#Abby Gerhard
oafoa · 1 year
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“Was it love or wasn't it that she felt for Carol? And how absurd it was that she didn't even know. She had heard about girls falling in love, and she knew what kind of people they were and what they looked like. Neither she nor Carol looked like that. Yet the way she felt about Carol passed all the tests for love and fitted all the descriptions.”
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blackacre13 · 1 year
I’m many of your recent Belivaird fics Carol and Therese are engaged so I was wondering if you could do a fic with how you imagine that proposal happening? (My headcanon is that Carol was the one to propose but I can also totally see Therese doing it so you can do whoever feels right for you haha)
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“You’re a star for doing this, love,” Carol beamed, turning to Therese who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car trying and failing not to glower at the windshield in front of her.
“I’m doing this for you, not Abby,” the brunette reminded her.
“Oh, hush,” the blonde laughed. “Don’t act like that. It’s no secret you and Abby are the best of friends these days. If anything, I should be upset that she’s replacing me. Should’ve known she’d end up liking my f-girlfriend more than me.”
They both caught the slip in speech, locking eyes for only a moment before the younger woman’s cheeks starting burning and she looked down at her lap.
“You promise you’ll come check on me at lunch? I don’t know anything about selling furniture.”
“I promise, sweet. And you don’t have to. Just explain your covering for the owners and take down any interested customers or questions. Abby and I will patch things over with them next week. We just need a body.”
“A body?” Therese snorted.
“A very cute body,” Carol amended. “A beautiful woman. With the sweetest smile. To bring in shoppers from far and near.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Therese rolled her eyes, reaching for the door handle.
Carol’s blue eyes danced and sparkled mischievously in the sun, her lip caught in a smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like a parting kiss?” She teased, leaning over towards the brunette.
Therese melted against the blonde, letting their lips softly meet as she sighed into it.
“I love you,” Therese whispered softly, resting her forehead against the blonde’s.
“Not as much as I love you, dearest,” Carol murmured, stroking Therese’s cheek with the back of her hand. “Now go. Before we get too distracted.”
A few stolen kisses later, from teasing and procrastination on each side, Therese was gone in the shop and Carol was turning the corner, discretely parking only a block or so away where Abby was meeting her in a diner.
The blonde slid into their favorite booth, Abby already waiting, cigarette in hand and coffee untouched in front of her.
“I did it again,” Carol admitted, blushing as she sat. She slid Abby’s coffee in front of her as Abby rolled her eyes, but allowed her to take a sip, offering her a drag of her own cigarette next.
“If you would just go ahead and get it over with, the next time it happens, it wouldn’t be a mistake. You’re going to get caught, nitwit.”
“I can’t help it, Abby,” Carol sighed dreamily. “I love her. I want her to be mine. My everything. My always. My—“
“We get it,” Abby huffed, but she was smiling. Truly proud of and happy for her friend. “But you need to actually propose first. You can’t just declare her as your wife you know.”
“I can hardly sit still,” Carol whined. “Do you have it? Let me see it again.”
“No, I forgot it,” Abby rolled her eyes. “And what? You think the setting will change? The band will turn from gold to silver? It looks the same as when you bought it and every time you’ve looked at it after that.”
“Abby,” Carol exhaled. “Give it.”
“Here,” the other woman sighed, pressing the green velvet box into Carol’s waiting hand.
Carol shifted the small box from one hand to the other. Peeking into it carefully like something might pop out and bite her.
“She will say yes, won’t she?” Carol asked.
“Of course,” Abby promised. “I have no doubt.”
As planned, an antsy Carol helped Abby around town as she did some last minute Christmas shopping, the box feeling heavy in her coat pocket, burning a hole in the material. She wanted Therese to see it. She needed to see her face. Needed to see it on her dainty little hand.
After what felt like eons, Abby declared it was lunch time and Carol was ready to book it back ti the furniture shop, almost forgetting the lunch she was bringing as her ploy for dropping by.
“Carol!” Abby called out, propping her sunglasses on her forehead. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you.”
“She hasn’t said yes, yet!” Carol threw back, her hands clammy with anxiety and excitement.
“She’s never been able to say no to you,” Abby smiled. “Go get your girl.”
Carol took a deep breath as she opened the door to the shop, the bells chiming softly overhead as she entered. Therese was leaning against the front counter, elbows on the glass, busy doodling something in the margins of the receipt notebook.
