#Abraham Roofing Service Online
eyecatchersadagency · 2 years
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Online marketing requires more than getting listed in search engines and waiting for the money to roll in. Once you have a description of your target market, you can take advantage of Maslow’s Triangle to understand their motivation for buying. Advertisers have long understood the power of messages that address people’s emotional needs, taking advantage of a theory developed by humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow in the late 1960s. You can do this, too!
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, everyone has to satisfy certain needs before they can achieve their maximum potential. In marketing terms, people buy certain products or seek certain types of information to satisfy one or more of those needs. Of the five levels in Maslow’s Triangle, the bottom two levels (Physiological and Safety) are basic needs. The top three (Social, Esteem, and Self-actualization) are growth needs. At this point, people can find Web sites to satisfy every need in the triangle. Here’s a list of those categories along with a description of each:
✓ Physiological Needs: This category covers air, food, water, sleep, sex, health, and shelter. To satisfy these needs, people might research homes online, look for apartments to rent, purchase apparel, arrange a grocery delivery, search for a dentist’s name, look for nutrition advice, or locate an oxygen bar.
✓ Safety Needs: These types of needs include security items and information for times of emergency, social disorganization, or personal trauma. At this level, people might seek hotline numbers, fire or flood evacuation information, earthquake kits, fire extinguishers, car alarms, or GPS systems.
✓ Social Needs: This category indicates our human cravings for caring and belonging, including products and services that make us more attractive to others. This need drives the appeal of popular social networking sites, as well as cosmetics, spa memberships, self-help books, hobbies, clubs, civic activities, churches, and other groups.
✓ Esteem Needs: This refers to an individual’s need for self-respect and respect from others. This need motivates the purchase of items like jewelry, fine wines, a monogrammed leather wallet, or a search for a Hummer dealer, all of which carry a sense of status, prestige, and power.
✓ Self-Actualization: A sense of creative self-fulfillment may come from artistic, musical, educational, spiritual, or religious pursuits. Individuals with self-actualization needs might visit sites related to creative or spiritual pursuits, and they might buy books, music, classes, concert tickets, or art.
Eyecatchers is a full service advertising agency with presence in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad & Delhi. We believe in making advertising that sells, and provide a comprehensive menu of services under one roof: advertising, branding, direct marketing, sales promotion, package design, product placement, media planning and buying, traffic, event planning, public relations, digital marketing, website design/ development, Web hosting, social media management and an ever-evolving list of attributes that contribute to the brand communications, marketing and selling of the client’s goods and/or services.
With our understanding of the Indian market, we look to engage, brainstorm & generate mutual guidance through regular communications on the business-specific topics.
Was the above information helpful to you? If yes, please do visit our website eyecatchers.co and leave your comments. You can follow us on our social network accounts too – http://bit.ly/2cThYBj for Facebook and http://bit.ly/1SKXh5A for LinkedIn for more such regular updates!
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thechasefiles · 6 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 3/17/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Sunday 17th March 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Sunday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS).
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OFF THE MARKET –The Barbados National Terminal Company Limited (BNTCL) is off the selling block. Not only has Government taken the petroleum company’s proposed $100 million sale off the table, but it has also returned a deposit of US$10 million to regional oil giant Simpson Oil Limited (SOL). “The agreement with SOL has been terminated,” Minister of Energy Wilfred Abrahams confirmed to THE NATION in an exclusive interview. “The time for conclusion of the agreement had expired, and SOL requested their deposit back. The deposit has been returned to SOL, and that’s the end of that,” the minister said. But Abrahams was unable to say what would be the next move regarding the company.  (SS)
SMITH SEEKING JOB EXTENSION – The ailing Roslyn Smith is seeking to hold on to her post as general secretary of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) until year-end. Though warded at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital since last December, Smith made the request through a letter dated March 15, written by acting general secretary Delcia Burke. However, in response to Smith’s request for an extension to her contract, president Akanni McDowall said a decision on the matter should be deferred to the union’s incoming executive committee and national council which should take office in the next two weeks. In the letter to the union’s president and copied to its council members, Smith requested through Burke that a special council meeting be convened on Sunday at 1 p.m., for her to address the national council on the issue, and if that can’t happen, that the council considers her request.  (SS)
