#AZA Films
liocicons · 5 months
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screencaps by @neverscreens ♡
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tv-and-movie-quotes · 24 days
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Turtles All the Way Down (2024)
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jayhandee · 5 months
God the movie of 'Turtles all the way down' really grabs me by the arms and shakes me real good and says "This you?" And points to Aza and Daisy. Goddamn, this movie somewhat helps me with dealing with my intrusive thoughts. My notepad will hear abt this.
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l3monivy · 4 months
azaa, can you at least pretend to play??
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geekpopnews · 5 months
Tartarugas até lá Embaixo: Como surgiu o Título
Saiba a explicação por trás do título do livro "Tartarugas até lá Embaixo" de John Green, que inspirou filme de Hannah Marks. #TartarugasatéláEmbaixo #JohnGreen
O autor John Green, autor de “A Culpa é das Estrelas” traz o seu lado mais pessoal na obra “Tartarugas até lá Embaixo”. A história é centrada em Aza Holmes, uma menina de 16 anos que lida com Transtorno Obsessivo Compulsivo (TOC). Ao mesmo tempo, ela se aventura em busca de um bilionário que desapareceu. Mas, para além do enredo, o que chama mais atenção é certamente o nome do livro. Na verdade,…
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muyaterlik · 3 months
Muya.com, çocuklar için özel olarak tasarlanmış, onların rahatlığı ve eğlencesi için tasarlanmış çeşitli stil ve tasarımlara sahip çok çeşitli plaj terliği sunmaktadır. Bu çocuk terlikleri, parmak arası terlik ve normal modellere sahip olup, her biri genç ayaklara en uygun desteği sağlayacak şekilde anatomik ve ergonomik tasarımlarla donatılmıştır. Çocuğunuz ister canlı renkleri, ister eğlenceli desenleri, ister klasik tarzları tercih etsin, Muya.com'da farklı zevk ve tercihlere hitap eden bir seçki mevcuttur. Eğlenceli çizgi film karakterlerinden şık ve sade tasarımlara kadar uzanan seçeneklerle çocuklar, her ortama uygun bu plaj terliklerinin konfor ve işlevselliğinin keyfini çıkarırken, kişiliklerini de ifade edebilecekler.
Muya.com'da bulunan plaj terlik göze çarpan özelliklerinden biri, aktif oyun ve açık hava maceraları için mükemmel olan yüksek kaliteli malzemeleri ve dayanıklılıklarıdır. Bu terlikler suya dayanıklı malzemelerle tasarlandığından havuz, plaj, bahçe ve hatta ev gibi ıslak yüzeylerde kullanıma uygundur. Bu çocuk terliklerinde yer alan MUYA Comfort MANTAR Koleksiyonu, ayakları yormadan uzun süreli kullanım sağlar ve nemi emen iç malzemesiyle terlemeyi önler. Konfor, dayanıklılık ve işlevselliğin bu birleşimi, Muya.com'un plaj terliklerini, çocuk terlik ile enerjik yaşam tarzlarına ayak uydurabilecek ayakkabılar sağlamak isteyen ebeveynler için güvenilir bir seçim haline getiriyor.
Büyüyen ve gelişen genç ayaklar için uygun ayak desteği ve koruması şarttır ve Muya.com, çocuk plaj terliklerinde bu faktörlerin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Terlikler, ayakları farklı noktalardan destekleyerek bel, sırt ve ayak ağrısını en aza indirecek, sağlıklı ayak gelişimini ve genel refahı destekleyecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Ayak desteği ve korumasına öncelik veren ebeveynler, çocuklarının sadece şık görünmek ve rahat hissetmekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda ayak sağlığını ve uyumunu da destekleyen ayakkabılar giydiğinden emin olabilirler. Muya.com'un kalite, konfor ve ayak desteğine olan bağlılığı, plaj terliklerini çocuk ayakkabı koleksiyonlarına değerli bir katkı haline getiriyor.
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Unimportant question you don't have to engage with: Have you heard of the tv show "The Zoo" which is a show about the Bronx Zoo? If you have or you've seen it, what do you think? :D If you don't know about it, I do recommend it!
Anyway, pls, zoo photos!
