#Albedo x ben
itzalbedo · 4 months
Younger Ben and Albedo 🤧
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mkjulian · 29 days
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proud of this one
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I sat on my bunk working on the drones I obtained a few days ago. I messed them up pretty well, but it isn't anything I can't handle. "Hey Bleep, come here," I called. Bleep hovered up to me, "Yes Jen?" "Divide and conquer, repair these chips," I said. Bleep landed on my bunk and began to work.
We spent the next few moments in silence until I gasped. I dropped my tools and started scratching at my hand and my head throbbed. "Jen, is it happening again?" Bleep asked, his robotic voice laced with concern. I nodded and shut my eyes tightly, this had been happening a lot. My hands would start to itch with a pulsing, tingly feeling, and my head would throb, but it wasn't like a migraine. I took a few breaths and opened my eyes, I was ok now.
"Perhaps you should go to a doctor," Bleep said, I simply nodded and got back to work. I and Bleep, worked for another few minutes until we heard the door to the RV open and close. "Ugh, everything hurts." Albedo groaned and plopped on his bed. "Why do you smell like salt water?" I asked as the scent filled my nose. "Those crooks threw me in the water, but I still got them turned into the police," Albedo said barely raising his face out of his pillow.
I sighed, "I told you, you don't have to help me." I said digitizing everything and climbing off my bed. "I know, but you have been having problems recently, I don't wanna see you get hurt," Albedo said and rolled on his back to look at me. I now sat on Albedo's bed with a faint blush, "Thanks" I said with a smile.
Albedo blushed and turned his head away, "Yeah whatever," he said. I blushed harder, whenever Albedo was snarky or pretended not to care made my heart flutter.
"Jen, Albedo, get up here," Max called from the front. I and Albedo shared a look, we both shrugged and headed to the front. "Yes, Maxwell?" Albedo asked, I could see Max smile, "We are going to the circus." he started. I immediately felt my stomach begin to turn and my heart started to race. I felt like I was gonna throw up.
I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I fell to my knees and hung my head, what was happening? I felt tingly and itchy all over my body, and there was a strange tugging feeling. It was like my body was trying to tell me something.
Once I exited the bathroom Max had me sit at the table. He took my temperature, "Normal, maybe it was something you are." he said. I nodded and we headed to the circus.
Albedo pov
I kept a close eye on Jen, I was worried about her. She was so pale and her breathing was shaky. I moved closer to Jen and grabbed her hand, she held on tight.
Jen pov
We stopped walking and saw an announcer. "Ladies and Gentlemen boys and girls, meet the fingerless freak of nature whose strength knows no bounds, THUMBSKULL!" he said. A huge guy walked out with a metal pole, and he was in fact a freak of nature. His head closely resembled a toe, but he did have fingers.
Thumbskill took the metal pole and bent it into a u, and everyone cheered. He threw it into the air and some kind of whip caught it. "Next up is Frightwig, when this beauty lets down her hair, there's no telling what will happen." the announcer said. Everyone looked at the woman, she was a beauty, but that hair was. It was almost like tentacles and had little weights at the end of each one.
Frightwig used her hair and bent the metal pipe further, she then set it on an anvil. I was impressed but then I felt that tugging sensation again. 'What happening?' I asked. I followed the feeling and I was led back to the RV. "Maybe it is something with the Omnitrix?" I pulled up my screen and examined everything. Nothing was wrong, no malfunction, no viruses, no one was trying to hack it, so what is causing these feelings?"
I sighed and was about to head back out, but the tugging returned. It was like something wanted me to stay in the RV, I fought against it and opened the door to the RV. "Well, hey there kiddo, you look upset." My heart jumped into my throat and my tongue-tied. There was a clown, a very ugly, very scary clown, and he had Gwen. Gwen looked awful, she looked like the life had been sucked from her body, but she was laughing.
I wanted to say something, but I couldn't speak. The clown began to laugh and the tugging returned. "See ya kiddo, oh, and say bye-bye to Gwen." he then vanished.
