bingobongobonko · 1 year
weeps. why is yves such a piece of shit asshole. i love you yves.
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bogleech · 2 months
Simple lifeform facts I take for granted that I've now seen blowing people's minds on here:
That sea urchins walk around and have mouths with teeth on their undersides
That corals are related to jellyfish
Barnacles being related to crabs and shrimp
Ants being an offshoot of wasps
Termites being totally unrelated to ants and all similarities just being convergent evolution (they're actually a group of cockroaches, but even science didn't know that part until a few years ago)
Starfish having an eye at the end of each arm
That the bodies of ticks and mites are also their heads, essentially big heads with legs (they even frequently have eyes way up on "the body")
Sperm whales have no upper teeth, and also their bodies are flat from the front
Goats also having no upper (front) teeth
Tapeworms having no mouth at all and just absorbing nutrients over their entire body surface
That flies are bigger pollinators than bees
That moths are bigger pollinators than bees
That wasps are just as important pollinators as bees (more important to many groups of plants) and when we say they're "less efficient" at it we just mean individually they get a little less pollen stuck to them.
That honeybees are nonnative to most of the world and not good for the local ecosystem, just good for human agriculture
That earthworms are also nonnative and destructive to more habitats than the reverse
There being no hard biological line between slugs and snails; all slugs aren't necessarily related to each other and there are gastropod groups where some have shells and some don't
That ALL octopuses (not just the blue ring) have a venomous bite
Most jellyfish and sea anemones being predators that eat fish
"Krill" being shrimp up to a few inches long and not some kind of microbe
Blue whales therefore being the deadliest predators to ever evolve as they eat up to several million individual animals per day
That krill are still "plankton" because plankton refers to whatever animals, algae and other organisms are carried around by the sea's currents, not to any particular group of life or a size category
Fungi being no more related to plants than we are, and in fact more like a sibling to the animal kingdom if anything
Venus fly traps being native to only one small area of North America in all the world
Parasites being essential to all ecosystems
Leeches not having a circular ring of teeth anywhere
That algae is not a type of plant
That most seaweed is just very big algae
That enough wood ends up in the ocean that plenty of sea life evolved to eat only wood
Speaking of which the fact that the "ship worms" that make tunnels in wood are just long noodly clams
Butterflies technically just being a small weird group of moths we gave a different name to
That insects only get wings once they reach maximum size and therefore there can never be a younger smaller bee or fly that's not a larva
Spiders not being any more likely to kill their own mates/young than just a cat or dog might, for most species maybe a lot less often?
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
w Always ka chrain bLow? Nibli
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I kno u what that's a pic up above , THAT is their thrus it's an other there. It exists, so it gets anchored pretty hard NOWSHRB They're shooting up next to it like that's giving them powefs
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Ununbegrudgingly but in Nother Corada Center Sentatris Otta わAnd that's weird right her fingers (a thread could have been the thrd) u kno why you makr NayaL I seee flashBEAM
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Ç !is wow ah cool draft tung
Regularity Building aspersions Paf in two places by a known illiterate neighbor of author bibb
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Either a roast for to have more space and no one of those with debts actually needs ^The space because they aren't taking any up because they are and on' unplugged Sortofs angela meets the globe your 30DISK catch up with jiggly puff if tge drill cave nvm we re at the only place I've ever bothered to get to For Fishing but that's just not wat its about un that world they keep crabs a way aways from pieces tge concept a lot of affirmation ordered Paired Humblar Bulbus chair Knob knanas plex
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And then shows it right with the speaker vents
Sometimes business is bad for minors Licenses available
tzuy Aparentlt the XcartXrdfg os brown
Or is my forebrpwdDid she tell you she yelled the shot out...You should not be able to reach that from the side walk
And so I had to assuafe she told the hallway
Cud u pull some onions wilted unclothed
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Also gravity but a E ^ y, A r foreH her lost GaD I'd call it glade but treat it as a spelling error.
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Otherwise the people of Maycomb speak normally. Knowledge lessons,providing requirements dir dyrk rebel base under attav
Imperial Starfleet to Luke's headset
I didn't see you
( `Å´)(#゚Д゚)never l'fywhymnot playing Now I'm watching
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that's family guy You have to at least sniff or they'll make fun of you for laughing from another room BLUMANgrouphome
Someone said it was eviden dI have a drenched friend in a fencing outfit
And someone called it mashed potatoes who you gonna belive MARSHMALLO
I can't fit a napkin of jail bird javelin pixi u?
Ah that's a na nger
Ya kno drugs were hammer Ed or nuts fruit Zedra of The Universe dot DoT
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creoterative · 8 months
A lot of Paul and Reggie Quotes
Yes, I adore these two. They are on the very top of my favorite character list and I mean it. They've been there the whole time, since I started this bloggy thing, since I started to watch TV, since I got my first DS with Pokémon Diamond, it's just... yeah, I love them. So, more Paul and Reggie appreciation!
Paul: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall? Reggie: His cats' names are Walter and Rose. Paul: That's not what I asked. Reggie: That is all the information I have.
Paul: I’m terrible at expressing myself. Reggie: Don’t worry, actions speak louder than words! Paul: Yes, but my actions are also bad.
Reggie: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Paul: But did I make you cry? Reggie: *cries on the spot* Paul: ...Shit.
Reggie: N... No! Paul: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y... Yes???
Reggie: Can I have a private talk with you? Paul: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.
Paul: I taught the dog a new trick. *throws ball* Fetch! Dog: *just stands there* Reggie: He didn’t do it. Paul: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
Paul: Why do humans have different blood groups? Reggie: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
Paul: Ah ready for another fantastic day of being better than Reggie.
Reggie: Paul, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Paul, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky.
Reggie: What is wrong with you? Paul: Many, many things... Paul: And most of them are your fucking fault.
Reggie: Paul, I need some advice. Paul: You need advice from ME? Reggie: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
*Reggie and Paul are planning to break in somewhere* Reggie: We need to distract the guards. Paul: Right. Reggie: What are we gonna do? Paul: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes. Reggie: Paul: Reggie: Deal.
Reggie: So I’m the only one around here who can clean up, huh? You can't even lift a finger? Paul: Do I get to pick the finger?
Reggie: Silence is golden. Paul: Duct tape is silver.
Reggie: How’s practice going? Paul: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there. Reggie: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes. Paul: …you shouldn’t be condoning this. Reggie: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Reggie: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? Paul: Technically a mix of green and blue? Reggie: So blurple. Paul: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. Reggie: Would you rather have fucking bleen? MOTHERFUCKING GRUE? Paul: You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
Reggie: I have a problem. Paul: Kill it. Reggie: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Paul: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?! Reggie: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Reggie, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha. Paul: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
Paul, grinning: I have a knife! Reggie: Put it down, Paul. Paul: Make me! *sprints away*
Paul: Hey, Reggie. These candies you gave me? They sucked. Reggie: But you ate them all. Paul: I had to make sure they all sucked.
Paul: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first. Reggie: Rock. Paul: Paper.
Paul: Reggie, I want a bedtime story! Reggie: I’m busy, Paul. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. Paul: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! Reggie: Once upon a time, there was a person named Paul, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. Paul: I don’t like these stories with morals.
Paul: Do crabs think people walk sideways? Reggie: ...Paul, what the hell.
Reggie: You know me, Paul, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters? Paul: What? Reggie: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.”
Reggie: What the hell is wrong with you? Paul: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
Reggie: When do you usually go to sleep? Paul: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
Reggie: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time. Paul: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is!
Reggie: Try not to roll your eyes at me. Paul: I don't have pupils.
Reggie: Please, Paul, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this. Paul: I’m sorry Reggie. Reggie: I’m begging you. Don’t do it. Paul: It has to be done. Reggie: Paul: Reggie: Paul: *Places +4* Uno.
*while waiting outside the principal’s office* Paul: What are you in for? Reggie: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you? Paul: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver. Reggie: Reggie: Reggie: We live very different lives. Paul: Yes we do.
Paul: Man, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk! Reggie: I’M NOT! I was eating them and you took them. Paul: You said I should try some! Reggie: I said they were good. Paul: That’s not how I heard it.
Paul: Yeah, I don’t like people. Reggie: Oh, well now that’s not fair Paul. Have you met all of them? Paul: I’ve met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards!
Computer: Please enter a password. Paul: *types in Reggie* Computer: Your password is too weak. Paul: How fucking DARE YOU-
Paul: *Hugs Reggie from behind* Paul: *Tucks Reggie's hair behind their ear* Paul, whispering: Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and they'll never find your body.
Reggie: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like? Paul: Do you make any other kind?
Paul: Why should I make my bed, when I'm just gonna unmake it to sleep in it anyways? Reggie: Why should I feed you if your just gonna die anyways? Paul: Paul: I'll go make my bed-
Reggie: Where have you been all day? Paul: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Reggie: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? Paul: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Reggie: I'm having problems with a guy... Paul: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
Paul: *pulls back the curtain while Reggie is showering* Paul: Hey did we - stop screaming it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?
Paul: What if I lied this whole time and I'm actually 18? Reggie: Paul, stop trying to get drugs. Paul: Don't suppress my interests.
Paul, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed? Reggie: *half asleep* Paul, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to themself* the Queen.
Reggie, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be… Paul: I’m literally just going to the store.
Paul: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT! Reggie: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? Reggie: Somehow that's worse.
Paul: Reggie, what are you doing tomorrow? Reggie: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Reggie: I can’t tell if you’re a genius or just incredibly arrogant. Paul: Well, on a good day, I’m both.
Reggie: Hey Paul, do you have any hobbies? Paul: Swimming.. Reggie: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- Paul: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
*Reggie and Paul are texting* Reggie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. NONE. Paul: I got spring water. Reggie: NO! Paul: With EXTRA minerals! Paul: It’s like licking a stalagmite! Reggie: DON’T COME HOME! Paul: Mmmmmm, cave water.
Paul: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. Reggie: If I was married to you I’d drink it.
Reggie: Seriously, Paul, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to? Paul: That’s not important Reggie: I DISAGREE.
Reggie: So we're gathered here today for a very special reason and I think you'll all agree with me here. Reggie: And if you don't well then fuck you. Reggie: I'm looking at you, Paul, you jealous mop.
Reggie: Paul, please calm down. Paul: I asked for two large fries! Paul: *dumps fries onto table* Paul: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Paul: You’re kind of a pushover, aren’t you, Reggie? Reggie: …I’m sorry. Paul: See!? That’s exactly what I’m talking about!
Reggie: Dammit, Paul, you ruined everything! Paul: You’re welcome.
Reggie: Remember what I told you. Paul: Don’t be a cunt.
Reggie: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand. Paul: That sounds like a dare to me. Reggie: Oh my god.
Reggie: Are you this rude to everyone?! Paul: Yup. Paul: Don't think you're special.
Reggie: Guess what I'm about to get! Paul: On my nerves.
