obviousanon · 7 months
Thinking about what it must have been like for Harry to return back to his place of living after the case is solved.
I've only ever beat one run of Disco Elysium, so I'm not sure if we ever see the place Harry lives or anything of that nature-- but god, the idea of it breaks me. I was lucky enough to have saved Kim my first run thru, so I reflect my own personal expirience when thinking about this.
I'm sure Harry would immediately be put on medical leave by Captain Pryce, the poor guy can barely walk, he's actively bleeding out all over himself as he trepidates the snowy terrain of the deserted island.
I would imagine him being dropped off, with a frittte bag in one hand and a froggy cap in the other-- perhaps Kim drops him off, but he doesn't stay. This rediscovery of home is a journey Harry has to explore on his own, to feel comfortable in the reclamation of his own privacy. Like touching your own body to make sure all the pieces are still there.
Maybe Harry is renting out an old, run-down, one story house tucked away somwhere in Central Jamrock, dilapidated and dying-- the ivys corpses curl around the drywall of his house, mold grows at the corners of the front door, a dead wasp nest hangs overhead of the front porch. Rotten wood creaks under snake skin heels. He runs his fingers above the frame in an act that feels familiar, instinctive even, and he finds the spare key.
God, what would it be like inside? To see the rotting corpse of a home, eaten from the inside by your own vices? And then, to clean out the rooms and bring it to life again? To invite friends, lovers, and animals back into the saftey of a place you once made a horror show. The parallels of self-recovery starting at the ability of being able to fold your own bedsheets.
Harry Du Bois makes me emotional.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.50
Lance slept solidly for the first night in a week, waking to find Keith spooned around him, he still couldn’t believe his boyfriend had shown up exactly when he needed him. Naturally, he felt bad for it. Keith was always having to support him and it’d be nice if it was on the other foot for a change. The most he’d been hoping for today was lunch with Keith, and a chance to breathe a little easier thanks to distraction. Instead Keith was actually here, in his bed, snoring his head off as he held him up against him. It’d been such a long month. There were so many things he wanted to say to Keith in person that really sucked because he couldn’t. He’d learned a little in their group chat, and in their private chat, the number of messages between them would alarm some people, but Keith... he’d always reply. Maybe not right away, but when he could and fuck if it didn’t make him feel special.
Basking in being held, he wanted things to stay this way. He wanted Keith to stay. He couldn’t push those feelings onto Keith so he’d enjoy what time they did have together. Keith hadn’t had a great childhood, but he’d already known that. When Keith told him to ask, he’d wanted to, but his boyfriend was exhausted. He knew Keith would tell him, if he asked, but he didn’t want to make him feel obligated to over share. Things like falling in love was something he didn’t think he’d ever have or deserve, no matter what everyone else said. Keith made it so damn easy to fall. He was the strong silent type, not quick to trust, just like him, so he got that Lance needed thing to go slowly between them. Now if his brain could get the same message then that’d be great. Pidge was always teasing him about how much he talked about Keith. He didn’t mean to, but word vomit seemed to happen each time he thought about his boyfriend. He couldn’t help but wonder what Keith was doing. If he was safe or if he was on some secret mission to save the day. Keith didn’t know that Lance kept up his sparring with Matt. He never wanted to put Keith in the position where he was forced to protect him.
The full moon had been absolutely crazy. All three days went out the window. Matt and Rieva had gone at it hard enough that he and Curtis had to leave the house. Both werewolves a mess of hormones and lust. Matt had made a pass at him and Rieva had then thrown him into the stairs for it. His own heat came, so he and Curtis spent the night parked up in the middle of nowhere. Lance trying to sleep and ignore how damn embarrassed he was, Curtis having let his mouth get away from him over werewolves mating, but he’d meant well. Next full moon they were going to be prepared and stay in Platt.
Letting out a snore loud enough to wake himself, Lance couldn’t help but laugh at Keith, carefully wriggling in his hold to lay on his back as his boyfriend blinked in confusion, before a dopey smile came to his lips. Lance couldn’t help but kiss him, his own smile just as wide. He’d missed this. Keith’s morning breath might rival paint stripper in potency, but that didn’t matter. Sharing several deep kisses, Lance hummed happily as he broke them, Keith still looking confused, and ridiculous with his bed head
“Mmm... what was that for?”
“For you. For being here. For being a great boyfriend”
Keith scrunched his nose up, Lance finding himself laughing again
“Oh, babe. You don’t do well in the morning”
“Nmhm... good morning”
“Good morning”
As Keith started to doze back off, Lance heard footsteps on the stairs, his bedroom door flung violently open as the pair of them were rushed by Hunk and Pidge
“I knew it! You two dirty rotten liars!”
Whatever might have been happening under the blankets didn’t stop Pidge and Hunk. Climbing under the covers, Pidge hugged him as Hunk got in behind Keith, the pair essentially sandwiching them in. Keith looked even more confused, but didn’t try to argue his way out of things
“Good morning to you too”
Pidge pressed a very wet kiss to his cheek, Lance wrinkling his nose up at her, he knew what was coming
“Why didn’t you tell me you two were dating?! And you, I know you think you’ve got immunity because you’re knew to the group, but you’ve been totally hiding this you jerk”
Keith groaned at Pidge, Lance laughing as his boyfriend closed his eyes again, hand digging just that little more into Lance’s side
“Be gentle. He doesn’t do mornings”
“Nope. You kept this from us”
“Fiiiine. You’ve sprung us. I’m dating Keith”
“No shit. How could you not tell meeeeeeeee?”
