yeats-infection · 4 years
@sqvalors tagged me in a lil writing meme... if you’d like to participate please do and tag me! 
ao3 name: fluorescentgrey but i also post some things as drglass (dr. glass is the second song on the fluorescent grey EP by deerhunter, so if i make another pseud it will be likenew, then washoff, etc.) 
fandoms: about two thirds of my fics are harry potter or star wars but there are a lot of random little goodies. currently i have shifted into the terror (2018) mode. 
number of fics: 59 right now... i will throw a party when i get to 69... 
fic i spent the most time on: this is funny because some of these technically took me like six months or more of working on them extremely intermittently... namely, bone machine. the series in the garden has taken me the most time generally... and in that, minuet did take me several months of working really hard while i had a schedule / commute that was not conducive to having a creative practice... 
fic i spent the least amount of time on: hilariously, literally my most popular fic by ninety miles, the witcher PWP that i wrote out of spite in two or three hours. 
longest fic: the source codes series... particularly heelstone which is 102k. i wrote these two stories in a single summer like a crazy person and i hate talking about them because i find them WAY too gooey. honestly, that’s why they are so long. it’s all the gooeyness!!!!!! 
shortest fic: yes, the answer is the witcher porn again (this silly thing is going to be the answer for many other questions in this little meme but i’m just going to stop talking about it while i’m ahead). the west end is just about 50 words longer and is much better and is a much better and more interesting story. 
most hits: we’re just going to pretend it’s sex and dying in high society, which has the second most hits. this is certainly due to the fact that @wolfstarwarehouse hypes this story a lot for which i am endlessly grateful! 
most kudos: recovery position has the second most kudos so let’s go with that one! i have been very touched by the response to this story, though i do personally like the sequel beachcoma a little more... i understand why not everyone wants to read it because it is a little more bittersweet. but it also comes from my soul. 
most comment threads: the two stories in the source codes series are leading here, because i only posted two chapters at a time so that i would get maximal validation, lol. 
most bookmarks: in order to talk about a story i haven’t talked about yet, the rosary has the fourth-most. i think this fic is truly my r/s swan song... i said everything i wanted to say and did everything i wanted to do. it’s a really good mystery/noir story that i didn’t think i could pull off until i did! and i love the OCs in it who have sort of manifested these secret headcanons for me that i may expostulate upon someday. thank you to @piovascosimo for the inspiration to write it. 
total word count: 1,000,478. lol! 
favorite fic i wrote: cannot possibly choose but probably the top five in order of date posted are: desperado, a handful of dust, doom town, beachcoma, jump into the fire
fic i’d rewrite / expand on: i already said all of source codes because it’s way too gooey, i also could make hard time killing floor blues a lot tighter, and a memoir of the flesh deserves a way better ending because i was rushing to make the yuletide deadline...
share a bit of a WIP: i was trying for a while to write a band of brothers AU where they are vietnam vets who start growing cannabis... based on the steve earle song “copperhead road.” this could have been SO good but the plot was too huge and unwieldy so i gave up. my roommate is obsessed with this idea and keeps asking me how it’s going so i may yet finish. but there’s a bit below the cut.
The knock at the door in the night was a sharp shock, bright as lightning, that sent them both back to Khe Sanh and before. Nix ducked. Dick went behind the doorframe. They kept low into the kitchen, where Nix took his old officer’s pistol out from where he kept it hidden behind the fridge. Then they went to the door, keeping to the edges of the hallways.
On the porch was Liebgott. He could have made his own way in likely right onto the couch without either of them noticing, so it was something that he had knocked on the goddamn door. It was particularly something given that none of the boys from Easy should have known about the grow operation, or even about Dick’s farm, being as Dick’s address on file at the V.A. was a post office box in town and Nix’s was still in Jersey. These considerations were nil to somebody who had spent the better part of five years in the bush of Vietnam. He took a last draw from his cigarette and put it out against the rubber sole of his boot, then he put the butt in his pocket. As far as Nix knew, he hadn’t said a word since January 1970.  
“Joe,” said Dick diplomatically. He put his hand out and Liebgott took it. Then he took Nix’s. He had handsome dark eyes, but they were full of a wall. You could tell he saw you, but it was like nothing followed the necessary channels to the brain to spur emotional response. It had been like this even while he was still talking, and after a while you got used to it.
“You comin' in,” said Nix, knowing he probably would even if he wasn’t invited.
Inside, they all three sat at the kitchen table in silence nobody was about to break. Finally Dick got up and went to the drawer where they kept the rollies and their share of the product. He passed a sheaf of papers and a film canister full of bud to Liebgott across the table. Nix understood as well as Dick apparently did that there would be no getting anything over on this kid, who had eyes in the back and sides of his head. He’d probably had a nice tour of the property before coming inside. “You hungry, son,” Dick said.
Liebgott shook his head. He extracted one of the buds from the canister and inspected it. They did look mighty good if Nix said so himself. They looked artful in Liebgott’s hand. There were black scabs across his knuckles and a dark rime of filth under those fingernails which still existed. He seemed satisfied enough with what he saw to take a paper out of the sheaf and start shredding the flower into it.
“Captain Nixon calls it Easy Diesel,” said Dick, like he was trying to pretend it wasn’t the funniest thing in the world.
Liebgott looked up and a smile flashed across his face like the savage golden light of a flare falling over the far hills. His smile was sort of brutal, like the edge of a knife in a barfight, or like a seething animal. Luckily it went away as quickly as it had come. He rolled the joint with a quick grace and lit the business end with his old silver Zippo Nixon hadn’t seen since the war. There was a skull engraved on one side and on the other it read IF YOU ARE RECOVERING MY BODY, FUCK YOU.
“I don’t know how you found us, Joe,” Dick said thoughtfully. “You don’t have to… tell us. But we ain’t exactly keen to have just anybody here.” He paused and looked quickly to Nix, who tried to make it abundantly clear by means of eyebrows that he wasn’t sure they ought to go down this road, wherever it was leading. Dick ignored him. Liebgott was watching them, fully understanding their attempted clandestine exchange. “We ain’t exactly keen to have the DEA here,” Dick said at last.
The cherry at the end of the joint atomized with a crackling hiss. Liebgott looked between Dick and Nix with extreme seriousness sullied only by his exhaling a dignified white cloud out his nose. Then he nodded, once, curtly, demonstrating he understood his orders as they had been relayed.
Nix flashed Dick what he thought was a what have you done type look. But Dick looked totally unbothered. He should have gone into this business years ago for how violently unflappable he was. He said to Liebgott, “I’ll get some blankets and you can make up the couch.”
Liebgott shook his head to say no need. He got up, careful not to scrape the chair against the floor, shook each of their hands again, and in less than a minute’s time he was back out the door with nothing more than what he’d come in with except the joint.
Nix and Dick, on the porch, listening to the crickets, watched him disappear into the darkness.
“Are we hallucinating,” said Nix eventually.
“I sure as hell hope not,” Dick replied. “We’ve got to ship all that product or we’ll starve.”
In the morning Nix was in the field, inspecting the plants. Liebgott was standing there at his quarter for god knew how long before he cleared his throat and Nix jumped about six feet in the air. There was a smirk shifting across Liebgott’s face that he would have been better about hiding when Nix had been his commanding officer. He looked like he hadn't slept. Back over there he had looked like that a lot, but it had been different, because of all the uppers they were taking. He cocked his head back over toward the long driveway and then he was off across the dew-wet grass which had already soaked through the hems of his canvas pants and his destroyed shoes.
Nix followed, like a duckling behind a hen. Liebgott still walked as though there were eyes in all sides of his head quickly processing information as he moved. Nix doubted you ever lost that kind of skill, even if in the real world it made you look like a mental patient. He caught up so they could walk side by side through the dew-wet grass. “What did you think,” he asked Liebgott.
Liebgott passed Nix the universal sign of furrowed brow that meant please clarify.
Nix gestured with pinched fingers to his own mouth as though Liebgott were also deaf. “The grass.”
He shaped his hand into an a-ok sign.
“You get any sleep?”
He nodded an infinitesimal nod, like the answer was a secret just for Nix to know.
“Well if you think it could be better just tell me how.”
Nix had had a high school friend whose sister was deaf from scarlet fever and whom he had watched on occasion communicate with her by means of sign language. Early on, back over there, he had sent off to command for a book, but by the time it came he understood it wasn’t that Liebgott couldn’t speak, he just didn’t want to. It was something like how people’s hair supposedly turned white if they witnessed some evil thing, or how people became ascetics in the name of god. If you were really fucked up on drugs or fear or otherwise, or if the natural magical thinking from childhood hadn’t been fully beaten out of you, you might have seen it as the sacrifice he had given to the forest for letting him out without a scratch so many goddamn times. It had been a bit of a trial to explain this to Spiers, who was practical almost to a fault, sometimes.
Liebgott showed another a-ok sign. Then he did a thumbs up which Nix knew meant it was good.
All in all it was smart. If he was still talking, Nix might have asked him, what have you been up to? You been sleeping on the street? You been to the V.A.? What did they tell you? And the answer would’ve been nothing good. Instead they just walked in the cool grass together in the sunshine and the morning was beautiful, and the air was sweet. It was all lovely until Liebgott had to physically stop him, laughing, somehow silently but also hysterically, from stepping right onto the razor-thin tripwire stretched invisibly across the dark gravel.
In the kitchen, Dick was doing the numbers. He took his glasses off when Nix came in and put the coffee on. “He learned a thing or two from Charlie,” Nix said, leaning against the counters.
“Who, Joe?”
“Our driveway is thoroughly ratfucked.”
“Hmm,” said Dick. He put the glasses back on and turned back to the accounting book. He was going to do this whole thing as above board as was humanly possible. The vivid daylight came through the window and struck the lens of his unstylish Ray-Bans and threw a kind of prism of color upon the white paper and the chicken-scratch sums. Nix felt like maybe this was something you would paint if you had the necessary implements and artistic ability. “Maybe we should see if we can get any more help.”
He was mildly ashamed to say it, but the doc had always kind of creeped Nix out. He imagined a hypothetical conversation with Dick, who he knew loved the kid, almost like a son: Listen, don’t get me wrong, he’s a good kid, I owe him my life, yadda yadda. But either he’s dropped the brown acid one too many times or the voodoo exorcism went FUBAR.
The doc had arrived on the farm on the heels of Sunshine and Rainbows, aka Mr. Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed, aka one Edward “Babe” Heffron. Nix had written Babe in South Philly, being as he was a connoisseur of bud and once upon a time had been famed among their company for smoking anything anyone put in his hand, often to his own detriment. The operation was getting big enough that Nix needed another pair of hands, other than Liebgott, of course, who was still fortifying the long driveway whilst giving away his cover by playing Led Zeppelin IV as loudly as was possible. It was a tough calculation, because Babe was a genius of pot, but he couldn’t keep a damn secret, and lo and behold he had dragged along with him a dark shadow in the human form of Eugene Roe. They came up the driveway in a big old Ford pickup that rattled its rust off in the potholes. Liebgott had dismantled the traps specially for their arrival when they had called from Williamsport to say they were an hour out.
“I figured we could use a medical professional to lend some credibility to the operation,” said Babe thoughtfully, sparking a joint on the porch over sweating jam jars of iced tea.
Roe snorted or something but it wasn’t really a normal person’s self-effacing laugh. Winters clapped his back. Nixon knew Roe had dropped out of medical school after two years but there was no need to say anything. Everyone knew that. Now he was working construction and Babe claimed to be working as a mechanic in a garage, but this seemed suspect given the state of the car they had driven up in.
“Well we sure as hell are glad you boys are here,” said Dick magnanimously.