“I was wondering if you might help me with something,” Carol smiled shyly, approaching Therese as the brunette raised her face to meet Carol’s own.
“Very funny,” Therese laughed. “Looking for a doll? I’m afraid we’re all out. Bright Betsy, was it?”
“I had something else in mind actually,” Carol waved her hand. She dug through her purse, acting like she was looking for her cigarettes.
“I won’t bother telling you that you’re not supposed to smoke in here since, you know, this is your own store and all,” the brunette grinned. “Did you bring me lunch at least before you light up?”
“Hold these for me for a moment, won’t you darling?” Carol asked, slipping off her gloves and putting them down on the counter. She rummaged through her purse again, using the activity to take a deep breath and steady herself before she put the small velvet box on top of the gloves.
“Um. Carol.”
“Left it too long,” the blonde smiled, eyes practically glowing. “Go ahead. I’d love to know what you think.”
“Carol, I—“
“Therese Belivet,” Carol murmured, her voice deep velvet. “What do you do on Sundays?”
Therese was staring at her blankly with wide eyes as the blonde opened the velvet box for her, the simple but stunning diamond ring glimmering between them. “I thought perhaps, you might like to marry me?”
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dreamypqulson · 2 years
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she knows exactly who her audience is
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aboutcustardcreams · 8 months
It's you and I
Abby Gerhard x fem!reader
On the way to Abby's house, Gabrielle (my character) spots her girlfriend and Carol on the porch, sharing a too intimate moment. How will she react?
fluff and angst with happy ending
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As I stand there, in trance, I'm completely lost. My head spins and my heart aches painfully. I've never been certain of anything in my life, and I'd lie if I said I knew from the beginning what I was doing. But that sentiment, damn it, that one, I could have sworn was real. I can't keep my eyes on the scene too long; it's only been one second, maybe two, yet it hurts unbearably so. I don't realize I'm crying until I feel my own hot tears slide down my cheeks and wet my lips. My fingers drop the little gift that I personally wrapped for her. I'm frozen in place just few meters away from Abby's porch, where she stands, both her and Carol. That night, we should have spent it together.
A sob escapes my mouth and at the same time, my legs turn weak and I bend my suddenly sandy knees. I don't want to stay there, yet I can't move yet. I refuse to see what else is happening between the two women so I keep my gaze on the soil under my knees. All I can hear are their muffled voices, then silence again. The engine of a car starts and I presume it's Carol's. I wonder if Abby is leaving with her. Would she really do something so awful to me? The headlights illuminate the garden path, and it's maybe with that glow in the dark that Abby sees me. I don't need to look up at her to feel her gaze upon me. When she calls my name, I remain quiet. I hear her delicate footsteps coming at me, but she keeps up the pace as I continue to ignore her.
"Gabrielle, sweetheart, what happened?" I can't believe she is really asking me this question. As if it couldn't go worse than that. Does she really believes I haven't seen a thing? She places a hand upon my shoulder but I shake it off as if I had been burned. Her eyes too well up with tears at that point. She is devastated and confused but so am I. Like mine, her knees bend and she crouches in front of me. "Sweetheart, please, tell me what you saw..." her voice comes out shaky and insecure. There is a certain urgency in her tone now. Mortification even. Well, at least she is guilty, or maybe she is only putting on a show. How can I know at this point? For a brief moment she acknowledges the small package left on the ground. On top of it a red envelope written with a very fine calligraphy bores her name above the seal.
"I can't believe you want me to repeat what you did," my voice comes sharp, I've never heard myself speak this way. It doesn't even sound like me. When I finally look up at her I barely see her. I have so many tears welled up in my eyes that I struggle to bring into focus past my nose. Everything around me is blurred and unclear, as if I am trapped into a dream. A nightmare. Abby bites her bottom like and shakes her head slowly, "you've seen us.." realization hits her like a running train. Her face looses color at once. I say nothing, and her heart breaks at the distance I've put between us already. "No, no, it's not like that. Oh Jesus— it's not," I notice she is having a hard time trying to explain herself. Maybe because there are no excuses to justify what happened. I exhale shakily, my limbs trembling, "I thought things between us were going fine," a bitter smile appears on my face, "great even," I voice sadly.
