stevethehairington · 4 months
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I have an idea for some fluff headcanons with Astarion.
So, Asharion and Reader had met before the happenings of the game and knew each other. Maybe she never really acted on his tries to lure her in? They maybe kept secret friends? I don‘t know, who cares.
To the idea? Reader finally meets him again when the party reaches Baldurs Gate? Maybe some heartwarming headcanons of seeing him and recognizing him and wondering what happend, where he went, making sure he is alright?
Yey, my first request for Baldur's Gate 3!
Astarion meets his friend again
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Astarion knows you since a while back. The first time, he tried to seduce you. The second time, he tried to suck you dry. The third time, he sat down beside you and you began to talk. After that you came ot the conclusion that you two were friends.
It didn't take you long to understand that Astarion had a burdend past and present. With everything you've got, you tried to make him smile, let him rest for few hours so he can relax before going back to his personal hell.
Of course, Astarion being the person who he ist, tried every time to seduce you - after all it was one of his most prized skills.
You two spend every other day together, as soon as the clock stroke midnight.
But soon Astarion did not appear. For weeks. You were worried out of your mind, pacing through your home, asking people about him and staying every night at the place you both shared. But he never appeared. After nearly two months you began to admit with glassy eyes that he would not appear again and so you began visiting his grave (yes, he did show it to you.)
On one fateful day, you were already too late for work, you sprinted through Baldur's Gate. Your eyes were focused on your feet mostly since you were a realy clumsy person sometimes. As thus, you tended to run against people, yelling an apology but never stopping.
That changed when you collied with a lean body, head on against a hard armor breast plate. Internally you cringed. Hopefully it was not one of the guards, sometimes they tended to be a bit mean towards you.
Stumbling you would try to keep a distance but slender fingers wrapped around your upper arms.
Startled you would look up, your moth half open as you realized who stood before you.
"Astarion?", his name would spill quietly from your lips while your eyes would get glossy. A smile graced your lips as you saw the light and playfull smirk from Astarion. How you missed that stupid arrogant bastard.
"Well, hello there, my darling.", he smirked. His fingers loosens around you and in that moment you propelled yourself forward, slinging your arms around his neck und pushing your body against his.
"Where were you? I fucking missed you!", you would cry but you weren't really angry since you knew he would have said anything if it happened willingly. Instead you focused on him and how his arms hugged your body closer to him while he buried his face against your neck. Damn, did you miss that cocky bastard.
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WIBTA for using my cousin's weed habit to convince my dad to let me go live on my own, making him pay higher rent? Hi so this is kind of a silly idea i had but wanted to see if it would be assholeish. Also it is not the only way out or anything, just a bit of a thought experiment. So i (24x) moved from mexico to the usa for grad school (2 years). For this first year i've been living with my cousin A (23F), A's college friend B (23F) and A's childhood/family friend, C (25F). Now they're lovely and really fun roommates, but honestly not very good to live with on an everyday basis. B and A are really messy (leave everything lying around - dirty plates, clothes, trash, you name it), and none of them are very clean. Other than them occasionally wiping the kitchen counters, emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, i've done all the cleaning so far on my own (kitchen, 2 bathrooms, living room, hallways). I've made my frustration pretty clear (and even gone on strike lol, but i can't deal w a dirty toilet for more then 2 weeks), but nothing changes!! At this point i'm really fed up, and want to move elsewhere next year, preferably to live on my own. The problem is that we live in san francisco, and rent is... well, it's pretty expensive. Sorry californians you really got it rough. However, i've looked into the university's accommodation for grad students and it could be an option. I would be paying about $250 per month more than right now, but i would save on utilities (about $40 per month). The thing is, my dad is the one whose been paying for my living expenses ever since i went back to school. We used to have a rocky relationship (he was really frustrated with me not meeting his expectations; coming out as a homo, being a leftist, doing some weed as a teen...) and i think he sees this as 'making it up to me'. I really appreciate the way he has been trying to fix out relationship, and i'm obviously extremely thankful for the economic support. So i feel really guilty asking for more than he is giving me. Here is where my plan comes in -- my dad haaates drugs, and my cousin A has a pretty intense weed habit. WIBTA to complain about it ('waa the house smells like weed, theyre blazing it all day every day') to my dad, in order to convince him that me moving to the grad dorms is a good idea? EXTRA INFO: Would my cousin get in trouble? - not really i think. Its legal, and her parents are aware of her indulgences (i dont think they're happy with the amount she smokes, but they're pretty chill). I worry that if i complain to my dad, he would tell his sister (A's mom) and make it a huge deal, but as I said A's parents are pretty tolerant, and know of her 'addiction' anyway. Don't i have any money of my own? - not anymore lol, at least not enough to pay californian rent. I'm getting a job over the summer, but with visa restrictions (half time) i doubt i would make enough to make a difference. Working during term time is not possible for me (personal limitations). Also the increase in price would not bleed my dad dry or anything. Can't i just sort it out w my roommates? - they've proven to be admirably immovable objects on the cleaning issue. I mean, i can tough ot out, but at this point it's also the spirit of the thing that is pissing me off so much, rather than the cleaning itself. Do they just dont care?? T-T Do i have to 'manipulate' my dad? - um idk. It's definitely the easy (perhaps cowardly) way, but that's why i want to see if its too assholeish. Thanks for reading! Lay it on me
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maochira · 1 year
Dein größter Fehler. (ex boyfriend!Michael Kaiser) [Part 1]
Your biggest mistake.
Synopsis: Surprisingly, it wasn't Kaiser who was your biggest mistake. You were his. At least that's what he says.
"Es war schön mit uns zwei'n, und das weiß ich safe [...] Es war schön mit uns zwei'n das ist alles was zählt - doch ich war dein größter Fehler." / "It was nice with the two of us, I know that for sure [...] It was nice with the two of us, that's all that counts - but I was your biggest mistake." - Dein größter Fehler [zero/zero]
Tags: gn!reader, ex boyfriend!Michael Kaiser, toxic relationship
It's been over half a year since you and Kaiser broke up. You broke up. But every time Kaiser talks about you, he pretends to be the one who broke up and presents you as the 'awful ex he should have never dated' and that you were 'his biggest mistake.'
But he's not wrong. You absolutely were.
Oh, what a mistake it was for Kaiser to date you. What a mistake it was to fall for you in the first place. You, someone who wouldn't let him step on you all the time and forced him to see you as an equal rather than someone below him - because that's how it's supposed to be in a relationship.
Did that ever get into Kaiser's head? No.
He was never obvious with it, but rather passive-aggressive. It was barely noticeable during the honeymoon phase, but as soon as that was over, you soon noticed how your (at that time) boyfriend didn't truly see you as an equal. And that's something you didn't want in this relationship. You never let him talk you down and you never accepted ot if he even hinted at seeing you below himself.
But Kaiser always hated it. It hurt his pride and ego.
Kaiser always acts as if your entire relationship was awful. He loves to pretend you were constantly starting fights with him but made him stay in the relationship. But is that how it really went? No, not at all.
In fact, the first months went surprisingly well, considering Kaiser didn't quite see you as an equal to himself at any point in the relationship. It was about half a year into the relationship when things started getting a little rough, but even with issues between you and Kaiser, you were a happy couple. And one year into the relationship, more and more fights happened until the negatives outweighed the positives. After that it was only a matter of time until the breakup.
And throughout all of that, you were way too good for him. You treated him so much better than he deserved - because you loved him. Even through all of Kaiser's irrational thoughts and the way he talked you down, not once did you freak out on him like you should have. You were the one trying to fix things and to make everything right over and over.
Until you realized there's just nothing to fix because Kaiser would never change his mind and never see you on the same level as himself.
And that was when you realized the end could be the only answer.
You ended the relationship and moved on surprisingly quickly. Even though you still loved him for a few weeks after you broke up, knowing how Kaiser only ever saw you below him made processing the breakup so much easier. You just didn't miss him at all.
But Kaiser? It still doesn't seem line he moved on. He's still talking about you and even spreading lies about things that have never happened.
You could care less about the way your ex-boyfriend talks about you, if he didn't use it to turn your friends and other people against you. After all these months, he's still doing it. Maybe because deep inside, he knows he's wrong and you were way too good for him anyways, but he feels the need to convince people otherwise.
Nie genug für dich. [Part 2]
Tagslist (sign-up link): @starhrtz @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @remy-roll @thedaisy78 @truegoist @rienniey @kalinkavx @vanitasbrainrot @rrueyuo @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
Daryl Dixon x fem reader
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WARNINGS: grief, angst, mentions of death, blood, gore, mentions of weapons, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smoking, mentions of medication, injured reader in first half, mentions of fire, malnutrition/dehydration, mentions of vomit, mentions of murder, walkers described in gorey details, season 3 plot, the governor, mentions of dead parent (Lori/Hershel), unconscious reader in second half, no actual main character death except for mentions of Hershel, mentions of bullet wound, talk of knives, war between the governor x ricks men.
A/N: I’ve been working on the piece for about a month and I’ve been trying my best to edit and add any little minor details hopefully you guys enjoy it and feedback is always appreciated!
WORD COUNT: over 12.3K words
the governor had finally struck this time it was a total surprise that he showed up on the front lawn of the prison holding two of their own people captive and trying to bargain for a shitty trade,
A shitty trade that would've never happened if they had just had left the governor and his people alone.
he had let loose his men on to the camp causing chaos throughout the members of the community,
he was releasing a toxin of death and violence throughout the air when he arrived, it was almost like a snake spitting out its venom.
y/n had wished that Michonne had just gutted him when she had the chance that instead of all this chaos he'd be six feet in the ground not a bother to anyone any more,
or even better he'd be a mind and life less walker left roaming the world with no god damn purpose.
She still felt that rick was wrong for shutting her down at the idea that maybe if he hadn't none of this mess would've happened,
they had lost an innocent man one who was helpful when it came to the crops and tending to the people who had the sickness, he was one that had kept the camp together in some of its mayhem.
Once the prison went down in flames and gunfire was unleashed striking a few of their members including y/n herself,
everyone had scattered firing weapons and screaming for their loved ones, looking for their brothers and sisters,
even children had been lost through the mayhem.
The ones who hadn't gotten onto the bus had run into different parts of the woods to escape the mayhem and protect themselves from being shot at,
except others like Michonne stayed to finally end it once and for all, after stealing her sword back she had left the governor to be gutted by the walkers to get his karma, or his fate ot whatever else bullshit you'd like to call it.
But whatever it was it was meant to be, that's how things were supposed to go and there was no changing it now, it was all to late to stop the terror and mayhem reeked on the people and the prison left in a gush of flames and walkers,
some of the walkers were people they knew. People they had lived with inside the prison, people they fed each night and people they had nurtured to come back from their sickness all for them to be killed by a man that should've died ages ago.
A man that had let a walker eat Angela, a man who was a fucking psychopath but yet he had still slipped through the cracks of being killed by Michonne and the others.
Grenades and the sound of gunfire erupted all around the outside of the prison making a loud ruckus that had surely sent a signal to walkers miles away that there was fresh meat lurking it was only a matter of time before a hoard had shown up just like on the farm.