Babe exhaled an opaque cloud that rivaled Nix’s own father’s ability with a stogie. “Can we see the bush?”
They went out all together to the field and ducked between the rows of corn. Babe knelt in the soil. It was damp with dew and quiet in here. It would have been almost like over there except it smelled good. “What’s the cross,” Babe said, inspecting the plants.
“It’s an indica blend…”
“Well, I can tell that,” he said.
“So you’re an expert on the plant now too?”
“I’ve just smoked an awful lot of joints in my life, Captain Nixon.”
Roe snorted again. When they all looked to him he said, “You said in the letter there was some kind of altruistic reason for all this.”
“It’s medicine, Gene,” Babe said gently, but also like they had had this conversation thirty thousand times. Nix filed away for later the intimation that Roe had read the letter he’d sent Babe at home in South Philadelphia.
“I guess you don’t remember the psychic break you had at the Do Lung Bridge.”
Babe waved this remark off, even though Nix remembered it too. It threw a chill down his back, like a water balloon had hit him at the base of his neck. “That was laced,” Babe said.
“With what!”
“I don’t know! Something bad!” Babe turned to Dick and Nix. “Gene’s teetotal,” he said, like this was a big old point of contention.
So that counted out the bad acid. Maybe he was just like this. Maybe he had had those big sad bug eyes as a child or an infant or a fetus in the womb. “Good on you, Doc,” Nix said.
“I ain’t trying it,” Roe said, folding his arms over his narrow chest, “no matter what it does.”
The doc was a tough cookie. Babe had claimed, over there, about as high as the Byrds song, that the doc came from a long line of the kind of folks described in Dr. John’s “Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya” and that, as such, he could heal wounds with his mind. When it didn’t work, as on the night when Jackson died, or the night when Hoobler died, or in the forest when Muck and Penkala died, or the night when Liebgott stopped speaking, he went to sit for a while on the edge of camp until Dick went over and made him eat something. Nix watched them in a state of confused envy, and then he went to write the letters to the families, so that Dick wouldn’t have to.
At dusk, after they ate a light dinner of corn on the cob and rice and beans, he took the boys up into the hayloft with an armful of blankets. “Sorry this is the best we got,” he said. He had said that about a hundred god damn times since they got here.
Roe looked like he wanted to say, you’ve got to stop apologizing for everything. Instead he said, “Where does Lieb sleep.”
Babe perked up. “Joe’s here?”
“You didn’t see him in the driveway?”
Nix sighed. “He’s gonna want to know what he did wrong that you saw him,” he said.
“Does he still — ”
Nix shook his head. “Not a peep.”
In a couple days time, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he was hot and tired and stoned, up to his elbows in earth in the field, showing Babe how to replant the hatchlings he’d grown from seed. “You guys room together or what?”
“Me and Gene?” Babe’s eyes were red in the corners from smoking and from the sun. “What about you and Dick?”
Dick, who had the radio on inside turned up as loud as it would go, so that they would hear it in the field, playing Crosby Stills and Nash doing “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.” “What about me and Dick?” said Nix.
Babe was a smart kid. He realized this was going nowhere. With muddy hands he popped one of the seedlings out of its little pot and cradled it into the ground. “Well, I think he thinks he’s looking after me, but in actuality, I am looking after him.”
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murfeelee · 5 years
Video Games Pt3: Video Game Challenge
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I saw this list on Pinterest out of nowhere, and what better way to ring in the new year than with another questionnaire, about my favorite pastime! This is the spiritual successor to Part 1 and Part 2.
Day 1 - Very first video game: Pacman and/or Mortal Kombat and/or Samurai Shodown on arcade machines (way back in the day when laundromats had arcade machines and gumball machines and such in them--good times, good times U_U); Tetris on computers; and a buttload of PS1 titles (again: back in the good ole days when consoles came with promo demo discs--I had Frogger, Need for Speed, Medieval, and a bunch of others).
Day 2 - Your favorite character: Here’s my Top 10 Males post and Top 10 Females post.
Day 3 - A game that is underrated: I will preach the greatness of PS1′s Legend of Dragoon till my dying day. It was doomed to dwell in Final Fantasy 7′s shadow, which came out earlier that same year, and it’s a real shame, cuz LoD was E V E R Y T H I N G.
My favorite aspects of the game are:
Its lore and worldbuilding. On top of the fact that the premise of the game is could be an anime series in its own right, you just get SO EXCITED to visit each new location, and uncover more about the world’s history, and see the different architecture, technologies, cultures and different races (I LOVE the Winglies, of course). It’s actually a gorgeous game for its time.
The combat -- I STILL have some of the Addition patterns memorized to this very day! They get progressively harder as you level up, but once you get used to the timing you feel so dang good. Die, More and More!
The soundtrack and cutscenes. The NOSTALGIA? O_O Bruh. The story is just really good, and was the very first video game to make me cry when certain...events...happened. Play the game and find out for yourself!
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game: The Sims, Dragon Age...any and all EA games. Effing ashamed of myself every time I give that nest of corporate demons at Electronic Farts money. “Surprise mechanics” my arse. 
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were): Has Jar Jar Binks been in a video game yet? Then that’s me. XD But I wish I was most like Lara Croft, as explained in my Top 10 Females post.
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Day 6 - Most annoying character: For females it’s Lightning from Final Fantasy 13, and for males it’s Vaan, from Final Fantasy 12. I don’t mind as much when supporting characters are effing annoying (Vanille, Hope, etc), but when it’s the MAIN protagonist?! WHY, Square Enix? WHY.
Lightning was just a negative nancy debbie downer. I wish they had swapped Serah and Lightning, I seriously do. I just couldn’t stand her dry and soulless personality. She wasn’t being edgy or bada** or cool or sexy or FANG or anything; she was just a bitter jaded unhappy wench.
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And with Vaan I just effing hate that dude. Why was he even there? They tried so hard to make this pushy entitled kid relevant, but I was like no, the story could’ve easily been told without him, and I wish it had been; he’s a effing idiot.
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Day 7 - Favorite game couple: Yuna and Tidus from FFX (hardest I ever cried playing a video game -- THE FEELS I TELL YOU).
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Day 8 - Best soundtrack: I used to think it was Skyrim, but nope, it’s Witcher 1, 2 and 3. Just listen to ALL of the songs CDPR ever produced for the entire franchise, including all the unreleased tracks, and enjoy the eargasm.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene: Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice had me legit depressed for a good week. Get your tissues and holy water ready; it’s seriously effed up. The entire game is the saddest I ever played, jfc.
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Day 10 - Best gameplay: Witcher 3, duh. Main quests, side quests, combat, dialogue, plot, graphics, worldbuilding, creatures, bosses, soundtrack, characters, Gwent, NEED I GO ON.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice: Playstation for life. But the Nintendo Switch is effing brilliant, ngl; once they put Skyrim & The Witcher on it I was like SOLD.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play: At least ONE Final Fantasy game. There’s 15+, and Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience.
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As much as I rag on FF13 and FF15, they’re still admittedly LEAGUES better than a lot of other crap out there. I just happen to feel that Square Enix is out of its frikkin mind lately, and tbh I’ve been rapidly losing my hype for the FF7 Remake. I was never much of a FF7 fan to begin with, aside from being a rabid Sephiroth fangirl and watching Advent Children a billion times. But Square’s gotta be drunk as a skunk if they think I’m paying all that money for god knows how many of these effing “episodes” they’re gonna piecemeal us to dangit death with. HAYUL no. I’d rather not get too attached.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times:
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Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper: Huh?
Day 15 - What game are you playing right now: Speak of the devil, I’m replaying God of War for the zillionth time already.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes: In terms of graphics and story impact IMO might be Red Dead Redemption 2. That game was frikkin gorgeous, and the story was SO DANG GOOD. Braithwaite Manor!? O_O
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Day 17 - Favorite antagonist: For females it’s either Edea from FF8, or Yunalesca from FFX. For dudes it’s Sephiroth, from FF7. That man needs some serious counseling.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist: Yuna from FFX for the ladies, and TW3′s Geralt of Rivia for the dudes. 
Day 19 - A game world you would like to live in: The more Middle Eastern-inspired scifi/steampunki-medievalesque world of Ivalice from FF12, or the medieval French/Swiss Toussaint from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.
Day 20 - Favorite genre: RPGs and JRPGs, and pretty much action-adventure games with swords and sorcery.
Day 21 - Game with the best story: Red Dead Redemption, which is a good thing and a bad thing. A lot of the time I felt I was watching a movie, rather than playing a game. But it was still an Oscar worthy movie. XD
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you: Technically it hasn’t come out yet, but from what we’ve seen of the Nioh 2 beta release, omfg what’s going on? U_U Now, don’t get me wrong! Nioh 2 looks AMAZING. But....that’s cuz it looks exactly like Nioh 1, just with new yokai gameplay thrown in. o_O Uh...is this a DLC expansion pack or what? Cuz it sure ain't lookin like a full-fledged sequel! :P Dare I call it an asset flip. Come on, don’t do this; do MORE. Unless this is actually an expansion you’ll sell for half the price. ;)
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Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style: For graphics it’s RDR2, but for most unique art style it’s always been Okami for me. <3
Day 24 - Favorite classic game: Spyro the Dragon. Their reboot for PS4 was AMAZING.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing: Cyberpunk 2077. I’m so bummed, knowing the game’s been delayed to September 2020 instead of April, but oh well. As long as CDPR gives us that master-class level of Polish we all know and love from The Witcher 3, then take as much time as you need, I guess. At least they’re not like effing EA or Bethesda. XD
Day 26 - Best voice acting: BOY. Freaking iconic, Kratos. :P
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever: Ciri beating the absolute tastebuds outta Caranthir in TW3, not once but twice. Most OP Witcher EVER, girl; WERK.
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Day 28 - Favorite game developer: Though I effing hate them, I’m still a Square Enix fangirl at heart. It’s just saddening to see this weird turn they’ve been making recently, with garbage like the Quiet Man, and especially with Final Fantasy, my favorite game series of all time. U_U I’m not looking forward to the FF7 Remake anymore, tbh. I just hope FF16 is more of a return to form.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn't like, but ended up loving: Skyrim. I was never a big fan of Elder Scrolls games, and when Skyrim came out I was very meh at first. But then the mods started coming out for it and I was like wow. O_O
Day 30 - Your Favorite game of all time: Legend of Dragoon on PS1, Final Fantasy X on PS2, Skyrim on PS3/PC, The Witcher 3 on PS4, and The Sims on PC.
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Thanks for reading!
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Smashilton: My Shot
*There is a long moment of silence as Link, Roy, and Little Mac all crowd around Joker, but Joker quickly regains his confidence and breaks into song*
[Joker:] I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot! *Jumps onto the table* I'm 'a get a scholarship to Peach's College I probably shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish I gotta holler just to be heard With every word, I drop knowledge! *jumps off the table and onto a chair which tips off balance but Joker expertly uses the momentum to swing it around and face the others*       I'm a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal Tryin' to reach my goal. My persona of speech: unimpeachable Only nineteen but my mind is older These New Donk City streets get colder, I shoulder Every burden, every disadvantage I have learned to manage, I don't have a console to brandish I walk these streets famished *Jumps off the chair and walks towards the group* The plan is to fan this spark into a flame But damn, it's getting dark, so let me spell out the name I am the [Joker/Link/Roy/Little Mac:] A-K-I-R-A, A-N-D—we are meant to be… [Joker:] A game company that runs independently Meanwhile, EA keeps shittin' on us endlessly *Shot of An EA logo with a body flipping off the audience* Essentially, they microtransaction us relentlessly Then King Dedede turns around, runs a spending spree *Shot of Dedede on a pile of gold* He ain't ever gonna set his descendants free *shot of Dedede suddenly surround by angry soldiers* So there will be a revolution in this century *Joker pushes the image a side so the present dominates the screen again*
Enter me!
