scorpioriesling · 4 months
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Tight Black Leathers
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Pairing(s): Liam x reader
Warnings: SMUT, mdni, 18+
Summary: As Liam's girlfriend, you've been feeling rather... fed up, lately, that he's been ordered to hang out all day with another female. So... whatever will you do about it?
SR’s Note: Ooh, switching it up with a Fourth Wing fic? Okay, okay... and yes of course, Liam is my favorite character from Fourth Wing. No, I still haven't recovered. No, I probably never will. Denial is a river in Egypt-
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You clicked the power button on your phone once more, checking fruitlessly to see if your boyfriend had responded to your message. Of course, he hadn't -- but you'd expected as much. It was Friday, which meant he was on Violet-duty today, per usual.
With a sigh, you tucked the device into your pocket, zipping it shut as a familiar voice approached behind you.
"Hey Y/N!" Rhiannon's usual bubbly tone made you smile, and she took in your state. Her face softened as she took you in a warm embrace. You appreciated the kindness she offered you -- her friendship was a priceless one you'd made after crossing the parapet. She was one of the only people, other than your boyfriend, who truly understood how hard it was to be a rider when you were meant your whole life to be a healer instead.
"Still haven't heard from him?" She asks softly, releasing you. You shake your head, and she loops her arm through yours, pulling you with her in a cadence down the dormitory hallway.
"Well, there's no point in waiting around doing nothing," she starts. "We may as well have some lunch, hmm?" As if on cue, your stomach gurgles, and you both chuckle at the sound. You truly couldn't be more grateful -- you hadn't eaten all morning.
Entering the cafeteria, you find your squad -- well, most of them. Imogene's unmissable pink hair shakes back and forth as she listens to a ridiculous story Ridoc recounts; Sawyer is laughing at something Bodhi is saying across the table. You can't help but wonder...
"Hey guys!" Ridoc greets Rhiannon and you with a smile, but you only continue to search the tables near you. Imogene folds her arms over her chest, sitting back in her chair.
"He's not here," she says, and you look to her. Rhiannon takes a seat, motioning for you to sit by her, but you only stare at Imogene in hopes she'll keep talking. "Violet took the lunch break to get in extra training time, so-"
You squeeze your eyes shut, head dropping to face the floor. You'd been missing him so much recently, since Xaden assigned him to follow your fellow cadet around like a guardian, you barely saw him anymore. Your own boyfriend. He was spending time with another female. That was really starting to get old.
"Of course." You clip. Ridoc huffs a laugh, and Rhiannon glares at him.
"He's only doing what Xaden tells him-" Bodhi begins, and your eyes slide to his.
"Anymore, I don't really care what Xaden-" Your rage begins to bubble over, and the table falls silent as their gazes drift behind you. Shadows curl around your fists, the cool tendrils working against your warmed skin.
"Care what Xaden... what, exactly? As your Wingleader, I would love to hear you finish that sentence, Y/N." Xaden's lethally calm voice sounds from behind you, and you glance over your shoulder, face falling at the realization. You shake your head.
"I... it's... look, I just think it's a bit much to have Liam following Violet around all day, don't you think? Can't she defend herself?" You ask. His hard gaze on you only intensifies.
"I would say Liam is one of the strongest in this wing, wouldn't you agree?" He asks, and you nod.
"Yes, but-"
"So he will continue to defend what's most precious to me." He says in finality, turning to walk away as you scoff, throwing your hands in the air.
"What about what's most precious to me, huh? I never get to see him anymore because you're always having him whisked away to defend your girlfriend -- isn't that your job!?" You nearly shout. The entire room goes silent, and Bodhi slaps a hand over his mouth. Rhiannon's jaw is practically on the floor, but your eyes are only met with Xaden's searing gaze as he turns to face you once more. He steps close to you, speaking again in his constrained, calm voice.
"I highly suggest you take the rest of the afternoon off, cadet y/l/n. You seem a bit high strung -- wouldn't want you too worked up for the challenges later this evening." The muscle in his jaw ticks as you turn on your heel, beelining for the exit and stomping all the way back to your dorm room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You know what? Xaden was right. The afternoon off was exactly what you needed before a night full of challenges. You spent the whole afternoon getting yourself more riled up within the confines of your dorm, pacing back and forth and glaring into your mirror. Did you nap? Nope. Try to calm down, do some meditation, maybe? Absolutely not. Perhaps stretch, or read a book so you were at ease before the night began then. Hell no.
You were ripping a brush through your long hair, slamming it down on your desk when you decided the strands were untangled enough. You yanked at the band around your wrist, muscle memory causing your hands to wind your hair into a ponytail atop your head when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror. You glance down at your phone still dark on your desk, and an idea sparks in your mind. Dropping your hands, you run them through the strands a few times before separating the mass into three sections. Since he likes the Sorrengail so damn bad, you thought. Maybe you'd show him you she wasn't anything special. She was just like everyone else here; she was just like you.
Securing the band at the base of the tight braid, you sway side to side, pleased with the result. Pulling on your tightest-fitting leathers and boots, you sheath your finest daggers and head out of your room. Within minutes, you've crossed the courtyard and are in the training center, approaching a mat near the center where you find Ridoc and Bodhi and Rhiannon gathered. Rhiannon turns when Ridoc whistles loudly at you. You lighten your steps on instinct, realizing you're still stomping your way across the mats toward them.
"Ohhhh my, Y/N," she looks you up and down, taking you in fully. You huff a breath, pretending not to notice her stare. Or Ridoc's. Or Bodhi's. Or Violet's...
Or Liam's. From three mats over.
"New tactic?" Ridoc laughs, and you roll your eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Uhhh, distracting your opponent with the tightest black fighting leathers you could find?" Rhiannon giggles, and you scoff, feigning innocence. Bodhi only groans.
"CADETS, attention please!" Emmetario shouts. He stalks closer to the mat you stand before, calling off more pairs for challenges. You and your friends watch as people fight and wrestle match after match. Rhiannon wins her challenge, Ridoc hands Jack Barlowe's ass to him, and your attention snags on the mat a few feet away as a new pairing is called forth. Your perfect, wonderful boyfriend is taking the mat, shucking off his tee and revealing his perfectly toned body, abdominals flexing as he laughs at something Xaden says. He takes a fighting stance as another guy from third wing stands opposite him, and they begin. It's not long before Liam has the poor fella on the floor, tapping out. Being the kind male he is, Liam hops off and helps him up, shaking his hand and offering him a kind smile after they finish their challenge.
As he is exiting the mat, his eyes meet yours and widen slightly, raking over your body as he slowly steps off the platform. They linger on the straps clinging to the curve of your ass, then trail back up to the form-fitting compression shirt you've chosen and his brows knit in confusion when he notices your new hairstyle. You tilt your chin up and flip your hair over your shoulder, just as Emmetario bellows once more.
"Bodhi and Y/N!"
You walk onto the mat, Rhiannon cheering from the sidelines. Bodhi looks to you in silent apology, and you position yourself close to your friend, taking your beginning stance. You can see the worry in his expression, and you glance to your left as Liam, Violet, and Xaden flank the edge of the mat to observe as well.
"Bodhi, it's alright. I know you won't hurt me for real," You say. He grins at you.
"Never." Is all he says, taking his beginning position, not-so-subtly drinking in your form so close to his. You smirk.
"Begin!" Emmetario calls. Bodhi immediately lunges for you, but you're quick and dodge his advance, and he stumbles forward -- you've trained with him countless times, you knew he'd make the first move. You snake to the side, wrapping your arms around his midsection and using your whole body weight to throw yourselves both to the ground. You cry out as you land on your own elbow, and he tries to roll you onto your back. You dig your heels into the ground, fighting with all your strength to stay to the side of him and not let him get on top. He's stronger though, flipping you with his hands around your knees. You plant both feet in his ribs, knocking into him with as much force as you can muster and he falls back with a sharp cry.
The growing crowd winces and you jump to your feet once more, him following suit and clutching his side only for a moment before charging you once more. You crouch; but you're too slow this time. In seconds, his hands wrap around your waist and your thrown over his shoulder, hands smacking against his back.
You know what comes next -- this is the part where your opponent will throw you onto the mat, onto your back, knocking the wind out of you. You won't let that happen; not tonight. You tap into the rage you felt, all day, all week, and unleash it, feeling every feeling all over again.
Anger. You push against Bodhi, his hands losing grip and you tumbling haphazardly down his back. "Keep pushing, Y/N!" Rhiannon shouts.
Hate. You turn, Bodhi's still doubled over. Now's your chance. You run, jump, cling onto him, grabbing his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist-
Jealousy. It was a ploy. He whips you around, throwing you to the mat, hard. You shriek, breath catching in your throat as he holds you down with his forearm. He gazes down at you, his familiar friendly orbs glowing with warmth as he shifts uncomfortably above you.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N, but... I'll be damned if anyone ever climbs me like a fuckin' tree-" the words die in his throat as your red-hot emotions dissipate, laughter rising and breaking free past your lips as he chuckles along with you.
"I don't care! I said she's done!" The sharp tone has your gaze turning to the left, the crowd making way as Emmetario calls after the tall male entering the mat and heading straight for you. In seconds, Bodhi's weight is completely lifted off of you and you suck in a breath of full, delightful air.
"Yep, and you can stay the fuck off of her, thank you very much," Liam gripes, bending down to grasp both of your hands in his and pull you up. You gasp as pain blooms in your back, and he begins leading you off the mat, away from the crowd. Toward the exit.
"Liam... Liam... I didn't tap out; my challenge wasn't over-" you stutter. He turns, his raging blue eyes narrowed on you. Yours widened in shock as you register an emotion so rare, especially for him you almost missed it.
"Trust me. It was over."
✧・゚: *✧・゚
"Liam, it's only a bruise, it'll be healed in a few-"
"He shouldn't have been man-handling you like that."
You stare at him, pacing back and forth in your dorm room from the bed where you sit. He half carried you back here a half hour ago, ending your challenge early and ignoring orders from a professor in the process. Now he seemed all worked up over your injuries, which were rather minor, at that.
"Like what, exactly? Liam, I've trained with Bodhi a million times. I know he would never hurt me. Not for real, anyways." You say, and Liam meets your gaze. His deep blue eyes are as dark as the midnight sea, only illuminated by the candle lights in your room. He chews on his bottom lip, halting his pacing.
"He trains with you?" He asks quietly. You scoff incredulously, fiddling with the band at the end of your braid and loosening the strands.
"Yeah? He's my friend, Liam. I have to have someone to spar with, right? It's not like my boyfriend is exactly... available..." you trail off, casting your eyes toward the floor. You finish undoing your braid, the strands hanging in loose waves over your shoulders. His brows knot in confusion.
"Y/N, what are you... what do you mean?" he walks close, kneeling before you, placing his hands on your knees. His face is level with yours, and Gods damn you if you don't want to kiss him-
"You know I'm always here for you Y/N..." he says softly. You meet his gaze, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth to keep it from quivering.
"Liam... I barely even see you anymore." Oh boy, here we go. "You always have to be with... with Violet... and if I do see you, it's never in our own privacy... I never just get you alone, to myself..." you trail off. He presses a soft kiss to your knee, and you praise yourself for changing into shorts and one of his big shirts when you returned earlier.