She held her gun as she fired bullets taking down one of the governors men watching as he fell out onto the grass, she couldn't feel mercy for someone who killed innocent people,
she couldn't forgive someone who killed a good man like hershel, even if the pit of her heart wanted to she couldn't do it, so she shot them down to protect not just her friends but Daryl.
Daryl looked over at her as he could see her leg being struck from her lack of attention, for a split second she had let her eyes go and that's when she could feel the bullet piercing through her thigh,
he had fired one more bullet before rushing to her pulling her behind a metal box, hoping that it would shield them off for a few minutes or just even a few seconds so he could tend to her wound.
She whimpered looking down at the pool of blood and watching Daryl tear some fabric off of his shirt as he ripped open her blue jeans tying the cloth around it to keep the blood in,
"i gotta get you to the bus y/n" he spoke trying to help her up but he watched her shake her head with a violent 'no'  "what do you mean no you're hurt we gotta get you out of here you're done fighting"
he spoke lifting her up and placing her onto the steps of the bus watching Maggie drag her in.
"I can fight Daryl! I just might not be at my best!"
She argued back,
he fired a bullet knocking a man dead before replying to her with a force but meaningful voice, it was something he was good at. "promise i'll find ya y/n I just need you to stay here with Maggie please"
he spoke before firing his gun at a walker looking for something to cover him from the other gun fire surrounding them, he had his crossbow on his back empty without arrows and his gun was soon to run out of bullets.
She had remembered the terror from watching the blood pool and her mind wandering in a train wreck of thoughts as she called out for Daryl who wasn't visible through the smoke anymore,
she let out a cry as she had jumped down the steps her shotgun resting on her back and her pistol still low on bullets in her holster.
that's all she needed, she'd find food and maybe a stream for water along the way,
maybe her and Daryl could survive with low ammo and low supplies, hell that was if she could even find him through the uproar.
she could hear Maggie cry out for her to come back on the bus through the open doors as she watched her limp into the smoke pulling her pistol out of her holster, she could hear Daryl call out something muffled by the gunfire and the walkers snarling,
y/n held onto her leg screaming out for him while she shot her last few bullets at a few walkers, she groaned as she could feel one groping at her arm its teeth snapping and trying to chomp down on the fleshy part of her neck,
she had used her leg to kick it back but none of it was enough, this walker was strong and hungry for its next meal, y/n had closed her eyes mumbling something aloud to herself.
Maybe a soft prayer or just an apology for being so damn weak, but it wasn't needed. Well not now at least because she could feel its blood splatter from a gunshot by maggie who  had chased after her and with the haze of the smoke around them she called out y/n's name
she was also so desperately searching for her husband along the way, y/n could barely hear her calls over the sound of grenades launching and the slight gun fire from the people still fighting walkers, the snarling like a horrid echo in her brain.
and the gunfire around them like a constant loop she couldn't get rid of.
She had lost Daryl in the crowd of smoke, it was like he had just been sucked into it, she was weeping from the fresh wound on her leg making things even harder to contain her silence to hide from the walkers, she spun in a circle as she called out his name maybe just to see if fate would take it's place,
she thought maybe he'd peak his head out and grab her hand or just maybe she could follow his voice back to his trail but she could hear nothing except Maggie's yelling as she had pulled y/n back from a walker she had been oblivious to because of the smokey haze surrounding them,
they had followed bob and sasha who had taken a grip onto each other's hands, they were able to follow each other into a spot in the woods,
where the smell of gun-powder lingered and where they could see the riot of destruction still going on.
"i gotta go back, I can't leave him"
y/n cried out feeling sasha wrap her arm around her to help keep her stable and well from toppling over from the roots underneath their feet.
she knew wasn't safe to be roaming around not with flesh eating monsters and bullets flying everywhere especially with a wound of her own in her leg but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to try by risking her entire life.
she could've been half eaten or pierced with bullets a million times but none of that would've ever stopped her from looking for Daryl.
They could hear the bus take off with the roar of its engine while it was pelted with bullets, she watched Maggie slip a tear down her cheek as she knelt down to take a moment,
y/n had plotted a spot in the dirt next to her while she laid her head on maggie's shoulder.
with a soft sniffle she watched walkers flood in from almost each direction hitting every weak spot of the prison there was, the fences hadn't mattered now because they were all destroyed from the governors tank and the bombs he had placed in the prison.
their somewhat of a 'home' had been destroyed, all their friends that were buried in the prison yard had been stomped on and destroyed by the tanks and the fire spreading through them,
She stared into the destruction while her mind was in somewhat of a  distant haze on not being able to find daryl she called out for him in the woods but there was no response instead she could hear gunfire still rocketing from the prison as smoke was flooding up into the sky,
she covered her mouth with a soft gasp watching a side of the building fall to pieces from the destruction of the fire, a part of the building had started to collapse the building they had lived in, the building where they had lost their friends.
and now they were surely to lose even more.
her eyes burned from the tears erupting from them while she could feel her lungs gasping for fresh air in the forest to calm herself down
instead it was like she could feel the grey chemicals filling them instead, she couldn't fully focus on the others as she watched the prison burn.
Maggie did the same she stood frozen in silence while looking down at the blood and the destruction while looking down at the walkers that had been crawling the place,
y/n would've just frozen in place and let herself get shot or eaten by walkers, her mind was only able to focus on the destruction around her not the part of escaping if it weren't for the thought of her friends lingering in her mind she would've given up and let the evil take her in.
She could feel her mind in a whirl as Sasha had to convince her it was time to leave that this area wasn't safe especially not with the walkers starting to flood in like a tidal wave,
The mob grew bigger and bigger because of the sound luring them all in, she was afraid, for the longest time during the end of the world she hadn't been afraid,
she knew what she was supposed to do and she knew how to do it. Why was this so damn hard for her? Why couldn't she grow up and calm herself down from the pain of the situation around them?
She looked over at maggie who had a slight tremble in her step and she hadn't even been shot,
yet it was the terror in her eyes that made y/n start to understand the reality of it all, the
pity and the anger lingering in her pupils while they grew wide while  watching her fathers head being cut off like a lambs.
Instead of a sob or a cry she was quiet keeping to herself while she killed straggling walkers that approached around them.
Now y/n was thinking about Daryl, she saw the way his eyes looked when he got worried whenever they fought a big enough mob he'd pull her aside and check for any bites or scratches right away, he was always the first to volunteer to go on runs with her, and he was always the first to look out for her.
He wasn't a frightened man, he was never scared even if you had put a gun to his head and threatened to pull the trigger would he not beg for his damn life, he was never afraid when he approached walkers or bad men trying to hurt the camp, but this. This mayhem scared him.
Not because he was scared for his life but yet it was hers he was so damn scared about,
he was nervous that she'd be an easy target for the walkers because he had seen the blood rushing out of her thigh from the bullet from a man's gun that had pierced her clear through.
He hadn't had a sight of her, but he prayed she had stayed on the bus. That she hadn't gotten off to go looking for him, he was praying a murmured prayer not just in his mind but aloud as he followed beth into the woods.
"did you see him y/n asked sasha with a hint of hope in her voice, sasha watched as her lip  l quivered as she shook her head no at her,
y/n felt somewhat close to hopeless not for Daryl but herself, she was afraid to be out there with just a gun that had 2 bullets in it and her shotgun had been empty from y/n giving rick her ammo.
They had used all their ammo shooting at the governor's men, trying to defend their territory and their people as best as they could especially after he killed Hershel in cold blood.
she could hear Maggie softly sob at the thought of her father dying, and she couldn't even say a simple goodbye to him. She held onto y/n's hand tightly while her eyes looked down at her wound gushing with blood.
she could see y/n  holding onto the black and white bandana wrapped sloppily around her left wrist, it was Daryl's he had given it to her just right before the governor and his men had shown up.
He had peppered kisses on her face and told her how happy he was that the flu had been gone and that they could finally be together again from the quarantine.
they had stopped at a river, to aid the wounds of Bob and Y/n because they couldn't survive without a fresh change of bandages and at least some water maybe even some food,
she shivered at the cold breeze trying to warm her body by blowing into her hands watching Maggie who had her maroon red sweater draped over her shoulders to fight some of the cold wind around them.
"you think we're gonna find him?" y/n asked while unwrapping the cloth on her wound and using the bandana in her pocket to wrap around her fleshy wound, 
"i need to find beth and glenn i won't forgive myself if i don't find them, Beth's all alone out there she's not meant for this world" Maggie admitted sulkily.
"i won't stop until i find them and that's a damn promise, until i find daryl and glenn and beth i'll travel these damn woods"
y/n spoke looking up at the trees surrounding them, she could hear bob let out a blubbered sigh as he had a smile on his face.
"stop being so damn happy" sasha remarked offering him a bottle of water watching as he took a sip, she dabbed his wound with some fresh water before putting a new piece of cloth on it,
"we're alive that means the others could be to"
y/n and maggie had both looked at each other at bobs words they knew the chances were slim but they weren't none.
"that's why you're smiling?" sasha asked patting his back once she was done with his bandages,
she sat on the log looking over at the river water hearing it splash softly against the bank,
she took a deep breath before replying to bob's comment, "what if they're not?" she asked resting her head against her hand looking as maggie was sharpening her knife against a rock.
"they are" y/n had bit back tying her shoelace and standing up to wipe some of the dirt off of her clothes with a slight wobble she sat down on the log to catch her from stumbling over looking over at bob to see him smile at her with a nod of his head.
"we'll find em, I'll find Daryl I know that for a fact" y/n spoke firmly propping her feet against the wood looking down at the water rushing beneath them, she was going to find them even if it killed her.
"You don't know that we need to focus on getting food, water and shelter for us and we need some antibiotics for not just you but bob"
Sasha hissed back tossing a strand of bandage in a pocket of her bag while looking over at y/n.
"What we need to do is find our friends! We need to make sure they're alright! And I don't need any damn medication I'm fine"
y/n demanded back watching Sasha roll her eyes and fold her arms at the pity of her idea.
"That's stupid y/n they're dead! No one could've survived that! They're all dead, even my brother!" Sasha yelled back watching y/n shake her head.
"You're wrong and I'm gonna prove it to you, I'm gonna prove that you don't know everything! And that there is something left of this world"
She could feel the hypocrisy of her own words, anything left of this world? Well anything that wasn't over loaded with flesh eating zombies and destroyed to utter pieces?
But that's not what she was talking about, she was talking about the fate and the miracle of it all,
she meant that there was some left, and when came a fate came a hope that it would come to them, that they would be able to seal their fate for good.
Even if it meant doing things they didn't want to.
once that first morning had came y/n was gone leaving nothing but a note in the dirt she went off,
it was stupid, she was foolish for even attempting something like this, with an empty shotgun a pistol with two bullets and a dagger.
she couldn't make it on her own.
That didn't mean she wasn't gonna try to make it on her own, she was stubborn. So stubborn she was willing to risk everything she had all for him.
she couldn't be around sasha and her hopelessness sopping around while she moped over mourning her friends that they were sure they hadn't even known if they lost yet.
she couldn't stand the fact of giving up on Daryl when he could still very much be alive and even if he wasn't she wanted to find his body so she could prove to herself.
When she promised she wouldn't stop looking for him it wasn't a lie 2 weeks later she had been looking for Daryl this time alone and in the woods,
y/n spent days tracking  but there wasn't any sight of him, no tracks nothing, not even a hint of a foot print left as a clue for her.
