#Ahhhhhh the queen served again
intairnwetrust · 6 months
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Xaden Riorson
Artwork by @crisolcrowling
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crystal-rebellion · 2 years
Meep, hello! Been thinking about how crossover VLD/DotU Lotura would react to one another and your Beyond the Stars story came to mind, and while I love how DotU Allura immediately befriended VLD Lotor bc he’s so polite and diplomatically inclined, I can’t help but wonder - how do you think DotU Lotor would react to VLD Allura?
Like yes, she has the same temperament and righteous ambition, but unlike her counterpart she’s also so freaking powerful. Of course he would admire her, but would he also feel threatened? And how would she handle his abrasive behavior, since she could easily match him physically?
Anyway, I was just curious. Love your writing and hoping to hear your thoughts!
(First of all, thank you, thank you, I'm so delighted you enjoyed that story so much - it started off as a silly crack piece that wasn't supposed to be serious, but ended up creating its own actual story.)
Second-- FUN FACT - I too, have wondered that same thing, and have a Part 2 started. I genuinely don't know if this will end up as a story in full, but I very, VERY much wanted to see what DotU Lotor and VLD Allura would do when they met.
Ahem - since it may end up being a sequel story at some point, and it's a little long, I'll drop it under the cut. But, here we go 👇👇
“What is this, Princess?”
“I believe the boys call it popcorn.  It’s something from Earth,” the princess gowned in pink explained, passing the striped bin between her palms to the Galtean emperor beside her.  “It’s good to see you again,” she added with a warm smile.
The strange man from beyond the rift smiled calmly down at her, clawed hands accepting the strange offering of food.
“Our paladins often bring strange delicacies as well.  I’m surprised they haven’t mentioned anything like this. I must ask them,” he conceded, popping a fluffed kernel into his mouth.  “It appears my advice has served you well,” he added, blue irises sliding to glance down to the blushing blonde beside him.
“I won’t say we haven’t had our differences, but yes.  I… shortly after you left, I corralled my courage and spoke directly with Prince Lotor.  We negotiated a cease-fire, and I agreed to offer to help him take his throne.  You were right.  About everything,” she added with a blush.
“And now you are his queen,” he observed in between bites of popcorn.
Allura’s shoulders rolled in a shrug and she gestured to their surroundings.
“It seemed natural.  It took… quite a while to prepare for the strike against King Zarkon, by the time we finally succeeded, we had become close enough that… well, at least I realized I didn’t want to just stay friends.  Or simply allies.  And now here we are, Castle Doom,” she grinned cheerfully up at him, in stark contrast to the gloomy surroundings.
The Emperor wordlessly popped another kernel past his lips, studying her quietly.
“Your husband has a curious taste in decor,” he murmured, his eyes leaving hers as he swept their surroundings, taking in the vast number of empty seats in the coliseum.
The two sat alone alone atop the pedestal marked for royalty, the only spectators to the match below.  The two competitors were none other than their very own partners.
Allura winced as a silver haired-woman hurled her husband across his own coliseum.
“...He’s going to feel that tomorrow,” she murmured, reaching over to steal a handful of popcorn from the emperor’s hands.
“It does indeed leave a bruise,” he murmured, watching his counterpart stagger to his feet and charge back at the woman, a warcry echoing from his lips.
“Are you worried for her safety?”
Allura’s bright blue eyes flickered up to her friend.
“No,” he answered simply.  The statement of faith marked as the warrior woman quickly dispatched her challenger effortlessly.  “Are you worried about him?”
“A little.  I had no idea there was an Allura of such strength on your side of the rift,” she murmured in awe.
Lotor dragged himself to his feet and glared angrily at his opponent.
“He’s certainly determined,” the emperor observed.
Allura coughed before popping a piece of popcorn past her lips.
“You have no idea,” she groaned, drawing a soft chuckle from him. “I’m pleased you’ve returned,” she added.  “It’s been fascinating to meet her.”
“It was very much her idea.  Not,” he paused, his eyes popping wide as he realized the implication and he quickly corrected himself.  “Not that I didn’t wish to return and thank you myself, but she was the one who spearheaded the research to figure out how to control the rift technology once I explained what had happened.”
“It’s such a relief to know it worked.  I had no way of knowing, on my side.  You know, that you had made it, or that she had found you.”
Galtean eyes glanced down at her and he could only exhale for a moment.
“Oh my stars,” she muttered after a moment, her hands covering her lips when Lotor landed on his backside, only to glare across the stadium.  “Please just give up,” she whispered to herself.
“Do you think he will?”
Allura returned his curious look with a flat one.
“Absolutely not.  At some point I’m going to have to go down there and drag him away before he gets a concussion,” she grumbled.  With a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“They aren’t so bad.”
Allura’s eyes popped wide as his words, coupled with his prior statement, clicked in her mind.  Slowly, she turned her gaze up to the calm man beside her; so vastly different than the one she called her husband.
“Has… did she…?”
A grin split across his lips.
“We had a slight disagreement about something.”
“Are you alright?”
His eyes widened in genuine surprise as he stared down at her in surprise, touched by her concern.  He studied her expression for any trace of derision or jest and found none.
He swallowed.
“I am now, yes,” he answered honestly.
Allura’s worry melted into delight, another cloudbreaking smile splitting across her features.
“Good,” she praised, looking away from him to regard the combat of wills on display below.
Slowly, Lotor returned his attention to the spectacle as well.
“After this, could we…”  He trailed off, hesitant to ask for such favors from his host.
“Would you like to return to Altea?”  Allura grinned, not even needing to hear the rest of his request.  “We wouldn’t even be here if King Lotor hadn’t challenged the Empress to an Honor Duel,” she added dryly.  “Of course he would want to do it here.”
He exhaled weakly beside her.
“...I like the aesthetic of your Castle of Lions better.”
Allura erupted in a fit of giggles.
“As do I,” she agreed.
“...Allura, I believe, would prefer Altea as well.  She… she couldn’t stop talking about it once I mentioned I had been to a place where it still existed.”
A strange mixture of both a warm happiness and a chilling dread settled across the queen’s heart.  While pleased she was able to offer such a thing to the Empress from beyond the stars, it was a chilling reminder that her planet - her people - in some places had not survived Zarkon’s warpath.
“Of course,” she said, her voice tight with emotion.
She blinked suddenly at the duel.
“Oh, this is finished,” she murmured, rising from her seat.  Gathering the folds of her pink and white gown, she bustled swiftly down the staircase toward the railing edging the wall of the pit.  “We concede,” she called out.
Lotor’s head snapped at the sound of her voice.
“I do not,” he called out.  “I’m not done!”
“Yes, yes you are,” she said delicately, smiling gently at her war-bred husband, her palms delicately folding on the railing.  He stared at her for a moment before looking back at the Empress staring at him coolly.
“I can’t lose to her!”
The queen stifled a giggle behind her hand and she shook her head once.
“You already have, Lotor.  I want to go home now,” she added with a pout.
Unable to deny the sunkissed woman anything she wanted, he exhaled and nodded once to his opponent.
“I… yield,” he ground out, the last word twisting in his throat as if it were something vile.
“Thank you.” 
Serpentine eyes flickered back to his wife as she spoke, extending her hand out toward him.  He wasted no time in mounting the wall to stand beside her.
“You were magnificent,” she praised when he only gave a disgruntled look over his shoulder at the silver-haired woman who scaled the wall to curl into the arms of her emperor.
“I lost,” he pouted.
Her fingers curled around the skull belt at his hips and tugged him closer.
“Yes, yes you did.  And that’s alright.  I want to go back to Altea.”
She turned and snaked her arm around his, leading him toward the other couple.
“The Emperor has requested a return to Altea, does that sit well with you, Empress?”
Allura tilted her head to the side as her elfin mirror glanced her way.
“You need not address me so formally,” she spoke, the lilt and cadence of her voice matching her husband’s.
“It seems strange to speak my own name, but, as you like, …Allura.”
“Thank you.  Come, I wish to explore this planet that is both so similar and yet so different from the one I grew up on.  I am pleased it exists still, at least somewhere in the universe.  In… a universe, I suppose.”
“Have you found other realities?  With other… people?  Like us?”
Brilliant blue eyes were riveted on her spirit sister in wonder, fascinated by the technology they had unearthed.
“We have not yet looked, though we suspect yes.  Lotor mentioned he’d left you the blueprints for the modulators… have you not… tried?”
Allura bit her bottom lip and she turned her gaze forward, continuing to glide side by side with the Empress, their partners trailing silently on their arms.
“I was a bit… intimidated by it.  Besides.  The rule was not until we had taken the Empire from Zarkon’s control.  This… peace across the galaxy now is very, very new.”
“My dear, I’ve been offering you the galaxy since I met you.”
The queen scowled at Lotor.
“Yes but I couldn’t trust you, with all your beastly mannerisms and conquering sprees.  What was I supposed to think?”
His nose wrinkled slightly in a scowl as the blonde turned her attention back to a smirking Empress.
She didn’t reply to her blonde haired proxy, but instead swiveled her prismatic gaze to an equally bemused Emperor.
“They suit just as well as you predicted,” she murmured, eliciting a blush from the woman on her other side.
When her warlord husband only laughed triumphantly on her other side, her flushed deepened and she smacked his arm lightly.
“Hush,” she scolded. “We’re here.” She released the king’s arm and proudly strode up the ramp to the Altean ship that had brought them to Daibazaal in the first place mere hours ago.
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
you shouldn’t mess with me - sugawara koushi x reader
REQUEST: “Ahhh you are such a good writer!!! Could I request a lil thing where reader is a manager and sugawara’s gf and at a game someone purposely hits you with a ball and the whole team is just in full murder mode headed by Suga :) lots of flufffffff and ofc Noya and Tanaka being their protective selves - @lollypop-lam “
A/N: AHHHHHH thank you so much for reading my writing! i hope i didn’t disappoint you with this one. my inspo for this was from an audio i found on tiktok and i hope you liked it!
A/N: i just remembered- the audio was starred in, “The Addams Family” movie. and i apologize to this semi cliche story- 
WARNING: Fluff and Crack (just cause)
WHO: Sugawara Koushi x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Y/N-san!” Tanaka and Noya came running to the bus where you were standing waving at them with a small smile.
“Hey guys-”
“TANAKA, NISHINOYA! DO NOT TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND!” Suga, your boyfriend, had ran yelling at them and they both stopped facing opposite directions whistling.
“What do you mean bro?” Tanaka said.
“Yeah, we weren’t gonna do anything.” Nishinoya mentioned and your boyfriend smacked them both on the back of their heads. i like ya cut g
“It’s okay, baby, they just wanted to say hi and reserve a seat on the bus first.” you turned to the pair and winked at them while smirking and turning your attention back to Suga.
“Y/N-san... Is... So... Cool...” they both gushed and you giggled before talking again and facing them.
“Alright, you boys should go sit down. Find a seat you like and claim it, cause I know some people really want the window seat recently.” 
“YES MA’AM!” as Tanaka and Nishinoya rushed inside the bus for a seat.
“What would I do without you here to contain them.” Suga sighed and you chuckled.
“I am a manager after all. I gotta contain them. That means you too.” As you winked at your boyfriend sending him a flying kiss and entering the bus to find a seat in the back.
“God I love her.” Suga blushed and Daichi laughed with Asahi.
“We get it bro, you’re whipped for her.”
“S-Shut Up!” Suga said bluffing. Asahi and Daichi both laughed.
Suga had entered the bus and saw you sitting in the back with your earbuds in probably listening to music though you were staring outside of the window seat even though the bus didn’t move.
“Hey baby,” Suga said sitting next to you. You took out your earbuds and turned to his direction.