"AHHHHH!!!" "Whoa!?" I fell back and landed on something soft. "Jen, are you ok?' I looked up at Albedo, he looked scared. "Wha-what happened, when did you get here, where is the clown?" I asked, my voice was barely a whisper, everything hurt and I suddenly felt sick. "Jen, what are you talking about? I found you passed out in the bathroom, you have a high fever and have been sleeping for the past two hours." Albedo said.
My eyes widened, it was all a dream, but what about the tugging sensation? No, it couldn't have been a dream, it was too real to be a dream. I quickly stood up, "Jen, no, you need to get back in bed." Albedo said. I ignored him and ran out of the RV, I don't care how sick I was, Gwen was in danger.
I ran to where the Circus should have been, but all I saw were people mindlessly walking around. I quickly found Max, but Gwen was nowhere in sight. "No, where is she?" I clenched my fist in anger, and some kind of shock went through my body. I gasped, my entire body felt itchy and tingly again, "What is going on?" I asked. I felt wobbly and my vision blurred, I fell back, but something happened.
An image of Gwen flashed in my head, she was with that clown. I clenched my fist tightly and I could sense her. "Ok, I don't know what is going on, but I can worry about it later," I said. "Jen, what is going on?" Albedo approached with Bleep, and I gave a quick rundown of what I knew.
"We need to stop this guy, but first things first, Bleep, you stay and take care of these people." "No problem." I and Albedo headed back to the RV. "Can you drive?" Albedo asked getting in the passenger seat. "Yeah, it's not that hard," I said and started the RV. Before Albedo could speak I was speeding down the road following my weird sense.
"Are you sure you can drive? we are swerving ALL OVER THE ROAD!!!" I looked at Albedo from the corner of my eye. He was sunk into the seat and at some point, he got a pillow and helmet. "Well, I am kinda sick. do you wanna drive?" I asked, Albedo gave me some kind of look, "What makes you think I know how to drive?" he asked. I and Albedo went back and forth until we eventually reached our destination.
"Ok, this is it, and did you die?" I asked, Albedo was curled into the seat with his head down. "No, but still." I rolled my eyes and headed toward the circus tent. "Hahaha, this is great." I quickly ducked behind a stack of crates and looked for the source of the voice. The circus freaks from my dream appeared, I had to get through them. "Past, Jen." I turned to face Albedo, "I will handle these guys, you go and get Gwen." he said. I nodded and gave Albedo my gloves before leaving.
I approached a tent with the clown face on it. I ignored the chills that went up my spine and entered the tent. "He's just a guy with a red rubber nose and big shoes," I said and looked around. As I walked further into the tent I began to fill even worse, I felt heat rising in my throat. I began to stumble and sway, and I eventually fell to my knees and threw up. I kept my eyes shut tight and took a few gasping breaths.
When I opened my eyes I wanted to scream, I pushed myself back from the inky black ooze. Tears started streaming down my face, I started breathing heavily and stood to my feet. I needed to keep moving, I started forward but bumped into a mirror. My eyes widened in shock when I saw my reflection.
My skin was pitch black, and my hair was solid white. The whites of my eyes were gone and all there was left was green. My clothes were gone and my entire body had a green, glowing outline. I jumped back and examined myself, I was normal. I looked back at my reflection, it was normal, except for the bright green tears.
I touched my hand to my face, "What is going on?" I wondered aloud. Just then my head started throbbing, and the feeling returned. I grit my teeth, I could worry about all this later. I pulled myself together as much as I could and went deeper into the tent. I entered a hall of mirrors and I started to hear something. It was the clown's voice, he was laughing.
"Hey there Kiddo you look tense. How about a smile?" He asked and then I was falling. I was spinning and flipping in the air until I landed in a giant spider web. I began to struggle, it was my only way out seeing as I couldn't access my tech. "HAHAHAHA!!!!" the clown laughed and the web started bouncing. why was he a giant spider?
"Snack time!" "NO, STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed and closed my eyes tightly hoping it was just a dream. "Agh!" I began falling again as the clown was growling like he was in pain. "Nice trick, but it won't save you." I became confused and opened my eyes. I was shocked to see I was surrounded by some kind of green energy.
