#According to the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale
mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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The start of Chaos
Y/n: *Just straight up vibing bopping to a song they created in their head as they softly mumble the words*
Neuvillette: *looks at Y/n curiously, unsure what the hell they're doing* Darling, what is it you are doing?
Y/n: *looks at Nuevillette mischievously* Can I show you?
Neuvillette: *nods suspiciously*
Y/n: *starts to sing Another one bites dust* According to the Judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale *and just sings the whole fan song*
Neuvillette: *Just stares dumbfounded*
Furina: Oh Neuvillette! *stops in her tracks seeing Y/n dancing and singing* What is Y/n doing?
Neuvillette: *to stunned to speak*
Furina: *Laughs at Neuvillette's state*
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a/n: That one fan song is stuck in my head so i had too! Heres the song im referancing. Link
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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mynameis-a · 10 months
youtube has just introduced me to the best thing i have ever heard
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mintyjellyy · 9 months
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No talk only pSssSSsSHHhhhhHhHhHhhh
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valerionincubuswolf · 10 months
according to the judgement of the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale
OMG I am so sorry to subject you to my bad animation but the sound would not leave my head so I just had to do it XDD
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ichigomaniac · 11 months
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According to the Judgment of the
♪ Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale ♪
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primofate · 1 year
You are the embodiment of fairness...
is what Neuvillette believes. There is not a single hair on your body that is selfish. Not a single thought in your mind that strays into evil thoughts.
The Chief Justice is just as fair, just as sensible. Though on you, he stays his gaze for a moment longer. Allows the slightest tug upward of his lips as you discuss the latest trial with him. The difference between the two of you? He doesn't think that he is as "well-behaved" as you are. There have definitely been times where he had thought to abandon his gentlemanly and prestigious image, just to lean in and brush his fingers on your cheek. Thankfully, so far, he hasn't done so, even though the two of you had decided to enter a romantic relationship.
The Chief Justice was very guarded, but so were you. The two of you were never seen together, only in the privacy of his home or yours did the two of you enjoy each other's company. Perhaps only his most trusted Melusines knew. Professionalism was important.
"I hope the next trial resolves to your liking, Neuvillette," you smile knowing what his answer would be.
"It isn't my thoughts that are important, Y/N-" he starts and he finishes his sentence at the same time as you chide in with him.
"It's the evidence. I know, I know,"
You bid him goodbye rather curtly, not even a kiss, just a brief pat on the arm. It's working hours, and it's not the time to do such a thing.
Working hours.
As the Chief Justice sat in court, trial in session, he locks eyes with you, the accused. He recognizes the confusion in your eyes as genuine, the hidden panic behind clear as day.
"Neuvil--Your honour," You catch yourself, voice trembling a little. "This is a mistake, it wasn't me,"
and yet all the evidence points to you. Photographs, witness accounts, the hat that you'd left behind in the crime scene. No matter which way you look, the answer was you.
"Guilty," was all he could muster, when he usually said more. His hand looked for the oratrice, hoping that the machine would give him something different, but he already knew it in his heart.
"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, the accused, L/N Y/N is..."
One second.
Three seconds.
The crowd started to bristle a little.
At five he opened his mouth, and closed it again, gritting his teeth in secret.
At six, he repeated his own words. "Guilty,"
Cheers erupted from the audience, he could not bring himself to look at your face, though he heard you loud and clear.
"No! NO! This is a mistake! I didn't kill anyone!" Your hysterics were comparable to a mother who had lost her child. To a hardworking man watching his hard earned house burn down.
The Gardes struggled, just as they always did, but you pushed forward, unable to understand nor accept what happened. At that moment you had not noticed the tears of desperation running down your cheeks.
You were going to that underwater prison forever. Dark and alone. What if the sea swallowed you? Or worse, what if the silence swallowed you? All by yourself hundreds of feet below, drowning was such an easy possibility.
Neuvillette almost grimaces, but keeps his face hard as stone. There are a thousand things running in his mind...but the Oratrice was absolute, and so was its verdict.
"Bring the accused to The Fortress of Meropide,"
The wails you let out haunted him, more than any other trial had.
Author's Note: Hello! This is just a quick update, literally wrote it in 30 minutes so excuse any pronoun slips or mistakes! I just wanted to let everyone know I am great and still playing Genshin! Just a quick reminder that The Ruthless Prince is still available on Amazon in paperback and all my previous works are still accessible in my Masterlist!
Do let me know what you think of this one though, and if you think I should turn it into a full fic!
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rockingbytheseaside · 1 month
✦ You are found guilty
(Neuvillette sentences you for your horrible crimes. That's it. sfw)
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“It saddens me to announce this… But you leave me with no choice. I shall render the final verdict.” 
The Iudex of Fontaine stood before you, tall and regal with his imposing gaze of impartiality. With a solemn clearing of his throat, he prepared to deliver the ultimate decision. “In light of the evidence provided, and the gravity of your actions, I shall announce the final judgment.”
“N-no… Your honor, Please,” - you whispered, shaking your head in disbelief at what will come. Your hands came clasping together, a silent plea for mercy.
“According to the judgment of Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale…”
“I beg you, d-don’t.”
“... The court finds the defendant guilty.” 
The court fell silent, as the words of the Chief Justice echoed throughout the hall. The silent witnesses of your case were immobile, and no one was here to defend your sins. You clenched your fists, your gaze searching Neuvillette’s despairing one. 
“But monsieur, I am telling you, I am innocent. Look, I have a child!”
Another silence bestowed upon the room. Neuvillette cleared his throat and in the same eloquent tone of formality interjected. Although it took him a great deal not to break out of character - “My dear. For the last time, a four-foot Otter plushie cannot constitute adequate evidence of being a child.” 
You sulked. Had this been a true courthouse, the onlookers would have shaken their heads in disbelief at your feeble attempt to feign innocence. But there were no living spectators in this courthouse. In fact, you and your beloved were not even in the Opera Epiclese. In reality, it was the sanctuary of your home, and the so-called eyewitnesses were your countless pillows or plushies that blocked Neuvillette from hugging you at night when you monopolized the bed with them.
“After careful and thorough consideration, the court has determined that you shall be sentenced to... “ - Neuvillette paused for the dramatics. “An eternity of cuddles and kisses provided by the Iudex himself.”
“Have mercy on me, Neuvi. I used the Otter plushie as a pillow and fell asleep once, it’s not like I forgot to give you a goodnight kiss on purpose, honey.” 
But of course, your beloved would not let such deeds go unpunished. That’s how your life was with him, along with the endless ‘legal jokes’. Neuvillette's professional life demanded impartiality and severity in accordance with the law, but at home, in the comfort of your arms, all formality dissipated. For his sanity, he relished returning home where his need to physically bury his face onto your chest was systematic. All you need to do is either caress his silver hair, embrace him in bed, or give him a loving kiss - it doesn’t matter, he is already a puddle of a dragon in your arms.
However, dare to forget your nightly cuddles and it will rain heavily outside out of the blue.  
“I am afraid the decision is final, dear. No chance of parole, either.” - He sat beside you, arms warped around your form to envelop your face in much-needed kisses. He peppers gentle pecks on your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, anything to reach the quota of the skipped smooches you neglected him. 