"Listen, I know what it looked like, but I swear to you, it was just a big, terrible misunderstanding. Carol—" she freezes when I start chuckling lowly. It seems that I'm amused by the entire situation but the truth is that that laugh hurts like a roundup of knife wounds in the chest. "I could never compete with her, that's the truth." I reason partly resigned. Abby's frown grows deeper as she looks at the way my face crunches up and sheds tears with no control. She keeps shaking her head, she repeats over and over that I'm wrong, that Carol means nothing to her, that she can't even begin to compare to me and to what we have carefully build  together. I mumble a bit spaced out, "she is so beautiful, self-confident, it's with her you feel safe with. It never was me, although I sure hoped to be. I was just.. a rebound thing for when she wasn't around."
I can't believe I found the bravery to say these things but I'm hurt beyond words and I don't know how to cope. Abby scoffs between tears, I can see it in her eyes, she is outraged by what I've just dared to spill. I don't believe it, not completely at least. Her cheekbones turn scarlet, both in exasperation and fear. "You stop it!" Her nostrils flare, suddenly it looks hard for her to breathe properly. She shakes like an orange autumn leaf. "None of this is true. Do you hear me?", she angrily wipes her tears, her lip  quivers as well as her voice, that comes out in a stuttering mess, "how can you think such an awful thing? How can you even say that?"
She reaches out to touch my forehead, and this time I let her fingers linger on my skin. "Carol and I are nothing," I want to believe her, but after what I saw, it's so hard. I inhale sharply, "Please, just—" I trail off, "don't touch me," she can't believe it. She doesn't accept my distance. I can tell by the rigidity her back assumes, by the way her eyes tighten and her breathing gets heavier and louder, "no, now you listen to me," stubborn as ever, Abby Gerhard hardly ever lets herself be tamed. I wonder why she is crying so desperately. What did she hope to achieve? Spend time with me on odd-numbered days and have fun with Carol on even ones? Or maybe have both and get away with it thinking I'd never find out?
I crack a thin smile, and her fingers tighten around my arm with much force, "she kissed me and I pushed her away the second she did that," I frown as I consider the option. She sniffles and waits for a sign, a nod of hope from my part that yet struggles to come. She tilts her head to meet my downcast eyes. She lifts my chin when I stubbornly avoid her orbs, "I told her it was wrong, that my heart belongs to another person and that's been this way for way too long that it is impossible for me to ignore it. Do you understand that, Gabs? I rejected her because I only love you and that's not going to change." I softly wipe my tears. She comes closer and when she does, her sweet perfume inebriates and weakens my senses. It's so good, I tell her often. She knows that's my favorite fragrance.
I remember of the cozy afternoons we spend together, sitting on the living room floor, as we smoke from the same cigarette and at the same time, sharing soft and sloppy kisses. I've never been a smoker myself and she knows, I only do it to have the sensation of kissing her lips from the cig too. Call me crazy, but that's what love feels like for me. I also remember when we play dumb and silly, we make faces to see who can make the other laugh first, or when she poses like a movie star and I pretend to be her personal photographer, holding my hands as if they were a camera. The slow dances under the moonlight. The conversations about life. Our life. Didn't that mean anything at all to her, considering to me it meant everything?
"Look at me, Gabrielle," she pleads. I grit my teeth in return. She groans painfully as I keep resisting her. I want to believe her with all my being. I'd be willing to smash my head against the wall in the hope to forget what I saw to grant us another chance. Because I love her and love makes people do the most questionable choices. "Gabrielle now stop it, and look at me!" she is mad, angry tears slide down her cheeks and neck. Her eyes are puffy and red, and lightly squinted as if it hurt to keep them open. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me I'm lying to you!" I tighten my hands into fists so strongly that I pierce my palms with my nails. How dare she? She infuriates me because I know what I saw. Carol's hands around Abby's waist while she kissed her. While Carol kissed her... Abby kissed back, right?
I look up at her as she asked because despite everything I struggle to deny her whatever she asks for. She clings to my clothes and pulls me against her a tiny bit possessively, but I recognize the behavior as desperate most of all. "Carol came to me, she was devastated about the question of the divorce, the custody of Rindy, and also about the way she treated Therese. You recall of Therese, right?" I nod absentmindedly. She was just another young, naive girl deceived by an older one. Well she was way younger than me, only nineteen if I'm not mistaken, and the fact that Carol was probably her first love, doesn't make it any better. "She used that girl only to come back to you. Isn't it?", Abby would have gladly slapped me in the face for that assumption, yet she didn't. It makes me falter because maybe I'm getting it all wrong. "That's bullshit, bloody hell. And I goddamn love you! And Carol loves Therese!" Her hysterical cry makes me sit upright and I frown, feeling both wrong and guilty. What if I'm only a ruthless monster breaking her heart for getting it all wrong?
