lunameimei · 2 years
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Hello, handsome~
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osplague · 2 years
I sketched a 10 page Reynauld/Dismas Comic within the span of 2 days. True brain rot behavior
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Dismas: Thank the Gods! The bar is still serving
Reynauld: Wouldn't the bar always be serving?
Dismas: Not with my luck. I swear every time I come back from a mission, THAT'S when the barkeep decides to close early
Reynauld: I see
Dismas: Bastard just does it anytime he likes, but no matter. Fate had me live another day and blessed me with a reward. I must not waste this opportunity. Care to join me, Crusader?
Dismas: Reynauld?-
Reynauld: Ah- sorry. Got...distracted.
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Dismas: Ha! Distracted? By what, my eyes?
Reynauld: Your eyes...your smile...your voice...
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Dismas: Hahahahaha! You right in the head, Crusader? Ahhh that's funny, real funny...good joke, Rey
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Reynauld: Dismas...Before you go into that tavern, and stay in there for Light knows how long...I must confess...things I've felt for a very long time.
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Reynauld: Dismas...
Dismas: Rey...
Dismas: R-Rey--
Dismas: Reynauld!
Reynauld: By the Light--! I-...what did I-...oh no...
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Reynauld: Dismas, I didn't mean to-...I didn't want to-...I don't know what...
Reynauld: I'm sorry. You have every right not to forgive me, or even to never talk to me again, but--
Dismas: Shut up.
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Dismas: Just be quiet for two seconds, or you gonna make it worse.
Reynauld: W-Worse?
Dismas: Feck, this is damn embarrassing...Come 'ere.
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Dismas: I can't go in there lookin' like this, so we gon' settle this now.
Reynauld: Dismas-
Dismas: Were you being for real?
Reynauld: What?
Dismas: Were you being serious about the whole...liking my face thing..? Eyes, smile, what have you?
Reynauld: Of course...I think you're very handsome...
Dismas: ...Okay, next question-
Reynauld: Dismas. My feelings for you are true. I just didn't know what came over me there. I suppose I really was lost in your eyes, entranced by your smile. But what I did was truly inappropriate, and I wish we could start over.
Dismas: Rey...I didn't want you to stop.
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Dismas: I liked it a lot. Maybe a little too much...Then you kept prodding me with yer leg, and your body was really warm. I just knew it was going somewhere...I didn't want the whole town to see...
Reynauld: I'm sorry. I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable.
Dismas: I'm not, I'm...ahh~...Rey~...Fuck--I-I need-
Reynauld: Dismas?
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Dismas: I need you...
Reynauld: Dismas-
Dismas: Please...
Reynauld: Dismas, are you okay?--Gah!
Dismas: Stop asking stupid questions and kiss me already.
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millsv2 · 2 years
It's been 3,000 years...
Hey you know what would be REALLY funny??? If I saw that Twitter was absolutely imploding on itself and came back to Tumblr. Haha that would be so wacky and crazy hahahahaha....
Anyways yeah... I haven't touched Tumblr since I left back in like... 2018 cause of the whole NSFW ban and didn’t come back cause tbh I didn’t like how my reach/growth felt on this platform... but with twitter absolutely imploding, I think its a good pre-emptive measure to return here at the very least and update my old dusty blog... So here I am... For those who followed me back in those days, Hi, good to see you again to the... 70 something of you? Uhhhhhh I guess like... maybe give an update of my life for those curious??? I took my hobby and "aspirations" for art and went to college, and graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a bachelors in Fine Art, majoring in Sequential Art (Comics), with minors in "Drawing" and "Concept Art for Games". I'm now trying to turn my passion into a career by pursuing concept and illustration for video games. Also it goes without saying, my art has changed a shit ton from what it used to look like 5 years ago lmfao. I got super hard into fantasy art and doing hatching and pencil sketch-ish work I'm not gonna lie and say "Yeah im gonna go back to fully posting and interacting here!" since im too used to using twitter by this point... but im gonna try and start resharing my art here once again... Not posting old stuff since im really lazy but any new stuff will be posted here again. Idk if ill use that secondary "art blog" i had since theres some new featured tag system??? so that might help with finding my art on main so idk if i'll use the other blog So uhhh.... Y-yippie...?