I have! I watched the first two (?) seasons prior to my first trip to the Bronx Zoo. There’s also spin-offs at a couple other zoos, although I can’t remember offhand which ones other than Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
Overall I remember it being a good show. They dealt very honestly with things like injury and euthanasia. I would have liked to see more about the reality of the job (manual labor) and some explanation of safety procedures and stuff, but I know that’s not why most people actually watch it. I think it was a pretty fair look into the way facilities operate and how they care for the animals.
It also does show how stuff can sometimes be not great! I remember one of the episodes with handraised tiger cubs being put into the big habitat for the first time, and director’s wife was filmed putting her hands all the way through the chain-link fence to scratch them. It is something that happens? Sure. Should it? Probably not, and it’s not great to have management doing on camera. But I liked that it didn’t hide that.
I will say I don’t know exactly how approval of what goes into the show happens. I’m not sure how involved zoos get to be in saying “no we don’t want x covered” or “don’t film in y area.” The shows are in effect advertising for the zoo and for AZA, but that doesn’t mean they’re propaganda or can’t be trusted afaik.
The only reason I haven’t kept up on the shows is because I try to keep recreation time separate from work brain. I think they’re worth a watch! And I’m happy to chat about stuff folk notice or wonder about. (Tell me what you see!)
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usersh · 10 months
Əziz keçmiş, “o vaxt başqa idi” deyənlərdən olmaq istəmirəm, amma səni istəyirəm, ona görə ki:
- Radioya elə məhz radioda qulaq asmağı sevirəm, məsələn, düşünürəm telefon bunun üçün deyil.
- Şunurlu qulaqcıqlarla musiqini dinləməkdən aldığım zövqü Bluetooth-lularla ala bilmirəm.
- Yeyilənlərin şəklini paylaşanlarla əhatə olunmaq yerinə, onları bir-biriylə paylaşanlarla əhatələnmək əvəzolunmazdır.
- Bir neçə rəng, növ ayaqqabım olmasa da olar, biri olan zamanlardakı xoşbəxtliyi istəyirəm.
- Ünsiyyət bu qədər asan ikən belə, bir-birini axtarmayan yox, ondakı kimi çətin olduğu halda belə bir zəngin həsrətiylə gözləyəcək qədər dəyər verib-görənlərdən olmaq istəyirəm.
- Daha az amma daha dəyərli mahnı, film, kitab olsun istəyirəm, az olsun, amma dəyərini bilim.
- Bu qədər asan, surətli, qarmaşıq olan həyat yerinə mən çətin, yavaş, bəsit amma dəyəri bilinən həyat istəyirəm.
- Daha çoxu üçün yarışda olduğum yol yerinə, birlikdə addımladığım məni daha aza aparan yollar istəyirəm.
Mən lampa işığı olan uzun, qohum-əqrabalarla, qonşularla deyib-gülməkli qış gecələrini, babamın söhbətlərini, anamın yavan çörəyini, bir, birlik olmağı istəyirəm.
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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A video showing the large barrage of rockets that were just now fired from Gaza.
This was filmed in Kfar Aza which is next to Gaza.
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
Once isolated, they went house to house, methodically killing, mutilating, and kidnapping. Their tools were the familiar stuff of asymmetric warzones: AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), a variety of grenades, kidnapping kits of plastic flex cuffs. They even had specially designed incendiary grenades (to burn houses).Less familiar to modern warzones was the large butcher knives they left behind.
Many of the terrorists were reportedly high on the drug captagon, an amphetamine like speed with hallucinogenic features. Each of the death squads had its own guidebook including instructions like —take the tires from the Israelis’ vehicles, light the tires on fire and throw them into the houses, it will kill and burn them at the same time. There was little thought given on which house to burn first. The randomness of evil is part of its sickness.
As I walked through the village, I saw scene after scene of this evil sickness—children’s rooms riddled with bullets, blood splattered LEGOs. Entire families slaughter and their bodies burned clutching each other. The most awful were the safe rooms.
Every house in the kibbutz has what, in effect, resembles a bomb shelter. Many turned into nurseries or kids rooms. They had windows and thin doors that could not lock. When the alarms sounded, most civilians entered these underground bunkers thinking they were safe. Yet they became the scenes of some of the most horrific acts.
