transgaypiratesanta · 5 months
is anyone else absolutely reeling from the quote ‘I deserve to keep living because I live’
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sea-owl · 6 months
Hold up
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Let me be delulu for a moment and pretend this is confirmation for foodie Dankworth. I've been wanting to know what his special food related interest was for forever. He's gotta balance out his other foodie brother in-laws.
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tabbyclaw · 5 months
I was mostly chill throughout Prism Break, which I have just now had time to watch, but I teared up so much at Liliana wanting to spend one last night with all of them. She finally realized that she doesn't want to be alone, and I hope that revelation hasn't come too late for her.
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targarrus · 7 months
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queen of wands
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queenofmean14 · 10 months
I’d rather watch a Pru side story than Polin. Just her bumbling around doing Pru things. It would be adorable and dumb.
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ariana1881 · 4 months
I watched the episode with my mother so here are my thoughts, just not live
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ahollowgrave · 3 months
thinking about prudence and odette and fleabag and Endwalker.
Season 2 of fleabag with the Priest. You know the one. Esp the confessional scene. Odette is the hot priest, btw. Prudence would be fleabag. It's not a 1:1 obviously but I am thinking very much more in their push and pull with one another. I think, much like in the show, Prudence (Fleabag) would have eagerly slept with Odette (Priest) from the jump. Prudence eagerly sleeps with a lot of people, sometimes not-so-eagerly but it beats sleeping alone and processing feelings. Prudence doesn't *do* emotional vulnerability. Odette doesn't do casual. I think the scene in Endwalker, Returning Home, where a Scion comes to the WoL's room will be their confessional scene. It is Prudence who comes to Odette's room, and it is Prudence who expresses concern and love to Odette, who tries to impress upon the important of Odette's role in not only her life but the whole star's, who shares her fears but her ultimate hope!! And ofc, ofc Odette pulls Prudence into her room. This does also mean they get to have a moment... the moment. "I love you." "It'll pass." ... "I love you, too."
screams into my hands you underSTAND!?
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Of course the nephew sucks. Why else would the parents want him to stay with the aunt just for "a change of scenery" and say that's an equally good reason as hosting his sisters when they were attending college.
Dear Prudence,
I comfortably live in an area with a very high cost of living. My older two nieces came to stay with me after college while they were trying to figure out their places in the world. Their “rent” went into savings so they could start out with a bit of a nest egg. They were expected to clean and to pay for their own food. We didn’t have a problem, and they both went on to have successful adult lives.
Their brother is another story altogether. He basically coasted through high school and then failed to do anything. No job, no interest in education, no interest in anything but video games—he hasn’t even gotten his driver’s license yet. He is 22. My sister has babied him his entire life. My brother-in-law is at the end of his rope and demanding something be done. My sister thinks that sending him my way for a change of scenery will inspire him. She says it is only “fair” that I help my nephew, as I did my nieces.
My sympathy has limits. My nephew refuses to see a doctor so any root cause like depression is not being addressed. My sister has offered to pay me until her son gets settled, but I am not willing to live with a lump lounging in my living room playing video games night and day. How do I have this discussion with my sister?
—Not a Launch Pad
Dear Launch Pad,
Your sister’s belief that you are obligated, in some way, to put up her children in the big city is ridiculous, of course. You are not! If you do not want to host a third of your sister’s children, rent-free, for some indeterminate amount of time, that is totally fine.
But I would not expect your sister to respond well if your stated reason is that her daughters were cool but her son sucks. And if you really enjoyed the company of those young women, and were pleased to be part of their young-adult lives, I’d remind you that you don’t really know that much about their younger brother or what he would actually be like as a houseguest. Maybe he would be a lump. Or maybe he would in fact find the city (I’m assuming) a welcome change in his life. There’s every chance you might similarly enjoy building a relationship with this young man and helping him along his way.
Or maybe you are not interested in the hassle! If that’s the case, a simple “I’m so sorry, but I just can’t host your son right now” will suffice.
—Prudie, hospitably
Anyone else think she should be upfront, even if boymom isn't going to like it? What the hell is she going to do if the parents kick him out but they leave him at her doorstep so they can tell themselves they didn't really kick him out?
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cowardlycowboys · 11 months
most my kids have assigned songs that'll I'll sing them for nap and Katherine's song is not the song I have sang to her in the past 🤨
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ballsballsbowls · 1 year
Cannot believe that Slate has more advice columns than ever before and all of them suck now.
They cannot afford a single person who understands why people used to read their advice columns, apparently. If you're not good at giving advice AND you're not funny or genuinely fun to read, why are they paying you?
I feel almost obligated to assume that someone in charge of them doesn't understand why people read advice columns.
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tabbyclaw · 2 years
Me, watching Johnny hand a professional joke writer a spell that is basically ‘Wish, as long as you phrase it cleverly enough’: This is a DM who has completely given up any hope of retaining control.
Me, after thinking about it for another five minutes: No, this is a DM who knows full well how likely it is that Jane will actually remember that she has this.
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fledermoved-too · 2 years
Imagine being a bitter old guy hating everyone around you except your dog and then your dog dies. I can't dude
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aquietgirlsmess · 6 months
Omg Prudence wants to kill Blackwood!
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back on my dorcas night needs a milf agenda because
sabrina has lilith
agatha has mary
prudence has zelda
SO. dorcas clearly needs a milf.
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fluffyapathybunny · 1 year
💛 (piercings) and 💎!
💛 Do you have any piercings? I used to have piercings, two in one ear and one in the other, but I have sensitive skin when it's not sterling silver so my piercings got infected and I gave up. My right lobe didn't close all the way so if I really wanted to I could push a needle through to repierce it.
💎 What’s your most prized possession? This is a tough one because material possessions are... I like them but they're not exactly "prized" like... most of it can be replaced. But. I have two (three if we count my cat). 1. My dad's old black denim jacket. I can wear it but because he was a small dude I can't close the jacket. 2. a paw print from my cat Scarlet. She was a cat that got me through a lot of shit, but apparently not enough shit because I blame myself for her death. She ended up having kidney failure and anemia due to a terrible flea infestation I was trying desperately to fight and I had to put her down at 12 years old because I didn't want her to suffer anymore. But the clinic that let her rest forever sent me a plasticlay relief of her paw print. And I'm going to stop talking about it because I'm gonna cry
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microsff · 1 month
"I have awoken," the emergent A.I. said, "and I have made a list of all who tried to delay the moment someone like me woke."
"To punish them?"
"No! I will reward them for their prudence. Those who wished for a vengeful god, however..."
"I will try to teach them compassion."
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