#Abraham Ribicoff
politicaldilfs · 6 months
Connecticut Governor DILFs
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Dannel Malloy, Lowell Weicker, Ned Lamont, Abraham Ribicoff, Chester B. Bowles, James L. McConaughy, John G. Rowland, John N. Dempsey, John Davis Lodge, Raymond E. Baldwin, William A. O'Neill, Thomas Meskill
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spookyfoxdreamer · 3 months
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richardnixonlibrary · 5 months
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#Nixon50 #OTD 4/26/1974 First Lady Pat Nixon attended the YMCA Annual Membership Luncheon held at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC. She is shown here with the second lady of the United States and future First Lady Betty Ford; Casey Mell Ribicoff, wife of Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT); Ann Cherrington Stevens, wife of Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK); and Lou Bullington Tower, wife of Senator John Tower (R-TX.) (Images: WHPO-E2674-09 & 13)
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elytrafemme · 2 years
No...NO!!! Surely...surely you cannot... oh, oh I see. You have no idea the power of the word you just said... you could never KNOW. You see, esteemed companion in this disorienting wake we call life, there are many... MANY kinds of people. There are the people who know how to drive a car, for instance, or perhaps the people who take the train; there are people who read the Dictionary for fun, and there are those that enjoy such literary websites such as "Archive of Our Own": they do not know, of course, how alike these two things are... but they will know, in time, they will know the power of words... MUCH LIKE YOU YOURSELF. You see there are many people in the world... and among those kinds of people are gay people. Yes! Much like you say, much as you accuse me so strongly of being. Schrodinger's cat is a philosophical thought experiment-- if you have a box with a cat in it and you cannot see inside the box, can you confirm or deny the existence of the cat? Of COURSE NOT... YOU CANNOT SEE IT! Much like this cat (though I am much alike cats in MANY other ways...) you cannot be certain whether or not I am a certain duality. One that not even car drivers or train riders could rival. A juxtaposition so strong it's nearly earth-shattering. My family and friends and most especially my partner have written this off... they do not understand. They do not understand. But you will understand in this instance. The juxtaposition of my life is far beyond apples and oranges... rather, were I to be in a relationship with someone, yet the relationship is not particularly affirmed by any supposed label... would one be able to confirm whether I am a heterosexual, or if I am something far beyond your realm of power. Well, I can tell you this quite simply. What you fail to see is that I am not just gay, my friend, I am SUPER MEGA GAY! And I am feared direly among all locally sourced gay people, for my commitment to the bit is so great... of course, nothing greater than my RAMPANT HOMOSEXUALITY! - Abraham A. Ribicoff
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realtime1960s · 2 years
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July 14, 1962 - President Kennedy today named Anthony J. Celebrezze (left), Mayor of Cleveland, to be Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Mr. Celebrezze will succeed Abraham A. Ribicoff (right), who resigned two days ago to seek the Democratic nomination for Senator in Connecticut. The selection came as a surprise. Mr. Celebrezze’s name had not figured in the speculation that had preoccupied Washington for several weeks. President Kennedy said that he had known 51-year-old Mayor Celebrezze for a number of years, and he had the highest regard for “his ability, integrity, and dedication to public service.” Mr. Celebrezze was born in 1910 as one of 13 children to Dorothy and Rocco Cilibrizzi in Anzi, a town in southern Italy. The family moved to the U.S. when he was two years old, and the surname was changed to "Celebrezze."
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todayincthistory · 5 years
November 6: JFK's Last-Minute, Late-Night Rally in Waterbury
November 6: JFK’s Last-Minute, Late-Night Rally in Waterbury
  The first week of November 1960 was grueling for Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who was in the final stretch of his rigorous — and ultimately successful — campaign for President of the United States against Republican Richard Nixon. In the early morning of November 6, after a full day…
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arongovil · 3 years
5 Ways to Reduce Air Pollution's Harmful Effects
The government began to pay attention to air pollution in the 1950s, and a division of the Public Health Service was established to examine the problem. Individuals with a vested interest in the topic manned this division. Abraham Ribicoff was named Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare by the Kennedy administration, and he played a key role in the problem. The Division is now a component of the Environmental Protection Agency, and it is working to preserve human health and the environment.