"Baby... you know I just have to hang out with Violet for now, just because of all the attacks and such, but," he places another soft kiss further up your thigh, and you feel your pulse quickening by the second. "...you have me alone... right now, right?" He asks sweetly, his eyes meeting yours again. You lean back on your elbows, and though his tone is sweet, the lust swirling in his irises tells a different story. You nod wordlessly, and he continues moving up your body, softly pushing up the hem of your shirt with his fingertips. His eyes remain in contact with your as he plants soft kisses up your abdomen, the muscles flexing as you fight to remain calm under his searing touch.
He pulls back, lips curing into a wicked grin as his eyes waver to your waistband, and he hooks a finger under the seam.
"If you wanted to be... man-handled... you could have just... asked." He says, your eyes widening at his words. Heat pools between your thighs, the incessant need for your boyfriend to ravage you only growing with every passing second he teases you. He chuckles, slipping a hand beneath the bands of both your shorts and underwear and wasting no time sliding a finger through your folds, easily gliding through the slickness. His lusting gaze meets yours again, and his free hand pushes himself closer to you on the bed.
"Mmm... you really have been missing me, haven't you?" You nod, looking up at him doe-eyed and innocent. He shakes his head, cupping your jaw and running a thumb over your lower lip while continuing to tease your leaking heat with his other hand.
"Such a good girl... I haven't been around as much as I should, have I." He says it more to himself, his forefinger circling your entrance and you rock your hips forward, aching for more.
"I haven't been as good of a boyfriend lately, and I'm sorry for that, okay?" He cups your cheek, and you meet his gaze.
"Liam... please..." you beg.
"Let me make it up to you?" He asks. Your nod of confirmation is all he needs as he slips both his index and middle fingers in -- knuckles deep. You gasp, jolting forward a bit and he pulls out, reinserting and driving them back in again. You bite out a moan, leaning back on your hands and looking up into his eyes. He's smirking down at you, drinking in every inch of your complexion as he massages that spongy spot inside of you.
"Liam..." you chant. "Liam, oh... my..... please-" He rises from his knees on the floor, continuing to curl his fingers inside you, to hover over you. He cuts off your whimpers with a beautiful, bruising kiss that is both sloppy and salivating. A mix of tongue and teeth clash as you make out with a primal need, his teeth finding your swollen bottom lip and playfully latching on. You groan once more, feeling the warm band in your stomach tightening.
"Gods I'm... I'm so-" Liam retracts his fingers and you groan, his lips finding yours again. He shucks his trousers off, kicking his boots off moments later. He breaks the kiss, yanking his shirt over his head and pulling yours off after, your bottoms following. Laying bare before him, he breathes deep, loosing his breath through the nose as he hovers overtop of your naked form.
"Y/N, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he says sweetly. You blush, even though this is the hundredth time you've had sex with the man and probably the hundred millionth time he's called you pretty. You feel his hard on grounding against you, and you wiggle your hips, only creating more friction. Liams hand meets your hip, holding firm.
"Tsk tsk," he says, kissing your nose. His hand snakes between the two of you, his knuckles brushing against your pelvis making you shiver. His fingers wrap around the length of his cock and stroke a few times as he inches closer, and when the head finally makes contact with your dripping core, you whimper.
"Li... please..." He flashes you a devilish grin, his cute dimple warming your heart as your hands find their way to his built shoulders atop you.
"Since you asked so nicely," he says lowly, and pushes into you. You suck in a breath, the small stretch increasingly painful as he continues to push in, inch by delicious inch. The pleasure courses through you when he is finally fully sheathed inside of you, a growl escaping his throat as his hips retract and slam back in with immeasurable force.
"LIAM-" You shout. He pulls his hips back again, only pulling out half way as he continues to pound into you relentlessly, relishing in every breathless moan and scream of his name he can pull from your perfect lips.
"So tight, baby.... my gorgeous, gorgeous girl," he praises. Your hands slide down his tones arms, and the calloused fingers on one of his hands thread through your delicate ones, holding them to the mattress above your head. His breath comes out in short pants, and you let out a particularly sharp gasp.
"Ugh, fuck Liam; just like that," you breathe. His fingers let go of yours and wrap around your lower back, pulling you flush against his chest. HIs pace quickens as your breasts bounce with every quick thrust he delivers.
"You feel so good, Y/N," he says between breaths. His soft grunts almost send you over the edge, the new pace and angle spurring the impending orgasm from within. His warm breath tickles your neck, and his lips find your cheek, placing a single kiss as he continues to savagely thrust into you. "So perfect..." he whimpers.
You can't hold it together long enough to warn him this time as you fly over the edge, your orgasm barreling through you. You cry out, hands tugging on the ends of Liam's hair as your walls squeeze around his throbbing cock that hasn't yet slowed, riding you through your high. Your thighs start to shake, and Liam's mouth drops open as his eyes meet yours once more.
"Oh fuck, Y/N-" he jolts, releasing inside of your pulsing core as his movements begin to slow. Your combined ragged breaths are the only sounds filling the room, and his fingers trace the curve of your collarbone as his eyes lovingly gaze into yours again. You offer him a soft smile in your fucked-out state and he chuckles, slowly slipping out of you and retrieving a cloth from your desk. You move to take it from him, but per usual, he insists on cleaning you up himself.
Ahh, the gentleman he is.
He returns from tossing the cloth in the wastebasket, and you pull his big tee over your head for the second time today. He frowns at you, and shrugs, reaching for his pants and pulling them back up over his hips. He takes the spot on the bed next to you, propping up on an elbow to stare down upon you.
"I meant it," he starts, and you sigh.
"Really, Y/N. I know its shitty that I have to always hang around with Violet. I know it sucks that it means I have less time with you. And... and I know it isn't your favorite thing. It isn't mine either." He says, taking a strand of your hair and twirling it around his index finger before letting it fall, and going for another piece.
"I know this, and I still listen to Xaden's orders. I know that doesn't make me a very good boyfriend, and I need to do better." He says in finality with a nod. "I'll talk to Xaden in the morning about it." You lean up off the bed, planting your lips on his. His hands cradle the back of your head, kissing you back with all the love he has to give. When you pull away, you know that no matter what, no matter how much or how little time you have together, there's no changing the connection the two of you share.
"Liam, I don't think I could find a better boyfriend than the one laying next to me in this very moment. You're as good as they get, my love."
✧・゚: *✧・゚
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rabbit costume + luxe couture miss raven
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Because I love the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic and White Rabbit Fest is running in EN right now… 😭 I decided to make a Rabbit Costume for my OC! Figured I’d also do the same for the event running in JP at the same time, Tapis Rouge in the Shaftlands.
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Special thanks goes to @peripheralsanity for the super adorable bonus drawing of Miss Raven in her Rabbit Costume 😭 I wanna cram that bunny into my mouth like an Easter marshmallow…
My own doodles are below the cut, along with various design notes 📝
First up, the Rabbit Costume!
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It takes a lot of inspiration from Alice herself: the bow in her hair, the dress, the apron. Miss Raven’s Heartslabyul dorm uniform design also pulls inspiration from Alice, so I tried very hard to make this look unique from that!
There’s a lot more bows, frills, and huge, goofy-looking accessories—like the rabbit ears + tail plus the shoes. The outfit also features a lot of pastel checkerboard pattern and shimmery makeup, like what is featured in Deuce’s Rabbit Costume. Upon closer inspection, there’s even more intricacies! Raven’s apron has heart-shaped pockets, the apron’s top has card motifs stitched into it, and the corset belt has a rabbit slowly dressing and then taking up a bugle to play. The transition demonstrates her own adaption to living among non-animals 😅
The rabbit on her skirt, chain, prize ribbon, and earring aren’t the White Rabbit but a cobbled together rabbit that’s missing an eye. The XO Rabbit poses as and stillinvokes the image of the White Rabbit, especially when it’s right next to a pocket watch. It fits Raven, who is someone not “organically” in the world of TWST (since she’s an OC).
I think my favorite part of this design is the super wacky and big hair. You may recognize it from the Hatsune Miku x Cinnamoroll campaign that was popular a while back. The shape reminded me of bunny ears, so I thought it would be nice to incorporate into Raven’s Rabbit Costume.
There’s so many strange things in clock town to observe! Miss Raven would have a fun time hopping around and seeing the sights… documenting them with Ortho, picking out clocks and other souvenirs with Silver, chomping through the local specialties with Epel. Ah, and as for Deuce 🤔 “Your son is trying very hard in his studies, ma’am,” she’d tell Dylla very seriously. “I commend him for his efforts.” (She very tactfully focuses on his improvements and personal growth over the actual numbers he produces.) Students of 1-A gotta look out for each other, right? Deuce fist bumps her behind her back or something to signal his thanks.
Miss Raven isn’t the athletic type, so I don’t think she would run in the relay race with them. (It would be hard to run in that dress anyway.) She can stick on the sidelines and cheer for them…!
Next is the Luxe Couture!
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I actually made two variants. One is more inspired by the Fairest Queen’s raven and the other is similar to the SR and R boys’ huntsman-inspired designs.
The first has more of an old-fashioned movie star feel to it… which isn’t really what Vil invited the other students for so it falls outside of canon 😂 I just thought it would be cool to have a more personalized, glamorous fit for Raven.
She has much darker and more excessive eye makeup in this version. A bold, more confident look outside of her usual wheelhouse. Her hair is also curled into her face to resemble feathers, and her bun also has strands spiked up to look like feathers too. The dress itself is also very feathery, forming a train behind her wherever she stomps in her heels. The top of the dress also acts as a feather boa, making her appear larger and more intimidating than she actually is.
If you’re wondering why tiny skull earrings, it’s because the Evil Queen’s raven falls into a skull at one point in the movie 💀 since it’s so taken aback by what it is witnessing… That “wow!” but also somewhat scared feeling is very similar to how Raven feels entering Fairest City, so I wanted to include a skull in some way. If I made the motif too big or too obvious, then it might clash with the whole ensemble so I chose to go with an understated accessory instead.
This look is definitely the most “different” of the group, but I tried to keep some elements in common with the others. For example, Raven still has the lace curtain which appears from where her dress is slit. She also has sheer gloves that have been studded with little white rhinestones. The jewels aren’t as big or colorful as Vil’s, but that’s the point: to not outshine the star. Miss Raven is nothing more than the shadow that clings to its queen 😌
The more group-cohesive outfit is last!
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It’s a similar double-breasted beige coat as Jamil’s, but it fans out into a dress + slacks at the bottom and has different sleeves. The puffiness of the sleeves at the shoulder and wrists make her seem large and in-charge! The buttons on her coat are large pearls.
I tried to maintain the huntsman’s color scheme throughout the outfit. Because of this, Raven’s belt is red and the lace in her dress is green. Her boots are similar to hiking boots (just picture them fancier in your head OTL I’m not great at drawing footwear).
