#AH Fern
vellichorom · 2 years
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you’re here because you deserve to be here. it is a hospital.  and you are a very sick individual.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
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my comic from the @neverturnbackzine! truly one of my favorite zines i've been a part of :]
some extra insight/fun facts about the process of this piece below the cut 💥💥💥
posting pieces from collaborative zines is always something i struggle with because i look back and think of how i would do things differently now, but i learned a lot working on this comic and even developed some style techniques that i still use!
Fun Fact 1: the panel where shadow Fucking Disintegrates That Guy is technically traditionally drawn! i couldn't get it right in clip studio so i just started frantically scribbling in a notebook and got it eventually lol
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highly highly recommend scribbling stuff out in a notebook, scanning it on your phone, and then dropping it into a canvas to edit later if you ever have trouble sketching something.
Fun Fact 2: a lot of the overlay/background effects were made in Kid Pix Deluxe 3D. i created a whole collection of various textures/abstract effects for this comic that i've been using in my art since last year. you can even find them scattered through my team dark zine lol. here's a few of them:
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similarly, the background at the bottom of page 2 is actually a warped photo i took of a bunch of headphone wires. this is the original:
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Fun Fact 3: i made this comic during a very busy and wild period of time last year so this is what the final panel looked like for a while before i fully finished it LMAO
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ok yay thanks for reading bye
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slutforgarlogan · 7 months
"Youre a pretty little thing" | Michael Langdon x F! reader.
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Summary: based off this request. Michael Langdon showing off to the coven witches and using the seven wonders to impress you because he has a crush on you
A/N: guys i love him im a catholic and he's the antichrist we're like romeo and juliet. also the writing on this one is questionable n clunky but im on wine and cider so it needs to be forgiven
When the warlocks had told Cordelia they wanted to have Michael perform the seven wonders, Michael had felt determined to get it done quickly and better than Cordelia could do it, to prove he was the next supreme, and no one could argue it.
However, when the witches had arrived telling him they agreed to it, and he could attempt to perform the seven wonders, Michael had found himself a little distracted by one of the witches, you. His new goal was to impress you.
First wonder: Telekinesis. This one was easy and simple, he just had to move something without touching it. He did so, quickly and with ease, shooting a cocky smirk at the witches, eyes lingering on you a little.
Second wonder: Concilium. Michael knew he could be crafty with this one - control of the mind. He looked at you, and as you made eye contact, you knew you were going to be the victim of him showing off this power.
You could feel yourself moving towards him, very much against your will, and you took mental note of the fact that though you yourself were a very powerful witch, he was powerful enough that you couldn't even try and fight it.
To your surprise, despite the weird evil vibe you've all been getting from him, all he makes you do is dance with him. You uncontrollably slow dance with him, unsure whether it's his pretty face or the magic thats making you kind of nervous, but whatever it is, you scold yourself for thinking that way about a man that even one of the warlocks is scared of.
When he's done making you dance with him, you awkwardly do the walk of shame back over to stand next to Zoe, awkwardly smiling at her.
Third wonder: Transmutation. Another easy one, Michael thought. Madison had tapped him on the shoulder, and in turn, he had appeared behind you to tap you on the shoulder.
By the time you had turned round, he had dissappeared again, leaving everyone looking around for him. Your eyes dart around the room, a little puzzled. Whatever he was doing, it was successfully intriguing you more and more by the second, drawing yourself to the unsettling boy.
"Look up"
You can all hear the cockiness in his voice, the same annoying smirk as before present on his face, as you look up to the ceiling, to see Michael attatched to it, looking down on everyone, like one of those sticky animals you get from toy machines.
Fourth wonder: divination. Once again, Michael already knew he could do this, another easy one. He had to do this one as it was given to him, unfortunately, and couldn't do anything extra to inadvertently flirt with you more. And so, he makes a small bit of eye contact with you, before he takes the small pebbles and usea them to figure out where the pocket watch is, finding it almoat instantly, and walking over to where it was to pick it up and show the witches.
Fifth wonder: Pyrokenesis. Michael decided the best thing to do, would be to conjure a ring of fire around where you and madison were stood, making piercing eye contact with you through the fire, and getting rid of it as quickly as he had conjured it up.
To you, the danger and mystery of him was considerably attractive, though Cordelia didn't seem too impressed that he was practically targeting you.
Sixth wonder: Vitalum Vitalis. Michael was given a rat to bring back to life, which proved another easy task for him, doing so pretty much instantaneously, and moving on to the seventh wonder.
Seventh wonder: Descensum. Cordelia had ordered for Michael to not only successfully come back from this, but also to retrieve Misty Day, who had been lost to this particular task when she tried the seven wonders.
This, of course, had caused an arguement between her and the warlocks, who were claiming it wasnt fair, and that it's not a part of the rules.
You and Michael, had been making eye contact the whole time, and the tension between the two of you was so thick you could almost see it. He broke eye contact to look at the warlocks, holding up a dissmissive hand to them "Relax, I'll do it"
He did, and you watched intensely as he lay there, seemingly lifeless. You started to feel a little nervous, even though you didn't know him at all really, nor would you ever admit to having the slightest care in the world how this played out, you told yourself you were nervous because you wouldn't wish death upon anyone.
Sure enough, he did return, and Misty did - eventually - return with him. Much to everyones shock.
You stood there and gawked, eyes flicking between Michael and Misty, and he smirked at you.
A short bicker between the witches and warlocks ensued, before the witches had all turned there attention to Misty.
You however, had turned your attention to Michael, your gaze locking with his for what felt like the millionth time today.
"You seem impressed, little witch," he smirks a little at you, and you nod in response.