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Rae! having guests is the worst, here's some random questions you can answer to pass the time if you want
- favourite horrible histories quote? Favourite segment (measly middle ages, vile Victorians, etc)? Favourite song?
- Black widow or the scarlet witch?
- If you were a cheese what kind of cheese would you be?
- What's something you're really excited about right now? Share your good news with us, the Tumblr hive mind
- What's your current favourite tv show/ film/ book?
Sending good vibes, random anon with too much time on their hands 💗
Help Me Pass The Time While Family Friends Are Over
Random anon I adore you. I didn’t end up quite as isolated as I thought because they brought their dogs, but now I’m on my own and I am going to spend much time thinking about these questions
Favourite Horrible Histories Quote?
Just one? There’s a couple I quote a lot, like: - “Is this some peasant joke I’m too rich to understand?”  - “That’s how we like to do things in Medieval Scotland!” - “Hot sausage!” - “I hid a lion in there. Hahahahaha, random!” - “HI, I’M A SHOUTY MAN!” - ”Don’t laugh at [thing] Terry, it demeans us both.” - The Stupid Deaths Jingle - Honestly, a lot of Simon’s more memorable lines because I...well, remember them, he delivers them in a way where they stick in my head - Not exactly a quote, but me and my friends like to re-enact the caveman bit where Jim knocks Mat over the head with a club but Mat’s reaction is always so delayed and he looks in the opposite direction from where the hit came
Favourite Segment? Vile Victorians, Measly Middle Ages, etc.
I...may be biased? Cut-throat Celts. It’s always been Cut-throat Celts. William Wallace has always been my favourite song. The Boudica song! The sketch with the old Scottish wedding customs [again, That’s how we like to do things in Medieval Scotland!]! THE WILLIAM WALLACE SONG!!! The PLAGUE SKETCH, I adore the plague sketch, when England was weak with the plague and Scotland tried to invade and brought back the plague! The bit with the Earl Salisbury and that one lady who wouldn’t let him in her castle and threw food at him! Have I mentioned the William Wallace song?
Favourite Song?
I, uh, may have given it away, but it’s the William Wallace song. Closely followed by the Viking [Literally] song. I also like the Blackbeard Pirate song. The Burke & Hare song is lowkey really good too. Honorable mentions do go to the Owain Glyndwr, Spartan School and Pachacuti songs
Black Widow or Scarlet Witch?
A couple years ago I would have said Black Widow, and I do still love her, but I’m kind of more into Scarlet Witch now, to be honest, Wandavision really had me hooked. Mind, we’ll see how long that lasts once I watch the Black Widow movie!!
If you were a cheese, what kind of cheese would you be?
Just regular cheddar, to be honest. Or maybe lactose free cheese, that was always actually quite nice when I was little. Nothing special or with bits in. Hopefully not smelly.
What’s something you’re really excited about right now?
There is a lot of big decisions going on right now, and I’m very excited about all of them. Not going to lie, they make me feel very grown-up and main-character. Unfortunately, all of these choices are having to be made within a few days, which makes them quite stressful and my hands have been shaking nonstop for several days, but it feels grown-up and important and good!
What’s your current favourite TV show/film/book?
I recently watched Sweet Tooth and it was so good! So very heart-wrenching and such an interesting concept to play with! And hitting so close to home, as well! I’m trying to get my mum to watch it. It was based off a comic, wasn’t it? [I did also rewatch Ghosts while I made paperchains for my mam's birthday] Some people are going to get mad about this because it’s a bloody minefield, but I’ve been getting into Harry Potter again. It’s that relaxing feeling of childhood, you know? The familiarity of it and the connection between it and happy times. That and my own interpretations of the story and characters and others’ interpretations. To be very, very clear, this is not me saying I support her beliefs, it’s just me saying that it was such an integral part of my childhood with such strong connections to happiness and time spent with family that I’m going back to it for comfort And I read Jurassic Park! I’d only recently found out the movie was based off a book, and when I found a copy of it in my school library I immediately checked it out! I loved it, though I must say I really disliked Lex’s character in it...I’ll be watching the movie again soon, I promised to make a Rae Watches post about it
Anon, I love you, thank you so much for taking the time to ask me these lovely questions and help me pass the time!! I hope you are doing well and are having a good day and offer you a hug. What do you think about my answers? Do you have any exciting news? What cheese would you be?
