#Adley Rutschman imagine
stephstars08 · 5 months
Best Friend’s Sister
Adley Rutschman x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, Fluff and Maybe a Tiny Bit Of Angst, Mention of Cheating, Anxiety, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Summary: Adley’s best friend is his teammate Gunnar and they have been so close ever since the Orioles drafted them. They are so close that they live together so when Gunnar’s big sister comes to Maryland to visit she stays with her brother and his best friend. But right when Adley meets Y/N he instantly falls for her which makes him freak out because he knows that he’s growing feelings for not just any girl, but he’s falling for his best friend’s sister.
Word Count: 2,018
Author’s Note: Just wanted to leave a little note that this story might not be completely accurate. This story takes place last season. I’ve heard Adley and Gunnar say that they have lived together multiple times. I don’t know if they just lived together when Gunnar first got called up or not and I don’t know if they live together now. They definitely live together during spring training but again this story takes place last season where I believed they were still living together during the regular season!
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Adley is the star catcher for the Baltimore Orioles and his best friend is his teammate Gunnar Henderson who is the Orioles star in the in field and is also a star with his bat as well. Adley and Gunnar were both drafted by the team in 2019. Adley was drafted number one overall after is record breaking season at Oregon State University. The team ended the season with a National Championship. Gunnar was drafted right out of high school.
The boys became close through the minor leagues all the way up to the major leagues. Adley made his major league debut in May 2022 and Gunnar made his major league debut the same year in September.
People noticed the close bond between the two players that people were saying that Gunnar is Adley’s sidekick. Both boys have admitted that they are very close and have said that the main reason why they are so close is because they live together in a contemporary style house.
The Orioles just ended the day with another win. The team has a day off tomorrow before they start another series back at home. The team is currently in Boston getting ready to leave Fenway for the airport back to Maryland.
The team was in the visitor’s locker room gathering their stuff up to head outside to the bus. Adley was putting on his sneakers when Gunnar approached him. “Remember my big sister, is coming tomorrow morning.” Gunnar said reminding him.
A couple months ago Gunnar’s sister who is just a couple years older than him told him that she will be coming to visit him from their home town in Alabama. Gunnar asked Adley if it was okay if Y/N can stay in their guest room while she’s in town which Adley told him it wasn’t a problem at all. Y/N is the only person in Gunnar’s family that Adley hasn’t met yet. Gunnar has told Adley how amazing Y/N is and how close they are with one another. Gunnar is very excited to see Y/N since when Gunnar is playing baseball he doesn’t see Y/N a lot since she’s busy with her career. Y/N just broke up with her boyfriend of one year so she felt like she needed to get away so why not visit her baby bro.
“Right, thanks for reminding me.” Adley told Gunnar as he tied the laces to his left shoe. “How long is she staying with us again?” Adley asked him in a curious tone as he put on his right shoe. “A week and a half.” Gunnar answered him.
“You’re going to love her. She’s like the girl version of me.” Gunnar told him. “Okay so I’m basically going to be living another you.” Adley said as he stood up after tying his right shoe. “Can’t wait.” Adley added in a teasing tone as he playfully rolled his eyes. “Hey! I’m a good roommate!” Gunnar said defending himself as Adley picked up his bags that had him equipment and uniform in. “Whatever you say.” Adley said still teasing his best friend as he made his way out of the locker room. Gunnar rolled his eyes and followed him. He knows that Adley’s just messing with him like he always does. Adley sees Gunnar as a little brother.
It was the next morning and Adley was awoken by music playing downstairs. Adley let out a big groan as he got out of his comfy bed. He was planning on sleeping in since the team had a long day yesterday but obviously that’s not going to happen. Adley walked out of his room and stomped downstairs to the living room. He heard the music coming from the kitchen so he made his way towards the kitchen.
“Gunnar will you turn down the-“ Adley started to say in a snappy and annoyed tone but stopped himself when he saw that the person in the kitchen wasn’t Gunnar. Adley right away knew that it was Y/N since she looked similar to Gunnar. Y/N stopped mixing the pancake mix that was in the bowl and paused the music that was playing on her phone.
“Shit! You’re not Gunnar.” Adley said as his cheeks turned a rosy red in embarrassment. “No, but people do say that I do look like the girl version of him.” Y/N told him with a giggle. “I’m Y/N.” Y/N added introducing herself with a kind smile. “I’m Adley but you probably know that so why am I telling you something that you already know.” Adley said cursing at himself in his head. Y/N let out another giggle which made Adley’s heart skip a beat. “It’s okay.” Y/N reassured him.
“Sorry for barging in here like that.” Adley apologized. “You don’t have to apologize.” Y/N told him. “I’m sorry about the music. Gunnar kept turning it up.” Y/N apologized. “It’s okay. This ain’t the first time I’ve been woken up by Gunnar’s music.” Adley told her with a small sigh. “Yeah, as much as I love my little bro he can sometimes be hard to live with.” Y/N told him which made Adley let out a small laugh.
“Do you want some pancakes?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone as she walked over to the stove carring the bowl that had the pancake batter in. “Sure.” Adley said with a nod. Y/N gave him a small smile and started to pour some of the batter into the big pan with a spoon. As Y/N cooked the pancakes Adley walked over to the kitchen island and took a seat down onto one of the chairs. As she cooked Adley would glance over at her. He didn’t notice that he was just staring at her till Gunnar walked in caring a grocery bag that has a carton of milk in it.
“I’m back.” Gunnar said. “Hey sleepy head.” Gunnar said walking over to Adley and roughing up his messy brunette hair with his empty hand. Adley rolled his eyes as he pushed Gunnar’s arm away. “I hope my annoying sister didn’t bother you while I was gone.” Gunnar said in a teasing tone. “Oh shut up and put the milk in the fridge.” Y/N told him in a stern tone. “Geez so mean.” Gunnar said pulling the milk out of the bag and walked over to the fridge. Y/N rolled her eyes as Gunnar opened the fridge and put the milk in it.
