#Aisa dragon
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The Aisa dragon. Very graceful and very glittery.
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gundamfight · 8 months
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artofgeist · 3 months
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Come to me Come to me I am waiting for you Come to me I can't wait
Follow me, follow me As I trip the darkness One more time Follow me, follow me I awake from madness Just in time
~~"Trip the Darkness" - Lacuna Coil
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decima-does-art · 2 years
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Slowly working on catching up!!! Day 8 and 9 go to Aisa and Aime 💙
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blogparanormal · 1 year
What was being depicted in the carving?
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crescencestudio · 30 days
How did you choose the names for the love interests?
most of the cast members' names are inspired by dragons actually! almost all of the names i transformed in some way so that i wasn't directly portraying any kind of mythology and was just inspired by them. the only exception is druk bc it was so short i didn't know how to transform it slxolwlzls
✨ LI Name Origins
Kayn: Chinese dragon Fucanglong (the cang part transformed from Kang to Kayn)
Druk: Tibetan/ Bhutanese dragon Druk (straightforward)
Fenir: Norse dragon Fafnir (he was originally named Nir actually! but it eventually transformed into Fenir)
Etza: Aztec dragon Quetzalcoatl (i just plucked the Etza out of there)
Kuna'a: Filipino dragon Bakunawa
Aisa: i can't say actually. it starts leaning into potential spoiler territory. not drastically so, but enough
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year
@botankirishima and @newgate-d-ace I made the family tree for the 'Monkey D. Kalgara' thing
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A bit of backstory, Monkey D. Dallas had left the Sky Island with his wife and Daughter(Hydra) after a conflict, he died 3 years later after arriving the East Blue(his daughter was 3 years old).
The currently members of the Monkey D. family are: Wyper, Kaik( The Name I gave to the Shandia Chief), Isa, Aisa and Laki. In Skypiea . Garp, Dragon and Luffy. In the Blue seas.
Wyper learned about who Luffy was, but he didn't mentioned a thing until the party after all the battle.
The Monkey Family always was responsible for ruling and protecting Shandora as is noticed by the Monkeys with wings on the golden bell.
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middlegradeeveryday · 3 months
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This is Our Rainbow: 16 Stories of Her, Him, Them, and Us by Eric Bell, Lisa Jenn Bigelow, Ashley Herring Blake, Lisa Bunker, Alex Gino, Justina Ireland, Shing Yin Khor, Katherine Locke, Mariama J. Lockington, Nicole Melleby, Marieke Nijkamp, Claribel A. Ortega, Mark Oshiro, Molly Knox Ostertag, Aisa Salazar, and AJ Sass
Summary: A boyband fandom becomes a conduit to coming out. A former bully becomes a first-kiss prospect. One nonbinary kid searches for an inclusive athletic community after quitting gymnastics. Another nonbinary kid, who happens to be a pirate, makes a wish that comes true--but not how they thought it would. A tween girl navigates a crush on her friend's mom. A young witch turns herself into a puppy to win over a new neighbor. A trans girl empowers her online bestie to come out.  From wind-breathing dragons to first crushes, This Is Our Rainbow features story after story of joyful, proud LGBTQA+ representation. You will fall in love with this insightful, poignant anthology of queer fantasy, historical, and contemporary stories from authors including: Eric Bell, Lisa Jenn Bigelow, Ashley Herring Blake, Lisa Bunker, Alex Gino, Justina Ireland, Shing Yin Khor, Katherine Locke, Mariama J. Lockington, Nicole Melleby, Marieke Nijkamp, Claribel A. Ortega, Mark Oshiro, Molly Knox Ostertag, Aisa Salazar, and AJ Sass.
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Book Type: Novel, Anthology
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gravesung · 4 months
content warnings: homophobia, implied parental abuse (take a wild fuckin guess who warrants both of those)
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AMARI FLETCH (they/he), a.k.a. THE TOWER
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leader of the unseen (historically known as umbra), a global shadow syndicate quietly nudging politics this way and that by way of bribes, assassinations, extortions, etc. also has a major foothold in the underworld scene of most major cities. elusive is NOT fletch's middle name, as they are a well-known high society socialite known for being unapologetically nonbinary in a relatively conservative, traditional space.
fletch is a soft-spoken, well-mannered and calm individual. they are known for never raising their voice or losing their cool, often able to talk down unhinged or pissed-off people with a simple conversation. when they do lose their temper, it is often in an extremely controlled way, a terrifying outburst of violence bookended by serenely removing and then donning their gloves.
they are also incredibly smart. fletch is an expert at loaded questions and layered statements, their conversations often leaving people thinking about what they said for weeks to come. i call him "the spider" for a reason — they are always working an angle, always spinning a thread in their vast web of influence.
though this is known to no one, it's important to mention that a very, very long time ago, amari fletch gained immortality by cheating death in a game of dice. muses who are directly connected to death might know them or know of them because of this!
touchstones: hannibal lecter, gus fring, olrox
ALLIES: persephone aisa ( @huntershowl, right hand), anah tannar (umbra employee in some verses), korin derege (tensely) ENEMIES: adeodatus damiana (politically opposed — adeo is the well-loved underdog to the tower's established rule)
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in modern verse, he is the wealthiest man in shelter island and one of the wealthiest in the world. korin is the CEO of midas holdings, a huge corporation that owns many smaller corporations and businesses, though his largest is midas' consulting company (name tbd). the derege family is old money. they have been around for centuries, said to be composed of a long line of men who ruled their fiscal domain — and family legacy — with an iron fist.