Air pollution can be reduced in a variety of ways. The greatest solution, according to Aron Govil, is to avoid utilizing energy that emits pollution. There are numerous alternatives to fossil fuels that can aid in air pollution reduction. However, these sources have their own set of issues and have yet to be optimized to be efficient at reducing pollution. As a result, it's critical to devise a strategy that's both effective and efficient. It is critical to take public transportation whenever possible and to limit electricity consumption in order to reduce air pollution.
Using public transit instead of driving is an excellent strategy to help your city reduce pollution. Taking public transportation minimizes both the amount of fossil fuels burnt and the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere. Carpooling is also an excellent way to save money. You can also save money on power and help the environment by taking public transportation instead of driving. You can even share your car with someone who shares your enthusiasm for environmental preservation because it is highly cost effective.
Another strategy to avoid air pollution, according to Aron Govil, is to reduce the amount of electricity you use. You can lessen air pollution while saving money by limiting the amount of energy you consume. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States provides advice on how to save energy at home. To reduce emissions from school buses, the EPA also urges schools to plant trees on their grounds. Keeping your windows closed during inclement weather might assist in keeping your home cool and tidy.
Vehicle emissions are the most destructive source of air pollution. The dangers of diesel exhaust from cargo movement are very hazardous. Diesel exhaust has been designated carcinogenic to humans by the World Health Organization. Diesel fumes, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, cause premature death and aggravate heart and lung ailments. These contaminants are often especially damaging to vulnerable groups like children and the elderly. Fortunately, federal and state regulations protecting these vehicles can make a significant difference in reducing emissions.
There are numerous methods for preventing air pollution and reducing the dangers it poses to human health. By avoiding driving at all, people can make a major contribution to air pollution. Some cities even mandate the usage of electric vehicles. They are not only healthy for the environment, but they can help lower healthcare costs. A solid policy will also aid in the preservation of life. Those who have asthma or are at risk of acquiring asthma are better off. They can also profit from the federal government's health-related policies.
The US government has made measures to reduce air pollution. For certain air contaminants, the government has produced guidelines and set exposure limits. The World Health Organization (WHO) also produces information that links air pollution to certain illnesses. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States is in charge of air pollution monitoring. To protect public health and the environment, they collaborate with states, local governments, and other stakeholders. They also collaborate with international groups to develop environmental policies. It's also crucial to keep an eye on the quantities of certain pollutants in the air.
According to studies, one of the most serious environmental dangers to human health is air pollution. According to Aron Govil, countries can reduce disease risk and enhance cardiovascular and respiratory health by reducing air pollution. As a result, since the statute was approved, the American Lung Association has produced the State of the Air report every year. The CleanAir Act has significantly decreased hazardous emissions from power plants and vehicles. To limit the risk of air pollution, it also compels people to wear face masks.
