm holding on tight to you
(Elsa) Holding on tight to you
(Olaf) Holding on tight to you
(Kristoff) I'm holding on tight to you...
(Anna) I'm holding on tight to you.
(The kingdom did change. As night falls, the entire gang is playing a game of charades. Kristoff is still attempting to propose to Anna, only to backfire by his own blunders that Anna should be thinking about protecting her older sister. The voice is heard again, before everyone heads off to bed)
[Inside a room in the castle, Anna makes weird movements while Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf observe from a couch and Sven holds a bell in his mouth.]
Kristoff: Um... okay... Um... lion!
Olaf: Grizzly bear!
Kristoff: Uh, monster!
Olaf: Mama bear!
Kristoff: Angry face?
Olaf: Papa bear!
Kristoff: Uh...
Olaf: Hans!
Elsa: Unredeemable monster!
Kristoff: Biggest mistake of your life!
Olaf: We didn't even kiss you! (Bell rings)
Anna: Villain!
Elsa, Olaf, & Kristoff: Oh...
Olaf: We all correctly got it.
Kristoff: Okay, Olaf, you're up.
Olaf: Okay. (So much easier now that I can read) Lightning round, boys against girls. Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready.
Kristoff: Go! Unicorn. Ice cream. Castle. Oaken! Teapot! Mouse! Ooh, Elsa! (Bell rings) (Laughing)
Anna: I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange. Doesn't matter, this is gonna be a cinch. Two sisters, with one mind.
Elsa: Thank you.
Anna: Okay, here we go. You got this Elsa, anytime. Just do it with your body. Nothing. Air. Tree. People. "Treeple"! Oh that's not a word... Shovel boy. Teeth? Oh, doing the dishes.
Olaf: Polar Bear!
Anna: Hey!
Olaf: Sorry.
Anna: You gotta give me something. (Elsa hears the voice again) Uhm, Alarmed? Distracted? Worried? Panicking? Disturbed, oh, come on. You definitely looked disturbed!
Kristoff: We won.
Anna: Rematch?
Elsa: Oh, you know what, I think I'll turn in.
Anna: Are you OK?
Elsa: Just.. just tired. Good night.
Olaf: Yeah, I'm tired too, and Sven promised to read me a bedtime story, didn't you Sven?
Kristoff: Did I?
Olaf: Oh you do the best voices like when you pretend to be Kristoff and you're like "I'll just go talk to some rocks about my childhood and stuff..."
Kristoff: Um, how about you guys start without me? (He prepares to groom the place and himself for the engagement)
Anna: Did Elsa seem weird to you?
Kristoff: She ... seemed like Elsa.
Anna: That last word, when it really seemed to throw her, what was it?
Kristoff: I don't know, but...
Anna: Ah. Ice? Oh come on, she couldn't act out ice? I better go check on her. Thanks honey, love you.
Kristoff: I love you, too. It's fine.
(In Elsa's room...)
Elsa: (hears a knock by Anna) Come in.
Anna: Yup, something's wrong.
Elsa: With you?
Anna: No, with you. You're wearing mother's scarf, you do that when something's wrong. Oh, did we hurt your feelings? I'm sorry, if we did. You know, there are few people that are actually good at family games, that's just a fact.
Elsa: No, that's not it.
Anna: Then what is it?
Elsa: There's this... I just don't want to mess things up.
Anna: What things? You're doing great! Oh Elsa, when are you going to see yourself the way I see you?
Elsa: What would I do without you?
Anna: You'll always have me. (They smile for a while) I know what you need. Come on, come here.
Elsa: What?
Anna: It's Mama's words, cuddle close. Scooch in.
Elsa: Mhmm.
Anna: Where the northwind meets the sea, there's a river...
Anna & Elsa: Full of memory...
Elsa: I know what you're doing... (Anna chuckles)
Anna & Elsa: Sleep, my darling, safe and sound, For in this river all is found...
(As soon as Anna and Elsa fell fast asleep, the latter heard the voice again in her sleep, waking her up. The song "Into the Unknown" plays with the voice repeating itself, getting out of bed. This made her irritate as it was searching around the castle, then outside into the forest)
(Elsa) I can hear you, but I won't.
Some look for trouble, while others don't.
There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day
And ignore your whispers which i wish would go away (Ohh)
You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear
And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear
Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls
I'm sorry, secret siren, but I blocking out your calls
I've had my adventure, I don't need something new
I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you...
Into the unknown!
Into the unknown!!
Into the unknown!!!~
What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake
Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?
Who knows deep down I'm not where I meant to be?
Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go ...
Into the unknown!
Into the unknown!!
Into the unknown!!!~
Are you out there? Do you know me?
Can you feel me? Can you show me?
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone!
How do I follow you? Into the unknown!!!
(Elsa's song straight at the end, made little crystals that float mid-air, surrounding the kingdom, and when Elsa spoke the elementals' words, their spirits came by force, forcing the inhabitants to evacuate Arendelle)
Elsa: Air, fire, water, earth. (Thunder rumbling, shattering, flashing)
Anna: The water! (Wind howling)
Elsa: They're outrageous! No fire, no water, the earth is next. We have to get out! It'll be okay, evacuate to the cliffs!
Olaf: Oh no, I'm gonna blow!
Kristoff: - I got you!
(All the people evacuated)
Kristoff: Yes, everyone's out and safe. Here, take one of these. You okay there, Olaf?
Olaf: Oh yeah. We're calling this, "controlling what you can when things feel out of control".
Anna: Okay, I don't understand. You've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me?
Elsa: I didn't wanna worry you.
Anna: We made a promise not to shut each other out! Just tell me what's going on!
Elsa: I woke the magical spirits of the Enchanted Forest.
Anna: Okay, that's definitely not what what I thought you were gonna say. Wait, the Enchanted Forest? The one father warned us about?
Elsa: Yes.
Anna: Why would you do that?
Elsa: Because of the voice. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe whoever is calling me is good.
Anna: How can you say that? Look at our kingdom!
Elsa: I know, it's just that my magic can feel it. I can feel it.
Anna: Okay. (Feeling rumbling) Oh no, what now?
Kristoff: The Trolls?
Bulda: Kristoff, we missed you!
Anna: Pabbie!
Grand Pabbie: Well, never a dull moment with you two. I hope you're prepared for what you have done, Elsa. Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart.
Anna: Why are they still angry? What does this all of this have to do with Arendelle?
Grand Pabbie: Let me see what I can see. The past is not what it seems. A wrong demands to be righted. Arendelle is not safe. The truth must be found. Without it... I see no future.
Anna: No future?
Grand Pabbie: When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.
Elsa: The next right thing, is for me to go to the Enchanted Forest and find that voice. Kristoff, can I borrow your wagon, and Sven?
Kristoff: - I'm not very comfortable with the idea of that.
Anna: - You are not going alone.
Elsa: Anna, no. I have my powers to protect me, you don't.
Anna: Excuse me, I climbed to the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend, and I did it all without powers, so, you know, I'm coming.
Kristoff: Me too, I'll drive.
Olaf:- I'll bring the snacks!
Grand Pabbie: I will look after your people.
Anna: Please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return.
Grand Pabbie: Of course.
Elsa: Let's let them know.
Grand Pabbie: Anna, I'm worried for her. We have always feared Elsa's powers were too much for this world, now, we must pray they are enough.
Anna: I won't let anything happen to her.
(They travel to the Enchanted Forest)
Olaf: Who wants a trivia? I am, okay!
[the storybook]
Narrator: Many sad and lonely years passed by for King Agnarr and his people. But as the time for the princess’ sixteenth birthday drew near, the entire kingdom began to rejoice. For everyone knew that as long as Elsa’s domain, the Enchanted Forest, thundered with her wrath and frustration, her hero prophecy had not yet been enchanted forest. And so, for sixteen long years, the whereabouts of the princess remained a mystery, while deep in the forest, in a woodcutter’s cottage, the good friends carried out their well-laid plan. Living like mortals, they had reared the child as their own and called her Anna and Elsa. On this, her sixteenth birthday, the Good Friends had planned a party and something extra special for her surprise.
Kristoff: Did you know that sleeping quietly on long journeys prevents insanity?
Olaf: (laughing) Yeah, that's not true.
Kristoff: - It is.
Elsa: - It is definitely true.
Anna: - It's the truth.
Olaf: Hmm, well, that was unanimous. But I will look it up when we get home.
Anna: They're both asleep. So ... what do you wanna do?
Kristoff: Sven, keep us steady, will you? Anna? Ahem! Anna, remember our first trip like this when I said you have to be crazy to want marry a man you just met?
Anna: - Wait, what? Crazy? You didn't say I was crazy, you think I'm crazy?
Kristoff: No, I did, you were. Not crazy, clearly. (Chuckles) Just naive, not naive, just ah.. just, new to love. Like I was, and, when you're new, you are bound to get it .. wrong.
Anna: So you're saying, I'm wrong for you?
Kristoff: What? No, no, (Voice sounds on) I'm not saying you're wrong, or crazy, I'm saying--
Anna: - Good idea.
Elsa: - Kristoff, stop, please. I hear it. I hear the voice.
Anna: - You do? Olaf, wake up.
Kristoff: - Whoa.
Anna: - Wow.
(Kristoff tries to get in first, but is blocked off until Elsa opens the fog.)
Anna: Promise me, we do this together, okay?
Elsa: I promise.
(They all enter the fog...)
Kristoff: It's okay.
Olaf: Did you know that the Enchanted Forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us.
(...but the Wind Spirit pushes them out of the foggy area)
Anna: I Am Not Fast.
Anna: We're locked in. I did not see that one coming.
Elsa: This forest is beautiful!
Anna: The Dam ... It still stands. It was in GrandPabbie's visions, but why?
Kristoff: I don't know, but it's still in good shape, thank goodness.
Anna: What do you mean?
Kristoff: Well if that Dam broke, it would send a tidal wave so big, it would wash away everything on this fjord.
Anna: Everything? But.. Arendelle is on this fjord.
Kristoff: Nothing gonna to happen to Arendelle, Anna, it's gonna be fine. Come here. You know, under different circumstances, this would be a... very romantic place. Don't you think?
Anna: Different circumstances? You mean like with someone else?
Kristoff: What? No, no, I'm saying, just in case we don't make it out of here...
Anna: You don't think we're gonna make out of here?
Kristoff: No, no, I mean, no, we will make it out of here. Well, technically the odds are kinda complicated, but my point is....
(Compiled complication here)
Kristoff: - In case we die-- No! No! No, we will die at some point-- Not even any reason time will we die, but.. Way far in the future we will die....
Anna: - You think we're gonna die?! I swear that I will not leave her side! (Runs away) Elsa?
(Against Sven's advises...)
Kristoff: (frustrated) Don't patronize me.
Anna: Elsa, there you are! You okay?
Elsa: I'm fine.
Anna: Okay, good. Where's Olaf?
Olaf: Umm, Anna? Elsa? Sven? Samantha? (Laughs) I don't even know who's Samantha! (Cackles, but he gets hit by the Spirits' abilities) That's normal...
(When I am older)
(Olaf) What was that? (Gasps) Samantha?
This will all make sense when I am older.
Someday I will see that this makes sense.
One day, when I'm old and wise,
I'll think back and realize,
That these were all completely normal events.
(Shrieking) Ah!
I'll have all the answers when I'm older,
Like why we're in these dark enchanted woods.
I know in a couple of years,
these will seem like childish fears.
And so I know this isn't bad, it's good.
Excuse me.
Growing up means adapting,
Puzzling out your world and your place.
When I'm more mature, I'll feel comfortably secure,
Being watched by something with a creepy, creepy face...
(Running and screaming like crazy)
See, that will all make sense when I'm older,
So there's no need to be terrified or tense.
I'll just dream about a time,
When I'm in my age of prime.
'Cause when you're older,
Absolutely, everything makes sense!
This is fine.
Olaf: Whoa
Anna: Olaf!
Olaf: (Laughing!)
(The Wind Spirit, in the form of a tornado, picks the intruders up)
Olaf: Hey guys, meet the wind spirit!
Kristoff: (passes with the wind) Coming through!
Anna: Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick!
Olaf: I'll hold your hands, but I can't find my arms!
Elsa: (notices a branch that will hit Anna, she deflects it off, but the Wind Spirit plays with her hands vigorously) Hey! Stop.
Anna: (as her sister is contained by the Wind Spirit) Elsa! Let her go!
Kristoff: (warns Anna not to come closer) Anna, be careful!
Anna: - That's my sister!
(The Wind Spirit is finally tamed after Elsa sees some memories in the snow)
Anna: (goes to comfort her) Are you ok?
Elsa: (replies) I'm fine.
Kristoff: (mesmerized by the statues) What are these?
Anna: They look like moments in time. What's that thing you said, Olaf?
Olaf: Oh, my theory about advanced technology is both our savior and our doom?
Anna: No, not that one, the one about...
Olaf: The one about cucumbers?
Anna: No. The thing about water.
Olaf: Oh, yeah. Water has memory. The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least 4 humans and or animals before us. (The water Sven's drinking after hearing it, gets gagged out) And remembers everything. (The tamed Wind Spirit plays with its new friends) The wind's back! I think I'll name you Gale.
Kristoff: Whoa! Get outta there.
Anna: Oh, hi, are you curious.
Elsa: You're in the better mood now?
(The wind spirit guides them to the ice statue of Anna and Elsa's parents)
Anna: Father. It's father! But this girl...
Olaf: Who is she?
Kristoff: She's Northuldra.
(Horn sounding, rustling)
Anna: What was that?
Elsa: Olaf, get behind me.
Kristoff: - What are you gonna do with that?
Anna: - I have no idea.
(The Northuldran and Arendellian people confront each other between the intruders)
Honeymaren: Lower your weapons.
Mattias: - And you lower yours!
Anna: - Arandellian Soldiers?
Yelana: - Threatening my people, Lieutenant?
Mattias: - Invading my Dam space, Yelena?
Anna: (points the ice sword at Mattias) Why does that soldier looks so familiar?
Arendellian Soldier: Lieutenant!
Mattias: Get the sword!
(Both sides charge against the intruders, until Elsa lays an icy floor on their feet)
Mattias: That was magic. Did you see that?
Yelana: Of course I saw it.
Anna: You chose an ice cold greeting...
Kristoff: - They've been trapped in here this whole time?
Elsa: - What do we do now?