After Y/N finished making enough pancakes for herself and the boys they sat down at kitchen island together. As they ate Y/N and Gunnar told Adley stories about them growing up together. Adley also got to know Y/N as well.
As the days passed and the more Adley has gotten to know Y/N he’s realized that he is falling for Y/N. And he knows that he’s not just falling for any girl, no! He’s falling for his best friend’s sister. He’s falling for Gunnar’s older sister.
When Adley’s around Y/N he just can’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach. When they lock eyes Adley feels his heart rate speed up. He loves hearing her talk with her southern Alabama accent that matches Gunnar’s.
Adley knows that he’s falling head over heels for her and some times he feels like she feels the same way but sometimes he thinks that it’s all in his head. But that’s not his biggest worry. His biggest worry is what Gunnar will think. Would he freak out if he finds out that his best friend likes his sister? Even though Y/N is the older sibling he can tell that Gunnar is very over protective of her. Adley wants to tell Gunnar about what he’s been feeling but he’s worried about what his reaction would be.
It was a Saturday night and the Orioles had an early game win so to celebrate some players game to Adley and Gunnar’s house. Y/N sat in the backyard with her brother and his teammates. Since there was a fire pit in the backyard Gunnar put some firewood in the pit and started a bomb fire so everyone sat around the fire just having some drinks and talked. As time passed some guys left one by one. Once the last teammate left Gunnar called it a night for himself since he was exhausted so he went inside to his room leaving Y/N and Adley alone by the bomb fire.
There was a comfortable silence between the two till Y/N broke it. “I enjoyed watching you play. You sure know how to put on a damn good show.” Y/N told him which made Adley blush. He was hoping that Y/N didn’t notice. “Thanks.” Adley said with a smile. “I’m glad I took this trip. Really has helped me get my mind a reset.” Y/N told him. “Gunnar told me that you recently just got out of a relationship.” Adley said in a soft voice. “Yeah.” Y/N said with a small nod.
“What happened?” Adley asked in a curious tone. “If you don’t mind me asking.” Adley quickly added. “It’s okay. You’re good.” Y/N reassured him which made him relax. “It all started two months ago when my ex boyfriend kept accusing me of cheating on which I wasn’t and just after we celebrated our one year anniversary I caught him in bed with a girl who was at the time a good friend to me.” Y/N told him which broke his heart to hear. “Damn. That’s fucked up.” Adley said with a hint of anger in his voice. “Turns out he had been cheating on me for months and was just accusing me of cheating so I would break up with him.” Y/N said with a heavy sigh as she stared down at her hands that were resting on her lap. “What a dick move.” Adley said in disgust. “It was a fucking cowardly move.” Y/N added with another sigh.
“You don’t need people like that in your life.” Adley told her. “They didn’t deserve to have you in their life. Especially that douchebag.” Adley added which made her look up at him. “Really?” Y/N asked him. “Y/N, you are a beautiful and an amazing girl.” Adley started to tell her as they locked eyes. “The perfect guy is out there for you. He’s waiting for you and he’s going to make you forget all about that asshole.” Adley told her with a warm smile. “Thanks Adley, I’ll remember that.” Y/N said returning the smile.
Adley knew that he was talking about himself being the guy but he was wondering if Y/N knew that he was the one he was talking about.
Ever since that night by the bomb fire Adley and Y/N have become so close that for the rest of her visit she always wanted to be around him and just talking to him. It made both of them sad when Y/N had to leave to go back to Alabama. Before Y/N got on her plane she promised that she’ll keep in touch with him.
Gunnar was driving his car with Adley in the passenger seat driving his car back to their house. “You have a feelings for Y/N, don’t you?” Gunnar asked him which took Adley by surprise. He didn’t know what to say so he just stayed quiet. “It’s okay if you do.” Gunnar told him with a reassuring smile which made Adley’s nerves relax. “Yeah, she’s just everything that I look for in a girl.” Adley told him. It felt so good for him to finally say this out loud to someone.
“I know my sister better than anyone so I know that she definitely feels the same way.” Gunnar told him giving him a quick glance. “But just because I’m your best friend doesn’t mean that I won’t kick your ass if you break her heart.” Gunnar added in a stern tone. Adley let out a small laugh. He knew that was coming. “You have my word cowboy.” Adley said looking at him. Gunnar couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Adley’s nickname he gave him.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
You’re Sick - Adley Rutschman
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“Ya know, I really think you should stay home.” You said as you watched him pace around your shared house for the next month, blowing his nose as he tried to be able to breathe. You had decided to come to Florida with him during ST, only for him to wind up sick.
“It’s spring training babe. I can’t.” He said before he let out a loud cough, “I need to be there- I really don’t have a choice. Catchers and pitchers are required to report today.”
“But they’ll understand if you’re sick Adley. You can’t risk getting others sick.”
“I’m going, babe.” He said as he walked over to give you a kiss.
“Nope.” You took a step back, holding your hand up, “You might get them sick, but you’re sure as hell not getting me sick.” You pointed out, “I’m disinfecting the hell out of this place once you leave.”
Adley rolled his eyes at you as he sarcastically blew you an air kiss before grabbing his bag to head to the ballpark.
“Love you!” He hollered from behind him before letting out a cough and a series of sneezes.
“Love you more sneezy.” You called back, him flipping you off as he shut the front door behind him.
“Yeah he’s getting sent home.” You muttered to yourself as you heard his car start up before you quickly grabbed the Lysol wipes, ready to wipe down every he had touched in the last 24 hours.
“My torso isn’t exactly a pillow you know.” Was the first thing that came out of your mouth the moment he got home and basically had you pinned to the couch, his arms tightly around your waist.
“I don’t care.” He murmured into your waist, “I don’t feel good and you’re comfortable.”
“I hate to say it-” you grinned down at him.
“Then don’t.” He lifted his head slightly, his eyes pleading as you laughed.
“-but I told you so.” You chuckled, “i told you they’d send you home. You’re not fit to play right now.”
“That’s what they said too.” He groaned into your hip bone as your hand tangled in his hair causing him to let out a content sigh.
