#Addis ira
Christoph: Lance? Am I ugly? Lance: What nonsense! I'm looking at you right now, you're the most beautiful boy in the world! Lance: Father, am I ugly? Addis: Very much.
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You know what would be fun? A spin-off featuring the kings during their study days in Colde
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bitchkay · 4 months
Can i get soft Addis Ira hcs?
[Ask received Aug 26th 2023]
Ouu soft Addis is definitely a thought
Let's see
In an AU where Addis isn't y'know... that😳 and where hes actually a dad and a non corrupt king
That's actually kinda wholesome hold on--
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Soft! Addis Ira Hcs☆
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In a world where Addis dosen't blatantly call Lance a terrible son(while also actively being a a terrible father) hes... well a completely different person
Lance's daddy issues started as young as the womb cus why I find out Lance's mom was actually married to Addis- WHY TF WERE THEY LIVING IN THE DESERT?????????????????????
Unlike the other kings that are just like "oh I'm trying to protect them" "oh I'm trying to prepare them for dadadada" "oh this that and the third" bro is blatantly abusive💀💀 I'm pretty sure he knows he's shitty, he doesn't give a fuck
So an AU where... that's not the case is literally just flipping the switch, take everything bad and get rid of it🥰🥰
In an AU where Addis isn't an asshole Lance's mom would def still be alive that's for sure
Yall they can be a family yall🥰💖
Lance deserves that much
Lance deserves to have a proper family
Lance growing up not only with a dad in the home but yk actually having a home to live in--
That could've saved bro so much trauma
Addis is getting the Toji treatment yall I'm sorry💀 call this the cod equivalent of dad toji with baby megumi au💀💀
Can yall imagine Addis doting on his wife💞
Lance's mom died of a curable illness so in a AU where Addis dosen't indirectly kill her I can imagine him sitting at her bed side while shes sick, holding her hand, a little Lance on the other side sleeping next to her
Yall that's so cute
Lance is a mama boy, don't matter how good of a dad Addis can be little Lance will stick to his mama's side
Even go as far as push his dad away to have her all to himself
"She my wife." "But she's my mommy😠"
Addis and Lance are constantly fighting over his moms attention
Its actually really cute how little Lance get so possessive over his mom
*Addis giving his wife a kiss on the cheek* Lance: Daddy what are you doing!?🤬🤬 *pulls them apart* Mommy can I have a kiss too😇😇
Don't get me wrong the little guy loves both his parents but that's his mommy!!
Don't get it twisted tho, the boys out number her so where ever mischief ensues you know the Ira men have been😼
Yall do you think if they were in love they would have more kids😭💞💞
Lance would be an amazing big brother
Nah like imagine Lance's parents going up to him like hey bud you're gonna have a little brother or sister I'D CRY SO HARD😭😭
Imagine Lance w/ a little sister
I mean sure not EVERYTHING is Addis' fault but we were truely robbed, like imagine if Addis was soft and sweet and nice and Lance had a normal (as normal as a prince can get) childhood
We really could've had at least a non hostile father-son relationship and didn't it's not fair😭
Omg imagine Addis as a girl dad😭
Like that's his princess
And w/ Lance as a big brother too like THAT LITTLE GIRL WOULD BE SPOILED ASF
And shes apart of the Ira clan too, yall forgot Ira represents wrath, that girl would be tough as nails, nobody can tell her shit
She beats the shit outta some fool being disrespectful and Addis and Lance look so proud.
I guess if Addis is good the country wouldn't be in shambles--
Well the country isn't in shambles perse
But if Addis isn't actively contributing to everything bad assuming Ira has been the way it is for a long time, I'd think there's at least a foundation there for Lance to take over as king to even more steps reform the country cus that's not an easy feat and can take probably decades maybe more to achieve
Please god makes the wealth gap not so violent--
Anyway guys they're a family imagine Addis taking a young lance outside to play
Playing out in the garden, hide and seek with papa
Let's get the old man involved imagine Zeneau is with Lance right, giving him his little princely etiquette lesson and stuff and then Addis comes to grab Lance for dinner and and Lance is like DADDY and runs up to him
I'm unwell guys
We were robbed
More than that bitch slaughtered this will never happen
Yall imagine if Addis was nice
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angelicapocalypse · 1 year
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• Well Hello Your Highnesses •
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Now I'm in desperate need of fics based off of this event that they cruelly teased us with.