“Aw, man. Not even on good behavior?”
“Absolutely not. The court renounces your plushie rights for the upcoming nights.”
It appears that if one yearned for a large Otter to embrace, they may have had one right by their side all along.
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Little Archon
Platonic! Yandere! Neuvillette x GN! Child! Furina! Reader
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Description: Archons will do anything to protect their nations, including putting a burden in a child.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Platonic Yandere. Focalor's actions can be seen as questionable. Reader need a hug. Spoilers for Fontaine Archon Quest. Neuvillette isn't happy with Focalor and The Knave.
Her powers flow through Focalor's body. Hydro Archon looked at the distance, trying not to think too much about the current situation.
Separating divinity from body and spirit take a lot of time. And Focalor was left one on one with her thoughts during the separation.
Bit by bit, she separated everything, that even has a drop of divinity, from her body and soul. Her greatest creation. So perfectly human.
The process was almost over. Focalor's could already see the outlines of the new "Hydro Archon". She only needed to separate the last bits of divinity.
And then her mind started to wander. Plan was risqué. If it fails, Fontaine will be doomed. 
Another thought strike her, like a lightning. What if hydro dragon won't get enough powers from her divinity? Focalor's gaze feel on Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, that now contained almost all of her divinity. Then her body fell on what essentially were her body and soul. The figure was the same height to Focalor. 
Hydro Archon carefully reached with her powers to "Hydro Archon". Divinity was a tricky thing. It was everywhere in Archon's body. Perhaps, she should separate some more bits of her. That didn't have pure divinity, but have echoes of it? 
Bit. After bit. After bit.
More powers were stored in Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. Focalor's nodded slowly. It would be enough. Now she only needed to wake the new "Hydro Archon".
Focalor looked at them.
They became smaller. Much younger. 
Child. "Hydro Archon" became a child.
Focalor's chewed her lips. She could reverse separation and try again. And make sure, that this time her double will be older.
Her gaze fall on Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale again. All her powers were there. The chance for Fontaine's salvation. 
On one hand, the bigger chance for salvation of her nation.
On the other hand, child, that won't be forced to live centuries under curse, with no chance of normal life.
Ever since she became an Archon, Focalor's wasn't seen by her people. They won't question, why new archon are so young.
Oceanids left Fontaine. They won't reveal, that Archon aren't her.
The child will contain most of her memories. They won't act according to their age. Their behavior won't be questioned.
Maybe, hydro dragon would find kid adorable. And it will help in her plan's succeed.
Fontaine. Or a child.
With tears in her eyes, Focalor finished the separation. Remains of her divinity flew into Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. Before fading, she whispered. 
"I am sorry, [Y/N]. I hope, that one day, you could forgive me."
Sometimes, you saw a woman in your dreams. She had tears in her eyes. She would apologize to you over and over again.
At first, you thought, that she was your mother. Your mother, that entrust Very Important Mission on you.
You quickly realized, that she wasn't your mom.
You were just a shred of true Hydro Archon. And she had a Very Important Mission for you.
You are a kid and you have a mission
You are a kid and you don't have a mom. 
Neuvillette hasn't seen Hydro Archon before. He heard about them.
Loud, boisterous, attention seeker (with term 'spoiled brat' whispered in the dark alleys).
Today, he would see them for the first time.
When he was called in the room, where Hydro Usurper would meet with him, Neuvillette braced himself, before entering.
At first, he thought, that room was empty. He couldn't see Hydro Archon anywhere. Then his gaze fall on the child, that were sitting on the couch before a small table, full of treats. He could feel it. Child have traces of divinity.
'That child are Hydro Archon?'
Meanwhile, child struck a little pose.
"Are you speechless, Monsieur Neuvillette? I can't blame you. You are in the presence of The brightest Star of Fontaine!"
Neuvillette's eyes widen.
'Why Hydro Usurper were so young?'
Meanwhile, child waved their hand.
"I know, that you would gladly spend hours admiring me, but, you will have enough time for that! Should we discuss your new job as Chief Justice, Monsieur Neuvillette?"
Neuvillette slowly nodded.
"We should..."
Your room in Palais Mermonia was a dream come true for any children. Tons of toys, children books, big bad you can jump on. You need something else? You could always ask for it, and it will be delivered to your doorstep.
Everyone loves the Biggest Celebrity of Fontaine. Child Archon deserve only best things.
Among all of your toys, you only loved three.
Three plush animals.
During the first hundred years of your performance, you played pirates, adventures and theater with them.
During the second century of your performance, you played school with them.
During the third century of your performance, you played explorers with them.
During the fourth century of your performance, you read books to them.
During the fifth century of your performance, you cried yourself to sleep, while hugging your favorite three toys.
Neuvillette was in his office. He had some time to take a quick break. 
He was holding his glass, full of water from The Fountain of Lucine. Some melusines decided to bring his a bottle of Fountain's water. Surprisingly, they also saw Hydro Archon with their hands in the Fountain. They quickly left, when they saw melusines near.
Neuvillette was thinking.
By all means, Neuvillette shouldn't like Hydro Archon.
[Y/N] have his elemental authority. 
[Y/N] were loud, boisterous and snotty.
[Y/N], while not being The First, still were one of the Seven Usurper.
But Neuvillette can't bring himself to hate the kid, or be angry at them.
They were just a kid. There were no reason to waste his anger on them. Neuvillette won't be surprised, if Hydro Archon won't fight, if Neuvillette decides to challenge them for hydro authority.
Neuvillette took the first sip.
He was flooded with emotions.
Emotions of a very lonely and sad child. Neuvillette froze. It never happened before. [Y/N]... Were it you? Were it your emotions?
Neuvillette drank the rest of the glass. 
Then the remaining water from the bottle.
He returned to his work. But young hydro archon were still on his mind.
You were attending an opera performance in Opera Epiclese. Neuvillette refused the invitation, pretending, that he had some important work to do.
It was the truth. But, his work wasn't connected to the court. 
Neuvillette closed the door in your room behind him. Neuvillette wasn't supposed to be here, in your room. But he wanted to see, with his own eyes, how you lived. And why you were so sad.
The room was big, full of everything, that a child could ever want or need.
Yet, everything looked too new. Too clean. Like you weren't using anything in your room.
Except for three well-worn plush toys (Ball Octopus, Bubbly Seahorse and Armored Crab) on your bed. The traces of countless repairs clearly visible on the stuffed animals. 
Neuvillette looked at your bookshelves. There was a common theme in all of your books. In them, at the end, main characters will get a family. A loving parents or older siblings.
'Lonely Archon. Lonely child...'
Dragons looked after their young. In some cases, they looked after each other dragonets.
Hydro Dragon has never looked after young dragonets. But, he also hasn't lived among humans.
Neuvillette has lived among humans for five hundred years now.
Maybe, it was time to took in a child.
The cat you met on the street was fluffy and playful. You can't help, but smile. Animals were good. Animals were great.
But, you can't focus entirely on the cat. One thought was bothering you.
Something strange was happening with Neuvillette. It looked like, he was looking after you? He sent warm meals to you through melusines, ordered guards to bring more blankets to your room, shut down annoying reporters... He even put a scarf around your neck that day, when temperature in Opera Epiclese were colder, than usual.