“Because it’s new. Since when are you awake this early?”
“Since I didn’t go to bed, obviously”
Hunk let out a heavy sigh
“She came and woke me up. Apparently if she’s awake, we’re awake... We thought we’d grab breakfast at Sal’s”
Keith’s sleepiness was adorable. He’d probably never been woken up like this. It get good though. The four of them all happy in their own ways
“Where we got pizza from that time”
Keith didn’t remember
“Yep. So you two losers need to get up”
“We were... we were about to get up, in more ways than one”
“Ewwww! No! Don’t do that to me! Keith how can you let him lead you astray!?”
“He’s fine...”
Lance leaned in to kiss Keith’s forehead, Pidge making a faked gagging noise
“Oh god. They’re gross. Hunk, our friends are being gross”
Hunk hummed, his chin resting on Keith’s shoulder like it was perfectly natural
“I don’t think they’re being that gross”
“That’s because you have Shay. Ugh. I totally have to get out of here before you two ruin my appetite. I expect you downstairs in 10 minutes, or Hunk’s coming back up to get you”
“Why me? No offence...”
“Because I’m too young and innocent. You two owe me the biggest explanation”
“We’ll explain... provided you get you of my bed before I have to kiss you”
Lance pursed his lips, Pidge making a show of flying back out from under the covers
“10 minutes! Hunk, let’s gooooo”
As quickly as they’d appeared, the pair had left. Keith letting out a long groan as he moved his arm up to drape it around Lance’s shoulder
“What was that?”
“That was their way of saying they missed you”
“It was so loud”
“Do you really expect anything else?”
“No... I don’t wanna move”
“I know, but I’ll treat you to breakfast”
“Nah, I’ll pay”
“Or, I could pay”
“Nope. I’m paying”
“Babe, I’m pretty sure you just did. On the plus side, we can be that disgusting couple now”
“The one where we have sex?”
Lance laughed
“Not quite. The one where we can cuddle in front of them”
“Mmm... that’s true. I like that one...”
Lance’s heart swelled with affection. Keith was just too cute
“Me too. Now up we get. Shower, teeth, clothes, coffee”
That got Keith’s attention, Lance would never be so mean to deprive Keith of his coffee
“As if I wouldn’t let you have your coffee”
“Best boyfriend like ever”
“I know”
It was decided they’d all go for breakfast at Sal’s. Shiro would come back and spend the day with the others while Keith and Lance went to Platt. Lance had already pushed his luck for that morning finding the blood bag he’d went to bed with under the bed. He hadn’t forgotten it, a vampire never forgets, but it had slipped his mind. The near disaster would have meant an explanation he wasn’t sure he had. Keith kicking himself for not putting it away, even though it wasn’t his fault. Now the evidence had been disposed of, and a fresh bag sat under the passenger seat, waiting until he’d finished his human breakfast.
Piling into Sal’s, Lance could how Pidge wanted to announce Lance was dating Keith. Only the crowd there had tourists and she was forced to keep her “enthusiasm” inwards. That didn’t mean they were off the hook though. Despite the small booth size, she squashed herself in next to Lance, who’d let Keith in so he could take the corner seat and escape having to sit next to her. Yeah. He had manners. He also didn’t want Keith having Pidge hanging off him as she started her interrogations. Hunk solved the small space problem by borrowing two chairs, for him and Shiro, as Matt, Rieva and Curtis smooshed in on the opposite bench.
Lance had to give her credit, it took her all of 10 seconds before she started
“What are you intentions with my brother?”
Matt paused as he grabbed a menu, cocking his head. Lance explaining
“She means Keith”
“Oh, that brother... as in Keith’s intentions with you”
Lance nodded, Pidge nearly internally imploding. His ear copping the yell directed at Matt
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Not my business”
Lance was grateful to Matt. Sure. He was a mangy mutt and a stranger, but he was so much like Pidge that Lance couldn’t dislike him. He could have castrated him for pissing on his grave soil, but that wouldn’t have been fair on Rieva, whom he also liked. Rieva appreciated a good skin care regime. She was likeable, and knew not to take anything about his drooling over her floor less skin as flirting. She was also level headed and did a great job of keeping Matt under control. He didn’t pry on her life, and she didn’t pry when he’d wake up screaming the house down. Her attitude was very much “shit happens”, and if it wasn’t happening to her than everything was all good. She also loved reading, tolerated him and Curtis blubbering over rom-coms, and was already looking at finding work in town after declining an inviting from Pidge. She was great with Pidge too, able to steer the conversation away from the possible existence of werewolves and vampires. Her biggest plus was her “fist of love” that came out when Curtis and Matt didn’t clean up after themselves.
“How could you say that? He’s my brother from another mother, which means he’s you brother too!”
Matt shrugged at Pidge
“Maybe you’re not the super sleuth you thought you were?”
“I’ll fight you. He said they weren’t”
“He is me. And we weren’t”
“Mhmm. And how long has this secret trist been going on?”
“Just over a month... about a week before Keith and Shiro left”
Lance cringed. She was so damn loud.
“Keep it down, you ferals!”
Now she’d set Sal off. Hunk looking worried as he apologised, before scolding Pidge
“Sorry, Sal! You’re going to get us banned from here”
“Puh-lease. Sal loves us. And why aren’t you telling them off. They lied to us!”