Olaf: I got this. Hi! I'm Olaf. (Gasps) Oh, sorry, yeah, I just find clothes restricting. Bet you're wondering who we are and why we are here. It's really quite simple. (narrating the events of Frozen) It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers, and one born powerless. Their love of snowmen, infinite. "Anna, No! Too high!" Blast! "Ow, Mama, Papa, help!" Slam! Doors shutting everywhere, sisters torn apart! Well, at least they have their parents. Their parents are dead. "Oh, I am Anna, I wanna marry a man I just met!" Elsa's gonna blow, snow, snow, ah run! Magic pulses through my snowflakes. (Gasps) I live! "Ice palace for one, ice palace for one!" "Get out Anna!" (Shooting sounds) "My heart!"
Mattias: Oh, my goodness!
Olaf (continuing): (as Grand Pabbie) "Only an act of true love can save you." (as Hans)"Here's a true love's kiss..." "You're not worth it, guess what? I'm the bad guy!"
Mattias: What?!
Olaf (continuing): And Anna freezes to death, forever.
Mattias: Oh, Anna!
Olaf (concluding): Then she unfreezes it. Oh, and then Elsa woke up the magical spirits, and we were forced out from our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past, but we don't have a clue how to do that. Except Elsa's hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?
[The crowd stares blankly]
Olaf: I think they got it.
(Elsa thaws the ice floor)
Mattias: Are you really queen of Arendelle?
Elsa: I am.
Yelana: Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?
Mattias: Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people.
Yelana: My people are innocent, we will have never attacked first.
Mattias: May the truth be found. Hi, I'm sor-, uh, what's happening?
Anna: That's it! Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You are our father's official guard.
Mattias: Agnarr. What did happened to your parents?
Anna: Our parents' ship went down in the southern sea 6 years ago.
Mattias: I see him. I see him in your faces.
Anna: - Really?
Mattias: Soldiers! We maybe getting old in years, but we're still strong. Proud to serve Arendelle.
(The Northuldran are cornered, until...)
Elsa: (Steps forward) Wait, please. Someone has called me here. If I can just find it, I believe they have the answer that may help us free this forest. Trust me, I just want to help.
Yelana: (Rejects...) We only trust nature. When nature speaks, (...when the Fire Spirit intervenes) we listen.
Olaf: (Frightened) This will all makes sense when I'm older...
Man: Fire spirit!
Man #2: Get back everyone!
Man #3: Run for the river!
(Elsa blasts ice at the Fire Spirit)
Ryder: No, no, no the reindeer! That's a dead end!
Kristoff (mounting Sven): Come on Sven, we'll get them!
Anna: Elsa, get out of there! No, no, no....
(Anna follows Elsa to the fire)
(Kristoff and Sven rescue the reindeer)
Kristoff (To Sven): Come on buddy, we can do this, hiyah!
(Reindeer follows them)
Kristoff: (Gasps) Anna!
Elsa: Get her out of here!
(Kristoff grabs Anna off the ground)
Anna: No! Elsa!
(Elsa corners the Fire Spirit to a crevice in a pile of rocks where it reveals itself to be a salamander)
(The Fire Spirit gets scared and bursts fire that go to a nearby tree)
(Elsa defuses the fire, and the Spirit walks up to her and jumps into her palms)
(The fire around the forest disappears)
( The Northuldra and Arendellian soldiers appear behind Elsa and the Spirit)
Elsa: They're all looking at us, aren't they? Got any advice? Nothing?
(The Fire Spirit licks(?) it's eye)
Elsa: Hmm. Should I know what that means?
(The voice calls again)
Elsa: You hear it too? Somebody's calling us, who is it? What do we do?
(Spirit jumps off her palms and starts walking north)
Elsa: Okay, keep going north.
Anna (Back-hugging Elsa): Elsa! Oh thank goodness.
Elsa: Anna. Are you okay? What were you doing? You could have been killed, you can't just follow me into fire.
Anna: You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. You're not being careful Elsa.
Elsa: I'm sorry, are you okay?
Anna: I've been better.
Elsa: I know what you need.
(Elsa takes Queen Iduna's scarf from Anna's pockets and wraps it around her)
Yelena: Where did you get that scarf?
Ryder: That's a Northuldra's scarf.
Anna: What?
Honeymaren: This is from one of our oldest families.
Anna: It was our mother's...
(Elsa gasps, then takes Anna to the ice/snow statue of Iduna and Agnar)
Anna: Elsa...
Elsa: I see it, it's mother.
Anna: Mother saved father's life that day.
(Crowd of Northuldra and Arendellian soldiers form around the 2(two) sisters and the statue)
Elsa: Our mother was Northuldra.
(Northuldra take each others hands and form a spiral around the sisters, singing Vuelie )
Yelena: We are called Northuldra, We are the people of the Sun.
(Northuldra let go of each others hands)
Elsa: I promise you, I will free this forest, and restore Arendelle.
Anna: That's a pretty big promise, Elsa.
Ryder: Free the forest... Wow... I'm sorry, Its just... ah, Some of us were born in here, we've never even seen the clear sky.
Kristoff: I get it.
Ryder: My name is Ryder.
Kristoff: Kristoff. (They shake hands)
Elsa: I heard the voice again. We need to go north.
Honeymaren: But the Earth Giants now roam north at night.
Yelena: You can leave in the morning.
Honeymaren: I'm Honeymaren.
Anna: Honeymaren, we'll do all we can.
Olaf (While Northuldra kids are taking his body parts and playing with them): Hey, let me ask you, how do you guys cope with the ever increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity?
(Girl takes his nose and sticks it up her nostril)
Olaf: Brilliant! It's so refreshing to talk to the youth of today. Our future is in bright hands--
(Kids takes his feet and lick/chew them)
Olaf: Oh no, no, no. Don't chew that, you don't know what I've stepped there
Kristoff: I can't seem to get her attention. Or even say the thing.
Ryder: Well, you're in luck, I know nothing about women. But I do know that we have themost amazing way of proposing, If we start now, we'll be ready at dawn.
Kristoff: Really?
Ryder: Best part, It involves a lot of reindeer.
Lt. Mattias: Hey, back at home, Halimah's still over on Hudson's Hearth?
Anna: She is.
Lt. Mattias: Really? Is she married?
Anna (shaking her head no): Mm-mm
(Anna takes a sip of her drink)
Lt. Mattias: Oh wow, why would that make me feel better?
Anna: What else do you miss?
Lt. Mattias: My father. He passed long before all this. He was a great man, Built us a good life is Arendelle, But taught me to never take the good for granted. He'd say, "Be prepared! Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you on a new path".
Anna: What do you do when it does?
Lt. Mattias: Don't give up. Take it one step at a time and...
Anna: Just do the next right thing.
Lt. Mattias: Yeah, you got it.
(Anna chuckles)
Homeymaren: I wanna show you something. (points to Iduna's scarf) May I?You know, air, fire, water and earth.
Elsa: Yes.
Honeymaren: But look, there is a fifth spirit. It's said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.
Elsa: A fifth spirit?
(Honeymaren nods)
Honeymaren: Some say, they hear it call out the day before the spell.
Elsa: My father heard it, Do you think that's who's calling me?
Honeymaren: Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows.
Elsa: Ahtohallan...
Elsa: "Dive deep into her sound"
Honeymaren&Elsa: "But not too far or you'll be drowned"
Honeymaren: Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?
Elsa: I wonder that all the time.
(ground shakes)
Honeymaren: Earth giants.
Yelena: What are they doing down here?
(Northuldra puts out fires, doors closes and Lt. Mattias shushes kids)
Honeymaren: Hide.
(Elsa hides behind a tree)
Olaf: (tries to calm the fire spirit) This is why we don't play with fire. Ah, I can't stay mad at you, you're so cute!
Anna: (after the earth Giant left) Please tell me, you are not about to follow them?
Elsa: What if I can settle them like I did with the wind with the wind and fire?
Anna: Or what if they can crush you before you even get the chance? Remember, the goal is to find the voice, find the truth, and get us home.
Olaf: Hey guys, that was close!
Elsa: I know. The Giant sensed me. They may come back here, I don't want to put everyone at risk again. And you're right, Anna, we've got to find the voice. We're going now.
Anna: Okay, were going. Let me just... Wait, where are Kristoff and Sven?
Olaf: Oh yeah, I think they took off with that Ryder guy and a bunch of reindeer.
Anna: They left? Just left without saying anything?
Olaf: Who knows the ways of men.
Kristoff: (the next morning) Am I supposed to feel this is ridiculous?
Ryder: Oh yeah, definitely.
Kristoff: Everyone ready?
Ryder: (mimicking on the reindeer) Ready. Ah, I could use a rehearsal. Hey, love, love.
Kristoff: Wait, you talk for them too?
Ryder: I do.
Kristoff: It's like you can actually hear what they're thinking?
Ryder: Yeah and you.. you just say it!
Kristoff: And then you just say it.
Ryder: (believing that it's Anna) Okay, here she comes. (The reindeer prep it up)
Kristoff: (proposes...) Princess Anna of Arendelle. My feisty, fearless, ginger sweet love. Will you marry me? (...in front of Yelana)
Yelana: Um, no. The princess left with the queen.
Kristoff: What queen? What? What?!
Yelana: I wouldn't try to follow, they're long gone.
Kristoff: Long gone?
Yelana: So, yeah. Um, we're heading west, to the Lycan Meadows, you can come with us if you want. (She left)
Ryder: Hey, um, I'm sorry.
Kristoff: No, it's fine.
Ryder: Yeah, yup. Hm, okay. I'd better go pack. You coming with?
Kristoff: I'll just ah, yeah I'll meet you there
Ryder: You know where you're going.
Kristoff: Yeah, I know the woods. (Singing the Lost in the Woods prologue) Reindeers are better than people... Sven, why is love so hard?
(Lost in the Woods prologue) Reindeers are better than people... Sven, why is love so hard?
Sven: (speaking in answer) You feel what you feel, and those feelings are real. Come on, Kristoff. Let down your guard.
Lost in the Woods
Again, you're gone
Off on a different path than mine
I'm left behind
Wondering if I should follow
You had to go
And, of course, it's always fine
I probably could catch up with you tomorrow
But is this what it feels like
To be growing apart?
When did I become the one
Who's always chasing your heart?
Now I turn around and find
I am lost in the woods
North is south, right is left
When you're gone
I'm the one who sees you home
But now I'm lost in the woods
And I don't know what path you are on
I'm lost in the woods
Up 'til now
The next step was a question of how
I never thought it was a question of whether
[Five flashbacks of the first film play]
Who am I, if I'm not your guy? Where am I, if we're not together?
[Scene switches to present]
Now I know you're my true north, 'cause I am lost in the woods
Up is down, day is night. When you're not there
Oh, you're my only landmark
So I'm lost in the woods
Wondering if you still care
But I'll wait
For a sign
(For a sign)
That I'm your path
'Cause you are mine
(You are mine)
Until then
I'm lost in the woods
(Lost in the woods
Lost in the woods
Lost in the woods)
I'm lost in the woods
(Lost in the woods
I'm lost in the woods
(Broken-hearted, Kristoff slumbers into sadness as the sisters and Olaf started to head northwards from the Northuldran village, only to find the sunken ship, which would lead clues to the mysterious voice)
[Elsa mimics the voice, trying to find it, only for Olaf to attempt it too, giving the fire spirit and Anna a near heart attack]
Anna: Hey Olaf, umm... Maybe just one of you should do it.
Olaf: I agree, she's a little pitchy. (Gale reappears, directing Elsa to the wrecked ship nearby) Hey, Gale's back!
- How can it be?
- What is it?
Mother and father's ship
But this isn't the southern sea
No, it isn't
Why their ship is here
How're their here
It must have been washed
in from the dark sea
What would it be doing in the dark sea?
I don't know
How did the ship get through the mist?
I thought nobody could but us,
Nobody was on it
There's gotta be something here
Wait, wait, look around Every Arandellian ship has a compartment, waterproof. That's very clever, although that makes me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof? Here! I don't know, but look, this is mother's handwriting! "The end of the ice age, the river found but lost Magic's source" Elsa's sources? It's a map. They traveled north, planned to cross the dark sea to... Ahtohallan - It's real? - Ahtoha- what? It's a magical river said to hold all the answers about the past. Do you reinforcing my water has a memory theory? Water has memory Elsa? I wanna know what happened to them - Ahtohallan is the source of the magic - We keep going For Elsa ... Waves are too high! Elsa! Hey hey, what are you doing? This is my fault, they were looking for answers about me. You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa. No, just their deaths. Stop. Yelana asks why would the spirit reward Arendelle with the magical queen? Because our mother saved our father. She saved her enemy! Her good deed was rewarded With you - You are a gift. - For what? If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you. I believe in you Elsa, more than anyone or anything. Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between magical nature and us - A fifth spirit? - That what's been calling me From Ahtohallan! The answers about the past are all there. So, we go to Ahtohallan? Not we, Me. The dark sea is too dangerous for us both. No, we do this together. Remember the song, "Go too far and you'll be drowned"? Who will stop you from going too far?
Elsa: You said you believed in me that this is what I was born to do.
Anna: And I don't want to stop you from that. I-I don't want to stop you from being whatever you need to be. I just don't want you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too. Don't do this alone. Let me help you, please. I can't lose you, Elsa.
Elsa: [hugs Anna tightly] I can't lose you either, Anna. [to Olaf] Come on.
[As Olaf joins in the group hug, Elsa sends Anna and Olaf away to safety on an ice boat]
Anna: Wait, what? What are you doing? Elsa!
[Elsa sadly looks on and smoking out of her ears]
No, no ... Olaf, help me stop Give me a hand! Hang on! Oh no Come on! Anna, this is might sounds crazy, but I'm - sensing some rising anger - Ah, Oh, I am angry, Olaf! - She promised me we do this together. - Yeah, but ... What I mean is I'm sensing rising anger in me - Wait, you're angry? - I think so Elsa pushed me away too and Didn't even say goodbye - And you have every right to to be very, very mad at her And you've said some things never changed, but since then Everything done's nothing but change. - I know But look I'm still here holding your hand Yeah, I think that's a good point Anna I feel better, you're such a good listener Shh, shh, shh! Look! Oh the Giants, they're huge Hang on Olaf Try not to scream Found it Thank you. Where are we? In a pit, with no way out But with this spooky pitch black way in Come on, it'll be fun Assuming we don't get stuck here forever and no one ever find us You started it and I gave up But bright side Elsa gotta be all out better than we are
Elsa: Of course..! Glaciers are rivers of ice! Ahtohallan is frozen... (Vocalizing) I hear you, and I'm coming...
Show Yourself
Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold
Something is familiar
Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold
I can sense you there
Like a friend I've always known
I'm arriving
And it feels like I am home
I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside
You have secrets, too
But you don't have to hide
Show yourself
I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been looking for
All of my life?
Show yourself
I'm ready to learn
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
I've never felt so certain
All my life I've been torn
But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born?
