#AGOT 19
sare11aa11eras · 1 year
Theon is 19 in AGOT which means that yes absolutely Jon is right that he’s an ass. How many 19yo kids have you met that weren’t kind of cringe & annoying. College is full of guys exactly like Theon. I am so sorry but it’s true. 🙏🙏🙏 it’s rly not his fault!! plus. the horrors.
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first-of-her-nxme · 1 year
I was inspired by the post about the Starks’s book respective ages and the ages of Game of Thrones actors who portrayed them in the show. Everyone was aged up in the show and we tend to forget how young they are in the books.   
I think it’s worth mentioning that Jaqen is also significantly younger in the books. Whenever Jaqen shows up he looks like a very young man. Even when he takes someone else’s face, it’s always a very young man’s face. We learn it first hand from Arya who describes Jaqen as young while at the same time she thinks that 30 year old men are very old. We also can conclude his real age because we meet Pate who is a foil for Jaqen. Pate was born at the same time as Aegon Targaryen, son of Elia and Rhaegar. So, it’s another clue about Jaqen’s true identity and his real age. “Jaqen” is 18 turning 19 in A Feast for Crows. 
I know I have mentioned it before in other posts but I think I still need to stress it. It’s not just about his identity but about his personality and his relation to Arya. “Jaqen” is only 7 years her senior. It changes their dynamics and it changes our perception of them. He is barely older than Jon. It’s also mind-blowing to think what this young man is capable of. He is already a pretty powerful assassin at the tender age of 16. He survived the Black Cells. He wanders around Westeros, trying to cross people off his list, hatch a dragon and get the throne back. It’s even more impressive when we know how young he is.
I also think about all those wonderful fans and fanfiction writers who try to overcome the obstacle which is the age gap between Arya and Jaqen. Don’t worry guys, it’s not such a big deal in the books.
Of course, I adore Tom Wlaschiha’s Jaqen. And I love the chemistry Maisie and Tom have. And I think the show dynamics of Arya and Jaqen is also very interesting and the age gap might make it even more fascinating now when Arya is of age. If HBO ever does A/J sequel I want them to cast Tom and Maisie again. But I think we should remember that the show and the books are two different stories. 
Jaqen H’ghar, born in late 281 AC or early 282 AC, age 17 in AGoT
Tom Wlaschiha in season 2, age 39.
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Tom Wlaschiha age 24. Definitely closer to book “Jaqen” though still 7 years older than “Jaqen” when he meets Arya.
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hell-heron · 1 year
Greyjoy Ages Post, Attempting To Be Objective
A lot of people really bravely try to make sense of one of the many parts of asoiaf where GRRM didn't even try to account for the linear passage of time. I generally tend to disagree with at least one of the conclusion, however, hence my idea to make a post with just every information we have, as reference for people to draw their own, just as a fun challenge to myself, since I'm very aware there isn't a canon truth George intended to be gleaned here. Special thanks to whoever started A Search Of Ice And Fire or I would have died halfway through this
1 - Theon and Asha's age
Theon is described by himself, Asha, and Catelyn as having been ten when he left Pyke or when he reached Winterfell. The only exception is Asha's "I liked you better when you were nine". It's also emphasized as meaningful (by Robb and by Balon) that he was a hostage half his life specifically, during ACOK and thus in 299, the latter only after Theon corrects him about having been 10 years rather than 9 since he left. He's also described as being nineteen in the first chapter of AGOT, which, without getting in the specifics of the fanmade timeline, seems to be early in 298. I'm not going to completely discount that he might have been 9 (in the sense of having turned 9 that year) but it's unlikely to me
If his departure from Pyke was in 289 (The World Of Ice And Fire tells us both that the Greyjoy rebellion started in 289 and that it was over in less than a year), this gives his birthdate as having been in 279 or 278. If it was in 290, then it's 281, 280 or 279. I personally find the first set more believable as 1) I feel like the year changing might have been recorded in an historical document, 2) every time someone thinks of the end of the rebellion (Theon himself remembering his journey to Winterfell, Ned thinking of when he last saw Robert which might also have involved some post war celebration) their maths of how many years it's been always goes back to being 289, with the exception of Balon's misremembering above 3) Catelyn in ACOK refers to Balon wearing a crown "if only for a season". We know that the long summer started in 289 (in the prologue of ACOK Maester Cressen says it's been ten years, two turns and sixteen days, and it's definitely 299 by then) so that season was probably the short spring before the long summer, and it was over within 289.
So the range 278-281, with 279 being the likeliest to me as it has him freshly turned 10 for the Greyjoy rebellion and 19 in early AGOT. The only information we ever get about Asha's age is she's 3 years older than Theon (in Theon ACOK I), so it's 275-278 (but again most likely imho 276
2 - Aeron and Urrigon's age
We get a precise-ish number for Urrigon
A flying axe took off half of Urri's hand when he was ten-and-four, playing at the finger dance whilst his father and his elder brothers were away at war.
This refers to Robert's rebellion, which the Greyjoys joined after "a raven came to Pyke with word of Prince Rhaegar's death upon the Trident" , which The World of Ice and Fire claims happened in 282, but doesn't feel very right to me at all, to be honest, as that seems to presume kind of a flash development of Robert's rebellion (here are some calculations made by other fans for reference). Even if it was 282, it was probably late enough the Greyjoys would not have joined before 283, imho. However let's be broad and say it could be 282, 283 or 284 supposing that the Greyjoys took a long time to come home after Quellon's death (awoiaf tells us 'by then the war was almost done", which feels more like still 283, but still) . So 267-270 is his range, with 268-269 as the more likely, however. This means the oldest birth year for Aeron is 268.
For the youngest he could be there are maybe some clues here if you take this speech as following at least rough chronological order:
It shamed him still to recall the years that followed Urri's death. At six-and-ten he called himself a man, but in truth he had been a sack of wine with legs. He would sing, he would dance (but not the finger dance, never again), he would jape and jabber and make mock. He played the pipes, he juggled, he rode horses, and could drink more than all the Wynches and the Botleys, and half the Harlaws too. The Drowned God gives every man a gift, even him; no man could piss longer or farther than Aeron Greyjoy, as he proved at every feast. Once he bet his new longship against a herd of goats that he could quench a hearthfire with no more than his cock. Aeron feasted on goat for a year, and named the longship Golden Storm, though Balon threatened to hang him from her mast when he heard what sort of ram his brother proposed to mount upon her prow.
