i get why people have shifted away from the term 'peggy sue' but honestly its less cumbersome than 'time travel fix-it' or, as i occasionally see spread across multiple tags " 'time travel' 'not a fix-it tho' 'not a break it worse either' " like cmon it wasnt even actually related to the 'x sue' stuff that people (rightfully) dropped it was a covergent evolution.
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princesssdark88 · 6 months
Ateez like Boyfriends: Marriage 💍
♡ Lembrando a todos que este post é meramente ilustrativo, e feito apenas para divertimento dos fãs. ♡ Reminding everyone that this post is merely illustrative, and made just for the amusement of fans.
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Vai fica todo pomposo com cara de "ganhei na loteria"
Nervoso vai fica se movimentando até começa toca a marcha nupcial
Vai fica encantado te olhando se aproxima dele
Você e ele rindo de nervosos um pro outro quando subirem no altar
Vai fica soltando risinhos de nervoso toda hora que olha pra você
"Eu tô tão feliz, amor, você tá feliz?"
Fez os votos em forma de rap pra fica bonitinho
Vai gagueja na hora dos votos e ter que repetir umas partes porque ficou nervoso
Você e ele vão rir na parte do "respeitar-te" e do "na riqueza…" (aí aí essas crianças!)
Vai fica tímido na hora do beijo e tapa com a mão
Vai sair do salão com os braços abertos tipo "venci família" apontando pra geral tipo "tú viu, casei mesmo! O pai tá off!" __________________________♡_____________________________
It's going to get all pompous with a "I won the lottery" face
Nervous, keeps moving until the wedding march starts
He will be enchanted looking at you as you approach him
You and him laughing nervously at each other when you walk down the aisle
He'll be giggling nervously every time he looks at you
"I'm so happy, baby, are you happy?"
Made the vows in the form of a rap to look cute
He will stutter at the time of the vows and have to repeat a part because he got nervous
You and he will laugh at the "respect you" and "in wealth…" (kids! ^^)
He will get shy at the time of the kiss and cover it with his hand so no one sees
He's going to leave the salon with his arms open like "I won, family!" pointing to the general like "you see, I really got married! Dad's off!"
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Vai fica vendo se tá tudo certo, se o padre tá bem, se música vai toca na hora certa
Vai fingi que tá calmo, mas vai fica se balançando de nervoso quando tiver no altar
Vai fica ajeitando a roupa dos membros que são os padrinhos e mandando eles se comporta
Vai fica te olhando igual cachorro que caiu da mudança enquanto você se aproxima do altar
Quando você tiver perto, vai fica sorrindo e balançando a cabeça de tão feliz que tá
"Já falei que te amo hoje?"
Vai fica atento ao que o padre fala, mas vai acha tudo muito demorado
Disse que escreveu os votos do fundo do coração
Fica todo bobo ouvindo você ler os votos tipo "é de mim que ela tá falando!"
Vai dá um risinho quando você disser o "aceito"
Vai segura firme sua mão depois que vocês colocarem as alianças
Vai dá um selinho na hora do beijo porque tá tímido
Queria te carrega nas costas na saída mas lembro que precisa se comporta
He'll see if everything is right, if the priest is okay, if the music is going to play at the right time
He'll pretend to be calm, but he'll be swaying nervously when he's at the altar
He will be adjusting the clothes of the members who are the godparents and telling them to behave
He'll stare at you like a dog that fell from the change as you approach the aisle
When you're around, you'll be smiling and shaking your head because you're so happy
"Did I tell you I love you today?"
He will pay attention to what the priest says, but he will find it all very time-consuming
He said he wrote the vows from the bottom of his heart
It gets all silly listening to you read the vows like "it's me she's talking about!"
he'll giggle when you say "I do"
He'll hold your hand tight after you put on your rings
He'll give you a little kiss because he's shy
He wanted to carry you on his back on the way out but I remember that he needs to behave
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Tal qual uma criança, não vai para naquele altar
Vai fica perguntando para os membros que são os padrinhos se tá bonito
Vai fica cumprimentando os convidados de longe
Pergunta de 5 em 5 minutos se você já chegou (Se tivesse com o celular, já tava te ligando)
Quando ouvir a marcha nupcial, vai fica nervoso e começa a ri sozinho
Quando você entra, vai abri um sorrisão e começa a fica emocionado
Quando subir no altar, ele já vai tá chorando
Vai dar um beijinho no seu rosto quando você tiver perto dele e fica dizendo que você é linda
Vai fica sussurrando que você tá cheirosa
Vai fingi que esqueceu as alianças
Vai dizer nos votos que você tiro a sorte grande por se casar com ele
Vai fica todo se vangloriando quando você ler os votos
Vai fingi que tá pensando quando o padre pergunta se ele te aceita como esposa
Você vai fazer o mesmo com ele, e ele vai ri
Vai dá um beijo bonito e apaixonado
Vai sair todo tímido porque tá com vontade de chora
Like a child, he won't stop at that aisle
He will keep asking the members who are the groomsmen if he looks good
He will be greeting guests from afar
he will ask every 5 minutes if you have already arrived (If he had his cell phone, he would already be calling you)
When you hear the wedding march, you will get nervous and start laughing to yourself
When you walk in, he'll crack a smile and start to get emotional
By the time he walks down the aisle, he'll already be crying
He will give you a kiss on the cheek when you are around him and keeps telling you that you are beautiful
He'll keep whispering that you smell good
He'll pretend he forgot his wedding rings
He will say in the vows that you hit the jackpot by marrying him
He'll get all bragging when you read the vows
He'll pretend to think when the priest asks if he accepts you as his wife
You'll do the same to him, and he'll laugh
He will give you a beautiful and passionate kiss
He'll leave all shy because he feels like crying
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Vai pedir ajuda dos membros para saber o lugar onde tem que fica porque tá muito nervoso
Vai fica balançando a mão dando oi ou se curvando pra todo mundo
Vai fica nervoso e com os olhinhos brilhando esperando a porta abrir quando ouvir a marcha nupcial começar
Vai chora quando te ver, vai chora quando você chega perto, vai usa o lenço do paletó toda hora
Vai segura sua mão, te ajudar a subir e arrumar o seu véu
Vai fica fazendo carinho no seu rosto as vezes quando olha pra você
"Você tá muito linda, parece uma princesa!"
Vai beija sua aliança antes e depois de coloca
Você e ele vão ficar brincando com os dedos enquanto dão as mãos
As vezes você e ele vão se olha e sorri um pro outro
Os votos dele são curtinhos mas adoráveis que te fazem sorrir
Ele vai fica surpreso com seus votos e ficar com as bochechas rosadas
Vai ficar em dúvida na hora do beijo se te beija mesmo ou se dá apenas um selinho
No fim resolve dá um selinho fofo
Vai encaixa seu braço no braço dele quando vocês estiverem indo embora como se dissesse "agora estou ao seu lado!"
He will ask for help from the members to know where he has to stay because he is very nervous
He'll be waving his hand, saying hello or bowing to everyone
He will get nervous and with his little eyes shining waiting for the door to open when he hears the wedding march start
He'll cry when he sees you, he'll cry when you get close, he'll wear the scarf on his jacket all the time
He will hold your hand, help you walk down the aisle and fix your veil
He'll caress your face sometimes when he looks at you
"You look so beautiful, you look like a princess!"
He will kiss your wedding ring before and after you put it on
You and he will be playing with your fingers while you hold hands with him
Sometimes you and he will look at each other and smile at each other
Their vows are short but adorable that make you smile
He will be surprised by your votes and get rosy cheeks
He will be in doubt at the time of the kiss if he gives you a kiss from the movies or if he just gives you a little kiss
In the end, it solves, it gives a cute kiss
He'll snap your arm into his arm when you're leaving, as if to say, "Now I'm by your side!"
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Fala pra todo mundo que tá muito nervoso e ansioso e fica se sacolejando
Diz que tá sentindo palpitações quando você começa a demora
De 5 em 5 minutos pergunta: "Ela já chegou?"
Quando a marcha nupcial começa, fica paralisado pois não sabe como reagir
Você mal entro ele já vai tá com os olhos cheios de lágrimas
Vai beija sua mão assim que você subir no altar
Vai fica te olhando enquanto o padre fala e fica fazendo carinho na sua mão
"Eu te amo muito, sabia!"
Falo que os votos seriam curtos (mentiu, tinha duas folhas)
Soltou um "wow" na hora dos seus votos admirado com o que você escreveu
Pediu pro Hongjoong guarda as alianças pois tinha medo de perde
O padre nem terminou, já disse SIM
Fico esperando você fazer o mesmo, e levantando a sobrancelha tipo "fala logo sim, mulher!"