[Link/Roy/Little Mac:] (He says in parentheses) [Joker:] Don't be shocked when your game journal mentions me! I will lay down my life if it sets us free Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy
*Joker and Roy start singing together* [Joker (Roy):] And I am not throwing away My shot (My shot) I am not throwing away My shot (My shot) Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot (And I'm not throwing away my shot)
Joker and Roy stand at the table where Link and Little MAc join them, all three standing around it* [Joker/Roy/Link/LittleMac:] I am not throwing away my shot *Little Mac pulls out a bottle of whiskey* I am not throwing away my shot *Link puts down four shot glasses* Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot *Little Mac fills the three shot glasses* It's time to take SHOT! *Roy expertly slides the shotglasses to each man at the table* [Link:] *quickly downs his shot* I dream of life without a monarchy Hyrule’s unrest will lead to 'onarchy? 'Onarchy? How you say, how you say, oh, 'Anarchy'! When I fight, I make the other side panicky With my [Joker/Little Mac/Roy:] SHOT! [Little Mac:] *downs his own shot* Yo, I'm a boxer's apprentice And I got y'all knuckleheads in loco parentis I'm joining the rebellion 'cause I know it's my chance To socially advance, instead of punchin’ some tramps! I'm gonna take a [Joker/Link/Roy:] SHOT! [Roy:] *quickly downs his shot and stands up* But we'll never be truly free Until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me (That's right!) You and I. Do or die. Wait 'til I sally in On a stallion with the first indie battalion Have another [Joker/Roy/Link/Little Mac:] SHOT!
*Dark Pit shows up and slams his hands on the table* [Dark Pit:] Geniuses! Lower your voices You keep out of trouble and you double your choices *Link, Roy, and Little Mac all advance on Dark Pit who throws up his hands defensively* I'm with you, but the situation is fraught You've got to be carefully taught: If you talk, you're gonna get *Joker pops up between his three new friends and Dark Pit* SHOT! [Joker:] DP, check what we got *Points at Link* Mister Chosen One, hard rock like Lancelot *Link preens* *Points at Little Mac* I think your pants look hot *Mac cries tears of joy* *Points at Roy* Roy, I like you a lot *Roy blushes* Let's hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin' the pot... *Joker jumps up onto the table* What are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot Poppin' a squat on conventional wisdom, like it or not A bunch of revolutionary manumission abolitionists? Give me a position, show me where the ammunition is!
*Joker suddenly realizes what he just said and collapses in on himself, terribly nervous, and his volume drops immensely* Oh, am I talkin' too loud? Sometimes I get over-excited, shoot off at the mouth I never had a group of friends before I promise that I'll make y'all proud [Roy:] Let's get this guy in front of a crowd!
*The new squad explode onto the streets out of the bar* [Joker/Link/Little Mac/Roy/Ensemble:] I am not throwing away my shot! *People begin to sing along* I am not throwing away my shot! *People begin to dance with them in rhythm* Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot! [Roy (Joker/Little Mac/Link):] *Roy jumps onto a large pile of crates* Everybody sing: Whoa, whoa, whoa (Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!) Hey! Whoa! (Whoa!) Wooh! Whoa! (Whoa!) Ay, let 'em hear ya! (Yeah!) Let's go! [Roy (Company):] (Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!) I said shout it to the rooftops! (Whoa!) Said, to the rooftops! (Whoa!) Come on! (Yeah!) Come on, let's go! [Roy:] *jumps down from the crates into the crowd* Rise up! When you're living on your knees, *helps the Ice Climbers rise from the ground where they fell* you rise up *points at Nana* Tell your brother that he's gotta rise up *points at Popo* Tell your sister that she's gotta rise up [Roy and Ensemble (Company):] *Roy rejoins his friends* When are these colonies gonna rise up? When are these colonies gonna rise up? (Whoa!) When are these colonies gonna rise up? (Whoa!) When are these colonies gonna rise up? (Whoa!) RISE UP!
*the scene suddenly freezes and goes black and white, everyone frozen in place. Only Joker remains in color as he begins to soliloquize through song* [Joker:] I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory *quick shot of Bayonetta, and little Joker dying in bed* When's it gonna get me? In my sleep? Seven feet ahead of me? *Quick shot of Dark Pit before going back to Joker* If I see it comin', do I run or do I let it be? Is it like a beat without a melody? See, I never thought I'd live past twenty *shot of Joker as a little kid* Where I come from some get half as many *shot of Joker and a bunch of other little kids who turn into headstones* Ask anybody why we livin' fast and we laugh, reach for a flask We have to make this moment last, that's plenty
*Joker swipes his hand, dispelling the memories* Scratch that This is not a moment, it's the movement Where all the hungriest brothers with something to prove went. *shot of Joker, Link, Roy, and Little Mac all standing together* Foes oppose us, we take an honest stand We roll like Reggie, claimin' our promised land And? If we win our independence? Is that a guarantee of freedom for our descendants? Or will the blood we shed begin an endless Cycle of vengeance and death with no defendants?
*color returns as the world resumes and Joker begins storming forward* I know the action in the street is excitin' But Jesus, between all the bleedin' 'n fightin' I've been readin' 'n writin' We need to handle our financial situation Are we a nation of states? What's the state of our nation?!
*Joker turns to face his friends, the sun at his back casting a golden glow around him* I'm past patiently waitin'! I'm passionately Smashin' every expectation Every action's an act of creation! I'm laughin' in the face of casualties and sorrow For the first time, I'm thinkin' past tomorrow. *pumps his right fist into the sky* [Joker and Company:] And I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my series I'm young, scrappy and hungry And I'm not throwing away my shot
Joker leads the company forward, back into the bar* [Joker/Roy/Link/Little Mac (Ensemble):] We're gonna rise up! (Not throwing away my shot) Time to take a shot! *Little Mac grabs a bottle of whiskey* We're gonna rise up! (Not throwing away my shot) Time to take a shot! *Roy grabs four shotglasses* We're gonna (Rise up! Rise up!) It's time to take a shot! (Rise up! Rise up!) *Roy slams the glasses on the table* It's time to take a shot! (Rise up!) It's time to take a shot! (Rise up!) Take a shot! Shot! Shot! A-yo it's time to take a shot! *Little Mac quickly fills them* Time to take a shot! *All four grab their respective glasses And I am not throwing away my [Company:] NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT! *all four drink at the same time*
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thweaty · 4 years
speaking about cheating...i have to tell someone b/c i've been dying to talk abt this but am afraid to discuss w/other friends as i fear it would eventually get back to my friend. so-my friend's group of college friends included a guy& they drifted apart but eventually came back to being casual friends. He would ghost for months n then text about hanging out n she would say yes. eventually she started developing feelings for him even tho they saw ea. other every once in a while. long story! prt1
my friend also lost her mom yrs ago n she started seeing this 'spirit guide'. she said she only sees him for advice and guidance (im thinking just go see a therapist but..)n he told her that this was the guy for her so i truly belib thats why she thought she was in luv w/him even tho he never even touched yer. last yr this guy got a job offer n left. my friend? heartbroken. so she starts talking abt this guy she works with. he's been hitting on her treating her real nice n she thinks he would be a good distraction. so she starts fuckin him. the problem? he married. he told her that he n wife are married for the sake of their 2 children but hate ea. other. called her a bitch, etc. well spirit guide starts telling her that this is the guy her mom chose for her. according to him her moms spirits talk to his spirit n that's the msg they delivered so my friend starts talkin bout how shes developed feelings for this guy. well this guy is apparently shit at communicating bcus he stops talking to her. maybe he angry w/ her? maybe he havin a bad day? who knows but he straight out ignoring my friend n she talkin bout how she spiraling n she look real heartbroken. so the guys coworker starts hitting her up n she goes for it. they fucked aroun a few times n she said she couldnt do it anymore bcuz she in love.well the mrd man finds out she slept w/his buddy. sprit guide tells her to be patine cuz this is destined to be her man n she out here texin him during quarantine. asking if he and the kids r ok. he flat out ignored her. dont give a fuk, but she out here suffering because of him n my question is what did you expect? even if he start talking to you again, that dont mean shit? hes still married! her sprit guide is all bout offerings though nd she upped her prayers n her offerings to no avail. i do not understand. also she talkin bout being afraid to go to work cuz it give her anxiety to b in the same building as him? not 2 minimize anxiety but
this is ..................... thicc 😳 ur friend really gotta want to help herself or else she’s gonna keep making the same mistakes but gat DAM
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babyawacs · 4 years
they are germans they find degrading alibis to repeat crimes and steal sgerman @all @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden #german #fengshui @phoenix_de @bild @bild_de they are germans whow ouldve letem even touch didthey imply you like toget molested by cockroaches threehudnred ti mes a day  in store in class onthe road incinemas and if the barricades are inthe way then around an intel sneaky shit access somewhere you! yes you! the aeh s s s s ss e x m a n i a c  then dogs then something else itisnt just the deed with intelcom a itisntjsut thatthey quell immunisation to isintjust thatthe y quell daytime charing it as victimblame howbatshit nuts youar e and here another confirmation forit it is german sgerman  sgermany so they try to tax it as frivolous life centerpoin t while killing you and from money earned with things they dama mge allalong ok ok ok ok ok back tothe pedo trick  until an other trick works itis g e r m a n you have not the f ucking idea whatthey do usually and why they get away 20 years with this shit evenifits daytim ehcharged eu wide ten years  and swampwide five years you just think its whackamole or a mmmystery or somekindof  fate aeh german?feng?shui?... //// childfoolbrainmess 1 615 1610 after murder frigne suffocaitonpoison itis germany m aybe sticky peaks of a potato reminded them how childfoolish youmsutbe bombout gaser stuff fffffffffffem  a l l l l l l l l they got onsite a l l then jailem foolbrai ndaamamager slapdown  repeats out loud: childfool damamge tem plates on suffocation killtricks is not very helpful. maybe i am incompetent  i didnot even notice that the civillian deed types what im botchting allthe time iso got used to that //// iiiam suffocating fidnth emix lympahtic behdinear  sqwueezeeeem /// bombout gaser stuffemtheirmix galore and squeezeem fidnthe stuff inhair an donthe clowns ~uickly quiclkkly shuffles alibimix usually  b ackleg heartkill implants are as critical as locked down gut s again compeltely itis murder tricks  murder with wal lgasings mruder with xraybeams murder with implant tricks mu rder with any mengele trick operate it threethousand times a year every year then suffocateit more tooperateit more it is murder tricks intensified efforted constant m u r d e r tricks barely shuffled away with other accesss itis like rapers host rapes then see if they can use it for a crim inalisation blame like poisoning you dull to host grann y germancure takeaway his rights sgerman sgermanyitis bbbbbbbbbbastardmonstrous tothe core and beyond and if they ca nuse kids intokillzones where they usually effort murdertricks theyd blame the kid too as thei r fault or bad parenting itis german itis germany itis exactly that what your forefathers felt this bbbbbbbastardm onstours sinister deviouscored amorphuoous shifting shuffling dev ious monstercore with shuffled parts of it and someare r e a l l y sorry  some only occasionally but inthe meanw hile the worst things happen as if a ufo harassed you then nothing was again  ortheyre sorry again ifyouforced em to th en someone else it is not like kontagan victims dying i nthe ghetto sowhat itis blaming them they tookthe stuff vol untarily and are they addicted tothe stuff before they were born germanness you must hold em to higher standards and so that their crippled arms dothat for themselves fortheir own good idontknow how else to stabilise this devious monster  ishouldnt and shouldnt want to think of soldier draft tim e that allthat couldve been wouldve been you wouldnve neverk nown they wouldve died like flies early age and that wouldbe their duty and sole purpose an dthey cannot even grasp how devious and wrong it is  but theyd gladly throw another generation intothe fire and you youknow it //// biosensors checkit 1550+-10 1540 thesubdued dige stivesystem with ehartaimed tricks with xray intoheart and l eftchest withpathogen trickeries damamged all to fragile w aht does the biosensor show gutslock effects atleast /// thismail stalled 1527: xraybeamtrick 1527 fromwhere which tpype beforemore pathogen gasing tricks and heart catapulted stuff /// bburden heart mess oily mess? 229¿ /// 222am xraybeamfrom //// thegerman govt averts systematically a pap ertrail for themess t h e m cause and make as daytime charged 2015 "verursacher" in shitcops charging "systematischer urheber der lage und der vorfaelle is t"  echr2800/10 eu humanrights court too uptill 3781/20 echr ///// check