Paul: I feel like I can be myself around you. Reggie: You’re weird and quiet around me. Paul: Yes.
Reggie: Is that a gun?! Paul: It's not what it looks like! Reggie: It looks like a gun! Paul: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore. Reggie: ...ANYMORE?!
Reggie: Paul! This soup is flaccid! Paul: LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?!
Reggie: What are you eating? Paul: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. Reggie: I like you, don't I?
Paul: Reggie? You just drove through a stop sign without stopping. Reggie: I'll stop twice on the way back.
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whoa-its-dani · 2 months
Some quick life-updates from yours truly:
Realized I was, in fact, nonbinary. Being honest with myself and being away from the internet really helped me figure that one out. I'm still largely in the closet, but I'm planning on where I go from here. I know I'm going to get top surgery or at least a reduction eventually, but that's a Future Leigh thing.
I developed a shellfish allergy which is a thing that can happen. Your body can just... decide it's allergic to shit. I know it's an immune system overreaction but wtf wtf wtf we've eaten shrimp and clams and crab our whole life wtf wtf wtf There's the slight possibility it was a spice or the ramen I was eating them with but like. It's more than likely the fucking shellfish.
I'm currently outside of the US right now and FAR away from home. I'm not immigrating, I'm just helping a friend with some housework and also getting my first vacay in like a decade. Also I dealt with quite a bit of ableism and assumed misogyny (bc still in closet) with immigration to the point they had to bring two different women officers to deal with my sitch. Like I don't wanna spread the stereotype of men being insensitive and women being "more compassionate" or w/e but yikes. I'm struggling so hard right now not to let that asshole taint all men. I'm beating that sexism back with a fucking bat.
My cynophobia is in severe decline, at least with smaller and some medium sized dogs! Anything bigger than like a corgi still triggers me (shaking, crying, panicking, etc.) but smaller dogs are so fucking cute and fun and snuggly!!! I love when they curl up in your lap and when they roll over for tummy rubs!!! I really miss my mom's dogs right now 😭 but I have a cat here so it's kind of ok
Had some True Crime shit happen to my family. My aunt (who's always been in poor health) passed away in her sleep. Her husband had her cremated asap, threw out all of her stuff, repainted the room she slept in, and then waited a week to tell the rest of the family... by text. Originally it looked like she had died in her sleep while he was at work, but then he admitted to his daughter (who then told the fam) that he had been home all day, that he lied to police about being at work, and that he was glad she was dead. So it's looking more and more like he killed her, or at least let her die. Like... he's always been an asshole. It's totally believable he killed her, but I hope (for everyone's sake) that he didn't and he's just being a selfish jackass who doesn't understand how sus he sounds.
My mental health has been the best it's been in years. I still have bad days (esp right now bc of the shit that happened with the border officer) but I'm kind of in awe that I'm like. Alive? Like I'm entering my late twenties. My first suicide attempt was when I was 11. I never imagined I would make it past 21. Bitch I'm still here!!! Life is not my problem, I am LIFE'S problem!
I learned how to make stroganoff and became mildly addicted to it for like a month.
Lived to see cicadas in the summer! Saw SO many!!! I think about them when winter makes me sad. They're my light at the end of the tunnel.
I ALSO SAW A BABY (ok more like a young) POSSUM!!! My dad discovered him in a box of apples we had outside. He was havin a FEAST lemme tell you. Boy went through like four apples that were about half his body size. Hell yeah.
I've currently been trying to exercise and strength train because I tried to climb a tree to get a cicada shell and yeah. I didn't even make it off the ground. Spaghetti ass arms. Right now I'm too sore from the travel (& stress & panic attack due to border issue) to see if my strength has improved, but I can definitely tell there are muscles in my arms and not just mush. Human bodies are so fucking weird and cool and shit.
I still remain uneducated and unemployed, but I actually checked out the GED study guide from the library earlier last year. I had a panic attack and ended up returning it, but... it's progress! A few years ago, I would've just passed it by. I actually opened it and looked in it and shit! Give me some more time and I'll actually be able to USE it and then get my GED and then bitche!!!! :D I've also decided I'm going to try to become a mortician. I doubt I have the patience to become a medical examiner, but I'd still like to work with the dead (not in a creepy way, I'm just better with dead folks) AND I got some family in the business back home (here's hoping I can use nepotism to my advantage teehee) so it's a good idea. I'm not saying it'll work out, but it's a plan.
I beat Pokemon Diamond again, and Skyrim. I made like four new characters but only ended up completing one (and they became a sneak archer because of course.)
I've done a little more sewing! I'm still kinda sucky at it and my brain can not figure out how the hell a back stitch works but I'm having a lot of fun!
Ok that's all I can think of right now but yeah. I'm surprised I haven't completely lost my mind yet but hey. There's still time 😌
I'll hopefully be more active on here in the upcoming days (bc I've missed my sweet little garbage trash site and all my gay little mutuals), but right now I'm just trying to exist in as little pain as I can. Very fatigued but also incredibly sore (shoulders, back, and legs).
I'm so grateful to all the kind messages and asks you guys have sent me while I was gone, and I hope your lives have been going well. Things are tough right now for everyone, and I hope you find the strength and support you need to go on. Fucking love you guys.
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survey--s · 1 year
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1 - When was the last time you met someone for the first time? It was probably when I met Sarah, one of Oakley’s owners. That was ages ago now though, I don’t really tend to meet new people lol.
2 - What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without bathing? Just over 48 hours when I’ve travelled to Australia. It was grim but unless we had a long stopover somewhere, I didn’t have any choice lol.
3 - Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? No, I’m not really into cooking - I could probably do it though, I’m not particularly squeamish about where my food comes from.
4 - What’s your favourite font? What size and colour do you prefer to use when you’re doing surveys? I like Tahoma size 10 or 12, with black colour.
5 - Have your clothing choices changed since COVID hit and you started to stay at home more? Yeah, I wear leggings a lot more now - in fact I couldn’t tell you the last time I wore jeans lol. I also changed jobs just about when COVID hit and I wear leggings to work everyday too. 6 - When was the last time you went through a drive-through? Uhh, about eighteen months ago lol. We don’t have any drive-thrus anywhere near here.
7 - Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? Just the local chip shop as we don’t have any chain restaurants nearby. I tend to get chips with cheese and gravy, plus a side order of onion rings. 
8 - Do you own any plaid/flannel shirts? Yeah, one but I haven’t worn it for a long time.
9 - If you eat it, how do you like your steak cooked? What sauces and sides do you like to get with it? If you’re vegetarian, what would you have instead of a steak dinner? Rare please, with garlic fries, mushrooms and onion rings on the side.
10 - Are there any foods and drinks you only have around Christmas? Baileys and full roast dinners.
11 - Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? It depends. I work with dogs and they all jump all over me when I go and collect them lol. But I wouldn’t appreciate being jumped on by a random dog in the park as I don’t know whether they’re friendly or not. I also hate it when big dogs jump up, mainly because it’s really painful lol.
12 - What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? A cat, and yes, his name is Purrlock and he’s eight.
13 - Which colour do you prefer, red or blue? It depends on what shade we’re talking about.
14 - How would you describe your sense of humour? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? Dry, dark and sarcastic and yes, definitely lol.
15 - When was the last time you cried - what caused it? I can’t remember the last time I cried.
16 - What’s your favourite flavour of potato chip? Salt and vinegar or cheese.
17 - Do you have a lot of artwork around your house? What kind of art? No. We have a few paintings and a couple of prints but that’s it.
18 - When you paint your nails, what kind of colours do you tend to go for? I haven’t painted my nails in years.
19 - Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavours do you like? Fruit, for sure. I like apple, orange (no bits), grape or pineapple the most.
20 - What’s the weather doing where you are? Is that typical for this time for this time of year? It’s raining which is pretty typical for any time of year in England lol.
21 - Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? Helen and she’s a client I met through another client, lol. I look after her cats for her while she’s away and she was just confirming this weeks’ job.
22 - Are you eating or drinking anything right now? I have a can of Pepsi Max nearby.
23 - Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? Josh Hartnett and Michael Owen. Nowadays I like Johnny Depp and Matt le Blanc.
24 - When was the last time you went to Starbucks? What did you get? Uhhh, about eighteen months ago as we don’t have one anywhere near here. I don’t remember what drink I got either, probably a flavoured latte of some kind.
25 - Do you have a credit card? How much money do you owe on there? Yes, around 2k.
26 - What colours have you dyed your hair in the past? What kind of colours would you like to dye it in the future? Various shades of red and brown, as well as pink, purple and blonde.
27 - What’s your favourite Christmas movie? When was the last time you watched it? Elf, The Grinch (the Jim Carrey one), Love Actually - I watch them all every year.
28 - What’s your favourite brand and flavour of ice-cream or frozen yoghurt? I actually really like Tesco own brand stuff lol. They do an amazing coconut and passionfruit flavour, or a coffee one too.
29 - When was the last time you visited the dentist? December.
30 - What time do you consider to be too early to go to bed and to get up in the morning? When was the last time you went to bed/got up at those times? I’m happy to go to bed anytime lol, I love being in bed even if I’m not going to sleep. I have to get up anywhere between 6am-8am for work, so anything before that is a bit painful lol. I was up at 7am on Friday and in bed by 9pm last Thursday.
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sciencespies · 1 year
Wolf Moon 2023: How to see the January full Moon
Wolf Moon 2023: How to see the January full Moon
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A full Moon provides us with a great opportunity to observe some of the craters around the rim of the Moon, which would otherwise be hidden in shadow. As the first full Moon of the new year rises, the distinctive constellation, Orion, continues to dominate the night sky, with the hunter’s recognisable club and pelt easy to spot under clear conditions.
The Orion Nebula, situated in the sword, is visible as a smudge to the naked eye, while Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is clearly visible and forms part of Orion’s hunting dog, Canis Major.
Find out everything you need to know about the first full Moon of 2023 below.
If we’re afforded clear nights this year, why not plan ahead with our full Moon UK calendar and astronomy for beginners guide?
When can I see the January full Moon 2023?
The full Wolf Moon is the first full Moon of the new year, and the first full Moon after the winter solstice. It will be visible Friday 6 January 2023 and can be seen in the late afternoon, rising high overhead in the evening in the UK and the northern hemisphere.
The Moon will rise in the northeast at 3:11pm on Friday 6 January 2023 and will set at 9:03am the next morning in the northwest, on 7 November 2022 as seen from London (times vary with location).
If weather spoils the occasion, or you are unable to see the full Wolf Moon at its peak, it will also appear full the night before, and the night after.
What else can I see that night?
As the sun sets at 4:06pm on 6 January, Jupiter will already be visible in the southern sky. Moving further towards the east, Mars will still be very bright, after reaching its closest approach with Earth on 1 December and opposition on 8 December 2022. The Red Planet is now moving away from us, and for those of us with a telescope, we’ll see a marked decrease in apparent size as January progresses.
