callmegaith · 9 months
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okay I bring u an actual real decent drawing this time that I didnt make on my phone.
Gonna fist fight the lake myself for them so they can be together again
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
Isobel MacAlister
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Full Name: Isobel Greer MacAlister
Nickname: Issy, Bel
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 31 October, 1874
Heritage: Scottish
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 11", Unyielding
Hair Color: Auburn, long with a dramatic loose waves
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Fair, porcelain
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Athletic and toned. Despite her athletic build, Issy retains an air of femininity and grace
Style: Prefers tailored trousers and fitted jeans over skirts or dresses, opting for comfort and functionality without sacrificing style. Her tops often include classic button-down shirts, cozy knit sweaters, and fitted t-shirts in neutral tones or subtle patterns. She may layer these pieces with structured blazers. Confident and independent spirit, blending refined elegance with laid-back charm and tomboyish flair.
Features: Intense gaze, Strong jawline with defined cheekbones, Scaring on the side of her neck and shoulder from the incident with Sebastian
Traits: Intense, Mysterious, Determined, Passionate, Complex
Likes: Exploring, Training, Music, Creatures
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dark Magic, Weakness, Ignorance
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Violin
Fears: Rejection, Failure, Being left behind
Family and Friends:
Father: Gregor MacAlistar
Works for the Ministry of Magic in a high-ranking position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
He is frequently paid under the table to look the other way and falsify reports
His actions often bring him into contact with dark wizards and unsavory characters, making Issy wary of his true intentions and creating a strained relationship between them.
Mother: Moira MacAlistar
Herbologist, specializing in poisons and toxins having a killer greenhouse
Her expertise is sought after for both healing and more nefarious purposes
This specialization adds an element of danger and mistrust for Issy
Lachlan MacAlister- Lachlan and Issy have a strained relationship, primarily due to their differing views on their father and their paths in life. While Lachlan cares deeply for Issy and wants to protect her, his authoritative and sometimes overbearing nature often pushes her away. His attempts to guide or control her are met with resistance.
Elspeth "Elsie" MacAlister- Elsie looks up to Issy, admiring her strength and independence. She aspires to be as brave and capable as her older sister. Despite the admiration, there is some tension and rivalry between the sisters. Elsie sometimes feels overshadowed by Issy’s achievements and presence.
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Samantha Dale, Lenora Everleigh
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic, Excels in potions, Natural Healer
Boggart: Dark Sebastian
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look a deep emerald green color and would appear silky. The smell is something of freshly cut grass, a hint of mint, earthy herbs, and subtle bitterness of coffee. Bittersweet with herbal undertones and a spicy kick
Amortentia: Grass, Leather, Wood Smoke and Peppermint
Isobel "Issy" MacAlister arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a guarded heart. Born into a prestigious but troubled family, Issy had always struggled to reconcile her Slytherin ambitions with her desire for genuine connection. Despite her standoffish demeanor, she quickly formed a bond with Sebastian Sallow, a fellow Slytherin. Their friendship blossomed into a close relationship, and Issy found herself deeply in love with him.
However, as Sebastian became increasingly entangled in the allure of Dark Magic, their relationship took a dark turn. The person Issy once loved and trusted began to hurt her, both emotionally and physically, as he delved deeper into dangerous practices. Heartbroken and betrayed, Issy felt more isolated than ever.
During this tumultuous time, Poppy Sweeting, a kind and compassionate Hufflepuff, became a source of comfort for Issy. Poppy had long harbored feelings for Issy but never wanted to cross any boundaries, respecting Issy's relationship with Sebastian. Instead, Poppy offered a listening ear and a gentle presence, supporting Issy through her heartache with unwavering patience and empathy.
As Issy confided in Poppy and leaned on her for support, she began to see Poppy in a new light. Poppy's genuine kindness, understanding, and love for magical creatures provided a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed her previous relationship. It was in these moments of vulnerability and connection that Issy realized her true feelings for Poppy.
Despite her rough past and initial reservations, Issy found solace and happiness in Poppy's company. Poppy's quiet strength and unwavering support helped Issy heal and opened her heart to the possibility of love again. Together, they forged a bond built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, bringing light and joy into each other's lives.
Best Subject: Herbology
Favorite Subject: Divination
Favorite Professor: Hecat
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Professor: Binns
Student Life:
Top student, excelling particularly in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology
As a key player on the Slytherin Quidditch team, Issy’s athleticism and strategic mind make her a formidable opponent
Issy is known for her intelligence, determination, and resilience
Her natural talent as a healer is often used to help others, whether it’s tending to injuries on the Quidditch field or providing care in more serious situations
Template: @hazyange1s
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
The Newsreader S2 Ep 6 (Finale)
A well-written, well-acted, and well-produced season. Anna and Sam showed their range. The whole cast is such a treat to see when they're all working together for a bulletin. Love how they wrote other characters/relationships to be a foil to Helen, Dale or their relationship, especially Rob/Noellene. The set and the fashion are impeccable. My only criticisms are I wish we could see more of how Charlie/Helen crash and burn in more than a montage and a scene and the score, which could have been better imo. Anyway, this should sweep AACTA idc idc
My unnecessary note on the episode under the cut
Sam is such a great actor, because we see Dale's acting like he's okay all smiley etc but you know he's breaking inside
Geoff looks sincere with his speech about Kay, but I bet it's Evelyn's idea to put that on the news. Idk I'm still sceptical about those two
GOD DALE he's really doing everything he's been dreaming of as if that would make him feel better about himself
that montage of Helen and Charlie doing drugs is insane. Especially when you remember their relationship started right after she covered a drug addict news
ugh yes Rob we know you're homophobic thanks
"He's turning into Helen" well more like Geoff
Oh fuck you Lindsey. he's the one without any principles at all and alway takes/turns anything into personal. He and Evelyn are my big villains UGH
Okay, Rob proposing her in Korean is sweet. A sign he's willing to learn
Don't forget Rob is someone who refuses his promotion even when he gets it because he's too comfortable in his place. OF COURSE he won't understand Noelene's ambition to develop her career. I'm so sorry Noelene. i wish you didn't fall in love with a loser
At least The Walters know when they have to pay back a favor
Helen really said don't talk about my bisexual almost-husband! She's so real for that. But I do wish we saw how the relationship with Charlie crashed and burnt in more than just two scenes.
"Just do your work" also "Do nothing" in the previous episode. Insanity
Poor Dale, no one can back him up. It hurts that Tim won't help him but it's very understandable after how Dale has been using him after all this time. Plus Tim is in a different relationship with his sexuality than Dale. He's not out, but he has embraced it and doesn't want to hide it anymore. Meanwhile that's impossible for Dale if he still wants a career in front of the camera with a good pay in that era. Which is why I don't see them get back together anymore. In my eyes, it's more like infatuation than love between them, with/without the internalized homophobia. And Tim does deserve to live free from all this drama
14 hours plus on the desk? it's insane. Dale is turning into a robot wtf
Dale Jennings disappointing the whole queer community. Where did that come from? Yes, season 1! Upon reflection, I don't think Gerry did it, but it's definitely someone from the gay club. Someone who saw he's dancing with Tim before. Could be that stranger he slept with. There's no way he didn't know who Dale was. Anyway, Dale feels like the community has betrayed him, so now like a naive child he's getting back at them. (He's still my baby though ❤️)
Oh Noelene was definitely going to say no even without Helen's problem. Of course she was. 💔
Could we unalive Lindsey pls? Like he's the epitome of a white man who only knows how to scream and take advantage of any situation. A lot of people's temper would be improved
Okay, maybe Rob does deserve some rights. The fact he has achieved his peak in sport really helps. I guess that's why he's so chill about his news career
I guess the only person Lindsey really appreciates is Dennis cos who would manage everyone if not him? Lindsey can only scream and scream. He'd really be nothing without Denis and Noelene
Dale has definitely been looking up to Geoff. So it's insane when Geoff, who has sacrificed his career for his daughter, is now congratulating Dale, who has sacrificed all of his relationships for his career. It's like the passing of the news desk trap
Why is it with this couple and believing marriage will just solve all your problems? No, I understand they know that they're the life raft to each other, so when they're in a dire moment, they want to make sure they'll have each other always. Forever. And it's insane. And it's so heartbreaking that the moment Helen realizes that Dale has always been fully committed to her and fully supported her is the moment Dale got a confirmation that he really has It to be the king of news, and he won't sacrifice that. Not right now when he's finally had it in his hand
You know, when you think about it, Dale's rejection protects Helen's principle. Because here she's about to use their potential engagement to placate the gossip writer to not publish Dale's story, which would lead to them having to feed her stories on their relationship forever. Which Helen has said before that her private life is not something she would trade. In the end, Donna only gets Dale's life.
It's insane how this episode starts just like Ep 1 and ends just like how season 1 ends.
Also, this is very unnecessary, but please know I worship Sam's and Anna's acting. They're insane throughout this season.
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x reader
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Chapter nine - call it what you want
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - regular twd warnings
'Cherokee rose'
Season 2 ep4
we woke up really early today, packed up the rv, left a sign for Sophia with food, and then left. "Be careful" I whisper, Daryl and I stood behind the rv, talking quietly. "I will" Daryl says with a nod before pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "Hey Daryl, I hav-" I was about to ask, I really was but I was cut off by dale.
"y/n! Daryl! you ready."
I let out a quiet groan of frustration before walking back around to the other side of the rv, and getting in. I take a seat at the table and place both my elbows on it. the drive was short, there were a couple of times we turned down the wrong road and got lost but we fixed the problem quickly. we pull up to a farm, practically in the middle of nowhere. the only things around it are fields of grass and woods. the main house is pretty big. bigger house than I've ever lived in. 
when we all get out of the cars rick, and Lori are walking out of the house. I run up to the both of them and hug Lori. "Is he alright?" I ask in a whispered tone. "he'll pull through" Lori replies with a nod. I pull away "thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says turning her head back towards an older man and a blonde lady. "And Shane, we'd have lost carl if not for him" rick adds. Shane now has a shaved head and is wearing close at least 2 sizes too big for him. he should've kept the hair. dale hugs rick and carol hugs Lori "thank god we were so worried" she whispers. were all hugging and greeting each other like we didn't just see each other all yesterday. the next person I'm hugging is Glenn. I'm holding onto him as tight as I can. I really can't live without him. "Thought you forgot me" he whispers with a laugh. "I missed you" I whisper as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. "Missed you too" he replies. 