if behind earlympahtic aimed is pathogen trick again #name #without #face whois ortmaier, diebold andother nameswithout face as drugs andmixes as typed interoxidaustausch behind earlympahtic poisons arsenit cyancali stichnin nanofi nedusts andsuch ortmaier was or wouldbe about hightech tanks o ver a bridge ?!? in a theme //// thegerman govt plujs timecontrol accomplice know fortune knowinventions quelleither avert papertrail in alltheme sses causethemessallalong shuffled proxies  effort years of govermnment things to cut down the victimised survivor oftheme ss then externalities forced em tomeasure up against their o wn criminal agenda thenits goodcop badcop quelling their proxies barely or barely enough abit for now yes? youre the pro s  howbad isit //// the ea rlmypahtic aimedpoisosn are arsenide cycancali stichnin int eroxidaustausch  cellsuffocaiton murdertricks are as common a s nanofinedust asbestos and other killtricks deedtyped th e fix thatmadeit b a r e l y breathable imminent morning fix was hemolyt but after damamge suffocaiton nights damamge done allis bad its bad stuff allofit  this is usually deed ty ped //// what does it damage? bytheme staged organfail ges tuftes organversagen butisay its trombosis emboly dehydration mu rdertrick maybe kidneys too windows aimed xray beam is car or frontbuidlign likely nazi radar or beta itis efforted mur der tricks for months years deed typed ///// someofth emesses are inexplicable like minor mischief where pretend matt ers more with goodintent messing withourt learning effect against pretend but amplified rec onfirmation that or total morons and hideous murderers itis a constant effort on something that was not  with allthe dam amges shut down subdued it was not why shouldit letalone lympahtic+centerbacklow+ alibi  itsnotpossible itsnot measura ble usually /// ican still barely crap itis shutdown subd ued centerbacklowdigestive system it normalises abit but tisno t as usually orbefore itis a murder kill trick murder gram py thisis the only trick they got awaywith  their alibi wo uld be sthlike crapping 2times a day  is why they shut it do wn so its  germancured t r y i n g t o five times aday be hind earlymphatic +centerbakclow sithe poison usually rightn ow maybe heartrlelevant resubdue again 0017 //// find da amage erasers earlier weeksmonths headimapcts damamges turnba ckclocndamamges too fixable? //// heavy betaray or radar again 2153 murder trick with plausible deniability intel murder heart aimed headaimed leftchestaimed above abovead jacent corner maybewidowaimed findit ///// xray beam m urdertrickery whichtype abvoe aboveajadancent knows //// xray beam killtrick heartaimed whichdamamvge isit else lym pahtic ear+hand aimed mix maybe nonhostile thistime above a djacent corner betaray? //// mixes 1910+-3 is gaser and a bove is /// xraybeam trick killtirck heartaimed oncemore t he civillian must find it out they throw oneday bum lidokain atit and dammamge germancure op erate the bloodvesssels so fearnot  use the chance what a nutb um itis to report whatthey harm allalong //// billionaire marriage quality until imademy own billions  then the sleaziest hooker bum onthe globe //// @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@n orway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden example: itisntjust underdeveloped fools, itis (!)did never and (!)would have never developed. and that in a world where intels control the population with cookingfore head arbitrarily literally willynilly. letalone in a deeply sophisticated educated discipline d case cmon now youknow its one example of the most declinate able cases they shuffle stigmas they shuffle harms they sh uffle proxies because itis  i n t e l  itis whihc trick w orks this time with all authorities as dependents under cont rol doing whatthey want with peasantry as civil population whhhyyyyy!!!!! r o b u s t o  AND creamy?! @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden aha!!!! peanutbutter between nuts batshit nuts! but... why?! t he brand?! r o b u s t o  a n d creamy that that that a dunno thatsgotta mean sth ... right?... ********* without ac cess mess average,median, and mean identificationtimeframes with ai. and by experience  ** ******* with access to the case:  ///// find xraybeamtri ck allda ylikely beta or radar bythe way lawyers ofmine ** ***** make sure germans cannot use doc-ification everagain with utmost severe consequences but for things they wait longer than three years threemonths th ree days younameit andforemost eachofthem signs under oath th e  i  n  t e l terrors witnessed including whatthe civillian demystified and them   pokemon openmouth woa + wtf ********** trickery with docification as game for find sth youcan dist ort twistlater to justify a shitball while allalong itis intel murder that is over orthey hang with the scums symbolicall y (notliterally) ///// tinitus from deceit trick allday wh atisit this time momfool brainwashaway fof fortune mom th eperverted doing moms itsalljsut a dream yourenot you tonaswinn ihave dismal transvetite emotions and want to be molested by horny germans because theyre so german and im so terribly not german what is it this time again //// ffind backleg tricks for boner implan t remtoeocntroleld itisntjsut biting hemmmorides itis buzzin g installs tactically timed to what xray murder beam killtr ick fromcockroach above aboveadjancent is priority ///// itis unusually mild since anhour or two whosnew usually its poisons damamges suffocations xraybeam terror find xrayb eam killtrick fromabove aboveajdancent and window aimed oth erwise miraclemild I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG http s://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493 212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss ///// gaser is likely xray to terrorise or and fr ame something stuff them their mix galore chekc ifthey host a cockroach clown german  //// repalcedphone sucks whofu cktit bbombout xray murderer and disgust messer   1607 a s xraymurderer gaser beam messer 1550+-10 ///// replacedph one 1525 heartaimed 1526 /// 1524 pathogen murder relelva nt? //// a piece of crud druged me drowsy agian 1515+-5 stuffemtheirown mix g a l o r e if cockroach germ an cockroach efforts imminent danger itis bad choice regretta bly itis effort cockroach dont touch the wall do nt tocuhthat guy find sth else todo ///// medics those spikes are r e s t i n g heartrates itis surprising that the fitnesstracker identifies heart on edge itis not howitis without damamged hbeart itdoesnt have even coffee or other t hings that could pushit up itis resting recovery and critic al heartonedge allalong btw //// lawyers make em sign or r eadoutloud this is the eigth year on edge of existence and its been a joy to see him struggle o n 200amonth with billions on the accounts micromanaged from 67 billions to 90billions recently but he court demanded acc ess to his own fortune with intiative fromwithin the bubble an d against not a missed formality immunisation but agaisnt a quelled quelled immunisation keeping him that way  is intent yes and itis a joy tos ee how he struggles the eigth year on 200 amonth and yes we w ant to tax his billions or someow chain it or sex it or someh ow killit anything aslong as we can pillage it see? abit h onesty  howlikely willthey admit the obvious //// oh please for thegermans its suicide whenyou cut 50bucks from foodmoney everymontbh not toget a malgam teethfills they urgently rescue you from imminent starvation death the 8th year  than give you access to your own court demanded fortune  they imminently take away your r ights that a german that quells any fucking ebay sale or booksal e germancures you urgently they dont store miracles of m icromanagement cutting chowpennies topayoff bullshit idont even o we realtime they see  c on f u s i o n it just  mysteriou sly somehow always adds up and somehow micromanages chowpennie s for abit semisafe IT hardware and phone for s o m e t h i n g not too contract chain bondin g  they are confused by complexmicromanaging but get a c c ce s ss s to damamge you to alzh eimer granny because thats tthats how they lockaway the gra nnies inthis very shithole so whynot inthiscase too youknow em andifnot then thenby now today this veryday fortun e access avertedby who 22pm-2208 shoudlveshown 15billion fo rtune a  sixth of my totalfortune what didit show storeit notarstampit sowhat isaw publish it iput it asclose tomout haspossible as on local bank once that efforted fraudit taxit as nutbum threeyears ago ///// store onlinebanking 22 00pm@+8 itshould show 15billion  a sixth of my total fortune did it show sth realtime if so what //// disintegrated wall and tape matters checkfor xray tricks and calculateback the gray s for a l l l l cumulated  #suffocator #squeeze  #crayo n #maccaroni #advice #right #ominuous #obscurity #is #a #conflict @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fr ance24 @fisa @law @harvard_law @all @world #crayonMaccaroniAdvi ce  unknow obscurity is a conflict theme in intelccoma test helmet themes buildit around the issue ****** a is it known then  b issue:  trait: yes or no? c issue: trait : instead? how ******** dont misuse it for bad the stat eofmind point a to g  point a to h is critical inthis too sm ashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS B abyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL # HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] m PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnat e. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// youdont freeze disobey tee nagers into a tube because thbey wouldve been executed fortheir deed you make sure its understood what happened  waht it will mean for him her what it f e e l s w h a t it l e a d s to and then learning effect then orientation pe rson with routine away from the bad this //// btw fix hea rtonedge frombacklegtricks  regenerate donot add oldwounds m engele mess checkalso finedust harms nano finedust what does it dowith veinwall bloodsupply //// they mustve implied Sexu ality in their assaults its inexplicable #lawyers .@law  @law . @laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @ haaretzcom separate it clearly that itis not sexuality but th em imply that that thereisno frivolous gains but them imply t hat that even if some would fit preference, does not undo allthe assaults that are beyond good and evil that it iiiiis about them and that all knew that  ** ***** the gain the benefit the what for was in something els e than about that guy  letalone about sexuality ofthat guy *** **** this.  is probably not separated clearly checkthat yo ure the pro s  /// dont get nuts over it, its not so complic ated: because. it. is. intel. it.is .all about. which. trick. works. thistime. get furio us about it  not nuts about it itis layer1 causing authorit ies with control accomplice rapedmolested damamged themselves whatthey can  host layer2 cockroaches immunsied todowhat wish hope pretend youre their under human candowhattheywant with civillians usually willalways try sth . coordinated more orless or invited orhosted only as prox ies dont get nuts about it get mad about it isuggest: a ser o tolerance dont touch it. offthewalls. off the health. itdoesntmatter what youwant whatyoupretend what youtry donttouchit. if youre support coordinate with support your ideas are: /// what doyou do about 19years of microscopy while they sh uffled sexual asssault  then someone germancures your nuts to a smeary fatty or sth because they s u s p e c t something this. itisntjust shuffled sexual assault itisntjust deedt yped allalong iit is deedtyped after daytimecharging it  repeat edly risking allmyrights and anything to because thecausi ng authorities quell the charging and thefix  the fix is letm ore and shuffle more sexual assault and try togive it an ali bi nomatter how counterfactuall this. what is against this.   //// lawyers ofmine  ******** had one single trick worked unthinkable what wouldhappen next: disassemble this t rick ie: because we declare him nuts we dont compensate what we overtape allalong because h e aeh molests little furry sexcat s and sex hedgehogs, we must not compensate what we damage ra pe and smear. this ********** had one trick worked unthi nkable ////// #lawyers  law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom what is the st ate ofmind of the charged government: when they just have to find a trick that puts you inyo urplace a trick that you give up  atrick that resets your brain a trick that shows they dominat e you and you must obey like youhave no choice  this is the st ateofmind this itis idontcare whatthey fake idont ca re howthey goodcop badcop idontcare how they play sorry the yrenot this. is their stateofmind what do you do about it it explains a long long lattice of messes and dirty tricks furthermore ////// #sexland #sex #land @all @world @gl obe @booking  .