I have always been so different
Normal rules did not apply
Is this the day?
Are you the way
I finally find out why?
Show yourself
I'm no longer trembling
Here I am
I've come so far
You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life
Oh, show yourself
Let me see who you are
Come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more
Oh, come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more
(Choir, Iduna)
Where the north wind meets the sea
(Ah-ah, ah-ah)
There's a river
(Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Full of memory (Memory, memory)
Come, my darling, homeward bound
I am found
(Elsa and Iduna)
Show yourself
Step into the power
Grow yourself
Into something new
You are the one you've been waiting for
All of my life (All of your life)
Oh, show yourself
(Elsa, Choir)
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah
I just wasn't looking where I was going, but I'm great Actually ... Prince Hans of the Southern Isle I love you. I need to tell you about my past - And where I'm from? - I'm listening Iduna! - What are you reading, your Majesty? - Just some outdated author King Runeard, I'm sorry, I don't understand We're bringing Arendelle's full guard But they have given us no reason not to trust them The Northuldra follow magic Which means we can never trust them.
Elsa: Grandfather?
King Runeard: [in a memory] Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled, it makes them think they can defy the will of a king.
Elsa: That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted.
[King Runeard and the guard disappear through the wall. Elsa opens it with her magic and follows them down a dark tunnel.]
King Runeard: [in a memory] You see, the Dam will weaken their lands, so they will have to turn to me.
Iduna: (echo) ...and a path for you, dive down deep into her sound...
[Elsa stops at the edge of the path. Far down below is the Well of Ahtohallan, the deepest part of the glacier.]
Iduna: (echo) ...but not too far or you'll be drowned.
King Runeard: [in a memory] They will come in celebrations, and then, we will know their size and strength.
[It changes to another memory as Elsa looks on, staring down from the last safe area.]
King Runeard: [in a memory] As you have welcomed us, we welcome you. Our neighbors, our friends.
[Elsa hesitates for only a few more moments, and then she takes a leap of faith and jumps off the path. After several seconds of falling, she lands. A memory set in a peaceful, beautiful forest surrounds her. She starts shivering and breathing mist. She looks at her hands, and icy snowflakes start to form over them. She's going too far. Another part of the memory catches her attention as the pure white, icy snowflakes spread across her body.]
Northuldra Leader: [in a memory] King Runeard, the Dam isn't strengthening our waters, it's hurting the forest! It's cutting off the North--!
King Runeard: [in a memory] Let... Let's not discuss this here. Let's, meet on the fjord. Have tea, Find a solution.
[That memory stops as Elsa's hair changes from platinum blonde to pure white and the snowflakes start covering her face. Elsa looks around as she gets colder and colder. The Northuldra Leader kneels, with just a cup in his hands. King Runeard slowly approaches him from behind. Elsa looks to her right and watches as he unsheathes his sword and makes a run toward the leader.]
Elsa: No!
[Elsa tries to move forward out of disbelief, but she doesn't. Her legs are frozen to the floor by rising, dark blue ice. And it's rapidly spreading up to the rest of her body. She's gone too far. Elsa fearfully watches in horror and disbelief as her right arm freezes in place. She looks up, only barely able to do so as her lower torso freezes.]
Elsa: Anna!
[Elsa sends out a single stream of magic through her left hand. It goes up, slicing through the air. Barely a moment later, Elsa finishes freezing into an ice statue. Doomed to be frozen, stuck in a near-unreachable place. Forever.]
Which blacky tunnel do we choose?~
You see, the Dam will weaken their lands
So they will have to turn to me
King Runeard, the Dam is hurting the forest!
Elsa's found it
- What is it?
- The truth about the past
That's my grandfather
Attacking the Northuldra leader
Who wields no weapon
The Dam wasn't a gift of peace
It was a trick
But that goes against everything Arendelle stands for.
It does, doesn't it?
I know how to free the forest,
I know what we have to do,
To set things right
Why do you say that so sadly?
We have to break the Dam
But Arendelle will be flooded
That's why everyone was forced out
To protect them from
what has to be done
Are you okay?
I could really use a bright side, Olaf
The bright side, um
Turtles can breathe through their butts?
And I see a way out
I knew I can count on you
Come on, Olaf
Elsa's probably on her way back
right now, we can meet her and-
What's this? - Are you okay?
- I'm flurring?
Wait, no, that's not it
I'm flurring, away...
The magic in me is fading
I don't think Elsa is okay
I think...
She may have gone too far
No, no.
- Anna
I'm sorry
You're gonna have to do
this next part on your own
-Wait, come here
I've got you
That's good
Hey Anna
I just thought of one thing that's permanent.
-What's that?
Warm hugs?
I like warm hugs
I love you
Olaf, Elsa
What do I do now?
The Next Right Thing
I've seen dark before
But not like this
This is cold
This is empty
This is numb
The life I knew is over
The lights are out
Hello, darkness
I'm ready to succumb
I follow you around
I always have
But you've gone to a place I cannot find
This grief has a gravity
It pulls me down
But a tiny voice whispers in my mind
"You are lost, hope is gone
But you must go on
And do the next right thing"
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don't know anymore what is true
I can't find my direction, I'm all alone The only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor
When it's not you I'm rising for?
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
It is all that I can to do
The next right thing
I won't look too far ahead
It's too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath
This next step
This next choice is one that I can make
So I'll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly toward the light
And do the next right thing
And with the dawn, what comes then
When it's clear that everything will never be the same again?
Then I'll make the choice
To hear that voice
And do the next right thing
Anna: Wake up!
Anna: Wake up!!!
Anna: That's it!
Anna: Come and catch me! Come on!
Anna: Okay, that's it!
Anna: Keep coming!
Anna: That worked
Mattias: What? No, no, no, no. She's leading them to the dam!
Anna: Kristoff!
Kristoff: I'm here. What do you need?
Anna: To get to the dam!
Kristoff: You got it!
Anna: Thank you!
Anna: Help me up!
Kristoff: We'll meet you around!
Anna: Lieutenant Mathias
Mattias: Your Highness, What are you doing?
Anna: The dam must fall. It's the only way to break the mist and free the forest
Mattias: But we've sworn to protect Arendelle at all costs!
Anna: Arendelle has no future until we make this right! King Runeard betrayed everyone!
Mattias: How do you know that?
Anna: My sister gave her life, for the truth. Please, before we lose anyone else.
Anna: Destroy the Dam, come on!
Anna: Throw your boulders!
Anna: That's it
Mattias: I got her
Kristoff: Hang on
(The Elsa unfinishes freezing into an ice statue, while Flood signals to Elsa Saves Arendelle has returned the citizens of arendelle cheer.)
Anna: I'm sorry I left you behind. I was just so desperate to protect her.
Kristoff: I know, I know, it's okay. My love is not fragile.
Ryder: Look at the sky. I just didn't realize there so much of it.
Mattias: 34 years...
Yelena: 5 months...
Mattias: And 23 days.
(The reindeer move out in freedom, while Gale signals to Anna that her sister has returned)
Anna: Is it really you?
Elsa: Anna!
[Anna runs over to Elsa as she starts crying tears of joy and hugs her]
Anna: [crying] I thought I lost you.
Elsa: Lost me? You saved me, [wipes her tears away with her thumb] again.
Anna: [crying] I did?
Elsa: And, Anna, Arendelle did not fall.
Anna: [still crying] It didn't?
Elsa: The spirits all agree, Arendelle deserves to stand with you.
Anna: [sniffles] Me?
Elsa: You did what was right, for everyone.
Anna: Did you find the fifth spirit?
[Elsa smiles]
Anna: [gasps] You are the fifth spirit. You're the bridge.
Elsa: Well, actually, a bridge has two sides. And a mother had two daughters. We did this together. And we'll continue to do this together.
Anna: Together.
Kristoff: Elsa! You're okay! [runs over to Elsa and hugs her]
[At the same time, Sven runs over to her]
Kristoff: You look different. Did you cut your hair or something?
Elsa: [smiles] Or something.
Kristoff: Oh.
Elsa: Anna, I need to ask you a question
Anna: Okay
Elsa: Do you wanna build a snowman?
Anna: What?
Elsa: Thank goodness, water has memory
Olaf: Anna, Elsa Kristoff and Sven You all came back! I love a happy ending! I mean I presume we're done Or is this putting us in more dangerous situation gonna be, a regular thing?
Elsa: No, we're done
Kristoff: - Actually... There is one more thing, Anna..
Kristoff: You are the most extraordinary person I've ever known
Kristoff: I love you with all I am
Kristoff: Will you marry me?
Anna: Yes!
Anna: Arendelle's okay
Mattias: - What?
Elsa: Ahtohallan is beautiful
Elsa: Hello.
Honeymaren: You know You belong up here
Elsa: I took an oath to always do what's best for Arendelle Luckily,
Elsa: I Love You to Sisters.
Choir: Love is a song that never ends, One simple theme repeating, Like the voice Of a heavenly choir
[Anna and Elsa Joy and Hugs each other. The storybook fades in, showing the exact same scene, and is slowly closed. The storybook says "And they lived happily ever after" below the picture. Still, the dress changes its enchanted forest]
Choir: Love's sweet music Flows on
At the post-credits scene, Olaf acts out a story.
Olaf: [vocalizes the voice] (if you see someone else's name in this one, it means Olaf is impersonating them.) [Elsa] Show yourself!! RIGHT NOW! [Iduna] Elsa, be who you are. [Elsa] Oh I will Mama, I will! [normal voice] Elsa's DEAD. Olaf's DEAD. Anna cries... [talks fast] And then a bunch of important things happen that I forgot but all that matters is I was right and water has memory and thus... [gasps] I LIVE. And so do you.
[the audience is Marshmallow and little snowman]
Marshmallow: Whoa! We live! [the snowman cheer] WE LIIIIIIVE!!!! [laughs] Good story, ahh.
The End.
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gudvina · 1 year
The sea fig, ch. III, Godwin.
(third chapter, slightly shorter for now ;))
Fog crept in the towers as the city awakened. Godwin watched it slowly come to life below him, as he had done for many years since becoming AEthelred’s chief counsellor. Being there as the people roused and went about their day, almost like puppets in a play, reminded him of how different things can seem if viewed from a different perspective. Down there he’d be like them, indistinguishable in the crowds.
The centre of the town was the main object of his sight, though on the horizon he could easily distinguish the walls that protected Londinium. From up there he could see the exact place where Priest Cynleaf’s body was found, a brownish-coloured area of cobblestone where the blood couldn’t be properly washed as the only tell-tale sign of what had happened.
The first to find him had been a guard, followed by the victim’s wife. Her cries of despair had attracted the attention of the Alehouse clients, who had encircled the body. When Godwin showed up and was told of the victim’s identity, he rushed to the homestead, knowing that not a moment could be wasted.
He still remembered Queen Emma’s arrival at the scene, how her shoulders went rigid at the sight. He had been behind her, but could imagine her eyes widening as she looked at the butchered body. The Priest would have been unrecognisable had it not been for the necklace around his neck.
On the surface, the city didn’t appear particularly affected by the gruesome event, but the tension between Christians and Pagans, Danes and English alike, was tangible. It was starting slowly, with a suspicious look and voices in the streets of how the Christians were betraying the Pagans, or that the Pagans killed each other without remorse. Both branches were asking the same question- Why trust them? - and he watched the play, curious about what the next act would bring.
Sounds of footsteps he didn’t recognise pulled him away from the scenery, and turning around he saw Lady Adela. Unlike the night before, when he had seen her in the company of Princess Gytha, the woman in front of him was the perfect picture of the proper lady. Not a hair out of place, not a braid falling off, her posture as impeccable as it had been when she first crossed the halls of the Queen’s throne.
She curtsied with a nod, walking silently to stand beside him.
“M’Lady, good morning”, he acknowledged her greeting.
“Not so good of a morning for your people, Lord. My Aunt and Agnarr await you”.
He didn’t respond. It wouldn’t have been wise, and he still wasn’t used to her scrutiny. He remembered when he had first been introduced to King Aethelred, after his father’s death. How hard he had found having to withstand the Queen’s piercing stare. At the time he was but a boy, but growing up had not helped his unease with people’s eyes. How dirty they made him feel. He kept looking at the city.
The woman sighed, her breath condensing into a little cloud because of the cold temperatures.
“Why are all eyes on you?”.
Her voice was edged with curiosity, and he smiled. Though he couldn’t see her, he was resolved to avoid her stare as much as he could, he imagined her hanging from whatever he would say next.
“What are you asking, exactly?”
“You are my aunt’s right hand. Why would she suspect you, of all people?”
“Why not? Am I not but a man still? Anything could sway any man to betray their vows, as long as it’s shinier than his King’s crown.”
“I don’t think anyone to be so easily swayed from riches, my Lord. Loyalty is what has kept and keeps Normandy alive. And in this case, the betrayal wasn’t only against a King. It was against a welcomed people.”
“A people welcomed by whom, exactly?”
He heard her chuckle, almost amused by his answer.
“Oh, that’s why. You are one of them”.
Godwin knew what she meant; the Saxon Lords would have done anything to keep the Danes away from their lands. And she wasn’t wrong, though Wessex was the least of his concerns. As the sky cleared up, leaving a small ray of sun and some blue pry through the clouds, he decided he couldn’t let the Queen and Agnarr wait any longer.
A morbid curiosity spread through him, turning to see what expression the woman’s features were morphing into. She seemed to be enjoying Londinium’s clearing sky, almost as if he wasn’t there. Being able to go unseen had saved his life more than once in the past, he was used to being invisible, yet at that moment he felt a pang of disappointment hitting him.
He excused himself bowing to the lady as he headed the way to the castle, when he heard her voice.
“I’m watching you, Lord Godwin”.
She had turned to him, her threatening words spelt with a neutral tone. And he knew they should have worried him, that he shouldn’t have taken them lightly. Because Queen Emma’s eyes on him were already enough to make up for the whole city. The whole Kingdom. Yet for once he didn’t let his past shrink him away from someone’s stare, leaving him feeling like a rat. Let her watch, he thought. And with a sick satisfaction, for what he did not know, he left the towers.
While he walked towards the homestead, through the archways and the guards keeping their watch, he could still sense Lady Adela’s gaze on his skin. He was mainly engaged in predicting what the Queen would ask of him, and how he should respond. But another part of him, a small one but present nonetheless, felt like for once in his life he wasn’t the only spectator of the play that animated everything around him.
Like he was joined by someone to watch the story develop before them, and all they had to do was keep silent and watch.
