xxautumnivyxx · 8 months
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Have you ever wondered what heaven is like?~
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that this man would be homophobic because it’s the 70s?
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Sorry to break it to you but that’s a homosexual. That man is as straight as a circle. Boy kisser.
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IMPORTANT: My Situation and GoFundMe
Hola y hello, to those who don't know who I am. I'm Itzel aka Kawaiipony Productions. I'm a 17 y/o (mostly Mlp) YouTuber. I'm non-binary asexual biromantic (he/she/they) and I'm also an AuDHDer. And well, I need help. I live in an emotionally abusive household and my own “father” is my abuser. And while my mom isn’t as bad and my relationship with her has gotten better in recent years, she has still caused harm even by letting a lot of this slide.
Around February 18th, 2022, my parents snooped on my phone and found out I was trans. They had taken my phone, tablet, and Nintendo Switch. Which I wouldn’t mind too much if I didn’t purchase majority of these. I bought my tablet myself sometime around 2018 to 2019 with my own money. And I split half and half with one of my sisters to buy our Switch. That is hundreds not only stolen, but also destroyed as they’ve broken my tablet (which was around $300-350 when I bought it) previous instances it’s been taken from me. And I have not received any of these devices since.
Not only that, but my abuser in the past years of me dealing with my abusive relationship with him, h has threatened not only kick me out of the house, but also send me to the military without my consent or send me to my family in México to “straighten me out.” Not to mention his constant ableism towards me. From being anti-vax (a very ableist rhetoric towards autistics), forcing me to mask, etc.
This has led to me secretly doing my job as a part-time YouTuber for the past 2 years now, especially since I was forced to delete the previous Kawaiipony Productions channel cause of him. I have a GFM to help fund me for being able to get proper equipment again for doing my work. Not only that, but also possibly for things I plan to get once I turn 18 such as starting to get therapy, medication for my ADHD, etc. And now that I started dating my girlfriend, Vikki, I want to start saving some of this money to possibly meet her irl sometime next year.
I am taking a few small paid jobs for work right now, but it’s still not enough for my situation. So, you may ask, how can I help? Well, if you have the money, donate to my GFM. My GFM goal is $2,000 and I still need around $1,200 for reaching my goal. I also have adoptables for sale right now for $25 each. If you can’t financially help, then you can share not only my GFM, but my work. From my artwork, my videos on YouTube, and projects I’ve been a part of as a voice actor, animator, and/or artist. Any of this helps support me through everything going on in my life. I could really use it right now. So any and all support helps me out. Thank you all for reading this thread, I appreciate any and all support I need!!!
-Itzel C.D. aka Kawaiipony Productions
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Ways to support me!!!
My YouTube channel:
My GoFundMe:
Current Adoptables for Sale:
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sovereignspades · 1 year
I have no regrets! *smooches the cuphead's behind her hat*
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(for the coraline au, yeaahh I know which one ya really wanted to smooch xD)
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magicicephoenix · 2 months
Line - The Ink Demonth 2024 (Day 8)
In which someone stumbles over their words.
ao3 link
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"In the end, all those years ago, Joey Drew finally succeeded! He created life." The memory of Joey Drew said, staring down the teeth-filled maw of the giant Beast Bendy. "But Audrey," he continued, his voice ringing firm with passion. "you're so much more than that. You were his family, his daughter. My daughter. And I love you so very much."
The beast rose up on its fists, stalking closer to Joey until it towered inches away from his face. "Be quiet!" the voice of the Ink Demon hissed, gurgling with growing fury. "The wretch is mine!"
"Remember who you are, Audrey," Joey begged. "Remember!"
"Your words are wasted!" the demon growled, and the beast snatched Joey tight in one of its claws. The sickening sound of cracking bones filled the air. "The failure of Joey Drew dies here." He squeezed harder, sharp talons compressing around Joey's torso.
Joey gasped as his ribs strained against the force. "I know you're in there," he said, wheezing as he forced his words out. He held the End Reel in his shaking hands, his face screwed in pain and desperation. "You don't have to do this anymore." He swallowed, gathering his strength. "It's— you— hold on." He paused, eyebrows drawn together, and the pain abruptly dropped from his expression. "You don't have to be this anymore. Ugh, damn it." 
Joey dropped his forehead onto the inky skin of the beast's claw, which ceased its movement, now rigid and unalive. "Cut!" he shouted, voice muffled in the synthetic substance.
"Forgot your line again, Joey?" Henry called from the ground, amid a flurry of groans and sighs.