'Let me out
I turned my head, but there was no one there. I could feel someone, I could hear them, but I couldn't see anyone. "What are you looking at? There is no one or nothing here to help you." the clown said and began growling at me.
'Let me out, Jen. Let me help you.'
My skin began to itch and tingle and was much stronger than before, it kinda hurt. "Agh! What is happening?" I began clawing, not scratching, clawing at my skin to try and satisfy the feeling. It clawed harder and harder until I felt my skin tear. "What are doing to yourself!?" I heard the clown cry in horror. I paid him no mind, I kept clawing and tearing until I was blinded by a bright green and with light.
When my eyes adjusted to the new light I saw it was coming from me. I also noticed that I was floating a few inches off the ground. I held my hands up and my eyes widened in shock. My skin was an inky black with a glowing green outline. I pushed my hands into my hair and drug them through bringing my hair into view, It was solid white.
"What are you?" I turned my attention back to the clown. He looked shocked, No, scared. I smirked and floated closer, he quickly backed up, "Something tells me I'm your worst nightmare." I said and raised my hand. The same green energy as before appeared on my hand, this wasn't gonna be pretty.
Gwen pov
I groaned as I began to wake from a horrible nightmare. "You ok?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes and when they adjusted I nearly screamed. "You have Anodite DNA too?" I asked not believing what I was seeing, but then again this was Jen.
"Is that what this form is?" Jen asked examining herself, she probably wasn't registering what I said after the word Anodite, thank the stars. "Yeah, they are beings of pure energy, they actually manipulate it and can do magic," I said and Jen smiled. "Awesome, this is so AGH!!!" Jen doubled over in pain and began to flash. Then the Omnitrix symbol grew out of her chest and Jen returned to her human form.
"Ow." Jen fell forward and I caught her. She blacked out and it was understandable, that looked and sounded really painful. I sighed and picked Jen up, she needed some rest.
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ladyartforone · 1 year
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cartoonqueen16 · 1 year
My DNA chapter 15
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stardaiyamondo · 2 months
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๑ ⿴ 🌶️ ⸝⸝ RED characters ⸻ . ࣪   .  ⊰⁠⊹ฺ
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unix10x · 6 months
Here you go, two questions: What is your opinion on Bevin (Kevin x Ben)? And who is your favorite Ben 10 character?
Bevin is a ship that I really like, I love the dynamic of enemies who become friends and then lovers (I wish people would write better fics about them). Personally, I like having Gwen in the middle, I think the idea of ​​them being a loving trio is really fun.
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My favorite character will always be Albedo, he is my sweet baby and I have loved him since I was a child, no one will convince me that he wasn't very naive and sweet in UAF although I also love his chaotic phase in OV (HE DESERVED MORE 😭 )
Not ironically, this is Albedo at his first opportunity to sow chaos on Galvan Prime:
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slowlyfriedkingdom · 1 year
EVERY Ben 10 Theme Song on Guitar!
My childhood fr
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But which version is the best or underrated to you?
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electraslight · 2 years
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i love churning out stupid bullshit
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itzalbedo · 4 months
Ben 11 and Albedo at a park enjoying chilli fries
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( There was something off about this drawing, but I couldn't care less )
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mkjulian · 7 months
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I was just training hand style... But this came to mind.
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I yawned and stretched in bed, I twisted and turned my body with my arms above my head until I heard a pop. I smiled and sat up, "Good morning, Jen." Bleep greeted, "Good morning, Bleep." I responded. "How did everyone sleep?" I asked and stood up from the bed.
"I miss MY bed." I looked back to the bed where Albedo was leaning against a pillow wrapped in my bandana. "Sorry Albedo, but it's probably gonna be a while until we can get off Earth." I apologized and pulled up my screen, I checked my savings and frowned. We couldn't afford to stay in a hotel another night, we would have to camp outside or make some money.
"Is everything alright Jen?" Albedo asked noticing my frown. I explained our situation and his usual grown deepened, "Well, we better get going then." Albedo said. I nodded and began getting dressed, I was fully dressed with my hair in pigtails, and I then noticed the emptiness of my neck. I looked back to the bed where my bandanna still lay. I scowled and grabbed my bag, I left the hotel not caring what happened to the bandana.
