plaguedogs123 · 2 days
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When the S4 lost to Emperor that time
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heavysplatlingyaoi · 3 months
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a bit early for summerfest, but i put a lot of effort into this one.
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photographss-world · 2 months
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Kimi zaman bir tek balık yaratır çırpıntısını bir okyanusun..
Murathan Mungan...
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revilonilmah · 1 year
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Hawaiian Psyduck says aloha! 🌺 🥥
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qevillous · 10 months
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long ass hair having ass what the fuck
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buckhead1111 · 7 months
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buckyispunk · 9 months
Aloha Chapter Three~ Bucky Barnes x f!Reader (no use of Y/N)
read previous parts here!
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: The events of Ocean Blue from Bucky's perspective, aka Bucky fights to win you back.
A/N: So so soooo sorry for the longer-than-expected wait everyone! Thank you to all who have been sticking it out with me! I hope this chapter makes up for it! Also - discontinuing tags after this chapter, follow @buckyispunkwrites and turn on notifs!!
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), fingering, discussion of unhealthy relationships, slight overstimulation, dom!Bucky, drinking, insecure reader, please lmk if I missed anything
Word Count: 4.6k
“Dude,” Sam shoves Bucky’s shoulder, “I’m sure she’ll be out soon, you don’t have to keep staring at the door.”
Bucky reverts his attention to his friends, who are now laughing at his infatuated state. He debates for a second whether or not it’s worth it to think of a clever comeback, but he can’t bring himself to care enough. All Bucky cares about is when he’ll next be able to hear your laugh and watch the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight. All he cares about right now is being with you. 
And that scares Bucky. Absolutely terrifies him. The last time Bucky felt this way about someone, she betrayed every ounce of trust he ever put in her and Bucky had wound up wishing he never even met her in the first place. But even though he’s only known you a few days, something tells Bucky you’re nothing like his ex. 
All he manages is a mumbled shut up. 
He turns from his friends to go order another round, noting that Sam and Steve’s bottles are almost empty as well. As he leans against the bar waiting for the bartender, he feels a tap on his shoulder.
Bucky grins as he turns around. 
“Been waiting for you, do-”
He cuts himself off when he realizes it’s not you he’s talking to, but some blonde woman he doesn’t recognize. 
“Sorry,” he shakes his head, “thought you were someone else,” he explains, smile disappearing from his face. 
“No worries,” she flases her white teeth at him, “I actually think your friend over there is kinda cute. The one that hasn’t stopped laughing for the last five minutes.”
Bucky sighs, relieved that the woman isn’t hitting on him. He’s never been great at rejecting people. 
“Sam’s definitely something,” Bucky tilts his head in amusement.
“I was gonna buy him a drink, what does he like? Couldn’t see his bottle from where I’m sitting.”
“I was just ordering us another round, I’ll just give you his.”
Bucky turns back to the bartender and orders three beers for him and his friends.
“Thanks. Now let’s just hope he doesn’t fall out of his chair again when I give it to him.”
Bucky laughs as he remembers when, a few minutes ago, Sam had fallen to the ground laughing at Steve’s insistence that the Giants are super bowl bound this year. In that moment, as he listened to Sam’s hysterical laughter and Steve’s continued argument, he found himself wondering whether you’d be laughing along with Sam or if you were a die-hard Giants fan, like Steve. 
He’s realized there’s so many things he doesn’t know about you: your favorite kind of flower, how you spend your time on rainy Sundays, where you grew up, whether you eat pumpkin or apple pie on Thanksgiving. And this realization has sparked an endless curiosity in Bucky. He has a sudden urge to ask you every possible question he can think of and then memorize each and every answer you tell him until he’s familiarized himself with every nook and cranny of your beautiful mind. 
The bartender sets the drinks on the bar, snapping Bucky out of his trance. 
“Have at it,” Bucky hands the woman the beer and she heads toward their seats. 