I heard stories of parents clutching the door shut by hand, as bullets strayed by. A terrorist appeared suddenly at the window—like something out of a bad horror film. A father or mother full of bullet holes holding the door closed with their last breaths as the terrorist yanked it open.
They sprayed the bunkers with bullets or tossed in a grenade, smoke from burning tires filled the room. All life was soon exterminated.  
The killing continued for hours. Over time what appeared to be non-Hamas Gazans arrived and scavenged the houses for loot, stepping over dead women, children, elderly. Some spirited Israelis back into Gaza.
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meglinpancake · 1 year
Hello - very extremely gay woman who loves your art here again.
Just wanted to pop in and say your art is so amazing omg - I don’t use tumblr that often but whenever I do I’m always happy to see your art pop up on my page! I love all the way you draw all the dbd gals, especially Haddie, Mikaela, Sadako and Amanda :D The little family of Haddie Mikaela and Sadako is adorable btw
Also can I have your thoughts on the ship of Adriana(skull merchant)/Zarina/Amanda(pig)?
Zarina and/or Mikaela with Amanda are ships I’ve liked for a long time but I think the AZA ship could be cute :3
Dawww those are very high compliments for all my doodles, thank you<3 it means so much to me that I can make people happy.
Also that’s a very inch resting concept! Considering Zarina’s story, I can totally see Adriana and Amanda finding her fascinating- a woman who exposes truths via film? Now that’s something a hero-obsessed Brazilian woman and a seemingly spreader of belief can get behind.
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tv-and-movie-quotes · 24 days
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Turtles All the Way Down (2024)
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paleobird · 15 days
Would Ava be ok with something like Jurassic Park existing?
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"As represented in the books and films? Absolutely not. But actually nonavian dinosaurs were just animals, not mindless, monstrous eating machines. A proper Jurassic Park would just be a zoo, not a theme park, with all the AZA accreditation and rules that implies."
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demcnsinmymind · 6 months
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Lance + post canon purpose / job / calling - messing with cults
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I've written a lot about the end goal behind Aza/thoth's cult and Azzy's and Lance's feelings towards said cult I've finally figured out how things'll keep going for the boy and Az in a satisfying way for me at least, which I think also ties really nicely into proper GE canon and Lance as a character.
For a while now, I've HCed that I can't see him just going back to his old job post canon. Being a standard filmmaker with a normal life. He's also severely traumatized from what happened in canon, being filmed while losing his mind and then way past that, so he'll avoid his former job for a while.
However. One of these days, he'll make sense of how to use it all.
Also let's never forget that Collingwood canonically wanted people to keep filming everything
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So anyway. Eventually, both him and Azzy will have gotten rid of the cult that got Lance into the whole mess to begin with. Even Andromeda will be gone. And successfully ending an entire cult, moreso the one that almost killed him and hurt him so much will give Lance a huuuuuuuuge morale boost and hunger for more.
For some reasons I haven't quite figured out yet he'll also be freed of any charges and can return to his old life with his old name. Very probably via the help of Azzy's telepathy and mindfuckery manipulating the necessary people into it.
So anyway...he'll figure out that he can use all of this. His name. His reputation. The things that happened to him. The things he knows now. The things he wants to take revenge on. Make a new show. And what better way than watch a guy who lived to tell a very fucked up tale do more of it?
So....he'll start shooting documentaries about doomsday cults. Real close and personal. Interviews with members and leaders alike. Inside their camps. Their minds. Top of the line footage. And wouldn't you know it? Twice now, he's managed to shoot footage inside such locations just weeks before said members of said cults all committed suicide. Or murdered each other just the way they were foretold to do it eventually.
And it's really top of the line footage. A real deep dive into the psyche of these cults. A true fucking hit. Guy is lucky he made it out before these people went nuts! Really must have one hell of a guardian angel, getting out of fucked up situations like that over and over again. Helping victims of said cults with money and general support too, all generated from the show...
Let's talk behind the scenes though. Shit no one knows.
Yes. These cult members and leaders really killed themselves be that via suicide or in a fucked up massacre murder spree.
But they weren't going to before.