I walked down the streets of New York, it was actually very peaceful. I always expected noise and crowded streets, but if you got up at the right time, it was very nice. While I walked I pondered what to do, 'I guess I could go to the park, or subway and sing for money.' I thought. I nodded deciding those would be my best choices right now.
Albedo pov
"I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart
I've got an elastic heart
Yeah, I've got an elastic heart"
I happily listened as Jen sang and earned money, and she was earning a lot. I was counting our time, we started in the subway, we stayed for two hours and Jrn earned 230$. Next, we moved to the park and have been there for two and a half hours. I estimate Jen earned at least another 200$.
When the song Jen was singing ended she grabbed the money she earned and sat on a bench. "So, how much do we have?" Bleep asked rolling out of the bag and knocking Megawatts Jar over onto me. The alien laughed and I groaned in annoyance.
"Let's see, let me digitize the money, add it to my account uhh, .....we have 450$ some of it being in quarters," Jen said with a faint smile. "We hit up a few more places and we might be okay for a while," she said. "I don't understand why you don't use your brain, we could be making so much more." I groaned finally getting out from under Megawatt's jar. Jen sighed, "We are trying to lay low remember, and using my brain is better, but it will take longer, and last I checked, you wanted to get off Earth as soon as possible." Jen said becoming annoyed.
I sighed and looked down, she was right, I wouldn't want to waste time. "I know, but we still could earn decent money faster," I said and we both hummed in thought. "Why don't we hack Max's bank account?" Bleep blurted out. "What!?" I and Jen cried in unison, "Bleep we can't do that." Jen stated with a frown. "It was just a thought, besides we hate him anyway," Bleep said and Jen looked down.
Megawatt laughed and began to make noises, Jen chuckled and pulled the Jar from her bag. "You're a punk Megawatt," Jen said with a smile, but her eyes held something else. "Hey, let's go get you some food, then we can go to another subway," I said and Jen nodded. We all climbed back into Jen's bag and she started walking.
"Hmm, this earth food is greasy, fattening, and disgusting," I complained grossing my arms. "Are you mad because you're too full to finish it?" "...Yes," Jen chuckled and took another bite of her pizza. Megawatt laughed and pointed at me before devouring the last of his slice. I scowled at the alien and looked away, I heard Jen and Bleep chuckle before we started moving again.
"So where to next?" I asked, Jen smiled, "We are going to the busiest part of New York, I have a fun idea, to earn some more money." I recognized the smirk on Jen's face, which I had seen many times since I got stuck here. Laying low was about to, what is it Jen says? Ah yes, Go out the window.
"Jen!" I recognized that voice, Jen started running and everything started getting shaken up. "Hey, come back, you can't run away from us forever!!" Gwen called, I could tell she was following us.
Jen pov
I dashed into an arcade in hopes of hiding from Gwen. Luckily it was packed, I pushed through the crowd to the back of the arcade. I ducked behind a game and peeked out, no Gwen was in sight. I slide to the ground and sighed in relief, "Everywhere I go." I muttered and hung my head.
"This is what you deserve you freak!" I looked up and searched for the owner of the voice. My eyes landed on a group of boys standing not far away from me. There were five boys, one looked like he was around my age. He was being held by two of the guys, the other two were beating him up. I furrowed my brow and stood up, "It does not concern us." Albedo whispered, but I just ignored him.
"Hey, let him go!" I ordered they all looked at me and one of them smirked. "Best it baby doll," he said and I saw red. I held my hand up and materialized my taser, the boys looked confused and shocked. "Let.him.go." I pressed my Taser to a nearby game and it exploded. The boys all stumbled back before they ran away screaming. The only one who stuck around was the one they were beating up. I walked over and helped him stand, "We better bail, I'm too young to be getting arrested." he said and I nodded.
I helped the boy outside and saw Gwen was waiting. "Jen, you need to come back right now!" Gwen said and she looked furious. The boy stood up on his own and I approached Gwen, I was getting sick of her.
"Alright Gwendolyn, I am not coming back, and the sooner you get that through your thick skull and into your walnut-sized brain, the better." I fumed and Gwen stepped back. I walked back to the boy still mad, "Now stop following me." I hissed looking back at Gwen. When I saw she had no intention of following me I walked away, and the boy followed.