“Just get some rest.” You said, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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lifeofpriya · 2 years
Surprise...? - Adley Rutschman imagine
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[gif credit goes to @eyeblackriley]
summary: someone special to adley surprises him for his birthday...
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"Adley's going to love this surprise," Josie couldn't help but giggle to herself as she ushered you into the house. "He stepped out for the moment, but trust me, I think he's going to burst into tears when he sees you...He misses you that much, Y/N."
Originally, you were going to miss your boyfriend's birthday party on the account that you are a student at a college almost halfway across the country and he was back in Oregon, where he was spending the offseason with his family...or so you thought until Josie, Adley's sister, messaged you one night and talked about how much he was missing you and how sulky he was to the point she couldn't bear seeing him so immediately after the conversation, you booked a flight to Eugene and planned to spend a few days with him and his family before you had to return.
"Y/N, honey, you made it!" A giant grin lit up Mama Rutschman's face as soon as she saw you; bringing you into a warm embrace. "It's so good to see you again."
You couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle and hug her back, "it's great to see you too, Mama Rutschman," you quietly whispered while pulling away from the hug.
"I think Adley and his father are coming back in a few minutes," Mama Rutschman soon spoke after glancing at the wall clock across the room. "We need to act quickly before the cat's out of the bag!"
You knew what she was getting at, so you nodded your head and smiled at the ladies standing in front of you. "I'll go unpack my stuff and get freshened up for the party; Josie, send me the signal when it's time for the grand reveal."
"Aye, aye, captain," Josie jokingly winked at you and gave you a playful salute.
"Why do I feel like something's going to happen?" Adley couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at his family as they gathered around in the dining room. He glanced at his sister for a moment, who offered him no help but a simple shrug.
Then he glanced at his parents, who also feigned innocence and pretended to ignore the question.
There was definitely something going on. And Adley wanted to get to the bottom of it.
While Adley appeared to be lost in his thoughts for what appeared to be a few moments, Josie jumped at the opportunity to send you the all-clear signal.
"Thank god, my knees were starting to cry," you mumbled under your breath while standing up from your crouched position behind the kitchen counter island. You then held onto the small round birthday cake in your hands with a firm grip, "well, here goes nothing."
Quietly humming to yourself, you sauntered into the dining room, where an unsuspecting Adley awaited your presence. Well, needless to say, your surprise plan was almost perfect...until you stumbled on your feet and the cake flew from your hands and onto his face.
Josie and her parents couldn't stifle their giggles as they watched Adley try to wipe the buttercream frosting from his face.
As soon as he got the frosting out of his eyes, he couldn't help but stare at you with a sly smirk.
"Surprise...?" It was all you could muster out while staring at him with a sheepish grin.
tag list: @ethancale
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slothmeters · 1 year
hii!! i was wondering if you would write a adley rutschman imagine?? maybe they confess their feelings towards one another? (best friends to lovers??) if so - thank you!!!
Do best friends do what we do? - Adley Rutschman
w/c- 2066
warnings- cursing (literally like one word), implied smut towards the end, self-deprecating talks
while I was writing this I got a little carried away and decided to put things that were important to me. Being able to love yourself and see yourself as you do other people is something that I will forever want everyone to experience. I struggle with self-hate, and I have recently started to not compare myself to others because you never know what they have done to look the way that they do. They could also be hating themselves. What I'm trying to say is basically, always love yourself no matter what. You are strong and beautiful always and forever. <3
Thank you for the request!!
Being a star baseball player with a hot best friend was difficult.
Especially difficult when you’ve been in love with her for years.
Today was like any other off-day for me. I was hanging out with my best friend y/n, rewatching Peaky Blinders, and eating Chinese takeout. She had her eyes fixated on John Shelby, who she thought was so hot. Having her look at someone else made me jealous.
“Hey y/n, would you wanna go to dinner with me tomorrow? My parents are coming to town and I want you to come with me.”
The words didn’t completely fall out of my mouth before she agreed.
“Oh my gosh yes! You don’t even have to ask! I love your parents! How long are they gonna be here for?”
God, she’s perfect. I love her.
“They’re just going to be here for the weekend. My dad has a conference in the city, so they wanted to stop in and catch up with me”
The rays of the golden hour came through the curtains to cast a brightening light on y/n’s beautiful face. Her prominent cheekbones, long, brown hair, and her juniper eyes. 
I could really be lost in the world of y/n l/n forever. 
“Adleyyyy! Adley Stan Rutschman I swearrr! I’ve been talking to you for the past 2 minutes what sort of daydream are you in?!”
Whoops, my bad. I didn’t mean to be gone in la la land for so long, but how could I not? She’s everything.
“What did you say y/n/n?” I replied to her, blushing mildly. 
“Is Josie coming? I miss my favorite Rutschman child.”
I slap my hand over my heart in fake hurt, “How rude ma’am. You’re not coming anymore.”
I stand up on the couch pointing my finger in the air and saying in a really bad British accent, “Madam y/n y/m/n y/l/n, you have here-on been banished from any Rutschman family gatherings on the count of the fact that yo-”
y/n also stands up and slowly starts creeping towards me.
“You will never forget this moment Mister Stinky Poopy Butt!” You will never banish me! I am the ruler of the Rutschman Kingdom Muahaha!” 
Then an idea hits me. I know what I have to do.
I tackle her onto the couch and begin tickling her.
“Nooo, I surrender Ad, I surrender!” 
Her continuous laugh is music to my ears; the most infectious thing on the planet. 
As our laughing dies down, we’re left staring at each other in a not-awkward silence. Me, kneeling in between her thighs our hands holding me from falling on top of her, just staring into each other. 
“I guess I better tell you, Josie isn’t coming, She has work. So now I guess I’m your favorite Rutschman sibling.” I said sticking out my tongue.
“You’ve always been my favorite Ads. My best friend forever.”
As the last sunlight went below the horizon, y/n laid her head on my lap, and I played with her hair, as we turned the tv to watch our comfort movie, Puss in Boots.