"Abby...", I voice softly, tempted to reach out to cup her cheek. I love her. I'll always do. I was stupid to think that hurting her would make me feel better. Spitting those venomous words is only increasing my pain. She hiccups and shakes her head feeling helpless, "Carol told me she feared that Therese might never forgive her for all the things she put her through. She loves her so much, she never felt this way before. Not even with me. In a moment of weakness, while she realized I could be the only person to understand her struggle, she... she just kissed me. But she didn't mean to. She kissed me because she fears the possibility of being left alone." I can see the guilt in her eyes and the small resentment in regards of Carol for having caused all of this.
I nibble on my bottom lip as I ponder on her words. How could I be so blind? That's my Abby, not some stranger I've just met up in a bar. I feel it in my soul, that she isn't lying to me. In her heart I always knew there would be a place for Carol, and I accepted that when we met. But what I still have to learn is that the place I'm referring to has nothing romantic in it. Abby and Carol grew up together, they experimented love, and fell out of it. Why was it so hard for me to understand? I had the chance to meet Carol, I knew she wasn't a bad person. But, goddamnit, if I hated her right now.
Abby reaches out to cup my face as if she could listen my thoughts loud and clear. "She apologized as soon as she realized what she did," her voice is a bit steadier, her forehead rests upon mine in a gentle, sweet cuddle I was craving so much. I breathe slowly, but I still feel my heart thrum loud and painful in my ears. Her fingertips brush against my damp and heated cheeks while her brown orbs dive into mine with nothing but love and understanding. I nod and for the first time, finally I offer her a kind and relieved smile. She reciprocates it, "Carol spent the last two months pretending to be who she isn't. She ignored There's calls because she didn't want to risk to never see her daughter again. You and I...," she strokes my hair, pushing some wavy locks behind my ears, "you and I are what Carol and I never were." There is so much honestly in her tone, I feel suddenly unworthy of this immense gift.
I let out a watery chuckle, as I shake my head in thought, "I never knew what I wanted from life," I reach out to touch her thigh and she smiles at the contact I'm finally granting her, "but when I met you, it felt like the skies opened up to me and showed all the things I could be thanks to you," Abby's lip wobbles and her eyelashes tremble under the weight of her big tears. However, hope veils them too. She takes her hand in mine and proceeds on kissing my knuckles one by one. I continue with a smile, "I'm born again with you Abby and I never want to lose this," I confess between guilty sobs and tears. When she pulls me closer, my heart melts to the rhythm of her light kisses. I moan softly when she places her mouth to cover mine to both hush me and soothe me. "if I see Carol again that close to you, Lord help me..." I mutter jokingly into her mouth and she chuckles heartily, nodding her head, "I'll help you," she hums and racks her fingertips through my hair.
"So you believe me?", when I place a hand upon her chest I feel her heart drumming madly. I nod and I apologize for the way I reacted. "I love you too much not to believe every word you say," I mutter and she wraps her arms around my neck, "even if sometimes I act tough, you know that I just...", "all mushy mushy and a big softie.", she teases adorably. I groan since that's not exactly what I wanted to say but I let it pass. She giggles again. Then she guides me to rest my head over her chest as we silently recover from bittersweet rollercoaster we just endured. Again, her perfume sends me to heaven. "I'd forgive you anything," I mutter to myself. But Abby hears me. She plants little kisses all over the crown of my head affectionately while she holds me, "I'd rather die than hurting you in any way," I look up at her to give her a smile.
"Same for me. Please forgive me. I was rash and unfair to you. I should have listened to your side of the story sooner and without much of a fuss." But she shakes her head, as to let me know that everything is fine. "What else could you think? It's not your fault." I nod. Then I avert my gaze towards that little gift bought for her. And I pout because the once shiny beautiful red paper is now soiled and brownish. I pick it up, examining it carefully, "I got you that... as early Christmas present but now, it's all ruined... Maybe I have time to change it and wrap it up all over again?", Abby places her fingers upon my lips to shush me. A playful grin appears on her features, while she does so. "Ah-ah, I want this. Perfect the way it is." I roll my eyes, but I don't argue with her considering the gift inside is probably still intact.