Vai termina a hora do beijo com outro beijinho
Vai fica todo bobo agarrado em você na hora de sair da igreja
Tell everyone that he's very nervous and anxious and keeps shaking himself up
Says he's having palpitations when you start the delay
Every 5 minutes ask, "Has she arrived yet?"
When the wedding march begins, he is paralyzed because he doesn't know how to react
You barely get in, he's already going to have tears in his eyes
He will kiss your hand as soon as you walk down the aisle
He'll be looking at you while the priest talks and he'll be stroking your hand
"I love you so much, you know!"
He said the votes would be short (he lied, he had two sheets)
He let out a "wow" at the time of your vows, amazed at what you wrote about him
he asked Hongjoong to keep the rings because he was afraid of losing
The priest didn't even finish, he already said "I do"
He keeps waiting for you to do the same, and raising his eyebrow like "say i do right away, woman!!"
He will end the kiss time with another little kiss
He gets all silly clinging to you when it's time to leave the church
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Vai tenta ficar sério no altar, mas as vezes vai dá uns pulinhos de nervoso
Fica aquecendo a voz, parece até que tá indo pra um show
Mexe no terno de 5 em 5 minutos, verifica as alianças toda hora
Quando a marcha nupcial toca, e você entrar, vai fica te olhando e sorrindo
Quando você chegar no altar, vai tira o véu, balança a cabeça pro lado e fazer cara de "eita, como tenho bom gosto!"
Óbvio que vai canta no casamento
Vai fala pra você não chora e te dar o lenço dele
Nos votos vai agradecer por você existir e ser um apoio pra ele
Vai fica nervoso na hora de coloca a aliança e colocar bem devagar pra ter certeza que coloco mesmo
Quando o padre pergunta se ele aceita, vai sorri e dizer "claro que aceito!"
Os membros vão ri e ele vai olha pra eles com cara de bravo
Vai fica todo pomposo quando você dizer "aceito" também
Vai segura seu rosto para te dar o beijo e ficar tímido depois
He'll try to get serious at the aisle, but sometimes he'll jump up and down nervously.
Warms up your voice, it sounds like you're going to a concert
Tinker with the suit every 5 minutes, check the rings all the time
When the wedding march rings, and you walk in, he'll be looking at you and smiling
When you get to the aisle, he'll take off his veil, he'll shake his head to the side and make a face like "wow, I made a great choice!"
Obviously, you're going to sing at the wedding
He'll tell you not to cry and give you his scarf
In the votes, he will thank you for existing and being a support for him
He will get nervous when putting on the ring and put it on very slowly to make sure I put it on
When the priest asks if he accepts, he will smile and say "of course I do!"
The members will laugh and he will look at him with an angry face
He'll get all pompous when you say "I do" too
He will hold your face to give you the kiss and be shy afterwards
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Parece um anjo da igreja de tão bonito
Diz pro padrinhos que são os membros que tá com o coração acelerado
Fica se balançando de nervoso e dizendo "o que eu faço! O que eu faço!" parecendo uma criança confusa
Vai fica admirado olhando pra você vestida de noiva
Quando você entrar, vai fica sorrindo até você chega perto dele
Vai beija sua mão e te ajuda com o vestido
"Wow, como você tá linda!"
Vai fica olhando pro padre mas toda hora dá uma olhadinha pra você e sorri timidamente
Vai fica tímido na hora dos votos e dizer que você significa muito na vida dele
Vai chora nessa parte e você vai seca as lágrimas dele, que vai agradece
Vai ouvi os seus votos e fica te olhando com os olhinhos brilhando
Quase erra a mão de bota a aliança, vai sorri e pega a mão certa
Na hora do beijo vai fica com vergonha, vai dar um beijinho tímido na pontinha do seu nariz e depois nos seus lábios
Vai te estender a mão pra você encaixa os dedos quando vocês saírem da igreja
He looks like a church angel because he is so beautiful
Tell the godparents, who are the members, that your heart is racing
He keeps shaking nervously and saying, "What do I do! What do I do!" looking like a confused child
He'll be amazed looking at you dressed as a bride
When you enter, he will keep smiling until you get close to him
He will kiss your hand and help you with the dress
"Wow, how beautiful you look!"
He keeps looking at the priest but every time he takes a look at you and smiles shyly
He'll get shy when it comes to vows and say that you mean a lot in his life
He'll cry at that part and you'll dry his tears, he'll thank you
He will listen to your vows and stare at you with his little eyes shining
Almost misses the hand of putting on the ring, he will smile and take the right hand
At the time of the kiss he will be embarrassed, he will give a shy kiss on the tip of your nose and then on your lips
He will hold out his hand to you so that you can fit your fingers when you leave the church.
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Não admite que está nervoso
Sorri e cumprimenta todo mundo sorrindo
Fica puxando assunto com o padre
Diz pro Wooyoung para de fazer bagunça com os padrinhos
Fica rindo de nervoso porque você tá demorando (tá quase indo te busca em casa)
Vai ouvi a marcha nupcial e vai coloca a mão no coração como se pudesse segura ele
Vai se emociona quando ver você entrar
Vai te ajuda a subir, vai tira o véu e beija sua testa com carinho
Você vai dizer pra ele não chora e ele vai fala com a voz grossa "eu não tô chorando!"
Vai fica repetindo o quanto você é linda e o quanto ele te ama de 5 em 5 minutos
"Eu tenho tanta sorte de ter você, te amo!"
Não ouviu uma palavra do padre porque só sabe olha pra você
Vai chora na hora dos votos
Vai fica todo bobo ouvindo você ler seus votos
"wow, ela não é perfeita!" vai fala depois que você termina, e dá um sorriso
Vai fica nervoso na hora de bota a aliança
Vai fica segurando firme sua mão pra ter certeza que você não vai embora sem ele
Vai segura seu rosto na hora do beijo, te beija apaixonado e depois beija sua testa de novo
Vai quere sair com você no colo
He won't admit he's nervous
Smiles and greets everyone smiling
Keeps bringing up random subject with the priest
Tell Wooyoung to stop messing with the groomsmen
Laughs nervously because you're taking too long (he's about to pick you up at home)
He will hear the wedding march and will put his hand on his heart as if he could hold it
He will get emotional when he sees you enter the church
He will help you walk down the aisle, take off your veil and kiss your forehead with affection
You're going to tell him not to cry and he's going to say in a thick voice "I'm not crying!"
He will keep repeating how beautiful you are and how much he loves you every 5 minutes
"I'm so lucky to have you, I love you!"
He didn't hear a word from the priest because he only knows how to look at you
He will cry at the time of the vows
He'll get all silly listening to you read your vows
"Wow, she's not perfect!" he'll say after you're done, and gives you a smile
He'll get nervous when it's time to put on the ring
He'll keep holding your hand tight to make sure you don't leave without him
He will hold your face at the time of the kiss, kiss you passionately and then kiss your forehead again
He'll want to go out with you on his lap.
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jopevidalsblog · 1 month
Mama Robin
*Anne, Usopp and Chopper were playing UNO, which Anne had found in her backpack*
Anne: Usopp, stop stealing!
Usopp: I'm not cheating! That's the great Captain Usopp's incredible ability to be very good at card games!
Chopper: Seriously?!?!?
Anne: Of course not, Chopper! He's hiding the posters in his clothes! I can feel that with Mantra.
Robin, approaching the table the 3 were playing at with a cup of tea: Here Anne, some tea, it will help with the sore throat you were having earlier today
Anne: Thank you, Mom.
*Everyone automatically looks at Anne*
Anne: Why is everyone looking at me?
Chopper: You called Robin "Mom"
Anne: No, I didn't, I called her "Mana"
Robin: Do you see me as a mother figure, Anne?
Anne: No... At most I see you as a bit of a nuisance, because you're always annoying me.
Franky: Hey! It's not SUPER to treat your mom like that!
Anne: I didn't call her "mom"!
Robin: It's okay, Anne. I take that as a compliment.
Sanji: I once called Zeff "dad" by accident and everyone laughed at me at Barratie for a whole month.
Anne: See, guys! Sanji has a real problem with this kind of mistake. So let's stop talking about it so we don't bother him with it, okay?
Nami: This is nothing new, but you called Robin "Mommy"
Anne: Oh! Wait! "Mommy" is just trying to make fun of me.
Usopp: But you called her "Mom"
Anne: Usopp, you haven't said anything that you're lying since we started playing!
Usopp: I was lying about not cheating, but you did call her "mom"!
