theadhdgoblin · 4 months
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no one talks about the rage you feel when u realize that every adult in your life has failed u
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adhd-chaos-queen · 1 year
Them: "Just remove all distractions, and you'll get things done."
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candlesnuff404 · 1 year
We’re inbetween hyper fixations so we’re kinda bored and sad all the time
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May Your Hands Always Be Loud
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 5 years old— subsequently I was forced to take various high levels of stimulants, be in special ed classes, taught to have “quiet hands”, bullied for being weird, and over and over was still unable to keep up with neurotypical peers. It was suffocating.
I remember my senior year of high school, I was in alternative education. It was the one and only year I got honors, didn’t fail any classes, and it was the only year I got the accommodations I needed: being able to stim freely in class, listen to music whenever I needed to, arrive late/leave early, able to do homework in class, and whenever I struggled, my teachers checked on me.
Such simple accommodations changed my life. And it wasn’t until after 12 years of continuously failing classes, punished for being the way I am, years lost to being grounded for never being able to have good grades, so much more. I internalized that I was the problem. But I never was. It was the inaccessible world around me.
Let neurodivergent people, children especially, exist as they are. They are beautiful just as they are. May your hands always be loud.
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screechcat · 1 year
Y/n walks into the kitchen and sees Natsha leaning against the counter
Y/n mentally: Ass slapping position, must smack ass
Y/n reeling their hand back to give the most painful and life ending smack to Nat's ass
Natasha: Y/n, if you do what I know you're going to do, I will end you.
Y/n stopping with their hand still fully reeled back. Not even a second of thought later, they full force smack her ass and run laughing.
Y/n laughing maniacally: So fucking worth it!
Nat chasing after them in pain but ready to end a life.
Note: There is a theme today, I know. Don't question why cause I have no answer for you.
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venlo · 2 years
yellow guy looks exactly how understimulated adhd feels.
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omg hello please follow me ily
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thebibutterflyao3 · 15 days
James: I am completely FINE.
Regulus: Oh? How many cups do you have on your desk right now?
James: That is not—
Regulus: I cleared it last night.
James: I was thirsty! And I forgot about the other ones…
Regulus: More than three?
James: …
Regulus: More than five?
James: …
Regulus: James…it’s 9am.
James: Hold on, I’m counting!
Regulus: Right. Turn off the screens, step outside, and breathe. I’m coming home.
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pinkheartfleece · 2 years
I passive aggressively emailed my professor to make him stop ignoring my adjustment plan and then used the phrase "as a disabled student" to make him shit himself into doing it
round here we call that a
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whoopsie-do0dles · 4 months
Whoever invented light I seriously hate you
Isaac neutron or whatever you fucking cunt
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theadhdgoblin · 4 months
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ahh yes, the holy trinity
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adhd-chaos-queen · 2 years
Okay, so i have an ADHD hack, and usually these don't work for me, but this one did.
So, i saw this on TikTok. If you have multiple chores, and don't know where to start, just write them all down, and then number them.
Then roll a dice, and whatever chore that number is, do it. (And if you don't have a dice, there are thousands of apps for that.)
It makes the chores approachable.
You don't see the mountain of all chores anymore, it's just one thing. Also you don't have to think about the next thing, because you don't know what it is.
And then it's done, and you can move to the next thing the dice tells you
I just did this to clean up my room.
I put bed, couch, nightstand, desk, chair, floor etc. And hell it worked. My room is actually clean now...
Like, try this, i swear, this is amazing!
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lemondropdancer · 2 years
ADHD Study Tips
Novel Spaces
One of the biggest things that aids me in studying is a change of scenery. Although, many people suggest having a dedicated workspace for homework and studying. That isn’t the case for me because of my ADHD I need new novel spaces. Therefore I’ve created a few spaces within my home. Solely, because a lot of spaces such as cafe’s have too many distractions such as: customers in and out, constant changing noises, and unfamiliarity.
As the mini adhd coach states the need for novel things is because it provides dopamine and fuels ADHD interest based brains. Oftentimes following the dopamine can be harmful however by creating novel spaces it makes following the dopamine useful and takes advantage of it. It’s a great motivator and it’s a lot of fun to change things up.
New situations are the most motivating for those with ADHD. Each place creates a new situation. And as soon as one becomes boring you can switch to another. I tend to move from my kitchen table to my bedroom set up.
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"Notes & Coffee" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Kitchen Table Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Sofa Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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"Bedroom Set Up" by VienoR27 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Body Doubling
Another major thing that helps me focus is body doubling. Body doubling is when you have another person around doing some sort of task to help your brain focus better. For me I like to invite my coworkers who are in college over to body double or ask my boyfriend to body double with me. Additionally, body doubling is why I prefer to work at the kitchen table because my boyfriend can be cooking or cleaning while also acting as a body double. 
Body doubling can also work in public spaces. When I went to college in person rather than online I achieved body doubling in the library. It’s also possible to virtually body double. I tend to do that with friends in discord. Study with me videos on YouTube have also helped with body doubling.
Something else that helps but is often hit or miss with a lot of folks with ADHD is planners, reminders, calendars, etc. Some people forget about these lists of tasks as do I. However, I make it so obnoxious that I can’t and make sure it’s everywhere. I use a physical planner for almost everything from assignments, to-do’s, and due dates. I use my Google Calendar for major due dates as well as meetings and my work schedule. I then also use Momentum, a chrome extension for a to-do list. In addition to that I write out a schedule by the hour as well as a to-do list in order of priority.
Although mine is a bit excessive, I think having a physical as well as a digital is very helpful especially if the digital can send reminders.
Follow the Dopamine not the Priority
Despite the goal of getting things done in order of priority, sometimes it’s easier to start on the task that’ll get the dopamine flowing and get you into that flow state. More often than not doing that task and then the higher priority task is faster than sitting on the higher priority task for a lot longer because your brain simply doesn’t want to focus. Therefore, sometimes following the dopamine is the best option.
Create a Reward System
When studying for large bursts I tend to use my breaks as little reward periods. Usually because I’m studying with a coworker we devise the breaks in terms of assignment or when both of us are starting to zone out and get less productive. For us because our study sessions overlap meals we’ll do our rewards such as going and grabbing food or getting boba and things of that nature. Once it was a Target run to get supplies for a root beer float which was the following break.
Find ways to fidget that allow you to remain focused simultaneously. I tend to like to bounce my feet or chew gum. However, depending on what you’re doing you can use putty, stress balls, fidget cubes, etc.
I think this helps with restlessness and remaining calm while doing homework. I’ve also found it helps me avoid getting too overwhelmed especially if I’m behind on tasks or have procrastinated.
Use Caffeine & Sugar but WISELY
I tend to use caffeine when studying. I’m currently not medicated due to other conditions. So I use caffeine to self-medicate in a way. For this to work though you have to find the sweet spot that doesn’t make you sleepy or overly anxious. So it tends to have to be sips that are tapering out the caffeine slowly.
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