"how'd it happen?" dale asks rick. "Hunting accident. that's all- just a stupid accident" rick replies.
we all attend the funeral of who I learned died while going out with Shane to get supplies. Shane says the guy named Otis sacrificed himself. but the look on Shane's face says otherwise. each of us add a rock to pay our respects.
 "Blessed be god, father of our lord Jesus Christ. praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. we thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. he died as he lived in grace." 
Shane has this look on his face the entire time that just gives away that He's lying. I don't understand why nobody else sees it. "Shane, will you speak for Otis?" Hershel asks. Shane looks like he just shit his pants. "I'm not good at it." Shane responds quickly. "I'm sorry" he whispers as he shakes his head. "You were the last one with him. you shared his final moments." cries a lady named Patricia. "Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning" cries the lady. Shane stands there his mouth gaping open. "okay" he whispers. he looks around thinking about what to say "we were about done.... almost out of ammo. we were down to pistols by then. I was limpin', it was bad.... ankle all swollen up 'we got to save the boy.' see, that's what he said. he gave me his backpack, he shoved me ahead. 'run' he said. he said, "I'll take the rear. i'll cover you.' and when I looked back...." Shane begins to limp towards the large pile of rocks "if not for Otis" he takes a rock out of the wheelbarrow "I'd have never made it out alive. and that goes for carl too. it was Otis. he saved us both. if any death had meaning, it was his." then he placed the rock in the pile. the man was a good liar, I'd give that to him. that was an amazing story he just told there, but it wasn't the truth. I spent the last few months getting to know him, he was like family up until a few days ago. I knew him, he knew me. and I knew he was lying. I'd take that to my grave. 
Daryl, Shane, Andrea, rick, Hershel, and I are gathered around a car talking about Sophia, plans and stuff. I was going to be a part of the search for Sophia no matter how much Daryl disliked it. Sophia and her mother were family too me now and God dammit if I didn't put my whole being into finding her. It wouldn't be right if I didn't. "How long has this girl been lost?" asks Hershel. "this'll be day three" rick replies as Hershel's daughter Maggie walks up with a map. she spreads it across the hood of the car "county survey map. shows terrain and elevations." she says "this is perfect. we can finally get this thing organized." rick says as Maggie places three rocks on the map to keep it down. "we'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." rick says "not you. not today. you gave three units of blood. you wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out." Hershel says to rick before turning his head towards Shane. "And your ankle, push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody." Hershel says. we're out 2 and we need people searching so Daryl can't even say no to me helping. 
"So, I guess it's just me, I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way up from there" Daryl says leaning over and tracing it over with his finger. "What about me?" I ask with my brows furrowed. after a bunch of convincing Daryl agreed to me going, he can't just go back on his word. "you're not comin' stay here with Glenn. help him or somethin' it's not safe" I let out a groan and cross my arms. "You said I could help" before turning around and marching off towards Glenn. I can hear Daryl let out a frustrated sigh behind me, but he said I could go! it's not like he's my boyfriend or my husband and even if he was, he still wouldn't have the authority to boss me around. Glenn can tell I'm frustrated "what's wrong?" he asks. "He won't let me go!" I groan, "He's just bossin' me around telling me it's not safe and shit. it's not like he's my dad. it just wasn't like this before y'know." Glenn has a smirk on his face, I roll my eyes "what's so funny?" I ask, "maybe its cause I don't know...he cares about you?" he says with a laugh. I roll my eyes. "I know he cares doofus" I say. "It just doesn't mean he can boss me around." I say crossing my arms and leaning against the tree next to me. he rolls his eyes as he continues working on whatever he's working on "what are we 15 I haven't been called a doofus since I was in high school" he laughs. "Why do you even want go with him anyways" I don't reply just stare. I want to go because I won't feel safe here without him. even though Hershel says it is secured I still won't feel safe unless I know Daryl's here. I know very sappy but that's how I feel. "I don't feel safe without Daryl here" I whisper. Glenn smiles "aww. you like him don't you?" I nod slowly "good cause he does too" I scoff "how do you know that?"
"He told me and t-dog, that night at the CDC." I didn't even think he'd remember that shit all four of us were drunk out of our minds. Maggie, Hershel's daughter walks up to Glenn. he turns his head towards her mouth gaping open. he likes her, or at least thinks she's pretty. I can tell. "I'm gonna go talk to Daryl" I say walking away. I walk towards Daryl whose getting ready to leave. "I already said no" he says as soon as I'm close enough for me hear him. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Please...Daryl. I just- I just don't feel safe here without you" I say whispering the last part as I look up at him. he just stares at me processing what I had just said. "rick'll be here. and Hershel says the farm is secured." I shake my head putting on some puppy dog eyes that never failed me when I was younger. "But Daryl I only feel safe with you. I can help...please?" he sighs and rubs his face with his hand "it's not safe out there."
"please" I whisper again. 
he lets out a groan "fine, but you have to hold your own I'm not goin' to be the only one lookin' for Sophia" I roll my eyes, why wouldn't I be looking for Sophia? if he didn't let me go with him, I would definitely be going out by myself. "I will, thanks Daryl. I'll go grab my bag." I run off towards the rv and quicky run back towards Daryl who's talking to rick near the front of Hershel's house. "I thought you were going by yourself?" rick says with his brows furrowed up in confusion. "I decided I might need a little help" Daryl mutter "we could send Andrea with you-" 
"no just y/n. we'll be fine" Daryl says cutting rick off.
we start our journey into the forest. I've got my gun clutched in my hand as we walk slowly through the overgrown grass, and branches. Daryl's in front of me with his crossbow ready to shoot. "You should teach me how to use that thing one day" I say quietly. "Yeah, one day" Daryl replies.  
about hour into our search, we come across a house that's been very overgrown. it had to been abandoned way longer than when the outbreak first happened. Daryl takes off his crossbow and takes an arrow out of the front of his crossbow "stay behind me" he says as he continues walking towards the house. "mkay" I mutter. he kicks the front door open and examines the area before continuing into the house slowly. the old wooden floor creaks under our steps as we walk further into the house. Daryl turns the corner into the first room, makes sure there's no one in it and continues onto the next. no one. he goes onto the next, and also there's no one. next we go into a kitchen like area. there's no one in there but there is a trashcan with a somewhat recent opened can of fish. Daryl sniffs at it before pouring it out back into the trashcan. that opened can just gave me the little hope I needed that Sophia could be alive. yeah, it could've been anyone who opened that can but the only other people alive we've seen out here have been the people at Hershel's farm, and the other one is Sophia well at least we hope Sophia's alive. Daryl looks up and notices a brown door just open the tiniest bit. "Stay behind me" he whispers as he raises his bow. he walks closer to the door, the wood creaking under his feet. then he pulls the door open, keeping a great distance between himself and the door. it just ends up being a pantry. a pantry that had a pillow and a blanket on the floor. it looked like someone had been hiding out in this house. "You think Sophia's been here?" I asked quietly. "It could've been anybody" he mutters before we turn around and head out. 
"Sophia!" shouts Daryl as we walk out of the house. "Sophia!" I call out. "Sophia!" Daryl shouts again as he walks around checking out every side of the house just in case she's passed out against a wall. Daryl walks over to a flower; a Cherokee rose to be specific. he kneels down next to it looking at it. "whatcha lookin' at?" I ask "flower..." he mutters to himself. it's only a singular one. I haven't seen flowers in ages. god I barely remember what a red rose looks like. "it's pretty" I whisper. Daryl nods. I decide to pick it, for Sophia, when we find her. she told me awhile back, when I first met her how much she liked flowers. I knew she'd appreciate it. I put it my bag carefully before we head back to Hershel's farm. 
"Daryl?" I whisper, we've been walking for about 20 minutes. "Hm?" he hums in response. "What are we?" I ask. he turns his head towards me with his brows furrowed "what'd ya mean?" I let out a quiet sigh. "Never mind" I whisper. "no tell me." I let out a barely audible sigh before saying "like what are we? relationship wise" he shrugs in response "whatever you want us to be sunshine." 
"What do you want us to be?" I ask with my brows furrowed. Daryl stops and turns around towards me. "Do you want to be my-" Daryl cuts me off. 
"Yeah sure" he says before turning back around and continuing on walking.
when we arrive back at Hershel's farm I volunteer to go and talk to carol. I walk into the rv where carol was. Shes in the bedroom. the rv is quiet and way cleaner as I walk through to the back of the rv.  she looks up at me "I cleaned up, I wanted it to be nice for her" she says softly. "For a second I thought I was in the wrong place" I whisper. she lets out a quiet laugh through her nose. I open my bag up and presented the flower to her. "a flower?" she asks cocking her head to the side.I nod. "I picked it for Sophia when we find her. she told me how much she liked flowers awhile back so I...y'know" I whisper. she's got tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry carol...for how harsh I was last night. you know I never meant to hurt your feelings, right?" she shakes her head lightly "you didn't hurt my feelings y/n. you were just trying to protect the others" she says as she stands up pulling me into a hug. "I checked the highway...she wasn't there" carol says through tears. "sh..she wasn't there. I miss her so much" carol cries. I rub small circles into her back. "I do too. I'll find her I promise."
I decide to visit carl for the first time. he's laid in a bed with a gauze wrapped around his torso. "y/n?" rick is passed out in the chair next to him. Lori said he's been giving blood like crazy. "Yeah, it's me buddy" I whisper as I kneeled down next to the bed. "Mom said you went to look for Sophia?" I nod "yeah I did." he gives me a weak smile "did you find her?" he asks I shake my head "no..I didn't but Daryl and I we're lookin', and I promise we'll find her" he nods in response "I know you will." 