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radation · 2 years
Hush you ticklish child
Lee Elsa ler iduna and agnarr
(Scenario: Elsa keeps on telling her parents that she can’t be queen even tho she is only 11… and so they prove her wrong)
Arendelle had a bright morning shining over as 8 year old Anna was visiting the local park and went over to play with some friends and had a nanny to go with her and a guard
Mean while Elsa cried in her room, hitting and kicking her bed only wishing to have a normal life but that was yet to come
Iduna heard the cries and entered the room and saw Elsa crying in her pillow, as soon as Elsa saw her mom she wiped the tears away and asked “may I help you mother” not without it sounding a little upsetting
Iduna rushed over and picked up her daughter gently as Elsa cried in her arms, “why can’t I be normal child mother” Elsa muffled as she buried her face into her mothers chest
“Oh honey, you are completely normal just a little unique, in a good way though but god gave you a gift, and besides, atleast me,you and your father get to spend some quality time right?” Iduna said with a smile
“I suppose so, but why did god give me a gift if it can also be a curse?” Elsa frowned as she looked up at her mother
“I don’t know but I do know it can also be used for the greater good” Iduna smiled
“Mother please, if anything, my powers can’t be used for the greater good and also, why bother making me, a monster, a queen? Why not make Anna queen? She’s normal” Elsa spoke in an upset tone while she crawled to lay in her pillow
“You take that back”
Elsa looked at her mom in confusion
“Take back that im a Monster? But mother it’s true”
“3” Iduna Said while holding 3 fingers up
Elsa had a worried look on her face
“2” Iduna now holding 2 fingers up
Elsa didn’t even process when she was scooped up by her mother and placed in the middle of her bed
“1” Iduna started tickling Elsa’s tummy
“ahahahAHAHAH MOHOHohothereheh STOHOHohohp” Elsa giggled
“Oh okay so should I do this instead?” Iduna smirked before lifting Elsa’s shirt and starting tickled her bare tummy with her hands
Iduna switched to her sides
“Mohohmahamhmy (mommy) nohohohoh” Elsa trying to protect her sides
“Aw, Elsa you’ve got such an adorable laugh, did you know that?” Iduna teased
Teasing never fails to make Elsa turn red and iduna knew this
“What’s wrong sweetie? something funny?”
“MOHOHOHOM DOHOHOHOHNT” Elsa screamed as she started kicking her legs when iduna started attacking her ribs
“Don’t what?”
“TIHIHICKLEHEHHEHAHAH MEHEHAHAHHAHAHAHA” poor Elsa couldn’t finish her words
“Well it’s about time you asked” iduna smiled before she blew a raspberry on her neck, Elsa screamed
“What’s going on I heard screa-“ agnarr walked in on his wife tickling their daughter
“So, what did she do” agnarr spoke in a tone that sounded like “she did something again” as he sat on the bed which made his wife give him a teasy look
“Oh nothing just someone doesn’t believe she couldn’t be a good queen and she says she’s a monster”
“ *gasp* how could you Elsa, we should definitely teach her a lesson” agnarr spoke before pinning her arms and using his beard to tickle her armpits as her mother started kissing her tummy and prodding her sides
Agnarr soon starts rubbing her beard into her ears and neck
Both agnarr and iduna stop dead in their track
“I-im sorr-“ before elsa could finish that apology she was pinned and now both parents started to kisses and blowing raspberries on her neck
With their free hand, they tickle her exposed belly, not to mention they give a few pokes to the belly button
“I am so glad I got the most ticklish daughter in the world” agnarr teased as he started tickling her hips while iduna still pinning her arms and tickle her ribs
“Yes the hips sweetie~” iduna teased
“Something wrong dear? You seem a bit jumpy?” Agnarr joked and that’s because he knew that tickling Elsa’s hips would make her jumpy
“Hehe, tickle tickle~” iduna smiled before vibrating Elsa’s ribs
“Shall we give her the last blow?”agnarr chuckled
“Ready when you are”
Together both parents blew raspberries on Elsa’s stomach and boom Elsa got a silent laughter
~5 minutes later~
“Ahe noht faihr” Elsa smiled as she sat on her fathers lap, drinking water
“Yes fair” agnarr teased and gave a poke to Elsa whom nearly spat out the water
“What you’re father and I are saying is that no matter what power you have or what you feel like, you will still be our little girl, and Elsa you’re no monster, if anything me and your father are tickle monsters that’s for sure” iduna giggles
Agnarr chuckled at her statement and looked over to see Elsa bright red as heck
“Now do you agree that you’re not a monster and you will become a great queen?” Agnarr softly said
“Y-yeah I suppose so” Elsa said, feeling her cheeks burning up red
“God I feel so embarrassed”Elsa covering her face, both parents, in sync, say “why?”
“Well, I guess because I’m ticklish” Elsa shyly said
“Honey there’s nothing to be embarrassed about being the most ticklish child in the world? Even your father is ticklish, see?” Iduna teased before give a poke into Agnarr’s armpit
Agnarr immediately let out a giggle and said “hey! That’s it” as he started tickling his wife’s stomach
“AAH! Ahahahah aghngahahrr nohohoh” iduna laughed
“Take it back”
“Ohohokaayahya ihih tahhahkeheh ihiht baahahck”
Elsa giggled at her moms reaction
“I guess, but do you honestly think I will be a good ruler?”
“Of course!” Iduna said with comfort in her eyes
A few minutes goes by and elsa later found herself sleeping between her mom and dad and soon rested, after the tickle attack that’s all she needed
~the end :3~
@oki-dokie done! I have a feeling you’ll love it (no she didn’t request it, I just decided to do it)
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
FROZEN // FROZEN 2: A day of celebration went wrong ...
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And than excalated into a powerful curse that needed to be broken:
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Yet, what happened in the Enchanted Forest 34 years before is also the ORIGIN of Anna & Elsa themselves and the REASON why magic was so easily distrusted in Arendelle, and, so, why Agnarr and Iduna reacted the way he did to Gand Pabbie's vision:
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It's both ironic and tragic how a father and a mother desire to protect their children from the repercussions of their own past made history repeat itself ... most importantly because they died trying to find a solution:
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Yet, this also constantly makes me think: with how the F2 revelations "echo" the events of F1, it would quite odd not to go in depth with the only two "pieces" of the first movie that entered in Anna & Elsa life after the death of their parents ...
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I mean, looking at what they created in Frozen 2, why should be Agnarr & Iduna past be the only thing that Anna & Elsa get to explore when ...
OLAF: Their parents are dead.
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intotheunkncnws · 2 years
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                     LACHLAN ARNADALR.
the prince of the enchanted forest and only son of elsa, lachlan is as fiery ( pun intended ) as his powers. an angry pomeranian, lachlan loves winning and hates anything less. he’s got some insecurities to work through and unbridled rage but he’s getting better. known for leaving a string of broken hearts ( and angry exes ), lachlan thought he was incapable of being loved and returning it but he’s been proven wrong. he’s very deserving of love and actually has a lot to give himself. 
inspired by : katsuki bakugo ( my hero academia ) ,  johnny storm ( fantastic four ) , five hargreeves ( umbrella academy ) ,  rei hino / sailor mars  ( sailor moon ) , damian wayne ( dc ) , amy march  ( little women )
birth name. lachlan agnarr arnadalr nicknames. spitfire date of birth.  july 7 age.    twenty-two. gender.   cis male. pronouns.  he/him. species.   human. powers.  fire abilities gifted by the fire spirit.  sexuality.  bisexual. place of birth.   arendelle, norway. current residence.   elias, california. occupation.    prince of the enchanted forest. 
height. 5'8" build. toned hair colour/style. brunette, shaggy and getting stupidly long. eye colour. green. piercings.  ears. tattoos. x. notable markings.  scars on his knuckles glasses/contacts ?  n/a. faceclaim.  charlie gillespie voiceclaim. charlie gillespie  ( x / x )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.   none. sleeping habits. sleeps like a rock. there’s no waking him up.  exercise habits. ice hockey is his outlet.  dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ?  no / no / socially.
positive traits. perfectionist, intelligent, protective, caring ... to those he likes  negative traits.   combative, competitive, insecure, easily annoyed usual mood.  annoyed. likes.  wailing on some drums, punk rock, ice hockey, being better than others, skateboards, cooking dislikes.  people who lack common sense, royal duties, being second place, being told ‘guess what’ he hates guessing just tell him, being told he’s cute because he has a baby face bad habits.  being a combative angry little shit, punching walls !!
mother.    elsa arnadalr. father.      n/a. siblings.   tzeitel arnadalr. children.   none. birth order.   youngest of two. significant other.  percy hawkins. closest friends. theo pendragon, phoenix no name & this could be you !
zodiac sign. cancer. mbti. entj temperament.   choleric. hogwarts house.   gryffindor. moral alignment.  chaotic neutral.
languages spoken.   english, northuldraian & norwegian drive ?     yes. jump start a car ?      yes. change a flat tire ?      yes.. ride a bicycle ?     no. swim ?     i mean he can .. not a fan of swimming. play an instrument ?    yes. play chess ?   no. braid hair ?   yes. tie a tie ?          no. pick a lock ?          yes. sew ?     no.
compassion.         6/10.
empathy.         5/10.
creativity.          8/10.
mental flexibility.          10/10.
passion.         8/10.
luck.         6/10.
motivation.  10/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.         10/10.
charisma.       5/10.
reflexes.          10/10.
willpower.          4/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.         8/10.
battle skill.          10/10.
initiative.     10/10.
restraint.          3/10.
strategy.       10/10.
team work.         2/10.
( pinterest, his tag, playlist. )
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Best and worst parts of F2 for you?
Best parts for me:
The MUSIC oh my stars it was so good. I love every song and all the cut ones we know about (well, “Unmeltable Me” isn’t all that great to me, but it was still cute). My favorites are still “Show Yourself” and “The Next Right Thing” but I have a greater appreciation for “Into the Unknown” now too (I ended up singing it for my last recital lol).
Anna and Elsa getting the endings I thought they deserved. Even in the 1st movie, Anna felt like the better candidate for Queen to me. Like she wanted so badly to be with the kingdom and see the people, and even though she left a stranger in charge, she took responsibility for pushing Elsa too far and went after her. Then in movie 2 she’s going all over Arendelle in the opening and does everything she can in service of her people. Even her cut song “Home” is all about wanting to give Arendelle everything she can. I’m on the side of those that felt her ascending the throne made sense. I also think Elsa fully becoming the Snow Queen/5th Spirit and having her stay in the forest was the right decision. (Also SHE’S LIVING IN THE FOREST WITH THE NORTHULDRA AND NOT ALONE IN THE GLACIER, HOW ARE SOME PEOPLE NOT GETTING THAT??) Now she can finally, truly be what she wanted in the first film - fully free to be herself. She’s not stranding herself on a mountaintop or self-isolating herself in the name of “protecting” herself/Anna, she has fully embraced her powers and can be herself entirely. And if we look at the last shot of the whole movie, she’s calm and elated. The story of the sisters ends with Elsa finally being happy.
The visuals - the animation and effects are stunning and the COSTUUUUMES oh my gosh I love the costumes. My favorite is Anna’s outfit with the cape and Elsa’s spirit dress. I still kind of wish the spirit dress was a bit more “mystical” but I’ve grown more fond of it overtime (and at least its silhouette fits in with her other dresses).
I LOVE Kristoff in this film. I’ve said it too many times but I don’t really like how Kristoff was handled in movie 1. But in THIS one omg yes please more of this. He’s so supportive of Anna through and through and just wants to make her happy. I really wish his original song hadn’t got cut, it was really fun and sweet (plus Anna being the one to propose would’ve been a nice switch). I get slightly annoyed that he just spends his B-plot trying to propose until he disappears til the end, but still, he’s much more tolerable than movie 1 “stupid girl you can’t get married to that guy you’ve only known a day oh now you’ve known me for like 2-3 suddenly i love you now kiss me”.
Worst Parts for me:
The story wanted to badly for you to forgive Agnarr and Iduna for what they did to Anna and Elsa and I just can’t. Good intentions or not, THEY were the ones that shut Anna out. THEY were the ones that allowed Pabbie to manipulate Anna’s memories. THEY were the ones that taught Elsa her powers were dangerous and had to be suppressed to the point that no one would even know she had them. The most we get is Anna telling Elsa not to blame herself for their deaths because she wasn’t responsible for their decisions. I understand why “I Seek the Truth” got cut, but I still think you could’ve re-worked it for the boat scene so that Anna could get to call them out (”another secret/and another and another/ at least you were consistent/hello Father, hello Mother”).
Going off that last point, because they wanted you to forgive Agnarr and Iduna so bad, I think the Show Yourself scene, as honestly FANTASTIC as it is for the story at that point, was stopped from its full potential of being absolutely perfect. After watching the docuseries (Into the Unknown: The Making of Frozen II) I learned the writing team went back and forth for the longest time on who the voice was going to be. At one point, the idea was that the voice was Elsa herself, like her Snow Queen/Spirit form calling to her, and when she found the voice she would merge with it to become her true self. That makes so much sense with the song! There’s this journey she takes in it where she believes she’ll find a PERSON with all of the answers to who she is, while it turns out she was searching for herself and her place in the world. So she embraces her destiny as the Fifth Spirit and fully transforms into the Snow Queen. I think it makes that one line much more powerful: “You are the one you’ve been waiting for / All of my life”. BUT that’s just my own view of it. I really want a version now (even a cover) where it’s Elsa singing with herself.
I don’t like the inconsistency of the spirits - like why is there only 1 for 3/4 of the elements but then Earth has a few? And why are they all vastly different KINDS of creatures? Earth has personified elements, water and fire have animals, air is just the wind, and the 5th spirit is a human-turned-spirit. 
I think a lot could’ve been fixed with the story if they were given an extension and kept the target audience on the kids/teens that grew up with the original Frozen instead of being told they had to tone it down for younger kids. Again, the Into the Unknown docuseries showed me how troubled production was. There was so much passion behind the making of it, but because they had such a rigorous deadline and had to appeal more to younger kids, I feel like that’s what ultimately caused the movie to suffer with its writing. The writing team clearly wanted a more mature story but had to rewrite and rewrite until they had to just finish everything without being able to iron out the creases. It’s a shame, really.
