ejzah · 2 months
A/N: Well, the time has finally come. Thank you to each and every one of you who has read and followed this story that originally started out as a silly tumblr post. See you for the next one!
In Miss Blye’s Class, Epilogue
Deeks popped his head into the bathroom, frowning at Caleb, who stood in front of the mirror, toothbrush still in his mouth.
“Hey, what’s taking so long? Usually I have to beg you to make it to two minutes and you’ve been in here for ten.”
“I think I’m getting sick,” Caleb mumbled around his toothbrush.
Deeks reached out, feeling his forehead. “Hm, are you really?” he asked, not surprised when Caleb’s eyes danced to the side, looking extremely guilty. “Ok, what’s going on?”
“Why can’t Kensi be my teacher again? If she can teach people in college, then she should know enough to teach first grade,” Caleb sighed finally.
“Caleb, we’ve gone over this all summer. You know why,” Deeks answered, starting to lose his patience just a tiny bit. He bumped Caleb’s butt with his knee. “C’mon, scoot.”
“Daaaad.” Hunching his shoulders, Caleb gave him a pleading look. “I just want to stay with you or Kensi.” There was a slight tremble in his voice underneath the whine, and Deeks sighed.
Putting aside his irritation and the need to leave, Deeks squatted in front of him. He gestured at Caleb until he came closer, leaning into his chest. Sometimes it was easy to forget that even though he’d grown in so many ways, both physically and maturity-wise, Caleb was still a little boy.
“Hey, I know that it’s scary to start new things sometimes. It’s true you probably won’t have all the same classmates and Kensi won’t be your teacher, and that’s going to be hard for a little bit. Soon, you’ll be too busy learning all kinds of amazing things and playing with all your friends, that you won’t have time to think about everything that’s changed.”
“I guess,” Caleb mumbled.
“You met Mrs. Craig and she was nice, right?” Deeks asked, and Caleb gave a one-shouldered shrug.
“She gave you a new book, which you’ve read no less that ten times since then, and you liked the classroom pet.”
“The lizard was pretty cool,” he admitted. Deeks could tell his protests were starting to peter out, so he hugged him a little closer, and reminded him,
“If you are having a really tough time, Kensi said you can come see her during lunch, but I bet you won’t have to.”
“And you’ll pick me up?” he checked.
“Absolutely. As soon as they let you out.” He paused, giving Caleb a minute to process everything. “You good now?”
“Awesome. Now we gotta leave before all three of us are late. Go get your shoes and backpack,” he said, kissing the top of his head, and nudging him towards the door. “Love you, kiddo.”
“Love you, dad.”
He walked into the master bedroom checkin his watch; they had approximately five minutes before they needed to leave. Kensi stood in front of the floor length mirror in one of her sundresses, and he momentarily forgot about the time.
“You look amazing,” he told her, coming up behind her and kissing her neck.
“Thank you.” Kensi eyed his reflection. “You better not change out of that suit before I get home.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Caleb was acting a little odd at breakfast. Is everything ok? Kensi asked as she reached back to put on a necklace.
“Just first day jitters,” he assured her, automatically closing the necklace clasp for her. “He’s worried the new teacher won’t measure up to his last one.”
“Oh, well, I heard she was pretty good.”
“Mm, extremely good. She’s taught me all kinds of things.” Deeks lowered his eyes suggestively, and Kensi leaned back slightly so she brushed again his chest, and he settled his hands on her hips. They stayed there for half a minute until he sighed in regret.
“School sucks,” he said in a fair approximation of Caleb. Kensi snorted, turning to kiss him before she wandered off to get shoes.
When they reached the living room, Caleb balanced on the back of the couch, Captain America backpack on, a Lego figure in one hand, and a book tucked under his other arm.
“You ready to go?” Deeks asked, holding out his hand.
“Yeah.” Hopping off the couch, Caleb ran to them, slipping between Kensi and Deeks to take each other their hands in his.
“I think I’m gonna give Matthew my Star Wars Lego,” Caleb said, looking up at Kensi. “Do you think I’ll see him at recess?”
“I’m sure you will. And after school, you get to hang out with me until it’s time to leave,” Kensi informed him.
“Yes!” Caleb pumped released Deeks’ hand to pump his hand in the air.
As Caleb chattered away, his fears forgotten for the moment, Deeks shared a look with Kensi.
Yeah, this was going to be a good year.
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densi-mber · 9 months
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A/N: I know it only just ended, but it’s the return of Fireman Deeks!
The Return of Lieutenant Deeks
Deeks pulled his LAFD truck up to the address Bates had sent him, stopping outside the barrier erected around a low brick building. The two squads sent out earlier today had already left, which meant the scene was clear for Deeks to investigate. Grabbing his hard hat and jacket, he tucked them under his arm before heading toward the center of the action.
“Woah, woah, woah, you can’t be back here,” an agent said, putting up his arms to block Deeks’ path.
“You must be new here,” Deeks commented, craning his neck to see beyond the rookie agent. There were a group of cops and agents several yards off and Deeks recognized Sam’s frame among them. Kensi couldn’t be far off. “Agent Blye!” he called out.
Almost immediately, Kensi stepped out from the group, head turning in search of him. When she spotted him, she jogged over, a smile breaking over her face before she settled into a more professional expression.
“Lieutenant Deeks,” she greeted him. “You can let him through, Davis.” She nodded the younger agent, who looked deeply offended, but stepped out of Deeks’ way.
It sucked to be the new guy sometimes.
Deeks gave him an apologetic smile, and ducked under the caution tape, following after Kensi.
“I didn’t think I’d see you tonight,” she said, falling into step beside him.
“Taylor is out sick, so I got called in,” he explained. “So, what calamity is on the menu for tonight?”
“Municipal building, possible arson. We’re still figuring out the details. Which is where you come in.” Kensi offered him a smile as they drew even with the others.
“Deeks, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re here,” Sam commented once he caught sight of Deeks.
“Well, since I’m one of the few people who can actually deal with you guys,” Deeks replied, drawing a snort from Callen and a vaguely amused smile from Sam.
None of them argued, likely because they couldn’t deny that since Deeks had become acquainted with the team, their relationship with LAFD had improved significantly.
“Sure. I assume Kensi caught you up,” Callen intervened, bringing the topic back on track.