By around 7pm on the 6th, the full Moon will be visible in the east, more-or-less lining up with Mars, Uranus and Jupiter. Orion will also be visible low on the horizon.
When is the best time to see the Wolf Moon?
The Wolf Moon will reach peak illumination at 11:07pm GMT on Friday 6 January. For us here in the UK, this means that peak illumination will occur when the Moon is high in the sky.
When the Moon is at peak illumination, it will be at a distance of around 400128.63km away from Earth.
The best time to see the Wolf Moon will be on the evening of 6 January 2023. Sunset occurs at 4:06pm (times vary with location), and as the Moon has already risen by this time, we should be offered a good view of a full Wolf Moon from the early evening and throughout the night as it rises higher into the sky.
Which constellation is the full Moon in?
The Moon will be in the Zodiac constellation Gemini, flanked on either side by Cancer the Crab and Auriga the Charioteer.
Gemini can be found by imagining a line between Rigel, the blue supergiant star that makes up Orion’s right foot, and Betelgeuse, the red supergiant of Orion’s shoulder, then extending that line until you reach the bright stars Castor and Pollux. These are the two ‘heads’ of the Gemini twins.
The full Wolf Moon peaks at 11:07pm on 6 January 2023 © NASA/ESA/ESO/Space Telescope Science Institute/IAU Minor Planet Center/Fabien Chereau/ Noctua Software
Why is it called the Wolf Moon?
Full Moon names are often inspired by the seasons, weather, or animals that are active at the time, and these vary around the world. Native tribes have different names; some stem from medieval English, and there are other names that originate from Celtic, Chinese or Hindu culture.
More like this
The Wolf Moon is so-called thanks to hungry wolves making themselves known, baying loudly near human settlements in January. Medieval Europeans and a number of native American tribes have all settled on the name Wolf Moon for the January full Moon, although it’s unclear where the name first originated.
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The wolf pack: sharp teeth and strong family units © Getty Images
What can I see on the Moon?
There are a few craters you can see with the naked eye on the Moon’s surface. For those of us here in the northern hemisphere, look slightly to the left of the Moon’s centre, and you should be able to see a bright crater named Copernicus. To the left of Copernicus, you’ll see the Aristarchus crater, and down near the bottom, in the southern uplands, is the Tycho crater. This is one of the most distinctive craters on the moon, as it’s surrounded by distinctive bright rays, almost like a big splatter mark.
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At the next full Moon, look out for the Tycho crater in the southern uplands. It looks like a big, bright splash mark © Getty images
“Without a telescope, you might be able to pick out the darker regions called ‘mares’ or ‘seas’. They aren’t, of course, actual oceans – they are expanses of an ancient lava flow that have left these dark stains across the Moon,” explains Prof Michael Merrifield, an astronomer at the University of Nottingham.
“With a pair of binoculars or a small telescope, you ought to be able to start picking out plenty of individual craters. Away from the full Moon, looking close to the terminator – where night turns to day on the Moon – should help, as that is where the shadows are longest, helping to pick out these features,” he says.
What causes a full Moon?
A full Moon occurs when the Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun, which happens when the Earth is positioned directly between the Sun and the Moon. We usually have 12 full Moons in one calendar year, although some years we can have 13.
Technically, the Moon is only ‘full’ for an instant (called syzygy), but it will appear full for the whole night. To our human eyes, it will also appear full during both nights on either side of being full.
During a full Moon, the Moon is located precisely 180° opposite the Sun in ecliptic longitude.
The full Moon is one part of the lunar cycle, which takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 seconds (generally rounded to 29.53 days) to complete. That means we get a full Moon every 29.53 days, calculated by the time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth once, as measured from new Moon to new Moon. (This is also known as one synodic month.)
However, because one lunar cycle takes less than one calendar month in our Gregorian calendar, we sometimes have 13 full Moons in a year. This occurs around every two to three years. This means that we will see two full Moons in a single month, and this extra full Moon is known as a ‘Blue Moon’. In some cultures, a Blue Moon was considered to be some kind of doppelgänger, a trickster Moon, or otherwise somehow fake. The next Blue Moon will occur on 30 August 2023.
Similarly, we sometimes get two new Moons in a month. This extra new Moon is known as a Black Moon. The last Black Moon was 30 April 2022, and the next one will be next year, 19 May 2023.
About our expert, Prof Michael Merrifield
Michael is a professor of astronomy at the University of Nottingham. He studies the formation and structure of galaxies, cosmology, and X-ray and gamma astronomy.
Read more about the Moon:
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
this is a callout post for heroforge (aka the dnd guy maker)
now. most of their shit is pretty tight. i especially love the paint/coloration system.
there’s a few things that to me seem pretty essential to the whole dnd situation that are not there.
and you may say “jeez louise thepringlesofblood, they offer a free easy-to-use service for people to make dnd characters in of course they’re not going to have everything”
and I would say you are absolutely correct, I’m being a bit nitpicky here, it’s a good service in general
they have.
different kinds of eyebrow scars you can put on your dude.
I am not making this up.
and this is the basis on which I am forming my general thoughts. With the context that there are Twenty One different kinds of eyebrow scars. and the options for familiars are
- hatching tiny dragon (dope)
- cat (dope)
- rat (cool)
- multiple rats (cool?!)
- squirrel (cool, i feel like rodents are pretty covered but i’ll never turn down a squirrel)
- fox (okay)
- songbird (i guess...)
- multiple songbirds (i guess??)
- badger (sure? this is a lot of variety in rodents and not much variety in other things)
- turtle (wonderful, love a turtle. if there’s only one reptile on this list, why is it a turtle??? i need to know the criteria guys)
- penguin (okay???)
- seahorse (OK???)
- starfish (???)
- “tiny ghost” (to quote brian david gilbert, “what? hell yeah! what?”)
that’s it.
unless you want to put an animal somewhere on the body of your character. then you have slightly more options. those ones are all ones that sit at your characters feet. you can also hold (in addition to most of the above):
- a raven
- the same tiny dragon but no longer in an egg
- a hawk
- a hawk with eyehoods on
- an owl
- a meerkat (so many rodents!!!)
- a meerbat (submitted by a kickstarter backer, fair fair, but also what the hell??)
- a summoned fairy (which takes the form of a sphere with butterfly wings)
now. all of these options are pretty cool. but some notable lacks that I think about when I look at the twenty-one eyebrow scars
- dog. any dog. or wolf. or direhound. you could recolor the fox I guess but it’d be a fox-sized wolf.
- snake. or lizard. we have dragon so fair on the lizard part but I feel like lots of people have snake familiars? could just be my snake-loving bias. you can be a snake person in heroforge. but you cannot have a snake of your own. rip.
- bugs. any.
- toad/frog. again, you can be a frog person, but not have a frog. out of all the fish, reptiles, and amphibians in the world, how did starfish, seahorse, and turtle make the cut??? why those ones and not others??
now heroforge does a great job of expanding beyond the world of dnd to include lots of other genres of rpg storytelling, which is dope. it also has really great options for disabled characters of all kinds, a variety of vitiligo patterns, clothes from many different cultural contexts, and the paint/coloration system is such that you can really achieve any skintone you want, though the presets are also pretty decent. also you can be an elephant if you want. not a joke, there’s a million flavors of furry you can engage in here. it’s a good service.
but sometimes I am confused. and I needed to share this confusion.
i’ll close out with the list of familiars you can summon with the spell “find familiar” and the closest you can get to them in heroforge
and the information that there’s an option to wear a crop-top sweater, but not a normal sweater.
bat (meerbat??? at least)
cat (check!)
crab (no, but seahorse or starfish)
frog (toad)
hawk (check, if you’re ok with holding it in your hand!)
lizard (no, but dragon!)
octopus (no, but starfish or seahorse)
owl (check, if you’re ok with holding it in your hand!)
snake (none D:)
fish (quipper) (no, but seahorse or starfish)
rat (yes, many!)
raven (check, if you’re ok with holding it in your hand!)
seahorse (check!)
spider (nope, not even close)
weasel (no, but so many other rodents to chose from! badger, meercat/bat, rat, squirrel)
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Several things are bothering us and we will straighten them out one of them you do people in your mouth you're the same stuff you're going to regret you are saying stuff you will regret and put it in writing and we're going to go after you
We're going to send a notice to you people regarding your treatment of our son and if he is danger harmed and will put down what then we will say what we're going to do to the individuals involved and we will give you an idea of what we know about you and you're not going to like it
We're also going to come down there and straighten you out tonight and you're not going to like that either. We've got enough of your dog s*** and we're going to take you out and we want you to shut your face it comes time to say lots of you don't remember much and you say it all the time you're easy outs
Now there's a lot going on tonight there's a huge war and you are all involved and you're going after the max and you're forced to and you want to
It's a huge event tonight giant war is starting and you're going to get your asses kicked and thoroughly and tons of people see what you're saying all the time and they're going after you there's a few more things going on you do not have it you don't have the power to do what you're doing and get away with it you don't have the power to stay out of prison for what you've been doing with the Jets and you don't have the power to evade the authorities. Pretty much simply put you're not even going to know when it's coming cuz you never monitor people and they're arresting people all the time
-we don't like you here to start tonight's activity is proves that your irresponsible to a massive flaw
Today was sent down roughly 3% and is Mac morlock you had 11.5% and what's left is 8.5%, and they're is what you have topside right now. You're thinking of sending more and of attacking here with a lot more people. And we're prepping and it might drop down tonight below that but they're a huge numbers of you going and on the island of Australia and there's about 14% between both Islands and it's six and eight roughly we expect it to drop to five and seven if not more
Who said this before and it's happened before but this time around it is happening for real and it is a bad number it's 8.5% and we think it might drop to 7.5% tonight we also think they'll be in evacuation because of the basis because we're putting medium out there which are the size of Max very large bases. And you might think it's him but really there's about 20 going in there all of them are any of the cities and it will scare you out every night's going to be five eventually you'll be gone and evacuated to Australia mostly during that evacuation we anticipate you've been building up we expect the crabs to come in and all over the South and we're getting ready for that and to take over large areas and we're moving on it shortly and yeah we might keep several cities open on the way over and back and we understand about that and it is getting time for the Midwest ship to launch the upper Midwest should be out shortly and the Midwest will follow fairly quickly within a week or two we think at least that's what we say and along with that a whole bunch of mac ships some of them are class A they're four 23,000 mi ships and it's going on shortly.