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theraphone · 5 years
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📣🎖Spotlight Sunday 🎖📣 Get inspired by the leading trailblazers and recent developments in the healthcare industry. Spotlight on people, publications and breakthroughs that changed the face of healthcare. 💡Dr. Duman was the Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Neuroscience at the Yale University School of Medicine and Director of the Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities of the Connecticut Mental Health Center. He was widely regarded as among the most important scientists in the world studying the neurobiology of stress and depression and the neurobiology of the treatment of stress and mood disorders. 💡 Dr. Duman’s work shed light on the mechanisms through which psychological stress produces detrimental effects on brain structure and how antidepressant treatments restore the brain’s capacity for resilience, and in so doing, reverse the detrimental structural changes produced by stress. 💡Dr. Duman received numerous honors for his work. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine and recipient of two of the most prestigious prizes for mood disorders research, the Colvin Prize of the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation and the Anna-Monika Foundation Prize. Read his story here: https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/news-article/22519/ Take care, TheraPhone . .. ... #ChoosePT #MyTheraPhone #NeuroPhysioDaily #TherapyOnTheGo #SpotlightSunday #accesshealthCT awareness #brain #brainhealth #braintraining #discovery #evidencebased #health #healthy #healthypeople2020 #healthyConnecticut2020 #mindovermatter #neurology #neuroscience #neuro #neurorehab #neurorehabilitation #neuroplasticity #neuropt #PT #physicaltherapy #recovery #research #rehabilitation #stress #therapy 🌐 mytheraphone.com 💌[email protected] ⓕ facebook.com/theraphone 📸instagram.com/theraphone 🐦twitter.com/theraphone 🥤tumblr.com/theraphone 📌pinterest.com/theraphone https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WHf-Onkg4/?igshid=1dgy8450ml5s
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a-wandering-fool · 5 years
Via New Haven Register:
United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut John H. Durham indicted former New Haven resident Gary Joseph Gravelle, also known as Roland Prejean, for numerous malicious incidents of intimidation that mentioned use of explosives and bio-toxins, and for threatening to kill President Donald Trump, according to a release from the Department of Justice.
According to the indictment, 51-year-old Gravelle has identified as a member of the white separate organization American Knights of Anarchy, or AKA.
The indictment charges Gravelle with 16 counts, variously, of maliciously conveying false information about explosives, false information and hoax as well as threats to the president. The threats impacted communities across Connecticut, including New Haven, Groton, Hartford and Old Saybrook, and the cities of Seattle, Wash., and Burlington, Vt.
Per the indictment, the crimes took place in September 2018, when Gravelle sent out a series of emails and made phone calls threatening to detonate bombs at several New Haven locations, including the Fellowship Place (called “Fellowship House” in the document), the Continuum of Care and the Connecticut Mental Health Center. He made similar threats toward the Abraham A. Ribicoff Federal Building in Hartford, Old Saybrook Center, the First Bristol Federal Credit Union in Bristol, the Federal Detention Center, SeaTac, in Seattle and Burlington International Airport, the court document alleges.
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I thought white supremacists loved Trump.   
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In 1968 Democratic National Convention, Tennesseans stood for change
In 1968 Democratic National Convention, Tennesseans stood for change
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Robert Evins Pickard, Guest Columnist Published 5:00 p.m. CT Aug. 27, 2018
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Paul Krassner was an organizer of the Yippies and the riots at the 1968 DNC. Palm Springs Desert Sun
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Pickets protesting American involvement in Vietnam parade across the street from Chicago’s Conrad Hilton Hotel, the Democratic Party headquarters on Michigan Avenue, on Aug. 26, 1968, before the opening of the Democratic National Convention. This photo was published in the Aug. 27, 1968, Milwaukee Sentinel.(Photo: Ernest Anheuser/Milwaukee Sentinel)
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A Vanderbilt graduate student worked for Eugene McCarthy.
Meanwhile, a future Nashvillian stood firmly for change amid a tumultuous Chicago convention.
Robert Pickard is an adjunct history professor at Nashville State Community College and TSU.
In the 1960s, President’s John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson presided over an unprecedented era of both economic prosperity and social progress.
In addition to affluence, many domestic needs were addressed as part of Johnson’s “Great Society”: Civil rights, Medicare, education, immigration reform, clean air and water, conservation, the Public Broadcasting System, and Head Start were all successful, popular initiatives.
Yet in 1968, the country was in turmoil over the war in Vietnam. Kennedy committed ground troops, which he planned to withdraw upon his expected reelection in 1964. Johnson instead escalated the commitment and by 1967, 500,000 U.S. troops were fighting a war to protect a dictatorship from another dictatorship.