Anne, standing up: HA! See! This was all a big plan to prove that Usopp was cheating!
Chopper: Is that true!?!?!
Usopp: Of course not, Chopper!!!
Robin: I believe you,...
Anne: Thank you...
Robin: Daughter
Robin: Want to talk about it later over tea?
Anne: I would love to...
*Anne, Usopp e Chopper estavam jogando UNO, que Anne havia achado na sua mochila*
Anne: Usopp, para de ficar roubando!
Usopp: Eu não tô roubando! Essa é a incrível habilidade do grande Capitão Usopp de ser muito bom em jogos de carta!
Chopper: Sério?!?!?
Anne: Claro que não, Chopper! Ele tá escondendo as cartaz na roupa! Eu tô sentindo isso com o Mantra
Robin, se aproximando da mesa que os 3 estavam jogando com uma xícara de chá: Aqui Anne, um pouco de chá, vai ajudar com a dor de garganta que você estava sentido hoje cedo
Anne: Obrigada, mãe
*Todos automaticamente olham para Anne*
Anne: Por que tá todo mundo me olhando?
Chopper: Você chamou a Robin de "Mãe"
Anne: Chamei não, eu chamei de "Mana"
Robin: Me vê como uma figura materna, Anne?
Anne: Não... No máximo te vejo como uma figura chatinha, porque vive me chateando
Franky: Hey! Não é nada SUPER tratar a sua mãe assim!
Anne: Eu não chamei ela de mãe!
Robin: Tá tudo bem, Anne. Eu considero isso um elogio
Sanji: Uma vez eu já chamei o Zeff de pai sem querer e todos riram de mim no Barratie, por 1 mês inteiro
Anne: Viu, galera! O Sanji tem reais problemas com esse tipo de engano. Então vamos parar de falar sobre isso pra não incomodar ele com isso, ok?
Nami: Isso não é novidade, mas você chamou a Robin de "Mamãe"
Anne: Oh! Espera! "Mamãe" já é querer me sacanear
Usopp: Mas você chamou ela de "Mãe"
Anne: Usopp, você não fala nada que tu tá mentindo desde que a gente começou a jogar!
Usopp: Eu tava mentindo sobre não trapacear, mas você chamou ela de "mãe" sim!
Anne, se levantando: HA! Viram! Tudo isso foi um grande plano pra provar que o Usopp estava trapaceando!
Chopper: Isso é verdade!?!?!
Usopp: Claro que não, Chopper!!!
Robin: Eu acredito em você,...
Anne: Obrigada...
Robin: ...Filha
Anne: ...
Robin: Quer conversar sobre isso depois tomando um chá?
Anne: Eu adoraria...
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fnhrtt · 1 year
› mine  ִִֶָ !
drabble inspired by taylor's song
pairing non-idol!sunghoon x fem!reader genre fluff, angst warnings cursing, kissing (if i am missing any tell me) wc. 1.5k !
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author's note: hiii!!! this is the first time I'm writing stuff like this and more important the first time I'm posting it!! anyways I just got the idea of a drabble inspired on "mine" !!! I hope you like it :) btw english isn't my native language so if you notice any error on the writing or you want to help me with it , tell me ! I'd be so grateful with you for it!!! that's all for now! enjoy <3
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Sunghoon and you met a few months ago, 9 months to be exact, the both of you were in college, he was working part-time waiting tables, that's how you I met him, while you were staying up doing homework, he was working (secretly staring at you from time to time) that turned out into your new routine. wake up, get ready, go to college, end your classes, café until 12:00 a.m. or until it was closed, home and that again and again; but you knew that the main reason of your daily long stay in the cafe was him, the handsome waiter  Sunghoon, but you also knew that he convinced his boss to stay open the café a little more than the usual on his workdays cause he knew you were always there, always.
And on that way the little glances turned into a few seconds of eye contact then suddenly to a 'are u free on Friday?' and in less than you expected, the two of you are laying on your couch.
'and then the teacher just didn't accept my essay cause the margin wasn't as thick as he had requested!!! ahhhh can you believe it???' you say in pure courage and rage 'who the hell he thinks he is??!!'
'how does he dare?? did he even see your writing? he's judging it just for a stupid margin!' he said in annoyed tone along with his pouty face, what just makes your heart melt
'ugghh anyways…it isn't a big deal, it's just a stupid essa-'
'NOT A BIG DEAL??! do I really have to tell you the the amount of days I had to stay at the café past midnight just cause you still were there?! also your work matters!!! just like my time!!' he reproached.
you rolled your eyes in a frisky way 'but you don't seem to be complaining about the kisses I gave you either…' you said clearly teasing him what just made him blush a little. 
'pffffft shut up!' he said and chuckled awkwardly, you sat up in the couch what just made him did the same.
'shut me up then' a little innocent smirk appeared on your face
he just answered by cupping your cheeks leaning on giving you a sweet but lovely kiss.
that was the way your relationship had been through the long 5 months, where you had shared memories just like picnics near the lake, study sessions, video games night and whatever activity you could do together that adjusted to your student budget.
there was one point where he started to influence you and your life cause he was already part of it, he changed you, not in a bad way (well maybe a little) you passed from be meticulous and perfectionist to start enjoying the present, his presence. letting him know your secrets, your insecure side, the one that had been tormenting you since you had memory; your fear of love and giving yourself completely to someone cause you had grown up with a pessimistic view of love, with the expectation that if you gave your heart to a person this sooner or later they would leave you.
but this time was different you started to believe for the first time, he made you feel comfortable, you started to love every detail of him, his eyes, his hair, his cheeks, his eyebrows, his laughter and his dad jokes, making you laughed even if the joke wasn't that good.
all seem to be perfect this time, stable was the word, the word longed for by many, achieved by few. you thought you already could enjoy it…but that feeling didn't last how much you wanted.
in a slow and silent way, you started to spend less time together, the drawer of your things at his place has been untouched for 3 weeks now, you were falling apart but it wasn’t your fault, right? it was the school that was consuming you and leaving you with almost nothing of time to even take care of yourself ,at least that's what you told yourself, cause you knew that unconsciously (or maybe consciously…?) your relationship was falling deeper and deeper with every week. the café, the place where you used to spend the most of your time beside the college, now it was one of those places that you prefer avoid or try to take another way, all with the excuse of “discovering and exploring the streets city more cause you haven’t had the opportunity to”
but you weren’t doing this to Sunghoon, he didn’t make anything to you and you knew it but you kept depriving yourself of any sign of his affection: his good morning and good night messages, his littles presents and letter that he occasionally left at your place even his small smiles that he’d give you if you two happened to see each other and his attempt to have a conversation with you that would go further than a  "I can't today, I have assignments to do"
that happened around 3 or 4 weeks but you knew that you couldn’t keep being like that though you didn’t know how to approach him again either, this situation added to your constant insomnia were the perfect mix for your trips to convenience stores at dawn.
you found yourself again in front of the small section of frozen drinks that your nearest convenience store had. after you picked your favourite drink and some chips, you headed to the till while you were waiting for your things to be scanned. someone tapped your shoulder.
It was him. Sunghoon was there. he looked worried and you could say a bit annoyed.
‘Hi! has everything been alright?’ his voice tried to sound happy or at least encouraging but his eyes were telling all the truth of his mind, soul and most important of his heart.
you could notice his deliberate sadness and desperate hope but that didn’t stop you from just saying your favourite quote lately…’yeah…well I have a lot of work now, see you later’ paying and taking your purchases, you dared to leave the store as if you hadn't left your boyfriend of more than 5 months in there, alone and hopeless.
but this time was different when you said it you could feel a lump on your throat, before you could put a feet outside of the store the tears started to coming out, you knew it, you knew this was the ending, you knew he was mad with you cause your childish attitude of ignoring him everytime he was around or at least at your sight.
the idea of losing him a few weeks ago sounded impossible but now it was here, right in front you, right in the tip of your tongue, you could feel already all the pain and imagined how many nights you were gonna spend crying until falling asleep, how everytime you drink coffee will remind you of his eyes or his little hobby of pampering you with free coffee every day, you prepared yourself for the goodbye.
you ran out, crying, and he followed you out into the street, grabbing your sleeve before you could walk away more.