“Hey,” you said. Suga had put his head on your shoulder, while also closing his eyes. “You should get some sleep. You studied all night and need to rest.”
“How did you know that?” Suga took his head off your shoulder and you shook your head in disapproval clasping his hands.
“Your hands look a little rough and I can see the pen markings from last night. As well you look a little less stress than you did from this morning.” You said dropping his hands and putting your hands at the side of his face instead to give him a small kiss on his forehead.
“You can tell?” he asked shocked.
“Babe, I called you last night and you didn’t pick up and I assumed that you were studying because you completely ignore all calls coming your way.” you chuckled bringing his head to the crook of your neck.
“It’s fine... Now you should get some rest. You’re going against Aoba Johsai.”
“It’s not like I’ll play-” you looked down at him and pinched his cheek.
“Ow, what was that for?” he said rubbing his cheek.
“First of all, where is this attitude coming from? Second of all, since when did my Koushi ever put on this display and third of all, why are you giving up so easily?”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for putting some sense into me.” He said giving you a hug.
“Okay, now it’s nap time for you.” 
“Sleep.” you started running your fingers through his hair. Suga relaxed to your touch and snuggled in closer to you. Soon enough he had dozed to dreamland and you shortly joined him too.
“Look who it is...” a player on Aoba Johsai said smirked seeing the team arrive. 
“Seems like they have a new manager?” Iwaizumi said shrugging.
The rest of the team had walked inside and you stayed behind because you had to unload the bus with the boy’s drink carrier.
“Ah ha ha! Let’s see how this goes.” the player smirked seeing you.
“I don’t think you should-” Iwa had said but it was too late as they were walking over to you.
“Hey pretty lady, do you need help with that?” he said behind you and you smiled before shaking your head.
“It’s alright. I got this.” As you took the water carrier out and carried it.
“Woah, woah, woah. Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, darling.”
“Nope never heard of you and I don’t need your help... I should be heading to the gym right now, see ya later!” as you dashed to the gym with the big water carrier in your hands.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, she just DENIED your ass!” Iwa had laughed
“I’ll get her, just you watch!” He stammered, “Come on, let’s go.” 
Both boys had returned back inside the school to go to their gym to prepare the match. 
It was Aoba Johsai’s ball and that player from earlier was up to serve. You sat at far end of the bench observing the whole game play while writing and taking notes of how the boys were doing. 
Suddenly the feeling of a volleyball being smashed at the side of your head was all you could feel. Your body had fallen off the bench and onto the ground where you laid. The sound of the gym being ever so silent and the volleyball bouncing on the ground to a stop was all that could be heard from the stands.
No one moved or said anything after the sound of the whistle indicating the serve was out.
“OH MY GOD, Y/N ARE YOU OKAY???” Yachi and Kiyoko came running to your end of the bench. You held your head in your hands and suddenly the pain started to throb and grow. Takeda-sensei had called for a timeout and everyone was rushing off the court to surround you.
“Ah shit.” you managed to say while closing your eyes. Suga had taken a moment to realize you were down, till he ran full speed over to you.
“Babe? Y/N? Are you okay?” as he held your head in his hands.
“Y-yeah, I think so, just stop asking questions.” you instructed, trying to find some silence and peace to ease the pain. You latched onto Suga before being put up on the bench again.
“Yachi, can you bring Y/N to the nurse’s office. Everyone else, get over here. I need to have a chat with you all.”
“Yes sir.” Yachi had said helping you get up and heading out of the gym. 
“First things first. Sugawara, Tanaka and Nishinoya. You will NOT and I repeat will NOT be injuring them at any rate. It was by mistake and he landed it out.” As Takeda-sensei had mentioned before staring at the rest of the boy’s faces.
“Actually, that goes for each and every single one of you, boys. You WILL NOT be HURTING that boy in ANY way.” Takeda-sensei had instructed and all their faces went dull.
“That is correct, you boys will NOT be hurting any of them, but you can take your anger out on the ball. I will go check on her and you all better NOT hurt anyone today.” Coach Ukai mentioned.
“Yes sir.” As the whole team said in a scary tone. The feeling and vibe in the gym felt different. People in the stands could feel the tension and anger radiating off of Karasuno. Let’s say things ended well on a positive note :)
“Baby!” Sugawara came rushing out of the gym to see you walking back with an ice pack next to your head.
“H-Hey...” You said giving him a small smile. Tanaka and Nishinoya ran to see how their queen was doing by pushing Sugawara out of the way.
“Are you okay, Y/N-san?” They both talked and asked you and you winced feeling the ringing in your head because of their loud voices.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, sorry I missed your guy’s ending.” you apologized giving them a sad smile.
“Oh don’t worry about it, we won in the end.” Tanaka and Nishinoya smirked. You gave them a concerning look but shook off the confused face.
“Congratulations for the win. Good job on playing well out there. Tanaka, I liked your spikes and Noya I liked your dives for the ball.” you said complimenting them and they stood there flustered.
“I-It was nothing.” they boasted and you giggled before heading to Sugawara.
“You didn’t hurt him did you?” You asked latching onto Suga.
“No...” he grumbled.
“Good job out there.” You gave him a small kiss on the cheek as you headed out of the school with the rest of the team and Suga’s arm around your shoulder.
“Hey pretty lady, how’s your head feeling?” the boy from earlier asked smirking, stopping you in your tracks.
“She’s doing fine, thank you for asking.” Suga talked for you.
“Is she really? I made sure to aim right at her.” At this point Tanaka and Nishinoya were running towards your direction including the team turning around to face him. You had placed a hand in the air stopping the duo mid-air.
“Look, I understand that you were petty and angered by the fact I turned you down earlier in the parking lot, but you didn’t have to be that petty to hit the ball right at me. Next time if I were you, I’d rather have you focus on the court than on the girl who turned you down for someone better.” you smirked raising an eyebrow. “Let’s go, Koushi. You too, guys.”
You had tugged your boyfriend to walk past the boy and soon followed the rest of the team smirking at him. Featuring Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata sending him some faces and Daichi dragging their asses back to the bus.
“That was really cool, Y/N-senpai!” Hinata turned around in his seat and you laughed placing on a smile.
“Was it really? I didn’t mean to sound like that.” You rubbed the back of your head.
“Mannnnn, Suga-san, I am jealous of you. Your girlfriend is so cool AND so beautiful.” Nishinoya said sending you a wink.
“Aww thank you, Noya.” you gave him a cheeky smile.
“Alright, that’s enough. I need my girlfriend back.” Suga wined putting his arms around your figure.
“Jealous, much?”
“Yes, very much.” He kissed your lips and you smiled into the kiss, giving him one back.
“Kiss me one more time?” he looked up at you with his puppy eyes. 
“Anything for you, sugar~” Giving him another kiss before snuggling into each other while on the way back to Karasuno and letting your head rest.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Riverdale S5 Ep6 Thoughts *Spoilers* PART ONE
Thoughts under the cut to keep the tag from being clogged :)
- Jughead in glasses muah
- Fangs and Kevin ahhhhhhhhhhh TONI AHHHHHH
- Veronica 💞💞💞 she looks so fucking good
- Barchie and Jughead coming in will always be awesome af
- Jughead can’t control his class ajfshdjkkf rip
- Save Reggie!!!
- WELL MISS COOPER!!!!!!! they’re not terrified they’re just curious lmao I???
- Barchie hands muah. WE’RE IN OUR TWENTIES
- Tabitha <3
- do those customers look just like Varchie and Jeronica or am I reaching
- BARCHIE CAR SEX MUAHHHHHHHHH God they’re so sexy they’ve been waiting ten years for this FUCK
- A fire… and making kids do it. Hiram’s so original wow!! What a fucking loser
- Night jogging
- Those were Stonewall? Their jackets looked blue and yellow for bulldogs
- Oh so this is why Archie punches Reggie… I wish they didn’t do that to him
- Why are kids making fun of Jughead having a job at Pop’s literally no one would care.
- All these dumbass kids not caring for OMAM literally shut up everyone got into it in my class lol
- NOT CHAD INTERUPPTING HER CLASS FUCK OFFF??? Plus he’d be a distraction <3 kick him out girl
- Archie meeting Chad, he’s suspicious and concerned for Veronica but to all the Varchie’s saying that he was jealous…. lol now who’s reaching
- Betty in that pink shirt muah
- Riverdale did a lot of good for all of the characters except Reggie and Polly I hate it here </3
- Cheryl painting Jason 🥺🥺
- Kevin and Betty being friends together again it’s good to see
- Jughead and Tabitha are so fucking hot together
- “She probably forgot it’s Gekko now” lol no she didn’t
- Also Jeronica wearing similar clothes fuck yeah
- Chad “I hate karaoke” sounds actually really good so what the fuck. when I saw this earlier I truly didn’t think I’d genuinely love them singing togeteher. Still don’t like his toxic ass
- JEALOUS JUGHEAD MUAHHH and to all the Varchie’s saying Archie’s jealous, he’s literally Viking and smiling proudly at them singing (and kissing) so what now
- Veronica still calls her so’s “lover” but also rip to Varchie’s because this literally looks like their scene um-
- Why is Chad so annoyed by Archie asking for football players..
- SO ARCHIE BROUGHT UP JASON BY HIMSELF AND IT WASN’T BETTY??? That’s usually Betty’s thing. WHAT’S THE PLAN NOW I—nooooo I hope he apologizes :(
- Kevin and Betty stake out!
- BH not being together and having screentime with other people/just themselves ugh so good this is why they’re so likable now
- Betty randomly assuming shit doesn’t make me angry anymore it’s weird
- FBI Betty is so fucking sexy
- Why didn’t Archie just do a fund raiser
- ARCHIE ASKING VERONICA FOR MONEY YESSSS finally someone decides to acknowledge that Veronica is rich like damn
- Toni’s idea with the Vixens is totally a ploy to get to Cheryl wbk
- Maybe I’m just dumb but what is the literal point of forging your own paintings and selling it…?
- God poor Alice
- How does Jughead know the highs and lows comment
- Jughead telling Archie to ask Veronica for money muah I’m making it a Jeronica crumb idc
- Chad wanting to be welcomed awww get fucked you toxic freak
- How does the Pembrooke stay afloat like no one else in Riverdale was ever rich enough to stay there
- Betty is such an amazing character now god I wish she was always this awesome
- Veronica in glasses 💞💞💞
- Chad giving Veronica a foot massage as he should. Treat her like a queen
- There was no need for that distinction, Chad. Fuck off
- Veronica being upset he talked bad about Pop’s Jughead would NEVER. Also not Chad ruining us getting a Jeronica crumb where he has to serve her UGHHHH fuck you Chad
- TBH Jughead and Tabitha are fucking amazing together but they’re also literally what Jeronica could have/should have been
- Barchie kisses mean so much to me
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atamascolily · 4 years
A Star to Sail Her By because MASEFIELD but also Tam Lin in SPAAAAACE?
Hahaha, glad you caught the reference! The first one is a kishōtenketsu-style three-act character study with no actual conflict - the meaning stems from the juxtaposition of different scenes - based on stellar navigation in the galaxy, far, far, away. Hence my ranting about Jedi-as-space-navigators trope. I’ve written two-thirds of it, but have been stuck on the last scene because apparently I have to invent worldbuilding mechanics from scratch. Sigh. But I have some ideas, so maybe it’s time to tackle that one again and see if I can work something about.
I would really like to write a Halloween-themed fic this year, and I even started this one in August.... will I finish it? Who knows! Tam Lin is my favorite fairy tale; I love the area-woman-rescues-male-lover trope to pieces, and I have a kickass opening sequence, but I can’t quite figure out a few details of worldbuilding that will make the original story mesh with the context. The core idea is good, but it’s gonna need a few rewrites to make it out of the box.
