originalleftist · 4 months
The thing about "protest votes" that makes them, in this of all elections, so mind-bogglingly intellectually and morally bankrupt, is that the potential consequences now are NOT A HYPOTHETICAL.
We don't need to speculate on what could happen if a bunch of people decide to stay home or vote third party, because they did that in 2016 against THIS EXACT REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE, and we all enjoyed four years of hell culminating in an attempted coup as a consequence. And three years and counting of the aftermath since, including the destruction of abortion rights across much of the country. To say nothing of the ones who didn't make it through, like the migrants who died in detention, or the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of preventable Covid deaths.
And now fuckers are saying, "Well, we better do it again just to make sure we get every last bit of the world we haven't burned down yet".
How many real, actual, living people are you prepared to throw under the bus for your "protest vote"?
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nando161mando · 3 months
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I’m so fucking tired of the purity politics!!
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baelpenrose · 7 days
"The democrats are all nazis" "I hate all the queers who aren't willing to die for a revolution they're all just white supremacists." "The only thing that can save anyone is to burn it all to the ground." "Solidarity means being willing to spend your life as currency to make the future better." I kinda agree with the last one, actually, but here's the thing: I get to say that, because I've seen a bullet coming my way and I was lucky enough that the guy aiming at me was a bad shot. I garaun-fucking-tee the people screaming about how we need to burn everything down and everyone should be willing to die to do it haven't had that experience. If you want to keep posting this shit? Keep talking like you think you're a hero? Do me a favor. Go die like one.
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dchan87 · 6 months
Doomers and accelerationists fuck off
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snekdood · 4 months
ppl who larp about the Revolution™ almost seem to expect someone *else* to take the leading role in it all so they can sit inside on their asses and do jack shit, they know they have no meaningful skills to offer and would only slow people down, but expect to *somehow* magically radicalize most americans into doing all the work for them because awww dey're just such a weak wittle babu that needs to be pwotected and defwended awlways uwu
like. come on. get a grip. if everything went your way and someone actually stronger than you came along to take the lead, you're likely not being invited, and you'll likely be left behind... which means left to the alt right, who will no doubt come to your house to see if you're perpetuating anything "woke", and you gotta know they wont just ask, they'll barge in and look through everything even your computer.
though, you should really focus on your plan. your first step: get along with people enough to even actually convince them its a good idea, and we all know you'll never dare to try that shit. you cant even be on here w/o blocking someone like me for even suggesting you are approaching this like a child playing war and you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
you think you want a second holocaust (which is essentially letting trump win, i mean hitler got the majority vote in germany. thats how he rose to power. didn't just materialize out of thin air), but you dont seem to grasp the gravity of what that entails, or even that you'd be thrown in the camps with everyone else, all to stick it to jewish ppl and "the libs", even if it means you and all the ones you love die along with them. you are a net negative to humanity and quite frankly should be on a fucking watch list.
#tankies#accelerationists#i dont think the power of love and friendship is gonna carry you through this one guys#you're waiting for someone to come along and save you- this revolution is nothing more than a complex fantasy of you being saved#and protected. nothing more.#i understand you're scared. i understand you've made this idea your whole life and the only thing you dream about to feel better#about living in a world where you're oppressed and constantly in pain and have no power. it makes sense. i create such fantasies for myself#sometimes. but when we come back to reality- we cant expect to take the whole fantasy with us per se#the world isnt one day going to magically go exactly your way. its just not going to happen. it'd be nice if it did- we think- but it wont#you have to be more practical in this. you can use your fantasy as a motivator. a goal. be the change you want to see etc. etc.#but YOU have to take steps making it a reality. no one is going to be the all knowing person who saves you from all the problems#and can do all the things you cant do and save the day or whatever. it's never going to happen. you have to be that person#for yourself. if you're gonna larp about a revolution you have to at the bare minimum have this understood.#after that- you need conflict resolutions skills and to know how to communicate#you'll need to learn how to get along with people you dont like at all. you'll need to learn how to communicate your ideas effectively#you'll need to learn how to argue and defend your ideas and how to have the humility to be wrong and accept it and the ability#to change your mind. you'll have to educate yourself and keep educating yourself. you'll have to learn how to actually listen to other#ppl instead of trying to find a way to manipulate them to believe what you do#and after all that social stuff is out of the way- you need to learn some mother fucking SURVIVAL SKILLS BITCH#how to FIGHT and SURVIVE in any kind of environment. how to use weapons and build fires out of nothing n shit#if you cant manage all of that? you're fucked.
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virovac · 2 years
Left wing people preaching accelerating (mostly jokingly or spurts of anger) the collapse of society really should realize that people like me who require a stable society for our medication, that its not much different than the right wing people speaking about causing the collapse of society to create a new “better” society (.
Guess the disabled are just a “necessary sacrifice”?
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mizelaneus · 24 days
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tardigradetheking · 3 months
People who are accelerationists and waiting for the grand revolution don't understand how difficult it is to make salt.
Hate to bring up economics but economics of scale really really work in salts favor here.
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despazito · 1 year
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animal rights movement was a mistake
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Ppl who talk abt revolution like the rapture are so fucking annoying
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originalleftist · 2 months
Observe how the Third Party/Tankie/Acceerlationist crowd have already pivoted to churning out the exact same posts about Harris as they did about Biden- "She's just like Trump", "Genocide", etc.
Do you get it now? It doesn't matter who the nominee is. These are not valid complaints or concerns. The rhetoric will be exactly the same. It is pushed either by extremists who see anything not fitting their standards of ideological purity as the enemy, or by MAGA trolls trying to elect Trump.
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thoselittleboats · 9 months
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a very specifc shitpost
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 months
Justice for Saw Gerrera
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visenyaism · 1 year
🎁 Shiera Seastar
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she has no characterization but in my heart i know she was based
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snekdood · 4 months
Not to mention if anyone found out in real life that the LARPers supported the second coming of Hitler and was willing to discard everyone else to make this happen so that they could fight their imaginary revolution for a utopia that would never come, they'd be lucky to not be gutted like a fish at worst, or ostracized at best.
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rgr-pop · 2 months
fatphobia is a fascist body discipline regime that prevents us from accessing and imagining useful fun and interesting body discipline activities (getting used to a wider variety of foods, heat resilience)
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