SOLUTIONS FOR TRANSFORMATION IN FOCUS FOR CDB’S 49TH ANNUAL MEETING – Solutions and strategies to drive economic and social transformation in the Caribbean will feature prominently when the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) holds the 49th Annual Meeting of its Board of Governors in Trinidad and Tobago on June 5 and 6, 2019. The Meeting programme will include key events and research highlighting transformation in the traditional and emerging sectors and examining the role which technology and digitalisation can play in advancing the Region’s development agenda. This will be the fifth time that CDB’s Annual Meeting will be held in Trinidad and Tobago, which is one of the founding members of the Bank. Previous meetings were held there in 1977, 1989, 2004 and 2011. CDB President, Dr Wm. Warren Smith, explained why transformation is a priority for the Region as a whole as well as for the Bank as it approaches its 50th anniversary year. “Our borrowing member countries are operating in an increasingly complex global environment. The challenges are new, different and becoming increasingly complex relative to what obtained when the Bank was founded in 1970.  As a Region and as an institution we need to, not just keep up but actually use innovation as a vehicle to leap ahead in this changing world. That is what we are anticipating in Trinidad and Tobago – a rich exchange of ideas, approaches and innovation that places the Region’s development at the forefront. We extend our thanks to the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago for hosting this important meeting,” said Dr Smith. Around 400 delegates, including Government Ministers and officials, development partners, private sector representatives, members of civil society, academia, and media are expected to attend the Meeting. The event will showcase the scope and impact of the Bank’s investments in its 19 borrowing member countries (BMCs). Participants will also engage in strategic discussions aimed at ensuring that every BMC can benefit fully from the transformation process and that CDB remains agile and relevant in a transformed Caribbean. A major highlight of the Bank’s Annual Meeting is the William G. Demas Memorial Lecture, held in memory of the eminent Trinidadian economic scholar and Caribbean leader who served as the second President of CDB from 1974 to 1988. Now in its 20th year, the lecture features a distinguished speaker presenting on a trending economic and social development topic of importance to the Caribbean. Another significant event is VYBZING, where the Bank engages directly with young people on regional development issues and which is held ahead of the Meeting. For the first time, the event will have youth representatives from all 19 of CDB’s BMCs. During the course of the Meeting, there will be various interactive seminars, at which thought leaders and expert panellists will share new research findings and data on key topics. This year’s line-up will focus on agriculture, digitalisation for development and vulnerability and resilience. The Bank will also convene its annual Governors’ Roundtable. This year the Roundtable will provide the platform for discussion of the strategic direction of CDB as part of the process for formulating the new Strategic Plan 2020-2024. (SS)
FALL OF DEATH – A subcontractor’s first day on the job at Portvale Sugar Factory ended tragically on Saturday afternoon when he fell 70 feet to his death. Paul Clifford, who worked with Tarico Building Inc., was hired by Innotech Services Ltd, to fix the roof on the main building at the Blowers, St James factory. The job Clifford and his team was contracted to do, was expected to be completed over the weekend. Clifford, a British national, appeared to have stepped on one of the panels on the roof and fell through. Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss said police were treating it as a freak accident. “A number of workers were in here when the incident happened, so right now, we are questioning a number of people trying to get a sense of what happened today [yesterday],” Inniss said. General manager at the Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC) Leslie Parris described the circumstances as tragic, sad and one that left the staff in shock.  (SS)
MAN CHARGED WITH MURDER AFTER NEW ZEALAND MOSQUE SHOOTINGS – The main suspect in mass shootings at two New Zealand mosques was charged with one count of murder a day after an attack that killed 49 people and wounded dozens, prompting the prime minister to vow reform of the country’s gun laws.  Brenton Harrison Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian citizen, appeared in a Christchurch District Court on Saturday and was remanded without a plea until his next scheduled appearance in the South Island city’s High Court on April 5.  Handcuffed and wearing a white prison suit, Tarrant did not speak. His court-appointed lawyer made no application for bail or name suppression.  He was likely to face further charges, police said.  The attack, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern labeled as terrorism, was the worst ever peacetime mass killing in New Zealand and the country raised its security threat level to the highest.  Tarrant has been identified as a suspected white supremacist, based on his social media activity.  Footage of the attack on one of the mosques was broadcast live on Facebook, and a “manifesto” denouncing immigrants as “invaders” was also posted online via links to related social media accounts.  The video footage showed a man driving to the mosque, entering it and shooting randomly at people inside. Worshippers, possibly dead or wounded, lay on the floor, the video showed. Reuters was unable to confirm the footage’s authenticity and police urged people not to view or share it.  Police said the alleged shooter was arrested in a car, which was carrying improvised explosive devices, 36 minutes after they were first called. It was still unclear whether any other shooters were involved in the attacks.  Two other people were in custody and police said they were working to understand their involvement.  Armed police were deployed at several locations in all cities, unusual in a country that has had low levels of gun violence.  Ardern said the main suspect was a licensed gun owner who used five weapons during his rampage, including two semi-automatic weapons and two shotguns.  Authorities were working to find out how he had obtained the weapons and a license, and how he was able to enter the country to carry out the attack, she said.   “I can tell you one thing right now, our gun laws will change,” Ardern told reporters, saying a ban on semi-automatic weapons would be considered.  None of those arrested had a criminal history or was on any watchlist in New Zealand or Australia.  (SS)