(Technically, the working title is a lie because it’s set on a planet, not actually in space, but you know how titles always lie.)
knight moves?  do tell.
AHHHHHH, remember when I said I was gonna write a songfic? This is it! It’s a character study of the Luke/Mara/Callista love triangle straight out of Darksaber, full of angst and emotional repression and Luke Absolutely Missing the Subtext. It’s based on one of my favorite songs, “Knight Moves,” by Suzanne Vega. First scene and last scenes are done, it’s the middle that’s an absolute mess.
Inspired by one line in my other Star Wars daemon AU fic, "Separation", which had a story in it I wanted to explore:
"Leia's daemon Aarial had his feathers fall out from grief and shock after destruction of Alderaan and had come back brown for years, only to molt back to white again when they were on Hoth, and Han had made snarky comments about pigeons for weeks afterwards."
So this fic is about Leia’s relationship with her daemon--why I chose a seemingly non-aggressive bird form for her, how grief and PTSD manifest with daemons--that is also about Alderaani culture, female friendship and mentorship, and So Many Feels. I love it, and I hate that I keep getting stalled out; it’s a very “thinky” piece, with a lot going on beneath the surface.
Leia is so hard for me to write. I don’t know why--she’s a fascinating character, great mix of seemingly contradictory things, and I love her, but Leia-centered fics are difficult for me in a way that Luke-centered fics are not.
As always with Daemon AUs, I had a lot of fun with daemon choices. I’m especially proud of how Sabe’s daemon, a chameleon-anole hybrid, turned out:
"She doesn't have a daemon?"
"She's a goddess," Sabe says matter-of-factly. "They don't need them. We do."
"What for?"
"Depends on who you ask."
"What do you think?" Leia asks, hoping to distract her tutor from returning her to the boring banquet for as long as possible.
Bunda does push-ups along Sabe's leg, his pink-striped dewlap flaring in rhythm with the motions. His skin flickers to bright yellow for a moment before softening back to green.
"So we're not lonely," Sabe says, glancing down at her daemon with a fond smile, before she clicks her tongue and gestures down the corridor. "Come on, let's go back before anyone else notices your absence. You don't want to miss dessert, do you?"
Leia hesitates.
"I'll tell you a story about Obi-wan Kenobi later if you're good."
This gets the desired result. Leia loves Sabe's stories--tales of her time handmaid of the Queen of Naboo before she came to Alderaan to serve the royal house of Organa. Leia has grown up with the stories of noble Knights and a generous Republic, of the golden age before there was a war and an Empire and an Emperor.
(It doesn't hurt that all of the stories must be kept secret, lest the Emperor find out and punish them for defiance. Leia loves secrets.)
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queenmylovely · 5 years
not a request but your blanketfort blurb made me think about dad!rog helping the kids build a fort and uhhhhhh im big soft (and mildly h*rny lmao)
Ahhhhhh toooooo softttttt (didn’t realize there was going to be, but smut ahead)
There’s a week when you’re at work but Queen’s waiting on record printing or whatever so Rog has a free week. The kids are pulled out of school (they’re little so it’s ok) so they can spend quality time with their dad before he goes on tour or back in the studio. The week consists of many different fun activities.
One day he takes them to the zoo and they get to see all the cool and cute animals. They get their faces painted and look v cute, but it ends up being a bitch to wash off that night during their baths.
The next he takes them to the movies. They watch a double feature of kids cartoons and decide to stay for another until all three of them fall asleep in the theatre. It’s only when an embarrassed usher comes and wakes up Rog that they finally head home.
He took them out shopping one day telling them they could get anything they wanted. You had responded at home that they were going to end up spoiled if he kept doing that and he told you that was like the pot calling the kettle black. You had no response.
Another day was a mini music camp of sorts and Bri, Fred, and Deaky came over with their kids (no cats tho cause it’s too loud). They jammed with all the kiddos, also facilitating a lovely fashion show that you got to watch with the other moms and Jim.
The last day was to be more chilled bc it was v rainy. When you left for work, the three of them were still in the kitchen making pancakes, having served you the first wonky ones on your way out.
You returned a little earlier than usual and when you unlocked and opened your door, you heard two sets of footsteps rushing over to you, another one following behind.
“Mommy, Mommy you’re home!” they exclaimed in almost perfect unison, tackling your legs so hard you almost fell over.
“Hi babies,” you said to them, leaning down to kiss their cheeks.
Rog came up next to you and kissed your cheek when you stood up and you smiled back saying, “Hi, baby.”
“Hi, love.”
“Mommy come look what we built!” you were pulled over by both hands to the living room.
As soon as you could see, you exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, what a great fort! Did Daddy help you make it?”
That set them off into a whole explanation of the process and rules of entry. Apparently there was a password that was a combo of all three of their favorite colors. Luckily you knew that it was some mix of black, green, and indigo.
The four of you played in the fort until dinner and then after as well. By normal bedtime, the kids were asleep laying on top of each of you. Picking them up, you both helped them blearily brush their teeth and change into pajamas before tucking them into bed.
Once they were asleep, the two of you went back to the living room, electing to lie down in the fort again. You cuddled up together, enjoying the cozy atmosphere and fading light of the summer evening sky.
After a bit had gone by and the only light left was the lamp across the room, Roger squeezed your hips and said, “Suppose we should clean this up.”
“Mm not yet,” was your only reply as you pulled him to you and connected your lips.
The kiss was soft but there was plenty of heat behind it and it wasn’t long before you were kicking off your pants and underwear and Roger was pushing his down as well.
He deconstructed the fort a bit to place a pillow under your head, hips, and each of his knees (he was no spring chicken). Then he was thrusting into you slow and steady. It was gentle and loving and so so hot and you swear you had never felt more love for him in your entire time together than in that moment. Every thrust was paced but deep and it was a tough but worth it struggle to stay quiet as to not wake the kids.
It was Roger’s hot breath on your skin as he mouthed at your neck, the way his hair felt a little bit sweaty as your fingers ran through it, the tightening of the muscles of his back as you ran your nails down to hold his hip, his hand slipping between you to rub smooth circles on your clit, bitten lips to quiet low moans and whimpers, whispers of “so close, so close,” and it was perfect.
Everything built and built, waves of pleasure rising, cresting, and falling before there was nowhere else for it to go but to spread throughout your entire bodies and between you. You reached your orgasms simultaneously, knowing just the way to encourage each other and prolong the experience, kissing lovingly as you came down.
Roger slumped down and laid on you the way he knew you liked. The two of you fell asleep like that until the fort collapsed around you in the late late night, causing soft muffled laughs and a clumsy walk back to your room.
Permanent taglist: @riseetothesun @caborhapch @drowseoftaylor @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @supersonicfreddie
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Bandstand National Tour Review (2/29/20)
I cannot even BEGIN to process how amazing literally every single aspect of my night seeing Bandstand was, but I'll try to share my experience as concisely as possible.
General Thoughts
It was SO INSANE to see a show I've loved for about 2 years now live on stage; it really exceeded my already sky-high expectations
I got to meet two of my closest Internet friends and that was one of the most special points of the evening; Bandstand has literally given me so many new friends 💕
Every show is dedicated to a WWII veteran, and the show I saw was dedicated to my grandfather, thanks to Jenn. My grandfather served in WWII but before the war, he was going to go to the Boston Conservatory of Music because he was an extremely talented trombone player. I felt the connection to him during the show ❤
The orchestra and set design are just phenomenal; the set looks so homey and inviting :)
Playing an instrument on stage is HARD and these guys make it look SO easy!
THE BLOCKING? THE CHOREO? I cannot believe the beauty of it. The scene right before "Right This Way" felt like a shot to the heart; Roxy's paprika scene was just 👌. I love this show's dancing and blocking with all of my heart.
There should be a Tony awards just for tour productions and every single Tony should go to every single member of this cast
The Cast
Zack Zaromatidis (Donny Novitski): his Donny is like, the epitome of suave. I don't even know how to explain it but he makes Donny so real and deep. There's so much behind his portrayal of Donny and it is impossible to not feel for his character. Absolutely amazing performance!
Jennifer Elizabeth Smith (Julia Trojan): HOLY COW! Jenn is a powerhouse! When she sang "Who I Was", I basically felt my soul ascend. "Welcome Home (Finale)" was obviously perfect. Jenn portrays such a confident Julia; I love how her Julia knows what she wants and how she wants to get it. I don't think I'll ever get over her performance.
Lou Jannuzzi (Wayne Wright): AHHHHHH! Chills! His Wayne is so rigid and perfectly portrayed I can't even describe it. The scene where he is compulsively putting together and taking apart his gun- o u c h. His Waybe is just indescribably perfect, so just go see him do it.
Ben Powell (Davy Zlatic): okay who let this guy be this talented?! His Davy is so nuanced! You laugh with him, you fight for him, you feel for him, it's insane. I LOVED his Davy and especially loved his chemistry with Zack and Jonmichael.
Jonmichael Tarleton (Johnny Simpson): HE IS SO GOOD! His Johnny is so sweet and funny but also deep and grounded. The Jeep bit was still just as funny as it always is. Absolutely loved Jonmichael's Johnny!
Rob Clove (Jimmy Campbell): holy heck! The way Rob plays Jimmy is crazy! He somehow manages to make Jimmy seem like a stressed law student and a friendly guy who truly loves the band. I love his Jimmy SO much!
Scott Bell (Nick Radel): somehow Scott makes Nick into a lovable jerk. One minute you're rooting for Nick and the next you're angry at him for some comment he made. Scott makes him so intense and truly showed Nick's true colors, both the good and the bad. So, so good!
Roxy York (June Adams): the MOST fun mom energy! The paprika scene! "Everything Happens"! Her scene with Taylor at the end! Ahhh! She's SO fun but she also shows June's more serious side. I love her June so, so much!
Matthew Mucha/Taylor Okey (Andre Baruch/Oliver): these guys are inseparable to me because of Second Act Snacks but literally every time Matt and Taylor were on stage, my eyes were drawn to them. They play arguably ignored characters but they make you care about the stories. I just loved watching them act and dance and sing ❤
To every swing and ensemble member: I see you! I see you doing insane costume changes, flips, twirls, and having fake conversations in the background. You are the glue that holds the show together and I literally can't fathom how you remember your tracks and all those insane Blankenbuehler moves. Kudos and endless admiration to you 💕
The Stagedoor
Zack: he was literally so kind! He talked to me about my grandfather and how much he loves the show for like, 5 minutes and was just so down to earth. I can tell he really loves the show as much as the #FanStands
Jenn: literally the sweetest! Jenn is such a bubbly person and it's impossible to not smile around her. She and I had been DM'ing all day and to talk to her in person was so amazing. I love you Jenn!
Roxy: the absolute queen herself graced us with her fun mom energy! I loved talking to her about the paprika scene. She is so kind and lovely!
Lou: Lou plays the trombone in the show and it was so cool to talk to him about my grandfather! He was so genuine and I loved getting to talk to him about the show.
Matt and Taylor: again, these guys are inseparable. I made them coasters and Taylor literally came running back over to where Matt and I were to show Matt the coasters. Their reactions are something I'll never forget ❤
Jonmichael: he spent meaningful time just talking to my friends and I about the show and it was just so cool to be able to tell him how amazing his Johnny was!
Rob: SO NICE! I loved talking to him about Jimmy and he was just so humble and patient and genuine. Love him!