"I'm kinda like you and my dad now, y'know we all got shot" I laugh he's right; we've all been shot. "Yeah kinda" I say reaching over and ruffling his hair. when rick wakes up, I decide to leave give then some father son time. 
when I am exiting the house Glenn is standing on the porch seemingly waiting for me. as soon as he sees me, he blurts out "I had sex with Maggie" my jaw drops in shook "what the fuck?" I whisper. "Seriously?" I ask, he has to be lying. I knew he had the hots for her, but I didn't know he'd go straight to sex! "Yeah, when we went out to the pharmacy" I quietly laugh "seriously in a pharmacy? with a bunch of walkers around?" he nods slowly "I'm going to bed. I think I need to after hearing that" I reply as I walk away from Glenn. I didn't want to hear that; I didn't ever want to know that. 
when I go to grab my tent to set up for the night Daryl stops me. "You can share with me. y'know cause mine is bigger." I nod following him towards his tent.
he holds me close to his chest as we both try falling asleep. it had been a long day I knew I'd be out fast. his chin rested against the top of my head. "Daryl?" I whisper. "Hm?" he's half asleep, I decide not to mess with him now "never mind" I whisper as I close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08 @oi-itse
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booniesoil · 2 years
Deer in Rusty Lake might mean something else
A lot of people theorize that the imagery of deers in Rusty lake represents hatred / violence towards family, which is something I totally see with Nicholas Eilander and Albert Vanderboom, but I don't know why that would be applicable to Dale Vandermeer. He is perfect!! Actually, I theorize / believe that people with deer representations in Rusty Lake could mean something a bit opposite. First of all, I think the true reason the use of deer is so common and inconsistent is generally because it matches the style or Rusty Lake, so they reuse deer carelessly (sorry Rusty Lake, I LOVE YOUR ARTSTYLE I DO), but,:
I think a more accurate telling of deer for characters in the series would be reaching enlightenment. Between the three characters, they may be taking steps, and may be some of the only characters taking steps towards enlightenment in different ways. (I haven't played all the games in the series recently, so a lot of my information may be out of date or flawed, and it is not fully defined what enlightenment is, or how to reach it outside of possibly drinking the elixir, so I am making inferences). I don't fully know what the purpose of sacrificing Jakob is, but Nicholas had taken interest in using Caroline's memories for whatever reason he needs them for. Intentional or not, helping the lake or not, Nicholas may have been taking steps towards enlightenment.
Dale, to me it seems like the plans Aldous and Mr Owl are attempting to him is to get him enlightened (without his knowledge). He's already a corrupted soul, but as far as I know Mr Crow is attempting to change his negative memories into positive ones, changing memories gut keeping the past, it's all vague but he ends up with the golden cube, which might be a step to enlightenment. Ambiguous stuff I hope it all makes sense.
But most exciting, to me, is Albert. Albert may be unintentionally in the process of becoming enlightened. Seeing as Mr Crow is trying to turn Dale's negative memories into positive ones, seemingly to enlighten him?, Albert is ACTIVELY and unintentionally taking steps to enlightenment by personally changing his past, negative memories of his family into positive ones by. Murdering them all. Nice man! 
Ms Pigeon is the closest character I could think of that may be applicable to whatever I've layed out here, since she does take interest in extracting memories before she dies. I don't fully know the rules here, but maybe she's too side of a character to have an association with deer, or perhaps have not started her experiment, already has a harsh enough connotation with pigeons (although Albert has MANY connotations with many different things, Mr Pigeon can definitely have multiple, too) to provide a second animal connotation, or she may have already reached enlightenment.
William is a character that seems like he's massively failing at becoming enlightened! For being the one with the most work done, he got killed by drinking the elixir, took all the steps to reviving himself, and got reincarnated as Laura, who seems like she got, once again, doomed to a fate opposite to enlightenment. Laura has a ton of bad memories, as does Dale, but her bad memories are utilizing a lot by the lake crew, and ultimately she is not getting steps done to getting closer to enlightenment. She pretty much is held hostage at this lake by her brother to extract bad memories after bad memories to help enlighten Dale. If I am READING THIS CORRECT. 
I think I good way to see if this fits is to crosscheck if random deer in the games could also indicate this, but I haven't done that yet, I'm just keeping in mind Albert, Nicholas, Dale, and William.
I hope that all makes sense! I hope someone use understands this and gets EXCITED by it because I think it's a far more exciting theory with a bunch of potential than the previous one!
Edit: ADDING ON TO THIS. Playing through Paradox for the first time in years, Laura outright said that one of them will die and the other will reach enlightenment, and I absolutely do not see that being Laura. You have no hope I am sorry Laura.
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Dragon Age Imperium - Chapter 3.
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Grand Cleric Elthina did not look much different from when Hawke had last seen her in the Chantry in Hightown.
An average-looking old woman, in a black and red robe, streaked with gold.
The look she gave Hawke though, was far, far different than the last time. Far more inquisitive, and questioning.
"I do believe congratulations are in order."
"Thank you."
"I recall your mother quite well… I recall the scandal too, back when she ran off with a Ferelden apostate. And yet… Without that choice, Kirkwall would have fallen to the Qun… Fate has a roundabout sense of humor it would seem."
Elthina sighed.
"But we're not here to discuss matters from before you were even born… We are here to discuss the future. Tell me Viscount… Do you know what happened to your predecessor that preceded Dumar?"
"He must have died at some point I guess… Well, either that, or he abdicated and left town."
The woman neither laughed nor smiled.
"He died, yes. He was killed by Meredith, after trying to kick the Templars out of Kirkwall."
"Ah… I'm guessing this is the part where you tell me not to pick a fight with them."
"Not quite… But there is some of that, yes… I have been told that you signed off on letting Kirkwall's Elves leave for New Arlathan."
"That's right."
The old woman studied Hawke's face, though what she was looking for Hawke couldn't say.
"It's been a number of years since the Sabrae Clan came to our lands to petition Dumar to let the Elves leave… Meredith greatly disapproved, and Dumar did not agree… But neither did he staunchly refuse… To do so would be to show offense to the Monarchs of Ferelden… And so he vassalated on the issue, refusing to give an answer one way or another."
"I'm well aware. One of my friends is a girl called Merill. She's from the Sabrae clan. I probably would have gone through with it anyway… But I admit that friendship is the reason I signed off on it immediately."
"You should thank her then. The choice to get this over with now was a good one."
The woman looked down.
"Meredith… Was an old friend of mine… I mourn her loss greatly… But I firmly disagreed with her stance on the Elven Question."
As she spoke, there was clear pain in her voice. So sharp it took Hawke aback.
She had kinda forgotten that as much as She and the mages of Kirkwall had hated her, a lot of people had liked Meredith.
Finally, Elthina looked up again, the sunlight from Hawke's window lighting her up like a torch.
"You need to get this done now before a new Knight Commander is appointed to Kirkwall. It might take a while. Or it might not."
"I'll admit… I did not think you would be a supporter of New Arlathan."
"I am not."
She said dryly.
"However, I am not fool enough to not understand that the world has changed. Every day, you hear of Elves doing everything, taking the greatest risks to flee the lands of their birth, to flee their Alienages, all to try and reach their new promised land… And every week, there is a new tale of Elves doing that, ending up as Tevinter slaves at the hands of their smugglers, being strung up along the road by lords and villagers, or small Alienages being set alight by the masses and local lords, that all fear the idea of this new state. That led by their Mage King it's going to become a new, terrible nation… A mixture between blood-sacrificing Tevinter and the Heathen Dales… It is absolute nonsense and fearmongering… But the corpses that fear produces are very real... Fear and hatred have taken root all over Thedas… That is not going to change, regardless of how much some want this new Elven country to just vanish. Elves will continue to flee the persecution that is only becoming worse and worse… and they will continue to do so, so long there is a place to flee. I would say it is far preferable to have it happen controlled, and safely. Better that, than those poor souls ending up in Tevinter."
"That's… Rather reasonable of you."
The woman smiled.
"You don't need to dance on eggshells on the topic Viscount… I know how most of the chantry feels on the matter… They see only the danger, rather the opportunity… The city Elves who flee are Andrastian. They will not abandon that faith, as they find a homeland of their own. In time, the myth of the Elves' ancient gods will fade… And the flame of Andraste will burn proudly in the Kingdom."
"Provided it survives. History could repeat itself."
"Indeed. I rather doubt it though. The Bracilian forest is… Not the Dales. It is not rich in resources, and it does not have good farmland. There is little non-religious incentive to try to conquer it, nor would doing so be easy, or even likely. Not to mention the Kingdom's alliance with Orzammar…"
"Orzammar? Not Ferelden?"
"No… Orzammar is the source of all Lyrium in the world. It is thus a far, far greater shield against any Exalted March than Ferelden could ever be. Unless something very drastic changes… There will not be an exalted march on the New Arlathan."
"That's… A good point actually."
"Yes. Regardless… The point stands. Get it done as quickly as you can."
This had… Not been how she'd assumed this conversation would go. Frankly, she had assumed this would go the way Bran liked to do things. Boring and simple.
"Now then… With that out of the way… I was led to believe that you wished to… Change Kirkwall's statues."
Ah, finally. Back in her element.
"Indeed! I Have always wondered why Kirkwall has so many Tevinter statues across the city. I have no idea why any follower of Andraste would wish to keep those monstrosities around. Or all those rusty spike fences and rails! What's the point of those?"
"It is meant as a warning… A reminder of what Andraste freed us from, and what we must fight… But I do agree with the sentiment. What do you intend to do with them? I must warn you if you intend to melt them down for coin, don't bother. Despite their appearances, they are made of brass."
"Oh don't worry about that. I have plenty of coin… Both from my own adventures and journeys, as well as Dumar's old fortune."
This actually made the Grand Cleric smile.
"Yes… Another ironic turn. Greed and ambition, supposedly the worst of sins, might be what changes this city for the better…"
"I certainly hope so. It would really tick me off if everything I'm Planning to do gets reversed in the end. Anyway… So you don't mind me getting rid of those hideous Tevinter statues?"
"No. I'm Assuming you're planning on replacing them though?"