A DECLARATION OF FOLLY – Barbados Cricket Association president Conde Riley has condemned a move by Leeward Islands Hurricanes to concede defeat with a bizarre second innings declaration in their final round West Indies Championship regional four-day match. A miscalculation of points denied the Hurricanes a second-place finish in the tournament after a failed attempt to prevent Barbados Pride from attaining further points in the match that ended prematurely in the afternoon session at the Vivian Richards Stadium on Friday. Cricket West Indies cricket operations manager Roland Holder told THE NATION on Saturday they had requested reports from all the parties and he was not prepared to make any further comment until those submissions were received. When contacted, however, Riley said he could not understand the thinking behind the Hurricanes’ decision. (SS)
CLEAN-UP AT ALL SAINTS – Several workers from Master’s Touch Environmental Services were busy at All Saints Primary School in St Peter yesterday undertaking an extensive cleaning and sanitising of the school. Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw announced on Thursday that the school would be closed to facilitate the cleaning following rat infestation. “We were made aware of the issues at the school [All Saints] on Monday. I suspect, due to the harvesting of the sugar cane, what has happened is the rats have taken over the institution and have done some breeding within the roofs of some parts of the premises. The Ministry of Health would have intervened and would have baited,” she said on Thursday. The cleaning is being done with the assistance of the ministries of Health and the Environment. When a NATION team visited the school yesterday, workers dressed in gloves, dust masks and white cleaning suits were busy sanitising desks, chairs, closets, windows and doors and discarding old material. Teachers were also on hand assisting where necessary. All Saints joined the list of primary schools that have been closed in recent times, including Milton Lynch, St James, Blackman and Gollop and Cuthbert Moore due to environmental issues. (SS)
DRAMATIC BEGINNINGS – Storybooks, comics, and popular children’s movies came to life at the Maria Holder Nursery School as they celebrated Character Day under the theme Developing Literacy Through Creative Teaching Techniques on the school’s Oldbury, St Philip compound on Friday. Students delighted their peers, teachers and parents as they showcased their costumes which ranged from Princess Elsa to Bob The Builder. Two of the most unique costumes were of a jockey which was worn by Jadarri Francis and an owl which was worn by Mahkia Carter. Principal of the school Sharon Knight said the event was organised to encourage children to read. “Reading is important. No matter where we go, we have to be readers. We just wanted the opportunity to develop a love for reading [in the students] from an early age. When children can dramatise a story and get into the story, it motivates them to read more. That is why we have the story Character Day,” she said. Knight told the media that Character Day was planned by the school since the beginning of the school term. “We have a school library which encourages them to read, and we also got the parents involved in reading at an early age. Some people do not believe that children at this young age can develop a love for reading but this is the foundation and we have to make sure we have a good foundation. [So] that when they get older they can recognise the importance of reading,” she said. The principal of the Oldbury learning institution told the media that the activities carried out for Literacy Week would be reinforced in the classrooms throughout the remainder of the term as they strive to help the students develop. “We want our children to be the best, and to be the best, they must read,” she said. (BT)
NEW-LOOK CROP OVER COMING – Many changes are coming to Crop Over 2019. Chief executive officer at the National Cultural Foundation, Carol Roberts-Reifer, made the official announcement yesterday at Ilaro Court during a sponsors’ reception. Among them is the new Soca Monarch competition, which will be held at the National Botanical Gardens, Waterford, St Michael. This replaces the Soca Royale. There will no longer be a semi-final component for the Pic-O-De-Crop competition, but rather the 16 calypsonians and a reserve will meet MrBlood in the finals. In addition, a revamped version of the Cavalcade concept called Bajarama will be held at different locations.  (SS)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 293 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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funnelhacksecrets · 5 years
Kartra Vs ClickFunnels
New Post has been published on https://funnelhacksecrets.net/kartra-vs-clickfunnels/
Kartra Vs ClickFunnels
Are you an entrepreneur who is having trouble building sales funnels for your business? Maybe you don’t have a funnel yet, but you know you need one…
As I’m sure you, like me, know that having the right strategy and building a high converting funnel can not only change your business, it can change your life.