"I am impressed" you confirm, trying to be cautious, undeniably attracted to him, but still acknowledging that there's something off about him.
"That was the goal, i wanted to impress you" he sounds serious about it, and you tilt your head a little, cocking an eyebrow.
"You're a pretty little thing, thats why"
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redroses07 · 7 months
F**k It I Love You /// Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon x Fem!reader
Summary: Reader is a witch, but her and Michael seem to have a special connection. So what happens when her coven has to oversee Michael taking the test of The Seven Wonders. Will she stay loyal to her coven, or herself?
CW: Swearing, Kissing, Alludes to smut, Sexual themes, some violence.
WC: 3.2k
A/N: Hey guys!!! My first full fic after my year long disappearance!!! I really like this and I'm super excited to post it! I'll definitely make a part two if this does good, or upon request. With perhaps smut? Anyways I hope everyone is doing well!! Love y'all and as always, enjoy! ♡⋆˙
You sit in your lonely, over sized room at Miss Robichaux's academy, awaiting this afternoon's daunting task. You and the rest of the witches on the council, including Zoe, Myrtle, and Cordelia, were to visit Hawthorne school for young warlocks.
It was a place where none of the witches, including you, enjoyed visiting. Mostly due to the crude and pompous attitude of the warlocks towards you and your sisters.
It's not your fault that warlocks were naturally inferior to witches. Come to think of it you had never met a warlock who was so much as tolerable. Well...that is until a few months ago.
This particular visit to Hawthorne was something no witch, or warlock for that matter, had ever thought would come to pass.
For the first time ever, the test of the Seven Wonders will be performed on a warlock. A young man named Michael Langdon.
From the beginning Cordelia, your coven's supreme, had refused to perform this test deeming that it would be suicide. That was until Michael brought two witches, Queenie and Madison, back from the dead.
While this changed her mind, it also raised her concerns about Michael.
Cordelia had called a meeting with you and the rest of the council prior to your departure. She had described a darkness in Michael, one she had never seen in someone before. She described his energy as almost inhuman, something otherworldly.
"I am warning you all, proceed with caution." Cordelia had said.
While you smiled and agreed like you had been made to do, you had other thoughts on your mind.
You had connected with Michael from the moment you first met him, and in a way you had never experienced with another. Your fellow witches had been standoffish and dismissive to him, most likely feeling threatened by his power, you didn't feel the need.
He seemed to feel comfortable around you from the beginning. You didn't know if it was because you were the only witch who cared enough to treat him like a human being, or if there were other reasons. Despite that, conversation with Michael came easy, and the more interactions the two of you had the closer you became.
What was originally a simple act of kindness turned into prolonged eye contact and uncontrollable eye contact. The increasingly frequent visits to Hawthorne began to feel less like a punishment and more like a reward.
No matter, your sisters came first, which meant you had to push your growing emotions away.
Under any other circumstance you would be excited to see your friend, but the Seven Wonders weren't just any other event. Especially after Cordelia's warning, so unfortunately today was going to be stressful no matter what.
"Hurry up everyone, time to go!" you heard Cordelia call, annoyance in her voice.
You jumped up, not wanting to anger her further, fixed your hat, and headed down the stairs.
You, Cordelia, Zoe, and Myrtle all gathered in a circle in order to transmutate to Hawthorne collectively. Queenie and Madison also joined you, Madison wearing her iconic scowl.
You stood next to Zoe, your favorite among the council. Not that you disliked the other witches...but Myrtle was a little batty and Cordelia was well...Cordelia.
"Prepare yourselves sisters." Cordelia said softly, a serious look on her face.
Next thing you knew, your group was standing outside the strange structure that was Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men.
The six of you walked in, all trailing behind Cordelia.
You passed through the dark corridors, trying to hide the fact that you hoped Michael would appear around the corner.
When you and your magical companions made it to the room where the testing would take place you were greeted by warlock Ariel Augustus.
Out of all the warlocks you despised he was by far the worst, there was just something so off-putting about him. Yet you still shook his hand and gave him a half-hearted smile.
You gave the room a quick glance, looking for Michael.
"And when will Michael be joining us?" You asked Ariel.
"I would like to get this over as quickly as possible" You add, in an effort to seem disinterested.
Ariel looks at you with a sour face before looking over your shoulder towards the door.
"Well, it looks like you've got your wish because here comes the young warlock now." Ariel replies with distaste.
You turn around, and are faced with Michael's golden locks and icy blue eyes. He's wearing his usual, a long black cloak over his school uniform, yet he somehow manages to make the basic outfit look better than ever.
"Hello Michael." You say formally, keeping your serious composure. All while the two of you exchange a playful look, agreeing that these formalities are ridiculous.
Michael greeted you and the two of you drifted off to the far side of the room where you pretended to make small talk.
"God, this is so stressful." Michael says to you, breathing out a frustrated sigh.
Around others Michael had the tendency to put on a show, but never for you. With you, he was free of judgement.
"It'll be okay, just trust your instincts. You've got this." If Cordelia knew you were giving Michael advice you would surely be punished, but she doesn't need to know.
Michael shifted on his feet and looked at the ground, failing at hiding the blush creeping up his pale cheeks.
You almost reached out to give him a hug of reassurance but then remembered the others in the room. If you were being honest with yourself you really did have feelings for him, although reality told you that would never work out.
"Can we all just shut up and get on with this shit." Madison announced with an eye roll.
It was never a dull moment with her around.
"Yes, yes." Myrtle said.
Everyone took a seat as Cordelia began to explain the rules of the seven wonders.
You and Michael stood near each other behind a couch.
You figured since your lower bodies were hidden from the others it would be safe to reach out and squeeze his hand for reassurance.