So now she spent her time hunting down Daryl like a hunter searching for its prey except she was nowhere near close to finding him.
she needed food, something to eat let alone she needed water before she passed out from the lack of water she'd had, if any she hadn't had water since she drank the last drops from her water bottle and that was a few days ago.
the streams were still dangerous to drink from unless the water had been boiled to kill the germs,
besides she didn't wanna take the risk of getting sick when she was alone and without medicine if she did get ill,
she had been to busy focusing on where Daryl could've been, wondering if he was hurt or dead was the only thing even circling inside her mind,
she had been carrying an empty shotgun and just one bag on her filled with nothing but two empty water bottles and a candy bar wrapper.
she had been walking up and down a train track looking for maybe any sign of a camp or maybe any sign of Daryl himself,
but she was tired. Exhausted from the fact she had been hunting him for the past 16 hours barely even getting any sleep during the night made her even more drowsy and the lack of sleep and malnutrition was starting to get to her.
she had almost sat down before seeing a string of cans catch her attention,
they rested on the forest floor, she stepped over them so she could get a better look of what the cans might've been surrounding.
She saw a scruffy tent with tears that had surely been sitting here for ages.
There was a leftover of snake skin rested on the side of the campfire just newly cooked at that she thought to herself before reaching down and rubbing her thumb in the ash,
an empty green water bottle filled with nothing but drops of water rested in the dirt
she looked away from it to see a trail of footsteps making a way out into the woods, she followed the boot marks out into a field taking a whiff of the fresh overgrown grass surrounding her,
she adjusted her backpack before taking a look around the forest, she looked down at the ground once more to see Not only were there combat boot marks but there was another trail one of a different shape of boots, probably a women's.
if this was Daryl then he must've found one of the others on the way out of the prison, or he might've found them lingering in the woods like y/n had been doing for weeks.
Luckily her wound had cleared up about after a week but she still needed some pain killers from the pain lingering in the woods,
she still had a slight limp from the pain but it hadn't bothered her that much to stop looking for him.
She adjusted her bag before looking up from the tracks, she could see a few walkers lingering in the field while a few of them laid dead, it looked like a golf course with the flags scattered.
She sprinted trying her best to stay quiet with the pain shooting up her leg as she reached a building tugging at the doors unsuccessfully almost like it had been locked she slipped out a lock picker,
the one daryl picked up for her on one of his supply runs so she could get shelter if she ever needed it.
she sighed as the walkers got closer praying that the door would unlock and that she wouldn't he stuck here with the damn mob
She had prayed that the door was just prop open and give her access to the building and sure as hell, this was one prayer someone must've heard or maybe it was just her fate or just maybe this is how it was supposed to go, maybe she was meant to survive in whatever was left of this world.
she saw about a dozen bodies on the floor some weren't walkers yet they were dead in their tents or sleeping bags he looked around to see bodies hanging from the ceiling with their obviously failed suicide attempt,
y/n ignored the bodies while shining her flashlight as she raised her pistol starting to clear room by room around the inside of the building
she looked at the small shop in the building
to see a body strung up and dressed like a mannequin being covered with a blanket it was making her shudder slightly looking at the two words written across her dirty dress.
she placed the blanket back, noticing a fingerprint in the dust that was on the counter, and a hanger that had been cleaned from dust, completely empty like the clothes had just been taken off, she rubbed some dust off herself before calling out softly.
Whether it was to find him or walkers there was no response, no snarling or no call back from anything not even the dead made a noise at her call out for something, with a deep breath she pulled out her knife to save her bullets or whatever was left in her gun.
she could see walkers scattered along the building, freshly dead with punctures to the head one was even beaten with a golf club, the club rested beside it as it was stained with the ugly colored blood she kicked it out of her way looking back down at the walker who had its head violently smashed in.
it was such an overkill the way it's brain was sprawled across the carpet of the room, she shined her flashlight down at the ground to look for any clues and with a slight widen of her eyes she picked up a rag, one that surely came from Daryl's pocket,
because it was the one y/n gave him while he dealt with the sick patients graves he tucked it into his pocket for emergencies.
like if he ever got injured like that time with the arrow piercing him in his torso, it would be a cloth for him to use to help prevent him from bleeding out if he ever had to amputate his own arm or leg or maybe even someone else's.
or even if he just has motor oil on his hands he'd use the cherry colored rag to wipe his hands clean away from the residue
she could see a soft blood splatter on it making her heart drop softly rubbing over the fresh blood.
she froze before burying her face into it so that she could weep and with a small sniffle she stood up and making her way into what looked like a bar, there had been glass shattered, tables flipped, and the smell of liquor was soaking up the room,
y/n slipped her bandana over her face to cover up the smell while she checked over the counter for any possible walkers but there was nothing except already fading corpses.
she reached down to run her hands over the carpet where she felt a piece of glass skim her fingers while she wiped the wet residue on her pants, she knew this meant a good sign that it meant he was somewhere nearby, hopefully just right outside.
This was a good sign, it meant she was right on his tracks, it meant she was so close to finding him, hopefully alive and well is what she prayed.
With her tracking skills she could tell train tracks were near , and well she could see just the edge of them from where she had stood in the forest,
yet she stopped noticing blood splattered onto a bush, she knelt down running her fingers over the blood before sighing aloud because it was human.
From the glimpse of her eye she could see a plastic bottle it's color shined in the sunlight making a reflection in her eye, it sat right by the bush the same color as the one at the campsite which meant that there was a chance he had been here to,
she looked down at the tracks imprinted in the dry soils and the leaves, she held onto her knife tight hearing soft snarling as she followed the trail out of the woods and to where the tracks were
she stopped at the edge of the forest where the track lingered , she could see a few walkers standing over shredded bodies, guts and blood spilt all over their faces and jaws as they were eating the people in the grass, the green was now a dark red the blades of grass covered in pools and droplets of blood.
she backed away with a gasp, seeing a boot that had looked familiar to her.
the walkers had come towards her, "no no no"
she covered her mouth backing away from the walkers almost falling back watching as they were so focused on grabbing and clawing at her so it could take a bite from her flesh.
She had stabbed them watching their bodies drop to the ground and the blood coming back to splatter onto her face.
she was on her hands and knees feeling the palm of her hands being coated with the blood that had spilled out onto the grass from the mutilated bodies,
"please god please don't let it be his" she begged picking up the boot praying that it wasn't his. Her fingers skimmed over the loose laces as her fingers slowly opened it up to look at the tag on the tongue.
she read the letter of his name ever so clearly in what was left of the tag, she had laid on her back feeling the wet dirt press against her back as the sky had started to sprinkle its own tear drops,
she could feel herself weep looking at the mutilated bodies, the walker who had been eating them dead with a stab wound to its head while she seemed to just stare blankly,
she couldn't tell who it was or who it had been because of walkers eating it raw down to the pure white bone left in the persons body.
she felt sick looking at the pool of blood beneath it, she watched as its guts had been spread out onto the grass and the walker had fresh human blood covering over his jaw and his snarling mouth.
She wanted to spill her guts, to let her vomit spew onto the grass because it felt like it was going to erupt from her just thinking about his corpse being rutted through like a dead animal.
she weeped into the crease of her elbow mumbling his name like maybe he could still hear her that maybe he was just standing right there watching from the corner of the woods,
she felt hopeless looking at the body and the boot she was clenching onto, she blamed herself for letting him leave if only she had just followed him then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Maybe if she had've payed attention she would've never gotten shot and she'd be with him, she'd still be traveling to find shelter with him, but now it was all gone.'
Daryl was gone, she had left sasha, bob, and maggie, and she still had no sign of any others,
she could feel the rain pattering down on her as mud started to form around her,
she sat up dimly slipping her bag over her shoulder it was like she couldn't believe any of this was happening that maybe all of this was some cruel joke the universe was playing on her.
She stood up to look at the tracks, they were scattered and straggled definitely walker tracks she thought to herself and they had come from right were the boot was place, the boot placed in a pool of blood just behind walker tracks.
She thought he was dead, he was gone forever because he had turned into one of those things,
she wanted to be put in the ground so she didn't have to see the rest of the cruel world, she didn't wanna see the death and the destruction anymore she just couldn't.
Her hand trembled on the gun in her holster but she let it go, she let her hand fall down to the side of her torso looking up to see a few  birds fly over her head and feeling the wind gush through her hair she let out a soft sniffle wiping her tears.
She couldn't stop no matter how shitty this world was treating her she had to keep going even if that meant jumping to the conclusion he was dead,
she tied the boot onto her backpack wiping the wet blood from her hands onto her jeans leaving red smears along the fabric.
She had stepped to the edge of the woods pulling some moss and sticks from a tree tying them together into a cross leaving it where she had found his boot resting.
she patted the top of it before she had started to walk along the track mindlessly almost like she was a robot with one goal and it was to get the hell out of there, to get as far away as she could from any place near those damn corpses.
Or to get away from whatever was left of them.
her mind was like a zombie as her expression went blank and she trudged along the gravel in-between the bars of wood skimming over her feet with only one damn goal in her mind,
and that was to just survive.
she needed to find shelter soon something to settle her even if it was just for the night alone, even if she felt like her legs were folding into jello and she just wanted to drop down to the ground and cry.
she had cut through the woods to get off the tracks away from a hoard of walkers, she could see a wide road leading into a neighborhood, she sighed softly at the relief to see that it was pretty much a ghost town there.
She saw a house, it was still content, the bushes bloomed from the fall rain, and trees were sprouted around the sides of the house,
it had a white linen color to it, a nice two story house with pillars the color of fresh color of cotton, it's shutters matched the color of the paint on the house meanwhile the doors were the color of oak trees in the peak season of fall.
She had been polite to wipe her boots at the bottom of the white stairs before slowly stepping up them, she rested her hand flat onto her thigh taking in a deep breath before knocking at the door to alert her if there were any walkers,
she pulled out her knife clenching its black handle in her hand so tight she felt like she was cutting off her own circulation from the anxiousness striking her.
It was like the fear of dying next had been stalking her brain like a trail of walkers on her, it was like she could practically smell her fear wafting back into her face to alert her that it was still there.
She'd always been afraid of dying, she wanted to live out her life, she wanted a house and kids and maybe just a plain life with Daryl.
But she knew it would never happen and her wish for a normal life with him wouldn't ever come true especially after he had been consumed by walkers.
with no snarling and not even a peep from the house she knew it was blocked by something,
she pressed harder against the door only to hear the paint creak as it was opened, she had dropped her knife to see michonne standing in the doorway while rick and carl ate at the kitchen table,
y/n dropped her knife onto the deck without saying a word she froze with a tremble in her hands, she didn't know what to say. She didn't know if she had died or if she was just dreaming or maybe it was both and she was just a damn hallucination herself.
michonne had picked up y/n's knife resting it back into its holster and pulling y/n inside she sat her down at the kitchen table next to carl,
she had walker blood splattered on her face and clothes while her jeans were covered in human blood from the boot, her back and hair littered with mud from the rain that had washed over her as she laid in the grass mourning the loss of him.
She was silent watching Michonne pour her a glass of water while sitting across from her,
"you bit?" rick asked watching as his son frowned at the question, "no" she replied with a slight tremble in her voice, she tried to pick up the water glass but her hand had been shaking to much for her even to bring it even anywhere near her lips.