"Hey, are you alright?" he asked and I shared a look with him, my eyes said everything. The boy frowned at me, "I'm Kevin," he said changing the subject, "Jenny, but everyone just calls me Jen." I smiled. Kevin nodded and we walked a few blocks in silence, "So, you want a tour of New York?" he asked. I actually already knew every part of New York, I had been here for three days, but I said yes. "However, we should get you cleaned up first," I said and Kevin nodded.
Kevin led me into an old subway, apparently, it was his home. I looked around and observed everything, he had posters, a bed, old arcade games, and TVs everywhere. "I'm a runaway, no home to go to," Kevin said. "Yes, you do." Kevin raised a brow, "You ran away, you have a home, you just don't want to return to it." I said sitting on Kevin's bed.
Kevin had a deep frown, "Sorry, I'm too smart for sometimes I'm a little too smart." I said and patted the spot next to me. Kevin sat and I pulled up my screen, "Wow, that is smart!" Kevin exclaimed and leaned closer. "Yeah, I'm kinda genius," I said while looking through my inventory.
I stopped when I saw the first aid kit and materialized it. "So, are you some kind of robot?" "No, Well, ...kinda," I said, I didn't explain any further and began to treat Kevin's injuries. Kevin watched me with a large amount of curiosity, it was kinda creepy, I didn't voice that thought though.
Once I finished taking care of Kevin I digitized my first aid kit and we sat in silence for a few moments. I was getting bothered, "So, w was up with those guys?" I asked in hopes of stopping Kevin's stares. Kevin straightened up, "Oh, I trashed their hang-out under the 39th Street bridge, but they deserved it." "And you deserved to get your butt kicked." Albedo blurted. Kevin's eyes widened and he snatched Albedo out of my bag, "You got a big mouth shrimp." Kevin growled.
I became panicked, it didn't help when Albedo bites Kevin. "AGH!!" Kevin dropped Albedo and I frowned at him. "What is wrong with you? Why did you bite him?" I fumed. Albedo crossed his arms and turned away, I hissed at him and left with Kevin.
"I'm sorry about him." I apologized as we walked, and Kevin simply brushed it off. "What even is he, a rat?" Kevin asked, "Actually, Albedo is an alien known as a Galven, they are the smartest being ever, and he is here to take Jen." Bleep stated and flew out of my bag. "Umm, this is Bleep, I built him when I was a little girl," I said and Kevin put on a shocked smile.
"That is so cool, but why is he here to get you? Where is he gonna take you?" Kevin asked. I dismissed Kevin, I didn't enjoy talking about leaving Earth, but also because I couldn't answer the question. All Albedo would ever tell me is that he's taking me to some alien named Azmuth. He never told me who Azmuth was, or why he was important. I tried us in Aunt Vera's candies to remember something, but nothing involving Azmuth occurred.
"Jen...earth to Jen, are you there?" I jumped and turned to Kevin, he was holding me back from walking into traffic. "Woah!" I stumbled back and fell into Kevin. We hit the sidewalk and I quickly began to apologize. "When I get lost in thought, I get lost. I walked into an alligator exhibit once, my mom nearly had a heart attack." I said and Kevin nodded. "Yeah, I did stupid stuff as a kid when I got distracted. ...I still do stupid stuff." Kevin said and I chuckled.
We changed direction and walked in silence, it didn't last long though. "So if Albedo is here to take you, why hasn't he?" Kevin clearly wasn't gonna drop it. "Well, another alien, Megawatt, destroyed his ship, and we don't have enough money to buy things to build a communicator," I said, I saw Kevin smirk from the corner of my eyes.
"Maybe I can help, what do you say?" Kevin stopped and held out his hand. I gave a moment of that before taking Kevin's hand. "Alright," I said, Kevin smiled and began to lead me somewhere.
Kevin pov
I smirked while leading Jen into an empty subway. This was gonna be a piece of cake, I and my boys get rich, and we don't even lift a finger, mostly. I poked and one of the fading bruises, next time Andrew isn't allowed to hit me.