You slowly put Michael's hand in yours and ran your fingers across his knuckles. His palms were sweaty. You truly believed you were the only one who sympathized with him on this, and you were glad you could give him that.
You and Michael made eye contact and exchanged a look of longing.
You broke the eye contact to look at Zoe who was giving you a look as if to say "stop what you're doing." She knew, of course she knew. Zoe was your best friend, of course she could tell when you liked a boy. Even if the circumstances were far more dire than your average high school romance.
You drop Michael's hand but he reaches back over and pulls it back, signaling "stay"
You sigh, what on earth were you getting yourself into.
"Okay, now if the rules are understood, we may begin." Cordelia announced, while scanning the room.
No one objected, and Ariel motioned for you all to follow him.
You felt the warmth of Michael's hand leaving you, and you were released from your own thoughts. You looked over at him to see him slowly walking towards the exit.
"Come on," Michael called back to you giving you a half-hearted smile.
You hurriedly caught up with him and the rest of the group, although the both of you remained at the end of the pack.
Ariel led you down a series of dark corridors. They all looked the same, and you began to lose count of the amount of turns you had taken.
Good luck getting out of here if you needed to make a break for it, you thought to yourself.
When you finally reached your destination, everyone gathered in the center of the large room. It looked just like every other room at Hawthorne, drab and dungeon-like. The only difference here was that it was larger and relatively empty.
Cordelia stood in the center of the room, a stern expression on her face.
"The first of the seven wonders, Telekinesis." She pointed to Michael, calling for him to join her in the center of the room.
You watched him as he walked towards her. He did almost too good of a job at hiding his nerves, walking with such effortless grace. You were almost envious.
Michael pointed to a candle hanging on the wall along the far side of the room. The candle quickly floated into his grasp.
The warlocks applauded, looking thrilled with his performance.
Telekinesis was the easiest of the seven wonders, and one any basic witch or warlock could easily achieve. So, naturally you and your fellow witches remained unimpressed.
"Next is Concilium, or mind control." Cordelia explained, gesturing for Michael to begin.
Michael also demonstrated this with ease, making Zoe and Madison perform a dance before everyone's eyes.
The next four Seven Wonders, Transmutation, Divination, Pyrokinesis, and Vitalum Vitalus, were all demonstrated by Michael perfectly. Even better than yourself you had to admit, which was odd considering how inexperienced he was.
The further the test progressed, the more concerned the members of your coven looked. You were torn, as you usually were when it came to Michael. Part of you shared your coven's concerns, after all, a male supreme would change the course of all of your lives. The rational part of you did not ever want to see a world where the powers of a warlock surpassed yours. Yet another part of you, the part that cared for Michael, wanted him to succeed despite all other factors.
Although the hardest test of the Seven Wonders, Descensum, had yet to be tested. And you knew Cordelia wouldn't let Michael get off without adding a catch.
"Today, I'm not asking you to perform this wonder...I am asking you to conquer it." Just as you had expected, Cordelia was going to twist the rules.
Cordelia proceeded to ask Michael to retrieve the long lost Misty Day from the underworld, where she was banished after being unable to achieve the seventh wonder.
You glanced over at Michael, who stared Cordelia dead in the eye. You weren't surprised that he looked unfazed, he had in fact done this before when he brought Madison back from the dead.
Despite that, the warlocks were outraged, arguing with Cordelia about the task's unfairness.
"It's okay, I'll do it." Michael said calmly and definitively, shutting everyone up.
You gave Michael a concerned look, which he combated with a soft smile.
Michael laid down on the floor, getting in the position needed for the task. He began reciting the spell, which was a jumble of Latin words.
Michael then fell into a deep trance, signaling that the process of Descensum had begun.
Now all that was left to do was to wait.
You walked to the back of the room and sat in a chair next to Zoe and Queenie. You tapped your foot on the floor nervously, your heel making a repetitive clicking noise.
You waited in silence for about ten minutes, your eyes glued to Michael just in case.
"My god how long is this supposed to take, some people have things to do." Madison huffed, and as if on cue Michael shot up into a sitting position.
You, along with everyone else, rushed forward in anticipation.
"Where's Misty?" Cordelia demanded angrily.
Michael said nothing. He stared blankly at the wall, breathing heavily.
Before you could stop yourself you leaned down to check if he was okay, but just as you placed your hand on his shoulder someone's tight grip pulled you back.
"Watch out!" Zoe yelled, as she yanked you towards her.
You stumbled over your feet, nearly losing your balance. You looked below you and your eyes widened at what you saw.
Misty had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and right where you had been only moments before.
You were in shock, and apparently so was Cordelia.
She dropped to the ground and pulled Misty into a tight hug, tears falling from her face.
You looked over at Michael, who staggered back towards a table in the corner of the room. He looked exhausted, and you fought the urge to ask him if he was okay.
Your focus shifted when you heard Misty call your name.
The curly haired woman gave you a long teary eyed hug, and you only now realized how much you had missed her. You made a mental note to thank Michael for this reunion later.
"Cordelia!" Queenie yelled, and once again you were forced to shift your attention.
Cordelia was hunched over, blood running down her nose. She looked weak, like she had after seeing Queenie and Madison return.
"What's happening?" Madison shouted.
"What happens every time a new supreme rises, the old one begins to fade." One of the warlocks said proudly.
"You're a pathetic pompous ass!" Myrtle spat, pulling Cordelia close to her.
You followed her example and stepped closer to your supreme, putting your hand on her shoulder in reassurance.
"There is no denying it...Michael is the new supreme." Cordelia huffed before nearly collapsing to the floor.