“Uh, the bullet points. What—”
Deeks’ question was interrupted by an LAPD officer running towards them.
“Agent Callen, one of my guys is trapped inside the building,” he shouted frantically.
“What the hell is doing in there?” Callen asked, and as one, they started running towards the building.
“He thought he heard something, so he went to check on it. A few minutes later, the entrance collapsed.”
“You didn’t try to break through, did you?” Deeks demanded.
“No. We didn’t want to make it worse,” the cop said.
“Good. Ok, let us get some gear on and we’ll go in,” Callen decided. “Sam, you want to grab the battering ram?”
“Nope, the only one going in there is me,” Deeks said, tugging his jacket on.
“Callen, I’m specifically trained for this.”
“God, I love it when you’re confident,” Kensi said, and Sam snorted.
“When isn’t he confident?” he commented in an undertone.
Taking Deeks’ hard hat, she pushed it down over his curls. “Go save him, Lieutenant.” She kissed him lightly. “And be careful.”
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Monkey Cop AU Meme(s)
To celebrate the 300+ Chapter Outline mark that this fic gave me....I give you le meme for the inspiration(s) of this fic:
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But the main culprit is of course.....
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
You Can Count On Me (Ch.19)
A/N: So when I first came up with the idea of this story I had huge plans. As I continued to write it became harder and harder to come up with chapters I’m proud of on top of all the other story ideas I had. With great sadness, I have to say the next chapter will be the last of this story. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you’ll read my others. One I’m currently working on is a little spicey which I’m very excited about. Anyway, thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy these last two chapters of this version of our favorite OTP.
As the pair walk down the sidewalk, ice cream cones in hand Kensi can’t help the bubble of laughter that leaves her lips, thinking back to her fiancé’s encounter with the old white lady at the ice cream shop and is brought back to another incident from high school. “Remember when Old Lady Thomas threw a box of Raisin Bran at you cuz she thought you were trying to steal her groceries? ”
“How could I forget? I still have the imprint of the box on my arm.”
“You gotta admit she had great aim for an 80-year-old with cataracts.”
“A look into your future.”
Biting back a smile, her fingers find his bicep, pinching him for his remark. She’s just about to say something when the shrill of her phone fills the air around them. Reaching in her pocket to retrieve the device, she sends her fiancé a curious glance. “Unknown number.” The brunette accepts the call, bringing the phone to her ear.“Hello?”
“Hey, Kensi.”
Hearing the name leave his partner’s lips, the blonde’s brow furrows. Without thought his fingers curl into a tight fist, crushing the ice cream cone in his hand.
“I was hoping you’d answer.”
Closing her eyes, she takes a deep calming breath. Life has been throwing things at them left and right these past couple of weeks so she’s not sure why she’s surprised to hear from her ex-fiancé for the first time in 5 years. “What do you want?”
“To apologize.”
“Why? Why now?“
“Not over the phone. Can you meet me at Burton Chace Park?”
“I promise, Kensi, that’s all I want.”
Meeting her partner’s eyes, she nervously bites her lip. This is her chance to finally get the answers she’s always been looking for. “Fine. We’ll be there in 20.”
Ending the call without another word, she lets out a sigh. “Looks like we’re going on a little field trip.”
“You sure about this?” He’s not trying to discourage her from getting the answers she needs, but he knows how fresh the wound Jack left still is.
“Not really, no. But knowing my back up’s there will help.”
“I’ll bring the muscle.” He flexes his bicep, alleviating the tension in her body. This man may have hurt the person he loves most in the world and he may want to bash his head in but if it means she gets the closure she deserves he’ll be cordial…maybe.
Walking across the open grass area of the park, she tries to calm her nerves. It didn’t hit her until they were almost here that she was gonna see him again, the man that broke her heart. The man she was gonna marry. Even though the last few months of their relationship were nothing short of chaos and turmoil she still loved him at one point in her life, maybe not like she loves Marty, but she still loved him. 
At the sound of footsteps coming towards him, the former marine looks up and meets the special agent’s eyes, and immediately jumps off the bench, walking towards her with a small smile across his face. “Hey, Kensi. Glad you came.”
She gives him a straight smile, feeling the tension rise throughout her body. Maybe this was a bad idea. Then she feels him press a reassuring hand on the small of her back. Her solstice. 
The former marine was so focused on Kensi that he didn’t notice the blonde walking up next to her until there was a burning sensation running through his body. He meets Marty’s eyes and immediately sees the anger bubbling in his cerulean blues. “He-hey, Marty?”
“How’ve you been?”
Kensi rolls her eyes and feels the anger begin to bubble up inside her.  “Get to it, Jack. I didn’t come here for small talk.”
Nodding his head, he lets out a calming breath. “There’s a lot I want to apologize for. The way I treated you, especially when you were so good to me.”
Marty meets his best friend’s eyes feeling the need that she’s gotta do this on her own but he’s here if she needs him. “I’ll give you two a minute.”
She gives him a grateful smile before watching him walk off. He’s always there. 
“So you two?”
She gives him a pointed look, definitely not playing this game. 
“Sorry. None of my business.”
When she doesn’t say anything, he nods, knowing he’s only got a few minutes of her time. “I’ve been sober for about 2 years now and in those 2 years, I’ve realized how much I hurt you. You were there for me no matter what and I treated you like shit.”
“You were an assshole.”
He smirks, still the same spitfire she was 5 years ago. “I was a dick.”
She huffs a laugh cuz he’s right, he was the biggest dick.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for trying to help me get better. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I gave up on myself. I was such a fucking mess but you were always there. You did everything you could for me. And please don’t blame yourself. There’s nothing more you could’ve done to help me.”
She didn’t know she needed to hear the words but as soon as they leave his mouth something inside her heals. And seeing the sincerity in his eyes tells her that he truly meant the words he said. She doesn't want to hold onto this anymore. Her best friend is going to be her husband…they’re continuing their life together, but as a couple now. This anger has no place in her life. “Thank you for saying that.”
He takes a quick look at Deeks who’s staring daggers at him. “He hates me.”
She can’t help the grin that spreads to her lips as she meets her fiancé’s eyes only he’s fixated on the man standing next to her. “Not gonna lie to you. He does.”
“I’m happy for you guys. You deserved so much better than me which is what you have now. There’s not a doubt in my mind he’s the man you deserve.”