Sam and Steve usually have no trouble finding women wherever the three of them go. Occasionally Bucky would get hit on at the bar or at a ball game, usually only indulging them for a minute or two before escaping to the bathroom. He had gone on a few dates over the years, but those only discouraged him.
One time his date had gotten so drunk that Bucky had to practically carry her to her door, where she then invited Bucky inside with clear intentions - an offer which Bucky had politely declined, of course. The girl after that had looked up from her phone no more than five times throughout the night, making halfhearted conversation as she scrolled through social media before thanking Bucky for dinner and ordering an Uber home. Needless to say, Bucky hasn’t had the best dating experiences since he’s been stateside. 
Sam, on the otherhand, has a whole folder on his phone filled with different dating apps - Kinder? Tumble? - he doesn’t remember what they’re called. For the life of him, Bucky can’t understand the appeal of swiping through woman after woman and judging them based off of a couple of pictures. Cliches be damned, he needs the butterflies in his stomach that he can’t seem to get rid of when he looks into a girl’s eyes for the first time, testing her name out on his lips, the involuntary grin on his face after making her blush, the excitement of trying to earn her phone number so he can ask her out. He wants a Hallmark-esque story to tell about how he met his future wife. 
At that, Bucky’s thoughts reflexively drift back to you and he turns to eye the door again. Seeing no sign of you, he lets out a sigh and heads back toward his friends. He sees the woman all but clinging onto Sam, who doesn’t mind one bit - if the grin on his face is anything to go by. Bucky hands Steve his beer and sits, passing the time discussing football with Steve. 
Another twenty or so minutes go by before Bucky gets sick of watching Sam not-so-discreetly exchange dirty talk with the woman. Bucky finishes his beer and stands up to leave once Steve heads to the bathroom. Sam doesn’t see Bucky walk away - his tongue is too deep into the woman’s mouth for him to notice anything else. 
Bucky heads toward the hotel, beginning to get worried about you. He gets into the elevator and presses the 5. Bucky doesn’t even notice the way he nervously taps his foot as the elevator climbs to your floor. He makes his way to your room and raises his hand, rapping his knuckles against the thick wood.
No answer.
He waits a few seconds before knocking again, harder.
Bucky feels his heart rate pick up ever so slightly when he calls your name and still doesn’t hear a response. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to call you and stops suddenly, cursing himself under his breath.
He’d never even gotten your phone number. 
He slips his phone back into his pocket and his fingers brush aroom key. Your room key.
You had given him your room key earlier. 
“Are you in there, doll? If you want me to go away then just say so. Promise I won’t be upset, sweetheart, just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
He knocks one last time and pulls the key card out to unlock the door. 
“I’m coming in, doll.”
He cautiously steps into your room, calling out your name again. He does a quick scan of the bedroom and the bathroom before concluding that you’re not there. 
As he heads back down to the lobby, he realizes he’s more frantic than he has any right to be. You’re not his to worry about. You’re not his to take care of. You’re not his. But he can figure that out later. Right now, he needs to make sure you’re okay. 
He walks through the lobby and the gift shop racking his brain for anything he could have done to upset you. You seemed understanding when he left you in your room. Maybe you felt rejected when he declined your offer to shower with you? If only you’d known how hard it was for him to say no to you, how his self-control almost hadn’t been strong enough. 
He rounds the corner to the hotel bar and instantly feels a weight lift off of his shoulders when he sees you sitting at the bar, wearing the Hawiian shirt that mirrors his own. Bucky makes his way across the room in quick strides.
“Hey, sweetheart. Are you okay?” He places his hand on your shoulder and you turn to look at him. 
Any relief Bucky had felt just moments ago is gone as soon as he notices your tear-streaked face and watery eyes. He instantly reaches a gentle hand out to cup your face, which you promptly smack away.
Bucky raises his hands in the air, wanting to show that he isn’t a threat. A distressed and confused expression makes its way across Bucky’s face as his mind begins to race. He immediatley searches his memory again for what he could have done to upset you.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, ready to come up with a solution; ready to console you; ready to do everything in his power to take your pain away. This is the first time Bucky’s seen you this upset, and in this moment he decides he’ll do his damndest to make sure he never sees you this upset again. 