You gasped, scrambling to help her back to her feet. Once Cordelia was stable again Myrtle and Misty carried her to a private room to help her recover.
"Well...I guess we will reconvene later." Ariel announced to the rooms remaining occupants.
As everyone began to file out of the room you saw Michael head in your direction. You began walking over to meet him when Zoe grabbed onto your arm once more.
She pulled you in the opposite direction and loudly announced, "Can I talk to you for a moment."
Before you had time to object she had pulled you out of the room and down one of the many dark corridors.
"Zoe is everything o-" She cut you off.
"Do you know how dangerous what you're doing is?" Zoe scolded.
Your stomach dropped.
"What do you mean..." you replied, acting clueless.
Zoe sighed in frustration.
'I'm your best friend, you think I don't see how you two look at each other?"
Dammit. Was it that obvious?
"Zoe, I know it's wrong. I know the coven will disapprove. I'm sorry. I'll make it go away, I promise." You sounded defeated.
Zoe pursed her lips. "Listen, I'm not saying you have to stop. I'm just saying be better at hiding it. Cause you know what will happen if Cordelia finds out."
You sighed, she was right. Cordelia would be furious if she knew, especially since she was already so suspicious of Michael. It would likely even be grounds for being burned at the stake.
"I'm just saying be careful is all, but other than that my lips are sealed." Zoe said.
You nodded in agreement and smiled at your friend.
"Be safe." Zoe hugged you quickly before walking off to go check on Cordelia.
You turned on your heel and walked down the hall, a long sigh escaping your lips.
As you turned the corner you felt someone's strong grip pull you down a darkened hall.
"What the hell-"
You looked up to see Michael looming above you.
"Jesus, Michael you scared me." You gasped, hand on your fast beating heart.
"I heard everything, everything Zoe said to you." Michael said, his piercing blue eyes burning into yours.
Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach.
"Michael. She's right you know. I mean my coven hates you, what would they think?" You explained.
"Shhhh.." Michael whispered as he brought his index finger to your lips.
"I don't care, what we have is more important."
"Don't you agree?"
Michael took your hands in his and brought them to his chest. He looked at you in a pleading, almost desperate way.
"Michael, I-" You said unsure of your actions. You knew the consequences of betraying your coven, but were you ready to embrace them? you didn't know.
"Please..." Michael stammered.
You felt his hot breath against your already warm skin. The strong scent of his cologne filled your nostrils. everything about him was irresistible, it was all just too much.
"I can't wait any longer. I need this, I need you." Michael said.
That was it for you.
"Oh just fuck it." You said before pressing your lips harshly to his.
You pulled Michael down by the front of his shirt to better adjust to his height.
The kiss was short lived, but that didn't stop you from wanting more.
Thankfully Michael felt the same because he reached for the nearest door and opened it, pulling you inside.
He kissed you sloppily and hungrily as he yanked you through the doorway. He slammed the door behind you while continuing to kiss you.
"Is this a closet?" You asked, looking around at the small space.
"I believe so..." Michael replied, smiling at you.
You laughed and kissed him again.
Michael pushed you into the corner while kissing you slowly. He bit down on your lip, drawing a significant amount of blood. You let out a soft moan as Michael sucked at the small wound.
Michael broke the kiss and gazed at you lovingly.
"God you're so beautiful."
You smiled, trying to hide your flustered reaction. He made your heart do back flips.
Michael kissed you on the cheek, then your lips again.
"Everyone's probably looking for me, I can't be gone too long. After all I am the supreme now." Michael said with a smirk.
"Just a few more minutes please." You whined, pulling him into you.
'Well, I guess I can make time for you." Michael kissed you harshly as if this was the last chance he'd ever get to.
His hand snaked down your back and stopped to tightly wrap around your waist. You couldn't hear anything except heavy breathing from the both of you.
You reached up, lacing your fingers through Michael's hair. You pulled at the long blonde locks.
Michael put his hands under your thighs and hoisted you up around his waist. This gave his easier access to your neck and chest, which he began pressing desperate kisses to.
Michael nipped and sucked at your neck and parts of your slightly exposed chest. Only then did you feel something poking you beneath where your legs were wrapped around Michael's waist.
"Well someone's excited." You stated.
"What can I say?" Michael laughed softly.
You smiled, rolling your eyes at his sarcasm.
"Want me to take care of that for you?"
Michael's face turned red, clearly embarrassed. As much as he tried to hide behind his 'bad boy' persona, he truly was just an awkward guy.
"As much as I'd love that it'll have to be another time. Unfortunately I have more important things to take care of." Michael sighed.
You frowned, disappointed. He was right.
"How about this. Tomorrow night we meet, and we can finish what we started." Michael inquired, tracing his finger across your jawline.
You smiled,
"That works for me."
On that note you and Michael exited the cramped closet. But before stepping out into the hall Michael pulled you in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around you lovingly, and you sank into his touch.
"I love you." Michael whispered so quietly you could barely hear him.
"I love you too." You replied with no hesitation.
Michael kissed you on the forehead before stepping out into the hall.
"Till tomorrow, my love." Were his parting words as Michael disappeared around the corner.
You laughed to yourself, what an adventure this was going to be.
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cappycodeart · 2 months
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Bit of an art dump with some Fern content. I didn't get enough Fern fill in the new series tbh so I started hypothesizing a scenario where she and Itchy could meet? So, in this version of things, this is a Fern that gets re-cursed/re-grassed after Fionna restores the magic in her world, and Itchy tries to find a way to make her human again. Turns out they have more in common than I initially expected. When I connected the two, I realized they actually make for a fun parallel, like Fionna and Simon do.
