a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
OOOH no 24 !!!
Manu, you have picked a very good number. 
24: You’ve previously mentioned that there is going to be character death in this fic. WHO THE FUCK DIES???? 
😈 😈
I’m not going to tell you who, exactly, but….it’s one of the characters already mentioned in the series (that includes Stark and Natasha too).
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
How about number 1?
Good choice!
1: Will there be a happy ending to this story?
At this point, I do plan on giving this fic a happy ending. There will definitely be some sort of resolution to the series -- I’m not evil enough to leave it on an angsty note.
If you’ve read my past series (ahem, Operation Soulmate, ahem), then you might know that I pride myself on realistic endings. So, although I want to write a happy ending, I’m ultimately going to write an ending that best fits the rest of the series.
It might not be the one we all want, but it’s going to be satisfying in its own right. I hope. 
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Wot bout 4 & 15?
Ohhhh you’ve got good choice in your numbers, nonnie. #4 is the important question, man. 
4: Who does the reader end up with?
Mmm, okay, so here’s where things get complicated, because the vision I have for the ending is not clear. I have a rough idea what I want the ending to be, but my idea is not solidified, bc I want to write the rest of the chapters first, and then see what ending is appropriate. It’s definitely going to go one of two ways, tho:
Basically, reader either ends up with someone, or she ends up with no one. I’m 97% sure it’s the former, and if she does end up with someone, it’ll be Bucky. But it might not be in the way you imagine. Still rather hazy about that, though.
15: Here’s a tidbit from my planning document - a random idea that I’d like to incorporate. 
Bucky’s going to come into the kitchen (LOL!! I have an obsession with the kitchen, fam, I’m sorry) and find the reader bawling her eyes out. They are going to have Words™
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Has 16been done yet?
Nope! And nonnie, 🎉 🎉 you’ve hit the jackpot question! (or one of them, at least)
16: How many more bombshells do you plan on dropping????
Okay, as I’ve said previously, the events of Chapter 7 (the night in KL) sets us up for more angst in the series. And by more angst, I mean a lot more angst.
There’s going to be one EXPLOSIVE EVENT™ which will be a direct consequence of KL. There’s also going to be another bombshell that’s not related to the KL stuff, but it’s still a BIG EVENT™. So, in all, two big bombshells, plus an extra-large side helping of angst.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
imma go with the last one, no. 25
This is actually 3 questions in one, haha. 
25: What’s been the hardest thing about writing AMUP? What have you enjoyed most? What are you looking forward to?
I think the hardest thing about writing is being so excited. I can’t tell you all what the plot is, bc I want to keep it a surprise, but I’m dying to talk to someone about it. Editing is also really hard, bc once I’ve written things out, I just wanna post it already.
I’ve just enjoyed the style of this writing. This fic is dark and angsty and filled with so much emotion. It’s a complex, multi-layered story and, although you want to sympathise with Bucky, you can’t help but want to slap him sometimes for being so damn self-sacrificing. Everyone is good and bad in their own way.
I’m looking forward to the next few chapters. Shit gets real y’all. Real deep. Really, I’m just excited to drop the next couple of bombshells on you. 
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Let's try number.....6
6: Here’s a tidbit from my planning document - a thought that runs through Bucky’s head
Something along these lines is probably going to feature in chapter 8:
It’s cowardly, he knows it, but he hopes that she won’t remember a thing. God, what if she does? What if she tells Steve? Or worse, what if she doesn’t? Can he live with himself, knowing that he’s carrying around this big whopping secret? Or, even worse, what if she does remember and accuses him of rape?
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Number 12 please and thank you ❤
Thanks for the question, doll!
12: Who does the reader love more - Steve or Bucky?
She loves them in different ways. She wants both of them, but for different reasons. I think of it like this: her head is telling her to love Steve, but her heart wants Bucky. It’s not fair to ask who she loves more, because it’s not a fair comparison - it’s like trying to compare apples and broccoli, y’know?
I don’t think that’s necessarily selfish of her, wanting both of them. I’ve just set up this situation to imply that you can have romantic feelings for someone for different reasons. 
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
16′s been answered, love! This post should tells you which are the unanswered numbers. 
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I can’t choose between 17 and 22
Then let’s do both!
17: Does the reader actually love Bucky?
Yes. She does, she really does. She, like Bucky, has conflicting emotions and is in a very confused place mentally. 
22: Will Bucky’s opinion of the reader ever change?
Yes. A BIG EVENT™ will happen, and then his opinion of reader is going to take a big shaking. He’ll still love her, but it’s not quite going to be the same. The BIG EVENT™ will be a reality check, if you like.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Let’s go with number 2, hopefully this one doesn’t hurt like the others did
Ahaha, they weren’t that terrible. 
2: Is the reader actually a bitch?
No. When I was planning this series — and in my head — she was/is actually a nice person. To you, the reader, I think she can come off as a bitch bc you don’t have the overseeing power that I do.
I think she is a nice person, she just has a weird way of expressing it.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I pick number 7!
Oh, I like this question!
7: Will the reader remember what happened between her and Bucky on that night in KL?
No. She’s going to have no recollection of the night. Which…is both a good and bad thing.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Hmmmm let's go with #23
Thanks, Tara!
23: Will Bucky ever confess his feelings to the reader?
Yes. He will. It’s not gonna be pretty.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
Number 10!!! (P.S. I love your blog ❤)
Thank you so much, darling! That’s so sweet of you!!
10: What made you want to write this fic from Bucky’s POV?
Originally, that wasn’t the plan. Originally, I was going to write in Reader’s POV, like I always do. And I thought that reader would be pining for Bucky, but Bucky would have feelings for Steve or something, and then we’d get a Stucky relationship happening.
But then, as I started to flesh out the plot more, I realised that that wouldn’t work. I wanted, ultimately, for reader and Bucky to find a happy ever after, but I didn’t know how I could fit that in without Bucky/Steve’s relationship coming out as ‘fake’ or ‘trivial’ — because I think that’s not right, with these two — so, after playing around with some ideas, I decided that a Bucky POV would be the best.
Besides, the whole ‘reader pining over Bucky’ storyline I used for Operation Soulmate, and I wanted to try something new with this one :)
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I'm really like my favorite number so lets see what question will you answer behind number 5? :D
Oooh, you picked a good number!!
5: Does Steve ever suspect that more going on between Bucky and Reader? Not just in terms of their history, but after, too?
Yeah. Even from before the Bathroom Incident™, Steve kinda knew that something was up. I don’t think he ever thinks it was a FWB relationship, but he at least recognises that there’s chemistry between Bucky and reader.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I just read all the spoilers for AMUP and I'm a little conflicted with myself... On one side I'm kinda happy I did bc now I'm all hyped for what's to come but at the same time I'm really worried not only bc I know it's going to be angsty as hell but also bc I know it's going to mess me up so bad. Welp. I can't wait but I'm going to die once it comes out
This is exactly how I feel writing it, 😂
Like, on the one hand, I’m really, really excited to make the plot come to life - but on the other hand, there’s gonna be angst to the nines and idk how I’m gonna find it in me to write that. 
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a-splash-of-stucky · 7 years
I CAN'T READ ANYMORE SPOILERS ADKFKSKCJ 😭😭😭 so imma scroll past lol
It’s ok, there’s nothing on there that’s worse than death 😂😂😂
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