"So, how are we gonna make money down here?" Jen asked and followed me onto the platform. "Ok, it is really simple, I can assume you have wicked computer skills. you need to hack the railroad and switch the track." I stated. Jen gave me a questioning look, but she shrugged and pulled up that screen of hers. I watched over Jen's shoulder, she typed in numbers, and letters, and was getting through with no sweat.
I looked at the track, it switched and I got a wide smile. "So, now what?" I simply put my hand on Jen's head, my hand sparked and Jen screamed as I shocked her. Jen fell to the ground, she was still conscious, but it was just barely. I smiled, she was pretty easy to fool, then my eye caught something. Jen's shirt was slightly lifted traveling something, I lifted Jen's shirt further and stared in awe, but also anger. Jen was holding back on me, whatever, I examined the thing on her chest and noticed it had a button.
I smirked and pressed the button, the device popped up and showed some kind of silhouette. I pressed it down, and I was blinded by a bright flash of bright green light, when it faded my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Jen turned into a fire monster, she was hot, and I mean that in two ways.
"This could be useful," I muttered, I reached for the symbol on Jen's chest, ready to absorb her power. "Don't touch her!" I looked up and received a hard kick in the face. I looked up and rubbed my jaw, I growled and looked at the person who kicked me. My eyes went wide, I was staring at myself, but my hair was white, and my eyes red.
"Keep your filthy hands off of her." the copy growled. I stood up with a smirk, "Your that Albedo guy, I like the new look, aside from what you did to my hair and eyes." I said letting energy cover my hand. "Hmph, you don't know the full potential of your power." he knelt and absorbed the floor, he formed armor. He stood and we shared a glare, "I'm gonna enjoy this." he said.
We charged at each other but I had no plans to fight him. I slide and passed Albedo, I stopped in front of Jen and didn't waste any time. "NOOO!" I smirked this was gonna be fun.
Albedo pov
I walked down the street with Jen on my back, she was awake just in so much pain. "Are you mad at me?" I asked, she hadn't said I word to me since we left the subway. Jen sighed, "No, I'm mad at myself, I trusted him so easily, I should have listened to you."Jen held on a little tighter. I frowned, I didn't know what to say to her, and what I am about to do will be the cherry on top of her horrible day.
"There you two are." Max rushed out of the tv and toward me and Jen. I stepped aside and watched him run past us. I could feel Jen's anger and anxiety, "You know the deal." I simply stated on got on the RV. I laid Jen in bed and she turned away from me, I didn't blame her. It was gonna be chaotic for awhile.
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ben-talks-art · 5 months
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Why do so many clones love to dress up in black??
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cartoonqueen16 · 10 months
Jen 10 My DNA chapter 21
Jen pov
"Get back here!" Gwen yelled as she flew after me in her Anodite form. I was in Emerald's form flying away from Gwen. "Jen, now!" Gwen demanded putting a mana shield in front of me. "Ah!" I crashed into the shield and started falling. "Ugh, leave us alone!" I spun in the air and started bombarding Gwen with sharpened mana waves and discs as I fell. I flew back up and over Gwen, as she was still trying to recover from my attack.
"Jen, are you okay?" I looked over to Albedo who was riding alongside me on his hoverboard. "Fine," I said and looked back ahead of me, I was still upset with Albedo for how he acted with the Ah Puch in case any. He even got upset with me after he found out the sword was destroyed, so yeah, we aren't on good terms at the moment. "Jen, where are we going?" I looked to the other side of me where Kevin was on his hoverboard with Megawatt on his back. "Vegas is the next closet, so we're going there," I said and kept flying.
We landed in an alley and I hunched over, putting my hands on my knees to support myself. "Jen, scanning shows you are overworked, under-feed, and dehydrated," Bleep said moving to hover in front of me. "I know, Bleep," I took a moment to catch my breath "I haven't had much time to take care of myself, especially since Max and Gwen are back at trying to erase my mind," I said.
"Hmm, let's go in there, we can get you cooled off and rest," Kevin said pointing to a magic expo. I nodded and followed him while waving to anybody who noticed me and even gave a few autographs to little kids.