he is also, secretly, a five thousand year old dragon. very few people know this, as it is a dangerous secret given the fact that dragons were hunted to extinction so thoroughly that they faded into legend. nowadays, he and his son carry charms that trick those with magical creature-sense, giving off the essence of human phoenix sorcerers rather than draconic ones.
korin, like fletch, is near-universally feared, though unlike them he is very rarely loved. he is well-known to be classist, catholic in a bigoted way, and homophobic. he rules his family like his company: iron fist, hard delegation, everyone serving a role. his wife, charlie, hasn't spoken a word in over a decade and has largely faded into the background. he had a daughter, but she died. his son, keon, is the sole inheritor of the family's legacy, and korin has his claws deep into the boy's life — keon was created and molded to be an extension of his father.
speaking to korin derege tends to feel like being pulled apart and scrutinized from all sides. it's common to feel uneasy around him, as if he could snap at any second and verbally berate you for simply existing. the presence of other people is an inconvenience at best. but his people follow him staunchly: so long as they perform their role properly, they know their lives will always be bountiful. and it feels good to be on his good side.
in fantasy verses, korin leads the midas trading company, the largest shipping empire in xyz coolworldname. he often serves as a close advisor to an emperor or king, though even in magic-forward worlds his draconic identity is a secret.
touchstones: logan roy, fire lord ozai, omni-man, dracula (castlevania)
allies: keon derege (until a character arc turning point), amari fletch & the unseen (tensely), peter lukas (old-money shitfamily pals), riposte alaric (recipient of korin's sponsorship at school), adeodatus damiana (privately)(?) enemies: adeodatus damiana (publicly/politically), rival mafia clans, competing corporations, most people with a conscience, anyone who cares about keon
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ahhhhh, the politician. see, here's the thing about adeo: he hates politicians. he hates politics. at least, the way they are right now. see, you get together a group of people and put them on a patch of land and they have to live together somehow. they form a society. but in a society, you need to figure out the rules: what's okay to do, what's not okay to do, what happens if you do something that's not okay, how rule-breaking is punished, how rules are regulated... et cetera. so you create a form of law enforcement and you create leaders. every group has a leader. usually a few leaders, so that one guy doesn't get all the power and go wild with it. voilà: politicians are created.
but here's the thing about politicians: somewhere along the line, they stopped caring about the city as a whole. the started really caring about themselves, and about money. the only way to have a lot of money is for other people to have very little. an extreme cannot exist without its opposite. if everyone could be rich and comfortable, nobody would be, right? and because these guys helped make the rules, they thought, of course i should be rich and comfortable, i'm important.
but adeodatus grew up poor. the part of the city he's from has been abandoned by law and government. infrastructure stopped getting funded: dilapidated buildings full of asbestos and hazardous debris, roads broken up and riddled with potholes, entire districts dominated by gangs of technomancers, and behind it all, the fucking unseen, profiting from the chaos — scooping up people with nothing left to live for and making foot-soldier criminals out of them. but every group needs a leader, right, so what happens when yours abandons you? that's what we in the biz call a power vacuum. when a leader steps away, another takes his place, and in the outer ring of shelter island, that vacuum was filled by the mafia. no one else had enough influence, money and power to enforce some form of order.
so now you have a whole half of the city where the little guys live in fear of their shops and homes being smashed up if they don't pay their protection dues — or worse, the folks they love being hurt, killed, one by one. they get desperate. they can't get a job in the ring, because no one pays well enough. they can't go to city-proper for work, because they can't afford to look nice enough to get hired and commuting would drain what little funds they have left. so they start to steal. they're honest men, they are, but they have nothing left — no one will reach out a hand and say here's some stability, so you can rest.
two-thirds of the wealth in this city goes uncirculated. it sits in the hoards of a handful of people who — in adeo's honest judgement — are not always evil diabolical villains, they started out the same way as everyone else. they just got lucky, right? and they wanted to hold onto that luck, that stability, so they grew it and grew it and grew it, and now it's a machine that churns out good fortune.
all adeo wants to do is work with these people to create a little more balance. all he wants to do is reduce the suffering that leads to people feeding the umbral machine, people being led blind into the tower's maw and coming out with blood on their hands. give them a chance to catch up, get jobs, make jobs, get one good night of goddamn sleep. feed their kids without risking their lives to do it. turn the ring into a place where you can ask for help and get it. just redistribute a tiny bit of that unused money — he promises, you won't miss it.
TL;DR: whoops — sorry, got into campaign speech mode there. i hope that gives you a general idea of what adeo's all about: he's a socialist politician primarily focused on creating better social security programs and funding for the impoverished areas of the city by redistributing wealth. however, at the same time, he makes behind-the-curtain handshake deals with the very corporation owners he publicly opposes so that he remains friends with everyone. we can all have a slice if we just work together about it. adeo's point of view on life is that everyone, somewhere deep down, wants to do the right thing for them and those they care about.
his major campaign circuit ran five years ago after he baptized himself and left a life of crime. alas, his opposition to umbra/the unseen (the one organization he couldn't come to an agreement with) led to an assassination attempt that caused a house fire, killing his fiancée and causing him to flee the country — never to be seen again. there were three days of riots in the ring after his exit, colloquially called the exile riots. he left the city as a martyr, and not without igniting a spark of hope in the people he swore to protect. many of the ring's citizens still wait with bated breath for his return.
touchstones: zahir (lok), all might (mha), apollo, [the rest are spoilers for other aspects of him that aren't public knowledge]
allies: genuinely Most People but especially those who have been personally victimized by the unseen/the mafia/crime in general/rich people, korin derege (privately)(?) enemies: amari fletch, persephone aisa (if you know you know) IMPORTANT NOTE: adeo is a tricky character. there are darker aspects of him that i keep hidden because i like immersion and it's always a fun mystery to weave for folks, but would never keep a partner in the dark ooc without their explicit consent.