In the end the Golden Storm went down off Fair Isle during Balon's first rebellion, cut in half by a towering war galley called Fury when Stannis Baratheon caught Victarion in his trap and smashed the Iron Fleet. Yet the god was not done with Aeron, and carried him to shore. Some fishermen took him captive and marched him down to Lannisport in chains, and he spent the rest of the war in the bowels of Casterly Rock, proving that krakens can piss farther and longer than lions, boars, or chickens.
This would mean he's 17 at the youngest at the time of the Greyjoy rebellion (so born in or before 272) which anyhow fits with a reasonable minimum age for a pretty feckless lad to get his own ship, but it's not a fixed number. 268-272 overall
3 - Maron and Rodrik's age
Latest possible Maron's birth year is 277, but more likely to be 274-275, based on Asha's. I'm going to assume there are no twins involved or it would have been mentioned. The only real indication is they must have both been old enough to have been involved in combat in some capacity, which is really taken care of by them being older than Asha already. (Above, Urrigon was not involved in combat at 14, but I think we can expect Balon to exercise less common sense than Quellon on this) Rodrik is kind of implied to have been commanding the assault to Seagard
"When my brother stormed Seagard,” Theon said. Lord Jason had slain Rodrik Greyjoy under the walls of the castle, and thrown the ironmen back into the bay.
If you assume this must mean Rodrik was a captain, the ages we get for that are 15 (Dagon Greyjoy) 17 (Balon) 16-19 (Aeron). Theon is also made a captain at once at 20-sh with no discussion of whether it's too soon, and Asha obviously already is one at 23-ish. Maron dies at Pyke, so there's no indication he's a captain as well, though he could have been and simply have returned to Pyke at the same time Balon did.
4 - Balon, Euron, Victarion and irrelevant dead brothers age
This gets really complicated, mostly because our only source of anything material is Aeron, who's not the reliablest of narrators in general and very removed in time from his older brothers. Still here's what we get.
Nine sons had been born from the loins of Quellon Greyjoy, the Lord of the Iron Islands. Harlon, Quenton, and Donel had been born of Lord Quellon’s first wife, a woman of the Stonetrees. Balon, Euron, Victarion, Urrigon, and Aeron were the sons of his second, a Sunderly of Saltcliffe. For a third wife Quellon took a girl from the green lands, who gave him a sickly idiot boy named Robin, the brother best forgotten. The priest had no memory of Quenton or Donel, who had died as infants. Harlon he recalled but dimly, sitting grey-faced and still in a windowless tower room and speaking in whispers that grew fainter every day as the greyscale turned his tongue and lips to stone. One day we shall feast on fish together in the Drowned God’s watery halls, the four of us and Urri too. Nine sons had been born from the loins of Quellon Greyjoy, but only four had lived to manhood.
The Wiki's age calculations page takes this very literally as implying none of the boys from Quellon's first marriage lived to age 16. If you accept this, it does put a very tight timeframe on the births as, depending on how you feel about how young is too young to suspend your disbelief on Aeron forming conscious memories, and whether you accept some of the dead kids might have been twins, the age difference between Balon and Aeron must be no more than 13-14 years. (11-13 if you assume, as the Wiki does, Harlon to be the oldest of the children of Quellon's first marriage, which, this list seems to be going in by birth order, but it's not explicitely said, so YMMV). This would give us a very earliest birth year of 254 based on Aeron's very earliest possible birth year calculated above.
Otoh, given greyscale can take up to 5-10 years according to JonCon to kill you, there's the chance that Aeron is not being super exact here, and Harlon might simply have been under 16 when the greyscale started paralyzing him but have died years later. TWOIAF refers to the sons of Quellon's first marriage as having died "in their youth".
At fifteen [Balon] had sailed with Dagmer Cleftjaw to the Stepstones and spent a summer reaving.
This is not terribly useful but does exclude some birth dates as we know a winter was going on around 273, as Tyrion mentiones that "He had been born in the dead of winter, a terrible cruel one that the maesters said had lasted near three years"
Victarion has a couple vague thoughs that could help give a feeling of where he's positioned relatively to his brothers:
Obedience came naturally to Victarion Greyjoy; he had been born to it. Growing to manhood in the shadow of his brothers, he had followed Balon dutifully in everything he did. Later, when Balon's sons were born, he had grown to accept that one day he would kneel to them as well, when one of them took his father's place upon the Seastone Chair.
(implying he expected to outlive Balon but also that he had already grown into manhood when his kids were born, which REALLY clashes with the very tight timeframe mentioned above. But that's how the whole thing is, you just have to pick which information you want to take as figurative)
"I was a loyal brother," Victarion went on. "When Balon was wed, it was me he sent to Harlaw to bring him back his bride.
(especially if you feel this is a role he would have to have been a captain to do)
He had never fought a man armed with a Valyrian steel blade, though he had thrashed young Harras Harlaw many a time when both of them were young. As a boy Harlaw had been fast friends with Balon's eldest son, Rodrik, who had died beneath the walls of Seagard.
Info on Euron mostly comes from this
“Well, if you count half-brothers. Do you remember little Robin? Wretched creature. Do you remember that big head of his, how soft it was? All he could do was mewl and shit. He was my second. Harlon was my first. All I had to do was pinch his nose shut. The greyscale had turned his mouth to stone so he could not cry out. But his eyes grew frantic as he died. They begged me. When the life went out of them, I went out and pissed into the sea, waiting for the god to strike me down. None did.
Euron having killed Harlon also puts a limit on how much age difference the brothers can have had, and also def reinforces that Harlon was at least pre-teen aged when he died. It's also clear that Robin was at least a toddler when he died, and he was born in early 283 or before then.
