originalartblog · 2 years
The day I followed this blog I saw a canadian goose. Goosamu is following me. Send help.
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thank you @variabels for the edit
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
Ripe cherries??????
It's my maxiel medieval omegaverse fic that's been tabled for like 6 months now but I opened the doc today🥹
“King Jos and Prince Max, your Majesty.” The self-important man bowed at the waist to another man, seated behind a desk– working. Said man stood and his richly dyed doublet caught the light coming through the high windows of the room. His face was handsome in a chiseled, rugged way and Max understood why when this trip was announced, the omega of the palace were awash with whispers of the alpha King Mark of the South.
“Jos, welcome.” Mark smiled broadly and clasped forearms with Jos who smiled equally widely. Both kingdoms served to gain from this arrangement. The South would gain a very powerful ally and the North would gain an omega princess to give their kingdom alpha heirs.
Max thought it was all silly, there was no guarantee that an omega would produce alpha children. Just because one was royal didn’t make them any more likely than a peasant. If anything, King Nico of the West would no doubt be the first to broach the topic what with his bevy of omega children. They were all lovely and no less fit to lead because of their designations. But that was an argument for a different day. Max’s purpose here was to meet, wed and bed a royal omega.
He peered around the room quietly as the Kings spoke, noting the absence of said omega. King Mark’s youngest brother, Daniel. He is said to be quite beautiful and joyful. As if reading his thoughts, Jos peaked around the room, noticing the obvious lack as well.
“Where is your brother? No doubt he will want to meet his new alpha.” Jos’ proud smile coloured his words when talking about Max.
The self-important man left the room quietly. Assumingly to fetch the wayward omega. The doors to the room opened again and a slender man walked in, his dark doublet and trousers were of the practical fabrics used by those that worked in the castle, Max recognized from their short trek through the grand halls.
Mark suppressed a sigh but he didn’t suppress the way his eyes rolled as he took in the curly head that lowered into a skillful curtsey before them. Max watched curiously, Jos’ lip turned up in a half sneer before he seemed to catch himself.
“Many apologies brother, Jetty needed help in the infirmary and I lost track of time.” The apology was demure and Max watched as Mark bit his tongue– for what reason, he didn’t understand.
“It is fine, brother. Please rise and meet King Jos and your betrothed Prince Max. Gentlemen, my brother Princess Daniel.”
The newly introduced Princess Daniel stood and Max was taken in by his gorgeously bright brown eyes. He was lithe, with messy curls that have all but escaped the comb seemingly placed for that purpose. He smiled serenely at them and Max couldn’t look away.
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Current #: 6/5 (answering a bonus ask ^_^)
Rook: 1
“Summer”: 2
Saturn: 1
Ember: 1
All: 1
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fannyyann · 8 months
flapanthers: making out super bowl picks 👀
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jtl-fics · 9 months
Can I request a full fic? Thanks 😊
I kid, I kid, ilu. Ok can I request math nerd or pretty boy? Thanks friend!!!
WIP Wednesday 1-3-24 (Open) | Pretty Boy
Neil looks at him and Andrew can see the lack of comprehension on his face. He looks at Neil's face and he hovers his hand by Neil's cheek before Neil nods.
He touches the burn scar and he can't see it right now in the dark of the bus but he knows the small flecks of black that are there. His hand drifts up to the barely there scar and know that this one will likely be far rougher.
Abby will do her best to fix it but there will still be additional damage from Aaron's attempt.
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kurapixel · 7 months
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does anyone besides me want digimon linking charms 😔
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come on, spill the tea! but first: there are guidelines
nothing offensive, please!
no nsfw!!
and that's it lol go crazy
the mods are human too btw, and there are thousands of confessions in inbox so you might have to wait for urs to be published :)
have fun confessing! and also read the tags.
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eueclid · 1 month
His days began to feel repetitive, same thing over and over while the same thoughts plagued his mind and shook him to his very core. It kept him awake at night, Riko's death, playing in his mind over and over and over. She should have had a normal life. She should have been able to be a teenager. Bullet exits the chamber, the Plasma Star Vessel's life essence spills out onto his feet.
Suguru stopped leaving his apartment a couple days ago. His phone, which isn't even charged, probably has a slew of missed calls that he doesn't have the heart to answer. It doesn't matter. None of this matters. Why should I care if I work myself to the point of bleeding and nothing changes? It lays forgotten on his floor. It won't be charged today, or tomorrow. Or the day after. Maybe the next day.
He doesn't feel like eating. He needs to. His go - to drink is matcha, carefully prepared and made boiling hot with no sweetener in sight. He likes the way it scalds his tongue. He feels something this way. He moves to scarf down his cheap microwave noodles, a strange comparison with the quality of his drink, but he doesn't able to. There's a knock on the door before he can add water from his kettle.
It's Satoru. He knows it before he even opens the door. Suguru is of half a mind to ignore it, but he knows his friend. His best friend. He won't go away, he'll just walk in. Almost dejectedly, he sets down the ramen cup and shuffles over to the door, hair hanging over his shoulders, head turned down, hands in the pockets of his pants.
“ Yes, Satoru? ” His given name rolls so smoothly from his tongue, as if he were the only person to ever say it. He weakly grasps his doorframe, plum - colored eyes more dull than usual, even with the sun shining on them. It's then he realizes he hasn't felt the sun in days — the curtains are drawn, a single lamp offering the light he's been using. It must be a pathetic sight indeed. “ I'm trying to clear my head. I'll be around later, I promise. ”
@reikugan : It makes me feel better to know where your head is at.