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magicjesuscup · 1 year
So um...
This is super old, but does anyone remember the kings April Fools stories? Does Lance’s dad remind anyone else of the goblin king (Jareth) from The Labyrinth? 
I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want...Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave.
Also, the first time I tried to spell Addis, I straight up spelled it like the shoe brand (Adidas) because that’s how I’ve been pronouncing it...I guess I can’t read. XD
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shaakyhaands · 1 year
I like how canonically the reason Lynt is considered the only one who can cut through the tension when Toa and Guy start going at each other is because “he’s so calm and kind” or something.
Whereas I— I read it as Lynt telling them to shut the fuck up because he cant fucking nap with them bickering in the background.
Canon Lynt: “guys stop 🥺🥺🥺 can’t you tell you’re scaring MC?? She doesn’t like it when you argue 😢”
My Lynt: “If y’all don’t shut the fuck up in 10 seconds or less, I’m gonna show you wrath that’ll make Addis Ira look like a little piss baby.”
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norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
Court of Darkness / Makai Nightmare
- Aesthetics 2/4 -
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Crown Prince Toa of Quelsum
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Knight Taylor Bantock of Quelsum
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Dewi Bantock of Quelsum
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Princess Idina of Quelsum
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King Gilbert of Quelsum
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Crown Prince Fenn of Luxure
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Violet Muller of Luxure
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King Louis-Ernest of Luxure
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Prince Kieran of Luxure
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atomsminecraft · 5 months
Louis-earnest and Addis really had the balls to call their son’s cowards after they (unknowingly) left for earth
If I was MC(I wouldn’t actually say this I’m being dramatic) and I heard about that, I would passively aggressively say “It’s so nice knowing all of you had faith in your sons. It would have been a shame if any of you assumed they were cowards and spread that across your kingdoms. Don’t you agree king Luxure and king Ira? Don’t you agree that your son’s did an amazing job and will come back to their kingdoms not seen as cowards? Cuz that would be a really big misunderstanding, wouldn’t it king Luxure and king Ira? The misunderstanding would have to be fixed before they all came back, right? Don’t you two agree?”
Just passive aggressive staring those two in the eyes
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mairablue · 9 months
Tauxolouve: * shocked after seeing a certain man named Addis Ira* ...
Aigonorus: Yep that guy looks like you. * smiling *
MC: *talking to her boss on the phone* Sorry i can't come to office tomorrow.
MC: *Making a mental PowerPoint presentation to comfort her boyfriend later*
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after-witch · 1 year
Anon who asked for book recommendations here. I like both fantasy and horror mainly, I think sci-fi is also one of my favorite genres. So anything along those lines is good!
awesome awesome!
I'll throw out some recs!
Small Spaces Quartet by Katherine Arden (at least the first book for sure)
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones
IT by Stephen King
The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Wicked by Gregory Maguire
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Prince Ombra by Roderick MacLeish 
quick note--if you go for Prince Ombra, make sure are not reading the 2002 reprint with the gold cover from Starscape; this version is censored/abridged and basically ruined the story.
This version, which is still in print, is NOT what you want:
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Go for the older print editions from the 1980s or maybe 90s too. Just not this above edition. No.
The book contains (non-graphic) child sexual abuse, violence/death, and other heavy themes. This 2002 edition was like ‘oh well let’s take out massive chunks of the story related to anything remotely dark so we can market it to modern young readers, rendering the story nonsensical in the process.’
