dangopango00 · 2 months
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What does he do when he wants some attention?
BLLK x S/O!GN Reader
Characters: Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Kunigami (Pre&Post WC), Gagamaru, Rin, Nanase, Sae, Shidou, Barou, Sendou, Nagi, Reo, Oliver, Otoya, Karasu, Yukimiya, Hiori, Kurona, Zantetsu, Raichi, Aryu, Kiyora, Kaiser, Ness (In that order)
CW: Suggestive as hell in Aiku & Otoya’s parts, A little angsty in Shidou, Reo & Ness parts
A/N: Idk all of them toooooo well but they’re all interesting to me so I’d like to try also I excluded some people who are irrelevant in my mindscape (i'm so sorry) (Nagi is honestly lucky to be here with the flopism he has been displaying smh) Gagamaru my goat ntm on him also added Zantetsu in honor of him finally getting his cover art
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Yoichi Isagi
I think if he’s craving attention he’d probably be a bit hesitant because it's embarrassing for him to ask (since he likes a lot of attention so he’d be asking all day LOL). In order to save himself the embarrassment he’ll usually just hold your hand and give you a serious look– if he can muster that (sometimes if he’s feeling shy he’ll just put his hand on yours while looking away). Well when he does look at you he thinks he’s giving you a serious look but surely all you see is him giving you puppy eyes.
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Meguru Bachira
Oh if he’s craving attention YOU WILL KNOW. He’d probably cling to you as if you were a missing part of his body he was trying to reconnect. He’ll hug your arm or pepper you in kisses and he’ll seem way happier than usual because he’s just so glad to be around you. He’s a bit ridonkulous he might even jump on you, making you both collapse to the floor, or if you’re in a place with a hard floor he’ll instead pull you towards him and squeeze you like a giant teddy bear.
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Hyoma Chigiri
He’s a bit tricky honestly. He has a good amount of pride so he doesn’t like to seem too clingy but that doesn’t mean he’ll back down if he feels like he’s being neglected. If he wants attention he’ll try to make you the one who’s embarrassed and craving attention by flirting subtly though incessantly. He’ll wrap his arm around you and lightly ghost his thumb over your skin or even ‘innocently’ kiss your jawline and then just as quickly as he started, he’ll stop and go back to whatever he was doing before so you’re the one asking for attention from him now.
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Rensuke Kunigami (PRE Wild Card)
Honestly? Upstanding young man ass dude he’ll probably just start giving you attention until you reciprocate. He’s stubborn too so you know he won’t stop until you give in unless you’re seriously not in the mood for whatever reason. He’ll sneak up behind you and hug you and start kissing up your neck; eventually turn your head so he can kiss you on the lips if you’re willing to indulge him. The kind of guy who’d just lay up in your arms and gently lay you down with him after a long day.
Rensuke Kunigami (POST WC)
Ok I know he SEEMS insanely different but tbh I don’t think he’d change all that much. He’s probably a little bit more socially awkward because for a while all he’s done is train with little social interaction. When he wants attention, I think he’d likely use the same tactic but in a different way. He’d probably nip your neck or shoulder (not painfully; he is trying to be playful) and when it gets your attention, he’d start to pepper you in kisses or lay his head down on your shoulder if it's been a long day.
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Gin Gagamaru
I don’t have a great grasp on this guy (despite being one of my goats 🥹) but I think he’d probably have like mannerisms for it like pointing at where he wants to be kissed and kisses you back when you oblige him. He also seems like the kind of guy who’d bring you something from his journeys in the wilderness as like a homemade gift and hopes you’ll give him the attention he seeks in return (you can definitely tell because he just stares at you as you open the gift, hoping you like it and then continues to stare expectantly when you do like it)
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Rin Itoshi
Imo if Rin decided to get into a relationship with someone he’d dedicate himself to them just as he does soccer because he wouldn’t want them to be hurt the way he was hurt (someone you love acting coldly towards you) but he doesn’t really know how without cringing. SO his way of asking for attention would be somewhat sweet although awkward. I think he would likely try to do some semi romantic gesture like laying his head on your shoulder/in your lap (although he’s pretty tense) or just making general contact like touching knees or brushing fingers together and will absolutely WHIP his head away if you look at him.
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Nijiro Nanase
Nanase is just a guy; another upstanding young man. I think he would probably flatter you if he wanted attention. He’ll probably start talking about the things he likes about you and how much he loves you, giving you a kiss on the cheek along with his praise as well. He is very aware of the fact that you think he’s the cutest thing to hit planet Earth and he will use it to his advantage!! Of course, he means what he says but if saying it out loud will get him covered in kisses he’ll say as much as you want because he’s never gonna run out of things to say.
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Sae Itoshi
This guy… Is a real piece of work but, like his brother, I think if he’s willing to get into a relationship then that means he's willing to put in the effort but doesn’t know how, although he respects you a ton. If he’s craving attention I don’t think he’ll even realize it; he’ll just get really irritated when you aren’t around and when you are around he’ll stare you down so hard he could burn a hole through you but the fact that he doesn’t even look angry is what tips you off to what he wants. The look in his eyes isn’t insanely soft but it's not a hard stare either, he looks like he's daydreaming or zoning out tbh.
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Ryusei Shidou
If Sae is a piece of work this dude is a whole project. It’s easy to say he’s like Bachira, which he is during the day, but I think it’d be more interesting to talk about him during the night. When the day comes to an end he said he “becomes nothing” so I think it would be the number one time where he craves attention and validation that he exists and you’re really there. It’s a somewhat vulnerable time for him but he plays it off like he’s just his usual clingy self and probably places himself in front of you at any opportunity. Looking down? He’ll lay on your lap. Facing forward? Well here he is in front of you. And by the time it’s finally time for bed he's completely wrapped his body around yours.
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Shoei Barou
It’s kind of hard to imagine how he’d show affection in a relationship buttt I think similar to Kunigami, I think he would just give you attention until you give in. However, I think Barou is probably a bit more aggressive about it and he’d probably go up to you and kiss you, then pull away just enough to await your next move. If you take too long to decide though he’ll start kissing around your face: on your nose, your forehead, etc. He’s pretty bold but he is a tiny bit embarrassed/hesitant when it comes to feeling ‘soft’ with you so he’ll kiss you to distract himself from it.
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Shuto Sendou
This guy is peak loserboy activity whew he is a huge sucker for being spoiled so he wants attention OFTEN. I think he probably just stands really close to you and complains about how his day was soooooo horrible and how he worked so hard but if being standoffish isn’t working he holds onto your waist for dear life or plops himself on your lap and hugs you, waiting for attention when he gets desperate. If he’s super desperate he’ll start kissing around your neck and complain even more. He even starts to say how betrayed he feels at how easily you’re ignoring his woes.
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Seishiro Nagi
He’s pretty efficient in the way he shows he wants attention. Since he’s the spoiled type he’ll usually try to get your attention the normal way first: acting cute and laying his head on your shoulder or on your lap while he plays his game (he is expecting you to play with his hair) but if you don’t he’ll honestly be confused at first because he’s usually given whatever he wants. At first he’ll try to put your hand on his head but if you keep taking it away he’ll make you lay down with him and literally try to immobilize you by putting all his weight on your body; will even pretend to be asleep if you protest.
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Reo Mikage
He’s a lot bit codependent so if he’s feeling neglected he’ll do everything he can to get your attention. He’ll usually shower you in gifts and/or take you on a romantic date. He’ll plan out a whole ass day of pampering just because he wants some attention. Please remind him he doesn’t need to do. All that. Because he often feels a bit useless if he doesn’t have time to do that. Not only does he feel useless but he’s somehow convinced himself subconsciously that he doesn’t really deserve your attention if he hasn’t done anything for you.
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Oliver Aiku
If he wants attention from you, he’ll give you an insane amount of attention. Unlike Kunigami and Barou, he’s very forward and will text you, showering you with sweet words while he’s on his way to yours and when he gets there, he’s practically already all over you. He’s going on about how much he loves you and how he missed you so much all while kissing you wherever he can reach you. Tbh if he's craving attention, he probably just wants to have sex since he’s not a very clingy guy so he's probably already backing you into a wall and trying to undress you.
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Eita Otoya
Honestly his appeal to others is usually him being the “cold but caring” type so, like Aiku, he’d probably text you before getting to yours but it’d be even more bare bones like, “i miss you” or “can I see u” even if he DOES genuinely like you he doesn’t really think deeply about his feelings and impulsively texts you when he wants attention. Unlike Aiku, he is a clingy guy and if he’s really desperate for attention he’ll still escalate it to sex if he can; just slower. Probably wants to lay his face in your chest or lap and makeout.
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Tabito Karasu
Oh this smartass. He’s probably similar to Hyoma in the fact that he makes sure it's you who wants his attention by pampering you one minute and acting like nothing happened the next. However he does tend to like smart people so if you’re smart enough to see through his hot-and-cold act he’ll eventually hold you and hide his face in your chest, admitting defeat but he’d still be smiling because either way he wins. He’s already got you and he won't let go until you fill the quota of kisses you owe him.
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Kenyu Yukimiya
He’s the type to feel a bit embarrassed about wanting attention at first but will be more forward if you don’t pick up on his subtle hints. His hints include sneaking glances at you or holding your hand whenever he gets the opportunity. He’s honestly pretty charismatic so I think that when being more forward he would probably kiss your hand and help you with anything you may need to get done or finish anything he may need to do so that you can completely focus on each other when there’s nothing left.
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Yo Hiori
Honestly craving attention is a somewhat rare occurrence for him so it's a bit embarrassing, especially since you two are used to kinda doing your own thing. Probably gives you little ‘hints’ like starting off by asking if you want to play a game with him as an excuse to get you close to him. Another hint would likely be him invading your bubble whether it be by scooting close to you or hooking his leg over yours a bit or whatever it may be. If you still aren’t getting it he probably says something that tips you off while looking directly at you or glancing at you like, “Do you mind me being clingy?” or something along those lines.
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Ranze Kurona
He’s such a sweetie he probably braids your hair if it's long enough (if it’s short he’ll still try a root braid if you want but he’s not very good at it). If not he’ll usually get you both stickers to mess around with, putting some on your face, others on various items and sometimes you put them in random hidden places as a nice surprise when you find them again. Typically this is enough to get the attention he’s looking for, but if you’re teasing him or simply forgot, he’ll lightly nip your shoulder or lightly graze his teeth over your shoulder (Since you two got together you have definitely encouraged him to be comfortable with his teeth around you)
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Zantetsu Tsurugi
This guy often tries to be something he’s not so he’d probably try to do a bunch of romantic gestures that aren’t his style. Knowing him he’d probably put together some poems. They aren’t very good but it IS very sweet and he’d keep doing this for a while until the poems start to sound the same and he starts to get frustrated. He’d try learning an instrument, impressing you with his knowledge on a subject you like etc. until eventually he would just force himself to suck it up and ask you for attention outright and just straight up admit how much you mean to him because all these other things are draining and they aren’t him.