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clevercatchphrase · 7 years
2017 in review, and goals for 2018
If I had to describe 2017 in one word it would be... monotonous. Sure, there were plenty of ups and downs, but for the most part, especially the latter 6 months, I just felt like I was going through the motions, holding my nose to the grind stone, doing work and paying off student loans. 2017 blew by me, and I remember thinking each month passed by with unusal quickness. There's a strange sense of disociation with that, like I wasn't really connected to reality for most of the year, and instead watched it pass me by from a seperate temporal window. In a weird way it may have been a bit of a godsend as well. I hear 2017 was hard for a lot of people, but feeling so disonnected from the year may have protected me and cushioned the blow in a sense.
I lost a family member this year in early june. I knew it was coming ever since january as I hated having to watch them deteriorate and get worse and worse until they finally passed. The three months leading up to it and the three months after were particularly hard and left me feeling unable to write or draw or do anything productive. I still miss them terribly. I always will. But I hope I won't let it immobilize me as much this year as it did last year.
Anyway, Let's review my goals for last year and see what I've accomplished. I’ve a lot to say, so for brevity’s sake I’ve put it all under the cut.
GOALS FOR 2017 1) Finish my 50 billion fan fictions so I can get back to drawing Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. HAHAHAHAHA. The depression I got halfway through the year throughly put a halt on this. I haven't even finished one of the fics I've started in 2016. I got close, seeing as i participated in NaNoWriMo this year to try and force myself to finish, but I still need to revise and edit all that I've written and the motivation is non existant. GOD, I have so many stories too, all of them still undertale fan fiction because I'm still not over that game. I'll list them all when I share my goals for this year later below. 2)Draw in 2 pages of my sketch book each week so I'll finish a sketch book in a year. I was SO CLOSE with this one! I filled out 95 pages! But you know what i discovered in august? I realized that my 100 page sketch book.... was actually 150 pages! Oh well! I drew more this year than I thought i would! Just because i didn't hit 100 pages, doesn't mean I didn't accomplish something! 3) Finish 14 out of the remaining 27 lessons on my duolingo course I went fucking above and beyond with this one. I hit this goal back in may, and then I completely finished up the danish duolingo course by november. I also passed my 1095 day streak which translates to doing duolingo daily for OVER 3 YEARS STRAIGHT. I still practice daily to build my vocabulary, and I know I can't speak it for the life of me, or follow along with fast speakers, but give me a few minutes and I can probably read it for you. Funny how that works, where I can understand danish if it's written out, but ask me to translate from english to danish and I struggle like a butterfly in a tumble dryer. 4) Become passibly fluent in ASL I have this box of 600 ASL flash cards, and this year I practiced two of them a day until I got through the entire box. I certainly learned a bunch of new words but I wouldn't say I was fluent yet. I certainly don't know all the grammar rules yet. I HAVE been able to sign with people at my job, though I do rely heavily on fingerspelling still. Most everyone I talked with seemed to know I was trying and they seemed really excited that I could understand them if they were patient with me. I put more of my focus on Danish last year, but now that I'm done with Danish, maybe I can focust more on ASL. My sister told me about this site similar to duolingo called "memrise" that actually has an ASL course, so you can bet I'll be looking into that. 5) Read the entire dictionary I did this! I kept two spiral note books and wrote down any words I thought were cool or interesting! I haven't gone back and re-read the words I wrote down, but maybe I will this year! It was exhausting. It was weird. I still can't believe I spent about 200 hours last year doing this. 6) Read one new book every month Much like my sketch book goal, I almost completed this one. I kept it up every month until October, and then I just... stopped. I read more than I thought this year, though I ended up usually waiting until the last week of each month to read, and I also cheated by counting the dictionary as one