Eyes still trained on her partner, she nods in agreement. He’s everything. “Can I ask you something?”
Turning her attention back to him, it occurs to her she never got the answer to one of his reasons for leaving. “When you said Marty was in love with me and I clearly with him…what did you…I mean how did you know?”
“If I’m being truthful with myself, it was the first time you introduced us.”
“Yeah. You went off to the bathroom and he gave me ‘the talk.’”
“The talk?”
“Yeah, like what big brothers do to guys dating their little sister only it wasn’t.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, he said the normal kind of stuff like, ‘hurt her and they won’t find the body,’ but there was this protectiveness I’ve never known in my life shining in his eyes. That and when you got a strike and started celebrating with each other, I saw the look you two shared and knew that if I wanted our relationship to work and not be jealous I had to lie to myself. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t…until one day I knew I just had to stop.”
“We were pretty oblivious back then.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement.”
She takes another glance towards her partner and feels the panic start to roll in seeing the deer in headlights look on his face. Following his line of sight, she’s immediately filled with rage. Her hand tightening into a fist at her side. 
“What’s wrong?” The former marine doesn’t miss the sudden change in the atmosphere. 
What’s wrong? What’s wrong? There’s so much going wrong yet she can’t find the words to voice it. “Um…it’s um.”
Then he’s there, walking off balance towards the pair and throwing his arm around the former marine’s shoulders. “Hey, Jackie.”
“Gordon, how long  you last this time?” Jack asks the older man, letting out a frustrated sigh.
Ignoring Jack’s question, Gordon’s attention turns to Kensi. “Who’s the pretty lady? You look familiar.”
“Kens, this is Gordon.”
The mischievous smile that the older man sends her way makes her skin crawl. “I know who he is.” She says it through gritted teeth, reaching for the gun in her waistband.
Gordon’s brow furrows. His attention suddenly zeroing in on Marty as he runs toward them, suddenly sobering him up.  
“Marty, my boy!”
Clearly, this reunion is gonna go exactly how he hoped, eyeing the three he quickly calculates his moves, and just as the shaggy blonde is about to reach them, he pulls out the knife in his pocket, jumping over to Kensi grabbing her, pressing the knife against her throat. 
“Let go of her.” If he wasn’t seeing red before he is now. 
“Not a chance.”
The best friends turned lovers share a look, communicating their plan without words. Marty continues to say things to his father, distracting him and before Gordon can process what’s happening Kensi has him in a wrist lock, knocking the knife out of his grip and throwing him over her shoulder onto the ground. 
Jack’s eyes go wide as he watches the scene play out before him. Kensi twists the man’s arms behind his back, catches the handcuffs her partner tosses her, and with his help tugs the drunk bastard’s arm. “Up on your feet, jackass.”
“Is she this feisty in the sack?”
Without a second thought, the blonde turns to face his nightmare and rams his fist into the man’s stomach, knocking the breath out of him. “You’re lucky I’m a better man than you are otherwise I’d put a bullet in your head right here and now.”
The pair escort him to the Caddy, Marty taking over and shoving him in the back seat before slamming the door shut. 
He’s rattled she knows that. Grabbing his hand, she pulls him to the back of the car, taking a stance in front of him. “Baby, look at me.” 
Doing as he’s told, he feels his hatred and anger wash away. The warmth and understanding shining in her mismatched orbs calming him in a way that only she can. She takes a deep breath and releases it signaling for him to do the same. He joins her on the second one and can feel the rest of the tension release from his body.
“That was a little more anticlimactic than I was expecting.”
“What are you talking about? My shit of a father approached you while talking to your ex whom you haven’t seen or spoken to in 5 years and held a knife to your throat until you flipped his sorry ass on his back.”
“I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty fun.”
He can’t fight the smirk playing on his lips, pulling her into his embrace, her arms immediately wrapping around his waist as he places a kiss to the top of her head, breathing in the scent that is so uniquely her. “You’re always saving me.”
“Just like you always save me.”
“We’re adorable.”
“Aren’t we though.”
Taking this moment for themselves they let the fact that this thing that’s been hanging over them is finally done. And then the footsteps approaching them brings the pair back to something else hanging over them. “Ugh, I forgot about the other asshole.”
 “Be nice. He apologized.”
The partners pull apart just as the former marine reaches them. A little bit of shock and fear written on his face. “I’d offer to help but it looks like you two have it under control.”
Marty huffs a laugh, unamused. 
“Look, Marty. I know I was an asshole.”
“You were a dick.”
“I know. I’m sorry. It doesn’t mean much but I am. You were there for her when I wasn’t. You were always there for her and I’m grateful for that because she deserves someone like you.”
Dammit. Why is he starting to like this guy again? “You getting the help you need?”
“Yeah, I’m taking it one day at a time but I’m getting better every day.”
Shocking all three of them, Marty offers his hand to the brunette. “As much as I hated you, if she’s forgiven you then so have I.”
Jack raises a brow skeptically before a smile crosses his features and shakes the blonde’s hand.
“Thank you both.”
Kensi, sends him a small smile before he turns, walking back towards the rec center. “Take care of yourself.”
Marty lets out a deep sigh, releasing some residual tension from his body. “Ugh, that was so hard.”
“That’s what she said.” She can’t help herself, he’s rubbed off on her in so many ways. 
There’s a beat of silence as they soak in the fact that it’s over. It’s finally over. 
Putting her Badass Blye persona back in place, she squeezes his hand, a little spark in her eye. “Come on. Let’s take this piece of shit to the boat shed so we can go home and have sex.”
He’s a bit flabbergasted by her words, shaking his head in laughter. He watches her head to the driver's side of the Caddy. “Girl, I’m gonna marry you someday.”
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Another long day of ruling the kingdom, and Hetty was tired!
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redgoldblue · 2 years
anyway shifter AU. Sam is a black panther Callen is a pale caramel puma Deeks is a lion Kensi is a barghest (black dog shifter). Hetty is a hawk.
yes Deeks is an absolute asshole about being ‘king of the jungle’ until he and Sam are shifted in the same place at the same time and he remembers Sam is bigger and can 100% still take him down like this.
yes having a bird shifter in charge of a team that’s ¾ feline is a weird fucking situation to be in but it’s Hetty, no-ones gonna cross her in any form.
Deeks and Kensi look absolutely adorable cuddling in shifted forms and Sam and Callen look so much like a Pair it’s obscene.