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atrxxxie · 25 days
Hi everyone and welcome!
🖤name’s ataraxie, 24 y.o, bd 05.10 (your local spooky october child)
self-taught artist, role-player, goth, lolita fashion fan
🖤main fandoms🖤
#TheWitcher #DragonAge #WorldOfDarkness #VampireTheMasquarade
🖤my ocs!🖤
Dragon Age: Yara, Rhiannon Weingarter, Tair Haim, Dolores Cantori, Hela Visnadottir, Belette, Herja, Seraphine de Segur, Aisa Ruerin, Susie Moreaux, Malena Bianchi, Oisin Ronan, Niamh Ronan, Andin Lavellan
The Witcher: Agneshka the Witch
Vampire the Masquerade: Rhian Lanza, Rachael Altmann, Erzsebet Andrashi
Original characters: my story “Martyrs of the Third Light”: Yrim, Wranne, Maeria; solanumoph’s story “Spheria”: Lady Rhiona, Lady Narvia, Reinellen, Iolie.
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charichoardfag-3 · 2 months
AbraxasValeic - AbraxasValeic
A gender related to the Abraxas Dragon from DragonVale. This gender may be related to things like the colors blue and black, lighting, darkness, and the rift dimension but it does not have to be
AbyssValeic - AbyssValeic
A gender related to the Abyss Dragon from DragonVale. This gender could be related to the colors blue especially dark blue, orange red, bright green, darkness, water, and deep water but it does not have to be
AcidValeic - AcidValeic
A gender related to the Acid dragon from DragonVale. This gender maybe be related to varying shades of green, metal, darkness, and acid but it does not have to be.
AhoyValeic - AhoyValeic
A gender related to the Ahoy Dragon from Dragonvale. This gender can be related to shades of brown, crimson red, black, pirates and related aesthetics, fire, air, water, and earth but it does not have to be.
AirRiftValeic - AirRiftValeic
A gender related to the Air Rift Dragon from Dragonvale. This gender may be related to colors such as dark blue, teal, purple, pink, pastel blueish purple, reddish brown as well as, air, and the rift dimension but it does not have to be
AisaValeic - AisaValeic
A gender related to the Aisa Dragon from DragonVale. This gender could be related to colors like pink, purple, magenta, blue and white. it may also be related to things like cold, earth, air, dark, Zumi and Verglace Dragons, and ice skating but it does not have to be
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wingshowdown · 2 years
Here are the contenders (alphabetically)
Aisa (One Piece)
Aisha (Winx Club)
Aizawa Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Alata (Tensai Sentai Goseiger)
Albedo (Overlord)
Allay (Minecraft)
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Angel Cookie (Cookie Run)
Angel Cure Berry (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Passion (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Peach (Fresh Precure)
Angel Cure Pine (Fresh Precure)
Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Angella (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Aroma (Go! Princess Precure)
Asreil (Undertale)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Barbatos (Genshin Impact)
Beck (Disney Fairies)
Bird Person (Rick and Morty)
Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap (Undertale)
Blackjack (Percy Jackson)
Brietta (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
Butterfly (The Last Unicorn)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Charizard (Pokémon)
Cheese (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
Colt (Hunter x Hunter)
Corvin D’Oro (Montress)
Crona (Soul Eater)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Cthulu (The Call of Cthulu)
Cure Felice (Mahoutsukai Precure)
Cure Grace (Healin’Good style) (Healin’Good Precure)
Cure Infini (HUGtto Precure)
Cure Parfait (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Cure Princess (Happiness Charge Precure)
Cyprin (Spyro the Dragon)
Dahlia (Barbie: Fairytopia)
Dark Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Dark Pretty Cure (Heartcatch Precure)
Discord (My Little Pony)
Dragonite (Pokémon)
Duck (Princess TuTu)
Eda (The Owl House)
Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia)
Emyr (The Witch King)
Ender Dragon (Minecraft)
Eternal Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Fledge (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Genesis Rhapsodos (Final Fantasy)
Giratina (Pokémon)
Goddess Hylia (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Grian (Hermitcraft/Evo)
Happy (Fairy Tail)
Hawks (My Hero Academia)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Hue (Barbie Fairytopia)
Icarus (Greek mythology)
Iridessa (Disney Fairies)
Irma (W.I.T.C.H.)