I really wanted to say something about Alannys as well but there's really not much at all, the only informations are:
The AFFC appendix defines her as Rodrik's younger sister, and he's 7 years younger than Gwynesse so Alannys is at least 8 years younger than her
Tywin does not includes Alannys in the group of wives of potential marriage candidates for Cersei who are younger than their husbands, so probably Balon and Alannys don't have a large age gap, it's also true that Tywin is probably seeing her differently because of her known illness however
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catofoldstones · 8 months
Always thought Sweetrobin would have been a suitor had George gone with the five year gap. This also explains why Harrold Hardyng is added into the story who seems like a very forceful addition to the plot and that George hadn't conceived of the character till the end of ASOS. Just look at this. Harry is supposed to be a 18 - 19 yr old able bodied male heir to one fourth of Westeros and yet after Jon Arryn's death in the beginning of AGOT, we hear nothing about this man till the end of fourth book. Sweetrobin is an only sickly child and yet there is no public opinion on how there is already an able bodied male spare in existence. It would also explain Lysa's paranoia because people wouldn't hesitate to flock to Harry instead of Robert. But we hear nothing about him. This also explains the only other mention of a Hardyng in Dunk and Egg Ashford Tourney. I mean to say that to intentionally omit Sweetrobin as a suitor due to lack of 5 yr gap, George forcibly added Harrold Hardyng to the story as to line up Sansa's suitors similar to the remaining five champions in Lady Ashford Tourney.
Hi Nimble!
Sorry for responding so late. I didn’t know much about the 5 year gap that GRRM had planned and decided to read up on it. Now I have some opinions(tm) lol.
Well, I think you’re right. GRRM wrote The Hedge Knight in 1998, before A Storm of Swords was published and we still don’t get a mention of Harry Hardyng in ASOS by Lysa or Peter or anyone. If truly HH was planned since the beginning we could’ve gotten a mention of him if not when Robert mentions that he has made Jamie the Lord Protector of the Vale to Ned, then at least when Lysa is paranoid about SR’s claim. Maybe the suitors were added retroactively, because by the time Hedge Knight was published, ASOS was still being written, and Sansa was not yet being courted by the Tyrells or married to Tyrion. On the other hand, maybe GRRM was in the middle of writing ASOS and decided to add in the suitors as parallels to what he was writing, with the exception of SR of course- because you simply can’t give away your future story on a plate can you? Maybe he added a HH later because he decided to fit the similarities more perfectly? Because, like you said, adding HH like that because he himself noticed a happy coincidence would fail if it did not point to the end goal/next step in neon red lights.
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cookiepotofchaos · 2 months
So, the Spanish U-19s beat England 3-1 and Netherlands went through beating France 2-0, giving us a Netherlands vs Spain final on Saturday.
Their head-to-head form has been almost evenly matched, with 4 wins each and 3 draws, and Netherlands scoring 15 goals against Spain's 14. Should be a good final match for the youngsters.
More rambles below the cut
U19s England vs Spain
Spain's Marisa (Real Madrid) had a chance on goal in under 45 seconds, with the England defense doing just enough to push her into a bad angle.
I think this rattled England, because some panicky football under high pressure from Spain followed. After a spell of some nervy playing (and I do kinda wonder how much help the coaches yelling so much from the touchline is sometimes. I know some guidance is needed but there was a lot of shouting) England seemed to settle a bit.
Side Note: I did smile when the commentator described one unintentional but clumsy poor tackle as, "It was very much a forward's challenge, shall we say".
It's the phrasing I've been looking for to explain to sometimes that, "No, many of these challenges by forwards are not "bad" tackles in the sense of being ill-intended, malicious, or a loss of composure; many forwards just don't have great strengths or finesse when it comes to tackling 😅"
Anyway, England struggled to get through the midfield of Spain, but fared better on the wings, where Bose (Recently Chelsea, currently seems unattached), Watson (Sunderland), and Earl (Arsenal) all did some decent footwork to get round the midfield and defenders there. Earl wriggled out of trouble early on a lot and Bose made some very good runs up that wing. That said, they faced a lot of trouble from Real Madrid's Pau who was in a constant battle for possession and chasing each other down with Bose and Watson.
Due to the defensive backfoot England spent a lot of the game on, we also got to see more of the play from the defenders this game, and both Aspin (Chelsea) and Newell (Unattached? Dual Manchester United - West Brom last season) were heavily tested, having to make numerous clearances.
A nicely timed long-ball from the Spanish team was not cleared well, with Newell kicking it into Agote (Athletic Club), who then showed strong composure to take it past Cox (Chelsea) and score.
England had a few opportunities at the Spanish end, mostly from corners where Crystal Palace's Lexi Potter demonstrated some good deliveries on the corners, but none could be capitalised and the Spanish defense were always on the ready for a swift counter attack delivery up the pitch.
Just before half-time, Pau was the one to put the second goal for Spain in, where Aspin's block couldn't be cleared and Pau slotted it into goal. Aspin blocked with her torso, so there's not really a lot of direction you can do when getting your body in the way like that; it was quick reactions and well-placed shooting from Pau.
The second half saw Liverpool's Mia Enderby come on for Watson and she had an immediate impact, getting on the end of Agyemang's head-on to score within a minute of the half starting. It may have been her 1st touch, actually...
I've seen some talk about why Enderby, being one of the few U19s with WSL or Championship playtime and decent professional minutes under her belt, didn't start more often. I have to admit I don't know enough to comment on it, but thought it was interesting that one of the perhaps more experienced players didn't seem to have as much playtime as might be expected.
Enderby would later have a very close call for being offside made; she definitely had an impact on the game when she came on.
However, Spain remained the better side throughout the second half. The link up between Alguacil (Valencia) and Agote was a constant threat and Camara (Barcelona) was so alert and reactive in defense that England just couldn't get into any kind of forward attack, counter or otherwise.
Levante's Arques came on as a substitute for Spain and it was a really nice long shot that saw her score Spain's third goal and secured their win.
Spain definitely were the stronger side and resoundingly deserved the win. England's future players on the squad though are looking good, though, so I hope the various teams they are attached to in the domestic leagues given them the opportunities through loans or game time to develop.