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weavefroze · 9 months
act i. the nautiloid from hell.
elsa , eldest daughter of agnarr & iduna , was born with an extreme affinity for the arcane arts , so much so that it seemed that magic wove itself into every fiber of her being. magic followed her wherever she went , manifesting itself in the ice & snow that accompanied her presence , almost without elsa even trying. it ebbed & flowed with her emotions , as did her control over it. everything she touched would turn to solid ice beneath her hands , & frost followed her every step. to contain herself was no small feat , & as such , the duke's daughter isolated herself & took to studying as much as she could , in order to learn how to control the untamed magic she carried & protect the people she cares about , namely her younger sister , anna.
by age twelve , elsa's magic had only grown stronger & more wild , & on her birthday , her father gifted her a pair of embroidered gloves , meant to put a barrier between the world & her magic. it was a gift elsa appreciated , as it allowed her a bit of freedom from the fear of freezing everything she touched , on accident or otherwise. elsa studied her father's books on magic endlessly , & when the knowledge in her father's library was not enough , she pleaded with him to allow her to study further , & he enrolled her in blackstaff to further her knowledge of the arcane , where she met gale ( @weavesick ).
meanwhile , the magic that seemed to make up elsa's entire being was also wreaking its havoc on her physical form , having influenced her appearance from birth. her skin always seemed to be covered in a thin layer of frost , cold to the touch & worst over her hands , covered by the gloves. the weave was freezing her from the inside , & she sought answers , a means to control her magic before the worst happened.
the worst happened before elsa could control her magic , the very thing she wanted to avoid. with her magic growing more unstable by the day , it was only a matter of time before she lost control entirely , lashing out with her magic & striking her sister's heart. enshrouded in frost , elsa desperately sought a cure for her sister , willing to do or trade anything to save her.
elsa's pleading drew the attention of the being who would later be her patron , offering the ability to save her sister & control of her innate magical abilities. in exchange , elsa sold her soul to a less than metaphorical devil. her sister was saved , but in response , elsa was all but banished from her childhood home when her father found out about her warlock's pact. though she saved her sister's life , elsa was cast out of her home , & returned to her schooling in waterdeep in shame.
only a few years later came the deaths of her parents , lost in a storm that claimed the lives of several others along the swords coast. heartbroken upon hearing the news from her sister , elsa left blackstaff to handle her father's estate , only leaving a letter behind for her closest friend. she returned to schooling a year later , only to find herself being shut out , & feeling all the more miserable in the wake of her parents' deaths.
all but alone in the world , elsa disappeared once again , traversing the lands , studying what she could find & keeping as much distance between herself & others for fear of hurting them. frost has climbed over her hands & forearms , & she is rarely seen without her gloves. with the aid of her warlock pact , elsa is better able to control the wild magic woven into the very fiber of her being , albeit only marginally.
far away from her home in baldur's gate , elsa was captured by the mind flayers & infected with a tadpole , something she assumed was a death sentence from all she'd learned. but when she wasn't a mindflayer within days of the nautiloid crashing , she knew something was different. not only was she alive & herself , but her magic was different , more controlled. the ice & frost still followed her wherever she went , but it was less volatile , made her less dangerous. selfishly , elsa desired no cure for the creature in her head , but didn't approve of leaning so much into the powers it offered either.
nevertheless , when reunited with her old friend , elsa decided to follow him , trusting him enough to follow him to the ends of faerun should he decide to walk it. & if a cure for the tadpole in their heads is what he sought , elsa would lend him her power.
surely , two ticking time bombs in a single group is a good idea , right ??
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winterheiress · 2 years
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annes-andromeda · 2 years
Frozen 2 Rewrite
This is definitely late, but I rewatched Frozen 2 recently and honestly? It’s a lot more disappointing than I remember. I went to watch it in the theater back in 2019 when it first came out and loved it, but I think I was mostly just caught up in the hype.
The movie is very rushed and a lot of the characters were done dirty. And of course, the deleted scenes were better than the final product.
So, I decided to do what I mostly do when I see a movie/show with wasted potential: make a rewrite! This post was also the main inspiration for this
So this is what I think could be changed to make the film a bit more coherent:
* The seasonal spirits rule over the forest alongside the elements, keeping balance within the forest. But when King Runeard killed the seasonal spirits, the elements ran rampant. Because of this, there was no balance, and the forest began to deteriorate.
* Each season works with an element: Winter and Water, Spring and Earth, Summer and Fire, and Autumn and Air. Every time a seasonal spirit passes away, an elemental spirit picks a new seasonal spirit to replace the old one.
* Elsa- Winter Spirit; powers are ice and snow
* Honeymaren- Spring Spirit; powers are plants and storms
* Ryder- Summer spirit; powers are light and heat
* Kristoff- Autumn spirit; powers are harvests and fog
* Anna is the fifth spirit and serves as the neutralizer for the other spirits. She is the physical representation of love and her powers are that of the northern lights
* Kristoff is revealed to be part Northuldra on his father’s side, which is one of the reasons he gets picked to be the Autumn spirit. Another reason is that the previous autumn spirit was the reindeer king, who fought Anna and Elsa’s grandfather in the past, and Kristoff has a connection to reindeers through Sven. He also still tries proposing to Anna, but like that one deleted scene, Anna proposes instead.
* Mattias is the one who saved Agnarr and Iduna and he was taken in by the Northuldra (basically think of the alternate opening of the movie). Throughout the film, he shows his leadership skills and aids the Northuldra in saving their home.
* The Southern Isles hold the map to the Forest, due to King Runeard brokering an alliance with them and even betraying the Northuldra alongside them. And so the group recruits Hans, who has lost his prince title because of his crimes and is now a seafarer. He takes them to the Enchanted Forest on his boat. Hans reveals how his family has mistreated him, and that only his mother and one of his brothers have actually cared for him (this is info from one of the frozen books). His kingdom mocks him and he is frowned upon indefinitely
* Ahtohallan is a place that actually holds the truth to whatever the person desires, rather than just the answers to the past.
* While Anna and Elsa look for the spirits, Kristoff and Hans help with the Northuldra alongside Mattias and Yelana. The Northuldra have actually been trying to get to Ahtohallan to look for answers to save their home, but the water spirit- aka the Nokk- has blocked their path. When Elsa arrives to Ahtohallan, the Nokk creates the tsunami that will flood Arendelle, but the kingdom has not been evacuated. So, Mattias and Hans must race against the clock to help the people of Arendelle, while Kristoff stays behind to help the Northuldra.
* The main villain is the Nokk, who Elsa must pass to get to Ahtohallan. It’s actually revealed that the water spirit was responsible for the death of Anna and Elsa’s parents, stopping them from getting to Ahtohallan to find the truth about Elsa.
* Agnarr and Iduna aren’t portrayed in a fully positive light, as they’re criticized for hiding Elsa’s powers despite Iduna living with elemental and seasonal spirits.
* In the end, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Honeymaren, and Ryder protect the forest alongside the four elements. Arendelle is evacuated and the castle gets destroyed by the flood. The Nokk has been tamed by Elsa, as she proved herself to be worthy of being the Winter Spirit. The characters help rebuild the castle, but Anna and Elsa cannot stay due to their new status as spirits. So, they leave the kingdom under the governance of Mattias, making him the new King of Arendelle.
* At first, Hans believes he’s gonna be sent back to the Southern Isles, but the gang have grown to trust him and refuse to send him back to his awful father and brothers. So, they promote him to Admiral, and he helps Mattias rule over Arendelle
This probably seems like a lot for one movie, but it’s just personal vision. Let me you what you think!
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Chapter 62 - War preparations
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all UPDATE -> Publishing cycle: every second Friday at 6:00 pm CEST dst/UTC +2:00 on (link)
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks (try to use headphones). It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting and music.
Arendelle, about three years ago...
Thord stood on the hill high above the capital and looked back at the castle. His plan had failed miserably and now the royal house had banished him. It had been a stupid plan after he found out that despite the initial success, it wasn't what he had hoped for and furthermore, it had almost cost him his life when that cave began to collapse on them. He thought back even further, to when it all began and his father was still alive, to when King Agnarr still ruled.
Thord had been just a child and his father taught him the history of the Kaskader family clan. He told him that when King Agnarr decided to marry a commoner, the uprising had been strong and he even ended up losing his seat in the royal council. He had felt betrayed and everything his father Halfdan had built for him was now lost. Not to mention that his son could not now continue the clan's legacy to eventually claim the right to the throne of Arendelle. He had lost all strength, especially since his beloved wife had been carried off by that damned epidemic. Both their son Thord was now the only hope for the clan.
It was now his descendant, whom he had to teach everything necessary while he still had the time. Thord was to complete this task one day and thus finally help the clan to its ancestral right. Thord finally swore it only a few years later as a youth on his deathbed, while most clan members had already left the kingdom to seek their fortune elsewhere. Here in Arendelle, the future looked rather bleak for them. But some still stayed behind and continued to hope for their fortune. They therefore assured Thord of their allegiance without hesitation.
Even then, his father had laid the foundation for a network of informants throughout the country, and Thord now used this while waiting for the right moment. He continued to expand it to close the last white spots on the map. But to pay these men he needed a lot of money, and with the loss of his father's good income as a royal council member, the remaining fortune required more and more.
So Thord took his father's ship, the Jarls' Pride, and made several voyages to seek allies and trading partners in other lands. This endeavor became a complete success, not only because of the new sources of income he had secured, but also because of the growing number of his followers. More than a dozen experienced men sailed with him back to the kingdom of Arendelle, to the Kaskader Mountains, his home.
In the years that followed, inhabiting the family estate only with his faithful servant and cook, he secured the entire stretch of land along the Odinsfjord, almost down to the southern sea. The few settlements along this route and deep in the mountains were loyal to him, to the prince of Kaskader, and did not even demand compensation for it. His protection and support in their concerns was enough reward for them. Thus, no stranger, especially from the capital, would be able to travel this stretch of land unnoticed without learning of it.
However, the fact that an invaluable opportunity arose for him in the process by sheer coincidence would not become apparent until several years later.
But first a plan matured in him when he learned that the castle gates were opened and two daughters of the deceased royal couple appeared to him completely unexpectedly. It was the coronation day of Elsa of Arendelle, who had just turned twenty-one, and that very night cast all of Arendelle into a deep, magical winter. The effects reached even into the Kaskader Mountains and terrified the entire population. Thord pored over every book in his library and looked through all of his father's records. He learned what he didn't already know and drew his conclusions.
So Agnarr and his wife had sealed off the castle for thirteen years precisely because one of their daughters possessed magical powers; Thord thought to himself. Instead, Agnarr had opened an office in the capital for his government work, the Royal Bureau of Foreign Affairs. The only strange thing was that their ship was never found after the devastating accident, but only some floating debris in the Dark Sea, and that in the middle of summer, when storms like this were not really to be expected there.
Thord had investigated further and found out more about the daughters of the royal couple. While he was still a teenager himself, they became known to the public and nothing out of the ordinary happened for eight years. Until one night, when the gates suddenly closed for no apparent reason. Years later and after the event of the eternal winter, Thord searched for sources of this magic and why this girl possessed it. He came across a mention of an artifact in an old document, which was said to have magical powers and to be closely connected to the royal house, even to be in its possession. Stupidly, nothing was mentioned in the document about the exact place where it was kept, but apparently not in the castle itself, as he found out later.
Thord was still young, inexperienced and wildly determined at that time. He therefore saw his only chance in personally searching the castle for clues. At first, everything went well. He managed to enter the palace and even reached the third floor unseen. But then everything went south and a goddamn living snowman discovered him in a room. After this strange but extraordinary encounter with this creature, he was captured shortly after. Thord was then taken to the Great Hall where, for the first time in his life, he was able to come face to face with the girls who had robbed him of his chance to rule Arendelle. After a brief conversation with his distant relative, the elder daughter of Agnarr, Elsa sent him to the dungeon. With luck, intelligence and skill, Thord finally managed to outwit the guards and to escape into the city.
There he waited hidden with the help of his supporters until he received the news that the royal sisters were traveling to a distant land. He did not waste a second and followed them unnoticed to their destination. The hiding place was well protected and he watched as the sisters solved the riddle and actually managed to open the entrance to the cave.
He followed them and in the end he had jubilantly even held this artifact in his own hands. But then he was bitterly disappointed when he finally tried to use it and the well-hidden cave began to collapse because of it. The embarrassment did not end there, because he owed his life to those royal sisters and their friend the ice harvester, of all people.
He realized that he had made a big mistake and should be banished from Arendelle. However, he managed to escape one more time and swore to himself that he would not forget this and would return one day in the distant future to finish his cause. But this time he was more cautious, took enough time for his research and developed great patience. His moment would come, of that he was absolutely sure.
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Now, three years later, Thord sat in the midst of Kolgrimr's men and his own followers and wondered why he had to think of this inglorious episode of his past now, at this moment of all times. Probably because his goal, towards which he had worked all his life, was now finally within reach; he guessed. He sighed and rose to his feet. It was time to plan every detail for their next performance.
Thord knew that it was only a matter of days before the arrival of the royal sisters along with their army. Kolgrimr and he had to work closely if any of them wanted to survive, more importantly, achieve their long-desired goals. By the time these two women arrive, they will be awaiting them in the shadows. Thord paced back and forth in front of the camp, analyzing in his mind all the possibilities that were known to him through books and stories, and suddenly had an inspiration. A plan was slowly maturing, but he would need some special things for it.
He approached Kolgrimr, who was not in the best of moods after all the incidents and the unsuccessful search for the ghost, as everyone here called him. But what bothered Kolgrimr even more at the moment was the successful escape of his hostages, who had been an important part of his plan. He had been furious just two hours ago, yelling at his men to redouble their efforts, until Kárral, along with his hunting companions, had to tell him that he did not have the right to treat his people this way.
He was about to threaten him, when again it was his mother who calmed him down and made him give in. Somehow both had a very strange behavior towards each other; thought Thord. Something about it was weird.
Thord absolutely had to get Kolgrimr's mind off things, because in this state, depending on how long it lasted, he would only make careless mistakes.
“Kolgrimr, let's talk. Now that we've scouted out the ambush site, I have this crazy idea I read about in a book. However, to do that we need some things and I don't know if the Northuldra even have those at all.”
“Well, let's hear it. I'm up for any good idea right now that will get me ... that will get us to success.”
Thord explained it to him and Kolgrimr was surprised and skeptical at first, but then found himself liking it and was able to confirm to Thord that the things needed were indeed available. They didn't exactly discuss it quietly and that attracted more men to join the discussion. Slowly a devilish plan took shape and they laid out the exact sequence of events and who would be deployed when and where. In the end, everyone was very confident and some went hunting afterwards. The rest of the men organized everything necessary and manufactured it as Thord described it to them.
In the afternoon everything was prepared for the big moment and Thord was now only waiting for his spy from Arendelle to come and tell them about the imminent departure of the royal army and all other details. It would give them the last opportunity to make corrections to the plan now. Besides, the place where they would strike was a quarter of a day's journey away, and the sooner they knew of the Arendelle army's departure, the sooner they could get into position there.