Everything about Bandstand was phenomenal and indescribable. The cast is so, so spectacular and you can tell every single one of them believes in the show and loves it like the fans do. Thank you, Bandstand cast, for bringing to life such an important story. 🎹🎙🇺🇸
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gaamagirl565 · 5 years
Matters of the heart Ep 3
WARNING: FOR BLOOD AND VERY MILD LANGUAGE Matters Of The Heart Episode 3: Festival Follies {OPENING CREDITS} {the sun rises over old corona; cut to Varian peacefully asleep in bed. The bed shakes a bit and we see Varian smirk a bit. 6-year-old Isaiah comes into frame and climbs on Varian} Varian: *chuckles* augh! Isaiah...can I help you? Isaiah: It’s harvest day daddy! We gots ta help grandpa! Come on! Up! *pulls on his bangs* Varian: augh! Okay okay! Easy on the hair buddy! {he playfully grabs Isaiah and they get up and it cuts to Varian making breakfast and serving it} Isaiah: *sees Ruddiger on the table* Ruddy! Ruddiger: *chitters happily* Isaiah: *plays with him* Varian: boys come on now...settle down. Isaiah: yes daddy…*sit and eats the eggs he’s given* {cut to Varian and Quirin out in the field; they’re talking about how to expand their crops} Isaiah: *runs over* DADDY! Daddy! Look what I found! *holds up snake* Varian: AAAHH! ISAIAH PUT IT DOWN!!! Quirin: only your kid would go near a poisonous puff adder… {Cut to Varian doing alchemy and mixing herbs} Varian: this should cure miss Balman’s gout. {he adds a drop of a chemical and it blows up in his face} Isaiah: Thar’ she blows! Varian: *hacks and coughs* and that’s why I have the goggles! {Cut to autumn with Varian Helping Quirin by the barn and Isaiah playing in the straw} Quirin: *looks up* VARIAN! 
 Varian: huh?  *looks and sees Isaiah on top of the barn roof* AHHHHHH!!!! ISAIAH! STAY.RIGHT.THERE!
 {Isaiah gets closer to the ledge giggling} 
 Varian: ISAIAH!
 Quirin: *drops shovel* ISAIAH!! 
 {Isaiah falls off the roof into a hay bale} 
 Varian & Quirin: *run over in a panic* 
 Isaiah: *giggling* daddy I almost flew! 
 Varian: *looking him over realizing he’s not hurt before embracing him* oh thank god… my boy….
Quirin: …..100% your son. 100% {cut to winter} Isaiah: *playing out in the snow* Varian: Son, come here for a second! Isaiah: *runs over* yeah daddy? Varian: *gives him a wooden sword* happy birthday… Isaiah: WHOA! Just like the real guards! I declare myself the protector of old corona! {snow falls on him} Isaiah: I’m okay! {cut to night time; Isaiah being tucked into bed} Isaiah: goodnight daddy! Varian: goodnight buddy… *blows out candle and he kisses his head* {sun rises and the camera pans from the window over to the bed where Isaiah now 12 years old is sleeping. the rooster crows, and Isaiah wakes up} Isaiah: hmm? Yes! {cut to Isaiah peering around the corner and sees the front door to the lab} Isaiah: *smirks and starts sneaking to go out* Varian: Oh no you don’t! {Varian picks him up} Isaiah: Auughh! Dad! Varian: And where are you off to so early may I ask? Isaiah: to the orchard! Augh! No noogies! Varian: The orchard? Isaiah no one is there at this hour. Isaiah: Exactly! Perfect time for me to practice! Varian: okay okay...just be careful. Your grandfather and I will be in the south fields if you need us. No running with your arrows, and Take Ruddiger with you! Isaiah: whhhyy!? Varian: I don’t like the idea of you being completely alone. Old  Corona may be nice but it can be dangerous when it wants to be. Isaiah: yeah okay...come on Ruddy… Varian: Don’t forget your bow! {Isaiah grabs his bow and arrows and runs out the front door and down the road running past Quirin} Isaiah: Hi grandpa! Bye grandpa! Quirin: huh-wha? Haha. Morinin’ Isaiah! {Isaiah runs to the orchard with ruddiger and over to a tree with various arrows lodged in it} Isaiah: *deep breath and looks up at big shiny red apple* Ruddiger: *chitters happily* Isaiah: oh no you don’t! That one is mine! Ruddiger: *angry face* Isaiah: oh get over it...here we go... {he sets his arrow and aims at the apple; he fires and nails it perfectly} Isaiah:....I did it...I DID IT! Ruddy did you see that!? Ruddiger: *shocked face and chitters angrily* Isaiah: It’s just an apple Ruddiger! {Nathaniel walks into frame with two other kids} Nathaniel: nice shot, loser… Isaiah: oh no...hello Nathaniel… Nathaniel: practicing archery are we? Pfftt...why bother? No Captain in his right mind would accept you into their ranks. Isaiah: you act as if they’d accept you. Nathaniel: they probably would! Considering my father isn’t a traitor. Ruddiger: Hiss! Isaiah: *gets closer* You dare insult my father in front of my face? Nathaniel: why not? It’s not as if you’re any better! My father says his traitorous blood runs in your veins and one day you’ll prove to be just like him! Isaiah: hold your tongue, Nathaniel! Nathaniel: haha! Striking a nerve? Your father is nothing but a pathetic knave! I seriously wonder what kind of Fusty lug it takes to love a traitor. You’d have to be an idiot! Guess that explains your mum! {Isaiah yells in rage and he tackles Nathaniel; The two throw punches and tussle in the dirt} Isaiah: *punches him* You filthy muck spout! Nathaniel: Only telling the truth ol’boy! Ruddiger: *jumps on the boy and claws at him* Nathaniel: AUGH! get him off me! *kicks ruddiger off* Isaiah: Ruddiger! *runs over and picks him up* Nathaniel: bloody beast bit my foot! You’re lucky this time Isaiah! But one day your rat won’t be around to save you!... let’s go guys… {Ruddiger chitters sadly and nuzzles into Isaiah} Isaiah: *angrily tears up and hugs ruddiger* Varian: maybe you should move the crop to the north...
Quirin: good ide-Isaiah!?
Varian: Isaiah! *runs over* what happened!?
Isaiah: nothing...I’m fine...
Varian: Isaiah those bruises didn’t come from thin air...
Isaiah:....You wanna know what happened!? I HATE NATHANIEL! 
Quirin: Joseph’s boy? He did this?
Varian: Isaiah it’s gonna be okay I promise...he’s just a bully...why not go w- {a goo bomb goes off on a rat}
Varian: not again! I hate rats...anyway why not go wash up for dinner...I’ll make some stew ok? Besides, tomorrow is the sunflower festival! We’re gonna have lots of fun tomorrow! Forget about those jerks!
Isaiah: *staring at the goo bombs* Yeah..okay...
Varian: that’s my boy...
 (Isaiah gets an idea. Cut to Varian in his lab, working on what appears to be fireworks for his contribution to the festival. Isaiah enters the lab)
 Isaiah: Say uh, dad?
Varian: *distracted* wha-huh-yeah buddy?
Isaiah: I was wondering....if perhaps....ok, so you know how, Queen Punzie always says, live your dream, right?
Varian: *clearly not listening* uh-huh, yeah, puzzles are mean, they’re the worst-
Isaiah: That being said, I’ve come to... an aspiration of sorts.... *dramatically* father, i yearn to be your spitting image. *more seriously* I want to learn to do what you do.
Varian: *now interested* wha-?
Isaiah: *mutters to himself quietly* and I got his attention, good one Isaiah. I want you to teach me how to do alchemy.
(Varian sits there staring at him. Isaiah appears confused)
Isaiah:*chuckles nervously* un-unless that falls under the no-no category, because if that’s the case then NEVERMIND.
Varian: *gets up from chair. He walks towards Isaiah, SLOWLY*
Isaiah: *gets nervous and backs away slowly* y-you know what?? A joke! I’m joking! That was a joke on my part, sorry! *chuckles nervously* just a—Oh!
Varian: .......you want me to teach you how to be an alchemist?
Isaiah: ........yes?
Varian: *begins to tear up extremely, with joy*
Isaiah: uhhhhh—-
(Varian’s face is GLOWING with silent tearful joy)
Isaiah: ......is that a ye-
Isaiah: GREAT! Can we start right now, perhaps?
 (Que montage with spunky background orchestration of Varian and Isaiah gearing up with STYLE. We end the montage on a shot of them standing out in the alleys. Varian’s doing a superhero stance. Isaiah notices and sloppily attempts to follow suit. Varian is wearing the SAME outfit that he wore when he met Estelle; his adventure attire from the old days: teal alchemist coat and golden goggles. Isaiah.....Isaiah has on a neon hoodie with a scarf and bubbled up hair dyed black with a blonde streak....)
Varian: *glances at Isaiah*......wha-what are....what is this???
Isaiah: oh i just thought I’d pay homage to younger you! Black hair with a streak!
Varian: that looks nothing like me.
Isaiah: oh? What, too punky?
Varian: very.
*both glance at the screen in self-awareness*
Isaiah: fine I’ll go change—(walks away to the left offscreen. Varian is left confused)
{cut to them standing outside}
 (Musical number of Varian teaching Isaiah alchemy. “Legacy”} {VARIAN} Don’t look so nervous you’ll be alright
Keep your legs apart and stand upright It’s time you know how I became who I am You’ll be the jealousy of every man It’s time to lead your legacy Feel the energy inside your veins
With each new chemical reckoning A spark so bright it’s like a glowing star Even if hard the answer is never far Don’t you worry it’ll be just fine
Don’t forget you have me right by your side Keep this memory you’ll find your destiny As It’s time to lead your legacy
 (They both parkour across the kingdom above the streets. They look SO happy together . They soar into the moonrise)
 (Cut to a bit later: they’re heading on home)
 Varian: *out of breath* OH MY, *hyper breathing* THAT-TH-THAT WAS—*heavy breathing*—I-*stammers* I CANT FIND THE WORDS—
 Varian: *appears shocked with surprise. He then proceeds to kiss Isaiah on the cheek.*
 Isaiah:—*annoyed* ughh, dad.
 Varian: Ok! GAAHHHHH THIS IS GREAT! Now, we can *stutters* we can go on adventures TOGETHER! Giving one-twos to all those crooks out there! *laughs excitedly* I haven’t felt this starry-eyed in YEARS, not since.....*detracts. He digresses* Ahhh, alrighty, how about we have a nice meeting with the man on the moon? (He means sleep) Pun intended!
 (he stands by the door opening it for Isaiah, with a cheeky smile on his face, expecting a high five or something. Isaiah just walks in and goes to bed. Varian meets this response with simple bliss. He’s just too happy. they all go to bed. Isaiah lies in bed, with a determined game-face. He knows what he’s gonna do now. He glances at the table of alchemical substances, and has this, determined, yet dark look on his face)
 Isaiah: Just you wait, Nathaniel. You’re in for high-water. (He goes to bed)
  {cut to outside and night turns to day; cut to Isaiah in the wagon with his father.} (We open on Varian and Isaiah arriving to the festival in a carriage)
 Varian: *laughs excitably* oh my gosh I’m soo excited, I actually cant contain my-GAHHHHHHHHH SO EXCITED! *viciously turns to Isaiah* JUST LOOK AT ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME YOURE NOT EXCITED????
 (Varian awkwardly stares at Isaiah. He’s basically ONTOP of Isaiah here . They’re legit FACE TO FACE. Isaiah nervously responds—)
 Isaiah: *laughs nervously* yes! Yes-yes, yes, Uh—OHH! Gosh I spent this whole time excited over our lessons-
 Varian: -which aren’t finished.