"I am! Not sure of what though… They can't all be replaced with Andraste and myself… Any suggestions?"
It had been one of her usual jests, but Ethina responded like it was a serious question.
"Try local heroes. My flock loves those. Especially our Grand Tourney winners. Oh, right… I must warn you, that while I might not have any issues with it, I would advice NOT to try the same with the Gallows… Or the Twins. They are Templar property."
"I'll keep that in mind."
The hanged man was its usual mess. A true dive in every sense of the word.
Its inhabitants, both regulars, occasional, newcomers, and one-time offs tended to be a very sketchy lot.
"So Daisy, how does it feel to finally finish your job?"
The fact that some of those regulars were now personal friends of the Viscount, did not change that.
"Oh, just amazing! Though it's sad I'm not going with them…"
Right… the blood magic and all. Hawke might not mind… But this Elven King was a different story.
"I'm sorry… Maybe Hawke can pull some strings though? Get you a pardon maybe?"
Merill smiled but shook her head.
"That's… Very nice of you Varric… But I knew what I was getting into when I started fixing the mirror like I did… I'll survive. I have Hawke after all. And you too. It's not that bad."
He could tell that despite her words, Daisy wasn't exactly as happy about the prospect as she tried to be. She did seem happy that the talks of letting the elves leave for new Arlathan had finally yielded results.
"So, how's the mood in the Alienage? People dancing in the streets for joy?"
"Some are… But it's a lot more varied than I thought it would be… Some are actually angry they have to leave Kirkwall for the new Elven homeland… Can you believe that? Do you think it's because Hawke won't be there?"
"Somehow I doubt that, Daisy."
It probably had something to do with being uprooted from their home, to join a community of Elves they had never met, to serve a king they had never seen, and live in a cursed forest.
Amongst Kirkwall's 12 000 elves, there were bound to be some who were apprehensive about it, even if it did mean they no longer had to live in an Alienage with all of what that entailed.
"So most people aren't happy about it?"
"Oh no, a lot are. Many are really looking forward to leaving. They want to get away from the poisonous gas attacks, the Humans, the serial killers, and the blood mages... Oh right…"
She had seemingly only realised the implication of that last one when she said it out loud.
"Varric… Have you ever been to the Bracilian forest?"
"Can't say I have. Before I met Hawke, I had barely ever left the city. I'm a… City Dwarf at heart.
"Oh, that's sooo sad… But anyway, I still remember the forest… I've never been to the place the capital is built at though… It's around this ancient ruin the King discovered when he was still fighting the blight with the Hero of Ferelden. It used to be infested with Werewolves I hear."
"Yeah, that sounds about right for the Fereldens' cursed forest."
"I know! They call them dog lords, but they're not dog-like… Like the Qunari aren't much Ox-like either… But anyway, the capital palace is this ancient temple that goes deep, deep underground… And that's where the King discovered an ancient black orb, with the spirit of an ancient mage warrior inside of it… And through it, he learned the arts of the Arcane Warrior, the old Elvhen mages who mixed plate armor, Magic, and sword. All our Mages are taught like that now… Not me though… My clan volunteered to go north to Kirkwall before I could learn it. Now the mission is nearly over… And yet I never will."
He patted her on the back… Or as much as he could through her armor anyway.
"I'm sorry Daisy."
"Thank you..."
They sat in silence for a while… Or rather the background noise of the Hanged Man being its usual, loud and boisterous self.
Besides them, Fenris was lying over the counter, snoring loudly.
He had been drinking himself into oblivion the last few days, over the same topic he and Merill had been discussing.
Unlike her, he had taken the news that Kirkwall's elves would be joining a state ruled by a mage, with utter disdain.
He'd get over it eventually.
"What about you Varric? Hawke's says you've been reading a lot up about Orzammar lately…"
"Well… It's not quite the same. I have no interest in moving there… It's a good story though… Not to mention I noticed there's a point on the Deep Roads maps I recognize… From our expedition."
This perked her right up, though not quite with either fear or excitement. More of a mixture of worry and surprise.
"Do you think they'll find the old Thaig? The one with the red Idol in it?"
"Nah… Not to mention we scoured that clean, remember? No, I'm much more interested in the fact that if Orzammar's Armies keep pushing North, their control over the deep roads is soon going to reach the point where they'll have direct access to the path leading to the Entrance at Sundermount."
"Oh! That's good isn't it?"
"Sure is. Lots of trade to be made if we can ship directly to Orzammar… Provided that's where they push next. There's… A lot of other directions they can go."
"You should arrange something with Hakwe, Varric! I'm sure the Viscount of Kirkwall could influence that."
"Way ahead of you Daisy… But we'll see how it goes."
Of Hawke's personal circle, it was anything but unusual to find her friends hanging out together.
There were unusual pairings though, who almost never interacted except when together with Hawke herself.
Of those, the only more unusual pairing than the one currently waiting together for her at her own estate was Fenris and Anders, who got along about as well as a Ferelden and Orlesian.
Isabella was doing the usual when she was bored, waiting for Hawke to come. Lean up against the railing, walk about, inspect her own nails, and the decorum of Hawke's rather nice house.
Meanwhile, Sebastian was simply sitting in a chair leaning back, a glass of water in his hand from which he occasionally took a sip.
Finally, having had enough of waiting, Isabella took the word.
"How much longer do you think we'll have to wait?"
"Oh, an hour or two more mayhaps."
"Ugh… What's taking her so long?"
"Duties of state I imagine. She'll have a lot less free time going forward."
"What did you want to talk to Hawke if I may ask?"
"Her hiring me on as a privateer."
The way she spoke it, made it rather obvious she had massive reservations about it.
"Why does it bother you so?"
"I just… I just don't like binding myself to something. Or people for that matter."
He smiled.
"That ship set sail when you came back with the book I'm afraid."
"More the fool I."
"It was brave, coming back to face the Qunari."
"It was idiotic. They would have killed me. If it hadn't been for Hawke anyway…"
"And you returned anyway. You couldn't face the thought of so many innocents dying for something you could prevent."
"Tell that to the Viscount."
Sebastian understood her, far more than the buccaneer probably understood.
"It's frightening, isn't it? To realize you have the potential to be a better person?"
"I didn't do it to be some hero, I did for Hawke…"
That was probably true… But it wasn't the whole truth, he could tell.
"Even if you only did it for a friend, that is a good start. It's not nothing Isabella. And Hawke has rewarded you with a ship has she not?"
"Yeah… One of the old Viscount's old War Galleys… It's not the kind I'd prefer, but it's a good ship. And more than enough coin to hire on a crew."
"If you truly don't wish to swear yourself into Hawke's service, all you need to do is go down to the docks and hire on a crew, set sail, and never return. You could easily become a regular pirate again with what Hawke has given you."
She glared at him.
"If I did that, I'd be stabbing Hawke in the back."
"And you're not prepared to do it, yes? It's scary… Realizing you have loyalties to someone else… Someone you trust, and admire. That you can't pretend to be alone in the world anymore."
He could tell he had hit the nail head-on with the expression she got from that comment.
She didn't reply though, instead leaving the room behind, and walking out to the entrance room.
He did not hear the sound of her opening the door, so she hadn't left though. She still needed to talk to Hawke, just as he did.
He was pretty sure she would accept Hawke's letter though, and become a privateer in the Narrow Sea.
She had made her real choice back in the throne room. Whatever doubts she might have now, were just embers that would give way before the storm that was Hawke.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 4
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Window Tinting for Home: Enhancing Comfort and Energy Efficiency
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When it comes to home improvement, we often focus on interior design, furniture, and appliances. However, one aspect that is frequently overlooked but can make a significant difference is window tinting. Window tinting isn't just for cars; it can also be a game-changer for your home. In this article, we'll explore how window tinting can enhance comfort and energy efficiency in your home.
The Benefits of Window Tinting
Before delving into the specifics, let's understand why window tinting is a valuable investment for your home.
Reduced Glare
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Window tinting can transform your home into a more comfortable living space in several ways.
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Enhanced Aesthetics: Tinted windows can also enhance the aesthetics of your home. They provide a sleek and modern look that can complement various architectural styles.
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Twentieth Century
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Carole Lombard was nothing but a clotheshorse until Howard Hawks got her to act on screen the way she did at parties. John Barrymore helped get a star-making performance out of her without sacrificing any of his own genius, and Robert Kalloch put her in the perfect glimmering lounging pajamas  for the occasion. The result was TWENTIETH CENTURY (1934, on Criterion Channel through Tuesday), one of the precursors of the screwball comedy. Barrymore is Oscar Jaffe, a grandiloquent theatrical producer in the mold of David Belasco. He turns lingerie model Mildred Plotka (Lombard) into Lily Garland, the most glamorous star on Broadway and the love of his life, in a string of hits that end when she tires of his controlling ways. Years later, he’s broke, she’s a movie queen, and they’re both on the same train headed from Chicago to New York — a golden opportunity for Jaffe and the audience. One of the film’s fascinations is the way her role actually shows Lombard moving into her power as an actress. In her early scenes as an actress, Mildred is tentative and phony, but as Jaffe molds her she becomes as histrionic as he is. During their confrontations on the train, some of the best arguments ever put on film, they both act at each other without mercy. They’re supported by Walter Connelly and Roscoe Karns as Jaffe’s assistants, Etienne Giarardot as a religious maniac on the train, Dale Fuller as Lily’s long-suffering, deadpan maid and Charles Lane as Jaffe’s house director.
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Quitting Content Creation Without Sacrificing Results with Hailey Dale - Kaye Putnam
Quitting Content Creation Without Sacrificing Results with Hailey Dale – Kaye Putnam
In this episode, we’re talking about quitting content creation without sacrificing results. How do you get off the content creation hamster wheel? If you’ve ever felt stuck in a loop and cycle of content creation, this episode is for you. Hailey Dale is a genius when it comes to content creation and strategy, and we dive into all of her secrets so you can actually have a finish line when it comes…
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dalishious · 3 years
The Whiteness of Rebellion in Dragon Age
The recent “Freedom Truck Convoy” nonsense here in Canada has made me reflect on how Indigenous peoples are treated like terrorists when we try to protect our lands and waters, but when white nationalists literally storm Ottawa, they are coddled like babies.