(this is obviously many many years AFTER Itchy's adventure with that AU Betty I just don't have the braincells to finish a single plotline so I'm making y'all jump around with me. I'll make a proper timeline of events eventually, <3)
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langdonss · 15 days
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The Antichrist
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saintlucretia · 3 months
Devil Wears A Suit
part Ⅰ
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Pairings: Outpost!Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Warnings: Mention of murder. Hot devil's son. Sexual harassment? Michael Langdon.
Summary: Y/N is a purple at Outpost 3 and gets interviewed by Mr. Langdon.
A/N: I will go to hell for this and I am not opposing if he will be there too.
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After 18 months at the underground Outpost life was as dreadful as being killed by a bomb explosion. Or worse. A bunch of snobs and shallow cowards. It was clear as day, that it was just a matter of time before everyone was at each other's throats. 
It wasn’t the Outpost itself or the fact that we are the last human beings on this planet that made everything so depressing. It was boredom. A hole in my head. The only bearable person here was Mr. Gallant. Without his company at the dining table, I could have stuck a fork into my neck.
That evening Ms. Venable announced to us about a visitor. The agent of the Cooperative. Even though she remained calm as usual I sensed a note of fear in her voice. So it means this new man has great authority. I was grateful for any kind of entertainment, even if it meant a bloody revolution. After 18 months with the same people, fresh meat is always dainty.
Ms. Venable ended her speech when a tall man with long blond hair entered the room. He had a dark aura. The aura of power.
“My name is Langdon and I represent The Cooperative,” he said, circling our table. “Humanity is on the brink of failure.”
I glanced at the other residents of the Outpost. They all looked tense and nervous, especially Ms. Venable. She seemed almost afraid of him. Only Mr. Gallant seemed as amused as me. We glanced at each other and I immediately understood what was on his mind. After all, he had a good taste in men.
“My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth.” His speech was persuasive, words sharp and his blue eyes pierced into all of us. Such an ability to capture everyone's attention was making me delighted.
He stopped at the head of the table and continued. “The three other compounds have been overrun and destroyed.”
“What happened to the people inside?” asked Timothy worried. 
“Massacred,” answered Langdon and I think I caught the shadow of a grin on his face.
I bit my lip to stop myself from chuckling. I had to admit, this Langdon was a very attractive man. And Mr. Gallant was obviously admiring his appearance too. But there was something about The Cooperative representative that made me feel uneasy. It was as if he was hiding something. Something very bad. 
“In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a failsafe… The Sanctuary,” he said, placing his hands behind his back. “I have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us. The Cooperative has developed a particular and rigorous questioning technique we like to call ‘Cooperating’. Simply, I will determine if you belong.”
I remained silent, analyzing the situation. Everyone seemed wary and looked at others with distrust. Only Coco didn’t have enough brains to remain silent and tried to openly express her dissatisfaction. Fortunately, her tirade was abruptly suppressed.
“I volunteer to go first.” Mr. Gallant raised his hand. 
“And so you shall,” Langdon said threateningly, looking us over. He had a cold, calculating look in his eyes. I had a feeling that he already knew who he was going to select.
“The process should only take me a couple of days, so you won’t be kept in suspense forever. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.” I felt his gaze on me and barely restrained myself from looking away. 
Langdon left the room and everyone immediately started to argue. A bunch of morons, all of them. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, observing the conversation. Everyone began to share their suspicions and guesses, but of course, they were all too wrapped up in their own fear to notice the whole thing. The Cooperative looked at us as laboratory rats and no one seemed to see that. Pathetic. 
I let out a sigh of annoyance and left the room.
I ran into Malcolm in the hallway an hour later and looked at him questioningly. 
“Oh, darling, I almost had a heart attack." He came closer and started whispering "I'm a bit scared of him. He is definitely hot as hell, but twice as evil."
I chuckled. "Well, that's quite a review. Did he tell you anything new?"  
Mr. Gallant leaned even closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. "He asked me a lot of personal questions...I mean really personal."  
I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"
“Like my sexuality for example. And my nana. And other… things. Pretty intimate. I felt so uncomfortable, but I tried to keep it cool.” 
My eyebrows furrowed in interest. So these "Cooperating" sessions were, indeed, quite unique. It seemed like Langdon wanted to know every minuscule detail about each person. I began to wonder what kind of "personal" questions he would ask me. I also began to wonder why I was so looking forward to the moment. 
“I felt like he was trying to rip out my soul.” Added Malcolm in a whisper.
I smirked. "Well, that's quite a dramatic way to describe it." Malcolm chuckled nervously but I had a feeling that he wasn't exaggerating. Langdon was certainly not the type of man that you could fool easily. He could see right through people.
But something was intriguing. I felt a strange thrill at the idea of uncovering the depth of Langdon's scrutiny. 
 "I guess I'll have to brace myself for my turn then," I said nonchalantly.
“Good luck sweetheart.” We kissed each other on the cheek and went in different directions.
I slowly walked to my quarters, lost in thought. I was feeling an inexplicable mixture of excitement and curiosity. The thought of being examined by Langdon, being exposed under the watchful gaze of his sharp eyes, was somehow appealing. God, I have to stop.
I shook my head firmly, trying to dismiss these thoughts. "This is ridiculous," I mumbled to myself softly.
Suddenly I heard something. Something like a scream perhaps. I stopped and looked around. There was no one except me in this dimly lit hall. And then this sound again. More like a whisper now. Millions of whispers. My head began to spin slightly. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Silence. Everything went quiet. I turned around and flinched as I saw Langdon behind me.
“Mrs. Y/S, I’d like to talk with you next.” 
I looked up at Langdon with a surprised expression, silently cursing myself for being so lost in my thoughts to the point of not noticing him coming closer. His presence was so powerful that it still made my heart flutter even now.