Albedo pov
I bite my lip as Jen walks away with Kevin and disappears into the crowd of people. "AHHGGG!!" Mega fists materialized on my hands before they made contact with the wall behind me. I repeatedly punched the wall, even activating the knuckle spikes. I only stopped when a brick fell and hit me on the head, I stumbled back and leaned against the opposite wall breathing heavy and sweating.
"Are you calm?" I looked over at Bleep who was still waiting around with Megawatt. "I'm fine," I said and digitized the Mega fists before brushing my hair back into place with my hands. "Her coldness toward you is understandable." I groaned and turned to Bleep, "I know Bleep! I acted like a jerk towards Jen and she didn't deserve it." I said looking toward the magic expo where Jen was. "I'm not mad that she's upset with me, I'm mad that she and Kevin are getting so close," I said and started walking toward the magic expo to find Jen and Kevin.
"Well, maybe you could fix that by, oh I don't know, apologizing." I sighed I did owe Jen an apology, a good one. "Yeah." I walked into the magic expo and began searching for Jen. As I walked I looked at all the cheap magic tricks people were performing and rolled my eyes. I kept walking but stopped at a stand, it had a sign that said magic jewels. I looked at all the jewelry laid out across the table and a bracelet caught my eye. "I'll take it." I paid the woman and then continued searching for Jen.
"Hahaha" I looked and saw Jen sitting down in an empty corner with Kevin. I walked over and sat beside Jen, "Kevin, I need to talk to Jen, can you leave?" Kevin raised a brow "Uh, sure..." he stood up and left. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "Here." I handed Jen the bracelet "I got this for you just in case my apology isn't good enough. "Oh," Jen took the bracelet and put it on. "I sighed again "I'm sorry...I was a jerk to you and you didn't deserve how I treated you that day. I can't go back and change it...yet, but I hope my apology is enough for now." I said hoping it was enough. I looked over at Jen and she had her scarf and hood down, something that was a rare sight "Apology accepted." Jen said and hugged me.
I hugged Jen back right but the moment was ruined by screaming from outside. "C'mon!" Jen put her hood and scar up as she ran and I followed her. Outside a magic act was going very wrong, "Je- Oh." I looked over and Jen was already gone. "Ahh! It's Omni!" Jen flew by as Emerald and the crowd watched in amazement as she began saving the day.
Jen pov
I flew above the crowd and toward the man being drug around by the helicopter. "Hang on!" I threw a mana wave at the rope, it was a lot stronger than normal. I flew down after the man, I was a lot faster too. I caught the and and brought him to safety, I turned back and saw the helicopter crashing.
"No!" I extended my hand and caught the helicopter on a mana platform, but there was also a pink mana platform. "Relax everyone, Lucky girl is here." I looked and saw Gwen floating by in her Anodite form. I was about to let go and let Gwen take over, but my mana suddenly sparked and expanded, covering the entire helicopter. "This is new," I said and lifted the helicopter and set it down on the pavement. "Omni, Omni, Omni!!!" the crowd began cheering my name and I gave a small wave before flying away.
I landed on the roof of a nearby building and changed back. "Jen." "Hey boys," I said turning to face Albedo, Kevin, Megawatt, and Bleep. "Jen, what was that?" Bleep asked I looked at my wrist getting an idea of what might be going on. "I'll explain as soon as I'm positive, right now we need to hide from Gwen." "Gwen!" I swear if Kevin had a tail it would be wagging, he was that happy.   "JEN!!" we all started running and jumped off the roof and ran down the alley.
"I was right," I said staring at my screen. We had managed to escape Gwen and hide inside a hedge maze, there I was able to scan the bracelet, more specifically the stone. "So, what is it?" Kevin asked, "This is the Keystone of Bazel, the missing stone of the set." I said and a thought crossed my mind.
Gwen pov
I stood at the magic expo watching a magic show with Grandpa. A magician just made a kid disappear and then reappear. The magician was about to perform his next trick but something happened, red smoke pooled down from the ceiling onto the stage. When the smoke cleared Hex stood on stage but he wasn't alone, he had a girl with him and she was a witch.