Lance and most of all Az drove them insane with its powers while shooting that footage. Trapping them. On site in loops and fucked up wtfness so they cannot get outside anymore, hurt any innocent people or draw more in with their fucked up shit. I keep saying how much of a fan I am of the Endless. But yes, basically just picture all the stuff that happens in the Endless. Happening to the cults they both decide to fuck with.
Lance gets back to making and pioneering film stuff. He gets to keep getting revenge for all the things that were done to him and his crew. And Az. Oh Az. It gets to keep filming. It gets to keep toying. It gets to keep fucking with people with its powers. And they both get to keep practicing what they really can do together. And make bank off of it while doing so.
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1americanconservative · 6 months
The Israeli woman in this video filmed of her kidnapping on Oct 7th has spoken out about the horrifying s*xual assault she faced during Hamas captivity.
Amit Soussana, 40, has spoken for the first time about the harrowing ordeal she experienced while being held hostage in a family home in Gaza.
“He sat me on the edge of the bath. And I closed my legs. And I resisted. And he kept punching me and put his gun in my face. Then he dragged me to the bedroom.
Then he, with the gun pointed at me, forced me to commit a s*xual act on him.”
Quote source: New York Times Video: Channel 12, New York Post
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This brave Israeli woman Amit Soussana has become the first former hostage to speak publicly about the s*xual abuse she suffered in Hamas captivity. The 40 year old, who works as a lawyer, was dragged from her home in Kfa Aza by 10 men on Oct 7th. She spent 55 days chained to a bed in a child’s room at a family home in Gaza. As she was chained to the bed, the guard would enter, sit beside her, lift her shirt and touch her. Soussana added that the guard repeatedly asked when her period was due. Just 2 weeks into captivity, the guard, named Muhammad, unlocked her chain and let her in the bathroom. After she undressed and began washing herself, he returned and stood in the doorway, holding a pistol. “He came towards me and shoved the gun at my forehead.” After hitting Soussana and forcing her to remove her towel Muhammad groped her, sat her on the edge of the bathtub and hit her again. He then dragged her into a room and forced her to perform a s*x act. Source: CNN, NY Times
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leimeurab · 4 months
just finished watching the adaptation of turtles all the way down and to sum up my thoughts: "well that was different".
the film is very different from the source material by mr. john green. the film relies more on the cinematic drama-esque theme of the book and might left out or changed important details from the book. i could talk all day about how they differ as i also just read the book like a week ago or something but the film is far different from the book. im pretty sure you could just do a quick google search on the differences but i suggest you read the book and watch the film yourself.
the addition of professor abott makes the explanation for turtles all the way down so much impactful in my opinion. in the book (spoiler alert) they just talked about it at such a random moment towards the end without an explanation whatsover as to how it relates to the story; the explanation is left for the interpretation of the reader. but with the film, they gave it to you. and the chicago storyline makes for so much of a great story and a more dramatic first kiss of aza. in my opinion. it just gives much impactful justification for her thought process for me.
on the mystery aspect of it, however, i feel like i dig with the book's mystery more than the film. i suggest reading the book for a better take on pickett's disappearance. the film just kind of ignores it and just took care of it at the end. pickett (spoiler alert) hinted to have taken his own life in the film doesn't sit right with me. the book really elaborates on his story more and i liked it about the book. the jogger's mouth detail not being known by daisy until they found pickett's jacket (?) is also a drawback for me. it just came out of nowhere towards the end, unlike in the book where it really did stuck with them and the readers and did not feel too random or "pushed" of a detail.
i liked both the book and the film, i feel like they did great for what they deliver to the audience. with the drastic changes however, i cant help but come to a thought of how the book lacks something that the film has and how the film lacks something that the book has. again, i liked both versions. i liked the book for it's mystery element and how it tackles the relationship between the characters. these, i feel like the film lacks (in my opinion). i liked the film as it tells the same story on a different take and i like their take. justifications are made for things the book doesn't really deliver that much.
overall a great story. thank you, mr john green for this incredible book. the film also did a great job with it though it was eventually just have to change things for understandable reasons. like, why would they show a whole-ass tuatara enclosure? the film is worth the watch, i'll tell you that. i recommend, and trust me when i tell you it is a must, reading the book turtles all the way down by mr john green. this is personally my first western/english book to have finished reading but it really is great! fantastic work, mr john green. hoping for more to come! 🫶
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