If you were honest, he always scared you a little. You don't want to think, what he will do with you, when your performance will be over. He looked distant and hard to approach.
So why he was so worried about you? Your loud attitude didn't change, so, why Neuvillette suddenly decided to take care of you?
The cat's loud meow interrupted your thoughts. It hissed and dashed away from you. You reach your hand towards it.
"Wait! Can we play some more?!"
Then a shadow fall on you.
You were crying on the throne.
The last few days were a nightmare. The Knave. The Trial. 
And now Fontaine was sinking in waters of the Primordial Sea.
Did you fail? 
You felt, that you did.
Your performance was for nothing.
Your pain was for nothing.
You were nothing, but a failure.
Neuvillette was looking at Focalor. True Hydro Archon. The first reason for his kid's pain.
Neuvillette listened to her explanation of her plan. When she finished, he spoke. His lips barely moved.
"You made them cry."
Focalor hide her gaze. She looked guilty.
"I know. And I am sorry for that. I wanted to save Fontaine. If there was another way..."
Sharp talons pierced Focalor's shoulders. Neuvillette growled, showing his sharp fangs.
"You made my kid suffer, Focalor! Knew, that today you aren't being judged for your predecessor's sins. Today, you are being judged for your own sins. For every single one of [Y/N]'s tears."
Neuvillette shoved her away. He was watching her, like a hawk.
"So, god of false justice, you herself gave the verdict. Execution. And don't make me wait. I have a child to look after."
Fontaine was saved. Your performance was a success.
You stand before The Fountain of Lucine.
You were alone. You felt lost.
What should you do now? Where should you go?
Suddenly, you were picked up. Iudex of Fontaine was cradling you. He had a smile, you never saw on his face before.
"There you are, small dragonet! I am so glad, you didn't get lost. Let's go, your new home is waiting. I will take a good care of you, I promise! I will teach you about using Hydro powers, you will have everything you need, you will never cry again."
He started walking, while still carrying you. You closed and opened your mouth.
"What...? But... I am not... No Vision"
Neuvillette hummed. Something heavy landed in your stomach.
A hydro vision with four dragon fangs.
"Oh, don't worry, [Y/N]. Everything will be fine from now on. You will never see people, that want to hurt you. Now you can enjoy your life to the fullest."
You felt, that something drastic will happen in Fontaine.
If Neuvillette could cause harm with his gaze, The Knave would be a pile of bare bones on the ground. How she dared to show her face before him, after what she did to his child.
Neuvillette's tone of voice didn't betray him.
"So, you want to have Hydro Ghosis?"
Fatui Harbinger nodded. Her voice was calm.
"Yes. It seems, there is no need for Fontaine to keep it anymore."
Neuvillette pretend to think about it.
"I have a better proposition. You see, I don't need that thing. But... You scared and almost killed my kid. So, don't wait for any sighs of goodwill from me, aside our current deal. Listen closely. Conditions are: in forty-eight hours, all Fatui will leave Fontaine and will never return. If you refuse, I will force them to leave on their own feet. And then I will flood Snezhnaya."
Hydro Dragon met The Knave's gaze. Fatui Harbinger stepped back. Iudex of Fontaine wasn't joking. The Knave felt the earth trembling under her feet. Waters of Fontaine were rising.
"I will ensure, that my kid are happy. Doesn't matter, if I need to flood all Teyvat. Their happiness is the only thing, that matters."
Focalor's was right in her own way.
Child double did help Hydro Dragon to save Fontaine.
The nation was safe.
For a price of Teyvat being reshaped for keeping Child double happy.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
for all to see
summary: fontaine’s court of law is questionable on a good day. on a bad day? well…
word count: ~1.2k
-> warnings: you die, blood mention, spoilers for fontaine archon quest (only names of things), potentially ooc neuvillette(?)
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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despite being the nation of justice, fontaine was not known for its fairness.
trials took place in opera houses, the prosecution focused not on proving their claim, but to put on a show. the citizens didn’t care for the outcome if it wasn’t amusing, the archon known for throwing fits if things were too boring. to survive was to be entertaining, painting as many coats of shimmering blue over your soul until it was shiny enough to go outside.
obtuse laws hid around every corner. no floating objects for the first three days of each month. no fonta was to be brought into any government buildings, unless the date was a prime number, in which case it could be any flavor but strawberry. mechanical pens had long since been invented, but had to be classed as a meka, which required a permit that far outweighed the price of the pen itself.
nothing made sense. even neuvilette, as well versed in the law as he was, did not understand the reasoning behind most of these rules.
however, there was one that he backed entirely, the very first law ever established in fontaine—arguably in teyvat as a whole, the very notion of such a crime pulling disgust regardless of origin.
‘Any person or persons found to be impersonating the divine creator, with the exceptions of roles within an opera or other such performance, shall be punished with the full extent of the law, up to and including the death penalty.’
“defendant, do you have any evidence to refute ms furina’s claims?”
you said nothing, staring down at your hands. you’d stopped pulling at the cuffs that bound you to the railing, leaving you still as stone. your entire appearance was disheveled, a result of the nearly year’s long hunt for you. part of him felt pity, but he quickly dismissed it. you deserved this—provided you didn’t, somehow, have evidence to the contrary…
you looked up, overgrown hair falling into tired eyes. you were dirty, dark crusts of blood lining hairline scratches all over your face and arms. you didn’t say a word, but he found himself avoiding your sharp gaze quickly, inspecting your wrists instead. raw, angry, the metal cuffs unkind.
“if you wish to think, say so. if your silence continues, i will be forced to move on.”
you looked back down to the banister wordlessly, the crowd murmuring at your silence. he ignored them.
“we now turn to the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale to render the final verdict on the charges.”
the oratrice clicked and clunked, gears spinning and meshing as the machine drew its conclusion. blue faith filled the tubes within the walls, collecting, then were pulled back in relative quiet. now would be when the scales would return to normal, but he hadn’t heard them tilt at all during the trial… he pushed aside that train of thought once again. he was getting distracted too easily considering the importance of this trial.
he picked up the verdict from the oratrice, addressing the crowd. “according to the judgement of the oratrice mechanique d’analyse cardinale, the defendant is…” his breath skips as he opened the small folder, something in his chest twisting violently. “…innocent?”
furina sat up in a hurry, the audience clamoring for reasoning, but he barely hears anything. if the oratrice itself declared you innocent, then…
behind furina, his god also stands, cold eyes staring into the crowd. “calm down, everyone. it’s clear this fraud has simply tampered with the oratrice.” your head snapped up as neuvillette closed the pages from the oratrice, sending it back down the chute.
“my god, i can personally assure you that the defendant has not had the opportunity to-“
he bowed his head when they turned to him, mouth dry. something was off about the situation, but what?
“since we clearly have all the evidence in front of us, i think we can safely override the oratrice’s rule.”