of the things I read (hey, it's a book, ain't it?) I also re-read old books that I know I like, so not entirely 10 new books were read this year. Reading 1 new book a month isn't one of my goals this year, but I hope to read more new stuff reguardless, 7) Actually use the tutorials and references I reblog Seeing as I barely did any digitial art this year, I can't say I did this one. 8) Do more art streams I think my goal was to stream once a month. I clearly didn't do this. I DID stream in 2017, I just didn't tell anyone. Idk why, I just... went live for people to see but didn't let anyone know I did. I also only streamed like... twice? sigh... So... out of the 8 goals I set, I would say I accomplished close to half. I read the dictionary, I finished my danish language course (which I'm counting as two completed goals) and combining the "read 1 new book a month" and "draw 100 pages in a sketch book" I'll count that as one completed goal. I went through all my ASL cards, though I'm not fluent, OH! I also wanted to pay off 6k loan that I had. I want to count this one as a success because I DID FUCKING PAY OVER 6 THOUSAND DOLLARS IN LOANS THIS YEAR. I got a surprise loan I had no idea about in june that was 1500 dollars, which threw me off. I managed to pay it off in 2 months, BUT IF THAT LOAN HAD NEVER EXISTED I TOTALLY WOULD HAVE FINISHED PAYING OFF THE 6K ONE. I've got a little over a thousand left to pay on the 6k loan now, which I will complete by the end of January. I'm so close to being under 10k in debt... GOALS FOR 2018 1)Go from being 5 figures in student loan debt down to 4 figures in debt (pay off 2 out of 4 loans) If everything goes according to Keikaku I'll achieve this by the end of June. This has to factor in things like updating my car registration in april, oil changes, tune ups, tire rotation, gas and food expenses, but as long as I don't get fired I should be fine! 2) Stretch Daily Not exercise. I never exercise. But it would be nice to increase my flexibility. 3) STOP TOUCHING YOUR GODDAMN FACE/ find an effective acne treatment I also want to try washing my face daily. Im fucking 25. I shouldn't have this many pimples. 4) Do another song comic I made A lyrictale for Undertale at the end of 2015 in ten days. I want to make another. I already have it scripted, now I just need to do it. 5) Do at least one art stream a month. Hey, maybe I can stream the next song comic I do. Sure, it'd spoil the song and story for everyone, but doesn't that sound fun? 6)Practice ASL I just started looking into Memrise and their ASL courses. They actually have A LOT, AND! THEY HAVE SIGN LANGUAGE COURSES FOR OTHER COUNTRIES! This year is gonna be fun. (Also, the only reason I want to learn ASL because of Undertale. I'll let you figure out how they are connected) 7) Sew 4 stuffed animals I started sewwing a Hobbes plush in the middle of last year. His body is finished. I just never did the head. The other three stuffed animals I want to make I will keep a secret because I love to keep people guessing. 8) Make two AMVs There are two songs I want to put to Avatar; The Last Airbender, and Avatar; The Legend of Korra. I have about half the footage... I just... need to rewatch the shows and put the clips together. Hey, maybe after I find all the clips I can do a stream of that as well. 9) Last but not least, finish my many, MANY Undertale Fan Fics. a. You Monster (34 out of 37 chapters are written, but only 29 are posted) b. Finish the "Of Two Minds" series (it's explicit don't look) c. Color Theory (A chasriel one shot) d. Something Left Behind (Terrible AU Idea #647) e. Let's Get Real (Self insert, joke, parody thing that will also be explicit) f. Game Day! (something about soccer games with Mettaton along the same vain as Field Trip!) g. Would You Like Fries With That (Nicepants because there's not enough of it in the world) h. Science Fair! (something with Undyne and school projects along the same vain as Field Trip!) i. One that is so horribly dark and fucked that I won't even describe it here. Welp! Those are my goals for 2018! What are your goals for 2018? Whatever they are, I wish you success and improvement, health and wealth! Stay safe this year! I love you all~
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franeridart · 7 years
*hugs you very tightly* love u fran♥
Thank you!!!!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs you back*
Anon said:are you eating well? having a good night sleep? please take care! xoxo
I am!!!!! Thank you so much for the concern!!!! Are you taking care of yourself, anon? I hope you’re doing great!!