Lance felt the guilt of the lie in the base of his stomach. That wasn’t the only one...
“Uh... um...”
Hunk scratched the back of his head. Groaning, Pidge slumped over the booth table
“You knew?”
“I had a feeling... We both noticed how much Lance talks about Keith”
Lance blushed. Okay. He got it. He liked his boyfriend too much. But in his defence he bragged about Pidge and Hunk all the time. Keith leaned forward, to talk past him
“We were taking it slow... can you stop yelling? I need coffee for this shit”
“I don’t want to stop yelling, I want answers. Like who asked who out? Your both awkward as fuck”
Matt snorted, Lance kicked him under the table. Supernatural eavesdropping didn’t count. Lance picked a menu, using it to smack Pidge in the face
“We talked about it and decided to see where it went. Now stop pestering him. He’s only had one coffee today”
“But Laaaaaaaance, you’re dating. You never date. I can’t remember the last time you went on a date... Let me have this”
Lance smacked Pidge in the face with the menu again
“Not until Keith has had another coffee. You’re torturing him”
“You both deserve it. How did I not know?”
“Because I didn’t want to make things hard or complicated for him. He’s barely known us for like 2 months now. He’s not used to your crazy”
Pidge snatched the menu off him, opening it despite Lance knowing she was going to order the pancakes. She almost always did
“He’s fiiiiine. Now, can we please go back to where Keith explains his intentions with you?”
“Um... to date him... and stuff?”
Lance hung his head. Keith was out of his depth with Pidge
“And what?”
“And... I don’t know. You’re the one who’s all “date him and stuff””
“I don’t want to hurt him, if that’s what you mean”
“Good. I will hack every media device you own if you do. He’s my brother. And if hurts you, I swear I’ll kick his arse”
If the world could open up and swallow him right now, that’s be perfect. Keith was flustered, Lance didn’t know what to say. And Shiro had the nerve to be smiling at the pair of them
“Pidge, you’re embarrassing me. Look, yeah, we’re dating and we’re taking things slow as we get to know each other. Miriam likes Keith. She knows about Keith. Now you know about Keith. Can we please talk about this without making it awkward”
“It’s only awkward if you pop a boner”
Why god? Why did he love this gremlin so?
“I’m just saying”
“No more saying! Sal, can we please order before I die of embarrassment in your booth?!”
Sal yelled back at his question
“Hey, no dying. I’ve got enough to clean up in this place without hiding a body! Pancakes for everyone. I know the drill!”
“And 6 coffees with milk, one with soy, and tea!”
“Drink coffee like a normal bum, you weirdo!”
Everyone was ganging up on him. Fuck it. Letting himself flop against Keith, Keith wrapped his arm around his shoulders
“Keith, please forgive our heathen friends and don’t judge me too harshly”
“The judgment train left a long time ago”
Lance groaned
“Not you, too!”
“Sorry. Of course I won’t judge you because Matt can’t control his sister”
Lance stifled a laugh, happy Keith was alright with everything. Matt raising his hands
“Man, I tried. Some beasts come from hell itself. One Halloween she wanted to dress up as “Satan’s sweaty arsehole”. Feel free to use it against her. I told to her to dress in brown and go as the shit she is”
Pidge groaned at her brother
“Don’t talk about young Pidge. She made a lot of mistakes”
Matt raised an eyebrow
“You were 17. Mum would have grounded you for life if she could have”
That just made it funnier. Lance got the distinct feeling he’d been too much of an old man at dinner, and talked above his age. Pidge’s mum, Colleen, was incredibly learned. Hunk mentioned he was constantly cold, Colleen then giving him a suggestion in herbal medicine that’d help with his circulation. Thank God they’d survived that night... because Colleen honestly scared him. It was like she knew... and like she was compelling him to tell her more. Never again... or maybe when he didn’t have a million other things to deal with, or a frightening paranoia of turning into a bat mid soufflé.
“Keith was too cool to go Halloweening with his brother”
Keith tensed, shooting Shiro a glare
“Don’t you dare”
Pidge said the same thing Lance was going to, maybe not the same way, but now he had to know
“Ooooh! Now you’re obligated to tell”
“Well... Keith was too cool. My partner and I dressed up, ready to scare the kids. So when a group of trick-or-treaters came to the door, he gave them all an apple and told them to fuck off. Then ate the whole bowl of candy as he downed a bottle of tequila. Threw up all over my partner, stripped down to his boxers and tried to jump off the balcony because he was mothman, and mothman is very real”
Lance snorted with laughter, he attempted, poorly, to hide it, yet couldn’t help himself
“Oh, Keith. That’s like... terrible”
His boyfriend was blushing hard
“Fuck off. Like you don’t have embarrassing Halloween stories”
“He chased a cat six blocks, while dressed as a vampire because he wanted to pat the kitty, does that count?”
Now Hunk was betraying him?! Game on
“What about you? Don’t think I’ve forgotten our first year of college at that party. Yeah, you dressed up as mummy, then started trying to clean the kitchen, while drunk, and somehow managed to set your hand on fire”
Hunk worried his pointer fingers together, Pidge was laughing so hard she was crying. His ray of sunshine mumbling
“That wasn’t my fault... Who disrespects a kitchen like that?”