"Lead the way," I replied, trying to maintain my composure. 
Langdon didn't bother answering, simply gesturing for me to follow him. I walked behind him through the maze of halls and rooms. 
We finally reached the entrance to what appeared to be his cabinet. Langdon stepped aside, allowing me to enter first. Entering the room, I noticed how dark and ominous it felt. The walls were lined with bookshelves, filled with old leather-bound volumes. The main source of light was a fireplace.
Langdon gestured for me to sit down on the armchair across from him. I lowered myself gently, straightening my purple dress. 
He studied me, wanted me to be nervous, wanted me to crack. I knew this game. I have played this game with many different powerful men, who think they are Gods because they have dicks. I never lose in a game like this.
His eyes searched my face, trying to find any sign of weakness. But I held his gaze firmly, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me intimidated.
I leaned back in my seat, a small smirk on my lips. "I see you're expecting me to be quivering in my boots," I said with a hint of sarcasm.
Langdon chuckled darkly. "Is that so?" he asked, leaning slightly forward. 
A silence fell between us, and I held his gaze without flinching. Something about his demeanor made my heart beat a little faster, but I was determined not to show it.
“I prefer conversations to be effective, Mr. Langdon.”
Langdon raised an eyebrow at my remark, a smirk forming his lips. He leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest. "Straight to the point, are we?" 
He studied me for a moment, his eyes still locked onto mine.
"Well, I can appreciate a straightforward woman," he said, his voice surprisingly smooth. "It makes the process much more efficient."
He paused for a moment, his gaze never faltering. "Ms. Y/S," he began, my name rolling off his tongue like a sinful whisper. "Allow me to ask you a personal question."
“Ask,” I replied.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. His eyes were laser-focused on me, and I could practically feel his gaze trying to pierce through my soul. 
"What do you fear the most?" he asked, his tone almost gentle.
I was caught off guard by the question and made a mistake. Langdon noticed the slight flicker of surprise in my eyes. He chuckled softly. "That's what I thought," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "You may have mastered the art of bravado, but everyone has a weakness," he continued. "And I'm here to find yours." 
I watched him back and after crossing my legs answered "I fear being surrounded by idiots for the rest of my life." I needled.
Langdon raised an eyebrow, visibly amused. "Well, you certainly have a way with words, don't you?", he said, his lips curling into a smirk.
He leaned back in his seat, studying me closely. "Being trapped in a group of lesser minds for eternity may be torturous, especially for a woman of your... intelligence."
“For a man of your power, it’s a pity that you use flattery as a term of manipulation,” I said, tilting my head in a mocking manner. 
Langdon chuckled, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Ah, so observant," he said, still maintaining his smirk. 
He leaned slightly forward, his gaze never leaving mine. "I'm not just using flattery, Ms. Y/S. I do recognize your intellect. But don't mistake my compliments for manipulation. I simply use the tools at my disposal."
Langdon chuckled again, clearly appreciating my dry response. "You have a sharp tongue," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. “It may be your unique feature or a pathetic attempt to hide your fear.”
I could feel a flicker of irritation at his words, but I forced myself to remain impassive. Langdon was trying to get a reaction out of me, and I was determined not to give him the satisfaction.
"Perhaps it's a little bit of both," I replied, my voice cool and steady. "Or perhaps you're simply not used to people who don't cower easily in front of someone higher in rank."
He stood up from his seat and started circling me slowly, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the room. “Be careful, Ms. Y/S. Your bold attitude is admirable, but at some point, this can play a cruel joke on you.”  His gaze burned into me as he studied me from every possible angle.
“I appreciate the warning,” I said coldly. “I don't fear intimidation tactics.”
“You are a brave woman.” Langdon's voice was suddenly close behind me, his breath lingering on the nape of my neck. A small shiver ran down my spine, and I had to suppress the urge to turn around and look at him.
“A little too brave, some would say.” he continued, his words almost a whisper. “Tell me, Ms. Y/S, is it hard to be the smartest in the room? To be forced to communicate with idiots?”
There was a hint of mockery in his tone that made me nauseous. But I still refused to let him see any sign of weakness. I sat up straighter in my chair, lifting my chin.
“It can be... annoying at times,” I admitted.
“It is irritating how arrogant the upper class is, isn’t it? Especially toward women.” I felt the touch of his fingers on my arm and I barely restrained myself from snatching my hand away. “The world before the bombs wasn’t that much brighter than this one, was it? They all mistreated you, and never took you seriously… Does the idea of them having everything infuriate you?”
His words hit a nerve, the subtle truth in them cutting through my defenses. Yes, the world before the bombings was far from perfect, and I had my fair share of disappointments.
But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had managed to hit a weak spot. I turned my head slightly, meeting his gaze. “And what makes you think you're any different from them?”
He chuckled darkly, his fingers trailing along my skin, tracing patterns against the fabric of my dress. His nonchalant arrogance was both infuriating and strangely enthralling. 
“Oh, I never claimed to be any different," he responded, his voice low and husky. “But I will say this - I appreciate intelligence, especially in women. I can see your potential.”
“Potential,” I repeated, struggling to keep my tone even. “For what, exactly?”
Langdon ignored my question. His hands, now both on my arms, crawled up to my shoulders. “Have you ever thought about punishing them? About finally showing what you are capable of, so they would never think you are only ‘pretty face’ again?” His breath tickled my ear. “Have you ever thought about making them scared of you?”
His hands on my shoulders were deceptively gentle, yet they seemed to burn against my skin through the fabric of my dress. His breath was warm against my ear as he whispered his words, making my breath hitch in my throat. 