Anon said: *☆*Bonjour*☆*
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Anon said:god bless your brain, your hands, your eyes, your everything, love u
SO SWEET!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:In the last picture of you sketch post what is Kiri saying to Kami after "C-Come on man"? I can't read the word after "don't" it just looks like "3i". I know this is probably dumb, but my eyes are pretty bad. Sorry. Love the blog and everything you do!!! ❤️
Ahhhh don’t worry it’s not your fault my handwriting is pretty shitty when I don’t make an effort on it hahaha he’s saying “don’t be a kid”~ and thank you!!!
Anon said:Fran can other people hear what the contestant are talking about in Sport Festival ? Like after TodoDeku match the viewers are wondering if Izuku want to win or lose and in Tokoyami-Bakugou match people are shocked that Bakugou figure out Dark Shadow weakness ? sorry for bad english
This is something I’ve been wondering since I first I read that arc too! I think they can’t hear them unless they’re yelling, but there’s no actual canon answer to this as far as I know!
Anon said:OMG I Love your Shindeku so much!!! I didn't think I'd get to see them in your style, but as expected it's amazing and adorable. Love the blog; can't wait to see more of everything you do!!!! :D
THANK YOU!!! and I’m glad you liked the floofy haired kids!!!!!!!! :D :D
Anon said:Fran do you think Endeavor hero name is reference to his goal to be the number 1 hero ?
I think so, yeah! Horikoshi probably picked it thinking about how he’s trying to reach a goal and he’s just. Not getting there. Ever. Good.
Anon said:Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you for going from barely drawing bnha because you struggled to put the characters in your style to flawlessly drawing them all the time?? It's so lovely I'm so proud of you. You're doing so well!
What’s up with all these sweet sweet anons today!!! Oh my gods!!! Thank you so much ;A; I’m crying a bit haha
Anon said:Hi! It's the anon who asked about splitting 1A into bakusquad and dekusquad! I just wanted to say I love how Uraraka is in charge of Deku squad XD
LMAO I feel like she’s the only one in Deku’s squad who’d actually consider the “whose side would win” conversation as much seriously and with as much spirit as Bakugou would hahaha
Anon said:Tfw you realize there are only two episodes left but you're so not ready for season 2 to end 😭
But the anime isn’t ending, anon!!! :O we’re getting 25 episodes this time around!!
Anon said:'Kirishima-kun please get out' I'm crying your tags gave me life
Anon said:Your tags on the kiribaku art you just posted made my day omg XD
Hahahahaha I’m glad my silliness is entertaining for you guys as much as it is for myself lol
Anon said:Was the bakushima fight everything you dreamed for and more?
Would have liked it to be longer because I’m like that so I can’t say it was more, but YES it was everything I realistically hoped it to be! So much goodness in just a few minutes hahaha
Anon said:Um, at the anon regarding diversity and color...I don't know why anyone would say that about your art when you're churning out a comic per day and they're all full of clean lineart and great + creative content... and anatomy-wise most artists don't? really? bother? with detailed anatomy at all since it's such a stylized choice to detail every goddamn muscle (I imagine that might be a bit difficult)... and yeah I love your art and the content that comes with it, you're one of my favorite artists.
SWEET!!!!!!!!!! SO SWEET OH MY GOD!!!! Thank you so much this ask made my whole week honestly - don’t worry tho! It’s okay! I mean, it’s not exactly okay because reading that ask didn’t really feel good, but if I’m not the type of artist anon’s looking for we can’t do much about it! I’m sure they’ll find someone who’ll satisfy them enough, out there in the fandom~ so many talented artists all around me haha feels intimidating now and again
Anon said:you make my day , everyday. man~ idk how you do it, you're just so??? good?? and pure??? your hcs and your tags and your art in general i just. it makes me feel wholesome. like, where have you been my whole life ? you know what to say and when and ahhhh. just thank you for being yourself ´・ᴗ・`
Anons today, trying to make me a puddle of goo on the floor, incredible, honestly incredible I’m??? so lucky??? thank you!!!! I’m so so glad you like my stuff!!! And also me?? seems like??? holy smokes !!!!