"It's not my fault this part of the script is so dialogue heavy!" Joey retorted, spreading his arms as the animatronic hand slowly lowered him to the ground. "And so passionate! It takes a lot of effort to pull it all together into something believable!"
"You don't have to tell me that," Henry chuckled, coming forward to help Joey readjust his outfit. "You're preaching to the choir, here."
"How was my line?" Audrey asked from her spot off-screen, microphone in front of her and the script in her hands. "Was it alright? I've never done a voice-over before."
"Maybe ease off on the sobbing," Ben said, the echoing filter now turned off on his mic. He leaned back in his chair across from her, crossing his legs. "At least while speaking. The pause in between the two sentences would be a better spot."
"You were great, Audrey," Henry assured her, straightening Joey's tie. "Besides, you'll have plenty of time to practice since Joey keeps stumbling."
"You can only say that because you have only one big speech. I have three!" Joey grumbled.
"And he was also the main character of the last movie," Ben snarked, grinning. "Give it a rest, Joey. Say your lines right."
"Says the person who doesn't have to give any expressions," Joey retorted. "You just say stuff and Bill or Mike does all the acting!"
Ben's expression darkened. "Uh-huh. So you're saying you'd be perfectly fit to be the voice for the Ink Demon?"
"I bet it'd be easier than Mr. Drew, by all means!" Joey huffed, crossing his arms.
"Guys, c'mon," Audrey cut in before Ben could stand up. "We all have our strengths. Let's all chill out, okay?"
"How about you nail your lines before you start going after Ben's, eh?" Henry added, patting Joey on the back.
"Places!" the director yelled, and Henry walked off set as Joey reassumed his position and the animatronic handlers moved Beast Bendy back to its mark.
"You sure you don't want to head out until you're needed?" Audrey asked—not for the first time—as Henry settled into a chair beside her and Ben. "Must be boring, watching all the action instead of being part of it."
"Are you kidding?" Henry said, grinning at her. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
"Sentimental old man," Ben remarked, startling a laugh out of Audrey.
Henry sighed with a smile. "I suppose you're not far off the mark." He turned back to the set as the second assistant camera came forward with the clapper.
"And… action!"
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Would you mind sharing what you found unsatisfying about iwtv's take on memory?
I mean I’m a huge AMC Interview With The Vampire hater, I think it’s poorly paced, poorly written (the misogyny…), has zero real thematic coherence, and actively works to dupe its audience into respecting it with like a string of soapy surface level entertaining stuff happening and dressing it all up to sound much smarter than it is. I will be seated for season three
But my plethora of issues with the show notwithstanding, focusing on the memory thing, I feel it is employed most often to strip Louis of agency and sideline him in his own narrative. On top of that, I feel like it just doesn’t really go anywhere.
IWTV is about collecting the closest to objective record of events as possible. As the series progresses, it becomes clear that this is the way Louis is trying to take some agency back for himself against Armand. This could be really poignant and interesting, but in practice it turns more into a narrative game of team Lestat vs team Armand with Louis himself as collateral— which is strongly exacerbated by how Daniel (and other characters) mock him for being in abusive relationships.
A standout example of this is from season one, when it comes to Louis’ involvement in Lestat’s death, and how his misremembering is treated like a gotcha.
In the book, Louis chooses not to involve himself, which is why Claudia is forced to carry it out herself. Once Louis does learn, he has the choice to save Lestat or side with Claudia. So when he grudgingly sides with Claudia, the entire plot is shaped by it. At a surface level, Louis reads like a rather passive character, but he has a lot of narrative agency. Nothing would turn out the way it does without his choices, even if that choice is frequently one of inaction, or simply an internal, emotional one.
In the show he’s nominally very involved in Lestat’s death, but we keep being told he doesn’t have the stomach for it. That he’s too weak to go through with it and not idk drown in Lestat or whatever— which again, is something the narrative framing belittles. Then it’s revealed that Claudia hid the real plan from him and poisoned Lestat separately. She was the only architect of his death all along because she knew Louis could not be trusted.
Then the misremembering comes in: Louis supposedly delivers the final killing blow— but suddenly it is uncovered that he was actually letting the poison drain out of Lestat’s body. And that he actually refused to burn the corpse to give him a chance to recover. This information isn’t actually centered on Louis and his feelings though, Daniel has to be there to call bullshit on Louis’ (implicitly Armand’s) version of events. And then season two even goes so far to confirm that Lestat couldn’t have died by fire anyway, because he has the blood of Akasha. Saving him from the incinerator didn’t even change anything!