U19s France vs Netherlands
Now this was a very different match, not least because I don't think it could be easily argued that Netherlands outplayed France in the same way that Spain outplayed England. I even think an argument could be made that France put in stronger performances in a number of places on the pitch. Their struggles, however, came from not being able to put the ball in the back of the net, even if they could do everything right to get there. And France hit the goalkeeper, the woodwork, and defenders a-plenty, but the back of the net remained elusive.
In the England vs Spain game, England had 4 attempts on goal, 1 on target to Spain's 15 attempts with 6 on target. In this game, Netherlands had 5 attempts, 4 on target to France's 21 attempts with 7 on target. Which I think gives an idea of the different types of games played.
The game overall was a lot less frantic and nervy than the other game, with both France and Netherlands having strong possession and decent passing when they did have the ball. Swierot (Lyon) played some lovely through-balls into the forwards which troubled the Netherlands defense in the opening fifteen minutes but it was the Netherlands who scored, very much against the run of play, off of a free-kick in the 19th minute. Unmarked at the back-post, Woons (AZ Alkmaar) timed her run well and put the shot away.
France continued to look like they were going to score any minute even after that goal, but despite shots hitting the posts and defenders, they couldn't best the Netherlands defense.
What really was a strength for Netherlands was their defense were strong to regroup and they played some spectacular long-ball plays. Their long-ball counter attacks caught France out on more than one occasion and they really were timed so well. That strategy was the biggest strength of their play.
The second ball came from one such play. It went from goalkeeper Van der Vliet (Unsure, UEFA says Ajax but she isn't on their official squad page?) to the head of midfielder Van Hensbergen (Ajax) when she flicked in onto Tolhoek (also Ajax!) who was left with just France's keeper to beat. And, one on one with a striker, there often isn't a lot a goalkeeper can do. 2-0 to Netherlands.
That was a perfect example of just how well-timed the Netherlands played their long-balls. While they didn't manage a 3rd goal in the second half and, indeed, the second half was largely France battering the Netherlands defense, they did have opportunities for counter attacks and many of them involved that same well-placed long-ball play. I wonder how Spain will respond to it on Saturday.
France's substitutions, Traoré (PSG) was a great addition to the game. My word, did she work hard on that right wing: clever runs, well-placed crosses, zipping in between players. Absolutely put a spark in the game and yet France still could not get that ball into the net. PSG must be watching her gameplay with interest though. Swierot also put in a solid second half, constantly finding ways to get the ball forward or win back possession.
And Van der Vliet, Netherland's goalkeeper, kept a very cool head during all this. For all France's strengths getting the ball forward, the Netherland's back four of Woons, de Klonia (Ajax), Kardinaal (Ajax - so much Ajax in this team), and Chibani (Jong PSV), plus Van der Vliet, did not seem to panic or get overly nervy. There were a few moments, of course; they're only young and nerves are unavoidable to some degree, but they put in a solid performance.
So, Spain vs Netherlands next. Let's see how that goes!
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daenystheedreamer · 2 months
1, 13, 19 and 37 for the ask game? <3
1 favourite great house
cant pick! love them all. arryn is near the bottom of the list thoughsorry. cool castle does not a cool house make.
13 death that still hurts to think about
cat stark beloved catelyn tully stark. i like theories about stoneheart seeing arya or sansa again but its still like. thats not cat stark its a horrible vengeful spirit inhabiting her. she died thinking she had failed her daughters that everyone was dead. baby...
19 A theory you’ve adopted as canon
im a blackfyre truther of course. i think the doom was caused by the slaves rising against the valyrian freehold. i like the theory septa lemore is tyene's mother but thats mostly in juxtaposition to not liking ashara=lemore lol. southron ambitions is canon to me also
37 An event/era in TWOIAF that you would love to see a film/tv adaptation of
crucially it must not be in the hands of hbo but in the hands of ME and MY FRIENDS. i think short one-offs would be fun. like the taking of harrenhal downfall of the lothstons death of danelle lothston. im really #annoying and think a lot of pre-agot and historical stuff should stay ambiguous because thats the point of them so i dont want robert's rebellion or even blackfyre show all that much. i want weird surreal harrenhal anthology show... harren the black and visenya whos face is never shown just a looming shadow, rhaena and maegor towers theatrical one-woman monologue, alys harroway, etc.
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weirwitch · 5 months
thank u for the tags @thenn & @huramuna!
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? - none currently, but i’ve been focusing on two wips as of late!! i’ll be cross-posting them on archive of our own, wattpad, fanfiction.net, and here sometime soon.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - ^
3. What fandoms do you write for? - mainly a song of ice and fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon. i have some ideas floating around my noggin for star wars and harry potter, but i’m doubtful they’ll ever be posted
4. Top five fics by kudos - none until i get off my procrastinating tushie and excavate my fics from the drafts
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one bc i fear my body yearns for validation like water...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - definitely my wip set during the dance of the dragons, very tentatively named moth to a flame 🤭
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - i’d refer to it as bittersweet > happy, but i’d say my agot wip, witching hour
8. Do you get hate on fics? - i have not and i pray i never do
9. Do you write smut? - i have not... yet 😈
10. Craziest crossover? - feeling so vanilla rn saying no to all of these questions, but i have not partaken
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - unfortunately 😵‍💫
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - i haven’t, but i’m definitely open to that once i’ve posted!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - not for one singular fic, but i am working on an asoiaf series of connected fics with my bffie @thenn! it's called the dream for dawn 🌄
14. All time favorite ship? - definitely maerwynn/pate/jon, aka the main ship of witching hour 🤭 they’re poly (bc jon snow is a bi king) and my fun way of subverting the love triangle trope!
5. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - probably my jedi: fallen order wip, sol invictus ☀️ the main oc is a force-sensitive bounty hunter whose name is jeska sol, and she’s paired with inquisitor au!cal kestis bc that has always been very sexy to me
16. What are your writing strengths? - felt too Cocky to answer this myself, so i relied on @thenn (as per usual)... according to miss dani, my ocs and lore changes/additions feel unique but still merge well with canon, and i tone-match grrm’s writing style very well (“u could ghostwrite twow and ados and no one would notice”). she also says house weir is easily her favourite original house. yes i have tears in my eyes, next question please
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - dani says my downfall is continuously writing the same 10 chapters over and over again bc i think they’re no good. and she would be right
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - all good, as long as a translation is included!!