"You're so thoroughly stubborn, Abby Gerhard," I mutter in the best British accent I can perform, and she too enters in the part. Another thing we do is to pretend to be members of the upper English class just because we do it so well and it's incredibly funny. She clears her throat and pursues her lips funnily. One eyebrow majestically raised, "and also thoroughly and hopelessly in love with you, lady Gabrielle."
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drippyredsmile · 2 years
Carol - 2015
Carol Aird
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the-autistic-jedi · 1 year
I was today years old when I found out that Sarah Paulson is not only queer but also in a long term wlw relationship and I don’t know how to function anymore
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agreatdarkwind · 1 year
i'm just gonna keep posting about my underrated faves until y'all either give up or give in 🩷✨
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bocatcat · 2 years
happy new year 🤍
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Okay so my brain is basically FRIED and I can't think of ff beyond a few long ones that could become series (and I haven't even updated the 2 I have), but, it's a whole week until the holidays are over and I don't want to leave you without fanfics, so I have time to…
So if you have a request send it in.
If they send more than 2, I could do them, but until summer vacation or until the university allows me to
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reppyy · 2 years
Please consider subscribing to my channel :D
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dreamypqulson · 2 years
— to the moon and back
summary: on a snowy december morning at your girlfriends house, you decide you’re ready for a lifelong marriage with her.
pairing: abby gerhard x reader
a/n: i simply cannot wait until i get to post my christmas fics, so here’s this to somewhat fill that void :)
word count: 1100
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You took your time opening your eyes. Sluggishly fluttering them open. You stared off at the cream-colored walls that surrounded you. They're something you've grown used to waking up to. Different from the wooden walls at your old apartment.
The room wasn't light, but it was not dark. The curtains were closed, a murky light coming from the bedside lamp dimmed the room. However, there was no actually sunlight peaking through the thin, sheer curtains. Just a white light that shined through. Dark and gloomy, yet so, so soft. You already knew what weather you were walking up to.
The duvet draped around your fairly bare body was heavier than normal. You were alone in this bed, you finally concluded, without needing to look beside you. You were more than chilly without extra body warmth from another body to heat you up.
You stressed out your limbs, moaning and groaning to harmonize with your bone's cracking. You finally pressed your body weight against the palm of your hands, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. You were well rested, however, the drowsiness of sleep had yet to clear itself.
You needed coffee.
You look in the mirror at your body, smiling at the lipstick kiss prints scattered across you, all over. You wiped them off with your icy cold knuckles, some having love bites hiding behind them. You slipped a silky robe around yourself, tying it loose enough to let yourself breathe.
The house was not silent but any noise was muffled. You could still hear sizzling and metal tapping against metal as you approached the top of the stairs. The scent hit you. Home. Childhood. Saturday morning's.
You walked down the stairs, old wood creaking under your step. You scent got stronger. The noise too. There was calming humming that guided you towards the kitchen.
"Good morning, darling," Abby said. She didn't turn around until she flipped the eggs in the pan. When she looks at you, she grins. You are wearing her robe and she loves when you do that. When you steal her clothes without asking. Because she would not let anybody else do that; it’s just something simply that merely reminds her that you are hers.
“Good morning, my love,” you say and walk over to her. When you’re in arms reach, she pulls you closer by the hooks of ‘your’ robe. Your body lightly collides with hers, giving no other choice than to press you lips against hers too. “Mm. Taking on the chef role today, I see?”
“It’s the only way I could possibly wake you up,” she’s smiles, and she’s taller than you so she’s looking down. There’s something in this moment and you cannot seem to describe it, find the right words for it. It’s something that doesn’t deserve to be thrown into the snow and melted down like all the other snowflakes. It’s something special.
You’re in her robe, and it’s cold, but she’s so warm. She’s cooking you breakfast and it smells like home. Everything is so normal. You never knew normal was allowed to feel so good and safe.
“I could think of many other ways,” you say, wiggle your eyebrows, and continue, “but this is really nice too. I want to marry you.” You slip it in so casually, and at first, she doesn’t even catch it. Her face remains impassive, still though, with a smile. As if you didn’t just mention that you want to secured this relationship till death did you part.
Time then stops and you look surprised at your own admission. Your chest slightly heaved as it rises and falls. There is a white noise filling your ears, and it’s loud, but it’s so gentle, and…terrifying, and what you’d expect to hear as you take your last dying breath.