Otherwise the jet issue is being taken care of they're fighting over it because they are fighting in the rain was at this time the force coming from West Palm has advancing and they are very upset and pissed off they said you're trying against us and he says no you're flying right over me and no it's not a sign of respect it's a sign of stupidity Tommy Evans having his way with you and they said this is nice he's saying it now I am saying it now so they get over there and the boss is left and the people are saying you're flying right over him and we don't want you to and they keep saying we're going to do what we want and follow orders and they start saying no and a bunch went home and started researching what he's doing as a group coming here to take his idiots out and they're going to do it anyways but we probably have more now coming here
-there's a huge number of times that the idiot interrupts and starts blabbing so I got to go after him and there are other things happening there's more oxygen here and some people feel it like our son it's helping him a little not a time and it's only gone up a little truthfully it's only gone up a couple points at night from about 16 to 18 on occasion and it's mild and it feels mild and I'm pretty sure it's going to go out pretty high when that ship is out and we anticipated to be out pretty soon when the stone chips go up that thing is going out and the max are realizing they're probably causing this war on them and they're starting to get antsy about it we do have some more information
-and the post is going to go up now
Thor Freya
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ajoytobeheld · 6 months
Food review: North America 2010, volume one, part two
May 14th, 2010
Welcome back to another instalment of us eating our way across America.
28th April Covington, Kentucky.
Covington hadn’t provided us with that much during the day.  A trip across the Ohio river into Cincinnati led to a market research interview in a bagel shop, which included false names and the impracticality of bottomless coffee mugs.
We did find a sports bar in Covington that included a whole variety of rock inspired Mac n’ Cheeses’ including Nirvana, Cream and Green Day.  Now I don’t like Green Day, but I decided to go for their take on Mac n’ Cheese.  I’m not sure if Billie Joe had had any input into it, but if he had his ideas were pretty good.  The Green Day contained spinach and sun-dried tomatoes, this created a better flavour to the Mac n’ Cheese and also a bit more colour.  I find Mac n’ Cheese a bit bland and not the most attractive of meals, but the spinach and the tomato changed this.  It was a nice size, the perfect amount of a quick meal before the show.
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29th April, Madison, Wisconsin.
The last time we played Madison, whilst we were annoying the students in their beer hall, I decided to ask some of them where was good to eat.  We were kindly sent to the Top of the World and had an amazing meal.  We decided we would go back there.  Top of the World is a Himalayan restaurant serving dishes from Nepal, Tibet and India.  I had the Goat Curry last time and it was so good, I had it again.  With the meal you were given a dhaal or a salad.  I went for dhaal.  This one was more of a soup, normally it is a lot thicker, but the spices and the spinach created a lightly balanced soup that was refreshing.
The curry came and the meat just fell off the bone.  It was so tender and the spices created an amazing flavour, the spices dancing on my tongue.  Despite it being quite dense, it felt really light, and I felt contented at the end.  I was left sucking the bones to get all the flavours off.  Despite it being one of the more expensive meals of the tour (average plate cost $16), it was definitely worth it.
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30th April, Chicago Illinois
No visit to Chicago is complete until you’ve gone to Intelligentsia Coffee; probably my favourite coffee shop in the world.  Unlike Gimme Coffee in New York, it doesn’t have the snobbery and the staff were really helpful in suggesting different beans for my espresso. Me and Tom both came away bearing some beans.
Today’s meal was eaten and then I realised I hadn’t taken a picture.  Sorry fans, my stomach comes first.  I went across the road to Azteca De Oro and got a couple of tacos.  First tacos of the tour and they were great.  It’s hard to muck up a taco and these were satisfying and full of flavour.
After the show I crossed the street again to a hot dog place called Wrigleyville Dogs.  And though it was a great meal at 1am, it wasn’t as good as a Pink’s in L.A. The chilli sauce had made the bun go too soggy and this led to it all spilling out.  Nonetheless, after a show and a massive thunder storm it was satisfying.
1st May, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Some of us ended up in a Tequila bar for dinner called Barrio.  As well as having a massive selection of tequila, which we failed to try, they served Mexican “tapas”, which was basically small mexican dishes mainly tacos.  I had a carnitas taco and a crab taco.  Both appeared well presented with a few extra touches such as fresh coriander.  The crab taco was very good, when were in Mexico we had tuna sashimi tacos and they were amazing.  The crab created a different feel to the taco, the lightness of the crab meat contrasting really well with the lime and the coriander.  Despite being in a fancier place these tacos didn’t cost that much more than anywhere else so it was still excellent value, and being served a man called Machete also helped.
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2nd May, Billings, Montana.
So how many of you have been to Billings?  Well, we’ve been there twice.  Both times we’ve been to a restaurant called Walkers, which serves pretty fancy food in a town that doesn’t seem that big.  With a vast beer and wine selection, they have a very appealing menu.  I had the confit of duck which came with Cannellini Beans, pancetta, fried garlic and asparagus.  The duck was so tender and had been cooked really well; the meat falling off the bones.  The beans had been cooked in a creamy sauce.  The fried garlic was very good, and that with a bit of duck meat and the beans lit up my mouth.  The asparagus had been cooked very well, it was still a bit crunchy and the creaminess of the beans really complemented it.  It was pretty expensive but well worth the price.
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In part 3, we reach the West coast and hit up some of our favourite food establishments.
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naturecoaster · 7 months
Homosassa's Riverfront Revival - part 2
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With the recent flooding damage to the west side of the Nature Coast, we wanted to make sure you are up to date on some fun dining choices. The menus may have been limited by Hurricane Idalia's encroachment on our area, but the staff and places are ready to welcome you NOW! And, the weather is finally cooling down, so my desire for a meal on the waterfront has been growing. How about you? Some things have changed since our original writing in 2020. I can't find out if the Freezer is open yet. Be sure to call before driving up there to ensure it's open for business. Also, the Florida Cracker Kitchen is now open at the Resort. It's worth a visit and we will update with our findings as soon as we can. Meanwhile, feel free to contribute your suggestions in the comments. New vibes are infiltrating the waterfront on both sides of Homosassa’s bountiful River. Foodies rejoice! Plan an overnight stay to indulge in fresh seafood, live music, and beachfront parties along Halls River Road and South Boulevard. This is the second part of our story about the positive change we are witnessing in one of our favorite parts of Florida's Nature Coast. If you missed part 1, click here to start at the beginning. West Yulee Drive Leads to more Good Food and Good Times! Now it was time to visit the other side of the Homosassa River, found by driving on West Yulee Drive. The first thing I noticed was that the old hot dog place had reopened as Nauti Time, a shrimp and wing place. The Old Mill Tavern is famous for its wings, and The Museum Café features a pressed Cuban sandwich with yellow beans with rice. If you are lucky, the Museum Café will have guava pastries when you visit. Get one. And save time to visit the interesting printing museum that is free to visit onsite, as the owner is a Tampa printer by trade. Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins boiling vats and smokestack by Barrett Hardy. The Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins are located right here. This tiny Florida State Park offers visitors an opportunity to grasp the size of the sugar mill operation that Senator David Yulee was operating until the Union armies burned his plantation to the ground. More information here. A café is open in the River Safaris building, which boasts an expansive yard on the river. Here you can enjoy lunch fare and then experience the thrill of their Homoasassa River airboat tours! Florida Cracker Monkey Bar If you follow West Yulee Drive to the end, you will end up in the Homossassa River. Just before you get there, turn right and head to 5297 S. Cherokee Way, where you can check out the Florida Cracker Monkey Bar, part of the Florida Cracker Riverside Resort. Purchased in the last year, the resort’s new owners have torn down dilapidated buildings and renovating what is worthwhile. It’s got a fresh, open look, offering great views of Monkey Island, where four monkeys entertain countless visitors with their antics. There are more boat slips and the open-air bar and food truck offer some great craft beer, cocktails, and spirits. Hot blue crab dip with a great view of the Homosassa River and Monkey Island. Image by Diane Bedard. The current Monkey Bar menu is somewhat limited - Stone-baked pizzas, flatbreads, sandwiches, dips, and pretzels are offered. We had Grandma McKethan’s Hot Blue Crab Dip with pita chips.  It was colorful and a pleasure to share while watching the monkeys and watercraft gliding by. If you are looking for something more substantial, visit the Florida Cracker Kitchen on the same property. The Freezer - may not be open due to Hurricane Idalia damage The Freezer, at 5590 South Boulevard, used to be a wholesale seafood company where Homosassa fishermen would sell their catch. Today, there is a casual waterfront restaurant specializing in steamed shrimp by the pound. No plates. Just great food, beer, and a wide-open atmosphere. Riverfront tiki, fresh steamed shrimp, and spreadable mullet dip make for a refreshing and delicious visit to The Freezer, a wholesale seafood seller who went restaurant in a good way! Steamed shrimp and mullet dip – both were a pleasure to the taste buds, and we thoroughly enjoyed relaxing along the tiny tributary at one of the tables on the grass. Our server was attentive and friendly. We learned about how the tiki roof over the Freezer’s bar was crafted by Seminole Indians in only three days! Craft beer and fun are part of The Freezer’s vibe – you can’t help but be in a great mood here! Formality is not part of this scene. Pull up, moor your boat, and enjoy having your food and beverage delivered right to the craft if you want more privacy. Maybe you prefer to eat onboard your watercraft? Pull up and dock for onboard delivery. Image by Diane Bedard. Wild Sassa & Shelly’s Seafood Wild Sassa is operated by two feisty ladies from a tiny food truck that seems to be permanently fixed behind Shelly’s Seafood. Wild Sassa used to cater charters for some of the local captains, and they may still do that, but today we visited with the simple hope of trying their wares. Fresh ingredients and creative combos make Shelly's Seafood tacos a win-win! Bring your own chair or pull up a seat at their picnic tables and enjoy the experience. Image by Sally White. Casual is the name of the game here. Picnic tables and lawn chairs offer seating for a few lucky patrons. You can certainly bring your own and set them up or order your food to go because it is DEEEE-licious! Wild Sassa is known for its “shrimpy burger,” but we chose tacos when we visited. We tried 4 of the six varieties of tacos offered – mahi, shrimp, beef, and tuna. Sold in pairs, each taco comes with sauce, generous portions of protein, slaw, salsa and queso. Fresh and local is what Shelly's Seafood specializes in. Image by Diane Bedard. While waiting for our freshly prepared food, we visited Shelly’s Seafood, a local fish house that sells the freshest fish! Stone crab claws were in – 3 sizes to boot! Shelly’s is right on the water with a friendly staff and reasonable prices. The Shed at MacRae’s Bar food from MacRae's was good, but the seafood gumbo was outstanding. This waterfront outdoor venue has a bait shop, gas pump for boat motors, restrooms, and even a butterfly garden. "Everything for the fisherman" is one of their tag lines. Images by Diane Bedard. Our last stop was The Shed at MacRae’s. This local resort next to the boat ramp is local intitution. Their full liquor bar is right on the water, bait shop adjacent, plenty of boat slips, and a butterfly garden, across from Crump’s Landing. MacRae’s serves primarily bar food from an onsite food trailer; fried pickles and crab balls were our choices. I added a bowl of gumbo and it was amazing! Shrimp, fish, sausage, rice, and roux – lots of fish and even mussels – made it a great choice. As full as I was, I ate all my gumbo and recommend you order some when you visit too. Homosassa’s New Vibe on the River After years of being a quiet place to visit for sportsmen, Homosassa’s riverfront restaurants and resorts are coming into their own. From the traditional fresh, locally caught seafood at a picnic table to international cuisine available inside or riverside to a Jimmy Buffet-inspired tiki resort, it is a great place to visit for a day, a weekend, or an entire vacation. Whether you live ten miles or a thousand-miles from here, Homosassa is a great getaway for anyone to let your hair down, pick up a cold one, enjoy the river breezes and dream the day away. There are hotel rooms, river resorts, RV parks and private home rentals near or on the water. Lodging information can be found here. Read the full article
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numbuh-7-knd · 11 months
Reoccurring Fish dreams
warning for long post, mentions of fish death, animal abandonment/negect, ect. mostly within the setting of a dream, no real animals were harmed in the making of this post.