 Isaiah:-which aren’t finished, but yeah, anyway, I forgot to ask-what IS your contribution to the Sun and Moon Festival?
 Varian: ohhh buddyy just you wait  IM IN CHARGE OF THE LIGHT SHOW OF THE COSMOS!!!!!
 Isaiah: Uh-huh....
 Varian: *annoyed* fireworks.
 Varian: riiiight.  you look like you just saw death.
 Isaiah: PPFFFFT. 
 Varian: you’re more blue than my hair. 
Isaiah: N O. (Scoffs) I just....yesterday was really...really cool.
 Varian: oh heh...yeahhhh....it was, I won’t ever forget it.
 Isaiah: mmm..
Varian: I feel 18 again.
 Isaiah: well you DO look younger than ME-
 Varian: PFFT YOU LITTLE COMET, YOU! *Tackles Isaiah*
 Isaiah: *laughs* OK! Ok,ok!.......dad what do you do when someone just...does something to you, something awful, and you wanna just....WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH FROM EMBARRASSMENT?
 Varian: .....can’t relate. 
 Isaiah: Really? Haven’t you ever felt like just.....CRUSHING them under your fist? Do you think they deserve it?
 (Varian appears feeling somewhat ...called out by this. His face seems guilt-ridden.
Varian: uhhh—*nervous chuckle*....this—hypothetical guy seems like someone actually deserving of it—haha...On that part I can’t relate...Ehhh-haha, but of course you gotta forgive them! Forgive them even BEFORE they apologize. You gotta come to terms. Or else you’ll.........you’ll explode *looks at Isaiah*...
 Isaiah: ........dad—
 {They have arrived}
Varian: Oh-OH! W-We’re here! Haha! Ok, um—-I almost forgot. *turns to Isaiah, who is yet to get down from the carriage* Isaiah, son—operate the light show with me. A Star-studded act! All we need to do is get you in the designated outfit for the act and—
Isaiah: but dad—
Varian: OHHHH! You’re right! Let’s inform the king of the last minute additions! *to Eugene* YOUR MAJESTY! SIR!
(Varian is about to head out to Eugene, but not before he looks back at Isaiah. They share one last glance—-with a contrasting emotion on the other’s face. Varian? Pride and excitement. Isaiah? Guilt and inner turmoil) 
Isaiah: Dad…
Varian: I’ll see you later buddy...
 (Varian leaves. He goes off into the festival crowds to go meet with Eugene. Isaiah feels bad for a minute, but then he pauses and thinks)
 Isaiah: (glancing at his alchemy bag)....You’re doing this for mom. For dad. I’ll avenge both of you. *determined face* 
 (Isaiah then goes off to find Nathaniel. He goes through the heavy crowds, squeezing his way through the many people. There’s nothing but a determined look on his face. Isaiah then suddenly gets pushed over by an adult and trips and falls onto the ground, back-to-the-ground, facing up. He looks up to see Nathaniel, who is looking down on him. LITERALLY)
Nathaniel: well well, actually decided to show your ugly mug around here huh? Isaiah: yeah...we have a score to settle… Nathaniel: oh really? I see you didn’t bring the rat… Isaiah: Ruddiger is a raccoon...the only rat I see is you... Nathaniel: you bloody cur...you dare speak to me like that!? Isaiah: people who speak ill of my parents don’t deserve respect… Nathaniel: oh really? Isaiah: The only thing you deserve….*takes out goo bomb*...IS HUMILIATION! {Nathaniel gasps as he throws the goo bomb; a large explosion happens and it cuts to Varian and Eugene as screaming is heard} Eugene: What on earth was that!?
Rapunzel: (arrives) WHERES LILY!?
{Varian walks ahead of the two—who are both talking, inaudibly. Varian recognizes a chemical in the atmosphere of the blast....it’s one of his own alchemical formulas. There is no other possible cause...it was Isaiah. It couldn't POSSIBLY not be him. Varian then realizes....HIS SON USED ALCHEMY ON PEOPLE. Varian almost comes close to crying.). He realizes......his son used him).
Rapunzel: LILY?!! LILY!!! Lily: MOTHER! *runs into Rapunzel’s arms*
{a few guards run past Varian and Eugene into the marketplace} Varian: *runs past destroyed kiosks and frightened people* ISAIAH!?...ISAIAH WHERE-....... {Isaiah lays unconscious in the middle of the road in a puddle of blood and not far is Nathaniel gripping his arms in pain} Varian:...no...no! *runs over and picks him up and gags at his maimed face* Isaiah!? Can you hear me? *tears up* Isaiah!...please...open your eyes, buddy...Isaiah...My baby…*sob*...please don’t do this to me...not him too... Isaiah: *groans* Varian: ISAIAH!? Eugene: *runs over in shock*...GUARDS GET A MEDIC! Pete: *runs* MEDIC! MEDIC!!! Varian:...isaiah…. Eugene: *tears some of his clothes and placing it on Isaiah’s eye* Isaiah: Augh! Varian: I-I know buddy! But we need to stop the bleeding! Eugene: it’s not enough...he needs proper bandages...WHERE'S THAT MEDIC!?
{Isaiah whimpers and grips onto his father}
Varian: It’s okay Isaiah! Daddy’s here…*brushes hair from his face* {Medic runs over and checks both boys} Medic: dear lord ...these boys need immediate medical attention. Get the surgeon! Varian: SURGEON!? {The medic picks Isaiah up} Medic: I’m sorry sir. We’ll tell the king where you can find him! *runs off with Isaiah* Varian:....Isaiah... {cut to throne room} Eugene: *pacing the floor* Rapunzel: Eugene please calm down you’re scaring Lily… Eugene: *looks over at his daughter* sorry sunshine...daddy’s just upset is all… {Varian Bursts into the throne room and runs over to them} Advisor: A-ah! Varian of Old Corona! Eugene: Varian!? {Varian bows down on his knees} Varian: Your majesties! Please accept my humblest apologies for what happened! My son knows not what he does! Please forgive- Eugene: Varian!...calm down...first things first is he alright? Varian: *looks up and rises*...he’s badly injured...the entire left half of his face is burned...charred really... Rapunzel: how did this happen? Varian: I’ve examined the explosion aftermath...he wanted to learn alchemy s-so I taught him...I had no idea of his true intentions...he seemed to have tried to make one of my goo bombs but...he made it explosive by accident..Your majesties I would never have allowed- Rapunzel: Varian...calm yourself...what happened is bad, I'm not going to lie. But no one else was seriously hurt. Punishment will be given in due time but first we need to wait for wounds to heal and We need to keep our sanity. Marketplaces can be rebuilt... Varian: Rapunzel? Rapunzel: Varian... I remember a boy who made terrible mistakes because he was angry...don’t be too hard on him Varian. He needs you now more than ever. {Varian looks at her with wide eyes; Rapunzel hugs him} Varian: *hugs her and cries* {cut to his house late at night; Isaiah lays in his bed heavily breathing with bandages covering the left side of his face} Varian: *sitting by Isaiah’s bedside dabbing his head with a cloth* Isaiah: *coughs and groans* Varian:.....what were you thinking…why would you-...*pinches bridge of nose* Isaiah: *coughing fit then whimpers* Varian: shhh...I’m here!...it’s okay buddy i’m here...Close your eyes and dream of fireflies
as they light up the sky.
Let me sing you this lullaby
as your dreams come alive.
T-There is no room for...Fear…*sniffles* {Varian looks out the window and groans at the sight of a mob approaching his door* Joseph: OPEN UP TRAITOR! WE HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YA! Crowd: YEAH! Varian: *sighs* daddy will be right back… {he walks to the front door and opens it} Varian:....Joseph...how can I be of service? Joseph: That little runt almost killed my son! Have you seen Nathaniel’s arms!? They’re burnt to a crisp! That child is insane! if the crown won’t punish him, we will! Varian: And what would you do? I realize what Isaiah did was wrong, I realize he could’ve God forbid killed someone but he didn’t and wouldn’t you say he’s been punished enough!? Quirin: Varian is right Joseph, what would punishing him even accomplish at this point? Joseph: Are you kidding me, Quirin!? what? are you letting him off the hook because he’s your son!? do you not remember the things he did as well!?
Varian: Don’t talk to my father and your leader that way! Joseph: Why don’t you shut your bloody gob Traitor!? figures your runt would take after you. How a grand lovely Duchess such as Estelle agreed to give birth to that pathetic whelp is beyond me…perhaps she was just as mad. {Varian lunges at him only to be held back by Quirin} Quirin: Varian! calm yourself son! Varian: You take that back! You muck spout! I’ll end you! Joseph: you’re still just as insane as when we were kids, alchemist! Quirin: Joseph! ...That was out of line Joseph. we do not speak ill of the dead and may I remind you Isaiah is still my grandson.:. Joseph: tsk...As you wish Quirin…come, everyone…let us leave the rabble. Physician: You had best hope he doesn’t get an infection…for I will not be the one to heal him. {they all begin to walk away. Leaving Varian and Quirin alone} Quirin: Varian? son...Are you okay? {Varian screams and punches a wall} Quirin: Varian! Varian stop! *grabs his arm* {Varian shakes and looks up at him sobbing} Quirin: oh my son… *hugs him* Varian: *sobs* {END CREDITS}
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sage-nebula · 6 years
I’ve already watched the trailer once, and my mind just about exploded, so now I’m watching it again and I’m going to basically liveblog it with reactions, analyses, thoughts, and other such things. Everything will be beneath the cut for those who don’t wish to see, and also because I feel like this is going to get pretty long.
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I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: I would die and kill for Azymondias. Literally he is the most precious being in this entire show and I would do anything for him, sweet baby boy.
But speaking of dragons . . .
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I STAN TWO DRAGONS. Okay, no, but real talk:
In the voiceover for this part, Viren says:
“There have been reports of shadows in the clouds. Dragons! Flying high above the towns of Katolis!”
I’m . . . suspicious.
I know that this voiceover is given with the shot of this beautiful dragon flying overhead, but here’s the thing: We see them flying over Soren’s head:
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Soren may or may not still be in Katolis in this shot. Soren and Claudia are following Callum, Rayla, Ezran, and Azymondias. Those four are headed into Xadia. We don’t know when they’ll make it to Xadia, but it’s possible they do make it there, or at least near there, and that’s when this shot takes place. It’s possible this dragon isn’t above Katolis at all, but is instead somewhere far closer (and maybe even over) the border.
And that would make sense. Why would the dragons be going to Katolis now? The moonshadow elves were the ones sent to take vengeance on behalf of the dragon queen, and Runaan sent his arrow telling her that Harrow was dead. I suppose you could argue that since they never received word of Ezran’s death they’re now sending dragons to scout and look for the assassins, but I find that unlikely. In my opinion, if they were going to go after Katolis themselves, they would have done that first, rather than sending the moonshadow elves. I simply don’t see a motivation for the dragons to fly over Katolis now.
More importantly, though, is what Viren says. He says there are “reports of shadows in the clouds.” He then says that those shadows are dragons. Here’s the thing: shadows could be anything. They could be birds. They could be some other sort of flying creature, and hell, they could even be more clouds, with the way the sun plays on them. But Viren knows that the people of Katolis are currently in a state of fear and unrest since Harrow was assassinated and the princes are missing. He wants the throne, and one way to get it is to have the people themselves insist on putting him on it because there are no other options and they’re scared. And what’s scarier to the people of Katolis than massive dragons in the sky? No one has seen any actual dragons (and you’d think they’d be pretty hard to miss), but people have seen shadows that Viren has now made them think are dragons, and so every single time they see a shadow, they’ll flinch. To me, it sounds an awful lot like Viren is trying to stir up fear in order to get a popular vote to put him on the throne whether the princes die by Soren’s hand or not. Him going on to say:
“And Sunfire Elves are gathering near the border. An invasion is imminent!”