Thord glanced over at Kolgrimr and noticed that he was obviously as nervous as he was. Kolgrimr was much more impatient than he was, but even he realized that it would take a lot of time for the rulers in Arendelle to prepare and meet all the demands. This was also something Kolgrimr in particular was waiting for as soon as the dispatch rider from Arendelle delivered his report. But it would still take almost until noon the next day; Thord estimated.
While Thord now had enough time to think, Kolgrimr disappeared for over an hour to meditate, as he called it.
What Thord also found strange was this old woman, whom everyone here called noaidi, sitting right now in front of these four stones, drumming and chanting without using any recognizable words.
Alena was relieved that silence had finally returned. Everyone had spread out and ridden off a few hours earlier. She stayed with her people in the lávvu camp after returning from the Northuldra camp to rest. However, she wandered off at some point, accompanied by some of her people through the forest toward the other camp. When most of the riders had returned, she heard the roar of Kolgrimr. He was really angry about something, and Alena guessed why. All his men, despite their best efforts, had been unable to spot Honeymaren and Alena was more than glad.
Soon everyone quieted down again and she watched as they excitedly discussed and soon after took care of something in particular. Alena couldn't see exactly what the men were bringing up as Gyríðr came in her direction and gave her a nasty glare as soon as she noticed Alena watching everything. But Alena just grinned and let her pass without a word in the direction of Northuldra's camp. Then she turned around and walked back.
Except for a single fighter of her twenty men, she had told all the others to stay in their camp, for she saw no need for them at the moment. Now it had become afternoon, and the latter accompanied her to the sieidi. She hoped to finally be able to make her trance journey undisturbed.
She lifted her bundle from the reindeer, which was tethered nearby, grazing peacefully, and unrolled the hide. In it lay her small pot, the special guksi made from the sacred root, some reindeer bones, and wrapped in soft, thin reindeer fur her special herbal mixture. She would need fire, so she sent her man to fetch wood and instructed him to make it small for her later. In the meantime, she sorted through the herb, root and mushroom mixture, removing anything that would make the potion too strong. This time she sat right at the gateway to the entity and didn't have to fall too deeply into a trance, she was sure. Alena had sensed the power behind it the first time she tried it.
Shortly after, he brought back some dry branches, chopped them up and made a small fire out of them very close to the sieidi. Then she poured the finished mixture into the pot, dumped enough water from her leather bag into it, and placed it in the fire. She waited until it began to simmer, stirring it every now and then with one of the reindeer bones. A slightly numbing scent spread.
“What exactly are you doing,” he asked curiously, wrinkling his nose.
She had to grin when she saw that and had to think of Árnasson's reaction a few days ago.
“I make a special tea for my trance.”
“Smells pretty toxic. Are you sure you're doing the right thing?”
“Yes, I am, but if I fall over unconscious and don't move, please turn me on my side and get a healer.”
He drew in his breath deeply with concern.
“Don't worry, it won't happen to me again this time,” she laughed.
Slowly the brew seemed to be ready, as Alena could hear from the soft bubbling, so she pulled the pot from the fire with the help of two remaining branches. She waited a few more minutes and placed her bowl next to it. He sat next to her with his legs crossed, curiously watching her every move. At some point, she lifted the pot on one side and carefully let the green potion run into the guksi, while he grimaced somewhat disgustedly. She took the half-full bowl with her to the sieidi, sat down right in front of it, and drank it empty as soon as it was no longer too hot for her.
Alena saw Gyríðr standing behind a tree out of the corner of her eye. Probably the other noaidi had been secretly watching her every move. But at the moment she didn't care as long as she wasn't disturbed by her.
As soon as she started drumming and chanting her monotonous joik, she closed her eyes and it wasn't long before she fell into a deep trance. She felt the massive monoliths in front of her, could sense the power that dwelled in them, or rather the magic that penetrated through them and which source lay elsewhere, not too far from here. It seemed to Alena like a river and she let it carry her away and far up into the third spiritual plane. She didn't need her helper spirit this time, because she now knew the way almost by heart and knew quite well what she had to watch out for. She climbed higher and dove deeper into it, following that blue aura that stretched across the levels and that she had seen before recently.
Then Alena noticed a kind of center in front of her, condensing into an intense blue glow, surrounded by shimmering silver swaths, and dove in fearlessly. She was not afraid at all, because it did not feel evil or dangerous, quite the opposite. She was drawn to it and she had the impression that something or someone was already waiting for her there. The only danger was always losing herself in the spiritual planes without a helper spirit by her side. But she was not even afraid of that, because Alena instinctively felt that she was not alone here and that she would surely return to the real world afterwards.
Alena somehow knew that the contact she was looking for had already been established. She had the impression of being watched as soon as she dipped into the bright glow. But suddenly the blue faded and was replaced by green, and that in turn changed, becoming clearer and clearer, into a real landscape far below her. Alena was floating on the spot and she held her breath in shock at first, or at least that was how she automatically reacted with her spiritual body. This event was something far beyond anything she had ever experienced before as a noaidi. Something so real was not supposed to exist here. She was equally shocked and fascinated by it.
Something suddenly pulled her deeper and she also became much faster. She couldn't feel it physically, but could see it in the green hills and the rivers that raced past her. Alena didn't seem to have any weight and didn't feel any of the acceleration, which frightened her a bit. No thing could move that fast. Unless there was magic involved; she realized.
Everything physical didn't seem to exist here and Alena slowly began to like it. She watched, looked in all directions and suddenly discovered large herds of reindeer in front of her and people behind them. There were men, women and children and they all wore clothes like her on their bodies. But she raced over them so quickly before she could make out their faces.
Then the surroundings changed. The grass and rolling hills merged into a jet-black sea, and behind it loomed a great ice glacier, glowing from within and fast approaching. Above it stretched a semi-transparent, shimmering bell, perfect in shape and round like a hemisphere. Alena came frantically closer and then she was through it, braking abruptly by some invisible force and sliding slowly lower until she finally stood on a surface of ice.
Directly in front of her, only a dozen steps away, she saw a triangular entrance glowing bluish. Right there, something was now moving. No, someone; Alena corrected herself. It was a middle-aged woman coming straight towards her. A long, ornate and multi-piece cloth dress in purple, blue and black adorned her slender body. She had bright blue eyes in a friendly face and wore her long auburn hair loose over her shoulders.
Was this the spirit she had recently made contact with before the connection broke? Alena was confused and delighted in equal measure to finally meet this person. However, based on the clothing, she seemed to be of a different culture, and yet ... something about her reminded Alena of the Northuldra she had just met today. Was she a human like her?
The woman smiled and as she stood directly in front of Alena she asked, “Did you enjoy your journey here?”
Alena returned the smile, still quite excited by her experience, “Yes, very much so. Did you do this? I never thought I would ever experience something so beautiful in the three spiritual planes. I've traveled in them many times asking the gods for advice or seeking contact with the dead to learn the truth about specific events.”
“Oh, but you're not in any of those planes right now, Alena. You've only traveled through them and now you're here in the in-between world where space and time have no meaning.”
Alena's jaw dropped in surprise. So that's why; she thought. “Who are you and how do you know my name?” she asked, receiving a mysterious smirk in reply.
“I think we had met some time ago, didn't we? Unfortunately, I couldn't maintain the connection,” Alena added.
“I know, and that's why I showed you the way to the sieidi. It is much easier to get here from that location. My name is Iduna and once I was a Northuldra before I had to start a new life far from here.”
“Are you just there and traveled here as I did?”
“Alas, no, and I wish it were so. Many years ago I drowned and died in the Dark Sea during a storm. That was not far at all from here in the real world. But that's a long story that I'll be happy to tell you, if you want. As I said, time has no meaning here, or rather passes many times slower here than in the world of the living.”
That explained a lot; thought Alena, but how was that even possible? Curiosity literally overwhelmed her.
“Yes, but of course. I'd like to know everything, about you, the glacier behind you, and this strange place we're in right now.” Alena completely forgot why she had come here in the first place, but the experience was just too mind-blowing. If she didn't have to worry about the time needed to experience everything, then why not just take this opportunity?
“Alright Alena, this is going to be a long and exciting story and soon you will know why you are here. Now reach your hands to me and put them in mine. Don't be afraid of what you are about to experience. I will now take you on a journey through space and time while I tell you everything.”
As soon as Alena grasped the outstretched hands in front of her, the environment changed and they were now in a completely different place. Alena watched in fascination as they both moved from scene to scene during Iduna's narration, roaming through Iduna's old life, both with the Northuldra and in the Kingdom of Arendelle. Hours seemed to pass in the process and she slowly realized the connections and why there was no peace between these two people for a long time.
“In the beginning, I wanted nothing more than to return to the forest, to my people, but the magical mist stopped me and every other person as well. Nothing could penetrate it. The reason I sailed to Ahtohallan decades later with my husband Agnarr was because of my daughter Elsa, who had possessed magical powers since birth. I wanted to find out the reason, but only learned it when it was already too late and I didn't reach my destination alive.”
“Then what are you when you are no longer alive? A ghost that never came to rest and now must exist here forever?”
“I can't quite explain it to myself. I still have all my memories and new knowledge and experiences were added. Ahtohallan enabled me to do a lot and I could even be there when my adult Elsa transformed into the fifth spirit in the Hall of Memories. I was able to talk to her and showed her the secret of the gift Ahtohallan gave her. Elsa, together with her sister Anna, was later able to finally free the forest and my people. She was able to fully control her powers, had finally accepted them, and was even more powerful than ever before.”
“Iduna, you always say 'was.' Is she then ...”
“No, no, she's still alive and we even met recently here in the in-between world.” Iduna showed her the scene and told Alena why and how it happened and that this Kolgrimr was responsible for it. “He is also the reason why Ahtohallan is trapped now, with the help of its own magic, which it used to protect the forest and my people back then. After all, when you arrived here, you saw this magic bell that makes it impossible to penetrate. Don't ask how Kolgrimr managed it, but there is only one way to free Ahtohallan. Unfortunately, I can only observe at the moment and am not in a position to do anything myself, unless you help me and bring me the fifth spirit, my Elsa.”
“Your daughter is very beautiful, but why do you think I, of all people, could help free Ahtohallan?”
“Because you're the only one who can explain to her what to do after you learn everything from me. She is the only person who can free Ahtohallan.”
“But Elsa doesn't know me at all, only Honeymaren, and she unfortunately can't show herself right now, because Kolgrimr is looking for her and will probably kill her.”
“You have to make it somehow, Alena. Otherwise the future looks bleak and there would be no more peace in our lands.”
“But what can Elsa do without possessing her powers, as you said?”
“Once she knows the secret of the sieidi, she can make a direct connection with Ahtohallan, paving the way.”
And then Iduna told her the secret that had not been used for any fifth spirit for centuries and what exactly Alena had to do for it.
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Honeymaren slowly recovered from her injury in her hiding place. As soon as she arrived at the cave, she made herself a reasonably comfortable bed and began to search the surrounding area for dead wood for her fireplace. She couldn't take too long, however. She knew that as soon as Kolgrimr and these strangers realized what had happened the previous night, they would frantically scour the entire area to find and kill her, the mysterious ghost.
She tied the dinghy to a tree stump north of her and camouflaged it with branches and leafy twigs. No one would see it from land. Then she filled her water hose from time to time under the waterfall, fished in the sea, and slept half the day. At some point she heard shouts from higher up and from where the beach was. They were looking for her. But fortunately Kolgrimr was not there, because he could have easily sensed her in that proximity. If this had happened, she would have had to make her escape in the dinghy and row south as fast as she could. But all was well and she continued to be safe in the little cave.
How was Alena doing now; she wondered. She was now completely alone and Árnason was already halfway to Arendelle. Honeymaren hoped that she would be able to perform her ritual as planned and that she would be respected as a noaidi in the process. But she could not be sure, for Kolgrimr had surely already discovered the boy in the guardians' minds and drawn his conclusions.
Honeymaren bit her lower lip. Actually, she should have thought of it before, and now she had possibly put Alena in danger by doing so. She sighed. It will be all right, she hoped, and lay down again on the moss-padded blanket. The small fire beside her crackled softly, but was largely drowned out by the sound of the waterfall. The steady rush and splash lulled her and she soon fell back to sleep. She thought of Elsa and dreamed of her experiences in Arendelle.
Árnason had become sick to his stomach after some time at sea and he finally had to throw up over the railing, like many others on board. Honeymaren had unfortunately been absolutely right; he thought to himself as he ran the back of his hand over his mouth and took a deep breath. This up and down and back and forth rocking his stomach had not tolerated at all. He looked around and saw the chalky faces of those who felt the same way. He probably just looked like that himself; he thought.
Slowly, he shimmied toward the quarterdeck to take a few sips of water from the barrel. In the beginning, everything had started well when they left the dinghy with Honeymaren in it behind them and slowly picked up speed. He still had her face clear in his mind's eye as she waved goodbye to them. The captain or mate, which is what he actually was, gave them the commands of what to do and how to do it to set part of the sails. He had announced to them all that for safety reasons they would not sail through the relatively narrow fjord, which also held a steep turn. Instead, they would sail the long way west past Vestvidda, with sufficient safe distance to the island.
Árnason had quickly realized that most of the people here had never seen this island up close, certainly not from the western side. Many therefore stood at the railing in the beautiful weather and looked with interest over to the heavily forested island, with towering mountains behind the tree line. No one was sleeping below deck now, so all the women and children were up here now. The kids liked it so much that they frolicked all over the place and played catch me around the main mast. The kids liked it so much that they frolicked all over the place and played catch me around the main mast. At least until the experienced seaman and executive assistant to the mate put a stop to them and instead told them and the others standing at the railing an exciting story about this island. Árnason listened attentively.