Let’s face it, sales funnels only work if they are properly structured and tailored to our specific business strategies.
I remember the early stages of my online business when I was trying to get things off the ground.
The stress that came with an abundance of advertising, but very little conversion was so frustrating, but I didn’t know at the time what I was doing wrong. Luckily, I found tools like Kartra and ClickFunnels, which helped me turn things around.
Both programs are undoubtedly effective in their own ways. ClickFunnels has a focus on the funnel building features specifically, while Kartra is more of a one-stop-shop with several other options available for budding entrepreneurs like you and me.
Here is my review of each of these top quality platforms. I hope that it will help you find the best tool specific to your needs.
Kartra Vs ClickFunnels – Which One Is Best For Your Business?
As I said before, I know all too well the frustration of consistently building landing pages and then driving traffic to them without gaining one sale for my efforts. It can be frustrating if you don’t have the right tools to help you get the job done.
Sales funnels are an amazing way to connect with your ideal customers and scale your business. However, not all sales funnel software are built equally. Some are better at certain tasks than others so it is important to get clear on your specific needs before jumping into any one platform.
In my search I found two winners, ClickFunnels and Kartra. Both are effective ways to simplify the creation of sales funnels and scale up your business.
Fortunately, both these products allow you to take a free or low-cost trial so you can take them for a test drive before you buy.
If you’ve already heard enough and are wanting to test out one or both of these platforms then you can sign up here:
What Are The Main Differences Between Kartra and ClickFunnels?
In a nutshell, the biggest difference between these two platforms is that ClickFunnels is first and foremost a landing page and funnel builder, whereas Kartra is an all-in-one tool that can also build landing pages and sales funnels.
Even the most basic of Kartra’s plans include funnels, automated marketing, and many more features. This model can add a level of convenience to your business management that is proving to be quite attractive to many entrepreneurs online.
When we compare them on a like for like basis, ClickFunnels does pale in comparison to the newcomer. On the sufrace it is a no-brainer to go with Kartra because it also offers a checkout system, membership areas, automated email and SMS messaging, video hosting, a helpdesk, calendar and a way to pay affiliates who promote your product.
On the flip side, ClickFunnels put almost all of their resources into developing their landing page and funnel builder functionality. Therefore, it goes without saying that ClickFunnels is better for building funnels.
Fortunately, with ClickFunnels you can also build membership sites, but you will need to integrate it with an external autoresponder service such as Aweber or ConvertKit. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Many entrepreneurs do still prefer to keep these services seperate and just integrate them with each other through an API key.
The reason is that if a company is first and foremost an autoresponder company then they will be exceptionally good at providing that service. The same goes for ClickFunnels being first and foremost a funnel builder.
While many people are raving about how good Kartra is, it is important for us to consider that if Kartra are offering so many services under one roof then their resources to develop and maintain them will be spread thin. Therefore, I highly recommend taking advantage of the Kartra $1 14-day trial so you can test it out before you commit to buy.
What’s Unique About ClickFunnels?
Currently, ClickFunnels has two different plans:
ClickFnnels Standard
ClickFunnels Platinum
They are also currently working on a 3rd plan that will be called Clickfunnels Collective; which the company plans to launch after FunnelHacking Live in February 2020.
ClickFunnels has recently re-organised their offerings and have retired the Etison Suite package, which has now been replaced by CF Platinum. This means that they have sunsetted their autoresponder and backpack functionality so they can put 100% of their resources into developing the funnel builder.