'hey wait-' sunghoon's voice had worry on it 
'this isn't working anymore, I'm not working…I'm sorry…' you said with tears running down your cheeks
'what? no, no! don't say that-'
'no, it's true…I messed it up, I've been avoiding you all the time just cause I didn't want to get hurt by losing you but all I did was being selfish…I'm so sorry really…'
'you're not being selfish for taking care of yourself, you're just being carefu-'
'no, Sunghoon I am, I am being fuckin selfish like I have always been, I put away your feelings to give priority to mines, I'm just a burden to you, admit it, you know it and I'm not judging you if you're thinking of dropping me, I'll understand it completely cause I've been a totally idiot, a completely coward for not wanting face my reality, for not facing my fear of people leaving me…so I leave them instead'
'you finished? can I talk now?' sunghoon said a bit concerned, he sighed
'listen, I knew about this…do you remember the picnic near the lake? that was the day when you told me about this side of you and even after knowing it I stayed with you, do you remember when I said that I'd never leave you alone? I really meant it! I mean it now!' sunghoon said while he was holding your hands, you missed this, his warmth, the sweet way he talks to you, his sincere voice
'with all preconceived rights I tell you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are the best thing that has ever been mine'
'and also let me tell you that your drawer is already beginning to have cobwebs uh!' he said trying to make the environment less tense and it worked, you chuckled at his silly joke then he wrapped his arms around you 
'let's go to my place and make fun of the cheap TV series, shall we?' he asked while look into your eyes, his look showed what you've been looking for through all this time, the pureness and truthiness of a soul, a lovely soul which doesn't care about the time or place, it always enjoy being by your side
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mothpdf · 8 months
Claudia|| Cálice by Chico Buarque
feat. my amateur translation (because google doesn't do it justice) and some background history under the cut.
Cálice was composed by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil for a music festival in 1973, protesting the Vargas military dictatorship that lasted between 1964-1985 in Brazil. The word 'Cálice' meaning chalice is pronounced the same way as 'cale-se' which translates to be quiet or shut up.
During this time 'enemies of the regime' would regularly be abducted and tortured, their corpses later found floating in bodies of water (the "lagoon monster" referred to in the song). In addition to political activists, artists (particularly songwriters and authors) who were less than enthusiastic about the Vargas regime were heavily censored.
The song was not approved to be presented by the Brazillian office of censorship. Despite this, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil decided to perform it, humming the melody of the song and only speaking out loud the word "Cálice!" where it appeared in the lyrics. Their microphones were turned off partway through the song anyways (Notas sobre “Cálice”, Walter Garcia). The full version of the song was only released in 1978.
chorus: Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice x3 De vinho tinto de sangue father take away from me this chalice x3 of red blood-wine
Como beber dessa bebida amarga?  Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta  Mesmo calada a boca, resta o peito  Silêncio na cidade não se escuta how does one drink this bitter drink? guzzle the pain, swallow the toil though your mouth is shut, your chest remains Silence can't be heard in the city 
De que me vale ser filho da santa?  Melhor seria ser filho da outra  Outra realidade menos morta  Tanta mentira, tanta força bruta what good is it being the saint’s son? it'd be better to be son of another* another reality less dead than this one so many lies, so much brute force
Como é difícil acordar calado Se na calada da noite eu me dano Quero lançar um grito desumano Que é a maneira de ser escutado how hard it is to wake up silenced when it's in the silence of night that I damn myself I want to let out an inhuman scream which is a way to be heard
Esse silêncio todo me atordoa Atordoado eu permaneço atento Na arquibancada pra a qualquer momento Ver emergir o monstro da lagoa all this silence torments me tormented, i stay alert in the bleachers to at any moment see the monster of the lagoon emerge
De muito gorda a porca já não anda (Cale-se) De muito usada a faca já não corta Como é difícil, pai, abrir a porta (Pai, cale-se)  Essa palavra presa na garganta too fat, the pig no longer walks (shut up) too used, the knife no longer cuts how hard it is, dad, to open the door (father, shut up) this word stuck in my throat
Esse pileque homérico no mundo De que adianta ter boa vontade  Mesmo calado o peito, resta a cuca Dos bêbados do centro da cidade this homeric drunkenness in the world what's the point of having good will  though the chest is silenced, the head remains of the drunks of the city center
Talvez o mundo não seja pequeno (Cale-se)  Nem seja a vida um fato consumado (Cale-se, Cale-se) Quero inventar o meu próprio pecado (Cale-se, Cale-se, Cale-se) Quero morrer do meu próprio veneno (Pai, Cale-se, Cale-se) maybe the world isn't small (shut up) nor is life a consummate fact (shut up, shut up) I want to invent my own sin (shut up, shut up, shut up) I want to die of my own poison (father, shut up, shut up)
 Quero perder de vez tua cabeça (Cale-se) Minha cabeça perder teu juízo (Cale-se) Quero cheirar fumaça de óleo diesel (Cale-se) Me embriagar até que alguém me esqueça (Cale-se) I want to lose your head once and for all (shut up) my head, lose your mind (shut up) I want to smell diesel smoke (shut up) Get drunk until someone forgets me (shut up)
*the lyric here was supposedly changed from the original filho da puta translating to 'son of the whore' or more colloquially 'son of a bitch'
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algumaideia · 4 months
Luffy grandpa commiting child abuse
Does Ace consider Garp his grandpa too? Who is this friend?
Luffy really fears his grandpa like don't attack him or you guys will die
I don't like that Oda changed Coby and Hell whatever design
Oh that guy was Luffy dad
Kkkkkk Luffy reaction to knowing he met his dad
Also how complicated like Garp talks to his son which is one of the most wanted man by the government
Does Dragon controls the weather? Nice of him to save his son though
Also Garp you made a really bad job if your son, Luffy and Ace ended up being criminals
Garp with his hand on his nose.... this family....
O que essa família tem de errado kkkkkkklklk
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nikkilbook · 8 months
Tristan wasn’t wearing his own clothes. 
He didn’t know where these had come from—he’d seen his mam working on his wedding stole before, and it had been barely half-done last time he’d seen her pull it out. The embroidery was all wrong, with [symbols and colors for continued strength and prosperity, renewed strength and intelligence, hard work, etc) instead of [symbols for agreement, coming together, promises, good faith, etc.]. The stitches were less rigid and tapestry-perfect, and the fabric hung a little oddly, with parts of it more rigid but others slightly thinner and the little stitched animals slightly sadder and more raggedy, like it had been touched often, but never worn. 
It smelled like twenty years of the inside of a cedar chest.
(it’s not his, you know it’s not, you saw it back when the window broke and let the storm in ten years ago, when all that water soaked into the chest and into the clothes and he told mam to just throw it all out, and you saw it, folded up like an old shirt and stitching like nothing you’d seen anyone in village ever wear, nothing that Gran would ever let out of her house, that looked like it didn’t mean anything at all to anyone)
Granmother Essa had shown up with it barely an hour after his uncle had finished reading out the final testament. 
(it didn’t smell like rot, it smelled like cedar, there wasn’t any sickness on him, his mother and aunts had held him the bathwater that nobody’d had time to heat and they’d scrubbed every inch of him, gotten rid of everything, it all smelled of cedar, not funeral incense, so where was the smell coming from, why was it still inside his nose and on his tongue and in his throat and behind his eyes why could he still smell it)
Tristan’s eyes weren’t working properly anymore, looking far away and close up at the same time, seeing two, what felt like three, four, different versions of things all sitting next to each other and overlapping and all meaning absolutely nothing. A little voice three feet back, one to the left, and a few hands up but still just inside his own head figured that they must be over the anvil by now. Eyes like hands on the back of his neck pressed down on him, like they wanted him to kneel down and put his head out for a hammer strike instead of reach out his hand. 
His arm jerked forward without his permission. Someone—his mam? Uncle [John]? Someone from the other side of the anvil?—must have grabbed it, and now they were pushing it up against something that felt like ice, heat, and nettles all at once. A hand. 
Her hand. 
She must be beautiful. He still couldn’t see, was seeing too much, and he hadn’t been able to for the last twelve hours, not since his uncle had read out [something official included by a governing official that required the deal to be honored or his wealth and property forfeit]. But objectively, she and her family would be here to, on the other side of the anvil and, also objectively, she would be beautiful. 
Was her stole finished? Had she known this was coming, or had she been pulled away from the evening chores and kept up all night preparing for the unthinkable. 
(Of course she knew, that’s why she never came back)
Through all the overlapping shapes that filled his vision, a color, still slightly grayed out in the predawn light, wound itself around their hands and wrists. He could barely feel it, barely feel anything, but he knew he was shaking. Could they see it? Could she feel it? 
Was he imagining them tying the sash extra tight, to keep him from pulling away?
Noise came from his left, and the bit of him that was still aware, three feet back, one to the left, and a few hands up, punched through the fog, screaming pay attention! you’re being handfasted, you need to make sure you say your lines, you can’t mess this up! 