I felt a strange mixture of anger and... excitement at his words. The thought had crossed my mind more than once if I was being honest with myself. To show them ALL how strong and brilliant I truly was. To shuffle a knife into someone’s throat. I remained silent. 
“I sense this force in you, Y/N.”
His voice seemed to fill the space between us, wrapping around me like a dark, intimate spell. He leaned closer, his chest almost pressed against my back. His hands remained on my shoulders, his fingers gently massaging my tense muscles. 
There was something about his voice, the way he said my name, that sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if he could see right through me, past the cool exterior I had been trying to maintain. He knew about the anger, the desire, the fire burning within me.
“I can tell you have a dark side,” he murmured, his voice deep and low. 
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about.” 
“Yes, you do.” His hands continue to stroke my shoulders gently. He was amused by my denial.
“You don't have to play coy with me, Ms. Y/N," he said, his voice velvety smooth. “I can feel it radiating off of you. That simmering anger, that burning desire."
Langdon leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing against my ear. “You want... power. And I can promise you that.”
His words were a seductive murmur, weaving their way into my mind and planting thoughts of power and revenge. It was as if he knew exactly what buttons to push, what desires to awaken within me. 
"Power," I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper. My mind was swimming, both alarmed and intrigued by his proposal. I felt like I was hypnotized. "Why… What’s the point?"
Langdon chuckled softly, noticing the effect his words were having on me. He stepped away from me, his hands finally leaving my shoulders. He walked around the chair, standing in front of me again.
"Because, my dear," he began, "I've observed your potential. Your intelligence, your resourcefulness, your strength. You're not like the other people in this house. You have ambition. And ambition can lead to power."
He tilted up my chin gently, so I could meet his gaze. "And I can help you achieve it." His thumb traced my jawline, sending a shiver down my spine.
When his finger brushed against my bottom lip I grabbed his hand, stopping him. He smirked and leaned closer, his face only a few inches away from mine.
“Something wrong, Ms. Y/S?” he asked, his tone laced with mockery. “Did my touch... unsettle you?”
With a swift, almost graceful movement, Langdon sank to his knees in front of me. His hand found its way to my knee, the warmth of his palm seeping through the fabric of my dress.
“I think the interview is over,” I said, trying to stand up, but he pressed on my knee, not letting me get up.
“I will decide if it’s over or not, Ms. Y/S,” Langdon smirked at my silence, slowly running his hand higher up my thigh. He could clearly see the effect he was having on me, the slight tremble in my body.
“What?” he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery. “No witty comeback? No clever quip? Seems like you're losing your grip.”
"Losing my grip?" I repeated, trying to keep my voice steady. "Hardly. I am just amused by your behavior." Even a blind person would see my bluff and feign confidence.
“Oh? Really?” He stood up a bit, leaning closer to my face, almost whispering in my mouth. His proximity was intoxicating, his breath hot against my lips. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, the desire coursing through my veins like a current. He slowly brushed his lips against mine and I felt a touch of his tongue on my bottom lip. 
It felt like drugs. It felt better than drugs. His tongue teasingly tracing along my bottom lip sent a shiver down my spine, making my legs tremble beneath me. It was overwhelming. I have never felt like this before. In that very second I could do anything for this man.
Suddenly he stopped and looked me right into my eyes, smirking satisfiedly almost like he read a thought that just got in my mind.
He stood up, turning away from me and I bit my tongue not to moan in disappointment. 
“We’re done for today, Ms. Y/S. It was a pleasure talking to you,” He said, opening the door for me. Smirk remained on his face, but Langdon seemed very calm. As if he didn’t just kneel and almost kiss me two minutes ago. 
I needed a few seconds to understand what had happened, so I blinked and then quickly stood up walking toward the door.
“Hope you have a good night, Ms. Y/S,” he said watching me and I can swear, as he was saying that, his hand slid to cover his groin and he definitely wanted me to notice that. 
“Good night, Mr. Langdon,” I mumbled and left the room. 
What the fuck has just happened?
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part two
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moomielee · 1 month
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I haven’t watched the show yet….but I’m obsessed with this man so I will start soon, expect a lot of American horror story posts 💗💗💗🎀🎥🍿
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codyfernuk · 14 days
67 notes · View notes
malfoyx · 1 year
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Cody Fern via Instagram
694 notes · View notes
king-with-no-crovvn · 9 months
I miss writing so, so much, and I still have so many ideas all these years later! Is anyone out there still reading for Michael Langdon these days??
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174 notes · View notes
shadesofcherry · 3 months
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cody fern as michael langdon walked so sam reid as lestat could run
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fernsnailz · 9 months
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weird bug i found outside
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redroses07 · 3 months
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help me
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slutforgarlogan · 6 months
🎀 = smut (18+ im not accountable for what you read!)
Kyle Spencer: ➳ First time 🎀
Jimmy Darling: ➳ Thigh humping 🎀
James P March: ➳ Matching wounds 🎀
Kai Anderson: ➳ Orgasm denial 🎀
➳ Mask fucking 🎀
Austin Sommers: ➳ Sucking him off in public 🎀
Michael Langdon: ➳ Showing off to you while performing the 7 wonders
Peter Maximoff: ➳ Peter as your bf hc's 🎀 ➳ Dates with Peter hc's ➳ Needy Peter (orgasm denial) 🎀 ➳ Fingering you while your patching his wound 🎀
if you'd like to request, check my request rules first <3
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langdonss · 2 months
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THEMES: Evil government, abduction, corruption
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The moon stares down upon you, bright and eerie, piercing through your window in all its fullness. The slight red tint of it casts a shadow on your tired face that is smooshed into your pillow. You’re off somewhere else, lost in a deep deep sleep whilst your body has sunken into the bedding, completely unaware of what’s about to happen to you… Your foot glides softly across the cool sheets of your bed, the perspiration causing messy hair to stick to your forehead in the humid summer night air.