Jake Long (American Dragon Jake Long)
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
Junior Troopa (Paper Mario)
Kaepora Gaebora (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Konan (Naruto)
Kushina Anna (K)
Link's Loftwing (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Little Bird Holding a Rat (Spirited Away)
Lock (Go! Princess Precure)
Lychee Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mario (with wing cap) (Super Mario 64)
Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa)
Max (Magical Boy)
Medli (Legend of Zelda: Windwaker)
Megeara (Hades)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Monet (One Piece)
Paarthurnax (Skyrim)
Palutena (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Panty (Panty and Stocking)
Parakarry (Paper Mario)
Penelope (Barbie as Rapunzel)
Philza (Origin SMP)
Pikario (Kira Kira Precure a la Mode)
Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Postman (Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass)
Prilla (Disney Fairies)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony)
Raphaella La Cognizi (The Mechanisms)
Rem (Death Note)
Ridley (Metroid)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Royale Candy (Smile Precure)
Ruby the Red Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Rufioh Nitram (Homestuck)
Ryuk (Death Note)
Sam (180° Angel)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
Shantae (bat form) (Shantae: Half Genie Hero)
Sigrún (God of War: Ragnarok)
Smaug (The Hobbit)
Spamton NEO (Deltarune)
Spyro (Spyro the Dragon)
Star Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Stocking (Panty and Stocking)
Tank (Forever After)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
The Sorceress (He-Man)
Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)
Tobias (Animorphs)
Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians
Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
Tropius (Pokémon)
Tsunderplane (Undertale)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Untitled Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Venger (Dungeons and Dragons)
Vex (Minecraft)
Vidia (Disney Fairies)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Winged Pikmin (Pikmin 3)
Yasha (Critical Role)
Yume (Mewkledreamy)
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zibus · 5 months
My One Piece theories ranked from Basically Confirmed to Hail Marys
Basically Confirmed
The Red Line is destroyed creating the All Blue
Crocodile is trans
Zoro beats Mihawk
Usopp will command the Strawhat Grand Fleet
Laboon will help the Strawhats find/reach Laugh Tale
Vivi will rejoin the crew (not necessarily final Strawhat)
Luffy destroys Fishman Island and brings the Fishmen to the surface with Shirahoshi and the Noah.
The borders of Wano are opened and Zunesha tows Pluton to the Final Battle
Luffy will find the One Piece
80% Confident
Buggy will be (called) Pirate King
Shuggy reunion on Laughtale
Shanks will die.
Vivi is tied to the final Ancient Weapon
Blackbeard will sit on the Empty Throne
Bon Clay will be freed from Impel Down
Koby becomes Fleet Admiral of reformed Marines
Shanks is a Celestial Dragon
We learn how devil fruits work/were created
Dragon has the Wind-Wind fruit
Luffy and Sabo both get to fight Akainu
An important object to the Strawhats will eat a devil fruit.
More Likely Than Not
Red Hair vs. Strawhat Pirates Davy Back Fight
Shanks will wound Blackbeard, taking Teach's eye before Teach kills him.
Teach gets the eye-patch (its him or Luffy, I think)
Doflamingo is released from prison
Big Mom and Kaido return in some fashion
Aokiji is a member of Sword
Law performs Eternal Life surgery
Luffy dies (unless he gets the Eternal Life surgery)
Dragon & Luffy meet on Elbaf
Sabo is the one to beat Akainu
The Sunny eats a devil fruit
Hail Mary
Pudding & Sanji reunion/future together?
Katakuri joins with the crew (not a Strawhat) probably searching dor Pudding
Aisa is actually the one tied to the final Ancient Weapon (if it's not Vivi)
Wapol eats someone important.
Laughtale is under Long Ring Long Land
Kidd becomes an antagonist
Bellemy joins with the crew/Grand Fleet
Helmeppo catches his dad (seems like Oda has dropped this thread since we havent seen any hint of Morgan)
Bonus! Strawhat Matchups against the Yonkos
Luffy vs. Blackbeard
Zoro vs. Burgess
Sanji vs. Shiryu (could be swapped so Zoro gets a swordsman, but I like Sanji facing the Clear-Clear fruit again)
Usopp vs. Van Auger
Brook vs. Lafitte
Chopper vs. Doc Q
Nami vs. Devon
Robin vs. Sanjuan Wolf
Franky vs. Avalo
Jimbe vs. Vasco
Davy Back Fight
Zoro & Sanji vs. Beckman & Lucky Roux (maybe with Robin or Brook and a 3rd Red Hair for a groggy rematch?)
Usopp vs. Yasopp in a sniper duel.
Nami, Franky, & Jimbe vs three Red Hair pirates in a new ship race?
Luffy vs. Shanks to finish it out
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kilannad · 2 years
As the Stars Burn On Chapter 16
Ao3. Masterlist.
Old Fears
Gajeel climbed up to the deck from the men’s room, the whole ship creaking beneath his feet. The storm had forced them off course some and they had to stop for the night, meaning they wouldn’t land at Partia till the following evening. Sanji had a pinched, tight look all through dinner and no one had dared ask for seconds--not even Luffy, which Gajeel knew was strange. 
The ship was cramped, especially the men's quarters, and he was glad to get up and stretch. He and Laxus were rotating who got the couch, the other taking the floor—when neither of them was on watch, of course. It was better than the death traps the rest of the men used, but still a killer on Gajeel's muscles.
Below his feet, a plank of wood gave a little puff of air, every splash of water against her hull sounding like a pained cry. Gajeel had heard about how they’d gotten her from Usopp earlier that day, but he couldn’t believe that he was the only one thinking she was coming to the end of her rope. Still, he hadn’t said anything. Gajeel had the disturbing feeling that Merry was watching him--like she was there, and fighting to keep her pain quiet. It felt wrong to call her out on her weakness, as if he was insulting a warrior’s honor. 