“Fuck off, Barnes,” you scoff, turning back towards the bar and downing the last of your drink.
Bucky stands with a dumbfounded look on his face, hands frozen in the air. Determined to make sure you’re okay, Bucky takes a seat next to you while you order another drink. 
“Doll, what happened?” 
Bucky feels as if his heart is about to pound out of his chest. It’s physically hurting him to see you like this, and it hurts him even more knowing that, based off your hostility towards him, it might be his fault. 
“Did I do something, sweetheart?”
You turn to Bucky, eyes lit with what Bucky can only describe as rage. 
“I don’t know, maybe you should ask that girl you were buying a drink for at the bar,” you scoff, an incredulous smirk on your face as the bartender places a fresh drink in front of you.
Bucky feels his whole body go tense at your words. His eyes close as he sucks in a strained breath, realizing how it must have looked if you had seen the interaction from afar. 
“Please, let me explain. It wasn’t what it looked like, I promise.” 
“Yeah right, James. Was that not you buying a drink for a fucking supermodel out there? Maybe it was your doppelganger out there that was laughing with her? I’m sure you weren’t trying to get in her pants. I’m sure it couldn’t have been the fact that there’s a hundred better-looking, more interesting women at this resort right now. I’m sure it wasn’t that you got what you wanted from me an-”
“Enough,” Bucky’s stern tone cuts you off. 
He looks around and sees the attention your little spat has drawn. He softly says your name, ocean blue eyes boring into your own, pleading. 
“Please, doll, let’s talk. Can we get out of here?”
He watches you contemplate for a moment before responding. Bucky’s eyes may have softened your resolution because you give in.
“Fine. I’ll hear you out, but that’s all I’m promising.”
“Of course,” Bucky nods enthusiastically as he stands from his chair, “if you still want nothing to do with me after I explain myself then I won’t bother you anymore. Swear.”
Bucky watches as you attempt to hop down from your barstool in your drunken state. You barely land on your feet, stumbling forward. Bucky reaches out instinctively, wrapping his hands around your forearms before you land face first on the hard floor. 
“Careful, honey.”
You remove your arms from his grasp and head towards the lobby, Bucky following behind you. Bucky stops you with a light hand on your shoulder in front of the gift shop.
“Hey can you wait right here for a second?”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, James?”
Bucky tries to ignore the twinge of pain he feels as you call him by his first name again. 
“Please, just trust me. I’ll be back in one minute, just sit right here.”
He directs you to a couch before going into the hotel’s little store. Bucky tries to calm himself down as he walkes toward the little fridge and grabs a bottle of water. He struggles to wrap his head around that fact that the two of you went from playing football and scuba diving earlier today to him having to beg to talk to you. 
He tries his best to be polite when the cashier asks him about his night, meanwhile he can’t shake the image of your devastated eyes at the bar. He couldn’t let you go on thinking he’d do that to you. Couldn’t let you go on thinking that he would use you and throw you aside like that. 
After he pays, he grabs the water bottle and thanks his lucky stars when you’re still sitting where he left you.
“Drink this please, doll.” He extends the water bottle.
He’s expecting you to put up a fight, but to his surprise, you snatch the bottle from him and down half of it in one go.
“Good girl.”
Bucky doesn’t notice the effect his words have on you, even in your outraged state. 
“Let’s go outside.”
Bucky’s hand hovers over your lower back as you walk, ready to reach out and steady you in case you stumble. Bucky guides you to the beach, almost empty at this hour. When you’re far enough away from the few people scattered around, Bucky plops down onto the sand and reaches a hand up to help you down next to him. 
After you sit, Bucky keeps a lose grip on your hand. When you don’t make any attempts to pull it away, he tightens his grip and pulls your joint hands to rest on his thigh.
Bucky takes a deep breath before beginning. 