(you know what he’ll say if you mess up) that doesn’t matter, he’s not here anymore (he’s not here, he’s dead, my dad’s dead, he’s been dead less than a day the only reason we waited to was bring the anvil out here we finished putting him in the ground an hour ago I’m standing on his grave is that why the ground feels uneven is that why I feel like I’m going to fall am I going to fall in am I going to be dead too) come on, focus, everyone needs to you focus, all your uncles are behind you, they lose everything the family loses everything if you don’t (they don’t trust you) her family is shamed if you don’t (they’ve never trusted you) this is important (important, I’m getting married, I’m seventeen and I’m getting married, I haven’t seen or talked to her since I was six, not since her family found out we were playing in the woods, not since her dad threatened to drag me behind a cart, not since I realized she was part of the family that treated me like a liar and a cheat and a thief and everything terrible that a grown man could be and that I could barely pronounce, I was six, she was six, we were just six, I insulted her, chased her off, now she’s stuck with me, I got in so much trouble dad was so angry but now I’m not sure at which part what is going on why is this happening)
A hand jostled his shoulder, and his eyes and brain finally started working togetherjust enough that he could look to his left, to the body attached to the hand, and see old Granmother Essa raise one of her salt-and-pepper eyebrows at him. 
Tristan swallowed. 
(He swallowed again.)
[handfasting/marriage/contract/oath language here]  “I, Tristan, take Isabol to be my wife, and bi—and am thereto bound before earth and heaven.”
He could feel his heartbeat inside his tongue, could barely breathe around it. Now that his eyes had started working again, he could see all the faces of her family members standing behind her in malicious detail. They’d ringed the anvil, fencing him in with their bodies and their eyes that showed a vicious satisfaction. She had almost as many uncles as he had, and they’d all decided to put on the same face that morning. Eyebrows and mouth flat across and parallel to each other, heavy shadows over their eyes, all accessorized with arms folded flat across their chests. He couldn’t get a read on a single one of them. [insert some observation that everyone has some kind of hand-fasting mark or bracelet or something, and that his mother/deceased father were the only ones who had proper metal wedding rings.]
What did they all want from him? 
“I, Isabol, take Tristan to be my husband, and am thereto bound before earth and heaven.”
Tristan jumped back to looking at Isabol just as Granmother Essa said, “You may now seal your binding.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the color of the sash around their hands more clearly. [color for retribution, satisfaction, promises, covenants, consequences.]
He knew what came next, but he couldn’t make his muscles move. 
After a few seconds of him just standing there, knowing that every one of her uncles—and her father, oh, skies above, her father—was watching and just waiting for this to be over so they could stare at him with those eyes that said “you’ve made a mistake. you’ve been raised for this one thing, not that anyone ever told you what it was, not like you knowing ever mattered one way or another, but you’ve messed up and we are disappointed, and that is all that we will ever be,” he realized that Isabol was much closer than she had been. He probably wouldn’t have been able to stick a finger between their noses. 
But she didn’t move any closer. 
She just looked up at him, and she smiled with the tiniest corner of her mouth—one of those smiles that makes your eyelid start to curve upward just a bit. 
Tristan let himself count down from three, because no one outside of his head would ever know, and then they were kissing. 
It didn’t feel like anything in particular, but that was probably because his face was just as numb as his hand and then rest of him was tied up in the kind of knots that you don’t comb out as much as cut out. He could tell it was slightly off center, because her nose was side-to-side with his instead of ramming right into it, and the left side of his face seem a little more pressure-free than the right side. 
It didn’t last long, but Isabol didn’t pull away when he thought she would. She leaned in closer, off to one side, and whispered in a voice that was just for him, “I’m scared too, but I think we’re going to be okay. It’s nice to see you again, Tristan.”
His throat unlocked for just a moment. “I found one. Over the ford we could never cross, I found one. I’ve been keeping it safe”
A little huff of air touched his lips, and her eyelids curved a little more. “And is it good for picnics?”
“The best. I leveled the ground inside, and the roots let the sunlight through. It has dozens of little gardens of [flowers and grasses, ideally symbolic].”
“Is it big?” This time, her voice is isn’t even sound, so quiet it has to be a thought carried on her breath for him to catch.
Tristan thought of the [tree that grows large enough for hollows] he’d found years ago, after the hurt but no so far that he’d given it up his plan to earn her forgiveness. How he’d spent weeks, months, years worth of stolen moments making sure it was perfect, everything she’d ever dreamed of and described to him. How he’d started going there just to be alone when it was clear that any attempt to get near her and apologize would be met with very large uncles with very large hands and the chance of one more broken bone. 
“It might  a little tight,” he said, voice tightening up and curling back down his throat like a [regional animal or plant] seeking shelter, “but I think there’s room for two kids and no last names.”
“Show me.” He wasn’t sure if he felt the tremor in her voice, her breath, or her eyes locked on his. He could finally feel his hands well enough to answer her squeeze with one of his own. “As soon as we can get away. No last names.”
And then she was back in her original position, and there was clapping and stomping and yelling from all sides, like every other wedding he’d ever been too, but flavored with a bit more aggressive satisfaction. However, this time, instead of staying with the crowd and doing his best to cheer along, he started walking side by side with Isabol, right hands still bound together and left hands coming up to squeeze a little tighter, toward the small house on the far edge of the village that had sat empty since the last ceremony in the village, and that the aunts and young cousins had cleaned out over the course of the night. It didn’t look like anyone had decorated it, though, the house or the path up to it. 
Tristan only looked back once. He was finally getting enough air, and they’d both been matching each other in step and breath once they’d gotten out of arms length of the outermost ring of relatives. He glanced back, and felt himself start to untie for the first time since he’d realized his father was fading in a permanent sort of way when he saw that no one was coming with them. No more eyes, no hands, no one to stop him from putting his own clothes back on and being done with whatever had happened twenty years ago. He wasn’t in charge of his family, and with all his uncles and his grandmother and everyone who still considered him the son of a cheat and a liar and everything terrible that a grown man could be and that he’d finally learned to pronounce if not understand, he wouldn’t be for a very long time. He and Isabol had been a business transaction, and it was done with now. If anyone expected anything of them, it wasn’t any business of theirs. 
“If we walk around the back, we can lock the door so no one will know and then take a shortcut past the river to the tree,” he said. “I left some blankets there the other day, and some apples. Unless you’d…rather go in first? Get some different food, rest or—or something?”
Isabol looked him in the eyes again. Away from everyone, there was more iron and stone in her gaze, along with the kind of fire you trust to keep you safe. “Show me our tree, Tristan-with-no-last-name.”
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perkvpsvcho · 1 year
fucking monster took away my beautiful Arlo's face????????????
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is it the end of august yet????
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thanks for the pain, goth dad
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jamieanovels · 2 years
Find the word!
thank you for the tag @eccaiia & @thetruearchmagos (a lil late lol but i'm combining these)
my words: click, crumb, cave, curious, circle, scarlet, daylight, twist, hope, until
your words: wish, protect, long, regret, part
tagging: @kaiusvnoir @eli-writes-sometimes @penspiration-writing @thegreatobsesso @minutiaewriter and anyone else who would like to do this!!
doing a mix of wips this time lol. most of these apart from tea cow are a little old but its fine lmao. just FYI one of these is quite gory so proceed with caution
Click (WIP: Unnamed Beauty and the Beast Ace Retelling)
The door shut with a light click and another whiff of lilies. Iridi’s bracelets clinked against the stone as her hand flinched back, afraid to get caught. She stood there for a moment, listening to her heart pounding in her ears, knowing that soon she would have to turn around. She wanted nothing less. If she closed her eyes, maybe she would open them and find herself sitting at her Porcelain Ragdoll’s booth. Maybe she’d just dozed off, and—
Someone cleared their throat behind her.
Crumb(s) (WIP: Emergence) TW for body horror
Another flick of her finger, and Maer Tav’s statue remains cracked cleanly in half. His writhing insides continued to solidify until even his blood, as it oozed out of his soon-to-be carcass, eventually froze into clean, glistening marble. 
Barely seconds later, the time bubble popped. Mabs crumpled into Haiek’s waiting arms. Haiek himself stared in brief confusion as the halves of Maer Tav’s body hit the ground one after the other, rocking slightly from the impact. Shaved organs, white and curled, surrounded the body like bread crumbs. Haiek then looked at Lucie with new eyes, and a grim understanding slowly dawned on him: Celina had given Lucie her freedom back, and with it Lucie had killed. Easily.
Cave(d) (WIP: The Composition of Us)
“I’m retiring,” his father corrected him. “The date isn’t certain yet, but it’ll be soon. My seventieth is coming up, son. It’s about time.”