To be honest, I haven’t even been watching the movie. I’ve been focusing on the girl below my eyesight. 
We say that we’re best friends, but I know that best friends don’t cuddle on the couch and watch a movie that they’ve been watching together for 12 years.
 As kids, we had to take y/ns younger siblings to go see this movie, as the movie theater was just across the street from our houses. 
We ended up liking this movie just as much as the little kids. 
After that, we started having movie nights every single weekend.
She’s come to me crying over boyfriends that have mistreated her, and every single time I’ve been the one to pick up the pieces. 
She’s the one that followed me to Oregon State, and all the way out here to fucking Maryland because she didn’t want me to be alone while I was living my dream. 
There’s no way that best friends do that.
I notice the jealousy in her eyes when a girl comes up to me at the bar when we’re out with the team, but I always brush them off. She doesn’t know that it’s because of her. 
She was the first person I embraced when I found out I had been drafted first overall, she was my first phone call the night that I got too wasted with the team after my first mlb start, she’s always been a first.
The end credits of the movie started rolling when I finally came back to reality.
I felt the steady breathing of y/n under my arm, and I knew that she had fallen asleep.
When I looked at the time I realized that it was nearing 11 o’clock. 
It was too late to wake the sleeping girl up, so I brought her upstairs with me to go to bed.
She stirred a little bit as I lifted her up, “Adley?”
“Yea, I’m just bringing you up to go to bed, it’s late, and I’m not letting you drive back home.”
She just put her head back into my chest and fell right back asleep. 
Instead of turning to the guest room like I normally would, I brought her straight to my bedroom. The bed was five times comfier and the blankets fluffier. 
I knew we had some serious talking to do tomorrow.
As I tried to rest, I couldn’t stop thinking about the gorgeous girl next to me.
The nightlight that I put on that side of the room specifically for when she stayed over brought enough light to her face so I could see how peaceful she looked as she slept.
Tossing and turning, the hours felt like minutes until I finally fell asleep around four.
Waking up to the bright sunlight coming through the shade, I looked to the left of me to see if y/n was still there, and there she was, cuddled into me like a koala. 
Brushing her hair out of her face, her eyes fluttered open.
“I don’t even remember going to sleep last night.” she chuckled
She laid her head back down for a few seconds before seemingly getting the courage to get up and head to the bathroom.
As she got up, my eyes followed her. The way she stumbled in the mornings, and the way her sweatpants rolled to look like pantaloons. She was still the most beautiful thing to me.
I didn’t hear anything for a few minutes, nor did she send me anything on tik tok, and I was starting to get worried. She’s normally always a pretty loud person.
Walking towards the door, I heard soft sniffles, something that wasn’t normal.
“y/n? You ok in there?” I softly knocked on the door. 
No answer followed. 
I hesitantly opened the door with my hand covering my eyes.
“No, don’t come in, I don’t want you seeing me like this!” She sobbed loudly.
I quickly uncovered my hands to see her, on the floor with her knees up to her chest. 
She had nothing on but her sports bra and underwear, but I didn’t care because something was making her upset. 
Her phone was face up on the tile next to her and I see that her Instagram comments pulled up. 
She had posted her Pittsburgh Eras Tour Night 1 pictures feeling that she had edited them enough. 
She had sent me the pictures so many times so I could “see which ones were social media worthy”, though I thought that all of them were.
She had spent months coordinating her outfit, just to make sure it was perfect.
Her sobs haven’t ceased, but only grew as I reached for her phone to read the comments displayed on the screen. 
‘Should you really be wearing a shirt like that?’
‘Nobody wants to see all that’
‘Everyone is definitely lying when they her pretty’
She looked up at me as I finished reading what she once had. Her green eyes were now bloodshot, once full of life, now filled with sadness that would make Eeyore flinch.
I scooped her into the tightest hug that I could muster, all while stroking her hair and telling her that it was ok over and over again.
She pulled away from the hug, picking up her phone to look at the pictures once more.
“Am I ugly Adley? I mean I know I’m not a Victoria’s Secret model, but I don’t think I’m ugly.”
“No honey, you’re not ugly. You’re the most beautiful person I know.”
“I mean I know I could lose a couple of pounds, but I’m healthy, and I do take care of myself.”
“I know, and hey, so what if you’re not a size 2? You’re beautiful, and not everyone’s body works in the same way. Those people have no idea what they’re talking about. They don’t know the real you, the you who lights up when she sees echidna puggles online, or when you see your family, or even the way your nose crinkles when you smell a pickle.”
I was close to tears now. I never knew that she was hurting. I would’ve done everything in my power to reassure her that my world revolves around her and that she is everything to me.
She smiled through her tears as she wiped the tears from my eyes.
“I love you Ad, I’m sorry that I kept this from you for so long. I promise I’ve been going to therapy to help better myself and my self-image. You never make me feel anything less than beautiful.”
Her hand flew over her mouth as she gasped.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. You can ask me to leave if you want. Just tell your parents that I got sick. You don’t have to talk to me again. I don’t know how you feel towards me but I’ve been in love with you since 2nd grade.”
I just sat there, my mouth agape as I took in everything that she said. I had spent all last night wondering how I was going to ask her out, but every single idea failed as my mind immediately turned to her rejecting me.
“Y/n, I love you too. Yesterday, when you were asking me about Josie, I didn’t hear you because I was too busy focusing on you. The way your eyes glistened in the sun, bringing out every shade of green and yellow that live in them, and the way that your hair so freaking effortlessly shines in any light. How could you not have noticed me staring at you like it was you who hung the moon and the stars?”
Our hands found their way together as we never broke eye contact. 
I forgot that we were in the middle of my bathroom floor, we could’ve been anywhere in the world and she would still be my sole focus. 
“Just kiss me Ad, I’ve waited way too long to do this.”
I pulled her into a kiss and the second our lips touched everything felt right. It felt like all of the stars aligned, as fireworks went off in my head and butterflies in my stomach. 
Our lips connecting was like the final piece in our complicated puzzle finally coming together. 