19. First fandom you wrote in? - this just unlocked the deepest, darkest memory... my friends and i used to write pokémon fics together in the first grade. we'd even print them off using the school printer and disperse them to the class. i wish i could read them 🥲i can still see the stapled pages and the comic sans font in my mind's eye, and i KNOW there was a dramatic arc of ash cheating on misty with may
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - definitely witching hour, coming soon to a tumblr near you 😝
tagging: @starkladies @vecnacreels @cardeegans @jennyofoldflowers @sainteda
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
GRRM brutally killing a traumatized autistic 11 year old girl, and replacing her by a younger, happier and "prettier" girl, just to please a boy is so f******* up that I can't even explain
The political union was also a thing, but hey it's a Daemon kid so, I am pretty sure if Aegon II got pregnant by Daemon, Martin would let the kid live ☠️
In the AGOT summary, in the Targaryen line, it says that Viserys II is Aegon III's son. Why he changed that? Daeron I was 15 when he was crowded, so Martin married his father to child? Instead of changing the years of the Targaryen reign, he ratter pull Viserys II as a brother and married him to a 19 yr old? He was a father by 13? That old man is so weird sometimes. If Jaehaera was a Daenerys decent, I believe that Team Green x Team Black wouldn't be so strong and annoyingly repeatedly discussed by the fandom ☠️
I checked and you're right about Viserys II being Aegon III's (fourth!) son. Who was the third son, then?? I wonder what else he changed. It's difficult to keep track and fact-check.
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If Daenerys was Jaehaera's descendant, they'd be writing fic with Jaehaera defecting to team black, don't worry. 😵
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
Hi it's me again 😆 with some questions for your boys and Hizumi. I'm nozy 🤭
Vijay: 19 and 31 Jaysen: 24 and 27 Ryder: 4 and 14 Thyjs: 7 and 26 Hizumi: 18 and 22
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19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Vijay thinks about what has happened during the day, then his thoughts get distracted by another thought about tomorrow and he's stuck thinking about how tomorrow will be — if it will go like he's planned or if something will distract him. Before a job he is in total focus on the job procedure, plays every possible outcome through in his mind, makes it worse than it is and plans even more. Sometimes he's so busy thinking in bed that he thinks for hours and hours without getting tired and it'S already morning. Eventually he decided he needs to find some sleep or else. He often has to take some meds to find sleep at all because he cannot stop thinking.
31. Most prized possession?
His DMC DeLorean 80s retro car. (I'm waiting patiently for the mod to find its way into cyberpunk - I've seen someone works or has worked on it as I saw a picture but well. I never ask (there was a mod of it long time agot but it'S broken since before 2.0 so I … sit and wait for it so I can add it for him).
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24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
If you ask jaysen about his studies, he hated every subject. But that didn't mean he didn't care about it, nor was he bad at it. He was good in most, it didn't even needed to learn much but he finds it boring to learn for a test and learn fo it so you are able to have a good job with goo paid money. E.g. he was good at mathematics and physics rathern than language heavy subjects. But as said he doesn't care much about it. And I don't think I have to say he's temenduously good in all things netrunning as a netrunenr should be good in this just by basics or they will get fried on their first day of chippin' in.
27. What is their biggest regret?
Jay doesn't really regret something that lies in the past. He maybe only regrets that he didn't found out about his twin brother vijay sooner which led to have missed so much time with him as they did not grew up together. So if he regrets one thing it would be that he and his brother could have have a normal life together but he, neither Vijay, had an influence back in the events tat happened because they were both just about to be three years old.
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4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
This is a weird question. Ryder's kitchen is NEVER busy xD It's his kitchen, and I doubt that even Thyjs once he joins him in the Glen flat will never cook much either and even if he would cook sometinh - there's still so muhc space for Ryder to cook himself something as well. But the boys usually don't cook. They order or go out.
14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
the only disability Ryder has since he was born was his astigmatism. he wasn't allowed to get optics until he turned 18 (his family hates cyberware) and always wore contacts other than that he does not have any disabillity neither long-term illness or any intolerances. It would be fatals if he had given his German royal Corpo bloodline. I don't know if replacing his good arms with cyberarms counts as some sort ob abnormality? I mean who the fuck just walks into a ripper doc's office and demands "Cut off my arms and install me some with blades!" having literally no clue what Ryder was demanding there. At this point of his life he literally changed everything on himself drastically often not thinking about wether this decision is good or not. Hate and anger mainly for Cyberpsychos drove him towards this decision. Of course the blades made it able so he could protect and defend himself in the first place, and he finally had sometihng that was added to his overall look that can be freightening plus he could fight with his integrated weapon he's always carriend with himself. If trained right mantis blades serve you well. What he did not have in mind: learning how to live with two cybernetic forearms from now on that have sharp blades, he didn't know how to handle at first. Also add the fact that he will never feel touch again like he used to hasn't been on his mind back then either. He was only to discover it afterwards because the ripperdoc didn't care much to inform him about it since Ryder seemed to be bold and harsh. At the start Ryder often second-guessed himself about this decision he made. In the beginning he often sat at home having problems just to grab a beer because he had to learn that his brain accepts the cyberware and the given commands were set into the right motion. Nontheless he kept them and accepted his decision. The cybernetics are good tech, yet now a bit outdated though, and the doc did a godo job so Ryder's body accepted the integration well. He doesn't feel any pain and everything works like it should. He gets them checked frequently.
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7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
okay this question gives me a headache. I don't know how to answer that, I'm too dumb for this and as I want this post to be finally posted I'll let this unanswered bc I hadn't an answer for it all the previous months … I'm sorry.