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Jingo Raichi
He’s another guy who finds it a bit embarrassing to be ‘soft’ so when craving attention he’ll often ‘starve’ himself of it. Usually you’re the one who has to give him attention but if you haven’t for whatever reason then he’ll be angrier than usual that day with his teammates. He’ll probably give up by the time he gets home and just crashes into you grumbling about how his day has been SO unsexy. Probably won’t let you go until he falls asleep tbh and even then he still has a pretty good grip on you.
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Jyubei Aryu
When he wants attention Aryu would probably start flaunting his beauty, pushing his hair back, striking poses, modeling clothes for you, whatever stylish thing he can think of– he will do it and then glance over at you to make sure you were paying attention. If that doesn’t work then he’d have you do some stylish things like he might have you try on some clothes he bought you or ask you to style his hair because he is “lacking inspiration” (He actually just knows you like playing with his hair smh)
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Jin Kiyora
This dude is a freak, it's a lot bit funny. When he wants attention he probably asks you to watch a movie with him (You’re already suspicious that he didn’t put on Fight Club for the umpteenth time or another action movie). He honestly put it on as background noise and thought it looked boring so he’d probably just tell you to lay down with him and lightly kiss you until you get the picture (Spoil him). Can and WILL turn the movie off and hide the remote if you neglect him smh (He will not enjoy the returned energy next time he wants to watch fight club so for both of your sakes just give him some kisses).
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Michael Kaiser
Complicated individual, rightfully so. If he wants attention he’d simply demand it. Bye. He would likely just pull you towards him without any further commentary, he might even look a bit annoyed. If you didn’t know him you’d think he was in a bad mood and upset with you but you know how he gets. However, he’s more clear when it’s been a long day and he’s feeling a bit beat down or unsure of himself. He’d just shove his face into your back or your midsection and let you play with his hair as he conks theee fuck out.
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Alexis Ness
Another complicated individual whew. What is up with these codependent purple dudes who found the worst possible person to depend on? Ness has yet to find a relationship where he is properly loved and not essentially abandoned so if he feels like you’re slipping away he’ll panic and do everything in his power to convince you to keep him around. He needs a lot of reassurance tbh and spends a lot of his time in your arms. When he’s craving attention he’ll usually just be sulking around all day like a sad wet cat. Every now and again he turns to look at you wistfully and walks past very slowly like that damn homeless ant. Show him some love he needs it now more than ever ayayayay.
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AITA trying to contact my ex about our dog's health insurance after he asked me to stop contacting him?
My ex and I recently got divorced. We had a dog together (Gus), but in the divorce I got to keep him. Last weekend, Gus got really sick and started throwing a ton. I rushed him to the vet for treatment and called my ex for the first time in months. He had told me that if anything happened to Gus, to reach out and he'd help. Well, I called him to check on the details of the Gus's health insurance because it was through his work (he got a $5 discount each month). He told me that Gus was insured and to send him the bills and he'd file the claims online. Also, it was my ex's birthday that day by pure coincidence. I didn't want to contact him on his birthday, but I had no choice! I needed to figure out the health insurance so I could know how much of the bill would be covered before paying thousands of dollars.
Turned out Gus had pancreatitis, nothing too serious with treatment. I spent about $1500 in vet bills that day. After paying everything under the assumption that insurance would ultimately pay $900 of the bill and I'd only pay $600, my ex texted me to never contact him again because "he needed space" and that talking to me was "too painful." I told him, okay I'll stop messaging you but just give me the insurance login so I can file the claim or transfer ownership of the policy to me (as my name was not on the insurance policy, I have no access to it at all unless he transfers the account to me, authorizes me, or gives me the login information).
He refused. Every time I kept messaging him, asking him to do one of those two things, he kept turning it around on me and telling me that I was being selfish and disrespectful by ignoring his boundaries, that Gus isn't his problem and since I got to keep him, I have to pay his bills. So now I have to not only pay all the bills and follow-up care, but I have to get a new policy and with how insurance works in the US, Gus will no longer be covered for future issues related to pancreatits or his skin allergies, because those are now considering "pre-existing conditions." 🙄
Well, I kept bugging him for days. I offered to pay him $200 to make the transfer. I threatened to message his sister and see if she would talk sense into him and he claimed that "I nearly gave his mom a stroke" because of the whole divorce so to not message his family. I requested he attend mediation with me so we could handle the issue, and he said he could meet with me in JUNE (this happened mid March) which will give him plenty of time to cancel the policy, I'm sure. I considered getting a court order to attend mediation with me but that'd cost $300. He kept refusing to help me, so I kept pushing and texting him and trying to call him, despite his requests to leave him alone. The $1500 vet bill is whatever. It sucks but I'll pay whatever I have to to keep my baby boy healthy. I'm just furious that this will make me get a new policy and that if more of the same issues come up, it won't be covered when it SHOULD BE. He just needs to transfer the policy (that he was still paying btw) to me.
I'm sure I'm not the asshole but my ex clearly seems to think I am, so I came here to open the question to tumblr. AITA?
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
I used to think books with "bestseller" labels must be great and that they're the books I should try reading but now that people are getting popular through social media first before their books even release made me think otherwise. People seem to be buying the book like it's celebrity merch. The books could still be good but I now read multiple reviews especially negative ones which has lists of what they think is not good about the books. When I see "bestseller" now I just think "A lot of people bought this." but also ask "Did they like it though?".
Question though: you think "bestseller" label in published books is equivalent to kudos or hits on fics? I mean there's a filter to see items listed that way and there are people who base their fic reading list to it.
Okay, the thing you have to understand about 'bestseller' as a term is that it's time-dependent.
It's not just kudos: it's kudos in the first 24 hours. It's movie profits on opening weekend.
This shit means literally nothing if you're consuming the art even six months later, never mind after a decade.
I think it's stupid as fuck to sort AO3 by kudos unless you're just researching what gets a lot of kudos. I think having this as a default behavior encourages bullies to force targets into archive-locking (which almost invariably reduces kudos and hits) and penalizes authors who don't waste a lot of time trying to game the system. I also don't think it's actually effective for finding good fic.
But buying books based on bestseller status is even dumber because all it means is that a book was marketed correctly to have all its sales in the same week.
Here's someone's attempt to explain. He estimates that you need to sell only 5,000-10,000 copies in a single week to make it on one of the NYT lists.
There are a few other quirks to it, but... yeah... 5k copies in a slow week. Nationwide in the US. For something released by a big publisher with reach. Counting pre-orders if it's the very first week.
And then you get to put "NYT Bestseller" on the cover forever even if it never sold more than those 5k preorders.
Forget booktok promoting garbage: if the numbers are really this low, then "bestseller" meant absolutely nothing for years and years before modern social media.
It's not even cumulative like kudos are. If they mean that, they label it with "Over blahdy-blah million copies sold", not "bestseller".
Like with kudos, the only time this is really useful is if you're chasing buzz. If you want to know what other people are making noise about this week, then yes, you should check out the current bestseller.
It is okay to chase buzz, especially if you are a book blogger and trying to keep your audience up to date on what's going on in publishing! Just be aware that that's what you're doing.
If you want a book that will be culturally relevant for longer than five minutes or a book that is well-written or a book that is to your taste, you should look for some other method of book discovery.
And hey, you might end up with that very same bestseller! It might be a great book, actually. It's just that the "bestseller" status isn't what tells you that.
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jseobsky · 1 year
That spot will be mine.
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Pairing ! bf!Seeun x gn!Reader Synopsis ! Seeun was tired of you having photocards of every idol but him on your phone, now that he was debuting he made it his mission to get you his own photocard. However, when you finally open the album, you don't pull him. Genre ! So fluff I can't, romance Warnings ! swearing, kissing, not proof-read, my humour- Wc ! 1.3k a/n ! Totally not based bcs today I finally bought the album and got Junmin while I was manifesting Seeun- HOWEVER JUNMIN LOOKED SAUR CUTE ON THE PHOTOCARD I CAN'T
Main masterlist !
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After knowing my boyfriend was finally going to debut I had one thing in mind and one thing only: Collect his group’s photocards. Until now, I haven’t really collected any photocards even while having around 20 albums myself. I just kinda kept them in their album boxes and the usual one photocard that I kept in the back of my phone case. Seeun wasn’t thrilled about this, he took my photocard choices very seriously, telling me I should keep them in a safer manner or that I could not by any means in the entire world take my Enhypen’s Niki photocard everywhere I went. 
While he was still a trainee it seemed like he also had one goal in mind: Gain my phone case photocard spot. He tried to gift me Polaroids that he took and make me save them on my phone case. At first, I did have them on my phone, but after seeing an idea on Pinterest I couldn’t help myself; All the Polaroids went on the now giant pictures wall. He then started to hate Pinterest. Sure he said all those things jokingly, he knew how much I loved kpop and how much that wall of pictures meant to me. He loved seeing me happy, but he did hate when I got his first album. 
Seeun kept telling me how I could not, by any means, buy his album. Talking about how he was going to gift it to me. “You’re going to curse it.” He said. “You always cry about how you never get your biases unless I’m the one who gifted you the album. I’m not taking any chances.” It was hell waiting for it. I had been waiting for years until his debut, and now I had to wait even more until I could get the physical album? Unbelievable. Seeing all those unboxing videos, and all these people having more than one photocard inclusion while I, who wasn’t able to even pre-order because of Seeun, will only have one. I learned to get over it quickly, patience is a virtue… Fuck that. I don’t wanna wait anymore. It’s been years, decades, maybe even centuries since the album came out. I want that album. I need that album. 
What’s worse is that I didn’t realize with Seeun’s debut that he’ll be even busier. Maybe what I actually needed was Seeun, not his album. 
I’m lying around my living room. A kdrama playing on the tv, and the window is open while I feel really cold. Look, someone is lazy, okay? And the kdrama is so interesting as well… An open box of snacks next to me that I slowly reach out to, not taking my eyes off the tv. The scene was so intense that it was able to make me ignore the little click of the door until I hear someone shouting. “IT’S HERE!” I slowly turn my head around with my eyes wide open. Who the fuck? A wild Seeun appears. Like literally, ignore the bad pokemon reference, Seeun comes in running with a bag in his right hand and his phone in his left hand, which he’s waving. He has the biggest grin on his face while looking at me. I smiled too. Pausing the show while standing up, running towards Seeun going for a hug. Which I never received. Seeun moved to the window and closed it. “It’s really cold outside, you shouldn’t have your window opened, it’s literally about to rain.” He said. I tilt my head and shrug my shoulders while still smiling. “Meh that’s not important, come here” I ran towards him again, only for him to move to the couch, moving some items to the floor before placing a pizza-shaped box on the table. I glare at him. “Look I got it!! Aren’t you excited?!” Seeun says with, again, a really big smile. I try to contain a smile and jokingly I roll my eyes, turn around, and act petty. “I would be more excited if my boyfriend, who I haven’t seen since February, would hug me.” I try to look at him for a bit, and seeing that he now has a smirk on his face I turn my head around again. “Oh really?” He said teasingly. I turn around with a blank face. “No.” We stay looking at each other for some seconds before I start smiling again. I run to the side of the sofa he is sitting on and I jump on top of him. “I’ve missed you so much,” I say while hugging him tightly. He moves my head from being buried in his neck to being in front of him. His expression mirrors mines, a big, BIG smile, and eyes with adoration filled in them. He squishes my face. “I missed you too, so much” Seeun turns his face to look at the box on the table behind me. He sits me on his lap as he sits up, leans forward with a hand on my back to not make me fall, and grabs the box off the table. 
