ankso · 2 months
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was in a teams meeting with a bunch of people who had only ever read my name without hearing it. getting called annox, anzo, unsure, ankso, etc. in the span of an hour made me realise you guys probably have no idea how to pronounce it either
it's ann-show. the x makes a "sh" sound in galician
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pseudoanxious-blog · 7 years
Čisto normalni
V boju z ankso spoznavam, da z nami ni nič "narobe" oz. v bolezenskem smislu, kot to dojemamo. Strah. Predvsem tisti nekoristni, iracionalni strah, ko bi se zaščitil pred ostalimi svojimi čustvi, seveda tistimi, ki bolijo.
Nekoga ganjenost recimo ne zmede, jaz si jo težko dopustim; ganjenost so solze, stisk v prsih, moški pa ne jokamo in smo strong. We suck it in. Dobesedno. No, ne vsi, čestitke pogumnim, ki si dopustijo čutiti. Ker niso oni jokice ampak zmagovalci, ker si dovolijo občutke.
Strah. Bolj kot razmišljam, bolj vidim, da je to pri meni glavna težava. Do prihoda prvega otroka in svetovne krize 2008 mi je šlo kar po maslu. In takrat se seveda nisem ukvarjal s strahovi, ozirima redko.
Potem pa naenkrat en otrok, kriza, očetov rak, drugi otrok. I didn't sign up for this, bi rekel. V smislu strahov, ki so se pojavili. Najprej o boleznih, smrti, potem pa napačno povezovanje dogajanja, simptomov stiske. In gre vse v maloro.
Fast forward na danes: nimam slabih otroških izkušenj, tistih res dramatičnih, tukaj sem srečnimi, ki se borijo z ankso. Imam pa težave z izražanjem čustev, predvsem žalosti, ganjenosti pa tudi strahu.
Zdravilo: na papirju enostavno, v realnosti malo manj. Najprej "pobrisat" zmotno prepričanje, da je nekaj "narobe" in predvsem "neozdravljivo". Drugo, zmotno razmišljanje od prvega paničnega napaka do prve ure psihoterapije odmislit. Ker je bilo sklepanje v tem času napačno in predvsem posledica ukvarjanja s simptomi.
Tretje, bistveno. Premagovanje strahu. Ne neposredna borba s simptomom, ko te stisne. Razumeti, kaj je bilo pred tem in to premagati. Ponoviti izkušnjo. Prvič je vedno težko, potem vedno lažje in potem strah izgine. Najprej pa razumeti, da prvi strah ob neki izkušnji ni "bolezen", ni "napaka". Je neko prepričanje iz preteklosti. In se lahko spremeni, z vajo, s ponavljanjem. Pri meni se.
In kar je zelo pomembno: ne rabim dvomit v moje telo, da tega ne bi zmoglo. To je proces učenja, za to smo narejeni. V izkušnjo, predelat, počivat, ponovit. To so borbe, vredne truda.
In ja, prav iz strahu pridejo različne "obrambe": jeza, cinizem, zabijanje, negativizem.
Nadaljujem s četrtinko Cipralexa zaenkrat. Potem pa počasi dol, da odmislimo dvome kaj so in kaj niso učinki tablet.
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ankso · 4 months
You Can No Longer See Users’ ‘Likes’ on X
“Likes” on the social media platform X are private for all users as of Wednesday. X’s engineering team announced the decision Tuesday, saying that …You Can No Longer See Users’ ‘Likes’ on X
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ankso · 5 months
Here’s What a Solar Eclipse Looks Like From Space
Few people get a better view of the Earth than those who are actually off the Earth—astronauts who can look down on our planet from above. They are …Here’s What a Solar Eclipse Looks Like From Space
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ankso · 5 months
Best Tips And Tricks For Saving Money Online
TIP! Before making any purchase with a new online retailer, take the time to read the terms and conditions and their site privacy policy. These will …Best Tips And Tricks For Saving Money Online
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ankso · 6 months
How to Keep Your Pets Safe During the Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse set to cross North America on Monday, April 8, has humans aflutter with anticipation, but the phenomenon, and even more so the …How to Keep Your Pets Safe During the Solar Eclipse
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ankso · 6 months
Will the Solar Eclipse Affect Cell Service?
From New York to Indiana, state officials across the country are warning of potential cell phone outages during the day of the total solar eclipse on…Will the Solar Eclipse Affect Cell Service?
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ankso · 6 months
SIP investing 101: Building wealth through Systematic Investment Plans
Systematic Investment Plans constitute a very easy mode of investment – the other popular one being the lump sum investment mode – that also offers …SIP investing 101: Building wealth through Systematic Investment Plans
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ankso · 6 months
6 Benefits of Being a Tax Preparer
On the surface, tax preparation may seem like a career that’s only for people who love crunching numbers and learning tax laws. In reality, tax …6 Benefits of Being a Tax Preparer
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ankso · 6 months
7 Tips for Investing in Jewelry
Do you want to start making savvy jewelry investment decisions? But lack the confidence or don’t know where to start? The world of jewelry investment…7 Tips for Investing in Jewelry
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ankso · 7 months
SIP investing 101: Building wealth through Systematic Investment Plans
Systematic Investment Plans constitute a very easy mode of investment – the other popular one being the lump sum investment mode – that also offers …SIP investing 101: Building wealth through Systematic Investment Plans
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ankso · 1 year
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ankso · 1 year
Immersive Entertainment: LG TV OLED Smart TV
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ankso · 1 year
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ankso · 1 year
2023 Porsche Super Cup in Florida: A Glimpse of the Future of Motorsport
The 2023 Porsche Super Cup made its second visit to Florida this year, and it was a glimpse into the future of motorsport. The event is taking place at the Miami International Autodrome , and it’s featuring some of the most promising young drivers in the world competing in Porsche 911 GT3 Cup race cars. The race was won by Larry ten Voorde, a 23-year-old Dutch driver who is considered to be one…
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