Keith was obviously pissed at his brother
“Yeah, well, Shiro got drunk at a work party and had sex not so quietly while dressed as werewolf, in his office. He howled... it wasn’t fun”
Shiro looked less than amused
“How did you even know about that?”
“That little fucker... I mean... fuck. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Lance was dying to ask who James was, but the way Keith said his name stopped him. His stomach doing a hard flip, like he was jealous or something
“Because I hoped the memory would fuck off and die in a corner. You brought this on yourself. Mothman for life”
Pidge reached out, the pair first bumping. Again, Lance was jealous or anything. He just didn’t have the whole mothman thing that he now knew Keith had
“Still... Fuck... I’m glad we don’t have to go back there”
“Amen to that”
Pidge wiped her eyes
“Who knew finance could be so interesting. What about you, Curtis? Any funny stories about Lance to share?”
“There was that one time we had to leave the house because people were having sex too loudly”
Matt and Rieva both blushed. Good. But kind of not. They were only doing what their egos told them... Pidge managed to bring the conversation
“What about Lance and Keith? Any embarrassing stories about those two?”
God. Yes. Them trying to work their shit out... Curtis was struggling not to say. Lance caught the change in Shiro’s body language
“Now, now. I’m sure there’s plenty of time to embarrass them”
Curtis had to say something. His stupid curse wouldn’t let him keep quite
“Last time Keith was here he’d been drinking milk. Lance was worried about him”
Pidge blew a raspberry
“That doesn’t count. He can’t help that, so that’s not cool. I bet you two are secretly gross and talk about feelings and shit”
That’s why he loved his gremlin
“Yep. Took us weeks to figure out shit out... but, he’s a good guy for a brooding emo”
When Keith dropped a kiss on top of his head, Lance swore he’d died and gone to heaven. He didn’t think Keith, and it wasn’t even a requested display of affection. This was better than lunch. This was the friends he called family being together. He couldn’t be happier... even if it wouldn’t last.
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violetosprey · 7 years
TDDUP My thoughts on Jack
Doing one of these for each of the 5 stars in TDDUP (yes, even the ladies).  This is incredibly subjective, so I decided not to call this a review.  Rant sounds too negative to me, it’s more a mix of gushing and analysis here.  Anyways, MAJOR SPOILERS ahead because I may talk about stuff not revealed until the very end of a play through.  In fact I’m probably going to talk in a way that just assumes the person reading this has completed TDDUP.  Kinda like, “Oh I won’t give the whole story of this scene because you know what I’m talking about.”  Anyway, next up we have Jack! 
In terms of both favorite character and play through, Jack is tied in second with Ellen for me (for similar reasons).  I LOVED these playthroughs, probably for similar reasons.  They’re two sides of the same coin concerning the subject matter.  I’ll get to Ellen later though.  Honestly, the only reason these two aren’t my number one favorite play through in TDDUP is because I’m biased and have a weakness for male yanderes *sweats* (but more on Marcus later).
Jack is a character you are either going to love...or cringe at and stay 10 yards away from at all times (you know, for the “ewwww” factor).  For whatever reason, the necrophilia did not scare me aware.  I think I was prepared for it after some other BTD characters that have been implied to do the same.  Which means I actually got to focus on more on the little things with Jack.  Or at least after a few playthroughs getting over the fact that he likes put you as close to the decomposing bodies as possible and sexually assault you after he’s just been doing...things.
The most important thing I want to say is that after playing all of Jack’s routes: I firmly believe that Jack genuinely loves the MC.  I’m serious.  I’m talking the same kind of love Chris had for MC (prior to his snap), not the crazy kind of love Marcus shows to an unhealthy degree.  Make no mistake, Jack is a horrible human being; he has been killing people and having sex with their corpses for YEARS.  Being nice on the outside to friends and family and being a good professor does not justify a person’s right to kill people at random for sexual pleasure. 
That being said, Jack’s character is so much more complex because of this.  It’s not just the stuff in the beginning that make me think he’s honestly in love with the MC either.  Playing the nice husband could have easily all been an act to give him the appearance to everyone on the outside that he’s a normal citizen.  Sociopaths can be pretty good at blending into society.  It’s not that they don’t know how a normal person should act, it’s just that they don’t care about anyone in reality.  No but while Jack remains calm when you catch him in the act and he keeps you trapped in the basement, there’s clear signs that he doesn’t know what to do from there.
He keeps asking himself what to do, even resorting talking to a severed head for comfort in the situation.  In one dialogue, MC makes it clear they believe Jack is ultimately going to kill them, only for Jack to say “No, I haven’t decided that yet.”  Serial Killer rule # 1: Leave no witnesses.  If Jack’s a true sociopath, and a veteran serial killer, there’s hardly a reason to hesitate killing the MC.  If MC works mostly at their house, the MC going missing for awhile isn’t an issue, and Jack could probably fabricate something.  And he’s already killed tons of people...it’s not like murdering the MC will send him to jail any more or less then before if he gets caught.
There’s only two times Jack kills you, the first being if you yell at him.  I’m guessing this is the one where he does come to the conclusion that “There’s no way MC is not going to tattle on me” AND he may even feel betrayed or....hurt?  I say this because there’s another ending where he just leaves, and I’m trying to think of the difference between the killing ending and the leaving you alone ending.  He probably considers in both that you’re going to tattle inevitably, but for some reason he gets mad enough to kill you in the one ending.  I can only speculate.  The other kill ending, Jack just kind of gets a little too into the sex and kills you probably in a mix of killer instinct and on accident (I don’t think he’s thinking things through) while he’s in a state of ecstasy.  Think of it like Strade’s bleeding heart kill in BTD.  