“I got you this,” He says, “hope you like it” I shake my hands and grab the box out of his hands. “I’m just saying, with my luck you’ll get my photocard so enjoy. I did one on this version with that pose you showed me. I’m manifesting specifically that one for you.” Seeun looks at me proudly. I nod fast and start to rip off the plastic that wraps the album. Seeun laughs softly at my poor attempt to rip the plastic off. “Look,” I start saying, “these things are made by the devil himself, don’t laugh at my poor persona because I can’t open the album” I stop my attempt while glaring at him. “Also, I’ve seen you trying to open albums before, and you aren’t a god at opening albums yourself” Finally being able to open the album I grab the most important part of the album. The cd. I’m joking, I grab the inclusions knowing that the part that Seeun mostly wanted to see. I rip one side of the envelope the inclusions were in and slowly turn my head to look at my boyfriend. Fuck, he has his face way too close. Seeun got closer in anticipation of the grand reveal. He nods encouraging. 
I pull out the postcard first, and I smile. “Look I got the baby!” I laugh, Seeun smiles a bit too. “Could’ve been better but I guess a Yechan postcard isn’t the worse,” He says, “now the most important thing, please” I nod. Seeun gets even closer and places his head on my shoulder. I pull the single photo card, which is turned around. I start talking. “You know, just remember it’s okay if I don’t pull your photocard because at the end of the day I-” “Just look at it” Seeun whines. I turn the photocard around.
I feel Seeun drop his whole weight into the sofa’s back, letting out a sigh. Here we go. “I just don’t get it. Why Minjae, why him? Like. If it was… Okay no. I wouldn’t have been happy with anyone. But still!! Why him??” Seeun fake cried. “I mean,” I start talking. “You’re right, you do always pull my biases” Seeun stopped his actions and looked at me with a dead face. He then went to push me off. “Okay no, no, no, wait, no, I’m sorry, I’m joking! You’re my only one!” I laugh, and he stops trying to push me off and goes back to pouting. I lay fully on top of him. I start kissing his face. “I. Promise. You. Are. My. Bias.” He smiles. “Also, I bought an album the other day and I pulled you” I showed him the back of my phone, where a big smiling Seeun was looking back at him. He dropped his mouth and looked at me. “I couldn’t contain myself I’m sorry-” Seeun kissed me. 
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kholnt · 3 months
Can you tell us more about lost and there relationship with the chain?
oh lordy theres an entire doc for this that kay n i worked on earlier so i'm just gonna copy and paste that :thumbsup: and if some things dont make sense uhhhh problem for later me under readmore bc its long asf
PRE-TOTK: Not that close with Twilight but very close with Wolfie. Wolfie is basically his therapy-dog so Twilight knows some of the secrets/details of his life that Lost has been keeping from the rest of the Chain. Twilight struggles with respecting Lost’s privacy but also wanting to help him work through what he’s going through.
He tries to incorporate Lost into the group in little ways. It’s small but it’s the most he can do at the moment and he doesn’t want Lost to be completely isolated from their group.
If Wolfie's reveal happens Pre-Totk their relationship is soured. Lost kept all those secrets secret for a reason and Twilight knowing them messes with him a lot. Lost probably thinks that Twilight was only keeping tabs on him to make sure he wouldn’t be a problem to group despite what Twilight says in response.
If Wolfie Reveal happens Post-Totk + character development, Lost is a Lot More understanding as to why Twilight kept the whole Wolfie thing a secret. Twilight basically becomes his older brother (he was before but now Twilight gets to actually show it outside of being a wolf) and they’re really close. Twilight is the #1 Lost Defender.
PRE-TOTK: Time struggles a lot with trying to help Lost because he can Tell Lost has a lot more going on under the surface. Twilight confirms this is the case but will not go into details for the sake of Lost’s privacy unless he Has To. But he can’t do much since Lost is still very much afraid of him and puts the soldier front on with him. Also struggles with the fact he doesn’t really Know Lost.
Lost has a lot of respect for Time but Also Time reminds him of his dad and that’s scary for him and also bringing up past trauma. (DADDY ISSUES!!!!!)
POST-TOTK: The first/one of the first to give Lost a hug after the Horn Incident. Lost is still working out his daddy issues but he’s a lot more open with Time. Lost’s relationship with Malon improving also helps a lot in this aspect too.
PRE-TOTK: Lost feels the need to prove himself to Warriors because he’s The Captain and his own past issues with authorities figures. Warriors in turn struggles with the fact that Lost appears so Afraid of him all the time and tries to alleviate that fear, but it doesn’t do much. 
Warriors also is Not a fan of self-sacrificing Lost is. Tries to gently scold him and discourages him but this only makes Lost get better at hiding injuries and discreetly healing himself after fights. Warriors (+ Time) doesn’t like ordering him around but it’s the only way to get him to listen to them when it comes to proper self care and allowing others to help.
POST-TOTK: After Lost learns that he outranks Warriors he sees their dynamic more equally and removes a lot of tenseness from their relationship. Lost becomes a lot more involved with planning and strategy and helps Warriors with planning attacks/defense/etc. which helps improve their relationship a lot too. 
PRE-TOTK: Tense. Legend sees Lost as a “suck-up” and tries to be understanding of his mentality and such, but it’s still frustrating for them both because Lost is trying to “impress” Legend and prove his worth and Legend doesn’t see Lost as genuine. This eventually leads to an argument between the two of them.
POST-TOTK: After the Horn Incident™, Legend apologizes to Lost about the things he said and did pre-totk, their relationship vastly improves after that. 
PRE-TOTK: Lost has Feelings about Hylia but he respects Sky’s relationship with her + another case of complete respect since Sky is the one who made the Master Sword. There’s a healthy dose of fear from Lost almost dying from the blade as well, so he tends to keep his distance as well.
POST-TOTK: Sky has Feelings about the fact that Lost turned himself into a dragon to repair the Master Sword. Lost talks about repairing the Master Sword and how he didn’t consider any other option because “it's what you would have done”. 
PRE-TOTK: Lost is the least “afraid” of him. He’s willing to talk more about himself with Four because they’re the most similar. They both have their own secrets, and they understand that. Four is also very observant of Lost, and is the first one to learn how Lost displays his emotions, and will generally come to his aid when someone in the chain is (usually worriedly) hounding him.
POST-TOTK: Not much changes between them, for better or for worse. Lost is a lot more open to asking more personal questions, and they get to know each other much better. Plus Four got to show Lost what blacksmithing is like, so that’s a very big bonus
PRE-TOTK: Wary respect.Lost has respect for Hyrule’s medic abilities but is Unsure on how to feel about the magic healing. The only person he knows who is able to heal with magic isn’t a Hylian. Possibly wary of if Hyrule is actually a Hylian? + Hyrule probably reminds him of Mipha and that's Probably Not A Good Thing
POST-TOTK: Hyrule allows Lost to finally have some sense of individuality by allowing him to escape and go out adventuring by themselves. This starts a snowball effect of Lost learning things he’s interested in, nature and a drive for learning being the first few.
PRE-TOTK: Guard. Wind wants him to be a big brother, but he forgot how to fill that role due to Reasons™ Instead, he fills a guard role so he’s still able to protect Wind in some way. (Wind has mixed feelings about this)
POST-TOTK: After Lost learns more about himself and finally allows himself to have some fun, they get along like a house on fire. Please never give them access to a hill it’ll be terrible for everyone’s hearts.
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shiraishi--kanade · 4 months
Any thoughts on the fact An starts the vivid bad squad story and not kohane (the actual leader)? Could An have become the leader of VBS?
I've been thinking about this a lot, and basically, when I approach it from a "what were they trying to do here?", my answer boils down to this:
Kohane is obviously an audience self-insert. I'm sorry to all Kohane lovers hurt by the statement, but it's just true from a writing perspective (it doesn't necessarily diminish a character unless done badly). She is the newbie that's a newcomer to both the culture we end up exploring on Vivid Street; while the same can be said for other characters, especially Minori, who is also in the same position, Kohane is more unique because of the nature of VBS's story.
The said nature is the fact that VBS centers RW to an absurd amount, and a lot of said story is characters discussing it's impact and analysing it. So, obviously, we need to actually see what the talk of the town about - and though we don't fully actually "see" RW until as late as LUtF, that little An flashback in the beginning gives the reader a rough idea of what's going on, as well as who An as a character is.
Both are important - it acts as a hook to the main story and gives us a connection with An, a very important character who we, a Kohane stand-in, need to connect with in order to cheer for them and against Akito and Touya, who initially act as an antagonistic force. And we need to cheer for Vivids vs Rad Dogs because that's the only way the reveal of Touya's inner conflict and Akito's "caring side" is going to be effective and make you go "ah, what's why these two were briefly assholes" instead of just always knowing they were good and sitting there bored until they all team up. Even in the very beginning, when Kohane wanders into WEG, we already know who An is and that she's a good person, so we also cheer for Kohane to get closer to her. It gets you emotionally invested in the main conflict of the story. You get the idea.
Therefore, showing us RW was a necessary writing choice. However, Kohane was... Absolutely not there. Also, it would have not worked well for the audience to just wander around aimlessly and lost with Kohane. Honestly, because Kohane doesn't even know what she's doing with herself pre-main story, she has nothing to tell the reader in the opening - remember that she... Basically doesn't have a backstory, unfortunately. Choosing An to narrate the scene instead is a very obvious choice to come from that.