We get her forehead in this design!! Her hair is pulled back into a “fancier than usual” ponytail, with her hair bunched into one loop before resuming as a normal ponytail. The clasp she uses is similar to the one Vil wears in his school uniform. Originally, I thought of just shoving an arrow through instead but decided against it since it makes the huntsman theme too obvious. The same reasoning came up when I considered giving Raven a small cocktail hat that looks similar to what the huntsman wore. Her head just looks so naked without something there 😂 but in the end I managed to refrain, and I think that helped the outfit look more clean and elegant.
Raven would be excited to visit Fairest City—it’s the capital of the entertainment industry! Though her main medium is quite different than that of films, she’s always wanted to visit for educational purposes. (Maybe she can learn from the scriptwriters there!) “At least one of you cares to learn,” Vil would tut. The trip’s a little stressful, trapped between Jamil and Azul’s petty remarks at one another and Ace teasing her for being the “odd one out” of the group—but hey, it’s all worth it for the experiences made there! I’d imagine that Raven loves all the pampering they get and all the important people they meet, it makes her feel like a real princess. Everywhere she looks, the streets and stores are shining too! Her raven blood is soaring. “I didn’t realize you had such excitable juniors, Vil,” Eric would chuckle. (“Waaaah, so cool! Like a prince!!” Raven would gush, earning eye rolls from her classmates and a groan from Ace.)
Walking on the red carpet wouldn’t interest her that much; she doesn’t like the attention so she tries hard to just fade behind the others and play support as best she can. Carrying Vil’s things or helping him with his makeup is no problem, just don’t thrust her under the spotlight and all the flashing cameras!
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shkika · 1 year
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THERE WE HAVE IT! Scugified all of the local group by putting them in the same situation as Sliver or Straw more or less!
These are mostly for fun so I haven't sat down to ponder them too hard hehe hoho
Explanation on their designs below the cut:
The Martyr (LTTM) - He's very tough, more cold resistant and capable of surviving one or two lizard bites even due to his sheer size, which makes him very slow. In addition, kind of like Saint, he is completely passive and cannot kill creatures.
The Prodigy (FP) - Very quick and also fully carnivorous! Her fur is very light so she has to use her food pips in order to glow and warm herself up. Can maul like Artificer while having the strength of Monk. You'll mostly be chasing bat flies with her.
The Sage (SRS) - They are completely blind so you navigate the world and map using your hearing and other senses. It looks like you are in pitch darkness in shaded with the iggy effect when it shows you the surrounding area. You can see every creature on the map that's in the room with you or the next one. She can also make pearls using rocks!
The Nomad (NSH) - Always moving from one area to the next, you can’t rest in the same shelter twice, unless you exit the area and come back. She can also camouflage kind of like white lizards do and crouch move while camouflaged.
The Judge (GW) - The Judge doesn’t ascend every creature. He’s relatively fast and has strong spear throws. If you are killed with the Judge, next cycle the creature will be marked for you on the map at all times. If you ignore the mark The Judge loses karma and vice versa gains one karma if you commit to the kill.
The Acolyte (UI) - He’s small and emits light with which he can befriend certain creatures and gain protection from them! He crawls slower than average and can only carry one item ar a time, because of his missing hand, but jumps higher.
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lilydalexf · 3 months
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Here are some very good fics that involve the X-Files episode "En Ami." Enjoy!
Animus Possidendi by Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) “It looks good on you,” he said flatly. “It looks incredible, actually. But I still hate it. Get rid of it.”
As Friends by @heartbash Post-episode En Ami (715). Mulder and Scully have a hard conversation about the Smoking Man's manipulation of Scully and the nature of their evolving relationship.
As We Forgive Those by haphazardmethod Mulder was so angry in En Ami. What happened to reconcile him to Scully's actions? Barbara tells me most people said "sex." This is not that story. "The fact that forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us isn't honored more--I blame that on writers. Because the easy story to tell is the vengeance story, and it's known to satisfy. This guy shot my brother. How's the story gonna wind up? And what does a reader think? OK, that's settled. So it's just the easiest of all stories to tell. So it in fact encourages, makes reputable vengeance." -- Kurt Vonnegut. This is not that story, either.
By All Accounts, Today Was A Disaster and The Art of Breaking by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. We know Mulder’s pissed, but so is Scully. Angst. MSR.
The Choices We Make by a_steady_wish “You need to see a doctor,” he insisted, hand on the small of her back, more forceful than usual; the tips of his fingers pressed into her flesh enough that although she knew she wouldn’t be bruised, there would likely be red marks for a little while afterwards; he was marking that curve as his own.
Coming Clean by @starwalker42 "Loving Mulder is as natural as breathing. It’s not lost on her that she’s currently underwater." Mulder and Scully deal with the fallout from the events of En Ami.
The Course of True Love by ML (No summary provided)
The Darker Side of Love by fragilevixen (@fragilevixenfic) Mulder does not want to talk but he does not want Scully to leave, either. “Betrayal stings in a bitter way but regret leaves an even bigger hole in a heart.” – Unknown
Devoured, cleansed by @frangipanidownunder Set post En Ami.
Divide and Conquer by @mldrgrl A post-En Ami drabble.
False Front by cecily_sass (@cecilysass) Scully comes home from her road trip with the Smoking Man. Mulder’s been waiting and worrying. No one likes to feel fooled. Missing scenes from the end of En Ami.
Haptics by Pam Gamble Another interpretation of the En Ami aftermath. Haptics: Information conveyed through the sense of touch.
Iconoclasm by Diana Battis Variations on a theme of truth.
In Milford by DarlaBlack (@sigritandtheelves) This time she leaves
Let Bygones Be Bygones by @mldrgrl Post En Ami/Chimera smut. Mulder's still just a wee bit mad about Scully running off and Scully's just angry that he can't let it go.
Momentum by @dreamingofscully The choices Scully makes in En Ami cause some unintended consequences for herself and her relationship with Mulder.
Nature's Dark Gift by bluesamutra Daylight is coming and the shadows are gone
No Quarter Given 3: Surrender by Mish It can only end in mutual surrender. (No Quarter Given part 1, part 2, and part 4 - part 4 is unfinished)
A Poison Tree by @rationalcashew Post-En Ami. Mulder and Scully are pissed at each other over the events of En Ami. There do be smut here.
Shadow of the Sword by Dreamshaper 'She had been used before. She would be used again. Spender Sr. might not have realized that she had finally allowed herself to love Mulder, but he had known all along that his deceptive promises would drive a wedge between them, and he probably considered that a perfect reward for his efforts...'
Shadows of Ashes by VivWiley Is the price of betrayal calculable?
Those Who Wait by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Punctuality seemed to be written into Scully's bones, yet when it came to Mulder, she never quite seemed to get the timing right.
Three Times - Overture, Overture Mirrored, and Restart by Joann Humby Scully's missing, having left home with CSM. When she returns, emotions are running high. / After a sexual misadventure in the aftermath of En Ami - Mulder and Scully still haven't talked about what happened. Mulder returns from his trip to England to find Scully considering fate.
Untitled by @mldrgrl Consider this a post-epish piece for En Ami
What Partnership is About by Anna Greenway A post episode story for En Ami. Mulder and Scully play Monopoly.
Wing and Prayer by Revely (No summary provided)
Yo Creo and The Payment by Elanor G Tensions run high between Mulder and Scully after the events of En Ami. A new lead on Cobra threatens to lead them further into darkness. / After En Ami, a conversation. And payment for services rendered.
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Space Riders Theory! 🌌
Woah I'M making a theory?? Yeah that's right. Hey guys! Captain Fluffz here. I'm using my very poor detective skills to make a theory about @onyxonline's very amazing Space Riders AU! Right, without further ado, let's get into it!
Firstly, if you've been reading the SR AU for a while, you'll probably have noticed that our main cast, aka the Space Critters, have these charm/pendant-like shapes on the front of their space suits.
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In episode 1, when the team get ready to fight the Cult's goons- ahem, I mean people, we see their pendants glowing.
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It may just be a cool effect, but I think it may be something more. For more proof, in this scene where Catnap and Dogday do their cool duo move, their pendants are also glowing.
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In episode 4, Hoppy's pendant glows when she's going into overdrive mode.
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Well, what does all that mean? I think, maybe, the pendants represent the Space Critters' souls, and are perhaps even connected to them. Here's what I think:
Dogday's Sun pendant: Represents his powers as a Solar Celestial and his sunny demeanor as well as his positive attitude toward things. He is quiet literally the growing and supporting force for his team.
Catnap's Moon pendant: Represents his powers as a Lunar Celestial and his calm and levelheaded (also rather eepy) personality. He's probably a good listener and supports his friends; a good shoulder to cry on.
Hoppy's Lighting pendant: Represents her electricity powers and her active and enthusiastic personality. She can be a bit impatient and loud sometimes, but deep down cares for her close ones very deeply.
Crafty's Blue Flower pendant: Represents her creativity and calm personality. Just like a flower, she's a gentle beauty but has her thorns (ways of protecting herself).
Picky's Apple pendant: Represents her wholesome and hearty personality. She, of course, loves food and takes care of others.
Bubba's Light Bulb pendant: Represents his heightened intelligence and informative, (nerdy) and smart personality. He always has the information needed to help his team on missions and gets them through dark times.
Kickin's Star pendant: Represents his fire powers and his cool and bright personality. Like all stars, he's one you can count on, and of course, is very very rad, but has his burning point too.
Bobby's Heart pendant: Represents her caring and sweet nature. She's a very understanding and kind soul, and helps others however she can. Her beat (personality) is calming to all around her.
In episode 5, Poppy says that the husks are created to "show the irony of the heretics fighting their true selves". This very obviously means the husks are the Space Critters' "Dark Sides©" made to show what the Space Critters "actually are".
On the topic of husks, in episode 6, the husk that looks like Bobby has a... rather odd detail.
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It's pendant, unlike Bobby's, looks somewhat like a melted heart, whereas the real Bobby's pendant is a perfect heart. Perhaps, this is meant to show the Space Critters' "real selves" aka their "Dark Sides©". We haven't yet seen the other husks, but I think all of them would have broken or ruined versions of the Space Critters' pendants. Meaning their "real selves" are mean, bloodthirsty and deranged.
So, in conclusion, I think the Space Critters' pendants represent their souls and are perhaps even linked to them, and the husks' ruined versions of the pendants are meant to show their "Dark Sides©".
So yeah! That's all, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I spent a fair amount of time on this, so a like or some nice words would be appreciated ^^. No forcing of course, don't feel obliged. Thanks so much if you took your time to read this, left a like or some nice words. I hope you found some truth in this theory, and please let me know if I missed anything.
All art belongs to @onyxonline.
Space Riders AU belongs to the great @onyxonline. Check her out, now!
"Dark Side©" is a concept made by me, and the team name for some of my OCs who also may make an appearance in my AU of @onyxonline's SR AU.