“divine one, in fontaine law it clearly states that the oratrice-“
“and i’ve stated that it can be overruled. which is more important, fontaine’s laws or divine laws?” he couldn’t speak. “clorinde, my bow.”
he watched as clorinde produced a bow, as quiet as the crowd below. nobody could say a word—the death penalty hadn’t been imposed in fontaine for years… but this was a special case..
black steel arrows reflected light into his eyes as the creator pointed them at you, his heart thundering. the air was always polluted in fontaine, but it felt twice as oppressive now.
“chief justice. i can’t get a clean shot.”
neuvillette bowed once more, feeling cold. he weaved through the private hallways of the opera house, making his way to the defendant’s balcony.
he didn’t even know your name. you’d refused to give it- refused to say anything, really. how his god had arrived at this verdict was beyond him… but he could not overrule the divine. he opened the door to the balcony, uncertainly stepping to your side.
this was wrong. he could hear it begin to rain, water pattering against the windows, but all he could tangibly feel was confusion. he knew something was wrong, but what?
he lifted his hand but you beat him to it, lifting your head as you turned to face him. “step back,” you mumbled, and he found himself obeying in the split second before the arrow struck. bright blue blood flew into the air, landing right where he would have been.
you didn’t want him to get blood on his clothing.
the rain picked up, lightning striking close and shaking the floor beneath him. the whole house gasped, all eyes turned to you as you collapsed. he couldn’t look away, not when he heard the sound of a sword—clorinde’s, likely, furina was never one for a fight—or the shouts of the gardes. he was paralyzed, watching blue spread out beneath you, reaching the edge of the balcony and beginning to drip.
he’d known. he’d felt it. and yet he was powerless to stop your death, the one he- the one they all perceived as divine pinning down teyvat. he should have known from the moment they overruled the oratrice, should have seen the blue tint to your scratches, should have asked for more evidence before- before—
rain came down in hails, his hands shaking as he stared at the injustice before him.
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121231212i · 11 months
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Genshin Impact | Furina
"According to the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. The Hydro Archon, to be punished via.. The death sentence."
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nemocrochetart · 11 months
❥ Neuvillette, the Chief Justice of Fontaine 💧 ❥ Wanna hear a water review? 💧 ❥ ACCORDING TO THE JUDGEMENT OF THE ORATRICE MECANIQUE D'ANALYSE CARDINALE 💧 ❥ Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't cry 💧
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coxxxmo · 10 months
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⤷ taglist - @lemeowade @sako-mii @moonlybxbe @oni-girx
⤷ word count - 6k
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Discussions about the annual ball were raging in the Fontainian streets this time of the year just like the year before it and all the other years before it. It was no surprise since The yearly “Opulent Dreams” masquerade ball was an event to be celebrated in Fontaine.
Once, every year lavish preparations were made in Fontaine, the meticulous planning would start months in advance as the finest event coordinators from all over Teyvat worked tirelessly to create this dazzling event that was talked about throughout the nation. 
Elaborate decorations were carefully chosen, adorning every corner of the venue with cascading floral arrangements, crystal chandeliers, and extravagant draperies. The ballroom itself was transformed into a fairy tale setting, with an enchanting ambiance which transported guests to a realm of unmatched beauty. Intricate table settings were meticulously crafted, showcasing the finest porcelain, silverware, and crystal glassware. Every citizen of Fontaine was to be invited so invitation wasn’t a problem. 
However, the most important part of the plan was to get close to the Iudex. Any person who was close to you would simply just assume that the reason you were so obsessed with the Chief Justice was because you were one of his many admirers but they couldn’t be more far away from the truth.
Yes, you might’ve been a bit obsessed but it wasn’t because you were oh so hopelessly in love with him, oh no no. You wanted revenge. Cold, Ruthless, and Bitter Revenge. And you were going to get it, on the night of the ball. After all, it was a perfect opportunity. You spent a complete year researching and analyzing every little bit of information about the Chief Justice so when the time came you could’ve struck without a flaw and made sure he wouldn’t live to see the light of the next day.
You made sure to remember his every day routine, the day he stayed in his office working, how long he stayed in and all the days he had his court duties to handle. You even knew when he would go to meet the Melusines and about his favorite things and things he hated.
Honestly speaking, You weren’t the type of person who knew anything about killing someone - of course you weren’t, you could barely hurt a fly without getting sad over the life you took but last year things changed…Things changed drastically for you when your own brother was put on a fake trial and falsely accused for treason, the biggest crime that can be committed by someone. Accusations were made that he sold important information to the Fatui since he worked in the Maison Gestion. Hence, his only suitable punishment according to the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale was a death penalty.
You tried to do everything to prove his innocence, to prove that your brother was just another working class citizen who loved his nation more than anything but alas, the people who were actually behind the leaking of information staged him being guilty too well to the point that no matter what you did, what evidence you could presented, it was no use. At last, your brother was executed publicly, as to provide a spectacle of what could happen to those who dare betray their nation - forever tarnishing his own reputation and your family name. 
You were well aware that the final decision was made by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, and it heavily relied on the evidence provided. However, you were also aware that Neuvillette could’ve stopped the execution if he wanted to. You knew that he was aware that your brother was not the real criminal behind this, yet he didn’t utter a word. On the day of his execution, he didn’t even bother showing up. Was this how little someone’s life was worth to him? Was this how insignificant it was to him? It seemed that way and this….this enraged you.
Sure, there were many other things that were even worse than this. You had no family left, no proper house to live in and people hated you and your dead family. They refused to even sell you food or give you jobs. Simply put, your life was a huge mess, and yes, things were terrible. But the one and only person responsible for this was the reputable Chief Justice of Fontaine, Neuvillette. And sure, if, let’s say, you did get caught (chances of which were higher than you would have liked them to be) then your life would be over. It wouldn't be a big deal though right? Considering how it was already down in the depths of hell. So despite every last bit of your better judgment that was telling you not to do this, you did what you had to. You started getting ready for the ball. 
You were finally at the venue as you saw the entire venue filled with a kaleidoscope of colors, chandeliers cascaded their radiant light across the big hall. The setting was nothing short of magical. People were coming in and the air was filled with an electrifying excitement as guests clad in exquisite gowns, dashing suits and their elegant and glamorous masks were making their way through the hallway, down the stairs to the enchanting ballroom.
The ballroom, with its high arched ceilings and intricately carved marble pillars, was a sight to behold. Golden accents adorned every corner, exuding an aura of royalty and grandeur. A magnificent crystal chandelier, dazzling with countless glass prisms, took center stage, casting shimmering reflections on the marble floors below. 
It was easy to lose yourself in the midst of this dazzling party yet you knew…you knew how all this worked better than anyone else, you knew how all these people and their beliefs in this hollow system of justice were like. You knew what you had to do tonight, you were aware what was at stake and maybe if you can’t do it tonight then you won’t get a chance like this anyways. 
So you made a grand entrance, donning a breathtaking dress that perfectly matched the appeal of your captivating mask. Your mask, The central focus of your overall appearance was silver in color, with delicate filigree patterns that cascade along the edges and pearls adorned the surface making it even prettier. You made sure that your face wasn’t recognizable with the mask, an important detail that shouldn’t be overlooked. As soon as you tried to blend in with other masked figures, you began the next step of your plan.