Instead, they have introduced several cool features:
FunnelHacker Forum
For more detail on each of these, please see my ClickFunnels Platinum review here.
I will tell you now though about FunnelFlix. It’s basically the ClickFunnels version of Netflix, but instead of movies and TV shows, it’s training courses. In fact, being a member means you get access to some of the best online marketing and entrepreneur training courses that are available today.
The selection of courses you get access to does depend on which package you are subscribed to. However, even the courses available with the standard plan are extremely good. Personally, I was surprised at some of the courses a Standard member has access to.
To watch these training courses, you will need to enter the member’s area known as FunnelFlix via your CF dashboard. Here you have the opportunity to view various courses that are offered by Russell Brunson, famous online marketer and owner of ClickFunnels. In addition, you will also be able to access training from Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham, John Reese and several other markerting, business and entrepreneurial leaders.
The advantages of ClickFunnels over Kartra does not stop there. For an honest and true comparison of the two, we must take a look at what ClickFunnels offers that Kartra cannot provide to its clients.
For one, ClickFunnels does allow you to integrate with other autoresponder software. Kartra, on the other hand, restricts you to using only their internal software or connection with Zapier for automating functions.
Additionally, the ability to run more than one business in one account is available through ClickFunnels. However, with Kartra, you need a separate account created for each business venture, which can be a bit cumbersome and start to get expensive if you have several entrepreneurial endeavors.
If you are considering creating any type of webinar for your business, ClickFunnels has an advantage over Kartra. It offers webinar technology that will support your webinar needs while offering evergreen functionality. Kartra does not currently support this function.
When choosing a platofrm, it’s also worth considering ClickFunnels’ longevity in the marketplace and the solid reputation it has built up over the years. It has been highly praised since its inception in 2014. It also boasts a very well developed network of support through larger companies as well as those in the entrepreneurial field.
Kartra is still realtively new to the industry and is still buiilding its support network and reputation.
What’s Unique About Kartra?
Kartra video hosting
The one-stop-shop mantra of Kartra is exemplified by its ability to host your files and videos within the program. This was a big deal for me because if you’re using Kartra to host an online course or members area and, therefore, need to host a lot of videos, this feature can save you a ton of money hosting them elsewhere with platforms like Vimeo, YouTube or Wistia.
When subscribing to Kartra, you will receive bandwidth to host these files with an option to purchase more if you so desire, so the price will vary depending on how many videos you ened to host. Unfortunately, the ClickFunnels platform does not offer this. It requires you to host your videos with a thrid party.
Pre-built page builder sections
Kartra also has pre-built sections in their page builder functions. This allows you to pick and choose different sections of a webpage template rather than choosing a full page layout as is offered with ClickFunnels. Some people find the ability to select from Kartra’s plethora of options enables you to customize your pages much more easily, while others can find it a bit clunky. It’s a matter of opinion really.
Other key Kartra features that are of interest, such as “dynamic” OTOs and behavioral marketing, can help you in creating a more tailored shopping experience for your customer.
Tailored shopping experience
Kartra also has a really cool feature that allows you to tailor your funnels to your customers previous behavioural patterns on your website. This can really help to increase sales as it allows the for a more personalized experience.
Katrar help desk
A great feature that Kartra has over ClickFunnels is their built-in help desk feature. It has customer service support integrated within their business model, eliminating the need for you to connect or integrate with additional programs like Zendesk.
To help sum up the differences between Kartra and ClickFunnels, here are some pros and cons of each. I hope this helps you with finding and creating the best sales funnels for your online business.
For more info, see my detailed review of Kartra here.
ClickFunnels Pros &Cons
ClickFunnels Pros
Extremely straightforward and easy to understand
Proven track record of building sales funnels that will convert
Access to amazing training videos from the best in the industry
Has the ability to integrate with various other software programs to enhance your business opportunities
Can manage multiple businesses with one subscription
Offers affiliate marketing programs
ClickFunnels Cons
Can be a bit on the expensive side
Offers limited ability to tailor their site to their business
Limited resources offered on the basic plan
The amount of software available could be overwhelming
Kartra Pros & Cons
Kartra Pros
Great ability to customize and tailor to your business
Provides better automation systems options
Ability to store content, not having to use an alternate source
An all-in-one business platform with everything you need in one location
Built-In CRM system for support
Provides a better overall of services offered with each subscription
Kartra Cons
No ability to integrate outside software
A separate account is needed for each business
Does not offer the best features for creating webinars
Realitively new service with a limited 3rd party support system
Final Thoughts
Launching a new business can be daunting when you consider all of the tasks you’ll need to complete to get your business off the ground. However, by finding the right tools to educate, motivate, and streamline your to-do list, you will be able to set yourself up for success.