Edit 29/07/2024: OMG OMGOMGOMG @onyxonline reblogged??!! WOAHH!! Tysm!! <33
Alright then, peace, Captain Fluffz out! ✌🐱
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
I have spent so much time thinking about the miss holloway musical WHICH THEY HAVE ALREADY WRITTEN and I need to spill my thoughts about it
there is no point or end to this it’s just a brain fart of all the thoughts I’ve been having so enjoy I guess lmfao
“backstory”. it will be about her backstory. was she an 80’s music star who sold her mortal life for fame in a deal that backfired on her?? or was she a woman with the gift about to be hanged by the hatchet men who saved herself by making that same deal?? HOW FAR BACK DOES THIS GO IS WHAT IM ASKING WE KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT THIS WOMAN
if it’s the former, I would love to maybe have mariah as casey (the girl with the gift in the witchwood who asked for her autograph) be an actual character who holloway maybe tries to help. also kim singing 80’s songs fuck yeah
and if it’s the latter then,,, oh wow. some heavy musical numbers, a shitload of hatchetmen / church of the starry children lore, and maybe another form of the lords in black (maybe the creepy hooded figures that we see drawn in the black book???)
also sorry EDIT I just looked at this picture again and the middle one (probably wiggly) is holding a knife. there’s no fucking way that’s not the black blade this is absolutely miss holloway guys omggggg
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I would love to see this scene on stage with kim!!!! this would make 5 different forms of the LIB that we’ve seen / heard about (dolls, teens / humans, their true forms, wiggly in made in america, and whatever this is). I’m just imagining you see these black hooded figures, and then in the pro-shot you get a good look inside their hoods… and their faces are NOT human. like just imagine a massive purple eye staring out of one of those hoods, maybe even moving and blinking, a cool animatronic thing. SO CREEPY!! I also love the idea of switching up the actors again - I love jon so much as wiggly and I don’t think they would change him bc of his voice, but with the rest of them I think any actor can play a LIB which opens up so many possibilities…
I also would love to know how miss holloway met duke, and potentially even how many times they have met and then he had to forget her. considering the fact that we now have weird lore about his dad in 2005, did she know duke when he was younger?? did she help him out when he was a teenager, or help his dad?? is it a family thing, like she’s vowed to watch over the keane family or something??
duke’s dad is a big part of this tbh, because what a random insane lore / backstory drop, like WHAT? I genuinely have no idea what douglas keane sr’s murder could be about, except that it ties in to duke and to wilbur. and shows that 2005 is SO DAMN IMPORTANT
2005 was the year hannah was born, the year the portal to the black and white was created, the year wilbur cross went insane and became a disciple of the LIB, the year miss holloway took on the mantle of “miss holloway”, and (very likely) the year miss holloway and wilbur fought. so i think it’s safe to say that the musical itself will be set in 2005, which to me means macnamara and wilbur backstory alongside holloway and duke, which is very very fun
I like the idea that wilbur and macnamara were canonically together, and I really want to see pre-LIB wilbur. I also love the idea of macnamara and holloway working together or even becoming friends - despite being set a decade and a half before nightmare time, it would feel like the culmination of the two hanging plot threads / overarching arcs to me. also the idea that it was holloway who introduced macnamara to the paranormal and therefore essentially set up PEIP and doomed wiley is some juicy stuff that I would LOVE to see, especially if either macnamara or wiley lived in hatchetfield as kids and miss holloway helped them, inspiring whichever one of them to set up PEIP
ok so leading off of that I have a clear vision of a potential final scene that is driving me insane, and that’s the main reason why I patched together this post.
the final scene is the fight between miss holloway and wilbur, the one that happens in every single timeline.
and the basic idea is that we see both fights at once. there’s a song, and the stage is like black friday and spies are forever, with a level above the stage the actors can walk up to and stand on. joey and kim sing, and do their bit on the stage, but above the stage there are either doubles or a projection, mirroring the choreography. only in the pro-shot version, they would splice in joey and kim playing both pairs, which I just think would turn out looking really awesome despite being tricky to pull off live.
and yeah basically at the exact same time, one wilbur stabs holloway, and the other holloway stabs wilbur, creating a gorgeous visual representation of the newly splintered timelines.
either that or they do a trail to oregon and just do a different ending each night, and then splice them together in the pro-shot like I was saying. but I personally prefer the first one, if they’re able to pull it off and make it look good
and duke shows up just after that, having followed miss holloway throughout the story so far. and in the universe where wilbur’s dead, miss holloway makes him forget it all, hence this being the year that she takes on the new name and the fact that we know he has forgotten about her / her true past before. and then in the universe where holloway is dead, he holds her as she dies in his arms. bonus points if we get dying holloway saying “please don’t forget me” and living holloway saying “you have to forget me”. oh and just to be cruel, both dukes saying “I could never forget you” at the same time :) stew on that for a bit. yeah. fuck you I guess lol I woke up and chose violence today apparently
the idea of the two of them finding each other again after that in some timelines is just gorgeous to me, especially given the fact that NMT3 seems to suggest them finding each other AGAIN after she needs to make him forget. truly star crossed lovers they are so insane for this
in summary I guess what I’m trying to say is I think it will include miss holloway’s full backstory and then be mostly set in 2005, and centre around the opening of the black and white portal (macnamara and wilbur), miss holloway meeting duke (wilbur murdering duke’s dad, possibly something with lex and hannah if duke was already a social worker) and eventually the big fight between holloway and wilbur, ending in the audience seeing both potential endings. also obviously a reference to hannah’s birth because that seemed to be some kind of catalyst. thank you for coming to my utterly deranged ted talk goodbye
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mythuzalasheir3 · 5 months
The first one is giving Goosebumps (like the book series by RL Stine). Miss Holloway Goosebumps inspired fic when?
Mariah’s acting is 1000/10 I love it it lives rent free on my mind
So does Jon’s Pastor character just dropping the act
Miss Holloway constantly sacrificing herself for the children- honey 😭😭
My wife being like a mom to Brenda>>>>
“College happened to Kyle.” My guys
The way I expected the “Heya, darlin’!” but it didn’t happen just made me 🥺
Curt played Duke so much more subdued and it really worked- you can feel the emotional distance between them
“I don’t do the intranet.” I love how at some points, Miss H can be such an old woman in the body of a badass witch
“Miss Meh”- why do I think Abigail is related to paul/hj
THOSE LAST TWO LINES OF THE SECOND PREVIEW SCENE. “I’m gonna be forty soon. I don’t have all the time in the world.” “…Lucky you.” IK HE’LL FORGET BUT THEY NEED TO TALK IT OUT FOR THE LOVE OF WEBBY
Also Duke’s last line gives me the vibe that Duke Sr and his mom had him fairly young so his dad died young too and now I need to know more details
The third one was so fucking creepy
The ritual itself was gross and it added so much to the tension
I got chills with the knocking.
Child form LIBs
Miss Holloway treating them like they weren’t eating her dismembered toes and shattering her records
Wiggly knows what was up
It’s been years and I’m not over Jon’s Wiggly voice it fits the character so well
Tinky checking the calendar with an abacus between his feet
“It’s time to save myself.” Miss Holloway, my love, you deserve a break but is making a deal with the evil eldritch gods that put you in this mess really the best idea?
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shentheauthor · 2 years
I cannot resist, but headcanons on the Harbingers' types? Like what they would like in a S/O? 🤭
Crabsolutely, friend
Gender neutral s/o, no content warnings
Someone calm
Preferably smart too
Like someone he can play chess with
And just drink tea quietly with
This man needs some peace in his life lmao
Please braid his hair, he is touch starved and needs affection, but he’s old and he can’t say it out loud
Someone who can protect themself
He will def protect you, but when he isn’t there, he wants to know you’ll be safe
Also, he would love a sparring partner as well as a romantic one
If you can keep up with him, color him impressed
I also feel like he isn’t much of a talker, so if you’re cool with just hanging out in silence, he will be drawn to you
A test subject /j
It would actually probably start out that way 😭😭
If you can hold an intelligent conversation and keep him amused, tho, he will stop trying to experiment on you
He will explode with joy if you ask him about his work
And if you listen and remember what he says? Whipped
Basically a good listener and someone who doesn’t mind his psychopathic tendencies lmao
Hell if you’re a bit of a murderous gremlin yourself, he’ll be even more into you
Bc then you can do horrible fucked up experiments ✨together✨
Someone cute who can sing duets with her
She wouldn’t mind whether you’re loud or quiet
She can put up with both
She isn’t super picky about partners, but a good singing voice is a green flag for her
She’d already be intrigued if you aren’t afraid of her, but if you don’t underestimate her either, you’ve definitely got an interested columbina on your hands
Probably someone interested in her work
She has high standards tho
Good listener, can cook, willing to adjust your schedule for her, good with kids, but also willing to harshly punish subordinates, etc
She wants someone like her
But maybe a bit nicer lmao
Like Pierro, he prefers quiet people
Someone willing to help him deal with stress without adding onto that stress
Also he wants someone good with kids
He will bring his partner with him to visit family and friends, so a social person is better
Just someone he can be quietly domestic and soft with
Gilf moment Fr
I’m never gonna stop including him and Signora
Anyway tho, he wants someone quiet, but he will actually be somewhat pleasantly surprised if you talk back to him
You’d have to be careful, but he will like you if you can keep up with his rudeness and clap back without fear
Bonus points if you’re strong. He doesn’t want to “coddle” his partner, so he wants someone who can take care of themself
He would also want someone who can read him well. Understanding his moods is a must.
It’s hard to get him to open up, but he would really want someone willing to love him completely without leaving him
Abandonment issues go brrr
A puppet
Like literally
But if she had to choose a partner who is a normal human, she would want someone who doesn’t care if she’s possessive
She is kind of a yandere, so if you’re into that, she is into you
Bonus points if you’re willing to cook for her
She forgets to eat a lot, and someone who takes care of her would be appreciated
Also, if you’re interested in her work
The way to an autistic’s heart is through the special interest /srs
Someone who will love her unconditionally
Someone who doesn’t treat her like a monster
Someone who isn’t afraid of her
She would also love someone strong and smart
Preferably witty too
Like if she can have a healthy banter with you
Her type is Rostam, but if you aren’t Rostam, that’s ok
A strong and protective partner is perfect for her
She can take care of herself just fine, but the feeling of being cared about is unmatched
I miss her so much raaaahhhh
He would want someone who lets him spoil them
He will lavish you with gifts if you will let him
ALSO, intelligence is a must
He doesn’t have patience for dull conversation
If finances bore you, he actually doesn’t mind
He knows everyone is different
As long as you don’t steal from him, he won’t care
Someone who cares enough to help him de-stress after work is a green flag
He would also love it if you can cook or sew, and is actually open to learning your hobbies if they interest him
Please play board games with him, he’d be so happy
Also he wants a good listener who will hear him ramble without complaining
Do you like kids?
Are you open to learning to cook?
Can you spar with him and provide a challenge?