[Related Article: ‘We just get violence:’ Is there an inequality gap when it comes to protesting?]
[Related Video: Leah Gazan speaks on the Emergency's Act]
And now I cannot help but look at the way BioWare writes their different rebellions in a similar contrast.
I love a good rebellion story as much as the next cool person. When told well, they are a source of hope and inspiration. The world of Dragon Age is chalked full of rebellion, past and present. Heck, the largest religious organization was formed in worship of a woman who led a slave uprising against the Tevinter Imperium. And yet, most portrayals of rebellion in the franchise have been either angsty backdrop, or from a perspective where the rebels are at best “morally grey”, or at worst straight-up written as villains.
The big exception to this is The Stolen Throne novel, where Maric, Loghain and Rowan and the rebels serve as the heroic protagonists fighting back against Orlesian occupation. So why is it when Dalish elves fight back against Orlesian occupation, they are s*vages who “just need to forgive”? Why is it when fog warriors fight back against Tevinter and Qunari occupation, they are nothing but backdrop fodder for character angst, rather than ever given any agency or detail of their own?
The Stolen Throne tells the tale of how Ferelden wins back its independence from Orlesian invasion and occupation, which lasted from 8:24 Blessed to 9:00 Dragon. The Orlesian military controls Ferelden with cruelty and oppression against the native inhabitants. King Meghren rules with a fearsome fist, and delights in abusing his power. The rebels amass a large group of people who tire of this control, and join in the efforts to fight for their freedom and regain independence. It is a long and uphill battle, told as an exciting, classic kind of tale that hits all the beats expected of it. There is no black and white or “grey morality”; the Orlesian occupiers are the bad guys, and the Fereldan rebels are the good guys. Even when the Fereldans are put in a position to make tough decisions, like sacrificing people to save others, it is always written as holding the moral high ground over the Orlesians.
Both Ferelden and the Dales were/are occupied by Orlais. Both have rebelled/do rebel against the Orlesian invaders. But when it comes to the Ferelden Rebellion, no one ever begs the question, “maybe the Fereldans should just forgive the Orlesians,” “maybe the Fereldans should accept the past as the past, despite the fact that the occupation is ongoing,” or “maybe the Fereldans deserved to be violently invaded because they didn’t just let Orlais take over.” And yet, you cannot go three minutes without hearing those very notions about elves versus Orlesian occupation of the Dales. Sometimes written from the mouths of elves themselves!
What is the difference? One rebellion is coded as white, while the other is coded as Indigenous.
[Related Post: Indigenous Coding in the Elves of Dragon Age]
The Fereldans are brave freedom fighters with the moral right. The elves are trouble-makers who need to “get over it”. The Fereldans get to tell their own stories of struggle and are taken seriously. The elves are whiny complainers who need to “get over it”. The Fereldans win, because the good guys always win. The elves are put down time and time again, and need to “get over it”. “Just get over it.” How many times have I been told this myself? How many times have Indigenous peoples collectively been told we need to just “get over it”? It is no surprise this same rhetoric is used in the Dragon Age franchise, when the Indigenous stand-ins try to fight back against colonialism.
[Related Post: “Old” Wounds]
Another example of how whiteness is relative to the treatment of rebellion in Dragon Age, is the Fog Warriors. The Fog Warriors are a group of natives to Seheron fighting for independence from both Tevinter and Qunari invaders, who are in turn fighting each other for control over the island. (Being a northern island, they are coded as people of colour.) This is a long-time ongoing conflict, and yet despite this, we know next to nothing about them. They are only treated as backdrop flavour, off in the distance. We have even had three characters who have been on Seheron and interacted with the Fog Warriors! Sten, Fenris, and Iron Bull. But they share so little about them that they don’t matter much. Fenris speaks the most, having lived among them for some time, and yet even he says very little. It rings familiar of the “it only happens over there, so it’s not important” notion that permeates western nation views on real life violence. I’m not saying we need to be there for it—although I certainly would not deny I have a huge interest in visiting Seheron someday in the games—but there is so much untapped potential to flesh them out, even if just in lore texts, like the codex entries. There is one single codex entry told form the perspective of a Seheron native, over the course of three games. [Link]
There is an unfairness in the differences between how these rebellions are written about. The unfairness comes from the differences in the rebellions themselves. It paints a clear picture: Your struggle only matters if you’re white. What a lovely message. //sarcasm
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
King Of The Hill In One Piece
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I know that both franchises would be weird to mix up but when I think about how Hank is someone whose a type of guy who is against authoritarianism in the form of the government it really clicked in my mind what would happen if these four were dropped into the One Piece world and confronted the fact it was controlled by a corrupt one world government. 
Of course they would have to deal with the fact of how to get around in the world that is made of mostly ocean and pirates roam around. I do think they would be fascinated by devil fruit and if anyone came across them then at least Hank or Dale would try one just to have a fighting chance. Plus I totally see Dale getting his hands on some guns since who knows what could be out there. They would probably be confronted by pirates and get saved by marines if they were there. I do think him being a Texas man he would respect any military men and at first appreciate them for their services. However, I do think as the gang keep snooping around for any information about the world they begin to see it’s not always black and white with the pirates thing, especially if they run into some Celestial Dragons and wonder why they have to listen to such jackasses. They of course would all bow because they don’t want to cause a ruckus but I think that would be their first clue that this world government system is corrupt if they are allowed to anything they want and no one can do anything without being targeted by an Admiral. 
Seriously Dale Gribble would be the one to start seriously questioning things since he inherently doesn’t trust governments especially one called the world government. He then starts asking questions about the world government and what it is. I think he would be the first to find out about the void century and it’s been banned by the government to study. That would be his major red flag and tells his friends that they are so in a dystopian setting despite the nice looking surrounding. The whole void century would get him going into conspiracy mode into what they are hiding and why it’s forbidden. Then he hears about Nico Robin and the scholars of Ohara and begins feeling there is some bullshit going on and concludes that how could a girl even destroy ships it doesn’t make sense and realize that they probably came across stuff they weren’t supposed to and were exterminated except for her. 
I think where they would finally write off the government as really irredeemable is if he found out about what they did to Ace at Marineford. Seriously, the idea a child is condemned because of their heritage would really irk all of them. Also the fact of the heavenly tribute would irk the American in all of them as well because it’s the only way they allow protection for nations. I think this would make Hank Hill stop trying to not draw attention to this world actively fight against it because it’s run by jackasses who strip people of every liberty in the constitution under the name of safety and do whatever they can to strike back. 
Seriously, just imagine them all going for the revolutionaries because I don’t think they would be interested in pirates, except maybe Dale. But I just think Hank would join them because that’s the faction he would feel the most with. Sure it would take him a while to get used to people like the Okama faction but on the other hand he would be happy about Dragon and his contributions to liberating people. I do have a feeling he would get along with Dragon since they both have military fathers and didn’t go into it like them due to many reasons. They also both have a son who they care about their own way. I do think he would learn about Luffy through Dragon and wonders why he didn’t bring his son with him since I think he would believe that the boy could do good changing the world. I also think with the revolutionaries they learn the truths about Ohara and other atrocities like how Flevance was sacrificed in the name of greed. It would boil Hank and Dale’s bones but it also makes even more want to support the efforts of the revolutionary so no people are abused by this government system. 
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callmegaith · 9 months
I'm curious why david seems to be such a popular and dare I say, liked character, when I played paradise I thought he was really..gross to be honest haha, maybe I'm missing something, I know he's also Mr Rabbit right so I guess he's popular because of his lore relevance? Love your art though!
You'd be surprised to know it wasn't always like this. 5 years ago most people hated him. And then I came along with my agenda (/j)
Real talk I have so much to say about David but I'll try to not talk your ears off, anon.
David, when you meet him in Paradise, is a kid. He's a dumb 15 year old teenager. He's the youngest Eilander. Obviously he is annoying and kinda weird, being a 15 year old who grew up on a secluded island in a cult...considering the circumstances, he's actually pretty tame. Just a dumb kid doing dumb things to annoy a brother he never knew. Remember, Jakob left when David was just a toddler. He probably just doesn't know how to behave and is socially inept, having not interacted with anyone outside of his own family. Jakob is a stranger to him. Not to mention he probably also grew up without a mother since they sacrificed Caroline.
It's become a stable fandom HC that David was probably overshadowed by Jakob. Jakob was the special one who gets to be sacrificed to the lake and is obviously the smarter one. Craving attention, he acted out and did outlandish shit to get noticed. And that's why he ends up becoming a magician. On stage, he's the center of the world.
TLDR; dumb teenager growing up in a cult with terrible social skills.
Then he becomes Mr. Rabbit, a very very interesting character, not just to Dale's lore but for the story generally. Personally to me what he did in Hotel made him badass to me, even if he was playing right into Mr. Owl's hands. The fact that out of all the guests, David is the one who recognized something was off about the food in Hotel?? You can even see him being worried during dinner
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And ya know, he makes a whole escape plan that makes him the White rabbit, not only that but then somehow he manages to escape and unlike the other souls, he does not remain in the lake but leaves. He's clearly unique in some way, his soul does not look like the other corrupted souls we know.
Obviously him escaping eventually leads him to Dale and the events of Birthday. He leaves Dale a letter to apologize for what he's about to do, which is more than anything any other character has done in this game before killing someone. He's not a crazy psycho killer with a Tommy gun, just a dude who did something bad out of necessity.
Mr rabbit/David is one of the most interesting characters in this game. There are so many unanswered questions about him. But most people brush him off as the weird teenager who put frogs in his pants. He's just one of those characters where it's like... The more you think about him the more interesting he becomes. Why are there two rabbits? Did David go back in time to try and save himself? If so how can he time travel? What did he take from Dale's family box? Was it really the pistol or something more personal? Where is David now? Is he a tree at the bottom of the lake like Rose? Is he dead? Is he a corrupted soul? Why is his corrupted Soul different? Is it an advanced form of a corrupted soul we haven't seen before? Etc.