Every time we were out, we were told how cute a couple we were, I always reluctantly told them that we were just friends. Now I didn’t have to do that.
As we pulled away, our lips were red and puffy.
She let out a small giggle as she said, “Maybe I should put on clothes now unless you don't want me to and we can move this into another room?”
She slowly stood up, grabbing my hand as we both walked back through the door and into my bedroom. Making up for all of the missed time that we missed together.
I never thought that I would say that I was happy to see the love of my life, half-naked, crying on my bathroom floor, but now I can sense that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together. 
Man the things that this woman does to me.
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I am cackling.
They need to do this with soccer/footballers, American football, and baseball too. I can already think of a few that would go on each of my list. 🤣🤣🤣
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nerdrops · 18 days
no but like. imagine you’re adley rutschman and when you’re a college student, just 20, and people, usually grown ass adults are obsessing over you because you **might** be drafted onto their favorite team. you’re not even on the damn team yet. then you’re 21, and you do get drafted. and now there’s people telling you that you’re going to save an entire baseball franchise. and when you eventually get called up, all eyes are on you. and when you struggle, as all rookies do, you get called a bust. and god forbid you mess up someones parlay- you’ll get death threats and insults galore. and now you’re experiencing the first real slump of your career, and the same people that were treating you like some kind of god 2 months ago are the same people commenting on your girlfriend, on your weight, on your attitude. instead of showing a little bit of support or compassion, they’re treating you like you’re single handedly responsable for the team losing games. and people wonder why he deleted instagram 😐😐
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junker-town · 6 years
Oregon State’s late comeback forces a winner-take-all College World Series final game
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The Beavers survive for a deciding Game 3.
Oregon State took a 4-1 loss on the chin Tuesday night to Arkansas in the College World Series final round, but the Beavers battled hard out of a 3-2 hole on Wednesday night to secure a 5-3 win in Game 2. Trevor Larnach smacked a big bad homer in the top of the ninth to put the Beavs up, and from there, closer Kevin Abel mopped up the Arky side in the bottom of the frame to seal the win.
And with that, the Beavs and Hogs are headed to a deciding Game 3 on Thursday night, which will be tense.
Arkansas got up early, but that didn’t put the OmaHogs in control.
Arkansas drew first blood in the bottom of the second inning, loading the bases with two outs and plating a runner after Oregon State pitcher Bryce Fehmel hurled a wild pitch inside and low to lefty batter Jared Gates. The Razorbacks managed just the one run in the frame though, despite loading the bases a second time on the very next pitch.
Considering that the Hogs won Game 1, 4-1, runs are at a premium for Oregon State in this series, so when Arkansas took the early lead, that potentially spelled havoc for the Beavers, whose bats were virtually silenced on Tuesday. So you can imagine Beaver fans’ delight when big bat cleanup man Adley Rutschman launched a monster dinger into the left field bullpen at TD Ameritrade in the top of the fourth.
— Oregon State Baseball (@BeaverBaseball) June 28, 2018
That was the first home run of the final round. OSU came back to load the bases in the top of the next frame, which chased Arkansas starter Kacey Murphy. Murphy had up to that point pitched well, though Beaver bats were consistently hitting his offerings deep into the outfield. A one-out bunt from shortstop Cadyn Grenier, then, plated his man from third to draw the score to 2-1 OSU, but Hog reliever Kole Ramage managed to force a double play to end the frame.
BASES LOADED. SQUEEZE.@BeaverBaseball takes the lead!!! pic.twitter.com/pm9wfZPjrX
— NCAA Baseball (@NCAACWS) June 28, 2018
Arkansas plated two in the bottom of the fifth, after yet again loading the bases and working counts to move Hogs across the plate. Going into the top of the sixth, Arkansas led 3-2 and Hogs third baseman Casey Martin fielded a routine ground ball and missed his throw to put OSU’s leadoff man on first. Tyler Malone then stepped to the plate and whipped a ground ball through the 6-4 gap to move Michael Gretler over to third, but a funky bunt and tag play to follow led to a spectacular double play in the infield.
RAMAGE limits DAMAGE. It's just what he does.#CWS | @RazorbackBSB pic.twitter.com/5jNvouI0ZW
— NCAA Baseball (@NCAACWS) June 28, 2018
The score stayed locked at 3-2 Hogs in a fiery pitchers’ duel among the clubs’ bullpens, until the top of the ninth when Oregon State crossed three runs, the second and third of which came on this massive Trevor Larnach homer to right.
WHAT JUST HAPPENED pic.twitter.com/i4249Npuvr
— NCAA Baseball (@NCAACWS) June 28, 2018
And just like that, the Beavs led 5-3 headed into the bottom of the ninth. And that’s how the night ended, notwithstanding a minor threat from Arkansas’ offense in the bottom of the final frame. They batted into an impressive double play from OSU and now we’re on to Game 3.
DOUBLE PLAY. We'll see you tomorrow night!#CWS pic.twitter.com/Q8cU22Afm5
— NCAA Baseball (@NCAACWS) June 28, 2018
This series has featured old school baseball, and it’s great.
The beautiful draw of college baseball is that it consistently harkens back to the sport’s nascent form. Base-running, small-ball hitting, brainless errors, pitching changes and fielding shifts: these all combine for some of the wildest baseball every year. This series is no less different, just like last year’s final round.
What’s different from last year, though, is that we’re staring down a Game 3 situation, just like in 2016 when Coastal Carolina took Arizona to a rubber match and won narrowly. This tilt is wild and unpredictable because it’s been so low scoring. Just 13 runs have been crossed between two games. Just one home run has been hit. Arkansas scored runs in Game 1 on a hit batsman, error, and fielder’s choice. Neither clubhouse is used to this style of baseball, and it makes for quite entertaining ball.
The college boys use all of the field, and this series is proof.
0 notes
stephstars08 · 10 months
Still Proud
Adley Rutschman x Reader
Warnings: Minor Cussing, Angst, Fluff, Cheesy Ending, Adley looking at negative comments on social media, and Possible grammar errors.