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eddiestattoos · 1 year
Imagine if they'd done an ncisverse crossover during the NOLA age. Please can you imagine even the LA team taking on New Orleans. I need it.
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she-is-a-weapon · 3 months
Michael and Cote's interview for La Gazette de Monaco (translated from French)
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The Paramount+ spin-off will be filmed in Europe, and more specifically in Budapest. After so many years, why is it finally coming to fruition?
Cote de Pablo: I think the stars have aligned in a way. We've been nurturing this idea for a very long time, so we're very excited. We're thrilled to be shooting this spin-off in Europe and embracing the lifestyle that goes with it. It's a huge gift as actors because we come from a very different machine...
Will there be any similarities, or not, with the NCIS mothership?
CdP: There won't be a flash image with a corpse at the beginning. We won't have to solve a crime and then in the end everything works out and everyone goes back to their dysfunctional families! (laughs) We wanted to take our two characters away from the agency and have them evolve in an international context. The other main difference is the format, since we're doing 10 episodes instead of 24. And we’re shooting ten hours a day!
One of the main characters in this spin-off is your daughter Tali. Have you found the actress to play her?
Michael Weatherly: We've just completed the casting process. The series should really be called "NCIS: Tony, Ziva & Tali", as their child is at the heart of their concerns. In NCIS, our characters didn't have this, so they acted very personally, according to their desires. When you have a child, you have to figure out what's best for them. At the same time, Tony and Ziva also have to save the world. Tali is the perfect character to introduce new sources of trouble.
Your on-screen chemistry is just as real in real life. How do you preserve this 20-year friendship?
MW: Our friendship began under President Bush... and continued through the administrations of Obama, Trump, and Biden! The truth is, we talk a lot. Friendships can be difficult in show business, where there's not always a sense of durability. It's a bit like the friends you make at summer camp and never see again!
CdP: Except that you never got rid of me! I'm your forever summer camp buddy (laughs). You and I, we laugh a lot, and there's this truly wonderful thing that happens over time, where friendship deepens as we say in Spanish. If there is a problem, I can count on our 20 years to get through it. That doesn't mean there won't be conflicts, because we're both passionate creatures, but our friendship has been through a lot, not just professionally.
Source: https://lagazettedemonaco.com/actualites/art-culture/ncis-apres-le-1000e-episode-place-au-spin-off
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chicgeekgirl89 · 9 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 and @ladytessa74 for the tags!
I guess the next time I'm mad at myself for not writing more I'll just...tell myself to shut up lol. Holy heck this is a lot of fic.
Paper Rings- A 5+1 of Tarlos wedding planning. I adore this one.
Packing a Piece- Early days Tarlos, T.K. taking care of Carlos as his feelings grow stronger.
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand- What a labor of love, Carlos' POV during the Ice Storm arc.
I Get it From You- 5+1 of habits the boys have picked up from each other. So fun to write!
Will You Take What's Left of Me?- Me trying to figure out the mess of Carlos having a secret wife 🙄
Like I'm Gonna Lose You- T.K. saving Carlos' life after his abduction and the aftermath.
Glitter and Be Gay- This one is so freaking funny lol. Carlos hates glitter and he suffers because of it. T.K. is amused.
How to Say Goodbye- My last NCIS LA Densi fic. That fandom has meant the world to me and I'm sad the show is over.
Love is Sitting on the Bathroom Floor- T.K. has food poisoning, Carlos takes care of him, it's so sweet!
The Luck O' the Irish- I truly love how this one turned out, my little fic about Tarlos doing a class project with their child in the future and Carlos being a neurotic dad lol.
I Won't Say I'm in Love- Carlos falling in love with T.K., Adriana and Francesca being their best/worst selves. This one has some of the best dialogue, god they're fun.
Mothers and Sons- Andrea caring for T.K. as they wedding plan. Made myself cry with this one.
Shiner- Coda for 4x15, Carlos finding out about T.K.'s black eye and taking care of him.
A Helping Hand- Lololol a fic based on my real life experience with rain and smoke detectors.
Happy Campers- Boys camping trip with whumped Carlos is just what the summer ordered!
We Have Suffered Enough- 4x16 post-ep. God did they really need the Huntington's scare?!
Day Zero- T.K. struggles after being drugged by Sadie.
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting- This might be the best fic of the year. Mama and Papa Reyes getting into trouble at a bar with T.K. and poor Carlos having to sort it all out is the stuff my dreams are made of.
Rugby King- My sweet, sweet Heartstopper boys. I was so nervous writing this fic and I'm so glad I did. Whumpy Nick and worried Charlie are such perfection and it was so fun to jump into this fandom!
Come Sail Away- My magnum opus for this year lol. The longest thing I've written to date and a love letter to the drama and antics of Below Deck. Also my first AU! (Technically...)
Tío T.K.- T.K. being a freaking badass and helping Carlos' nephew. Adriana and Francesca return. A joy from start to finish.
Phew! What a year! Thanks to everyone who has read my work this year!
Tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom, @bonheur-cafe, @carlos-in-glasses, and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
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tellmegoodbye · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @sznofthesticks for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
10. I used to have around 30, but I orphaned a bunch of my old stuff recently.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Shameless, 911 Lone Star, and hopefully 911 in the future? I really want to but I don't have any ideas atm.
Top five fics by kudos:
I excluded fics that I cowrote, so this is all completely my own writing. These are all more recent too, so this is much more representative of my current writing style.
shut the door and let go
lover, please stay
when all is said and done
our love will guide us home
will the pain stop (if we go deeper)
Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to as many as I can! Sometimes I run out of words to say (communication has never been my strong suit) but I read every single one and they always make me smile.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
will the pain stop (if we go deeper)
This is the most I have ever projected my personal experience onto a fic. I was going through a breakup at the time and not handling it very well, and writing a breakup fic really helped me cope with it at the time.
I'm doing much better now, and my ex and I are on good terms. Even though the ending to the fic itself was angsty, I'd like to imagine that the characters are doing better now as well.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics tend to have happy endings, but if I had to pick the most satisfying happy ending it would be lover, please stay.
Most of this fic is pretty angsty, but the ending makes it all worth it I think!
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully I haven't received any nasty comments. I did receive a kind of weird comment once, but I completely forget what it even was.
Do you write smut?