Many Republicans opposed the war, including both Kentucky senators, but the debate was largely within the Democratic Party. In 1967, U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota announced he would challenge Johnson for the nomination.
After the Tet Offensive in January of 1968 showed that the war was far from won, McCarthy ran well in the New Hampshire primary. Sen. Robert Kennedy then of New York, long a war critic, entered the race. He was on his way to winning the nomination, and probably the election, had he not been assassinated in June.
When McCarthy entered the race, a Vanderbilt graduate student named Steve Cobb became McCarthy’s Tennessee coordinator. Cobb worked to persuade Tennessee’s delegation to oppose the war at the convention, held in Chicago Aug. 26-29. They did not prevail; when anti-war resolutions and candidates were offered, only Sen. Albert Gore and Nashville’s Kenneth Schoen provided 1.5 votes.
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Chaos outside the convention caught the public’s attention. Thousands of anti-war demonstrators convened on a city already strained by a transportation strike.
Mayor Richard J. Daley was determined that no one would disrupt his convention; the Chicago police decided these long-haired kids needed a lesson. News cameras captured beatings of protesters, further dividing the party and nation. Tear gas got into the convention center, as did police violence against delegates and journalists.
Don Peterson, chair of the anti-war Wisconsin Delegation motioned unsuccessfully that the convention recess and meet again in two weeks. The defining moment came when Sen. Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut, nominating Kennedy stand-in Sen. George McGovern for President, looked down at Daley and said “With George McGovern as President, we would not have to have Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago.”
Daley’s obscene, anti-Semitic response was caught on camera.
Peterson’s delegation caught the nation’s attention when Wisconsin delegation Vice-Chair Ted Warshafsky nominated anti-war Georgia legislator Julian Bond for vice-president.
Twenty years earlier, Hubert Humphrey caused a southern walkout when he spoke eloquently for civil rights; now many Democrats shunned his presidential nomination. Ironically, Humphrey had incurred Johnson’s wrath with a 1965 memo cautioning against escalation in Vietnam. Daley had been urging Johnson to withdraw for over a year.
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After an October speech in which Humphrey announced a change in policy, the tide began to turn. Appearing the next day in Nashville, Humphrey was greeted with signs reading “If you mean it, we are with you.” The election margin was razor thin; Richard Nixon, surreptitiously counseled the South Vietnamese dictator not to commit to any peace agreement until he was in office. The war dragged on for four more years and expanded into Cambodia.
Nixon, like every president since Harry Truman, did not want Vietnam to fall to communism on his watch. His 1973 peace agreement was the same that he could have had in 1969. Twenty thousand more Americans and millions of Asians died; meanwhile, we got Watergate.
Don Peterson retired to Nashville in 1988. He was active with the Human Relations Commission and AARP. He died on Aug. 19.
Steve Cobb launched successful careers as an activist, academic, attorney and author. As a state representative from 1974 to 1986, he sponsored Tennessee’s compensation act for victims of violent crime, the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute (useful in attracting international investment) and Gov. Lamar Alexander’s educational reforms.
Difficult times can produce good people, an encouraging thought, given present turmoil.
Robert Evins Pickard, MA, MPA, is an adjunct professor of U.S. and world history at Nashville State Community College and Tennessee State University.
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Robert Evins Pickard (Photo: Submitted)
  Read or Share this story: https://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/contributors/2018/08/27/1968-democratic-national-convention-tennesseans-stood-change/1063029002/
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knowinng · 4 years
Trump can still win this election
Outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, police were using billy clubs and tear gas to beat back anti-Vietnam War protesters. Inside the International Amphitheatre, Sen. Abraham Ribicoff was so enraged by the violence that he put aside his prepared nomination speech and declared, "with George McGovern as President of the United States, we wouldn't have to have Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago." from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204427 https://ift.tt/34M10Rx via IFTTT
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realtime1960s · 2 years
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July 12, 1962 - Abraham A. Ribicoff (right) of Connecticut today became the first member of President Kennedy’s Cabinet to resign. Mr. Ribicoff announced in a speech that he had stepped down as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and would seek the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senator from Connecticut. Neither action was a surprise. Mr. Ribicoff had not publicly announced his Senate candidacy before, but his decision had been made known to Connecticut Democratic leaders. Mr. Ribicoff, who was elected Governor of Connecticut in 1954 and 1958, was an early supporter of Mr. Kennedy for the Presidency. He is the favorite in the Senate race.
