#AZOV movement
harminfo · 2 years
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When the VOGUE magazine is promoting facism instead of fashion. Well ... they must have been inspired by Coco Chanel.
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anastasiamaru · 2 months
Conducting artillery fire is a continuous process in which every member of the crew is involved. The high firepower of the gun targets enemy armor, weapons, and personnel.
Artillerymen of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade "Azov" engage enemy targets with the 152mm howitzer "Msta-B."
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P.S The "Msta-B" is a soviet 152-mm self-propelled howitzer developed in the 1980s. It is designed for engaging enemy personnel, equipment, and fortifications at medium to long ranges.
Caliber: 152 mm
Range: Up to 24 km (with new ammunition up to 30 km)
Weight: Approximately 45 tons
Rate of Fire: Up to 5 rounds per minute
Minimum Crew: 4-6 people
The howitzer is equipped with an automated loading system and fire control system, allowing for rapid and accurate targeting. Its mobility is provided by a wheeled chassis, enabling quick movement between positions.
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argyrocratie · 8 months
"The darkest hour is before the dawn?"
Assembly's view on another year of trench warfare in 2024 (december 2023)
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"War is a kind of action, thanks to which people who do not know each other kill each other for the sake of glory and benefit of people who know each other very well, but do not kill each other." (Paul Valéry)
Stalemate. This word began to appear in almost every analytical material of the Western press about the Russian-Ukrainian war. Since the retreat of the Russian army from Kherson in November last year, the front line has frozen almost without movement, despite the bloody attempts of each side to achieve a turning point in their favor and gain operational space. After the new Verdun – the winter-spring meat grinder near Bakhmut – came a new battle on Somme for a dozen villages in the steppes of the Azov Coast, which from October smoothly turned into another Verdun/Bakhmut around Avdeevka. If it falls, the same will continue on new frontiers a little further. Meanwhile, the mess of mud and corpses in Krynki, perhaps, is already looking like a new Passendale.
If the current positional balance is not compared to the First World War only by the lazy, its finale is not yet remembered so often. It was disrupted by the workers of the warring countries:
“The war did not end in 1918 because of the military defeat of one side or another. The generals would have happily spent a few more years killing millions of people to achieve their goals. It ended because it was against the various armies and populations of Europe took action. Most people know that Russia emerged from the war in 1917 thanks to the Russian Revolution. One of the key factors in the revolution was that the workers and peasants of Russia rebelled against the war and against their own ruling class. What is less known is that that there had been major mutinies in the French army, as well as smaller but equally significant mutinies in the British army, in 1917. The key uprising ended the war was the Kiel mutiny of the German navy in 1918. The High Command, in a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the war, ordered bring the practically intact fleet to sea. However, the naval underground organizations, which included anarchist sailors, were already expecting this. In response, they formed the Soviets and seized their ships, surrounding ports and barracks. This caused a wave of military mutinies and workers' strikes, forcing the panicked ruling class of not only Germany, but also Europe as a whole to sit down at the negotiating table and work out a peace treaty.”
By the time of the probable arrival of Trump or another isolationist candidate for the presidency in the United States, the Russian-Ukrainian war will rage for 3 years already. This is approximately the same amount of time it took for the revolutionary situation to appear then. Neither the barrier detachments, nor the military tribunals, nor the hordes of street screamers for “until the bitter end” helped.
The very threat that those celebrating 2024 in the trenches next New Year will meet on the neutral land, drink 100 grams each and go home with weapons, can become a powerful incentive for the Kremlin and the Ze-Office to begin to negotiate in order to prevent something much more dangerous for both of them option. But even if the scenario of the last century beginning is repeated – instead of, for example, the story of Iran and Iraq, which got stuck in the same massacre for 8 years and then both declared it won, that only strengthened the two regimes – this means that the next year will bring many more rivers of blood. According to BBC News Ukraine, with the new bill on mobilization Ukrainians may be required to appear at the recruitment centers within 48 hours after receiving a summons by email or registered mail. Death postmen will receive more tools to check the military registration documents of citizens on the streets, deliver them to enlistment offices, and put them on the wanted list. For ignoring of summonses, the terms of arrest and fines will be increased, it will be possible to prosecute violators in absentia, and the circle of those entitled to a deferment will be narrowed. It is also proposed military registration for those in prison. Will prisoners want to go to the front, knowing that even law-abiding people, to put it mildly, are not very well trained and equipped – a big question that could threaten prison riots. It will be especially hard for draft evaders who prefer to go to prison rather than fight. When the “Assembly” began to sound the alarm about the fact that Kharkov courts stopped issuing suspended sentences for failure to appear to a unit, many local readers brushed it aside like it is “better to jail than to the grave.” Well, let's see how soon the first will cease to be an alternative to the second.
According to counting by “Mediazona”, released on the anniversary of the start of Russian mobilization, over the year in the Russian Federation there have been almost four times more sentences for unauthorized leaving of a unit and desertion than there were annually in such cases before the war: since July 2023, courts have handed down more than 500 of them every month.
It should also be taken into account that the motivation to desert is reduced by the European borders closed to Russians, the social control system in Russian cities, unprecedented in the history of wars, and the predominantly open terrain of south-eastern Ukraine, where it is difficult to hide from the military police.
The decay of the Russian army is also hindered by Ukrainian propaganda, which portrays as enemies all Russian citizens who are not lacqueying for Ukraine, even if they refuse to fight (they say, these are the same “orcs”, only funky). This is being done for the same reason why in the defense of Ukraine the emphasis is on driving people under pressure instead of developing voluntary initiative: horizontal ties at the grassroots are dangerous for anyone holding power. But this same barrack slavery can contribute to the fraternization of yesterday’s workers in camouflage uniforms, quickly making them understand that forced people have nothing to share, and the enemy is those who drive them to slaughter.
Almost right now, was published a statement of Russian soldiers from the Moscow and Ulyanovsk regions about monetary extortions and beatings from the command. Servicemen of military unit 41680 stated that two weeks after signing the contract, they were sent to an assault on the Avdeevka direction without training or preparation. From their words, most fighters are “beaten and kept in basements” before a mission."
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head-post · 2 months
Farion’s murder as a result of far-right split in Ukraine
The murder of Ukrainian former MP Iryna Farion has shocked the Ukrainian political elite. The first versions of the investigation and the name of the suspect were announced at a briefing of the Interior Ministry on Friday. Meanwhile, one right-wing group has already claimed responsibility for the murder.
Ukrainian Interior Ministry briefing on the murder of Iryna Farion
The Ukrainian Interior Ministry jointly with the Prosecutor-General’s Office held a briefing in Lviv on July 26 on the detention of a suspect in the murder of former Verkhovna Rada MP Iryna Farion. At the briefing, the officials explained how they had reconstructed the chronology of the murder and also partially presented the evidence base of detainee Vyacheslav Zinchenko’s involvement in the crime.
