#AH!! merlin <3!!
jjkyaoi · 5 months
it’s so funny how they try to portray merlin as this embarrassing loser fool who brings chaos wherever he goes as if he didnt have like. a genuine harem. like all the knights of the round table are so unashamed of how they prefer him over arthur. gwen basically had a brief crush on him. morgana literally said “you’re not like merlin. he’s a lover” everyone who knows him is constantly talking about how pure and brave and selfless he is. lancelot knew he had magic and was js like okay with the idea of constantly lying, placing his own life in danger for him cuz that’s his little buddy. gwaine was LITERALLY in love with him. i don’t know what merwaine had going on but they probably hooked up the night they first met and don’t even get me STARTED on arthur pendragon
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
okay i’ve thought this for months but because my sight isn’t great for small pictures (icons) i always think gaius is your icon until i see your user and remember it’s arthur
what-ever do you mean??? i have always been Gaius! your sight has been correct this whole time :3
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
i would love to know what the original fucking plan was for this show. obviously they didn’t think when they started that they were going to make arthur and morgana siblings or they wouldn’t have done all this weird romance shit. what was the plan! what were you guys doing!
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ohhiimweird · 5 days
The General's Spouse
It's the Xianzhou generals, except they're married to you and they won't shut up about it Characters: Jing Yuan, Feixiao (separate) Reader Pronouns: they/them (gender neutral) Warnings: none!
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Jing Yuan
you're like that sweet old married couple on the ship, except neither of you has wrinkles on your faces
bro never stops talking about you. "my spouse" this and "my spouse" that
Everyone knows who you are and that you're the general's spouse. people wave to you on the streets when you walk by
it's a blessing and a curse. on one hand, some people are quite friendly with you, on the other hand, you're a target for enemies of the xianzhou
because of this, if Jing Yuan can't protect you himself, he sends at least two cloud knights with you to flank both your sides
you also somehow, wake up with his fluffy hair in your mouth every morning while he's laying on top of you
Jing Yuan enjoys playing chess with you and you keep a scoreboard that tracks your wins and losses. whoever loses has to make dinner
You spoil Yanqing rotten and treat him like he's your son
Jing Yuan misses you a lot when he's off on his general duties.
"I miss my spouse, Fu Xuan. I miss them a lot. I'll be back."
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ah yes, the Merlin's Claw's precious spouse, you're the talk of the Yaoqing
that's mostly because our general won't stop talking about you <3 it's either very sweet or very annoying, like we get it, your spouse is beautiful, can we please get back to this meeting?
If you're with Feixiao during the 2.4-2.5 story, then you have an entire battalion of cloud knights flanking you, praying to every aeon in the universe that Hoolay doesn't know you exist
she makes an effort to give you a good morning kiss before she leaves for the day
you get along with moze and jiaoqiu since you see them a lot (they're your wife's retainers after all)
you'll even hang out with them without your wife (just keep the alcohol away from her)
if she sees you on the street, feixiao will rush by, kiss you on the cheek, and quickly leave. (i'm picturing how it is in the animated short)
another person that says "I miss my spouse, i miss them a lot, i'll be back" to anyone who will listen
if she's drunk, Feixiao will randomly start crying about where you are so someone is calling you saying "please, come get your wife."
can and will carry you, if asked
Thank you for reading <3
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larluce · 8 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @stalesaltinecracker cause he asked for more, and @an-entity-i-think since she made a valid question
In "Valiant"
Arthur: (Impacient and worried cause Merlin hasn't told him about Valiant's echanted shield yet) Is there something you want to tell me?
Merlin: (who decided to not tell Arthur about the shield this time around so he won't embarrased him again) No.
Arthur: I know something is bothering you.
Merlin: Nothing is bothering me.
Arthur: (hurt) Don't you trust me? (thinking) Have I not been worth of your trust again?
Merlin: Of course I trust you! Arthur, I trust you with my life!
Arthur: Then tell me what's wrong! Why were you sneaking out of Valiant's chambers yesterday?
Merlin:(cursing internally that this Arthur somehow is more observant, but still says nothing)...
Arthur: Merlin, please.
Merlin: (puzzled and touched Arthur is saying "please" to him and he finally sighs, giving up cause he always hated lying to Arthur anyway) Valiant's been cheating, he has a magic shield.
Arthur: (hiding his relief Merlin finally told him) Why do you think that?
Merlin: I saw it. The snakes coming out of his shield. Gaius thinks Valiant used them to posioned Sir Ewan. But I don't have any proof, I get if you don't believ-
Arthur: I believe you.
Merlin: ... really? But I'm just a servant, I'm not-
Arthur: (fondly, holding Merlin's hands) Don't ever say that again. You're more than a servant to me. Always.
Merlin: (getting lost into his eyes, blushing)
Merlin: (snapping out of it) Ahmm... Then what will you do?
Arthur: There's not point in bothering my father with this without proof. Now that I know what I'm getting into, I'll know what to look out for.
Merlin: (smiling confident, cause he has the spell to expose Valiant prepared) I'm sure you'll beat him up easily.
In "The Mark of Nimueh"
Merlin: (going to the cavern alone to fight the Afanc himself, a torch in hand) Arthur?
Arthur: (doing the very same thing, a torch in hand as well) Merlin?
Merlin: What are you doing here?
Arthur: I was... strolling.
Merlin: In the vaults underneath the castle?
Arthur: It's my castle. What are YOU doing here?
Merlin: I was... taking samples.
Arthur: Taking samples.
Merlin: Yeah, apparently the sickness is spreading through water. So I was taking samples to find out with Gaius what's causing it.
Arthur: The well is several meters behind, Merlin.
Merlin: Ah... I got lost.
Arthur: (rolling his eyes) Only you, Merlin. (taking Merlin by the wrist) It's not safe for you here. I'm getting you out. (starts walking)
Merlin: (trying to free from his grip) What? No! I need to-
The Afanc roars, making its appareance.
Arthur and Merlin: Shit...
In "The Gates of Avalon"
Both Morgana and Merlin looking Sophia from afar.
Morgana: Who is that?
Merlin: (kind of mad he couldn't prevent the sidhes from entering the castle again, but hiding his discontent) Sophia Tirmawr. Arthur rescued her in the woods.
Morgana: She can't stay here.
Merlin: Well, she and her father are guests in the castle now.(seeing his chance) You had a nightmare about her?
Morgana: (surprised) How do you know about my nightmares?!
Merlin: Gaius.
Morgana: Right... (sighs) You must think I'm crazy.
Merlin: I don't. I also have a bad feeling about her.
Morgana: Really?
Merlin: It just seems pretty convenient. Escaping from raiders in Tír-Mòr? A kingdom too far away to corroborate any of that story? I don't believe she is who she claims to be.
Morgana: (opening up, feeling safe and understood by Merlin) In my dream she drowned Arthur in a lake. I'm scared, Merlin. My nightmares always come true. Always!
Merlin: I already warned Arthur about her. He gave her the chambers far away from his. But I think you should talk to him about this.
Morgana: (laughs dryly) No, he won't believe me. He'll laugh at my face for sure. (thinking) And he's been too cold to me lately for some reason.
Merlin: There's no harm in trying. He might surprised you. (thinking) If this Arthur is nicer to me, he'll defenitely be nicer to her.
Morgana: Alright, I'll try.
Morgana: Arthur, I need to speak with you. It's about Sophia.
Arthur: (Who spied on her when she threatened Sophia in the hallway and still doesn't know how to feel about it) You're starting to sound like Merlin. Do you have a bad feeling about her too?
Morgana: She isn't what she seems.
Arthur: Why? What makes you say that?
Morgana: I just... have a feeling. It's difficult to describe.
Arthur: Try me.
Morgana: I had a dream. A nightmare. She drowned you in a lake. She killed you, Arthur.
Arthur: And why would that be a bad thing?
Morgana: (confused)... what?
Arthur: Don't you want me dead, Morgana?
Morgana: (horrified) No! Of course not! Why would you say that?
Arthur: (shakes his head) Nothing. Forget I said anything.
Morgana: (firmly) No. Arthur, listen to me. (holds his face and Arthur forces himself not to flinch) I don't know what's happening in that head of yours, but let me get this straight. I love you and I care for you. You're like a brother to me. I would cut all my limbs before letting anything happen to you!
Arthur: (with teary eyes, but forcing himself not to cry) You're just saying that.
Morgana: It's the truth.
Arthur: (his voice almost breaking) So you don't hate me?
Morgana: What made you think-(opens her eyes wide in fury) It was her, wasn't she? She put that idea in your head! (starts stomping out of the chambers)
Arthur: (stops her) Hey! Where are you going?
Morgana: I'm going to kill her! No, first I'm going to drag her by the hair through all the castle to let her know what happens when you mess with people's minds!
Arthur: (Shocked for a second at Morgana's thirst for blood and revenge not being drawn at him, but for him. And then he laughs, laughs and laughs)
Morgana: Why are you laughing? (starts to question his sanity, worried) Are you Okay?
Arthur: (stops laughing and smiles) Yes, I am now. Thank you.
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1shadowhole · 1 year
I'd like to join in on the "_ fell first, _ fell harder" debate because I have been seeing many posts which argue that Merlin fell first and Arthur fell harder and... Ah ah ah ah. No. No that is not what happened.
Arthur fell the moment this twink with an attitude came to him and called his ass out. No one aside from Morgana has ever dared SASS him in his life and it made him find out some things about himself. Whereas Merlin saw an asshole and said: "What a bitch" and tried to punch him. Arthur liked that. Merlin didn't like Arthur sending him to the dungeons.
In the first episodes, Merlin is keeping him safe because of destiny, while Arthur is willing to trust him (ep. 2) save his life after a magic confession (ep. 3), and give his life (ep.4).
Arthur fell first.
By the time season five arrives Merlin is lost. He hasn't just fallen for Arthur. He has dug himself a hole so deep he can't see the bottom just that he can fall that much harder. He is quite simply obsessed with keeping Arthur safe and happy. Not for his destiny (which he has by now completely forgotten) but for Arthur.
There is no one else in his mind but his King, so much so that in the first episode of the last season he would not think twice before leaving all his knight friends to die, if it meant bringing Arthur to Camelot safe and away for Morgana. He gives up his and thousands of people's life and freedom for Arthur. This guy is completely gone for Arthur and can't think about anyone else.
On the other hand, Arthur CAN and does think about others... Gwen, his knights, and his people, even if he values Merlin "above all others".
So Arthur fell first. But Merlin fell harder.
Dat's how I see it anyway, feel free to disagree 💪
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shanastoryteller · 7 months
Harry and Draco time travel to the past please!! Happy Valentine’s Day! 🩷
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
They've been in the past for months and all Harry has achieved is convincing Ron that he's possessed, which would almost be funny except that it just makes him feel lonely on top of of everything else. Being twelve sucks.
"Say that I am willing to help you," he says, cornering Draco after potions.
He blinks and then rolls his eyes. "Finally. You really can sulk with the best of them, Potter."
They're adults, their current bodies notwithstanding. He's not going to start a fistfight with Draco in the middle of the hall.
"What's going on here?" Blaise demands, looming over Draco's shoulder to glare at him.
Harry scrambles to come up with an excuse that he'll believe and ends up going, "Ah," except he drags it out to be several syllables long.
Blaise isn't impressed.
"He's decided to stop wasting his own time - hah - and help us. The horcrux thing is going to go a lot faster, since he took care of them the first time."
For a moment, Harry's convinced that he has to be dreaming, or misheard, or something. Then he remembers this is Draco Malfoy and he really shouldn't put anything past him. "You told him?"
Draco wrinkles his nose while Blaise scowls at him. "Obviously. Pansy too. What, like you didn't tell your little friends?"
Harry presses his lips together and glares. Of course he hadn't told his friends!
Draco seems genuinely taken aback. "Merlin, Harry. You really are a mess."
"I hate you," he says.
Blaise claps him on the shoulder hard enough that he stumbles. He really, really hates being twelve. "Well, it's good to know some things never change."
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achillesuwu · 10 months
Some day I will stop getting ideas in the middle of fic that are UNFUCKING RELATED TO THE IDEA WHY—
Au where Merlin left (magic reveal under Uther reign for exemple) but then years later he comes back (for whatever reason) and (crack no angst) Merthur get to be batshit insane about each other like before but like… People of Camelot :
1. Kinda forgot about that Manservant Arthur had long ago
2. They totally forgot how much Merthur… well act like merthur lol
3. Some weren’t even in camelot when they met
So it’s just like
Arthur, the king, *screaming in the corridor*: MERLIN
Servant number 1 : ???