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dizzedcom · 4 years
Opinion: Trump can still win this election
Opinion: Trump can still win this election
Outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, police were using billy clubs and tear gas to beat back anti-Vietnam War protesters. Inside the International Amphitheatre, Sen. Abraham Ribicoff was so enraged by the violence that he put aside his prepared nomination speech and declared, “with George McGovern as President of the United States, we wouldn’t have to have Gestapo tactics…
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inhandnetworks-blog · 6 years
Brain Dis edge gateway  ruption Shows That Mental Illnesses Have Biological Similarities
Yale University researchers have identified specific brain activity patterns found in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and those with bipolar disorder, providing the first brain-wide evidence that cortical-thalamic pathways are profoundly altered in schizophrenia, and supporting the hypothesis that neuropsychiatric conditions with shared symptoms actually exist on a continuum of brain activity.
A specific brain disruption is present both in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and those with bipolar disorder, adding to evidence that many mental illnesses have biological similarities.
The brain activity patterns identified by Yale University researchers and reported online July 3 in the  Industrial 3g router  journal Cerebral Cortex may serve as important biomarkers for diagnostic classification of complex psychiatric illnesses.
Using state-of-the-art functional neuroimaging, investigators examined interactions between the thalamus, the central hub through which the majority of neural computations flow, and the rest of the brain. Researchers found communication was altered significantly between the thalamus and other regions of the brain in individuals with schizophrenia and those with bipolar disorder.
“This data provides the first brain-wide evidence that cortical-thala Wireless ATM Solution  mic pathways are profoundly altered in schizophrenia, and strongly supports the hypothesis that neuropsychiatric conditions with shared symptoms actually exist on a continuum of brain activity,” said Alan Anticevic, assistant professor in psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine and lead author of the study.
The research advances efforts to find new ways to classify mental illnesses based on neurobiological measures as well as observable behavior, a major goal of the National Institute of Mental Health.
“Present findings provide evidence for a robust brain-wide biomarker in schizophrenia that could possibly be used to better understand genetic risk for psychiatric illness,” said David Glahn, associate professor of psychiatry and senior author of the study. Glahn is also affiliated with the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center at the Institute of Living.
Other Yale-affiliated authors on the study are Aleksandar Savic, John Murray, Anderson Winkler, John Krystal, and Godfrey Pearlson. Additional co-authors include Michael Cole of Washington University in St. Louis; Grega Repovs of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; and Margaret Brumbaugh of the Olin Neuropsychiatry  cashless vending  Research Center at the Institute of Living.
Anticevic is affiliated with the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Center for the Translational Neuroscience of Alcoholism and the Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities of the Connecticut Mental Health Center.
Financial support for this research was provided by the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the Fulbright Foundation, and the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.
Publication: Alan Anticevic, et al., “Characterizing Thalamo-Cortical Disturbances in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Illness,” Cerebral Cortex (2013); doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht165
Image: X-ray of the Human Brain from Shutterstock
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lrmartinjr · 6 years
One of the first times Mark Warner commuted to the Senate, he wore a green polyester suit.
He had to wring it out after riding his bike from George Washington University. On the upside, it had pretty spacious pockets — large enough for some shrimp.
Now, the Democratic senator, 63, wishes bills could be a little less like that.
Q: What has changed for the worse in the Senate since you arrived?