Suspect in the murder of Farion 18-year-old young man arrived in Lviv on July 9, there through the service Booking he rented a flat, and on the 14th and 18th – two more, with balconies. The last one he used the day before the murder.
The things he was wearing at the time of the crime (glasses, panama, shorts and a false beard, which he never used) Zinchenko sent himself through the post office in Lviv. At different stages – during the reconnaissance, the crime and afterwards – he changed his clothes.
In advance, the suspect searched for information about Farion on the Internet, as well as about pro-Russian MPs in Ukraine.
On the day of the murder, 20 July, Farion was waiting for a taxi at the entrance of her house. At that time, the killer approached her from behind and shot her in the head from a distance of no more than two metres. The former MP later died in hospital.
The shooter fled from the scene of the crime, and two days later left for Dnipro by train. The law enforcers who identified him carried out the detention in the flat where his mother was.
Interest in far-right movement
Even before the briefing, Ukrainian media and the Ukrainian investigation reported the detention of suspect Vyacheslav Zinchenko, an 18-year-old resident of Dnipro. The suspect’s father is currently at the front. He told journalists that Vyacheslav had no motives to shoot Farion, he was a patriot and was preparing to serve in the AFU.
The media are actively spinning the topic of his interest in the right-wing radical Ukrainian groups C 14 and Right Sector.
In one of the messages, the detainee mentioned the Russian neo-Nazi group National-Socialism/White Power (NS/WP), claiming international ties, which claimed responsibility for Farion’s murder on July 24.
NS/WP’s Telegram channel published a video that likely shows the moment of Irina Farion’s murder and in which a woman’s screams can be heard. Comparing this excerpt with the crime scene, one can recognise significant terrain coincidences. Along with the video clip, the neo-Nazis released a “manifesto” explaining the motive for Farion’s liquidation.
Ukrainian media about anti-Semitism and right-wing ideas
Ukrainian media reported that Vyacheslav was interested in pro-Ukrainian nationalist groups. The detainee was subscribed to the neo-Nazi group NS/WP on social networks, where he made racist statements against Jews. It is also alleged that Vyacheslav left numerous anti-Semitic and racist comments in other far-right groups.
The detainee also claimed that “the top of the right-wing movement serves the Jews’ and they “allowed the Jews to take power.” He also wrote: “Azov, Right Sector and now are fighting for the interests of Jews.” He also added:
The Jewish president directly states that we (Ukrainians) are fighting for some “European values” – a multicultural future under the auspices of the European Union.
According to Vyacheslav, the Ukrainian “Right” after Maidan betrayed their ideas and abandoned their ideology. He also said that the Rights should take matters into their own hands and continue to follow their ideas.
The murder of former MP Iryna Farion has shocked the Ukrainian public and appears to be a wake-up call as it shows the corrosion of the Ukrainian state organism and law enforcement structures. Such a brutal way of settling scores with each other is very dangerous thing and Ukrainian law enforcers need to take control of the situation.
Read more HERE
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aingeal98 · 1 year
It's been... hm. Disappointing to say the least to see accounts I know who correctly called out both people's dismissal of Ukraine and leftists that carried water for Russia's imperialism in the name of being anti American, now all suddenly use the same talking points they once condemned in order to defend Israels colonization. All of a sudden viewing everything through a cynical political lens is justified ("Why does Ukraine have to appease Russia?" You said. Only now you keep implying that Palestinians have the responsibility to keep Israel's war crimes as low as possible and never question why the people living in an open air prison and brutalized daily should have to appease their oppressors).
Accounts who have 10 posts condemning both Hamas and general pro Palestine sentiments for every one post touching on the source of the conflict (and none acknowledging that Hamas exists because Israel deliberately quashed other, less extremist resistance movements) are the same accounts who before were able to rightly call out people for using Azov as a quick way to dismiss all cruelty and brutality Ukrainians are experiencing. The switch from criticizing people who only spoke about Ukraine to condemn Azov to becoming someone who only speaks about Palestine to condemn Hamas is jarring to witness. It's just a massive lack of empathy towards Palestinians in comparison to Ukrainians and it does come as a shock from people I thought had more sense and self awareness. How can you spend months on end breaking down exactly what insidious tactics people used to justify Russia's brutality only to turn around and parrot those same tactics? What is it about Palestine that makes you suddenly so eager to focus on everything but the people fighting for their freedom, whereas before you were straightforward in condemning anyone who did not acknowledge the reality of what Ukraine is dealing with?
It really does come down to Palestinian being the "other" to Israel and Ukraine's "civilized" western-approved states. Disgusting and disappointing, to see that those accounts weren't actually principled against imperialism and oppression, just against anyone who disrupted the western status quo. For all their criticisms of pro Russian leftists choosing campism over having principles and a spine, they're no different in the end.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
[A Ukrainian self-propelled howitzer is targeted in a Russian missile strike in the Kherson region]
🇺🇦🇷🇺 🚨
(16 November 2023)
In the General direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
▫️ Operational-Tactical and Army Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces eliminated one command post of the AFU 128th Mountain Assault Brigade near Dmitrovo (Zaporozhye region), as well as manpower and military hardware in 132 areas.
▫️ Fighter jets of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down one MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force close Krasnoarmeysk (Donetsk People's Republic).
▫️ Air defence systems have shot down two HIMARS MLRS projectiles and one U.S.-made JDAM aerial guided bomb.
▫️ In addition, 26 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down close to Kremennaya (Lugansk People's Republic), Novoandreyevka, Lipovoye (Donetsk People's Republic), Mirnoye, Romanovskoye, and Pavlovka (Zaporozhye region).
📊 In total, 536 airplanes and 254 helicopters, 8,960 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 13,426 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,184 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,121 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 15,312 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
🔹 Russian Defence Ministry
▫️ In the Kupyansk direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, units of the Zapad Group of Forces supported by aviation and artillery repelled three attacks of the AFU 32nd and 67th mechanised brigades near Sinkovka and Zagoruykovka (Kharkov region).
The enemy losses amounted to up to 110 Ukrainian troops, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, and one U.S.-made M777 artillery system.
Russian Forces continue operations in the direction of Liman Pershyi, with video published by Russian sources in the area of the movement of Ukrainian Forces through the forests outside the city just north of Synkovka. After the vehicle gets stuck and a second vehicle comes to tow it, Russian artillery forces opened fire on them.
According to the source:
The Kozak armored car could not cope with the off-road conditions in the area of the settlement. Sinkovka and therefore the good old “Motolyga” pulled him out.
The scouts of the 6th Army of the Western Group of Forces could not resist such a gift and sent artillery to their aid.
Outside Yahidne, some Russian sources claim to have captured Ivanivka, or part of Ivanivka, however no video evidence has been produced as of yet to give evidence to this.
No other changes in territory were recorded for the region.