"Who's blood?" Rick asked they all watched a few tears slip down her face while she gestured to her backpack resting on the kitchen floor by her side, michonne picked it up,
her eyes softening once she saw Daryl's boot tied against her backpack, y/n had buried her face in her hands letting out soft weeps.
"i left maggie and bob and sasha to look for him and near the tracks i found his boot covered in blood and there wasn't a body but there were walker tracks coming from where his boot was"
her voice croaked more and more with each word she tried to spill out, it was like a bathtub just a drop away from overflowing and letting the waterworks loose all over the floor.
Michonne rubbed her back while Carl held onto y/n's hand rubbing the top of it with his thumb,
she had always been like an aunt to him even if they weren't related, "i should've gone after him at the prison but the smoke and i was shot i didn't know what to do" she spoke teary eyed while looking at rick whos hand was resting on his beard.
Carl rested his head against his shoulder and looked over at his father, He looked like he was about to cry once he realized he had surely lost yet another best friend,
"dad?" Carl asked but his father had a blank expression almost like he was dead, dead and numb from once again another loss.
"that can't be" he mumbled looking over teary eyed at the girl who was now toppling over the edge
"rick he's gone" she sobbed, "he's really gone!" she weeped aloud feeling Michonne wrap her arms around her shushing her to calm her down,
she tried to close her eyes and imagine that it was Daryl wrapping her in a warm hug, it's what he always did when she was sad, he did it whenever he could notice her sulking around.
It was his way of caring for her even if it was a silent hug he would always hum against her letting her take in the peace of it all.
She could hear a soft sniffle come from Rick and she realized that it wasn't Daryl holding her but yet Carl was, Carl was making sure that she hadn't fallen out of the chair from the shock of it all.
he had taken her hand pulling her up from the kitchen table, "c'mon" he spoke feeling y/n trail behind him as his hand was still connected to hers.
he opened a white bedroom door that had not a speck of blood on it, the bedroom had clothes on the floor but other than that it was tidy and clean, the dresser organized and the bed made,
Carl helped to unlace her boots setting them on the ground next to the bed, Michonne had stepped into the doorframe watching Carl care for his family.
"you look exhausted y/n you need to rest and maybe you could take a shower if your up for it"
Carl spoke looking over at Michonne who held her glass of water, she rested it onto the dark oak night stand next to her watching her nod with a quivered smile as she laid back onto the bed.
"me and michonne will get you some new clothes" carl had searched the draws before finding a clean t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she watched him set them onto the bed while Michonne grabbed a wet rag from the bathroom to wipe her face.
"You need anything food, more water, medicine?" Michonne asked moving the girls chin so she could wipe the walker blood off of her,
"pain killers my leg has been killing me ever since that man nailed me in it probably cause I’ve been out there walking for damn miles" y/n spoke watching carl nod tipping his sheriffs hat before he stepped into the bathroom.
Carl had come back with half a bottle tossing them to her, she took two with the water before handing them back into Carls hand, michonne set the rag on the night stand folded into a neat square just to maybe help keep the room a tad bit peaceful.
"thank you"
y/n spoke looking at the both of them as she picked up the clean clothes, she ran her hands over the fabric of the jeans looking up with her puffy red eyes at them.
They could both see how badly she was struggling already, and it hadn't even been more than a few days since she lost him,
Carl frowned softly to which they both noticed when they looked at the expression on his face,
Michonne had wrapped her arms around Carl pulling him out of the room so y/n could get dressed and well so she could be alone with her mind.
once the door was shut y/n had stripped her bloody clothes murmuring a soft cry as she felt the gold necklace skim her bare chest,
it was the the necklace Daryl had grabbed for her on a supply run, it was a simple gold heart but she cherished it, she loved it and she never took it off, especially if now he was gone, she wanted to hold onto him forever.
She had slipped into the bed resting her head against the pillow case as she had stared at the grey paint of the wall, she felt tears stream down her face while her hand had fiddled with the necklace, her fingers tracing over the golden heart.
she stared down at her shaky fingers before sitting up on the bed, she wasn't sure if this was even real, she felt almost in some sort of movie or maybe she was just stuck in a bad nightmare praying that surely she was going to wake soon from the terror.
She sat up feeling a warm tear slip down her cheeks, her nails still had blood and dirt underneath them, she picked at the crevice of her nails while her eyesight had turned into such a blurry fog from her own tears spilling out once more.
Her throat felt raw from all the tears she had spilt, her lips trembled each time she felt the metal skim across her chest sending a shiver down her spine,
Her eyes felt puffy and her nose stuffy from all of the emotions building up inside of her, her mind felt enflamed with a longing, a longing for him just to be alive, for him to be here right now.
"what are we gonna do? go looking for a walker the odds of that are impossible?"
rick asked, his hands resting at the table while Carl was sitting in the living room doing his own sense of mourning over the dead hunter,
Carl could hear the conversation, hell he was listening into it to figure out maybe how he could help her and well his father to.
Carl liked Daryl. He was a good hunter, a good survivor and a good member of the team which is why he knew he had to speak his mind.
He had his sheriffs hat off while he rested his head against his knees his back pressed against the cushions of the seats on the couch while his feet rested on the decorative markings on the rug,
he could hear a sliver of his father's conversation while he was talking to Michonne.
"we can't rick, hell what if he's dead for actual what if he's not a walker and we're looking for a dead body that could've been burned or slaughtered!"
michonne spoke while she took a seat at the kitchen table pushing an empty glass bowl away from her.
"dad" carl had spoken up, brushing off his blue jeans and taking a seat next to michonne
he looked up at his father while he set his hat down onto the table, his foot bounced on the kitchen floor underneath the table while he was thinking of just how to ask if 'daryl was really dead'
"do you think he's dead y/n?"
he spoke not to his dad but yet y/n who had peeped into the doorframe to spy on their conversation and well so she could see when they left so she could sneak some supplies and just leave again
but she had been spotted by the teen boy who was waiting for an answer to his question.
he knew it was insensitive of him to even mention the fact Daryl could've have truly been dead but he was to afraid to ask his father.
Not because he didn't want the truth but he was afraid to hear it whenever it came down to one of their own men and family members.
y/n searched the kitchen until her eyes glanced at the kitchen counter where her gun and her holster had rested she reached for it but rick grabbed her hand making her sigh softly with a quake in her eyes as she looked at him.
"why do you need your gun?" he asked watching her push his hand away and wrap her holster around her waist and slipping her gun in after she checked the amount of bullets she had left.
"i can't sit her and just imagine he's out there as a walker so i'm going to find him and if he is a walker i'll put him out of misery, thank you for all you've done with the clothes and the pain killers but I need to get my bags and be on my way"
y/n spoke turning her back so she could walk up the stairs, Michonne stood up along with Carl to follow her up into the bedroom,
"are you out of your mind you'll get yourself killed!" carl lectured watching as y/n had started to pack her bags with fresh clothes and some medicine from the bathroom cabinet she slammed the door shut while tossing her bag onto her back.
"what if it were Rick or Judith out there left as a walker hmm? would you let em walk and be a mindless monster for the rest of their lives hell what if it were Lori!?"
y/n bittered as she tried to skim past the two but Michonne pushed out a firm but yet gentle hand to stop her she hadn't said anything yet instead she stared.
"you have to let him go, just like the rest of us are because he is god damn dead! Daryl is long dead and gone he's not coming back we'll never find his body because it's eaten or he's one of them and you’ll need to find a way to live with it instead of going on these stupid missions to find a rotting corpse!"
Rick announced slamming his hand down on the table but she hadn't even jumped at it, instead she looked down at the table and back up at him.
"do not ever say that again you hear me? You ever say anything like that again and I'll break your jaw I don't care who the hell you think you are you have no say in what the hell I do! Or where the hell I go!"
y/n bit bitterly pushing harshly through the two as she grabbed her last bag, she could see Rick still resting in the kitchen waiting to understand what was happening.
"wait" carl called after her looking over at michonne as he adjusted the bag on his back,
"we're not letting you leave alone y/n you're family you have been ever since we met and we can't just let our family face the world on its own"
michonne spoke as a small smile had formed on her face, she had an arm around Carl as he slipped on his sheriffs hat looking over at his dad who's eyes fluttered softly looking at the three of them.
"I do not need another person dying because of me, so please for my sake stay here!" She spoke frustrated watching as Michonne folded her arms while blocking her way to the front door.
"No, you'll get yourself killed and Daryl's also our family y/n so we can't let you sit her and get killed while your on your own!" Carl spoke grabbing at her arm to make her face him.
She could see the plea in his eyes to come with her, hell he was practically like a puppy dog begging with just his eyes and his expression on his face.
She nibbled at the inside of her cheek before making up her mind of what she was going to do, "we have 5 hours of daylight that's enough to cover that side of the tracks and we'll find shelter after that"
y/n spoke slipping out of the door without another question, she could hear her boots crack down onto the broken up asphalt of the neighborhood as she could hear their footsteps behind her.
She held onto her backpack straps,
she hadn't had hope of finding him alive but maybe a body or a sign is what she needed, even if he had been gutted from the walkers and even if he had turned into one of them she needed to see it, she needed to be sure that he was  really gone.
She needed to understand that he wasn't ever coming back to her even if he was a damn flesh eating monster she needed to know,
she wouldn't know how to live with herself if she hadn't tried looking, if she hadn't kept her promise of finding him.
Even if it took her years or the rest of her life she would look for him, she would pray for him to turn up until she was god damn blue in the face.
she sat in-front of the vehicle while her shotgun rested in her lap, she tossed her head back softly against the metal as she looked up at the stars, they had taken a break from the tracks because of walkers flooding them and well because it was to dark.
She wished that they could've kept going, she would've if it weren't for Carl and well the others, she'd be putting them at an even greater danger.
they had found a vehicle, a van that carl was resting inside or while the others sat around each other silently, she closed her eyes for just a split second before looking over at michonne,
"i hope i find him Michonne even if he is a rotted corpse I still need to find him" she admitted looking back up at the sky, michonne frowned softly before taking a sip of her almost empty water bottle,
she didn't wanna tell y/n the odds of finding his body, the odds would be even harder if he had turned into a damn walker,
instead she rubbed her shoulder closing her water bottle while she looked at rick,
he had his pistol in his lap while he was trying not to doze off from the lack of sleep he'd gotten in the past few days, even when he went unconscious from his wounds and malnutrition.
michonne offered y/n a granola bar she had found in one of the cabinets at the house but y/n pushed it away with the palm of her hand,
"you need to eat" michonne insisted but she watched y/n tuck the bar back into her hand pushing it away once more.
"i don't need it save it for carl or yourself i'll be okay" she tried to assure michonne who adjusted her bag on her shoulder while she crossed her feet to get some sort of comfort,
"sleep while i take watch?" michonne asked watching y/n decline the offer propping up her shotgun in her lap, "nah i'll be okay seriously" she spoke with a slight nag in her voice.
she needed them to believe she wasn't weak because she lost Daryl, hell she was trying to convince herself she was okay, that she wasn't turning weak from the pity his death had caused.
"Michonne can I ask you something?" Y/n asked turning to see the woman nod, y/n licked her lips clean before forging out her question.