Only serves to stoke the fires (pardon the pun) of that fire. Presumably, elves were already near the border, which is why Amaya and her troops are there. But Viren is acting like this is a new development, and him doing that is made to further stir up fear among the people. Moreover, Viren saying that the Sunfire Elves being near the border means impending invasion is also a way to subtly undermine Amaya; she’s there guarding the border, but he’s basically saying that she’ll be ineffective in stopping the Sunfire Elves. Since he’s in a position of authority as well, and since he’s already making the people terrified, this serves to plant the idea (at least in the public subconscious) that Amaya isn’t strong enough to stop things on her own, thus they need Viren and his leadership.
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Meanwhile, as he says “we must be prepared to fight!” Amaya is already fighting and has been prepared for a long time now. Also, on that note, I DON’T KNOW WHO TO ROOT FOR HERE. I LOVE AMAYA BUT ALSO THAT SUNFIRE ELF LOOKS AMAZING AHHHHHH
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Amaya may be fighting at the border and Gren may be in the dungeon, but Opeli is carrying on the message of wanting to find the princes. I think the Amaya/Opeli shippers may be onto something tbh.
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More importantly, the voiceover we get at that part (is that Lujanne? I plan to rewatch s1 before s2 releases but I haven’t done it yet) at that part says “dark forces are pursuing you.” We see Aaravos and Viren, but if that is Lujanne (particularly since it’s followed by Rayla saying “Nooobody likes dark forces”), then that leads me to think she’s actually referring to Soren and Claudia, which would make sense since Claudia is the dark magic prodigy willing to torture people to get what she wants instead of giving them quick, merciful deaths.
Also, this shot of Viren:
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He gathered up the fire around him, but I think it’s relevant that this shot followed the shot of Aaravos using fire magic as well, given what we learned in Aaravos’ bio on the website today:
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The ability to gather up the fire like that might have been a gift that Aaravos gave to Viren. But why? Why would an elf bequeath a gift like that unto a human, and particularly one that sees magical beings as being batteries for power? Particularly one who seals moonshadow elves into coins? Hmm . . . that poem that we were given might have something to do with it . . . we’ll supposedly find the rest “hidden in season two” . . .
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Okay, I’ve seen a lot of people freaking out about Aanya’s safety in this scene, but here’s the thing:
They’re not attacking her. 
Aanya does look freaked out and scared, but these elves aren’t attacking her. If they wanted to attack her, they’d do it. She’s right there. Her neck isn’t covered by armor. They could kill her if they wanted to, but they’re not. Instead, it looks like they’re moving to fight someone in front of her, which leaves us two possibilities: Either they think that there’s a bigger threat right in front of them than the tiny human queen on the throne, or they’re defending her from what they see as the bigger threat (which gives more credence to my idea that Aanya might have elf allies on her side). It’s possible that the reason why Aanya is freaking out is because she didn’t expect them to be able to transform like that, and not because they’re elves with weapons in her throne room.
More worrying, though, is their appearance. That’s not how moonshadow elves look under the light of the full moon. Their eyes didn’t glow red like that. They weren’t completely black like that. Could this be how they look under a new moon? I guess . . . but these elves also look kind of similar to the ones that were killed in the King Harrow assassination attempt, so I’d say it’s also possible that these are zombie elves. If that’s the case, and if these aren’t Aanya’s friends, then might it be possible that this is a trick by Viren made to make the rulers of the other kingdoms see Xadia as even more of a threat than they did previously? HMMM . . .
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Okay, so here’s the thing: The voiceover for this part is Callum saying:
“I want to learn primal magic. But you have to be born with that magic inside you.”
I feel like the fact that we have that voiceover with these clips is significant. I think it’s significant, too, that Lujanne is showing such a blatantly elven magic thing to Callum instead of Rayla. I think we might see potential this season for Callum to find out that he does have some primal magic inside him. I’m not saying “half-elf Callum” but . . . I’m not not saying that, you feel me? (And what if that’s what Harrow’s letter to Callum was? What if he was telling Callum of his inherent magical ability, and asking him to use that inherent ability---rather than dark magic---to help Ezran be king? HMMM . . .)
However, then we get this bit from Claudia:
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“That’s the great thing about dark magic! You just take creatures that are born with that magic inside, and . . . squeeze it out of them!”
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See, this is what I’ve been saying about Claudia and dark magic this entire time. Everyone wants to peg Claudia as a sweet cinnamon roll because she’s quirky and funny and loves her brother, but the thing is . . . where Soren was going to give Runaan a quick, arguably merciful death, Claudia instead ordered him to be tied up because she thought she could get “more use” out of him. She wanted to drain him dry of his magic, even though that meant chaining him up in the dungeon and killing him slowly (and he later had his soul drained, screaming). Claudia believes Viren that Azymondias’ egg is a thing, and she sees it as a powerful weapon. Why? Because Azymondias is a dragon, presumably, and dragons are incredibly powerful. Even here, look at the expression on her face as she squeezes her book, listen to the tone of her voice and what she says; Claudia thinks it’s great to kill magical beings and take their magic for her own use. She gets enjoyment and pleasure out of it.
Comparisons could be made between this and killing animals for food. What’s the difference between killing a cow to get a stake, and killing an elf to get their magic? The difference is the necessity. People need to eat. If they don’t eat, they’ll starve. And if people need to eat meat for protein or other dietary reasons, they need to kill a cow to get that meat. (Or a chicken, or a deer, or an elk, or whatever else.) But humans, even in this universe, don’t need to use magic. It’s not necessary for their survival. Eating is, but dark magic isn’t. It certainly isn’t to the extent that Claudia uses it, for pranks and making pancakes. Claudia delights in the torture and death of magical creatures for her own personal convenience. She doesn’t have to do the things she does---she could just make normal pancakes like a normal person---but she chooses to, and she likes it, she promotes it as being great. But it isn’t, and Callum’s reaction here tells us that, even in this world, Claudia’s behavior and attitude in this arena is out of the ordinary. And before anyone blames this on Viren, no. Viren taught her dark magic originally, yes, but Claudia is sixteen. She’s old enough to know right from wrong, to think and make decisions for herself, and her reaction to Viren telling her to sacrifice Soren tells us that she does recognize when Viren says things she disagrees with. Claudia’s opinions and behavior with regards to dark magic are entirely her own. Her complete disregard for the lives of magical beings, and her willingness to torture their magic out of them for her own personal convenience and gain, is entirely her own.
Does Claudia have elements of sweetness in her toward those she loves? Sure.
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But she’s still incredibly dangerous and has a sadistic side to her as well. As Aaron Ehasz said, if she was a bender in the Avatar universe, she’d be a bloodbender.
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Oh nooooo, what is happening here. My first thought was that perhaps Callum just learned of Harrow’s death, but in that case I find it strange that we don’t have Ezran in this shot as well. So perhaps, since we know that Soren and Claudia catch up to them, Claudia gives Callum the letter that Harrow wrote for him, Callum read it . . . and that’s what leads to this. ;A;
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THAT LOOKS LIKE QUEEN SARAI ON THAT HORSE. And that person on the back . . .
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So here are my thoughts: We know that King Thunder was known for protecting the border. Whenever humans tried to cross, Thunder fended them off. My thought is that Viren crossed the border to poach more magical creatures for use in his dark magic spells. After all, magical creatures aren’t native to the human kingdoms, so the only place he could get them is within Xadia. When Viren crossed the border, this angered Thunder, and Thunder did what he always did: He attacked in order to defend the Xadians (which, considering Viren likely wanted to poach them for dark magic, is fair).
Now, here’s where Sarai comes in: Either Viren convinced Sarai to take him across the border in the first place, or Sarai found out what he was doing somehow and ran in to rescue him. Either way, she got him on the back of her horse and together they fled from Thunder’s attack. But whether Thunder was directly attacking them or trying to fend them off doesn’t really matter much when he’s causing lightning to crash down around them. Their horse was only a horse, and likely it got scared. There’s a very high probability that they were both thrown from the horse. Viren sustained permanent injury in his leg, and Sarai was killed. This is what led to Harrow, in his griefstricken rage, deciding to slay Thunder.
I know a lot of people will read that and will decide that the moonshadow elves were not justified in killing Harrow, then, because Thunder killed Sarai first, but if you think that, I ask you to look at this hypothetical scenario again. Thunder only retaliated to drive humans—at least one of whom wanted to poach and therefore kill Thunder’s people for dark magic—out of Xadia. Thunder wouldn’t leave the border; he was always there to defend it. Viren is the one who instigated this conflict if this scenario pans out, not Thunder. That doesn’t mean it was all right for Sarai to die—she was a casualty in this—but it does mean that if anyone “started it,” it was Viren.
And do you know who else I think holds this opinion? Amaya.
This would explain Amaya’s mistrust of Viren: she blames him for Sarai’s death. Viren was the one who decided to cross the border, either necessitating Sarai’s rescue or goading Sarai to go with him. Either way, it was not something that needed to be done. But he did it anyway, and Sarai died for it. There’s a possibility that Amaya even believes this was premeditated on Viren’s part, that he wanted Sarai to die so that he could have a stronger voice in Harrow’s ear. Whether or not that’s true, though, I do think Amaya would blame Viren for Sarai’s death in this scenario, which would perfectly explain why she doesn’t trust or like him at all.
(Also, while I think that Viren would cross to poach magical creatures, it’s also possible that he crossed because he found out that the dragon queen had an egg, and that he wanted to steal Azymondias’ egg from the get-go. Claudia said that Viren views it as a weapon, and we know that Viren himself views it as more valuable than his own son. If Thunder retaliated against Viren and Sarai so fiercely, it could be because Viren wasn’t only there to poach creatures, but that Viren was caught trying to steal Azymondias’ egg, which caused Thunder to retaliate even more harshly than he ordinarily would have. In that case, Viren would goad Harrow to kill Thunder not just out of retaliation, but also so he could have another shot at stealing the egg, which he then did. It’s something to think about, anyway.)
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I am . . . SO upset if this is Callum using dark magic like I think it is. Like how DARE he, how DARE he do that. I really, really hope this is some kind of misdirect, or that he immediately regrets his decision, but Callum, CALLUM, how DARE you, Callum, how DARE you!!!!
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“EAT HIM, DRAGON!!” I scream, knowing full well that this is the same dead dragon that we saw Ezran by just moments ago. (Note that I don’t hate Soren, but it’s just that if his opponents are Rayla or a dragon, I’m going to root for them and not him.)
All in all, my head is spinning, my mind is blown, and I was already hyped through the roof but now I’m even more so. SEASON TWO. SEASON TWO CANNOT COME FAST ENOUGH.
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x21: Rewatch Blog
Hey everybody! It’s time for another rewatch blog, this time for the big Season 2 finale! Well, the start of it anyway ;) This first half is called “Second Star to the Right...” and I bet you can’t guess what the next part’s called!
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...Okay, let’s, uh, not worry about that now. We’ll worry about that next time! For now, let’s start the show!
Aw, poor Bae.
6 months on the streets. That really sucks :(
Aww... Wendy is sweet <3
Hahaha, Gold, that's a little silly, making Whale kiss the bottom of your boot, don't you think?
I mean, the TOP of the boot is so much nicer, then you get to WATCH them do it. Also, the bottom of the boot is just gross. Ew. Not hot at all.
Ummm... what were we talking about? Oh, right. The show.
"Haven't you already gone down that road?" Oh, Snow. Your complete lack of faith is... touching? Kinda? No? No.
