#ALSO Peacemaker is like the polar opposite of the Comedian because his thing is he genuinely
The summary of my Peacemaker and Comedian thoughts are I believe paul kupperberg when he said the comedian had no influence on his reboot of Peacemaker because turning charlton Peacemaker into a piece of shit who committed war crimes in Veitnam is a very obvious route that makes sense.
Also you can tell Kupperberg was a liberal and Moore was a anarchist because Peacemakers actions are explained like 50% by his personal trauma and mental state and THEN 50% by like Being A US Soldier while the Comedian does not have the "literally mentally ill" explanation and is like that almost entirely because he's a US soldier. Like Comedian is having a evil but "reasonable" (as in: acting like this for his own personal gain, not because he experiences delusions) reaction to his circumstances while Peacemaker is portrayed as like "he's a bad guy but alot of his actions are because he's 'insane'".
Like I know the intent is to make him more tragic but it is that very liberal like "well its not the systems fault ENTIRELY its also because of Peacemakers intrisnically broken brain !!!" and I think that difference between them is really interesting honestly
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