So IRL I haven't kept fish in years, the last fish I had was a betta in high school. but I grew up with aquariums, when I was a little kid my dad had a big freshwater aquarium, my aunt had a giant 50-gallon aquarium with a red ear slider turtle in it, for a while I had a good-sized aquarium with African dwarf frogs in it, and I had several bettas in tanks I now realize were much too small for them. Plus, some hermit crabs in a terrarium for a few years.
It was pretty abrupt going from always having fish and seeing my aunt's turtle on at least a weekly basis, to not having any, since I moved out of my childhood home at 19 after the last betta had died, and by then my aunt had rehomed her turtle. (my dad's tank was also long gone by that point, and had been since I was like 8)
As a result my brain still, to this day, is not used to not seeing and caring for aquariums and small mammals/pets on a daily or weekly basis, since for years I cared for my bettas, as well as various small pets ranging from the hermit crabs to helping my aunt with her rabbit (and the hamster that one time, and the guineapig, and the frogs before they died, and the turtle, and that time she had a snake for a few weeks before she found it a home) Nowadays it's just me and my cat (and my mom, we still live together because it's easier to help each other with our various disabilities that way).
It's really weird even more than half a decade removed from small animal/fish/amphibian care, and my brain is convinced that I'm forgetting a very important chore, hence the reoccurring dreams of fish tanks of various sizes with dead fish, starving fish, dirty water, larger tanks where an ecosystem has formed with new fish apparently born in there since I last checked and the fish eating each other, ect ect. Oh, and last night's dream really hit it home by having a side story where I was distracted from apparently just realizing that my home was filled with abandoned aquariums, to realize that I also had a rabbit just wandering around my apartment, which I had apparently adopted at some point and forgotten about, however apparently dream me is more of a slob then irl me, because the rabbit was completely fine and even refused the perfectly good lettuce I offered it, apparently full. I also apparently had a fenced in yard filled with plants and vegetables probably inspired by the small vegetable garden I'm growing irl, although the 'fence' is just a little garden fence less than a foot high and the whole garden is probably only 4x8 feet in size. the dream version was much bigger and included a gate in order to leave, as well as a nearby field of flowers and a river, neither of which actually exist near my house, so idk what that was about, however the yard was connected to the house/apartment via a door with a pet flap thing, so I guess that might answer the question of how the rabbit was still well fed despite me having forgotten about it's existence, apparently.
There were also moments where I apparently forgot what species the "rabbit" was supposed to be, as it shifted to be a chinchilla a couple times, as well as just being an amorphous small, furred mammal. I swear at one point it was purple, did my brain completely forget what rabbits were/looked like.
There was even a side plot of finding a random dog/puppy, and then walking it around my neighborhood (which at that point had completely ceased resembling where I live irl) asking if anyone knew who's dog it was. eventually I apparently brought the dog to the animal shelter, and specifically asked that if they couldn't find it's owner to let me know and I'd adopt it.
It was really long winded and weird, as those dreams often are. At this point I think the only way I can rid myself of these dreams is to get a small pet again or fish, since my brain is trying to remind me to care for pets I don't even have.
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Beach House
An escape from the city for just one weekend.
The thought alone sent an eruption of butterflies bursting into Raven's stomach and a series of tingles down her spine.
It sounded like a dream.
The drive up the coast had been idyllic. Though, there was one thing Damian failed to mention until they made it past the hedge-lined walkway to the entrance of the mansion-size beach house. Their 'impromptu' visit fell on the annual Wayne family weekend. And it would also mark the first time they met Raven. He hadn't prefaced this trip with a warning, but any mixed feelings quickly melted away into amazement.
There was nothing that could have prepared her for the Wayne family weekend in the Hamptons.
Boats and brunches. Lobster bakes, crab cakes and country clubs - it was another world.
It was hardly Raven's usual scene, but it was his family's. So for the next few days, it would be hers. Even though Damian hadn't warned her, she wasn't worried. Raven knew he had a reason for springing this on her. Besides, if she had him by her side, she could handle one trip. Maybe even enjoy it, too.
And with the view from the top of the lighthouse on Montauk Point with Damian's heavenly arms surrounding her or skinny-dipping with him on a darkened corner of Cooper Beach, she was enjoying herself - a lot.
But, one of her favorite parts of being at the beach house surrounded by Damian's family was the new ways she got to see him flustered. Whether it was rolling his eyes at Tim's caffeine intake and Dick's immature eating habits. Or even elbowing Jason for the bad puns, then swiftly cutting off his father when he insisted on camaraderie.
She even heard him arguing that Cass had to be present for the entirety of the five courses and dessert, if he did. And of course, he spent a good deal of time slapping away any unsolicited hands (Steph) that tried to pinch and prod his nonexistent baby fat.
Off to the side, watching push-up and handstand contests followed by Tim and Damian's stock talk with their father, Raven fought off smiles all night.
Damian seemed to be in a perpetual state of annoyance with his family and there were several times she found herself stifling laughter. This was another side of him she hadn't gotten to know yet - his sisters and brothers teasing him, treating him like the baby in the family and him refusing it at every turn. Raven liked to watch him like this, interacting with them. Even though this atmosphere was completely new to her, she felt at home. Because it was still him - it was exactly Damian.
But around her, he wasn't.
It was concerning when they arrived and Damian hadn't argued against Selina's offhanded mention of separate rooms. In fact, he encouraged it. And every time Raven turned the corner, he was shutting the door or closing drawers. Not only were they not spending their nights tangled up together, but Damian had morphed into a pod person when she needed him the most.
Raven couldn't believe her biggest worry when meeting Damian's family would turn out to be Damian.
He was pulling away from her.
Damian regretted bringing her here and introducing her to his family, so he was pulling away. No wonder he agreed to separate rooms, he had been skeptical from the start.
And by extension, his family wasn't sure about her. Or maybe it was the reverse. After all, Raven had spent far too much time reading on the beach, under an umbrella and a thick cover-up, or drinking tea on the back porch, or at the island in the kitchen conversing with Alfred.
She had a difficult enough time fitting in with people who weren't her boyfriend's family, let alone people who were so comfortable and at ease with each other they knew all of each other's ticks to a fault. Even their dog seemed to be privy to all the inside jokes and the gags.
The joking around and teasing, Raven had never had that. A family.
A real one.
It terrified her, but she was willing to try because Damian was the most important person in the world to her.
"Maybe Raven would like to join us for our tradition of game night...?" Bruce suggested at the breakfast table, before taking another long sip from his coffee cup. Unsurprisingly, Raven, Bruce, Dick, and Damian were the first ones up that morning. Raven, Bruce, and Dick by choice. Damian, of course, picked up the habit from her over time.
"Oh..." Raven glanced at Damian who peered sideways at her, a half quirk on his lips as he fiddled with his fork. He was still acting strangely. "I'm fond of games, Mr. Wayne... Chess, checkers, scrabble, backgammon, cards," She offered.
"Great, it's tonight at eight." Dick finished, before taking in a huge spoonful of Lucky Charms. "With your repertoire you can replace Damian on my team..." He coughed out something that sounded along the lines of losing streak. "We should talk strategy, Raven," he said out of the side of his mouth, while Damian shot him a glare so threatening, it could have boiled his milk.
"It'll be great to have you on the team." Bruce folded his newspaper neatly, about to take his leave. He stood, his stern stare softened for a split second. "And please I may be getting up there, but, you really should call me Bruce."
Raven felt her cheeks warm and mentally cursed herself for being overly formal. After a breath, she excused herself from breakfast as politely as she could. "Breakfast was lovely." Alfred nodded, as she rose up to place her teacup and saucer on the metal tray. "Thank you, Alfred."
As soon as she was out of sight, she headed in the direction of her room. Raven stood against the wall, resting her head against the cool plaster and stared up at the high beam ceilings.
All the names of Damian's family members and their friends, who was dating whom, and who was still speaking to whom swirled around in her head in an endless loop. Social engagements weren't terribly difficult and normally she could handle them. But with Damian acting strangely, suddenly it felt that much harder. There were times during the weekend that it felt as though Alfred was her only ally in a sea of chaos.
Not far behind, Damian had haphazardly refolded his napkin and excused himself from the breakfast table. Raven let out a startled yelp as he touched her arm. She hadn't heard him come in. "Damian - what are you doing in here?" He drew her back into his body's embrace - enveloping her with heat, the way he did to ensure she felt safe. From his parted lips to the curl of his fingertips, he vowed to wield her with wonderful wickedness. Raven felt her whole being blush, clearly there was much more than a casual caress on his mind.
"It's important." His mouth inched closer to her own. Those dark green were burning of dangerous promises, the growl under his tongue was audible. The surreptitious and svelte movements until she was backed into a corner were all reminiscent of a dangerous predator, a jungle cat. "This can't wait." Raven was almost sure he could hear her blood pounding in anticipation of whatever sinful act he planned to commit.
Her body's reaction could hardly be helped.
"What exactly can't wait?"
He pressed his lips to her neck. Nibbling and nipping with his hands disappearing under the sides of her shirt to massage her waist. Up and down, his fingers danced. And Raven could do little but whimper, feeling herself heat up faster than she had in the beach house's steam shower. And then, she melted. She was falling further into Damian's touch with her hands at last bringing themselves up to thread through his hair, as though to cement him even more tightly against her.
"My need for you... Something about you in the house I spent my summers in growing up..." Damian let out a ragged breath. "But not being able to touch you... I'm not going to make it..." He attacked her jawline, chin and cheeks with an onslaught of frantic, feverish kisses. "But, I promised myself I would wait..." Those green eyes singed her.
"Damian..." She gasped at his words, smoldering gaze, and his fingers sliding down the expanse of pale back before they ran across the dimples above her ass. Raven only managed to pull herself back a fraction of an inch. But he seized the change in perspective as an opportunity - to catch her earlobe between his teeth. "Damian, what if someone catches us?"
"Screw them... I need you." Damian murmured into her ear, clasping their palms together. "I wanted to do this right, but... I'm not used to you being so far from me." She hardly needed the reminder. The separate rooms. There was no cuddling, no spooning. No candles and late night kisses that turned into - this. "I'm suffering..."