Reality caved in on Mason, and he sank lower in his seat. “Dad, you can’t leave yet.” His voice dropped. “I’m not the right fit. I still need your direction.”
“How long has it been since you checked that table I gave you?”
Curious (WIP: Unnamed Beauty and the Beast Ace Retelling)
Iridi squinted at the goddess, whose face remained innocently curious and even somewhat amused. Finally, she shook her head, realizing that Essa was asking in sincerity. “Atalo is not exactly...uh...present in Atalona anymore.”
“Of course he’s present. What do you mean, child? Where could he have gone?”
“He hasn’t gone anywhere. I didn’t mean that he left. He’s just...out of commission.”
Circle (WIP: Emergence)
“Oi, bikke! Were you trained in a klalval schoolyard?”
That was the man in the shawl, who the circle of equally large men around him called Ivargh, at least based on their loud chants. One of them rubbed his knuckles and Lucie’s breath went shallow, her vision almost going fully white. Fuck the punishment. Fuck it. She would take this man out in an instant, and then...where would she go? Back to the Society, where she would continue to wallow in her own misery? Back to the Society, where Quin would laugh at her for over exaggerating, and the Council would scrutinize her for turning back on her word? No, that wasn’t an option. She wouldn’t spend her life letting herself drown in blame. She was bigger than that. 
Scarlet (WIP: Emergence)
Lucie frowned. The Scarlet Plains were one of the most barren worlds in its dimension. The planet didn’t have water at all, and was only surviving because its elite shuttled in water from two hard-won, expensive portals at each of its furthest points. Every few days, the entire place was ravaged by hot and humid storms that overheated most of the planet’s life. It was just Lucie’s luck that the Ferre Magna were here, where if she lost their protection she was guaranteed instant death. 
Daylight (WIP: The Composition of Us)
Now, she set an alarm for 7:45 so she would wake up long before him. She’d never minded waking up early. She used to wake up at the crack of dawn for her commute to downtown Cardinal City, at least before the dizziness trapped her in her apartment. Once she shook the grogginess out of her system, mornings were often her favorite part of the day. It meant the peace and quiet of nighttime without the darkness. She liked to think daylight—even the blue-tinted rainy days that were so common in Washington—gave her purpose.
Twist (WIP: Unnamed Beauty and the Beast Ace Retelling)
For a moment, Iridi thought that Ell had just walked much faster than she had anticipated (he was, after all, some sort of spirit), but he was still halfway through the field, trampling flowers like a man on a mission. He seemed to dislike walking too close to her, which might have been a good thing if he really was a murderer. But then again, he might not have been, and Iridi felt a weird twist in her chest at the idea of being hated by a ghost she’d just met. She was generally beautiful enough that courtesy was a given, but here….Ell didn’t seem the least bit flattered by her attention. 
Hope (WIP: Emergence)
Eventually, both of the wielders would probably die. Not even the permanent lock was quite immune from that fate; the books said the chances of fatal soul search wear were about 80/20%. Lucie had asked Quin about it once, with the small hope that he would respond seriously. He didn’t, of course. 
“If you’d marry me, we could deal with the matter together,” he’d told her while pouting, turning over on the couch so that he could face her upside down. “Is it because of my bad looks?”
Until (WIP: Homebodies)
Yuliah still can’t speak or scream or even laugh hysterically like she wants to. Spoiled brat?? If she was a spoiled brat, why would she have gone through all this effort for 2000 years? If she was a spoiled brat, she’d already be a god! She wheezes, coughs, and then finally, resorts to spitting in the masked boy’s face. The spittle splatters against its white surface and then drips down in slow motion until it streaks, wet and sticky, down his neck. The boy is so shocked that he releases her momentarily, the blackness hurtling from her chest back into his hand, and she scrambles across the floor into the corner of the room as fast as she can. 
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asianpoplover143 · 3 months
(Imaginem que o Cobra e o Murayama adotaram o Chiharu como filho deles)
*Enquanto isso no chat do grupo*
Cobra: Quem foi?
Murayama: Quem foi o que amor?
Smoky/Rocky: Como assim?
Noboru: Acho que ele quer saber quem criou esse grupo e o motivo disso
Fujio: Quem é essa gente toda aqui?
Noboru: Não sei, mas contanto que o ninguém do Kuryu esteja aqui….
<>Kirinji: Opa, alguém me chamou?
Murayama: Ninguém te chamou não pet invisível
Yamato: Ele tá mais para fracassado 😂
<>Kirinji: Calados seus humanos inúteis e insignificantes 😒
Cobra: Você tem razão, ninguém liga e o meu líder de gang planejador de festa favorito é o Rocky…
Hyuga/Ice: Não falei com você namorado do repetente da Oya High
Chiharu: Pelo menos meu pai não é um covarde que foge no meio da luta 😂
Hyuga: mas esse ai que você tá falando é o Jesse 🤔😂
Cobra: Isso aí filho, me defenda 💅
Chiharu: Sempre papai 🥺🫶
Ice: Magoei, estão fazendo complô contra mim e contra o Hyuga! Não gostei, vou começar uma luta sem motivo e atacar pessoas inocentes e gangs amigas sem motivos, “aprisionar” eles e obrigar eles a ficarem me assistindo fazer rap lá no Funk Jungle 💅
Chiharu: Coitadas dessas pessoas, acho que o padrinho Noboru era mais feliz quando ele tava com o Kirinji no Kuryu do que essas pessoas tendo que te aguentar 🙈
Ice: Ah la!
Noboru: Se for fazer uma comparação dessas eu prefiro aturar o Ice…
<>Kirinji: Assim você me magoa Noboruzinho
Noboru: Não vou falar palavrão pois tem criança no grupo, mas “vai se ferrar” Kirinji 😒
Murayama: Só observo 👀
Cobra: Agora eu também amor 👀
(Let’s imagine that Cobra and Murayama adopted Chiharu as their son)
*Meanwhile in the group chat*
Cobra: Who was it?
Murayama: Who was what love?
Smoky/Rocky: What do you mean?
Noboru: I think he wants to know who created this group and the reason for it
Fujio: Who are all these people here?
Noboru: I don't know, but as long as nobody from Kuryu are here...
<>Kirinji: Oops, did someone call me?
Murayama: Nobody called you no invisible pet
Yamato: He's more like a failure 😂
<>Kirinji: Shut up, you useless and insignificant humans 😒
Cobra: You're right, no one cares and my favorite gang leader/party planner is Rocky...
Hyuga/Ice: I didn't talk to you, Oya High's repeater's/flunk's boyfriend
Chiharu: At least my father isn't a coward who runs away in the middle of a fight 😂
Hyuga: but this one you're talking about is Jesse 🤔😂
Cobra: That's right son, defend me 💅
Chiharu: Always dad 🥺🫶
Ice: That hurt, they are plotting against Hyuga and me! I didn't like it, I'm going to start a fight for no reason and attack innocent people and friendly gangs for no reason, “imprison” them and force them to watch me rap at Funk Jungle 💅
Chiharu: Poor people, I think godfather Noboru was happier when he was with Kirinji at Kuryu than these people having to put up with you 🙈
Ice: There it go!
Noboru: If you’re going to make a comparison like that, I'd much rather put up with Ice...
<>Kirinji: This way you hurt me Little Noboru
Noboru: I'm not going to swear because there are children in the group, but “screw you” Kirinji 😒
Murayama: I’m just watching 👀
Cobra: Now me too honey 👀
Link: https://x.com/taemlnti/status/1803314554178314703?s=46
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mikachuusedcharm · 5 months
I feel too sad to talk to others, but I also feel lonely which doesn't help with the sadness lol
I think that if you bottle up your emotions it prevents you from feeling free to experience any kind of emotion, but if you are an open book, the consequence is becoming a burden to others
The secret lies on finding the balance I think, but no one teaches you how to do it, I don't know
I miss being comfortable in my own skin, and being confident in my brain
When you think logically, I really shouldn't be that hard on myself, if someone was exactly like me, and they were my friend, I probably wouldn't call them stupid, or a loser, or ugly
But because other people have said that before, I take their word as gospel?
But literally everytime I do something as simple as drop food, or as big as hurting someone, I hear their voices
They were right.