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom youjustdont getit the germa n goverment rapes thecivil population that is not immunised against  intel coma s wheres the news they porn the c r a p out of em they sell em as sexslave on intelcoma if th ey can they preplan their careerrs and setemup who exploits who first and benefits how they controlem like forehead bra incooked fools like children like fools they hold as underhu man exploitable underhumans that is the basis of it all whe n a civillian daytime charged the basis oftheir security system: they did any harm they remot ely had then used proxies then played good cop bad cop hunting them ebcause we forced em to and this is the basis ofthe case guilty liable causin g criminal governments that dowhatthey want withthe civil p opulation charged daytime for staying damamges and coverup and hightheft using their security system as prison gig trick is that clear now itis not a single case itisnot the german hookerofthe land itis one of 60million abused civillians tha t charged the crap out of em for whatthey did here with the civil population for70years ////// btw2  get allthe clown s offmy privacy  superprivacy i n t i m a c y  the scums me ld their perverts onthe case and see if later daytiem anything is confirmation tothat thenit s confirmed orsth jail asstoyer dicktoyermolester itis di sgusting cockroaches that reinterpret on deeply intimate things after raping and pedo sexual assaulting nomatter how often ida ytime chbarge it i am furious  about it the cockroac hes braindamamge forehead and suffocate the c r a po outof me and damamge eraseme ihate em its legit to  and iam furi ous about it idaytime chargedit atleastfive times locally a nd fivetimes eu they shuffle sexual assault repeat humilia te and seee how pervert you are coifirmation i hate them idontlive by hate minors wemust rescue but  the scums get offfffthe case andif wehave tohunt the scums for the auth orities the authroties gotojailwithem they host em coverem anyway host em whenthey cant tax it a trickfailed then itnen sified pedo tricks thisishowit works its  criminal g overnment  authrotieis criminal authorities shuffling proxies guilty liable accomplice control usually maybe unbriefed f ools that get shit into their head to mess wit an excuse sero tolerance with sexual  abuse sexual assault th e authorities do their job and hunt thweir cockroaches a nd if we must theygotojailwith the scums they sat and le t rapes poisosn rapes galore arbitrary whattttheywant whowant s cinema grocerystore chameber arbitrary rapoes rape i nschool and cinema arbtirary rtape ******** rape allthtime manytiems deedtyped w e force them to huntheir c ockroach german cockroaches thatthey are withthe authroities or they gotojail  both withthe scums when wemust huntem an this we must do ***************** //// lawyers that is 90billion euro s fortune of earned tbhings with what icould ninety billion before like 67billion do you wonder wha t scums would do when they think its vulnerable or get access with a trick  beit separating it away from that guy they dowa ht they want with and act like its mysteriously created not f rom what thatguy could and did it is ninety billion a sha re of which wealth generated you donot make it vulnerable to anyone a matter of granted or not granted if a trick works   or sth itis daytime court demanded ina mess where they quel l immunisation and quzelled the case intothe daytimebubble inth e firstplace they shuffle tricks like bum med s or braind amamged fool careers and its just your own fault that you mysteriously didnt pick a dayfool ca reer while allrealdeal wouldnt matter this shit you get off me and you get rational about what kinds of scums will a l w a y s try sth about the fortune if it seems ar bitrary separated away fromthat guy and thatguys performance systemic trickery to be g r a n t e d  maybe when he doestn rememeber or is incapacitated and allthese shits if he as d ayfoolsomehow something they trashcan killtrick and harm and hookertrick and degrade as if the fortune wouldnt be real and asif i daytime demanded my ufo or sth seriously. h arden the fortune from bullshit systemic ornot bust separat ion tricks of fortune and thatguy performance of thatguy separa tedaway and be rational about what scums will a l w a y s try sth that is ************* 90billion from th is very head of what icould and the yeffort braindamage and heartkill and bum meds and gurtslock andpathogens and tobe granted or not separation of fortune and performance asif im a fo ol they put in a frozen tube and keepthemoney trick at best th efffff ff f f f f f f f ff f f f f f involve serious in surances and reinsurers ifnecessary include atomic hardening serobullshits agaisnt fraudsystems and criminal govts and thanks forall *************** / //// what mom theme is the theme ididnt know moms or sth and ididntmind  itis agerman shitball about underdevelopment usu ally or perversions or sth asif you sense mom s or sth because thats what you surely want thatkindof german ness //// lawyers because imminent danger and war is so severely bad en ough i say no capital punishments whenever possible:! a l w a y s no capital punishment no deathpentalty scums go tojail cant be fun in there important is they understand they dodged capital punishment for real I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHON E / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. pay pal.me/ChristianKiss //// xraybeam trick heartaimed //// 1634 repair? or leechery /// pathogen murderer gases 151 8 batih above abovesdjancent or cirucitboard. squeezetheockroac h shifted from xraytrick before //// xray murderbeam beta highpowered orand transmutation 1500 1511 above aboveadjkacen t knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www. BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 3 4 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// after which damage and degradation would #you! have s aid: "mmaaayn adunno.. allthe beer and stuff and their fhaaantastic cars drivingby .. but youkn ow.. ikinda miss my genitals..." for them it makes sense /// / intelligence genomes more from the mother  usually has a lso some implications of why it is as it is shewas morelike l isa simpson and dodged studying inthe 70s because parent got ill and died then got hepatitis next year then met my dad with his heavymotor bike  another life spoiled (haha) /// the glorious german careers with t hose stamps visualise it /// it wouldbe epic justice if g ermans would try to pillgage the case but oneof their earlier d amage tricks fucks em instead letalone any invention after w hich staying harms it doesnt work both ways, einstein can be cooked to a fool but a fool cann ot be einstein as extreme example //// this howthey are mustve been obviosu other cases too ofreailtime botch things #f ailed #virginity #test #2001 .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@fisa @judge .@judge @judges  because the germans damage their civillians fairly arbitrarily and cover these wit h standard stigmas thisis how it really is allalong ***** l ets find the cover alibis like retard stamps itis a stigma dyslectic me!! (nickname schnellschreiber 3rd/felt abit artificial bllah) but dyslectic- i t is ? a stigma ***** virginity ?! meh. unless its a stigma  one shitball bites  the other but that doesnt keepe m from right. then. getting away with something damnthe fact uality basis I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independ ent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKi ss /// demand a hook on abstracthumour abstract analysis fromfools they  dont getit toooousually /// backlegv to genital implant is hiughly heartkill relelvant makesur e theresno damamge added so gutslock gutsusdudue rmeotecontroll ed the technology is masseldorn badenser whale landesverfa ssungsschutz //// squeeze lympahtic aimer 2310+-2 its like eastern sexdrug orso //// xraybeam heartaimedd leftche staimed radar or beta transmutation allthetime as 20pm 20 20 2040 2245 allthetime //// store onlinebanking 210 0+-7 woa backleg heartkillrelelvant 2107 acesser squeeze aft er this mail: "whatis hkkaz,hkcaz,hkccs abbreviations inthe local bank account wahtis fortune amount total" //// which fortune sums over which timeframes  make sure its no tarstamped courtusable and when daytimedemanded daytime court d emanded iget damaged chav harmed all the time find xra ybeamtrick 2040 20pm-2020pm //// authorites gotojail when wemust hunt pathogen murderer above for em letaloneif theaut hroites grant em access or cause thekilltrick ///theyarenot c ompetent they shuffle scums that try sth. pathogen murderer above 1500 stuffhimthemix galore . allofit onsite .  who was onthe case 12,000persons andthefinest another good indication for intel #sex #sexual #potence #balls #trick @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 .@world @world @all because itis intel itis which trick works. batshitnuts? crim inal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth be cause itis intel which trick works has a l w a y s beenthe game isuspect people know  but thats not the case youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all banan as: academic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) fra ming (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber and designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds al lkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and face bone were from 2004 it was bad and experiment killit  but it wasnot these 5years intnsified killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries morbusmake  ba cklegheartdiease poisons xrays mengeles  pathogens  lympahti c aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofinedut s obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin leech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis con stant try anything that it dies whichtrick thistime with pla usible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG http s://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4932 12 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christi anKiss /// because itis intel itis which trick works. bat shitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which trick works has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but thats not the c ase youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bri ng all bananas: academic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone i nhis chamber and designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually o ccur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and facebone were from 20 04 it was bad and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5ye ars intnsified killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries m orbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xrays mengeles  pathog ens  lympahtic aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin l eech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk   itis constant try anything that it dies whichtrick thisti me with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWAC S – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypa l.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Ind ependent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493 212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sop histication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 6 4 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I a m Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication # THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? P ay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@Baby AWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
they are germans they find degrading alibis to repeat crimes and steal sgerman @all @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden #german #fengshui @phoenix_de @bild @bild_de they are germans whow ouldve letem even touch didthey imply you like toget molested by cockroaches threehudnred ti mes a day  in store in class onthe road incinemas and if the barricades are inthe way then around an intel sneaky shit access somewhere you! yes you! the aeh s s s s ss e x m a n i a c  then dogs then something else itisnt just the deed with intelcom a itisntjsut thatthey quell immunisation to isintjust thatthe y quell daytime charing it as victimblame howbatshit nuts youar e and here another confirmation forit it is german sgerman  sgermany so they try to tax it as frivolous life centerpoin t while killing you and from money earned with things they dama mge allalong ok ok ok ok ok back tothe pedo trick  until an other trick works itis g e r m a n you have not the f ucking idea whatthey do usually and why they get away 20 years with this shit evenifits daytim ehcharged eu wide ten years  and swampwide five years you just think its whackamole or a mmmystery or somekindof  fate aeh german?feng?shui?… //// childfoolbrainmess 1 615 1610 after murder frigne suffocaitonpoison itis germany m aybe sticky peaks of a potato reminded them how childfoolish youmsutbe bombout gaser stuff fffffffffffem  a l l l l l l l l they got onsite a l l then jailem foolbrai ndaamamager slapdown  repeats out loud: childfool damamge tem plates on suffocation killtricks is not very helpful. maybe i am incompetent  i didnot even notice that the civillian deed types what im botchting allthe time iso got used to that //// iiiam suffocating fidnth emix lympahtic behdinear  sqwueezeeeem /// bombout gaser stuffemtheirmix galore and squeezeem fidnthe stuff inhair an donthe clowns ~uickly quiclkkly shuffles alibimix usually  b ackleg heartkill implants are as critical as locked down gut s again compeltely itis murder tricks  murder with wal lgasings mruder with xraybeams murder with implant tricks mu rder with any mengele trick operate it threethousand times a year every year then suffocateit more tooperateit more it is murder tricks intensified efforted constant m u r d e r tricks barely shuffled away with other accesss itis like rapers host rapes then see if they can use it for a crim inalisation blame like poisoning you dull to host grann y germancure takeaway his rights sgerman sgermanyitis bbbbbbbbbbastardmonstrous tothe core and beyond and if they ca nuse kids intokillzones where they usually effort murdertricks theyd blame the kid too as thei r fault or bad parenting itis german itis germany itis exactly that what your forefathers felt this bbbbbbbastardm onstours sinister deviouscored amorphuoous shifting shuffling dev ious monstercore with shuffled parts of it and someare r e a l l y sorry  some only occasionally but inthe meanw hile the worst things happen as if a ufo harassed you then nothing was again  ortheyre sorry again ifyouforced em to th en someone else it is not like kontagan victims dying i nthe ghetto sowhat itis blaming them they tookthe stuff vol untarily and are they addicted tothe stuff before they were born germanness you must hold em to higher standards and so that their crippled arms dothat for themselves fortheir own good idontknow how else to stabilise this devious monster  ishouldnt and shouldnt want to think of soldier draft tim e that allthat couldve been wouldve been you wouldnve neverk nown they wouldve died like flies early age and that wouldbe their duty and sole purpose an dthey cannot even