"Give me the Keystone of Bazel!" Hex demanded using his staff to levitate the magician and throw him off the stage. "Hand over the Keystone, or I will destroy you all!" Hex yelled and small explosions began erupting all over. I frowned and jumped on stage shifting into my Lucky girl persona as I did "You forgot to say pretty please." I said and pushed Hex and the girl off stage with a mana shield.
Hex floated up and growled, "So we meet again you brat." Hex hissed at me. "Charmcaster, despise of her while I find the Keystone," Hex said and flew away. "Yes, Uncle" the girl moved in front of me and reached into the back around her waist. The girl threw two small stones at me "Heh, is that the best you can do?" the rocks began to shake and grow into giant rock creatures. "Ok, that's pretty good!" I said and flew up as one of the creatures lunged at me.
"Whoa!" I dodged the creature then picked it up with my mana and slammed it onto the ground destroying it. "AHH!!" I was hit by some kind of explosion and knocked to the ground and the other rock creature pounced on me. "Ahh!" I put my hands up preventing the rock creature from biting me. "Get. Off!!" I charged up mana on my hands and blasted the creature off. I flew up and threw a mana wave at the girl knocking her back.
"Enough!" I was hit in the head by Hex's staff then lifted and thrown out of the magic expo. "AHHH!!" I landed in a hedge maze, "You okay?' I opened my eyes and saw Kevin looking down at me. "Ah!?" I sat up and scooted away from him, "What are you doing here?" I asked standing up and dusting myself off. "We came here to hide from you," he said the barking was heard. "Run away run away run away!!!" Jen and Albedo ran past with rock creatures chasing after them. "Ahh!" "Whoa!!" me and Kevin ran as well.
"What is going on?" Kevin asked as we ducked behind a wall of the hedge maze. "It's a long story," I said peeking around the corner. "Ahh!!?" "Albedo!" I looked over and saw Hex had Albedo and was retraining him with magic. "Let him go!" Jen demanded and charged mana on her hands. "You'll get your little boyfriend back once you hand over the keystone," Hex said and tightened the restraint. "Fine, take it." Jen slipped her bracelet off and tossed it to Hex. "Jen, no!" Hex dropped Albedo took the stone and vanished in a cloud of red smoke.
"Jen, look what you did!" I snapped "I don't care!!" Jen snapped and went to make sure Albedo was okay. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked and saw Kevin, "We need to go stop that guy." he said and materialized his hoverboard. I stared at Kevin for a moment before nodding and flying up to look for Hex.
Kevin pov
"Whoa!" I dodged Hex'staff as he swung at me in the air. We followed Hex to the replica of the space needle. "I will not be stopped!" I said and went to bash my head but I caught his staff and ripped it from his hands. "See ya, sucker!" I flew down and tossed the staff to Gwen who was fighting Hex's niece, Charmcaster.
"AHH!!" Hex grabbed me out of nowhere and threw me off my hoverboard. "Kevin!" I slid to the edge and fell off, barely hanging on. "Hang on, I got you!" Gwen ran over and pulled me up before I fell. "Thanks," I said smiling at Gwen, then I noticed how dark it got. "No, we're too late!" Gwen said and looked up to the Keystone.
The Keystone suddenly broke and crumbled to pieces and turned to dust. "What?!" "What?!" "What?!" everything returned to normal and the. "It...It's fake!!" Hex shouts picking up the pieces. "Excuse me, Gwen." I stood up and absorbed the metal of the ground, my arm then extended before turning into a scythe. "Umm? Bye!" I pounced on Hex and Charmcaste before they could get away.
After I taught them both a lesson I returned to Gwen. "Whoa, that was impressive." I smiled at the compliment and nodded. "Well, let's get down from here and turn those two in," Gwen said looking at Hex and Charmcaster. "Good idea," I followed behind Gwen, and as we walked I put a hand over my shirt feeling the keystone hidden underneath. 'Good thing Jen had invisibly wire.' I thought and proceeded to help Gwen.
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nvenjpg · 1 year
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some silly billy ben tens
...my brothers were binge watching ben 10, and so i remembered how much i liked to watch it on the tv
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anyutkax · 5 months
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