“After I left you in your room, I went down to meet Sam and Steve at the bar. At one point, I got up to get everyone another round of drinks. That’s when that woman approached me. I was afraid she was going to hit on me at first, and if she had, believe me, I would have turned her down.”
“She wasn’t hitting on you?”
“No, sweetheart, she told me she thought Sam was cute. She wanted to buy him a drink and didn’t know what to get him, so I just gave her the beer I had bought for Sam and let her give it to him. She took the beer over and was sitting with Sam when I got back. For the most part, her and Sam were talking and kissing while me and Steve tried our best to ignore them. Eventually, Steve got up to go to the bathroom and I came to look for you because I had no desire to be around them any longer and I was worried about you.”
“Oh. So you and her weren’t flirting? You didn’t buy the drink for her?”
“‘course not doll.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, Buck.”
Bucky feels the tension seep out of his bones when you call him ‘Buck’ instead of ‘James’. 
“Don’t be, doll. I’m sorry for how that looked. And even more, I’m sorry that you thought I’d ever do that to you. I would never use you like that then just move on to another girl like it never happened. Besides, I haven’t even begun to get I want from you, honey.” 
“Earlier you said I’d  just taken what I wanted from you. That’s not true.”
Bucky won’t have everything he wants from you until you know that being able to spend these last few days with you has made him feel like the luckiest man alive. Until he’s convinced you that you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever met. Until he’s able to help you overcome all those unwarranted insecurities stupid fucking Brock put in your head. Until you’re his. 
Bucky’s afraid to say all of this out loud, both because he doesn’t want to scare you off and because he’s not ready to admit to himself how quickly and deeply he fell for you. So instead, he brings your hand up to his mouth and presses a kiss to it. 
Almost as if you understand, you don’t press the topic, just let out a little sigh at the feeling of Bucky’s soft lips on your skin. 
“I really am sorry though, Buck. I overreacted. I guess I just thought you got bored of me and decided to leave, like Brock. Besides, it’s not like we’re exclusive. I mean we hardly know each other, it’s not my place to tell you what you can or can’t do with other women.”
“Doll, I wouldn’t waste time with other women when we’ve only got a few more days here. I’d spend every second of my time left here with you if I could,” Bucky rubs his thumb along your hand, hoping that you believe him. “Listen closely. I understand why you got upset. It looked bad. Also, Brock is quite possibly the dumbest man on the planet for having someone as fucking perfect as you and ‘getting bored’. I don’t know how you put up with that undeserving piece of shit for so long. You deserve to be fucking worshipped, don’t ever settle for anything less.”
“Thank you, Bucky,” he doesn’t miss the way your eyes start to water again at his words.
“Promise me, doll.”
“Promise what?”
“Promise me that you’ll never settle for anything less.”
Though the thought of you being with anyone else at all pains Bucky - he knows it shouldn’t -, he needs to know that no matter who you end up with after you leave Hawaii, you’re being treated right. 
You hesitate for only a moment before responding.
“I promise, Buck.”
“So,” Bucky braces himself, “are we okay? If you want nothing to do with me, like I said before, I’ll leave you alone.”
“Yeah, Bucky” your lips curl into a gentle smile, “we’re okay.”
Bucky lets out a sigh of relief when you scoot yourself closer to him and lean against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you tight, pressing a kiss to your head. 
“Good. Now drink the rest of your water, sweetheart.”
Bucky uncaps the bottle and hands it to you. You sip on the water and Bucky feels at peace for the first time in hours, with you in his arms and the waves crashing onto the sand in front of him. He could stay here forever, he thinks. It’d give him plenty of time to ask you all those questions. Before he can get the chance, though, he feels you shiver. 
“Shit, honey, are you cold?”
Bucky had been too preoccupied thinking to notice the breeze blowing against the two of you. 
“Let’s go back,” he doesn’t wait for an answer from you before standing and helping you to your feet. 
As soon as you stand, you interlace Bucky’s fingers with your own and the two of you make your way back to the hotel. You seem to be walking a lot more steady now, the bottle of water and time spent on the beach having sobered you up.