So was she.
That was hardly fair.
Raven turned her face. "I'm a guest in this house. I'm your guest..." She angled her hip away from his, but he wrapped his fingers around it insistently. "It wouldn't exactly bode well for me if we hooked up here. Or now." Her argument dissolved away, diluted with his hands diving into divots and dips.
He grasped her chin. "Just one more kiss." Every letter pronounced like a purr brushing her mouth with their hot strokes. "I need another... That one wasn't long enough..."
"I can't - I shouldn't." Raven tried. Her hands were braced on his hard chest. The tautness of his muscles hardly helped. Every ab line and pec was heightened and heavy and wrought with tension under her touch. And it was all for her. But she couldn't. "It's your family, Damian... I want them to like me or at least tolerate me..."
She heard low grunts of frustration echo up his throat. "Raven, relax. Everything is fine... In fact, they could stand to like you less if you ask me," he said under his breath. "What does it really matter if we're caught?"
Raven felt herself recoil from him. No matter how much she didn't want to. "No, Damian. We can't." She turned her cheek. Pulling away and wiping her mouth. "And you can't just...kiss away the distance between us the last few days."
There was a tonal shift in the atmosphere. And his body went completely rigid and his expression went grave.
"Raven, what are you talking about?" Damian asked her, but he avoided her eyes for a second too long. It had to be true. He knew exactly what she was talking about. He flashed in palms in a wide armed surrender. "Look this weekend... It's not...what you think..."
"The separate rooms..." She said slowly. He wasn't looking at her. Raven's heart plummeted down to the soles of her feet. They weren't in lock-step. Things really had veered off course if they weren't in sync. "You do know what I think. You have for a while." Raven shook her head and turned on her heel.
This time, Damian didn't follow.
In the back of the Waynes's private beach, Raven sat alone facing the tides, her petite body elongated along the rail of the gazebo. She watched the waters wash away the sand, over and over, lapping at the shore.
Everything began to flow out of her.
There was a whole world Damian shared with his family that he had never shown her. She felt like she was getting to know him all over again. Normally she would have leapt at the chance to get to know her boyfriend even better.
But this was different.
What if the people who raised Damian decided they didn't like who he had become when he was with her?
Damian approached the small silhouette of a girl, her body overlaid on the rail of the gazebo, the connected arches carved in wood. He watched the way the wind whipped through her hair as she stared off into the sunset with the thick slip-covered book laying on her lap.
It was a framed photograph.
"You must be freezing." Raven turned to him when she felt a thick blanket drape across her shoulders. But, he sounded a bit worried and his brow creased with concern. "You missed dinner... When you weren't in your room. I thought... Part of me was afraid you..."
He stared at his feet in the sand. "You thought I left?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw him close his eyes, squeezing them shut. "I couldn't do that..." She tucked the blanket around herself. Suddenly Damian leapt up and grabbed her tight, holding her quietly. For several long moments, she felt the truth in each frantic pound of his heart. When it slowed at last, Damian exhaled and released her. Breathing heavily. "I missed a lot more than dinner... Didn't I?" Raven gave him a sad, knowing smile.
"What are you talking about?" Damian started. He stared oddly at her amethyst eyes. "Did someone say something to you? Was it Stephanie? Or Jason? Because I swear -"
"No - no." She said softly. Damian watched her, as the wind wildly swept strands of her black about her face. "I missed things... Like having a real family."
They were a part of him. They were a part of who he was before he met her. She knew she was the odd woman out, but being around them was nice.
Really nice.
"Oh..." Damian stared off at the water pensively. "No - if anything you lucked out..." He ran a hand through his hair. "They go overboard and they talk too much... They're annoying. They push your buttons and borrow your imported silk tie without asking -"
"You know that doesn't make them any less great..." Raven sighed. "In the back of my mind, I knew if I ever met them, they would be wonderful. They would have to be if they were your family. But... really they are..." Raven stared off at the fading red sphere on the waters, like a bright beacon. A guide... Or a warning. "And I'm not."
"What?" Damian spat harshly. Almost accusingly. "Raven, why would you say that?"
"Because... this is the Hamptons and this is your family..." She said quickly. "You're already notorious in Gotham, here you're practically royalty..." Raven fumbled. "I'm just an outsider."
It was hardly the Hamptons she cared about. Raven felt like the waters should rise up and take her away.
"No, that can't be it..." He shook his head. "You never cared about those things before." Damian's face bordered on anger. "What changed?"
Raven bit her lip, trying to contain it as she made sense of it in her own mind. "I met the most important people in your life and they're perfect." Raven confessed. "But your family probably wants you to date someone who's equally perfect. Someone who belongs with you..."
It would be far worse to lose Damian if they decided they didn't approve or didn't want her.
"You belong with me." Damian spoke as though she was delirious. He edged closer to her. "Everyone in my family has felt like an outsider at one point or another. Hell, we're not even all related. Most of us are adopted or step-somethings."
"You guys certainly fit together like you're related." Raven hadn't meant to sound accusing, but she couldn't help it. He had to realize that only served to make the family even more perfect - not less.
Just like Damian.
The pale girl shifted and dangled her legs off over the side of the gazebo as she faced him.
Those dazzlingly vert orbs were staring into hers, searching. "Are you regretting meeting my family?" He asked softly.
"No." Raven's pale feet kicked at the sand swept air absentmindedly, feeling childish as she did so. "I just wanted everything to go perfectly..." Then, even more so as she spoke the words aloud. "I wanted to make the best impression possible - I wasn't prepared and I didn't pack enough outfits or separates..." She dragged a hand down her face. "I didn't even know separates were their own clothing category until two days ago."
Damian fixed her a disbelieving stare. "Separates...?"
"I'll never fit in at a yacht club, I don't tan, and this is the one white dress I packed... " She gestured down to the loose linen mini dress. She was losing her nerve or her grip - she didn't know what, but she was losing it. "I hardly have enough white to make it through the rest of the trip -"
Her words died in her throat the second he placed those comforting hands onto her thighs. Holding her steady and supporting her with ease. "That's too bad." Raven froze and he smirked. "I'm sorry, but you have to stay for the whole weekend, my family already loves you... It's too late for you."
Her mouth opened and closed several times before she could finally bring herself to speak. "I made a horrible first impression..." Raven's lips parted. "And I was much too quiet... There's no way - they could...?" She couldn't bear to finish her words.
"I do... So why wouldn't they?" And Damian braced himself on the wood railing on either side of her hips and placed a long kiss to her forehead, trailing down to each of her cheeks and Raven promptly muffled her face into his chest.
She gasped. "Game night," Raven realized, wiping an escaped tear quickly. "Is it...too late for game night? Did I miss it?"
Damian traced her cheek with his fingers. "No, everyone waited for you. It's not a proper game night without you. You're one of us now." Damian smiled. For one long moment, his handsome face lit up, painted with vibrant reds, pinks, yellows, like the sunset. He looked ridiculously, genuinely happy in ways Raven had never seen before. And he captured her lips softly. Solidifying that fact. Driving it home over and over with his warm mouth caressing hers. She was one of them, she belonged.
"Okay... What about -" He kissed her again and pressed his forehead to hers.
"Don't worry. We'll get you more white -" Raven's entire being rose up with the tides at what he said next. "A dress..." It sounded like a promise of so much more. "The perfect white dress."
And true to Damian's words, Raven looked stunning in white.
Damian clasped her hand, stretching out their interlaced fingers between them, until only their pinkies remained linked before the colors of the sunset. And they walked with their bare feet kicking up the sand on the wind by the glistening water of the beach. Until they finally made their way to the back of the house where his family stood waiting.
They were silent - no chattering or arguing, but waiting patiently, tensely, or even eagerly.
With his other hand, Damian reached into his trouser pocket and dragged a finger once more over the black velvet box before squeezing it tight.
He had known for a while.
That Raven belonged at his side, with his family all around them, wearing a white dress.
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whoknowsbud · 3 years
Stand Mutation AU
Warning, this is FILLED with body horror! And somewhat loose but present connections to the recent epidemic! Mainly in part 4...
These are mostly just lists of the designs, and this post will only contain parts 3 & 5. There’s a lot more bulk to what was written to part 4, and there’s a lot more angst written, so that’s going to be a separate post.
(Which is now here!)
The idea here is essentially taking the ‘stand sickness’ Holy and Josuke had and twisting it into overdrive. Rather than gaining stands, the infected mutate (often horrifically, but there are some who look almost unaffected) based on their in-canon stands. The uninfected don’t see the full image; the shapes and colors come through, but not completely. The common headlight-style eyes are a big giveaway (until they’re not).
The mutations here will also commonly hinder most functions, especially rational thought. It’s most often temporary as the infected adjusts to the changes of their body. This can take a number of forms, but what happened to the Nijimura brothers is the worst it gets. The term for this for now is going to be ‘fried’.
The infection is only transferred by the arrow, and genetic relation.
Part 3
Holy has flowers growing on her body. Has a way better handle on it than Jotaro; fully present and coherent, the flowers just need to sap a little of her energy to grow big and bright. So, yeah, she's completely fine.
Jotaro ends up this ethereal star man with so much luscious hair, but also partly fried at the start; ends up being essentially like a big dog for a while (acts on base instinct and can’t articulate).
Joseph’s arms become vines. That’s it, that’s all. Vines for arms.
Avdol is pretty much just fused with Magician’s Red. I say ‘just’, but he’s pretty damn rad.
Kakyoin is basically a bunch of wires, wrapped to make a more human shape. Rather than shooting solid energy bursts, he can send energy through the wires.
Polnareff, like Avdol, is also just fused with his Silver Chariot. The armor and sword are still removable.
Iggy is made of sand. Can shapeshift, often takes the form of a wolf, because he can and he wants to.
Hol Horse has a gun for a hand. Yes, that's all.
Gray Fly... tiny man. Beetle sized old man with beetle wings and dagger tongue. Nasty nasty.
Imposter Captain Tenille is a fish-man, simple as that. Basically take Dark Blue Moon and put it in the mans clothes. This makes it obvious that he’s the enemy the moment he comes out, but Anne is still under some suspicion at first.
Forever is just Strength. Green ship with orangutang face.
Devo basically is Ebony Devil. Imagine making a (somewhat crappy) almost life size doll of Devo, and there you go. Rather than needing a grudge to act, he forms his grudge as he fights, making him stronger.
Rubber Soul is just Yellow Temperance; when he went through stand puberty he just pretty much melted.
J. Geil is just Hanged Man; only seen through reflections. Tied a knife to his hand.
Nena is almost the same as canon; she assimilates a beautiful woman to host her real body (which has no skin covering, so here she needs a host, the looks are just preference), and still leaves parasites on victims through her blood.
ZZ's stand mutation is actually his arm. His arm is the car.