▫️ In the Krasny Liman direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Tsentr Group of Forces' units, as well as strikes of helicopters and artillery, repelled one attack of an assault detachment of the AFU 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade close to Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People's Republic).
In addition, strikes were delivered at clusters of enemy manpower and hardware near Torskoye (Donetsk People's Republic) and Serebryansky forestry.
The enemy losses were up to 175 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, two pick-up trucks, and two U.S.-made M777 artillery system.
No video updates are coming from this area, despite constant reporting of fighting ongoing in the area complete with consistent update from the Russian MoD on Ukrainian losses. Perhaps all is not as well as the Ministry would like its people to think but aren't yet ready to reveal this, perhaps because of ongoing operations or plans. Whatever it may be, this area remains in a virtual black out.
No territorial changes have been recorded or claimed.
▫️ In the Donetsk direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, units of the Yug Group of Forces supported by aviation and artillery repelled 14 attacks, and inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower and hardware close to Kleshcheyevka, Artyomovo, Georgiyevka, and Novomikhailovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
In total, the enemy lost up to 240 troops killed and wounded, one tank, and three motor vehicles in this direction during the day.
In course of counterbattery warfare, one U.S.-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery gun, two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery systems, three U.S.-made M777 artillery systems, as well as one MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun were neutralised.
In the north of Avdiivka, Russian operations to expand their zone of control in the area of Stepove continues, with RU Forces making progress in the treelines and trenches along the rail lines towards the direction of Ocheretyne.
While a second push towards the Avidiivka chemical plant is evidenced by a video from Ukrainian sources showing Russian infantry holding positions in a trench network geolocated to the very northeastern corner of the chemical plant, just outside its perimeter.
On the south of Avdiivka, Russian Forces have made considerable progress in the area of Yasynuvatskyy Ln, advancing a distance in recent days, evidenced by geolocated Ukrainian video showing the successful targeting of a Russian T-72B which was advancing up the lane.
In the Siversk direction, in the village of Spirne, heavy fighting has started up in the area, with a multitude of videos recently from both sides evidencing an intensifying of the fighting here, in one of the quieter areas of the Special Military Operation.
Ukrainian Forces in the Spirne area published a geolocated video of drone work in the area, with the successful targeting of a Russian store of TM-62 mines to stupendous visual effect, killing upwards of 20 Russian soldiers collecting mines in the area.
According to the source:
Destruction of enemy TM-62 mines thanks to FPV-kamikaze. South of the village of Spirne, Donetsk region.
While Russian Forces in the area published video of drone operations on Ukrainian positions on the neighboring side of Spirne from the last geolocated video.
According to the source:
The scouts of Detachment GORB 2AK are terrorizing the enemy’s defensive position at the Spornoye NP with drops and FPV
Lastly, also in the Spornoye direction, dispicably, Ukrainian Forces have introduced women to the frontline of Spirne, after Russian Forces made advances on some Ukrainian edge-line positions, they worked their way through the newly captured trenches to find multiple dead Ukrainian women inside the trench network, and produced video evidence of this horrifying update.
This isn't to suggest women cannot fight in wars, but this update suggests Ukraine is running out of men to feed into the meat grinder, and are now actively pursuing women to use in this same way. As meat to fill the trenches they expect their soldiers to die in.
According to the source:
BREAKING: Ukraine uses WOMEN in frontal battle units near Spornoe.
➡️ They’re running out of people …
▫️ In the South Donetsk direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, units of the Vostok Group of Forces, helicopters, and artillery inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of the AFU 79th Air Assault Brigade and 128th Territorial Defence Brigade near Ugledar and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
The enemy losses were up to 70 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, and two pick-up trucks.
In course of the counter-battery warfare, one Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery system and one UK-made FH70 howitzer were destroyed.
In the Krasnohorivka direction, Russian Forces continue heavy artillery and bomb preparation in this area, with Russia Forces in the area publishing video of their night work on Ukrainian positions in the south of the city where Russian Forces have made advances in the previous week.
According to the source:
And day at night, specialists from our Brigade conduct operational and combat work. The coordinated interaction of scouts, artillery and BMP crews of the 5th Brigade is producing results: the enemy is suffering losses around the clock. So, meter by meter, we are returning our lands!
In the Novoprokopivka area, Russian Forces continue heavy bombing and artillery preparation from both the north and south of the village, with Russian sources publishing video of FAB500 strikes on the north of the village.
According to the source:
FAB-500 with UMPC fly into the air traffic control zone at enemy strongholds in Novomikhailovka
▫️In the Zaporozhye direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, units of the Russian Group of Forces, aviation and artillery inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of the 33rd, 116th, and 118th mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Rabotino, Uspenovka, and Malaya Tokmachka (Zaporozhye region).
The enemy's losses in this area amounted to up to 100 troops, two tanks, two armoured fighting vehicles, as well as one Giatsint-B gun.
Russian Forces published video today of a major strike on the headquarters of the 115th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Also, according to today's update from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an 128th Mountain Assault Brigade in Dmitrovo, destroying a meeting of the officers. One of many strikes in recent weeks in the area. Very difficult to understand what exactly is happening in this area.
A previous video published on November 4th was also said to be on the 128th Brigade, and many are getting these two strikes confused. However, it is clear from the video these were two separate strikes, with the first strike on Nov 4th using Tornado-S MLRS, while the second strike was likely an Iscandar missile strike.
Fighting continues in the vicinity of Verbove, with Russian Forces heavily bombing and shelling Ukrainian positions on the western outskirts of the village as Ukrainian Forces continue with irregular assaults.
A similar situation in the west of Robotyne. Russian Forces are heavily bombing and shelling the western outskirts of the village using a variety of weapons including drones, howitzers, mortars and MLRS.
For instance, Russian Forces published video showing the work of their FPV drone operators in the vicinity of the western outskirts of Robotyne.
According to the source:
Positional combat operations in the Orekhovsky direction.
Shelling of a Ukrainian Armed Forces position in the west of Rabotino by an FPV drone of the Russian Armed Forces.
▫️ In the Kherson direction:
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen and two motor vehicles were neutralised as a result of fire defeat during the day.
Also, one U.S.-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made M777 artillery system, and Msta-B howitzer were hit during counter-battery warfare.
Bombing and shelling continues towards Krynky with few updates.
In the area of Mykilske, Russian sources published video of an accurate strike on a Ukdainian self-propelled howitzer.
According to the source:
Kherson direction, a self-propelled artillery unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (self-propelled guns, 2S1) is firing at our positions and at civilian infrastructure facilities. Trying to hide from retaliation in the hangar. Two accurate shots, she was never seen again.
Best regards, " Junker" I have the honor!
Russian sources published video showing the targeting of a suspicious Ukrainian barge on the Dnieper in the vicinity of Dniprovske, though I have yet to hear any updates on what this ship might have been or what damage was done to it.