When it comes down to it, the decision of whether to use Kartra or ClickFunnels depends on the ins and outs of your budding business. The end goal that you are hoping to reach as well as the day to day operation of your business will be the defining characteristics in making this choice.
For those of you who run several different businesses online, are more focused on creating effective and profitable sales funnels and/or if you need to rely heavily on webinars, then ClickFunnels is the clear winner.
However, if you need an effective sales funnel function, but also require any of the additional high-level features mentined above to keep you business growing, then Kartra is a better option for you.
No matter which company you choose, you will be able to create effective sales funnels that will increase your business’s potential.
Do you currently use ClickFunnels or Kartra in your business? If so, let me know what you think of them in the comments below.
Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you find this resource page useful. Please not that some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means if you click one of the above links and enrol, I many receive a commission. If you do sign up through one of my links, thank you, it’s much appreciated! Any funds I receive help to keep this site active so we can continue to produce high-quality content.
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godlessgeekblog · 5 years
Wanting for Togetherness on Your Relatives Vacation? Try out Being in a Hostel
Checking into the Abraham Hostel Tel Aviv in spring 2017 at the conclusion of a family members vacation to Israel, Amy Friedman’s two teenage daughters took a appear at the bare-bones area that slept 4 for about $130 and puzzled if the excursion was ending on a thud somewhat than a bang.
“It took about four hours to slide in like,” mentioned Ms. Friedman, a tv govt who life in Montclair, N. J. Seeking about the communal areas, the women discovered an artwork exhibition on the roof, swings in the dwelling place, Ping-Pong and “a whole lot of young tourists so they could challenge what it could be like to vacation when they are older. We wanted to support the girls to photograph vacation they will be able to afford.”
Sparsely furnished, communally concentrated and quite inexpensive, hostels — which historically give shared loos and dormlike sleeping quarters that could possibly home dozens of strangers — have commonly been involved with pupil vacation. But hostels have advanced to attractiveness to partners and primarily families by providing non-public rooms, typically with a number of beds and personal bogs.
In the United States, a selection of new-wave hostels with relatives rooms and resort features, this sort of as those people run by the London-based mostly group Generator, have lately opened. Hybrid hotels these types of as the Freehand brand in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami and New York have adopted the design to offer rooms that snooze up to 6 individuals touring with each other. In 2020, the Berlin-dependent hybrid Meininger Lodge ideas to open its very first American outpost in Washington, D.C., with 616 beds in 154 rooms.
“Traditional motels have not done a very good job catering to families in the major metropolitan areas,” mentioned Rainer Jenss, the president of the Household Journey Association. “The major advantage of hostels is obtain to local communities, both equally in conditions of place — they are commonly centrally located, in close proximity to community transportation — and designed-in concierge skills in the area. And it’s a fantastic way to get suggestions from other tourists.”
According to Hostelling Intercontinental Usa, a nonprofit that runs 50 hostels, hostels obtained their begin in Germany in 1909. Alarmed by the impact of the Industrial Revolution on students’ health, an elementary schoolteacher named Richard Shirrmann organized weekend field outings to the nation with overnights in area faculty buildings. Permanent hostels grew to far more than 2,000 nationally by 1932 and the very first youth hostel in the United States opened in Northfield, Mass., in 1934.
Now, Hi Usa operates mostly in significant towns, and programs to open up a new hostel in New Orleans this summer months. The enterprise explained it doesn’t monitor the demographics of its 1.15 million overnighters annually but that family members are welcome even though the core focus on traveler is 18 to 30 a long time outdated.
“Families are an crucial and growing demographic,” stated Chad Fish, the owner of the impartial Hostel Fish in Denver, who is working on growing to Chicago and Los Angeles. “That’s why we’re altering the flooring strategy and layout in impending areas to have more relatives rooms.”