Chapter 2 TLDR; mysterious character wow what is up with Mr. Rabbit?
In conclusion: I just think he's silly and funny and people have grown to like that about him :D
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
What do you think is coming over from the Vale based on what's already happened?
who really knows, you know?
i just think, at this point, to ignore that archie's even more obsessed than usual with his town hero antics after being sacrificed as one in the vale, while he's definitely being written as more aggressive than ever (outside of, uh, you know, his murdering arc) when they pointed the camera directly at his face while jughead said, "the battle for riverdale's soul" is sort of like, okay?? sure? that's not even adding in the way he gets about his dad.
with toni's la llorona story that started with a gang war, the current 'dale gang war and bb anthony concerns, the new drama to come with that, and add in the ancestor abigail and thomasina stuff? and i'm not even getting into the whole abigail as cheryl thing while currently chilling in riverdale right now.
veronica and reggie starting to disagree a bit, running the casino illegally again when backed into a corner? having her fight her father's legacy only to do what he would do?
the british accented devil-villian shows up in town, had a list with his fancy pen and then we get pickens with his weird faux-murder board, little notebook he's making a list in and fancy pen?
are we going to get betty's 6b version of "am i evil?" like we have since s2? my guess is likely. and hey, the tbk is still out there, let's bring him back so we can get some sort of 'vale-'dale arc. i don't know if the powers are going to transform or start being a "curse" but i can see something going sideways with hers and the guilt sets in. because what would a season of riverdale be without betty eating herself up with guilt over things that are largely out of her control?
jughead? he's a bit of a wildcard to me since he's the one who actually sacrificed himself and he's the one who figured out the whole universe issue but in the 'vale, all of his issues seemed to have been about his writing—an ability he thinks he's lost at the moment. that he's found another way to express his writing in oh, say, comics comes off pretty convenient for a possible later plot point. but we also know, per roberto, that 'vale jug's story isn't over yet.
that's not including the typewriter shaped plot from the 'vale and how all of the relationships had certain problems. some of which we might be seeing soon or already?
it's either all very, very convenient and on purpose for the overall plot with added superpowers or, as some say, this is all totally on the up and up and there's nothing to see here.
guess we'll know when we know.
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thatiranianphantom · 3 years
So I've had an uncomfortable thought about bughead symbolism in 6x05 and as the principle buggie in my feed I'm looking to you to ease my worries. hehe.
I was about to respond to someone describing the scene in which narrator Jughead and Betty cling to each other ‘like children’ as platonic, with the observation that shortly early there had been nothing platonic about BH in that bed, and it occurred to me that there are two Jugheads here.
Narrator Jughead who represents adult Jughead and writer Jughead who, right down to the blue sherpa jacket, represents high school jughead.
Betty is clearly into writer Jughead (that leg lift was everything) but the scene with narrator Jughead was pitched without romance.
Please tell me I’m seeing symbolism where there is none and there isn't some subtext here about moving on and becoming just friends.
I have seen a lot of barchies say that epi 100 was a loving farewell for bughead. Like the closure that they never got for them and for their fans. I have to admit I did not think of this AT ALL as I watched but I often have my shipper glasses on so I don’t always see things that are there. I actually thought the opposite. But I’m curious to hear your views on if that’s at all the message you could see RAS trying to make it, or if he intentionally wrote things in to make both BA and BH fandoms think this was a win for them so he could keep the drama for another few months in the fandom.
Look, I fully appreciate people don't trust the writers. I completely get that and certainly, they haven't done a lot to earn that trust.
But personally, I look at how Bughead vs B*rchie is framed, and how it always has been. B*rchie, at their best framing, were friends with benefits. Though I'd hugely object to the concept of them being anything resembling friends, that is the best they ever did. Otherwise, they are framed as a placeholder, an obstacle, or a truly toxic couple when Betty decided she was cool with sacrificing him. That, even for these writers, feels intentional. The show has never been dedicated to B*rchie. Never. They default on them for drama and always have. But the way they framed Bughead in this episode said a lot to me.
Bughead faced the problems together, and the major problem they had to solve, or at least the conduit to that problem, was Archie. That's very 👀 . Archie was what needed to be dealt with, to be overcome. Bughead got the romance. Bughead got the "whatever we do, we do it together". Bughead got the making out. Bughead got Jughead sacrificing himself to save her. I struggle to see what B*rchie got out of that episode, besides a cursory "oh yeah because we jumped back to the 'dale, they're still together" scene at the end. I think it's pretty clear how the show is framing Bughead vs. B*rchie.
I also think that if they truly wanted Bughead to close that chapter, this would have been a thing before now. They would have built up BA, make the audience care, show us that they're framing B*rchie as something long term that the audience should root for. BA has never been that, and let's be honest, it never will be. This show has one move. Throw in B*rchie for drama, then back to the usual, and I have no doubt that is the same thing they're doing here.
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elvish-sky · 3 years
Gone {Fili x Reader}
A.N: My bad, I really meant to have this up by 4pm my time and it’s a whole lot later now so I’m sorry! I really hope this fic is alright! It’s not my best work, but I like it and I hope you do too!
Requested by @anjhope1 on Tumblr: Lol I take up your angst challenge: can I request a female human(bit thick) reader x fili where he accidentally says something mean to the reader but won't apologize so reader like starts to distance himself away from him and starts hanging out with other people?
Word Count: 1,118
Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Summary: You overhear Fíli denying that he likes you to his brother.
Warnings: Angst, Self-criticism, Insults
**** Gone
The halls of Erebor were full of dwarves, the early morning bustle at its highest. You were headed towards the market, determined to find something that Fíli would like. Browsing through the stalls, you came to one that had weapons on display. They were all extremely finely crafted, but none had the look you wanted, so you placed a custom order to be delivered at the end of the week. 
Next, you went to one of the bakery stalls to pick up some goods for Fíli and Kíli, knowing they would appreciate it, before finally purchasing more of Fíli’s tonic from the healers, the one that he couldn’t sleep without but was too embarrassed to buy. 
You wound back through the corridors, making your way through the maze that was the Lonely Mountain, heading towards your rooms. 
“What about Y/N?”
You stopped, hearing your name from the doorway to your left, the one to the hall where the company usually ate when not at formal events. 
“Y/N? What? I don’t like Y/N!” It was Fíli. 
You halted to the side of the door, curious. That hurt a bit, to be honest, but you wanted to hear the rest of the conversation. 
“You’re blushing!” That was Kíli, you could picture him jostling his brother, teasing him.
“Yes, lad. Don’t try to hide it, you love her!” And there was Bofur.
“I don’t!” exclaimed Fíli. 
“Oh, c’mon, Fee. Give us proof.”
“Ummm… she can be selfish sometimes. And spoiled, she grew up with more than we ever had.”
Selfish? Spoiled?
You had sacrificed everything to join him on the quest, leaving your family and the only home you’d ever known. And while yes, you’d had a comfortable childhood, you also knew how ridiculously lucky you were. And despite knowing how much you liked the comforts of your home, you’d still given them up in a heartbeat for Fíli. You’d given up a whole life for Fíli, and he repaid it by calling you selfish? 
You leaned against the wall for a moment, taking a deep breath. You were really, really hurt. It was bad enough sometimes to think those things about yourself, but to hear the person you loved say them about you? You sighed. Maybe Fíli wasn’t the right person for you after all. 
But you would be damned if you cried about it in public where anyone could see, so you hustled further along the corridor to your room. Almost there, you skidded to a halt as you rounded a corner and none other than Thranduil, the Elven-King, stood before you. 
You quickly dropped into a curtsy. “Your majesty.”
You had forgotten the elves were visiting today before heading to Dale tomorrow. 
“Y/N. It is nice to see you again.”
“You as well, your majesty.”
You were trying to end the interaction as quickly as possible, knowing you couldn’t hold the tears in much longer, but Thranduil had other ideas.
“How many times have I told you, Y/N, to please call me Thranduil?”
“Probably many, my l-Thranduil.”
He nodded his head in acknowledgment. “Actually, Y/N, while we’re here, I’d like to ask you something.”
You glanced at him, curious.
“I know you are probably very happy here and are settled, but we could use your unique skills in the Woodland Realm. I’d like to offer you a job as one of my councillors.”
You blinked. Normally you wouldn’t consider leaving Erebor, but you were still very much hurt by Fíli’s comments.
“I’ll do it.”
Thranduil looked shocked. “You will?”
“Yes. When do we leave?”
He quickly summoned a straight face again. “Tomorrow, early.”
You nodded, curtsying again as you took your leave. “I’ll see you then.” 
You left the elven-king standing there, a bemused expression on his face. 
You finally reached the door to your room, shutting it behind you and leaning against it. 
You were leaving Erebor. Leaving, because Fíli did not love you and you couldn’t imagine living that close to someone you loved who hated you enough to call you selfish. Leaning against the door, you felt the tears start to pour and you slid to the ground, arms around your knees as your sobbing rocked you back and forth. 
After a while, you heard a knock at the door. Standing, you brushed yourself off, blotting at your swollen, red eyes before opening it. 
It was Fíli. 
“I am not selfish,” you exclaimed before slamming the door in his face.
Turning towards your wardrobe, you grabbed a bag, ready to pack and leave Erebor to begin your new life. 
Fíli stood there in the hallway, staring at your doorway. You had clearly heard him talking to his brother and Bofur earlier. He knew you wouldn’t open the door for him again, so he sighed, turning away. He’d find you first thing tomorrow and apologize.
“Where’s Y/N?” Fíli stood in the hallway next to his brother. It was midmorning and he had set out to find you and apologize sincerely for what he had said, to tell you that he had not meant it in the slightest, that really, he loved you. 
Kíli looked at Fíli. “Didn’t anyone tell you? She left with the elves. Last night.”
Fíli looked like someone had punched him in the gut.
“She left?”
Kíli nodded. “She’s gone, Fíli.”
He sighed. Of course she was gone. He had insulted her, and she wouldn’t accept that. But he still missed her. 
Turning away from the pity-eyed Kíli, Fíli made his way back to his rooms. Opening the door, he sat in the armchair in the corner, silent. 