According to the source:
In the riverbed of the Dnieper, our troops spotted a barge that had suspicious enemy activity.
Prevention of the enemy being near the object was carried out successfully. Reportedly, the barge was later sunk.
While a second video published by the same source show the successful targeting of Ukrainian armored vehicles in the Kherson direction by Russian missile forces.
According to the source:
Our missile defense system destroys another enemy concentration off the banks of the Dnieper.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
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prequel: the bonfire
“Волко́в боя́ться — в лес не ходи́ть” “If you’re scared of wolves, don’t go in the woods”
MIKHAIL’S INSIGHT REPORT: There is movement in the South. Too many boots on the ground. King Gusev has mobilized less than a quarter of his army to camp in abandoned mine-shafts on the outskirts of Argun. Several men patrolling all mine shafts to appear less conspicuous, but mainly camped out at an abandoned one located [crossed out]. Constant patrol. Men were located at all openings into the mine shaft. Guards were seen going in with [smudge mark] and never coming out. Need to investigate further why they are taking [smudge mark] as well as [smudge mark] and what they are hiding down there. Sending more of Svetlana’s spies out to [heavily crossing out of lines]. Impertinent we find out more. If we don’t hear soon, I will need to [report ends here].
It begins. Not with the splatter of blood nor the clang of skillful steel tearing delicate flesh. The war hasn’t reached their doorstep yet. Instead, it begins with carefully scrawled notes spoken into existence by Mikhail as Svetlana wordlessly, and effortlessly, wrote it onto faded pages in her own unique code only her Volki had learned to decipher. She wrote ten different variations in the dying light of a thin wick that guided her steady hand, but they all read the same: Come back. It was time. There could be no further delay. They both knew it as they tied the thin rolls of paper to birds in a fragile silence neither threatened to break. They knew, and they dreaded what they felt in the echo of these notes as agitation hung thick in the air of their words. An agitation that only found a moment of reprieve when he placed his coarse hand on her back to draw her attention as she let the last bird free from its cage to soar high in the sky until it found its destination in the hands of one of their wolves. He doesn’t say anything in this moment. He doesn’t have to. There is a silent communication shared in their eyes before the pair turn from the open window once more and leave a long abandoned pigeon post to find respite in their meek carriage to discuss further in heavy whispers as the library of Azov looms in utter ruination at their backs. It was time. This moment was inevitable. And they both needed to return to Rysk to face the devil who plagues them all.
Therefore, they’d given the crew a month. One month to settle any affairs or loose threads that threatened the possibility of being a thorn in the crew’s side. There would no longer be any room for error when they came back nor time for any impediments to their thoughts. This was a call for action. One without hindrance. So, a month was given. Ample time, in their opinion, for the Volki to stifle matters of the heart and return to them with only their good sense and readiness to face what may come. And delays would not be tolerated. The notes spoke that you showed up on time, or do not show up at all. They would have no need for any weak links who could not follow their first basic instruction.
So, they gathered. They gathered in groups. They gathered in pairs. Or they come alone. Some do not have to go far at all as they were already in Rysk, and some travel for weeks, having been secluded in Ryva, to be at the rendezvous point at the requested time. They were informed by the note to be in the Glacier Grove on the fourth Thursday at eleven at night. The instructions stopped at that. An abrupt end. But these were his wolves, and Mikhail knew they would need little else. His wolves would not find themselves at the mercy of the woods, or the other beasts who stalk it in the dead of night. Instead, they would spot the faint orange glow with breathless ease and follow it until the blaze is dancing along their eyes as they enter the open field and quickly feel the need to shed furs when they are met with a bonfire that burns as high as fifteen feet in the air. Eyes do not linger on the fire for too long, however, as other Volki emerge from the shadows to warm their frigid bones but dare not get too close to the flames to avoid its chance sparks. And when they are all gathered, the coalescence of shadows dancing along the flames, Mikhail emerges with Svetlana directly to his right having not a trace of unease in his stout frame. There is a certain level of candor instead as he breaks the silence with earnest greetings before they delve too far into more unpleasant conversations. They were still people, after all, and time could be spared for brief catch-ups. He didn’t dawdle for too long, though, as he finally moved on to the news.
" There has been movement in Argun. Too much. "
It hasn’t escaped the attention of their carefully planted spies that the king has slowly been mobilizing a portion of his army to Argun over the years. They almost considered it hardly worth their awareness. At first. But recently they’ve been expending far too many resources. Enough that it has breached the radar of Svetlana’s spies again, and had them begin to track its movement with little success. But this doesn't deter them. Wars aren't won in a day. They are won over time, with small victories leading to glorious success that comes with the drenching of the enemy's blood. Thus, they’ve only devoted more resources to it and Mikhail wants all hands on deck for what may come of it. And while that doesn't necessarily mean tonight for the Volki. It does mean soon. It means he knows something will come of it. So he informs, never asks, that the Volki keep on their toes and expect to move as soon as they hear anything further. And when the command has settled in each of their thoughts; his rigor softens into a warmth emboldened by the fire as he directs everyone to enjoy the night, and the fire, before death begets death begets death.
This shared warmth among comrades only lingers for a week, however, before the harshness of reality bites in the form of a shadowy figure cupping someone's ear with tantalizing whispers.
Starters and threads may officially commence!
This is a one-part event only. Starters and threads should be kept within the timeframe given for this first event and opening month, and players should strive to have their characters explore where they were in the month leading up to the gathering as well as the bonfire & aftermath of it. Characters are not limited to Rysk and should feel free to explore other locations of Drezna during this timeframe. Additionally, please note the purpose of this event is to get everyone comfortable with their roles & truly grasp them before we move into longer, more detailed plot drops in the future.
In-game, the notes are first sent out from Mikhail & Svetlana on AUGUST 14TH. Characters have from AUGUST 14TH to SEPTEMBER 13TH to explore locations outside of Rysk and travel back to Rysk for the Volki meeting. The bonfire meeting takes place on SEPTEMBER 14TH in Glacier Grove at 11pm sharp and will proceed well until the early hours. There will then be a week(15th-21st) to explore locations in Rysk.
Welcome! And let's do this!!
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xtruss · 1 year
A Petri Dish For Fascism: How Ukraine Has Become a Magnet For Western Neo-Nazis
The war-torn east European country is a mecca for some of the most odious people on earth. What sort of threat does this pose to their home countries?
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Ukrainian Nationalists and Servicemen of the Azov Battalion Demonstrate in Kiev. © AFP Photo/Genya Savilov
At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis – Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni – who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media. However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally.
This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known far-right extremists.
It’s not just Paris that will soon face the prospect of militant neo-Nazis returning home. Observers note that the number of volunteer foreign fighters in Ukraine has reached thousands.
The French and Their ‘Adventures’ in Ukraine
According to the French media outlet Mediapart, France’s General Directorate for Internal Security had its eye on the suspects long before the incident. Despite this, they were detained only thanks to a random check at customs.