Saving cash jointly
Most loved ones site visitors is driven by saving cash and a motivation to stay alongside one another. In accordance to the journey details firm STR, the ordinary everyday rate for a lodge room in the United States in 2018 was about $130, that means a spouse and children of 4, if expected to consider two rooms, may well close up paying $260 or more a night.
“Booking two rooms for two parents and two young ones breaks up the family travel goal of getting alongside one another,” reported Santiago Leon, the typical manager of the 89-area Robey lodge in Chicago. When it opened in 2016, 20 of individuals rooms had extra than two beds and offered as dorms, but in just the yr had been transformed to private rooms based mainly on desire by households, which account for 30 to 40 per cent of visitors. Known as Annex Lofts, the rooms snooze up to five and commence at $160.
Property shares like Airbnb equally fulfill the have to have for togetherness, but many might lack the social interaction that is at the coronary heart of remaining in a hostel.
“What can make a hostel a hostel is the target of bringing individuals collectively in a shared knowledge,” mentioned Netanya Trimboli, the spokeswoman for Hi United states of america, which has household rooms from $77 a night on Cape Cod and $106 in Montara, Calif., on the grounds of a 19th-century lighthouse 25 miles north of San Francisco.
On a simple degree, most hostels have shared kitchens with cooking facilities, which can preserve far more income and serve picky eaters.
Seeing a town, conference the planet
A lot of hostels construct community via totally free situations. The Hello Houston, for case in point, has weekly museum tours and nacho evenings.
“Hostels have a tendency to have obtain to discounts and offers to issues going on in towns,” Mr. Jenss explained. “Hostelling would be quite eye-catching to a spouse and children fascinated in immersing in area cultures.”
Generator, which has 13 areas in Europe, claims among 15 and 18 % of its business enterprise per year is household website traffic and has shifted its room inventory to inspire spouse and children tourists with extra 4-to-six-bed rooms. Opened in October 2018, Generator Miami presents 300 beds in 105 rooms a block from the ocean, with rates from $23 for a bunk in a shared area and $104 for a four-mattress place. Features include a restaurant, beach front chairs and towels, a swimming pool and rental bikes.
“From age 10 or 11, we have distinct communal spots,” reported Alastair Thomann, the chief govt of Generator, highlighting a new partnership with EA Sporting activities to carry sports online video consoles. “That’s why I believe hostels are so well known, because they are social spaces.”
Perform places also foster connections concerning little ones. For Claudia M. Laroye, a freelance writer from Vancouver, a hostel in Locarno, Switzerland, gave her small children, then 9 and 11, the opportunity to enjoy with other people from Spain irrespective of not sharing a language.
“I’ve observed that little ones are genuine icebreakers if they have commonalities where by language is a barrier for adults,” she claimed. “They never go through the exact same hesitations.”
Guarding privacy and protection
The expansion of personal rooms with personal baths has, for the most part, solved the privateness situation at hostels, but often only if a family members buys out an overall multi-bunk home. My household of 3 took a gamble on a space with 4 beds at Milford Seem Lodge in Fiordland National Park in New Zealand two many years back, saving extra than $200, and wound up with a roommate, albeit a single we in no way met, who confirmed up after we were being asleep and, sadly, established his alarm for hrs just before we desired to increase.
A further possible pitfall might be exposing a little one to adult topics — in our case graffiti written on the picket bunks about “Nick at reception” having obtain to “good weed” (even though the lodge, also a resort, is not overtly a bash spot). To our 17-12 months-previous, this was hilarious teenager humor, specifically considering that Nick appeared in quite a few non-drug-similar posts, but parents of young children involved about language may possibly want to inquire about dorm servicing in advance of booking.
“The just one concern that concerned us was the all-night time celebration scene. Will we be able to get to snooze?” stated Mr. Jenss, who has stayed in numerous hostels with his small children and advises phoning the hostel to go over noise and reserving a personal space.
Multi-mattress rooms at hybrid motels like the Freehand New York, with hanging baskets of apples and graphics painted on the partitions, feel a lot more like resorts, even with bunk beds. But for basic hostels, mother and father could need to prepare small children.
“You need to have to body it, to help kids recognize the why driving the alternative,” Ms. Friedman reported, incorporating that the discount hostel she stayed at in Tel Aviv was an option to reveal travel budgeting to her little ones, making use of the cost savings as a rationale for a additional costly cafe or a 2nd soda.