Bucky fills the walk back with apologies for hurting you and you reply with your own apologies for jumping to conclusions. By the time the two of you reach your floor, you agree to leave the events of the night behind you and move on.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Bucky questions, getting ready to say goodnight and turn toward his room.
Your response surprises Bucky.
“Do you want to come back to my room?” you smirk at Bucky and begin to run your hand up his forearm.
“Are you sure, doll? We don’t need to do anything.”
After everything that’s happened today, the last thing Bucky wants to do is make you feel like you’re being used. He needs you to know he’s spending time with you for the right reasons. 
“I want to if you do, Buck.”
“Okay, but only if you’re certain.”
Bucky wouldn’t even be considering it if he didn’t think all the alcohol had worn off, but he hasn’t seen any signs of intoxication since the walk to the beach.
“You made me a promise in the dressing room.”
Bucky’s eyes darken as he recalls you getting on your knees for him in the hotel gift shop earlier. 
“I did, didn’t I?” 
Bucky leads the two of you to your room and unlocks it with the key card he still has. 
“Can’t leave me hanging, Bucky.”
He’s sure you’re more than ready for some attention after he had edged you.
“You’re right about that baby.” he opens the door and walks in behind you.
Bucky can tell by the way you stand awkwardly in front of the bed, you’re waiting for him to give you an order. The realization makes his dick jump in his boxers. He typically prefered to be dominant in bed, and he’s grateful for the way you seem so eager to submit and let him take the reigns. 
“Listen, doll, tonight is all about you. You were so good for me today. You did perfect and you earned your reward.”
Even if he didn’t actually do anything wrong, Bucky can’t help but feel responsible for the tears you shed today. He wants to rid the image of your watery eyes staring at him with hate from his mind and replace it with one of your face scrunched up in pleasure as you scream him name. 
He needs to make it up to you. 
Bucky pulls his shirt over his head as he stalks toward you, throwing it on the floor. 
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed.”
Bucky does nothing to hide the ravenous look in his eyes as he watches you undress, he just palms his rapidly growing erection. He lets out a low curse when you expose your breasts to him. You remove your shorts, then look up to Bucky with a questioning look as you thumb the waistband of your panties.
“All of it, doll.”
You pull the fabric down your legs and lay back on the bed, waiting for Bucky’s next move. 
Bucky allows himself to revel in this moment only for a second - you spread naked on the bed, waiting for him with desperate,  pleading eyes - before he reminds himself that he’s supposed to be making it up to you right now.
Bucky stands by the edge of the bed and grabs your ankles. He drags your body down the bed with ease until your hips are on the end of the bed, legs hanging over the side. Bucky kneels down onto the floor, face level with your center.
Bucky is only slightly shocked at how wet your core is. He can’t help the groan that escapes him as he watches your slick pool out. 
“Fuck, doll. You’re killing me here.”
You buck your hips up into the air seeking any sort of relief and Bucky throws your legs around his shoulders. He doesn’t even give you a chance to beg, he dives right in. He laps up the wetness that has escaped from your pussy before suckling your clit into his mouth and tonguing it. 
You let out a shriek and it only spurs Bucky on. 
He alternates between fucking his tongue into you and suctioning your clit between his full, pink lips. 
“Fu- Bucky! I’m cl- oh god- I’m close!” Bucky thinks that he could spend the rest of his life down here, on his knees for you, if you continue making sounds like that. 
He grips your thighs around his head, fingers almost bruising. He rapidly flicks his tongue over your clit and you come with a moan that Bucky thinks may be the second-best thing he’s ever heard - number one being your laugh, of course. 
Bucky returns to your hole to drink up all of your release. He listens to your gasps as you ride out your high, hips bucking into his face. 
“Okay, Buck, it’s- fuck- it’s too much, baby,” you try to pry your legs open around his head but his grip is unrelenting.