Stars above, he must be tired. He never got sappy like this. What he needed was to get good and drunk; it was the only time he was any good at thinking. A pity nothing on this ship was strong enough to get his dragon metabolism drunk.
It was easy enough to sniff out the booze, and he swiped a few bottles before slowly climbing the mast. Normally he’d drink alone, or let Lily watch his back, but Lily was asleep and he didn’t feel much like being alone after a month in a cell. As such, he dropped into the crowsnest, offering Laxus a bottle of rum before he could throw a fit about it being his watch. 
He lifted one pale brow, but took the bottle and scooted over to make Gajeel room. He settled down, the tight confines of the nest meaning he could either sit diagonal to Laxus and cross their legs over each other or sit shoulder to shoulder. He chose the latter, figuring the lack of eye contact might make it less awkward, considering the last time they saw each other they were fighting to the death.
Would it be weird for Gajeel to apologize for the fight? Probably; Laxus and Lucy seemed to have put it behind them, and Gajeel honestly hadn’t held much of a grudge at the time, much less a year later. Plus, if anyone understood going from enemy to friend, it was Gajeel and Lily. 
For a few long minutes, only quiet filled the air, both of them opting to get a decent start on the rum. Gajeel enjoyed the silence, surprised at how comfortable the cool night air and gentle rocking ship made him--side effects aside, Chopper was a fantastic doctor. Laxus was a warm spot a few inches away, the companionship welcomed after a month of cold jail cells. A stronger wave rocked the ship, the mast giving a long, low groan.
“Poor Merry,” Laxus murmured. “We’ve gotta get a shipwright to take a serious look at her.”
“You don’t really think she’ll last, do you?” Gajeel couldn’t help but say. Laxus, of all people, didn’t seem like the type to rely on wishful thinking.
He thunked his head back to look at the stars. In the dim light of the waxing moon, Laxus seemed fuzzy and indistinct. Like Gajeel wouldn’t feel him if he reached across the minimal space between them. 
“Realistically?” Laxus finally started. “Probably not. But she’s just-” He trailed off, teeth grinding. Gajeel resisted the urge to tap his cheek until he let up. “She’s home.” A small bark of laughter. “Weirdest thing to say, but yeah, she’s home. Usopp will be devastated if she’s destroyed and Luffy has this thing against letting friends go. Should’ve seen him when Aisa--she’s like, eight--said she wanted to join.”
“Gihi.” Gajeel took a swig, amused at the thought. Luffy seemed like the exact sort of captain that wouldn’t mind bringing a kid along. “Sounds ‘bout right. But what we gonna do if she starts going down at sea?”
The whole ship shifted under them, a sharp moaning of wind between boards howling through the air. It almost seemed…sad, or maybe like a denial. Gajeel sat up sharply, Laxus standing at his side.
“Did you hear-?”
“But there was-”
“No wind,” Laxus finished. He turned slowly, lightning sparking across his shoulder. Gajeel flicked him as he stood.
“Cut that shit out. Letting your eyes adjust to pure darkness is better than half-assed light.” 
Laxus huffed, but let the darkness of the night fall back towards them. Gajeel took a few slow blinks, letting his eyes start piercing the night. There was no one near the ship, and only the two of them were up. The night was still, the wind having fallen away ages ago. Yet he couldn’t deny the feeling that someone was there, watching. 
Laxus gently ran a hand over the basket of the crowsnest, brows furrowed. Quietly, he called, “Merry?”
Gajeel nearly asked him what he was doing, but the groaning came again, a full cacophony of wood grinding against wood, metal plates rattling, ropes snapping against sails. From the sound, Gajeel would swear he heard a voice.
“Little longer,” it seemed to say, accent heavy and curling, voice so infused with love it filled his throat until he was choking on it. “I be carrying you lot a little longer.”
He met Laxus’s eyes, just as wide and surprised as his own. There was no doubt he’d heard it, or of where it came from. Yet it seemed so impossible; he’d seen a lot of crazy things in his life, but a living ship?
“Oh, Merry,” Laxus breathed out. “We’ll figure it out.” 
They wouldn’t, Gajeel knew. Sometimes, you just had to accept that someone was unsavable. The best they could do was give her a decent goodbye and keep her memory with them as they continued on. Laxus knew that just as much as Gajeel.
Sometimes, it was just kinder to lie.
In the morning, buried deep in a pile of blankets, Gajeel tried to get a few more minutes of sleep.
“Who the hell drank all the rum?!”
On second thought, maybe he should start running.
Lucy tucked the notebook away, stretching out her sore wrist. She’d started rewriting her novel, and while she enjoyed it immensely--as she had a chance to improve places where it’d been weak before--it left her whole hand achy after an hour or two. The sky, when she climbed on deck, was overcast and the waves choppy. Nami glared up as if daring it to burst into rain and most of the men were on call to handle the ropes. Now, with their crew expanding like it was, they had enough people to rotate out shifts, which at least let some of them relax. Gajeel and Lily had gotten roped into some sort of messy game with Luffy and Usopp, Zoro and Laxus exasperated witnesses between running the ship. Robin and Chopper were speaking softly over books, which meant Sanji must have been in the galley.