I'm conflicted between having these feelings, and then hating myself for being so upset in the first place
I don't like that idea that I have some sort of mental illness, because if I do, I did this to myself, nothing happened that was worth being "traumatized" for
I was never assaulted, my bullying was verbal and not physical, and people hear other people call them losers, ugly and useless all the time, is pretty normal thing
So why do I get so sad and annoying all the time
Not even J can handle my constant sadness anymore, and I don't blame him. Poor guy had to hear a lot from me all these years
I wish I could shake my brain and make it be happy
Just because my parents are dying, doesn't mean I have to die with them
But a part of me dies everyday I see the way life is going for them
Am I being selfish by moving away? If one of my parents dies, how am I supposed to help my siblings being all the way across the globe?
My mom wants my happiness, and I want her to be happy too
I just want her to get better
And I want my dad to BE better
O que a Dona So diria? Provavelmente para parar de pensar tanto. Que meu espírito está fraco, sei lá
Se tivesse um botão que concertasse meu cérebro seria foda
Ou pelo menos voltar a ser como eu era quando mais jovem
Nossa, se eu aprender outra língua, vou ficar reclamando na internet em três línguas? Ave Maria credo
Queria um abraço
Acho que isso ajudaria bastante
Mas eu não quero ir incomodar minha mãe pra ganhar um abraço, não quero passar essa vibe negativa pra ninguém
Só quero me sentir melhor pra poder falar com as pessoas de novo
E não me sentir sozinha
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effywrt · 6 months
Melhor amigo dela está viajando e ele morre na viagem só que ela toma muitos remédios e esquece disso e um dia ele aparece na casa dela
By my side // By your side
1- Castiel chega - branca
2- novalee liga pra Alba, e Alba tem que mentir que Castiel não está lá - branca
3- eles saem pra um balada - branca Alba meet someone a friend
4- um dia com o Castiel - branca
5- Alba encontra mean girl no trabalho do tempo da escola, mean girl está grávida - branca
6- a mean girl convida Alba para o reencontro da turma, Castiel vai junto mas Alba vai se perder dele, encontro da escola - branca
7- Alba baixa “tider”, Castiel começa a julgar os caras - branca
8- pai da Alba vem visitar ela, ela não gosta dele pq ele sempre vai embora - branca
9- Vai em um date / convida o date pra ir na casa dela Castiel não gosta dele - branca
10- Castiel e Alba saem paga um passeio -branca
11- ela começa a namorar um cara abusivo que o Castiel não gosta
12- conversa com Novalee
13- o pai dela sofre um acidente ela dorme do hospital
14- dad gets better
15- ela vai na casa do crush
16- descobre que está grávida
17- conta pro namorado ele fica puto broke up
18- conta pra mãe que ela está grávida
19- ela sofre um aborto espontâneo
20- ela sendo triste junto com Castiel, Castiel fica lembrando do passado com flashbacks
21- Alba conhece seu 1 love interest (male)
22-Alba conhece sua 2 love interest (female)
23- Choice escolhe com quem você vai no date e Castiel senta perto de vcs pra ver se tudo está perfeito Castiel gosta dele/a
24- Novalee está de volta e com um namorado bonitão elas saem pra almoçar
25- date faz uma festa convida Alba, ela leva o Castiel ele desaparece lá
26- Novalee preparação casamento
27- Novalee casamento / descobre que Castiel está morto no final
28- triste / tenta superar / love choice / or she’ll stay alone
29- love choice
30- final
Ela não é ação a garota mais bonita de aparência mas também de coração ela é uma alma muito boa
História começa com ela acordando
Uma garota que tem um amigo mas esse amigo já está morto só que ela ainda vive como se ele estivesse vivo e vivendo com ela e no fim ela descobre que ela tava maluca e que ele nunca existiu e que tudo que ela fazia que era consideravelmente feito junto com ele era uma mentira e ela parecia uma louca
amigo japa
Tem um zumbido no meu ouvido
“Foi algo tão traumatizante pra você que o seu consciente apagou essa memória”
*não pode trocar cor dos olhos e nem da pele
O melhor amigo dela vai morrer porque o avião dele vai cair e aí vou ver onde ele vai caí quando eu tava indo visitar ela ela vai ficar tipo umas um mês assim sei como se eu tivesse em coma e aí como melhor quando ela melhorar disso é como se ele chegasse na casa dela e tudo foi perfeito e tipo aí ela esquece que que o aviao caiu que ele está morto
Roupas brancas no começo da história que significa que ainda tem tempo pra ficar até ele tipo uma alma penada roupa cinza que está começando decidir pra onde que ele vai de roupa preta que está chegando no fim ele vai ter que ter que embora
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gfmadelaine · 8 months
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I translated the fanifc so there may be some errors
Eu traduzi a fanifc, então pode ter alguns erros,se quiser ler mais fanfic como essas em português,vai no wattpad:hdshdhi38241149 (nome da minha conta)
Point of view author
Y/n wakes up with a little difficulty opening her eyes due to the light coming from the damn open window. When she manages to look around the room, she notices some pieces of clothing thrown on the floor and next to her a certain redhead, Sadie, is sleeping. in a peaceful sleep her neck was uncovered, making y/n have a beautiful view of some purple stains from the night inside, y/n smiles at that and gets up carefully so as not to wake the youngest, she walks to the bathroom and looks at the mirror in front of her, the girl was naked and also had some stains around her body, the woman sighs and then gets into the shower, y/n was running the shampoo in her hair when she felt hands on her body
-Fuck Sadie!-Y/N says, getting scared and turning around quickly, Sadie had a naughty smile on her lips
-I'm sorry, love!-she says and the redhead seals her lips with Y/N's, making Sadie get a little wet with the water that falls on Y/N's body.
-I have to finish the shower, redhead - says Y/N, finishing rinsing her hair
-why don't we do a second round? -she says wrapping her arms around y/n's neck
-Second round?, it's more like the fifth, but I can't, you have recording today and I have work!-says simply and the redhead sighs, the shower was Y/N and Sadie exchanging some caresses, kisses, even Y/N realized she was late and started walking quickly
-Love, are you sure you're not forgetting anything?-Sadie says to the brunette who was almost leaving
-Ah, it's true, my cell phone!-says Y/N, taking her cell phone from the couch and almost leaving again if it weren't for the redhead calling her again
-Y/N! of her mother, Erica, y/n and she were never that close even though they worked in the same company, Erica is a very conservative woman and when y/n revealed her sexuality things changed, the relationship they had was never the same, her father Y/N died when the girl turned 14 and it affected her in an absurd way, even more so when her mother judged her for her death.
Y/N enters the company and is soon welcomed by her best friend Alicia
-where were you?, your mother is looking for you like crazy!-says Alicia heading to the elevator and Y/N does the same, Y/N and Alicia have known each other since they were younger, they did everything together
-I was late!-she says trying to explain herself and the elevator door opens
-1 hour late?, you just don't get fired because your mother is the boss!-she says walking to Erica's office-now get in there before she kills you!-she says a little angry, y/n obeys her friend and enters the room seeing his mother walking from one side to the other
-where were you y/n?, we had a business interview with French people, it's been...1 hour!-he says looking at the clock on his cell phone
-I’m sorry mom, I had forgotten!-says the girl, I really had forgotten
-forgotten?, do you know how many people wanted to be working in this company?, while you are here and you hinder me more than you help?- says Erica, gritting her teeth to speak and getting closer and closer to her daughter
-no mom, I don't know, I can get it right 99 times and get 1 wrong, you will always judge me, everything I do, since dad's death, I didn't choose to be the way I am!-says Y/n almost crying
-and I would never ask for a daughter like you!-he says spitting the words in her face and it was enough to make Y/n freak out
-'ok you know what?, fuck you!, you and this shitty company, I don't need your help anymore mom!-he says shouting and leaves slamming the door, y/n walks to the elevator and everyone in the company looks at him the same, y/n didn't care about that, she hated most people there, the girl gets out of the elevator and immediately leaving the company, she asks for a taxi that was passing by the place and enters it
-Thanks, boy!-Y/N says, getting out of the taxi, the boy just makes a sign with his hands and then leaves, Y/N walks to the recording entrance of the Stranger Things set and stops when she sees Lucas, the boy was the one I took care of who entered and left the Studio
-Hi Lucas, how are you?-Y/N says smiling candidly, the boy was sitting eating something probably at lunch time
-Hi sir...y/n!, do you want to come in!?- says the boy, y/n didn't answer the question, she just nodded, laughing, Lucas was a clumsy guy but he was a good person, the woman enters and walks to the sadie's trailer that wasn't that far away, it was where the redhead changed, put on makeup, rehearsed her lines and other things, y/n knocks on the door and then it opens with Millee smiling
-hiiii y/n!-says the same hugging y/n
-Hi Millie!-he says letting go, s/a looks inside the trailer and sees Sadie with some papers in her hand
-I have to go, see you later Y/N!- says Mille and leaves, Y/N enters the trailer and Sadie gets up with a smile on her face, going to hug her girlfriend
-baby, what are you doing here?-she says a little worried
-My mother and I argued because I arrived late and I instantly resigned!-I say
I'm sorry!-says Sadie hugging the taller one
-It's okay, I'm more relieved now, that job sucks and I hate taking orders from my mother, I'll find another one!-says Y/N
-Of course you will!-says Sadie, kissing her cheek, Sadie has always been Y/N's safe haven, every time Y/N arrived home from work with red eyes from crying because of work, the redhead was always there. there and that's what made y/n not give up, y/n loved her more than life itself.-now we're going to go back home and watch a movie together!-she says
-Don't you have to record it?-he says pointing to some papers
-yes, but you are a priority!-she says and y/n smiles at what she says!