You moved across the ballroom swiftly with only one motive in your mind. So what if everyone was wearing masks, makeup or completely different outfits - surely it can’t be that difficult to find him right?....right??? Wrong. You spent about an hour looking like a lost child going through the swaying bodies just to find him but somehow, it seemed like luck just wasn’t on your side tonight. Surely how hard would it be to find the most notable man in the entire nation in an important event such as this one? You knew the answer now, very hard. Yet another half an hour passed  and your luck was just as terrible as it was before. It felt as if you were in a maze of people - each turn making you feel as if you were back at the same masks.
Just as you admitted defeat, finally taking a seat near the bar lowering your head in defeat - you smelled a strong scent of fresh rain mixed with….lumidouce bells??? You can’t help but look up as you look at the snow-white hair with ocean blue highlights passing by you. It felt as if you couldn’t breathe anymore, your vision going dizzy, the room was closing in on you - there was no mistaking it. It was him. The man who single-handedly destroyed your entire life.
STEP 4 : K͚͍̯ͯͩͨͧ̉̈̑͛͂͜͜I̧̫͚̗̯͈̮̿ͤͣͦḼ̲̀L̶̶̷̡̛͇͎̪̠̙͖̦̖͈̠̻͚̺͈̋̆͛̽ͯ̔̒ͣ̈͒͋̆̊̌̾̂ͤ͘͠ H̟̏͢I̥̣͗̆̾ͥ͢M̴̸̢̢̛̦̹̲̲̭̝̭̰̲̘͈̲͔̂ͫ̀ͧ̈́͌ͯ͌ͤͮ͊͛ͨ͛͒̌ͮ̌́ͨ̉̃͟͜͢͠͡͝ͅ  APPROACH HIM calmly…
You took deep breaths and calmed yourself down, it wasn’t the time to lose yourself like this. You were just about to go and stop the man but he somehow came and stood beside you, asking the bartender for water. Huh… It had been a year, a year since you saw him like this. You couldn’t help but notice his mask that seemed to fit his face way too perfectly - The soft blue frame of the mask highlighted his mysterious eyes, and its intricate design added an elegant touch to his presence. Silver accents caught the light, while delicate crystals and sequins glistened, mirroring the sparkle in his eyes. 
“Apologies but you seemed to be staring at me. Is something the matter?” His voice caught you completely off guard. It seemed softer than the harsh and cold voice you’ve heard him use and it startled you for sure. Your mouth dried up and the words seemed to just die down in your throat, not coming out. Seeing him this close to you made you want to reach out for your dagger and-
“Excuse me?” 
You looked up to him, his eyes scanning your demeanor. Shit, you let yourself slip- 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but notice your mask. It looks quite exquisite and the design and colors compliment you very well Monsieur Neuvillette.” You put on your best facade, your sincerest smile and talked to him.
“Ah, it seems this mask isn’t doing a very good job at concealing my identity.”
“It seems not.” You give him a small smile. He turned to walk away after the small talk. But you HAD TO STOP HIM, YOU COULDN’T AFFORD LOSING A GOLDEN CHANCE LIKE THIS.
“Wait!” You called out to him amidst your internal conflict, still not sure what to do. “Hm?” He turned back to look at you. You had to think of something quick, you had to make him stay, you had to- “Do you have a partner?” You blabbered out…without thinking. 
“Pardon?” He tilted his head in confusion, not sure what you meant exactly.
“I mean as in, someone to dance with at the midnight ball. I don’t see a partner by your side-” You said peeking over his shoulder now, to look for his imaginary partner. He seemed to take a moment to look at you again and replied “I do not.” 
“Seems like a coincidence really, I don’t have a partner as well.” You sighed dramatically. 
“Is that so?” He enquired.
“Yes, indeed. And I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind obviously, would you like to be my partner for the night?” As soon as those words left your mouth, you saw the look on his face trying to register what you just said. Part of you knew what you asked was stupid, there was no way whatsoever that he would agree to this whole ordeal.
He didn’t have any friends or any people close to him, you knew that by now and he seemed to avoid forming such relations and connections with people at all times so if you really had to make him stay with you till after midnight to find the perfect chance you had no other option but to convince him.
“I appreciate your kind offer but I don’t think I need a partner.” Just as you expected.
“Aw but monsieur neuvillette, don’t you think it’ll be quite awkward and out of place for someone as important as you to not partake in such a significant event for all of fontaine? Look, even the hydro archon has a partner.” You point towards the raised seating in the ballroom where the hydro archon was sitting and talking enthusiastically with some blonde traveler. 
You watch as Neuvillette's expressions seem to change a bit as he takes time to scan across the ballroom, seeing almost everyone in pairs. “I’ll have to apologize in advance however for my rusty dance expertise, it’s been quite long since I’ve had the chance to do this.” He gave you a soft and sweet smile as he extended his hand for you to take. Without realizing your mouth unconsciously twitched up into a small smile as you took up his hand. You couldn’t help but smile even widely realizing you were only hours away from seeing his lifeless body. 
STEP 5 : S̹̤̣͂T̴̰̲͈̀̔͐̇̈́̽Ḁ̵̡̲̤̪͖̾͊̓̋̊͘͢B̨̛̺̘̮̘̓̋ͩ̅ͥ̇͑ͤ͒͟ Ḥ̡̨̜͈̥͎̦̙̱̞̒͌ͨ͌ͯ̅̈ͪ̔̇̾͗ͦ̂͘͞Ị̵̧̨̨̛̗͈͈̝̘͇̼̟̭̣̮͉ͧͦ̽̌͐͒͛ͣ͊ͨ̀ͮ̑͛̑̕͢͞͞ͅM̛̰̹̩̎̾̅̔͘͞͡  MAKE HIM TRUST YOU
It felt as if the more and more time you spent beside him only fueled the growth of a festering node of hatred within you. It seemed to take root deep inside you, which only made you think of how good it would feel when you’ll finally be done with it. 
“Excuse me???” his voice seemed to break you out of your little psychopath circle. “You seemed to be in deep thought.” 
“I’m sorry I was just a little distracted.” You flashed him your very best smile. It was now time to get the final plan in motion…it was going to be hard, to make him trust you. After all he wasn’t the type of person to even engage in small talk as to what you observed so you had to take a different route. “Monsieur Neuvillette, I think we should get something to drink first. I was feeling parched already.” You sighed, making him reconsider. 
“You’re right. I forgot you were sitting at the bar. It was hasty of me to take you away like that.” He spoke leading you back to the bar. Such an exhibitionist.
As you reached the bar, you looked at him waiting for you to order whatever beverage you were going to. This was the first make or break.
“Good evening, Can I get some fresh spring water?” You inquired with the bartender who looked at you like you just asked him for something so baffling, he had to take a moment to take it in. “You are aware this is a bar right?”
“The Lady simply asked for some spring water.” He came and stood beside you, looking directly at the bartender. “I-Iudex..” It was as if the words got stuck in the bartender’s throat. “Yes? Is there a problem?” 
“Absolutely not, Spring water coming right up.”
“Very well and make it two.”
“Right away sir.” the bartender said as he shuffled back nervously through the backdoor. 
Neuvillette turned to look at you, his eyes now carrying this new kind of glimmer in them. “You…enjoy spring water?”