26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
Thyjs future has always been the military. The only future he saw himself in was being a colonel later or maybe a higher rank, command a bigger section in his senior days and then live the rest of his life having a family if he would not die in a mission. Future took another turn for him landing in NC, betrayed by Militech (NUSA not EU). He doesn't know where his future leads him now, he only knows he's a part of the team now and his task is to protect this team by all means – especially Ryder. They don't know what awaits them at the end of their journey, how it plays out for everyone but he knows he wants to stay at Ryder's side and just let future come at him. He also does not want to bother about it too much. You can't really coontrol it anyway.
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18. Favorite beverage?
all kinds of lemon water and soda. Be it hot or cold. Hizumi drinks an average amount of this each day. Vending machine provide it whenever you want (especially in Japan).
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Hizumi would draw one illustration after another of japanese yokai in all sorts and variations. Thy love to draw and mostly in a traditional way also often with brushes and chinese ink.
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wedding-shemp · 9 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 17, 19
How many books did you read this year?
I want to say four, but it's possible I read more. Four at the minimum
3. What were your top five books of the year?
I didn't really read enough to HAVE a top five, but I really liked everything I read this year
I read Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, both of which I loved. This series doesn't need my endorsement at this point, but it's like nothing I've ever read. They're deeply, deeply strange books, and they're a lot of fun.
I reread House of the Spirits by Isabelle Allende, which I first read in high school. There's passages in that book that I'm still thinking about months later
I'm currently reading A Game of Thrones, which I've become a HUGE fan of. This is going to get me (rightfully) laughed at, but they remind me a bit of I, Claudius. But, you know, with magic and zombies and shit.
I'm going to throw in something I read last year just to get to five. I read Elric of Melnibonae by Michael Moorcock late last year. It's not going to be for everyone- I'm still not entirely sure it was for me- but I'm glad I read it. It's a type of high fantasy novel that I feel like doesn't get written as much anymore, and it's worth reading for that.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Yes, Tamsyn Muir and George R.R. Martin! I've become big fans of both. Muir I was not surprised that I liked because she's come so highly recommended by people whose opinions I trust. Martin was a bit of a revelation. I've sort of dismissed the whole Game of Thrones thing out of hand for a long time just because it was so oversaturated I guess. But actually reading the ASOIAF novels I've been pleasantly surprised at what a good writer he is. AGOT is kind of slow paced, and it switches perspectives between a pretty big cast of characters who all have convoluted schemes going on, so it's no small feat that it's as engaging and easy to follow as it is. Just a really fun novel, I'm glad I gave it a shot.
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Gonna give it to AGOT. Not sure if I liked it MORE than Gideon or Harrow, but it's considerably older than the TLT series
17. Any books that disappointed you?
19. Did you use your library?
you know, I don't think I have a library card! I ought to get one, I'm sure it would come in handy
end of year book asks
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How old do you think Edmure is in AGOT? I saw someone estimate 273/272 fits? But would like your opinion.
I remember needing to figure this out for The Death of Kings since one of POV characters for that story was Lysa. Edmure ended up not playing a huge role in the story simply because he and Lysa, despite being siblings and living in the same castle, were largely isolated from one another by duties and responsibilities.
Catelyn is around 35 years old at the start of AGOT, which puts her birthday in 264-65 AC. That would make her 18/19 when she and Ned married shortly at the start of 283 AC (between the Battle of the Bells and the Battle of the Trident) and she travelled north probably in late 283 after Robb was born.
When Catelyn makes comments like "Edmure was sixteen when he grew his first whiskers," that suggests that she's remembering something she witnessed firsthand (AGOT Catelyn VIII). Per her narration, Catelyn last saw her sister Lysa five years before the start of canon (AGOT Catelyn VI). It's not indicated where this happened, but given Lysa's fraught relationship with Hoster, it was probably not Riverrun, and we don't get any reference to Cat having seen Edmure in person since her marriage, only to his "infrequent letters" (AGOT Catelyn VI).
This could indicate that Edmure turned sixteen at some point prior to the end of 283 AC, which would mean he was born in 267 at the latest, and is approximately 3 years younger than Catelyn, with Lysa in between. That, in turn, suggests that Minisa Whent gave birth to three children betwee 264 and 267 AC, poor woman. It's not impossible, but it would have been tremendously hard on her.
The other option is that Cat saw Edmure during or after the Greyjoy Rebellion in 289 AC and the comment about whiskers is in reference to that. I believe that's where the proposed 272/273 birth date for Edmure comes from, and it would put the age difference between him and Catelyn at 8-9 years.
Either of these options seems plausible to me. I went with the earlier date in Death of Kings but if I'd had it to do over, I might have chosen differently.
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caointeag · 2 days
doing gearing up for some editing and solidifying of at least some of her timeline to give her like, a true "canon" i can bounce off. so here's little thingy related to that. also for my own reference bc dates... ages... blah. as a reminder i start robb, lyarra and jon (since they're all the same age) at 16 for like, practical reasons, so that's not a miscalculation.
AGOT: 16, spends time on DS before coming back for the Horrors ACOK: 17, escapes KL heads to RR ASOS: 18, RW, allies with Maron after this AFFC/ADWD: 19, likely allying w/ Stannis to kill the Boltons TWOW: 20, Torrhen (her and Maron's son) is born, discovers necromancy and Stark Deep Lore ADOS: 21, The end of the series happens. Lyarra rules the Independent North. POST: 22+, her and Maron's second son Vickon is conceived/born before the second (successful) Greyjoy Rebellion.
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winelimetless10 · 4 months
can't help falling in love
No entiendo, porque das esos sentimientos, porque tienes ese efecto en mí.
Un octubre, una fila y mi dolor ¿Decidiste aparecer para colorear mi vida? Llegaste, llenaste mi vida de felicidad, y poco a poco me diste un lugar seguro.
Nunca tuve que pedirlo, jamás tuve que pedir que me quisieras, sólo lo hiciste.
Si me preguntas, repetiría lo que vivimos siempre, siempre elegiría intentar saltar esa fila donde ví tus ojitos, siempre vería tu sonrisa en aquel sol.