So Louis was only superficially more enmeshed in the events shaping the plot, to then be separated from it entirely. Meanwhile there’s very little narrative interest in what it actually means to him, to have believed and felt a certain way about a very pivotal moment in his history, and to have had that entirely upended. Louis’ experiences and interiority, what he is going through beyond searching for a narratively defined as impossible objective truth, don’t actually matter to the narrative.
Another example is how the show frames Louis’ recollection of the physical violence in his relationship with Lestat. In season one we get to see this really OTT physical abuse (side note: I do get the sense that the show can’t really grasp abuse that isn’t so in-your-face. There’s a supposed dichotomy next to Armand’s memory wiping and manipulation but even that is taken to such an unnuanced extreme.)
It’s really gruesome, and the show seems to really enjoy showing Louis as physically fucked up as possible every chance it gets. Then season two has Louis unearth forgotten memories about how the fight actually began because Louis attacked first. How he was the aggressor all along and Lestat never even wanted to fight.
First of all, I just loathe that framing, that actually Louis just imagined being abused— even if it’s because Armand put those memories in his mind. But also the take away is that… Lestat’s not that bad actually? I guess? Especially paired with the reveal that he actually saved Louis (but … chose to let Claudia die… but we don’t care about this I guess…)
Louis remembering things incorrectly is mostly just a vehicle for a plot twist, and also often a means to just undermine him. That’s not a cogent theme! That’s not memory being a monster.
Like where is the exploration of there being nothing left of Claudia but what Louis, and her killers, remembers of her? Nowhere because the show hates her and all women. Where is any sort of conclusion about what Daniel may or may not remember after S2 Ep5? There was room for really interesting shifts in dynamic and perspective after that… where is it? They basically return to the status quo the very next episode.
What does “memory is a monster” even fucking mean in this show? Is it that it is consuming? That these characters cannot escape their pasts that have defined them? Is it that they can never be certain of their memories, even though that is really the only lens through which they can contextualize the world/their relationships/their lives beyond it?
They don’t go anywhere with any of their choices! It drives me insane! Instead they just keep repeating a single goddamn line because it sounds smart and people go nuts for it because idk vampire yaoi. It pisses me off!
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year
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Do you see my vision?
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daisyachain · 9 months
Restorative or Transformative?: Homoerotic Subtext, The Closet, and Ciphers in Pop Culture. The nature of commercial art is that it’s sometimes bad and inconsistent. Notably it’s also misogynistic. One way in which audiences try to reconcile massive plot holes or gaps in character motivation is by reading secrets or hidden information into a plot.
Commonly, male characters are interpreted as closeted gay or bisexual to reconcile the absence of women from commercial narratives with the generally stunted and poorly-written male characters that form the focus on said texts. This reading has become especially common among a non-heterosexual milieu. Rather than transforming the original text into some radically different new form, this closeted interpretation seeks to make the original text stand on its own as a story rather than a Swiss cheese of dumb writing decisions.
This interpretation only works for a specific type of pop, usually genre fiction. Any story in which tortured male leads eschew women in favour of male-male bonds (because female characters are constantly killed off, written sparsely, or written out, because the production team keeps casting their male buddies, because actors demand to keep having scenes with their bros, whatever) can become a sounder structure if you put one of them in a closet.
The gay interpretation is the natural consequence of shoddy misogynistic writing from ventures like Supernatural, Naruto, all the biggest hits. It’s also the natural consequence of more benignly misogynistic writing like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes or The Lord of the Rings, where women aren’t necessarily rejected but are simply absent from the worlds of the protagonists. When the emotional crux of the story falls on male-male interactions, this reads as romantic because society at large priorities (definitively heterosexual) romance as the pinnacle of human connection. Two forces are in conflict, the primacy of heterosexuality (read as: romance) and the primacy of men.
Anyway. All that is to say that the typical gay or bisexual reading of male characters in pop fiction comes from a very real place. But, in some places, that’s the default interpretation. Angst, insecurity, secrets, double lives, fatigue, disappointment, restrained passion, stunted personal growth, anyone living in the closet can tell you that it impacts and defines your whole life to know that you live in a way fundamentally incompatible with The Proper Way that life is structured around down to tax law and superstore prices (which assume a heterosexual nuclear family unit). Characters in fiction also tend to have personal problems because that makes them interesting and tasty.