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fingerless-glovez · 9 months
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• Lives in the forest outside of Tristitas Town
• Very rarely goes into town
• Everyone between Tristitas Town and Akedia City is so worried about him
• The only people who can actually find him are Jay, Lou, and, to his annoyance, Tino
• His partner Pokémon is Linos the Snivy
• Has an army of Morelull, Paras, Foongus, Shiinotic, Parasect and Amoonguss at his beck and call
• Due to their propensity to put people to sleep and suck out their life force, Dia usually patrols the forest to make sure nobody dies
• He then drags them back out and slips a note in their pocket that says something along of "Do not go back in this forest. You almost died. I don't want to drag you out again. You're really heavy."
• Decided to run away after finding Meloetta
• Was already being exploited for his singing voice by his parental guardian, but when he found the mythical Pokémon collapsed in his backyard, he knew it'd be bad for both of them if she found out
• He was at the age where he could start a Pokémon journey anyway, so no one really questioned it when a 10 year old kid ran past them
• Especially not the mysterious man who first found him in the forest and gave him his starter
• Lives in the desert outside of Ira City
• His house is at the top of a mountain surrounded by a sandstorm that requires safety goggles to get to
• Uses Gogoat to get up the mountain itself
• Will not go into the city if he knows Addis is there
• His partner Pokémon is Gruscha the Lycanroc
• Gogoat was given to him by Zeneau
• His name is Zeneau Jr., but Lance usually just calls him Zen
• Best friends with Gym Leader Hawke
• Found Christoph and Absol hiding in the cave at the bottom of the mountain
• Christoph is being pursued by the token Evil Team, and Absol refuses to leave his side
• After a bit of negotiation, Lance eventually convinced them to move into his house
• Everyone thinks Lance has a girlfriend because of all the extra groceries he buys now, and he's just like "... no."
• Left Ira City because of daddy issues
• Seriously, Addis isn't even a part of the Evil Team. Dude IS an Evil Team
• Addis is an Elite Four member trying to become Champion so he can basically take over the entire region. He wanted Lance to do it with with him (à la Darth Vader style), but for those of you who know Lance's backstory, you can probably guess why Lance said "fuck no" and dipped
• It wouldn't have upset Addis too much if Lance hadn't stolen his fossil revival machine before disappearing. It's Rotom powered now
• Lives in Akedia City
• Works at the Akedia City Gym as Lynt’s assistant
• And by assistant, I mean babysitter
• It's not uncommon to see him running around town and diving into bushes looking for him
• His partner Pokémon is Audino
• She usually finds Lynt first due to her amazing hearing
• Tino accidentally hurts her ears sometimes, but she forgives him because she knows he can't help it when he's stressed
• Self-appointed therapy Pokémon. Is always there when Tino's feeling sad
• When he's not running around having a prolonged panic attack or refereeing Gym battles, he can usually be found running the Gym's café
• Fidough is the café's mascot/sous chef
• Audino helps the waitresses
• They all have an adorable working relationship
• It's a very popular place because the workers are just so damn wholesome
• Sometimes he has to run some late errands, and he's managed to befriend the local Gengar that likes to scare people walking around at night
• Tino hasn't actually caught him, but he usually hangs out in his shadow wherever he goes
• Gengar's far from the only mischievous ghost Pokémon haunting the streets, but he's established himself as the scariest
• But Tino is off limits
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
Court of Darkness Character Analysis - Lance Ira
Lance: The Prince of Ember and Flame
Sin: Wrath
Story Tropes Represented: Bad boy with a good heart; lone wolf; misunderstood loner; parent loss
Folks who might be interested? @aide-falls @abugwritesstuff @shinonometrash @sallylovessweets @jaysquid @voltagefandomproject @marsipanic
Book one Lance spoilers below. Also, this is just my interpretation/analysis for Lance. It may differ from yours—let me know your thoughts!
Any direct quotes from Lance’s book one or events are in italics. 
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Analysis: Lance is hot. Really hot.
Analysis complete. 
OK, jokes aside…who is Lance—a lone wolf, a resentful prince, a truant who scares most people away? 