Merlin from the other side of the castle using magic : FUCK OFF YOU PRAT I’M SLEEPING
The whole castle : ?!??
Leon : ah. Nostalgia
Merthur : *screaming at each other*
Knight 7 : isn’t this treason
Leon : nan That’s just Merlin
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cherryslyce · 2 years
By NEWTS & Nott | Theodore Nott
Synopsis: The stress from studying for your NEWT level classes has you spiraling into confusion from burnout, and perhaps, simultaneously inspiring a certain slytherin to approach you. But it was all a coincidence, right?
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x Gryffindor!Reader
Notes: Cursing, Affection (oh my goodness). I love Theo. Like my mind is constantly just <3 Theo <3.
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The gloom that permeated through the air was unusually suffocating. The grey clouds that scattered across the almost equally dull sky left little room for enthusiasm to float about. Many students were beginning to fall into the pattern of procrastinating on their essays, the notorious wave of burnout that swept through the student body every year was at its most unforgiving. 
This year seemed almost worse than last year’s and you were sure it has already done a number on you. Hermione, ever the scholar, was amongst the very few who were managing fairly well for the most part. Your frizzy-haired friend was currently sitting across from you in the library, face buried in a book as she mumbled quietly, albeit furiously, about Harry’s sudden overwhelming success in Potions.
You yourself were quite impressed at Harry’s new penchant for the subject and you weren’t sure if his newfound success had anything to do with having a Potions professor who didn’t seem to loathe his existence or if he was suddenly gifted by mother magic with a potions mastery. 
NEWT level classes were definitely proving to be a challenge for you, and your head was pounding from trying to make sense of the Runes assignment in front of you. You weren’t Hermione by any means, but you would consider yourself to be another top student in your year, having a particular talent for Transfiguration. 
“‘Mione, maybe Harry just studied a little bit extra or something. Besides, it’s a great thing that he’s thriving, especially in potions. Merlin knows this spurn of success was needed given his previous record.” 
The girl’s head shoots up at your words, eyebrows drawn in frustration, “But Y/N, it just doesn’t make any sense! I followed the instructions exactly! Harry said he did as well, so why are all of my potions off?” 
Ah, ever the perfectionist. 
As she continued her tangent, her voice began to slowly rise in volume before her last words were bouncing around the bookshelves and causing other students to turn towards you. 
“Mione, please speak a little lower! And it doesn’t matter, you’re still the top student in a lot of the other classes anyway. Besides, Slughorn is still impressed with your work regardless, that Slug Club invitation is proof of it.” Your hushed whispers seemed to quell her and she nodded along, seeming to accept your encouragement. As if suddenly feeling the burning gazes being shot at the two of you, she quickly turned and apologized silently to everyone she disturbed. 
As she turned back to the book in front of her, you slowly looked around to rest your eyes. As your gaze flitted to the table next to yours, your eyes widened as you made eye contact with a familiar slytherin. 
Of course, it just happened to be him of all people. 
Theodore Nott happened to be one of the very few students in your year who could match Hermione’s academic prowess. You remembered starkly him beating out Draco and Hermione in Charms and Runes last year, shocking your friend group immensely– Hermione most of all. He was often seen walking with Draco and Daphne Greengrass, but he kept to himself for the most part. Despite his quieter disposition, you heard his name whispered often by girls who were longing to gain his attention and affection. 
And from the way he carried himself, it was obvious that Theodore Nott was an impressive wizard. 
He also just so happened to be staring at you at the current moment, no doubt having been disturbed by Hermione moments earlier. 
Slapping on an apologetic smile, you nod to him before turning back to your Runes assignment. 
Nope. Not awkward at all.
Your heart was beating furiously in your chest and you were beginning to fear that its quickened pace would either cause you to pass out or be loud enough for him to hear. You had never really talked to the boy, only being able to recall moments of fleeting nods and awkward eye contact between the two of you. 
Of course, that didn’t stop you from admiring his talents and his admittedly, above-average looks. You also appreciated his tendency to ignore people rather than berate and bully them like other slytherins in your year. 
You were sure that he at least knew of you, if not due to your involvement in Harry’s circle, then due to your consistent residency at the top of the academic hierarchy.
And a little part of you did hope that he took notice of you, not that you’d ever admit it aloud. 
The bags under your eyes could probably carry the weight of the troll you accidentally concussed in your first year, the unforgiving curriculum chipping away at the amount of rest you got every night. 
The library was unusually empty that evening, allowing you to peacefully sigh and slam your head into your books without looking like a complete maniac. Moving your head from side to side to try and relieve the tension in your neck, you move to slap your hands over your cheeks. 
After you were done waking yourself up, you drew your eyebrows together and began to tackle the large chunks of small text. 
‘Often mistaken for each other, the words ehwaz and eihwaz have different meanings, partnership and defense, respectively.’ 
You were definitely not making much progress with your Ancient Runes work, and you were growing increasingly anxious about the upcoming exam as you could slowly feel yourself slipping in the class. 
Feeling a prickle on your forehead, you shoot your gaze upwards and suppress a startled gasp as you lock eyes with an amused Theodore. 
When did he get here? Wait, did you get here after him? If so, how did you not notice him until now?
Perhaps, your sleep deprivation was beginning to interfere with how you function. Your lapses in memory were concerning enough for you to think of reining in your hours of daily study. As you slowly close the textbook in front of you, you watch as Theodore’s eyes dart to observe your sluggish movements. 
Clearly taking pity on your hunched form, he observes you for a few more moments before sliding over a sheet of parchment. Feeling your fingers twitch in suspicion, you carefully eye him before deciding that he wouldn’t try to blow you up or anything to that degree. 
As you read through the paper, you feel your mouth part in shock as you realize that it was an organized chart of notes on the words you were struggling with. Theodore Nott had just given you his notes like it was the most casual thing in the world–and they were his nice notes too. 
Feeling a smile pull at your lips, you shoot your head up to thank the boy, only to find the chair across from you vacant. Looking around your table, you’re only met with endless rows of bookshelves. You were left to your lonesome again, the paper in your hand being the only assurance that you hadn’t hallucinated your interaction with the quiet slytherin. 
Quickly packing up your notes and books, you carefully slide Theodore’s notes into your folder as you exit the library, parting with a quick farewell to Madam Pince. 
Briskly walking back to the Gryffindor common room, you shake off the strange interaction in favor of contemplating what a disaster your next Potions lesson is going to be. It was pretty formulaic by now with Harry finishing flawlessly, Hermione wandering out of the class with a lost look, Ron flying by the seat of his pants, and your constant thoughts of giving up and laying your head down. 
Potions had transformed from a tense, strict environment to one of the most entertaining in a matter of just a single year. You respected Snape’s intellect and proclivity in Potions, but his prejudices diminished any inkling of passion you had for the subject. 
You were correct in your assumption that the class would go exactly how it always went. Currently, Ron’s cauldron was smoking up a cloud that put Seamus’ usual catastrophes to shame. As you ran your finger along the list of directions for the umpteenth time, you realized that you were missing a stem of Baneberries. 
How you missed it, you could only ponder at another time. You were bustling about frantically, running on a couple hours of sleep, and feeling beside yourself. 
Eyeing your cauldron, you estimated that you could probably run to the storage closet and nick the stem quickly without causing too much havoc by leaving it unattended. Moving from around your table, you quickly weaved around frustrated Gryffindors and confused Slytherins and towards the high shelves of glass jars in the back of the room. 
You were getting dizzy from scanning the identical towers of jars, all the labels suddenly merging together. 
Baneberries would be near the top since all the ingredients were sorted alphabetically. Looking around for the ladder, you jump out of your skin as you nearly bump into a sturdy figure behind you. 
Holding your chest from the scare, you peer at the person only to be met with a familiar pair of amused eyes. 
Sucking in a short breath at your luck, you shoot a sheepish smile at the boy, “Nott. Hello. I didn’t notice you there. Sorry, I’m in a bit of a rush, I forgot one of my ingredients.” 
Theodore raises an eyebrow at you before partially sidestepping you, reaching up towards a shelf behind you. You gaped as you realized he was crowding you against him and the shelf, unable to wiggle around the small gap he left. 
Just as quickly as the awkward moment began, it ended, and Theodore was backing up and gingerly pushing a small stem of red and white berry clusters towards you. 
Eyes widening in shock, you carefully grab the thin stem, accidentally pinching his cold fingers in the process, “Oh, shoot. I’m sorry. Er…but thank you, Nott. I should really go though, I think my cauldron might explode if I delay any further.” 
Practically bouncing on the spot, you don’t wait to hear his response before you’re maneuvering around his figure and scurrying back to your table. Luckily, your potion was still boiling away and even looked salvageable. 
“It’s perfect! That bright pink is spot on, very good Harry, my boy.” Slughorn’s jubilant voice carries around the classroom and you could see many students suppressing their groans at Harry finishing first and flawlessly, once again. 
You purse your lips to contain your laughter as you see Hermione look more than mildly distressed before schooling her expression, shooting a small congratulatory smile at Harry. 
What a proper mess. 
Snorting quietly, you remove the stem from your berries and slowly add a few at a time, stirring the concoction three times counterclockwise. Unlike Harry’s tart pink potion, yours begins to melt into a magenta color, and you have half the mind to step back just as it gives a little rumble, a small puff of smoke shrouding over the circumference of the cauldron. 
Safe to say, that is not what’s meant to happen.
Unsure whether to mourn your failed potion (once again) or not take it too seriously, you opt to just do both, and drop your chin into your hands, laughing dryly at your fate. 
Quickly cleaning up around your work station, you risk a glance across the room and make eye contact with Theodore who looks vaguely entertained at your failed  potion. 
Later, Harry’s bottled potion is being presented by Slughorn at the front of the class, everybody gathering around in a semi-circle to see the result. As you shuffle from leg to leg, you feel a firm chest press lightly against your back. Before you could spin around on your heel, you sense their head moving towards your ear.  
“You forgot to turn down your flame and add the stem of your Angel’s Trumpet.” Theodore’s whisper sends shivers down your spine and you have to cross your arms in order to stop yourself from physically reacting. 
Turning your head slightly towards his face, you huff out in exasperation, “I’m not surprised, I was pretty much running around like a headless hippogriff.” 
You wryly smile, becoming accustomed to classroom failures. Luckily, it seemed that the wave of burnout was finally letting up for a few weeks before your NEWTS, so you could catch up on sleep beforehand. 
A breathy laugh leaves Theodore’s lips imperceptibly and you have to fight back the pleased grin threatening to pull at your face. 
Soon, Slughorn was dismissing class and you were all free to head to the dining hall for lunch. Spinning to head back to grab your book bag, you shoot a small smile at Theodore, “Nice chat, Nott. Thanks again.” 
Before you’re able to brush past him, he mutters a simple correction to you, “Theo.”
“Theo. See you around.”
Your little exchange in potions doesn’t go unnoticed and before you could even stack up some potatoes on your plate, Hermione is dropping herself down next to you with a curious glint shining in her eyes. 
Raising an eyebrow at her enthused expression, you’re unsure if you’re walking into a trap as you respond, “What’s up, ‘Mione?”
Hermione leans a little towards you before quietly whispering to you as if she was sharing a heartfelt secret, “You know what. I saw you and Nott during Potions.” 
Craning your head back to look at her, you suppress the groan itching at your throat as you realize she had her mind set on getting information out of you. 
“It’s nothing of that sort, ‘Mione. He was just giving me tips on my brew is all, apparently I forgot a key ingredient. I’m a proper mess and it seems to be catching the attention of other houses.” You breathe out quietly, beginning to push your food around on your plate. 
Hermione grins like she knows something you don’t and replies with finality before scooping food onto her plate, “Well, he’s seated rather far away from us, don’t you agree? I wonder how he knew what you did wrong.” 
Her words have you pausing as you straighten up in your seat, shooting your wide eyes to her satisfied face. 
Sweet Merlin, she wasn’t called the brightest witch of your age for a half-hearted reason. In a way, you wanted to smack yourself for not realizing sooner despite how glaringly obvious it seems in hindsight. 
How did he know what you did wrong?
It’s been a week since your potion incident with Theo, and you’ve been actively avoiding looking in his direction since that day. You absolutely would not focus on the boy, you couldn’t afford a crush, especially not one on one of the most eligible bachelors of your year. 
Plus, a crush would be detrimental to your grades, and you had barely just recovered from your chronic sleep deprivation. 