grasp how devious and wrong it is  but theyd gladly throw another generation intothe fire and you youknow it //// biosensors checkit 1550+-10 1540 thesubdued dige stivesystem with ehartaimed tricks with xray intoheart and l eftchest withpathogen trickeries damamged all to fragile w aht does the biosensor show gutslock effects atleast /// thismail stalled 1527: xraybeamtrick 1527 fromwhere which tpype beforemore pathogen gasing tricks and heart catapulted stuff /// bburden heart mess oily mess? 229¿ /// 222am xraybeamfrom //// thegerman govt averts systematically a pap ertrail for themess t h e m cause and make as daytime charged 2015 “verursacher” in shitcops charging “systematischer urheber der lage und der vorfaelle is t”  echr2800/10 eu humanrights court too uptill 3781/20 echr ///// check if behind earlympahtic aimed is pathogen trick again #name #without #face whois ortmaier, diebold andother nameswithout face as drugs andmixes as typed interoxidaustausch behind earlympahtic poisons arsenit cyancali stichnin nanofi nedusts andsuch ortmaier was or wouldbe about hightech tanks o ver a bridge ?!? in a theme //// thegerman govt plujs timecontrol accomplice know fortune knowinventions quelleither avert papertrail in alltheme sses causethemessallalong shuffled proxies  effort years of govermnment things to cut down the victimised survivor oftheme ss then externalities forced em tomeasure up against their o wn criminal agenda thenits goodcop badcop quelling their proxies barely or barely enough abit for now yes? youre the pro s  howbad isit //// the ea rlmypahtic aimedpoisosn are arsenide cycancali stichnin int eroxidaustausch  cellsuffocaiton murdertricks are as common a s nanofinedust asbestos and other killtricks deedtyped th e fix thatmadeit b a r e l y breathable imminent morning fix was hemolyt but after damamge suffocaiton nights damamge done allis bad its bad stuff allofit  this is usually deed ty ped //// what does it damage? bytheme staged organfail ges tuftes organversagen butisay its trombosis emboly dehydration mu rdertrick maybe kidneys too windows aimed xray beam is car or frontbuidlign likely nazi radar or beta itis efforted mur der tricks for months years deed typed ///// someofth emesses are inexplicable like minor mischief where pretend matt ers more with goodintent messing withourt learning effect against pretend but amplified rec onfirmation that or total morons and hideous murderers itis a constant effort on something that was not  with allthe dam amges shut down subdued it was not why shouldit letalone lympahtic+centerbacklow+ alibi  itsnotpossible itsnot measura ble usually /// ican still barely crap itis shutdown subd ued centerbacklowdigestive system it normalises abit but tisno t as usually orbefore itis a murder kill trick murder gram py thisis the only trick they got awaywith  their alibi wo uld be sthlike crapping 2times a day  is why they shut it do wn so its  germancured t r y i n g t o five times aday be hind earlymphatic +centerbakclow sithe poison usually rightn ow maybe heartrlelevant resubdue again 0017 //// find da amage erasers earlier weeksmonths headimapcts damamges turnba ckclocndamamges too fixable? //// heavy betaray or radar again 2153 murder trick with plausible deniability intel murder heart aimed headaimed leftchestaimed above abovead jacent corner maybewidowaimed findit ///// xray beam m urdertrickery whichtype abvoe aboveajadancent knows //// xray beam killtrick heartaimed whichdamamvge isit else lym pahtic ear+hand aimed mix maybe nonhostile thistime above a djacent corner betaray? //// mixes 1910+-3 is gaser and a bove is /// xraybeam trick killtirck heartaimed oncemore t he civillian must find it out they throw oneday bum lidokain atit and dammamge germancure op erate the bloodvesssels so fearnot  use the chance what a nutb um itis to report whatthey harm allalong //// billionaire marriage quality until imademy own billions  then the sleaziest hooker bum onthe globe //// @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@n orway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @ haaretzcom @snowden example: itisntjust underdeveloped fools, itis (!)did never and (!)would have never developed. and that in a world where intels control the population with cookingfore head arbitrarily literally willynilly. letalone in a deeply sophisticated educated discipline d case cmon now youknow its one example of the most declinate able cases they shuffle stigmas they shuffle harms they sh uffle proxies because itis  i n t e l  itis whihc trick w orks this time with all authorities as dependents under cont rol doing whatthey want with peasantry as civil population whhhyyyyy!!!!! r o b u s t o  AND creamy?! @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden aha!!!! peanutbutter between nuts batshit nuts! but… why?! t he brand?! r o b u s t o  a n d creamy that that that a dunno thatsgotta mean sth … right?… ********* without ac cess mess average,median, and mean identificationtimeframes with ai. and by experience  ** ******* with access to the case:  ///// find xraybeamtri ck allda ylikely beta or radar bythe way lawyers ofmine ** ***** make sure germans cannot use doc-ification everagain with utmost severe consequences but for things they wait longer than three years threemonths th ree days younameit andforemost eachofthem signs under oath th e  i  n  t e l terrors witnessed including whatthe civillian demystified and them   pokemon openmouth woa + wtf ********** trickery with docification as game for find sth youcan dist ort twistlater to justify a shitball while allalong itis intel murder that is over orthey hang with the scums symbolicall y (notliterally) ///// tinitus from deceit trick allday wh atisit this time momfool brainwashaway fof fortune mom th eperverted doing moms itsalljsut a dream yourenot you tonaswinn ihave dismal transvetite emotions and want to be molested by horny germans because theyre so german and im so terribly not german what is it this time again //// ffind backleg tricks for boner implan t remtoeocntroleld itisntjsut biting hemmmorides itis buzzin g installs tactically timed to what xray murder beam killtr ick fromcockroach above aboveadjancent is priority ///// itis unusually mild since anhour or two whosnew usually its poisons damamges suffocations xraybeam terror find xrayb eam killtrick fromabove aboveajdancent and window aimed oth erwise miraclemild I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG http s://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493 212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss ///// gaser is likely xray to terrorise or and fr ame something stuff them their mix galore chekc ifthey host a cockroach clown german  //// repalcedphone sucks whofu cktit bbombout xray murderer and disgust messer   1607 a s xraymurderer gaser beam messer 1550+-10 ///// replacedph one 1525 heartaimed 1526 /// 1524 pathogen murder relelva nt? //// a piece of crud druged me drowsy agian 1515+-5 stuffemtheirown mix g a l o r e if cockroach germ an cockroach efforts imminent danger itis bad choice regretta bly itis effort cockroach dont touch the wall do nt tocuhthat guy find sth else todo ///// medics those spikes are r e s t i n g heartrates itis surprising that the fitnesstracker identifies heart on edge itis not howitis without damamged hbeart itdoesnt have even coffee or other t hings that could pushit up itis resting recovery and critic al heartonedge allalong btw //// lawyers make em sign or r eadoutloud this is the eigth year on edge of existence and its been a joy to see him struggle o n 200amonth with billions on the accounts micromanaged from 67 billions to 90billions recently but he court demanded acc ess to his own fortune with intiative fromwithin the bubble an d against not a missed formality immunisation but agaisnt a quelled quelled immunisation keeping him that way  is intent yes and itis a joy tos ee how he struggles the eigth year on 200 amonth and yes we w ant to tax his billions or someow chain it or sex it or someh ow killit anything aslong as we can pillage it see? abit h onesty  howlikely willthey admit the obvious //// oh please for thegermans its suicide whenyou cut 50bucks from foodmoney everymontbh not toget a malgam teethfills they urgently rescue you from imminent starvation death the 8th year  than give you access to your own court demanded fortune  they imminently take away your r ights that a german that quells any fucking ebay sale or booksal e germancures you urgently they dont store miracles of m icromanagement cutting chowpennies topayoff bullshit idont even o we realtime they see  c on f u s i o n it just  mysteriou sly somehow always adds up and somehow micromanages chowpennie s for abit semisafe IT hardware and phone for s o m e t h i n g not too contract chain bondin g  they are confused by complexmicromanaging but get a c c ce s ss s to damamge you to alzh eimer granny because thats tthats how they lockaway the gra nnies inthis very shithole so whynot inthiscase too youknow em andifnot then thenby now today this veryday fortun e access avertedby who 22pm-2208 shoudlveshown 15billion fo rtune a  sixth of my totalfortune what didit show storeit notarstampit sowhat isaw publish it iput it asclose tomout haspossible as on local bank once that efforted fraudit taxit as nutbum threeyears ago ///// store onlinebanking 22 00pm@+8 itshould show 15billion  a sixth of my total fortune did it show sth realtime if so what //// disintegrated wall and tape matters checkfor xray tricks and calculateback the gray s for a l l l l cumulated  #suffocator #squeeze  #crayo n #maccaroni #advice #right #ominuous #obscurity #is #a #conflict @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fr ance24 @fisa @law @harvard_law @all @world #crayonMaccaroniAdvi ce  unknow obscurity is a conflict theme in intelccoma test helmet themes buildit around the issue ****** a is it known then  b issue:  trait: yes or no? c issue: trait : instead? how ******** dont misuse it for bad the stat eofmind point a to g  point a to h is critical inthis too sm ashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS B abyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL # HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] m PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnat e. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// youdont freeze disobey tee nagers into a tube because thbey wouldve been executed fortheir deed you make sure its understood what happened  waht it will mean for him her what it f e e l s w h a t it l e a d s to and then learning effect then orientation pe rson with routine away from the bad this //// btw fix hea rtonedge frombacklegtricks  regenerate donot add oldwounds m engele mess checkalso finedust harms nano finedust what does it dowith veinwall bloodsupply //// they mustve implied Sexu ality in their assaults its inexplicable #lawyers .@law  @law . @laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @ haaretzcom separate it clearly that itis not sexuality but th em imply that that thereisno frivolous gains but them imply t hat that even if some would fit preference, does not undo allthe assaults that are beyond good and evil that it iiiiis about them and that all knew that  ** ***** the gain the benefit the what for was in something els e than about that guy  letalone about sexuality ofthat guy *** **** this.  is probably not separated clearly checkthat yo ure the pro s  /// dont get nuts over it, its not so complic ated: because. it. is. intel. it.is .all about. which. trick. works. thistime. get furio us about it  not nuts about it itis layer1 causing authorit ies with control accomplice rapedmolested damamged themselves whatthey can  host layer2 cockroaches immunsied todowhat wish hope pretend youre their under human candowhattheywant with civillians usually willalways try sth . coordinated more orless or invited orhosted only as prox ies dont get nuts about it get mad about it isuggest: a ser o tolerance dont touch it. offthewalls. off the health. itdoesntmatter what youwant whatyoupretend what youtry donttouchit. if youre support coordinate with support your ideas are: /// what doyou do about 19years of microscopy while they sh uffled sexual asssault  then someone germancures your nuts to a smeary fatty or sth because they s u s p e c t something this. itisntjust shuffled sexual assault itisntjust deedt yped allalong iit is deedtyped after daytimecharging it  repeat edly risking allmyrights and anything to because thecausi ng authorities quell the charging and thefix  the fix is letm ore and shuffle more sexual assault and try togive it an ali bi nomatter how counterfactuall this. what is against this.   //// lawyers ofmine  ******** had one single trick worked unthinkable what wouldhappen next: disassemble this t rick ie: because we declare him nuts we dont compensate what we overtape allalong because h e aeh molests little furry sexcat s and sex hedgehogs, we must not compensate what we damage ra pe and smear. this ********** had one trick worked unthi nkable ////// #lawyers  law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom what is the st ate ofmind of the charged government: when they just have to find a trick that puts you inyo urplace a trick that you give up  atrick that resets your brain a trick that shows they dominat e you and you must obey like youhave no choice  this is the st ateofmind this itis idontcare whatthey fake idont ca re howthey goodcop badcop idontcare how they play sorry the yrenot this. is their stateofmind what do you do about it it explains a long long lattice of messes and dirty tricks furthermore ////// #sexland #sex #land @all @world @gl obe @booking  .