Summary: After the Baltimore Orioles season ends in heartbreak against the Texas Rangers, Y/N knows how upset Adley is, so she does all she can to let her boyfriend know that no matter what happens she will always be proud of him.
Word Count: 1,678
Author’s Note: Hello Everyone!! So happy I am releasing my first Adley imagine on here!! Thank you to the ones who have requested me to write him because I’m not going to lie I am completely head over heels for him! I hope you all enjoy my first imagine of Adley and I hope I get to write more for him in the near future!
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Y/N is a photographer for the Baltimore Orioles. She takes the pictures and videos of the players and posts them on the official Orioles Instagram account. She’s also the girlfriend of the team’s star catcher Adley Rutschman. They first met in May of 2022 when Adley got called up from the minor leagues. When Y/N heard that Adley was moving up to majors she was beyond excited since she had developed a crush on the star catcher. The only time they came across each other was spring training, but they never stopped to talk to one another. When they met, they officially immediately hit it off and started to date. They just celebrated their one-year anniversary in June.
It was playoff season for the MLB, so the Orioles were so excited since it’s been years since the Orioles made the postseason, but sadly it didn’t go the way they thought it would’ve. Y/N and the team are in Texas playing the Texas Rangers. After losing the first the first two games in Baltimore they had to go to Arlington, Texas to play the third game of the five-game series. The Orioles had to win to keep their season alive, but they sadly came up short.
When the Rangers ran onto the field to celebrate their victory Y/N went down into the clubhouse since it broke her heart to see the Orioles histrionic season come to an end like this. Her heart ached for this team because she knows they worked their asses off all season to get where they are and to just get swept like this was so disappointing. Y/N felt more bad for Adley since she knows how excited he was and now she knew that all that excitement he had was now drained out of his body with disappointment. Y/N wanted to go into the dugout and comfort him, but she knew that he needed to be with his team, so she waited outside the locker room for him.
As minuets passed players and coaches started to make their way into the locker room, but no sign of Adley. Y/N hadn’t seen Gunnar yet either, so she knows Adley is probably with him, but when she saw Gunnar coming her way by himself that theory disappeared. “Gunnar!” Y/N said walking up to him. She met him halfway. “Where’s Adley?” She asked him. “He’s still sitting in the dugout.” Gunnar answered with a heavy sigh. “You should go talk to him.” He told her. “Okay.” Y/N said in a soft tone and walked past Gunnar to the dugout.
Y/N walked up the steps into the dugout to see Adley sitting by himself watching the Rangers celebrate. It crushed her to see the disappointment in Adley’s eyes, but she also saw frustration and sadness in his eyes as well. It was breaking her heart to see the guy she loves going through this. Y/N walked over to him and stood next to him. “This fucking sucks.” Adley hissed before Y/N could say anything. “I know.” Y/N said taking one of his hands and gave it a comfort squeeze. “Come on, you should be with your team.” Y/N told him. She was worried that he was going to fight with her, but he didn’t. Y/N led him to the locker room where his teammates were most likely waiting for him, so their manager can talk with them.
While Adley was with his team Y/N got all of her stuff and all of his equipment that was in the dugout. She made her way out of the stadium and to the rental car she rented from the airport. After unlocking the vehicle, she put her stuff in the backseat and then put all of Adley’s stuff into the trunk since there was more room in the trunk and his stuff takes up more room. Once she settled herself into the driver's seat, she took out her phone to send Adley a text message saying she’s sitting in the rental car with his equipment and wondered if he wanted to go back to the hotel with her instead of riding the bus back with the team. Not too long after she sent the text, he sent her back saying he’s okay riding the bus back with his team. She smiled at that since she’s happy he wants to be with the guys. She knew Gunnar is probably helping him out since they are the closest with each other. She sent him a quick text back letting him know that she’s going to grab the both of them something to eat and then she’ll be back at the hotel. She knows that they only have a couple hours till they have to get back on a plane to Baltimore, so she went quickly.
After getting the food she was worried that she wasn’t going to find a parking spot, but lucky for her there was a car backing out of a spot right in front of the hotels entrance. She parked the rental car and turned it off. She grabbed the bag of food from the passenger seat and got out of the car. She made sure the car was locked and made her way into the lobby where she ran in Gunnar.
“Hey, how was Adley on the bus?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone. “He didn’t even say a word to anyone.” Gunnar answered with a heavy sigh. “Damn, he’s really crushed.” Y/N said with sadness written all over her face. Everyone always knows when there's something going on with Adley. When he’s upset, he’s the quietest person in the room. Y/N has seen Adley get upset over a lost, but she’s never seen him this sad. But she does know that this lost is bigger than all the others.
“He really thought we were going to make it to the championship.” Gunnar told her. Y/N saw the same sadness and disappointment in Gunnar’s eyes that she saw in Adley’s. “You all did.” Y/N told him as she rubbed his shoulder in comfort. “Their’s always next year. This is just the start.” Y/N told him in a reassuring tone with a reassuring smile on her face. “Thanks Y/N. You always know how to cheer us up.” Gunnar told her with a small smile forming on his lips. Y/N isn’t just the photographer for the team, she’s also the pep talker as well. “It’s what I love to do.” Y/N told him taking her hand off his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.” Gunnar told her with a small laugh. “See you later, Gunnar.” Y/N said with a giggle and walked over to the elevator.
She pressed the up-arrow button and patiently waited for the doors to open. She was happy that she was able to make Gunnar smile and laugh a little, but she knew it was going to be a mission to cheer Adley up. When the elevator doors opened, she waited for the people that were already inside the elevator to walk out. She walked into the elevator and pressed the button that had the number five on it. As she waited for the elevator to take her up to the fifth floor, she thought about what she’s going to say to Adley.
When the doors opened to the fifth floor she walked out and made her way down the hallway to the hotel room she’s staying in with him. She grabbed the room key out of her back pocket and unlocked the door. When she walked into the hotel room, she saw her boyfriend sitting on the end of the bed scrolling on his phone. Y/N knew whatever he was looking at on his phone wasn’t good because of the look he had in his eyes. “Hey.” Y/N said closing the door and walking over to the small table to put the bag of food down and the hotel key next to the bag. Adley just stayed silent as he continued to look down at his phone. Y/N let out a heavy sigh as she sat down next to him onto the bed.