A knock sounded against the hardwood.
“Come in.” The prince had barely raised his voice, but whoever was outside had head nonetheless and opened the door.
The dwarf, holding a long package, handed it to Fíli. 
“What is it?” Fíli asked. 
“It’s from Y/N. She ordered it from me for you.”
“Thank you,” Fíli dismissed the dwarf and sat down to unwrap the package. 
It was a gorgeous pair of swords. The metal was tempered perfectly, gleaming, the edges were sharp, and when he held them it felt like they were meant for his hands. 
Y/N had done all this for him.
And what had he done for her? Nothing. He had driven her away, she would never come back and it was his fault. He had been reluctant to admit it but he did truly love her. And now she was gone. 
Fíli started to cry, the tears marring the surface of his gift from you, just like he had marred your heart, hurting both of you forever.
He loved you. But you were gone. 
Everything tag 💞: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @wellofeternalthirst @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit
Fíli tag: @laurfilijames
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antivano · 3 years
The Ultimate DA: I OC Questionnaire.
Hi DA fandom! I’m seven years late to the party. A few years ago I whipped up this huge DA: I questions template and never released it but I figured why not. It’s got 22 parts and almost 200 questions, free to be modified to your liking for other websites as long as there’s credit. It’s very packed and full, and is all located under the cut. I would strongly recommend copy pasting everything underneath the cut and turning it into your own post (please like/reblog if you do, and tag me in it if you want to!) for your own ease, but you’re welcome to just reblog it and fill it in from there.  Without further ado, the ultimate DA: I OC questionnaire. Enjoy! 
Basics. 1. 1 Introduce the Inquisitor! Name, age, race, gender, sexuality, birthday, class.   1. 2 Any reasons for these choices? Are they named after anyone?   1. 3 Are they happy with who they are? Do they wish they had a different name, another gender or race, wish to be born with/out magic?   1. 4 Does your Inquisitor stick to canon origin stories, or did you change it to fit your story? I.E is your dwarf Inquisitor a mage, is your “rogue archer” Inquisitor secretly a mage, etc.   1. 5 Do they have any artistic, singing, dancing talents? Anything that stands out? Any hobbies?  
Appearance. 2. 1 Give a detailed description of what they look like, or add a picture!   2. 2 How do they view themselves physically? Do they believe they’re attractive, or have low self-esteem? Is there any one particular thing about themselves they wish they could change?   2. 3 What about mentally? How do they view who they are as a person? Do they believe they’re a good person? Bad? Do they like or dislike who they are? 2. 4 Do they have any scars, and if so, how and where did they get them? Why were the wounds not healed with magic? Any tattoos or piercings? If they have vallaslin, what colour is the ink? At what age did they get it and what does it represent? Do they regret any of those choices?   2. 5 If they have vallaslin, how did they feel about learning the truth behind it?   2. 6 Which voice out of the four options do they have, or do you have a voiceclaim for them? What about faceclaims?  
Personality and views.   3. 1 What kind of person are they? Give a detailed description of their personality. Are they friendly, broody, quick-tempered, impatient, etc? Flaws and strengths?   3. 2 How do they view other species/races? 3. 3 How did they react to suddenly being in charge? Are they a natural born leader, or are they waiting for the first chance to escape?   3. 4 Does their personality change during the events of the game? How so?   3. 5 What is their opinion on magic, templars, seekers, apostates, blood mages/blood magic, the chantry?   3. 6 If a non-mage, do they have any former templar training? How did they get into it?   3. 7 Any political views within Thedas that stand out?   3. 8 How do they view the countries of Thedas? Do any of their views stand out as noteworthy? How do they view Tevinter and the controversy surrounding it?   3. 9 How do they feel about the fall of Arlathan and the Dales? Do they hold all humans accountable? If dalish, does it hurt to think about, or is it so far in the past that they’re detached? Does their opinion on these things change upon learning what truly happened to Arlathan?   3. 10 What are their religious views? If dalish, how do they react upon learning that the Old Gods were just powerful mages? How do they feel about them being locked away? Do they feel abandoned, betrayed, angry? 3. 11 What are some of their favourite things in all of Thedas? The ocean, baby nugs, the colour silver, rainy nights? Any reasons?   3. 12 What is their greatest wish, hope, dream? What is their greatest fear? How do these things affect who they are?  
Skills.   4. 1 What was their fighting skill like before they were sent to the conclave? Did they know how to fight, or were they thrown into the fray?   4. 2 How does this improve during their time in the Inquisition? If a mage, do they have any knowledge of how to use swords, daggers, or bows? Were they self-taught?   4. 3 How do they deal with combat? Do they drag it out, hack and slash, or get it over with as fast as possible? How do they feel about death and killing? Was their first kill during the Inquisition, or have they killed before that? How did they cope with it?    
Backstory.   5. 1 What’s their backstory?   5. 2 What were they like as a toddler, child, teenager, and now as an adult? 5. 3 Any traumatic or noteworthy incidents that have stayed with them? How did they cope with it?   5. 4 What is the greatest tragedy that has ever happened to them? How did it shape who they are? 5. 5 Do they know the Hero of Ferelden or anyone from Origins? How and when did they meet? Do they still keep in contact?   5. 6 What about Hawke or anyone from DA2? If so, does Varric know that Hawke and the Inquisitor know one another?   5. 7 How did they feel about being sent to the conclave? Did they volunteer or was it forced upon them?   5. 8 Are they happy with where they come from? Do they wish they had a higher or lower standing in society? Have they run away, or wanted to?   Family.   6. 1 What are the names of their parents? Are they living or dead? What are or were they like? Does the Inquisitor have a healthy relationship with them?   6. 2  Any siblings, nieces, nephews? Tell us about them.   6. 3 Any children that the Inquisition does or doesn’t know about? Why do they keep their children a secret, if so? Are they mixed race? Where are they now, who do they live with? How do they feel about their parent being named Herald of Andraste? If none, does the Inquisitor want children in the future? Talk about them here. 6. 4 What was their family home like growing up? Did they stay in one place or move around a lot?   6. 5 Who is the Inquisitors closest friend? How did they become friends? Was it always a happy friendship or was it enemies-to-friends? How has it evolved or crumbled during the Inquisition?   6. 6 Is there anyone they aren’t on good terms with? Anyone they can’t stand? Either individual people or organizations (Red Templars, etc). Why so?  
Romance.   7. 1 Did the Inquisitor romance anyone from the Inquisition, or were they solo?   7. 2 When did they first begin to have feelings for their love interest?   7. 3 Was there a break up? Was it permanent, or did they rekindle? Are they still friends?   7. 4 How do they feel about their relationship? Is it serious, or fun?   7. 5 Do they fight often? What is it most often about?   7. 6 Are they a flirt?   7. 7 Do they want to marry their love interest, or is it not on their mind right now?  
Misc.   8. 1 Do they have a favourite place in all of Thedas? Is there anywhere they’d hate to be?   8. 2 Do you have a playlist for the Inquisitor? A theme song?   8. 3 Do they carry around anything significant to them that has sentimental value?   8. 4 What languages can they speak? Were they self taught?   8. 5 Have they ever been arrested outside of the conclave explosion? If so, what was it for? How long was their sentence? Did they escape or were they let go?   8. 6 Have they ever been drunk? When was their first time being drunk? What are they like being drunk? Do they get any hangovers or do anything they regret?   8. 7 Are they addicted to anything? Have they tried to stop? How does it affect their stay in the Inquisition?  
Pick Your Party.   9. 0 Who does the Inquisitor most often bring with them on quests? Do you pick this based on who they’d want with them, or who you as a player needs at the time?   9. 0. 0 Do you make decisions based on your Inquisitor in a roleplay sense, or do you make decisions based on what you as a player wants?   9. 1 What were their first opinions of the companions and advisors?   9. 2 How does their relationship with them change during the game? Have they grown closer or further apart?   9. 3 If allied with the mages, does the Inquisitor and Dorian share a bond from being trapped in a destroyed future together, or were they able to brush it off easily with no impact?   9. 4 Did they help Blackwall find the Grey Warden objects? Did they go out of their way to find them, or was it just right place right time?   9. 5 Did they help Cassandra hunt down the missing Seekers? How did they feel about finding out the truth of the seekers and tranquility?   9. 6 Did Cassandra rebuild the Seekers?   9. 7 How did they react to Cassandra’s love for Varric’s books? Did they help, or tease her? Have they ever read Varric’s books?   9. 8 Did they help Dorian hunt down Venatori agents? How do they feel about the Venatori?   9. 9 What happened during the events of Dorian and his father? Was the Inquisitor supportive?   9. 10 How does the Inquisitor feel about Mother Giselle?   9. 11 Did the Inquisitor become a Red Jenny?   9. 12 What became of Harmons? Did Sera kill him? If so, how did the Inquisitor react?   9. 13 Did they help Solas retrieve the elven artifact? Did they help Mirhis? Was there a fight for the amulet? 9. 14 Did they help Solas and his spirit friend? Was the demon killed by the Inquisitor? 9. 15 Were the Chargers sacrificed? Why or why not?   9. 16 Did they help Varric with the red lyrium, and with Bianca? How did they feel upon learning that lyrium is alive?   9. 17 Did they bring a real Snowy Wyvern heart to Vivienne, or a fake one? How did they react to Vivienne's beloved?   9. 18 How did they react to Cullen’s lyrium addiction? Did they help Cullen become clean?   9. 19 How do they feel about Krem? Have they ever met an Aqun-Athlok before?   9. 20 How do they react to Zevran and the Crows? Do they know anything about them? Do they keep in contact?