Lucy darted her way up the ship, not bothering to look toward Laxus--she knew he wouldn’t care either way. She tried not to let the hurt linger, pulling tightly on her sweater sleeves. She’d thought that if she hid the scars, he might find it less distasteful, but so far he still hadn’t said a single word to her since they left Skypiea. In the evening, Nami and Robin both did their best to chat about anything besides the growing elephant in the room, but Lucy knew the crew was noticing the distance between them. She hated it, but didn’t know how to fix it. She had only ever had a few friends in her life, and never truly had any fights with them. Not like this; not when it seemed to matter.
The galley was warm, the newspaper having been left to the side for her. Sanji looked up from a notepad and recipe book, smiling at her warmly.
“I’ll put on some tea, Lady Lucy.”
“Thanks, Sanji.” She settled down at the table, pulling the paper closer to her. Shé had compiled a mass of information from G-8 she still needed to sort through--there was something about bounty hunters, she knew, and maybe a mention of Partia--but she’d start with the daily World Economics. 
There were a few interesting headlines: ‘Mad Monk’ Urouge went up to 89 million and this time Lucy actually had enough passive knowledge to realize his wings were just like Enel’s priests’; Jewelry Bonney broke into a palace and raided the pantry for everything it had, then stole the crown jewels as a bonus; someone named Basil 'Magician' Hawkins got a first bounty of 45 million, though there was no attached article, so Lucy had no idea where his epithet came from; Whitebeard and Big Mom had a territory scuffle over a strip of islands. Very interestingly, there was a mention that the Revolutionary Army had broken into a secure facility and wreaked havoc. There were no details, of course, but the fact that it was mentioned at all piqued her interest. The World Government--and thus the newspaper--tried to avoid talking about the Revolutionaries as much as possible. Probably to stop people from thinking they were a viable threat to the World Nobles. 
Lucy made a mental note to talk to Shé and Crux about the Revolutionaries. She didn’t know nearly as much about them as she would’ve liked. 
She flipped the page, finding only the comic strips. Lucy went to put the paper away, before pausing as something caught her eye. Sora, Warrior of the Sea. She was vaguely familiar with the existence of the comic strip, but something in one of the panels was far more interesting. Germa 66. 
Sanji gently placed a pot of tea and a warm cup in front of her, giving a deep bow. “If you need anything else, mademoiselle-”
“Look at me,” Lucy asked abruptly, remembering a theory of hers from before Jaya. Sanji startled, blond hair falling across his eyes as he jerked upward. The color was different, but now that she took the time to look, his facial structure, the eyes, the body type, the eyebrows, it was all very similar to a photo Crux had dug up from a modern history book some time ago. “Sanji,” Lucy began gently, trying not to worry him. “Do you know the name Vinsmoke?”
His pale skin went ashen, and Sanji scrambled back so quickly that the table vibrated. He cleared his throat, looking away as he reached for his cigarettes. “Ah, o-only from stories, Lady Lucy.”
She pursed her lips, considering. Quietly, she reached for her teacup, the warmth spreading quickly through her fingers. On one hand, she was worried for Sanji and what this possibly meant for the crew; on the other, she knew what it was like to have a past you wanted to leave behind. 
“I’m not going to ask for details,” she finally said, keeping her voice low so the dragon slayers wouldn’t hear. “But I have to know; is this going to put the crew in danger?”
Sanji worked his jaw, throat bobbing. Finally, he shook his head, croaking out in a rough voice, “I’m dead to them.” He tugged at his roots. 
Lucy smiled, relieved, before standing up and grabbing his hands in hers to pull them away from his hair. “Okay,” she said firmly. She leaned in, pulling him into a hug. He was shaking, but he slowly, very slowly, eased into the touch and hugged her gently back. He held her like porcelain, which she found sweet. Lucy waited until he pulled back, catching his eyes even as he tried to look away. “You’re a Straw Hat, Sanji. That means you’re ours. Don’t forget, alright?”
His eyes went wide, the one visible darting away as his cheeks heated up. Quietly, he murmured, “As you say, Lucy.” 
She didn’t think everything was perfect, and she hoped this didn’t put distance between their relationship, but she was glad to have cleared the air. Fairy Tail had taught her the value of second chances, so she didn’t really care about his past. They had an assassin prince on their crew, so what? They also had a talking, flying cat swordsman, two dragons, a reindeer, and whatever the hell monster Luffy qualified as. Honestly, Sanji barely made the top five weirdos on this crew. 
Figuring he’d want some space, Lucy grabbed her cup and headed to the back deck. They had a little while before they got close enough to the island to need all hands on deck; she probably had time to talk with Shé about what he found in G-8. 
The air outside was thick and humid, the cold sweeping through her and prickling her skin. Lucy couldn’t help but scratch at her scars; the cold was making them itch.
“So that’s what got his panties in a twist.”
Lucy jumped, turning to find Gajeel leaning against the back railing, smug smirk twisting his lips even as he stared at the twisting pattern on her arm. She tugged her sleeve back down, scowling at him. 
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He snorted, shifting to face her more. “Please. I don’t need to be a dragon to smell Laxus on you, Bunny. Or to figure out that he’s avoiding you like the plague.”
Her face went red, and she sputtered. “T-there’s nothing to smell!”