Unfortunately, your active avoidance of the boy only made him drift through your head more often. You even caught yourself writing his name mid-sentence while you were doing your Transfiguration essay. 
At the current moment, you were sitting with your friends in the common room, listening to Harry rant about Draco, once again. It was entertaining, but you could feel Hermione shooting small glances at you from time to time, still remembering your incident with Theodore. 
Crossing your arms, you finally speak up as Harry stops to catch his breath, “Harry, are you sure you’re not just interested in Malfoy? No one pays this much attention to someone without having a crush on them, I mean seriously, how do you even know how Draco likes his apples?” 
Harry gapes at your words, fishing around for a logical rebuttal, but you can see how his eyes widen in realization. Ron seems plenty amused by Harry’s flailing and leans back like a satisfied wingman, even though you were the one who did all the mental gymnastics for Harry. 
Hermione raises her eyebrows at your words, turning to face you before echoing your words quietly, “Yeah, no one pays that much attention to someone without it involving a crush.” 
Shaking your head, you dismiss her insinuation, “It was one lesson, ‘Mione. I doubt he’s looking to court me or anything.” 
Your words grab Harry and Ron’s attention and they suddenly lean over to you for an explanation. Raising your eyebrows in challenge, you successfully harden your resolve despite their puppy eyes. 
Realizing that you were going to remain tight-lipped, Hermione decides to enlighten them, “A certain slytherin has taken interest in Y/N.” 
“Oh please ‘Mione, I’m telling you that he’s just really observant and really good at potions.” Your last words catch a little in your throat. 
Hermione grins like cheshire cat, having successfully roped you in, “Sure, and him giving you his nice notes was just a casual ordeal as well.”
Ron and Harry swing their heads back and forth between the two of you, eyes brimming with anticipation. 
Ron seems to have reached the end of his patience and grabs hold of your forearms, shaking you playfully before exclaiming, “Well don’t just keep fighting, tell us who!” 
Huffing in defeat, you dart your attention to the fireplace as you satiate their curiosity, “Theodore Nott.” 
Harry falls back on the floor and releases a noise of surprise while Ron’s hands rip away from your arms and fly to his face. 
“What? Is it that surprising?” Honestly, you were mildly insulted.
Harry is the first to speak, shaking his head reassuringly, “No, no, it’s just, you’re not considering it are you?” 
Tilting your head, you’re quick to reply, “What do you mean? I mean I don’t consider it as a possibility, but what’s so wrong with Theo?” 
Ron gapes in shock, “Theo?” 
Hermione looks at the both of them sternly before turning to you, “I think what they’re trying to say is, Theodore might be bad news. I haven’t the faintest clue why they’d feel that way though.” 
Shaking your head firmly, you shoot down their apprehension, “No way, he’s probably the most tame out of that friend group.” 
The boys don’t look convinced, but Harry concedes with a quiet, “If you’re sure.” 
Tired of the conversation, you stand up from the sofa and stretch your arms above your head, “Enough about me, it’s about time for dinner. Let’s head to the dining hall and talk about Harry’s crush on Draco.” 
“It’s not a crush!” 
It’s the very next morning after your conversation in the common room when something bizarre happens to you again. You had successfully evaded Theodore for a little over a week, and sometimes you could feel a pointed stare aimed at you. 
As you’re pouring orange juice for yourself during breakfast, a letter drops in front of your plate as everyone gets their post. Confused by the envelope, you cast a charm to make sure it hasn’t been tampered with before picking it up. 
There wasn’t a sender address on the envelope, but as you neatly tear it open and unfold the paper inside, you realize that you knew exactly who it was from. 
The words were neatly written on the paper, and even without the letter’s content, you already recognized the penmanship. 
Meet me after dinner tonight? Astronomy Tower. 
Don’t worry, you’ll be back before curfew. 
P.S. Do you need my notes again?
Unable to stop yourself, your head shoots up and towards the direction of Draco’s friend group. Immediately, your eyes lock with Theodore’s and he sends you a small smile, tilting his head subtly to ask for your answer. 
Slowly nodding, you feel warmth flood your face as he breaks into a pleased grin and his eyes twinkle in victory. His expression catches the attention of his friends as they all immediately stop their conversation and follow Theodore’s gaze. 
Your eyebrows nearly shoot off your face as you’re suddenly under the scrutiny of the slytherin circle. Surprisingly, Draco doesn’t jeer at you but rather smirks at you ominously, but surprisingly not with malice. Blaise and Pansy look back at Theodore and whisper furiously, their words seemingly so obscene that it tears Theo’s gaze from you and to his smiling friends. 
You weren’t sure if you should be worried. Swallowing down your nervousness, you carefully fold the letter back up and tuck it away into your book bag, keeping your head down for the rest of the meal. 
Your day seems to pass by in a blur, and soon enough you’re rising out of your seat during dinner, eyes trailing to glance at Theo, whose attention darts to your rising form. 
Harry raises his head to look at you in confusion, “You’re done eating already?” 
Nodding quickly, you plaster on a reassuring smile to settle your nerves, “Yeah, I’m just going to go take a walk. I’ll meet you guys in the common room before curfew.” 
Your friends bid you farewell and you pace out of the hall, seeing Theodore push his plate back out of the corner of your eye. Not ready to face him quite yet, you pick up the pace as you head towards the Astronomy Tower, head filled with racing thoughts. 
As you enter the top tier of the tower, you walk towards the ledge to look at the sky, deciding to just leave the door open for Theo. 
A few minutes pass before you hear footsteps approaching you, your shoulders tensing in anticipation. 
Theodore slowly makes his way to stand next to you, resting one arm on the stone ledge and maneuvering his body to face you. Unable to face him just yet, you opt to break the silence first, “So, why did you want to meet with me?” 
“I thought you would have figured it out by now. After all, you’re quite brilliant.” Amusement colors his tone, and you were sure he was smiling at you right now.
Feeling your brain lag at the sudden compliment, you turn your head and survey him with questioning eyes before finding your voice, “It’s not like you to do all this.” 
His lips tug a little at your attention, “Like what?” 
Turning your body to face him fully, you’re keenly aware of the warmth emanating from his body, “Like approaching people you’re unfamiliar with and giving them your notes. Asking them to meet up with you at night. Helping them with their potions. You’re not possessed are you?”
Theodore’s nose wrinkles in amusement as his smile seems to grow impossibly wider, “So you watch me too. But no, I’m not possessed. I think we both know what the deal is though.” 
Dropping your shoulders as your nerves seem to turn to jelly, you release a shaky sigh, “Then, you like me too?” 
Your eyes flit across his face quickly, watching his eyes widen slowly. Smiling at you in fondness, he carefully brings up his hand to cup your face, his cool rings soothing your burning cheek. 
His thumb slowly brushes across your cheek and he steps closer to your figure, leaning to close the distance between your faces, but leaving just enough room to have you wanting more. 
His gaze flickers between your lips and eyes, finally breaking through the silence that settled between the two of you, “Yes, I like you too. Have for a while.” 
You can’t fight your smile, and Theodore seems to be unable to wait any longer, ducking his head further towards yours, “Tell me to stop if you’re not ready.” 
Laughing breathlessly at his words, you bring your hands to rest behind his neck, tugging him closer to close the faint gap between your bodies, “Not a chance in hell.” 
Theodore brings a hand to wrap around your body, quickly connecting your lips. His firm grip on you has you melting against him, and you’re sure that the world completely stopped in that moment, nerves running like fireworks in your body. 
You both break apart for air, donning identical grins of bliss. Unwilling to let you stray too far, Theodore doesn’t loosen his hold and opts to softly nuzzle his nose against yours, occasionally planting kisses on your cheeks. 
Rubbing circles on the back of his neck, you softly laugh as you suddenly remember something, “Hermione was actually the one who helped me realize that you liked me.” 
Humming at your words, Theo only pauses briefly from kissing your face to answer, “Remind me to thank her.”
Smiling softly at his clinginess, you pull your head back to get a good look at him, “Didn’t realize you were the affectionate type.” 
His eyes are hazy from bliss, and he cranes his head forward to try and bring you back to him before answering, “Hm, well the last week has been rough with you avoiding me. ‘M making up for it.” 
Your laugh echoes around the room, urging Theodore to lean over to nip at your ear, “What’s so funny?” 
Carding your fingers through his soft lock, you have a fleeting thought about curfew before you brush it aside to answer him, “Nothing much. Just didn’t think you would get pouty about it.” 
Reeling back at your words, his mouth parts in playful shock, “I don’t pout, baby.” 
“That’s good since we should get going before the prefects head out.” Your words are met with a loud groan and Theodore does the exact opposite of your suggestion, deciding to instead bury his face in your neck and cling onto you. 
“Oh bugger off! He was being the biggest baby of the century all week long, ‘I don’t pout’, my arse.” Draco’s crude words have you dropping your mouth into your hands to muffle your laughter as Theo was left to gape at his friend’s words. 
Pansy nods in agreement and grabs your free hand like a relieved mother, “Trust me, I don’t know what you see in him, but I’m so glad you’re here now.” 
You beam brightly at the girl, coming to realize that your previous anxiety about meeting Theo’s friends was just a waste of energy–they were nothing like your presumptions. 
“Happy to be here. I was honestly driving myself mad all week trying to avoid Theo.” You don’t miss the wounded look the boy throws at you as he begins to tug on your elbow to try and drag you away from his friends. 
“Theo? I remember when I tried to call him that once in third year and he nearly incinerated me.” Blaise raises his eyebrows teasingly at your deflated boyfriend, unable to resist poking fun at his usually stoic friend. 
Huffing a small laugh, you interlace your fingers with Theo’s before stepping back, “Dating privileges, Zabini. Now, it was nice talking with you guys, but Theo might die from embarrassment if we linger around.” 
You barely manage to say your farewells to the group, before Theo is steering you away by your shoulders, muttering up a storm about his friends. 
“Don’t be lax just yet, dear. You still have to talk with my friends, remember?” Your reminder has the boy straightening his posture, evidently unsure with how to approach making conversation with your capricious group.
“They’ll like me, right?” You nearly melt into a puddle at his words. 
“Hermione? Yes. Harry? Maybe. Ron? Not a chance. But I like you, and that’s all that matters. Besides, Ron is too scared to incur Hermione’s wrath to threaten you, so he won’t try to hex you or anything.” Patting his chest reassuringly, you begin to drag him through the castle, set on finding your friends. 
Smiling to yourself, you were sure that your sudden relationship with the slytherin would encourage your friends to confront their own crushes. 
“Oh, I think I see them! Theo, you can’t get out of this with your puppy eyes, now come on!” 
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frost-queen · 1 year
The moment I knew // part 3 (Reader!Bridgerton x Tewkesbury)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @omgsuperstarg, @cayt0123, @powwowsworld, @yomamacrusty, @mileyy22, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @omgsuperstarg
Summary: Now that Tewkesbury has given away his ring, his grandmother confronts him about where it is. Conflicted about what to do Tewkesbury has to make a desicion. Ask for his ring back and stop his grandmother from bothering him or let you keep it and live his life in agony of his grandmother's wrath. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 part 8 & part 9 & part 10 ]
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Tewkesbury yawned loud while going down the stairs. His arms flopped at the rhythm of him thundering the last few steps down. A servant who was stationed in the hallway bowed to him making Tewkesbury sigh soft. He made a turn heading for the dining room. He needn’t to touch the doorknob as the door got opened for him. It made him roll his eyes as he was very well capable of opening a door by himself. As the doors opened he straightened his posture, plastering on a smile.
He casually walked inside being greeted by his grandmother. – “Ah Tewkesbury!” – she said loudly with a fork up in the air. On her lap sat a little dog. – “Grandmother.” – Tewkesbury replied taking a stiff bow. She wasn’t paying much attention to it, but Tewkesbury knew if he didn’t she would surely comment about his lacking manners. He went around the table to a seat near his grandmother who sat at the head of the table.
His chair got pulled back for him. Tewkesbury eyed the dog on her lap. The vicious lapdog barked at him, making him flinch. He never liked that dog. Tewkesbury nearly barked back at it just out of spite, hadn’t his grandmother not shushed the dog. She plucked something off her plate offering it to the dog. The dog licked at it making Tewkesbury make a face out of disgust.
He sat down as his chair got pushed closer to the table. Her dog snarled at him. His grandmother snapped her finger pointing at her glass. A servant came closer to pour more in her glass. Now that her attention was elsewhere mocked Tewkesbury the dog. He pulled his nose up to it, baring his teeth. He then bit at the dog to frighten it. The dog whimpered laying itself down. Tewkesbury chuckled counting this as a victory.
