storm-of-feathers · 2 months
franticly googling how to be best friends with all my mutuals when i never answer dms and barely answer asks but i want to be best friends
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
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ratsandfashion · 5 months
I get that no one can care a hundred percent about everything all the time so you pick your causes, which is what I do And I get that not everyone's activism is reflected in their blog. Mine largely is not. Aside for raising awareness/support for potoroos, which is pretty unique to me, most of what I have to say about what I support isn't really something I think most of Tumblr needs to hear, they already agree. So I focus that on irl, and use Tumblr to LEARN about more issues instead, or understand the ones I'm already aware of better, so I can explain them better in conversations elsewhere. Meanwhile my blog is mostly fashion, animals, and aesthetics. So yeah, I get these two things. I really do. But it’s impossible not to notice when everyone is picking and dropping the same causes at once. Honestly, I’m genuinely convinced the only reason trans issues posts remain popular is because such a large chunk of this community is trans. Otherwise it would die in one , maybe two years like the rest of the problems that don’t resolve fast enough to keep the political fandom’s interest.
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blossoming-sun · 1 year
Watch my drawing quality get worse as my lack of sleep increases
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chrisodonline · 2 years
Guys, you know what would be HILARIOUS? If Callen got Castor to be an usher at his wedding since that's all he does these days.
Some quick exposition dropping. Guys, there is a person who commits arson on the loose. And he might commit more arson. That's what they keep saying. I think that might be important. 
Rountree is OF COURSE in his towel. But not the fun one Arkady wore that one time and scarred everyone for life in.
"Isn't this a pickle?" I laughed out loud at that. SAM HANNA. That reminds me of how LL called goosebumps "goose pimples" one time, and I thought it was adorable and had never heard that before. Anyway. So, awkward we "know" each other here. Mmhmm. Oh I bet you and agent lady had your own fires going, Rountree. 
Kilbride seriously asked for Callen to go to his office then asked him what's on his mind? Makes no sense. It was just to give a weird, contrived opening for Callen to question the odd team-up dynamics and seem annoyed with it even though THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR SO MANY WEEKS.  You are addressing his questioning authority but YOU TOLD HIM TO SAY WHATEVER WAS ON HIS MIND AFTER MAKING HIM COME TO YOUR OFFICE. I DO NOT GET IT. I don't know, maybe if you just flat out said why you pulled him in, would have saved everyone time. But I guess we got stretch out this conversation with dialogue. ANYWAY.
(Apryl, I am typing in all caps! I bet your ears are ringing or your Z-senses are tingling.)
Kilbride, this team is all about questioning authority. Why are you setting this up and then talking about being pissy? It's just more contrived angst so he can chew out these agents. "Your buddy Pembroke." His poor choices of words are really annoying me. "Surrogate mommy" and now even ironically referring to the guy who he watched torture a young Katya and found out did horrible things to Callen? I cannot.
"It is my attempt to keep you focused on the job." Callen has 100% been focused these past few weeks, though. He's actually been pretty present, physically, too. This whole scene is annoying me. UGH. But whatever.
Callen was nice enough to say Thank You, even though he totally deserved this info sooner. "Unhappy childhood" OMG. Poor. Effing. Phrasing.
Kilbride you could've listed some specific examples because he was totally just reading the paper and looking for Hetty. And he has legit just taken personal time to do this, even if he sometimes said it was for a different reason. It was his personal time. BUT WHATEVER.
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randomnameless · 1 year
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Step 1 : Sacrifice peasants to inherit their wrath
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Step 2 : Kill a goddess for her IdEaLs
Who wants ludonarrative coherence ?
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horizonandstar · 2 years
Like to point out that Gregory is actually stupidly smart and was able to upgrade Freddie with basically no knowledge how to as well as figure out what was going on in security breach in like the first 5 minutes, if in your au they had labs like with the sea emperor then he probably could figure out how to save them if not by how stupidly smart they decided to make him then by main character bullshit.
oh huh! true! yeah probably, depends on what sort of machinery the architects left behind. so long as all the required parts are there, then maybe he would be able to yeah. if somethings missing and theres no available substitute, then probably not, i dont think he'll be able to create the required machinery
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sirompp · 9 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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almondpiglet · 29 days
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ppl were drawing mikus from all over so heres habesha miku and her lil twin sibs rin and len!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
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ekko-idk · 5 months
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My take on Farcille <3
(experimenting with my style too)
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ionomycin · 5 months
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ref photo by @jawsstone
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transrevolutions · 3 months
the thing terfs (and transphobes in general) don't seem to get about sexual preferences re: not being attracted to certain genitals is that like. okay. you have a preference. this feature is a turn-off. but that does not mean it is necessary to constantly broadcast how unattractive and undesirable you find people with this feature. you do not have to do that. in fact, it is generally considered quite rude. sexual compatibility or lack thereof has nothing to do with moral purity or legitimacy.
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starbuck · 10 months
i say i like tragedies and everyone’s all like ‘why do you like sad stories? are you depressed?’ and never ‘how was the catharsis? was the catharsis fun?’
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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