Vineron (also known as “Vivi”) is a retired fighter of the elite French Chasseurs Alpins (Alpine Hunters) unit. He was dismissed from the army after his neo-Nazi views came to light in the media. Shortly before returning home, he posted a photo on the “TrackANaziMerc” Telegram channel, showing three Russian soldiers shot in the head. The image shows that the soldiers were unarmed and killed at close range. After the photos of the execution began circulating online, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that it would examine the crimes of French mercenaries against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine.
Vineron’s accomplice, known as “Bones” by his military callsign, was also previously linked to a far-right neo-Nazi group which has long-standing ties with Ukrainian extremists.
The “Zouaves Paris” group – it ironically derives its name from the Berber tribe Zwawa, which in turn became known as the French army’s first “indigenous” regiment – supported Ukraine and established contact with local fighters from the neo-Nazi Azov regiment. In December 2019, the leader of the far-right group, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, traveled to the country to personally meet Azov fighters and visit their training camp.
In January 2022, a month before the start of Russia’s military operation, Zouaves Paris was banned in France. However, its ties with Ukrainian extremists had nothing to do with the ban – a month earlier, the group had attacked anti-racism demonstrators who tried to disrupt a far-right rally in support of presidential candidate Eric Zemmour.
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RT. Zouaves Paris (ZVP)
The ban did not particularly affect the neo-Nazis. Zouaves Paris supporters from the “Ouest Casual” Telegram channel are still singing the praises of Ukrainian fighters and are using Nazi symbols and phrases alluding to various far-right movements in France and Germany. In their posts, they refer to Russian troops as “the Asian hordes of Soviet imperialism that have once again taken over Europe,” and to Chechen units as “Putin’s Muslim dogs.” They use similar duplicate channels to raise funds for the needs of militants and collaborate with neo-Nazis from other countries.
The group boasts of its presence in Ukraine, posting photos of its Ukrainian supporters and stickers of French right-wing organizations. It has also created backup platforms in case the main Telegram channel is blocked.
All Roads Lead To Ukraine
A little over a year ago, far-right terrorists from France killed the former Argentinian international rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu. One of the suspects, Loik Le Priol, was caught on the border between Hungary and Ukraine. According to official reports, the terrorist and former marine commando wanted to surrender to the Ukrainian authorities after committing the murder.
In November 2022, the Italian police announced the arrest of five members of local neo-Nazi group “Order of Hagal”. They had illegally stored weaponry, ammunition, tactical equipment, and a grenade launcher and further engaged in regular paramilitary training to prepare a terrorist attack in Naples.
Later, it became apparent that the group also maintained close ties with Ukraine’s Right Sector, Centuria, and Azov neo-Nazi units. One of its members was a fighter from the Azov. His accomplice, having “dangerously close ties with far-right Ukrainian nationalist groups,” planned to attack a police station in Naples, while the former Azov fighter himself was preparing a terrorist attack in a shopping mall.
The Italian police first became aware of the neo-Nazis back in 2019. In an intercepted conversation from January 2021, one of the militants, Giampiero Testa, threatened that he would “make a massacre like in New Zealand,” obviously referring to the terrorist attack in Christchurch that resulted in the deaths of 51 people in 2019. Incidentally, in his manifesto, the New Zealand terrorist stated that he had trained in the Azov battalion in Ukraine, and wore neo-Nazi symbols.
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RT. This image grab from a self-shot video that was streamed on Facebook Live on March 15, 2019 by the alleged shooter, 28-year-old Australian man Brenton Tarrant, as he went on a shooting rampage inside the Masjid al Noor Mosque. © Handout/AFP
These ties between the neo-Nazis are mutual. According to a 2020 investigation by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point, the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto became popular among Ukrainian paramilitary units. It was even translated into the Ukrainian language and sold as a book by a 22-year-old Kiev resident, becoming a kind of artifact. The center added that Ukraine “holds a particular attraction for white supremacists, activists and adventurers” largely due to the establishment and development of the Azov regiment and other state-supported paramilitary formations.
Over the years, Azov has encountered no impediment to growth and has become a powerful and extensive organization. The more it grew, the more support it received from the Ukrainian state. Azov’s ideological influence on Ukrainian society has helped to shape the country’s modern agenda. In the 2010s, the organization actively organized youth camps that taught basic military training and ideology. As noted in the Combating Terrorism Center report, the public declarations of Ukrainian far-right extremists attracted ultra-rightists from Europe, the United States, and other countries.
Far-right Extremist Puppet Theater
In the same CTC report, Ukraine is dubbed the first country where the “overtly far-right white nationalist militia [is] publicly celebrated, openly organizing, and with friends in high places.”
As a result, Ukraine has become a meeting point for far-right extremists from all over the world. The foundation for this was laid long before the start of hostilities in February 2022.
Joachim Furholm was a foreign mercenary in Ukraine and later a recruiter of Western extremists. Furholm is a Norwegian fascist activist who was briefly imprisoned after an attempted bank robbery. He also became well-known for sympathizing with the terrorist Anders Breivik. In 2018, he joined the Foreign Legion in Ukraine and began recruiting American neo-Nazis to the Azov unit.
“It’s like a petri dish for fascism. It’s the perfect conditions,” Furholm said about Ukraine in an interview. Referring to the Azov unit, he said that “they do have serious intentions of helping the rest of Europe in retaking our rightful lands.” Later on the “Azov” podcast, Furholm urged listeners to get in touch with him on Instagram. When a young man from New Mexico reached out, the Norwegian urged him to join the fighting in Ukraine saying, “Come over here, boy. A rifle and beer are waiting for you.”
Surprisingly, after making an appearance on the far-right podcast, Furholm wasn’t ostracized by the media. After speaking at an Azov rally in 2018, he went on to give an interview to the US government-controlled RFE/RL.
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RT. Screenshot © YouTube/Hromadske International
The case of the American mercenary and former US Army veteran Craig Lang is even more striking. Lang made headlines when he attempted to blow up his pregnant wife with anti-personnel landmines. In 2015, after serving a prison sentence, he joined the Right Sector ultranationalist organization along with another army veteran, Alex Zwiefelhofere. BuzzFeed reported that Craig recruited dozens of Western militants to Ukrainian paramilitary units.
In 2016, Lang joined the Georgian National Legion, which fought on the side of Ukraine in eastern Donbass. Leaked documents revealed that he beat, tortured, and killed local civilians. According to the publishers of the leak, one of the videos shows Lang beating and drowning a girl after a fellow fighter injected her with adrenaline so that she would not lose consciousness while drowning. Lang and other militants committed these atrocities as members of the Right Sector unit.
Despite the fact that Lang has been charged in a double murder case in the United States, his lawyer Dmytro Morhun told Politico that he had returned to the battlefield. In the summer of 2022, he was seen on social media “in a Ukrainian military uniform and brandishing an anti-tank weapon.”
