#Adams Peak
gayaniherath · 8 months
Sri Pada/ Adam's Peak
Adams Peak, also known as Sri Pada, is a sacred mountain in Sri Lanka. The pilgrimage season begins on Poya day in December and ends on Vesak Poya in May. During this time, the mountain is lit with lights that illuminate the path.
There are six trails to reach the peak: Hatton-Nallathanni, Ratnapura-Palabaddala, Kuruwita-Erathna, Murraywatte, Mookuwatte, and Malimboda. The most popular is the Hatton-Nallathanni trail. It's the steepest but also the shortest, taking about 2-4 hours to climb.
At this time bunch of my friends decided to take the route Ratnapura- Palabaddala scene tic route to worship Sri Pada. First of all we visited to the Rathnapura Maha Saman Dewalaya to take the blessings of God Sumana Saman before we start the journey. It is a kind of ritual of Buddhists.
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Saman Dewalaya-Rathnapura
Then we bathe at a river to clean ourselves before start the journey. With the blessings of God of Saman, we started our trial in the evening. It is about 12 kilometers from Palabaddala Rajamaha Vihara to Udamalu. Also, excluding the plains and rocky descents, the steps are approximately 11250. The following milestones can be seen in the route.
Uda Pawanella
Snow limit
Kokatiya Kanda
Lihinihela Ambalam
Katukitula Bend In a knot the flag 4740
Kalugagana Start Diyabetma
Gajamansala / Gajaman Ambalam 5820
Getthampana needle stick Climbing
The top of Dharmarajagala
Haramitipana Ambalam
Galwangediya Junction
Adiyamalatenna Ambalam
Ehela Kanuwa Kade
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Sripada Mountain
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The Gang
After worshipping udamaluwa we used the same route to come back. It was a kind of tiring trial but with the enthusiastic feeling of worshipping to budhha's foot print gave us the strength. Even though we thought it as a pilgrimage, many tourists around the world come there as a mountain trial.
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rasxkolnikov · 1 year
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standing on the edge, i felt an eerie sensation, as if that deep valley were calling me to jump. It was scary; the more I looked into it, the greater the urge to jump.
Little Adam’s Peak, Ella, Sri Lanka.
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diamondpastry · 9 months
stingerban content because everyones joining the jesterban ride and i wont let them
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agentcricket-art · 2 years
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finally watched the gay sk8 anime
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misterbaritone · 5 months
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So not only are we getting the protagonist bout but we’re also getting Raian vs Jack and Hanayama vs Saw Paing?
Nigga this might be peak.
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jewelofgems · 7 months
Sneak peak of the Story beginning for my AdamsApple Swap Au story
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In other words. Fuck Lilith here
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 months
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Adam and Blue’s narration on Gansey’s thumb on lower lip nervous habit
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paintsandquests · 4 months
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When in doubt and want a painting study? Batman '66 (AKA the Dick Grayson obsession never quits)
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Chronic Illness - Christina Marie Brown / Helter Skelter (2012) / The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer / Gretel & Hansel (2020) / Pernille Augustson / Spit It Out - Softcult / Sharp Objects / All Eyes On You - Katy McAllister
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thejasontoddarchives · 8 months
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52/WW III Part One: A Call to Arms #1 (2007)
You know you’ve hit rock bottom when you’re standing naked in front of a monument meant to honor a dead version of yourself while you’re alive, holding the Nightwing suit in one hand and the pill helmet in the other
#peak male form actually#jason todd#dc#I love how nobody but Martian Manhunter really knew the brothers in blood arc had started and even then it was just a side note#because too much shit was happening in this story for that to have any bearing whatsoever at that moment#but also because Jason playing dress up isn't a big league issue it just happened to cross manhunter's radar lol#so Jason makes the decision to dress up as Nightwing and go to ny as black adam is destroying the world and the trinity is gone#he finds a group of criminals about to run off with a suitcase of cash#he gives them a mini lecture about how irresponsible it is for decorated self-important heroes like Bruce to disappear at a time like this#and how it’d also be irresponsible of him if he’d let them get away knowing they’re going to fuck shit up while the world is ending#it’s implied he killed them#then it cuts to a panel of him with the suitcase#saying that’s the easiest money he made and ‘this vigilante thing is a breeze’#as if he didn’t pretty much do the same thing to the biggest drug lords of Gotham like five minutes ago#giving them a big scare and leaving with 40% of their millions#granted he did have to guillotine a bunch of their lieutenants but he said it himself it was only 2 hrs and he got 40%#also that second part is even funnier because he says it as if vigilantism isn’t *the only thing* he’s done pretty much his whole life#like. you boosted car parts and sold them for money to dodge the foster system. then you were robin. ROBIN.#edit: phrasing
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mayanhandballcourt · 22 days
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Photographer Adam Gibson
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teecupangel · 1 year
Normally, Desmond is sent back in time to mess with things.