“I do! But obviously, It’s a shame I can’t have Mondstat’s water right now.”
“Mondstat’s water?” You knew it now, it felt as clear as day. He was testing the grounds with you. Merely trying his luck as to if what he thought about you was actually true or just a wrong hunch.
"Yes!" It was your time to shine now, to show off all the knowledge you could've gathered. "You see, water from different places has completely flavors to the discerning palate. Mondstadt's water is crisp and pure, while water from Liyue has an enduring aftertaste. In Inazuma, the water possesses a depth of flavor unlike any other. Sumeru's water, meanwhile, has a rich and complex flavor profile, but it must be savored patiently to fully appreciate it."
You saw the look in his face after you were done talking. It seemed similar to a child's face when first stepped into a candy shop. Full of wonder and amusement, not exactly sure of its next move.
"You're aware of water's flavors..."
"Why, of course." You give him a knowing smile "Water is important to life, one can survive without food but never without water. There's nothing as pure and refreshing as water." You were proud of yourself to say the least, you were pretty sure you had his interest in completely now and there was absolutely nothing that could sto-
You looked at him in the middle of mentally applauding yourself only to see him carefully examining you. The astonishment and wonder were long gone, leaving a third emotion which you were having a hard time figuring out. What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? What's with his face...
"I see.." was all he managed to say. What was with that dry response? I thought I gave a perfect answer to that.
You couldn't help but be intimidated by the way he looked at you. It felt as if his whole 'Chief Justice' demeanor was back and he was no longer the sweet Neuvillette you were talking to just a few moments ago.
As you were in the middle of retracing back everything you said to him, the life in his eyes seemed to return. He went from having a serious and stoic face to a look of amusement once again, but...there was definitely something completely different and something completely wrong.
"What I meant to say was, It's truly remarkable how you can distinguish between the different flavors of water like that based on their place of origin. I don't think I come across individuals such as yourself this easily." Weird. "If I may inquire, how exactly can you differentiate those flavors like that?"
You were done. You prepared everything yet you didn't know what or how to reply to this. You had no response that could make you sound sane enough because let's be honest, which sane person can tell apart different flavors of water? IT'S WATER. But it's okay, you just had to come up with something. Maybe you could've just told him 'Oh, you know. I stalked you RELIGIOUSLY for the past year. Nothing out of the ordinary.' Just a plain and honest reply. After all, what could've gone wro-
"Y/N?" his voice was heavy like anchors tied to your feet, dragging you down to the depths of hell where you belonged for all this deranged behavior. "I-"
"Hear ye, Hear ye. My beloved citizens." The Hydro Archon's voice rang through the entire ballroom as everything came to halt and everyone quieted down. Thank the archons.
"It is now time to begin The Midnight Masquerade Waltz." She threw her hands open in a way to invite everyone to participate as the entire ballroom burst into a fit of loud cheer and applaud. The lights dimmed down to match the atmosphere as the music started playing indicating the official beginning of the dance.
For now, you were thankful to have avoided the conversation. You figured your answer was too specific and too close to what Neuvillette himself has said in the past and there really was no explaining how you managed to say the exact words as he did.
Your attention was shifted from the people around you to Neuvillette as he held out his hand in front of you while bowing a bit and keeping his other hand on his chest as a gesture of courtesy.
You really shouldn't be surprised after all you have awaited this moment for weeks without end, perfecting your waltzing skills for when the time comes yet when here is the moment in front of you - The Chief Justice of Fontaine BOWING in front of YOU. Somehow it was more nerve wrecking than anything you've ever done.
You couldn't really tell if it was because of the shift in his demeanor after possibly suspecting you of stalking him or was it the weird thing in the atmosphere or was it because of something else but you suddenly felt dizzy, and now that you were here steps away from executing your plan your nervous system wasn't really helping you.
Not taking another moment of his, you gently placed your hand in his as the notes of a coherent ballroom music started playing and both of you got instinctively close to each.
As you exchanged a glance, your left hand reached out to his shoulder while his right hand slid down gently to your back. You wouldn't say you don't have the experience of such close proximity but something about being so close to him, something about his scent that reminded you of the sea on a moonlit night, it was distracting you. But this was a plan and you needed to stay focused. Either way, let the waltzing commence.
STEP 6 : DISTRACT HIM not the other way around
Despite your outfit, you could feel the warmth of his hands seeping in through your clothes and directly to the sensitive skin of your back. It almost made you jolt, but you couldn't afford any distractions. Of course not.
You saw the look in his eyes and you weren't sure if it was the lightning but it got a shade darker, was this even humanly possible? All of this was ridiculous, the way he kept his hands on you and his fingers intertwined with yours. All of this was sending little electric sparks straight to your spine and to be honest, you. hated. every. second. of. it.
How dare this man you hated so passionately make you feel something other than hatred? How absolutely dare he guide YOU so easily across the ballroom floor. You didn't even notice but while you were busy justifying your hatred for this man, your feet glided across the floor and both of your bodies were so perfectly synchronized with each other that a lot of people around you stopped to look at you two.
'Monsieur Neuvillette has a partner?'
'Are you looking at both of them dancing together? Of course he had a partner, that's why he ignored everyone else.'
'Who's that person he's dancing with?'
'You can tell by the way they danced together that there is something between them'
'They look so in love with each other. It feels so refreshing seeing him like this.'
'Quick! Take a picture!'
What the hell was wrong with everyone and their baseless assumptions. Your eyes darted to every person who commented, glaring at them.
"Y/N" his voice went low as he whispered in your ear. "You need to focus on the dance dear." His voice so low and sultry sent shivers to your entire body, what even....There's no way HE gets to tell you what to do, there's no way you'll listen to what this man tells you and there's absolutely no way he gets away with calling you that...vile and disgusting thing he just said.
You will make him pay, killing him wasn't enough anymore you wanted him to-
"What did I say about focusing?" his hands from your back dropped to your waist. You were trying to maintain a safe distance from him, sure you were planning to get close to him as a way for your revenge but this-
"Y/N." His voice ringed bringing your attention back to him as His hands slid around from your waist, his fingers digging deeper in your skin pulling you closer to him. It was as if being this close, your senses stopped working. His scent was overwhelming you to the point where it made you sick. Was it that bad? No, definitely not because it was bad it was just because it was just so….
NO! Now’s not the time or place to think about this. You slapped yourself mentally, if you had to carry out your plan you had to stop behaving like this teenager who hadn’t been flirted with before and step up your game. So what if he was the all knowing and scary chief justice? You took your sweet time preparing for this exact moment and you’re gonna let yourself be swayed by him. 
“Iudex.” It was said in the same tone as he said your name in. A sweet smile adorned your face, concealing the strategic thoughts within. This was your moment to make him regret.
As the sound progressed through the ballroom, you looked around to see the ballroom filling up - almost everyone dancing. Great, no prying eyes and a perfect cover for you to carry forward.
His smirk was replaced with a rather amusing expression seeing your actions, as if deciphering your moves.
As both of your feet glided gracefully across the ballroom floor, you finally looked at him - your eyes meeting his gaze, fixated solely on you, delivering a self-assured grin. ‘What a show-off’ you huffed internally. 