Paul Gray is another prominent example of the petri-dish effect. The Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient was a well-known fascist activist in the United States before joining the pro-Ukrainian militants. Despite this, Gray made numerous media appearances, including on Fox News, where he was portrayed as a heroic soldier, his neo-Nazi views never surfacing.
According to media reports, a document compiled by the US Customs and Border Protection Service, intelligence, and other domestic security services, shows that many American militants have traveled to Ukraine. The evidence in these cases being recorded interviews with the extremists themselves, conducted by the law enforcement agencies.
Interestingly, one of the questions listed in the document was, “What kind of training are foreign fighters receiving in Ukraine that they could possibly proliferate in US based militia and white nationalist groups?”
In July 2022, Europol warned that “the proliferation of firearms and explosives in Ukraine could lead to an increase in firearms and munitions trafficked into the EU via established smuggling routes or online platforms” and “this threat might even be higher once the conflict has ended.”
This means that Ukraine isn’t just turning into a mecca for neo-Nazis, but also poses a threat for the West. A report by the UK’s Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament shows that British citizens who have traveled overseas for “Right-Wing Terrorism-related purposes” have been “further radicalized” and “developed connections” with others who share their violent ideology. At the same time, the report indicates that there is currently “no process” in place to monitor these people following their arrival home.
— By George Trenin, а Russian Journalist and Political Scientist | June 10, 2023
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 1230pm..
You have to understand.. I love my W.
It’s a feeling that permeates my entire existence 24/7/365....
She is doing a map challenge, 30 maps in 30 days kind of thing. We’re GIS nerds after all!
She was trying to come up with ideas, and I admit I kind of pushed her to expand her thinking just a tad. By that I mean I didn’t just want her to be basic. I didn’t want to see “stickers on a basemap” or just a screenshot of a sat image.
I challenged her to be informative, to tell a story, to look at something and go a little farther and figure out why it’s important or why anyone would care.
And you know what? She did.
She rose up to the challenge and made it her own!
I mentioned that for “movement” she could look at crop rotation... and now she has an amazing infographic using map data of an area that shows how and when they rotate their crops and all of that! She took a sat image of a spot in the Sea of Azov and was able to process it into a beautiful image while at the same time adding sea traffic/shipping lanes data showing why that area is important.
I’m always amazed by what she comes up with, what she is capable of, and how she grows as a cartographer.
That’s what made me fall in love with her to begin with you know. Sitting for hours, talking, studying, feeding off each others ideas and seeing just how incredibly intelligent she is.
I love to learn, to explore, to ask questions... I am never content to just let my mind fallow so to speak... and she is amazing in her quest for learning and understanding and her ability to create such beautiful works and master the difficult task of communicating complex scientific ideas through her maps.
Oh and you know what else I love? She’s adopted some very MIKE traits when interacting with others lol
Old W would be non-existent in a social/group setting. We once went out to dinner with friends and she found a corner seat to curl up in and damn near fell asleep. Didn’t talk or interact or anything.
In classes... quiet. If someone asked a question, even if she knew the answer, she’d sit quietly.
She was content to just be invisible. 
NOW!!!! she’s usually the first one to answer, she asks a lot of her own questions and pushes conversations along, and everyone knows her!
How this happened was that I did my best to expose her to situations that were safe. I pushed a little... but it was in a place where there were no consequences and she didn’t feel pressured. A good example was when we took an emergency management class on zoom together. I knew she knew the answer to the question, I knew she wasn’t going to say anything, and more importantly, we’d never ever see these people again in any form and she didn’t need anything from them and there weren’t GPA worries or anything. So..... I unmuted and said something and then piped in “But i know W knows more about this” and literally put her on the spot.
She was FURIOUS... but she was able to answer the question really well and while she was mad at me for doing that, she gained a LOT of confidence. The big thing was that I made sure it was something she was an expert on and that the environment wasn’t something where you’d have assholes being assholes for no reason. Everyone there was supportive, and that was critical.
Between that, and all of the other times we worked together helped her find her voice.
Now she is part of a dozen groups, she does peer mentoring and so much more.
You can hear her on her conference calls, she’s so sure of herself, so calm and collected, she’s up front and center and not hiding.
People know her from her social media interactions, from her groups, and from so much more.
She went from being invisible to having a brand and an identity.
And I am so freaking proud of her growth and achievements!
She’s really amazing and I’m really lucky :)
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mariacallous · 2 years
Journalists at Cherta Media investigated the role of Russian “football [soccer] hooligans” in the invasion of Ukraine, focusing on the so-called Española detachment. After reorganizing themselves from a neo-Nazi brawling community into a “private military company” active in occupied Donetsk, Española started recruiting new combatants in February 2023. The group is even doing outreach to children in Donetsk. Ilya Khanin and Alexey Trifonov act as its main “humanitarian wing,” and they recently helped create a boys’ soccer team in Horlivka named after Española with a pirate mascot, modeled on the real group’s skull-and-crossbones iconography. Meduza summarizes Cherta Media’s report about the history of soccer hooliganism in Russia, the authorities’ efforts to “tame” these violent groups, and why men in this neo-Nazi community are now going to Ukraine to join the Kremlin’s “de-Nazification” campaign.
A study by scholars at the Higher School of Economics in 2020 breaks down Russian soccer fans into four groups: okolofutbolshchiki (near-soccer fans, the most active and aggressive of the bunch), ultras (also aggressive, but more about pyrotechnics and demonstrations at the stadium itself), hooligans (less aggressive, as their fights are usually limited to stadiums and bars), and ordinary fans (kuzmichi).
Cherta Media’s report offers insights into why Russian soccer hooligans have taken up arms in Ukraine. For example, one source said many of these young men didn’t support the February invasion immediately, but the subsequent global anti-Russian backlash changed their perception of the war, convincing them that Russian civilization itself, not just the state, is at stake.
Extremism expert and SOVA Center director Alexander Verkhovsky says Russia’s soccer culture didn’t start out engulfed in right-wing politics but gradually developed in this direction beginning in the mid-1990s. (He acknowledges, however, that the fans’ frequent embrace of violence and xenophobia made them a “natural reservoir” for the far-right.) According to historian Nikolai Mitrokhin, Russia’s earlier soccer-fan movement wasn’t about politics so much as young men trying to assert themselves through force. Mitrokhin argues that there’s a layer of young men eager to prove their manliness in battle in both Russia and Ukraine. In the latter country, he says, the soccer-fan groups became one of the most valuable parts of the army, in particular for the Azov battalion. Ironically, many of the neo-Nazis now fighting against each other in Ukraine existed somewhat harmoniously before 2014, says Mitrokhin.