“What you see here is Vestvidda, a legendary and uninhabited plateau, at least what is known or thought to be known about it. Some say Aren the Great himself climbed the highest mountain up there after swimming across the lake in front of it. I'm sure you all know the legend about him. When he freed the sun, he received his shimmering, curved sword and used it to form the land and the fjord that has borne his name ever since. The mountain was therefore later called Aren's Peak. You must know that it is a very ancient myth, as old as the kingdom itself, after the first settlers arrived with ships and took possession of the land. The plateau is not accessible from any side and you must climb for a very long time to get up there. So it is not entirely without danger, and many who nevertheless attempted it lost their lives when they fell several hundred metres into the depths, hit projecting rocks or the wild spray of the sea and drowned.” From the sea, all that could be seen were the tops of the trees and some mountain slopes beyond, with an imposing peak to the south, the aforementioned Aren's Peak. Some large waterfalls rushed down, creating a fine mist in the sunlight, in which a beautiful rainbow was just forming. Árnason was fascinated by this beautiful sight and continued to listen to the sailor. He learned that for the port of Arendelle and the city, this rocky colossus was above all a bulwark against the fierce storms on the Dark Sea and provided the inhabitants with a very pleasant climate all over the year. “Here, off the sea-swept coast to the west, there are also three rocky islands, long and scarcely overgrown, which we shall soon reach. Many seabirds and gulls circle around them and build their nests in rocky caves on the sheltered eastern side of them. That's why these islands are called the Bird Islands.” That was when the sea was still calm and everyone on board could enjoy the ride, but the swell got heavier sometime after an hour or two, and he felt his stomach turn at that. The water had obviously done him good and he was already thinking that he would hold out until the finish. But then, unfortunately, the wind suddenly shifted to a headwind and the mate cursed loudly above deck shortly after, because his sailing crew, consisting of inexperienced peasants, were not carrying out his commands properly and were not turning the sails to the middle of the ship correctly. The hauling close did not want to work the way he just needed it to in order to stay on course.
Not to mention that they now had to set more sail to pick up enough speed for the coming maneuvers. And that was taking him too long. Árnason had to lend a hand while the women took their children back below deck for safety's sake.
Sailing against the wind was no easy matter, and the mate had his hands full using the rudder to direct some of the power in the direction of travel onto the keel. If the crew was experienced, they could sail harder into the wind, and the Jarls' Pride was perfectly capable of that. But the zigzag course, the tacking, became longer and longer, and therefore, unfortunately, the way to Arendelle lengthened.
If this continued, they would have to drop anchor in shallower waters shortly after Vestvidda and wait for a fresh breeze until the next morning. At least if his current gut feeling was correct. It would be a long and very tiring day for all of them and he could only hope that everyone would hold out. In any case, another change of wind direction was not to be expected. Well, at least the farmers were used to hard physical work; went through his mind.
Unfortunately, the only experienced sailor and almost carpenter on board was the only one who could help him at all with this crew. But finally it was done at some point, the remaining sails were set and correctly aligned. The danger of drifting was averted. Now everyone had to follow his commands to the word in order to sail this zigzag course successfully, and in the next few hours they would have to tack a few more times.
Meanwhile, in the castle of Arendelle, Kristoff walked to the stables to visit Sven. The castle courtyard was currently very busy and it was not exactly quiet when the royal guard followed the instructions of their captain. Men were running back and forth all over the battlements, carrying all sorts of weapons that were expendable and carrying them down the stairs to be loaded onto one of the three covered wagons. While others walked to and from between the castle and the rear courtyard, fully loaded with all sorts of supplies for rations. Kristoff wandered along the weir wall so as not to be in anyone's way, while he watched the activity around him in amazement.
When he arrived at the stables, even there the bustle was somewhat noticeable as the horses were prepared and some were shod with new horseshoes. Saddles were being fixed, feed was being stowed in bags, and the animals were being groomed and cared for. Kristoff's wagon and Sven were tucked behind one of the front stable doors, and his reindeer immediately greeted him happily as he entered.
Kristoff scratched his fur between his ears. “Hi buddy. Sorry I've been around so little lately. I hope the stable boy has been taking good care of you,” he mused.
Sven sensed that something was on his friend's mind and looked at him accordingly, sadly. He made a mooching noise and nudged Kristoff's chest with his muzzle.
“Yes, Sven, I can't fool you, can I? You can tell right away when my mood isn't at its best.” He sighed loudly. “Can you believe I'm now officially Anna's prince consort?”
Sven bounced back and forth joyfully, but stopped immediately when he looked at the sad face in front of him.
“Well, what can I tell you, buddy, it was ... rushed and kind of ... loveless. There were only six of us, no guests, no music, no wedding attire to match, and no dignity whatsoever like I had hoped for this big moment. Look, we didn't even had time to pick out real wedding rings together beforehand,” Kristoff held up his hand with the ring in front of Sven, “instead we had to use the engagement rings.”
Sven gave him a deathly sad look and sniffled.
“Hey, Kristoff, my buddy,” a familiar voice suddenly called from the doorway.
Kristoff turned around startled to see Ryder coming toward him with Indu in tow, grinning broadly. He slapped him on the shoulder with a proud look as they reached him. Indu nodded at him with a smile.
“I just heard the great news. Congratulations, you are now king.”
“Prince consort, Ryder, not king,” Kristoff replied with an unchanging expression.
“Hey, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you rejoicing and looking so gobsmacked?”
Then he told Ryder what he considered the saddest story of his life, and his buddy's smile evaporated within moments.
“Hey, don't be so gloomy and harsh to Anna for what just happened. She deeply loves you and more, Anna has such a deep faith in you as you can’t imagine. She need someone who can be in charge while she is gone. Besides, you could call this ceremony a rehearsal before the main event, if I understood you correctly from what your wife said to you before, that the real wedding will be after the liberation of our home. So don't fret. As soon as she returns, you'll make up for it with a loud roar.”
“And what if something bad happens to her before then? What if she doesn't survive the coming battle, Ryder? What then? I can't live without her!” A tear rolled down his cheek at this notion.
Ryder took him in his arms and comforted him. “You can't even think about something like that, Kristoff. Be optimistic! She'll come back to you, believe me. Come, let's go to the castle garden and dangle our legs in the cool water for a bit on the jetty. I could send Indu to the kitchen and have them bring us something tasty, what do you think?” he said, holding Kristoff at a bit of a distance to look him in the face with a grin. “Well?” He shook him gently. “Come on ... smile again.”
Kristoff finally nodded, “All right, sounds pretty good.”
“Well come on then, let's go and enjoy the nice weather at the harbor. Indu, could you please ...”
“Sure. Any special requests?” replied Indu immediately.
“Hmm, how about some wine and chocolate?” said Ryder, nudging Kristoff with his shoulder grinning.
When Kristoff agreed, smiling slightly, Ryder was pleased with himself for helping his best buddy get back on his feet a bit, and they strolled out of the stable together. However, not before Kristoff turned around once more and gestured to Sven with his index finger to accompany them. Sven didn't hesitate for a second and jumped after them.
The Northuldra in the castle wanted to make themselves useful and help out wherever they could, as soon as Yelana had told them the most important decisions about the upcoming war. All of them were both happy to have a useful task now and to hear that Kolgrimr would finally be stopped.
But Yelena had mixed feelings. Certainly, she was glad that Arendelle finally came to the aid of her people in these dark times. That had been the main reason for her journey to the capital so many days ago. But still, she was afraid that Kolgrimr would be responsible for killing more innocent people from Arendelle and her own people in the upcoming conflict. And now that the war was about to begin, Elsa and Anna, both of whom were the daughters of Iduna and thus half Northuldra, would also find themselves in imminent danger. Yelana could do nothing to help them, but she prayed to her gods that nothing would happen to them, nor to anyone else on the battlefield who accompanied them there.
Meanwhile, Myrtha occasionally checked on the condition of the farmer Erick, who was doing much better. But after a short visit, the doctor had advised him to rest one more day.
Halima, on the other hand, was restlessly walking through the castle and was very worried about her fiancé after hearing about the recent developments. Mattias was so busy at the moment that they hardly saw each other. But at least Elin was doing well, spending most of her time with Olaf and diligently learning to read with him.
When Olaf heard about the word war and what was happening inside and outside the castle, he had to look up what it meant. He was very frightened by it and did not even dare to imagine the consequences. He closed the dictionary and put it back on the shelf. He took it upon himself not to let Elin know about it. The last time he saw her was sitting in her room in front of an open picture book about animals, playing with her doll and explaining everything to her. He made his way to her room, she was no longer there when he knocked on the door and entered.
I wonder if she was out with Halima. He walked down the halls and finally saw Halima coming toward him alone at the end of a long hallway.
“Hello, Olaf,” she said as they came together, “how's your studying going with Elin?”
“Hello, Halima. Quite well, I'd say. She's learning quite quickly and her writing is getting better too. I'm on the lookout for her right now.”
“You left her alone and she left her room?” she asked, concerned.
“I just went to the library for a minute. She can't be out for long and I'm sure I'll find her soon, don't worry. Nothing can happen to her here in the castle, after all.”
“Yes, that's probably true, but still. You know what? I'll help look here on the third floor and you down on the second. I'll meet you in the room later.”
“That sounds good. I'll see you then.”
They parted and he descended the next staircase down. He walked down the corridors, past the council chamber and around the next corner, passing the royal bedroom and the room beyond, where Kai slept at night, but there was no sign of Elin. Where was she; he wondered. He stopped and thought.
“Gotcha!” a girl's voice surprisingly called behind him, touching his shoulder and laughing loudly.
Olaf squeaked in fright and opened his mouth and eyes wide. Then he turned around to face her.
“Elin, you gave me a total fright! Where did you come from so suddenly? I've searched all over here and haven't seen you anywhere. Halima is already upstairs looking for you, too.”
“I was bored, so I looked for you ... and found you.” She laughed again. “Come on, let's play hide and seek. I'll start, okay?”
“But I was just looking for you already.”
“And I found you and high-fived you, so now it's my turn to hide.”
Olaf sighed, “Alright, but not too long. We don't want to keep Halima waiting.”
“Alright. Stand against that wall there, close your eyes and count to a hundred.”
“That's way too long, you could be all over the castle by now, Elin. I'll count to twenty and you stay on this floor, all right?”
“Alright. Now, let's go.”
Olaf did as she said and counted to twenty fairly quickly. Then he searched. She couldn't be far yet, and he hadn't heard any doors. He ran down the corridor as fast as he could, but she had disappeared once again. How did she do that? All the doors were locked and there was nothing for her to crouch behind. Olaf stopped and scratched his head, as he sometimes saw servants do when they wondered about something.
He stood at the turnoff to the next corridor and looked all around. He listened and heard a soft chuckle behind him. He whirled around, but Elin wasn't there. Slowly he wondered if she had the ability to turn invisible, as he had recently read in an exciting story. As he continued slowly in that direction, he unconsciously ran his twig hand along the wallpaper. And then he felt it before he saw it. There was a small crack in the wall. A door! So well camouflaged and just as wallpapered as the walls around it, that you couldn't spot it unless you knew what to look for. A small keyhole had been skillfully integrated into one of the patterns.
He pressed against it and it popped open at that point with a soft click inward. Immediately he saw Elin, laughing, run off down the short hallway and turn a corner. He hurried after her and almost collided with her because she suddenly stopped behind the corner as if rooted to the spot and looked ahead fearfully.
Two elite guards in purple uniform stood with Arendelle swords to the left and right of a tall, ornate door. A small window to the left of the hallway, which showed unplastered bare brick, let in light from outside. Opposite were some torch holders and above them on the high ceiling sloping outward were wooden beams. This had to be one of the older areas of the castle; Olaf concluded.
“Stop, there! What are you doing here? No one is allowed to enter here without permission from their highnesses,” one of them shouted as soon as they were spotted and both guards immediately approached them threateningly. Elin took a step backwards and bumped into Olaf, who quite automatically wrapped his two arms around her while looking ahead in complete amazement. And I thought I knew the castle inside out, he mused.
But before the guards reached them, the door at their backs opened and Elsa stepped out, closely followed by Anna with a book in her left hand.
“Olaf, Elin! How in the world did you get in here?” she asked, puzzled. “Guards, let them through, it's okay for once,” she called.
The two stopped and turned to her. “At your command, your highness,” they both said as if from the same mouth.
“Olaf, you really are always good for surprises,” Anna exclaimed. “How on earth did you manage that?”
“It wasn't me, it was Elin. We were just playing hide and seek. Where are we? I don't even know this part of the castle yet.”
“And you have to to keep it in that way, do you understand?” said Anna, “You've just discovered a secret that only the rulers of Arendelle have known since this castle was built. You are standing here in front of the Hall of Royal Ornaments.”
“May we enter?” asked Elin, jumping up and down excitedly. The sisters had already expected this and exchanged a meaningful look. For children, a secret was always something to explore until it was revealed. Until Elin had seen what was behind that door, she certainly wouldn't give up so quickly and would keep trying.
“All right, but this is a huge exception, yes?” said Elsa. “Well, come on then.”
As Olaf and the little girl entered the long room, they looked around in amazement as the sisters led them deeper and deeper inside. The two guards closed the door behind them. Three small windows at chest height lit up the high room, where half a dozen glazed pedestals stood. In them, on velvet cushions, lay the crowns and tiaras of Arendelle's previous queens and kings. The scepter and orb were also in one of them. Elin walked enthusiastically from one pedestal to the next, admiring the sparkling treasures.
Opposite were shelves filled to the top with documents and books, most of them quite old-looking. In front of them was a sliding ladder. This was something Olaf was immediately interested in and he curiously stepped closer. Between the shelves stood old, but highly polished armor and all kinds of weapons from different generations hung on the walls behind it and also shields with Arendelle's crocus symbol on them. Everything looked hardly used and very well kept.
From the ceiling hung a large chandelier on a chain that was hung on a hook on the wall. Everything here radiated a mystery that very few knew.
“Come over here, you two,” Elsa said, crouching down as Elin and Olaf stood before her. “You must promise me now, on your honor, that you will tell absolutely no one about this room and what is in it. Not even about the secret passage and how to find it and get in. You must now swear this to me and Anna, your queen.” She held up her little finger in front of Elin and put her other hand on her heart. The girl immediately understood the gesture and mimicked Elsa. While hooking her own little finger, she said loud and clear, “I swear.”
“And now you, Olaf.”
“But this time you really have to keep the promise and not try to borrow books again as you did in the other secret library,” Anna added with a serious face.
Olaf looked up at her. “I promise, Anna.” Then he imitated Elin, but instead grasped Elsa's little finger and said with his other twig hand on his top button, “I swear ... most solemnly.”
“Good, you may look around before we all have to leave again. Time is short, after all,” Elsa said as she stood up and grabbed the book she had placed on one of the glass cases earlier.
Olaf and Elin looked at everything together again, while Elsa spoke quietly to Anna.
“I'm really looking forward to seeing what we'll find in Peterssen's book.”
“So am I, believe me.”
Remark: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know, except you are already tagged :-)
Important note: Starting from this chapter i need to change the publishing cycle of the future chapters. That’s mainly because life came inbetween, not only for me but also for my friend and betareader HeinrichVSA. I apologize for this circumstances and that you have to wait one week longer for the next chapter. The drawing of Thord is taken out of the Disney comic ‘The LurThief’ and edited into a winterly view of Arendelle.