If you’ve grown up on stories with the specific type of misogyny that can be papered over with a closeted interpretation of the male leads, carrying this interpretation over to any male character will make sense more often than not. Even a bit of angst or insecurity? Well of course that makes sense if a character is closeted.
Except that’s hurt a normal part of fiction, and sometimes the closeted interpretation takes away from the point of a character. If a male character is on another axis of marginalization, the closeted interpretation imposed by the slash reading community downplays or trivializes the effects of that marginalization in the plot by overwriting it with another type of marginalization. Alternately, sometimes a character’s heterosexuality is a part of the story. There are some sorts of critiques or investigations of misogyny or masculinity that don’t work if the character has an ‘opt out’ of the cisheteropatriarchal perspective. Not that gay/bisexual men aren’t except from misogyny, but misogyny masculinity and heterosexuality are so tightly linked that it sort of defeats the point if you interpret that character outside of heterosexuality.
All that is to say—the closet interpretation is a quick and easy spice to apply to the weaker parts of action-adventure genre fiction to make it taste better. It draws from a large enough sample of art that it’s pretty widely applicable. Because of that, it’s part of some people’s [my] default interpretation package just because the semi-dull macho show at least gets less dull if you imagine there’s a reason for there to be no girls besides simple hatred. That then forms its own problem where the interpretation that works with your average genre work gets then blanket-applied to all genre works and obscures the places where the closet interpretation doesn’t fix the work, and actually makes it less interesting.
#kelsey rambles#I’m as guilty of it as anyone.#just thinking about Johnny Storm and like. bisexual ass character. deeply bi guy. but.#what IF he’s just heterosexual. what then. wouldn’t that almost be…more interesting#if he’s Like That and not closeted? what twisty gnarled psychological torments would a good comic have to explain him#and on the other hand. that one post I saw about how miles/hobie totally misses the point that their relationship is about solidarity#spider-punk and spider-byte’s alliance with miles are the same thing and to read it as romantic erases the important part#and on a third hand. when speaking of miles’ story. the stupid fucked Bendis running joke/subtext with Ganke#to have Miles be gay would possibly take away from the messy and interesting part of his character that is being a person with nothing#to hide. a totally honest genuine straightforward kid who is forced to start a double life by an outside actor#but at the same time it’s dumb and a cop-out to throw in that much bait and that much of a genuinely charged tense friendship#and then go ‘lol jk. nothing to see here’#the other thing is the semi joke in atsv about ‘coming out’ as spider-man#the most important thing about Miles having to hide is his relatively precarious position as a black kid. he’s not afforded the leniency#that Peter Parker would expect if he got unmasked. Miles is more cautious because he is in more danger because he’s Black#so to paint that struggle with the gay brush is to disregard the character’s raison d’être. while also#using that sort of language and structure deliberately puts a gay lens over that character and ignoring that or kicking it to the side#feels a bit cheap. to borrow the look and not the substance#way too many tags and it’s past my bedtime. thesis statement is:#miles morales is a character whose history is fraught with plenty of real gay subtext and whose character struggles are entirely divorced#from any sense of gender performance. he’s subtextually bi but that’s got so little to do with his story that it feels almost wrong to read#that into him because there is so much other interesting stuff going on with him
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richdinero45 · 5 months
Please read the document if you are interested
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years
If Bendy and the Dark Revival was set in 2022, Wilson would have been that one neck beard living through his sailor OC, sliding into women's DMs and referring to them as "kitten" while roleplaying as said OC, then proceeding to wallow in rejection by photoshopping pictures of Alice Angel into his selfies while squatting in his coomcave of an art studio, thus never getting to experience a woman's touch for life.
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simpalert · 1 year
some incorrect quotes ive made
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as u can see some are dark mode some are light mode, that's cus I found out about it later
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xxautumnivyxx · 2 years
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With the new Bendy and the Ink Machine announcement, here’s a look back at my Alice Angel.
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royalreese · 1 year
Yall i need voice actors/actresses or whatever the other one is idk 🤷‍♀️
I need voice actors for my abandon studio series. I will be starting on episode one once I get the four voice actors for Emily, Gary, Josh and Carly Hopefully I can do that soon. I really want someone to be. I need this voice actors or else this series can’t go on really, I mean it not having this voice actors would be a problem. Voice actors actresses you know what I mean I also need voice actors from my other characters, so if you’d like to audition, please click the link below for my discord server.
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0mata · 2 years
Same voice actor
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sovereignspades · 1 year
Also, You forgot another Cuphead we have 83 **Yanks in Actor!Cuphead**
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bunnybuns-art · 2 years
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