If the answer to all of these questions is “yes,” congrats, you are exactly his type
He doesn’t care much about looks, he really just wants someone who’s fun and loves his family
Extroverts are perfect for him
He would prefer a partner who’s okay with drinking, bc Snezhnaya go brrr (literally)
But if you aren’t comfortable with that, that’s okay
Definitely the most fun to be with if you’re outgoing, so he would want you to be adventurous too
He would also like talkative people, bc then he can listen to you ramble <3
Rule #1 tho: don’t be afraid of him. Treat him like a person, not a weapon
He doesn’t mind being a weapon, but if his partner is soft with him and doesn’t demand anything, that is ideal
I love him sm
I love doing these lmao. It’s kinda cringe, but it’s self indulgent and I like exploring their characters like this
I’m probably gonna create an ask blog specifically for this sometime soon
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hopelesslys-world · 1 year
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TRIGGER WARNINGS!: TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, reader is kind of a bimbo, heavily detailed smut, basically porn, loss of virginity, harsh language, anger issues, stalking, obsession, jealousy, controlling behaviour, DOM-SUB themes, BDSM Expand considered to be portrayed with incorrect/poor etiquette, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse/assault, statutory rape.
Tell me if I missed anything...( As you can see most of the warnings will appear in future chapters. )
I apologize for any grammar mistakes...
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
𝐈 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋. Was all I could focus on as soon as the elevator doors closed and she disappeared.
“Andrea,” I bark as I return to my office. “Get me Welch on the line, now.”
As I sit at my desk and wait for the call.
I look at the paintings on the wall of my office and Miss Y/L/N’s words drift back to me. “Raising the ordinary to extraordinary.” She could so easily have been describing herself.
My phone buzzes. “I have Mr. Welch on the line for you.”
“Put him through.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Welch, I need a background check.”
DOB: ( The Month and day you were born ). 1989, Montesano, WA
Address: 1114 SW Green Street, Apartment 7, Haven Heights, Vancouver, WA 98888
Mobile No: 360-959-4352
Social Security No: 987-65-4320
Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, Vancouver, WA:
Acct. No.: 309361: $683.16 balance
Occupation: Undergraduate Student WSU Vancouver College of Arts and Sciences English Major
GPA: 4.0
Prior Education: Montesano Jr. Sr. High School
SAT Score: 2150
Employment: Clayton’s Hardware Store, NW Vancouver Drive, Portland, OR (part-time)
Father: Franklin A. Lambert, DOB: Sept. 1, 1969, Deceased (The day before your birthday), 1989
Mother: Carla May Wilks Adams,
DOB: July 18, 1970
m. Frank Lambert March 1, 1989,
widowed (The day before your birthday), 1989
m. Raymond Y/L/N June 6, 1990,
divorced July 12, 2006
m. Stephen M. Morton Aug. 16, 2006,
divorced Jan. 31, 2007
Current Marriage Situation: m. Bob Adams April 6, 2009
Political Affiliations: None Found
Religious Affiliations: None Found
Sexual Orientation: Not Known
Relationships: None Indicated at Present
I pore over the executive summary for the hundredth time since I received it two days ago, looking for some insight into the enigmatic Miss Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. I cannot get the damned woman out of my mind, and it’s seriously beginning to piss me off.
This past week, during particularly dull meetings, I’ve found myself replaying the interview in my head. Her fumbling fingers on the recorder, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the lip biting. Yes. The lip biting gets me every time.
And now here I am, parked outside Clayton’s, a mom-and-pop hardware store on the outskirts of Portland where she works.
You’re a fool, Grey. Why are you here?
I knew it would lead to this. All week…I knew I’d have to see her again. I’d known it since she uttered my name in the elevator. I’d tried to resist. I’d waited five days, five tedious days, to see if I’d forget about her. And I don’t do waiting. I hate waiting…for anything.
I’ve never pursued a woman before. The women I’ve had understood what I expected of them. My fear now is that Miss Y/L/N is just too young and that she won’t be interested in what I have to offer.
Will she? Will she even make a good submissive?
I shake my head. So here I am, an ass, sitting in a suburban parking lot in a dreary part of Portland. Her background check has produced nothing remarkable—except the last fact, which has been atthe forefront of my mind.
It’s the reason I’m here.
Why no boyfriend, Miss Y/L/N? Sexual orientation unknown—perhaps she’s gay. I snort, thinking that unlikely. I recall the question she asked during the interview, her acute embarrassment, the way her skin flushed a pale rose…I’ve been suffering from these lascivious thoughts since I met her.
That’s why you’re here. I’m itching to see her again—those eyes have haunted me, even in my dreams.
I haven’t mentioned her to Flynn, and I’m glad because I’m now behaving like a stalker. Perhaps I should let him know. No. I don’t want him hounding me about his latest solution-based-therapy shit.
I just need a distraction, and right now the only distraction I want is the one working as a salesclerk in a hardware store.
You’ve come all this way.
Let’s see if little Miss Y/L/N is as appealing as I remember.
Showtime, Grey.
A bell chimes a flat electronic note as I walk into the store. It’s much bigger than it looks from the outside, and although it’s almost lunchtime the place is quiet, for a Saturday. There are aisles and aisles of the usual junk you’d expect.
I’d forgotten the possibilities that a hardware store could present to someone like me. I mainly shop online for my needs, but while I’m here, maybe I’ll stock up on a few items: Velcro, split rings—Yeah. I’ll find the delectable Miss Y/L/N and have some fun.
It takes me all of three seconds to spot her. She’s hunched over the counter, staring intently at a computer screen and picking at her lunch—a bagel. Absentmindedly, she wipes a crumb from the corner of her lips and into her mouth and sucks on her finger.
My cock twitches in response.
What am I, fourteen? My body’s reaction is irritating. Maybe this will stop if I fetter, fuck, and flog her…and not necessarily in that order. Yeah. That’s what I need.
She is thoroughly absorbed by her task, and it gives me an opportunity to study her. Salacious thoughts aside, she’s attractive, seriously attractive. I’ve remembered her well.
She looks up and freezes. It’s as unnerving as the first time I met her. She pins me with a discerning stare—shocked, I think—and I don’t know if this is a good response or a bad response.
“Miss Y/L/N. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Mr. Grey,” she says, breathy and flustered. Ah, a good response.
“I was in the area. I need to stock up on a few things. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” A real pleasure.
She’s dressed in a tight T-shirt and pants, kind of disappointing, earlier this week all she wore was flattering mini skirts and sweaters.
She’s all long legs, narrow waist, and perfect tits. Her lips are still parted in surprise, and I have to resist the urge to tip her chin up and close her mouth.
I’ve flown from Seattle just to see you, and the way you look right now, it was really worth the journey.
“Y/N. My name’s Y/N. What can I help you with, Mr. Grey?” She takes a deep breath, squares her shoulders like she did in the interview, and gives me a fake smile that I’m sure she reserves for customers.
Game on, Miss Y/L/N. “There are a few items I need. To start with, I’d like some cable ties.” My request catches her off guard; she looks stunned.
Oh, this is going to be fun. You’d be amazed what I can do with a few cable ties, baby.
“We stock various lengths. Shall I show you?” she says, finding her voice.
“Please. Lead the way.”
She steps out from behind the counter and gestures toward one of the aisles. She’s wearing Converse shoes.
Idly I wonder what she’d look like in skyscraper heels. Louboutins…nothing but Louboutins.
“They’re with the electrical goods, aisle eight.” Her voice wavers and she blushes…
She is affected by me. Hope blooms in my chest. She’s not gay, then. I smirk.
“After you.” I hold my hand out for her to lead the way. Letting her walk ahead gives me the space and time to admire her fantastic ass. Her long, thick hair keeps time like a metronome to the gentle sway of her hips. She really is the whole package: sweet, polite, and beautiful, with all the physical attributes I value in a submissive.
But the million-dollar question is, could she be a submissive? She probably knows nothing of the lifestyle—my lifestyle—but I very much want to introduce her to it. You are getting way ahead of yourself on this deal, Grey.
“Are you in Portland on business?” she asks, interrupting my thoughts. Her voice is high; she’s feigning disinterest. It makes me want to laugh. Women rarely make me laugh.
“I was visiting the WSU farming division. It’s based in Vancouver,” I lie. Actually, I’m here to see you, Miss Y/L/N.
Her face falls, and I feel like a shit.
“I’m currently funding some research there in crop rotation and soil science.” That, at least, is true.
“All part of your feed-the-world plan?” She arches a brow, amused.
“Something like that,” I mutter. Is she laughing at me? Oh, I’d love to put a stop to that if she is.
But how to start? Maybe with dinner, rather than the usual interview…now, that would be novel: taking a prospect out to dinner.
We arrive at the cable ties, which are arranged in an assortment of lengths and colors. Absentmindedly, my fingers trace over the packets. I could just ask her out for dinner. Like on a date?
Would she accept? When I glance at her she’s examining her knotted fingers. She can’t look at me… this is promising. I select the longer ties. They are more flexible, after all, as they can accommodate two ankles and two wrists at once.
“These will do.”
“Is there anything else?” she says quickly—either she’s being super-attentive or she wants to get me out of the store, I don’t know which.
“I’d like some masking tape.”
“Are you redecorating?”
“No, not redecorating.” Oh, if you only knew…
“This way,” she says. “Masking tape is in the decorating aisle.”
Come on, Grey. You don’t have much time. Engage her in some conversation. “Have you worked here long?” Of course, I already know the answer. Unlike some people, I do my research. For some reason she’s embarrassed.
Fuck, this girl is shy. I don’t have a hope in hell. She turns quickly andwalks down the aisle toward the section labeled Decorating. I follow her eagerly, like a puppy.
“Four years,” she mumbles as we reach the masking tape. She bends down and grasps two rolls, each a different width.
“I’ll take that one.” The wider tape is much more effective as a gag. As she passes it to me, the tips of our fingers touch, briefly. It resonates in my groin. Damn!
She pales. “Anything else?” Her voice is soft and husky.
I’m having the same effect on her that she has on me. Maybe… “Some rope, I think.”
“This way.” She scoots up the aisle, giving me another chance to appreciate her fine ass.
“What sort were you after? We have synthetic and natural filament rope…twine…cable cord…”
Shit—stop. I groan inwardly, trying to chase away the image of her suspended from the ceiling in my playroom. “I’ll take five yards of the natural filament rope, please.” It’s coarser and chafes more if you struggle against it…my rope of choice.
A tremor runs through her fingers, but she measures out five yards like a pro. Pulling a utility knife from her right pocket, she cuts the rope in one swift gesture, coils it neatly, and ties it off with a slipknot. Impressive.
“Were you a Girl Scout?”
“Organized group activities aren’t really my thing, Mr. Grey.”
“What is your thing, Y/N?” Her pupils dilate as I stare.
“Books,” she answers.
“What kind of books?”
“Oh, you know. The usual. The classics. British literature, mainly.”
British literature? The Brontës and Austen, I bet. All those romantic hearts-and-flowers types.
That’s not good.
“Anything else you need?”
“I don’t know. What else would you recommend?” I want to see her reaction.
“For a do-it-yourselfer?” she asks, surprised.
I want to hoot with laughter. Oh, baby, DIY is not my thing. I nod, stifling my mirth. Her eyes flick down my body and I tense. She’s checking me out!
“Coveralls,” she blurts out.
It’s the most unexpected thing I’ve heard her say since the “Are you gay?” question.
“You wouldn’t want to ruin your clothing.” She gestures to my jeans.
I can’t resist. “I could always take them off.”
“Um.” She flushes beet red and stares down.
I put her out of her misery. “I’ll take some coveralls. Heaven forbid I should ruin any clothing.”