Jack was the most difficult one for me to get all the endings for.  The first ending that I got, and the one I got the majority of the time was the “You are alone” ending.  To be honest, I think personally this ending not only makes the most sense to me, but it’s what I would consider canon for Jack.  That’s just my opinion though.  Like I said, Jack wasn’t really prepared to have you down in the basement.  Whatever happened, the MC had managed to become an exception in Jack’s life.  While he’s got a clearly different sexual preference, he never wanted to make you one of his corpses.  Or at least he thought about it, but he didn’t want you to decompose and leave him like a corpse usually would.  He probably never had any intentions of EVER of letting MC know his secret.  But when he couldn’t think of a way to preserve you or prevent you from telling his secret, he left on his own.  In my eyes, it was both a way for Jack to protect himself, and to prove one last time that he really did love the MC.  Not fantastic that he left without a word while you were trapped in the basement...but the code also happens to be your birth date :P
It’s almost hilarious if I compare Jack and Marcus: Jack is a serial killer and necrophiliac who loves you so much that he doesn’t want to hurt you and will let you go, while Marcus is an upstanding cop who is just so obsessed with you that he WILL hurt you and will never let you go.  10 points Puke for the contrast.  I love it!
But yeah, I absolutely loved Jack.  He was definitely a villain, but he had more dimensions than that.  He’s a very loving family man (even hinted to be towards his ex and son as well).  Doesn’t excuse his deeds, but doesn’t make him flat either.  It’s also what makes him incredibly different from the other BTD villains.  Most of them were far more sadistic outwardly and wouldn’t often display such an inner conflict.  A good character and addition to the series overall.
I can’t wait to see young Jack in “Mark of Belial.”  He’ll definitely make the story interesting.
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Greek Pantheon Asks
Aphrodite: What do you love most about yourself? My ability to think outside the box.
Apollo: Do you have any talents? I can annoy people is less than .3 seconds flat.....
Ares: What small thing makes you angry? People talking smack about me behind my back. If you got a problem with me, tell me to my face.
Artemis: What are you hunting for in life? Being accepted for myself.
Athena: What is/was your best school subject? A tie between math and reading.
Demeter: Do you miss anyone? Yes.
Dionysus: Do you drink alcohol? If so, what’s your beverage of choice?Strawberry Daiquiri or Apple Pie Mead.
Eros: How do you define your sexuality? I am a Dean!girl with a side of Sam!curious and Castiel!lust inhibitions.
Gaia: Where’s your favorite place in the world? I would like to go to Ireland or Egypt. Something about those two places tickles my brain and my heart so “thumpy thump thump”...
Hades: Have you ever had a near-death experience? Does it count if my grandpa told me to let him go in a dream the night before he gave up his battle with cancer and passed in his sleep....
Hecate: What do you think of magic? Well, since I’m a practicing Wiccan...I can firmly say that everything in the Universe has some type of magic in it. From the smallest blade of grass to the infinite stars in the stratosphere.
Helios: Do you sunburn easy? Does Dean love pie, whiskey, and women?? The answer is yes to all of the above...
Hephaestus: What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever made or built? I made the seven layer chocolate chocolate cake for a large restaurant chain once...
Hera: Are you the jealous type? Depends on the situation I guess. It’s been a while since I was in a relationship to be jealous in so....
Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything? Does pens from the bank count?
Hestia: Where’s your home away from home? A small park a few miles from my house. Sometimes it is peaceful and serene
Hyperion: Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets cause I’m a night owl and mornings hurt....
Iris: What’s your favorite color palate? Blues, greens, and some light browns.
Kronos: What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever eaten? A chicken nugget and butter sandwich (my nephew told me to eat it and wouldn’t move it from the vacinity of my mouth until I took a bite, chewed, and swallowed it all. Ewwww.)
Nemesis: What’s a time you helped deliver justice? I caught a guy trying to jump a fence when I used to work security and his pants got stuck on the fence. He was hanging upside down when the cops came to pick him up. Ha....
Nike: What’s your most recent accomplishment? Staying alive in these trying times of turmoil and hate....
Nyx: What’s your favorite nighttime activity? Sleeping mostly but I can bake up a storm while the rest of the world is at rest.
Pan: What do you do for fun? I bake, read, color (thanks to my boss and a coloring app on Google play), and write fanfiction.
Persephone: What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall just after the leaves change color and the harvest has been reaped.
Poseidon: What’s your favorite sea creasture?  I like dolphins but revently I have been fascinated with the octopus.
Rhea: What’s your favorite type of nature?  I like wind storms but nothing like tornados or hurricanes. Just a nice, cooling breeze to sweep the crap feelings out of your life and into the wind.
Selene: What’s your favorite phase of the moon? I LOVE the full moon. Something about seeing this silvery vision in the sky that reminds me that we are just a tiny part of a vast Universe so nothing is as bad as it may seem.
Tartarus: What’s your personal hell? Not being heard. I don’t know how many times I get frustrated when I speak up about something to be told that my opinion doesn’t matter in the long run. That it is better to be seen than to be heard. Bullshit is what I say to that. BULLshit....BULLSHIT!!!