I never did before I got into the shameless fandom, and then I kind of went crazy with it after that.
Craziest crossover:
I've never written a crossover before. It's not something I've ever considered or even know if I would want to do.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Many times with my ex, back when we were still dating. It was a lot of fun and definitely something I'd like to try again in the future! I've always enjoyed collaborating with other people.
All time favorite ship:
Favorite ship I've written for? Tarlos. Favorite ship I've never written for? Tiva, aka Tony and Ziva from ncis. I also love Densi (Deeks and Kensi) from ncis la.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have not written a chaptered fic in years and it is something I would really like to do. I have several ideas including a detective au that I've floated between two separate fandoms, but I still haven't been able to make any progress regarding those wips.
What are your writing strengths?
Angst and introspection! I love getting into a character's head and psychoanalyzing them (I am a psych student, after all 😂) and I also love writing sad shit. I'm a sucker for pain, it seems.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions. We all know them, we all loathe them.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it makes sense for the situation/characters, of course! I wouldn't go overboard with it though, since I don't actually speak any other languages myself.
First fandom you wrote in:
Minecraft youtube, but like the old school kind. Around 2014-2015ish. And I physically wrote everything down in little journals. Fanfic was only something that existed in my head at the time until I discovered the likes of ff.net.
Favorite fic you've written:
My most recent fic always becomes my favorite, and that holds true today too!
My push coda, my baby, our love will guide us home.
This is something I'm incredibly proud of, and it's also my longest fic to date and something I wasn't sure I would ever be able to finish. I'm still kind of in disbelief that it's finally real.
Tagging (with no pressure ofc) @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses @freneticfloetry @welcometololaland and @lemonlyman-dotcom
I do remember this tag going around a few months ago so if you've already done this, you can either do it again if you want to or just accept this virtual hug from me. 🫂
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tommy-kinard-buckley · 5 months
Inspiration weekend
This is for a fic that I just started and is a NCIS Las Angeles/9-1-1 au
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No pressure tags
@sunglassesmish @alrightbuckaroo @setmeatopthepyre since it was your post that inspired the fic @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @thisbuildinghasfeelings @carlos-tk @lemonlyman-dotcom @storms-s @firstprince-history-huh @paperstorm @goodways @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses
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densi-mber · 10 months
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A/N: Oh yes, we’re back with my favorite storyline to hate.
Most days, Deeks was pretty good at keeping himself distracted from his current situation as a FLETC cadet. For the most part, it involved filling every spare moment he could do he didn’t have time to consider anything else. If he was busy, if he was exhausted, then he didn’t have the time to consider the true suckiness of it all.
Then there were days like today. He’d barely slept last night after an insanely frustrating day, and today he knew he’d face more of the same. Now that their automatic biases had worn off, most of his instructors had come to like him, or at the very least, appreciate that he knew what he was doing. There were a couple though, that seemed insistent on trying to knock him down a peg whenever possible.
That usually meant setting him overly complicated tasks or calling on him with particularly difficult questions. All the while, Deeks simmered with the knowledge that he’d done this for a living for years. He didn’t need to simulate getting stuck in a car with a bomb, because he’d lived variations of that scenario a dozen times over.
When Deeks lost the positivity that most people knew him for, he did so spectacularly. His discontent turned to anger and melancholy, which quickly spiraled into a depression of sorts. Right now, he was still in the angry and unsettled state and after spending a sleepless night cooped up in his room, he needed to get out.
The campus kept a pretty strict curfew that lasted until six in the morning. As soon as it ended, Deeks hit one of the many trails surrounding the grounds. He’d become well acquainted with the dirt paths over the last several weeks between the daily mandatory runs and his own solo circuits.
The run didn’t help nearly as much as he’d hoped. Though it had depleted some of his anger, he’d also had ample time to mull over everything from the last several weeks, which didn’t improve his mood. By the time he made it back to his room, he was sore, sweaty, and still frustrated.
“Damn it,” he swore when he checked his phone just a little after 7, and found a missed call from Kensi. He called her back, but of course she didn’t answer. Spitting out a heartfelt and considerably less benign epithet, dropped onto the bed with a sigh.
Being away from Kensi might be the worst part. Aside from missing her desperately, every day he was gone, the chance that something terrible would happen increased. Kessler, some other vindictive criminal, or the usual dangers that came with their jobs.
His alarm letting him know there was 45 minutes before his first class came far too soon. He dragged himself back off the bed, and headed downstairs to the cafeteria. He through the stations on autopilot, collecting a random bowl of fruit, toast, and eggs, even though he wasn’t hungry, and chose a table as far back as possible.
“Hey Deeks,” Jake said, swinging in beside Deeks with his tray. Apparently the subtle request for space hadn’t worked. Deeks didn’t need to look to know Charlie and Omar weren’t far behind.
“Hey man.”
“We were thinking of getting in some practice at the range after ethics. You wanna join us? Give us some more tips.”
“Thanks, but I’m, uh, not really in the mood today,” Deeks told him. He fully intended to go back to his room and fall into bed the moment he finished with the day’s classes.
“Since when?” Charlie asked, digging into a pile of eggs. “Not to be rude, but you do kind of love to show off your marksmanship.”
“To be fair, he’s better than almost any other cadet. Even a couple teachers,” Omar added with a chuckle. “Don’t tell Ritcher I said that.”
“Guys, I appreciate the offer. I’m really not up to the banter right now,” Deeks snapped. There was a moment of silence, which was almost worse than the chatter.
Jake was the first to recover. “Woah. Did we do something to upset you?”
“Jake, give him some space,” Omar said softly.
“No, it’s ok.” Deeks sighed. “I’m sorry. You guys didn’t do anything. I am just…having a couple of rough days. I didn’t mean to take it out on any of you.”
“Hey, it happens, man.” Omar’s easy forgiveness almost drew a smile from Deeks. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not sure if you wanna hear me whine,” Deeks said.
“Eh, you’ve put up with trying to teach us law, we handle it,” Charlie decided, nudging Deeks shoulder. “You’ll feel better. And if you don’t, we’ll sneak in some beer.”
“Oh lord, just what I need. Contraband.” This time, Deeks actually did smile.
“So, what’s going on?” Charlie prompted again.