His plate got set down making him look picky at it. With his fork he started to divide the food. Something inside of him had hoped for something sweet for breakfast, yet he was once again disappointed. He shouldn’t complain though, there were various fruits to pick from on his plate. If only he liked them all equally. He pricked in a grape with his fork. His grandmother quirked her eyebrow up. – “Where is your ring?” – she asked plainly. – “What ring?” – Tewkesbury replied with not much thought.
“The ring your father gave you.” – She stated raising her eyebrow even higher. Tewkesbury turned his hand a bit more to him, looking at his bare hand. Where once was a ring, was none now. He swallowed closing his hand as he knew exactly where it was. Hanging around the neck of Y/n Bridgerton. The one his heart flutters for but he couldn’t say that. So he had to come up with an excuse. – “I must’ve taken it off for a bath and forgot to put it back on.” – he said.
“You never take it off.” – His grandmother persisted on. – “I did now.” – Tewkesbury said annoyed back at her. His grandmother seemed shocked for a second by the tone in his voice. She placed her napkin down with a cold stare. – “Then fetch it!” – she insisted upon. Tewkesbury took a quick breath, staring down at his plate. He knew he couldn’t just fetch it. – “I can’t remember where I put it.” – he mumbled. – “You’ve lost it?” – she shrieked out making the dog bark at her sudden movement.
“No!” – Tewkesbury called back bothered. – “I simply misplaced it!” – he rephrased. – “That is still exactly the same thing!” – his grandmother made clear. Tewkesbury felt himself get worked up over this. – “That ring is the only thing you might have of your father! I suggest you find it quickly for I do not tolerate negligence!” – she said firm. Tewkesbury shoved his chair loudly back, getting up in a haste. – “I’ll do so!” – he bit at her. He firmly turned his back at her heading out of the dining room.
Whatever his grandmother shouted at him, he couldn’t hear over the loud barking of that stupid dog. Perhaps it was for the better as it would only hurt his feelings. Angered he rushed back up to his room. In there he needed to out some steam. He grabbed one of his pillows throwing it onto the ground. Sighing loud he let himself fall down on his bed. Hands rubbing down his face. He let himself fall back on the bed, staring up to ceiling. He took a deep breath, conflicted. His fingers touching the bare skin around his ring finger where once his ring was.
Turning his head to the wall, he saw it all before him. The moment he gave you his ring. In that moment he had hesitated to give it. It was indeed his father’s ring. One of the few things he truly had of him. He knew his grandmother would eventually notice and make a fuss over it. To be fair she makes a fuss over almost everything. He just didn’t think she would notice to soon after last nights gathering at Lord and Lady Wattlesbrook.
Then again his entire heart screamed for him to give it to you. Perhaps in a way to already claim you as his before anything real would go down. He knew very well how predatory the social season was. Lords talking trash behind each other’s back to lure the girl of their liking into their trap. To ensure them to themselves. There was nothing more dangerous than a bunch of ill loved men falling for the same girl. Tewkesbury wasn’t a fool.
He knew you’d most likely be the season’s diamond when you would debut. It was so clear. He didn’t need to look at any other girl to know you were the fairest. Both in heart as in beauty. Therefor he had given you his ring, knowing you would stay true to it just as much as him. Sighing deep he knew he had to find his ring fast for his grandmother would not stop complaining about it till she saw it around his finger again.
Conflicted he groaned loud. A part of him wanted to leave it with you, just to taunt his grandmother. The grandmother that drove him crazy. He barely couldn’t wait to debut, marry, and claim lordship of his late father’s estate. The second he would be, he’d set her out. Give her a comfortable home far away from him so she couldn’t interfere with his life any longer.
It wasn’t cruel considering how she treated him. Conducting his life as if he wouldn’t have a say into it for himself. Then again another part of him wanted to have that ring back as quickly as possible. That part of him that feared his grandmother’s wraith. He knew just how miserable she could make his life. He sure didn’t want things to escalate.
The only cruel thing about it would be asking for his ring back from you. He couldn’t possibly imagine how you would react. Would you see it as a rejection of his love? A withdraw of his promise. Would you hate him and turn your attention to other boys? The thought alone made him panic. He got back up wiping his hand down his face. What was he to do? What to do indeed?
Tewkesbury got into the carriage. His grandmother already seated with that darn dog of hers on her lap. – “Did you find it already?” – was the first thing she asked. – “No.” – Tewkesbury sighed out knowing he couldn’t avoid it. His grandmother gave him a scowl that made him almost want to disappear. He sat himself down before her as the door got closed behind him. – “Have you looked properly?” – she asked as the carriage got in motion. – “Yes.” – he answered.
“Clearly not. If so I would see a well worth ring around your finger.” – she pointed briefly at him. – “I’ll look later more.” – he said moving his hand up in defeat. Exhaling deep as there was no point in arguing with her. It had only taken a few words of her to ruin his entire mood. Eager to just turn the carriage around and make an escape for it. Her dog snarled at him. His grandmother shushing it loudly. The dog laid down on her lap with a soft meek. Tewkesbury turned his head to the outside, staring out of the frame. In the distance he could see the park. The carriage came to a stop.
The door got opened by the footman. Tewkesbury got out first, taking in a deep breath. His grandmother followed with her dog. She sat her dog down, holding his leash. – “I am going for my walk.” – she said stroking some wrinkles out of her dress. – “Stay close!” – she called out. Tewkesbury took a deep breath following his grandmother a few paces behind her. He watched her dog walk for a moment before turning his attention around him. On the grass fields away from the gravely path they walked upon were people taking a stroll. A couple with their infant having a picknick.
He saw how caring the parents were with their child, making him yearn for that kind of attention. It has been a long time since anyone had given that to him. Surely not his grandmother. She lacked the capacity to do so. A bit further were two men discussing something over by the pond. Some children playing tag and running around wildly. His grandmother stopped as her dog had to pee. Tewkesbury also stopped staring at the green fields. A few younglings were playing hoops not far from him. One of the children missed to catch the hoop as it flew further on. It landed by Tewkesbury’s feet making him look down to it.
The child came running over as Tewkesbury bend to pick it up. – “If I please may sir.” – she asked nicely holding her hands out. Tewkesbury smiled at her, giving her back the hoop. She smiled back at him before running back to her friends happily. – “Tewkesbury!” – his grandmother called out furious. He sighed deep following her once more. There was no pleasure to the stroll. The stroll wasn’t even for him, it was for that darn dog that she needed to let out.
From afar called an elderly lady to his grandmother. His grandmother called back to her. She looked over her shoulder to Tewkesbury who was looking around. – “Take your leave!” – she hissed at him. – “What?” – Tewkesbury blurted out, caught off guard. – “I said take your leave!” – she repeated loudly seeing the lady approach. She didn’t have to say that again as Tewkesbury parted from her. Over his shoulder he saw his grandmother meet with the lady all happy. It made him smirk, thanking the lady silently for his freedom.
Tewkesbury walked a bit back eyeing a bench. He sat down on it, watching the pond down the hill. A few children were feeding the ducklings. He took a breath at ease, leaning back against the bench. His moment of calmness was brief as he got startled by a pair of hands blocking his sight. – “Who am I?” – he heard before he could throw the hands from before him. Instantly his heart leaped in the air making him grab the hands that were blocking his vision. – “That voice only belongs to the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met.” – he said lowering the hands.
He let his head fall back, looking up to the most magnificent pair of eyes. – “Midday Miss Bridgerton.” – he said smiling up. – “Midday Viscount.” – you answered with a smile of your own. Tewkesbury let go of your hands as you moved around the bench to sit with him. – “Are you here alone?” – you asked. He shook his head. – “My grandmother’s over there.” – he gestured in her direction making you look. – “Same.” – you said making him quirk his eyebrow up. – “Well not my grandmother, but my mother is over there with my younger siblings.” – you gestured behind you making him look.
“The moment I saw you, I had to come over.” – you spoke smiling happily. – “How did you know it was I?” – he questioned with a smirk. – “I recognize you anywhere.” – you told him. That made him smile, looking down at your chest to where his ring would hang. It made him wonder. Swallowing nervously he wasn’t sure if he should ask you about it. Taking a deep breath, he turned his head away.
You had slightly an idea what it was about, so you pulled at the string around your neck, revealing his ring. – “I still have it if you wondered.” – you said showing it to him. He smiled, simply smiled at you in response. – “Is…is something the matter Viscount Tewkesbury?” – you asked worried. He smiled faintly at you, shaking his head. You knew something bothered him from the way he avoided eye contact. You removed the ring from around your neck, holding it out to him after a second of hesitation and sadness.
“What… what are you doing Miss Y/n?” – he said blinking in shock at his ring twirling in front of his eyes. – “You require it don’t you?” – you responded. – “No…I…” – he answered nervously making you grab his hand and lay it open before you. – “You require it Viscount.” – you said placing the ring down in his hand with the cord. – “Do not worry I understand.” – you added closing his hand on it. – “I am not mad or disappointed. I simply understand that you require it. Don’t pity me for I can’t bare to see you so saddened as this.” – you moved his hand closer to his chest, letting go of it.
Tewkesbury stared stunned at his closed hand with the ring in it, then up to you. He smiled at you, taking your hand. – “This does not mean I renounce my promise!” -  he made clear as you nodded. – “I should not ask this of you, I gave it willingly with my heart yet my grandmother…” – his words drifted away such as his gaze. – “You didn’t ask.” – you reminded him with a kind smile.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. – “If your grandmother requires you to wear it, I understand completely Viscount.” – you told him looking back to where his grandmother was. Tewkesbury nodded his head with a deep inhale. – “I’ll… I’ll give you something else!” – he exclaimed grasping your hands. He looked frantically around, his eyes falling onto something. He bend down to pick it up, laying your hand out to take it. He placed it down in your hand making you stare confused at it. – “An acorn?” – you said. – “Not just any acorn. The acorn of my love.” – he replied closing your hand on it.
“An acorn it is then.” – you chuckled holding it close to your heart. – “I still very much want what I promised before.” – he made clear so you wouldn’t forget. You hummed loud with a nod. – “Me too… if you haven’t already changed your mind on me.” – you said making him frown deep. – “Change my mind? Y/n I think I have just fallen more in love with you just now. This.” – he showed you his closed hand with the ring in. – “This would save me a lot of trouble and you gave it willingly knowing I didn’t break my promise.” – he called out.
“Tewkesbury!” – he suddenly heard loud. He sighed deep knowing his time of freedom was gone. He took your hand tightly, smiling at you. You smiled back at him, letting your eyes speak for you. He got up bowing respectfully at you. You watched him return to his grandmother. He glanced one more time over his shoulder to you before continuing.
You smiled back at him before getting up yourself and heading back to your mother and younger siblings. Tewkesbury removed the cord from around his ring, tugging it away. He then put his father’s ring back on. He wondered how long it would take her to notice this time that it had returned. Bringing his hand to his chest, his desire to marry you one day grew immensely.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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xplr-myrddin · 1 year
Arthur finding out what Merlin’s actual birth name is:
Arthur: MERLIN! Merlin: *appears* Yes? Arthur: Your name ISN’T MERLIN?? Merlin: I don’t know what you mean Arthur: I just got off the phone with your Mother Merlin: Mmmmm, she promised she wouldn’t tell you Arthur: YOUR NAME IS MYRDDIN WYLLT?? Merlin: Ah, she told you my last name too...got it Arthur: We’ve been dating for 3 years, and you didn’t tell me??
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orions-tears · 2 years
Yours Truly - Ominis Gaunt [Part 1]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem!Reader
Themes: Fluff
A/N: Hey guys! I think this request is really cute so I hope it comes out well.
Part 2, Part 3, Final Part (smut) and Final Part (fluff) are linked :)
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“What’s that?” you ask, leaning over Ominis. He had been sitting in the Charms classroom when you walked in. He spins around, his shoulder bumping into you.
“Ah, (Y/N)!” He smiles and pats the bench next to him.
You sit down and lean over, looking at the book. It’s void of any print but the pages are covered dots. He slides the book a little closer to you.
“It’s One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. I have to write twenty inches on dittany and its uses…”
You furrow your brows and run your fingers over the pages. “What are these?”
He gently touches your fingers to understand what you’re asking about and laughs lightly. “The words. It’s braille.”