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom youjustdont getit the germa n goverment rapes thecivil population that is not immunised against  intel coma s wheres the news they porn the c r a p out of em they sell em as sexslave on intelcoma if th ey can they preplan their careerrs and setemup who exploits who first and benefits how they controlem like forehead bra incooked fools like children like fools they hold as underhu man exploitable underhumans that is the basis of it all whe n a civillian daytime charged the basis oftheir security system: they did any harm they remot ely had then used proxies then played good cop bad cop hunting them ebcause we forced em to and this is the basis ofthe case guilty liable causin g criminal governments that dowhatthey want withthe civil p opulation charged daytime for staying damamges and coverup and hightheft using their security system as prison gig trick is that clear now itis not a single case itisnot the german hookerofthe land itis one of 60million abused civillians tha t charged the crap out of em for whatthey did here with the civil population for70years ////// btw2  get allthe clown s offmy privacy  superprivacy i n t i m a c y  the scums me ld their perverts onthe case and see if later daytiem anything is confirmation tothat thenit s confirmed orsth jail asstoyer dicktoyermolester itis di sgusting cockroaches that reinterpret on deeply intimate things after raping and pedo sexual assaulting nomatter how often ida ytime chbarge it i am furious  about it the cockroac hes braindamamge forehead and suffocate the c r a po outof me and damamge eraseme ihate em its legit to  and iam furi ous about it idaytime chargedit atleastfive times locally a nd fivetimes eu they shuffle sexual assault repeat humilia te and seee how pervert you are coifirmation i hate them idontlive by hate minors wemust rescue but  the scums get offfffthe case andif wehave tohunt the scums for the auth orities the authroties gotojailwithem they host em coverem anyway host em whenthey cant tax it a trickfailed then itnen sified pedo tricks thisishowit works its  criminal g overnment  authrotieis criminal authorities shuffling proxies guilty liable accomplice control usually maybe unbriefed f ools that get shit into their head to mess wit an excuse sero tolerance with sexual  abuse sexual assault th e authorities do their job and hunt thweir cockroaches a nd if we must theygotojailwith the scums they sat and le t rapes poisosn rapes galore arbitrary whattttheywant whowant s cinema grocerystore chameber arbitrary rapoes rape i nschool and cinema arbtirary rtape ******** rape allthtime manytiems deedtyped w e force them to huntheir c ockroach german cockroaches thatthey are withthe authroities or they gotojail  both withthe scums when wemust huntem an this we must do ***************** //// lawyers that is 90billion euro s fortune of earned tbhings with what icould ninety billion before like 67billion do you wonder wha t scums would do when they think its vulnerable or get access with a trick  beit separating it away from that guy they dowa ht they want with and act like its mysteriously created not f rom what thatguy could and did it is ninety billion a sha re of which wealth generated you donot make it vulnerable to anyone a matter of granted or not granted if a trick works   or sth itis daytime court demanded ina mess where they quel l immunisation and quzelled the case intothe daytimebubble inth e firstplace they shuffle tricks like bum med s or braind amamged fool careers and its just your own fault that you mysteriously didnt pick a dayfool ca reer while allrealdeal wouldnt matter this shit you get off me and you get rational about what kinds of scums will a l w a y s try sth about the fortune if it seems ar bitrary separated away fromthat guy and thatguys performance systemic trickery to be g r a n t e d  maybe when he doestn rememeber or is incapacitated and allthese shits if he as d ayfoolsomehow something they trashcan killtrick and harm and hookertrick and degrade as if the fortune wouldnt be real and asif i daytime demanded my ufo or sth seriously. h arden the fortune from bullshit systemic ornot bust separat ion tricks of fortune and thatguy performance of thatguy separa tedaway and be rational about what scums will a l w a y s try sth that is ************* 90billion from th is very head of what icould and the yeffort braindamage and heartkill and bum meds and gurtslock andpathogens and tobe granted or not separation of fortune and performance asif im a fo ol they put in a frozen tube and keepthemoney trick at best th efffff ff f f f f f f f ff f f f f f involve serious in surances and reinsurers ifnecessary include atomic hardening serobullshits agaisnt fraudsystems and criminal govts and thanks forall *************** / //// what mom theme is the theme ididnt know moms or sth and ididntmind  itis agerman shitball about underdevelopment usu ally or perversions or sth asif you sense mom s or sth because thats what you surely want thatkindof german ness //// lawyers because imminent danger and war is so severely bad en ough i say no capital punishments whenever possible:! a l w a y s no capital punishment no deathpentalty scums go tojail cant be fun in there important is they understand they dodged capital punishment for real I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHON E / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. pay pal.me/ChristianKiss //// xraybeam trick heartaimed //// 1634 repair? or leechery /// pathogen murderer gases 151 8 batih above abovesdjancent or cirucitboard. squeezetheockroac h shifted from xraytrick before //// xray murderbeam beta highpowered orand transmutation 1500 1511 above aboveadjkacen t knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www. BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 3 4 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// after which damage and degradation would #you! have s aid: “mmaaayn adunno.. allthe beer and stuff and their fhaaantastic cars drivingby .. but youkn ow.. ikinda miss my genitals…” for them it makes sense /// / intelligence genomes more from the mother  usually has a lso some implications of why it is as it is shewas morelike l isa simpson and dodged studying inthe 70s because parent got ill and died then got hepatitis next year then met my dad with his heavymotor bike  another life spoiled (haha) /// the glorious german careers with t hose stamps visualise it /// it wouldbe epic justice if g ermans would try to pillgage the case but oneof their earlier d amage tricks fucks em instead letalone any invention after w hich staying harms it doesnt work both ways, einstein can be cooked to a fool but a fool cann ot be einstein as extreme example //// this howthey are mustve been obviosu other cases too ofreailtime botch things #f ailed #virginity #test #2001 .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@fisa @judge .@judge @judges  because the germans damage their civillians fairly arbitrarily and cover these wit h standard stigmas thisis how it really is allalong ***** l ets find the cover alibis like retard stamps itis a stigma dyslectic me!! (nickname schnellschreiber 3rd/felt abit artificial bllah) but dyslectic- i t is ? a stigma ***** virginity ?! meh. unless its a stigma  one shitball bites  the other but that doesnt keepe m from right. then. getting away with something damnthe fact uality basis I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independ ent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 6 11 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKi ss /// demand a hook on abstracthumour abstract analysis fromfools they  dont getit toooousually /// backlegv to genital implant is hiughly heartkill relelvant makesur e theresno damamge added so gutslock gutsusdudue rmeotecontroll ed the technology is masseldorn badenser whale landesverfa ssungsschutz //// squeeze lympahtic aimer 2310+-2 its like eastern sexdrug orso //// xraybeam heartaimedd leftche staimed radar or beta transmutation allthetime as 20pm 20 20 2040 2245 allthetime //// store onlinebanking 210 0+-7 woa backleg heartkillrelelvant 2107 acesser squeeze aft er this mail: “whatis hkkaz,hkcaz,hkccs abbreviations inthe local bank account wahtis fortune amount total” //// which fortune sums over which timeframes  make sure its no tarstamped courtusable and when daytimedemanded daytime court d emanded iget damaged chav harmed all the time find xra ybeamtrick 2040 20pm-2020pm //// authorites gotojail when wemust hunt pathogen murderer above for em letaloneif theaut hroites grant em access or cause thekilltrick ///theyarenot c ompetent they shuffle scums that try sth. pathogen murderer above 1500 stuffhimthemix galore . allofit onsite .  who was onthe case 12,000persons andthefinest another good indication for intel #sex #sexual #potence #balls #trick @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 .@world @world @all because itis intel itis which trick works. batshitnuts? crim inal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth be cause itis intel which trick works has a l w a y s beenthe game isuspect people know  but thats not the case youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all banan as: academic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) fra ming (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber and designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds al lkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and face bone were from 2004 it was bad and experiment killit  but it wasnot these 5years intnsified killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries morbusmake  ba cklegheartdiease poisons xrays mengeles  pathogens  lympahti c aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofinedut s obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin leech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis con stant try anything that it dies whichtrick thistime with pla usible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG http s://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4932 12 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Christi anKiss /// because itis intel itis which trick works. bat shitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which trick works has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but thats not the c ase youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bri ng all bananas: academic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone i nhis chamber and designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually o ccur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and facebone were from 20 04 it was bad and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5ye ars intnsified killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries m orbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xrays mengeles  pathog ens  lympahtic aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin l eech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk   itis constant try anything that it dies whichtrick thisti me with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWAC S – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOL E #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypa l.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Ind ependent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493 212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sop histication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 6 4 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I a m Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication # THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? P ay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@Baby AWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
they are germans they find degrading alibis to repeat crimes and steal sgerman @all @world @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden #german #fengshui @phoenix_de @bild @bild_de
they are germans whowouldve letem even touch
didthey imply you like toget molested by cockroaches threehudnred times a day
in store in class onthe road incinemas and if the barricades are inthe way then around…
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blurrymango · 5 years
Chapter Two
           Masks are symbolic mystery, meant to hide the features of the wearer and enabling them to commit acts which have been shunned by society. Blitz’s half-sister always wore a mask, so to speak, one which let her hold false ignorance of her misdeeds. Yet in a masquerade, her true self is revealed when she puts a mask on.
Blitz stared at his mask as they rode in the carriage, it was quite a simplistic design, one which he made himself. There was only one eyehole, and in the place of where the other one should be there was a cartoonish eye design, the kind with three lashes on top and three on bottom. He had no real use in making an eyehole for a blind eye. The eye had been painted in a crude attempt to simulate a galaxy. The design surrounding the eyehole was of sunflower petals, painted on with care. He looked around at the masks his friends wore. Sundae’s was detailed like an angel. Intricate gold designs that covered the mask in all kinds of patterns as an obvious attempt to distract from the girl’s horns. The mask was very lowkey in design but powerful in effect, Sundae had obviously spent a lot of time on it. Amber’s mask was subtle yet extravagant all at once. A simple black mask with red wax that had been dripped in a way to look like blood splatters, even a cartoonish red tear was added under the eye. Midnight’s mask had the zodiac signs carved on it in various colors, the sign for cancer being the biggest one, in the center of the forehead, yet oddly, the color chosen for it was grey. PoisonBerry’s mask was slightly tacky. Shiny fake gems in the formation of a cat face against plain black, and a fake heart shaped gem on the cheek to represent the small black heart shaped birthmark she had in the same place. Blitz tugged at the dark blue sun-scarf around his neck, the scratchy fabric not only irritated the sensitive flesh of his neck, but it also had a texture that he despised. Honestly, he wished he had stayed home with Luci. He hissed as the fabric pulled at the rot. He contemplated jumping out of the window, but alas, the carriage slowed as they pulled up at a well-lit manor. The group got out, Amber first, Sundae second, PoisonBerry and Midnight together, and finally Blitz.