Sighing, Deeks tried to gather his tumultuous feelings into a cohesive thought. “Sometimes…it feels like me being here is pointless,” he started. “I mean, what am I really gaining from being here? Is a couple months of classes I don’t really need going to make a difference to either of the organizations that decided my skills are no longer or use them? I’m not helping my team. I’m certainly not supporting my team. And when this is over, I have no real guarantee that any of it will be worth it.”
He’d said more than he intended, and while it was certainly therapeutic to give a voice to his frustration, it felt like he’d provided potential ammunition.
“I disagree. You’ve made a huge difference and you do have a purpose,” Charlie argued unexpectedly. He almost looked angry, which was odd given the topic.
“How so?” Deeks asked.
Charlie gestured between himself, Omar, and Jake. “You’re looking at the evidence right here. You’ve taught us so much we never would have gotten on our own.”
“You would have been fine.”
“Maybe,” Omar said. “It would have been a lot harder. Even without the tutoring, you’ve been a mentor like no one else. You don’t judge or try to make things harder to prove a point.” He paused and looked directly at Deeks. “I know you’d rather be back with your team, and your family, but you do have a purpose here. Even if it’s not the one you expected.”
“What he said,” Jake said.
“That’s pretty smart,” Deeks murmured.
“Well, we learned from the best.”
“Thanks for the pep talk.”
“It’s only fair, you’ve given us enough of them,” Charlie reasoned. “You feel better.”
“Minutely,” Deeks said honestly.
“Well, there’s still the option for some liquid cheer.”
Shaking his head, Deeks held his hands up. “As your lawyer and a cadet, I’m removing myself from this conversation before I’m implicated in any of this.”
“Sweet, we’ve got a lawyer,” Jake said enthusiastically.
As the banter continued, Deeks sat back. He wasn’t anywhere near happy, but he supposed it did help to know his time here wasn’t completely wasted.
A/N: If you’re unfamiliar with Charlie, Jake, and Omar, I have a whole AU FLETC storyline for Deeks that goes much differently that the canon events.
I’ve always figured that going to FLETC with Deeks’ level of experience and skill would be quite frustrating in many ways. He’d undoubtedly taken many of the courses as continuing ed as we saw in early on in the show and learned through hands-on experience.
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Monkey Cop: K-9 Unit AU THEME SONG!
So you all have known about how I said NCIS chaos and humor is also a part of the AU?
Well I found the perfect theme song for it and when I am done making some of the artwork for the show, aka the Cover and Character looks and such, I might work a bit on the AU's Intro to each new episode.
Anyways here is the song itself:
I'll bring a rough animatic to showcase what the intro looks like!!
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Twice In a Blue Moon (Chapter 5)
A/N: This took forever but I didn’t want to rush and force something. Hope y’all like it!
“Can you go in? Riley needs help carrying her project and I’m trying to finish my homework.”
Marty turns his head to look at Harper, brow furrowed but she’s too engrossed in the paper in her lap to notice. He’s not buying it but he doesn’t say anything instead opting for a welcomed visit with his ladybird. 
Kensi answers the door and his jaw hits the floor. She’s wearing a power suit. A beautiful teal suit that contrasts perfectly against her skin and it suddenly becomes clear to him why Harper couldn’t help Riley with her project. And once again he’s so grateful for their meddling. Thank you, girls.
“You have a little bit of drool right there.” She reaches forward without thought, wiping the corner of his lip.
“I-I’m supposed to be getting a project.”
“Yeah, it’s right over here.” 
He steps in getting a scent of her lavender perfume. Oh, shit.
“Thanks for helping out. I completely forgot this had to be at school this morning and I have this meeting with my publishers and my new book’s not finished yet and-“
Her eyes go wide in surprise as she’s suddenly pressed against the wall and his lips are on hers, but soon run out of air and have to pull back, not moving from their position. “Everything’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be good. You’re Badass Blye.”
“Thank you.” She smiles and then eyes him suspiciously seeing the smirk on his face. “What?”
He shakes his head and bends forward, nuzzling her neck. “You smell amazing.”
She closes her eyes enjoying the touch of his lips against her skin as they travel up her neck. “What about you? You ready for today?”
“100 6th graders with 500 other 6th graders from around the county running around a museum.” He makes a pst noise. “Easy peasy.” 
She laughs and brings her lips to his once more.
As Marty gets back into the Jeep something suddenly strikes him. His eyes meet his girl’s in the rearview mirror who is miraculously done with her homework now.“Didn’t you say you finished that assignment last week?”
“Yeah, but I was just checking my work.”
“The exact moment we got to Kens’ house?”
“Oh, Kens is it?” Harper wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
A small blush begins to creep up his cheeks, damn these kids. Before he can say anything else the passenger-side back door opens and Riley hops in with a knowing grin, which is when he realizes the window is rolled down. 
“He was totally drooling.” The young brunette says just loud enough for Marty to hear making his blush form into an even deeper shade of red. 
When he told Kensi this field trip would be easy he had somehow forgotten how truly cutthroat the pre-teens of the greater Chicago area could be. 
He’s currently giving a stern talking to a kid that thought it’d be hilarious to put googly eyes on an Abe Lincoln bust when a blood-curdling shriek sends his blood running cold. 
Marty’s eyes go wide in panic as Harper’s screeching voice fills the large rotunda. Spinning around distraught, he looks for her and finally spots her frantically examining Riley. “What’s wrong?!”
He runs over to the girls, kneeling in front of Riley, his hands instinctively finding hers. Trying to keep her calm as much as he is himself, he keeps his eyes locked with hers while communicating with Harper. “What happened?” 
“I don’t know. She just ate some trail mix and now sh-she can’t breathe…”
The ingredients of the snack flash through his mind and he quickly turns to the boy standing nearby. The young boy’s eyes are filled with panic much like his own but unlike his, tears are beginning to pool in this random 12 year-olds. “Are there peanuts in that?”
“Y-yeah.” The tween answers nervously looking from the baggie in his hands back towards the principal.
Calm…he has to remain calm. Thinking back to the first time he heard Kensi talk about the allergy, the solution is right here. “Harper, where’s her bag?”
“She left it on the bus…” Panic fills the raven-haired tween’s voice once again as she watches her best friend collapse into her dad. “What are we gonna do?”
The bus that won’t be back until 3. Without thought, he picks Riley up, cradles her in his arms, and turns to one of his teachers. “Watch the kids, I gotta get her to the hospital.”