You tilt your head. “And this is how you can read without your wand?”
He nods. You think for a moment and grin.
After class if over you run to Hogsmede. If you can find a way to write in braille you can leave him notes. You walk into Tomes and Scrolls and run up to the shopkeeper.
“Mr. Brown! Do you have anything that would help me learn braille?”
He rubs his chin, thinking for a minute. He smiles and pulls the stairs out, looking at the top shelves. He returns a moment later with a black book, handing it to you. You thank him and pay, running back to your common room. You spend all night studying the book. Grabbing a piece of paper, you use a quill to poke holes in the paper to create the dots. You give it to your owl to drop off to Ominis, hoping he doesn’t recognize her.
As the owls fly over head, one drops a letter in Ominis’ lap. Sebastian leans over and picks it up.
“A love letter, eh?” he says, laughing.
Ominis’ flushes red and snatches it back, opening it. Sebastian looks at it and frowns.
“I can’t even read it. Not fair.”
Ominis furrows his brow and touches the paper. Braille…
My dearest Ominis,
I have been awake most nights wondering what I can say to express my feelings for you. I have worked hard to convey my message properly. The first time I travelled to Feldcroft I was visited by the smell of the sea and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I have dreamt of us standing on the coast, hand in hand. I think of your hair blowing in the breeze, how warm you must be in the cold air… You have always been kind to me and I hope I am as kind to you. I hope to see you again soon.
Yours truly,
Ominis sets the papers down on the table and turns to Sebastian. “It…was a love letter…”
Sebastian laughs and nudges him. “Who is it from?”
Ominis shrugs. “Didn’t say.”
Sebastian picks up the papers, turning them over in his hands, shrugging.
You sit down next to Ominis in Charms and lean in. “What’s the letter?”
He hands it to you and shrugs. “A love letter…It doesn’t say who from.”
You grab it and squeal. “Cute!! Oh Merlin, I have to know who it is.” You stare at the papers for a few seconds and sigh. “I can’t read this.”
He laughs and takes the papers back.
“Maybe you’ll get more and there will be hints.”
He nods and folds the letter back up, sliding it into his pocket. Who could it possibly be? And who would learn braille to send him a letter like that?
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@ingerjkb @blueberrydinosaur @kuukimeioo @sometimesidreamthaticanlevatate @thenerdysimp @lonadane @tubble-wubble
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bloodymiso · 5 months
★ library gossip! anthony lockwood x gn!reader
in which you discuss the latest magazine gossip with the world’s best drama queen—apples at hand.
notes: idk how the farts i whipped this up faster than my haikyuu hcs but whatever🔥🔥. | warnings: granny apple haters dni/j
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imagine discussing the latest gossip with LOCKWOOD. his eyes were glued to his newly arrived gossip magazine as he took a bite of an apple, which he often forgets on the chair—something you noticed after sitting on a 2 day old rotten apple a few days ago.
you popped into the library, a book in hand. as you walked, you hit the shelf, too focused on your book to care. lockwood’s ears perked up and he tilted his head up to face you.
“woah, you okay there?” he chuckled. “anyhoo, did you know gina—yes, gina, got a divorce with her husband. crazy, right?” he said almost immediately after his last sentence, completely brushing off the past “topic” that he brought up. you listened in, closing your book, making sure you had the bookmark in the right place.
you couldnt help but be pretty well informed with whatever cock and bull lockwood read in his magazines, he talked about it all day, everyday. even on missions. ah, the mission on king’s road, you remembered it very clearly.
the type 2 visitor approached your figures, lockwood with his rapier up, doing his fancy wancy twirly wirly shit. it attacked and as it did so, you could see it’s features, rather clearly at that. his face was structured, his jawline rather clear, and his hair was pulled back neatly, like your average london rich kid—just ugly with half the flesh on his body burned off. both of you jumped out the way and as lockwood landed on the floor, you could practically see the lightbulb beside his head.
“merlin’s beard that guy is exactly how my magazine described the man martha had an affair with!”
“bloody hell lockwood, shut up!”
remembering that past mission, you chuckled, resting your arms on lockwood’s armchair(haha armchair for arms) , leaning on it. “why is everything about relationships and marriage in that magazine?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair. “your hair is so thin.” “come on lad don’t change the subject.” he rolled his eyes and continued.
“apparently, jeffrey—gina’s husband was having an affair with gerlie, the girl next door.”
“why is everyone having affairs?”
“dunno, adults are weird. anyway—oh do you want an apple?” he asked, grabbing a light green granny apple from his little basket. you nodded, relieving it from his hands, taking a bite.
your conversation lasted over an hour, and lockwood had devoured over 3 apples in that time period. if you were standing outside the door in that said hour like a weirdo(*cough* george*cough*) you would have heard laughter almost every 5 seconds.
his smile was so contagious, even a simple sneer caused your own lips to curve up in response. you loved moments like this, laughing your asses off over stupid stuff. you loved all the shits and giggles you and lockwood had.
you giggled as you looked through the pages, stopping at a picture of a couple—the man on the left weirdly resembling lockwood. you looked at him, and he looked at you. a cheeky smile rose to his face as you playfully slapped his cheek.
“are you thinking what im thinking?” he smirked, before he could continue the thought, you slapped him again.
“this is abuse! that could be us if you werent such a meanie.” he rolled his eyes like the drama queen he is, closing the magazine and crossing his arms. you chuckled, he was pouting.
“hey im not a meanie.” you pouted back, ruffling his hair. the smirk on lockwood’s lips never fading.
“guess thats us then.” he said, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his legs.
“i—nevermind, im a meanie.”
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(><) wanna support? reblog with tags pookie!! (ps. check out my may 2024 event:3 )
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jfleamont · 6 months
Hey for your jily muse, out of order <3
Okay this is unforgivable, I know. You sent this prompt over two months ago. TWO. This ask has been sitting in my inbox since the 18th of January, so you probably won't even remember sending this but I promise you I've been thinking about it constantly and waiting to have free time to work on it and I have this tendency to leave things unfinished so this is me working through that as well lol
Without further ado, here it is ❤️
Out of Order - 744 words
Evans is in the boys' bathroom. She's in the boys' bathroom and she's crying.
One of her hands is gripping the sink, while the other fruitlessly wipes the tears that keep escaping.
She hasn't noticed his arrival, and Sirius doesn't bother clearing his throat. “I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for this.”
She makes a startled noise and turns to face him, her expression a mixture of anger and sadness. It's comical, really, so Sirius laughs.
“There is,” she mutters as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her jumper. Her voice lacks the edge she usually aims at him— and at James, too, though Sirius can't help but notice a slight difference there.
He walks towards her and hands her his monogrammed tissue - he's never used it for this purpose specifically, but it has proved to be useful during the occasional prank or after a rough full moon - which she grabs immediately. She doesn't thank him, but he doesn't expect her to.
“Ah well, that's all I needed to know. It's not like you're invading my personal space or something.”
She lifts an eyebrow and eyes him curiously, looking more like her usual self. “I'm sorry, is there a plaque or an inscription that I haven't noticed? Does House Black monogram bathrooms as well as tissues?”
“Not that I'm aware of, no. Don't give my mother ideas, though, she might actually try to do that.”
She makes an attempt at a smile, but it quickly turns into a quiet sob.
“Apparently there can only be one crying girl per bathroom, and Myrtle has claimed the one across the corridor as hers so it's out of order,” she explains as she tries to regain control of her emotions, “and I thought this one was empty since everyone is heading down to watch the match.”
“You were right... for the most part. Why aren't you going then?”
“No reason,” she replies, her voice even, but she's not looking at him.
Sirius thinks he knows why. He suspects it has to do with the good luck kiss that Cornelia Kettleburn gave James at breakfast and how quickly Lily disappeared after that.
“Cool. I'm not going either. Fancy going to the Astronomy tower for a smoke?”
She looks taken aback. “I— wait, why aren't you going?”
In truth Sirius wants to go, and James is going to kill him for this, but lately he's been claiming that he no longer has feelings for Lily, and Sirius hates being lied to, so technically this is just payback.
“James got on my nerves so I'm skipping the match in protest,” he adds with a shrug and it's the truth, because it wouldn't be fair to lie. “So, are we smoking or not? Got a fag I can borrow?”
She's not an idiot: she knows this is an olive branch of sorts. Sirius can tell she's deciding whether to believe him or not; after a moment she sighs, and Sirius knows he's won.
“Haven't you got your own? Merlin, you're cheap,” she says while producing a pack of cigarettes from her satchel and handing it to him, a smirk on her face. He's glad to see that she seems to have calmed down significantly.
“I'm trying to quit so I stopped carrying them around,” he replies and grabs one, putting it in the breast pocket of his vest.
“Looks like it's working,” she notes as she fixes her appearance in front of the mirror and readies herself to leave the room.
“Why are you mad at Potter anyway? Thought you two were inseparable,” she asks as she walks towards the door, a step ahead of him so that he can't see her face.
“Can't tell you, it's a secret.”
She huffs. “You lot are starting to sound ridiculous with all these secrets,” she whips her head towards him, her disapproval clear on her face, though he's almost certain this is just another way of disguising her curiosity. “Is this little group of yours a cult or something?”
“It's a counterculture,” he explains as he exits the bathroom, “how else are we going to beat those bigoted dickheads? The only way to fight a cult is with another cult.”
He's just joking, but the idea doesn't sound half bad to his ears.
Apparently Lily disagrees, because she snorts. Loudly. “Not sure about that logic but you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks for the support.”
“Anytime, Black.”
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lostoneshq · 3 months
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Notas OOC antes da leitura:
Vocês ainda podem e devem jogar na parte 1 do evento.
O evento encerra, oficialmente, na próxima Segunda, dia 01/07, às 23h59. Usem os próximos dias para continuarem as suas interações e/ou abordarem o que aconteceu no plot drop em interações novas.
Após o encerramento do evento, nós teremos um drop final (a parte 3 e final) onde inseriremos o RP em sua próxima fase, onde o véu entre o presente e o futuro começará a cair oficialmente. Mais detalhes sobre como será essa nova etapa virão na Segunda que vem, com a narração de encerramento do evento e tudo o que vocês precisam saber sobre o pós desse show de horrores da parte 2. Por enquanto, só joguem dentro dela! Tem bastante para digerir e será útil no futuro.
Qualquer dúvida, perguntem na inbox! Mas como sabem, o divertido é ter mistério, então algumas coisas não serão respondidas propositalmente ;)
As tags permanecem as mesmas.
Espero que gostem! Estarei aceitando sugestões para o FC do NPC Jacob Killingham.
capítulo 2, parte 2.
Jacob Killingham.
O nome ecoou através da quinta festa — que não era nada surpreendente comparada às outras. Acontecia no mesmo jardim mágico onde o anúncio da despedida fora dado, no coração do Reino dos Perdidos: o Palácio da Magia. A decoração era um tanto da mesma, com a flora fluorescendo sob a forte luz do luar: o único luar daquela noite agora que as luas se encontravam para beijarem uma a face da outra em um rito de pura magia e simbolismo. Ah, verdade seja dita… Não precisavam de uma quinta festa esbanjadora quando o luar, sozinho, era um evento. Ele enchia o céu do mais puro tom de prata e centenas de estrelas dançavam em sua órbita, venerando-o. Jacob Killingham poderia ter se perdido naquela visão se o seu nome não tivesse sido chamado uma segunda vez, ancorando-o de volta à realidade. 
Ao seu lado, alguém o cutucou: “é você, cara!” e Jacob sorriu um pouco sem jeito. Todos o olhavam agora, afinal, havia uma espada brilhante em cima de sua cabeça. 
Uma espada de verdade, com a lâmina apontada em direção ao seu crânio. Completamente normal… 
Isso sem falar na ironia de toda a situação. Jacob Killingham era também conhecido como o Novo Rei Legítimo, ou seja, o cara que supostamente seria escolhido pela Excalibur para destronar Arthur na nova versão da história do Rei Legítimo.  
E ali estava ele, sendo escolhido pela Excalibur. 
“Jacob Killingham.” Merlin repetiu o chamado. Talvez estivesse ficando impaciente… Talvez tivesse sido melhor ignorar os desejos da Excalibur e escolher alguém como Valerie Williams, Damla Ataman ou Loren Hawkins que não hesitariam em voltar para casa. Mas Jacob tinha se voluntariado como eles, não tinha? “A Excalibur fez a sua escolha. Por favor, venha até nós.” 