No sé porque, tampoco entiendo que fuera con mis 19 cortos años, pero acaso eso importa? Ese día en ese pasillo decidí sentarme contigo, tomaste mi mano, se sintió como si estuviera en casa, nunca sentí esa familiaridad con alguien, pero lo sentí contigo, mientras miraba tu cara en la poca luz, oía can't help falling in love ¿Coincidencia?
Mi corazón latía al mil, como si fuera a salir de mi pecho, pero mi cabeza estaba segura de elegirte desde el principio ¿Venías a cambiarme? Nunca nadie me cambio tanto cómo tú, y lo digo en serio, cuando te conocí, aún viviendo con mi tristeza, logré empezar a salir de la cueva donde me encerré.
Mis calificaciones mejoraron, y salí después de encerrarme en mi dolor, no por ti, pero me sentí tan apoyada, sentí ese abrazo al alma que siempre busqué, sabía que no tenía que encontrarme para que te quedarás, sólo lo hiciste.
No me intentaste resolver, pero en su lugar entendiste mi complejidad, no pediste mi alma pero compartiste el camino con ella.
Lo divertido es, que cuando te conocí fue cuando entendí todos los relatos de amor que nunca creí posibles, las canciones, fue entonces cuando por fin supe por qué Elvis Presley dijo "no puedo evitar enamorarme de ti"
Lo intente, intenté evitar enamorarme de ti, pero fue imposible cuando sonreíste ese otoño, mientras sólo nos carcajeabamos de los chistes tan rancios que nunca nadie entendió.
Me atreví a contarte lo que te dí, por qué supe desde siempre que mi dolor estaría a Salvo contigo, y en realidad, fuiste la primera persona a la que tuve el valor de contárselo desde hace mucho, pero nunca me voy a arrepentir.Han pasado dos años, y considero un gran detalle que no olvides lo que siempre te confiaría.
Han pasado dos años y sigo enamorándome de ti, no lo evito, sólo, dejo que suceda, porqué si me tengo que enamorar de alguien, sé que mientras seas tú, estaré bien.
Y aún después de dos años me sorprende como no olvidas los detalles de cómo fue encontrame, aún recuerdas como me conociste, con mi pelito rosa pero sin dejar cada detalle
Es como un código, dónde ambos recordamos todo sin decir palabras, pero nosotros sabemos que nunca tendremos que pedirlo, por qué lo tenemos.
Nunca tuve esto con nadie, tampoco creo encontrarlo de nuevo, esa es una constante, mi sentimiento de que todo siempre fue el camino, pero ¿Tú? Tú siempre fuiste el destino que enigmático me espero.
Sabes todo de mí, tienes mi corazón y si llega el momento, tendrás mi respiración hasta que se agote, porque nunca pude querer lo que quiero contigo, nunca nadie tuvo lo que tenemos.
Sólo ten paciencia, y mírame evolucionar, no te negare verlo, porque he de creer para darte lo que siempre has merecido, y no te voy a dar menos, no eres menos, eres todo.
Gracias por todo
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bingooline · 5 months
¿Cuáles son los descuentos especiales en el cupón del día 19 de agosto de 2024?
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¿Cuáles son los descuentos especiales en el cupón del día 19 de agosto de 2024?
Descuentos exclusivos
Los descuentos exclusivos son una excelente manera de ahorrar dinero al realizar tus compras tanto en línea como en tiendas físicas. Estas ofertas especiales suelen brindar a los clientes la oportunidad de adquirir productos de alta calidad a precios reducidos, lo que resulta muy atractivo para aquellos que buscan obtener un buen producto sin gastar de más.
Una de las principales ventajas de los descuentos exclusivos es que permiten a los consumidores acceder a productos de marcas reconocidas a precios más bajos de lo habitual. Esto puede suponer un ahorro significativo, especialmente en productos de alto valor como electrónicos, ropa de diseñadores o artículos para el hogar.
Además, los descuentos exclusivos suelen estar disponibles por tiempo limitado, lo que crea un sentido de urgencia en los compradores y los motiva a aprovechar la oferta antes de que se agote. Esta estrategia también beneficia a las empresas, ya que ayuda a aumentar sus ventas y a fidelizar a los clientes que buscan constantemente ofertas atractivas.
Es importante tener en cuenta que, al aprovechar descuentos exclusivos, es fundamental leer los términos y condiciones de la oferta para evitar sorpresas desagradables. Asimismo, es recomendable comparar precios antes de realizar una compra, incluso con el descuento aplicado, para asegurarse de que realmente se está obteniendo la mejor oferta disponible.
En resumen, los descuentos exclusivos son una excelente manera de ahorrar dinero en tus compras, accediendo a productos de calidad a precios reducidos. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar de estas ofertas y mejorar tu experiencia de compra!
Ofertas limitadas
¡No te pierdas estas ofertas limitadas! Las promociones de tiempo limitado son una excelente manera de ahorrar dinero en tus compras. Ya sea que estés buscando ropa, electrónicos, viajes o servicios, aprovechar ofertas limitadas puede significar un gran ahorro en tu presupuesto.
Las ofertas limitadas suelen estar disponibles por un corto período de tiempo o en cantidades limitadas, por lo que es importante actuar rápidamente si quieres aprovecharlas. Muchas tiendas online y físicas ofrecen descuentos especiales en productos populares, liquidaciones de inventario o promociones exclusivas durante un tiempo limitado.
Para no perderte ninguna oferta limitada, te recomendamos suscribirte a boletines de tus tiendas favoritas, seguir sus redes sociales y visitar regularmente sus sitios web. De esta manera, estarás al tanto de las últimas promociones y podrás aprovechar al máximo los descuentos disponibles.
Recuerda que las ofertas limitadas suelen ser una oportunidad única para adquirir productos o servicios a precios reducidos, por lo que no dejes pasar la oportunidad de ahorrar dinero en tus compras. ¡Mantente informado y disfruta de los beneficios de las promociones de tiempo limitado! ¡Corre que se agotan!
Cupón promocional
Los cupones promocionales son una herramienta invaluable para ahorrar dinero al realizar compras en línea o en tiendas físicas. Estos cupones ofrecen descuentos, ofertas especiales o beneficios adicionales que pueden hacer que tus compras sean más económicas y gratificantes.