The inside was full of faceless people with fake smiles and tacky clothes who danced to music that was too loud and too quiet all at once. The interior itself was all too perfect, floors polished so much that Blitz saw his own nervous reflection staring back at him. Twin staircases that the coiled around the walls lead up to a balcony that overlooked it all. It was all so perfect, so unnaturally picture-esque that it looked like a set. He caught with the one person who remained maskless, with a pig-like nose and poorly dyed bleach-blonde hair, sea-green eyes peered at him from over squared glasses. She smiled at him with blood-red lips and suddenly he was sweating, despite the room not being hot at all. She waved at him and he fell to the floor as the world around him disintegrated into static noise. He threw up, blood and bile filling his senses and rotting the oh so perfect floor. Through the static he saw them, everyone he knew stared at him with blank faces. In the back of his mind formed an image, a face that he knew all too well, one that he despised.
He closed his eyes (were they even they even open in the first place?) and saw a million lifetimes pass by. He opened them again and saw the face of Death staring back at him with dead eyes. Blitz rubbed his eyes and he was almost naked on a soft bed. Across from him, an angel sat watching him with curious dark brown eyes, combined with a pretty face, short dirty blond hair and a dark goatee, had Blitz met him in any other scenario, he would try to flirt with this man like his life depended on it. But in Blitz’s current state of nausea and disoriented confusion, he wanted to hide.
“Hide from me, you’re kidding, right? I’m the one who saved you.” The angel told him. So the angel could read his thoughts? Save him from what? What made this man think he needed to be saved.
“I f-feel vio-vio-l-lated.” He blurted out before covering himself with a blanket. This man had stripped him down to just his boxers and binder.  Suddenly he heard a chuckle and the man pulled the sheet off of him. Blitz looked anywhere but at the angel standing above him. Looking at the angel made his mind feel foggier than usual. He looked down at his hairy and scarred body then up at the man. Then back down. Right, yeah, he had an impressive happy trail, but he was fat and the trail led nothing he wanted. He sighed and found the man staring too.
“H-how a-are—l-like, d-do you h-h-have any—anything to—to s-say to me?” He asked as the man walked back to his chair. “Y-y-yo, l-like, wh-wh-what is y-your name—or—or where—where are w-we?” Blitz scratched at his patchy stubble.
“Tell me yours, first. Then I’ll tell you mine.” He smirked, leaning forward in his chair.
“Blitz. Blitz Creed. N-n-now yo-your t-turn.”  Blitz glared.
“That’s you chosen name, Blitz. I’m asking for your given name.”
“Go to—go to—go to h-hell.” Blitz sneered.
“We’re already here. Now, I need to know your given name.”
Lucian sighed. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Blitz.
“One more time, baby boy, tell me your name.”
“Blitz f-fucking Creed. That—that’s my n-n-name.”
“Fine then, I’ll say it.” Then the gun disappeared from his hand. “Your given name is Magnolia Creed. Right?”
Blitz just stared ahead. Right, yeah, his name was Magnolia, but that was when he was still- back when he wasn’t himself. He- no- Magnolia was a bad person. He is a different person.
He felt tears stream down his face. The other person sighed.
“Look, Blitz, I’m sorry. And to answer your question, my name is Lucian Ceren.”
Blitz looked up at the man with black wings and scowled. And then Lucian was right in front of him. He put his hand on Blitz’s chest, even through the fabric Blitz could feel how could the man was.
“We both came face to face with the beast. Though the scars he left on you-“ Lucian breathed. “They may not be visible. Yet I can still see how much he hurt you.”
And Blitz collapsed into him.
“I-I’m—” Blitz sobbed. “H-he—he was m-my f-f-father. Wha-wha-what—what k-kind of-of pa—” His words became whimpers. It had been so long since any mention of the man—no, the beast, the stole away his innocence. The only other person in this world who can understand even a of what he went through, he finally found him.
“Blitz, I’m afraid you have to go back to your friends now.” Lucian whispered into his hair.
“B-bu-but-t I-“
“I’m sure we’ll meet again. Just stay strong, baby boy.”
The he blinked, and Lucian wasn’t there. Instead were the concerned faces of his friends, surrounding him as thin fingers combed through his hair. His vision was quite blurry but he recognized Pepper as she hugged him.
“Just when I got you back, I thought we’d lost you again.” She said, voice breaking. He smiled at her and returned the hug.
“Y-you—you’re n-not—not getting’ r-r-r-id o-of me that ea-ea-ea-eas-s-sily.” He looked around at friends, the relief in their faces and then got to Amber. Somehow, she knew.
Luci had a gig at a local bar where she would be playing jazz.  She wanted some of her friends to go with her because she needed moral support. (even though she was likely the best jazz player in town) Blitz took this as an opportunity. The bar was nice, dark woods, his mother being the bartender—wait what? He took another look, yep, that was her, and his younger brother was sitting at a bar stool with his pet cat sat atop his shoulder like a bird. Blitz ran over and almost leaped across the bar counter to hug his mom. He only let go to hug Ty. Letting go, he sat down next to the taller boy and ruffled his fluffy brown hair.
“St-still hav-ve Ma-Maziken?” He asked and scratched the chin of the black cat in question.
“And you’re still short, so who’s the real winner here?” Ty grinned.
“Me, cuz I got my boys back.” Michelle interjected. Amber took a seat at the bar.
“So I’m guessing this place is named afta’ you, Miss Creed.?” The vampire asked, gesturing to the woman’s saturated and dark red hair. She nodded with a chuckle and went back to polishing a glass. Soft jazz filled the room as the group talked. Blitz was honestly content to stay there for all of eternity. But there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere as the door creaked open. A small group of people walked in who Blitz recognized as train robbers. He remembered seeing their faces in the paper. The Thomas siblings, he thinks they’re called. He got off the barstool, feet hitting the ground painfully, and walked to them. The one in the middle, Jinx, who had purple hair and crazy eyes, looked at Blitz with confusion.
“U-unless-s y-y-y’all c-came tuh—came ta’ get a dr-dr-drink, th-then I sug-suggest y-y’all l-l-leave.” He stated. Jinx sneered at him and reached for the gun in his back pocket. Blitz grimaced. “L-look, if-if y’all are—are look—lookin’ for a place t-ta rob-b, th-then t-try the bake—bakery n-next d-door.” He ushered them out of the bar. Walking into the bakery the Thomas brothers pulled out their guns while the sister yelled “This is a robbery!”
Both Artimes and C.C. pulled out their weapons as well. Arti aimed her crossbow at Jinx and C.C. aimed her sword at the sister. Jinx clumsily put away his gun, and his brother followed suit. All patrons of the café went back to eating.
“Oi! Store’s closed for the day, ev’ryone out!” Artimes announced and the costumers quickly left. Pepper came out of the kitchen as C.C. locked the door. The Thomas siblings shook with fear and Blitz laughed from where he stood leaning against the window. Pepper stood in front if the trio with Arti by her and ready to shoot.
“Alright, clearly y’all’s parents never taught y’all right and wrong. So, my associates and I will.” She clasped her hands in front of her and smiled softly. “Got it, maggots?” They nodded.
Blitz looked at C.C. and nodded towards the door, she nodded back. Once they got outside the two of them sat on a bench together.
“Ni-nice out-outs-side today, ai-ain’t it?” He said to her. She nodded in reply. He reached under his shirt for the rings and untied the string that held them. Holding them in his palm, he looked to her.
“L-look I-I kn-know you’re not—I know y-you ain’t g-gonna.” He was stopped by a finger to his lips. C.C. cupped her hands around his and leaned her head against his shoulder.
“Oh Blitz, of course I remember who you are.” She said softly.
“W-w-wanna grab a-a dr-drink?” He asked, standing up. C.C. nodded. They walked to the bar, hands intertwined with rings between them.
Two brothers sat under the moonlight, sharing weed and beer.
“So, uh, you remember Bea, right?” Ty asked. Blitz nodded. “Well, we, uh, we finally decided to, y’know.” He put the joint to his lips and inhaled, exhaling out beautiful smoke that curled around the two. Blitz took a drink.
“So, I take my dick, and she takes out hers. And like, for a split second I panic because ‘Oh my gods she don’t have any holes.” Cause like, y’know, I forgot that buttholes were a thing.” At this, Blitz burst out laughing. “Ok, ok, yeah I get it. Anyway, so I remember she has a , y’know, but like, in my head I’m going ‘I’ve never done anal, because whether she’s trans or cis fucking a girl in the asshole is like, kinda gay’ and I ain’t gay, y’know, so we just order take-out and watch some crappy TV. Honestly, that was the most romantic night I’ve ever had.”
“Is—is there point, to-to thi-this st-story.?” Blitz asked as he traded beer for joint with his brother.
“Yeah, how do you and your wife, y’know, do it. Do you, like, use a strap-on?”
“No, we—we actu-actually ‘aven’t had s-sex yet. I-I mean like, she knows I have—she knows I’m tr-tr-trans, b-but like, y-y’know, our marri-idge is p-purely romant-t-tic.” They lay in silence for a moment, listening to the crickets.
“D-do you know whatev-ever happened to PoisonBerry’s ‘e-ev-evil twin’?” Blitz asked him. Ty grimaced at the mention of his old lab-partner, but his expression changed as he quickly sat up. Blitz felt it too, the way the air buzzed with energy. They looked over to the tree line. The subtle distortion of the light there was indicative of a being whose true form had been hidden. Blitz and Ty looked at each other and Ty stood. “Step out into the light, coward.” He commanded.
The person who stepped out of the shadows couldn’t have been much older than a teenager. Yet by the way he held himself it was obvious he was much older. Blitz shot up onto his feet.
“Tyler Creed, my family is dead, yet I remain.”
“The people I killed weren’t your family, kid, not by blood.” The kid lunged at the two yet was clouded by rage and was quickly brought down. Ty held his foot between the teen’s shoulder blades and pressed hard.
“So, would you please not go on a whole revenge spiel, it’s boring. Ty said. The kid growled in response. “I’m not the one you should direct your anger at. Your species is borderline extinct and yet your mad at me for doing my job.” He let the kid out from under his foot. “You’re inexperienced and wasting your time, you should be out there looking for your remaining brethren, yet you’re here bothering me and mine.” The kid was now on his knees, sobbing.
“Where—where would I even begin to look!?” He whined. Blitz became irritated. He knelt in front of the kid and looked him in the eyes.
“Y-you have two opt-options h-here. You can—can ei-either m-move o-on wi-with yer path-pathetic lit-little life. Or i-if you rea-really want t-to f-find your k-kin, then you-you start looking, ‘nd y-ya’ don’t f-fucking stop t-til’ ya’ find’em.” Blitz shoved the kid back to the ground, grabbed the pack of beer and started walking back to the house. Ty dug a joint out from his pocket and gave it to the teen.
“For your troubles. Good luck, dragon.” Ty followed behind his brother. Evenor layed there, watching them walk off. His body began to glitch in and out of existence until his form settles into a body. She was no longer a boy, but a girl whose skin was pale, and hair was black.
“Evenor, we’re so close. I can feel it. That witch will fix us.”
“Ok but what if she doesn’t?” the boy’s voice spoke to har from within. “Elli! What if she—what if she doesn’t?!” A tear rolled down their shared face as they lay there. “Eliza, please!” The voice screamed.
“I-I don’t know, Ev, I just… “ She trailed off, their eyes staring at the moon above, unblinking. “I don’t know.
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