She nods, ushering their students away from the area as Marty runs out with Riley in his arms and Harper trailing not far behind.
Once they step out into the sunlight, he lets out a growl. “Fucking Chicago traffic.” He looks both ways and thinks about where the nearest hospital is. “Harper, I need you to stay here, I’m gonna have to run.”
“No, I’m going with you.”
“I’m going.”
At that moment he couldn’t be more proud of his girl for standing her ground and it’s suddenly lost when Riley starts taking a larger gasp of breath. “We gotta fucking book it.”
A fierce protectiveness crosses her face preparing herself for the sprint of her life. “Let's go.”
“WHERE IS SHE?” All sense of decorum has left Kensi’s body as she runs to the nurse’s station in the ER. As soon as she got the call from Marty, she left her meeting and hightailed it to the hospital. 
To say the panic that’s been coursing through her veins since she heard the words, “I’m at the ER with Riley,” is new to her…that would be a lie. She’s always worried about her even more so with their history at the ER. 
“Mrs. Blye.”
The tall brunette spins at the sound of her name being called and is met with a distraught Harper whose tear-stained eyes makes her fear the worse. “Harper, where is she?”
“Over here.”
“Where’s your dad?”
“He’s sitting with her. Hasn’t left her side.”
At the words, a sense of gratefulness replaces her panic but it quickly shifts to rage as she walks past the sectioned-off area of the ER room where Riley is and sees her limp body fast asleep on the bed. She places a kiss on her head and turns to Marty, trying her best to keep the tears at bay. “How could you let this happen?”
She doesn’t let him get a word out edgewise. All she’s seeing right now is red and the person responsible for this whole situation. “You were supposed to be watching her.”
“There are other kids I have to watch, too.”
“I want you to leave.” She wants to take back the words as soon as they leave her mouth. Really she wants him to hold her and tell her everything will be okay, but again the pent-up anger she’s been holding onto for so long wins out.
Sighing in defeat Marty and Harper walk out of the sectioned area and through the sliding doors. Kensi doesn’t dare watch them leave and begins to pace back and forth, running her fingers through her hair all the while trying to figure out what the hell just happened. 
“Why’d you do that?”
Riley’s raspy voice draws her back to the present and she looks up, meeting her baby girl’s tired eyes. “Because I could’ve lost you.”
“But mom…”
“No, but moms. He should’ve been watching you. He’s the principal.”
“He was watching us but some other kids were messing with an exhibit. We’re 12 years old he shouldn’t have to have a leash on us.”
“So how’d you get the peanuts and where was your bag?”
“This kid from another school offered us some of his trail mix. I didn’t think to ask about peanuts. I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It’s not Mr. Deeks’ fault either. As soon as Harper called him over he didn’t take his eyes off me. He asked what happened, where my Epipen was and when she told him I forgot it on the bus he picked me up and sprinted with me 4 blocks to the hospital.”
As the words hit her ears, her throat beings to constrict. Of course, he did. It’s Marty. “He-he did?”
“Yes, I’m alive because of him.” She nods, then a knowing smile curls at the corner of her lips. “You know, mom, he’s a great catch and I know for a fact he’s single.”
Shaking her head, she can’t fight the smile of her daughter and her antics. “So now you’re playing love connection?”
“I’m just saying.” The younger brunette shrugs.
A few minutes later as Riley’s getting her things together, Kensi takes out her phone seeing 2 messages from Marty saying he hopes she’s feeling better and asking if Harper can facetime Riley later when they get home.
Kensi: Hey, do you think you could bring Harper by the house? Riley wants to see her and she really needs to stay in bed for a while.
Marty: Sure. Does 6 work?
Kensi: Yes. Thank you, Marty.
Like clockwork, the clock strikes 6 and there’s a knock. She feels herself running towards the front door, but suddenly has to reel herself back. Her hand finds its way to her chest trying to calm her racing heart, it does nothing to stop the panic attack that she knows is about to engulf her…and then there’s another knock. 
She knows if she doesn’t answer Marty will worry and barge his way in, which means if she doesn’t move now, he’ll see her like this and she can’t let that happen…not yet. 
Taking a deep calming breath, trying her best to school her features, the brunette pulls open her front door and is immediately met with the most piercing blue eyes that she’s ever seen. His eyes. 
She’s memorized every emotion that’s been written in them, the hurt and anguish looking back at her now…she’s only been on the receiving end of 4 times, their first big fight, when they broke up all those years ago, at the hospital, and now.
Shaking herself out of her trance, Kensi’s eyes find Harper’s who’s nervously biting her bottom lip. “Riley’s in her room if you want to go up.”
Without being told twice, the raven-haired tween zooms through the door past the brunette and races up the stairs leaving her dad and best friend’s mom alone.
Words seem inadequate as their eyes dance back and forth between each other. She knows she needs to be the first to say something…anything.
“How is she?”
“She’s doing better…but I’m not.” 
Panic suddenly fills his eyes as he closes the distance between them, and wraps her hands in his. Probably the same way he reacted to Riley earlier today. 
“Can we talk please?”
He looks like he’s about to say no, it’s on the tip of his tongue. Then he remembers the last fight they had…the one that ended their passionate college love affair. The one that ended them. They both just walked away last time. Here she is trying to fight for them now and then the desperate plea leaves her lips and his heart almost shatters.
“Please, Marty?”
Relief floods through her body as he intertwines his fingers with hers and pulls her into the house, shutting the door behind them. 
For a few minutes, they just stand there in the middle of the living room. Marty doesn’t try to rush her, it’s clear she’s working through some things and he has to trust that she’ll tell him when she’s ready. 
The understanding in his eyes…the way he reads her like an open book like only he can, it’s just the push she needs. Grabbing his other hand, she locks her fingers with his. Her mismatched orbs lock with his cerulean blues trying to convey as best she can the words that are about to leave her lips. “I’m sorry about how I reacted today. There’s no excuse for me blaming you…I just got transported to the past when this would happen with her dad.”
“Would happen as in more than once?”
She nods her head. “Before I got my book deal I didn’t have the means to fight for full custody so half of the time Riley was with her dad but he never paid much attention to her. He’d let her eat anything and take her to a restaurant, not to mention her allergy…then she’d end up in the ER. He’d buy groceries with peanut ingredients and not hide them, she’d end up in the ER.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“That’s putting it mildly.”