That's my explanation for this situation as a writer. As a fan, however, I find the idea of leader An to be very fun. I think she both has the potential to become one, narratively, in the same way Honami did - she, along with Akito, has served as VBS's "public face" for a long time, and was also the one who offered them to team up - and I also think that the idea for An to be a unit leader was on the writer's mind and then ended up being scrapped is also possible (likely to follow the Shounen formula and/or trying to avoid outright repeating personality archetypes for leaders, in which case An would resemble Tsukasa too much on the first glance, in contrast to timid Kohane). I'm honestly happy that scene exists either way, so as much as An being the leader would be very cool for me personally, as an An oshi, I'm absolutely content with her not being one lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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thatdragonzeek · 22 days
Friend in emergency situation, Commissions Open
A friend of me and my fiance was kicked out of their home by their pos mother tonight. Normally, we would offer them a place to stay, but this friend lives on the other side of the US from us. So instead I am opening commissions to help them out where I can
Commissions will be done in order as I receive them. Prices are in USD through Cashapp only. DM if interested
Character Commissions:
All character commissions can be any size you'd like from headshot to fullbody. Max of three characters per image. Please provide a description of what pose(s) you'd like. If you want to, you can send a reference image for the pose(s) you want. Characters must have art that I can colorpick from
Prices listed are base price. Each additional character after the first is 50% off base price (only if the characters are part of the same commission)
Sketches | $18
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Lineart | $20
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Colored | $25
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Chibis | $18 - Colored and shaded only
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Shading | +$5 per character
Simple Backgrounds | +$10 - low detail background with scene elements, small things that help to tell a story
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Detailed Backgrounds | +$25 - Expensive because they take me forever and I'm not confident anywhere other than beach scenes and meadows. I cannot draw indoor scenes. If you order one of these, I'll be working on it between other commissions, so it'll take way longer to complete.
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Reference sheets:
Basic | $25 - A front and back view for anthros/furries, 1-2 outfits for humanoids, and a sideview and back view for ferals/regular animals. Best for symmetrical characters
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Simple | $35 - Similar to a basic ref sheet, but also includes a close-up of the face. This example honestly isn't the best, but it's the best I've got atm
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Detailed | $50 - Three to four full body images - typically a front and back view and one or both side views - and a close-up of the face. Great for asymmetrical characters and fursuit refs. Not recommended for humanoids unless you just want a ref sheet that shows off different layers of a pre-existing outfit
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moongothic · 9 months
imagine s-crocodile shows up and they’re protective of luffy
I imagined it and I loved it (the post gets to S-Croc speculation towards the end, I swear)
I really can't wait to see S-Croc in general though, because while we haven't seen the other Seraphim like, just casually hang around, the little glimpses we have gotten at them have been really interesting, because of both the similarities and differences between the Seraphim and the OG Shichibukai
Like, as of chapter 1103, from what we've seen S-Bear has seemed Quite Stoic and quiet, very similar to Kuma as we first met him in Thriller Bark/Sabaody. S-Shark seemed very serious and quiet too but it's hard to compare him to Jinbei proper. Meanwhile, the way S-Snake got flustered and shy was quite similar to how Hancock behaves around Luffy, although in a much more child-like, cutesy manner. And S-Hawk seemed a bit more child-like as well, seemingly being a bit more open with his emotions? (Like for example he seemed quite annoyed about getting captured)
So it's kind of hard to say right now, but it does kind of seem like while the Seraphim ARE clones of the Shichibukai and they DO share the mannerisms of their "parents", they are also children. Like, while part of their stoicism could be chalked up to how they are Pacifistas, they are still like a step "above" the basic Pacifistas (pure robots). Like they're somewhere between the Pacifistas and pre-lobotomy Kuma. They don't have full free will, they are (fleshy) robots who can be programmed and ordered to do tasks, but also they do have that partial free will and mind. And that's all so incredibly interesting to me. Especiall because the remaining missing three Seraphim should be like the rest; they have the personalities of the OGs, but maybe lack their maturity in some ways because the Seraphim are still kids. They may be more open and/or less filtered with their emotions and thoughts. Maybe. Again, kinda hard to tell rn because we've seen so little of the brats.
Based on that though, we can kinda make some guesses on what the remaining Seraphim might be like though. S-Mingo especially because we have the benefit of knowing what Doflamingo was like as a kid to begin with, and I doubt S-Gecko will have any surprises in store for us.
But S-Croc is so interesting. Because he could go either way. Like he could be stoic and serious much like S-Bear and S-Shark, as lowkey suggested by his calm expression in that one panel we saw. That would match how Crocodile has been On Average post-Alabasta too. But what if he was more like Alabasta!Croc? When he was much happier and like, openly jovial? But in a child-like way? Or a mix of both because people are complicated and stuff sdjfhsf
The reason I'm bringing that up at all is that like. Okay so I don't think S-Croc would be protective of Luffy by default. Like Crocodile himself wasn't protective of Luffy when they first met by a long shot, and arguably still isn't canonically (his actions in Marineford are, rn, canonically just petty revenge at the World Government), so it'd make no sense for S-Croc to take one look at Luffy and be like "nobody hurts this one" right away, right?
But. Could S-Croc BECOME protective of Luffy?
...Unless S-Croc did turn out to be a Crocodile Zoan with that Weird Zoan Instinct and Crocodad Real, in which case S-Croc being randomly protective of Luffy right from the get-go would work just fine. But this remains to be seen ((To be fair, it did take Hancock time to get her crush on Luffy while S-Snake went 0 to 100 with Luffy, so maybe there could be a chance for S-Croc to be protective by default. ...Unless Luffy just happened to be Hancock's type to begin with and it was just her trauma that kept her from immidiately crushing on the idiot at first glance, while S-Snake doesn't share Hancock's emotional trauma so she was able to jump straight into crushing on him))
And this is where we get to the Absolutely Wild, Off-The-Rails, Borderline Fanfiction Speculation. Because we're here to have fun, and it's fun to think about hypotheticals like this.
But as we know, Crocodile. Bit of a sad loner. He has trust issues. He has been hurt A Lot. Happily spends decades of his life by himself. Very tragic. This probably contributes to his stand off-ish demeanor. S-Croc could have that same demeanor. But he shouldn't have the same trauma, the same root cause to being a sour puss. And most importantly, because he's a child, he might be more emotionally "open". Like he could become more obviously upset about stuff, and he might be more receptive to people if they're nice to him. Maybe. Big big big maybe.
Another fun thing to note; S-Croc seems to have been dispatched away with S-Mingo and S-Gecko (wherever the fuck they're going (probs Emptee Bluffs but if they go there then we can't have him interacting with Luffy so we need to pretend that's not where they're going arrite)). This is important, because as we all know. Crocodile and Doflamingo Do Not Get Along. And if the real ones can't get along, I could not imagine their Seraphim being much better.
The thing is, it could be kind of worse with the Seraphim, actually;
Based on the single panel of him that we've seen so far, S-Mingo seems to just ooze Middle School Bully Energy (and even if he isn't one, Doflamingo had a thing for annoying the shit out of Crocodile, his Seraphim would probs be the exact same in that regard, right)
S-Croc could be pre-T
If so, and especially if Crocodile being trans isn't public knowledge (as then it'd be possible Vegapunk could've labeled S-Croc "a failed Seraphim")
-> S-Croc being "the wrong sex" (compared to the OG) could easily become a painful sore spot for S-Croc
Especially because if Crocodile's trans, then S-Croc would also probably be trans, and insist on being a boy
And boy fucking howdy, would that become an easy ass fucking way for S-Mingo to bully the shit out of S-Croc, in a way that could really get under S-Croc's skin in a really horrible way
So. You know.
I could totally imagine S-Mingo being an asshole and annoying the fuck out of S-Croc in a way that would lead into a straight up fight. Because they're kids, and may not have the maturity to not escalate shit, especially if one got openly upset (god knows Crocodile can't handle being humiliated as a grown ass man) and another was having the time of their life mocking the other. But of course, these are Seraphim we're talking about, they could just keep on fighting forever and absolutely wreck everything in sight if someone doesn't stop them/give them the orders to stop.
I'm not saying Luffy would like step in or anything (dude doesn't have the authority to boss the Seraphim around either, it'd have to be Vegapunk), like I don't think he'd care enough to try to stop the two from fighting (as long as they aren't putting anyone else and/or the Sunny in danger). But between Luffy defeating Doflamingo being a more recent event in his mind, and him kind of owing one to Crocodile, I could kind of imagine Luffy feeling slightly more inclined to take S-Croc's side. Like considdering Luffy loves and respects trans people, I could imagine him feeling a little bad for S-Croc. Just a little though.
But I think that could kind of become key here. 'Cause like, Luffy wouldn't have to do anything big to defend S-Croc or anything (he's a man, he can defend himself, if anything Luffy defending S-Croc would hurt his honor (shounen logic)). Just, calling S-Mingo an asshole casually, or choosing to hang out (or at least try to) with S-Croc, or something like that. Just Luffy showing the tiniest amounts of compassion and care, to make S-Croc feel a little less alone.
I think that could make S-Croc become a little protective of Luffy in turn.
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rainbowolfe · 1 year
I'm going to speculate on the bishop's canon relationships using seemingly unrelated tidbits from the game.
Cauliflower and pumpkin eaten on their own cause illness, but when combined with beetroot it makes a dish that increases loyalty. And yet, beetroot can't be eaten on its own.
Shamura, Heket, and Kallamar are THE unit. I could see this going one of two ways: A) individually, Heket and Kallamar are terrible (personality wise) but as a trio Shamura brings out the best in them. However, Shamura is emotionally dependent on Heket and Kallamar. OR B) On their own, Heket and Kallamar are bad leaders but are at least able to garner a following one way or another. Shamura either can't lead or has trouble inspiring others to follow them (I lean towards the latter), but when they combine their methods they form a unit that inspires a large, loyal following.
The Meager Mixed Meal is the only meal that combines berries with something else. Minnows only drop in Anchordeep (unless you have Neptune's Curse). Morsels are gained fro all regions.
Leshy's closest relationship is likely Kallamar. Or at least, he works best with him. Leshy being a being of chaos, while Narinder, Heket and Shamura are beings of tradition and order, I can't imagine they work very well together at all. But pair Leshy with Kallamar? Then the two of them can work with any sibling successfully, via Kallamar facilitating compromises.
To add on to that, "chaos" and "pestilence" actually go hand in hand. The first horseman of the apocalypse brings about both of those things.
Applying similar logic to the Modest Mixed Meal, Kallamar and Heket can work together well in very specific, rare circumstances.
Fish based meals and cauliflower cause followers to drop resources.
Coward he may be, Kallamar's value as a bishop and as a brother likely comes from what he provides outside of combat. Resources.
The crystals that make up all of Kallamar's decorations are the same ones found in Silk Cradle. You'll also notice Silk Cradle has massive crystal formations growing, while Anchordeep only has small ones.
Kallamar probably loves Shamura the most. How crushing it must be that Shamura does not feel the same. He finds beauty in their temple, likely because of these crystal formations. Yet he also feels inadequate compared to Shamura.
But also, Shamura comes to Kallamar's rescue after he goes crying to his temple to hide. Instead of Kallamar challenging Lamb to a fight on the final run (like Leshy and Heket did), Shamura shows up and tells Lamb to come to Silk Cradle. They love their pathetic little brother 🥺
The eyes on Narinder's statue are closed. The eyes on all the bishops statues are open.
Closed eyes mean a lot of things in a lot of different places, but being that Narinder's statues were always this way (pre betrayal), I think it means that Narinder can see more than the other bishops. In a figurative sense.
In all of the bishops domains, there still exist statues of the red crown. They're built similarly to the trophies you can get for yourself, but they're altars due to the pedestal they're built on. These altars are surrounded by camellias.