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lvcdrms · 1 year
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 - kadir & natsuki
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 for  𝟏 - 𝟑  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃  𝐌𝐄  𝐎𝐅  𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒  /  𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 with @spaceny
invisible tears / boys don't cry por tay tawan
am i too good at hiding my feelings? that’s why you haven’t got a clue? your eyes on me are not sparkling, like you don’t know how i’m feeling about you, despite everything i do, except saying those words ... don’t you know that i am that friend who wants to be more? (créditos da tradução) obrigatória música no conceito "amigos com medo de se declarar", porque né... são eles.
seven por taylor swift
ok veja bem sem julgamentos antes de me ouvir! and i've been meaning to tell you i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why... and i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry or hide in the closet, and just like a folk song our love will be passed on. tirando as partes em que ela dá a entender que o eu lírico e a outra pessoa da música se separaram na vida adulta... eu acho que essa música se encaixa perfeitamente na infância dos katsuki. tem todo o amor e carinho infantil de uma amizade que se torna o porto seguro um do outro, mas uma pessoa identificando que a outra não tem na casa/família um lugar seguro e sonhando em livrá-la daquilo, em proporcionar um espaço melhor longe de todo o sofrimento.
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nikkilbook · 8 months
Isabol (Version 1)
Tristan thought she had been pretty the last time he’d seen her. 
At least, pretty in the way that a young child could see, the way that said, “this person is kind and good, will laugh at your jokes and play along in the dirt with the whims of your imagination.”
Objectively, she was probably still pretty. Probably even beautiful, given that she was wearing a wedding stole and her nicest clothes, same as he way. But Tristan’s eyes weren’t working properly. They hadn’t been for the last twelve hours, ever since his uncle had read out the details of his father’s final testament. His vision was filled with blocks of color and shapes that, if he tried to force his brain to engage, would likely resolve into her and her family and the predawn silhouettes of the village around them, but somewhere between his eyes and the part of him that did the understanding it all just broke down. 
His hands weren’t working right either. He could feel a slight pressure on his right palm, but he couldn’t tell you what her hand felt like, or how tight the sash around their hands and wrists was tied. 
Noise came from his left, and the bit of him that was still aware punched through the fog, screaming pay attention! you’re being handfasted, you need to make sure you say your lines, you can’t mess this up! 
(you know what he’ll say if you mess up) that doesn’t matter, he’s not here anymore (he’s not here, he’s dead, my dad’s dead, he’s been dead less than a day we finished putting him in the ground an hour ago I’m standing on his grave right now is that why the ground feels uneven) come on, focus, everyone needs to you focus, this is important (important, I’m getting married, I’m seventeen and I’m getting married, I haven’t seen or talked to her since I was six, dad wouldn’t LET me talk to her I got in so much trouble what is going on why is this happening)
A hand jostled his shoulder, and his eyes and brain finally started working together. He looked to his left, to the body attached to the hand, and old Granmother Essa raised one of her salt-and-pepper eyebrows at him. 
Tristan swallowed. 
(He swallowed again.)
“I, Tristan, take Isabol to be my wife, and bi—and am thereto bound before earth and heaven.”
He could feel his heartbeat inside his tongue, could barely breathe around it. Now that his eyes had started working again, he could see all the faces of her family members standing behind her in malicious detail. She had almost as many uncles as he had, and it was like they’d decided to put on the same face that morning. Eyebrows and mouth flat across and parallel to each other, heavy shadows over their eyes, all accessorized with arms folded flat across their chests. He couldn’t get a read on a single one of them. 
What did they all want from him? 
“I, Isabol, take Tristan to be my husband, and am thereto bound before earth and heaven.”
Tristan jumped back to looking at Isabol just as Granmother Essa said, “You may now seal your binding.” 
He knew what came next, but he couldn’t make his muscles move. 
After a few seconds of him just standing there, knowing that every one of her uncles—and her father, oh, skies above, her father—was watching and just waiting for this to be over so they could stare at him with those eyes that said “you’ve made a mistake. you’ve been raised for this one thing, not that anyone ever told you what it was, not like you knowing ever mattered one way or another, but you’ve messed up and we disappointed, and that is all that we will ever be,” he realized that Isabol was much closer than she had been. He probably wouldn’t have been able to stick a finger between their noses. 
But she didn’t move any closer. 
She just looked up at him, and she smiled with the tiniest corner of her mouth—one of those smiles that makes your eyelid start to curve upward just a bit. 
Tristan let himself count down from three, because no one outside of his head would ever know, and then they were kissing. 
It didn’t feel like anything in particular, but that was probably because his face was just as numb as his hand and then rest of him was tied up in the kind of knots that you don’t comb out as much as cut out. He could tell it was slightly off center, because her nose was side-to-side with his instead of ramming right into it, and the left side of his face seem a little more pressure-free than the right side. 
It didn’t last long, but Isabol didn’t pull away when he thought she would. She leaned in closer, off to one side, and whispered in a voice that was just for him, “I’m scared too, but I think we’re going to be okay. It’s nice to see you again, Tristan.”
And then she was back in her original position, and there was clapping and stomping and cheering from all sides, like every other wedding he’d ever been too. But this time, instead of staying with the crowd, he started walking side by side with Isabol, right hands still bound together, toward the small house on the far edge of the village. 
Tristan glanced behind himself only once, and felt himself start to untie for the first time since they’d realized his father was fading in a permanent sort of way when he saw that no one was coming with them. 
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marigraphia · 1 year
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Sketches and WIPs that I’ve posted on Twitter over the years (because I don’t trust the site to not simply go down over night)
3rd July, 2020
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“i'm very proud of this fountain, it's the first time i've done something like that 😬“
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another one!
(Both are WIPs of this piece)
10th September, 2020
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“is my first ever drawing on my ipad stevetasha? you bet”
19th September, 2020
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“doodled my dogs real quick while waiting for my grandma 🥰“
23rd September, 2020
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“doodled some stuff while watching enola holmes 😊”
24th September, 2020
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“i don't really like how this turned out but i also don't want to re-do it so eh“
11th October, 2020
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“i’m so in love with her 🥺”
(This is my - still unnamed - OC, but I ended up using the drawing as a base for Amaya in the Primrose Hall game)
24th October, 2020
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“my little cousin requested a drawing of a bear 🐻”
19th February, 2021
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(WIP of this piece)
24th February, 2021
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- espírito protetor dos tapauérs
- cavalo pálido da morte“
(WIP of this piece. It was originally made for the 3rd day of the “Mônicatober” event, organised by @monicaposting on Twitter, and posted on my personal account)
28th March, 2021
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“essa conversa com o meu irmão aconteceu há meses e eu penso nela até hoje“
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“gringo version“
11th August, 2021
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“some sketches ✨“
“1- Katie Cook's character Tom "oh no your dad was hot" Benson from her webtoon 'Nothing Special' 2- Alexander Siddig as Hannibal (no, not that one) in the 2006 movie”
24th August, 2021
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4th October, 2021
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“fell in love w this lil guy from a drawingwiffwaffles video and had to draw him 🥺“
5th October, 2021
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“second day of doodling youtube stuff instead of what i should be drawing, this time it’s karolina żebrowska videos“
10th May, 2022
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“tried to do something and it turned out very much not how i wanted it to but eh“
12th July, 2022
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8th August, 2022
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“have been trying to sketch more lately ☺️
(reference for the second one is marvel's house of x #6, with pencils/inks by pepe larraz and colours by marte gracia and david curiel)“
31st August, 2022
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“oh this is fun“
(WIP of this piece)
22nd September, 2022
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“the news cycle these past weeks had me doodling these particular (still unnamed :/) ocs“
25th October, 2022
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25th November, 2022
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“eu não me contive…”
(WIP of this piece)
26th November, 2022
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“viciada em desenhar fotos da copa“
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