“What?” She ask’s. She looks offended that her own mind would trick her like this. You couldn’t have said that; it’s her subconscious making her believe it.
“Will you marry me,” inquired again, and then you pout, “please?”
Abby can do whatever she likes with this. But at least it’s there now. And it’s something that does not need to be questioned, yet, Abby finds herself yearning for all her questions to be answered, but she cannot seem to truly place her tongue on a single one.
Silence stretches and thrums in the room. The eggs start to burn; you can smell it. But the white noise fills your ears again and you cannot ear the pan sizzling or the snowblowers outside. Your chest is riddled with anxiety, and even if she declines, you need her to answer for your own sake.
You hold your breath and cannot seem to grip onto her waist any tighter. You don’t realize your nails digging into her clothes until she leans forwards and her body shift. Then you feel Abby’s lips on yours, and it’s not a clumsy morning kiss. She really kisses you. And then one of her hands slide onto the back of your neck to position your head so everything is more deeper, more passionate.
“Is that a yes?” Your chest is harshly heaving, trying to catch your breath that Abby took from you. You don’t realize your crying until you see a tear fall from your lovers eyes. That’s when you can feel your own warm tears dripping down your cheeks that should be cold, but instead, is burning red.
She wipes away your tears with her knuckles. You do the same; hands sliding across soft, pink cheeks.
“It’s a yes,” she laughs, lightheartedly, “Of course it’s a yes. A thousand times yes!”
“Thank god.” You let out a shaky breath and that sense of relief seizes the entirety of you. You drop your head onto her shoulder, sighing. You place a few lingering kisses on the expense of her collarbone. “Because, I love you. And I know we technically can’t get married, but that doesn’t matter to me. As long as you and I know. And our close friends and family too. We can wear the rings, and I get to call you my wife soon so that’s good enough for me.”
She kisses your temple, once, and once again. Her lips rest against the side of your head, and you can feel them brushing against your flesh as she speaks, “I love you, to the moon and back, my darling. Just calling you my wife sounds good enough for me,” her voice is slightly muffled from tears but you can still hear her next to your ear, “you’re my everything.”
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @talulahmae @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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aboutcustardcreams · 1 year
Hi everyone! I deactivated my old account to start fresh. Down here there is the list of characters I write for. I’m looking forward to reading your prompts and suggestions.
• angst, hurt comfort, fluff and smut are in order. So don’t be shy :3
Here is my masterlist :))
I write for all Sarah Paulson's characters from ahs, plus Abby Gerhard, Amanda, Diane, Ellie Staple, Mildred and Tammy.
Larissa Weems
Zelda Spellman
Regina Mills
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chussyracing · 7 months
what has been happening in the world of motorsports?
(2.0 electric boogaloo edition)
Mohammed Ben Sulayem is under internal investigation for pushing officials not to certify Las Vegas gp as safe for racing and also for trying to interfere over Fernando Alonso getting a penalty in Jeddah 2023 race (he got a 10 second post race penalty which promoted... George i think? but later the penalty was overturned and he reclaimed the p3 and got his trophy back the next gp), apparently he also asked Max Verstappen to publicly defend/support/back Christian Horner as a way to calm down the situation where everyone talked about nothing but his workplace bahaviour (I suppose Max refused so that's kudos to him for doing the correct thing)
Aston Martin Vantage Safety Car will debut in Saudi Arabia (and will be back in British green)
there are loads of rumours about Red Bull and Horner currently, some are about him attempting to buy the RBR team, some are about Jos Verstappen being intimate with the same woman that accused Horner of inappropriate workplace behaviour, so he is personally interested in the case, after pictures and videos of Jos Verstappen and Toto Wolff appeared online, new rumours about Max Verstappen potentially going to Mercedes in fear of Red Bull falling appart with Ford looking for a way out of 2026 deal appeared too and Marko and Newey hypothetically following him there, after his comments Jos Verstappen is told not to be attending Saudi Arabia gp which may also be a part of solution they tried to find yesterday in Dubai where Max Verstappen's representatives apparently met with Horner (side note: this is another plea not to share any details about the victim which goes both for her pictures and her name, please don't make it harder as it undeniably already is)
Heikki Kovalainen has been forbidden from rally driving by his doctor in fear of his medical condition getting worse with the sport