"Orrrrr maybe it's time for you to let it go?" WHAT DID I JUST SAY, SNOW?
Hahaha, I never noticed this before, but Hook is the one strapping Regina to the gurney in the background.
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I can just imagine how that came about. “No, no, let me tie down the Queen. I’m good at it, you see. Very skilled. I have... skills.” “Is this some sort of sex th-” “No, no, just let me tie up the lass.”
And the hook teasing her cleavage. Hook, you little stinker. I take back anything I ever said about him not having a topping bone in his body. He’s got a little one. Somewhere. Not sure where. It hides most of the time.
"Sorry, mate. Gonna have to say no." <3
EEEEEEE I love this, tho <3 Don’t hate me for it, it’s kinda my thing ;)
Awwwwww <3 The Darlings have taken Bae in <3
Aaaaaaand I hope you enjoyed your red hot minute of belonging in a happy, functional family, Bae. Now here comes news of the shadow -_-
Geez. You guys aren't going to listen to him at all, are you.
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"Regina's missing and we think she might be in danger." "...just the way I like her!"
Rumple's in top form this episode, what with the boot-licking and the sass.
"This is one of Regina's tears." WHY DO YOU HAVE ONE OF- "Why do you have one of Regina's tears?" THAT'S SUCH A GOOD QUESTION. "Because I do." THAT IS AN UNSATISFACTORY ANSWER, MR. GOLD.
"Whatever she sees, you'll see. Whatever she feels, you'll feel."
UMMMMM. I don't remember that part. Twice the whump, twice the fun XD
Also, what happened to a simple Locator Spell? XD Not whumpy enough?
"You really can do magic..." Oh, Lacey <3
"My heart is dark because of what I did to Regina." Umm... I think it's 'cos of what you did to Cora, actually. Also, it's more like... a baby guppy of darkness. Very small. Not even a tadpole. I wouldn’t worry about it, really.
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Like one of these, but DAAAAAAARK and made of murder.
Snow can't put the drop in her own eye, though? Oh, I guess with only one drop, they have to be sure... Although that sure looks like a lot more than one drop. Eh, whatever. It sounds legit.
...except the drop totally slipped right out of her eye, haha. Oops?
Awww... it didn't wo-
I mean, except not, but you can tell that's where one would've been if they'd been there XD
Aw, hell no. Back to the Darlings. They're still not gonna listen to Bae, are they? *siiiiigh*
Don't be sad, Bae. She was stupid. In time, gravity will get her.
Lana, that was a nice gasp.
Oooh... raspy voicefrom screaming. Threats in the raspy voice. NICE.
Guys, I’m so sorry I’m enjoying this so much, but...
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"We're here to cleanse this land of it." That doesn't sound nuts or anything.
I lied, by the way. That sounds hella nuts.
Oh, no. He said believers. That's not as funny.
It smelled like sardines. Like, that's maybe a CLUE, guys.
Oh, good. He mentioned the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS clue XD
Good detective work, Emma!
Oh no. We're back here again, at the Darlings'.
Can we go away again? Maybe back to the Cannery? The beach? Tamara's room? ANYWHERE but here? No?
Guess not. We're still here.
This is like a slow train into a brick wall and I hate it. Choo chooooo.
Aw, geez.
Rumple... Geez.
Aw, geez.
Cannery time!
Hahahahahahaha :) I love it when they all pull guns on each other XD
"What the hell, you guys?" Ummm, what the hell, YOU? How did they get down there so fast when you were RIGHT next to this place and they were at the loft? Are you moving at a snail's pace?! Is the loft right upstairs? Where is anything, actually? What is everything?
Did he just... hand Emma his GUN? Why would he- Oh, a walkie-talkie. Okay.
Ahhhhh Regina’s eyes are all red T_T Don't worry, help is coming!!
I love it when help comes :D
Ahhhhhhh "Now go ahead and kill me." SO BRAVE T_T
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Aw, shit. We're back with the Darlings again.
"Don't be frightened."
Aww, Bae being heroic!
SEE, Wendy? This is why I TOLD you to listen to him, dammit.
Creepy ass shadow.
Is he trying to fly him to Neverland or trying to KILL his ass DEAD? Seriously, man. FLYING LESSONS. PRONTO. You suck at this, and it’s like, the ONLY thing you fucking DO, you creepy ass shadow.
AHHHHHH Where's the rescue? We need a rescue! All good whump scenes have a-
That was a pretty good rescue there. Good job, Dave!
Neal: "So I was right, it wasn't Tamara." *Tamara knocks Emma out with a pipe* Neal: "Oh, hiiiiiiiii honey. Whatcha doin’?"
Tamara... Ugh. I really don't like her, guys. Like, really.
I know Neal did Emma bad, and I know he's not a great guy by any means, but... Tamara did him worse, honestly. I mean, she was playing him ALL ALONG. That's cold, man. COLD.
Aaaaaaand now she's shot him. And it's not even a good shooting, whump-wise :/ Tamara, you fucking faker, ISTG.
Oh, no, she's gonna shoot him in the he-
Holy shit, that was some slam into the wall, Emma. Geez. DO IT AGAIN.
Hahahaha, I love how dumb Tamara looks throwing the bean. I wish it had been a dud and just not done anything. That would've been hilarious. "Did you... just throw a BEAN at me?" "Yeah, I, uh... It was supposed to do something..." "That's so sad."
You know, maybe if they'd GOT THEIR ASSES MOVING instead of standing there chatting, Neal wouldn't be getting SUCKED INTO A GIANT GLOWING PORTAL OF DOOM right now. Just a thought.
Ooooh a dramatic "I love you" at the zero hour!
And another one! What is this, Zero Hour Love Confession Christmas?!?!
Bye Neal T_T
SERVES YOU RIGHT, DUMBASS GREG D: That’s what you get for being a giant dumbass, you dumbass.
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Shut up, it’s not like YOU’VE never taunted a dude over his dead DAD.
Ummm... How does MAGIC work to remove the magic cancelling cuff? And couldn't, like, any of them just... take it off? Isn't that how they work later in the series?
Oh, wow. Emma. Wow. Good acting there. She looks totally shook.
"Neverland?" Well, where did you THINK you were going, Bae? Seriously? Wendy EXPLAINED this to you.
Into the water he goes.
Aaaaand out of the water he comes.
Aw, Regina <3 Babe, feel better <3
Aaaaaaand Greg and Tamara are planning to blow Storybrooke off the map.
Meh. Worst villains ever.
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*Halloween* Spiders, Beards And All Things Hairy. (Pete Wentz x Reader)
Request: a user on Wattpad: ‘Pete wentz….prompt 21. The reader is terrified of spiders.The reader is getting ready when they notice a spider in the corner of the room so they freak out and get pete,pete who is the reader’s best friend tries to act manly and goes get the spider while the reader stays outside that room,after a minute or so pete runs out screaming how big it is and stuff.Idk what else,add what you’d like’
Prompt 21: Spiders
It was the night of Frank’s huge Halloween/birthday party, and you were currently standing in nothing but your underwear in front of the bathroom mirror putting in your grey contacts, which went with your snow queen costume.
After battling to get the horrid silicone spheres onto your pupils for ten minutes straight, you relaxed your shoulders and smiled at your reflection in victory when you finally managed to get them on. Wiping your hands on the hand towel, you turned on your heels and headed back into your bedroom.
When you reached down to pick your costume up off the bed, your eyes just so happened to flicker to the corner of your room next to the window, catching sight of a humongous, hairy creature.
“That better not be what I think it is,” you gulped, placing the dress back down onto the bed and slowly advancing towards the thing to try and get a closer look.
Once you were a couple of feet away, your suspicions were confirmed.
“Yup,” you nodded, turning around at the speed of light and grabbing your cell from the bedside table before speed walking out of the room.
“Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,” you shook your head, bounding down the stairs and into the safety of your living room, away from the arachnid that was holding your room hostage.
Unlocking your phone, you tapped the screen a few times, pulling up Pete’s number and dialling it.
“Hey, doll,” he greeted happily. “What’s goin’ on?”
“You need to get over here now!” you ordered, fear evident in your voice. “It’s a life or death situation!”
Once your best friend pulled into your driveway, almost knocking over your trashcan and letterbox in the process, you realised that you probably shouldn’t have overplayed the situation as much as you did.
Pete came rushing into your place, hair askew and alarm written all over his face as he swung the door open with such force that it almost came off of its hinges. Seeing how concerned he was, you felt a twang of guilt for making him think the worst.
“I’m here,” he announced breathlessly, running over to you. “I’m here, (Y/N). What’s wrong? Show me where it hurts.” He began inspecting your body, searching for any sign of bullet holes, stab wounds or any other kind of injury.
“It doesn’t hurt,” you said, swatting his prying hands away. “I’m not injured, Pete.”
He shot you a confused look. “But you said it was a life or death situation.”
“It is.”
“You look fine to me,” you gestured to your body, eyes widening when he realised for the first time since he’d shown up that you were still only dressed in your underwear. “Very fine, actually. Wow, if this is how you walk around when you’re home alone, I should pay you surprise visits more often.”
“Ugh, shut up, you pervert,” you sneered while punching him in the shoulder, making him laugh. “The only reason I’m walking around like this is because there’s a spider the size of motherfucking Russia in my room!”
“A spider?” he quizzed, the tenseness in his muscles relaxing. “That’s the life and death situation?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed. “You know how much I hate spiders. There’s no way I can get done for the party while that abomination is chilling in my room!”
“Okay, calm down,” he held out his hands and raised his brows. “I’ll take care of it. Do you have a jar and a broom or something?”
You nodded, picking up the supplies you’d collected while waiting for Pete to show up and handing them over to him. “Be careful.”
“It’s just a stupid insect, (Y/N),” he scoffed. “I’ll be fine.”
Pete carefully pushed open the door to your bedroom and stepped inside, rotating his head in search of the spider that had you in such a state.
He couldn’t spot the insect at first, which prompted him to do a full search of the room, examining each item occupying it very thoroughly.
He knew how terrified you were of spiders – they were your worst fear – and he was sure that the poor thing he was currently hunting was probably nothing more than a daddy long legs the size of his fingertip.
However, as he turned around to face the corner next to the window, he realised just how wrong he was.
You nervously chewed on your fingernails, your foot absentmindedly tapping as you waited for Pete to return with the spider captured in the glass jar.
Not two seconds later, you were startled by a scream which can only be described as the type in horror films, and not long after, a scared-out-of-his-mind Pete came sprinting down the stairs.
“What happened?” you asked, rushing towards him. “Did you catch it?”
“No,” he breathed, clutching onto his chest for dear life.
“No?” you exclaimed, your panic once again flaring up.
“No, (Y/N), I didn’t catch it! That thing is the size of a fucking grizzly bear, jeez.”
“I told you!” you said, pointing an accusatory finger at your best friend. “You thought I was overreacting, didn’t you?”
“Okay, yes, I did,” he admitted, rolling his eyes. “But in my defence, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“So what? You just left it in my room?!”
“No, I’m not an idiot,” he defended. “It was really close to the window, so I opened it up so that the spider could climb out.”
“And did it?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t exactly stay to find out, now did I?”
“Well, go check.”
“Me?” he scoffed.
“Yes, you.”
“No way.”
“If you do, I’ll buy you as much pizza as you want for the next month.”
“I’ll be back in ten seconds.”
“Alright, it’s gone,” Pete huffed, relief evident in his voice as he descended the staircase.
“Oh, thank God,” you sighed, closing your eyes and tilting your head back.
“Uh, thank me, actually.”
“Right. Thanks, Pete,” you beamed, and he let out a sarcastic laugh.
“I’ve gotta go get done. The party starts in forty minutes.”