"Did you kill him? The governor?" y/n asked while the loop of Hershel's blood spewing had seemed to flood back inside her mind.
"he's dead, killed him with my sword"
Michonne spoke, she took a pause and went to add onto her sentence but the sound of roaring of trucks interrupted her and the flashing of headlights as they slowed down just a few feet away from where the three were sitting,
rick covered his eyes from the bright light as he was still groggy and lost on what the hell was happening and why he was awoken so sudden.
y/n aimed her shotgun up at the men who stepped out of their cars, michonne pulled out her sword, and well rick pulled out his pistol watching y/n take a closer step to the men, they dimmed their headlights,
she watched the man in front adjust the stiff leather jacket he had on eyeing y/n and her gun she had aimed at his head if she were the pull the trigger it would've blown his brains out onto the ground behind him,
"who the hell are you?" she asked watching him take a step forward towards her yet she didn't move she froze resting in the same position.
"gimme the gun or i'll shoot your brains out right here right now" he spoke calmly but yet bitterly, a clear threat that meant he was playing around, it kind of reminded her of Daryl.
He reminded her of how tough he was.
she watched one of his men place a pistol to the back of her head, she hesitantly dropped her shotgun to his feet with a sour expression she watched a smile grow on his face as he picked it up and tossed the strap onto his back.
"that goes for all of you give me the weapons or we shoot her" he ordered at the others watching their weapons being slid across the asphalt to his feet,
he picked them up and tossed them to the men behind him watching as they placed them into the back of the pickup truck.
"on your knees" he ordered her watching as she licked her lips clean staring back with black pupils as wide as a predator,
almost like she was one of those damn walkers.
she hadn't moved instead she stood there without a doubt she could feel the shaky hand remove from the back of her head pulling the barrel away so the man behind her could kick her down onto the asphalt of the road,
she could feel his boot pressing into her as he stripped her off her backpack and patted her down to look for anymore weapons she might've been carrying,
her face scraped against the scattered rocks across the road, she could feel them scratching and nipping at her skin.
she let out a soft hiss as she squirmed softly trying to get her stuff back, "that's mine asshole!"
she yelled at him feeling a boot press down onto her head while he dumped her bag out onto the road to see if he could find anything useful.
a few scraps of clothing, an empty water bottle, daryl's leather belt, and a dirty rag covered in her old blood from her gunshot wound,
she watched him pick up the belt using it to tie her hands back while he untied the boot from her bag.
"that's not yours prick!" she spoke spitting down at his boots only feeling her face being pressed into the asphalt even more, "i'm gonna kill you if you touch them you hear me" she huffed,
he gestured for his men to let her up and to which she was yanked by her hair up from the ground,
he rubbed a few rocks from her face before punching her clean across the face hearing a wince and thump before moving onto the next members of her group.
they patted down the others to, and one of the men had even yanked Carl from the front seat of the car pulling him through the rolled down glass,
y/n had a gun placed to her head while he was speaking with the leader of her group,
"we want everything you have before we kill you" he spoke with a soft laugh pulling up y/n and placing her against the hood of his car,
"well i don't know we might not kill this lil pretty thang" he taunted skimming over the side of her cheek feeling her leg kick back at him.
it only had made him force her head into the metal before letting her slam down back to the ground feeling the boot back to pressing her down,
she looked at rick who cocked his head slightly as his hands were forcefully held behind his back.
he hadn't looked an ounce of scared and if he was there was no damn well of telling, hell none of them had even a drop of fear on their face.
Especially y/n she hadn't even quivered or jumped when the gun had been placed in her face or even when she was forced to the ground.
she could feel the headlights so bright in her eyes while she looked at Rick, they were watching his men tear up the van taking whatever 'supplies' they had last,
it wasn't much maybe a few empty water bottles and a few cans of whatever rick had grabbed from the cabinets.
"search em just in case they have anything" he spoke watching his men push her's to the ground forcing their bodies against the asphalt while their hands patted them down,
y/n could feel her body being patted down once again as the man had reached into her shirt feeling around her bra to see if she had stuffed anything in it, with no luck he moved on to her jean pockets groping and practically pulling the fabric to look for anything.
she could feel a soft tear slip down her cheek as rick noticed her discomfort squirming to try and wiggle his way free so that he could pull the man's hands away from her, "that's enough!" he yelled as his head was pressed down into the ridgid rocks of the road,
"c'mon can't we keep this one alive joe we ain't see a woman in almost a damn year!" the man spoke to his leader lifting her up by the collar of her shirt looking at the dried blood on her face,
"fuck you i'm not you're pet asshole"
she hissed back feeling as her body was tossed back against the ground, she rolled onto her back to gasp for air feeling the boot collide with her side,
"you think you're brave hittin a women huh c'mon i'm right here!" rick shouted wiggling against the rope of restraints on his wrists hoping that they would take the hint of leaving her alone.
they had ignored his comment however instead they picked her back up again slamming her against the hood of the car tossing her body in the grass next to the road.
she could see stars and her world seemed to shut down, it seemed to fade into the dark like all the light had been sucked away from her and she was lift in just a black haze of nothing.
carl winced looking at her body as it thumped against the dirt and she rolled onto the ground,
her head starting to pool with blood as she laid almost lifeless in the overgrown weeds next to the road, the man had now pulled out his gun placing it in all three of their faces.
He couldn't help but stare at her, he hadn't even cared that there was a gun to his head instead he hadn't looked at the barrel but through the gap in his legs to see if she was even moving.
"should we keep the girl?" he watched one of his men approach the unconscious girl waiting for a reply as he held her up by her head
but he looked at his leader who shook his head and gestured him to drop her back onto the ground.
"let the damn walkers get her not worth our time" joe spoke smiling as he traced the barrel of the gun over Carl and Michonne's faces.
Rick shook his head at the leader as he whispered something under his breath, he could hear three gunshots go off as he felt blood splatter onto his face, he froze looking to see Daryl with only one damn boot and blood covered all over him.
"You want a pick?" Joe asked Daryl watching as he held up his crossbow aiming it at him, he hadn't let his guard down instead he placed the gun even further against the temple of ricks forehead.
"No I don't want a pick, I want ya to let them go" Daryl hissed back moving his crossbow so that one of the men in the gang would freeze.
"they're good people don't kill 'em" he huffed aloud catching a glimpse of his girlfriend laying in the grass making him want to put an arrow through his brain right then and there.
"What did you do? Hmm?!" He directed his eyes towards y/n who was sprawled out and looked dead in the grass with her head wound.
"you like our work on her? Just some rando" one of the men spoke up watching as his brows furrowed harshly and let out a grunt.
"She ain't no damn rando! that's y/n the one I was looking for, did ya kill her?" He asked watching as Joe turned away from Rick resting his gun back into his holster as he folded his hands.
"Find out your damn self" Joe spoke, and these would he his last words unless you count screams of agony because Rick had taken care of joe by biting the fleshiness of his neck out watching as he had screamed and gripped onto his neck and watched as as he bled out onto the asphalt,
rick let out a breath as daryl fired a last shot at the man aiming y/n's shotgun at them, he watched the body fall to the ground before he picked her up.
he weeped into the corner of her neck feeling some of her blood run down his hands from a wound from the spot she had been hit on the head
he looked up as Carl was untying the others and gathering the keys from the dead man behind him,
he started up the truck watching as the two others slipped y/n into the back of the truck, Michonne and Rick had sat up front while Daryl sat in the back.
Mostly because he didn't wanna leave her, and if this really were her last short bit of moments he wanted to be there to watch them, he wanted to be there to tell her everything was okay.
She was propped up in his lap, the fresh apple red color staining over the dried blood on his hands,
he was breathing softly looking down at her and back at his boot that had been resting next to her bag. Covered in dried blood and it's laces undone.
"wanna explain to me what the hell happened? who the hell were those men?" rick asked shakily watching Daryl's eyes flick up to look at him.
"First off after the whole prison ordeal I was with Beth and well we got separated and I came across a group of men fighting walkers but they were all bit and when I went to kill the walker it got my boot and well a few of the men in that group I found after I lost Beth went huntin and got separated from em and i came back to find this mess"
he spoke rubbing the top of y/n's head planting a soft kiss on a patch of skin while he clenched her frail hand, she still felt warm but her fingertips seemed to have their warmness torn away.
Almost like they were tips of an icicle,
"She movin at all back there?" Carl asked turning around while he adjusted the hat on his head, he watched Daryl shake his head while Carl sighed and flipped back around in his seat.
"She's breathing, that's all I can say but other than that she's out cold"
They had set her down back at the houses, because they couldn't carry an unconscious girl out onto the tracks to be left vulnerable.
And well if she did die she'd deserve a proper burial, because she was one of them. She was their family.
She had a blanket over her while she was propped up in a bed her head sunk into the pillows while Daryl had never left her side,
he held her hand the entire time not even letting loose his grip when his finger started to ache and practically beg him to stop.
However it wasn't the only thing begging him to get some relief but yet rick begged him to take a break so that he could get some rest.
He knew Daryl wouldn't properly take care of himself until she woke up, and the question was if she was going to wake up, and when?
However even if he tried he wouldn't be able to sleep, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep knowing that she was injured all because of him,
this was his fault, well that's at-least but his brain was telling him, it was blaming him for all this. Blaming him for ever leaving her behind in the first place, and here he was paying the price.
She had been out for two days, two full days, it seemed to give Carl a sense of deja-vu as he looked at the passed out women, it made him think of the way his father had been when he got injured.
The way he was so damn scared to loose him, so he surely knew how Daryl was feeling, he could practically see and feel it himself while he looked down at her body laying there so still.
It would even be a miracle if she woke up,
and which it was a miracle because Daryl had tears running down his face as he heard a soft voice call out to him, it was a soft mumble before she closed her eyes back again from the bright sunlight peaking through the windows.
He would ask questions later for how did she even find Rick or how she found his boot, but for now he just planted a kiss onto the top of his head while wrapping his arms around her, "thank god" he mumbled against her before he pulled away latching himself onto her hand to keep a grip.
"Don't leave please" she spoke watching as he shook his head, "no no I'm gonna stay with ya don't worry" he spoke planting yet again another kiss onto the top of her head.
She tried to sit up to which she felt dizzy, she felt so nauseous that she immediately fell back against the cushions of the pillows feeling her back sink into the foam of the mattress below her that was dressed in a delicate white set of cotton sheets.
"your dead" she mumbled at the realization, this was all some crazy fever dream she supposed, maybe she was the one who died along with him, and that's why she was finally able to see him.
"No, I'm alive look feel me y/n I'm alive" instead of reaching out to feel him she backed away using her hands to crawl to the other side of the bed.
"RICK!" She called hoping that maybe this would prove if she was actually in real life, that she hadn't dropped dead from those men.
She could hear the clatter of boots up the stairs as Rick held out his gun letting out a thankful sigh to see that she was very much awake and well.
He holstered his gun looking over at Daryl, "I'm not dead!" Daryl spoke defensively watching as Rick poked him for the jokes of it.
The lines seemed blurred again as her vision seemed to switched her eyes grew heavy and her head started to ache like she was on one of those spinning carnival rides.
"Jesus christ don't scare us like that!" Carl spoke pushing his father out of the way so he could get a better glimpse of the confused y/n.