Overall I'm very curious about the dynamic between Leshy and Narinder, because there's clearly something there. These flowers that did not grow before Leshy came to power, persisting around these altars no matter the region. These flowers that allow the red crown to heal any ailment.
The angst in me wonders if it was Leshy's chaotic existence that spurred on Narinder's desire for change, which ultimately led to all their downfalls. Another interesting observation: Leshy calls Lamb unworthy of the crown, same as Narinder. Post-recruitment, Leshy refers to Narinder as "dear brother".
But also the fact that these altars still exist at all. Maybe it's more akin to a memorial. Whatever the reason is, the bishops did not seal Narinder away out of malice. And they do not want him forgotten. The bishop's statues become ruined in their absence. The crown altars still stand after a thousand years.
Narinder goes out of his way to call Kallamar his brother. Clarifies that Kallamar was afraid of what he represented, and less so anything he had done.
He may be a pathetic, sniveling, coward, but he is STILL NARINDER'S pathetic, sniveling, cowardly brother.
But seriously, freed from his prison and humbled by Lamb, dude still loves all his siblings in the end. Except maybe Heket-
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skaldish · 1 year
Thank you for answering my question about periods. I’m wondering then if this whole concept of impurity in heathenry is also untrue or not?
A number of people were saying that all human fluids were impure. No praying if you had an open wound or anything. No sneezing during a ritual. But like...by their logic, you would be considered unable to worship if you wore a colostomy bag, because feces are impure. Which seems bad to me?
I’m sorry for being ignorant, by the way. I didn’t mean to anger or upset anyone. I’m new to this all, and I’m trying to learn.
You're welcome. The concept of "impurity" doesn't exist in Heathenry.
There's a few reasons why you might be seeing people claim such a thing though.
1. People want structure.
First of all, Heathenry lacks anything in the way of scriptures and doctrines. However, a lot of Heathens (specifically American ones) coming from a doctrine-based religious background, view this is a flaw rather than a feature. If anything, the lack of doctrines means they don't know what to DO to be Heathen, which can be anxiety-inducing for people who have never experienced any other paradigm.
Paradigm shifts take a while, so the way most people facilitate this is by creating their own practice observances. This provides them with a framework for being Heathen, but it's also something they understand as being for them, and is not something everyone needs to observe.
But some people try to force their ideas on others by selling it to them as "the way you do things." I can only guess why. Maybe it's because they don't feel like their own practice is valid unless other people agree with it. Maybe they came from a high-control religious environment and "converting others" is how they understand "doing religion." Or maybe they heard it from someone else, and because they're new at this and insecure they're going to repeat what they heard in order to feel like they're doing things "right." The reasons are endless, and people's minds are enigmas even to themselves.
The point is, if ANYONE's trying to tell you that there's things you HAVE to observe in Norse Heathenry, they're either lying, grossly misinformed, or simply ignorant of alternatives. Whatever the reason, it's still false.
2. The vikings were very clean compared to the rest of Europe, and many Heathens emulate this.
For lack of any scripture or doctrines, many Heathens develop personal orthopraxy by looking at what the pre-Christian Norse people (with the assumption Norse Heathenry died out with the introduction of Christianity, which we're only now figuring out isn't true. But I digress.)
One of the things people commonly incorporate into their praxis, is personal cleanliness. The pre-Christian Norse people supposedly had remarkable personal hygiene compared to members of other European societies, so it's pretty common for contemporary Heathens to adopt personal cleanliness into their practice in some way.
"Staying clean of bodily fluids for ritual" is something I've only seen practiced by folks running The Longship, and they presented it as an option because it's something they made up for themselves that made sense to them. To keep their ritual spaces remain clean of bodily fluids is something they chose to adopt after establishing a working understanding of Heathenry in their minds.
It's my understanding that was supposed to be an example of praxis, but unfortunately the nature of what it pertains to lends itself to skeevy interpretations.
(This is one of those circumstances where experienced practitioners mistake "having experience" with "knowing how to teach it." Many folks don't realize that pedagogy is its own unique skill. As a rule-of-thumb, you don't teach people exceptions to the norm until they are proficient with the norm, otherwise it creates this exact problem.
But in the Longship's defense, it was one of the first non-Folkish public-facing Heathen education websites to exist, so this is very much a situation where something was needed and they had the means to do it.)
Anyways, this misunderstanding could be a reason why you're seeing people claim this is something you HAVE to do.
(I also know the Longship also runs r/Heathenry, so take that as you will.)
3. Heathenry has a white nationalist problem
If something looks suspicious, treat it as such, because Heathenry has a white nationalist problem. Heathen white nationalists refer to themselves as "Folkish" which is a reference to the Volkisch movement of Germany, which was the social precursor to what eventually became the Nazi Party. Today's iteration is referred to as the neo-Volkisch movement, and its ideologies overlap with a number of alt-right and Hate Groups, including TERFs/RadFems for pastoral tradwife reasons.
Some of the talking points these bad actors like using involve encouraging people towards ideas or behavior that already exist in the world, but just so happens to benefit the spread of their ideologies.
For example, if people already observe "maintaining good hygiene" as part of Heathen practice, they might try to push that idea hard, so that people will see hygiene as so valuable that they would be more likely to apply it to things like "genetic hygiene" later (read: "Racial purity").
This doesn't make it unsafe or bad to be heathen. It just means you need to keep a discerning eye out, and to keep your distance from people spreading information in ways that seem very uncompromising, authoritative, and polarizing.
Remember: Heathenry is beholden to people. People are not beholden to it.
I honestly couldn't say for sure if what you experienced was cryptofascist in nature, nor do I recommend trying to verify. But having information about what that can look like can help you discern going forward.
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
The way people disavow major studios yet still almost exclusively consume media from them actually reminds me of the current community around the Sims 4.
Like there's been a lot of rushed, buggy, and lacking content lately, and folks are consistently talking about it. Yet I'll still see like "Oh wow that's not enough content for that price. Oh well, I'm still pre-ordering it lmao!"
It's really perplexing for me as someone who just won't pay money for media unless I really love it. I mean it might also be a side effect of me being a lifelong sailor of the high seas, but it means that when I DO pay for media it's almost always indie stuff, and I have more to spend on things I really want to support to begin with.
Is it really just the convenience factor? Do people have more of an issue with going through unofficial methods now?
I'm just really fascinated by folks that continuously support companies and such they clearly don't appreciate anymore
Bruh, what is going on with The Sims? I keep seeing people saying that all the new games have been ass but are still buying them AND all the content packs?
I honestly don't know why people still preorder games.
And I'm not talking about Wishlisting a TBA title on Steam, I'm not talking about buying a bundlepack the day of release, I'm talking about people dropping full price before a game comes out.
Because not only has the past decade or so in gaming shown us that you're essentially telling Triple A companies that all their crunch and fractured release plans are A-okay... Most preorder 'bonuses' aren't shit, I'm sorry. I still remember that criminal preorder stunt GameFreak pulled with ScarVio.
And, yes, I know that other regions had the special edition statue as their preorder bonus, but the fact that that wasn't universal doesn't help
I will say this, though, to connect this back to mainstream movies and television: a lot of people just... Don't know how to sail the seven seas. That combined with the fact that certain sites go down or get infected with malware all the time has kind of made this environment where piracy has gone from an open secret to people doing moral grandstanding about 'You can't pirate that content*! Think of the poor studios!'
(*The only time I'll say this is for independently published books. Especially since a good chunk of indie writers will gladly drop you a free copy in exchange for a thorough review or something)
Because, as I've mentioned before, the vast majority of piracy isn't a matter of not wanting to pay but a matter of not having a means of access to do so.
I'll once again bring up a personal example: I wanted to watch Turning Red last year but I refuse to get a Disney+ account. I pirated it, ended up liking what I saw, and when the Blu-ray came out, I purchased it.
But you have so many people going 'Wow, can't believe this studio won't stop making shitty movies! I'm going to go buy a ticket to see how shitty this movie is! Wow, this movie sure was shitty! Wow, can't believe the shitty movie just got confirmed for a sequel, how did this happen~?'
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nerdyenby · 3 months
Ninjago if the Overlord didn’t exist
My favorite pastime is overthinking random ninjago lore, so here we go to remove one character and watch the entire series fall apart!!
If the Overlord doesn’t exist then neither does the Great Devourer, thus Garmadon isn’t evil
This means Wu has no need to hide the Golden Weapons pre-series or to assemble the og ninja considering no one’s trying to steal them
Also if Garmadon wasn’t evil then he wouldn’t have gone to Chen, intercepted Wu’s love letter, and eventually married Misako, so Lloyd doesn’t exist
Season two as a whole doesn’t happen
Neither does season three
Chen still exists tho. Presumably the serpentine wars would still occur as they did more or less as they did in canon
However, since the ninja have had no reason to be brought together, they meet for the first time during the tournament of elements (assuming they all unlock their true potentials on their own at some point prior to this)
Chen’s plan doesn’t work because Lloyd didn’t exist to free the serpentine, so no Pythor to make the spell permenant
Since Garmadon didn’t go off to study under Chen, either Wu never took Morro in, or Morro was trained by both brothers. Either way, I imagine his story to have a softer end in this au
Regardless, Lloyd doesn’t exist so there’s not a green ninja (and probably not even a ninja team at all at this point), and even if Morro did die vengeful, he wouldn’t be out and about considering Chen’s army failed on their own and Garmadon didn’t have to open the portal to the Cursed Realm
Someone could still have found Nadakhan’s teapot and freed him, but he would’ve just got his crew back and then gone back to Djinnjago, minding his own business and moving on with his life considering s5 didn’t happen and Nya didn’t kill the Preeminent and Djinnjago didn’t fall as a consequence
Season seven still happens tho!! In the sense that the time twins are here and causing problems on purpose, at least. We still don’t have a ninja team tho. I propose that Wu still loses that fight against Acronix and the disturbances in time cause concern across ninjago, leading the elemental alliance (that still formed in s4 (with Nya instead of Lloyd) to come together to figure shit out. The plot still mostly happens but since none of them know Wu, no one finds him and he just kinda dies (or Garmadon comes to rescue him and then joins the elemental master sin order to get the time blade to save his brother). Uhhhhh stuff plays out mostly the same except Garmadon gets lost to the time stream instead of Wu maybe
None of the elemental masters really know or care about Garmadon so they say some nice words about his sacrifice and move on with their lives
Seasons eight and nine don’t happen for an abundance of reason (removal of Harumi’s origin story, Garmadon ever being evil, and the Great Devourer ever existing in the first place)
The Oni still cause problems on purpose tho, but without any active FSM family members, the gang just kinda suffers. Maybe the og4 learned about the tornado of creation at some point, maybe Wu’s around to tell them about it now, whatever, we’re gonna assume they figured something out and the world didn’t end
Ok, so the ninja team consists of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, and a revolving door of other elemental masters that pull up from time to time (I like to think Skylor and Karlof are permanent members, but that’s just me). The squad is minding their own business
Because they haven’t been a proper team that long, they don’t have the same burn out they do in canon, and thus never release Aspheera out of sheer boredom, thus season eleven doesn’t happen
Prime Empire my beloved, she remains almost entirely intact unless I’m just missing something
Season thirteen also still happens
The Island doesn’t because neither Wu nor Misako are characters that have much presence in this au
Seabound still happens I think
Crystallized does not (refer to title of this post)
DR still happens -ish (since Lloyd never existed, the details are a bit iffy, but all the major conflicts still occur besides that)
And that’s on me still being awake and brainrotting legos at 2am
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just the facts ma'am
tag game. im going to adjust the formatting on mine because for some reason, it displayed as huge on mobile and i wasnt able to read it. so apologize for the aesthetics, i'm trying to keep them like grouped as activities so its easier to read on mobile (tumblr likes not copying and pasting stuff properly)
bc of that im also gonna put it under a readmore
tagged by @dani-the-goblin (ilu)
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bold the things your oc has done (reminds me of myspace and how you'd do these as blog posts)
Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders (unless you count being on gigs and telling Bea to shoot the other netrunner because while she can't see the fun orange line and he doesn't look like he has a weapon he is very much about to kill V) |Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone's Life
Invented Something | Been Hungover
Kissed Someone I Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It I Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality (notice a theme?)
Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone
Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling (sucking dicks on rich dude's yachts as they sailed along various coasts counts right?)
Had A Bounty Put On Them (idk probably) | Eaten An Insect (again idk probably)
Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped/Dumped Someone
Smoked (nonsmoker, despite how much Johnny hates his clean lungs) | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock
Won a Bet | Lost a Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated
Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury (that boy's nose is BUSTED af)
Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears
Been Kidnapped | Been Sexually Assaulted | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotized | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor's Guilt
Been Tied/Chained Up (😏) | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall (seriously what is this myspace stuff)
Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone's Life
Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker
Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor (fuck you madame pres) | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel
Had Surgery | Broken Someone's Trust | Broken Someone's Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite
Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed
Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion (in the sequel!) | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War (depends on who you ask) |
Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/ Uncle
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Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders |Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone's Life
Invented Something | Been Hungover
Kissed Someone I Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship (not before V at least) | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It I Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality
Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone
Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling
Had A Bounty Put On Them (idk probably) | Eaten An Insect (she enjoyed grossing the other nomad kids out by eating live bugs)
Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped/Dumped Someone
Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock
Won a Bet | Lost a Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated
Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury
Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears
Been Kidnapped | Been Sexually Assaulted | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotized | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor's Guilt
Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall
Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone's Life
Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On (kiiiinda, they weren't like an official thing but idk what else you'd call seeing V fuck another woman in your bed when you call him for help after you just watched your whole family get murdered) | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker
Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor (fuck you Arasaka) | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel (does it count if you were a whore in said brothel)
Had Surgery | Broken Someone's Trust | Broken Someone's Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite
Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed
Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love (she would never admit it) | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion (in the sequel!) | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War (depends on who you ask) | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/ Uncle
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lesvegas · 1 year
New Vegas - Now Under New Management!
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In 2301, the city of New Vegas had been a raiders’ paradise for nearly twenty years. A week after the murder of his best friend, Auguste follows up on a lead at Gomorrah, determined to avenge him.
Chapter 2: Feed Me Now [ao3 link]
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Wearing a bright red suit all the time had more pros than cons. While some might consider it tacky, none could deny that it was eye-catching and iconic. One glance at me and you knew you were looking at Auguste. The colour also resembled old-world warning signs in more ways than one; this suit was a red-alert to anyone who tried to start shit with me. Stand in my way, piss me off, so much as give me a rude look and I’ll have twenty securitrons on your ass before you can think to spit on my shoes.
Like a vibrant but venomous pre-war animal, people knew to stay the hell away from me unless they had business. Crowds parted in the street for me, and raiders who thought they were oh so scary made way for their soon-to-be king, allowing me to cross from the Tops to Gomorrah with ease. The only ones who didn’t move were the guys who were so fucked up they were passed out or dead, but they were easy to step over. Or step on.
Opening the door to Gomorrah’s front lobby, I was hit with the smell of cheap smoke. It tended to linger in here. Gomorrah was the stuffiest casino around, and it made me loosen my tie a little.
The greeter was as courteous to me as always, flashing a smile even though he fucking hated his job. I couldn’t tell if he’d always worked here or if he was a reformed raider. Whatever family ran this place before was long gone, and I didn’t even hear them get mentioned much. I just smiled back at him and walked on in with my silenced 12.7mm. I never let anyone take my gun from me, not since I got it on my thirteenth birthday. Not even my own father could take it from me.
I skipped the casino floor and entered the main Brimstone club. The stage was crowded around what seemed to be a new girl having her first dance. I only watched her half-assed moves for a moment before approaching the bar and ordering a new pack of smokes. The second I had it, I emptied the little box to refill my cigarette case, then handed the emptied vessel to the bartender to toss. I left a few caps as a tip to be polite, but I didn’t pay. Everything I ever asked for went straight to Fresno’s never-ending tab.
Sufficiently restocked, I went around the bar and through the door up to the next level without a second glance from the guards. Zoara Club was a nice little private lounge for important people only, overlooking the stage below. But I never came up here for the view.
The office doors were always locked, but the pool tables were always available. There were only two people besides me that I’ve ever seen play the game correctly: my father, and Cal.
Cal might have been the closest thing I had to an uncle. He was something of a family friend, having known both my father and Fresno since before I was born. He and Fresno used to be an item (I can’t really imagine that), and he and my father still met up to play games sometimes. Usually pool, chess, or poker. They both taught me how to play, but Cal was the one who taught me how to cheat. While my father got me my first gun, Cal got me my first Stealth Boy. He used to be the go-to babysitter when I was too small to be left alone, despite being one of the busiest men in the city, and I had fond memories of him showing me how to hack a terminal or pick a lock.
But tonight, he was playing pool, and only casually watching the stage now and then. While he wasn’t as hands-off as Fresno, he did have a casual attitude to running Gomorrah. He let the whores do their own thing for the most part, and he’d been on good terms with the best chem suppliers in the region for years now, enough to let them have their own small-time dealers sell in certain parts of Brimstone. He mostly just needed to make sure people actually paid for services and that nobody got hurt.
“What do you think?” Cal asked me as I approached the pool table. He was bent over the table, lining up a shot for the solid 7-ball.
“Of the girl?” I asked, then looked down to the stage again. “Well… she looks nice, I guess. They seem to like her. But she looks like she’s got no idea what the hell she’s doing.”
“I know.” Cal struck the cue ball which rolled into the 7-ball, sinking it in one clean shot. That left only the striped balls and the 8-ball. “She insisted on going up without any training. Said she used to dance in Primm.”
“I didn’t know Primm had dancers.” I said, then grabbed a pool cue for myself. “Maybe she’ll learn the hard way when she makes shit tips.”
“Maybe.” Cal said, then stood straight to let me have a go. “How’ve you been holding up?”
“Just peachy.” I said, leaning over the pool table. I could sink the 9-ball, I think. It was close enough to a hole, but a bit far from the cue ball. Still, I tried to take the shot anyway. The cue ball hit the side of it, but only managed to nudge the ball closer to the hole. “I’d be happier if I had a name.”
“Didn’t your dad ever teach you about patience?” Cal teased with a slight smile that I couldn’t be mad at, even if I still felt like killing someone tonight. He glanced around a little before positioning himself to take the 9-ball from me. “Fine, let me break the tension. I don’t have a name yet.”
“S’alright.” I said quietly, but it was incredibly obvious how disappointed I was. I really came in here expecting to know exactly who to hunt down and destroy.
Now why did I expect Cal of all people to figure out who shot Brutus for me? Simple, really: Cal used to go by Callipho, and he used to be one of the best spies in Caesar’s Legion. Specifically, he used to be one of those fru… froo… whatever that would work undercover in Vegas. He’s half the reason the family that used to run Gomorrah aren’t around anymore, according to him. 
Cal wasn’t a friend of the old Legion, though, no way. He used to tell me all these stories of how these Caesar guys were real sticks in the mud at best; they couldn’t even drink or smoke. No fucking wonder they’d take their frustration out on their women. Oh, and they were pretty fucking brutal, even as far as raiders go. Cal had the scars all over his back to prove it. He dipped the moment Fresno gave him the opportunity.
“Aw, c’mon, don’t look so miserable.” Cal said, setting his pool cue aside. The game wasn’t over, but he began taking the balls out of the holes anyway. “Just because I don’t have a name doesn’t mean I don’t know who did it.”
I perked up at that. “Really?”
“Sure. Look,” He began arranging the balls on the table in a peculiar way, then laid out two pool cues parallel to each other. It took me a moment to figure out the pool cues were the Strip itself, the solid balls were buildings, and the striped balls were people. Save for the white cue ball in the middle next to the red-striped 15-ball. “You said it happened when you and Brutus were walking back to the Tops from Vault 21, right?”
“That’s right.” I said. The blue 2-ball must be Vault 21, then. “It was getting late.”
“So you were both heading this way.” Cal said, pushing the balls that represented us forward a little. “Brutus was on your right as you headed North. And he was shot in the back of the head at a downward angle.”
“I recall.” I said bitterly.
“So…” He picked up the yellow 1-ball and the green 6-ball. “The shot could’ve only come from one of two places. The old NCR embassy, or the Ultra-Luxe.”
Oh, I was a fucking idiot for not realizing this sooner. “And, considering the NCR Embassy is pretty damn small…” Cal set the 6-ball down and tossed me the 1-ball. I fumbled, but caught it. “I think it’s safe to assume that a Jackal took the shot.”
I stared down at the yellow-striped ball in my hands. I only just noticed it had a slight chip in it. I wondered if that made it unbalanced enough to make a difference in-game. Is that why Cal always picked the solid balls?
“How long did it take for you to figure that out?” I asked.
“Honestly? Not long at all. But I still wanted to rule a few things out before I told you.” Cal admitted. “I still don’t actually know who in the Ultra-Luxe did it. Hell, it might not’ve even been a Jackal. But…”
I looked at him. He took the ball back.
“Kid, let me give you some advice…” I could already tell I wasn’t gonna like what he was about to say. “Sometimes it’s better to let things be.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“I’ve never been more serious in my life.” Cal said, beginning to clear off the pool table. “Listen, the Jackals are huge. Like, Khans-level huge. They weren’t always huge, but they are now. They’re not just a small-time raider gang, alright? Fresno didn’t give them a whole casino just because they asked nicely. If one of ‘em had no problem shooting your dog, what do you think they’re gonna do to you if you go in there and start throwing a tantrum?”