He lifted a pierced brow, looking her up and down. She was wearing one of her pant sets from Alabasta, but felt like he could see everything. “Just ‘cause he hasn’t actually bedded you yet don’t mean the intent isn’t there.” Gajeel tipped his head to the side, grinning wickedly. “I bet you even sleep in one of his shirts.”
“Actually,” she threw out, reckless and annoyed. She hated being on the back foot in a conversation. “I started borrowing one of Zoro’s.” It was a lie, of course. She’d mostly asked just to see Laxus’s reaction, but since all he’d done was keep training, he clearly hadn’t cared much. Lucy knew, vaguely, that clothes were important with dragon slayers. She didn’t really understand all the details, but it had something to do with who they saw as ‘hoard’ or something. 
Gajeel’s grin fell away into honest surprise and she basked in the victory. It didn’t last long, as he bared his teeth in a scowl. “I hope to fuck you’re joking, Bunny. Or you’re askin’ for Laxus to start throwing down with everyone on this ship.”
“What?” She frowned, moving over to join him at the railing, more curious than annoyed now. His slitted eyes followed her, but he didn’t move away when she settled close. Laxus was likely up on deck somewhere, and she didn’t think this chat needed to be overheard. Stupid dragon slayers and their stupid enhanced hearing. “I thought the clothes thing just had to do with marking friends, or something?”
“Frien--what? The hell did Salamander tell you?”
“Not much, honestly. He’d answer questions we asked, but Natsu doesn’t really volunteer information--especially about his time with Igneel.” It had been one of the most surprising parts to discover about him, actually. Lucy had first thought of Natsu as a very open, heart-on-his-sleeve sort of person. He was, of course, but he also managed to talk a lot without ever actually saying anything much about himself. 
Gajeel huffed, twisting so that they were both looking out over the water. The waves shifted in the wake of the ship, the ocean choppy in the quickly rising wind. “Let me guess. Salamander used to word ‘hoard’ and never explained.”
“Well…pretty much, yeah. I thought hoard meant, like, gold and jewels and stuff but he talked about it like people. I figured his friendships are just what he was hoarding.”
“Pretty good guess,” Gajeel said. “But that ain’t what it means. ‘Hoard’ is just what dragons call their family units. Like, you have lion prides, murder of crows, all that shit. It’s a hoard of dragons.”
“Huh.” Lucy had never considered it that way. Except that really didn’t fit with what she knew about Natsu either. Or Gajeel, for that matter. “But, wait. Natsu said dragons were protective over their hoards.”
“But…wouldn’t Fairy Tail have been his hoard and Phantom yours? I mean, he’s protective of Fairy Tail, of course, but the whole clothes thing…”
Gajeel barked a laugh, the sound rough and rumbling. “Well, for one, Phantom was never my hoard. That ain’t the kinda atmosphere Jose was building. Two, you're thinking of flights of dragons, which is like, hoards that are in alliances. That’s what Fairy Tail is--a flight.”
“Okay,” Lucy said slowly, mentally organizing what he was telling her. If Fairy Tail as a whole was a flight, then the various teams inside of it would probably be closer to hoards. “So what exactly makes a hoard then?”
“Same shit that makes a lion pride or wolf pack. Fighting, survival, family.” He paused, grinning even wider. “Breeding.”
Lucy took a second to consider the implications--she’d been wearing Laxus’s clothes for months--before she jerked back, sputtering as her face heated up. Gajeel laughed, shaking so hard he started wheezing. She didn’t know if he said it that way just to get a rise out of her, or if that was actually all there was to it, but either way, she couldn’t help but lift her leg and slam it into his side with a shout. Distracted as he was, Gajeel tipped over the edge of the railing and splashed into the cold ocean below. He came up the next second cursing and shouting, but Lucy at least felt a little better. 
Lily came to investigate and pulled Gajeel out of the water; with his thick hair plastered to his skin and clothes clinging to every dip of his muscles, he looked like a drowned cat. Lucy burst into laughter, quickly joined by the rest of the crew who’d come to see what was happening. Gajeel shook himself, Lily rising high to avoid the spray.
“Gihi.” Gajeel grinned, eyes narrowed and fangs glistening. “You’ll pay for that, Bunny.”
He lunged for her and with a shriek she took off, the crew shouting encouragements and warnings as a game of chase started. Through it all, Lucy could just make out the sound of Laxus’s laughter.
They got to the island later in the afternoon. At Nami’s directions, Laxus helped the rest of the men dock Merry in a small bay out of sight of the main dock. He was grateful to feel solid ground under his feet, his last dose of motion sickness pills having worn off during Gajeel and Lucy’s chase. It’d ended only when Gajeel had gotten a solid grip around Lucy’s waist and hauled her into the ocean alongside him, leaving them both wet and cold, but laughing. The entire affair had left something warm in Laxus’s chest, glad to see both of them loud and carefree. Luffy trying to jump in to join them had put a quick stop to the chaos, Nami stepping up and ordering everyone on the ropes so they could actually land. 
The island had a huge dormant volcano rising up in the center, craggy stone making up the rest of the ground. The only town was pressed against the mountain, built into and around huge chunks of dried magma stones. Beautiful, but harsh. The beach they’d docked at was made of black sand, and while Zoro remained on Merry to nap, Laxus and Gajeel found themselves settling close to the water. The rest of the crew had gone to get supplies and, in Lucy and Robin’s case, to get information. Lily had gone with, interested in seeing more of the local settlements now that he and Gajeel weren’t caught in a cell or trapped on a top-secret government island. 
