#Adam is even worse. do not address him. he's not there. you aren't supposed to know
neuromantis · 4 months
i love responding to "what's your name" with "you may call me *something*" and to "what's your pronouns" with "you may use whatever you want"
i am giving you a permission to call me something. you will never know if it's my actual name probably. but you may use that.
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This is what I saw on an anti blog->
“Z doesn't ever go to London, and when Tom comes to LA, it's always for work. But let's say he comes and it's work and they hang out. Why have they been "hanging out" for nearly 5 years at this point and don't even know the basics about each other? I know more about friends I've had for only a few months than they seem to and they're supposed to be madly in love? I hate to bring up Timmy/Z, but that is a perfect example of a real relationship that exists outside of the public eye. You can tell they actually get along, and talk outside of the movie they share. They have inside jokes, and know things about each other that people who are your friends in real life would know. IDK the longer this pr sham goes on, the more and more I'm convinced that Tom and Z aren't even actually friends IRL. Like before I was like "oh, the relationship is fake, but at least they're actually friends", but with every new interview I'm like "....are they even friends?"
What is their obsession with Tim and Z? It’s weird and desperate!
I already addressed them saying her not going to London for him (not for work) being false. If they were not so stubbornly ignorant towards accepting actual information and didn’t want to stay that blind to old receipts, they would know about our actual proof (with picture) of her visiting London by herself (and we know this not just by the word of the fan in the pic but because we have proofs of Darnell, Law and Claire (from their own IG posts and stories) all being in USA at the time) for New Years’s during the first time they dated…
As for tom and Z not having any inside jokes…uhmmm, every other interview was full of inside jokes with Tom and Z.. This person doesn’t even know what an inside joke means.
As for Timmy and Z, I think antis are trolling with those comments. As I said before, Timothee didn’t even know her middle name and in one interview (Josh interview) he asked her what it is, and she said it. Then in another interview (bestie interview) he said it because he had freshly found out about it in another interview. She also didn’t know his favorite food and hesitantly guessed “I guess fries?”. And him saying her biggest celeb crush is Tom should tell antis that we have no problem with Timmy as he is not blind to facts like them. But of course they think the PR scheme made Timothee say it , lol. According to them everyone is behind this big PR plot, even Timothee . 🤪🤪😂.
To suggest Tim and Z know more each other than Tom and Z with their vast history is idiotic . I mean forget that they dated but even if one thinks they were just friends, the time they spent together in Atlanta before even filming started and time they shared during and also after the filming (which antis ignore but we have bazillion receipts of them hanging out when they were neither filming nor promoting anything) and most of those receipts have pic and video proofs and all the number of years they have known each other, etc, so to say Timmy knows her more is simply moronic. Like you have to be embarrassed to even suggest that because that opinion severely lacks logic.
So, I think that you gotta let the antis make up shit to make themselves feel better. They resemble people who experience something that they subconsciously feel is very unacceptable and unpleasant to them and they create an alter reality or an alter ego to cope with it. And antis just created this strong belief that it is all PR (no matter what T and Z do or don’t do) and that is their coping mechanism when they are adamant about not accepting the reality.
That is why I don’t care to know what antis say or write any more, because it is just so pathetic and sad to see them go down this rabbit hole they created in their minds and it will only get worse for them in the upcoming years. So, just let those sad beings be that way. T and Z thankfully ignore the hateful, negative remarks about their integrity and their relationship, so let the antis stew in their hatred and bitterness on their blogs. Like I said, they will NEVER accept reality, so you can only pity them at this point.
Therefore, please don’t bring up any anti stuff in the asks any more , because there is no point in trying to talk sense into those nonsensical people; and laughing at them or rolling eyes at them is not fun any more when you start really seeing how severely they have turned into sad beings in their deep denial and only sharing bitterness about a celeb rs. If they feel they must talk about a celeb rs, then maybe they should find a rs they enjoy and spread positive vibes towards them, as that would have been a healthier direction for their free time online rather than the negative downward spiral they are on.
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