Without a word, she turns and walks briskly up the aisle, and I follow in her enticing wake. “Do you need anything else?” she says, sounding breathless as she hands me a pair of blue coveralls. She’s mortified, eyes still cast down. Christ, she does things to me.
“How’s the article coming along?” I ask, in the hope she might relax a little.
She looks up and gives me a brief relieved smile.
“I’m not writing it, Bella is. Miss Clark. My roommate, she’s the writer. She’s very happy with it. She’s the editor of the newspaper, and she was devastated that she couldn’t do the interview in person.”
It’s the longest sentence she’s uttered since we first met, and she’s talking about someone else, not herself. Interesting.
Before I can comment, she adds, “Her only concern is that she doesn’t have any original photographs of you.”
The tenacious Miss Clark wants photographs. Publicity stills, eh? I can do that. It will allow me to spend time with the delectable Miss Y/L/N.
“What sort of photographs does she want?”
She gazes at me for a moment, then shakes her head, perplexed, not knowing what to say.
“Well, I’m around. Tomorrow, perhaps…” I can stay in Portland. Work from a hotel. A room at The Heathman, perhaps. I’ll need Taylor to come down, bring my laptop and some clothes. Or Elliot —unless he’s screwing around, which is his usual thing to do over the weekend.
“You’d be willing to do a photo shoot?” She cannot contain her surprise.
I give her a brief nod. Yeah, I want to spend more time with you… Steady, Grey.
“Bella will be delighted—if we can find a photographer.” She smiles and her face lights up like a cloudless dawn. She’s breathtaking.
“Let me know about tomorrow.” I pull my wallet from my jeans. “My card. It has my cell number on it. You’ll need to call before ten in the morning.” And if she doesn’t, I’ll head on back to Seattle and forget about this stupid venture.
The thought depresses me.
“Okay.” She continues to grin.
“Y/N!” We both turn as a young man dressed in casual designer gear appears at the far end of the aisle. His eyes are all over Miss Y/N Y/L/N. Who the hell is this prick?
“Er, excuse me for a moment, Mr. Grey.” She walks toward him, and the asshole engulfs her in a gorilla-like hug. My blood runs cold. It’s a primal response.
Get your fucking paws off her.
I fist my hands when she returns his hug.
They fall into a whispered conversation. Maybe Welch’s facts were wrong. Maybe this guy is her boyfriend. He looks the right age, and he can’t take his greedy little eyes off her. He holds her for a moment at arm’s length, examining her, then stands with his arm resting on her shoulder. It seems like a casual gesture, but I know he’s staking a claim and telling me to back off. She seems embarrassed, shifting from foot to foot.
Shit. I should go. I’ve overplayed my hand. She’s with this guy.
Then she says something else to him and moves out of his reach, touching his arm, not his hand, shrugging him off. It’s clear they aren’t close.
“Er…Paul, this is Christian Grey. Mr. Grey, this is Paul Clayton. His brother owns the place.”
She gives me an odd look that I don’t understand and continues, “I’ve known Paul ever since I’ve worked here, though we don’t see each other that often. He’s back from Princeton, where he’s studying business administration.” She’s babbling, giving me a long explanation and telling me they’re not together, I think.
The boss’s brother, not a boyfriend. I’m relieved, but the extent of the relief I feel is unexpected, and it makes me frown. This woman has really gotten under my skin.
“Mr. Clayton.” My tone is deliberately clipped.
“Mr. Grey.” His handshake is limp, like his hair. Asshole. “Wait up—not the Christian Grey? Of Grey Enterprises Holdings?”
Yeah, that’s me, you prick.
In a heartbeat I watch him morph from territorial to obsequious.
“Wow—is there anything I can get you?”
“Y/N has it covered, Mr. Clayton. She’s been very attentive.” Now fuck off.
“Cool,” he gushes, all white teeth and deferential. “Catch you later, Y/N/N.”
“Sure, Paul,” she says, and he ambles off to the back of the store. I watch him disappear.
“Anything else, Mr. Grey?”
“Just these items,” I mutter. Shit, I’m out of time, and I still don’t know if I’m going to see her again. I have to know whether there’s a hope in hell she might consider what I have in mind.
How can I ask her? Am I ready to take on a submissive who knows nothing? She’s going to need substantial training. Closing my eyes, I imagine the interesting possibilities this presents…getting there is going to be half the fun. Will she even be up for this? Or do I have it all wrong?
She walks back to the cashier’s counter and rings up my purchases, all the while keeping her eyes on the register.
Look at me, damn it! I want to see her face again and gauge what she’s thinking.
Finally she raises her head. “That will be forty-three dollars, please.”
Is that all?
“Would you like a bag?” she asks, as I pass her my AmEx.
“Please, Y/N.” Her name—a beautiful name for a beautiful girl—flows smoothly over my tongue.
She packs the items briskly. This is it. I have to go.
“You’ll call me if you want me to do the photo shoot?”
She nods as she hands back my charge card.
“Good. Until tomorrow, perhaps.” I can’t just leave.
I have to let her know I’m interested.
“Oh— and Y/N I’m glad Miss Clark couldn’t do the interview.” She looks surprised and flattered. This is good. I sling the bag over my shoulder and exit the store.
Yes, against my better judgment, I want her. Now I have to wait…fucking wait…again. Utilizing willpower that would make Elena proud, I keep my eyes ahead as I take my cell out of my pocket and climb into the rental car. I’m deliberately not looking back at her. I’m not. I’m not. My eyes flick to the rearview mirror, where I can see the shop door, but all I see is the quaint storefront. She’s not in the window, staring out at me.
It’s disappointing.
I press 1 on speed dial and Taylor answers before the phone has a chance to ring.
“Mr. Grey,” he says.
“Make reservations at The Heathman; I’m staying in Portland this weekend, and can you bring down the SUV, my computer, and the paperwork beneath it, and a change or two of clothes.”
“Yes, sir. And Charlie Tango?”
“Have Joe move her to PDX.”
“Will do, sir. I’ll be with you in about three and a half hours.”
I hang up and start the car. So I have a few hours in Portland while I wait to see if this girl is interested in me. What to do? Time for a hike, I think. Maybe I can walk this strange hunger out of my system.
It's been five hours with no phone call from the delectable Miss Y/L/N. What the hell was thinking? I watch the street from the window of my suite at The Heathman. I loathe waiting. I always have.
The weather, now cloudy, held for my hike through Forest Park, but the walk has done nothing to cure my agitation. I’m annoyed at her for not phoning, but mostly I’m angry with myself.
I’m a fool for being here. What a waste of time it’s been chasing this woman. When have I ever chased a woman?
Grey, get a grip.
Sighing, I check my phone once again in the hope that I’ve just missed her call, but there’s nothing. At least Taylor has arrived and I have all my shit. I have Barney’s report on his department’s graphene tests to read and I can work in peace.
Peace? I haven’t known peace since Miss Y/L/N walked into my office.
When I glance up, dusk has shrouded my suite in gray shadows. The prospect of a night alone again is depressing. While I contemplate what to do my phone vibrates against the polished wood of the desk and an unknown but vaguely familiar number with a Washington area code flashes on the screen.
Suddenly my heart is pumping as if I’ve run ten miles.
Is it her?
I answer.
“Er…Mr. Grey? It’s Y/N Y/L/N.”
My face erupts in a shit-eating grin.
Well, well. A breathy, nervous, soft-spoken Miss Y//L/N. My evening is looking up. “Miss Y/L/N. How nice to hear from you.” I hear her breath hitch and the sound travels directly tomy groin.
Great. I’m affecting her. Like she’s affecting me.
“Um—we’d like to go ahead with the photo shoot for the article. Tomorrow, if that’s okay. Where would be convenient for you, sir?”
In my room. Just you, me, and the cable ties.
“I’m staying at The Heathman in Portland. Shall we say nine thirty tomorrow morning?”
“Okay, we’ll see you there,” she gushes, unable to hide the relief and delight in her voice.
“I look forward to it, Miss Y/L/N” I hang up before she senses my excitement and how pleased I am. Leaning back in my chair, I gaze at the darkening skyline and run both my hands through my hair.
How the hell am I going to close this deal?
[ series masterlist ]
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 month
Full Family AU Part Two
An hour after finding the...Snake? Creature? Thing?
Regardless what it was called, Manny washed it up because it was muddy and slimy from the rain and needed to get dried so it wouldn't catch its death. Same went with Luz, who after taking a quick bath had then ran to grab all her plushies and toys and started showing them off to the creature as they sat in the living room. It was still wrapped in Manny's jacket, using it as a pseudo blanket and watched as Luz listed off each little toy she had, with Manny standing off to the side to keep an eye on both of them.
"This is Sr. Oso," Luz explained as she hold up her teddy bear. "Papi won it for me at a carnival and he became my best bear friend forever."
"Hola, snake person," Luz spoke through the teddy bear. "It's nice to meet you!"
She held the teddy bear's paw out and the creature looked at it, sniffed it a bit, and gave it a little lick. Instantly, the creature gagged at the taste of old cotton and felt.
"No!" Luz laughed. "You don't lick Sr. Oso. You hug him. Watch!"
Luz hugged the bear and held it out to the creature. Hesitantly, it reached out and held Sr. Oso. With one more curious glance to Luz, who gave the creature an encouraged nod, it gently hugged the teddy bear. Then it hugged it a little tighter, appreciating the warmth it brought as if it was the first hug the creature ever experienced.
'It probably was,' Manny thought.
Camila walked up to him with a heavy sigh. "I did a ton of Google searches," she said. "Looked up some research papers on reptiles, made some searches of what could be scaly and talk, and even went to a cryptids sub-reddit to see if anyone spotted anything remotely similar to this."
"Any results?" Manny asked.
"Just that this one guy named Jacob really needs a girlfriend." Camila groaned. "I've got nothing. I don't know what this thing is or have any idea of where it could have come from."
"Maybe we should stop calling it a thing...and an it," Manny suggested. "It--They seem intelligent. I mean, they spoke. They have to be. And that could mean they're intelligent enough to not appreciate being called an 'it.'"
"Well, what am I supposed to do? Ask its pronouns?"
"Ooh! I can do that!" Luz chirped before looking to the creature. "Are you a she? Or a he?"
"She...? He...?" The creature asked.
"Yeah. Are you like Papi?" She pointed at Manny. "Or are you like me?"
Luz pointed at herself and the creature stared at her, silent and processing. Then, much to Camila and Manny's shock and bewilderment, it shapeshifted into an identical copy of Luz. Down to the missing tooth of her bright smile and everything.
"Like you?" the creature said.
"Woah..." Luz gasped, her eyes glowing with astonishment. "Mami! Papi! Did you see!"
"We sure saw, Mija..." Manny breathed.
"I'm going to go do more research," Camila numbly said as she slowly walked out of the room, eyes still glued to the creature until she was out the door. With Camila gone, Manny slowly walked over to the creature and knelt down to it--her.
"Is this your way of saying you're a...her?" was all he could ask and the creature looked away before giving a small, barely noticeable nod. "Okay, good to know...Now do you think you could stop looking like my daughter? It's freaking me out a little."