Researchers at InformNapalm previously connected Española’s leader, Stanislav Orlov, to the Donbas Volunteers Union, which then Kremlin adviser Vladislav Surkov reportedly helped create in one of his many efforts to orchestrate separatist activity in the Donbas. Cherta Media points out that the Russian authorities have attempted repeatedly over the past two decades to “tame” hardcore soccer fans, apparently hoping to use them as muscle to keep in check Russia’s anti-Kremlin opposition. (Vladimir Zhirinovsky tried it in the late 1990s, the Nashi youth movement used soccer fans as security guards in the 2000s, and even the FSB allegedly ordered the creation of the All-Russian Association of Fans.)
Even the December 2010 Manezhnaya Square riots didn’t halt the presidential administration’s campaign to domesticate Russia’s soccer hooligans, but the Kremlin finally had a change of heart following Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan Revolution and especially after Russian soccer fans instigated mass brawls with English fans at the 2016 UEFA Euro tournament in France. In 2017, Russia introduced its “Fan ID” pass system, alienating many fans and making it difficult for fans with criminal records to gain entry to stadiums.
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exit-babylon · 2 years
It is an uncomfortable fact of history that those same powers that gave rise to fascism were never punished at the Nuremburg Trials. Those Wall Street industrialists and financiers that supplied Germany with funding and supplies before and during the war were punished… nor were the British financiers at the Bank of England who ensured that Nazi coffers would be replete with confiscated loot from Austria, Czechoslovakia or Poland.
The post-war age not only saw a vast re-organization of fascist killers in the form of the CIA/NATO managed Operation Gladio and we know that Allan Dulles directly oversaw the re-activation of Hitler’s intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen into the command structure of West German Intelligence along with his entire network. Ukrainian Nazis like Stefan Bandera and Mikola Lebed were promptly absorbed into this same apparatus with Bandera working with Gehlen from 1956 to his death in 1958 while Lebed was absorbed into American intelligence running a CIA front organization called Prolog.
As Cynthia Chung recently outlined in her Sleepwalking into Fascism that no less than ten high level former Nazis enjoyed vast power within NATO’s command structure during the dark years of Operation Gladio. Cynthia writes: “From 1957 to 1983, NATO had at least one if not several high ranking “former” Nazis in full command of multiple departments within NATO… The position of NATO Commander and Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe (CINCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe – AFCENT) was a position that was filled SOLELY by “former” Nazis for 16 YEARS STRAIGHT, from 1967-1983.”
During these years, not only did Gladio ‘stay behinds’ arrange a stream of terrorism against the general population of Europe using nominally ‘Marxist’ front groups or carrying out hits of high value targets like Dag Hammarskjold, Enrico Mattei, Aldo Moro or Alfred Herrhausen when needed. Statesmen who did not play by the rules of the Great Game were sadly not long for this world.
NATO’s self-professed image as a harbinger of the ‘liberal rules based international order’ is more than a little superficial when considering the Nazi-riddled alliances which many NATO-philes at the Atlantic Council may wish be forgotten. This history also should cause us to re-evaluate the true causes for the 1949 creation of NATO in the first place which served as a nail in the coffin for Franklin Roosevelt’s vision of a U.S.-Russia-China alliance which he hoped would shape the post-WW2 age.
NATO’s growth around Russia’s perimeter since 1998, and the NATO-led mass atrocities of bombings in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Libya should also be re-evaluated with this Nazi pedigree in mind.
Why did NATO post images of a Ukrainian soldier clearly brandishing a Thule-society black sun of the occult on her uniform in honor of ‘Women’s’ Day’ this year? Why are active Ukrainian Nazis serving in Azov, and Aidar battalions systemically glossed over by NATO propaganda outlets or mainstream media despite the proven cases of mass atrocities in East Donbass since 2014? Why are Nazi movements seeing a vast revival across East European space- especially within countries that have come under the influence of NATO since the Soviet Union’s collapse?
Is it possible that the war we thought the allies won in 1945 was merely a battle within a larger war for civilization whose outcome yet remains to be seen?
*Extract from:
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...it's ok i'm sure that "anti-fascist movement" i keep hearing about will respond ... /s
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organisationskoval · 2 years
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266) Kraje bałtyckie (Feuerkrieg Division) - w październiku 2018 r. w krajach bałtyckich, najprawdopodobniej w Saaremaa w Estonii, gdzie rezyduje kilku członków jej kierownictwa, powstała grupa wzorowana na Atomwaffen i nazywająca się Dywizją Feuerkrieg (po niemiecku „dywizja wojny ogniowej”). W połowie 2019 r. Feuerkrieg zwrócił na siebie uwagę, grożąc śmiercią belgijskiemu posłowi do Parlamentu Europejskiego Guyowi Verhofstadtowi i dyrektor generalnej YouTube, Susan Wojcicki. Wcześniej chwalił działania Dylanna Roofa, Roberta Bowersa, Timothy'ego McVeigha i Brentona Harrisona Tarranta oraz zachęcał do przemocy wobec władz rządowych, Żydów, osób LGBTQ, lewicowców i feministek. Filmy propagandowe wyprodukowane przez grupę pokazują jej członków budujących i detonujących domowej roboty urządzenia wybuchowe w Estonii. Feuerkrieg udostępnił także swoim członkom wideo instruujące, jak zrobić bomby TATP, używane przez ISIS podczas bombardowania Manchester Arena. 13 czerwca 2019 r. Dywizja Feuerkrieg ogłosiła swoją obecność w Irlandii i zachęciła ludzi w Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanadzie i Niemczech do przyłączenia się do sieci międzykontynentalnej. Później tego samego roku Gardaí ogłosiła, że deportowała członka sieci Atomwaffen z Irlandii za rolę w spisku morderstwa. Według Eesti Rahvusringhääling, dochodzenie ujawniło, że nowo wybrany estoński poseł Ruuben Kaalep (EKRE) jest powiązany z brytyjskimi neonazistowskimi terrorystami. Wśród nich członek-założyciel byłej Akcji Narodowej, której zwolennicy utworzyli brytyjską filię Dywizji Atomwaffen, która następnie otworzyła filię w rodzinnej Estonii Kaalepa w postaci Dywizji Feuerkrieg. ADL i Hope not Hate potwierdziły również, że amerykańscy i angielscy naziści oraz członkowie Azov wielokrotnie odwiedzali Tallinn, organizując wydarzenia z Kaalep i Feuerkrieg, „które rozpoczęły się na początku 2019 r., pierwotnie były organizowane z Sonnenkrieg”, zanim stały się pełnoprawnym oddziałem. Z grupą współpracuje również Finnish Resistance Movement z sąsiedniej Finlandii. Stwierdzono również, że Kaalep organizował szkolenia z broni palnej z pistoletami i karabinami szturmowymi dla grup młodzieży rekrutowanej z Blue Awakening, z których niektórzy nosili maski czaszki związane z Atomwaffen i pokazywano im salutowanie nazistowskie. Kaalep oświadczył, że są gotowi do walki zbrojnej i upadku prawa i porządku. Estońska Służba Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego wyraziła wcześniej zaniepokojenie jego wydarzeniami. 