At his core, Lance is man defined by loss—his mother, his best friend Lutz, the freedom to live the life he wants—and the accompanying anger that comes with it. Lance does not exhibit the classic physical signs of anger—flailing fists, face turning red, punching walls. He will not turn wild with rage in most circumstances. Lance would not want to give his father the pleasure of his anger manifesting like this. These overt signs of wrath are a reminder of Ira’s ancient magic that Lance despises so much. Instead, Lance’s wrath is internal, directed at himself. 
When we first meet Lance in his book one, loss and grief consume him—he blames himself for not noticing his mother’s illness, for Lutz taking the fatal blow from the automata meant for him. This grief keeps him stuck, idling in frustration and resentment. The deaths of his mother and best friend burn like embers within the ashes of hate he has for Ira. Those embers smolder, burning just as bright as the fire that created them. When Lance encounters Lutz’s brother on Colde, he is confronted by the past he runs from. He says to himself: What have I done these many years? Why have I burned with such loathing and frustration? And for what? To what end?  
Of the seven Saligian princes, Lance is the most resentful of his royal status. He describes that status, of [being] bound by the kingdom of your birth… [as] a heap of unicorn dung…shackled to a specific path. He was born a commoner, grew up in humble circumstances, unaware of his royal blood for years. His father, King Addis, is not in his life until his mother passes and Lance is old enough to be a useful tool. Lance has no patience for governmental intrigues, being a political pawn, or becoming a symbol of his country; he makes these thoughts painfully transparent to those around him. It is perhaps why Lance has the most modern sensibilities of all the princes. His value of individualism (for himself and others that seek it) is at odds with monarchy at large.  
Lance is a fierce protector of freedom. Every prince but Lance has a familiar—an animal with a dependent bond with that prince, bound to him by servile magic. Lance has a wolf companion—Grushia—whom he is close with through a natural bond, one without magic. They are free to leave when they choose, but both remain close to the other. It is that freedom of choice that makes their bond strong.
In Lance’s book one, when he brings food and supplies to the boy Christop (instead of going to class), he remarks to himself:
There are more important things in this world than learning how to be a king. For now, I’d rather focus on protecting those bound by their circumstances in life. 
Lance himself appears listless and reckless but is purposeful with his intentions for those he cares for. When watching over Christoph in his book one, Lance thinks—There’s no such thing as too careful when it comes to Chris; I don’t wish for him to become as I have. He ought to live as he likes, not be imprisoned because of how he came to be. He is someone who will defend those with limited choices who cannot defend themselves (Christop being pursued by Irithium), or those who do not have an advocate in their corner (Iran people living in the countryside). Academy lessons with Lou and political showboating with King Addis have little purpose to Lance—practical experience, meaningful connections with people, will show Lance the value of being a future king.  
There are Saligian princes like Guy that are princes for their kingdom—for Guy, what is best for Avari is best for everyone; individuals can be sacrificed for the good of the country. Lance is a prince of the people—further, he is of the people. While princes like Roy and Rio make a conscious effort to listen to and understand their subjects, Lance has directly experienced the life of a commoner, having lived their everyday plight. 
Lance will not be a king for the kingdom and the nobility running it. He scorns Iran politics for prioritizing military might over advancements in healing and helping Iran’s rural communities, resulting in the deaths of his loved ones. This hatred is so strong that it burns beyond recognition. In the Unbreakable event story, Lance describes his feelings towards Ira, and the entire military megalomaniac foundation upon which the country is built on, as so consuming that he’d burned himself to cinders out of concern for his country—all that is left is sympathy for the people that remain in Ira and the memories of those that he has lost. In his book one, Lance’s anger at Ira is equally powerful—One by one this kingdom called Ira has stolen everything important to me. What else must it take from me before it’s satisfied.   
But, just as fire can burn and overwhelm, it can also provide warmth and light the way. The individuals who have been closest to Lance in his life—his mother, Lutz, Christop, MC, Zenu—he describes as sources of optimism and warmth. Lots of light imagery is used to describe these people within Lance’s book one and various event stories. The MC reminds Lance of his mother—a woman who’s smile is comforting like a nap taken beneath the dappled sunlight of a forest; in Lance’s Magic ending, he describes MC as ethereally beautiful and so, so bright; while alive, Lutz was like the sun in miniature.