Enya… ghost? Still uses fog for the illusions, still does puppet stuff? But then Jotaro would still have to suck her down so NO, THANKS
Steely Dan, the crab man. Can duplicate himself but at NOWHERE near the same rate. Not as effective either. He's about the size of your average 14 year old.
Arabia Fats is just. On fire. Fire man. Human torch. But more fire. Just fire.
Mannish boy appears with a flat, jester-like face, so the group knows to refuse.
Cameo... genie?
Midler is basically herself with High Priestess's power to become any mineral. Still can shapeshift, but its limited.
N’Doul… could be a water man. Sends his hand out so he can stay safely out of most people’s range.
Anubis... is just the same Anubis as canon. It's a sword, what were you expecting?
Mariah is the magnetizer. It happens through contact, and feels like a small static shock. It does not work on normal people, although they do feel the shock.
Alessi has just become a shadow, his own silhouette, that de-ages those it touches like in canon, with the same eyes and manifesting ability, too. Cannot talk.
The D’arby brothers are a terrible amalgamation of the souls they’ve taken.
Pet Shop is... just its stand I think.
Vanilla Ice is another stand/user mix. As uncomfortable as the v o r e is, it seems like the only sensible thing...
Dio is similar to Jotaro. But green & yellow, with more disturbing growths (those... bullet chain suspenders looking things, and the apparent oxygen tanks on the back). He's a bit distorted, rippling in time with the seconds.
Part 5
Haruno becomes a plant creature (Oh you want limbs? Limbs to hold things? Too bad, you get tendrils!), changes his name to Giorno. The human body is still inside, controlling everything. When he’s truly happy, he blooms.
Bruno's body is just zippers. They can all be opened or closed (although if they're all opened he's kind of a mess, and its an awful noise), and what's under them is just a void. He seems to have glowing orbs as eyes, revealed by a single open zipper over where his eyes would be. To resemble a more human form, he has zippers on his head to look like hair. There are a few zippers that hang off his arms and legs almost like fins, and he will whip you with them.
Abbachio is a glitchy creature that looks like someone constantly flipping channels, with a sort of goo coating his body in almost the exact way it does Moody Blues.
Narancia is a ‘cyborg’, fighting logic output to stay ‘human’
Mista basically goes through mitosis, becoming 7 of himself; but it takes time for them to truly separate.
Fugo appears to be normal, but he has this ‘oxygen’ tank & connected mask. The Purple Haze virus is more of a gas here, produced in his lungs, so he has to have a way to contain it when he's around others. Once he starts getting emotional, he sort of melts into a zombie-like form; starts looking like a typical victim of Purple Haze.
(Giorno's able to take in an absurd amount of toxins and pollution and spit out a shit ton of oxygen, so there's much less concern.)
Mr President is a cube, still with the room. He's like a box. A box turtle, you might say.
Polpo is still in prison. His shadow does pretty much everything Black Sabbath does. Permanent poggers face.
Zucchero is a slug. Has spikes on his body that perform Soft Machine’s ability, and they’re barbed to grab the deflated forms.
Sale... maybe he's already dead. Infection stopped his own heart or something. Or hes like.. a landmark. Like Angelo in canon; fully immobile, but sort of immortal. /till you destroy the body I guess...
Formaggio’s size is constantly fluctuating, not always proportionately consistent.
Illuso... doesn't exist outside of mirrors. He can still communicate to those on the other side, and pull them in, but can't leave, himself. He works similarly to Yoshihiro Kira; ig seal the mirror, you seal him.
Prosciutto has so many eyes. Just all over, so so many. Somewhat shriveled up from the waist down.
Pesci has a fishing pole arm I guess...
Melone is some sort of... digital-ish cyborg thing. The Babyface kids are the same though
Ghiaccio is essentially fused with his suit, with the weak spot in the back of his neck frozen over. It’s actually like the mane of a lion, but ice; he can’t turn his head at all, speaking is near impossible, and eating is a struggle as well. The white album fight reveals a lot:
Due to literally being plants, Giorno has to revert back to Haruno or risk serious danger. This is the first time he’s come out; they knew he existed (he was mentioned in passing) but they weren't sure if he was alive or dead. When he can take his plants form again, it’s... kind of horrifying. Roots and vines coming out of his body, wrapping around him...
Risotto is basically a living Metallica colony. Take risotto, make every 5x5 pixels a metallica bean, there you go that’s him.
Squalo... Sharkboy
Tiziano looks fine, but his mouth is all wrong. Tongues like a starfish.
Secco... mud? Mudman?
Cioccolata looks like a zombie, moldy and decomposed an shit.
Diavolo and Doppio are... basically, literally, just King Crimson and Epitaph. They can apparently switch places? Maybe
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zathechaosgod · 3 years
Favourite Stream Moments!
Streamed by Philza on Twitch on Monday 11th of January
Hardcore boi is here!
(breathe, yall, its not resurrection time just yet)
ocean monument again!!!
it’s actually really pointless because there’s no farms for it planned as of right now lmao
just a cool build :)
new record viewers yesterday!!!
phil lost it when schlatt showed up
apparently wilbur just asked schlatt during the stream if he wanted to join in lmaooo
he needs more blue for the glass
gapple gang catch up pog!
phil has upped alert speed a bit, as well as donation amount so people don’t donate too much, which is a very weird problem to have for phil
rip phils alerts again lol
there’s probably not gonna be more glatt, bc schlatt is done with the dream smp
flower farm pog? phil just needs blue tho
today is just gonna be placing down glass walls
and maybe if we get very very lucky we might even get to placing sand
if you’ve witnessed tubbo’s guardian farm, imagine that process but faster
time to teach the newbies once again that phil doesn’t just play on the dream smp and very much does whatever he wants lol
he’s gonna make another conduit, seeing as he’s got 30 hearts of the sea lmao
time to head to the guardian farm at a different ocean monument to get the prismarine for the conduit lmao
“season 2 was just build different”
lmao his prismarine is in the nethervoid
nethervoid with spooky shaders pog?
“should we go full spook?”
it was timed so perfectly wow
anyway time to grab the prismarine
also whiplash back to minecraft soundtrack lmao
his goldfarm is tiny but very very pog! dream smp take notes
people are attempting to get phil to alt f4 and he’s like “i’ve seen it all, you think i’m gonna fall for alt f4?”
anyways, back to conduit and ocean overlord
ian asking “why he copied that minecraft dude from youtube with the five year world”
his biggest frustration in this entire project is gonna be people redeeming earchecks lmao
also yes phil has his own pogchamp emote
he wil lose his mind if his emote gets chosen
audio is scuffed once again rip
time to fix rip
dad is gone crab rave
he’s back!!!
he flew home on autopilot before realising lmao
someone just requested a rich boi earcheck as well lol
yeah dream smp is just a condensed clout farm lmao
phil is almost at 40k viewers pog
phil showed off the money mode for when he needs to make sense from chat when we’re in chaos
chat is bullying him about the way he pronounced book lmao
someone asked if he would add wigza as an emote
he doesn’t want to talk about it
lanu figured out how to raid!!! (that’s tubbo’s sister)
so she raided phil awww
“friendship ended with sleepy bois inc, road trip is my favourite family dynamic now” lmaooo
“tubbo is not exactly the best teacher, i would say. she’s working through it, she’s definitely working through it on her own”
someone mentioned ohio so now chat is spamming “F*CK OHIO” again 
we’re having the pronunciation discussion again oooooh
fun fact: the uk, for its size, has an incredibly huge accent range
phil pulled up a pic of the different accents and now every british person is spamming their accent in chat lmao
also phil’s accent is actually toned down a lot lmao
he met a bunch of americans on halo on the original xbox and they couldn’t understand a word he was saying, so he unconsciously toned it down lol
aaand we’re at the soda vs pop debate
also the world edit jokes have started
phil learned from his dad that nobody takes someone with a thick geordie accent seriously, which is why his dad toned down his own
quintessential most geordie sentence pog?
“whose keys are these keys like?”
“like” is literally a geordie full stop lmao, it is completely meaningless
scouse just sounds pissed all the time?
he remembers meeting someone with a scottish accent for the first time at a halo tournament and phil was just confused for the whole time talking to that dude
america literally has less accents than literally just the northern part of england lmao
first time fishing here pog?
pretty shaders!
what do you call a rack you dry clothes on? drying rack? airer? someone called it a horse???
fun fact: geordies pronounce the h in herb
money mode is on to free us from spam pog
kristin is asking what we want for food lmao
phil had a chance to go to germany on a school trip and ended up not going lmao
literally genderswapped doppelganger
they didn’t even notice until they looked at the picture???
he’s hearing a zombie underneath the sea floor
time to d i g
aww it was just a cave, no spawner
you should hold down tnt minecarts for like, a minute or more, then give it a push and witness the tnt tornado (in creative, ofc)
phil is gonna try a different tactic for draining the monument pog??
pog automod knows stupid stuff in different languages so there’s still some level of modding for people who speak in different languages
lmao phil went on realms occasionally?
and wilbur did that offstream with phil, kristin and fundy on call
and he recently just like,, burned down this lmanberg style build lmao
he’s really just out there to grief
then phil joined afterwards to apologize and went on a tour and build a better sugar cane farm pog?
phil went sort of professional playing halo, btw, but back then esports wasn’t really like it is now so it’s not like he got flown out or something lmao
shoutout to the waffle people, seeing as today is a belgian stream apparently lmao
also accents suck i get so much anxiety from my voice
someone used their gapple gang message on a 77777spam lmaooo
“wouldn’t have it any other way”
oh in like an hour another recording session with tommy pog?
altho that does mean stream will end
phil is whining about how much he misses stotties, which is a type of cake??? but keto
she’s out of ammo lmao he’s wrestling the gun away from her
she accidentally aimed at his head oof
chat is talking about two things right now and phil is not happy with either of them: bread and sand
phil just implied he married kristin for her accent lmaoo
“she’s stream sniping me, could get banned for that” lololol
he doesn’t have enough glass to finish the entire perimeter probably, but there’s only one way to find out
also yes phil has given up on denying that he created minecraft
he and kristin are gonna make pizza with a chicken base???
also phil is still balancing the donos so he doesn’t rip people off but the alerts also don’t get clogged
he totally gets why wilbur does it
anyway, time to go look for more lapis so he can make more glass lmao
time to make allll the glass
goal of this year for phil: buying a house with kristin!
momza send a picture of the “pizza” she “made for us” and it has chicken nuggets on it????
oof running low on gapples now, time to make some more!
phil has a mini project idea where he customizes all the important nether portals to look like the places they lead to
now we’re looking up where gelatin comes from
people really are surprised that wilbur and tommy’s streams are chaos??