Thanatos: Is there anyone you just really, really hate? Not so much. Carrying around that kind of hate weighs you down physically, emotionally, and mostly spiritually. If I have to hate someone that much, then why are they still in my life to start with, ya’ know?
Uranus: What are your zodiac signs?  Aquarius under the planet Uranus born in the year of the Monkey...
Zeus: What do you think about thunderstorms? I love them as long as lightening don’t strike near me or my loved ones.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
The Sting
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thenightetc 09:55 PM No video/audio yet
thenightetc 09:55 PM There we go!
thenightetc 09:55 PM Chicken!
thenightetc 09:56 PM Awww, she's brooding. SpadedAce joined the party.
highglossfinish 09:57 PM Alright, any movie suggestions?
thenightetc 09:57 PM How about... :thinking face:
SpadedAce 09:57 PM we could watch the classic live action scooby doo, that one's pretty awful
thenightetc 09:57 PM The Sting!
highglossfinish 09:58 PM This The Sting?
thenightetc 09:59 PM I think so!
thenightetc 09:59 PM I know it's pretty old, and I remember it being a fun time, but I haven't seen it in a while
highglossfinish 09:59 PM Heads Scooby Doo, tails The Sting.
thenightetc 09:59 PM *crosses fingers*
thenightetc 09:59 PM Yes!
thenightetc 10:05 PM *settles in*
highglossfinish 10:05 PM Huh, so that's where that piece of music is from.
thenightetc 10:07 PM Actually... I wonder if they just used an existing period-appropriate piece
highglossfinish 10:08 PM Also plausible.
SpadedAce 10:10 PM they did I think aha that's a verrrry classic piano rag song
thenightetc 10:10 PM Oof.
thenightetc 10:12 PM Or DID he.
thenightetc 10:13 PM Heheheh.
thenightetc 10:16 PM Oh, this money's going to last him a while, huh.
highglossfinish 10:21 PM Oh dear.
thenightetc 10:22 PM In one goddamn bet.
thenightetc 10:23 PM Does the picture keep pausing for anyone else?  Audio's fine, it's just the video pausing for a few seconds.
thenightetc 10:23 PM Dunno if it's on my end or the stream itself
highglossfinish 10:23 PM That's odd. It's fine on my end.
thenightetc 10:24 PM Must be mind, then, I'll try reloading thenightetc joined the party.
thenightetc 10:24 PM Bah, I'll just put up with it.  Might be my connection
highglossfinish 10:24 PM Or kast being kast.
SpadedAce 10:25 PM gamblin' during the great deprrerssion is quite smething
highglossfinish 10:25 PM Isn't it?
thenightetc 10:27 PM Whoop.
highglossfinish 10:27 PM That human's going to end up in a storm drain.
thenightetc 10:28 PM Ohhhh dear
thenightetc 10:28 PM Oh nooo
highglossfinish 10:29 PM Why couldn't it have been pinstripes?
thenightetc 10:29 PM Right?  Mister big spender
thenightetc 10:33 PM Says the guy currently wanted by the mob.
highglossfinish 10:34 PM Are we supposed to be rooting for this human?
thenightetc 10:35 PM Hmmmm... borderline.
highglossfinish 10:35 PM They certainly do enjoy that word.
thenightetc 10:35 PM :/
highglossfinish 10:40 PM Ugh.
highglossfinish 10:40 PM I'm guessing the movie isn't going to end with both of them dead while this music plays.
highglossfinish 10:40 PM But I can dream.
thenightetc 10:41 PM There is certainly some stuff in here I didn't remember.
SpadedAce 10:43 PM ok m back what did I miss since the cop beat him up
thenightetc 10:43 PM a BUNCH
thenightetc 10:43 PM The mob found out who they were and they murdered Luthor
thenightetc 10:43 PM Now pinstripes is out for revenge
thenightetc 10:46 PM Pfffff
highglossfinish 10:46 PM Hah.
SpadedAce 10:47 PM oh no Luthorr :c
thenightetc 10:47 PM Yeah :<
thenightetc 10:49 PM Ha.
thenightetc 10:58 PM If looks could kill.
thenightetc 11:01 PM He is just making himself POPULAR.
highglossfinish 11:01 PM Look at him go!
thenightetc 11:01 PM awwww
thenightetc 11:02 PM Ewwww
thenightetc 11:05 PM Oho Jflee13 joined the party.
SpadedAce 11:05 PM 999999999999999999
SpadedAce 11:05 PM 10
thenightetc 11:07 PM oHO
highglossfinish 11:07 PM Here we go.
thenightetc 11:08 PM Hahhaha.
thenightetc 11:11 PM I do like seeing it start to come together.
thenightetc 11:24 PM I swear that guy looks familiar testi joined the party.
highglossfinish 11:34 PM Hah!
thenightetc 11:35 PM Right?
thenightetc 11:35 PM Smooth.
highglossfinish 11:35 PM Very.
thenightetc 11:36 PM Just.  Leaves the wall half-painted
highglossfinish 11:36 PM As you do.
thenightetc 11:40 PM ...I forget whether these guys are legit.
highglossfinish 11:40 PM They all sort of blur together.
thenightetc 11:47 PM Ha.
highglossfinish 11:48 PM I want to see Luthor avenged, but I also want to see the Redford human die.
thenightetc 11:49 PM That's one of those "moral dilemma" things, isn't it
highglossfinish 11:49 PM It is, it really is. webml joined the party. webml joined the party.
thenightetc 11:58 PM She could do better.
highglossfinish 11:59 PM Much better.
thenightetc 11:59 PM Sure, just leave the window open
thenightetc 12:00 AM Did she... steal his clothes??
highglossfinish 12:00 AM ...Did she?
thenightetc 12:00 AM And if not, what WAS he looking for?