Tagging: @karma26 @true--north @annaofthenorthernlights @the-fifth-spirit-elsa @dronning-formynder05
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Chapter 20! Since school ended I write vigorously all day. @gyubby99
Elsa retracted the ice from the floor. "Are you really queen of Arendelle?" The soldier asked. "I am," Elsa replied proudly, Jack looked at her and smiled. "I don't understand. Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?" The older woman spoke as she made her way to the group. "Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people," the man shot back. "My people are innocent. We wouldve never attacked first!" The woman replied. "May the truth be found," he stated. Beside him Anna held up her hands to form a square around his face. "Uh.. hi. I'm sorry-uhh what's happening?" He asked. "That's it!" Anna exclaimed, lowering her hands. "Luitennant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left! You were our fathers official guard!" Anna stated. "Agnarr.... what did happen to your parents?" Mattias asked. "Our parents ship went down in the southern sea six years ago," Anna muttered. Elsa took her hand. "I see him. I see him in your faces," Mattias smiled. Elsa looked at Anna and the two sisters smiled as well. "Soldiers! We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong, and proud to serve Arendelle," Mattias stated as he and the soldiers made their way to protect Elsa and Anna. "Elsa this is getting out of hand," Jack muttered as he spotted the fear on the northuldra's faces. "Wait. Please. Someone has called me here," Elsa started. The soldiers stood down. "If I can just find them I believe they have the answers that may help us free this forest, trust me! I just want to help," Elsa explained. "We only trust nature," yelena spoke. "When nature speaks-" fire blossomed on one of the trees. "We listen," she finished. Fire spread throughout, it was purple, not natural and people were shouting warnings to move out of the way. Elsa and Jack began using their powers to stop the fire. Jack and Elsa slowly parted as they did, moving to different areas. Elsa chose to run after the source if the fire. "Elsa! Get out of there!" Anna yelled as she spotted Elsa. Jack turned to where Anna looked, seeing Elsa surrounded by fire. "Elsa!" He yelled,"Elsa there's too much we have to run!" He finished, but elsa didn't hear him. "No no no," Anna muttered before running in after her. Jack ran after Anna. "Anna no!" He yelled. Does she have a death wish? He thought to himself. Elsa continued putting out a patch of fire, but ran deeper into the flames. "Elsa!" Anna yelled. She put her coat over her mouth so she wouldn't suffocate, but it didn't work, Anna coughed and coughed as she slowly got weaker. "Anna!" Kristoff yelled. Elsa's eyes widened and she turned to see Anna hunched over. With all her power she put out the fire around the two girls. "Get her out of here!" Elsa yelled. Kristoff picked Anna up, carrying her to safety. "Elsa! There it goes!" Jack shouted. Elsa turned to the source of the fires. Elsa ran after it, attempting to trap it in ice but failing until it trapped itself by a stone. As Elsa was about to freeze it, she stopped, the fire around it died down and a small lizard was revealed in its place. Elsa kneeled down to it and held out her hand. The animal slowly approached her and stood there, the coldness of her hands making it happy. Elsa giggled before making tiny snowflakes for the lizard.
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true--north · 2 years
Beware of The Spoilers
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The Polar Nights Quotes: Elsa
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As a huge fan of Frozen 2 Elsa, in The Polar Nights I found her not so epic powerful as I expected. Probably she took a break :} It was only two month since the end of F2 before this Frozen Zombie Apocalypse happened. But still I liked her chapters, her calm concentration on studying magic.
Of course, Elsa visits Anna and continues to be her friend:
"Even now, when they lived apart, both tried to find time to be together."
"It's the sisters time!"
"There was something special about the time she spent alone with her elder sister."
Elsa works with memories, learning to summon them in any place, not just from water being in the needed place. But she can't revive memories from a flowing river because the water is not the same constantly changing. Also she "learned a lot from the Spirits". In the book Elsa acts more in the role of the Keeper of the Memory of the World.
"All week I've been working on new ways to awaken Ahtohallan's memories. I've learned so many amazing things..."
"The time I spend with Ahtohallan ..." Elsa paused, unable to find words to describe the delight of getting to know the secrets of the Magical River. "This is a genuine magic!"
She really loves her parents, constantly thinking about them, watching all memories about them, feeling Iduna's perfume in her room. She chose her(previously the parents') bedroom because of this–to be closer to their memory. Iduna's face is on every wall of the Glacier. I find their undying true love very touching.
"Ahtohallan herself was the mother, the Mother of All Spirits. Therefore, she often showed Elsa memories of her mother to please her. The girl perfectly understood that these were memories from the past, because the queen had died a long time ago, but her heart still rejoiced at the sight of her beloved face. Mother didn't just give her life. She loved her unconditionally and believed that she was a gift, not a curse."
"The Forest and the Spirits are lucky they have you."
Elsa evokes the Spirits by singing, and memories by the power of thoughts. Also she sings to Ahtohallan and Iduna.
"Ahtohallan became home for her. She was always calm there. The icy arches of the caves protected her from all the troubles of the outside world."
Gale misses Iduna and likes to whirl around her statue.
Bruni visited Arendelle. Nokk can shine in the dark. Elsa likes Sven.
"Once she dreamed of getting rid of her magic, and now the thought that she could lose it terrified her."
Thinking about Arendelle and the Forest:
"Elsa got the best from the both worlds."
"Even though Arendelle once seemed like a prison to her, in the end, thanks to Ahtohallan's memories and her sister's care, Elsa learned to love Arendelle again. Of course, it was still better for her in the free spaces-where she was able to be the one with Nature and the Spirits together, where she was able to really "let it go."
"She wanted to show that she was worthy of her gift."
The citizens accepted her decision to leave well, she declared about it in public.
"They let her go easily, and that's why she didn't seem like leave them."
"In three years, she gave Arendelle everything she could. It's time for her to live for herself."
"You've got it all wrong!" pleaded Anna Draugr. "Elsa didn't want to be a queen herself!"
The memories about Agnarr:
"Elsa saw the fear in her father's eyes when he realized that his daughter's magical abilities were growing. That didn't mean he didn't love her. He sincerely believed that he was doing the right thing. But Agnarr himself also grew up among secrets. Life has taught him to adhere to the terrible rule of Conceal, Don't feel. He gave it to his daughter, thinking that this would help her become a worthy queen. Did he approve of her giving the crown to Anna? Deep down, she believed he would approve. He would do anything in the world to make his girls happy. And now she's really happy. She lived in the Enchanted Forest, free from fears and constant guilt. Now she had everything she wanted."
Elsa believes that she has not always been a good sister (because of Marshmallow and the years after the death of the parents.) She thinks that Anna's love saved her, is very grateful to her, and wants to create a sea of new memories for them all.
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the-blue-fairie · 3 years
Elsa’s scars are because of a complex interplay between the pain of the accident AND the pain of her upbringing thereafter.
I talk about the ways  in which the trolls’, Agnarr’s, and Iduna’s choices negatively impact Elsa and Anna a great deal. It’s a complex subject to discuss - and I feel like I’m always returning to it because the fandom often tries to reduce it to black and white.
On the one hand, there are people in the fandom who vehemently dislike Agnarr and Iduna and portray them very negatively.
On the other hand, there are people who love Agnarr and Iduna and try to defend their every action, even when their actions hurt their daughters.
And... the trolls don’t usually get brought up at all. I mean, there are definitely folks who point out that the trolls are to blame for stoking the whole royal family’s fears... but I don’t think people can see their pain as easily in the abstract magical characters’ actions, so they just don’t dwell on them as much.
In my opinion, both extremes are approaching the matter in the wrong way. I don’t agree with people who hate Agnarr and Iduna. I don’t agree with people who paint them simply as abusive parents. In both the first film and the second, Agnarr and Iduna are good people trying to do their best in a painful situation. BUT, at the same time, their parents’ actions and the trolls’ actions hurt both of the sisters - and I feel like, when people bend over backwards to defend their actions, people ignore the hurt they caused.
AND, in some ways, I feel like the second film encourages this black and white thinking. The second film WANTS viewers to ignore the negative ramifications of the trolls’ and the parents’ actions. That’s why the film proper never discusses Agnarr’s and Iduna’s or the trolls’ actions while the sisters were children - opting instead for the tie-in book Dangerous Secrets to discuss those events... a tie-in book that, however well-written, will only reach a select audience while the films will reach a far wider audience.
This bothers me because it usually means I see people ignoring many of the external forces that caused Elsa to grow into who she is as a character.
In some cases, these are people who simply treat Elsa like a bad person because they ignore all the context that informs why she behaves like she does.
BUT, at the same time, I have friends who are deeply sympathetic to Elsa... but can’t seem to process how deeply Elsa’s upbringing informed who she grew up to be. 
Like, I’ve had long discussions with friends who have told me that, if Elsa was raised differently, she would still grow up the same because her trauma comes from the accident.
I feel this represents a gross misunderstanding of how child development works.
Yes, Elsa was devastated by the accident. But consider her actions and body language immediately thereafter:
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Her first instinct is to run to Anna and hold her in her arms. Even after her parents coming rushing in and her father asks what she has done, she defends herself, saying, “It was an accident. I’m sorry, Anna.” She still holds Anna close:
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Elsa has to be taught to recoil, to shrink away, to keep her distance from Anna.
Elsa’s fear is learned. We only see her truly starting the pattern of shrinking away, of curling inside herself with fear of herself after Pabbie shows her an ominous vision, telling her there is “danger” in her powers.
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A fear of herself that continues thereafter, after she has processed that she is and so begins to see herself as a danger:
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Yes, the accident itself scarred Elsa. But to say that, “If Elsa was raised differently, things would have turned out the same because her trauma emerges from the accident” is simply wrong. 
Elsa was a child being influenced by adult authority figures who ultimately failed her.
Pabbie igniting a vague and fiery vision of danger before an impressionable child influenced her, helped to cement the idea in Elsa that she is naturally dangerous.
Agnarr and Iduna separating the sisters reinforces to Elsa that there is something wrong in her - something she has to repress.
Keep in mind, I’m NOT saying this to demonize Agnarr and Iduna. As this moment shows, they are heartbroken the more Elsa shrinks from them. They love their daughter, and hate to see her hurting like this: 
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BUT that doesn’t change the fact that their actions helped to hurt her. Inadvertently, I know. But they still did.
To ignore the influence of the adult authority figures on who Elsa became is to ignore the complexity of how children interact with the world, how they respond to elders who are in positions of power. Elsa trusts the signals given by the adults around her. When Pabbie tells her there is “great danger” in her powers, she believes him. When her parents tell her that it is a necessity that she isolate herself and conceal herself, she trusts them.
Sometimes, certain people make much of the nuances of Pabbie’s words  or Agnarr’s words. They point out that Pabbie also says there is beauty in Elsa’s powers and that “Fear will be your enemy” also refers to Elsa’s inner fear of herself. They comment that “Conceal it, don’t feel it” is not the same as “Conceal, don’t feel.”
The thing is, these readings put the blame on Elsa for misunderstanding - instead of putting the blame on the adults for inadvertently imparting hurtful messages to a child.
It shouldn’t be placed on the shoulders of a child to decipher a cryptically worded aphorism. It should be on the adult figure, especially when this adult figure is an ancient and wise being.
And really, for all the distinctions between “Conceal it, don’t feel it” and “Conceal, don’t feel,” their essence is still the same. The misguidedness of concealment, of not feeling something that is a part of you, is still rooted in the words regardless of which version we choose.
 Elsa, as a child, was still told by the adults around her that she should keep her distance from others for their protection and so, as she grew older, she took that more and more to heart. She grew into what she had been taught - even though the teaching initially came from a good-hearted place.
Sometimes, I’ve had my friends ask me, “But by putting all this focus on Elsa’s influences growing up, are you sure you’re not losing focus on the pain Elsa feels because of the accident itself?” And... no, I’m not. That’s why the title of my post is, “Elsa’s scars are because of a complex interplay between the pain of the accident AND the pain of her upbringing thereafter.” Because I WANT this post to be a nuanced reflection.
But... if Pabbie hadn’t shown a vague and terrifying vision to and impressionable child and her frightened family... you can’t tell me things would have been the same.
If Iduna and Agnarr hadn’t limited Elsa’s contact with people, you can’t tell me things would have been the same.
A friend once pointed to the trail of ice Elsa makes on the journey to the Valley of the Living Rock, arguing that this shows Elsa’s loss of control and panic before Pabbie stresses that she is dangerous - and therefore arguing that this highlights that things would still turn out the same for Elsa growing up even if the trolls and her parents made different choices because she fears what she can do:
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I feel my friend’s reading here is... a bit of a stretch. Elsa is scared, yes, but the self-hatred that defines her as an adult? That comes later. That, she has to learn. And it is that self-hatred and fear of herself that paralyzes her.
And I’ve had friends point out, “But Elsa WAS dangerous! She DID hurt Anna, and that’s tied into her stress with wanting to protect her, and that was before the trolls or her parents had any involvement...”
I don’t like this take because it seems to put an impossible amount of weight on Elsa as a child. It asks Elsa as a child to be perfectly composed. To not be scared for her sister’s safety. To... not feel.
It’s a take that follows the misguided logic the film ultimately refutes while defending the mistakes that caused that misguided logic to do so much harm.
And, yeah. Sure. Elsa becomes scared. In the ballroom and riding through the forest. She’s a tiny child.
That doesn’t justify teaching her to fear herself, actions that only make the problem far, far worse.
 And you can say, “Well, the adults didn’t MEAN to teach Elsa that-” I know they didn’t mean to do it.
But showing a terrifying light-show to a little girl will impact her, regardless of what Pabbie meant. Especially when he does not clarify.
But slamming the gates shut will have a powerful psychological effect on both Elsa and Anna, regardless of what their parents meant.
Elsa was a child.
Children learn from their surroundings. They respond to the actions of adults they trust, adults they love. While the accident itself impacted Elsa, we cannot ignore that the way she was brought up thereafter also had a profound effect on the way she saw the world, the way she responded to the world. 
Elsa was a child being influenced by adult authority figures who ultimately failed her - and the fact people are so willing to put the weight of that on a child instead of the adults surrounding her is troubling to me.
The fact that the second film kind of tacitly puts the weight of that on Elsa’s shoulders by only making abstract references to “fear” - instead of openly talking about the complex circumstances Elsa and her parents found themselves in - is troubling to me as well. It allows viewers to disregard the more complicated elements of Elsa’s relationship with her parents and only focus on the positives the second film puts on display.
(Keep in mind, I DON’T intend this post to be anti Agnarr and Iduna. I love them as characters - ESPECIALLY Iduna, with the backstory F2 offers. Agnarr and Iduna are good people. They are loving parents. They were put in a horribly complicated position... and ultimately their actions - for all their good intentions - had negative consequences.) 
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