Jacob secou as palmas nas laterais da calça de alfaiataria e percorreu o trajeto até o gazebo onde os grandes nomes da Academia da Magia, o Rei, a Rainha e o braço direito deles, Lancelot, esperavam por ele. 
“Legítima Majestade…” Ajoelhou-se diante de Arthur. Seu pouco tempo no Reino dos Perdidos havia lhe ensinado que você não queria o Rei Legítimo como o seu inimigo. Você não queria, nem por um segundo, demonstrar que duvidava de seu poder ou, no caso de Jacob, demonstrar-se satisfeito com a ideia de roubá-lo de seu posto. Independente de renome e status em seus próprios reinos, todos ali temiam Arthur. Talvez muito mais do que temiam Merlin. “O senhor poderia…” Ainda de cabeça baixa, gesticulou brevemente na direção da Excalibur, a espada que só poderia ser manejada pelo Rei Legítimo — pois qualquer mão que a tocasse, não sendo a mão de Arthur, queimaria e cairia. 
Tire essa coisa daqui!, era o que queria dizer. 
Arthur soltou uma risada humorada. Divertia-se com a subordinação, e especialmente naquela noite a submissão de seu suposto usurpador o regozijava. Aproximou-se, puxando a Excalibur de volta, e inclinou o tronco para ficar à altura de Jacob. “Você é fraco, garoto… Nunca poderia ser o Rei Legítimo.” Sussurrou para ele antes de se afastar com um sorriso traiçoeiro.
Eu nem queria ser, Jacob quis responder, mas não o fez. Muito provavelmente aqueles eram os seus últimos minutos ali, e ainda assim, ele temia fazer de Arthur um inimigo maior do que ele já era. 
“Levante-se, garoto.” Merlin pediu e Jacob prontamente obedeceu, voltando-se para a multidão que os assistia do jardim. O grande mago abriu os braços e curvou os lábios em um sorriso. “Que a cerimônia comece!”
Você está na platéia, esperando o momento em que Jacob Killingham atravessará um portal mágico ou o que quer que seja que a Academia preparou para a passagem. Ao seu lado, um perdido reclama sobre não ter sido escolhido — deixou coisas importantes para trás, em seu mundo — e um pouco atrás de onde se encontra, você consegue escutar Simba conversar com Flynn algo sobre precisarem se preparar para o pior cenário com a Defesa. Pessimistas ou simplesmente conformados?
“Que a cerimônia comece!” Merlin enuncia animadamente.
Essas são as últimas palavras que você escuta antes de sentir o tempo parar, e com ele, tudo ao seu redor congelar. Os seus músculos estão paralisados; você até tenta mexer os seus dedos primeiro e o seu braço depois, mas não consegue. O seu peito ainda sobe e desce, sua cabeça ainda vira de um lado para o outro, mas todo o resto… Congelado.
Você não é o único — nem mesmo Merlin consegue se mexer, embora seja nítido que ele faz esforços. 
“Quem é você?” O grande mago grita. Você olha de um lado para o outro, buscando por algo ou alguém para quem Merlin possa estar perguntando aquilo. “O que você quer?!”
Finalmente, uma risada eclode no ar. De cima do palco, Jacob Killingham ri, torcendo o pescoço de um lado para o outro como se acordasse de um transe. Ele dá uma volta, alongando os braços e as pernas. 
É nítido que aquele não é Jacob. Não é sua voz, não é o seu jeito de andar ou de falar, e os seus olhos, a única parte que ainda se parece com Jacob em seu próprio corpo, estão vidrados. 
“Finalmente! Uau, vocês sabem como dar uma festa!” Jacob—não, Aquilo fala, batendo palmas. “Ah, Merlin, quem eu sou? E eu achava que você poderia ser mais inteligente… Pelo menos como era antigamente. Mas faz tanto tempo, não é? Você deve estar cansado de ser tão poderoso! É por isso que só pensa em dar festas e criar namorados para você.” Ele dá um oizinho para o Feiticeiro. “Não estou reclamando, certo? Eu adorei as festas! Como eu disse, vocês todos sabem como dar uma festa muito mais do que sabem resolver os seus problemas mágicos.” 
“Pare…” Merlin começa a falar, mas “Jacob” menea a mão no ar e o mago é silenciado, assim como qualquer um que tenta levantar a voz depois dele. 
“Nananinanão. É a minha vez de falar.” Ele dá um tapinha “amigável” na bochecha de Merlin antes de se virar na direção da platéia. “Legal, né? Aposto que vocês passaram todo esse tempo pensando: oh, Merlin! Todo poderoso! Um deus na terra! 
Ele não sabe o que faz! Ele não sabe nada! Todo esse papo de equilíbrio, de diferentes magias… Uma grande merda que não significa nada!
Vejam bem, pela primeira vez, alguém está tentando fazer a diferença. Alguém descobriu algo que ele esconde e fez o que precisava ser feito. 
E esse alguém sou eu.” 
Ele faz uma reverência, como se encerrasse a sua aparição em uma peça de teatro. Você ainda não consegue falar, mas não tem tempo de tentar, porque “Jacob” retoma o seu monólogo:
“Eu poderia ter feito algo para impedir toda essa celebração antes, não se enganem... Mas qual seria a graça? Quero dizer, o que eu ganharia simplesmente estalando os meus dedos e fazendo as coisas acontecerem do jeito que eu quero? É entediante, não é mesmo, Merlin?” Jacob lança uma piscadela para o citado. “Eu quero desfrutar da partida enquanto ela acontece. Quero a emoção, o horror em seus rostos enquanto o mundo que vocês conhecem entra em ruínas e uma nova era começa.”
Ao longe, você percebe Lancelot quase conseguindo quebrar o encanto da paralisia. Você tem certeza que “Jacob” quer que isso aconteça no momento em que o guarda real consegue se desprender das amarras invisíveis e avança na direção dele empunhando a sua espada. 
Parecendo entediado, Jacob suspira e gesticula com a mão no ar. Lancelot congela com a espada apontada para o perdido, mas em vez de voltar até o seu lugar e ficar parado como estava antes, ele gira a ponta da lâmina em direção ao seu próprio tronco. Os olhos do guarda esbugalham-se, suas mãos tremem ao serem animadas contra a sua vontade. Você é obrigado a assistir enquanto Lancelot, lentamente, dá um fim em sua própria vida. 
O guarda cai no chão, seu sangue escorrendo do palco em direção à grama do jardim, tingindo-a de negro sob o céu noturno. 
“Ah, não fiquem tão tristes! Ele ia morrer na nova versão.” Jacob dá de ombros, chutando o corpo inanimado de Lancelot. “É isso que eu estou falando: as coisas vão acontecer como eu quero. Só não tem graça que sejam tão…” Ele gesticula para o corpo do guarda, fazendo uma careta. “Eu teria adorado uma luta, mas eu estaria em desvantagem.” Suspira. 
Você arrisca olhar para a Rainha e o Rei. Lágrimas escorrem ininterruptamente dos olhos de Guinevere, enquanto o pescoço de Arthur parece prestes a explodir com a sua respiração pesada e as veias saltando. Morgana, um pouco distante, luta contra lágrimas.
“Meus pêsames.” Jacob debocha do casal real antes de se voltar para a multidão tão horrorizada quanto cada um naquele palco.  “Onde eu estava mesmo… Ah, Na verdade, vamos deixar para outro dia! Acho que já falei demais por hoje! E tudo o que eu queria fazer era interromper a festa...” Balança a cabeça. “Mas, antes de me despedir, eu gostaria de dar um presente para vocês! 
Amanhã, quando vocês acordarem, não se lembrarão do que acabou de aconteceu. Muito traumatizante, né? Eu sei, eu sei. Não era minha intenção que as coisas ficassem tããão pesadas, mas eu acabo perdendo o controle às vezes. É o meu temperamento…
Então, amanhã, eu darei a vocês uma nova versão do que aconteceu essa noite. Vocês se lembrarão, é claro, que o grande Merlin e sua Academia falharam de novo… Vocês saberão que o nosso corajoso e cavalheiro Lancelot morreu dando a sua vida por… Hum. Não sei, não pensei nisso ainda.
Vocês saberão que algo aconteceu nessa noite e, mais uma vez, se verão presos em um mundo em ruínas. Mas vocês não se lembrarão de mim. Pelo menos não agora, pois a hora não chegou ainda.”
Cada palavra de Jacob soa ensaiada, como se ele tivesse preparado aquele momento como um ator prepara o seu roteiro para uma peça de teatro. “Eu deixarei que se divirtam até o final do Eclipse com as lembranças do que vocês sabem agora. Será divertido assistir. Au revoir.” Ele sorri pela última vez, faz uma última reverência, e o corpo de Jacob Killingham desaparece em um piscar de olhos. 
Você consegue se mexer de novo. Você sabe que pode falar se tentar.
Mas o jardim cai em silêncio e o grito gutural da Rainha Guinevere, ajoelhada ao lado de Lancelot enquanto Rei Arthur e Morgana tentam tirá-la dali, não será esquecido por você tão cedo.
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alittlebit0fmayhem · 2 years
𝙻𝚊 𝚅𝚒𝚎 𝚎𝚗 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎
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I siriusly don't know why I've chosen now to fall back into my marauders phase, mais c'est la vie...
(see what I did there?)
I've taken French for literally five years, (I'm nowhere near fluent tho) so I have no idea why it's taken me so long to incorporate it into my writing.
In all honesty, I'm doing great mentally, but I've been pining for some wolfstar! x reader angst, and I haven't really found any that meet my fancy yet soooooo.
Fine I'll do it myself.
Summary: You were a hopeless romantic who had always tended to see things through rose colored glasses, falling in love with the idea of falling in love. Each new infatuation came to you like a fascination ready to be explored, there was nothing you loved more than the head-games of an all consuming crush. That was until, the latest object of attraction became two boys so incredibly and viscerally out of your reach.
Warnings: Angst! (like a lot), Unrequited love, fluff for a mere second, tbh I feel like it is funny at moments???
Once again, if you see any formatting/grammatical errors, please let me know!
Enjoy <3
It had all been fun and games, it never really mattered, until it did.
It was no secret, to your family, your friends, and least of all you. You loved falling in love.
Bi-monthly, and sometimes depending on the circumstance, bi-weekly you waltzed into the Gryffindor common room with a new tale of budding romance to share with your friends. And they'd just look at you and smile,
"Ah, our (Y/N), ever the helpless romantic." they'd say, all the while you'd confirm their statements with a blush or grin.
It was harmless, innocent, you had made quite the reputation for yourself around Hogwarts.
Anyone who got involved with you knew your tendencies, that your heart could change pace like the seasons came and went. Each boy and girl you set your sights on was like a new game of chess for your dazzling beauty and quick wits to conquer.
Which, you knew in retrospect sounded terrible, but you also knew you were young, and that relationships and love should be something to explore, not something to hold you down.
Besides, it wasn't like they didn't mean anything to you, you felt heartbreak when it was said and done with. To you, the growth and rebirth that came with romance was something equally as beautiful as the summits and triumphs.
You had a sneaking suspicion, that if the Greeks and Romans were right about their gods, you had to have been under Aphrodite's watchful eye.
Coming up on your last year of Hogwarts, you had become unbeatable. You had captured so many suitors, there were even lingering rumors of Veela tainting your blood.
Of course, they were all false, though, you'd never tell anyone otherwise. Because, what fun would that be?
You had at least one crash-and-burn love story from every house to tell, it even got to the point that people were courting you with the intention of "taming" your rampage.
Never, had there been a crush you couldn't bounce back from, no matter how close to breaking you came, you never did.
That was until you just had to go and viciously fuck yourself over.
Your thoroughly used vinyl of La Vie en Rose echoed through your dorm room as it spun for what might've been the millionth time, lyrics serving as a cruel jab toward your current situation.
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens,
You hadn't meant for it turn to out this way. For the first time in your entire life, there you sat, face stuffed into your pillow, wishing to Merlin that your heart could just bleed out of your chest.
Maybe then, it wouldn't be something you'd have to deal with, and you could forget about the prospect of falling in love together.
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
It wasn't too late at all, it was just after dinner, and the rest of your dorm mates had cleared to the common room to celebrate the winning quidditch match that had transpired hours earlier.
On any usual occasion, you'd been down there with them, curled up on the couch next to Lilly, Mary, or Marlene, sipping rum-infused butter beer in content.
Instead, you were curled up alone, bathed in the dim light of your bedside candle, shivering from the cold.
Your blanket had fallen half down your body nearly fifteen minutes ago, and yet, the last thing on your mind was pulling it back up.