Una de las ventajas principales de utilizar cupones promocionales es la oportunidad de obtener productos o servicios a un precio reducido. Esto significa que puedes adquirir artículos de calidad o disfrutar de experiencias a precios más accesibles, lo que te permite estirar tu presupuesto y obtener más por tu dinero.
Además del ahorro económico, los cupones promocionales también pueden brindarte la oportunidad de probar nuevos productos o servicios que de otra manera podrían estar fuera de tu alcance. Al aprovechar las ofertas y descuentos disponibles, puedes explorar diferentes opciones y descubrir nuevas marcas o actividades que se ajusten a tus gustos e intereses.
Otra ventaja de los cupones promocionales es su conveniencia y accesibilidad. Con el crecimiento del comercio electrónico, es cada vez más fácil encontrar y utilizar cupones en línea. Muchas tiendas ofrecen códigos promocionales que se pueden canjear durante el proceso de compra en sus sitios web, lo que te permite aprovechar las ofertas desde la comodidad de tu hogar y sin tener que desplazarte a una tienda física.
En resumen, los cupones promocionales son una excelente manera de ahorrar dinero, acceder a nuevas experiencias y disfrutar de productos de calidad a precios reducidos. Ya sea que estés comprando ropa, alimentos, tecnología o cualquier otro artículo, siempre vale la pena buscar cupones promocionales que te ayuden a maximizar tus ahorros y obtener el máximo valor por tu dinero.
Rebajas especiales
Las rebajas especiales son eventos muy esperados por los consumidores que buscan obtener productos de calidad a precios más bajos. Durante las rebajas especiales, las tiendas suelen ofrecer descuentos significativos en una amplia variedad de productos, desde ropa y calzado hasta accesorios y artículos para el hogar.
Una de las ventajas de las rebajas especiales es la oportunidad que brindan a los consumidores de adquirir productos de marcas reconocidas a precios accesibles. Muchas personas aprovechan este tipo de eventos para renovar su guardarropa, comprar regalos para sus seres queridos o adquirir artículos que han estado deseando durante mucho tiempo.
Además de los descuentos, las rebajas especiales suelen ofrecer promociones adicionales, como envíos gratuitos, regalos por compra o cupones de descuento para futuras compras. Esto hace que la experiencia de compra sea aún más atractiva para los consumidores, que ven en las rebajas especiales una oportunidad única para ahorrar dinero sin renunciar a la calidad.
En resumen, las rebajas especiales son eventos imperdibles para quienes buscan obtener productos de calidad a precios más bajos. Ya sea en tiendas físicas u online, estas promociones brindan la oportunidad de adquirir todo tipo de artículos a precios muy atractivos. ¡No te pierdas las próximas rebajas especiales y aprovecha para hacerte con tus productos favoritos a precios increíbles!
Ahorro garantizado
El ahorro garantizado es un concepto clave para aquellas personas que desean proteger su patrimonio y asegurar un futuro financiero estable. Se refiere a la estrategia de invertir en productos financieros, como cuentas de ahorro, certificados de depósito o fondos de inversión, que ofrecen un rendimiento fijo y seguro.
Al optar por el ahorro garantizado, los inversores pueden tener la tranquilidad de que su dinero estará protegido y crecerá de manera constante, sin verse afectado por la volatilidad del mercado. Esta modalidad de ahorro es ideal para aquellos que prefieren evitar riesgos y priorizan la seguridad en sus inversiones.
Existen diversas opciones para acceder al ahorro garantizado, desde productos de ahorro a largo plazo con tasas de interés fijas, hasta planes de pensiones que garantizan un retorno seguro de la inversión. Es importante comparar las diferentes alternativas disponibles en el mercado y elegir aquella que se ajuste mejor a las necesidades y objetivos financieros de cada persona.
En resumen, el ahorro garantizado es una estrategia inteligente para proteger el dinero y asegurar un crecimiento financiero estable a lo largo del tiempo. Con un enfoque prudente y la elección adecuada de productos financieros, es posible construir un patrimonio sólido y disfrutar de un futuro financiero más seguro. ¡Invierte con confianza y asegura tu ahorro garantizado!
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nomellamocata · 6 months
Esto no es un autoplagio
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Es la necesidad de repetir una imagen miles de veces hasta que se agote, hasta que me canse, hasta que se transforme. Así que esta pintura también es "A dos cuadras de mi casa estaba la de Pepito", pero podríamos decir que es la versión 3.
El 19 de abril esta pintura estará en la expo MÍNIMA en el @paseodelasartes a las 19:00 horas 🪻
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bimoi-store · 2 years
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Pon alegría en tu vida con esta camiseta con este diseño tan vivo 💜 Camiseta Atrapasueños Antes 19€ Ahora 7,60€ Vaquero Negro Antes 36€ Ahora 14,40€ ¡ESTAMOS DE REBAJAS! ❤️ Tienes toda la ropa y complementos hasta EL 65% DE DESCUENTO 🔥 Corre a comprar tu prenda favorita antes de que se agote, que NO HAY REPOSICIÓN. 👉🏼Visita nuestra web WWW.BIMOISTORE.ES Somos una tienda de ropa que ya se ha hecho famosa por tener el mejor tratamiento para la celulitis, la flacidez y el sérum para tener unas pestañas de infarto. Quién los prueba no solo repite, sino que nos recomienda y ahora hasta los vende. Por algo será... 🤎 Escríbeme por DM o en el 629 333 764 y te informo de todo. Y si estás interesada en venderlas, te informo también. #bimoistore #boutique #tiendaonline #comprasonline #regalosoriginales #tiendaderopa #model #modavalencia #tiendasvalencia #valenciashopping #valencia #ibiza #valenciabonita #ootd #outfit #ropa #ropamujer #ropadiferente #ropacasual #moda #modamujer #modafashion #modafemenina #tendencia #inspiration #camisetaoversized #camisetablanca #vaqueroroto #vaqueronegro #rebajas (en Bimoï Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYPHD4KD56/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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