2 września 2019 roku brytyjska policja aresztowała 16-letniego członka Feuerkrieg za planowanie masowej strzelaniny i podpaleń. Kadet armii wyznał, że podziwia Adolfa Hitlera i Jamesa Masona. Prokurator Michelle Nelson powiedziała, że wyznaje „okultystyczny nazizm” i satanizm. Miał również rzekomo zbadać synagogi w rejonie Durham w ramach przygotowań do ataku i rozmawiał z innym mężczyzną o kupieniu od niego broni. Próbował także zdobyć niebezpieczną substancję chemiczną od swojego neonazistowskiego przyjaciela. Chłopiec napisał w swoim dzienniku, jak musiał „pozbyć się empatii”, przygotowując się do ataku. Grupa opublikowała adresy budynków posterunków, aresztów i ośrodków szkoleniowych sił zbrojnych w odwecie i zachęcała swoich członków i sympatyków do zabicia komendanta West Midlands Dave'a Thompsona. Dodano, że cała policja jest „zdrajcami rasy” i że posterunki policji powinny być „uważane za cele o dużej wartości dla każdego lokalnego NS [narodowego socjalisty]”. W dniu 20 listopada 2019 r. został uznany za winnego przygotowania ataku terrorystycznego i kilku innych przestępstw terrorystycznych i oczekuje na wyrok w areszcie. Oprócz przestępstw terrorystycznych jest oskarżony o napaść seksualną na 12-letnią dziewczynkę. Ostatecznie został skazany za pięć napaści na tle seksualnym oprócz przestępstw terrorystycznych. 8 października 2019 r. Dywizja Feuerkrieg wzięła na siebie odpowiedzialność za zbombardowanie biur Western Union przy ulicy Balčikonis w Wilnie na Litwie, publikując materiał filmowy z budowy bomby i stwierdzając, że „Nasze groźby nie są puste”. Na budynku namalowano również nazistowskie symbole. Następnego dnia 21-letni Luke Hunter pojawił się w sądzie w Londynie oskarżony o przestępstwa terrorystyczne, rzekomo wspierając dywizję Feuerkrieg i zachęcając do masowych mordów na Żydach, osobach rasy innej niż biała i homoseksualistach. W grudniu 2020 roku został skazany na cztery lata więzienia. Następnie 21-letni Litwin Gediminas Beržinskas został aresztowany i oskarżony o zamach bombowy, a litewska policja usunęła z jego mieszkania dużą ilość materiałów wybuchowych i broni palnej. Ujawniono również, że jego gang był wcześniej oskarżony o brutalne pobicie i napaść seksualną na nastolatkę. Estońska Służba Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego stwierdziła również, że ich operacja powstrzymała podobny zamach bombowy w Estonii przez innego członka Dywizji Feuerkrieg. 16 stycznia 2020 roku 22-letni Łotysz Arturs Aispurs został oskarżony o przygotowanie aktu terrorystycznego polegającego na zbudowaniu bomby, którą planował zdetonować w tłumie „muzułmanów i cudzoziemców” podczas uroczystości sylwestrowych w Helsinkach. Podczas przeszukania jego mieszkania policja znalazła w jego posiadaniu dużą ilość materiałów propagandowych łączących go z siatką neonazistowską. W odpowiedzi dywizja Feuerkrieg ogłosiła, że zaprzestaje działalności publicznej. Jednak zgodnie z dochodzeniem przeprowadzonym przez Der Spiegel w sprawie przemytu broni palnej z Bałkanów i Europy Wschodniej do Niemiec przez Atomwaffen, rzekome wstrzymanie działalności było podstępem wymierzonym w organy ścigania i że grupa jest nadal bardzo aktywna. Według Eesti Ekspress, estońska Służba Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego zatrzymała miejscowego nastolatka, który rzekomo był jednym z przywódców i rekruterów grupy, działającym pod pseudonimem „Dowódca” lub „Kriegsherr” („Watażka”). Instruował innych, jak budować bomby, mówił o planowaniu ataków i zachęcał członków do wzięcia udziału w szkoleniu paramilitarnym. Władze nie mogły go jednak zgodnie z prawem aresztować ze względu na jego status osoby niepełnoletniej i brak odpowiedzialności karnej. Jego rzekomy status w grupie był również kwestionowany przez Eesti Ekspress. Na opublikowanym zdjęciu widać chłopca w masce z czaszką i trzymającego pistolet, biorącego udział w szkoleniu z broni palnej zorganizowanym przez Kaalep, który prawdopodobnie brał udział w czatach grupy pod pseudonimem „Kert Valter”. W Wielkiej Brytanii, Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych ogłosiło 13 lipca 2020 r., że uznało dywizję Feuerkrieg za organizację terrorystyczną, a wyznaczenie to weszło w życie 17 lipca. Ponadto John Mann, Baron Mann zaproponował „dyskusje z estońskimi odpowiednikami ministerialnymi, biorąc pod uwagę, że FKD i dywizja Sonnenkrieg wydają się mieć silne powiązania estońskie… aby zobaczyć, czego możemy się dowiedzieć o przyczynach wzrostu takich organizacji w krajach bałtyckich". 2 września 2020 roku przed sądem koronnym w Birmingham stanął Paul Dunleavy z Warwickshire, oskarżony o przygotowanie aktu terrorystycznego. Rzekomo oświadczył, że uzbraja się i jest w formie do masowej strzelaniny w celu „sprowokowania wojny rasowej”, ponieważ nabył w tym celu pistolet i amunicję. Został uznany za winnego 2 października 2020 r. i skazany na pięć lat i sześć miesięcy więzienia. W dniu 1 lutego 2021 r. Kornwalijczyk, o którym mówi się, że był liderem brytyjskiego oddziału dywizji Feuerkrieg, przyznał się do 12 przestępstw terrorystycznych. Policja dokonała wcześniej nalotu na jego dom w 2019 roku w poszukiwaniu broni palnej i znalazła instrukcje budowy bomby oraz literaturę O9A.
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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starseedpatriot · 2 years
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Congress is hosting delegations of Azov Nazis. 🤦🏽‍♂️
The Nazis never lost WW2, they just went underground to spread their hydra infiltration to create their NWO — & now they’re completely out in the open about it. ICYMI, the UN & the WHO were co created by a family who funded the Nazis and bought controlling shares of IG Farben while they were producing the Zyklon B gas for the Nazis. (IG Farben is now Bayer/Monsanto) — before anyone says it, they funded the Bolsheviks too, funding both sides of the war so they win no matter what
“This September, a delegation of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi-led Azov movement arrived in the United States, at a time when myth making about the far-right network’s “depoliticization” had reached a fever pitch. By this time, the New York Times had ceased referring to Azov as “openly neo-Nazi,” and was referring to the ultra-nationalist organization as “celebrated.”
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