She finally allows herself to break and lets out a shaky breath along with a stream of tears. “I’m just really sorry.”
He can’t hold back any longer. Using momentum, Marty pulls her towards him, crashing their bodies together as his arms find their way around her, cradling her head in the crook of his neck. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’ve got you. Just let it out.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Taking care of my girl and for being here with me.”
“And thank you for running 4 blocks with my daughter in your arms. I know how much you hate to run.”
“I’d do anything for you just like I’d do anything for our girls.”
“Our girls. I like the sound of that.”
“Me, too.”
“Do you have any idea how much I love you right now?” 
“I think I have a pretty good idea, but you could always show me to be sure.” A smile spreads to his face as she closes the distance between them. 
Their lips lock all but 5 seconds before the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs forces them to quickly break apart. 
Marty directs his eyes towards the ceiling as if he’s appreciating the crown molding work and Kensi…well, she chooses to grab a picture frame on a nearby shelf to examine.
“What are you two doing?” Harper pauses halfway down the steps, eyeing the pair suspiciously, not even buying the lies they’re about to start spewing. 
“Just talking.” The blonde’s voice is a little shakier than he would like when he finally turns his attention toward the tween.
“Sure you were.”
The brunette sits the picture down, trying to fight the smile on her face before putting her mom face on and meeting her daughter’s best friend’s eyes. “What was that?”
“Oh, nothing.” She starts humming, slowly continuing her walk down the stairs as if she knows something they don’t. 
“Ready to go, kiddo?”
“Yeah, Riley fell asleep.”
“Okay, well I guess we’ll see you guys at the game Sunday.” Marty sends Kensi a smile, backing towards the front door following the footsteps of his daughter. 
“Wait, Harper.”
The little girl turns around and stops as Kensi comes up to her and wraps her in a hug. A real mom hug, the first she’s ever had and it breaks her. Burying her face into the brunette’s chest, Harper’s arms find their way around the older woman’s waist, clinging onto her for dear life.
“Thank you for looking out for Riley.” As the words leave her lips, the little girl tightens her grip around her waist, and that’s when she feels the tears seep through her shirt, breaking her heart.
“I was so scared. Besides my dad, she’s all I have.”
Placing a kiss on the top of her head, Kensi pulls back, her thumbs finding Harper’s cheeks, and wipes the remaining tears away. “I tell you what. If it’s alright with your dad, how about you spend the whole weekend here?”
Harper turns towards her dad, hazel eyes filled with hopeful excitement. “Can I?”
“I’ll go get your stuff.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Blye.” She gives her one more squeeze before disentangling from the older woman and racing back up the stairs.
“Yes, ma’am?” The raven-haired tween stops mid-step, turning back, meeting the tall brunette’s eyes. 
“If you want, you have me, too.”
Before her head can even process what she’s doing, Harper’s feet have her racing back down the stairs, crashing into Kensi’s body, trapping her into the fiercest hug her tiny body can muster. “Thank you.”
As he watches the interaction between his two favorite people, Marty realizes now more than ever before that Kensi Blye is the absolute love of his life. She’s the one and always will be. 
A few seconds later Harper’s running back upstairs and Marty doesn’t have the willpower to hold back any longer. Closing the distance between them, his hand finds her jaw, thumb rubbing back and forth across her delicate skin, trying to memorize every inch. “Thank you. You have no idea what that means to her…or me.”
“She was hurting, too. I didn’t really stop to think about that until just now. And you…”
“What about me?”
“You were hurting.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in my life except when we lost each other all those years ago.”
Shaking her head, the tears begin to pool in her eyes. “You don’t know how much that means to me to hear you say that.”
“I love you, Kens. Riley’s a part of you and I love her, too.”
Leaning in, she presses a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
He melts into their kiss and relishes the moment before pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. “Now as much as I don’t want to, I better go before Harper comes back down. I also forgot that I had a few dates lined up for tonight and I can’t miss those.”
Biting her lips, she pinches his bicep, earning her a wince. “You better be joking.”
A smirk plays on his lips before he gives her one last kiss. “You still gonna leave the key under the mat for me?”
“Your side of the bed will be waiting for you as always.”
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ncisfranchise-source · 4 months
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@festivaltvmonte_carlo - L’agent spécial Anthony DiNozzo dans NCIS interprété par l’acteur Michael Weatherly sera présent au Festival pour un behind the scenes inédit de la série. 📆 samedi 15 juin 🕦 De 16H à 17H 📍 Salle Camille Blanc - Grimaldi Forum @ncisverse @themichaelweatherly @cbstvstudios @paramountgcd #montecarlotvfestival #festivaladdict #ncis #michaelweatherly #montecarlo
Si vous voulez tout savoir sur les coulisses de la série NCIS, retrouvez l’actrice Cote de Pablo allias Ziva David au Festival pour un behind the scenes à l’occasion du 1000ème épisode de la franchise. 📆 samedi 15 juin 🕦 De 16H à 17H 📍 Salle Camille Blanc - Grimaldi Forum @ncisverse @cbstvstudios @paramountgcd #montecarlotvfestival #festivaladdict #ncis #behindthescenes
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
The writer's urge to make an Archangel AU with all my fave characters from different fandoms.
Kinda Supernatural inspired with a mass falling of angels that Earth sees as a global meteor shower.
The Archangels are already on Earth, they went down a long time ago and have no idea how the 'meteor shower' even happened.
Someone tipped off hunters that angel eyes can grant them power to see the future or something like that when consumed.
A mass hunting of fallen angels had commenced once the word had spread. And then one day, an archangel's dead body was discovered by Lucifer in LA.
(A fair warning that these are mostly my fave guy characters)
Lucifer and Michael: twins played by the british man in the show Lucifer
Uriel: is Mike Ross, his photographic memory is an ability of his as the Archangel of Wisdom
Raphael: is Evan Buckley. As the Archangel of healing, he wanted to save people in the front lines and not just behind hospital doors.
Gabriel: is Anthony Dinozzo, he's God's messenger and used his ability at NCIS to talk his way up and out of situations
Camael/Chamuel: is Olivia Benson, Archangel of Divine Justice. That's why she went into SVU.
That's all who I can think of for now
If anyone is interested, leave a comment below! I'd love to share more on how the Archangels got their vessels
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