So fucking what if the Jackals were huge? This was my city. Brutus was my dog. If I have to convince my father to convince Fresno to make the securitrons mow them all down, I will. I’ll fucking find a way somehow. But maybe I’ll give them a chance, first. Go over there right now and tell them to hand over whoever did it, spare the rest. I could be merciful.
Cal sighed. “For the love of God, do not go to the Ultra-Luxe.”
“I’m going to the Ultra-Luxe.”
I returned the pool cue to its place on the wall, and started to leave only for Cal to follow right behind me. He was still talking, but I wasn’t really listening. What he said did make sense, but I was beyond the realm of rational thinking right now. I had a whole week’s worth of pent-up rage and grief to unleash on some unlucky Jackal and I wasn’t about to let him stop me.
But then he stood right in front of me in the doorway at the bottom of the stairs.
“Cal, move.”
"Listen.” He hissed. “If this is really that important to you, I’ll help. But we’re doing things my way, got that? Let me do the talking and we’ll figure out who took the shot without riling up the entire casino. Alright?”
I stared long and hard at him. I breathed in, held it, and exhaled softly. I wasn’t just sweating from the humidity in here. I shoved my hands in my pockets when I noticed how shaky they were. I counted backwards from ten in my mind, and it was clear for a moment.
“Fine.” I said after a while. “But we’re doing this tonight. And I need a smoke first.”
The Ultra-Luxe was the biggest and most upscale casino on the Strip, even after its current occupants made a fucking mess of it. The Jackals didn’t run the place nearly as well as Cal ran the Gomorrah and the Chairmen still ran the Tops, but that was supposed to be part of the ‘appeal’. It was all one big joke, this group of lowborn scavengers running a gorgeous hotel and casino. Even as far as raiders go, they were some of the lowest of the low; they used to be known for picking people clean after fire fights in the desert, and being dirtier than most. Now they were like stupid kids playing house, dressed up in mommy and daddy’s best clothes.
The costume included the masks, naturally. They liked how creepy it made them look. But most of them had broken the bottoms off so they could still show off their sharpened teeth. It was sort of their trademark.
Cal and I had eaten at the Gourmand before, so it wasn’t the weirdest thing when we walked in by ourselves and asked for a table. There were no wait times for people like us; we were seated at a table right in the middle of the dining room almost immediately and given a couple of menus. I requested a bottle of ice-cold Nuka-Cola because I felt like staying sober and didn’t really trust them not to put something in my drink, and Cal seemed to have the same idea when he asked for a bottle of water.
“So what’s the plan?” I asked once the waiter left, pretending to skim over the menu.
“I’m still trying to come up with one.” He admitted. “But I don’t think shooting the place up or searching the entire hotel is the way to go.”
“Agreed.” I said. I had calmed down just enough on the way here that I thought better of it. “I think we…” I trailed off as the waiter returned quickly with our drinks.
“Thanks.” Cal said, then took my menu before handing it to him. “We’ll just start off with some salads. No meat, no dressing. Keep it clean, please.”
Cal withdrew his bottle opener from his coat pocket and opened my bottle for me. Thankfully, it’d been sealed. I took a sip, then spoke again.
“I think we should ask around. Well, no, not ask around, but…” Asking around is the last thing we should do. I meant to say, “Snoop around? But not the whole hotel. But someone has to know something. I say we break into the office of whoever runs the place and ransack the room.”
Cal stared at me. “You don’t even know who runs the Jackals?”
“Why should I?”
Cal just took a drink of water. Fine, stupid question, I should know who runs the Ultra-Luxe. But that wasn’t the same thing as knowing the leader of the Jackals. One was a raider and the other was a business owner. Big difference.
“Maybe you should meet her.”
I gave him a look.
“No, I’m serious.” Cal went on. “I think if anyone around here knew who did it, it’d be her. And she’s smart enough to give up one killer to save her own skin. Again, just let me do the talking and see where that takes us.”
It was the only real lead we had that could possibly save us some time. And I trusted Cal’s opinion on stuff like this. But I still sighed in frustration. “Fine.”
Our salads were brought over promptly. It didn’t exactly take long to prepare what was essentially chopped lettuce, nuts, and shredded carrots. We’ve had meat here before, even pasta drenched in sauce, but tonight was one of those nights where it just felt better not to risk it. And it was pretty difficult to fuck with a plain salad.
I tried a forkful of lettuce and carrots without so much as a drop of dressing. Naturally, it sucked.
“What’s the matter?” Cal teased. “Don’t like rabbit food?”
“Were rabbits ever real?” I asked. Cal just shrugged. If they were, they were before his time, too.
The waiter came back again already. Christ, they usually served us fast, but tonight it was like they knew they were in trouble. “Is everything all right?” He asked after we had, what, one bite?
“Actually, no.” I said, putting my fork down. Of course the salad was awful, but… I got an idea. Cal gave me a look, but I kept talking anyway. “I’d like to speak to the owner. Not the manager, not the chef, the owner. Of the whole casino. Your leader.”
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passionateseadruid · 5 months
Netflix Death Note Rewrite
I’m rewriting the 2017 Death Note Movie
This is the first in a series of Rewrites! Pretty much no one liked the Death Note Netflix Adaptation so I (an actual fan of the series) will try to rewrite the movie to actually make it compelling and competent.
First things first how long would this be? Ideally a mini series of 5-8 episodes maybe around 30 minutes each give or take. But let's say that we only have the original 1 hour and 40 minutes for a movie. Well we better make the most of it then.
We open up on an old abandoned church busted pews, broken windows, and a cracked alter. The whole place furnished with old rugs and tarps to cover up the decay of the furniture, thousand of candles everywhere, maybe a mural on the wall of a brunette positioned in a stance with his arms out spread, welcoming the people, yet judging them at the same time.
"Light" Turner (still known as Donn Turner) stands behind the alter talking about Kira.
"Thank you all for coming to honor our savior. Kira the great god of justice, the god of the new world. I notice we have some knew attendants." Donn motions to a couple. Everyone looks to them and Donn motions them up to the front where they complete a ritual, something maybe to do with candles and ending in eating an apple. 
After the ritual everyone leave except for a brunette girl named Mia. She comes up and kisses him on the lips, praising him and his sermon today.
The original relationship was very stale and didn't have much weight put onto it. It was also very toxic and the two characters didn't have much in common. By making "Light" the leader of this cult and Mia his pre-established girlfriend in said cult it tells us a few things about these characters already.
A. "Light" is very manipulative, and charismatic, while still being the toxic bitch he was to Misa in the anime. B. Mia, much like Misa is very loyal, but she's actually less interested in "Light" and is devoted heart, body, mind, and soul to Kira (You'll get to see more of that later but essentially Mia is a flip of Misa. Misa was first devoted to the idea of Kira and then her devotion turned into an obsession with Light. Mia will be the opposite but right now that's a further plot-point). And C. This takes place after either the Anime or the Manga (though I'm leaning more towards the Mange because the epilogue of that had the set up to this, where there were Kira Cults.)
The next scene Donn and Mia enter Lights home and his dad is there preparing takeout.
"Donny! Oh Hello Mia."
"Hello Mr. Turner."
"Do you want to stay for Dinner? Donn made the Honor role again and got a 100% on his recent science project. I ordered his favorite food as a reward! We've got a lot to celebrate!"
"No thanks Mr. T. I should bet home. My step monsters will kill me if I'm out past my curfew."
"Okay, see you at school tomorrow." Donn smiles and strokes her head. He kisses her forehead and she kisses his cheek. 
"Bye love!" she smiles and walks out.
"Love huh? That's a bit soon considering your both still in school."
"No no! It's fine she's a nice girl. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret,"
"I'm fine! I'll be in my room." He grabs a plate scoops some food onto it and takes it to his room.
"Wait I caught the Grim Angel today! Don't you want to hear about that? Donn? Can You at least take out the trash?"
"I will!" He slams the door. He then scarfs down the food and throws some garbage into the trash including a bag of potato chips. Then he goes to empty the trash. Once outside he throws the trash in the garbage can it starts to rain as a book drops right on Donn's head. "What the hell?" He picks it up and brings it into the house.
He goes up to his room and locks the door. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds. No way, is this how Kira killed all those people?"
"Yes actually." Donn falls off his chair with a scream. Before him stands a big monster, 8 feet tall and looking like a demon. He had no eyes, and black fungus all over his body. His body itself was a ghostly pale and he had red flame like horns popping out the side of his head crackling and moving in a none existent wind. "Calm down! You have a father downstairs don't you. I'm sure he'll be worried if you start screaming."
"How do you know that? What are you?"
"My my. I thought a fan of our savior Kira would know a lot more about Shinigami."
"Kira? You're a Shinigami?"
"Yes... I go by Justice now."
"What does that mean?"
"I was human once. I was the most devout follower of Kira when we were alive."
"Teru Mikami."
"I cannot say. It is one of the rules."
"So why are you here?"
"I'm here to finish my work. I want you to kill off the remaining criminals."
"Why can't you do that yourself?"
"After the incident there was another rule in place to limit how many humans we can kill a year to just ten."
"Did you choose me? Is that how you know about my family?"
"Yes. I want you to become Light Yagami reincarnated, and for your precious little girlfriend to be the new Misa Amane."
The Shinigami "Justice" would then go on to push light into his first kill. He snuck into his dad's room and pilfered his brief case for the name of the Grim Angel. Damon Cher. Donn pushes him to escape custody steal a bike and ride onto the freeway.
"No one else should get hurt right? That's what it says on one of the rule pages."
About an hour later Mia sends him the news story via text that is identical to what he'd written down in the book.
"I'm a murderer."
"I thought that you were Kira's fan. Don't you want purge the world?"
"No! I just-"
"Lightling... if you don't do this I'll kill you and your girlfriend."
"Why me?"
"You're perfect."
Okay that was a lot but it's all very important. Thing is... this is a sequel to the original death note and some of the themes I want to address are imposter syndrome and how you can't live in someone else's shadow. Spoiler alert but both "Light" and "L" are living in their successors shadows trying to live up to the expectation's of someone else. 
I also needed to give a reason why Light/Misa/Mikami wouldn't just rid the world of criminals once they became Shinigami. While I could just wipe their memories that wouldn't really explain why a Shinigami would come to earth other than pulling a Riuk and just having them be bored.
(also yes I know Misa didn't really care about being Kira but she may still want to be with Light in the afterlife.)
The rest of that night "Light" killed ten criminals; and the next day he confided in Mia.
"So Justice here is your Shinigami."
"And you and me have been chosen as the new Kira's."
"Give me the book."
"What? Why?"
"Light sweetie, the book." she holds her hand out.
"Fine. But don't be stupid okay."
"Oh and by the way, heart attacks are so cliche. People are already catching on." She whispers and leaves him taking the book with her.
I know people didn't like Mia being the assertive one but she doesn't fit the role of Misa either. This whole movie was flawed to begin with and through these changes you get a story about three people with a mountain of expectations thrust upon them. They aren't Light, Misa, and L. That's the point. If you want these three you should watch the Anime.  ~~~~
A week goes by and the two have already filled ten pages through an assortment of different methods of death.