SpadedAce 12:00 AM good on her
thenightetc 12:02 AM Did she steal his money?  It looked like it was still in the wallet fadesnoat joined the party.
thenightetc 12:04 AM WHAT
highglossfinish 12:04 AM Will someone just please kill the Redford human?
thenightetc 12:05 AM "'cause he knows you're too stupid to look after yourself" Zephra85 joined the party.
highglossfinish 12:08 AM Zephra human!
thenightetc 12:08 AM Hello!
Zephra85 12:09 AM I made it to a stream!!!
Zephra85 12:09 AM Everybody everybody ask me why ask me why
thenightetc 12:09 AM Why, why!
highglossfinish 12:09 AM Why? Don't keep us in suspense!
Zephra85 12:09 AM I got a new laptop!!
highglossfinish 12:09 AM Glorious!
thenightetc 12:09 AM Oh, nice!
Zephra85 12:09 AM So I don't have to fight to the death to use my bf's laptop anymore
highglossfinish 12:10 AM Excellent!
Zephra85 12:10 AM When we both wanted the laptop before we'd pull out swords all highlander style and scream at each other 'THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE'\
thenightetc 12:10 AM Pffff
Zephra85 12:11 AM So yeah I should be able to make it to a LOT more streams now that I have my own laptop!
highglossfinish 12:11 AM Just in time to see the Redford human die like he deserves because he's wretched.
thenightetc 12:11 AM Good, good!
highglossfinish 12:11 AM That's fantastic!
highglossfinish 12:11 AM Sigh.
Zephra85 12:12 AM I don't know this movie, is it that bad?
thenightetc 12:12 AM It's The Sting
thenightetc 12:12 AM And this guy's been sort of an ass all movie
highglossfinish 12:12 AM He's also a wretched person in real life.
Zephra85 12:12 AM Oh, oh is this a twist?
thenightetc 12:12 AM It is!
Zephra85 12:13 AM Good I made it in time for the best/worst part
Zephra85 12:13 AM perfect
highglossfinish 12:13 AM Yes, yes you would.
thenightetc 12:13 AM In one night, no less.
Zephra85 12:13 AM FFFFFF-
Zephra85 12:13 AM that song
SpadedAce 12:14 AM well I gtta say.... that movie dd... not hold me sobs
Zephra85 12:14 AM So how's everybody doing during this apocalypse?
highglossfinish 12:14 AM Enjoying the empty-ish roads.
thenightetc 12:14 AM Can't complain... too much.  How about you?
SpadedAce 12:14 AM essential worker here ✌️
SpadedAce 12:15 AM I need a vacaton
Zephra85 12:15 AM Oooh my condolances, Ace
Zephra85 12:15 AM :(
thenightetc 12:15 AM Oof
thenightetc 12:15 AM *patpats*
Zephra85 12:15 AM How're you holding up?\
thenightetc 12:16 AM Well.
Zephra85 12:17 AM sa;dfj this vid is killing me
thenightetc 12:17 AM Much appreciated.
SpadedAce 12:17 AM ok imma dip sobs. play some games and vegetate
SpadedAce 12:17 AM see yall!
highglossfinish 12:17 AM Have fun!
Zephra85 12:17 AM Bye buddy!! Take it easy!
thenightetc 12:17 AM Goodnight!
thenightetc 12:18 AM Are... are we making a bomb?
highglossfinish 12:18 AM We'd better be.
Zephra85 12:18 AM lol
Zephra85 12:19 AM I'm a caterer so I got laid off immediately
highglossfinish 12:19 AM Bah. Sorry to hear it.
thenightetc 12:19 AM Yeah :S
Zephra85 12:20 AM I feel really bad because I'm Canadian so my government aid money is literally a LOT more than my usual salary
Zephra85 12:20 AM I'm making so much more money NOT working I feel like crap
thenightetc 12:20 AM Awwww
Zephra85 12:21 AM ... that's how I paid for my laptop
Zephra85 12:21 AM I'M A MONSTER
thenightetc 12:21 AM You're really not.
highglossfinish 12:21 AM Your society's doing what a society's supposed to be doing!
highglossfinish 12:21 AM Well, apart from preventing plagues.
Zephra85 12:21 AM Ugh legit
Zephra85 12:22 AM I feel bad for essential workers though with me doing so 'well'
Zephra85 12:22 AM well has quotations because I am a social person so not being able to go places and see people is THE ACTUAL WORST
Zephra85 12:22 AM I MISS MY FRIENDS
thenightetc 12:22 AM Yeah :S
thenightetc 12:23 AM Think of it as a bribe to try not to spread the plague.
Zephra85 12:23 AM Fair
highglossfinish 12:23 AM "Cheap crappy goods for suckers."
Zephra85 12:23 AM A;SLDJFA
Zephra85 12:23 AM this guy is hilarious
thenightetc 12:24 AM Right?