Lance turned away from sources of light after his mother’s and Lutz’s deaths—to invite light was to invite heartbreak and darkness if that light were taken away. But, his relationship with the MC changes that perspective.
The MC is relentless in her spirit and optimism—tragedy, difficulties, failures do not stop her; they fuel her drive to succeed. This approach is fundamentally different to how Lance has, up until meeting her, approached life for many years. And given their shared background—the loss of a parent, being forced to remain on Colde—it gives Lance pause. Lance cannot easily dismiss the MC given their shared experiences.   
When Lance is with the MC, his memories of his mother and Lutz become more positive. He describes their memories, in one event, as points of light, carrying hope that there is good left in his kingdom. While their memories still provoke anger, they also serve as fuel steeling Lance’s resolve, lighting his path, carrying him to conviction to change Ira for their sake.   
The MC provides a balm to Lance’s soul, an energy that nurtures, encourages, and empowers. She guides Lance forward, a steady bright presence that urges him to think beyond his past and into the future. The MC and Lance have among the most egalitarian relationships in the game—they describe each other as accomplices, partners, compatriots. They seek one another’s company equally, being open and transparent about their feelings, whether good or bad. This equality happens, in part, because Lance gets to know MC as a person before he knows of her powers. More than any other consort path, Lance allows for MC to truly grieve for the loss of her parents—Lance understands that the death of a beloved parent is not something easily forgotten or dismissed; it lingers, festers, unless that grief is expressed. 
When Lance is with the MC, a different fire consumes him. He describes his love her for as an ever growing thing, one where he melts at her smile, his heart burning for her, every part of him feeling as if on fire. In his magic ending, he says to love is to risk suffering; but to be loved is the great happiness there is. It is also one of the few consort book one endings (maybe the only one) where the MC is given something tangible to represent his love for her—a promise ring—perhaps an unconscious callback to the Iran quartz talisman his mother gave him as a child. Pretty words are not enough to show his love to those he cares for. He is someone who comes off as callous and cold, but probe deeper and you’ll find a man with layers of hidden kindness, a person dedicated to helping others, someone who, ultimately, becomes motivated by the memory of those he has lost. 
He is Lance—the man of ember and flame. 
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bitchkay · 1 year
Yall this mean I can fuck Addis Ira yall😈😈
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Spicy you say😈😈
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rainintheevening · 6 months
Okay, for the ask game, 3, 5, and 12 (because I'm evil >:D)
3. What tropes do you like writing about the most? (´▽`ʃƪ)
Hmmmm, what counts as a trope? Befriending the enemy. The Lost Sheep. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Friends to Life Companions. Redemption by change of life not death. Found Family.
5. One individual fun fact for each OC in the tags. ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
Oh crap, who all did I put in the tags?? I will hazard guesses, okay?
Aster-Ryn: She scratched her name into her lightsaber hilt: Aster-Ryn padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi. It's very small, and rather crooked, and hard to find if you're not looking for it, but it's there.
Squatch: Names one of his kids Enn, after the name Anakin took during his wandering years.
Eric MacDonald: Has only ever kept one watch, a Swiss Tissot his Dad gave him for his 12th birthday. He's just gotten the band expanded. It has his name and sweater number engraved on the back.
Casey Johnson: Doesn't eat mints. Even the sweet ones. Mint flavour in things like ice cream or cake or when chocolate is involved, is fine. But not actual mints.
Addie: Makes up a 'happy birthday' song, for his own 25th birthday, and it becomes popular among many of the clones. Every birthday when the others all sing it for him, he sings along quietly for himself too.
Rae-Lin Jinn (born Kenobi): Nearly drowned multiple times as a kid. Would not stay away from this one beach with a hefty riptide. Drove her big sister batty, since it was Cas-Ira's duty to look out for her.
Gajeen: Loves classical music, opera, and the like. Once dreamed of being a famous quetarra player, but then his brother died, and he inherited the role of majordomo at Caminus.
(Okay, I did go check those tags.)