Voila le portrait sans retouches,
You had made some lame excuse as to why you would be exempt from tonight's actives, claiming you wanted to brush up on your divination for the exam at the end of the week.
Everyone had bought it, too high on youthful excitement and laughter to stop once more and examine the dark circles under your eyes.
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens,
As you stuffed your face further into the cotton pillowcase, you desperately wished the ground would open up and take you somewhere dark and quiet. Somewhere you could forget that you existed, so you could stop feeling like such a horrible human being.
Your mind had been clouded with buzzing jumbled thoughts for what felt like hours, never ceasing to give you a moment to rest. You surely thought your ears would start bleeding from how hard you had been thinking all day.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras,
You had now reached a point, with your uniform discarded haphazardly on the floor, and the sleep shirt you garnered swallowing you whole, where your brain had become filled with white noise.
The only coherent thought you could form right now, was how the hell did I get here?
Il me parle l'a tout bas,
Which of course, led you back into a rabbit hole of memories.
Je vois,
 la vie en rose...
The infirmary's visiting hours were long over, the only company you had to keep was the first year who had fallen out of a tree that was sleeping in the cot next to you.
You should've been fast asleep by now, but you couldn't bring yourself to count a single sheep. 
You weren't there for any real injury, a prank the boys had pulled a few hours earlier had backfired, and you had gotten the brunt of their mistake.
What was supposed to be a "pimple-inducing glitter rocket" (you had no idea how they got so creative) headed straight for Severus Snape, was quickly dogged by the intended victim, and who else was so lucky to be standing a few feet behind him, but you?
After a quick potion, you were fine, but you felt a little nauseous from the drink, and a little woozy from all the excitement, so you decided to stay there for the night.
A decision you were vastly regretting, as it was coming up on midnight and you had absolutely nothing to do. 
You had resorted to trying to write a letter to a boy you broke up with two days prior, he had left on quite a sour note, and truthfully you felt a bit awful for him.
It wasn't necessarily his fault, like many prior partners, you'd just grown uninterested. You figured you should at least leave him a note apologizing for the entire ordeal, even if it did get left in the bin.
That would've been great and all, only, you had no bloody idea what to write.
This had to have been the fourth page of parchment you had crumbled up and discarded next to you. With the thin sheet from the hospital bed drawn over you, you sat dumbfounded, cross-legged with a small, pink, dancing flame next to your quill. 
You had started writing the beginning sentence, but then again, nothing came to mind after that. Your regularly admired face was scrunched up deep in thought, your nightgown slipping down one shoulder as you held the feather deep in concentration. 
You re-read what you already had, and decided to just follow up with whatever came to mind. Perhaps, you were thinking too hard. 
After much consideration, you began writing once more, 
"I'm sorry I got bored of you-" scratch. Nope, that was dreadful, this was a lost cause, and you were wretched. 
You huffed dismally, with no regard for the boy sleeping only a few feet away, and just as you prepared to snuff the light out, and try to achieve some shut-eye, you heard it.
You heard the door to the hospital wing slowly squeak open. 
You paused, who would be coming in at this hour?
You turned to the small flame dancing on the candle seated next to you and snuffed it with a pinch before grabbing your wand which was next to it.
"Lumos." You whispered, as a small orb of light spouted from the end of your wand, you dragged the sheet off your form.
You looked around the hospital wing, from the dozing first year to the grand windows that lined both walls, and finally, to the door.
Though open, no one besides you and the boy seemed to be in the room.
But you were raised by wizards and were best friends with the most ruthless tricksters Hogwarts had ever seen, so you know better than to glance only at surface level.
Slowly, you turned and lowered your feet onto the cold stone floor. 
As you tip-toed around your bed, eyes squinting and wand raised high, you spoke aloud.
"Who's there?" Apart from the echo of your voice, and the murmurs from the boy next to you who stirred slightly, silence.
You stepped forward a few more paces so that you were in the center of the room.
"Show yourself!" You spoke slightly louder and turned in all directions as if hoping to catch any movement.
You sighed, perhaps you were just a lunatic, and the door had blown open on its own. You turned to walk back to your bed, and just as you took one step, you were interrupted by what nearly made you shit yourself.
"Hello, dear." 
A voice cut through the air next to you, and you screamed on pure instinct.
Well, you would've, if not for the hand shooting out of the darkness to cover your mouth. You swung your wand in the direction of your assailant and were met with a sight completely unexpected. 
Remus Lupin's big brown eyes, illuminated by your wand stared back at you. Or rather, down at you. 
The significantly taller boy was heaving, his ruffled oaky hair falling slightly in his face, which held an expression that suggested you had scared him. The light traced his scars, and his large, cut-covered hand closed around almost the whole bottom half of your face.
You couldn't help but think; how pretty Remus Lupin looked at that moment.
He gulped, a smile tugging at his lips as his expression shifted into one of slight amusement, "Alright love, I'm going to remove my hand now, and you are going to promise me you won't scream at us."
His voice was a soft whisper and reminded you of the rocky seashore you used to visit every summer with your parents when you were little. 
It sent a shiver down your spine, had it always had that effect?
You then reconsidered his wording, Us? Your eyes shifted to his right, and there you were met with an even more surprising sight. 
Sirius Black stood with one hand in his pocket, and the other clenching James Potter's invisibility cloak.
"Of course." You thought.
He stood with an air of relaxation like he always did. His annoyingly beautiful face was drawn in mirth, though far more sheening than Remus'.
His brows were raised, and his eyes regarded your appearance with what could only be described as mischief, as a feathery strand of his rebellious raven hair dipped between his eyes. 
He winked at you after you had seemed to stare for a little too long, causing you to snap out of your bewilderment, and look back to Remus, who remained rooted in the same spot looking at you expectantly. 
You nodded at him, holding his gaze, which seemed far too intense for a boy his age. For whatever reason, he nodded back. 
He removed his hand, and just as he did, you swatted it away and stepped back.
"What in Merlin's name are you both doing here?! You scared the hell out of me!" You whisper-shouted at the pair. The two boys smiled youthfully at you in response.
Sirius finally swaggered forward, and past you, not refraining from brushing against you as he did. He turned and plopped down on your bed, discarding James' cloak next to him.
In his natural air of arrogance, he leaned back on his palms and lolled his head to the side, grinning up at you.
"We thought our girl could use some company, didn't we Moony?" 
Against your better judgment, you rolled your eyes and swayed to look at Remus, who remained smiling down at you. 
Annoyingly, a smile of your own made its way onto your face.
It was no secret that out of the group you, Sirius, and Remus were close in a way that the others weren't.
I mean, of course, the boys, and you and the girls would always be close in your respective ways, but for some reason, you three just seemed to click in a weird, and almost perfect way.
It wasn't like they called any other girl in the friend group "their girl", and it wasn't like you'd go through the animagus process for just anyone. 
Remus bit his tongue, his eyes flickered from Sirius', and back to yours before he nodded once more.
Suddenly, he pulled his wand from his pocket and lit a candle on a bedside table across the room, so that your wand could be lowered and placed gingerly in the pocket of your nightgown.
 As he returned his wand to his pocket all the same, he stepped forward and took both your hands in his own, swinging them back and forth idly, "Yeah, that and we wanted to apologize again for being the reason you're in here in the first place."
"Even though it was James' idea to begin with!" Sirius' voice beckoned from behind you.
Remus shot him a glare over your head before looking back down at you and rolling his eyes, swiping his thumb gently across the back of your hand, "Yes," he droned begrudgingly, "even though." 
You bit your bottom lip while grinning in an attempt to conceal the laughter rising in your throat.
You released one of his hands, still gripping the other as you spun yourself around and face Sirius, who was now sitting cross-legged on the bed. 
You couldn't help the content sigh that escaped your lips as you regarded the look of merriment and genuineness that graced Sirius' face. 
You took turns looking between both boys before saying, "Consider yourselves forgiven, though I have a feeling that wasn't the only thing you came for."
"You'd be right to assume, Lovebug," Remus responded. Another thing, there wasn't a soul on the planet save for Remus and Sirius who called you Lovebug.
It was a title fashioned for your romantic tendencies, and it suited you quite well.
Sirius suddenly hopped to a stand, before taking his wand to poke the sleeping boy's foot ever so slightly, "We are taking you to the astronomy tower, to watch the crescent moon." He said nonchalantly, you scoffed in disbelief. 
"Right now? But Sirius I'm in a bloody nightgown, not to mention barefoot, and all my things-"
You were cut off by Remus, whose arms had suddenly wrapped around your shoulders, "Relax darling, we'll have you back before the sun rises, maybe we'll even take your things and you back to the dorm where you belong." 
You chuffed, "But-"
"As for the nightgown and lack of shoes, we can assure you, love, you look absolutely smashing in it, and have cute enough feet for it not to be too grotesque." Sirius winked.
You sighed and tried to ignore the light blush that settled across your cheeks, drowned out by the darkness.
You groaned petulantly like a child as you struggled to come up with a counterpoint, and leaned into Remus' lankily muscular build.
"C'mon Darling, it's your favorite moon cycle, and we know you must be bored to tears." 
You froze as Remus' smooth voice resonated against the shell of your ear, his breath fanning over you slightly.
It was then you became aware of just how dipped in his scent you were, it completely engulfed you, the smell of pinewood, candle wax, and parchment. 
You cleared your throat, before Sirius interjected once more, "Evidently, by the literary devices she's turned to to cope."
Your eyes widened, as your headshot over to Sirius, who had now grabbed and held the parchment you had forgotten you left on your bed.
His hair created a curtain around his face as he leaned over to read it, still though you could make out the shit-eating grin on his face as he did so. 
"Dear Callum, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from at the moment, but I'm sorry I got bored of you-" He read aloud in a high-pitched voice before he broke down into laughter.
You wrenched out of Remus' hold before surging forward and snatching the paper from his hand and shoving him slightly.
"Give me that you oaf!" You hissed lowly.
He snicked and pulled you into a hug, "Oh come now, you know I'm only joking lovely, please don't leave me! I promise never to bore you!" He sang, you elbowed him in rebuttal.
"Alright, fine! FINE! I will go, will you stop it now?!" You snapped, his laughter eventually died down as he hummed and looked down at you.
You craned your neck to meet his gaze, "Ah, knew you'd come around Lovebug, right then off we go!" He announced before spinning you and setting you down on the ground.
You watched as he practically skipped over to Remus, before grabbing the boy by the jaw and pulling him into a simple kiss.
Yet another symbol of your closeness, you were one of the only ones who knew that the two were more than just friends.
Remus hummed before returning the kiss and pulling away.
Sirius leaned into his neck, "Told you she'd come around Moony."
Remus licked his lips and gave you a half-lidded once over, not even he could contain the dim beam that spread across his face. 
"Course she did, she's our girl after all." He mused.
In an instant, the smile dropped from your face.
It was then, for the first time in a long time, you felt something. Like a punch in the gut, one that you knew familiarly, but not to this extent. 
The air in your lungs seemed to leave you all at once, as a cold hotness spread over you.
Your vision began to tunnel, as your ears filled with wind, and you became all too aware of the sweat that coated your palms.
"No," you thought, "no way."
 Your heartbeat quickened, and you desperately hoped that with Remus' advanced senses, he couldn't hear it. 
There was no way this was happening, not to you, not right now.
It was such a simple sentence, one you were sure he and Sirius had uttered to you before, so why did it ignite this feeling in you?
Why, did you have to have such a reaction, and why now? 
You wiped the sweat that sprouted from your palms on your nightgown and could feel some new form on the nape of your neck.
It felt as though the air of comfortability from earlier had evaporated, replaced with a thick blanket of awkwardness and anxiety, at least on your part.
The boys you had leaned into so carelessly before, had now become the two people you wanted to be furthest from.
You knew this feeling, you knew what it was, and normally, you'd welcome it like an old friend. But not this time, not for them. 
Why, did it have to be them?
"(Y/N)" Sirius' question shook you from your state of silent panic. You blinked and swallowed a thick glob of your saliva. 
"Yeah?" Your voice was far less even than it had been a second ago, it wavered and shook much without you meaning it to.
The boys looked at you with confusion drawn over their expressions, "You ready to go?" Remus said as if you were some dimwitted puppy. 
Your eyelids flickered, and you took a deep breath. "Yeah, sorry, I just zoned out, must be the after-effects of the potion." You lied through your teeth. 
They nodded at you, still seeming suspicious of your behavior but not questioning the matter further.