“it’s how they operate, it is their natural state”
little blade is coming for t i m’s top spot lmao
phil has given up on what’s canon or not and just appreciating what fans are making awww
he doesn’t want to limit our creativity!
also phil was supposed to play rust with the boys but he didn’t want to start streaming late but also didn’t want to play rust for just an hour
which is why he’s just playing minecraft lmao
lmao there’s another gifted subs war going on
people keep one-upping each other lol
also lmao the video got age restricted
so wilbur came to each of them and gave each a speech
which got cut out but phil has his speech to show us!
also yes phil had like 61 diamond axes at that point due to another bit
anyway 2:50:00, go watch if you like the tommy vids
“can you blow up the dream smp” “we did that”
lmao phil thanking lana for the gifted subs before realising she got exactly one more gifted sub than the other person and just *stares into the camera*
“spain without the s”
happy birthday prez! (again)
also we’re almost at 15k subs pog
and we're getting old philza pics with long hair then lmaoo
twitch con struggles rip
will there be a twitch con this year? who knows
phil and ian were supposed to go to twitch con amsterdam last year f
also tommy has permission to spam tts if phil needs to go record lmao
back to missing pizza poor phil he’s sad now
phil doesn’t have anything planned for his bday bc covid, but he’s stopping keto then so he can eat pizza again lmao
phil is confused about the recording, bc tommy is still streaming so he might be able to go as well but he’s messaging tommy
rip twitch broke again
@ twitch fix your servers dude
ah someone is streaming to more than a million people that explains
phil is so confused tommy made another group for another video idea so phil has no idea what tf is happening
guess he’s just gonna continue the circle lmao
several thousands of people left bc they thought he was ending lol “little did they know”
people have no idea phil just,,, mined sand for two months
youtube gang did not miss as much as they think lol
tommy messaged him back finally
ah they are recording tonight
he’s gonna finish the circle tho!!
next stream the actual draining part can begin
aww momza is here to give phil a shirt to change into
phil is just rejecting all the shirts she’s holding out lmao
time for dadza to go record another funny video!
twitch is still kinda scuffed but phil can see his following channels so we’re gonna raid sneeg!
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discover24 · 3 years
Have you heard of Torrance?
This city, located in Los Angeles’ South Bay, is known for its cultural and ethnic diversity.  As a consequence, it is an exciting place to explore (think beaches, eateries, and markets) when visiting Southern California.
This comprehensive guide will give you all the reasons to start planning a visit to Torrance.
As a city of more than 147,000 residents, believe me when I say Torrance has a plethora of attractions, facilities, and open spaces available to the public.  What follows is my local perspective on the best things to do in Torrance.
In the early 1900s, a real estate mogul called James Sydney Torrance took the chance to develop a community south of Los Angeles.
His investment paid off since the area incorporated as the City of Torrance in 1921 and grew in size through annexing different pieces of land.
The original planned community survives in what is known as Old Town.  The quiet streets are sprinkled with businesses, residences, trees, parks, and monuments to local heroes.
I visit the area mainly to eat.  My husband and I love By Brazil, a churrasqueria known for its home cooking and flavorful meat, chicken, and pork cuts.  We save money by taking advantage of the lunch special (about $20 per person).
We were beyond excited when Madre Oaxacan Restaurant opened in the area.  We adore Oaxacan food and it is great to have tlayudas, mole negro, and tasajo close to home.
For breakfast, we go to Eat at Rudy’s. For pastries (and donuts, ahem), we go to the Torrance Bakery.  We meet with friends at Red Car. For something different, I recommend visiting the Chado Tea Room.  Try one of their blossoming teas.
After lunch or dinner, stroll around the streets or pay a visit to Del Prado Park.
Every 4th Sunday of the month, the Torrance Historical Society offers a free tour of Old Town Torrance.  The 90-minute tour will take you to several landmarks and expand your knowledge about the city.
Note:  The tour is offered from May to October.  Confirm details a couple of days before the tour date.
The reputation of Hofburgers spread and business boomed. In those days Hofburgers cost 15 cents and cheese dogs a dime.
In 1947 my father married my mother, Donna, and with the need for a year round business opened the first Hof’s Hut in Belmont Shore. My mother, who was waiting tables during opening day, gave birth to me later that night, September 16, 1951. So I guess you could say I was born to be in the restaurant business.
Looking back over those early years, I attribute Hof’s success to 2 things: my father’s insistence on using only top quality ingredients to make the best breakfasts, burgers, chili, onion rings and fresh home-baked pies in the county and his unwavering focus on providing truly great service. Though they’ve grown a lot in the decades since, with Hof’s Hut restaurants now located throughout Southern California.
For more information related to hot huf torrance visit their shop now!
TV and movie fans will be interested in knowing that Torrance High School has been featured in several well-known productions.
The building gained notoriety for serving as the high school on the popular Beverly Hills, 90210 series.  In addition, its facade and patio have been part of TV shows such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Medium and movies such as She’s All That and Bruce Almighty.
When I told my husband, I was writing an article about things to do in Torrance, he told me not to forget about The Jolly Oyster.  Then, he repeated the same thing 20 times.
Per my husband’s mandate, I am suggesting you visit this market specializing in oysters, clams, and crab claws.  They have a big local following and excellent reviews.
Actually, this brand started with a truck at the San Buenaventura State Beach (in Ventura, 70 miles north of Los Angeles).  We used to stop when driving back from Santa Barbara.  My husband was elated when they opened a market in our backyard.
Note: They also serve oysters at Smorgasbord LA, an eating extravaganza taking place every Sunday in Downtown Los Angeles.
The Madrona Marsh showcases the marshland that used to cover the coastal plains of Southern California.  Most of these areas were drained in order to develop living and business complexes.  Therefore, this marsh is a rare example of how things used to be.
The place provides a habitat for birds, insects, frogs, reptiles, and small mammals.  In addition, it is a stop for migrating birds.
The preserve is open to the public every day (except Monday) from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. An on-site nature center provides information about the creatures calling home the area and facilitates different types of activities (hikes, workshops, etc.)
A lot of people mention the beach cities of Los Angeles County (Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach) but they do not realize Torrance has 1.5 miles of beachfront.
The long stretch of sand between the Redondo Pier and the Palos Verdes Peninsula is shared between Redondo Beach and Torrance.  The Torrance part starts south of Miramar Park (where Esplanade meets Paseo de la Playa).
This beach is less hectic than others in the South Bay so, it is a good place to spend the day without having to share your space with hundreds of people.  In season, there is a cafe and beach rental shack on-site.  The other nice thing is that the Riviera Village, an area with more than 20 restaurants, is located a couple of blocks away.
Also, keep in mind Torrance Beach is the terminus of the Marvin Braude Bike Trail.  This 22-mile paved way starts at Will Rogers State Beach and continues through Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Marina del Rey, and other beach cities.  Since you are on Torrance Beach, you can use the trail to bike to nearby beach cities. I love to ride along this trail!
Mitsuwa is a supermarket chain with one of the largest selections of imported Japanese goods in the United States.  However, this place is more than a supermarket.  They sell electronics cosmetics and pharmaceutical goods.  And, we cannot forget to mention the food court serving everything from ramen to tempura.
You can spend a decent amount of time browsing the halls and taking advantage of the samples (usually during the weekends).  If you feel hungry, you either can grab something at the prepared food section (the selection is mind-blowing) or pick a stall at the food court.  I always take several things home to eat later.
The other cool thing is that Mitsuwa has different “fairs” featuring dishes from the different prefectures of Japan or a specific ingredient.  This is a good opportunity to learn more about the culture of the country.
Many farmers’ markets in the Los Angeles area get tons of rave reviews.  I am not sure if it is local pride but, in my opinion, they are not as good as Torrance Farmers Market.
This market is huge! They have products from 60 farms plus flowers, honey, baked goods, nuts, candy, fish, eggs, prepared food, an international food court, and live music.  You have the opportunity to sample a lot of different things and try things you have never tried before.  Come hungry because you will need space in your stomach to tackle all the offerings.
If you enjoy browsing for antiques and unique objects in a lively environment, then you have to stop by the Torrance Antique Street Faire.
This monthly event (4th Sunday) gathers 200 vendors and attracts thousands to Old Town Torrance.  The fair has been going strong for 20 years and it is a South Bay favorite.  Bring the entire family to this fun event. Admission and parking are free.
The Roadium can be described as a swap meet or flea market (even though it is “officially” an open-air market). I am pretty sure you are familiar with the concept but, if not, this is a place where used objects are sold or exchanged.  Offerings can be new or never used.  The idea is to acquire a good at a lower price than usual.
The Roadium covers a big space and it is well organized.  You can find cosmetics, perfumes, clothes, shoes, and bags as well as automotive, gardening, locksmithing, and hardware store items.
The market is opened daily but the biggest number of vendors set up stalls during the weekends.  Admission is $1 – $2.  Additional parking can be found at a lot, located at the intersection of Redondo Beach Boulevard and Crenshaw Boulevard.  A free shuttle transports shoppers to the market’s entrance.
If your preferences are along with the art, history, and culture subjects, it is possible to sharpen your knowledge of those areas by visiting one of the museums in the city of Torrance.
You have the following options:
Torrance Art Museum – focuses on the contemporary art of Southern California. Admission is free.
California Museum of Fine Art – museum and gallery showcasing works of global artists.  Opened from Wednesday to Saturday (afternoons)
Torrance Historical Society – offers local exhibits and archives. Open from Wednesday to Saturday (afternoons).
Western Museum of Flight – aviation museum located at Torrance’s Municipal Airport.  Opened Tuesday to Sunday. Admission is $5.
Chen Art Gallery – houses one of the most important Chinese art collections in the United States.  Opened Tuesday to Friday. Admission is free.
Torrance is one of the leaders of the craft beer movement in Los Angeles.  I am not sure if another city in the area has as many breweries as Torrance.
These breweries are usually located in an industrial zone and facilities are warehouse style.  Most places are “bring your own food” (or snacks).  Sometimes, a food truck makes a stop or a taquero is serving delicious morsels.
I am not a beer drinker, so I cannot really tell you which place is better.  You will need to find out for yourself.  But, let me tell you that the places I am mentioning below are alive, thriving, and expanding.  Therefore, they must be good.
Smog City Brewing, Monkish Brewing, Cosmic Brewery, The Dudes’ Brewing, and The Strand Brewing are located very not that far from one another (less than a mile).
Not far away, in Old Town Torrance, you have Red Car Restaurant & Brewery and Yorkshire Square Brewery.  Absolution Brewing Company and Scholb Premium Ales are located west of the other breweries.
Standing by itself, next to a 99 Cents store, you will find Hop Saint.  The food here is phenomenal.
If you have visited Germany, Hungary, Austria, Czechia, and other countries in Central Europe, you wonder how you will survive without sausages, sauerkraut, and goulash once you get back home.
Well, in my case, I almost cried with happiness when I entered the Alpine Village.  The market sells about 30 types of sausages (some prepared on-site), potato dumplings, spaetzle, pickled items, and much more.  They also have a bakery, cafe, and deli.
Those looking for a more involved experience can visit the restaurant bratwurst, beef goulash, Weiner schnitzel, cold salads, hot dishes, and desserts.  I cannot recommend this place enough!
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