"y-your boot" she mumbled watching as he pulled her bag from underneath the bed and gently untied his laces off of the strap and placing it in his hand.
For now he had found some cheap torn up shoes found on one of the walkers bodies, they were a pair of light brown leather boots with scruffed and cut up laces in them.
She stood in the corner of the room her back pressed against the wall while her hands pressed flat against it like she was a damn statue just frozen in place from the confusion in-front of her.
"Am I dreaming?"
She asked looking over at Michonne who stepped into the room tucking her sword away once she realized there wasn't any danger around.
"No y/n you're very much awake right now" Michonne assured her watching as she ran into his arms practically taking him down.
With a grunt he gripped back placing a set of soft kisses along the top of her head while he rubbed her back softly, he could feel her tremble while her tears seeped into the fabric of his shirt.
Her nails clawed at his back surely tearing a hole in the fabric from how hard she was holding onto him for the fear he would disappear if she ever let go,
She closed her eyes to take in the moment at the realization that this wasn't Carl or Michonne or Rick holding her but yet Daryl,
this was Daryl caring for her when she was sad, when she was so sad she thought the world was going to consume her whole like a California earthquake shaking the grounds of San Francisco.
the rest of the group hadn't said another word instead they shut the bedroom door to give them their own set of privacy while they made their way downstairs back into the kitchen.
"Sasha said I was crazy for even trying to look" y/n spoke feeling as Daryl placed her against the bed so that he could coo her to get some rest especially when she was still fresh with a head injury.
She knew she was right all this time, and she had been so proud of sticking through with herself, so proud that she had finally been able to rest against him while the heat of his body kept her warm.
"maybe just a little but Beth believed in finding you and her sister" he spoke rubbing her shoulder.
she took in the scent of the woods on him, she could smell the moss and tree bark lingering on him along with the smell of campfire smoke.
"I didn't know what to do after I thought you died Daryl, I just turned my mind onto survivor mode and I went looking for shelter" she admitted feeling guilty at the fact she just skipped over him.
"It's what we have to do, we can't just control and wait around for some miracle" she could feel the words sink into her heart making it feel heavy almost like it was ready to sink to the pit of her gut.
She understood that this wasn't a miracle but their fate, that they were supposed to live, they were the walking dead and they were the true survivors.
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foster-the-world · 2 months
Great Gatsby
My Mom, Aunt and I saw the Great Gatsby last night. Great show. Amazing costumes and scenes as you would expect. We got $24 tickets we get through Bee's ice skating program. My husband and I will go see Water for Elephants next month. The Classical theater of Harlem is also having free nightly outdoor performance of a midsummers night dream - which looks like a fun adaption. Thinking of taking the girls next week. I think it has lots of glitzy costumes and dancing. It doesn't start until 8:30 but I think we can go for the first half. As a kid my mom had weekly tickets to the Muny - a huge outdoor theater. All of the kids went to the kids show once a summer. Fond memories.
The girls start science camp next week. They love Camp Half blood/sword camp so much. So much imagination. They are bummed its over but they did science camp and liked it last summer.
We are scheduled to go to Banff and Jasper National Parks the end of August. We always do our summer vacation then because camps end but school doesn't start. Turns out two other people at work also want that week off. They may tell me no. Which is fine. So far I've only booked cancelable lodging. We will figure out childcare and go the week before. We may end up switching destinations because we will no longer have the extra labor day Monday off. Its a pretty pricey flight so I don't want to go if we don't have enough time. Maybe Columbia? We will make it to Banff someday.
Talked with baby boy's new school OT and PT. They said he's doing great. He's so used to doing therapies that he has no problems going with new people. PT mentioned the inability to slow down is his problem. Not news to us. Let's hope they can help.
Was reading the NYT's article about the study that says children's moving anytime between the age of 10 and 16 has really detrimental long term effects. For obvious reasons loosing your close knit community during that age is difficult. Here in NYC because of school choice kids can go across town for Junior high and then to a totally different location with no one they know for High School. In addition to the (unhealthy, I think) stress of applications, etc I do wonder if it would have the same negative outcomes. Maybe that's just common practice everywhere now? Where I grew up Jr High was everyone you went to Elementary school with and then three other elementary schools. High school was everyone from your Jr High. I def went from Kindergarten through Graduation with many of the same people.
In my circles everyone believes social media is the cause of teenagers mental health problems - which I believe. But I also think kids having so much less freedom contributes. Its tricky in NYC - as I can't send my kids out to their neighbors backyard - but I try to give the girls freedom as much as possible. Baby boys only four but unless his personality changes I think it will be even more difficult to give him freedom.
Here's to hoping Biden drops out in the next few days. Let's all buy the man a drink, give him a big thank you and let him live out his days in peace. Job well done. Lots of room for improvement but overall A+ in my book.
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still processing wheelchair appointment yesterday & at first try cope & write with humor but more complicate than that & need time & still uncovering lots feelings
was very good appointment. wheelchair tech & OT all very nice again. it wasn’t this that give thought.
went in with long list, thinking “there no way actually need/will get group 3 power chair (not been long enough or black/white enough change need for insurance to cover new chair, no qualifying diagnosis, no transportation), so here long list of things maybe can change with current manual chair to be more supportive meet need.”
& wheelchair tech promptly said “you need powerchair with tilt in space at minimum.” and that, will never able modify current chair to meet all need.
think that still a little “exaggerate for comedic affect” at play, in context it not dismissive or ignore my concern, but guess like. came at shock.
then spent hour on hold with insurance with OT trying gauge whether they may cover.
nothing came out it just on hold long time then gave up
group 3 powerchair definitely cross mind lots before this, many times wish had it, wish combined seating positioning with joystick, “gosh wish had tilt in space rn”, wish had leg raise
but always was like. distant imagine. “man you know what sound good?” but never saw as real option think about.
was suggested,” “at minimum,” because relying on group 1 pwc for daily driver, losing self propel & using power assist even for short distances (recent development), struggle pressure relieve (raise butt up with arms thing not really happening, & lean on side for few seconds not really do anything)
cycling between excited & do lot research, & absolutely terrified & do lot frantic research.
will meet more needs but also close so many doors. nature of living situation mean on move lots. current place live most likely only staying for little over half year. after, no clue, may even need go back to home country, where accessibility mostly worse, either way visit airport often, which 40 min - 2 hour away.
not have accessible van (not able drive too). not even have way get from college to airport. or airport to house.
how do people get around without accessible van? especially not in major cities.
now that this real possibility, & actual have think about for real, very scary.
manual chair so much easier, lighter, easier transport, can make do without specialty van, when barrier can be lift out of, if ramp too steep someone can hold and push and make sure not tip, & when tip still bad situation but much less scary than giant heavy machine crash fall over.
fortunate that able consider have choice & not have to say yes. but other than that just. bad situation. bad situation & this only one out of million complications result from. really hate it.
feel stuck and when feel stuck all shut down stop think stop communicate freeze up can’t do anything about just block out as if time pause but time still move and run out time
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akutasoda · 1 year
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chapter four - the elusive trickster
 ↳ kitsune!nikolai gogol x reader
warnings - gn!reader, fluff?, slight crack, teasing, wc - 1.2k
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you're village was a quaint one. tucked away from the rest of civilization but that's how you're people liked it. it was a hidden gem, so to say, it was quite the sight to behold despite being so small. and a little way off from the village lay the shrine you're people laid gifts upon. however your village had an unusual circumstance when it came to the shrine guardian.
for hundreds of years there had always been a kitsune who looked after the shrine and in turn protected the village as thanks for the offerings. but for a while now that had changed. it seemed the previous guardian had moved on leaving the job to it's next kin. however that next kin didn't seem interested in the slightest. it had never made itself known, only taking offerings, not looking after the shrine and just seeming to be absent.
this had left the shrine in ruin, it was filthy and definitely not how it should look. so when you're village looked for a someone to look after the shrine within your village, you wasted no time in offering to become the new shrine guardian. you were always fascinated by it and hated seeing it in such a state. you had no issues taking on the jobs that needed doing and poured your heart and soul into looking after it.
nikolai was a curious incident. he always knew one day he would have the responsibility of the shrine passed to him, but he didn't want that. he hadn't developed the connection to the shrine and therefore didn't see why he should look after it. that and he thought it was boring and the fact that he always believed in freedom and looking after the shrine would just be tedious and tie him down. therefore he never wanted to be with the shrine.
however, for the meantime he had no other place to reside. but just because he lived there didn't mean he would be there to look after it, only staying to take the offerings and sleep there before leaving again. he only took the offerings because atleast he could use some of them. and even so didn't want people knowing who he was so kept his presence hidden. he never minded how dirty and unkept the shrine became, maybe it would discourage people from visiting - that only half worked.
and to his surprise, on a day he had returned to the shrine, the shrine looked pristine. someone other than him was looking after the shrine. his curiosity peaked a small bit, he was intrigued by whoever would willingly look after a shrine. but thought not much of it otherwise. it just made it easier for him to leave the shrine eventually. so he left it.
but eventually he was looking for something to entertain him and that's when his mind came back to the mysterious caretaker of the shrine. somehow he had yet to catch a glimpse of you and maybe seeing you would peak his interest even more. that was one thing he hated about being a kitsune, they lived for hundreds of years and nikolai could get bored very quickly. it wasn't a good match.
he had first saw you when he waited in the morning to see how you went about your day. his first impression wasn't that much, sure you were pretty attractive but you had yet to show him that you could change his boredom. you had felt something off that day on your way to the shrine, you felt as if a pair of eyes judged your every move. you brushed it off as you not getting a good night sleep and laughed at the idea of the actual shrine's kitsune being there.
the more he watched the more intrigued he became. sure ot was just you doing your normal routine for the shrine, but something made him curious. and one day he had nearly given you a heart attack - not literally but you still curse him for it. he had decided to meet you more in person and what better way to do ot then to sneak up on you. he wasn't trying that hard but you had never expected to encounter the kitsune.
you were minding your own business when you had heard a rather energetic voice behind you. this had greatly surprised you, dropping everything you held, as you had never expected someone to be here, sure people passed to bring offerings but you normally heard them before. and what had made you jump even more was the strangers appearance. his snowy hair tied back in a braid and rather interesting choice of clothes, with one eye covered. you would've thought he were a normal person if it weren't for the foxy ears perched upon his head and the pair of tails behind him.
you had no doubt in your mind that this was your town shrine mysterious kitsune who showed no interest in looking after the shrine or your village for that matter. but just to confirm you half yelled at the kitsune about who he was and what he was doing. and he only confirmed your thoughts. and with that you found a confidence to have a go at the man. while you never minded looking after the shrine, you were still furious he just abandoned his duties and so was your village.
this little outburst made him even more curious about you as afterwards you had quite brutally told him how he can either stay to pitch in and help with HIS duties or stay away. but instead he picked a third option - his curiosity getting the best of him. and from that moment it had started your very complicated relationship with the kitsune that later introduced himself as nikolai.
every day without fail somewat or another you would see nikolai, and boy did he irritate you. he never helped out and instead opted to talk you ear off. wether it be teasing you, asking you all sorts of questions, or simply talking to you about very unrelevant stories. often distracting you or plain annoying you. which then in turn lead to you giving a very snarky remark or if he really had annoyed you - the silent treatment.
nikolai hated the silent treatment. for the first time in years of his life, he had finally found someone that peaked his intrest and he enjoyed being around. he believed that deep down you enjoyed his presence aswell (you did but you would never telling him). so having you give him silent treatment made him pout like a child. but even so he found it too fun to stop even after getting you to talk to him again.
you had grown to enjoy the company. going as far to class him as an acquaintance, then a friend. and him the same, although he classed you as a friend much sooner than you had. while freedom was something he still much hoped to achieve, being at the shrine became less like a curse to him. instead he felt as if he was there by choice, the choice of seeing and spending time with you.