Zephra85 12:24 AM It's edited perfectly to for max humour
thenightetc 12:25 AM It really is.
thenightetc 12:26 AM "So at this point I have an idea"
highglossfinish 12:26 AM "Where dreams are made."
Zephra85 12:27 AM Hey Knock Out was the whole green energon/scraplets/ancient rust plagues handled as weirdly as we modern humans are managing our disaster?\
Zephra85 12:28 AM Sorry for all the extra slashes guys I"m still getting used to this new keyboard so I'm constantly grazing the slash key
highglossfinish 12:28 AM To the best of my knowledge, we never protested in the streets for our right to go out and leak rust on one another.
thenightetc 12:28 AM They can just climb over the desks.
Zephra85 12:29 AM I'd HOPE to imagine that's a rare thing in most societies during plagues
thenightetc 12:30 AM God.
thenightetc 12:31 AM Oh, I"ve played games like this
Zephra85 12:32 AM i'm losing my freaking mind this is killing me
thenightetc 12:32 AM Make a thing to make a thing
highglossfinish 12:32 AM His timeskips are always gold.
Zephra85 12:32 AM They're perfect
highglossfinish 12:33 AM There's Grace!
thenightetc 12:34 AM We must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Zephra85 12:34 AM I love Grace
thenightetc 12:34 AM Oh wow
highglossfinish 12:34 AM I saw "Surviving the..." and my attention's captured.
thenightetc 12:35 AM *eyes emoji*
thenightetc 12:35 AM How could this have happened!
Zephra85 12:35 AM I'M LOSING IT
highglossfinish 12:36 AM Oh, this should be good.
thenightetc 12:36 AM Oh look, practice
highglossfinish 12:36 AM Hah!
Zephra85 12:36 AM Knock Out how happy are you to have discovered terrible human media in the long run?
highglossfinish 12:37 AM Absolutely *delighted.*
Zephra85 12:37 AM Excellent
thenightetc 12:37 AM Ha!
thenightetc 12:39 AM Ha!
Zephra85 12:39 AM The video is lagging a bit but it's absolutely not hindering my enjoyment of this video
thenightetc 12:40 AM Burial pit
thenightetc 12:40 AM BURIAL PIT BURIAL PIT
Zephra85 12:40 AM It's all about the commentary with this guy
thenightetc 12:40 AM Ha!
Zephra85 12:41 AM AS;DLFJK
thenightetc 12:41 AM Well
highglossfinish 12:41 AM I wish every game he played gave him the option to rename things.
thenightetc 12:41 AM Same
Zephra85 12:42 AM silver lining: that's less housing we need to make
Zephra85 12:42 AM every rich person's response to death EVER
highglossfinish 12:43 AM Photo man's out of control!
Zephra85 12:43 AM when will he be stopped
Zephra85 12:44 AM If a meteor shower happened DIRECTLY on your village and resulted in NO deaths I think that'd be something to celebrate tuki2 joined the party.
thenightetc 12:45 AM Pfff.
Zephra85 12:46 AM Science points?? Don't let shockwave play this game
Zephra85 12:47 AM he'll devote his entire existence to it and die of starvation eventually
thenightetc 12:47 AM Please, this is absolutely how research works.
highglossfinish 12:47 AM He absolutely would.
thenightetc 12:48 AM Was that a meteor
Zephra85 12:49 AM Hey hey Knock Out
thenightetc 12:49 AM "So we're going to run a little experiment" my favorite words!
highglossfinish 12:49 AM Hm?
Zephra85 12:49 AM Did you know when the nemesis's security footage leaked when Ratchet was captured
Zephra85 12:50 AM We all started calling Shockwave and Ratchet 'SCIENCESHIPPING'
highglossfinish 12:50 AM The more you know!
thenightetc 12:51 AM Amazing
Zephra85 12:51 AM Well you were there
highglossfinish 12:51 AM It's to the point and completely without frills, just like Shockwave and Ratchet.
Zephra85 12:51 AM you saw how Ratchet was a step off from overloading every time Shockwave showed him something new
highglossfinish 12:52 AM Alright, one more quick one for the road...
thenightetc 12:52 AM Uh oh
Zephra85 12:52 AM YAY
thenightetc 12:52 AM What am I in for
highglossfinish 12:52 AM You'll see.
Zephra85 12:53 AM hrn oh oy
Zephra85 12:53 AM oh boy
Zephra85 12:53 AM no
Zephra85 12:53 AM noooo
thenightetc 12:54 AM gaaaaah
thenightetc 12:54 AM GAH
thenightetc 12:55 AM yikes
Zephra85 12:55 AM ... nope not gonna go there
highglossfinish 12:55 AM Organics are a perpetual yikes.
Zephra85 12:56 AM ANYWAY I'm glad I got to be around for a bit at the end at least!
thenightetc 12:56 AM And for the factory video!
Zephra85 12:56 AM It was great seeing you guys again!
thenightetc 12:56 AM Same!
Zephra85 12:56 AM I'll hopefully be around a bit more
highglossfinish 12:56 AM Likewise!
thenightetc 12:56 AM I hope so :)
Zephra85 12:56 AM Bye Night!
highglossfinish 12:57 AM Certainly looking forward to it!
Zephra85 12:57 AM Bye Knock Out! Say hi to the fam for me!
highglossfinish 12:57 AM Will do!
highglossfinish 12:57 AM Good night, everyone!
thenightetc 12:57 AM Thanks, an
0 notes