But what if it wasn't him?
Like, maybe Desmond couldn't go back in time himself but he could, in the split second he touched the apple, send someone else.
What if one of his ancestors went back in time? (Upon their deaths or something.)
I imagine a young Altair (who might be using a fake name) running around Italy with a tired Ezio following like a worried mother hen. (No, Claudia, he is not hovering he is just concerned) He ends up taking Altair under his wing (No, Claudia, it is not adoption.)
Or maybe Altair ends up in Bayek's time, Oh! Or Connor in Ezio's time. (Edward and Ezio would either get along badly or be too powerful if they were together in the same time period.)
These boys ruin the timeline and somehow save the world/future by simply stumbling through everything with no clue what's going on. and of course the power of friendship and really sharp blades.
Desmond and Clay are laughing their asses off in the afterlife as their ancestors destroy centuries worth of carefully calculated plans. (They might also manipulate things a little to help.)
And the time traveling ancestors for the most part, are doing the best they can in their current situation.
They are freaking the fuck out the whole time but are excellent at hiding it.
Poor Ezio.
(No, Altair, you can't kill that person because that have information we need, yes, I'm sure, Claudia don't encourage him.)
Well… How about we add some… ‘order’ to the chaos?
Desmond only had a fraction of a second to send his ancestor back in time.
And he hesitated.
He didn’t know which one to send.
Should it be Altaïr? Altaïr always felt like he would find out what to do even if he was given only minimal clues.
But Ezio was his prophet, the one he had been with the longest…
Ratonhnhaké:ton though… he deserves answers. He deserves the truth.
And when he woke up…
In that endless sea of gray…
The first word he heard were…
“’Morning. Which fucked up timeline do you want to hear first?”
Desmond sat and blinked as Clay stood before him, arms crossed with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Do you want to hear about how Edward Kenway managed to save his grandson and his grandson’s mother from the fires that should have killed her?” Clay asked before adding, “Oh… and he’s learned that his son’s a Templar by the way. At least, one of his old friends believe he’s actually Edward Kenway. If you think the Kenway Family Drama is bad when you were reliving Connor’s memories, then you gotta see the top tier drama that’s happening with Edward and Haytham right now.”
“Or maybe you want to hear about how Connor got kicked into Ezio’s time? He has no idea what’s happening but he got appointed as Federico’s combat instructor. He knows jackshit, by the way, about the tragedy that’s about to happen but, hey, at least Giovanni believes he’s an Assassin from another country or something. Oh.” Clay rubbed his chin as he added, “Connor doesn’t like how close Giovanni is with the Medici by the way. Lorenzo reminds him a bit of Washington or maybe he’s projecting, who knows?”
“Maybe you’ll like to know how your dear prophet is doing? Well, he’s doing badly in preserving the damn timeline that’s for sure. Let’s see… he got in touch with Alamut and managed to bluff his way into making them believe he’s the mentor of a destroyed Assassin branch from the crusader lands, he got the mentor’s permission to make his own branch in Levant, made a deal with said mentor to become a thorn in Al Mualim’s side and find out what he’s hiding, adopted Altaïr and even went as far as adopt Abbas because he believed he could ‘change’ things.” Clay was quiet for a moment before he added, “Oh and his branch is in the underground temple in Jerusalem so he has the Apple with him already.”
“Then there’s Altaïr.” Clay said with such… annoyance Desmond was actually afraid of what Altaïr had done. Clay rubbed the side of his forehead as he started, “See, they can only be transported into what counts as their past so we can’t have something like Altaïr being pushed into his future in Ezio’s time or something. And, since your only instruction to the Moraes was to ‘change the past’, they had to improvise with Altaïr considering he’s more or less the starting point. They had to pick another one of your ancestors who was important to your past and this world’s future so…”
“Altaïr’s been sent to the time of the Isu-Human war and his knowledge of the POEs and getting unconstrained access to the POEs at their full power… well… let’s just say…” Clay’s tone was drier than the desert as he said, “The Isus didn’t know what hit them.”
Desmond could only stare at Clay as he said.
“Soooo… which one do you want to contact first as their ‘patron’?”
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zero-skies · 9 months
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this is me if you even care
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diamondpastry · 5 months
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my bad; here you go dear slopper eat well
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iightwoodbane · 1 year
currently rereading trc and many things change but the feeling of euphoria i felt after ronan beat the shit out of adam's dad remains
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