Finding a Safe Haven.   10. 1 What was their reaction upon being locked up? Did they immediately resent Cassandra (and/or Leliana) for it?   10. 2 Did they try to escape before reaching the breach? Did they consider killing anyone to escape?   10. 3 What was their reaction upon learning that they could seal rifts?   10. 4 What’s their opinion on Haven? Is it too cold for them, too loud, too quiet?   10. 5 What is their opinion on Roderick? What about other minor characters within Haven?   10. 6 Which path did they take to get to the breach? What was their reason? Do they feel guilty about the casualties of the other path?   10. 7 How do they react to being named the Herald of Andraste? Do they ask people not to call them that, or do they wear the title proudly? How do they feel about Andraste and the Maker in general?   Mages, Templars, Seekers, (oh my!)   11. 1 Did they choose to ally with the templars or with the mages? Why? Did they take their companions opinions into consideration or was their mind set?   11. 2 How do they feel about the conflict? Do they think it’s time the mages got their freedom no matter how, or are they staunchly pro-circle?   11. 3 How do they react to the templars and seekers going rogue? Is it a surprise?   11. 4 How does the Inquisitor react to learning of the plot to ally with Tevinter? Do they agree with it, or blame Fiona?   11. 4 How do they feel about Alexius and Felix? What was their reaction to Felix's letter? Did they trust it, or were they suspicious? 11. 5 Did they care about Felix's illness, or was it unimportant to them? Would they have tried to help him, if they could? How did they react to the events of the potential future?   11. 6 How did they react to meeting the King or Queen? What do they think of King Alistair or Queen Anora?   11. 7 How did they react upon gaining the support of the templars/mages? Were they glad to be surrounded by them, or did they wish to be as far away from them as possible? 11. 8 Did they want to relax, after gaining the support of the templars/mages, or did they want to celebrate?   11. 9 How did they react to Corypheus and Samson/Calpernia? 11. 10 Did the Inquisitor try to save as many people as possible? Did they feel guilty about the ones they couldn't save? 11. 11 How does the Inquisitor feel about being a distraction for Corypheus while Haven flees? Did they volunteer?   11. 12 How do they react to being lost? Did they walk until their legs give out, or did they want to curl into a ball of fear? How do they react to being found by Cullen and Cassandra? Did it change their dynamic with either of them?   11. 13 How do they feel about being chosen as leader of the Inquisition? 11. 14 How do they react to Solas telling them the orb is of elven origin?  
Skyhold.   12. 1 What are their thoughts on Skyhold as a whole? Do they get lost easily? Any favourite areas or areas that they’ve decorated?   12. 2 Do they change the appearance of Skyhold often with throne replacement or banner decorations? Does the Inquisition object to it?   12. 3 How do they generally judge people in trials? Are they lenient or brutal? Do they enjoy being a judge, or would they rather pass the responsibility to someone else? Do they visit prisoners? 12. 5 Any noteworthy trials?   12. 6 Does your Inquisitor generally use Force, Secrets, or Connections to complete War Table Operations? Why? What does the Inquisitor usually spend Inquisition Perks on?   12. 7 Do they have any pets? What mount do they most often ride?  
Phoenix. 13. 1 How does the Inquisitor react to Hawkes presence? Do they get along? Do they agree? Do the tales live up to the reality? 13. 2 Who is Hawke? Mage? Sarcastic? Did they romance anyone? Is their partner with them in Skyhold, or did they stay behind?  
Here lies my heart. 14. 1 Who is the Warden contact, and how does the Inquisitor feel about them? Have they met them before? Do they spend time with the contact at all outside of combat and quests?   14. 2 How do they react to the letter the Hero of Ferelden sends? Do they write back? Do the Warden and the Inquisitor then keep in contact?   14. 3 How do they feel about The Calling?   14. 4 What is their opinion on the Wardens? Did they know anything about them beforehand? Have they ever met a Warden before the contact? 14. 5 Would they join the Wardens, if they could?   14. 6 How does the Inquisitor react to Warden-Commander Clarel?   14. 7 Did they bring Blackwall along? If so, are they suspicious that he never heard the Calling? Does it raise red-flags?   14. 8 Did they intend to open a portal to the Fade, or was it accidental? 14. 9 How do they react to being in the Fade again? Do they have nightmares about it afterwards?   14. 10 Do they believe the spirit they encounter is truly Divine Justinia?   14. 11 How do they react to the revelation regarding the Wardens’ involvement in the Conclave attack? Do they exile the Wardens?   14. 12 What would the Nightmare say to the Inquisitor?   14. 13 How do they react to learning it was the Divine behind them in the Fade, not Andraste? Does it break their spirit, or are they relieved? 14. 14 What would be on the Inquisitors tombstone? What about Hawkes? 14. 15 What else do the Fearlings take the shape of, or are they all giant spiders? 14. 16 Who do they leave behind in the Fade? Any guilt or regret? Why do they choose this person? If Alistair or Hawke, how does the Warden or Hawke’s love interest react to their death?   14. 17 How do they respond to Varric if Hawke dies? Do they comfort him? Does it change their dynamic?    
No Rest for the Wicked. 15. 1 What is their opinion on returning to Orlais? 15. 2 How do they feel about the ball? Are they excited? How do they feel about the clothes they're wearing? 15. 3 Is the Inquisition confident that the Inquisitor will succeed at the ball, or is there a fear that they'll be kicked out within five minutes? Is the Inquisitor the belle of the ball, or do they barely scrape by?   15. 4 What happened during the ball? Any romance? Did they gather coins, secrets?   15. 5 How does the Inquisitor react to Briala? Celene? Gaspard? Do they agree with Briala? 15. 6 What becomes of Orlais? Who holds the throne?   15. 7 Does the Inquisitor dance with anyone?   15. 8 What is their first impression of Morrigan? Does this change during the events of the game? Do they spend time together? How do they feel about Kieran? Who is Kieran's father? Do they meet? How does the Inquisitor react to Kieran's parentage? 15. 9 How do they feel about the Orlesian Game? 15. 10 Are they a good dancer, or do they have two left feet?
Pride and Prejudice.   16. 1 Does the Inquisitor take the Pilgrim’s Path, or fight their way through? What is their reason for this? 16. 2 Does the Inquisitor ally with Abelas or Morrigan? How do they feel about Abelas? Does it change their view of Elves at all?   16. 3 If Dalish, does Morrigan's attitude annoy them at all? Do they confront her?   16. 4 Do they drink from the Well of Sorrows? Why or why not? If so, does it change them at all?  
Run, Kieran, Run!   17. 1 How do they react to the disappearance of Kieran? Are they worried? 17. 2 How do they first react to Flemeth, and then Mythal? 17. 3 If they drank from the Well, how do they react from discovering they are now the servant of Mythal? Are they fearful, determined to find a way out of it, or do they believe she holds no power over them? 17. 4 How do they react to finding out who Kieran really is?    
Hope Will Never Die. 18. 1 How does the Inquisitor feel about facing Corypheus for the last time? Do they feel confident? Do they believe they will survive the encounter? How do they cope with the possibility of failure? Are there any tearful farewells?   18. 2 How do they react to the broken orb? 18. 3 How do they react to defeating Corypheus? Are they relieved, unnerved? Are they in disbelief? 18. 4 If they drank from the Well, did the Dragon they mastered survived, or was it killed in the fight with Corypheus's dragon? How do they react to now having a pet Dragon? Does it serve them, or fly away after the battle? 18. 5 How did they feel about Solas's disappearance?
I Know the Mark Like the Back of My Hand. 19. 1 How do they feel about the Anchor? Is it sacred to them? Do they hate it? Have they tried to remove it?   19. 2 Does it hurt? How much? 19. 3 Does it control them, or do they control it?   19. 4 Can they do any fun tricks with it? 19. 5 Has it gotten them into trouble? (ex; glowing in a dungeon and alerting enemies)
Jaws of Hakkon. 20. 1 How do they react upon learning that they will be investigating the fate of the last Inquisitor? 20. 2 Do they gain an alliance with the Avvar? 20. 3 How do they feel about the Avvar?   20. 4 How do they react to Telana? How do they react to her Dreamer abilities? 20. 5 How do they react to discovering the truth of Ameridan? Does this change their opinion of history? If Dalish, how much does it affect them to discover that they were an elven mage?   20. 6 Do they vow to tell the world the truth, or do they continue letting people believe that Ameridan was a human noble? 20. 7 What becomes of Storvacker?  
The Descent.   21. 1 How do they feel about the Deep Roads? Did they find the scenery beautiful, unnerving? Are they afraid of heights? 21. 2 How do they feel about Valta and Renn? 21. 3 Did they believe in the Titans? 21. 4 How did they react to Renn's death? 21. 5 How did they react to the truth of Titan's? 21. 6 How did they react to being inside a Titan? 21. 7 How did they react to Valta using magic? 21. 8 ow did they react to Valta staying in the Deep Roads? Were they concerned for her safety? Did they send search parties to later look for her? Any headcanons of what became of her?
Trespasser. 22. 1 How has the Inquisitor changed in two years? What have they been up to?   22. 2 How has the relationships with the Inquisition changed? 22. 3 How has their love life been? 22. 4 Are they happy to get back into the fray, or annoyed? Were they hoping for peace and quiet? 22. 5 How do they feel about Bann Teagan?   22. 6 How do they feel about the people's wish for the Inquisition to be disbanded? Does the Inquisitor agree? 22. 7 How do they feel about the Qunari being involved? 22. 7 Do they suspect Solas of being involved, or does it come as a complete shock? 22. 8 How do they feel about the ancient elven city beyond the Eluvians? 22. 9 How do they react to finding out Solas is Fen'Harel? Did they ever have even a small hint or suspicion that something about Solas wasn't right? 22. 10 How do they feel about Fen'Harel in general? Has it changed their opinion of him?   22. 11 How do they react to their mark flaring up again? Are they angry? Do they become frightened? 22. 12 Do they believe that the fight with the Viddasala will kill them? Do they say goodbye to their companions? What about their love interest?   22. 13 How do they feel about Fen'Harel's plan? Do they agree with him or vow to stop him? 22. 14 How do they react to their arm being ripped off? How do they cope with it? Was it a relief to be rid of the mark? How do they adjust to life without it? Do they use magic to compensate? How does their love interest help them?   22. 15 Do they get married? How is their marriage? What was the celebration like? 22. 16 What becomes of the Inquisition? What was the reason for the Inquisitor’s choice?   22. 17 What happens after Trespasser? How is the Thedas looking? What are your headcanons?
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