Alpine announced new workers (after they fired basically everyone and the rest left on their own): Joe Burnell as engineering technical director, David Wheater as technical director of aero, and Ciaron Pilbeam as performance technical director
Mohammed Ben Sulayem spent some time in Turkey this week to talk to the president about a potential return of Turkish gp (probably as a part of a new rotation programme I mentioned in previous round up)
Abbi Pulling will be racing in British F4 Championship besides F1 Academy this year
Gerhard Berger's long lost Ferrari car was returned to him after police located it late last year
last week's Bahrain GP was the first time in history where all 20 cars finished the opening race of the season (speaking of Bahrain, Charles, Lewis and George were losing around 5/6 tenths per lap due to their car issues, Carlos, Logan and Alex also experienced smaller gap in pace because of their issues)
Williams announced their fanzone locations for 2024 season (Australia, Japan, Miami, Canada, Spain, Great Britain, Singapore, Austin, Las Vegas)
Spanish king Juan Carlos was at Bahrain GP and before you ask yourself, yes he took a picture with Carlos Sainz sr and Carlos Sainz jr (also fun fact he was involved in money-laundering case with Saudi Arabia but Swiss prosecutor had to drop the case due to lack of evidence)
Saudi Arabia showed plans for Qiddiya track to host gp from 2027 onwards designed by Tilke which features a turn 20 stories above ground level which could replace Jeddah in the future (did they heard us complaining about jeddah being dangerous and decided to make it even more dangerous?)
Red Bull Racing scored a record breaking new multiple-year partnership deal with Castore worth about 200m dollars
Otmar Szafnauer teamed up with Soft Pauer to make an app which is meant to help F1 teams with travel plans and Hitech is already a client of his while he claims Alpine also downloaded it
Pato O'Ward agreen on multi-year IndyCar contract extension with McLaren
From fan's point of view:
please be prepared for pr wars this year at multiple places: between Yuki and Daniel (recently due to highly controversial team order call), Charles and Carlos (recently due to false media narrative about car issues), Lewis and George (recently about effectivity of different race set ups)
we have press conference for tomorrow made up by: Lance, Charles, Nico, George, Yuki and Val (we also have one for team principals made of Bruno Famin from Alpine, Mike Krack from Aston Martin, Christian Horner from Red Bull Racing and James Vowles from Williams)
C2 challenges are back for this year with first of their quickfire challenges being already posted
little rant about the "F1 pundits" not checking their sources, because you might have seen the discourse but not get the background: Lawrence Baretto posted his usual section "Losers and Winners" of Bahrain gp and posted Charles in the section category (which would be correct considering he lost out on P2 because of brake issues), but he clearly went off with what Carlos said in the media and claimed that both drivers had the same issues - a fact that Charles, Xavi, and Fred himself disputed
more drivers did photo dumps: Alex, Yuki, Carlos
some drivers were modelling, particularly Charles, Carlos and Daniel
Max Verstappen made some championship predictions (Verstappen, Hamilton, Leclerc) and there has been a lot of talk about him not mentioning Perez so just a PSA
reminder that this week the gp is on Saturday because of Ramadan and besides F1, you can also look forward to F2, F1 Academy and Indycar races
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blackacre13 · 2 years
im obsessed! your writing is soo addictive could you do a y/n with mommy kink X Carol where Carol finds y/n masturbating and punishes her for it; bonus if there is squirting ;)
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Y/N had been waiting for almost an hour now for Carol, but they weren’t worried. In fact, they were chiding themselves, as the longer they waited the gigglier and more excited they got.
Y/N was planning to surprise Carol with a little something. Well, rather, barely a little more than nothing.
Carol’s day had been nothing but stressful, the blonde tied up in meetings with vendors for the furniture house, and messages from Harge’s lawyer, and Abby was sick, leaving Carol to manage the shop and their most recent dealings alone. Carol had called Y/N at lunch, sighing and murmuring how she wished she was home with you instead and how she wished she could flee right there and fall into your arms the second she was done, but Y/N had the displeasure of reminding her that she had a meeting at Rindy’s school after work and that a long hug and her subsequent collapse would have to wait a little while longer.
Y/N thought about drawing the blonde a bath, but there were some days where the stress went beyond a bath, and Carol wanted to simply fall against the bed and close her eyes. End the day early. Head straight to bed. And Y/N could certainly help with that.
The idea was enthralling. Y/N wasn’t sure how long Carol’s meeting would last, laying against silk sheets, hair tousled against the pillows, thinking about Carol.