Anon said:It's 7am and I haven't slept but going through your blog was super fun;) I love your BNHA doodles, especially the KiriBakuKami~~~
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Try to sleep tho, anon!!
Anon said:hello! i just wanted to say that your account is my favourite account on tumblr! i love your doodles so much and they make me so happy! you're so talented and honestly i wish i could be as creative and artistic as you are! ^_^ you deserve so much recognition for your art and i fangirl whenever you post omg! i thought i would just awkwardly let you know, i hope you have a nice day! x
RIP me. Forever. This just killed me I’m dead and gone, cause of death: too much sweetness from my anons, put that on my grave I’m !!!!!!!!!!!! thank u
Anon said:DUDE you are AMAZING and your art is AMAZING and you've really made me love Bakushima even more than I already did and now the bakusquad are my LIFE and I just REALLY LOVE YOU.
I don’t know what happened you all out for my life today I’m so grateful??? Yes??? Yes. Bless all of you 
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pippa-frost · 7 years
Hi guys! Agh i just wanted to apologize cause i wanted to post stuff and all since last week and i wasn’t to do anything!!! We have this big test this Saturday and i’ve been studying for two weeks and i still have more than half of it to cover! D: And then anatomy is coming and i’ve been so busy with Physiology (that’s what the test is about) that i haven’t studied anything for it!! *cries* 
So it turns out that i had been so freaking stressed out that i completely forgot that i had to draw three illustrations for a matsu fanzine!! So before any comics or anything or mi fic *cries harder* i gotta try my best to do it cause i really don’t want to tell them i won’t be able to do it when it’s only a few weeks away! There is a chance, slightly that is, that i might be able to get them done, but worst case scenario i will do at least one, and the other two (cause i already have the three sketches ready i just gotta do it with my tablet now) i will do later only it wouldn’t get to be in the fanzine! So i’m currently working on my times for what’s left of this month to figure it out! 
So i’m sorry i still haven’t been able to be around, looks like i really won’t be able for the next few weeks either (probably not until winter holidays, which are summer holidays for most of you guys! so... july-ish?)
On another note, Friday it was my birthday!!!! 5 de Mayo hahahahaha and it was GREAT!!!! i went to the movies with friends and we watched Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 and OH MY GOD!!!!! LIKE... GO WATCH IT?!?!?! RIGHT NOW?!?!?!?! I LAUGHED SO HARD OH MY GOD AND ALL THE FEEL AND THE TEARS AND THE AGHHHHHHHH!!! JUST AMAZING!!!! I WOULD SOOOOOOOO WATCH IT AGAIN AND AGAIN CAUSE IT WAS JUST SO GOOD!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Ehem... hahahahaha so yeah, that, also i have half an hour more to be posting stuff cause then my one hour break will be over and back to study! So i’ll be answering asks!!!! >:O 
That’s it for now! Thank you all so much for your kind words!! I love you all so much!!!! Hugs and hugs and hugs and kisses for you all!!! 
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leaveharmony · 7 years
@yungcrybby-anonymousbosch  Consider me near rambled out :) 1.       How old were you when you first started watching?
I wish I could answer that with 100% accuracy.  I know for certain I was by 1990 (8 years old), but, if my earliest memory is correct and not a falsely-implanted one than it would have been as early as 1986 (4 or so).  Probably I was casually aware of it as a very young child and then slowly got more fanatic about it (this might have coincided with the first real meteoric rise of WWF / more available programming).
2.       What company or companies did you watch?   Early-on it was exclusively WWF, I'd say around 1998 I started occasionally tuning into WCW.