The ocean was gray and choppy, the wind cold as it cut across them. Laxus breathed it in deeply, feeling his muscles loosen. He hoped there’d be a thunderstorm. 
“Hey,” Gajeel started, quieter than Laxus usually heard him. When he turned, he saw that Gajeel was staring at the sky, arms folded behind his head as he stretched out. Laxus tried not to stare too hard at the sliver of stomach revealed by his lifted shirt. “Can I ask ya something?”
Alarm bells started going off. Gajeel was many things--abrupt, intimidating, a punk, mischievous--but Laxus would never add hesitant to that list. Laxus had started to wonder if overconfidence was a dragon slayer trait. Still, he considered Gajeel nakama and didn’t want to push him away.
Laxus joined him laying on the black sand, letting lighting dance across his shoulders to loosen some tension. “Go for it.”
For a second, Laxus thought Gajeel had decided against speaking, but then he said; “Lucy’s new scars.”
Guilt crept through Laxus, a slow familiar mold that made it hard to breathe, like he was six years old again and dying. A part of him wondered if Gajeel knew all of Lucy’s scars and if so how, but it didn’t really matter. Laxus knew exactly which ones he was talking about. 
He had to swallow twice before he could get the words out. “Ate lightning that was too strong. Lost control. She grabbed me to remind me to redirect.” It wasn’t an excuse or an apology, but it was all he had. The truth. The blame.
The guilt.
“An accident then.”
“Doesn’t make it better.”
“Maybe.” The wind blew hard, Merry creaking with the push of waves. Laxus could make out the tinkling of stones rolling into stones somewhere down the beach. “Y’know,” Gajeel continued, “I still fucking flinch every time I see it.”
For a moment, Laxus thought he was talking about the lichtenburg he’d left on Lucy, but then figured it wouldn’t make sense for Gajeel to have such a reaction. “See what?”
“Right side, lowest rib. Three inches long.” 
Laxus considered it for a moment, before realizing what Gajeel meant. Lucy had a few scars, most small and easily hidden. The joys of strong magic being better healing. That couldn’t stop everything though, as Laxus had more than shown. 
“I know it. It was you?”
Gajeel blew a sharp breath, air whistling with the sound. He smelled like iron and wind, sharp and dangerous like all dragon slayers. Predators, the lot of them. Laxus wondered if that meant they’d always end up leaving marks on the people they cared about. 
“Yeah. The day I took her for Phantom.”
For a long time, the only thing breaking the silence was the growing wind and waves crashing against the shore. Overcast as the sky was, it made everything dark and shadowed, matching Laxus’s mood well. He spoke before he could think better of it, the one worry that had been pinching his brain for days.
“You think she’ll forgive us?”
Gajeel laughed, cold and hollow, so very different from earlier on the ship. “I think she already has. That’s what makes her Lucy.”
“I wonder if we’ll ever earn it.”
To that, Gajeel had no answer.
Gajeel leaned against the door, waiting for his orders. The guildhall had settled into one position, but he could make out the shouts and spellfire of the ongoing combat. Not that it mattered much, of course. What Master wanted, he’d get.
“Excellent, Gajeel. Why don’t you keep our guest company? Give her your…best.”
Gajeel grinned, excitement rising in his blood. It’d been a while since he’d had an excuse to go heavy-handed--the Council tended to disapprove.
“Gihi. With pleasure, Master Jose.”
He spun around, leaving the office and stepping through into the wide-open lounge he and the Elemental Four used. It was empty, of course. His colleagues were gone making sure the flies were taken care of. Instead, only a slip of a blonde girl, tied and gagged, lay across the floor. 
Gajeel pulled the gag out, cutting the ropes with a sharp claw. It was never any fun if he couldn’t hear them scream. The chick, some rich girl named Lucy something, spat and sputtered, glaring up at him. She was hot, he wouldn’t deny that, even with the long, crazy-looking scars stretching across both her forearms. 
Had she had those when he’d picked her up from town? She must have.
The first kick to her stomach earned him a rough cough, but no scream. Gajeel grinned all the more, glad for the challenge. 
With that, he started having some good old-fashioned fun.
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bobauthorman · 2 years
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Words cannot describe.
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mentallyadinonugget · 3 years
I know i haven't been really active from some days and just rebloging whatever i see on my fyp so here's some updates on what's going in my life cause talking to a therapist was never an option-
1. I came out to my entire family during a really fancy dinner which led to a shit ton of drama🌌
2. I have a girlfriend now!!!!!! And she's so pretty and nice and I like her sm!!!!!
3. I may or may not be getting sent to an all girls boarding school in another state instead of going back to my auntie {oh my god mumma papa you're sending me to an all girls school after I came out as bisexual?!?!?!?! Oh no my life is gonna be so tragic!!!!! I'm so sad:(((((}
4. One of my "bestfriend" hates me
5. I got in a fist fight with my homophobic cousin cause she called me a slur (I wanted to that since forever)
6. I binge watched so many of my favorite shows and movies (stranger things,the umbrella academy,she-ra,atypical,the Harry Potter series,hotel transylvania ek ladki ko dekha to aisa laga,raya and the last dragon,luca etc) and I watched that new show called young royals and im in love with it
7. I finally got echo completely vaccinated
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Look at my baby!!!!
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