“I’m still proud of you.” Y/N told him which earned a scoff from him. “For what?” Adley said in a harsh tone as he continued to look down at his phone. “Adley, you don’t need a World Series trophy for me to be proud of you!” Y/N told him in a stern tone. “Really?” Adley said finally looking over at her. Y/N took his phone out of his hand and put it down behind them. “I know you really thought you guys were going to make it, but you guys played one hell of a season.” Y/N told him taking one of his hands like she did when they were in the dugout. “This is the best Orioles team people have seen in a long time and this is just the beginning.” She told him as she used her other hand to move some of his hair away from his forehead. “Don’t worry about what those assholes on social media. They are just trying to put you guys down. In my eyes, you will always be the best. You will always be my number one.” Y/N told him which made his lips curve into a small smile. His smile always makes her heart flutter.
“You always know what to say to cheer me up.” Adley said to her. “Just part of my job as being the best girlfriend in the world.” Y/N told him which earned her a laugh from him as she had a smile on her face as well. “And that’s why I’m the luckiest guy.” Adley said and leaned in to connect his lips with hers. Y/N smiled into the kiss as she returned it. When they released from the kiss, they rested their foreheads against each others.”I love you.” Adley said which made her heart flutter again. “I love you more.” Y/N told him. “Not possible.” Adley said and reconnected their lips for another passionate kiss.
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
4 (+1) Times Something Happens to One of You and the Other Checked on the Other - Adley Rutschman
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So I’m obsessed with another rookie- well former
Above is Adley Rutschman and I said I was gonna write something so here we are. You may not know who he is, but give it a chance and maybe drop a like or a reblog 🥹
So scenario 4+5 are shorter than the rest due to me running out of ideas 😅
Please become acquainted with him because I’ll be posting about this beautiful not quite frequently- also Justin Herbert so stayed tuned
1. Adley let out a small laugh as he watched you and Ashe, your Australian Shepherd, in the floor of your apartment, you tugging one end of the rope, your dog having the other.
“What if I just.. let go?” You looked up at Adley, who immediately let a ‘do not do that’ leave his lips.
“But imagine how funny-“
“That is our child and you will not-“
You rolled your eyes as you shook the toy in your hand.
“Don’t get mad at her if she accidentally-“
What he was going to say happened.
Ashe had accidentally bit your hand as she went for the end of the rope you were holding.
“Are you okay?” He sighed.
“Im fine! No blood!” You softly smiled as you held your hand up to show him, “besides she didn’t mean to.” You said as you petted behind her ear.
You started to play with her again as she jumped around on the floor, eventually finding a position with her butt in the air as she wiggled back and forth before letting out a bark- signaling you to throw or do something with the toy she was eyeing in your hands.
You let a devilish grin appear on your face as your dog let go and of the rope, you quickly lifting it above your head before chucking it into the kitchen- which your dog followed.
She slid on the floor, softly hitting the cabinets causing you to let out a giggle as she strutted back over to you, the rope happily in her mouth.
“I told you-“
“You didn’t say I couldn’t toss it.”
“Okay fair point.” He sighed as he let a small laugh leave his lips as Ashe jumped on the couch, snuggling next to him.
His left hand ran through her fur as his eyes looked towards you.
“My girls.”
“Babe? Can I come in? I have to pee.” You hollered through the closed door of your apartment.
“Yeah!” He shouted back as he turned the water off.
He was currently in the shower, fixing to get ready for another game.
He stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He quickly dried off before tugging a pair of boxers on, him starting to brush his teeth.
You quickly did you business before washing your hands as your eyes glanced up and down his body before settling on three dark spots.
The other on his bicep.
One on his ribs.
The last one on his thigh, peeking out from under his boxers.
Adley had gotten hit by a pitch three times in yesterdays game. The last pitch to the ribs is what caused him to get benched until he could be checked out by the team doctor
They cleared him to play today as long as there wasn’t any pain, which he promised there wasn’t. You knew better. You knew he was hiding it just so he could play and help the team succeed and hopefully clinch a playoff spot.
“Your ribs look bad Ad.” You sighed as your lightly ran your thumb over it causing him to flinch.
“I’m fine babe.” He said as he pulled away, his bruised bicep flexing as he put his tooth brush in the holder before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“I just think you should sit this one out.” You stated, “Your bruised up and clearly it’s sore or you wouldn’t have-“
“I said I’m fine!” Adley snapped as he whipped around tugging his shirt on.
He walked out of the bathroom, not looking back towards you. He started to feel bad as he sat down on the bed.
It wasn’t long you were walking out of the bathroom, your hair loosely curled and simple makeup on- just enough to get you through this game day.
You ignore his stares as you walked to your closet, quickly grabbing some jeans, a white t-shirt, and his jersey before slipping it all on.
“I’ll be downstairs whenever you’re ready.” You whispered as you turned around to leave your room causing him to let out a sigh.
“Wait.” He started, “Come here.”
You slowly walked over to him, his hands loosely draped around the back of your legs, his knees on either side of yours.
“I’m sorry.” He said as he looked up at you, “I really am. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I know you were just worried.”
“I know you didn’t- I just don’t think you should play if you’re hurt Adley.” You sighed.
“Baby, I’m fine. I promise. I wouldn’t be going out there and jeopardizing our chances for a berth if I was.” He said as he softly pulled you down by the jersey that had his last name on it, “I promise I’m fine though and I do appreciate you caring so much.”
“Whatever you say Rutschman.” You rolled your eye as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “Now hurry up before you’re late.”
You were currently in the kitchen, chopping up some lettuce when the knife got too close to your finger, slicing the top of it.
“Fuck!” You shouted as you dropped the knife, it hitting the floor with a clang.
You quickly grabbed a paper towel, wrapping it tightly around the wound. The cut was worse than you had realized because the paper towel was more red than white at this point.