3.       What is your earliest wrestling memory?   I would swear up and and down that I remember Hogan and King Kong Bundy in the blue steel cage at Wrestlemania 2.  I used to watch wrestling with my grandfather (pop pop) at my grandparent's house, I remember they had a textured green carpet at the time and I'd lay on the floor...I swear, that I remember at least some of the extended family going there to watch WM2.  But nobody else can tell me if this actually happened.  If not, then I very clearly remember one of Jake Robert's snakes biting Randy Savage, in the ring (1991?).  I definitely remember the brief time before the Undertaker's first face turn.  And I very vaguely recall everybody being really excited when Hogan bodyslammed Andre the Giant (WM3, 1987). 4.       What attracted you to wrestling?   Mmm...I really don't know.  There's sort of a chicken and the egg aspect to it, I'm not sure I could pin down exactly why I gravitated towards anything as a child, but wrestling is even harder to figure out.  Pop pop used to get quite involved with it and we didn't really have a lot in common, so that might have been part of it.  Conversely, my parents were openly mocking about it, so, it might have also been a touch of my old tendency to be fiercely contrary.  I can def. tell you that the Texas Tornado was one of my favs because of all the fringes on his boots, and I liked the Ultimate Warrior's facepaint and all of Flair's glittery robes, and the like...so bright colours and pageantry might have had something to do with it.  And I was nuts about Miss Elizabeth in all her dated finery lol.  Big-boom 80's/early 90's WWF was certainly geared towards kids and I was right in that target audience.   5.       What is your favorite aspect of wrestling? I've always been attracted to characters more than plots, yunno?  In books or films, or series, if I like enough of the characters I'll stick with it even if the plotting is kinda terrible.  So I think it's just the personalities and people, tbh.  For a very long time I wondered if I'd ever been a -wresting fan- or just an -Undertaker fan-, a question I can now answer with the former, but, it's the wrestlers I'm fondest of that keep me involved, I think. 6.       What do you think the general public gets wrong about wrestling? “They don't really get hurt” would be my number one pet peeve misconception.  My father, for instance, would be one of those guys JR was loudly denouncing during HitC/KotR 1998 who would completely sincerely say “Yeah, but they know how to fall.” after watching a man fall 13ft through a table onto a concrete floor.  Which is why I would never watch it anywhere near him. 7.       Do you have any friends who also watch wrestling? There's you!  :D  I have more now than I used to, I was a solitary practitioner for a long time.  Now I'd say as many as five, anyway...and I've converted my mother lol. 8.       Did you eventually start watching other companies? A very limited bit of WCW (1998-the end of the company)..I would sometimes turn it over during commercial breaks in Raw/Smackdown.  I watched some TNA (whenever they got the deal w/ Spike TV -2006 or so when I couldn't stand looking at Jeff Jarrett anymore). 9.       What has kept you interested wrestling? Every single time I've stopped watching and returned, the return was because of the Undertaker.  He’d be the catalyst to the reaction which would follow... 10.   Are you interested in any other wrestling companies? Gateway-drugged by Shinsuke, I'm currently consuming as much NJPW as is possible by one single mortal human being on a linear timeline. 11.   What, if any, barriers are there to you watching other wrestling companies you’re interested in? Availability, relative ignorance and time constraints, I suppose?  It's sort of...akin to jumping into a longrunning comic series with no sense of the history of the lore.  Can be a little bit overwhelming and I think I'd have to do promotions one at a time.  It was different with NJPW and Shinsuke, because I knew at least one face and name so I had a jumping off point, and then through his matches -with- other people, came to know others as well.  I took notes! 12.   Have you ever been to a live wrestling show? Yep!  I think my first house show was in 1993? in a hockey arena in Sudbury, Ontario.  My second was in 1999 at the Skydome in Toronto.  My third was last summer at Ricoh Colliseum in Toronto, then last November I attended Takeover: Toronto and Survivor Series both at the ACC in Toronto, followed by another house show in March (Ricoh again). 13.   Have you ever been to a local wrestling company’s shows? Oddly no!  There's a promotion that sometimes did shows in my old highschool's gym but I never actually went - probably because I had nobody to go with. 14.   Do you tell others (friends, acquaintances) that you’re a wrestling fan? Why or why not? Historically it would depend on the person - there was a lot of indefensible stuff going on in the Attitude Era and I think it pretty justifiably coloured public perception of wrestling fans, so, sometimes saying it outright was bracing for an argument.  Now I've got zero shame about it - I'm a lifer, I've accepted it. 15.   