"According to recent chat logs the general populous think Neo Kira based in New York though a popular theory is that they're based out of Greenland. Okay hand me the book I'll start to focus there. draw their attention their."
"No. If we start to bring attention towards one area in particular it'll let people know that we're onto them."
"What does your dad think?"
"My dad thinks Kira is nuts. He and two other officers are apparently trying to catch Kira."
It's then we cut to James (Light's dad) as he enters his office and sees that it's been trashed. James sighs. "Arata!" A younger man appears. 
"They got you too, huh sir?"
"Chief Turner! There's a visitor here to see you! He says he has information on the Neo Kira case." Another man comes over to see James.
"Thank you Philip, bring him in."
Philip goes and returns with an older man dressed in a trench coat and a fedora. He holds up a silver laptop and a fancy white L on a black screen appears. 
"Chief turner! My name is L." A distorted voice cheers. "I'm here to offer my assistance."
"Why are you coming to me?"
"Because you're the only one who believes that Kira is back as well as being brazen and open that he is evil."
"What would we need to do?"
You guys may wonder why I added two original characters. Arata is supposed to be a Matsuda stand in and Philip is just supposed to fill out the rest of the motif I'm working with. Chess pieces.
Light and L are the kings because they are both cowards that are spurred to make moves.
Mia and Watari are the "Queens" because they actually do physical stuff but have very little say in what actually goes on.
Arata is the Rook because I thought "Oh Rook. He's new he's the Rookie. Funny"
The name James has connections to the bible and God according to google. So Bishop because they also have connections to the bible and God.
And Philip means horse lover. That feels self explanatory.
We cut back to Mia and Light chilling at home. They are watching the news when an emergency broadcast interrupts them. Several reporters are heard in the background.
"I'm sure you're all wondering who I am. My name is Landon Chef and I have been working with L on this investigation. It is in his expert opinion that these deaths are all coincidental. Kira is not back." The news report can be heard in the background as Mia and Light fight.
"Oh hell no!" She screams. She shoots up from the couch and grabs the notebook.
"Mia what are you doing?!" Light grabs the book.
"He's making a fool of us, Light. He's making a fool of Kira!"
"Don't be stupid! This is what they want!"
"Who care! Let's give them what they want!"
"Mia don't be stupid."
"No Light! We have to do this! For Kira! Kira is our god! He's my life, Light."
"Fine. Give me the book, I'll do it."
"I'm more than capable-"
"Give me the book! You want a new god of justice you'll get one! Now give. Me. The. Book."
She hands it over and he jots down the mans name.
Over in the police department the three men working with L look on in horror as their stand in dies. "I told you that they were in Seattle." L said over the computer.
Over the next few weeks the new Kiras continue to murder. The audience is greeted by a montage of the two killing people. Light writing down names and Mia doing the resaerch. We also see them back at their cult. Light starts to use his new name and Mia dies her hair blond. 
Then back at the police department we see that the three men are preparing to meet L face to face. 
"Hello Gentlemen. Please call me L. I'd prefer if we all used code names. After all we don't know what Kira is really capable of."
"Ehem." Watari clears his throat. "Don't give them to much lee way L."
"Sorry Watari."
"I'll be Rook. That's what most people call me anyways."
"Call me Kelpie."
"Chief." James said
"You can continue to call us L and Watari Respectively." L smiles.
"You probably want more sweets, don't you L?" Watari smiles but it's very clearly fake.
"No I'm..." Watari glares at L.
"...you know what? Sure."
This seems a bit weird so but it would come up later in the story. I'm just going through a rough draft with some scenes to flesh out the story a bit. So basically this L is the fourth real L. This Watari was the third real L and was the successor to Near who died young. This Watari is very obsessed with the original L. So much so that he makes this new L dress like him (styling his clothes like how Near described him) and keeps him on the sweet heavy diet.
After they meet L closes in on Mia and sends Watari to get information on her.
"And what's the purpose of that?" Philip questioned.
"Perry Ethan was found hanging from a tree with lacerations on his thighs and wrists. He didn't have a criminal record so I traced him back to where he lived and found out he's the step father of Mia Sutton. That’s actually how I found out where to trace the murders to.”
“You can’t go after Mia!” James protested.
“And why is that?” L asked
“Because she’s a good kid. She’s kind and caring and she’s kept my son out of trouble!”
“I’m sorry chief turner but Mia is our best bet at finding Neo Kira. If not her then someone close to her.”
“Does that mean my son’s going to be investigated.”
“If need be then yes. What would Watari say? Ah yes, he’s got a 42% chance of being connected to the murders.”
“I’m not going to sit by and watch as you accuse my son!”
“Then help us find Kira. If you believe that your son is innocent help us find other suspects.”
“…what would you have me do?”
“I need you to pull every file you have on the computer and put it on hard copy. The first Kira was the son of the police chief and he accessed classified documents through his father’s computer.”
“Right! You told us that a decade ago.” Arata said.
Yeah so basically this Watari exposed Kiras’ identities and while most people were dissuaded from worshipping Kira. But as we know there were still small groups of people.
Mia is in custody and light comes to save her but she’s is just in holding and they haven’t officially arrested her. They have 48 hours to find evidence and arrest her or else she will be let go.
During this time Light and L finally meet. The next few scenes would be a cat and mouse chase. I’m kinda stupid and bad at writing that kinda stuff, so we’re going to skip that.
Later on they choose to charge Mia and Light makes the very smart decision to mind control a criminal to walk into the police station and say that he (the criminal) is Kira and then control him to not speak for his stay at the police station. Eventually dying of a heart attack when he is let go. 
L is still convinced that Mia had something to do with it so she remains in custody.
Light starts to panic as Justice implores him to write down someone in the police station. He chooses the clerk who writes in his own blood that he is Kira reincarnated and that Mia is a stupid mortal woman who had nothing to do with the murders.
Despite this L (with the help of Watari) convinces everyone that the Perry Ethan incident still links Mia to the case.
Eventually Light starts to kill people on the other side of the world and they have to let Mia go.
some stuff happens and Light and Mia argue that what both of them did was stupid and Light storms off in a fit of rage.
I’m just going to cut to the end.
In a fit of rage Light makes several criminals challenge L. Him and L meet and Light asks Justice for the Shinigami eyes. He writes down L’s name as L tackles him and quickly writes down his and Mia’s names too.
Everyone mourns. Everyone moves on and there’s no need for a shitty sequel.
Okay finally thoughts, I know that it’s not perfect but I really have no idea what to do with this.
I would like to expand the concepts I have about L and Light living in each of their predecessors shadows and how Light both relishes the attention and fame and power but cracks under the pressure, and L trying his best and failing over and over and how he’s in over his head, then ultimately winning in the end with the killings finally stopping. This was his justice to claim, Lionel Morgan’s view of justice.
It’s bad but I wanted to preserve and expand upon interesting concepts that I don’t think were fully explored by the writers. The shinigami pushing light. Him and Mia having a messed up romance. L being emotional over the lives he’s loosing. Light looking for power but not wanting to be a full on serial killer.
Anyway constructive criticism and questions welcome in the comments section. I’m a humble Druid who enjoys the mysteries the sea has to hold and instead of saying goodbye I’ll just wave. (Get it?) 👋
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hatosaur · 2 years
tlou hbo ep.4 & ep.5 thoughts.
more analyze-y than the others ones because i’m talkin thru my damn feelings >:,(
getting ep. 4 outta the way real quick because it was mostly setting up for ep. 5 but also i didn’t get to rewatch it since last sunday so memory’s fuzzy.
i’ve seen people have mixed reactions to ep.4 and i get it, because it was so different to how it played out in the game. biggest breaking point from game-joel was a) him talking about tess (which i felt broke a rule for his character) and b) him being openly kind to ellie. being soft with her when she shoots the hunter. laughing at her joke. these aren’t the end of the world. i can see how it was all to show he’s warming up to ellie but it did still feel odd.
i do kinda get the sense that him being mean old joel would wreck the momentum and tone, since we’re not watching pre-rendered cutscenes sandwiched between gameplay segments. you can’t have the danger happening and THEN joel’s yelling at ellie. that’s just TENSION TENSION TENSION; him being nice and open was a good way to balance things out and give us (and ellie) a breather.
so ep. 5. i have to fuckin take deep breaths.
once again, i can’t fucking believe that i can know exactly what’s going to happen and this show will still floor me. i’m broken over the immediacy that henry killed sam with, different from henry talking out his thoughts in the game. his scared, stammered “what did i do?” as he looks to joel, because he can’t believe what he just did.
when i look back to game-henry, it wasn’t emphasized all that much that he was pretty much still a kid, taking care of a kid. show-henry had plenty of those moments. both versions are cocky but the cockiness show-henry has was more kid-like, especially in his interactions with joel, and it only made it hit harder when he looked at him in those last moments, as if for help, and when joel tried to gently get the gun away from him. i’m very glad for them amping up the connection between joel and henry.
the choices they made with sam were amazing. the kid was a great actor and i love seeing all the extra bits that came with him being deaf. i knew it wouldn’t matter all that much that he was younger and deaf; what mattered at the end of the day was his connection with ellie and they fuckin knocked it out of the park. i love that even without them being close in age, they latched onto each other anyway.
the bit with ellie’s blood was such an interesting change. because that was a stellar way of showing despite her maturity, she’s still a kid too. you can tell she really believed she could save him.
this coupled with sam’s superhero fixation...god. the thought of him thinking of her as a hero because of that.
another big change was showing ellie’s reaction to henry’s suicide, instead of joel’s like the game. in the game, i think it was to remind joel about the fragility and impermanence of good things. the show’s not really joel city, they can’t really keep it on him the whole time because that’s boring. not to mention, it’s about more than him. in the show, you can tell it’s to show the impact it’s going to have on ellie’s journey.
i wasn’t a big fan of kathleen initially -- felt she wasn’t intimidating enough as a leader -- but as we saw her more in ep. 5, i was disgusted with her, which is good! i do like the complexity of her, how she’s the leader of this big resistance movement but also seemed unsure and grasping in a lot of moments (of which surprisingly did not include the moments where she ordered people to be killed or argued that ellie and sam should die because “kids die”).
brief note, the child clicker was cool but like...a bit farfetched right?? i mean unless she was bit as a baby and has just been turning since then? aside from that, i do like that she foreshadowed sam’s turning in a way. kid infected is such a gutpunch.
another thing i liked were the parts ripped straight from the gameplay. just watching joel reach the house with the sniper in it caused a lotta moments where i was like “OH YEA THAT HAPPENED.”
WHEN THE INFECTED CAME OUTTA THE GROUND??? i was like “OH YEA THAT WAS PART OF IT.” this show’s great. i love seeing the funny ways they tie back to the game.
all the episodes have been good so far but it really seems like the odd-numbered ones have consistently been bangers.
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