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The post Wanting for Togetherness on Your Relatives Vacation? Try out Being in a Hostel appeared first on BestSellers.
from trackrgadget https://bestessayseller.co.uk/wanting-for-togetherness-on-your-relatives-vacation-try-out-being-in-a-hostel/ https://bestessayseller.co.uk/wanting-for-togetherness-on-your-relatives-vacation-try-out-being-in-a-hostel/
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teritcrawfordca · 7 years
How to Build a Culture that Matters
Guest Article
When psychologist Abraham Maslow explained his hierarchy of needs, he didn’t mention the modern-day workplace. Still, as humans, every employee is subject to the needs explained in Maslow’s hierarchy. We all need something from our jobs. At its core, the Maslow’s hierarchy is simple to understand. Applying it in the workplace can be a little more daunting.
  In a nutshell, there are five layers in the hierarchy. The bottom two are physical needs followed by safety and security. In the workplace, these two layers get fulfilled with a paycheck and job security. Simply put, you can put food on the table, you have a roof over your head to go when you leave work and you’re not afraid of losing the roof over your head any time soon.
  Only after those base layers are provided can you hope to provide your employees with the top three layers that I call BAM—belonging, affirmation and meaning.
As humans, we want to be a part of something. We’re hardwired to belong to groups. This means it’s natural for us to want to be a part of something greater than ourselves. Since we spend a majority of our time in the workplace, we instinctively want to identify with those around us.
  A great way to create a sense of belonging in your company is by giving your people the opportunity for shared experiences. Build rituals for your tribe to help them form positive memories together. Perhaps that’s through a weekly outing to a local pub or an annual retreat.
  The more shared experiences your tribe can build together, the stronger your tribe’s bond will be with each other.
Everyone likes to receive appreciation. As a leader, the tricky part is that not everyone likes to receive appreciation in the same way. It’s vital, as a leader, to understand how your employees like to receive appreciation before trying to affirm their work. For example, you may think recognizing someone for a job well done in front of the entire company is providing positive affirmation when the person going through it dreads the thought of going through the experience.
  Providing affirmation as a leader doesn’t always have to be an individualistic approach, though. There are a couple tools you can start using today to help affirm your employees.
  First, listen—really listen—to what your employees have to say. Try repeating back what you’ve heard so they know you were listening and not just waiting for your turn to talk. Another approach is to find ways to offer specific appreciation about why your employees are doing a great job. Instead of the generic, “Great job today!” try “That was a tough customer, but I appreciate you staying professional.”
  The more specific you can get, the more it’ll be obvious to your employees that you’re taking the time to see the difference they’re making in the company.
Ultimately, everyone wants to feel as if their work means something. Being part of something greater means collectively doing something greater. As aspirational as this sounds, it can be achieved once the other layers of Maslow’s hierarchy are fulfilled.
  One great way to provide meaning is to look for opportunities to clarify the bigger picture. A lot of companies share customer stories of how their company’s products and services help make their lives better for external marketing purposes. Internally, go one step further to help your people see how their work is playing a part in that positive change for your customers.
  Encourage your employees to share their own stories. Help everyone throughout your company see how they and their colleagues have succeeded in making someone’s day better.
  As a leader, the process of building and maintaining a culture that matters requires proactively looking for ways to help your tribe feel a sense of belonging, affirmation and meaning. Every company gives their employees a basic paycheck, but few go further to truly meet their team’s needs. When you create a culture of BAM to inspire your workers, you’re setting them up for success.
  Piyush Patel, the best-selling author of Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work, is an entrepreneur and an innovator in corporate culture with more than 20 years of experience. As the founder of Digital-Tutors, a world-leading online training company, he has helped educate more than one million students in digital animation, with clients including Pixar, Apple and NASA.
A former Northern Oklahoma College professor, Patel grew frustrated with outdated training materials, and launched a multi-million-dollar company from his living room.
Patel has since given a TedX, won numerous awards acknowledging his trend-setting entrepreneurship, and continues to advise and speak around the world.
The post How to Build a Culture that Matters appeared first on Succeed As Your Own Boss.
from Teri Crawford Business Tips https://succeedasyourownboss.com/build-culture-that-matters/
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