Aside from wrestling, what other fandoms are you involved in? That kind of depends on your idea of “involved in,” as I tend to stay fairly quiet.  But to limit the answer to things I've actively posted about and discussed on Tumblr (within the past year or so), the brief rundown would be Star Trek (DS9), Fallout 4, the Dragon Age series, and Mass Effect. 16.   Where does wrestling rank among your other fandoms? It's currently sitting at a pretty smug #1 but these things do fluctuate. 17.   What Is your least favorite thing about wrestling? The target audience doesn't do it many favors, if you consider the target audience to have shifted during the attitude era to mean “Entitled straight white men aged 13-35.”  Them being pandered/catered to was responsible for a lot of the things I found off-putting.  To some extent, those things have gone by the wayside in WWE due to public trading/sponsorship (I'm not for a second gonna credit them with ‘shifting attitudes’).  Misogyny, objectification, racism, homophobia, ableism, etc.  In those respects it's at least less cringeworthy than it used to be, but sometimes there's backsliding...I find the jingoism in American-based pro wrestling very irritating, as well. 18.   What is the first imagine or concept that comes to mind when you think about wrestling? It's funny, but no matter how many times they've changed the colours over the years, I still picture the ring with a red top rope, a white middle rope, and a blue bottom rope. 19.   What do you wish wrestling had more of?  In other words, what is lacking from wrestling that you wish were present? Does “Thought put into it” count? lol.  Honestly most of the criticisms I'd level at wrestling would actually be directed at WWE.  One of the reasons I'm enjoying NJPW so much is it just makes so much more logical sense from a booking standpoint and there's so much less fiddling around with awkward scripted ‘sketches’ and forced drama.  WWE books like a bad reality show whose megalomaniac scripters are passed out in a table full of cocaine and money, so trains of thought don't actually reach the station. 20.   Grievances? Anything that bugs you about wrestling or the way it is presented? Commercial breaks on the WWE Network? Teasing that a certain someone was “up next” but only showing a video package?” Hahahahaha is it possible this question was inspired by Recent Disappointments?  XD Again, a lot of this would be directed at WWE.  Commercial breaks during matches, god, I can't even tell you how wrongheaded that is.  It completely takes me out of the story; I remember when it hardly ever happened, and when it did JR would apologize profusely for it, but now you've got a match with 2 or 3 commercial breaks in the middle of it, if it's something I'm only passingly interested in sometimes I've forgotten who's even in the ring by the time we get back to the action.  It's the equivalent of a drama going to commercial while somebody's in the middle of a sentence, and returning after they've finished making their point. And again, with poor damned planning and stubborn refusal to accept criticism or feedback.  Time was, if something went over like a lead balloon, it'd be reworked or tweaked or dropped altogether, but now...if it's something they want to happen badly enough they'll stick with a plan no matter how disastrously stupid or actively harmful to their own interests it is.  I'm thinking specifically of the idiocy that is having a man hold your top title who will /maybe/ show up five more times this entire year, so he can drop it to a man 80% of the audience has absolutely no interest in seeing whatsoever, in a match that will probably be terrible.   Oddly, sometimes we have the same problem in the opposite direction - being dead set on an idea while simultaneously waffling on committing to it; consider the repeated delay of Eva Marie's “debut match” which went on over a month, culminated in her being suspended offscreen, and likely her retirement from active competition.  Also the entire debacle with “Emmalina,” wherein the writers were 100% behind the idea of changing Emma's gimmick apparently without even once consulting Emma about whether she was comfortable with the new direction.  Similiarly the endless -promo videos- for the Shining Stars, and Darren Young's reboots...lengthy wait times followed by lacklustre debuts followed by essentially, no actual plan for any of them.  (and yes, there is an unspoken fear here related to Recent Disappointments, I’m sure it’s shared) 21.   And finally, anything you’d like to add to this questionnaire? *thinks a moment*  Shinsuke is the bees knees.  That's all.   22. How active are you in the online wrestling community? Not at all or do you occasionally visit wrestling forums and message boards? Do you read wrestling newsletters or listen to podcasts?Once upon a time I will admit to being a member of the “Brides of Kane,” and that's all the information you're getting on the subject lol.  I've been delighted to find an active community on tumblr, as it turns out it's more fun to watch / bitch about wresting in company.  I check the news sites daily - this is always true when I'm watching.And I occasionally give Jericho's podcast a listen, or run through some of Xavier's gaming videos.
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