Bucky lifts his mouth off of you just long enough to say, “Not yet, honey. I want one more,” before he reattatches his mouth to your sensitive bundle of nerves.
He meant it when he said he could stay down here forever. He pays no mind to his stiff knees - sore from the hard floor, or the wet spot formed on his boxers from his leaking dick. He wants you to forget about all the pain you felt today, wants to eat you out until all you know is pleasure, until the only word your mouth is able to form is his name. 
“Holy fu-ahh,” you grab the comforter beneath you for dear life.
“You can do it, doll. Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?”
Bucky brings a hand up inbetween your legs and slips two fingers into your soaked pussy with no resistence. 
“So fucking soaked baby. This little pussy really was desperate for me, huh?”
He curls his fingers until he feels that spongy spot inside you and continues brushing up against it when he hears your moans. 
“Yes, Bucky! Right there, please!”
“No need, to beg tonight doll. I know exactly what you want and I’m gonna give it to you.”
Bucky sucks your mouth into his clit and ever so gently scrapes it with his teeth, eliciting a borderline pornographic moan of his name from you. He continues curling his fingers and focusing his mouth on your clit.
You don’t give him a verbal warning, but Bucky knows you’re about to come undone again by your breathing and the way you’re squeezing his fingers so tight he’s afraid you’ll push them out. He eats you through it, fucking you on his digits as you moan and gasp for breath. 
He pulls his hand from your core and fucks you with his tongue until you start to whine from overstimulation and only then does he pull away, rising to his feet. 
“Did so fucking perfect for me, baby,” he praises, “I’ll be right back, promise.”
He bends down and places a kiss on your damp forehead, and heads for the bathroom. Bucky is reminded of his hard-on when his zipper presses against it rather uncomfortably. He shucks off his pants and shoes on the way to the bathroom. 
He grabs a washcloth and dampens it in the sink with warm water, and returns to you in his boxers. He gets back down onto his knees and spreads your legs. He drags the warm cloth through your folds, cleaning up the mixture of his spit and your arousal. Once he’s done the best he can, careful to avoid your oversensitive clit, he presses a kiss to the top of your mound. 
He stands and throws the washcloth into the pile with the rest of the dirty clothes. 
“Tired, doll?” Bucky fights back a laugh at the way your eyelids droop, struggling to stay open. 
“No, Buck, lemme take care of you,” he sees your eyes drop to his boxers.
“Not a chance, honey. Told you tonight was all about you. Time for bed,” he smiles fondly at your attempt to take care of him.
You put up a brief fight, but Bucky manages to get you under the covers and climbs in next to you. You immediately curl into his chest when he’s beside you and Bucky’s thankful you can’t see the grin on his face. 
He brings a hand to your hair and smoothes it down. 
“Goodnight, angel.”
The only response Bucky gets from you is the light sound of your breaths, hot against his chest. 
Once he’s positive you’re asleep, he allows himself to admit out loud, “I think I’m falling for you, doll.”
To be continued...
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181 notes · View notes
bretzkysbs · 3 months
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69 notes · View notes
qwerxxxss · 1 year
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forgot to post this here whoops (click for better quality)
340 notes · View notes
plaguedogs123 · 6 months
Made a silly Coroika animatic~ Also on my YT
704 notes · View notes
milolikastarlight · 6 months
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🏖️ -🍹- 🏖️ -🍹
Beach, neon, old TVs, Aloha?!
Hey, it's Herald! time of strange (we do not guarantee that it is safe for your life!) tests, fasten your seat belts!
🏖️ -🍹- 🏖️ -🍹
x l x
x ! x
x l x
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snibii · 5 months
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a perfect guide for summer!!! ✿✿
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transgender7shadow · 4 months
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It was so hard to get the camera to focus lmao
55 notes · View notes
snonuy · 2 years
The queen !!
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Last is WIP
417 notes · View notes
qevillous · 8 months
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s5 but if they were cool and strawberry shortcake
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silvergarnet12 · 6 months
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Made these guys glowy as well.
69 notes · View notes