Stumbling through the door to your bedroom, you and Pete both tried your hardest to support your totally wasted selves, a cautionary Andy trailing close behind the two of you.
“Thank you, guys,” Andy said, as he helped the two of you remove your shoes and lay down on your bed.
“For what?” Pete slurred.
“Serving as a constant reminder as to why I’m straightedge.”
“You’re welcome, Andy,” you beamed up at the heavily tattooed man, who shook his head at you before placing a gentle kiss to your head.
“You two get some sleep. I’ll swing by in the morning with some hangover supplies, okay?”
You and Pete mumbled an ‘okay’ before huddling closer to one another. You had just begun to drift off to sleep when you felt a tickling sensation on your cheek.
“Peteeee,” you whined. “You really need to shave. Your beard tickles.”
“What are you talking about, (Y/N/N)? I don’t have a beard.”
“Well then what’s tickling m- AHHHHHH!”
Thank you for reading x
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tinfoil-jones · 7 years
Endearment and Enmity: Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. Title: Endearment and Enmity Rating: T-M depending on chapter, M overall Summary: When you’re literally married to the person you despise. Warnings: Homosexual relationships,vulgar words and adult situations. Author's Note: I don’t know why I wrote this. Chapter 5: The Devil Came Down to Kozue Jonouchi sat across from Kaiba at the table trying to not make his actual discomfort around the CEO any more blatantly obvious. It wasn’t enough he had to be seen exiting that ridiculous looking dragon themed jet, but to also be seen in public with Kaiba under the guise of matrimonial affection when there was absolutely none in reality. “Would you at least attempt to look like there isn’t a cactus up your orifice?” Kaiba scolded him quietly; earning a huff from the blond, although he was admittedly amused at the attempt at a joke. “The human body has several external orifices Kaiba, if you’re referring to the anus you’ll have to be a bit more specific.” Jonouchi cracked back; while Kaiba most likely had some rudimentary medical knowledge, there was no way it was as extensive as his own. That was one advantage the CRNA had over his… spouse. The CEO rolled his eyes “My statement still stands; I’m one of the most apathetic people I know, and even I can see you’re uncomfortable.” So maybe Jonouchi wasn’t the best at hiding his emotions. “I can’t help it you know, it's not like I expected a date.” Jonouchi said as he sipped his water - Kaiba was drinking sake, some fancy brand that the restaurant served. America didn’t offer much real sake and instead had a preference for wine and beers when it came to non-liquor alcohol at least, an observation Jonouchi made despite his abhorrence to drinking based solely on his interactions with his friends in the states. The brunet rose an eyebrow “Why? We are married, going to a restaurant is a standard type of date.” His monotone made it even more obvious he was talking down to him. “You do realize that right?” “Of course I know that!” He whispered harshly back “But let me remind you Seto Kaiba, the last few times we went to out to eat together - it was with your rich tycoon friends making business proposals, in which case I was a prop more than anything. And the first time we did, you ambushed me with the proposal that started this all. I was under the impression there was no underlying romantic connotations to this agreement.” “Nonetheless we do have appearances to keep up.” Kaiba explained nonchalantly, taking a mental note of the blond's fingers tapping on his own thigh. “Do you... ” Jonouchi kept tapping, a nervous habit he had picked up recently from being in the brunet's office hours on end, and being forced to listen to the constant typing. “Do you even like me, let’s not go as far as in a romantic sense, but do you even like me as a person?” “Do you, Kastsuya?” Kaiba countered back, seeming exasperated himself “I’m not even particularly discourteous towards you, but all I get is enmity in return. ” Jonouchi had to at least hand it to Kaiba, he had an extensive vocabulary for a guy who’s primary language wasn’t English. Nevertheless he… had a point, at least. It was true that besides a few half-hearted jabs at his intelligence, Kaiba hadn’t been cruel to him in the slightest, sure a bit distant but that was a given considering his profession. Jonouchi himself, however, made his dislike of his spouse no secret. “I’m at least trying, you are making this more unpleasant for yourself than I have.” Although he was well aware he was in the wrong and Kaiba had a point,, Jonouchi wasn’t one to give into the notion very quickly “We’ll excuse me for being married to an asexual sea sponge with the emotional capacity of a kitchen sponge- are you laughing?” He cut himself off from his rant when his… spouse, started to chuckle. “Asexual sea sponge?” Kaiba echoed, seeming amused “Not one I hear too often except from my brother. The media prior to you seemed convinced I was some sex crazed deviant. Rich equals playboy is a common assumption.” “Um… Okay?” Weren’t they arguing a minute ago? Kaiba was a confusing guy. Or perhaps his monotonous lack of emotion was just a front, perhaps he was more skilled at manipulating emotion than Jonouchi gave him credit for. He was definitely skilled at catching him off guard. The food was finally brought to them as Jonouchi was collecting his thoughts. Not up to continue their conversation, he ate quietly, but kept a displeased expression on his face out of spite. “I didn’t answer your question, you know.” Kaiba said as he ate neatly. “Are you going to?” Jonouchi inquired. “Only if you answer mine.” Jonouchi sighed deeply. “Look, I don’t - I don’t hate you okay? I mean, I’m not madly in love with you or anything because you’re an apathetic asshole who made it really fucking hard to save the world sometimes when we were younger because you didn’t seem to understand the concept of ‘one of us isn’t stronger than all of us’, but you have admirable qualities” The blond explained, but didn’t quite want to seem too fond of his counterpart “And… I guess you’re not ugly?” He offered. “Well, aren’t you amorous.” Kaiba replied sarcastically. “Well… Are you answer my question this time?” “Another time.” Jonouchi paused. “...Asshole.” “I never confirmed I’d answer if you did.” “You’re clever, even if you are an asshole, I’ll give you that.” “See, now is it so hard to be civil towards me?” “Yes, because you’re an asshole.” “Still going to compare me to an orifice?” That time Jonouchi actually laughed a little. Kaiba was a dispassionate individual, but he was kind of funny. That was something at least. Maybe… just maybe being hitched to him could be at least bearable. ...At least. ~~~ “How are you cold?” Kaiba asked, a few minutes after their flight back started. In the rearview mirror he had he could see the blond wrapping his arms around himself. “That place had the a/c cranked up as high as it would go.” Jonouchi answered, although also he hadn’t yet re-acclimated to Japan after being in Texas for so long. Anything under twenty-five celsius was cold to him. And he’d neglected to bring a jacket with him to the restaurant, a mistake he always seemed to make, but only when he went to places with the a/c up all the way. “I have my trench coat folded under my seat, you can grab it if you’re that cold.” Kaiba explained, Jonouchi looked at him dumbfounded “Well? Are you going to take it or not?” “It’s just… Was that a kind gesture? From you?” “I think we’ve established I’m not the Devil, Katsuya. ” Jonouchi shrugged and grabbed the aforementioned trench coat out from under the chair, he knew that Kaiba had multiple copies of his trademark white coat, but he was beginning to suspect he had one stashed in each mode of transport and/or place of dwelling. “My brother used it as a blanket frequently when he was younger.” “Thanks, Kaiba.” Jonouchi said as he draped the garment over himself. It smelled like a cross between new book and keyboard cleaning putty. The blond looked out and window and watched the quick, but brightly lit flashes of towns and cities, and the blur of clouds that they were passing along the coast “You know it ain’t a bad view from here.” He said almost softly, he was tired from the day and the full stomach wasn’t helping. “It isn’t.” Kaiba replied, still monotone. “You know, I just realized you’re operating a vehicle after drinking. Not very responsible of you.” The realization dawned on him; Kaiba had drunk a whole bottle of sake. “I can handle alcohol well.” Kaiba excused, not even glancing back. “You are a twig.” “And you’re an imbecile, if you want to continue this name-calling game. Relax, we’ll make it back to the mansion fine.” “I refuse to relax! You just drank whole bottle of forty-proof sake and now you’re driving a jet!” “Oh what are you going to do, breathalyze me?” “If I had one I would!” “It’s too late to protest now; we’ve already taken off and the next HLZ(1) I’m authorized to land on is fifty miles away a different direction.” “Well go in that direction then! I know you equipped this jet to take turns and god help me if I’m going to die in a plane crash it won’t be in this one!” Jonouchi practically growled - while he could tell that Kaiba could handle his alcohol extremely well considering his underwhelming build, he still wasn’t going to take that risk. Kaiba was silent at first, but then he sighed and shifted the control stick of the jet “We’ll land there and spend the night in a small house I have hidden in that area, okay? If you’re going to be touchy about drinking at least voice your concerns before we take off flying.” “Fine.” Jonouchi agreed with a sigh of relief, he turned his head again to stare out the window. He blinked once or twice before everything went dark. ~~~ “Hmmnpph...” Jonouchi hummed as the darkness transitioned to fuzzy light, and he blinked until it was clear. He was still lying down as he lazily looked around to study his surroundings. He was in a modest looking averaged sized room, not too different from his own bedroom at the Kaiba mansion. It had a desk, a dresser, a closet and a bedside dresser. He was lying in a queen sized bed with beige coloured sheets, under a fluffy dark blue comforter, and head resting in on a pillow that matched the beige color of the sheets, there was a second pillow being occupied by Kaiba-. Wait. Wait just one minute. Occupied by Kaiba? Kaiba was lying in the bed with him. “AHHHHHH!” He cried out and tried to shove Kaiba out of the bed, however Kaiba’s side was against the wall so Jonouchi just ended up pushing himself off. His shouting coupled with the shoving and thudding against the floor did succeed in at least waking the brunet up. Now on the floor, Jonouchi rolled onto his back and looked up to see Kaiba peering down at him from the bed. “What’s wrong with you?” “WHY ARE WE IN THE SAME BED?!” Jonouchi practically screeched, scooting up until he was sitting up to glare at the CEO. “You were asleep when we landed, I drove us here and you were still asleep.” “BUT WHY THE SAME BED?!” “This is one of my small safe houses, there’s only one bedroom.” The brunet explained as he got up and grabbed a shirt from the closet. So Kaiba slept shirtless, even worse. “Besides, we are married, it’s not exactly a new concept that we’d share a bed at some point.” Jonouchi scowled as he adjusted to sit criss-cross, then noticed he was in a plain white shirt and sweat bottoms. “Did… did you change my clothes?!” “You are a heavy sleeper.” Kaiba deadpanned. Jonouchi got up and was extremely tempted to just punch him but opted not too, punching his own spouse reminded him too much of certain bad memories, no matter how much he didn’t like Kaiba he wouldn’t do anything like that. He wasn’t that type of man. “Did you touch me?” He asked harshly, his fists balled. “If you mean inappropriately, of course not. I know your opinion of me is low, but I would never stoop to molesting you in your sleep like some greasy pervert.” Kaiba stared down at him hard, clearly offended by the accusation “If you’d believe that, that would be pleasant. Now, before you ask, all I did was change your shirt and trousers, I did not take your undergarments off. Now, leave me alone, I’m not in the best mood without my first cup of coffee.” With that, Kaiba turned and walked out of the room. Leaving a dumbfounded, albeit kind of guilted, Jonouchi. “...Asshole.” He muttered, and looked for something in the closet to change into. ~~~ Authors note: Originally I was going to call this chapter ‘A Date with the Devil’, to refer to Jonouchi’s disdain towards Kaiba, but somehow that turned into The Devil Came Down to Kozue, as a pun on the song ‘The Devil Came Down to Georgia’. Kaiba continues to leave his feelings towards Jonouchi vague. I’ll give you a hint; they’re not strong. Yet, at least. If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’ve just been swamped at work and now once I go home all I want to do is sleep, eat and complain.
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