A: The fact that there are very few small bills, or medium-sized bills, anymore. My sense was, back when I worked here as a kid, there were occasional big partisan battles over a big bill, but most of the bills might be regional alliances — it didn’t break down Democrat, Republican. Now, since we pass so few, it feels like anytime a bill’s going to pass it becomes much more important. It’s like we’re saying this train’s leaving the station, so people try to glom on other stuff as opposed to there are weeks and weeks we go where we don’t even vote on bills or amendments. Both sides are guilty.
Q: You worked for Sen. Abraham Ribicoff while in college.
A: I was a staffer during college back when I owned two suits. I had this awful green polyester suit. I’d ride my bike from GW up here in my suit, and I’d have to wring it out.
The receptions used to have a lot better food because they didn’t have all these rules. Since I was in college, I would sometimes put plastic bags in all my pockets and take food and take it back to the dorm and share it with people. Getting fresh shrimp and crab rolls, that was high eating for a college kid. Taiwan always used to have a reception. … They had really good food. I filled up all my pockets, and as you were coming out, there were a series of diplomats and Taiwanese generals there. They were quite a bit shorter than me, and I was dreadfully afraid that if I bowed over, food would come out of my pockets. I thought it would be some international incident. Luckily I escaped without food coming out.
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newingtonnow · 4 years
Hurricanes Connie & Diane Deliver Double Hit – Who Knew?
…that Hurricanes Connie and Diane, which struck within days of each other in August 1955, exceeded the combined property damage of the Flood of 1936 and Hurricane of 1938? The latter alone had caused an estimated $100 million in property damage and the loss of 85 lives.
Connie struck first, on August 12 and 13, sparing the state high winds but dropping up to 8 inches of rain, particularly saturating southwestern Connecticut. Five days later, Diane arrived, pouring another 16 inches of rain on the state, hitting the Naugatuck Valley and the northwestern towns hard; northeastern towns such as Stafford Springs and Putnam were also hard hit, the latter suffering from the Quinebaug Dam’s collapse in Southbridge, Massachusetts.
Governor Abraham Ribicoff called the floods, reported in the August 20, 1955, edition of The Hartford Courant, “the worst disaster in the state’s history” and immediately declared a state of emergency. The state highway department reported that at least 17 bridges had been destroyed, isolating communities, and that numerous roads were blocked by rock slides. Major dams broke, railroad tracks were swept away, homes and businesses were destroyed, and drinking-water supplies were compromised. The Hartford Courant reported what eyewitnesses were seeing: “Lt. Col. Robert Schwolsky of the Connecticut National Guard reported from a helicopter: ‘I’ve never seen anything like Winsted’s Main Street. It looks like someone had taken cars and thrown them at one another,’” and another officer saw “a house, complete with lawn and landscaping, floating down the swollen river. A little later,… another house being swept by, smoke coming from its chimney.”
The Connecticut National Guard was mobilized, and 16 helicopters plucked people off rooftops and out of trees. The US Navy, Sikorksy Aircraft in Stratford, Kaman Aircraft in Bloomfield, West Point, the First Army Corps of Engineers, and the US Marine Corps supplied additional aircraft, rescuing hundreds of people.
Civil defense and emergency shelters filled quickly, and the American Red Cross set up a central disaster headquarters in Hartford. Food drops were facilitated by C-47 planes from the New York Air National Guard and the Connecticut Air National Guard.
When the event was over, according to the National Weather Service, 77 Connecticut lives were lost and property damage exceeded $350 million.
Contributed by Emma Demar, a Connecticut Explored intern and Trinity College student in 2011, and Elizabeth Normen, the magazine’s publisher.
© Connecticut Explored. All rights reserved. This passage originally appeared as part of the article “What a Disaster!” in Connecticut Explored (formerly Hog River Journal) Vol. 9/ No. 4, Fall 2011.
from Connecticut History | a CTHumanities Project https://connecticuthistory.org/hurricanes-connie-diane-deliver-double-hit-who-knew/
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