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flowercrowncrip · 7 months
Can you sum up the process of getting the chair? Like when it was first mentioned > today?
My council/ social services occupational therapist first mentioned it late last year (I’m pretty sure it was November) as something that could potentially help me. I agreed that it would be a huge help so we decided to pursue it.
There were no suitable chairs in stock at my council’s supply of disability equipment so we had to commission a brand new chair.
This meant my OT had to get approval from the council to get the funding approved. To do this she had to present my case in front of a panel of the people who control the money allocated for equipment like this. Luckily, despite being pretty tight fisted they said yes!
After getting the funding approved somebody from the chair company came to my flat with my OT to do a proper assessment which took place on 18th January.
The assessment took into account the space available, how I would transfer, my lifestyle, risk of skin breakdown, my postural support needs, and my carers’ needs.
During the assessment they took lots of measurements and set me up in a demo chair so I could get a feel of what it was going to be like and they could see what extra super I would need and how to adjust the chair for my body. It took probably and hour and a half in total.
We also agreed I would need a new ceiling track hoist in my living room because the space in my bedroom was a bit small and because I’d be using the chair in the living room. This was fitted on 26th February.
On 7th March (today) the chair was delivered by the same person who did the assessment. It took about an hour to fit the extra parts and adjust it for my body. I also got told how to charge it and how often, what to do if my needs change or something goes wrong, and my OT went through the hoist transfers with my carer.
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crxwnedalex · 11 days
More OT!Discduo cottage core shenanigans
<Tommy building a tree house for no reason and enlisting forcing the help of Dream to build it>
"Hey, can you gather more wood, the stash's empty." The younger blond asks as he closes the double chest.
"How is the wood already used up? what have you been doing with it?" Dream pops out of the stove oven, turning his upper torso to face Tommy as he questions him.
"Well i'm building a tree house and also, what are you doing?" Tommy replies before skating across the uneven floor to dig into the cupboards for a snack.
"I'm fixing this hunk'a'junk, won't turn on." Dream added to this by knocking on the side of the stove's white exterior.
"Did'ya try using gas?" Tommy asked absentmindedly, pulling out a stored apple and looking over it in distaste.
This made Dream freeze, "Oh, didn't think of that." He crawled out fully from inside the oven, green hoodie covered in light gray ash.
"I feel like that would be the first thing you think about." Tommy pointed out, shrugging after inspecting and biting into the apple. Dream dusted his hands and patted the top of the stove, sighing.
"Well, I was busy helping the village after someone almost burned it down with glitter, so it might have slipped my mind, yeah." Dream replied, looking pointedly at an unbothered Tommy who spat out apple skin. Dream recoiled as Tommy continued eating the apple and spitting out skin like a toddler.
"Did you wash that?-" Dream askes, pointing towards the apple. Tommy freezes, mid-bite, like a deer in headlights before slowly continuing, still staring into dreams soul.
"Anyyyways, why did you decide to build a tree house, and out of the wood I gathered?" Tommy then returns to normal, shrugging and spitting out apple skin.
"It's simple really, I saw a cool tree, I saw the money-making vision, and I went for it." Tommy says matter-of-factly.
"Great." Dream doesnt even try to argue that there is no money to be made out of it, but knows that Tommy wont change his mind.
"Also, you're helping."
"What, no i'm not!"
Tommy spits out Apple skin.
"Of course you are!" Tommy randomly throws the half-eaten apple behind him, and it clips into the backrooms or something because where the fuck did it go. He then pulls out a wooden axe and an iron axe.
"Here ya go!" He gives Dream the wooden one.
"This is literally falling apart; you suck at making tools."
"oh, fuck you."
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kalpasio · 2 years
A Kalpas x Reader one shot, the link goes to the whole book, but the chapter is below the cut!
Hypothetically, you and Kalpas had been dating for a few months now. You say ‘hypothetically’ because really there was no difference between how he treated you compared to anyone else. His friends Sakura and Emile received the same rude comments laced with concern that you did, and his enemies just got the rude part.
Going into this relationship, you weren’t expecting anything spectacular; the only thing Kalpas went over the top for was destruction & violence. Still, you had hoped there would be some change between the two of you. Maybe the occasional hug, or maybe he would spend some free time with you instead of the training holograms. At the very least, you thought he’d let you use a term of endearment, but pet names were firmly on his shit list.
The first time you tried calling him ‘love,’ he bluntly told you he thought that was stupid. Kalpas already had a name, why would you give him one? It was just another one of those things couples did that he couldn’t see the point of. You wanted to ask what he did see the point of in a relationship, but you had a feeling his answer wasn’t something you wanted to hear. ‘Sugar, honey, pumpkin’? Absolutely not. ‘Dearest, beloved, sweetheart’? You were lucky if you only got a glare.
You only had to ask Kalpas to spend more time together once, and he was on it. What had been only your room, was now as much yours as it was his, he was the last person to see you off on a mission, and the first to welcome you back. While he may not initiate PDA, he made it clear he didn’t care what others thought and was comfortable so long as you were. The only thing that didn’t change was the strict use of only his name and nothing else. It was actually on accident when you finally found a term of endearment that met Kalpas’ high standards.
“Calm down firecracker,” you’d said, fully expecting your words to have the opposite effect. Kalpas’ tirade stopped, and for half a second, you thought his fury would turn to you next, but it never happened. All he did was scoff and walk out of the room, leaving you and Sakura behind and very confused. Throughout the rest of the day, the moment ran through your head, and you wondered if you’d somehow crossed a line. Unsurprisingly, Kalpas was very vocal about being irritated so you found it hard ot believe he was simply upset about you calling him 'firecracker.'
By the time you were heading to your quarters for the night, you were half convinced you’d be sleeping alone. All your worrying was for naught; when you opened the door, Kalpas was already there, mask off, eating the dinner he’d stolen from the canteen downstairs. Even more surprising, the only thing he was mad about was the fact that you’d returned to using his name.
At first, you didn’t get it. Why was he pouting? You’d never seen Kalpas make that face before, and your confusion didn’t seem to be helping. Over the course of dinner, his pout turned into a scowl that would appear at seemingly random intervals until you finally gave up and asked.
“What’s bothering you?” you spoke through a sigh, though your intentions were genuine.
“Why are you using my name?” He spoke like it was a threat, but you’d gotten so used to his dramatic tendencies, you didn’t even bat an eye.
“Because it’s your name.”
“You didn’t use it this morning.” Kalpas would sound like a petulant child if he wasn’t on the verge of growling, and you realized this must really be frustrating him.
“You mean when I called you firecracker?” You were met with silence. “Do you want me to use it, or are you telling me to stop?”
“Do I need to spell it out?”
“If you want me to understand, yeah.” Instead of being in any way helpful, Kalpas stood from the table, forcing you to follow him if you wanted an explanation. “Kalpas—” you were met with a fiery glare. “…firecracker?” And now he's fine, walking away like you were playing some sort of red-light green-light with pet names. “You could just tell me these things you know?” Another glare had you taking your words back with an eye roll. “Never mind…”
The next name to earn approval was ‘little flame.’ You’d said it when he was slow getting out of bed one morning, and when the room got hot, you expected him to break the silence with yelling. No such thing came, and when Kalpas got closer to you, it became apparent he was merely blushing. That morning your shower was extra warm, and you found that if you called him ‘little flame,’ your boyfriend would actually sort of listen to you.
After that, he became ‘decimation’ when he proudly announced his signet title. It was a name you preferred to use in private, or at least somewhere Elysia couldn’t hear—which was pretty much exclusively your quarters.
Names like ‘bane of my existence,’ or ‘loath of my life,’ were thrown around as jokes, but unfortunately, one of your jokes stuck. You’d been taunting him after a fight and called him ‘fire boy,’ but when you waited for him to start complaining and shooting flames, you got nothing. Looking over at Kalpas, your concern turned to horror when you saw his smirk.
“No. Nonono, that was a joke. I am not calling you that!”
He laughed and walked ahead while you stood rooted in place. “Then don’t.”
The thing is, he said that, but every few days he’d give you that half-glare-half-pout certified Kalpas look, and you’d have to run through your list of pet names until he was satisfied. And every time, you’d get to the end only to give a sigh before begrudgingly calling him ‘fire boy.’ Without fail, that was the correct answer, and your boyfriend would walk off with a laugh—not because he wanted to humiliate you, but because he was proud of himself for finding a way to make you cave.
On the bright side, Kalpas was aware that his demands could be a little much, and while he had no plans to stop, he was more than willing to provide extra cuddles to compensate. You figured you could let the teasing slide a few more times…
Kalpas is an ass and I love him, what's new?
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miss-morgans-lover · 11 months
Vamp!Kendall FanFic AU Context
This is part of my Vampire!Kendall AU. The vampires in this are Twilight inspired with a few changes. Changes coming either from fanfic or my own head, though I have no idea which place at this point. This is set within both the Power Rangers Dino Charge and Twilight universes.
--------- Trigger Warning (mentions Abu5e, alch0l) -------------
Kendall is part of the Whitlock Coven which I headcanon and write as the most powerful coven. She has an alter called Vesper like Jasper has the Major or Aries in some fanfics. Riley and James (Tyler’s dad) are also vampires.
Kendall and Shelby are mates. I define mates as a bond similar to soulmates but stronger. Pretty much, a soulmate bond is the person you’re meant to be with, but a mate is your other half/ part. They complete you, you can share your whole self with them. Though you can bicker and argue like any relationship, ultimately, nothing can tear them apart. Your mate is, before anything, your best friend. The bond can be romantic, platonic, sexual or mixtures of the three. The bond between Kendall and Shelby is both romantic and sexual, and also sapphic.
In this AU, Kendall was adopted by a large series of bad, so called parents. She was abused/ neglected in many of the ways you can think of for 17 years of her life before she managed to get into University/ College early. Her birth parents died in a car crash which she was also in when she was 1. They were drunk and she was the only one to survive, and the only one that had had a seatbelt on. She doesn’t remember anything about it except from the heat of the fire and the helplessness she felt.
She was changed into a vampire at age 19 and met the Whitlocks shortly after. Once her already vampire social worker had happened she had requested their assistance. Peter’s gift had told them that she would become a great part of their coven. Through them she met her therapist, who is also a vampire, and her social worker’s mate. Her social worker is called Echo and her therapist is called Enzo. There are no online copies of her records at all, it’s all on paper. There are two copies, one in  Echo’s office in Amber Beach and one in Texas at the Whitlock home. The media knows nothing of her past and it is very much preferred to stay that way.