Welcoming her home. Wrapping arms around her tight in an embrace. Pulling her in. Your skin close. Your lips brushing until Y/N could pull a gasp from the blonde’s lips. Ease her onto the bed. Tell her to relax. To let go. To give in to Y/N.
Y/N wanted to taste her. It was a craving. A must. Y/N’s mouth was watering just thinking about it. There was nothing like tasting Carol. Nothing like the flavor of her on your tongue.
Maybe even better than Carol’s tongue on you, though the thought sent delicious tingles down Y/N’s spine as they let out a shaky breath, sliding down the sheets slightly as their hand trailed across their thigh softly, wishing it was the blonde’s delicate fingers. Suddenly caught up in the fantasy, surroundings fading away as Y/N’s hands traveled underneath their barely-there slip, breath hitching as Y/N felt their own wetness, moaning with relief as deft fingers trailed slow and teasing, losing themselves entirely as they hastened the pace, letting Carol’s name fall from their lips, teetering on the edge with a soft curse until—
“Well, isn’t this a delightful surprise?” A voice mused, Y/N practically hearing the smirk in Carol’s voice.
“C-Carol,” Y/N gasped, sitting up suddenly, hand still between their thighs as they snapped their legs shut, cheeks turning red.
“Oh, don’t stop on my account, darling,” Carol smiled, sitting down on the edge of the bed as Y/N’s eyes watched Carol’s hands, fingers sliding gloves off before they fell to the floor, her coat following shortly behind as she turned to face Y/N. “You look like you were enjoying yourself?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” Y/N admitted, looking down, suddenly bashful, trying to ignore the wetness rubbing against their thighs as they watched Carol crawl forward, pencil skirt and blouse and heels still on, rich perfume wrapping around them like a vice.
“It was quite the surprise,” she whispered, with a chuckle, brushing Y/N’s hair back and tucking it behind their ear. “But would you have kept going, darling? If I wasn’t here? Hmm? You know you aren’t supposed to come without my permission.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath as they nodded their head. “I wanted—I—yes, I was going to,” Y/N admitted quietly as Carol clicked her tongue. “I was thinking about you and I—I’m sorry, mommy,” Y/N whispered, looking up at the blonde with guilty eyes.
“So naughty, Y/N,” Carol breathed, her nose ghosting along Y/N’s face before it brushed against their lips. She straddled Y/N’s body, rolling down the covers to spread Y/N’s legs, groaning at the glistening arousal between them. “Whatever were you thinking about me doing, darling?” Carol whispered, nails trailing down Y/N’s body, teasing over the silk fabric. “Couldn’t resist a little touch could you? Even though I wasn’t here and you wouldn’t be able to beg me oh, so nicely to let you come. I think that’s cause for some punishment, Y/N. Don’t you?”
“Yes, mommy,” Y/N whispered, Carol rolling them gently to their stomach, caressing their bare bottom as they sucked in a breath before she brought her hand down hard with a smack.
“I think four more should do it,” Carol decided. “Count them for me, would you darling?”
“T-two,” Y/N gasped, as her hand came down again. “Thank you, mommy.”
Y/N counted and thanked Carol for each spank before they felt the coolness of Carol’s lips, kissing and soothing over the redness, rolling Y/N to their back once more.
“What do you say, Y/N?”
“I’m sorry, mommy,” YN breathed, still squirming beneath the blonde. “God, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll be good for you.”
“How good?” Carol asked, her tongue settling between Y/N’s thighs as they whimpered, starting to lap at them. “You’re going to come for me, Y/N. And then you’re going to come for me again, and again, and again.”
“I—Fuck, it’s too much, I—shit.”
“Too much?” Carol chuckled, pushing three fingers inside before her tongue returned, lapping faster, the blonde pushing Y/N’s legs apart as they tried to push them back together. “But you were so greedy before when I wasn’t here. Now that I’m home—“
“Fuck, I—mommy, please, shit— I—oh god.”
Carol looked up at Y/N in awe for only a moment before her smile grew wicked.
“Well,” she chuckled. “Someone is excited. That was quite the surprise, darling.”
“I’m sorry, mommy—I—“
“Nonsense,” Carol whispered, her head disappearing behind creamy thighs once more. “Now that I know you can do that. You’re going to do that for me again and again and again. Until you just can’t take it anymore.”
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agreatdarkwind · 2 years
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x cishet men dni x
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