While locking eyes with him, both of your feet moving on their own as if acquiring a mind of their own - The surroundings blurring into insignificance, leaving only his eyes and his presence. The tension became so thick, it felt as if you might just choke on it. Your breaths became deeper and deeper unintentionally as you felt his gaze traced an intimate path from your eyes to your lips, then leisurely down to your neck and collarbone, before sensually returning to your eyes.
This…can’t be happening. You were sure you were imaging this and let’s say even if you were, you had to take advantage of this. If he wanted to get a piece of you, you had the perfect idea. 
All logic abandoned you as your focus narrowed to the singular goal of captivating him and guiding him toward the balcony. If he wanted you then you shall simply get what he desired. 
Your tongue slid gently over your bottom lip, still maintaining eye contact with Neuvillette as you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips once again and seizing the opportunity, you bit it with your bottom teeth, a slow, deliberate gulp accentuating the act. Moving your hand on from his shoulder you dragged your finger gently and sensually to his neck, placing your hands on the exposed skin of his neck. As you looked back at his eyes, you could see the slight amusement in his eyes following your bold actions. 
Just as you felt like you finally gave him a taste of his own medicine, his fingers which were intertwined with yours let it go to hold your wrists - his index finger delicately slid across the soft skin of your inner wrist, gently drawing little circles that made you almost lose your balance. 
It was clear that in this ballroom where everyone was celebrating amongst each other in one corner, in the other corner the dance of conflicting emotions was unfolding between both of you. Your eyes were flashing with a mixture of disdain and frustration, reluctantly following along to the dance as Neuvillette led you on. 
Rusted skills, my foot.
As the melody of the waltz further enveloped the room, Neuvillette led you into an intricate sequence. With a commanding yet graceful movement, he sent you spinning away. In that moment, as you rolled back toward him, the distance closing to a mere inch, a fusion of breaths made it seem as if you shared a single heartbeat. Your eyes locking in once again in a silent battle.
Hatred sparking beneath the surface of your sweet facade, but the undeniable tension crackled in the charged air. The dance became not only a regular waltz but a dance of contradictions—of push and pull, of disdain and desire. Every step and turn spoke volumes about this complicated connection between the two of you, as the music seemed to amplify the intensity of the moment.  
Sensing the undeniable and unbelievably thick tension, Neuvillette took one last deep breath, his eyes closing momentarily as if coming up with a decision. When he reopened them, a determined glint shimmered in the depths of his eyes. 
Without a word, he extended his hand towards you, a silent invitation that spoke volumes. You hesitated for a moment but as your fingers met his in a gentle but firm clasp, an unspoken agreement passed between you two. 
Neuvillette, still holding your hand, led you through the ballroom. The swirl of the dance floor gradually faded as you both navigated through the crowd, his touch kindly leading you out and away from the eyes of anyone.
The doors to the balcony awaited, a gateway to a private moment away from the watchful eyes of the ballroom. As you stepped onto the balcony, the beauty of Fontaine's seas unfolded before you, the moonlight casting a silver glow on the waves.
The air outside was a mix of salty sea breeze and the lingering tension that had accompanied you from the dance floor. Neuvillette's gaze, now looking at the vast expanse of water, seemed to carry the weight of numerous unspoken thoughts. The balcony, overlooking Fontaine's majestic waters, became a stage for a different kind of dance – a dance guided by the rhythmic movement of the sea under the moonlit night.
STEP 7 - KILL HIM...or not
“Monsieur Neuvillette-” 
“I apologize for being hasty like this. This isn't something I usually do but..” His eyes shifted from the sea to meet your eyes. The moonlit night charging the air with something unexplainable. 
In that pause, a soft breeze swept across the balcony, ruffling both of your hair.  Neuvillette seemed captivated by the subtle change in the atmosphere, and before either of you could fully comprehend, you found yourselves in a collision course.
A playful glint danced in Neuvillette's eyes as he grinned at you subtly. In a surprising twist, he spun you around, you figures moving in a dance that defied the orchestrated rhythm of the ballroom. The balcony, which was now a stage for your impromptu performance, witnessed a moment filled with conflicting emotions and uninhibited impulsiveness.
Being in the flow of the dance, Neuvillette subtly guided you towards the balcony railing. The sea breeze whispered conspiracies, and in an unexpected turn, he gently trapped you between his frame and the sturdy brick railing.
 A charged silence hung in the air as your heart almost beat out of your chest when he leaned down towards you, using his one hand to tilt your face - he gently placed a kiss on your neck, shortly trailing a sensual path along it.
For a moment, you had the luxury of forgetting about everything - your brother, your family, the pain, the suffering, the revenge. For that moment, all you could think of was the velvety sensation of his lips on you, delicately tracing and savoring the skin of your neck, then moving down to your collarbone. His hand on your cheek, relishing in it's softness. 
But how could fate ever be that kind to you? How could you ever have the pleasure of savoring something like this before the weight of the situation would finally crash down on you like a ton of bricks? Fate was cruel. And you had no choice but to obey.
With complicated emotions swirling inside you and your hands shaky, you took out the concealed dagger and positioned it - hovering over his back. 
You closed your eyes for a second and took a shaky breath, building up the courage to do what you had to. What if you just spare his life? What if none of which you had planned has to happen? What if you could just stay here, enjoying this and see where it leads?
Allowing yourself to dwell in these thoughts, the faces of you brother and your parents loomed all around you reminding you of the direness of your actions.
It's okay, this would be over in a second. Just a second. So you swing the blade down in full force when- 
It stops mid air. Opening your eyes, you no longer feel his touch on you as he's simply standing towering in front of you. 
It was as if with a swift and almost uncanny awareness, he halts your motion, catching you completely off guard. 
Neuvillette, turning to face you with an intensity in his gaze, conveys a silent message that he's not as oblivious as you thought of him to be. Of course, he wasn't. You were simply too distracted to notice this the entire night.
You were frozen in place, overcome with a sense of being caught in the act, feeling like a deer who has run right in front of its predator - your heart was pounding in terror. His eyes pierce through the mask of your intentions, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable which you despised.
“Well, well. What do we have here?" His eyes held a glint of mockery as he continued. "Were you attempting to add a touch of drama to our little soirée? Trying to stab me in the back? I thought we were saving the drama for the masquerade. Or is this your unique way of expressing affection for me?” His voice was filled with a mocking tone that danced on the edge of amusement.
His gaze lingered on you, the glint in his eyes both challenging and taunting. "Color me intrigued," he added, his voice now a low murmur of amusement. It was as if he found the entire affair not only unexpected but also oddly entertaining.
In the heartbeat following your failed attempt and Neuvillette’s words of mockery, adrenaline surged through your veins, a pulsating rhythm of fear and determination. 
Seizing the unexpected surge of strength, you swiftly maneuvered Neuvillette, turning him around until his back was pressed against the balcony railing. 
With a quick motion, you grabbed the knife tightly in position again, the blade glinting ominously in the dim light. 
Rage filling your veins once again, you swung the blade full force at him - landing a slash on his arm. Neuvillette, momentarily stunned by you, registered your attack, his eyes narrowing in a mixture of surprise and realization.