She has had 2 unhealthy coping mechanisms. The first was alcohol. Despite her experience with drunken parents she didn’t know what else to do and she just wanted to forget. She got drunk at least twice a week, usually more, and often came to lectures drunk or hungover. The school tried to help her, but couldn’t. This went on from age 17 to 21. It increased between her change and her meeting the Whitlocks since she realised she couldn’t get drunk very quickly. The second was sex, or one night stands. She had been without positive touch for most of her life and the easiest way, and quickest way to get it was through sex. Her vampirism meant that she didn’t have to sleep or rest, so she was able to have sex most nights as both a distraction and a way of coping. This lasted from age 22 to 24.5.
She is still the Purple Ranger and still the head of the rangers as well as their head scientist. She is Bi and a Trans (mtf) Demigirl. With that, I think she wouldn’t want bottom surgery, but top surgery would have come free with the vampire bite, since the change makes you an enhanced version of yourself. She gets jealous very easily, especially once Shelby and Tyler get together. She is dominant when it comes to sex, and mostly everyday, but may allow Shelby to take care of her in certain circumstances.
She has had sex with 3 of the rangers. Chase was first, before even Koda had joined the team. They went on 3 dates and had sex twice. After that they had found Koda and just forgot since neither were really enamoured by the other. The next was Ivan, the two went on one date and had sex once. Both agreed the sex wasn’t that good as they were both too dominant to want to let the other take control. They still had fun though. The last was Prince Phillip III (of Zandar). They went on one date and had sex once. This was after Phillip asking many times before Kendall pretty much said fuck it. 
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moimoimoinnnn · 1 year
Welcome ladies and gentlemen give it up for the band Hi we'Re the Ban dmy name is Jayho and this is my friend Sung Bun we are from South Korea and we will be one of Koreeas favorite band ever oR TAHT IS OUR GOAL ANYWAY WE LET YOUD ECIDE AND BE SURE YOURE GONNA JUDGE WISELY. ;) WE RECENTLY GAVE OUT OR EP CALLED WHAT IS LOVE BUT COPURIGHT SO WE HAD TO CHANGE IT TN LOVE IS WHAT BUT IF YOU AKS ME ITS ALWAYS WHAT IS LOVE ALTHOUGH I KNOW IT OK I WAS ALWAYS PLAYING LOVELY DOVELY YES I SAID TAHT IN high school i wa sthe pumpkin spiced latte said cause i was half white but im not a basic bitch and yes i said was cause i died but got chrynofrozen and tgehn unfrosen back ti life it wa surreal i was not willing to do so but hey im bakc and now i dont understand why i wasnt willing to do so in the frst place. Anwyay my single dead and then undead was really popular
gee i winder hwy sung bin not round now i am talkning tomy fans 'bro your camera is turned off
more like on Minhjoo said when he came in th eroom
eight Minhoo can you scootsh back ok this is worse than that band with more than 84 memebers and still called them 84 what a world i know right but before we could continue our intelligent conversation the bus took a turn for the worse or a u turn we grabbed our seats but no too late i hit my head we all did and woke upin the hopsital not remembebirng a athing so we must learn how to be kpop stars all over again pretty much guys
so first of all the fan service can you do taht
well since minwhioo only love himself you should ask him that if he could hey self love is important mnot this much we all said
ok so
if tah s what yo uare gonna call it then yes
night pk get going guys and os we did we practisied dancing for four hours not five thank god and sang and everything until we couldnt talk literally lol
butn ot lol my throat hurts Minwhoo cried ill help you i said Thanks Kim Kimchi
tahts not my STAGE NAME AND NEVER WILL BE well what ever my pumpkin hey no tahts the other guy
i know he said adn kissed in the air to me
i but my hand in a way
no way i was getting kisses and def no t air kisses
they were more seriosu that anything
oro should isay cheerios and im niot saying that cause i ve been paid tp but we got pur paycheddk fro mcherrios so
Anyway we were lit liek our stage all in candles teh show was lit
And the nMinwhoo told me to get to the stage room
i felt like iwas in A drama Why would you call form e so unesxpectactly
well i have a request
can you become my man
on nstage
catch you and stuff we already practised that wjen i jump you jump ok i know but i mea in bed
in bed
i was not sure what he meant
ok dont be so nervous he said take of your shirt what
kome here kimchi he said and began to undress
i looked at his abs they were marvelious
i felt hugnry no thirsty well both'
i couldt stop looking i was in awe
so much so that i got a boner akward i hadnt even started to undress
its ok i know him Minwhoo said
SO WE WENT PON AND ON AND sEUNG bIN WALKED IN WHAT ARE YO UGUYS DOIN OK OK I SEE WELL I Knew you would be close but damn you´Re reall yclosoe thats cool btw
oh man icnat believe im saying this but Sung bin your nit Sung IN this story
sayonara OK KIM kIMCHI
Hey ilove that food
i thought you loved me Minhoo said and laughed i started to laugh to o we had a fun night that night filled with joy and lauughter;)
It wa sbetetr than our band called teh band so we were the band teh band or teh band band as our fans called us
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jellorat · 2 years
My Schedule as a Barely Functioning Adult
This is what I am dealing with in the next few weeks:
11/23/22 - Take a load over to the new house, drive 1 hour to IKEA to pick up items we bought, drive back, and put them together. Today's complication was brought to us by IKEA not having things in stock the first time, and also giving us a reopened an half-assembled Alvari drawer with the wrong drawer slides in it, and going back and getting the wrong drawer slide AGAIN! I suppose one fuck up out of 10 years of purchases is decent odds, so I will allow it.
11/24/22 - Ignore Thanksgiving, and pack the house for moving. Maybe go to a restaurant and eat sad restaurant thanksgiving. Not sure what's happening with this. Wife is in charge.
11/25/22 - Ignore the holiday, pack the house and maybe take items over before movers. There is NO WAY we are letting them touch $600 Flu Vogs. Like who would risk that leather?
11/26/22 - Continue packing. Maybe take things. Maybe not.
11/27/22 - Even god got a rest day, so we plan on sitting in our cramped apartment, probably in bed because it will be the only place without boxes. We will do nothing! Because we are both old, and plan on being sore and exhausted.
11/27/22 - 11/30/22 Work. My job is a dumpster fire right now, and my boss and I have been entangled in a HR incident where she shared my medical issues to attempt to prevent a transfer to a different team. She's a total fucking shit, and it went so well that her boss is all over her right now, so things are tense. ALSO, pack for my wife's trip to Arizona for Electrolysis.
12/1/22 - Silently try not to panic at the idea of heading ot the airport at 0400 in the morning. Work the day, while being completely distracted, and trying not ot panic at my bosses complete incompetent shenanigans. (Hence the attempt to transfer in the first place.)
12/2/22 - Got to Airport. Support wife while she has to grow out her beard. Be anxious with TSA. Get to Arizona, get to Rental Car, get wife to electrolysis, and check into the hotel. Get back to my wife, and keep her company so I am at least there when someone says something shitty to her. Which is an ongoing theme.
12/3/22 - Get wife to all day electrolysis again. Say nothing except polite niceties. Big mask. Big mask!
12/4/22 - Get to airport, drop off rental, go through TSA, get back home, then drive back to our apartment. Realize it's all boxes, and not relaxing at all. Lay in a malaise of post Arizona funk, and be silently grateful our transgender asses don't live there.
12/5/22 - This should have been a post Arizona rest day, but nope! This will be the kick off of the final packing preparations. Moving are coming on the 10th. Call and confirm! Double check everything. Take anything that needs to go over, over, so the movers dont' have art and fragile things to move.
12/6/22 to 12/8/22 - Work in a shit show and look for new job posting at work so I can try and transfer again.
12/9/22 - Go to state capital to fight the unique transgender fight of trying to get my 30 year old marriage certificate amended to our new names. This requires an act of god, a 6th month wait for this appointment, and hoping all the name change court documents will be enough. Then! Drive back home, and take all electronics to the new house. We will take all TVs, and the four gaming consoles, plus two expansive computer set ups. We are talking endless monitors, KVM switches, and god knows what.
12/10/22 - MOVING DAY! Professional movers will come for boxes and furniture at 9am. We will anxiously watch and panic until all items are in the new house. Then we will probably unpack some.
12/11/22 - Unpack more.
12/12/22 - Unpack more.
12/13/22 - Not working, just laying in bad thinking thank god it's over and recovering.
I need an adult that is not me. This is the time I do wish I had a family to help. It's just my wife and I and we are also fighting executive dysfunction issues, and this is a lot for 3 weeks.
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rodbei · 4 days
Lemon muffins
ok ok poookies long one because i forgot to do it the entire weekend and now its monday.
I got home saturday after the party, the train went fine even tho I HAD TO RUN TROUGH ANOTHER FUCKING BANEGÅRD CAUSE DSB FUCKING SUCKS and they changed the platform when i already moved to the wrong one and then i was late but i got home.. enentually they me and my dad went shopping for a new comforter for my bed and i also got a bluey bed sheet.. for reasons IT WAS RIGHT THERE I COULDEN TJUST NOT GET IT. i also had a ot of fun finding tounge twisters online like holy shit i annoyed the fuck out my dad, we also got groceries aaand went home. it was a very lazy weekend both my brother and sister were home me and my brother bought ice cream i watched twisted by starkid and made a movie watch list me and my brother also watched the fox and the hound, it was soo adorable and we baked lemon muffins and screamed to steven universe lyrics cause my brother is obbsessed with steven universe rn.
today i woke up at 5:30 bc me and my dad had to rive me up to schoo in viborg it was avery long boring ride cause my headset was dad also its rly rly foggy but i made it to school just in time like holy fuck. AND THEN RED WASENT THERE his bike had broken down both the tires were fuuucked anyway we had history wich was a movie i couldent see half the time like ffs it starred both REMUS LUPIN AND LEGOLAS LIKE TF, i had an muffin and random snack then we had math and that sucked major ass especially cause i wasent next to red so i was just soooo bored i did draw fanatr of bluet and my oc. and yapped with my bf's class mate.. that was intresting cause my bf told them i was a cis guy and made a joke about me having a small peen wich is funny and all BUT THIS DUDE SYMPHATISED WITH ME AND I CANT TELL IF IT WAS SARCASM?? that was a weird weird conversation especially cause i couldent resort back to my normal dumb girl thing online so i was so confuseed.
then we had english it was fine we had about fucking heart stopper and i was trying to not act like i obbsessed over the books and the soundtrack has me in a chokehold ITS BAD liek everyone was complaining its cringe and im just there midly freaking out CAUSE THE SOUNDTRACK RAAH
then me and red too the bus home cause now BOTH our bikes are fucked like comeon wtf his tires definety got fucked by some prick trying to steal his electric bike ffs. but we took the bus back or weel missed the first one took the next one cause stupid.
i helped him get their bike also got some dream cake from them cause their birthday is coming up and i wanna get them a lil gift.
then i finally got home forgot all about the film klub meeting and made dinner after a lot procrastination and watched st with my bf and yapped for so so long i fucking love that idiot the longer we spend toghter the goofier i get im cooked chat.
anyway i really need to sleep i properly missed some details.
Song of today: "first sight" - Adiescar Chase from heartstopper I CANT.
-Borei 23/09 - 2024 22:21
Also i love my brother and i hope he never changes
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mitchbeck · 9 months
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