12. Write another line in your WIP (rude, productive, but okay). ◔̯◔
Her smile was small and sharp and cruel.
Okay, now I need to go really write.
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Noyes (Rodrigues)
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Timothy Noyes- August 17, 1951
Patricia Lupole- July 4, 1949
Timothy and Patricia married on June 23, 1973, at ages 21 and 23. They share 4 daughters, 4 sons-in-law, 35 grandchildren, 5 grandchildren-in-law, and 6 greatgrandchildren.
1- Lisa Bethany- May 3, 1977
2- Jill Christine- November 3, 1978
3- Amy- December 17, 1979
4- Angie Renee- December 17, 1979
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Lisa Bethany Noyes- May 3, 1977
Dennis JC Moravek- January 22, 1973
Lisa and Dennis married on June 1, 1996, at ages 19 and 23. They share 6 children, 3 children-in-law, and 2 grandchildren.
1- Levi William "Will"- July 30, 1997
2- Joel Clanton Gregory
3- Darienne Celeste
4- Natalie Janine- November 2, 2002
5- Josiah Taylor- November 16, 2004
6- Uriah Baylor- November 16, 2004
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Levi married Rebecca Lynn Phillips (January 7, 2002) on December 10, 2022, at ages 25 and 20.
1- Judah- January 2024
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Darienne married Wilfredo Armando Claudio "Fredo" (November 12, 1998) on April 2, 2022. They share a daughter.
1- Valkyria- January 15, 2023
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Natalie married Milan Macura on June 10, 2023.
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Jill Christine Noyes- November 3, 1978
David Rodrigues- May 29, 1972
Jill and David married on October 4, 1997, at ages 18 and 25. They share 13 children, 2 sons-in-law, and 4 grandchildren. They are based in Ohio.
Morgan- miscarriage in 1997
1- Nurie Katelin- April 19, 1999
2- Timothy David- March 16, 2000
3- Kaylee Arlissa- July 5, 2001
4- Renee Crystine- June 18, 2002
5- Phillip Jonathan- July 22, 2003
6- Samuel Richard- November 24, 2004
7- Gabriel Victor- May 26, 2006
8- Tessie Elizabeth- July 9, 2007
9- Hannah Faith- September 30, 2008
Aaron- miscarriage in 2011
Jordan- miscarriage in 2011
10- Olivia Mercy- January 4, 2012
11- Sadie Patricia- November 27, 2013
12- Sofia Amy Julianne- July 15, 2015
13- Janessa Ruth- April 11, 2018
Reagan- miscarriage in February 2023
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Nurie married Nathan Edward Keller (April 23, 1996) on July 25, 2020, at ages 21 and 24. They share 3 children. They are based in Florida.
1- Nehemiah David- October 11, 2021
2- Newman Christian- November 16, 2022
3- Naomi Christine- July 14, 2024
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Timothy married Heidi Coverett (February 11, 2004) on September 14, 2024, at ages 24 and 20.
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Kaylee married Jonathan Daniel Hill (July 30, 2000) on November 5, 2022, at ages 21 and 22. They share a son. They are based in Ohio.
1- Gideon Daniel Hill- July 5, 2023
Samuel is courting Brianne Hessert.
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Amy Noyes- December 17, 1979
Kevin Foster
Amy and Kevin got married on May 14, 2005, when she was 25. They share 6 children. Amy was paralyzed after a car accident.
1- Gunnar- May 2006
2- Louisa "Lou"- 2008
3- Felicity- November 27, 2008
4- Addie- 2011
5- Callista "Callie"- July 2012
6- Garrett Eliel- June 13, 2014
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Angie Noyes- December 17, 1979
Jordan Thomas Hillegas
They couple shares 10 children.
1- Jocey
2- Silas
3- Preston- 2010ish
4- Henry
5- Joby
6- Azalea- January 2015
7- Amity- February 3, 2017
8- Chapman Ira Thomas- August 2018
Tory- Miscarriage in Late 2019
9- Savannah MayLee- October 8, 2020
10- Marissa- 2022/2023
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