Before he could react, driven by a surge of desperate resolve, you exerted force against him - propelling him over the balcony railing. 
His eyes widened in sudden realization as events unfolded. In a final, desperate attempt to steady himself, his hand shot out towards you, aiming for support. However, all it managed to catch was your mask, causing it to slip away from your face.
The raging waters below awaited him, a fitting abyss for the chief justice who harbored no sympathy whatsoever for any human. 
You witnessed a final glance in his eyes, a moment of recognition as he looked at the person behind the mask and a sense of peace washing over him, accepting his inevitable fate.
The night swallowed his form as he descended into the water, leaving you alone on the balcony, the sound of the turbulent sea below, you stood in the haunting aftermath of your desperate act. 
As the adrenaline subsided, the weight of what you had just done began to settle on your shoulders like a heavy cloak. The reality of your actions bore down on you, and a profound sense of guilt crept into the corners of your conscience as you stared into the raging sea beneath where the last traces of the Chief Justice was gone as well.
The moon, a silent witness to your choices, cast an eerie glow on the scene. The sea, once a backdrop to your vendetta, now mirrored the  turmoil of emotions within you. Your trembling hands, once fueled by determination, now betrayed the uncertainty that gripped you.
The weight of guilt anchored you to the balcony, and as the waves crashed against the rocks below, each echo seemed to amplify the consequences of your irreversible decision.
 The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant sounds of the sea, a haunting reminder of the depths into which you had cast the chief justice.
Despite accomplishing the culmination of your year-long vendetta, ending his life, there was no comfort to be found. Instead of the anticipated relief, a heavy burden settled deep within you, intensifying the weight of remorse. Far from feeling better, you found yourself engulfed in a sense of emptiness, as if the act had only added to the darkness that now resided within. The hollowness of your victory became painfully apparent, leaving you with an indescribable ache that overshadowed any satisfaction you had hoped to gain.
You couldn't help but entertain a wistful wish. Perhaps, in a different time and under alternate circumstances, your paths might have crossed with a different script. Under different stars and in a gentler dance of fate, the unexplainable thing between you two might have unfolded in a way that didn't demand such drastic choices.
A reality where you didn't have the blood of the Chief Justice on your hands.
Maybe you would've liked him then.
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179 notes · View notes
sweet-honey-fruit · 11 months
You: Neuvillette, talk dirty to me.
Neuvillette: ...according to the judgement of the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale
337 notes · View notes
rezeulaz · 11 months
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pairing: neuvilette x fem!reader
synopsis: in a world where you, a mere mortal, embark on a noble quest to uncover the secrets of the primordial sea, a heartwarming twist awaits. as the citizens of fontaine come together, armed with evidence of what they perceive as your 'illegal' actions, your beloved neuvilette is entrusted with the task of offering his tender and considerate judgment."
genre: angst. reader is a scientist. warnings: mentions of death
wc: 848 words
💌: i have nothing against furina </3 it’s only for the plot !! anw, ily neu, my new favourite hydro man :3
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"i shall not allow this matter to remain unaddressed. countless innocent lives have been unjustly taken, vanishing without a trace. it is my duty to prevent the past from repeating itself, to stop what they have inflicted upon my sister." she rambles, skimming through her pile of new research papers collected by the fontaine research institute.
"mon ange, i understand that you are dealing with stress in regards to your sister’s disappearance being connected to the serial disappearances, but you must remember we should stand by the law." neuvilette gazes intently into her eyes, revealing a genuine and heartfelt concern.
"i believe you do not understand as much as you say you do, monsieur. i am a mortal; you have lived for centuries, and i'd assume it hasn’t occurred to you the feeling of losing a loved one." she gets up, leaving a perplexed neuvilette, she called him. monsieur? other than the fact that she talked to him that way, she called him neu, or whatever endearment she could think of, but now, monsieur?
it had been 2 days since the talk she had with neuvilette. she tried to pay no mind to it. 'i've got more important things to achieve and more important things to learn.’ she tries to convince herself. but no matter what she did, she could never forget the look on neuvilette’s face when she left. she never wanted to; she didn’t have a choice. what more could she do when even her beloved neuvillete is not on her side?
she then hears a knock on her door—a very aggressive knock, to be more specific. she goes on to open the door, wondering who it could be at this ungodly hour.
"how may i hel-"she was cut off by two gardes putting handcuffs on her.
"y/n l/n, you stand accused of delving into the depths of the 'primordial sea,' accessing forbidden information, and trespassing into restricted areas without the necessary permits. you retain the right to maintain your silence and will be provided the opportunity to secure legal counsel to represent you in a court of law." the gardes say. you tried to protest, but you could only do so much.
"your beloved, Neuvilette, has been caught doing unlawful activities? It is indeed regrettable. i’ve been eager to make her acquaintance." the hydro archon stated to neuvilette, who was absorbed in the letter detailing your arrest.
"i must address this," neuvilette attempted to object, but furina swiftly interjected, her tone stern. "you do realize that you have no influence to manipulate the course of the law, neuvilette? the oratrice mecanique d’analyse cardinale is the one who decides in this matter, not you."
neuvilette walks out of the door, impatiently waiting for the trial to commence.
during the trial, neuvilette couldn’t stop looking at you. the chief justice was known for his stern and neutral look, but this time, he looked at you with genuine sadness and concern.
it was the people of fontaine against you, the prophecy—it had been blamed that you were trying to sabotage the people of fontaine. there was enough evidence that you, in fact, tried to take part in illegal activities just to uncover the truth about the primordial sea.
after the trial, it was unclear what your punishment would be. neuvilette finally spoke.
"we now turn to the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale to render the final verdict on the charges." "according to the judgment of the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale," he continues.
"y/n l/n, to be punished via..." he then turns pale; one could not imagine how he could get any more paler than he is.
"the death sentence." he finally states, his voice shaking.
the people of fontaine cheered, even the hydro archon herself. you, on the other hand, were so shocked that you couldn’t even manage to utter a word.
the day finally came, and you were being executed. it made you laugh that you were being executed before the man responsible for the serial disappearance case. neuvilette has been forbidden to talk to you ever since you received that punishment. it pains you to know that your last interaction was you leaving him. they cheered—everyone watching, they did. thinking that now that you are gone, the sin of the people has been washed away. fontaine will no longer be submerged underwater.
fools, they are fools. you think to yourself.
"i believe it would be rightful for me, your beloved hydro archon, to do this!" with that, everything became black to you. furina had pressed the machine, whose goal was to decapitate you.
for a while, everyone was filled with joy—then boredom. leading for them to exit the venue, preparing for their celebration of “breaking” the prophecy.
neuviellete ran to you without any thoughts; he had been able to serve justice to everyone else in fontaine. but this time, why couldn’t he? why couldn’t he when it was his beloved? why?
"i’m sorry, mon ange." he says, looking at the two parts of your body that have been cut.
and then—it rained.
the hydro dragon weeps.
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traumatisedbabygay · 11 months
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According to the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, the court judges Navia and Clorinde as......
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venbetta · 9 months
According to the judgement of the ✨Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale✨, your crime of being in love with Freddy Fazbear is punishable by death.
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I'm kissing him on his hot mouth, guess I'm dying today
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