The creature obliged, changing back to her original form.
"Sorry..." she quietly said.
"It's okay," Manny told her, his voice gentle. "I'm just trying to understand...you. Um, what's your name by the way? You said something about V?"
"It...was all...that was on cage..."
Manny's brow furrowed. "Cage?"
The creature shrank in Manny's jacket and Manny saw the tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "Bad men..." the creature whispered. "Put me in cage...Did bad things...Made me do bad things..."
"Hey, hey, it's okay..." Manny slowly reached out and put his head on the creature's head. It flinched at first, but after feeling his slow, gentle touch, she leaned into it and allowed him to soothe her. "I don't know who these bad men are, but they aren't here now. You're safe...Vee."
The creature sniffed and looked up at Manny. "Vee...safe?"
"Vee is very safe. I promise."
"And Papi always keeps his promises!" Luz said. "Like how he promised he'll get better!"
"And look at me now. Healthy as a--" Manny's words were undercut by a cough. "Sorry. A-hem! Little tickle in the throat there, it happens. I'm happy and healthy. And I'll keep you safe."
Vee began to tear up some more, but this time Manny was sure it was tears of joy.
"Thank you..."
"Of course.
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eastsideofthemoon · 23 days
It's odd to me when people state that Michael being connected to Spock in a familial way limits her character. I find it odd because we literally see in Discovery that her origin doesn't begin on Vulcan with the S'chn T'gai family.
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It began with her biological parents, Mike Burnham Sr and Dr. Gabrielle Burnham - 2 scientists who cracked the code on time travel and formed a loving family. As a matter of fact, the earliest depiction of Michael is in the short trek, The Girl Who Made the Stars. A story where Mike Burnham Sr is telling Michael a story, a very Afrofutuistic story. (DSC did it before SNW).
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She was with them until she was 10, which is plenty of time for their influence on her to take root and be remembered by her. As proof of that, Michael follows in her father's footsteps in becoming a xenoanthropologist and studied Quantum Physics, which was the science Dr. Burnham studied. This was stated by Burnham in season 1.
In season 2, Dr. Burnham plays a major role in the overarching story, as well as the development of Michael herself. In seasons 3 and 4, we get more of Michael and Dr. Burnham's relationship. IMO, this was the relationship that was missing in S5.
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My point is that Michael Burnham's existence and story began before and goes far past Spock, Vulcan, and the S'chn T'gai family. Yes, they play a significant part in her story, but they aren't all there is to her story. The people who do the most belly-aching about it intentionally ignore all other aspects of her story, but will turn around and say Discovery didn't tell you anything about her. That's a lie.
Let me say it this way. They choose to hyperfocus on her relationship/retcon with Spock to avoid engaging with any other aspect of her story.
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esggs · 1 month
How Was Noritoshi Kamo Found To Have Blood Manipulation? 
[ 860+ words  |  part of Obeisance to The Arrow Universe  |  fluff, angst, canon-compliant  |  tw: adultery, misogyny, blood, Kamo sr. is a fuckwad]
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Who was Ms. Kanagusuku? For starters, she was a bold spirit who left her little backwater village after high school for the spicy flashy metro city life. She was then the tired waitress who locked eyes with the handsome older man at his event (said event being the 100 Day Celebration of his son). A number on a napkin, a meeting in a bar, a walk along the river that carried the same name as that gentleman- Kamo. She was the young homewrecker whose guilt melted as his unhesitant lips warmed her neck, her fingers twined around the strands of his long hair. She was the dumb fucking clown who believed him when he said, “My wife? Don’t even take her name, she’ll never understand me the way you do” and “You’re different, sweetheart, you’re the only one for me. I’ll leave her the second I can” and “You don’t want to get involved with my family, it’s too complicated there” and “Keep the baby, my darling, we’ll raise him together, we’ll get married and be a happy family.”
Not like any of that happened. But that was all years ago. Right now, Ms. Kanagusuku is a damsel who stubbed her toe and is writhing in pain on the kitchen floor. 
I know this is all karma for what I did, but isn’t it getting a bit too much? 
“Mama?” Noritoshi’s voice calls out from the living room. “Are you okay?”
At least, at the very least, I’ve still got my son.
Her bright-eyed and soft-cheeked little boy doesn’t wait for her to reply as he comes running to her, eyes widening when he notices her like that. Her broken toenail is bleeding all over.
“Mama, you’re hurt!” He’s almost in tears, poor child, as he softly picks up her hand in both of his and kisses it, exactly the way she does to him when he gets a boo-boo. He doesn’t know how to help other than that. “Mama, Mama, it’s ok.” He’s distraught, sniffing his tears in. “Just fix your blood, okay?”
Fix my blood? “I’m fine, baby. I just shouted because I was surprised, it doesn’t actually hurt.” Ms. Kanagusuku lies. “I’ll bandage it now, don’t worry.”
Noritoshi shakes his head. “Fix your blood first, Mama. You’re so red everywhere.” He chokes back a sob.
“How do you fix blood, son?” His father’s voice drawls lazily. For someone who promised to give her the moon, he hasn’t even put down his magazine to help her up. “Go wash the blood off, you’re scaring him.”
“I can’t fucking walk.”
“God!” Kamo slams the magazine down, having to help her stumble into the bathroom. “Don’t curse in front of him!”
Little Noritoshi is still sniffling when his dad picks him up. However harsh he is to his mistress, he’s always been a good father. That, and the fact that Kamo pays for everything, is the only reason, Ms. Kanagusuku tells herself as she washes the blood off her foot with a wince, that she tolerates the way he acts towards her. 
“Toshi, when you grow up don’t be a crybaby like your mother, alright?” His dad doesn’t come by often, only about twice a week around dinner time, and is always gone by the time he’s awake the next morning. Even though he’s worried sick about his mother’s leg, it’s nice to be held up like this. “Ah, I forgot,” Kamo laughs. “How do you fix blood, huh, silly boy?”
“You pull it back in so it's not bloody anymore.”
Kamo freezes. Ms. Kanagusuku, clouded in her own pain, misses the moment when Noritoshi’s life tips over.
"Can you do that?"
“You can pull your blood in?”
“Yeah, Papa.”
Kamo Sr. runs to get a sewing needle, dips it in his beer, and sticks it into his son’s trembling fingertip. If he flinches because the needle went deeper than he thought, Kamo ignores it. Noritoshi’s blood drips down his finger like tears.
“Show me that you can fix it.” It’s a command but his father’s voice is light. The child is scared of things he doesn’t understand yet. 
Yet he obeys. He scrunches his eyes shut tight and wishes really really hard that his wound gets fixed. What he does, subconsciously, is manipulate the leaked blood back into his veins and increase the platelet count to seal the injury. When he opens his eyes a second later, his wound has scabbed over, and his father is bear-hugging him so tight that his ribs hurt. “I'm so proud of you, my son. I’m so proud to be your father.” Noritoshi’s six-year-old head is spinning. “You’re a godsend, you don’t even understand. Noritoshi-” He says, “-wake up early tomorrow, we’ll go out, yes, son?”
Ms. Kanagusuku is still in the bathroom. Of all the things that she is, she is ignorant of the fact that this is her last day with her son. She doesn’t know that tomorrow, Kamo Noritoshi will be packaged in an expensive kimono and presented to the Clan as the heir. She doesn’t know that they will be torn apart like grass in the wind, and will only see each other after 12 years. She doesn’t know that the memory of this day will haunt him for the rest of his life.  
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a/n: at the time of their meeting, Kamo’s father was 30 and his mother was 19. So at the point of this fic, his mother would be 25 and his father 36. Kanagusuku is an Okinawan surname; she was a new kid in mainland Japan who thought she was living her own Cinderella story finding Kamo Sr. but it was actually more like The Conjuring. he gets away with abusing her because he's got her trapped. the only way she can leave is by letting go of her son too, which she eventually does as we know in canon. also the fact that she keeps her Okinawan version of her surname instead of changing it to Kaneshiro, which is the Japanese version of the name, to fit into Kyoto society, says something about her. on one hand, she is a homewrecker who fucked a married man knowing full well what she was doing. on the other hand... does she actually deserve all this?
this is very important to me that u picture takumi from nana when u think of Kamo Sr.
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 4 months
When I say I can rant about the mf-ing Marauders, I MEAN IT.
All messages sent to my best friend after she made the mistake of asking if I could give her a rundown on the marauders:
"James Potter
-Harry's dad
-Also known as Prongs/Jamie/Potter
-Considered the sun
-Animagus is a deer
-Sirius' best friend and found brother
Him and Regulus are shipped because of the whole "best friend's brother" thing. Their ship name is Starchaser and Jegulus. There's two cause most prefer Starchaser
-The fancast is Aaron Taylor-Johnson
(Will send pictures with explanations later 😂)"
"Regulus Arcturus Black
-Sirius' younger brother (by one year)
-Died by drowning because of the locket (5th picture) at 17
-Death eater by force
-Was supposed to be the heir to the Black fortune/house
He's shipped with both Remus and James. (I have a ✨️preference✨️)
-James is shipped with him because James is much brighter and well, more happier than Regulus is. Reggie is considered depressed and dark. (Starchaser/Jegulus)
-Remus and Reggie are shipped cause they're immensely similar. Both bookworms with anxiety and attachment problems because their parents suck (Moonwater)
-Also he's named after the brightest star in the constellation Leo"
"Sirius Orion Black the third
-Obviously my favorite. Totally couldn't tell right? 😂
-Ran away at 16 because his parents are ✨️abusive as fuck✨️ (the stars are cause he's watching me type 😂😂)
-Huge rock and roll fan
-Gay asf
-Was framed for the murder of his best friends by Peter Pettigrew
-Also known as Padfoot
-His animagus is a black dog. Very floofy
-Died at 36 due to the Avada Kedavra curse
-Killed by his cousin Bellatrix
-Harry's godparent
He's shipped with Remus Lupin because he's a clingy bitch. Also his name is after a star (like Reggie's) and Remus is a werewolf and his nickname is Moony. So moon and stars. (Wolfstar) also tall werewolf and short puppy is cute
-Named after the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major"
"Remus John Lupin
-Nickname Moony
-Professor at Hogwarts
-Loves chocolate and coffee
-Afraid of the moon
(Ugh trying to keep these factual was so hard 😂😂😂)
"Peter Pettigrew
-Not shipped with anyone cause he's a traitor
-Framed Sirius for murder"
"Barty Crouch Jr
-Slytherin Skittle (Like Reggie I just forgot to put that)
-Killed 12 people in cannon
-Evan Rosier's boyfriend
-Death Eater
-Son of Barty Crouch sr who's a minister of magic
-Used the polyjuice potion to change into Mad-eye moody the original Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, teaching kids the crucio curse and traumatizing Neville
-Cinnamon roll with a knife addiction
-So very fucking *gay*
Shipped with Evan Rosier, James Potter and Sirius Black and Regulus Black.
-Regulus and Barty are Bartylus cause they're both Skittles. Plus Barty's very very out there and Reggie is very prim and proper so it's a well complimented
-James and Barty are SunKiller. Enemies to friends to lovers. Always. It's one of my favorites.