Each boy extended a hand, and you almost let out a shattered sigh as you slowly stepped forward and took each hand in your own.
As you three began walking to the door, and you plastered a smile on your face, you began to hear your voice screaming inside your head.
In an instant, you knew what you had done. 
You'd just gone and fallen in love with two boys you knew you couldn't have.
That exchange had transpired a week ago, and ever since then, you'd been spiraling.
You felt hot tears gather in your eyes as you recounted it redundantly. In your mind, there were layers to how fucked up this was.
You can't like two people at once, that's utterly selfish. You berated yourself, especially since those two people are dating each other, not to mention two boys! Not to mention even more two boys that just so happen to be your best friends!
You groaned as you rubbed your temples, blinking back the tears.
Any logical, normal person would've taken the high road, and just silently waited until this infatuation passed.
But as you were reminded incessantly, you were the furthest from logical, or normal.
The longer you lingered with this knowledge, the more unbearable it became.
Every moment you spent trying not to think about Sirius or Remus, was another moment in which your little crush turned into a full-blown obsession.
At first, you had resigned to pretending as if nothing was amiss, forcing smiles and hoping they couldn't tell. But every day you felt your resolve weakening, and so as of today, you had completely avoided them at all costs.
Then, you just had to let your friends drag you to that stupid quidditch match.
You had managed to sit as far from Remus as possible and tried to push through through the awkwardness, which worked for awhile, and then the world had to go and give you another slap in the face.
After James had caught the snitch, you were dealt the misfortune of locking eyes with Sirius, who, high on excitement as he was, decided to beam at you, and blow you a fucking kiss.
Damn Sirius Black for being the natural flirt he was, and damn his stupidly perfect face.
You knew in hindsight it was just Sirius being Sirius, he was head over heels for Remus.
It's not like he knew how much he made your heart flutter from that simple act alone.
But the side effects of it were damning, and whilst you got by with averting eye contact and keeping to yourself for the walk back to the castle, you refused to risk a much more obvious reaction given the boys pull anything else.
You sighed, again, as you shut your eyes and listened to the last lyric that played from your vinyl.
Et, dès que je l'apercois, alors je sens en moiI, mon coeur qui bat...
You bit the inside of your cottoned mouth, and gulped sending a sting down your dry throat.
Your favorite song was beginning to sound like torture every time you translated its meaning in your head.
Yes, you thought bitterly, I see life through rose-colored glasses, and look where that's got me now.
Finally, you opened your eyes. God, your side of the dorm was a mess, Lily was going to kill you.
Not that it wouldn't be deserved, you shot at yourself.
With all the remaining strength in your body, you pushed yourself off your bed. The needle on your record player had finally reached the center of the vinyl, meaning it was time for you to get up and move it again.
As your feet landed on the cold floor, you winced, rolling your ankles to re-attune your body to movement.
After a moment you stood, not missing the blackness that pinched at your view from your lightheaded state. You began to walk across the room, ignoring the cries that sounded from your locked joints.
Your brain felt fuzzy, and your movements were reduced to emotionless and empty.
You stopped in front of the table on which your record player sat, and lifted a weak, trembling hand to the needle.
And as you picked up, and moved it to the edge, allowing the song to replay once more, you heard the startling sound of the door creaking open.
You didn't bother to look at her, instead, you closed your eyes and inhaled in preparation for what was to come.
"Godrick, (Y/N) the room's a mess, what have you been doing all this time?!"
Lily's maternal croon should've at least offered a morsel of comfort, and yet, all it did was cause more tears to sting the corners of your eyes.
Your ears filled with ocean sounds as Lily began to parade around the room, picking up all your discarded articles of clothing, too lost in her own ramblings to notice the air of gloom that hung over you.
You bit your lip as you shut your eyes tightly, trying desperately to keep any more tears from running freely down your rosy cheeks.
Lily had this way about her, she was too comforting, too emotion-invoking.
You wished she would've just stayed downstairs for one more hour, at least then you would've more had time to collect yourself.
But she didn't, she was here, and she was going to witness you in the state that you were; raw, terrified, and utterly humiliated.
Your mind had turned into a wind tunnel of thoughts and feelings, preventing you from noticing how Lily had halted her movements and slighted her gaze to your now shaking form.
"(Y/N)? Lovie? Are you alright?"
You opened your eyes and looked up at the ceiling for one moment, teeth biting down harder on your trembling lip.
Finally, you turned and met her head-on.
Lily gasped in spite of herself, "Oh, Y/N." she whispered, brows stitched in worry, emerald eyes widening.
Before you could blink, she was on you. Lean arms enclosing your figure, one placed comfortingly behind your head, the other wrapped around your waist.
"Darling, what's happened?" Her soft voice resonated in your ear.
You couldn't bring yourself to respond, burrowing your head in her shoulder, shaking it slightly.
Your arms had returned the embrace tenfold, hands grasping her sweater tightly like she was the only thing in the universe holding you together at that moment.
Before you could stop yourself, soft hiccups began to escape you, and it was then, as Lily pulled away and began to wipe at the wetness under your eyes, you realized, you had to tell her.
You allowed yourself to be guided to her side of the room and sat down on her plush, quilted bed.
Blinking through tears you tried to focus on Lilly's concerned face, as she pushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and took your hand.
"Y/N, please, tell me what's the matter." Lily begged quietly as she smoothed her thumb over the back of your hand.
The moonlight from the window above her bed was nearly the only thing that illuminated the space around you, sheening on your variability, and exposing your flaws.
Your eyes flickered as you took a deep breath and attempted to collect your thoughts, and organize them into something, anything, clear enough to be spoken aloud.
"I..." Your voice quietly resonated, coarse and croaky from hours of wailing and weeping. You fought against the tightness in your throat, encouraged by Lily's soft eyes, and comforting presence.
After a moment, you cleared your throat and tried again.
You began with a sigh, focusing on the way Lily smelled of vanilla, allowing her scent to calm your flurrying mind.
"Lily," you said, much quieter this time, "I've done something terrible."
Lily's brows furrowed once more, in confusion this time. "What can you mean?" she replied, ever inquisitive and eager.
You inhaled and exhaled slowly, here it goes.
You gripped her hand like it was your lifeline, "I've..." you paused.
"I've fallen in love again."
Quiet settled over the room, blanketing the two girls.
Lily blinked, face going blank.
Before she could stop herself, a snort escaped from her mouth. Her demeanor of worry was now replaced with one of disbelief and wry amusement.
"You must be joking, seriously (Y/N)? That's all this is about? another silly little fling?" She teased, now finding this entire situation utterly ironic.
You huffed, frustration becoming your face. "No," You interjected, voice strained and tight.
"It's not- God, it's not that I've fallen in love again, it's with who!"
Lily raised a brow, squinting, lip quirking. "Right then," she teased, "Tell me, who is the soul lucky enough to hold your affections?"
You were glaring and lifting yourself off the bed in an instant. Bitterness bitting at your tongue.
"Forget it." You bit.
Lily sighed and grasped your hand before you could get even two steps. "(Y/N)," she groaned in defeat, feeling instant guilt as more tears glided down your chin.
"I'm sorry, that was cruel of me. You can tell me, and I won't make fun of you."
You eyed the redhead suspiciously, "Promise?" You quipped. Lily smiled, "Promise."
You bit the inside of your cheek and returned to your spot on the bed.
You huffed and picked away at some of the skin around your fingernails anxiously. "You really promise not to judge?" you mumbled, looking up at her through your wet lashes.
Lily nodded, "I promise lovie, you can tell me." her smile was the reassurance you needed, but it didn't lessen the ache in your heart.
You shut your eyes, annoyed at the feeling of more tears gushing down your neck.
You covered your face in your palms, before admitting out loud the confession you'd been reckoning with for days.
"I fucked up," you said through tears as you lifted your eyes to meet Lily's, "I've fallen in love with Remus Lupin," you watched Lily's eyes turn into saucers, "And, Sirius fucking Black."
In any other situation, you would've laughed at how Lily's jaw fell open, but this was no laughing matter. Her hand flew to hover above her mouth, and for the first time in all that you've known her, Lily Evans had been rendered speechless.
And you, were growing more anxious by the moment. Tears were now fully cascading down your face, sobs and hiccups wrenching from your throat.
"Say something!" You begged, her silence was making you feel worse by the second.
Lily jumped, broken out of her state of shock. She closed and open her mouth, trying to find the right words, before she so eloquently settled on,
"Merlin's fuck, (Y/N)."
You cried harder if that was even possible.
"I know, I know, it's horrible isn't it?" You whined.
After a week of keeping this all bottled up, it was now all coming crashing down on you.
You felt your heart ripping at the seams, in such a short period of time, these boys had suddenly had the most magnifying attraction you had felt.
You felt so utterly stupid, had you always liked them? Did it just so happen that that fateful night was your moment of realization?
Either way, neither explanation lessened your suffocating distress.
As you let your head fall into your hands, Lily grabbed your shoulders, rubbing them up and down encouragingly.
"Well, I won't lie to you sweetheart, it doesn't look amazing." She winced, resolving to pull your sobbing body to hers, wrapping her arms around you once more.
Lily knew the weight of this situation, because she knew Remus and Sirius, more especially, the relationship the two shared.
"When did you find this out?" She asked softly. 
You sniffed, "A week ago, I think? Oh Merlin, maybe I've always known but was never ready to admit it to myself." 
Lily sighed thoughtfully, before replying. "Well, do you want to tell them?" 
You thought for a moment, before shaking your head in defeat.
"It's no use Lils, even in my wildest dreams, they're out of my reach. I can't have them, and the fact that I even want them makes me feel like the biggest arsehole in the world."
Lily stayed quiet as you continued your rant, allowing you to verbalize all the feelings that had been festering in your heart. 
"Godrick, they're so perfect for each other, it's almost unreal. You've seen them together, they look as if they were made for each other. Not only that, but they fought so hard for the right to be together. And who the hell am I to come in here and even consider ruining that? I must be the most selfish girl in the world." 
You felt your heart break a little more with each word, but you couldn't stop yourself, you had to let these thoughts surface. 
"They trusted me," you sobbed, "every deep, grimy secret that they had no obligation to share, they trusted me enough to tell. All they've ever wanted from me was a friend, someone to be their home, and now I've gone and ruined it."
"You don't know that-" Lily tried, but you interrupted before she could even finish the sentence.
"Yes, I do! You know how I get Lily, even about simple crushes they become all I can think about. I will not be able to stop thinking about them, and every single time they feel comfortable enough to be affectionate in front of me, I'll break all over again."
Finally, you paused and took a deep breath.
"There is absolutely no situation in which this can turn out alright for me."
Lily felt her heartache for you as she assessed the sheer pain in your voice.
However, this situation was difficult, because she had to consider Remus and Sirius' well-being too.
She tapped a finger on the bare skin of your arm. "You know what I think?" She finally said.
You lifted your head and met her calculating eyes with your own. "What?" you asked pathetically. 
Lily rotated her jaw, "I think, that this situation is much bigger than you or I, so before we go making blind assumptions, we need to let Remus and Sirius speak for themselves."
She paused, "(Y/N), I know you're scared, but you have to tell them."
You inhaled deeply, eyes flickering with fear.
You were scared, terrified actually. But, the more you thought about it, the more you realized what you had known all this time.
Lily was right, they needed to know. 
You couldn't just disappear from their lives without giving them a floor to speak their peace, it wasn't right.
Doing that, you decided, would truly be the cruelest thing you could possibly do.
You huffed, before blinking away the last of your tears and taking a moment to wipe the mess off your face.
Lily sat and watched you as you began to collect yourself, leaning on her own arm for support. 
After a moment, when you felt as though you were moderately put together, you shook your hands out and breathed deeply for that last time.
You looked to Lily, there were still a million questions you wished could be answered, but for tonight, as you checked the clock and saw it was coming up on 1:00 A.M., you settled for just one.
"Do you think they realize I've been avoiding them?" You cringed.
Lily opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, a sharp knock sounded at the door.
"(Y/N) (L/N), you open this door right now, or so help me Merlin, I will blow it down!" Sirius' muffled yell sounded from the other side of the aged wood.
Then, Remus chimed in. "You know he'll do it love, so there's no use in fighting."
You froze, and for a moment as Lily's expression turned into that of a deer in headlights, you thought maybe the whole universe froze with you.
Your blood ran cold as they continued raving about their usual nonsense, and as you saw the door handle rattle, you and Lily finally spoke in unison.
"Oh, fuck."
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