He stares at him blankly, catching flecks of blue that are able to shine through the round lenses he tends to wear. Satoru wouldn't budge, he knew it. He knew him far too well. He lets out a sigh, stepping aside and allowing his friend to enter, if he wished. “ Fine. But I'm going to eat first. ” He doesn't have the heart to tell him the last time he ate.
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3lsmp · 1 year
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minshift · 9 months
does your DRself have a different personality from your CRself? if so is it like 'wow these two people have nothing in common' or you share some traits  🤍  congrats on 500!!
tysm!! my drself DOES have a bit of a difference from my crself (i even changed my mbti in my script... lmao) we share a lot of traits honestly because in the long run that is me, you know? the humor is the same, interests are the same, most things stayed the same except for how shy i am (i am very shy in my cr so in my dr i scripted im not!)
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rhaenyrsa · 2 months
This was a new thing for her, as it was for everyone, she assumed. However, on top of having this . . . tadpole, she believed they called it, inside of her head, she was in a new land. This is what she gets for leaving King's Landing. She was told to wait, and now she's stranded, her beloved dragon's whereabouts unknown, and all she can do is follow these people around until there's a cure. Then, she'll worry about making it home.
He was odd, a seemingly fearless thing with a penchant for both backstabbing and constantly being afraid of being backstabbed. Still, he makes his way over to the fire and Rhaenyra makes room for him. Astarion was his name, she remembers, lips pressed together as he sits beside her.
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“ At least we can see the stars from here. I, for one, thought I might never see them again. ” She misses the view from her home — though, she must admit, the unobstructed view was beautiful. It was the same sky, but it was different. She liked it. “ When you look at the sky from my home, the lights of the city only let you see the brightest of stars. It's strange to think I'd never have seen this if none of this happened. ”
@palespawn: If you never saw the stars, candles were enough.
“ A lovely metaphor, but I could still see the sky, you know. ” She's able to finally crack a smile, pulling her legs up to her chest. Rather unladylike, but none of her future subjects were here to see it. “ I don't know. Maybe a better one would be, look for the good even in the worst situation? ” If they were turned to mind flayers, there would be no stars or candles. Just bad. “ Are you from here? Do the stars look like this where you live? ”
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onboardsorasora · 1 month
Oh my god there’s so many good ones!!
3 — [I] trusted [you]
26 — how dare [you]
Max grips Daniel's arm and drags him from the room quickly. They barely made it to the adjoining lounge before Daniel snatched his wrist back and waved off the security that had followed them.
"what are you doing?" Daniel hissed, his honey eyes wide at he stared at Max.
Max looked at him helplessly, Daniel was lovely as always. But today he looked especially beautiful. "What are you doing?" Max asked instead. "You can't get engaged to him!"
Him being Lewis Hamilton, a Duke of high birth. The kind of person Daniel had confessed, in the darkness of his room after the house went to sleep, to hoping to never be married to. Max had held him close and promise to be there for him.
Daniel's eyes flashed with hurt before they shuttered, he became stoic. The perfect prince of noble birth.
"I should be lucky to marry such, that he would want me." Daniel glared at Max, his eyes glistening.
Max swallowed thickly, remembering the morning that Daniel's father caught them together. Caught them because Max stayed too long in their cocoon of love. Joe Ricciardo hadn't appreciated his son being bedded by his trusted guard. The ensuing scandal had been widespread.
"How dare you come back here and try to make me feel guilty, Max. You left. I told my father I loved you and you left." Daniel straightened his shoulders and wiped at his eyes.
With one last look, Daniel left the room flanked by his new security who no doubt knew nothing about him. Max watched him go sadly.
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androidcharles · 4 months
hey Katie! You not annoying in this fandom!! You are so freaking cool!! There is no any someone cool and neat like you be annoying in this fandom !! >:]
It's kinda hard not to think that, but I appreciate the fact that you don't feel that way! ;-;
Thank you so much for the kind words 🥰
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crashstanding · 2 years
hi can i see this please (i need more mimiku in my life)
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Oh yeah, sure!! My idea was sort of a more fusion than a proper Mimikyu, more like they found a Miku Android to possess? But here she is!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
I have been sent to give you the following message: “boop”
Oh, Lord, they're multiplying. *flees to the blorbos*
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
What is one old project you'd love to go back to complete/possibly rewrite but for the life of you can't seem to find the time nor energy to sit down an do it?
I have so many unfinished half-finished projects I fully intend to complete its kinda insane. Makes it hard to pick just one hdhgdjdjdhfjgk
Hm well I have been thinking about my old Miraculous fic a bit more lately! I've always intended to finish it, never really stopped thinking about it, I was actually gonna see if I could tackle it after I'm done cleaning up this latest ninjago fic
As far as rewriting goes I've got far too many new ideas to get to, never been one to dwell on redoing things usually just finishing them and doing something new. There is a couple au's I've always wanted to dust off too but ough the work and time--yeah y'know what I mean lol
This was a fun ask! You ask neat questions my dude, fun to answer. Here's a silly one back to peoples: what project of mine would y'all's most want to see finished/re-written/revamped?
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