-Sirius Black and Barty are BitchKiller. Two out there twinks and they both have AWFUL parents.
-Barty's full name is Bartiemus but I'm sure he's very upsetable if you call him that
-He's played my bbg David Tennant in the movies"
"Evan Rosier
Tbh idk much about him 😅😅😅😅
-Killed by Mad Eye Moody
-Death Eater
-Slytherin Skittle
-Barty's Boyfriend
-Sassy mans
-Definitely a twink
-Somehow only shipped with Barty
-He and Barty are Rosekiller"
"Pandora Lovegood (Rosier)
-Luna's mother
-Sweet baby
-Ravenclaw/Slytherin, nobody knows for sure
-Regulus' best friend
-Shipped with Lily and Mary Macdonald
-Also called Panda
-Slytherin Skittle
-Miss ma'am should be an elf"
"Mary Macdonald
-I know nothing 🙃
-She pretty and obliviated herself
-Also she's shipped with Lily and Marlene"
"Lily Evans
-My baby
-Fiery redhead
-Smart af
-Canonically James' wife and Harry's mum
-Remus and Sirius' best friend
-Definitely pansexual
-Very very pretty
-Shipped with Pandora, Marlene, Snape, James, Remus, Mary, Regulus and Sirius"
"Marlene Mckinnon
-Basically blonde Sirius
-Killed by Barty Crouch jr at 20
-Shipped with Dorcas
-Was supposed to marry Sirius before he went to Azkaban and before she was killed
-Her and Dorcas' ship name is Dorlene"
"Dorcas Meadowes
-Also a Slytherin Skittle
-Very close with both Marlene and Pandora
-Shipped with just about every female and it's kinda hilarious
-Somewhat close to Evan but we aren't sure
-Noone can agree on her fancast"
Plus some random messages that I don't feel like retyping. But my best friend went "Omg I didn't expect that"
Ma'am- Have you met me?? 😂😂 If it's a hyperfixation I can and will go on for hours if you let meee
Then somehow we decided sometime during that that I should rewrite the Harry Potter books and make them as gay as possible. So I am 😂 1971 on Quotev 😂 What If Series
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swallowprettybird · 6 months
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hey! another new episode is here 😀 and if you didn't recognize - the same one on the cover, our Bianca 💃🏾
full description 👇
As much as Billy wanted to stay, it was time to go back. He couldn't just leave everything behind, especially since he was running out of money every day.
After returning, everything went back to normal. Days slowly became weekdays. Billy was expected to manage a mine, a factory, a farm - duties he hated. No matter how hard Cassidy tried and pretended that everything was fine, things didn't get any better.
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But there was no point in denying it, because their farm is far from what it once was. Things got especially bad a few years ago.
A huge hurricane, uncharacteristic of their region, almost wiped the town off the map, but at the same time took their dear mother.
Mr. Holiday Sr. never got over it. He hoped that his children would do what he did not have time to do in his lifetime.
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Meanwhile, Billy never asked for it. He never had tender feelings for this house. He was attracted to distant lands, travel, discovery, he was fascinated by history, while the family was looking strictly towards the future.
Nevertheless, his energetic, adventurous, but balanced nature has always played into his hands. He has always been more trusted.
- If you do it! If you do, you can't count on me anymore! Not on me, not on my inheritance, not on anything!! - Holliday Sr. shouted at his daughter
- But father! Why do I need that disgusting man, Mr. Joy? I can take care of our business on my own! I don't need his money. I don't need his love. - Cassidy argued no less loudly and passionately, she was completely worthy of her father.
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But she definitely underestimated his words when she thought that her father would not do such things to her. Now it's hell in her chest. Why not me? Why? Her brother, he's so narcissistic, so frivolous, he doesn't deserve this.
- You will not do this.. - Cassidy feels a lump in her throat
- You know very well that I will do
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At first, he wanted to just leave, leave everything behind, and leave with his beloved companion.
Bianca quickly got used to her new status but never got used to the new town. Billy forbade her to work on the farm or in a job like her previous one. She spent most of her time in the house, where she quickly got bored. She was ready to go anywhere, especially with Billy.
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They were going to go on an expedition into the deep jungle. But suddenly Bianca found out she was pregnant. It changed everything. Billy would never have allowed her to take that risk.
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One day he told Cassidy : "I'm selling everything. Bianca and I are moving to Mexico."
Needless to say, young Miss Holliday was beside herself with disappointment?
Of course, the only and obvious advantage of heir status for Billy Holiday was money. And for a new family, for a new home, a new place, for a future child, savings were certainly needed.
- Get over it, Cassidy, Billy said. - Don't you see that it's a futile exercise? If you want, you can come with us.
No. Where will she go? Where she is a stranger, where she means nothing? No This is her home. This is her business. This is her town. She can't lose it, even if she feels completely powerless:
- I'll buy it from you. How much?
She looks dryly at her brother's surprised but smiling face.
- Well, well! I love your passion, sis.
He lights a cigar with a sly squint.
- A million. You have six months.
Time is running out... *laughter*
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zoropookie · 3 months
Imagine Venti dipping to another universe to do his silly little job and comes back to see how ScaraYn is doing on HHAB, gets jumpscared instead by their wedding scene or smt-/j
/srs 👉😎👉
You sat there, staring intently at the vanity mirror before you. Both in shock and half horror that you were actually getting married to the same person that you swore to destroy at the beginning of your career.
The reflection staring back at you was unrecognizable to you, but so familiar— your eyes squinting in disbelief, and your lips parted as if trying to gauge how realistic this was for you right now.
“Oh! You look pretty~” A soft female voice sang from the doorway as they came in. You had a feeling it was Ayaka from how unimposing she was, but your head was too scrambled to navigate that.
The room around you was a soft blur of white and pastel, a pointed scent of roses and lilies lingering in the room that started smelling staler and staler. The sunlight streaming through the huge windows casts a warm glow on the objects it touched, including your pristine wedding outfit.
It was all perfect, and yet even with the idyllic setting, you shook your head. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Ayaka stopped tweaking your outfit to look at you, also frozen in place. “What?”
“I don’t know, I— I can’t.”
Ayaka gasped promptly, her eyes widenening as she left go of the fabric, leaning towards you to whisper to you just in case the walls were thin. “Really? Cold feet right now?!”
“Well, not exactly, but oh my fucking god. Every time stuff like this happens, I get major heart palpitations. I mean, who even agreed to it being this fast anyway? Why did it happen so quickly?” You rambled. “It had to be today?!”
“You set everything up! He let you do all of the scheduling because he knew that you’d get scared easily if it were any earlier!” Ayaka’s voice was hushed, in the same amount of panic as you. “Do you think you’ll be okay?”
As you were about to answer, the door busted open with a very violent force, Hu Tao who was adorned in the same violet dress that Ayaka was fitted in (it looked horrible on Hu Tao), stopped herself from skidding against the marble floor with her heel.
She came in with explosive pants and breath she didn’t even know if she was able to catch. You and Ayaka both looked at each other in confusion before turning your attentions back to her.
“Guys. Keep it cool when I say this, too.” Hu Tao took a final breath before panic struck again. “Venti’s here.”
“VENTI?!” You screamed. “He’s missing!”
“Yeah, no fucking idea. I was going to steal a cupcake from the snack bar because Lumine said she made too many and I see motherfucking VENTI just asleep…chilling behind the table. He’s out, like,” Hu Tao put her hands together and made a sleeping gesture. “When I poked him, he literally opened his eyes and said hey, and went back to sleep.”
Your jaw dropped. “What, he just goes missing for six years and then decides to just show up picking his ass? How did he even find out?”
“No way this is happening…okay, let’s just— (Y/N), you cannot go out there.” Ayaka stopped you from moving forward. “What if Kuni’s out there too?”
“Oh, shocker. He hasn’t seen me wear lingerie either, you think I’m scared? I’m sure there’s more surprises coming.” You said, and with that, you lurched out the door in search for the offending man.
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sweetbuckybarnes · 3 months
Marina Can't Swim, Eloise...
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Pairings: Colin + Penelope Bridgerton, Eloise + Penelope Bridgerton (friendship)
Summary: Penelope receives a letter from Romney Hall.
Main Masterlist | Polin Masterlist
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The Bridgerton family were standing in the drawing room, celebrating the wedding of their second-born son Benedict to Sophie.
Violet was standing beside Marcus Anderson. Anthony had Kate tucked into his side as their son Edmund II sat on the floor with some wooden blocks, as the heir to the Bridgerton estate played with his cousins Thomas (Lord to the Featherington family), Augie and Belinda. Colin had his arms wrapped around his wife’s waist, running his palm along her expectant stomach. There was also Daphne and Simon smiled at the newly married couple. Whereas Eloise, Gregory and Hyacinth were stood slightly glued to the food and drink table.
The only person missing was Francesca, who was currently grieving the sudden loss of her husband John Stirling.
“May I introduce, Mr. and Mrs. Bridgerton,” the minister introduced, as the family cheered. The minister bowed and left the Bridgerton house, allowing the family to celebrate in the way they wished.
“Oh, my dears!” Violet exclaimed, hugging her new daughter-in-law to her, and smiling at her son. From the time Benedict was 15, he was determined to never marry - but then one dance with Sophie at her masquerade ball changed everything.
Anthony and Colin slightly cornered the newly arrived brother, sharing their congratulations.
Penelope smiled at her husband when a gentle hand on her shoulder made her head turn. Rae, and had a white envelope in her hand. “There is an urgent letter for you.”
Penelope blinked a few times. “Thank you, Rae,” Penelope smiled at her lady’s maid and looked down at the handwriting. Which she didn’t recognise. Then she saw the posting address.
Romney Hall, Gloucestershire.
There was only one person she knew who lived at Romney Hall in Gloucestershire.
But this wasn’t Marina’s handwriting.
“Pen?” Eloise asks, giving her best friend a slight elbow.
“I just need a moment, El. I was going to sit out in the garden if Colin asks.”
Eloise nodded, watching her best friend leave the room.
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Colin and Eloise made their way out to the garden about five minutes later, finding Penelope sitting in a chair, staring out into the garden, not moving.
“Pen?” Colin says gently, crouching in front of his wife. He ran a thumb along her knee, waiting for her to speak.
“Pen?” Eloise called, taking the seat beside the redhead.
Penelope let out a shaky breath. “It is from Sr Crane,” Penelope said, looking down at the singular piece of paper. “Something has happened…”
Colin looked up at his wife, gently wrapping his hand around her wrist - a way of comforting her, so she could get the words out.
“Marina fell in the lake at Romney Hall…”
Eloise’s eyes bounced back and forth between Colin and Penelope. They both seemed a little bit shaken by it. “What does that signify?”
“She cannot swim, Eloise…”
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The trio made the choice not to tell the rest of her Bridgerton family, about the letter they had received. Benedict and Sophie were safely sent on their honeymoon to My Cottage.
Colin and Penelope made their way back to Featherington House, as Daphne and Simon decided to make their way back home with their two children. As Violet took Eloise, Gregory and Hyacinth back to Number 5.
Eloise found herself sitting at the writing desk in her room with a piece of paper in front of her.
Sir Phillip Crane-
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