“You okay?”
It didn’t take Adley long to get down the stairs, him seeing you swapping the red paper towel for a fresh one. He walked over his hand grabbing yours as he grabbed the dishrag from the stove.
“Hey! That’s my good-“
“You’re bleeding. I do not care about your rag baby.” He laughed, “I will buy you 10 more.”
“I’m taking you up on that. That one matched the-“
“Stop.” He laughed as he applied tighter pressure to your hand, “Let’s get you cleaned up now.”
He guided you to the bathroom. You sat on the toilet seat lid as he unwrapped the paper towel.
“That might need stitches babe.” He sighed as he inspected it closer, “I think we should go to the hospital.”
“I’m fine- just slap a bandaid on it.” You said as you stood up, starting to rummage through the medicine cabinet, “A little Neosporin and a band aid is a cure all.” You shrugged.
“If it hasn’t stopped bleeding in 30 minutes, you’re going.” He stated as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before spinning you around to help you wrap your hand up.
30 minutes came, 30 minutes went and you were now on your way to the hospital, Adley driving.
“I think this is stupid.” You grumbled, him rolling his eyes at you.
“You’ll thank me later.”
“We’re just going to run some simple tests on you today and then we’ll stitch your hand right up.” The doctor smiled, “because of you having a slight temperature, we want to make sure you all okay before we let you leave here.” She added once she saw the confusion on your face.
“Okay that’s fine.” You shrugged as you watched the nurse come in, her little kit sitting on the counter.
She quickly got everything ready, her fingers finding a vein, “You’ll feel a quick pinch.”
“Just do it.” You said, “Don’t tell me when you do it.” You said, having a slight fear of needles.
Moments went by as she was talking before you felt a pinch.
“Don’t jerk!” She said as she placed her hand on your shoulder, Adley holding your other hand.
She got what she needed, “the doctor will be in with your test results soon.”
You nodded.
The nurse took your blood sample out to the lab before coming back to start stitching your hand up.
It was about 45 minutes when the doctor came in, a soft smile on her face as she placed the piece of paper down on the counter.
“So I have some news.” She started, “Did you know you were pregnant?”
“Im- what?” You asked, your eyes widening and you looked towards Adley, “We- we were so careful.” You whispered.
“It’ll all be okay.” He softly smiled as he sat beside you.
“I’ll leave you two be. You can check out any time. Every thing else looked okay on your results.” She said as she walked towards the door, “Congratulations you guys.”
You quickly moved away from Adley, you two cuddling on the couch. You shot up, dashing to the bathroom- trying to beat the bile that was currently rising up your throat.
You slammed the door behind you before emptying your guts in the toilet.
You had gagged a couple of times before coming to the conclusion that you were done before sitting next to the toilet, your back leaning against the shower door.
You heard a soft knock on the door, seeing Adley poke his head in.
“You okay?” He asked as he slowly opened the door before walking in.
“Yeah.” You whispered as you made eye contact with him, “your child just doesn’t like whatever I ate earlier.”
“That’s my boy.” He laughed, “All that spicy stuff… well I don’t need two of you to take care of because you’ve ate your weight in hot stuff.”
“Stop making fun of me.” You stifled a laugh as he sat down beside you, pulling you into his chest, “Im the one sick here.”
“Well hopefully it won’t be long before he’s joining us.”
“I’m the one that just went through 8 hours of labor and you’re the one sick?” You quietly laughed as you watched your son in the little rolling bed next to your bed.
“That was absolutely insane and I didn’t not expect that.” He said as he started to look sicker by the minute.
He started towards the bathroom, you letting a chuckle out.
He came back out moments later, looking relieved as he walked over to you.
You knew he had cleaned up, mainly because he had sat all of yours and his toiletries in the bathroom the moment you all had got there.
“You feeling better?” You chuckled.
He nodded, “So much. I just didn’t expect that. At all.” He sighed as he stood next to the bed, his eyes looking over at his son before looking back at you, “I cant believe you did that.” He said as he ran his hand through your hair, “We made that.” He grinned from above you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“We made a beautiful baby Ad.”
“We sure did.”
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stephstars08 · 11 months
Even though baseball season is over for the Orioles I am officially going to say that I will to write for Adley Rutschman and Gunnar Henderson since I have gotten multiple people saying they want me to! I was going to wait till when baseball returns but I don’t want to wait that long and have you all wait that long so I will start working on the Adley one shot I have mentioned!! I haven’t gotten any ideas for Gunnar yet but when I do I will get to writing it!!!
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stephstars08 · 10 months
I promise as we start getting closer to Spring Training for baseball I’ll start to write more for Adley and Gunnar!!!!!
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stephstars08 · 11 months
Adley Rutschman
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One Shots
Still Proud
Best Friends Sister
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stephstars08 · 5 months
Hoping to start writing my second Adley Rutschman x Reader one shot on Tuesday! Fingers crossed that I’ll have it posted for you all on Thursday or Friday! 
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Hoping to release at least one story every week for you all. I’ve just been having stuff thrown at me these past couple months!
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stephstars08 · 10 months
My first Adley Rutschman one shot will be posted today at 1pm eastern time!!! Stay tunned!!!
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stephstars08 · 6 months
Okay I’m finally back to writing I am almost done writing a Neteyam one shot. I should be able to type it up tomorrow but since I’m back to writing I have a really important question!
This is really important so let me know!!!
Any questions let me know!!!!
Check my masterlist to know who I am writing for!!
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
Full Masterlist Here
Atlanta Braves
Max Fried
Honesty is the Best Policy
Max x Olson!sister
New Teammates Sister
SF Giants
Coming Home and World Series Bound
We're Winners
Philadelphia Phillies
Alec Bohm
Just Friends
I’m in Love with You
Brandon Marsh
Baltimore Orioles
Adley Rutschman
4 Times Something Happens to One of You and the Other Checked on the Other (+1)
You’re Sick
Gunnar Henderson
Beach Day
Back Then
Just Kiss Me
Los Angeles Dodgers
Gavin Lux
First Date
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