The floors creak in the dead of night amongst the crickets chirping near your window, their singing coming to an unnatural halt which make the air feel… Eerily still…. The wall goes bump, another floor board creaks and then there’s nothing… Until, your bedroom door slowly sways open, not making a single sound.
Suddenly, two sets of arms lunge toward where you lay asleep in your bed, quickly and securely grabbing your body. You jolt upwards, your eyes snapping open in a panicked haze. Not a word is uttered, but your screams pierce through the entire house like a banshee and not a single grunt is forced from either man dressed in black while they effortlessly take control and hold of you, picking you up from your mattress. Something swiftly swoops down over your head faster than you can comprehend, and their hands work fast to tie your struggling arms into tight ropes before carrying you off from the confines of your room through the halls, their boots stomping.
❝ You're only making this more difficult for yourself. ❞
A mans deep voice speaks out as you yell and struggle, a hand clamps over your shrieking mouth firmly shutting you up. Every kick and flail is counteracted by an iron grip that makes your fighting limbs go limp.
You muffle through the fabric, but no answer is given. Instead, you're thrown against a cushioned surface, and the sound of a large car door slides shut, the sound pounding in your ears whilst the earth shifts from under you quicker than you can stomach, your body sliding against the seating as the vehicle takes off. Your pulse is pumping faster than it ever has in your entire life that you’d swear your heart could explode and give out any second now. A million thoughts race in your mind of what is happening, are you being kidnapped? Trafficked? You don’t want to find out. You scream again, your plea falling on uncaring ears. The silence eats away at you, it’s so fucking quiet in the cloth bag that’s wrapped over your head, each and every bump and creak sounds so far off in the distance, and the air is constricted just enough so you can still at least breathe. The drive to wherever the men are taking you seems to last forever, and eventually you give up, all the squirming and calling out for answers gets you absolutely no where. You lay there on your side, you can’t imagine how pathetic you look all curled up back there, a bag over your head, your arms tied at your front. Tears have stained your face to the point it’s burning your cheeks and the insides of your confinement is annoyingly moist. How much crying can you do before you run all out and dehydrate yourself?
❝ We’re heading near the base, prepare the gates. ❞ One of the mens voice calls out in the dead silence, causing you to snap out of your depressed dissociation and become alert.
The vehicle enters on a gravel path, slowing its speed as it approaches toward a giant gate in the middle of nowhere. A man, Mr. Langdon, awaits your arrival at the other side of the gates as it swings open at a snails pace. The men take the drive further up ahead and the gate closes behind them, before they jump out from their seats to walk around to either side of the car to fetch you.
The doors are forced open, and you hear another persons foot steps approaching in the gravel of the driveway.
❝ I see you’ve gathered her in one piece. Your handiwork is much appreciated. ❞
A new voice speaks out in a smooth and almost elegant tone. You stay still and silent, but your breathing hitches with anxiety at the nonexistent context of what’s going on or where you’ve been taken to. The men grab your body up, dragging you from the back seat and propping you on your feet before you begin to scream and throw your legs out just as you did earlier.
❝ She’s not going to cooperate. ❞
Mr. Langdon remarks snidely. You can hear the amusement in his voice as he watches the men pick you up and throw you over their shoulder. They begin walking off, and your body is moved back and forth with each step they take as they hold you down with a strength that is unmatched.
You sob, feeling the man carrying you come to a halt while he waits for the other to follow, his hand quickly retrieving into his pocket for a key card, sliding it into the lock of the door before where they stand. A mechanical swoosh and a beep fill the air, followed by a loud sound of something opening before they resume their walk down a dimly lit corridor of a facility.
Their stomping boots echo off the black walls, and his hand tightens on your back side. Quicker than you can understand, something sharp jabs into your upper arm, the surroundings begin to blur all into one.
You’re almost at your destination…
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…. Brightness envelops your surroundings in a quick flash, your eyes close shut tightly to block out this new harsh lighting, turning your head to look away as a groan escapes your lips. A deep breath fills your nostrils, you can breathe, you can see. You thought the time would never come. But you fail to recognize where the hell you are, and your half concentration is disrupted by the sound of heavy boots approaching against the cold floor of the dim and chilling room.
Clack.. clack… clack..
A tall, and brooding figure steps from the confines of the corner of what you can only guess is some sort of government facility. His jawline, sharp, protrudes with amusement at the distressed little sight of you where you sit, still tied in place. You squint, looking around. Your wrists burn in the ropes that hold you back.
❝ You put up quite the fuss earlier…. I’m not sure that warrants you insight on the situation at hand. ❞ Mr Langdon teases, his voice deep and mocking. He steps closer, the flourescent lights up above flicker down upon his features; Sneering lips, golden blonde hair that curls perfectly around his ears, icy hues that stare into your soul.
A gloved hand delicately reaches out down toward you, the mahogany leather on his fingers shining in the light. ❝ Poor thing, bound and tied with no idea what’s to come…❞
You interject as best you can, the effects of the injection from earlier still barring its toll on you. Lips move slowly and your words come out in a slur.
❝ What… what is this… place…? What do you want? ❞
The man only stares at you with a widening smirk, taking a moment to carefully articulate his answer in a way you will understand best.
❝ Our exact motivations are none of your concern, for now. The only concern you should have is your future here, with us. What you can give the Cooperative. ❞
You swallow a knot in your throat. Nothing could prepare you for what was coming…
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